A Withering Appeal to Dealers In Drink. The following eloquent appeal is from the pen of Ouncdnson: : Dealers in Drink *—Yours is a melan choly position— a more pitiful, more un worthy more degraoed, and more sinful pos-, ition cannot be conceived! To prey upon the shame, the crime, the poverty, the body,,the time, the, eternity pf a fellow-creature is awful! To prepare the way of bankruptcy, pauperism; disease, prison-death, is not to be coveted! To assist to ruin character, murder reputation, sink-position and circumstances, filcha man’s crumb of bread, is odious.— To beggar families, break the hearts of wives scatter d unestic fire-brands and death, break up unhappy homes, divide united hearts dis solve family links of the closest tie, is a base ness indescribed. To rise into riches by such a course is not to be rich ; to be honored ; to gain place in the world is to have no dignity ; to stand forth in the cause of religion is to daub Zion's walls with untempered mortar. — To swell out into portly dimensions by the sale of strong drink is the price of poverty ; to rise ioto luxury is a gain from wretched ness; to walk about in ease is a purchase from perspiration and (oil; to assume high airs, and gad about all .bespangled and be jewelled, is an elevation wrung from shame, degradation, misery and death. How in fatuated must the drinker be to see a class of men rolling in every comfort and luxury, possesing wealth and properly, and all pur chased at the poor infatuated inebriate’s ex pense. The Publican well clothed, while he in his rags; the publican's wife, handsome, buxom, jewelled, but the poor drunkard’s not where to lay her head ; the publican’s chil dren, clothed, fed, educated, bead and feet preserved from the inclemencies of the sea son ; but mark his customer’s, cold, wet star ved, tagged, wet, diseased. What difference between the state of those that support and (hose (hat are supported by strong drink.— Surely if reflection was left in the drunkard’s mind, the sketch we have just given would banish forever the drinker from the drun kery door. “And what stale can that mind be in that can keep such a bouse? How destitute of all the finer feelings of humanity—to speak of the feelings of religion would be nonsense. Where is love for his country and his kind ? Can patriotism inhabit such a bosom ? Im possible. Can such a man be a reformer—a regenerator of society—and keep a house and sell an article to degrade, dehumanize, and enslave' his fellow-man, soul and body hand and fool? Incredible. How much of Christ’s love can be in the bosom of the man who continues to sell spirits, and sees hears, and reads the awful deeds it is‘doing against God and man? Not a spark. “And is it possible that the spirit-dealers can commend his traffic to God in prayer? Could he lay his hand on his heart, and en'er the divine presence, and crave God to bless his efforts V it cannot be. His blood would run cold, his sou! would freeze in the endea vor, his smitten conscience could not bear the piercing glance of God ; he can only carry on his trade by forgetting eternity, trampling on the sacred dictates of conscieneo and es caping from the thought of future death and judgment. Infinitely better for a man to beg his bread from door to door, than occupy sucjj a position. In this case he might be an heir of heaven—but who can reconcile the selling of whiskey and eternal glory.” Curious Phenomenon op the Waves.— Some weeks ago Lake Michigan fell, in a few motnems, two feet and a half. The by standers were startled at an apparalion of mother Earth where it had not been visible before for years, and. for awhile, had sus pected a repetition of the old Red Sea mira cle, The fears of the special presence of a divine power were, however, soon relieved by the return of the waters to their old bed. The occurrence was all the more singular from the fact that the wind was blowing strong in-shore. Similar occurrence are fre quently observed on the sea coast, at which lime the sea runs in or out from shore, against both wind and tide. The cause usually assigned is the prevalence of distant gales of wind over the water's surface, ere* ating strong currents, and hence a spasmodic action of the surface in particular localities. Running a. Bend,— A. good thing oc curred at Warren belwen an old Democratic lumberman and Senaior-Bigler, the morning after latter had made his recent speech there. The court room had been very warm, nnd just at the point in his speech where Mr. B. was trying to justify his own and Mr. Gillis 1 voles in favor of Lecompton, the sweat poured off of him in fine style. The next morning, the old lumberman remarked to Mr B. that he appeared to be very warm last night. Senator Bigler replied that he was very warm indeed, U was very oppressive. “But,” said the lumberman, “you should have done as we do on the river in a hard job, take your coat off.” “Do you always lake your coal off,” said Bigler rather pat. ronizingly, “Well, not always,” said he, “but we always do in a tight spot— when we run a short bend / /” Ruling Passion Strong in Death.—We scarcely know of a more touching instance of “the ruling passion strong in death,’’ than is afforded in the last words of a.Schoolmas. . ter who had gone in and out before success, ive little flock in the same place, for upwards of ihirly years. When the film of death was gathering over his eyes, which were \ soon to ope, 9 in the presence of Him who ll took little children in his arms and blessed them, be said,-=-“It is getting dark—the bovs may go out—school’s dismissed A Gentle Hint.—A sportsman, who du. ring the shooting season had gone to pass a week with a friend in jjte country on the strength of a general invitation, soon found, hy.a,gentle hint, that he would have done hetterjto have wailed for a special one. “I saw spate beautiful scenery,” was the visi tor s remark, “as I came to-day by the upper road.” “You will aee still finer.” was the reply, “as you go back to-morrow by the • lower one.” - Men’s —Men’s hearts 1 Do what you will, the things won’t break. I'doubt if even they’ll chip. A shooting affray was enacted, on Tuesday night fast, in the vicinity of Shepard’s Creek, some two or three miles from this village disgraceful in its origin and probably fatal in its character —at the house of John Ticknor, whose respectability is a matter of question in the community from his notorious conduct while a resident here. John V. Hagadorn, who gave Ticknor a most brutal horse whip ping some time since in our streets, in com pany with some particular comrades—are unknown to the public—look occasion, un der the cover of darkness, to attack his bouse —for what object or design is as yet unex plained satisfactorily, but there is no doubt but what the in'ent was bad—and demanded admission. No sooner was the demand made than it was responded to by the report of fire arms. The shooting was in the house, the balls passed through the door and two of them took effect upon the person of Hagadorn one entering his breast and the other pier cing one of his shoulders. The party with out then retreated, carrying with them their their wounded companion, who is still alive, though in a dangerous condition. It is sup posed that Ticknor did the firing. —Waverly Advocate. “BUSINESS Directory. Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon. ELfiLAND, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in all parts of the county, 01 receive them for treatment at his house* [June 14.1855.] JOHN N.BACHE, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office, north side Public Square Wellsborough, Fa. Refers to Messrs.Phelps,Dodge & Co.,N. Y ity Hon. A. V. Parsons Philadelphia. July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, Attorneys A Counselors at Law, CORNING, . Steuben County, New York. Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson. April 18,1855-ly. YOU DON’T SAY SO? YES SIR, I DO! I say that FOLEY has the best and cheapest assortment of WATCHES I ever saw in Wcllsboro.* Such heavy cases and finished movements you can’t find elsewhere Cal! and see them one door north of B. B. Smith & Son’s, where he will be glad to show them to you, and do any Repairs on Witches, Clocks &. Jewelry, and all warronted. A. FOLEY. Wellsboro* June 11, 1857. S. F. WILSON, O*Removedlo James Lowrey’sOffice. lAS. LOWREY & S. F. WILSON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, willattendtheCourlsof Tioga,Poller and McKean counties. Wellsborough.Feb. 1,1853. H. O. COliE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, Wellsboro'Pa. Shop two doors above Roy’s Drug Store. Every Ihlng in his line of business will be done as well and as promptly as it can be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparationsfor removing dandruff, and beautyfting the hair for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Cal! and see. Wellsboro’, Oct 18,1855. (if r WM- W. & H. W. M’DOUGALL REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A HE engaged in Exploring, Surveying- and Draft inp, Investing Money in .Real Estate, and on Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrants, Locating Land for Settlors on time. They will attend the Land Sales in this and the adjoining districts, where their practical knowledge will enable them to select the best lots. Parties entrusting Money to us for investment will have the benefit of our explorations, No prop erly purchased that we are not personally acquainted with. [Waubashaw, Min. Ter., April 23.] WELLSBORO FOUNDRY -A-N-D- Machine Shop AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. ROBERT YOUNG, late ot the firm of Tabor Young & Co , Tioga, takes this method to in form the public that lie has leased the Foundry and Machine Shop in the village of Wellsboro for a term of years, and having put it in good running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work usually done at such establishments, in the best manner and out ol the best of materia). He has had over twenty years’ experience in the business and will have the work entrusted to him done directly under his supervision. No work will be sent out half finished. MILL GEARINGS. PLOUGHS, STOVES, and castings of all kinds on hand nnd to order. ROBERT YOUNG. Wellsboro May 28, 1857. come AND SEE THE NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WM. WALKER’S 31, Market St. Corning, AND SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES! All the latest Fashionable styles of For men and hoys. Ladies’ Prunelle, Satin, Cloth and Mor occo Gaiters from 4s. to $3,00; Ladies’ Morocco, Calf and en amelled Boots, from 6s. to $2,00; Ladies Morocco Patent Leather, nnd Satin Slippers and Buskins; Men's Patent Leather, Cloth ami Calf Congress Gaiters. & QffiKDIBSk Men's Kip. Calf and Enammelled Brogans; Men’s Patent Leather and Calf Oxford Ties and Slippers; Children's Shoes. Slippers, Gaiters, Hosiery &c., Ladies’ Kqbbers and Sandals, first quality 45.. third quality Is.; Men’s Robbers and San dals. first quality 634 Ladies’ Hosiery, Silk, Lislo and Kid Gloves and Gauntlets. Gent’s Furnishing Goods. Umbrellas, Tranks. Carpet Bags. Silk, Merino and TTool Un dershirts and Drawers, Cravats, Ties, and Scarfs; Suspenders. Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, Linen. Silk and Cotton Hand kercheifs; also an assortment of CROCKERY To be sold cheap for Cash. Corning. April 2ft. 1858. ly WILLIAM WALKER. SUMMER STYLES & FASHIONS. Mrs, M. J. Cirierson, HAS just returned from the City with a fall as sortment of Millinery Goods, which she offers for sale at the lowest cash prices, STRAWS, NEAPOLITANS AND FANCY B ON NET'S, of all prices and descriptions. BORDERS from Is op to 4s. 6d. A nice assortment of FLOWERS of all prices. French Flowers and Box Flowers. A beautiful assortment of RIBBONS, LININGS, LACES, CRAPES SILKS, and all kind of materials for making Summer Winter Mourning Goods Little Boys Hats, Girl’s Flats, and Ladles’ Riding Hats. * All orders promptly attended to. - Bonnets cleaned and done over on short notice. Mrs. Grierson has employed for the season a good Milliner. O* Shop on Main Street, over Niles & Elliott’s Store. [May 13,1658.) THE TIOGA COUNTY AGISTOR. JOHN A. EOT, DRUGGIST & IPDTBECARY. WELtiSBOEO, PA. Wholesale and Rptail dealer in Foreign and Do mestic D R IT O s AND CHEMCAIS, PAIJfTS, Ollis, DYES, TARNISH. WINDOW GLASS, AND PUTTY, BURNING FEU ID, TINCTURES, EYTBACTS, ACIDS, POWDERS, PIEES, LEAVES, HERRS, WRITING INK, ENVELOPES, BRUSHES, COEOGNE, ROOTS, PERFUMERY, SCHOOE ROOKS, PAPER, SEATES, CHILDREN’S TOYS., &C„ ALSO, HAIR OILS, YANKEE NOTIONS, & FANCY GOODS. Almost every variety of Phurnieciitic Preparations, Thompsonian Medicines, BOTANIC AND HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES.' EXTRACT of Pink & Senna for Worms. -I. Price, 25 cents per bottle. SPIGELIA combined with Santonica—a Fluid Extract for Worms. Price 25 cents. WORM LOZENGES for children. Price. 25 cents per box. Also most of the popular patent Vermifuges which are in general use. DR. BEACHE’S Anti Billions Pills—A mild, safe and useful pill for general use; entirely vegetable, and without doubt the best mild pill in use. CATHARTIC SYRUP. — A pleasant palatable physic for children, used as a substitute for Castor Oil. Price, 25 cents per bottle. FARRIER’S OIL—For Horses and Cattle—very Useful for sores, wounds.scratches, galls and in all cases where a healing remedy is required. Price 25 cents. FARRIER’S LINIMENT — For Horses & Cattle A most valuable article for swellings, bruises, sprains, stiff or enlarged joints, windgalls, kicks and sweeney. Price 25 cents. BUCHU LEAVES are procured from the south ern part of Africa. The Hottentots at the capo of Good Hope have long used this article as a remedy in a variety of diseases. From them the medicine was borrowed by the English and Dutch physicians residing there and by their recommend ation it was soon employed in Europe. In process of time this medicine has come into general use, and is highly spoken of by the best medical writers. Physicians recommend it mostly for complaints of the urinary organs, such as gravel, a morbid irrita tion of the bladder and urethra, retention of urine, also incontinence of urine from want of tone in the urinary organs. It cools the unnatural heat and relieves pain; and in many cases of long standing it has been effectual when other valuable medicines had failed to produce an effect. The active princi ple of this medicine is a volatile oil which is mostly lost by the old process of boiling. Hence it requirts great care and skilful management to prepare this medicine properly. FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU is a strong or concentrated preparation prepared by the new process called ‘ Displacement.” By this the valua ble properties of the Buchu are entirely preserved, and this form of the medicine is less liable to injury from age and more pulateable. Useful equally in all cases of the kind whether male or female. Price 75 cents per bottle. For sale at Roy’a Drug apd Chemical Store at Wellsboro Fa. O’This is no patent medicine or quack nostrum or secret remedy, but a new and improved prepara tion of a well known and valuable medicine. T) LEACHING POWDER.—To remove ink and fruit stains See., from linen- Price 12J els per box, with full directions for use, PERMANENT MARKING INK—To mark col •*- lars and other clothing so that the name will not wash out. Price 25 cts per bottle. /CHEMICAL HAIR TONIC.—This compound Is used to prevent the hair from falling off to cause it to grow in thicker—and to restore hair that is growing gray to its original color; it is nicely per fumed and is very pleasant article for toilet use. THE BEST INK in America.—Conger and Fields celebrated Recording Ink. Also David Sl Black’s Permanent Ink for Records and Book keeping. A new supply of these valuable Inks just received at Roy’s Drug Store; also a large quantity Common School Inks. FLAVORING EXTRACTS.—New supply; such Lemon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Peach, Cinnamon, Rose, Nutmeg, Cellery, See. CHOLERA DROPS.—TIic most effectual re me dy for bowel complaints in use. If taken in time it can hardly fail to cure if the directions are strictly complied with. Price 25 cents. (CRYSTAL EYE WATER.—A valoable remedy for sore or Inflamed eyes—with full directions for use. Price 12$ and 25 cts per bottle, pEPHALIC SNUFF.—For Catarrh, Headache &c. Price 25 cents a bottle. A RMENIAN CEMENT.—For mending'broken glass or china ware, with directions for its use Price 4 25 cents per bottle. (Warranted.) MILK OF ROSES,—A pleasant Cosmetic to im prove the complexion and to remove tan and freckles—Price 25 cts. a bo I tie. LOOKING-GLASS PLATES—With or without Frames, for sale at THE DRUGSTORE. BALSAM TOLU.—This balsam is procured from a tree which is found in South America—it is a most valuable remedy for colds, coughs and affec tions of the lungs. Price of Balsam Tolu Cougk Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. ROSEMARY OINTMENT is a useful article for chapped hands, pimples on (he face, burns, scalds, eruptions on the skin Sec. Price 12 and 25 cents per box. MAYER’S OINTMENT.—This ointment has long been held to be a great sect el among the Germans- It is highly valued as a successful cure for fever sores, bad ulcers and sores of almost every kind which are found to be difficult to heal. See di rections on the box. HEADACHE PILLS—For sick headache, ner vous headache and all headache that comes on at regular intervals. BOOKS/: A variety of Children’s Boofs<—Blank Books— School Books, Stationery &c. Also the Depository of the Tioga County Bible Society—containing a large variety of Bibles and Testaments from 6$ cents to 6 dollars. Wellsboro, April 1, } 1858. , J. A. ROY. TO THE LADIES! A New Kind of Soap has recently been invented, which promises to sa. persedo all other kinds of hard soap. It la used ex tensively for washing clothes, and possesses the re markable properly of extracting dirt without boiling the clothes and without (be use of the rubbing board. The process of washing requires less 1 than half the time, and only about half the labor, by using this Patent Soap. This article is peculiarly.excellent, and superior to any thing else called Soap; because while it saves time and labor, it never rots or in jures the clothes. It is jost the article it is repre sented to be, and never disappoints the expectations of purchasers. It does not take out stains. For sale at Roy's Drug Store, Wsllsboro, Pa. lIOWAKD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. IntpoHOmt Announcement. TO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases such as SPERMATORRHOEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF-ABUSE,&c., &c,, . The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia in view ol the awful destruction of human fife and hedth;caosedby Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Con* suiting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, with a description of their con. dition, (age, occapation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment,for the re liefer Che sick and distressed, afflicted with “Viru lent and Epidemic Diseases,’* and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the As sedation commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will-furnish the most approved modern treatment-—-Valuable advice also given to sick and nervous' females, afflicted with Womb Complaint Leucorrhcea, &c. Address* (postpaid,) Dr, GEO. R. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. S South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary, October 25,1856.—1 y. \E\V GOODS! i\EW GOODS WHERE 7 at ERWIN’S new Store! He has justretumed from the City with a choice Lot of Readi-made Clothing. CUOTHS.C ASSIMERES, TESTING and all of which will besold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND NOTHING SHORTER Welfaboro’ Sept. 25, 1856. «EW TAILOR SHOP. The sub scriber has opened anew his shop opposite Roy’s Store and is prepared to ex ecute the orders of his old customers aud others who may favor him with their pat ronage, with neatness fee) it necessary to put his work as it is warranted to famish its own rec ommendation. No garment is permitted logo out of the shop that is not made in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cutting and Fitting. This Department, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live and let live” rulcilhave adopted the Fay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it. Wellsboro 1 , March 13,1856. H. P. ERWIN. Tioga Marble Shop. rj iHE Subscriber has just received a fine lot oj 1 Marble from the Rutland Quarries, suitable for all descriptions of Gravestones, monuments, Cenotaphs, «fcc. He is prepared to execute orders for the above de scriptions of work, in a superior style, and at rea sonable prices. Persons desiring Gravestones of the finer kinds of ITALIAN MARBLE can procure them of the Subscriber. A. Growl, of Wellsboro, is authorized to receive orders for work al this establishment. Tioga, June 10, ’58., tf. A,. D. COLE. ON MANHOOD AND ITS PREMATURE DECLINE Just Published, Gratia, the 50th Thousand, A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL Jr lsi: Treatment without Medicine, of Spermator ~y rhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, gatealft'gy Genital an«l Nervous Debility, Impotency, and Impediments to .Marriage generally,' by The important fact that the many Alarming complaints, originating in the Imprudence and solitude of vouth. nmv be totMly removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, it. in this small tract clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly suc cessful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, bymcans.of which every one is enabled to eure HTMSKLF perfectly And at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free In a sealed envel ope, by remitting (post i>aid) two postage stumps to Dr. B, DE LANEY, 88 East lllst street, New York Citv. April, 29, 1858. CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN HOTEL. Main Street. Wellsboro* Pa. 3D. HART, PROPRIETOR. rpHIS strait-out TEMPERANCE HOTEL has X been lately reopened for the accommodation of the traveling public, and no pains will be spared lo tender it popular with such as may favor it with their patronage. This Hotel is located conveniently for those who desire to lake either the Tioga, Cedar i2un. Couriers port, Mansfield. Covington or Troy Stages- Those desiring lo reach Intermediate places, not on Stage routes, will be accommodated with a conveyance at a reasonable charge. This Hotel will be conducted, as it ever has been, on the “Live and let live’* principle. Charges as low as those of any good Hotel in the County. A good Ostler always in attendance. February, 18, 1858. Post Office Notice. Mails close at the TTellaboro’ Post Office ns follows; Eastern mail, via Tioga, daily at 10% o’clock a. m. Eastern and Southern, via Mansfield and Troy, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7]4 o’clock a. m. Eastern and Southern. ria“Covington and Troy, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7}4 o’clock a. dj. Southern, \ia Jersey Shore" Tuesday and Friday at 1% o’- clock p. m. Western, via Couriers port, Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a. m. Mails arrive as follows : Northern 4c., via Tioga, daily, by 1 o'clock, p. m. Eastern &c., via Troy and Mansfield, by 6 o’clock p. ra., same dajs of leaving - . Eastern 4c., via Troy and Covington, by 7 p. m.,same days of leaving. Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday 4 Friday, by 12 m. Western, via Couderaport, Tuesday and Friday by 5 p. m. Sept. 17.1557. I. 3>. RICHARDS, P. M FOLEV has a fine assortment of heavy ffiSmJSE LETHKE. JEWJHTPJKB TOffdEIJBS, which he will sell cheap on short time. All kinds of REPAIRING done promptly. If a job of work is not done to the satisfaction of the party ordering it, no charge will be made. Grateful for past favors my desire is to merit a continuance of the same. Weilsboro, Jane 24,1858. Corning Book Store. THE Subscribers have removed to the large and elegantly fitted op brick store—.four doors cast of Concert Block, Corning—and will keep on hand a large assortment ofNew Books; among which are RELIGIOUS STANDARD WORKS, HISTORICAL BOOKS, TALES OF FICTION. POETICAL WORKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, Blanks, Stationery and Wall Paper, N. Y. Daily and Weekly pipers, all the Magazines at Publishers prices. All for sale cheap. Coming, Sept. 24. '57. ROBINSON & CO. CAMPHENE & FLUID—at je. 14. TRUMAN & BOWEN’S. Blank marriage certificates, for sale at this OSes. June 24,1988. WEIISIifIRO BOOK STOSS And News-Office. The subscribers, having long be. lieved a LITE BOOK-STORE * "XE WS OFFICE to be one of the essentia] accommodations which the good people of WeHsbo ro were prepared to appreciate and sustain, have es tablished themselves one door above Niles &- Elli ott's Store, where they will keep a first-rate selec tion of the best and most popular -NEWSPAPERS - DAILY & WEEKLY, POLITICAL, s - LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC. Together with the various ILLUSTRATED PA PERS published. Also, all the leading saA. TERBELL, •Successor io W. TERBELL & SON, CORNING, N. Y. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, In Drugs & Medicines , Lead , %inc, & Colored Painty Oils , vnrnishes, Brushes , Camphene Sg Burning Fluid , Dye Stuffs, Sash A* Glass , Pure Liquors for Medicine, Patent Medi cines, Artists Paints Sf Brushes , Perfumery , Fancy Articles , Flavoring Extracts , also: A general assortment of Schdol Books, Blank Books, Staple and Fancy Stationery. Physicians, Druggists, and Country Merchants dealing in any of the above articles can he supplied at a small advance on New York prices. Sept. 3, 1857. i Store Goods in i'ioga Tillage BALD WIN, LOWELL $ CO. ‘ Have a small Stock 4 of Gtlods on hand, bought in view of the light times, which will be sold very low for Cash or any kind of Produce. We are located at our old stand in Tioga' Village, directly opposite the Mammoth Store of Charges O. Etz. We would further say to ;all those indebted to u» by note, or book account; that we must have pay or costs will be made. We'll lake Cash or any and all kinds of Produce at thej highest market prices. BALDWIN, LOWELL & CO. Tioga, Kov. 26,1857; . STEAM FLOURING MILL. At msUnsbnrg, Penna. THE new and splendid Steam Mill at Mainaburg is now in foil operation, and the proprietor is prepared to do custom work er flouring with neat ness and despatch. This Mill has 4 run of stone and is capable of grinding SO bushels per bonr. Persons bringing Grain td this Mill can have U ground ly take home with them; and we will war. rant them as good work as can be done m this re gion of country. LYMAN WETMOBE. Prim'r Oct. 8.1857. R. K. BRUNDAGE. Agent. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL,. WO. 1018, Chestnut,St,-Philadelphia. ™- a. MUPiTRI. 1 . r,. a» C. N.:DARTT, destist. Office at his Residence; near *Ae Academy. All work pertaining to his line of business done promptly and Warranted. I (April 52,1858.] Alcohol, A KIOHOL. 95 per cent, for Burning JOoM, at wtalee*}* ±jl *>J Corning, (Chn.) W. D, TEKBELL fISSSBte ' tioga chmsnr WM. S. OAJtPBBtt &' CO, PEOPRIETOBB. NEW PIRM^ BALDWIN, LOWELL 41 ARE bow receiving a very choice selected assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODg I Groceries and ProTi*i # l r and are prepared to furnish them to cuiw/ At Reasonable Price, As they can be bought in any other i tj Customers can rely upon finding »l si! article they may wish, and all Good, be as represented. Silks, and Ladles’ Dress Gm [ Latest Styles, and adapted to every varan, t mings. Ladles will do well to call and «UeJ* Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Lowell A- Co., have always, a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Oh thy which will be sold at the lowest CASH fcSJ ALSO, H Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, d Stone, Hollow and Wooden ffjj Iron, teel. Nails, Oils, Point, and Dye-Stuff* of every kind and of the best quality , with BOOTS ie SHOES, for Enerfc *,» All kinds of Country Product lain,,! change for good* at the market-price*. 1 Tioga, July 2, 1857. WHO'LL GET THE NOMINg? FOR SHERIFF? THAI’S THE qtESTlti Believing it the true policy to kh^ old stock of Goods so as to make new one, 1 have concluded for the benefit of* kind in general and myself in patlicnJv, dj the public the balance of my *to€i of Grx& grea l ly redneed prices for Cash, or any grain, or butter. For the information of those who sty til avail themselves of this opportunity of ntttf little money I will enumerate a few of end the prices at which T shall sell them, flour, extra superfine, manufactured it Rochester, warranted lipitop Superfine, not warranted, Mess Pork, per bbL. •[ Salt, by Ihcbbi ** Sack Nails, by the keg “ by the pound * g Double refined Sslaralus, per bbl f Pearl Starch ) Extra tallow Candles y Home made Kip Boots . j-j Ladies’ Kip Shoes.. g “ Enameled Jg “ Calf lUj M Gaiter5, fr0m ............ 7rtoli J. 1. Nick’s & H. J.. Grant’s fine cal Tobacco, In papers, per lb bk 41 loose, by weight kli Sugars, at (be lowest possible figure. Teas, at reduced prices; 4s at 3» 6d, U4k fid, 6s at 5s 4d Dry Goods, too numerous to meßtiositpoa that cannot tail to please. Ladies’ collars and embroidery at cod. DeLaines, Chailies, Calicoes, Bleacbsd Maa and a thousand and one things mien figure than have ever been offered in flop County. Come! one and all ! and purchasewhaiail you want at the above prices. Tioga, Aug. 12, ’5B. CHAS. 0. ETZ. ifl THOMSON & FAMIMMj 7HRE&LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS _ Coesiso, 5.1 A ETNA FIRE'INSURANCE C 0„ A- Of Hartford, Conn.—Capital*!,* DHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of Hartford, Conn.—Capital® HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO, IX Of Hartford CL, CapiUl Iffl! CONNECTICUT FIRE INSURANCE CO, Of Hartford Conn. Capital PEOPLE'S FIRE JNSURANOECO. Of New York City—Capital* MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANTS >A- Of New York City—Capital J'EW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE^ » Accumulated Capital The subscriber having succeeded to the trance business of Geo. Thompson, lake risks and issue policies in ibe aboie' mwn and reliable ttock Companies. Farm-buildings insured for llireejwn*!' most ds low as those of mutual compaw® All losses will be promptly and satis?!-’ ed and paid at this office. Applications by mail will receive pros*! ll on. P. J. FARRINGTON,! C. H THOMSON, i" , Concert Corning, April 29, 1858. 88. WALTOS’B MERICAN PIL 1! JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. YOUNG AMERICA VICTOR One small box of Pills cures ninety^i#^ ' a hundred. Wo balsam, no mercury,» . ic breath, no fear o£ detection. Two jae; tasteless and harmless as water- □ns are given, so that the patient can i certain as witli the advice of theflioitdrT irgeon, and much better than je of little experience in this class cl Sent by mail to any part of the country ng one dollar to Dr. D. G* Walioa, r sventh st. below /{ace, Philadelphia iunt to the trade. None genuine 91 . , tf j n signature of Dr. D. G. Walton, WrjN Dr. W.’s treatment for entirely different from the usual coQf** J is cured hundreds who have tried tnefit. The treatment is as certain in is to rise. Enclose a stamp, * f, as above, giving a foil history of J** f ju will bless the day you made the bat is certain—A RADICAL CURE* March 11, ’5B. (ly) WILCOX & SEI% WHOLESALE $ RETAIL VLUP OLE