[We are4-e^ufst^ f to th : (f following Buero, wrUfeivby a lady >on her yray toiler Missionary labors in Bufmah. mat tbe tender *ndTendearing tnemoriesof Home ~a%oroo which ehe left; under tbe gentle im pulsion, of Christian Charity and thity. Mrs. watrous was formerly a'resident of Lawrence ibis Coipfcyr— AgiUiior.\ - - * - MXB&MRiTTBN. OFF TUB ISLAXD OF t \ . ‘ TRINIDAD, , bv syts. c._p. watrouh* Oh! thou loved land of my chUdhood’d borne, Though far from thy kindly strand -I roam, would notfprget,'nor a stronger be Td lhe home of iny youth, “'he land of the free The naraoof that Soil, where ia youthful glee, JJy footstep! roamed, o’er the mountains free; Where I tripped o'er the mend, in early morn, And violets culled, and tho rose from the thorn. *■Oh 1 thou s-uuny days/so light and free, ; When only the sweet was sought by mo. I will ne’er forge(*|hough far I,roam, Frpm the haunts so dear, and my native home, >shnth thy evergreen sod, in a church-yard lone, Where the cheanut sigh'd, to the low wind's moan, They bare gently laid my mother in rest. Her spirit jolns'lwettiy tho choir of tbe blest, At her bead the rose-tree blooms each spring , < On its fragile stems, the tiny birds sing, V'.-d .From:itafragraut leaves, falls tbe early dew, To refresh tbe grass,.which beneath it grew. Nor thou; Susquehanna, while thy pure waters flow, Bearing health on thy bosom where’er thou dost go, Giving health to the willow, in whose ample shade. On thy green mossy banks, I in infancy played. Where the Indian girl, with her fairy canoe, ‘Hath-glided so free, o’er the waters of blue. Where the timid fawn, in his airy flight, Hath stopped to quaff, from thy waters bright, , I will ne’er, though duty bid me rove, -‘'O Forget tby scenes, nor the land I love. I love, too. thy mountains, which rear so high, Their variable forms, far stretched to the sky; And tby verdant hills, where the ivy creeps,. O’er tbe crags aud heights of their rugged steep?. And tbe trees of tby forest, the sycamore and asb. The cedar and willow, by the cataract's dash, The towering pine* and tho maple shad© That vies with the elm, at the woody-glad©. Though in vain I now gate o'er the billowy main To view the green hill-side, and rich flowing plain, Fain would catch one glimpse, of my friends in the door. And clasp to mv heart, those I ne’er may see more. Yet I am happy, what if these thoughts bring Fresh drops from the fount, when the home song I sing? 'Tie not that lam anxious, for the eye that ne’er sleeps- Watches over the loved ones, their spirits He keeps. Ilis grace is suflicient! Who salth “follow me," And cheerfully I go, at His beck o’er the sea; Black storms, mountain billows, I willingly brave, Privations and sickness, e'en a watery grave. My treasures bring hearts for Him only meet, I bring them, dear Saviour, to lay at thy feet; Jt is all that I bare, be it ever so small, Were it thousand times' more, still Thou should'at hare all. Bear land of my birth, glad I bid thee farewell. As I haste o’er the wave, Salvation to tell, I will fear no evil, let what will betide, Since my Father is present, to save and to guide. No greater I ask, than to spend and be spent In the cause of my Lord, by whom I am sent; 1 That my life’s best days, and its latest faint breath. May bo spent to win precious sinners from death. When life’s flickering lamp shall grow dim, Then I'll turn from my labors, and etiU follow Him. Through the valley and shadow, Hisann shall sustain, Until iny tired spirit, sweet heaven shall gain, Then I shall not grieve, but forever shall rest, In that land where the weary are evermore blest, And joy that my Saviour counted me meet, And helped me lay all, at His glorious feet. When* to Wear Rubbers. —We notice that many persons wear India Rubbers in cold, dry weather, to keep their feet warm. This is an injurious and evil practice. India rubber shoes are very comfortable and convenient for cov ering the feet during the wet and sloppy weath er, but they should never be worn on any other occasion; their sole use should be to keep out the water. They should, however, therefore, bo put off whenever the wearer enters the house, and be worn as little as possible, because they are air tight, and restrain the perspiration' of the feet. The air cannot be excluded from them, or any portion of the body for any tenth of time, without sensibly affecting the health. It is our opinion that no habit tends more to ’.good health than clean feet, and clean dry stocldflga, so as to allow the free, perspiration of the nether extremities. —Scientific Amer. The following eloquent, earnest and effective address was delivered at a recent Democratic caucus in the town of Sandford, Broome Coun ty, by a man who had been an inmate of the County Jail on an indictment for murder.— The speech is too good to be lost. Here it is: ‘Gentlemen : By G-d, we are going to beat the d—d Black Republicans. I am going to work this year. Last year we were licked be cause I was in jail and could not vote. I was persecuted and kept in jail because I was a democrat. Gentlemen the Democratic Party is a persecuted party. Go to all the Jails and Stale Prisons ia the country, and you will find nine out of every ten of all the criminals Demo crats. Now, mark what I tell you. lam not 4n prison this.year, and you will see what I can do.’ The love of fun is not unknown among the serious looking Chinaman, who are thickly col lected in some parts of the Australian colonies. A storekeeper wishing to advertise his articles in the Chinese language engaged a celestial to paint him a sign, expecting of course it would bo an enticing one. It did not answer his ex pectations, however, for the only perceptible ef fect it had on the relations of the sun and moon was to excite a grin of the broadest dimen sions. By a considerable bribe he obtained a translation in English of the advertisement, and found it to be as follows: ‘Don't buy anything here—storekeeper’s a rogue.’ f Some fah-loring fellows in New Castle, Pa., recently started a society there which purported to be a lodge of the Sons of Malta. One of the initiated, however, exposed tbs whole concern. He states that after being initiated, he signed what was represented to be a Constitution of the Order, but which turned out to be nothing more nor less than an order for a keg of beer upon one of the town brewers. The club had been indulging, in lager at the expense of the new members fop several weeks but since the ‘How’ they have fallen through. A OWD TO LAKE ONTART. By the Disbanded Volunteer , Green is her waiters, green as grass, Behold ’em rollid’ thar; j Catfish and striped bass , Js chiefly cotched thar. Wbnst logins on your hacks Fiaht, fit and bled, Now the inhabitants is white. And nary red. An editor says his attention was first drawn to matrimony hy thfi skillful manner in which ii pretty girl handled a broom, A brother edi tor says the manner in which bis wife handles a broom is not eo very pleasing. BUSINESS BIBECTOIIY. S. B- B ROOKS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A T LAW ' ELKUIXD, tiog a. copa. “In the multitude of Counselors there is safety.”— Bible. Scpt-23.18M.1r.- ' •*. '-■ ST- LAWRENCE HOTEL. m. S. CAMPBELL 4 CO., PROPRIETORS. WO. 1018, Chestnut St, Philadelphia. WH. 8. CAMPBELL, A. Q, IiCUIX G. N. DAETT, BE JITIST. Office at his Residence, near the Academy, Ail work pertaining to in's Hoe of business done promptly and Warranted. [April 22,1858 ] Hydropathic Physician end Surgeon. ELKUNI), TIOGA COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in all parts ol the county, 01 receive them for treatment at his boose, [June 14.J855.]' . SPENCER fe THOHSOBT, . Attorneys & Counselors at law, COKNJNG, Stenben Cbnnty, New Torlti'i; Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson. April 18,1855-ly. ■ WELLSBORO’ HOTEL. B. B. Holiday - Til E Subscriber has purchased this well-known public house, not for purposes of speculation, but with the ob ject of making Wellsboro* bia permanent residence. No pains will bo spared (o render the house a desirable home for truveleis. B. B. HOLIDAY. January IS, 1553, (Cm.) . YOU DON’T SAY SO? YES SIR, I DO! I aay thit FOLEY has Hie best and cheapest assortment of WATCH RS I ever saw in Welfcboro.* Such heavy cases and finished movements you can’t find elsewhere (VI and see them one door north of B. B. Smith & Son’s, where he will be glad to show them to you, and do any Repairs on Watches,Clocks & Jewelry, and all warranted. A. FOURY. Wellsbnro* June 11,1837. S. F, W 11.505, (CJ*Removedto James Lowrey’sOiHce lAS. IOWREY & S. F. WILSOBT, A TTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, willaltcndthcCourlsof Tioga,Potter and McKean counties. Wellsborough,Fcb. 1,1853. H. 0. COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, Wcllgboro’Pa. Shop two doors above Roy’s Drag Store. Every thing in Ids line oi business will be done as well and as promptly as it can be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparalinnsfor removing dandruff, and bcautyfiing the hair for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and see. WclLboro’, Oct 18, 1855. (if' JOHN B. SHAKESPEAB, TAILOR. HAVING opened hie shop in the building lately occupied by Dr. Barr, respectfully informs the citizens of Welbbaroand vicinity that he is prepared to execute orders in his line of business with prompt. ne«s and dispatch, hoping by strict attention to business to merit the confidence and support of those who may favor him with their orders. CUTTING done on short notice. Wellsbdro, October 21,1858. 6m. SICKINSON’S mu. KEEP it before the public, that the People’s Humble Ser vant lm> been THOROUGHLY REPAIRED, in every way. during tho past Summer, aud has also beaa furnibhcd wuh nn entire NEW LOT OF MACHINERY, thronghont, of the latest And best improvements of the age, and that it is now in perfect good order to do custom or merchant work. L. D. SPEXCEII, Miller. Wellbboru’ Angust 10, 1858. COUDERSPOET HOTEL. COCDERSPOUT POTTER CO., PEXXA. D. P. Glassmire - - - Proprietor. THIS HOTEL is located within an hour's drive of the head waters of the Allegheny, Genesee, and Susquehanna rivers. Ko efforts are spared lo make it a home for pleasure seekers during the treating sea son, and for the traveling public at all times. Jan, 27, 1859, ly. WM-,W- & H. W. M’DOUGALL REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A RE engaged in Exploring,Surveying and Draft- Ing, Investing Money in i?eal C>lale, and on Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrants, Locating Land for Settlers on time. They will attend t(ie Land Sales in this and the adjoining districts, where their practical knowledge will enable them to select the best lots. Parlies entrusting Money to us for investment wilj have the benelit of our explorations. No prop, erty purchased that we are not pci sonally acquainted with. [Waubashaw. Min. Ter., April 23.] TIN, TOPPER & SHEET-IRON BAKE,. riMIE SUBSCRIBER has established himself at I the old stand of Wilcox &. Scars, one door be* low R. S. Bailey's Store, where he is manufacturing and selling At Wholesale and Retail, the various hinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET. IRON WaRE, nf the best materials, and made in the most suhsuuti.il manner. ROOFING, EAVE-TROIIGHING,and all kinds nf JOBBING, done on short notice and In a sails, factory manner. Cull and see my slock of Tin-ware and satisfy yourselves that FISHER’S is the place to buy che.-p. CHARLES S. FISHER. Wcllsboro, June 17,1855. H. D. DEMING, Would r-spectfaHy announce to tho people of TToga County, that lie U non* prepared to fill all orders for Apple, pe.ir, Peach, Cherry, Nectarine, Apricot, Evergreen and Deciduous Ornamental trees. ANo Currants Raspberries, Goosvbeiritr*, Blackberries am! Strawberries of all new and approved van ities. ROSPS— *Coos-Ktinff of Hybrid, Perpelual and Sum- jner Rosas. Moss, Bourbon, Noisette, Tea, Bengal or China, and Climbing Boses. CUP TTRRRR Y_Tncludin«all the finest nowva-- O£IXV \J I>ULa l\ i rictles of Althcaj Calvcanthus, Dentzia. Lilac*. Spiraes, Syringias. Viburnums, Wigillas Ac. I?T OXXfRRS Paoonles, pahiras, Phloxes. Tulips, A V Hyacinths, Narciasis; Jonquils, Lil lies, Ac. varieties. “ Peabody’s New H«ut-bois Strawberry. 4 doz. plants, $5. Orders respectfully solicited. for Grafting, Budding or Pruning will be promptly attended to. Address Pec. Id, *5B. H. D. PEMINO, Wellsboro, Pa, TO MOTHERS, WIVES AND DAUGHTERS Dr. B, A. lamonl’s PERIODICAL COMPOUND.' The most fcencflci.il successful FEMALE MEDICINE now in use, for ail crises of obstructed or suppressed Menstruation. This valuable vegetable compound has long been used in the private practice of Dr. Lmnont, for regulating the de rangements of the female system and for improving the gen oral health, and by Jong experience has been found the in"eatest remedy against those painful or general complaints to which the female constitution is liable. A few dogos tft ,? ne week before tho monthly period will remove aU obstructions from any cause whoteier, as incredible as it mav appear. . > J » have beofe disappointed in the nse of Fills, Ac., can put the utmost confidence in this compound j mAUnON.-®& v Tats compound must not bo taken by females during the early months of Pregnancy under tho penalty of certain ab ortion. At all other times it is ante, as it i« purely vegetable. M SMS T£ Y a “ WUthor ' «SS.“ h im.tr ** ”" d “ ,n ’ ssWs ' n - ■ it»6 A r m i fr* r J - i& IT Aid i. ~ J (lll.\ .1 HOY, BRIiIiOT&IPOTHKMRF. Wholesale aodßplail dealer in Foreign and Do mestic D R it'- G an© cftliiicAlhSjPAiJrTs, OJXS, ©YES, VARNISH, . WINDOW GUASS, AN© HAIR OILS, YANKEE NOTIONS, 4, FANCY GOODS. Almost every variety of Phanueciiflc Preparations, Thompsonian medicines, - Proprietor. BOTANIC AND HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. EXTRACT of Pink & Senna for Worms. Price, 25 cenls per bottle, SPIGELIA combined with Santonica—a Fluid Extract for Worms. Price 25 cents.' WOHM LOZENGES for children. Price, 25 cents per box. Also most of the popular patent Vermifuges which arc in general use. CATHARTIC SYRUP.—A pleasant palatable physic for children, used as a substitute for Castor Oil. Price, 25 cents per bottle. FARRIER'S OIL—For Horses and Cattle—very useful for sores, wounds,scratches, galls and in all cases where a healing remedy is required. Price 25 cents. FARRIER’S LINIMENT—For Horses & Cattle A' most valuable article for swellings, bruises, sprains, stiff or enlarged joints, windgails,kicks and swecncy. Price 25 cents. BUCIIU LEAVES are procured from the south, ern part of Africa. The Hottentots at the cape of Good Hope have long used this article as a remedy in a variety of diseases. From them the medicine was borrowed by the English and Dutch physicians residing there and by their recommend, alion it was soon employed in Europe. In process of time this medicine has come into general use, and is highly spoken of by the best medical writers. Physicians recommend it mostly for complaints of the urinary organs, such as gravel, a morbid irrita tion of the bladder and urethra, retention of urine, also incontinence of urine from want of lone in the urinary organs. It cools ( the unnatural heal and relieves pain; and in many cases of long standing it has been effectual when other valuable medicines had failed to produce an effect. The active princi ple of this medicine is a volatile oil which is mostly losl-by the old process ol boiling. Hence it requirts great care and skilful management to prepare this medicine properly. FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHD is a strong or concentrated preparation prepared by the new process called ‘ Displacement." By this the valua. ble properties of the Buchu are entirely preserved, and this form of the medicine is less liable to injury from age and more palatcable. • Useful equally in all cases of the kind whether male or female. Price 75 cents per bottle. For sale at Roy’s Drug and Chemical Store at Wcllsboro Pa. . (TTTiiis is no patent medicine or nostrum or secret remedy, but a new and improved prepara tion of a well known and valuable medicine. T> LEACHING POWDER,—To remove ink nnd •*-* fruit stains &c., from linen. Price 12£ cts per box, with full directions for use, PERMANENT MARKING INK—To mark col **■ lars and oilier clothing so that the name will not wash out. Price 95 els per bottle. /'iHEMIOAL HAIR. TONIC.—This compound is used to prevent the hair from falling off localise it to grow in thicker—and to restore’hair that is growing gray toils original color; it is nicely per fumed and is very pleasant article for toilet use. THE BEST INK in America. — Conger and Fields celebrated Recording Ink. Also David & Black’s Permanent Ink for Records and Book keeping. A new supply of these valuable Inks just received at Roy’s Drug Store; also a iargcquanliiy Common School Inks. FLA VO RING EXTRACTS.—New supply; such Lemon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Peach, Cinnamon, Rose, Nutmeg, Cellery, &c. CHOLERA DROPS.- — The most effectual reme dy for bowel complaints in use. If taken in time it can hardly foil to cure if the directions are strictly complied with. Price 95 cents. /CRYSTAL EYE WATER,—A valuable remedy J for sore or inflamed eye*;—with full directions for use, Price 12$ and 25 cts per bottle, /'IEPHALIC SNUFF.-—For Catarrh, Headache &,c. Price 2S cents a bottle. A RMENIAN CEMENT.-—-For mending broken glass or china ware, with directions for its use Price" 25 cenU per bottle. (Warranted.) MILK OF ROSES. — A pleasant Cosmetic to im prove the complexion and to remove tan and freckles—Price 25 cts. a bottle. LOOKING-GLASS PLATES—With or without Frames, forsalc at THE DRUGSTORE. BALSAM TOLU.— - This balsam is procured /rom a tree which is found in South America—it is a most valuable remedy for colds, coughs and affec lions of the lungs. Price of Balsam Tolu Coagk Remedy , 50 cents per bottle. ROSEMARY OINTMENT is a useful article for chapped hands, pimples on the face, burns, scalds, eruptions on the skin &c. Price 12 ami 25 cents per box. MA YER'Ss OINTMENT.—This ointment has long been held to be a great secret among the Germans. It is highly valued as a successful cure for fever sores, bad ulcers and sores of almost every kind which are found to be difficult to heal. See di rections on the box. HEADACHE PILLS—For sick headache, ncr vous headache and all headache that comes on at regular intervals. BOOKS. A variety of Children’s Books—Blank Books School Books, Stationery &c. Also the Depository of the Tioga Coonly Bible Society—containing a large variety of Bibles and Testaments from G| cents to 6 dollars. WeiUboro, April 1,1858. J. A. ROY. TO THE LADIES! lias recently been invented, which promises to su persedc all other kinds ofhard soap. It is used ex tensively for wash'ng clothes, and possesses the re markable. property of extracting dirt without boiling the clothes and without (he use of the rubbing board. The process of washing requires less than half the time, and only about half the labor, by using this Patent Soap. This article is peculiarly excellent, and superior to any thing else called Soap; because white it saves lime and Übor, it never roll or in jures the clothes./ It is just the article it is repre sented to be, and never disappoints the expectations of purchasers. It docs not lake out stains. For sale at Roy’s Drug Store, Weilsboro, Pa. Alcohol. ALCOHOL, os per cent, for Burning Fluid, at 'wholesale by Corning, (3m.) W. D. TBBBJ3LL WELLSBOKO, PA. i PETTY, BURNING FEU ID, TINCTURES, EYTRACTS, ACIDS, POWDERS, PILLS, LEAVES, HERBS, WRITING INK, ENVELOPES, BRUSHES, COLOtJSE, ROOTS, PERFUMERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, SEATES, CHILDREN’S TOYS.. AC., ALSO. - A New Kind of Soap HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. Impnrlaht. TO all persona afflicted with Scxual'diseases soclr os SPERMATORBHCEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET. STPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF.ABUSE, &c., Ac., ; The HO WARD ASSOCIATION ofPhiladelphia in view ol the awful destruction of* human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and ihe deceptions which are practiced upon llie unfortunate victims ot each diseases by Quacks, have, directed their Con suiting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE tiRA. TIS, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male or Female.) who apply by letter, with a description of their con. dition, (age, occupation, habits of fife, Ac.,) and in case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH .MEDICINES FREE OF, CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, for the re liefer the sick and distressed, afflicted with“Viru. lent and Epidemic Diseases,” and Its funds can be used for no oilier purpose. It has now n surplus of means, which the Directors..have voted to advertise the above notice. Il ls needless to add that the As socialise commands the highest Medical skill ol the age, and' will furnish the roost approved modern treatment.—Valuable adyice also given to sick and nervous females, afflicted with Womb Complaint Leueofrlioea, Ac. . Address, (post-paid,) Dr. CjEO. R. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, By order of the Directors, : EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 25,1856.—ly. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE? at ERWIN’S new Store! He has jusireturned from the City with a choice Lot of Hcadv-llade Ciothinsr, CEOTHS, CASSIItIERES, TESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND NOTHING SHOHT£]R Wellsboro’ Sept. 25.1856. ' iVEW TAILOR SHOP. The sub scriber lias opened anew hid shop opposite Roy*s Store and is prepared to ex ecute the orders of his old customers aud others who may favor him with their pat ronage, with neatness . jccl it necessary to put his work as it is warranted to famish its own rec ommendation. No garment is permitted to go out of the shop that is not made in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Culling and Fitting. This Department, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live .and let live” rule, 1 have adopted the Pay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere lo il. Wellsboro’, March 13,1856. H. P. ERWIN. Tioga Marble Shop. TIJ E Subscriber has just received a fine lot oj Marble from the Rutland Quarries, suitable for all descriptions of Gravestones, , Monuments, Cenotaphs, &c. He is prepared to execute orders for the above de scriptions of work, in a superior style, ami at rea sonable prices. Persons desiring Gravestones of the finer kinds .of ITALIAN MARBLE can procure them of the Subscriber. A. Growl, of Wellsboro, is authorized (o receive orders for work at this establishment. Tioga, June IQj '5&, If A. D. COLE. ON MANHOOD 4ND ITS PREMATURE RECLINE. Just Published. Gratis, the both Thousand. jfjfftttyrf A FEW WORDS O.V THE NATIONAL - 1■ JA Treatment without Medicine, of Spermator frlf'HJV r h«::i or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emipsioup, *■” Genital and Nervous Debility, Inipoteucy, and Impediments to Marriage generally, by The Important fact that tho many alarming complaint?, originating in the imprudence and solitude of may be easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in tbN small tract clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly suc cessful treatment, ns adopted b3 r the Author, fnffy explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure HIMSELF perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums Of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envel ope, by remitting (postpaid) two postage stamps to Dr. It. DE LAN EV, 88 East 31st street, New York City. April, 20,1858. CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN HOTEL. Main Street, Wellsboro* Pa. D. HABT, PROPRIETOR. fPHIS Strait-out TEMPERANCE HOTEL has J. been lately reopened for the accommodation of the traveling public, and no pains will be spared to render it popular with such as may favor it with their patronage. This Hotel is located conveniently for those who desire to lake either the Tioga, Cedar i?un,Coudcrs port, Mansfield, Covington or Troy Stages. Those desiring to reach intermediate places, not on Stage routes, will be accommodated with a conveyance at a reasonable charge. This Hotel will be conducted, as it ever has been, on the “Live and let live” principle. Charges as low as those of any good Hotel in the County. A good Ostler always in attendance. February, IS, 1858. Post Office Notice* Mails elope nt the HVllsboro’ Rost Office as follows Eastern mail, via Tioga. daily at 10J4 o'clock a. ro. Eastern and Southern, via Mansfield and Troy, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at I\A o’clock a. m. Eastern ami Southern, via Covington and Troy, Mondaj*, Wednesday and Friday at 7 o’clock a, m. Southern, via Jersey Shored Tuesday and Friday at o’- clock p, m. Western, via Coudersport, Wednesday ‘and Saturday at 7 a. m. Mails arrive as follows : Northern Ac., via Tioga, daily, by 1 o’clock, p. m. Eastern Ac., via Troy and Mansfield, hy O'o’clock p. m., same days of leaving. Eastern Ac., via Troy and Covington, by 7 p. m., same days of leaving. Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday A Friday, by 12 to. Western, via Coudersport, Tuesday and Friday, by 5 p. m. Sept. 17.1857. I.D. RICHARDS, V. M roivEv has a fine assortment of heavy ffiksosEi imm etooteie • WMHBEIES, which he will sell cheap on short lime. Ail kinds of KEPAURtICG done promptly. If a job of work is not done to the satisfaction of the party ordering it, no charge will be made. Grateful Tor past favors my desire Is to merit a continuanca of the same. WeJlsboro, June 24,1858. Corning Book Store. THE Subscribers have removed to the large and elegantly filled up brick store—four doors cast of Concert Block, Corning—and will keep on hand a large assortment ofNew Books, among which are RELIGIOUS STANDARD WORKS, HISTORICAL BOOKS, TALES OF FICTION, POETICAL WORKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, Blanks, Stationery and Wall Paper, N. Y. Daily and Weekly papers, all the Magazines at Publishers prices. All for sale cheap. Coming, Sept. 24, *57. ROBINSON & CO. ROADCLOTH & CASSIMtiRK.—A good m sortment of Black Broadcloths, Black and Fan cy Cassimeres, Satlinells, Full Clolhs, Tweeds and Kentucky Jeans, can bo found at Oct. 14,1858. W. A. ROE’S. mUBORO BOOR STORE And News-Office. The subscribers, having long be. lieved a LIVE BOOK-STORE & NEWS OFFICE lo be one, of Ihc essential accommodations which Ihc good people of We*lsbo ro were prepared lo appreciate and sosiain, havees (ablished themselves one door above ISiJes & JSJH oU's Store, where they will keep a first-rale selec tion of the best and popular -NEWSPA.P E&S - DAILY & WEEKLY, POLITICAL, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC. Together with the various ILLUSTRA TED PA • PERS published. Also, all the leading , of the day can be had at their counter. ; They will likewise keep tf full assortment'of SCHOOL BOOKS, CURRENT LITERATURE AND STANDARD WORKS, and any Book, Newspaper or Magazine noton halt'd will be ordered promptly, if. desired. They will keep a good assortment of ■ YANKEE NOTIONS all and singular of which will be sold al low prices for CASH. Smitl) & Ricbuids. Welhboro, Jane 24,1838, ' CABINET WAREHOUSE. I AM STILL AT MY OLD STAND, two doors'below Hart & Short's Floor and Provis ion Store, Manufacturing to order all kinds of Cab. ‘.net Ware, and in the best manner. I likewise Keep constantly on hand and for.salc at reasonable prices, a fine stock of i . Sofas, DlvansJ Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress antf Common Bureaus, MAHOGONY & COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage , French and Common Bedsteads, of every description,together with all arliclcsosn ally made in his line of business 1 . From his knowledge of .the' business be flat ters himself with the bclccf that those wishing to purchase, would do well loical) and examine his work before sending clspwbcr for an inferior article. | j TURNING done in a nc4t manner, at short do lice. | 1 C3hairs! Chairs! „ (jrjL In additionto thc|above,the sobser |SRS3bcr would inform! Ibd public that be bus ftV | just received alargeahd handbomcassorl menl of if Common Spring-Seat Chairs, Boston and Common Roclcing Chairs, fyc.. which he wiil sell as cheap,if not oheapcr,than they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga county. Call and see them;l [ Wellsboro*, July 23, *57. j BLT. VANHORN- THE ELECTIONS ARE OVER, And it is decided hy a large- nurjotily of an appre dating public, thai J. R. BOWEN, sells (he cheapest and keeps the largest assortment of STAPLE Sd FANCY ti U U I) S. in Tioga Coonly, and notwithstanding the many fuUc reports circulating that is not in business in Wellsboro, he may be found at'tbe EMPIRE IST ORE, lately occupied by Truman jit. Bowen, with the Largest and Cheapest r Assortment of DRY-OOODS AND GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES, |HATS AND CAPS. ' and in fact all kinos of Good£ usually found in a country Store, which he wijl sell at very low prices. Come one! Come all! a|nd : sec and bring your neighbors, as it will be deci'dcdly. to your advantage to examine my Slock of Gqods before you purchase elsewhere. [Nov. 25,1855. J-; J. R, BOWEN. if DI2 LANKY, M. D. Fa Hi FP inter G O oil) S. Win. A. Roc, Wcllsboro, Pa, JJAS now on hand a targe and extensive slock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HATS <5- CAPS, BOOtS' J Hosiery. Gloves. Shirts, Collars. Lmtn, silk ami &nt