r.L Rbfobt.— Among gueats at Ge0 l ° oath Danvers, Masaachuselts, re pari)' i“ ! p f e , 3o r Hitchcock, of Amherst : “' ly *l, known for his works on geolo. slieg 6 ’ . rlv ff as a pleasant one, and all f. the refreshment appeared, eni wel f DU nd that everything on the ben i‘ * , f( j an d solid as rock. The ble * a were congealed to a solidity be e crs« m ’ .. „ power of the most tropical jnfi the ® e ° cou id penetrate the blanc sat; D 0 custards were equally impene iaoge > lh f |flS nicely-frosted cake refused ah l ';/” )he sharps?) knife. Id a word, 1 Jajif the presence of the great ge had turned everything to stone. The sl " petrified, anjd so were the guests. ? slerJ ' however, the (tarty began to dia erJ,! p (ran, as weM 89 S ranUo and quartz, ricb scene of hilarity enaued. It was "Ton further investigation, that the ' 'o the glasses refused to run out, and "ULid m the champagne hollies was for e. ,by ihe aqueduct company. The * w»i of the consistence of lime water, oar looked like quick lime. The cake " heavy, the lower stratum having been V.J in a brick kiln, and the upper looked L « frosting of gypsum. This latter sub e went largely into the composition of ar tjcles in this strange metamorphosis. 'n e joke made a great deal of sport among he cheated guests, especially as the opening f „ other door presently showed an abuo ml supply of rich and well-prepared edibles " t different quarry from those on the Hi table. njFRECEDESTED SUCCESS. VV« ICQ gl«d l e j, o ibai the Atlantic Monthly is meeting , h Jrea | favor from all sources. Though Ibf publishers printed nearly thirty tkous 0/copies of the January number, this large ~|T was entirely exhausted on the very j,v of publication, thus compelling many subscribers and others to wait a few J !t s before obtaining a copy. The publish f;i have another edition of several thousand ,;„ iel s, ahich will be ready in a few day., ind*nh their present facilities they, will be ible to supply the demand, however large it mr be. Their subscription, received by nail alone from all parts of the country, li,e averaged more than one hundred a day, pr tome lime past. Mrs. H. B. Stowe’s ie« serial, “The Minister’s Wooing,” is im usosely popular, as indicated by the success tfcicb is thus attending the enterprising pub lulieri efforts to make the Atlantic the era talunent of all that is entertaining and in itracltve.—Boston Traveler. We learn that one night last week, a farmer residing near Kanona, on the Howard road, »j! awakened by a noise in his stable.— He immediately dressed himself, and seizing a dub proceeded to the scene of action ; he knd his stable-door open, and two men [aside. He listened and heard one of them remark (hat “he could not get the bit in bis (horse’s) mouth,” when he immediately iieppedtoihe door and enquired “who was there ?*’ This query was responded lo on ih« pari of the thieves by the presentation of a pisiol lo his breast, hui without waiting for him lo fire, ihe farmer dealt him a stout blow over ihe head, which almost instantly killed him. Vie Uved-lo say “there are more ” and then btealhed his last. The other thief made himself scarce. There was about 84000 found on the body n( the dead' man, but nothing affording a clue to his identity.— Dansville Sentinel. The Argus intimates that because its edi tor lived in a ‘‘neighboring county” to Jlfr. Gaorv, he may “know more of the man” than we do. Well, we lived in the same county with Mr. Grow for five years, and fire more in an adjoining county ; and whe ther toiling for his widowed mother on a becchwoods farm—aiding his older brothers to tunning lumber down Tunkhannock creek m a market—a student in the academy at Harford, in the college at Amherst, or in law offices at Montrose and Towanda—or for a Writ lime the choice of 8,000 majority of tit voters of his district—in all these varied relations, we have yet to hear the first word derogatory to him as a man or as a citizen. He is not a “Bully,” but he is a gentleman, «t home as well as abroad, in private as well 11 in public life, —Lewisburg Chronicle, Congress did little on Saturday. The Sen •le wat riot in session, and the House, al though refusing to adjourn because (he day ®as the anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans, did adjourn early in the day, after transacting a little business. A young schoolmaster named W. R. Cole, “rammed suicide in New York a week ago to-day, because some emigrant runners de frauded him out of his passage money to California. IQaiical Festival. A Musical Festival will be held in Hie Baptist ur ch al Gray's Valley, Tioga county. Pa-, com. oencing Thursday, !271h insl., at 10 o’clock, A. M„ aQ u continuing three days. The friends are cordi. % invited to attend ; arrangements have been ef. by which their visit will be unattended with to them while there. The exercises will be directed by Prof. Hsgar, as• ,ls |E(j by Mr. Win. F. Horton, and others, or order. c „.. „ -m-a-r-r-i-e-d -r Dt*cemb«r, by the Rev. O. C. Baldwin, of .V r ‘ ," Mr - LEWIS I). JONES of Andeas. Delaware Co., ,ln4 Ml « 8 JANK E. KIRKPATRICK, of Wellsboro, Pa. -M-E-D iollvfe.Trt. Lycoming Co. Pa., on the stl» inst.. • X j HER aged 74 years, formerly of this Boro* one of the earliest settlers of tbhcoaaty qu e> £ ncKi willed at Beecher’s Island, on the Cowancs tr, 'uccewively Treasurer and Sheriff of the conn* u&Sft qnently member of the Legislature, and was Nit oVtv, OQ r ,n th ® ,lo use of Representatives who voted , , nt Resolution recommending to Congress the L>r am ~ *b e United States Bank. Mr. B. removed to 0 . .J’ 'o 1838, where he has resided since. He was taa ’■ 111056 ° r it can be truly said “He was an honest ' COM.I NOTlCE.—Letters testcmantary having on the estate of JOSEPH MEAD late of >^j3u M f^ < ! ,. B. ELLIOTT, Architect and Superintendent of Buildings. Mansfield, Pa., Dec. 30,1858. TTJST RECEIVED fresh from the Press,' GENTLE ANNIE MELODIST. SONGS AND JOKES. FAMILY EXPENSE BOOK. PRACTICAL HORSE FARRIERY. FLOWER OF THE FLOCK. TIMOTHY Til COMB'S LETTERS. SMITH & RICHARDS. Dissolution. mHB Firm known as the “Brooklyn Steam Mill Company,” X is dissolved from and after this date. The business here tofore carried on by said firm and Mrs. S. Parmcntier, will hereafter be conducted by the subscriber—Edward Bayer.— Ail persons Indebted to the late firm, and to Mrs. S. Pannen tier, are urgently requested to make payment befote the first of April next, so as to save unnecessary costs and oblige, Tioga, December 1,1858,6 t, EDWARD BAYER. _ H. S. JOHNSTON. HAIR PINS—NEW STYLE. LEAD PENCILS—EXTRA FINISH, SCHOOL & MISCELLANENUS BOOKS, YANKEE NOTIONS, SO PERIOR NEEDLES, at (Nov. 4, *5B) SMITH & RICHARDS*, Buffalo robes.—a few bales No. i.just received at (Oct. H, ’SB.] ROE’S. THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Dr. Wistar’s Balaam of WUd Cherry. the a^°Te preparation is known, it is so well es taouehcd as an infallible Remedy for the core of— jjouaas, Coujs, Sorb Throat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Spit- TisG op blood, pain in the Breast,, Croup, ‘Whooping Cough, ana every form of Pulmonary Complaint, that it were a work of J s? Prorogation to speak of its merits. Discovered by a celebrated physician more than twenty y®* ll * tfacsi it has by the ■wonderful cures it has effected been constantly appreciating in public favor, until its use and its use and its reputation are alike universal; and it is now well known and cherished by all (and their “name is legion”) who nave been restored to health by its use as the Great Remedy for all the diseases which it professes to cure. Sit James Clarke, physician to Queen Victoria, has given it as hia opinion that CONSUMPTION CAN BE C URED. The whole history of this medicine fully confirms the opin ion of that eminent man. Thousands can testify, and have testified, that when all other remedies had failed, this tad completely cured; that when the sufferer had well nigh des paired, this had afforded immediate relief; that when the physician bad pronounced the disease incurable, this has re moved it entirely. The virtues of this Balsam are alike applicable to core a slight coM or a CoNvnuin> Consumption, and its power as a safe, certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy cannot be equalled. Caution 1 Purchase none unless It >*<*« tbs written signature of “I. Butts” on the wrapper, as well as tbs piint ed name of the proprietors. Read the following Letter : Gentlemen: Having used Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of." Wild Cherry in my practice with great success, 1 moat cheerfully recommend it to those affiictai with Obstinate Coughs, Colds, or Asthma. (Signed,) U. G. MARTIN, M. D. Mansfield, Tioga Co., Aug. 1858. The following persons have also derived great benefit from the uso of the GREAT REMEDY: Wm. Lawrence,?. M., Bailey Creek; John Fox, P. 51. M&insburg; B. 31. Bailey, the well known temperance lecturer, and Thomas Jeriel a well known citizen of this county. S. W FOWLE A Co., Proprietors, Boston. For sale by their Agents everywhere. AGENTS.—John A. Roy, Wellaboro; C. W. Nesbitt, Mans field; D. S. Magee, Blossburg; J. Q. Albeck, Liberty; A Humphrey, Tioga; Dr. A. Rollins, Jr., Mainsburg. September 30,1858. The New York Tribune. 1858-59. —Thx New York Tribune, now more than seventeen years old, which was the first journal in the world that appeared regularly on an imperial eight-page sheet at so low a price as two cents, and which has attained the anpafallcled aggregate of more than 200,000 subscribers, respectfully solicits Its share of the patronage which the J/etropolitan Press is hence forth to receive. It asks especially the patronage and active favor of Republicans— of those who hate all forms of oppres sion, and desire that every rational being shall be free to em ploy his faculties in such innocent manner as he shall deem best—of those who would extend Liberty and limit Slarety; but it further appeals likewise to all who look and labor for the return of National thrift, plenty.prosperity, through thu Protection of American Industry by wisely discriminating duties on Imports—all who favor Nationol Progress through internal development and melioration rather tnan by exter nal agression and extension—all who would rather have the National resources devoted to the construction of a railroad to the Pacific than to the purchase or conquest of Mexico, Nicaragua or Cuba—all who would retrench radically our present inordinate Fed» ral expenditures by abolishing or im mensely reducing the Army and Navy, and expending the money thus saved on works of beneficence which will endure to bless our children—all who profoundly realize that “Right eousness exaltcth a nation,” and that no real advantage can ever accrue to any person or community from acquisitions or successes achieved by means which contravene tho laws of Federal Right. The free allotment of limited portions of the Public Lands to Actual Settlers thereon, and every hopeful plan intended to diminish the sum of human misery from dearth of employment or inadequate recompense—every scheme especially that seems to help the unfortunate by en abling and teaching them to help themseh es—must command our earnest sympathy und cooperation. Within the present year The Tbibuns has provided itself with a new ami faster pre»s, at a cost of SJO.OOO, merely that some of our subscribers may receive their papers a mail ear lier than they otherwise might do. I With correspondents at the most important points throughout tho civilized world, and a staff of writers chosen from among the best in the country, we believe that even those who dislike the politics of our sheet concede to it frankness in avowing its convic tions and ability in maintaining them. We appeal then, to those -who believe that an increased circulation of Tho Trib une would conduce to the political, intellectual and moral well-being of tho Republic, to aid us in effecting such in crease. As we employ no traveling solicitors of subscrip tions. we ask our present patrons in every locality to speak to their neighbors and friends ia our behalf; we shall gladly receive from any friend lists of those who would receive and read a specimen copy of oufe of our editions, and shall be particularly grateful to those who may send us such names from post-offices at which jive have now no subscribers.— Whatever additions may thus be made to our circulation shall be paralleled by increased efforts and expenditures to make our issues more valuable and useful than they have hitherto been. Tue Daily Tribune is printed on a large imperial sheet, and published every morning and evening, (Sunday excepted) and mailed to subscribers for six dollars per annum in ad vance; for six months. The Semi. Weekly Tribune is published every Tuesday and Friday, and contains all the Editorials of the Daily, with the Cattle, Horse and General Markets reliably reported express ly for the TRIBUNE; Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, and during the present session of Congress it will contain a summary of Congressional doings with tho more important speeches. WoalmJl, os heretofore, make The Semi-Wks< Tribune a Literary, os well ns a Political aud News paper, and we are determined that it shall remain in the front rank of family papers. TERMS. One Copy, one year $3 I Five Copies, one year $ll 25 Two Copies, one year, 5 | Ten Copies to one address 20 The Semi-Weekly Tribune is sent to Clergymen at $2 per annum. Tce Nrir-Yoax Weekly Tribcxe, a large eight page paper for the country, is published every Saturday, and contains Editorials on the important topics of the times, tho News of the week, interesting correspondence from all tho world, tho New York Cattle, Horse and Produce markets, interesting and reliable Political, Mechanical and Agricultural articles, 4c., &c. Wo’ shall, during the next year, as hitherto, constantly la bel to improve the quality of the instructive entertainment afforded by tho Weekly Tribune, which, wo intend, shall continue to be the best Family meekly Newspaper published in the World. TERMS. One copy, one year $2 1 Five Copies, one year $8 Three Copies, one year 5 ) Ten Copies, one year 12 Twenty Copies to on* address, at the rate of $1 per an’m $2O Twenty Copies, to address of each subscriber, and any larger number at the rato of $1 20 each, - |- $24 Any person sending sending us a Club of 20 or more will be entitled to an extra copy. We continue to send the Week ly Tribune to clergymen for $l. Subscriptions may commence at any rime. Terms always cash in advance. When a draft can ho procured it is much, safer than to remit bank bills. All letters to be addressed to HOUA.CH GRKELY & 00., Tribune Buildings, Nassau st., New York. We employ no traveling agents. All that is necessary for' you to do in order to become a subscriber to The Tribune is to enclose the money to us. and forward it through the Post Office. Friends who cherish the principles we advocate, and who desire to have full and reliable Intelligence from all ]»arts of the world, will act as our agents in getting up clubs and forwarding subscriptions. Dec. 23. 4t. Notice. TO the School Directors of Tioga and Potter Counties: We make the following proposal. That the President of every board of Directors that adopts the use of Brown’s Grammar iu their respective districts, where they are not now used, will if he wishes, be presented with a copy of said Grammar for the use of said District, by calling at the Book Store of Smith & Richards on Main St. Wellsboro, Pa. And we will agree (o furnish a sufficient number of said Grammars to supply every School that shall adopt them, at the Publisher’s wholesale price, ad. ding transportation, which is a mere trifle. We feel confident that the superiority of this Grammar over all others ia such that it will recommend itself to all who will take pains to examine it. Call and get a copy of (he First Lines and the Institute, at the Bookstore of Jan. 6,1858. SMITH & RICHARDS. ‘•An examination of the Revised Edition of Brown’s Insti totes and Lines of has prepared mo to bestow up on them my unqualified preference over any other scries in use. We are now using them, with success, and shall contin ue to introduce thera,”—CiU3. E. Cadt, I’rln, of First Ward School, Binghamton. tc l am prepared to say without hesitation, that I consider Goold Brown’s System, in its present revised and graduated form, far better calculated to give students a thorough prac tical knowledge of the science, thau any other with which I have become familiar. I amlntrodncing it into my school, expecting my pupils will receive more real good from it than from any other work of the kind,”—Z. L. pAttKua, I’rincipal Corning Union School. FOR SALE. jttjSSgS* A good assortment of tho choices Apple, Pear, and Cherry Trees, good order. Apple trees for 320 per hundred. Our intention is to havo the trees bear just such fruit as the labels call for . We would invite those wanting fruit trees to call at the Nursery and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. B. C. WICKHAM, I. T. BLOODGOOD , Tioga Village, Nov. 11,1858. FLOUR CAN be procured at Wholesale or Retail of the Subscribers at Tioga, at very low rates for Cash . Persons wishing to. purchase will do well to call sod examine before purchasing elsewhere. A good supply kept constantly on hand, and purchas ers can be suited as to quality aod price. C. F. SWAN. Dec. 23,1858. if. JOHN W. GUERNSEY. PREVENTATIVE for Scarlet Fever. Dr. Mu tir*s (Philadelphia) Prescription, used as a pre venUtive for Scarlet Fever can be obtained at Roy's Drug Store. ' IRON Cn’Y COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Pittsburg, Pa. - - Chartered, 1855. Students attending, January, 1858. Now the largest and most thorough Commercial School ot the United States. Young men prepared for the actual duties of th« Counting Room. J. C. Spilth, A. Professor of Book keeping and Science of Accounts. A. T. Douthett, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Cal- culation. J. A. lleydrick and T. C. Jenkins, Teachers of Book-keeping. A. Cowley and W. A. Miller, Profs, of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEPING, As used in every department of business. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC—RAPID BUSINESS WRIT- ING—DETECTING COUNTERFEIT SIDNEY— MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE—COMMERCIAL LAW Are taught, and all other subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of practical business men. 13 PREMIUMS. Drawn ail the premiums in Pittsburg for the past three years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing— NOT ENGRAVED WORK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. iSludents enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited — Review at pleasure-fGroduates assisted in obtaining situa tions—Tuition for full Commercial Course, $35,00. Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, $2,50 per s6, Entire cost, $60,00 to $70,00 Ministers sons received at half price. For Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamen tal Writing—incloso two stamps and address Sept. 23,1858, ly. F. W. JENKINS, Pittshnrg. Pa. €. G. OSGOOD, IS NOW RECEIVING HIS STOCK OF W I NTER GOODS. which is large and complete, and to which he invites the attention of the Goods buying public. 1 will not blow about prices, as we arc not accustomed to playing on wind instruments. But please call and see, and if the Goods and Prices do not suit you, we do not expect to sell. Nov. 2d, 1858. Dress Goods, A large and very fine Slock of Dress Goods at OSGOOD’S. GENTLEMEN. You will find nl Osgood’s a fine stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, GLOVES, MITTENS, aud a full slock of Furnish ing Goods. You will find it cheaper add far more pleasant to buy and wear good warm under gar ments than to pay doctor’s bills. :c: were elected for the ensuing rear: GEO. W. MOORE, (Preßide'nti - - - Tioga, TINE lypui,... .. ED. F. STEERS, H. 11. POTTER, • I), L. AIKEN, - LEROY TABOR, - • R. TOLE 3, T. L. BALDWIN, • * C. O. ETZ. SETH DAGGETT, F W. HIBBARD, - ART. HIBBARD, J. W. HIBBARD, • Tioga, Doc. 9, ’5B. (3m.) IJ’ISH, FlSH—Mackerel, Whitish, Bluefisli, &. - Codfish, by the Bbl n Jbbl., Jbbl*, and pound,' at Oct. 14. 1858, i KOEIS. Thomas Harden WOULD respectfully announce to the inhabi tant* of Tioga Coffoty, that be has purchased the ENTIRE STOCK of I BAILEY§ & HABDEPT, and having | enlarged and replenished the some, is now (offering great inducements to Cash Purchasers. The special attention of the Ladies is directed to his Stock of - SHAWLS & DRESS GOODS, as among them moy be fonpd many styles and fab rip 'never before introduced in this market. In fact* | Every Department is Fnll. CLOTHS,! CA SSI MER ES, ( READY-MADE CLOTHING, I | “ ; HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES and many of the NOVELTIES of the Season. GROCERIES at prices that will astonish cus tomers. j please call and examine and see lor yourselves. Welisboro, Jan 6, 1859. | | WELLSBORO’ SADDLE &! HARNESS SHOP. i* at ril H E undersigned would respect. _|_ fully inform the public that he has undertaken the above business at the stand formerly occupied by Joljn Alexander, one door above Roy’s Drug Store. W|th a determination to be behind no other estab lishment \n the country, he has added greatly to the facilities for the general accommodation, and has spared neither pains or expense to obtain and make himself master of every modern improvement in the business, and to secure the services of the bast He will keep a Urge slock on hand, and manufacture at the shortest notice, all description* of (HARNESS, such as SADDLES, BRIDLES, CARRIAGE HARNESS |OF ALL KINDS, HEAVY HARNESS, &.C^ Traces,l Homes, Haliers, Whips, etc., etc. All of which he will warrant to be equal toany that can be obtained in any other establishment in the country, f All he asks is that those-desiring any thing in this line, should call.at his place and ex amine stock. He feels the fullest confidence* i» -his ability to give entire satisfaction. . iCTAIf orders thankfully received and promptly attended [to. JOSEPH ENSWORTU. [ Welisboro’ October 28,1858. A HOMESTEAD FOR 910!! A FEW MORE OF THOSE DESIRABLK In the Gold Region and other portions of Virgin' la are'l9 be divided amongst the subscribers for the benefit pf the new town of Rappahannock. Sub. scriplions only ten dollars each; one half down, the on of the Deed. Every Subscriber will get/a Building lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $30,000- These Farms and Lots are sold so cheap to induce settlement, a sufficient num ber beipg the increase in the value of which yiH compensate for the apparent low price now asked. One acre lots in town will be given to industrious mechanics who will build upon them. | A CQinpany of settlers, called the “Rappahaa-* nock pioneer Association," is now building and will commence their their settlement in the Spring. Ample -security will be given for the faithful per formance of contracts and promises. O’More Agents are wanted to obtain Subscri- Vhom the most liberal inducements will be given, i Some Agents write that they are making $2OO month. For full particulars. Subscriptions, Agencies, &,c., Apply to, 1 E(BAUDER, Fort Royal, Caroline Co. Va. Or H. N. WILLIAMS, WeLUboro , Tioga Co. Fa. I Novell, 1853. iFALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. I | Ulrs. M. J. Grlcrsou^ HAS just returned from (he City full as sortment of Millinery Goods, which she offers ; Ibr sale at the lowest cash prices, STRAWS, NEAPOLITANS AND FANCY .; BONNETS, of alljprices and descriptions. BORDERS from Is up to 4s. 6d. A nice assortment of FLOWERS of ail prices. French Flowers and Box Flowers. A I beautiful assortment of I RIBBONS, LININGS, LACES, CRAPES SILKS, and all kind of materials lor making (Fall 4* Winter Mourning Goods. , Liille Boys Hats, Girl’s Flats, and Ladies’ Riding Hats. All orders promptly attended to. Bonnets cleaned and done over on short notice. Mrs. Grierson has employed for the season a good Milliner. O* Shop on Main' Street, over Niles Elliott’s Store. [Nov. 25, 1858. TOjMOTHERS, WIVES AND DAUGHTERS ‘ I ' Or. R. A. Lamonl’s METHODICAL COMPOUND. beneficial and successful FEMALE MEDICINB now in use, fur all cases of obstructed or suppressed r Menstruation. Tins valuable vegetable compound has long been used ia the private practice of Dr. Lament, for regulating the de rafigement* of the female system and for improving the gen eml health, and by long experience has been found the greatest remedy against those painful or general complaint* to the female constitution is liable. A few do**ea ta ken for one week in-fore the monthly period will remove all obstructions from ony cause whatever, as incredible as it may appear. ' -X- B.—Those Ladu“« t\ ho have been disappointed in the n«# of Fills, Ac., can put the utmost confidence m this compound J JKo“C ACTIOS .Tfhis compound must not be taken by females during th# earjy mouths of Pregnancy under the penalty df certain ab ortion. At all other Hint*- it u- safe, us it is purely vegetable. will be sent to any address by incloaings2 tpany author ized agent, or to It. I. ANDREWS, Buffalo N. Y. For sale by J. A. HOY. Wellsbnro, Fa., and Druggists cta enrily. [duly !• 1858. ly„] lIIS, COPPER & SHEET-IRON f. ¥ ABE. THE SUBSCRIBER has established himself at •the old stand of Wilcox & Sears, one door fac low R. S. Bailey’s Store, where he is manufacturing and selling . j | At Wholesale and Retail, tlje various kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WARE, of the best materials, and made ia theXmost substantial manner. x i ROOFING, EAVE-TROUGUING, and all kinds JOBBING, done on short notice and in a aalia* factory manner. | Call and see my stock of Tin-ware and satisfy yourselves that FISHER'S is the place to buy cheap. CHARLES S. FISHER, ] Wellsboro, June 17, 1858^ [.PUMPS! PUMPS! fjpHE SUBSCRIBER is-agenl for the sale of Cowing