The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 18, 1858, Image 3

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    jg in. Post Office at Wells*
f i boro : ‘j Johnson Ketfton B-' -
; Ball Mss MartyeH ■
&• •r • : ' ■Stw'Mrf EocyM.- •, ’ <
AitfcJ *■ Kockwvll JUt. Myrro „
MUf { " T V Eccrist Ur.
Sotbo! B. SpeorlT. '
Orson , ; Steel Hlmm ■
r .i e v, nUoro. 1 ' Scdtt Horton V.
CoU«- ■ Stone Q».W. , ’
n,TOO« Signs Eteazitf ■
viliffortb Cbc* tel « .Underbill* Ihomos W,
■ -Watkins T. 0“ : •-■
laoonn-D 311161 Woodßnn Simon Jr,
johDion E- v M Webb Elis
Joocs Bis fl' 6 * • -Wagner Hcnrlcb
j onM Bfibrrf n Williamson Abner
lewiiJobn ( , G f the above'letters will please say
_ [Not. IS.} 1 I. a BieUARDS, P. u.
TM, popular- Art Aasocialidn, now ia.iLa fiah
of unparalleled success.having purchased, and
“Led on sleel, Herring 1 - great puintmg, “Tub
Bucksmith,” will now issue copies (lo
ntecribers only) on heavy plate paper, 30 * 33
An on the following
r (trr person remitting three dollars , wijfrepeive
enpyof the superb Steel Engraving, a tier Her
mg’i celebrated Painting, ’
J,,,copy of the beautiful
otlertnlly illustrated quarto Magazine. ■ Also
tc season tickets oi admission to the 'Eastern (or
jyjjgldorf,) and Western Galleries of the Aeso-
B There will also be given to the subscribers sev-
Ll hundred valuable works of Art,comprising fine
DJ Painiing-s Bronzes, Sculptures, dtc , frora
erlcbrated American and foreign Artists. ' .
Soincripiions will be received up lo Jan. 1,1859.
Oolite treeing of that dale the premiums will be
Raided to subscribers.
For full particulars, see December Aet Journal,
r.;e 50 cents. Specimen copies sent to those dc-
PSJJ io subscribe, on the receipt of 18 cents in
aage stamps or coin. Address
C,L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.,
Eisiern Office, 548 Broadway, N,
jrWeilern Office, 166 Water-Si., Sandusky,O,
I'jTpnber 18, 1-858.
Have You Seen Them?
Tlitl superb Engraving, w Thb Village Black*
jtte;'snd ihe beautiful Art Journal, which arc
lart.islKd (o subscribers of the Cosmopolitan- Art
iflocuiion, can now be seen at the Post Office, for
i ikl time only. See advertisement elsewhere
laded—New Features* • •
h rou wish to secure s copy of that clegant-En
pifiog, “Tub Village Blacksmith," and the Art
J«mL,«Uh the other premiums, -be sure and sub
fcriiw $3. before the Ist of Jan. 1859. Specimen
np,ei of the above, and full particulars given, by
j;At(i£ to I. D. RICHARDS, Agent.
Cm advertisement elsewhere headed—New Fea
Over seventy pages—choice articles—elegantly
ioßraled—t-plendid Steel Engravings. Price 50
«nln. Specimen copy sent, on receipt of 18 cents,
is stamps or coin. Address
C. L. DERBY, 548 Broadway, N. Y.
LY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Fi, Fa. Lew. Ka.
[) and Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Com.
son Pleas of Tioga County and to me directed I
rill expose to public sale on MONDAY, the gth
nr of December next, at one o’clock afternoon, in
be Court House, Wdlsboro, the following described
properly, (o tvil:
Abt: of land in the Boro of Welfsboro, Tioga County, north I
tenue. commencing at a point in thoavenuc ouekun- !
Wind twenty f-Yt from its interaction with walnut street I
b» direction north forty-fire degrees west, thenco north
[cvlk I f P»'M«tßoliundtwl and fifty foot to Grafton
r'■ Ib ™f fo " th forty-five doprees vast alfinß Grafton it.
helondred anil twenty feet to Walnut street, thence south
to' il! wcst a| oo? Walnut street two hundred and
aT " m --“"I thence along the same north J
j t west one bundled and twenty feet to the
, “* c ® an,e Jnore or leas, with the appurtenances,
r !u Qne r ? in<J t' v o*story dwelling house, one frame
other oct budding? and some fruit trees thereon.—
ilvC d . A t the pro P ert J‘ of James t». Magill.
*°t of laud m MulUlebury township. bounded
- T a!ram Day. east by James Abbott, south by Henry
• utrl wr«: by James Chnrchill—containing ahont
~ l^ enl ?-S‘e or thirty .acres Improved, lop and
• -fl-mjc. log iiarn an( j a few fruit trees thereon. Tube
rr " r ‘ en - r ” f Wm * -Baird.
hmd in Shippon township, bounded as fol
• , .f 1 * 1 R. W. Wheeler—cast by A. Bartles. south by
JL. w cst hy James Wilson and Bobbin's lot—
ff-rM i l5 , c * 6lxt > acres, about twenty-five acres ini-
bousea > on ° ‘ log barn and an apple orchard
4u.11, ko 'd property of Ezra V. Beane.
: JCti li !D -R Q riand township bounded north
T ud ’ £ S! on ftaJ -^ mar i.ih Bobbins, east by Isaac Bent
* WQt b by William ifrace and Nelson Gould,
cuf.rt* ues an^B * Rose—containing one hundred
LiuH,. acrcs Cn l ,r ' , 'cd, with a log house thereon. To be
P rc, F*nr ef Joseph Andrewe. -
hu-, r 01 <J ‘ * an( * m Tioga township, bounded north by
I n? l l etson . ,ca -'‘ L ky street, south by-public
b J’ ni>;ciing house alley, with two frame
i'O.Eii..., 10 * . Se ' sma ß barn and a few fruit tree* there-'
i-ra.? Sft >oul oae aor °- To be sold aa the property
AL£iy -mzaian.
: “!i bv t! ' ' a ‘ :i f'l.'uicr township, bounded on the
ism o n fl ' omM >t‘bo<‘n« v er, James Smith and Samuel
issia’see «nd by l>r »tchard and Hemingee, south by
•*: ron , bcbwjiiurcr, and west by Aai'on Schoon
-30 *erf.«T^r n^l^ Ul ' hundred and three acres and
’fruit irwLß ,v * ,J house, two frame barm And a
lain. l&creoa - To bo sold as the property of Jtenry
b Phebt llrjfpr* Westfield township, bounded north
’TUinaruL?*'* 1 ! ,- v N'dry Brottnn and Tuttle, bouUi
Daiy and Charles Maynard—con-
L fts :c pruTcii < eight-tenths acres, and about sixty
corn house,
* lJst r , rrr»rtv ii an a >T'h-orchajd thereon. To be Bold
U&i—X lot r 1 , lie l C- Strang and George S. Brown.
1 . * n Clyraer township, bounded north
U j aa ' aLd Tate, east by St Trowbridge,
ar ° 5t Skinner—containing one
k hua« ff-j,. •; acrefi . with about thirty acres Improved,
' n anii apple orchard thereon. To be
AVWSof? cf / ll J ah T. skinner.
Jan ' l in the township of Chatham bounded
j'L*outK «. v ' llort ‘*. ,, y Charles Fuller, west by Jacob
: :*is.ric " dhelm, by Constant Avery
1 1 .-IK., )iA C V-‘ sbt acrc, » and about twenty-five acres
v ‘ii ,ramc l, arn and a few fruit trees thereon.
of Chauncey Hoaord.
, m Westfield township, beginning at
°f l!ia<i of c ypn»n Eaatmau, thence
u.^? liD ’ 6 rods to a post, thence
jl'riVfctr to ’C. Eastman, Secord and Am
i, **t vT ntr ti„ eoatil ei^e °f rire Cowanesque Biyer
lias <f n * DC , t ‘ c^ s terly along skid river rods to
c-'; u <W. l , r i-, e °f David Uexford thenco south
is«i. : *?hoar-L Vest bne t 0 riie place of beginning—
b* r . “tfi: ana more rr with two dwelling houses,
r^ks^T' s r, i Johnu*^ 6 thereon. To be sold as
It Bir n i,.I 1 . 1 , 10 township, bounded north
i4ttJt B ' : »n-U»ir !kBt - by Jose P l * Harding, west
i». Rn7 1 . tainmg a V° ut 230 acres, more or Its a,
i-v flvui Q acTes improved, one frame house,
, aa e orchard thereon.
v'i Il * rtl i l n ‘■“illvan township, bounded north
kjcbfti, a 7^- Qt f '°* e * Kt hy land formerly
h-Snjuli, south by land of. John
•“> and west by land of Zopher Tears
. lain e about 102 acres, about.6o acres
ciiin-j house and afew fruit trees there-
Cfcj l °. r of land in Rutland township,
R.»« t land lori heTly owned by Uetuan
i.. j°? the east by the Bradford Co.
. 4 Possession of George Crippen
form^-i’ aud 0D the oast by Grandlson Wat*
f ts t*M^ CT!rT Wor.i oTVncd by Peter Wheeler, George
\ tit'?. ftCr w or thnra!? a ? d Martin—containing two
k tv,n rJr w 'th ahontlOO acres improved,
th ouse /ame barns, frame shed, apple orchard
lo be sold os the preferty of John
rn by township bounded north
a J s aun pple » south by Bingham hinds,
aerce i f T ,n!r C 0 thirty-four acres, about
“PPle o^ aT ? ftt ®e hansel-frame barn,
tbe ”° D ‘ T ° **“
£ : *p, S?* I ** s . Tat t?**v Wrcoc ® r * u ®» bounded north by
by o .orm&D Strait* south by, Lewie
«£• ° a « frame Str * 6^7' c °i4ainlog one fourth of
ft?* 011 * T ° be Lj?,’ *??? frame house and some fruit
lot W V <3t Jhcob o. Uon-
I ®«»ta'l »OTn>ehip > boiißd«laorUi
ruacsB ß from KoeerfUe to Paggatt
H™ Eoad, and vert by E. Eoso
wlfvSSSfT ““Sthaitacre, all improved,-wrtli a frame
hoote inuoe-barn and nore home thereon. .
A towmihlp, bounded ndrtbby W.
bV Tt ll^diSSirii 0 ' “° ntb by J °bp Benson, west
by B. fifty-five acres*, about .July acres Im
pToyfld, with two frwno houses, one barn, blacksmith
»bop wad two .apple orchards thereon. To be sold as the es
tate of 5 Harrison Robbins. - •
4^ SQ T A Piece °f land .In CpvSogtop 'towagfrip, bounded
and desmlicd aafqUows: Beginning at a hemlock post stand
ing on the north aide of warrant No. 5499 la tho name of Geo.
Mead, the north-west corner thereof; thence’ east by line of
said warrant IO4S-10 perches to a post, south and near the
state road, the north-east comer hereof; thecce south 120
rods to a post; thence west 131 4-10 perches to a post the
south-east corner, and a lot formerly belonging to Oliver El
liott, and the south west corner thereof, north one and one
fburth degrecaeast by theUnc of said Elliott’s lot 97 and 4-10
perches to. a post on the north side of tbe State road; thence
north 72 degrees east by said toad 26 porchei to a post; tbeuco
north 20 and 0-10 porches to tbepluc.-of beginning-rcontain
ing 88 acres and 120 perches and allowance, with about SO
acres improved, a dwelling house, frame barn and apple orch
ard thereon.
••Also—A piece of land in Covington township, adjoining
the above described lot, beginning at a post the north-east
corner of land formerly owned by John Yeomans; thence by
said Teomanssouth 165 perches to a beech tree, thence by
warrant line to a post corner of David Davis •
thence by said Davis north 80 perches to a post; thence by
said Davis west 15 perches to a liemlock tree; thence by
Avery GtlJett north 75 perches to a post; thence bv lots sur
vcyed to Remington «t Haven east perches to the place
of fifty-nine acres more or less with
about ten acres improved thereon. To be sold as tho proper
ty oY Thonfas T. Strait and M; Strait his wife. - '
ALSO-7A jlece orparcel of land situate'in Clymer town
ship,.bounded on the north by land’of J. M. Harper and M.
Sears, or the east by .land of M. Sears, on the south by laud
of .Lott Hackett, and on .the .west by lands of Isaac Sears—
containing forty-five acres of land, with about thirty acres
improved, with qno frame house, one log house and a saw
mill and an apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the prop
erty of Levi Stevens.
ALSO—-A lot In Richmond township, bonndod north
by Travis and toner, ease by and R. Watson, s’th
by road running from Mansfield to Elmira, and west,by Wm.
M. Johnson and E. Sperry—containing about one hundred
and twenty acres with forty acres improved, one frame house,
one frame barn or shed thereon. -
Also— One other lot of land in Richmond township bound
ed jis follows:. North by Clark Bartlett and William Ens
wortb, cast by F. Ashley, John C. Clark and Thomas Ames,
south by Philip ,S. Ripley, ami west by D. L. Holden—con
taining about one hundred and sixty-two acres, with 85 acres
improved, one frame house, one frame barn, corn house, ap
ple orchard and other fmit trees thereon. To be sold as tho
property of John M. Cassels. ,
ALSO—A Ibt of land in Ward township, bounded on the
north by Amos Knapp and M. Comfort, on the east by W.
Mclptosb, ou tbe south by 51. Mclntosh, and on the west by
John How—containing one hundred and sixty-three acres
and thirty-three perches, about seventy-five acres improved,
a frame tarn, log bouse and small orchard thereon. To bo
sold as the property of B. L. Knight.
ALSO —A lot or parcel of land situate in tho Boro'of Elk
land, beginning at the centre of State road on the west line
of John Ryon and the east lineof Joel Porkhurst at the south
- east corner of said Joel Parkhurst’s orchard; thence north
one hundred and fifty-two perches to the north bank of Camp
creek; thence north eighty degrees cost, down said creek,
’twenty-fonr perches on the north bank of said creek to a
■take; thence one hundred and fifty-three perches ami two
tenths to the centre of said State road; thence north seventy
degrees west twenty-four perches and six links totheplace of
beginning—containing twenty-one acres and thirty-one rods
of land, oil improved, the same more or less—containing two
frame dwelling bouses, frame barn with out buildings and
some fruit trees thereon, excepting however a certain lot of
land, containing about one-half acre, ou the south-west cor
ner of said lot and conveyed by deed of J. L. Davenport and
wife to Syivania Ryon. To be sold as the property of W.
ALSO—A lot ot land tn.Dclmar township,boundeed north
by A. Coolidge, east by J. Peet, south by C»ton Merrick, west
by H. fifty-one acres more or less, with
fifty acres improved, one tog house and one frame barn and a
small apple orchard thereon. To be sold a& the property of
Jacob L. Webster.
ALSO—A lot of land m Liberty township, bounded north
by lAods-of John GoodseH, -cast by Lewis ScntJiager, south
by Joseph Kroger, and west by Clarendon Rathbone—con
taining sixty-five acres 4 about 30 to 30 acres improved, large
two story Inyne house, frame barn,-frame wagon house,
other out buildings and an apple orchard thereon. To be
.sold os the property of Sabina Coon.
ALSO—AII the interest uf Alexander Mattison in a certain
tract of land situate in Westfield townsihp, bounded on the
north by lot No. 42 of tiro Bingham lands, called the Mayn
ard lot and lot No. 30 now or late in possession ot John ii.
Brown & Co x on the east by tot No. 35 contracted to Stephen
Labar and No. 4b contracted to Wu). Labar, on the south by
lot No. 75 contracted to lienj. Mattison, and on the west by
lot 'No. 42 aforesaid; it being lot No. 45 of the subdivision of
Bingham lauds in Westfield township and part of warrants
No. 1231 A 1519—-containingone hundred and forty-nine and
two tenths acres, on which is improved one hundred acres,
Svjlh a house, barn, shed and some fruit trees thereon.
also —All the right, title and interest .of the stud Alexan
der Mattison to the following described land in Caines town
ship, bounded on the north by wanant No. 2335 W. Williuk
uaraantee, on the dost by land of Silas ifilhngs, on the south
by tho J Cafsaw lot, C. honour, S. B. Barnes, and other lauds
of said Mattison, and on tho west by lands formerly belong
ing to J. Si. Pbenix and A V. Parsons, excepting and rcserv
iug therefrom two acres sold to A. P. Cone —containing seven
hundred acres or thereabouts.
Alsu —Another lot lyiug south of above lot, bounded on
the east by iiioa Billings, south by B. G. White, wist by the
Carsaw lot and north by other lands of the said Mattison—•
Containing foi ly-eiglit acres and six-tenths of an acre. L'pon
the two but disciibed lots la about uuc bundled and thirty
acres improved, a tavern house a barn, fi\o duelling houses,
one saw mill, Cue shanties, two barns and some ftuiCUees.
To be sold as the property of Alexander Mattison Jr.
Also —All the light, title and interest of Harris Mattison
to the following descubed I mJ in Uidaea township, bounded
on the north by wariaut No. 2335, W. Williuk warrantee, on
the east by land ot Cilas Billings, on the south by the J. Car
aaw lot, C. Beuuur, S. B. Barnes s«d other lands of suld Mat
tison/und on the west by lands formerly belonging to J. S.
Pbenix and A. V. Parsons, excepllngatid reserving therefrom
two acres sold to A. P. Cone—containingseicnhuudred acres
or theicaboutd.
lot lying south of abovn lot, bounded on the
east by Silas Billings, south by it. G. \\ hite, west by the Cur
saw lot,, and north by othur lands of said MMtison—contain
ing forty-eight ucres and six-tenths of an acre. Upon the
two lasfdescribed lots i> about one hundred and thirty acres
improved, a tu'cru house, bain, five dwelling bouses, ouesaw
mill two obanties, two burns and some fiuit trees. To bo
sold os the properly*! Liams Muttison.
Sheriff’s Office, Wpllsboro, >uv. 18, IsOS.
New a.
ROE bus associated with him in business, Mr.
Jerome Smith. The business will hereafter be con
ducted undectfie name and style of W. A. Roe &
Co. W. A. ROE,
Poslscript. All those indebted te ihe subscriber
by note or Book account, are requested to make im-
mediate payment.
Wellsboro, Nov. 8,1858.
which is large and complete, and to which he invites
the attention of the Goods buying pnblic. I will
not blow about prices, as wo' are not accustomed to
playing on »ind instruments. But'please call and
tee, and if the Goods and Prices do not suit you, we
do not expect In sell,
Nov. 2d, 1858.
Dress Goods,
A larcc and very fine Slock of Dress Goods at
You will find nl Osgood Va-fine slock ofCLOTHS,
GLOVES, MITTENS, aud a lull slock of Furnish
ing Goods. You will find il cheaper and far more
pleasant lo buy and wear- good warm under gar.
menls than lo pay doctor’s bills.
©lL©® 31 3 5.1 ©a
A large stock of Business, Dress, and Over Coals,
Pants, Vests, Over Shirts, Overalls, Guernsey Jack,
eis, &,c., at OsGOOD’B.
A very desirable slock. Teas from 2s up. Choice
brands of Flour constantly on hand,
A full slock of Cullery & Shelf Hardware; in fad
nearly everything in the line, from a Jinch Brad to
a r Crpv*-b^r.
HO N '
Swede's* English, Horse-Shoe, Band, Hoop, Round,
Sqifarc* Rdotfd, Square, hulfroond and oval rods.
Spring, Cast, -Blister, German and Cork Steel. Hail
rods, Horse-Nails, &c., 6ic.
A large slock—embracing nearly every style and
price. N- B. No number* over 14, at
November, 11, 1838. Orgeod’fl■
Me7t-ioga gotTnoTy7XaitatS~ef
assortrnent of the' choices
®|fw* Apple, Pear, and Cherry Trees,
good order.
Apple trees for 820 per hundred. Oar inteufion
ts to have the trees bear just such fruit ds the labels
call for,' We would invite those wanting fruit trees
to call at the Nursery and examine for themselves
before purchasing elsewhere. ’
Tioga Village, Nov, 11,1858,
"VrOTfCE TO ASSESSORS.—You are required
Xi In malting your assessment for the year 1859,
to assess all persons between the ages of 21 and 45
years, in your opinion, capable of performing mill*
lory duty, otherwise yon will be dealtwith accord*
ing to law, ‘ Per order of Military Board,
Liberty, Nov. 11, 1858.
STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber,
on or about the 28th of October, a RED TWO
YEAR-OLD STEER. Information concerning
the same will be thankfully received.
order issued out of the Orphans* Court of Ti
oga County, I will expose to public sale, on the
premises, Friday, the 3d day of December next, at
one o’clock P. M-, the following real estate, late the
properly of Benjamin K. Chapman, of Sullivan, in
said county dec’d. In wit;
A lot of land in ’ Sullivan. Tioga county, bounded
north by lands of the heirs of Tlios. E. Rcxfdrd,on
the east by lands of James Buggies, soutit ,by lands
of John Evans and west by lands of (he heirs of
Garret Compton—containing about 50 acres.
Terms on day of sale. H. B. CARD,
Sullivan, Nov. 11, 1858. Admr.
BANK NOTICE.— To the Stockholders of the
Tioga County Bank: You arc hereby notified
that the annual election of Directors of the above
Bank' will bo held at its Banking house in Tioga Pa.,
on Friday, November 26, 1858.
Nov. 4,185 a., E. P. STEERS, Cashier.
at (Nov. 4, ’5B) SMITH 6c. RICHARDS’,
NOTICE is hereby given that all persons who
have not lifted their licenses, lying in this office,
must do so during the December term of Court or
they will be prosecnled in pursuance of law.
O. F. TAYLOR, Treasurer .
Treasurer’s Office, Wellsboro, Nov. 4, 1858.
THE copartnership heretofore existing between
the Subscribers under the name and style of
Truman & Bowen is this day dissolved by mutual
Wellsboro, Oct. 15, 1853.
ETThe business will be conlinued by the subscri
ber, wtlh whom the books and accounts are left (or
settlement. J. R. BOWEN.
Admiuistratoi’s Sale.
PURSUANT to an order issued out of the Or
phuu’s Court of Tioga County, State of Penn*
sylvania, and to us directed, we will expose to pub*
lie sale at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Friday
the 3d day of December next, at 11 o’clock in the
forenoon uf said day, the following tract of land sit
uate in Richmond township, Tioga Co. Pa., bounded
on the north by lands now in possession of
Griggs, on tho cast by Benjamin Jones, on the south
by the County road, and on the west by H. U. Dent
—cont.iiningaboulSS acres improv’d,
frame house, frame barn and some fruit trees there*
on. To be sold as the estate of Sami. Goodall,
dee’d. ELLEN GOODALL. Admr’x,
of Estate of Samuel Goodall dec’d.
E STRAY.—Came to the enclosure of the Sub.
scriber, on or about the 20lh of September, a
lijftil red two years old Steer. The owner can have
the same by paying charges.
Middlebury, Oct. 28, 1858.
La Fleur De Lis.
Edited by Mesdames Sawyer LeSage,
THE New Monthly in French* designed for the
use of schools and fur all who wish lo make
or keep themselves familiar with the language.—
Beautifully printed and filled with the choicest of
current literature, juriginal and selected.
TERMS: 81,50 per annum; 5 copies, $7; 10
copies $l2. Teachers willing to act as agents will
pic isc write ns. Wc will fill orders for French,
Italian, Spanish oi German hooks on the most rea.
sonablc terms H- H. LLOYD &, CO.
Oct. 2S, ’5B, [3m*J 348 Broadway, New York
HAVING taken the Room over BAILEY’S
Store, takes this method of informing the cit
izens of Wcllsboro and vicinity that he is prepared
to execute orders in his line of business with prompt,
oiess and dispatch, hoping by strict attention to
business to merit the confidence and support of those
who may favor him with their orders.
CUTTING done on short notice.
Wcllsboro, October 2i, 1858. 6m.
W. A. Roe.
npIHE undersigned would respect
il fully inform the public that he
has undertaken the above business
at the stand formerly occupied by
John Alexander, one door above Roy’s Drug Store.
With a determination lo be behind no oilier estab
lishment in'the country, he added greatly to (he
facilities for the general accommodation, and lias
spared neither pains or expense lo obtain and make
himself muster of every modern improvement in
the business, and to secure ihe services of the best
workmen. He will keep a large stock on hand, and
manufacture at the shortest notice, ail descriptions
of HARNESS, such as
Traces, Hames , Haliers, Whips, etc ,, etc ,
All of which he will warrant to be equal lo any that
can be obtained in any other establishment in the
country. All he asks is Ihal those desiring any.
thing in this line, should cal] at his place and ex
amine his stock. He feels the fullest confidence iu
ins ability to give entire satisfaction.
ID” All orders thankfully received nnd promptly
attended to. JOSEPH ENSWORTH.
Wcllsboro* October 28, 1858.
Stoves , Stoves ,
WM, ROBERTS respectfully announces to the
citizen* of Wcllsboro und vicinity, that he
has just received a Urge addition to his slock of
now prepared to furnish his numerous customers
with articles in his line of business superior to any
thatcan be obtained in this section of country—>
His slock consists in pari of
COOK A 1N T D parlor stoves.
Also a large assortment of.
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware,
' hardware. &c., &c.
Particular attention paid to pulling on
Tin Roofs, JSave- Troughs Conductors.
Repairing done on shorj. notice with readiness
and dispatch. Those 1 wishing ‘Goods in ibis line
will find it to thehr interest to'call and examine my
stock before purchasing elsewhere; as they will be
sold at fair prices.
CTDon't forget the place, one door below Bowen’s
Store. [WcTlsboro, October, 74, 1858.]
- CHARTERED, 1855.
Pittsburg, Pa.
300 Students attending, January, IBsB<
Now tbo largest and most thorough Commercial School o£
the United States. Young men prepared for the actual duties
of the Counting Koom.
J. C. Smith. A. M., Professor of Book keeping and Science of
A. T. Doathett, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Cal-
J. A. Ileydrick and T. C. Jenkins, Teachers of Book-keeping.
A. Cowley and W. A. Miller, Profs, of Penmanship.
As used in.every department of business.
Are taught, and all other subjects necessary for
the success and thorough education of practical business men.
Drawn all the "premiums In Pittsburg for the past three
years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing—
Students enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited —
Review at pleasure—Graduates assisted in obtaining situa
tions— I Tuitmu for full Commercial Course, $35,00. Average
time 8 to 12 weeks —Board, $2,50 per week—Stationery, sd,
Entire cost, ■560.00 to $70.00
Ministers soha.received at half price.
For Card —Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamen
tal Writing—inclose two stamps and address
Sept. 23J1868, ly. F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburg. Pa,
Luther R. Burlingame &. 8,, Principal.
(4 competent Assistant will be secured)
THE -Winter Term will commence Wednesday,
December 15lh, 1858, and will close on Satur
day, February 261 h, 3859 ; the Spring Term, Tues
day, March' Bih, and will close on Friday, May 13lh ;
llie Summer Term, Tuesday, May 3UI, and will
close on Friday, August I2th.
Juvenile Department, -
Common English Branches,
Higher English Branches,
Language*, ....
Guard and rooms furnished in private families at
oadinury prices. Also rooms may be secured by
those desiring to board themselves. Actual payment
of term bills or satisluctory ibr them
to be made at the beginning of the term. Wo de
duction made for absence lor less than half a term
except in cases of protracted illness. Students vol
untarily leaving before the term closes, or being ex
pelled for disorderly conduct, will have no deduction
made from full tuition.
The design of the School is, to furnish facilities
for those desiring it, to continue their Academic
course of study, and also lo prepare the Teachers of
Common Schools for the discharge of the duties of
their profession, No exertion will be spared lo reo
dcr the mental culture thorough, and to cultivate in
the student a constant self-reliance.
From the County Superintendent.
♦ * Mr. L. 11. Burlingame la a gradua.c of Brown Umver
slty nnd an experienced toucher. X. X. Reynolds, Or, Sup't. •
From Geo. I. Chacc, Prof, of Chemistry in Brown Cniveraityj
♦ ♦ In Chemistry Mr. Burlingome has made more than or
dinary * * * The undesigned believes him
to be a gentlem.m of the most worthy cbtuacter, and cordial
ly commends him as such to any who may desire the kind of
service, whether in instruction or otherwise, for which his
training has specially qualified him.
Geo. I. Covcb, Prot. of Chemistry
Nor. 4th. ISSS. J. N. iJACHE
Administrator’s Sale.
PURSUANT lo an order Issued out of die Or
phan’s Court of Tioga County. Stale of Penn
sylvania, and to u* directed, we will expose to pub
lic sale at the Court House in WclNboro, on Friday
ihe 10th day of December next, at 2 o’clock in the
afternoon of said d.iy, the following tracts of land,
late the properly of Philemon Culver, decd„lo wit;
AH that certain piece or parcel of land situate in
the township of Charleston, Tioga Co., Pu.. bounded
north hy lands of Philemon Culver, deed, cast by
the public road, south by Francis Wing-ilc and west
by Joel Culver—containing filly acres more or leas,
with about thirty acres improved, a frame house and
barn and apple orchard thereon.
Also —Another lot of land situate in the township
of Charleston, County of Tioga and Stale of Penn
sylvanta, beginning at a post'the north-east corner
of Joel Culver’s lot, thence north 75 and 6-10 perch
es to a post, thence west 122 1-2 perches lo a post,
thence south 75 and 6-10 perches to a post, thence
east 122 nnd 1 2 perches to the place of beginning
—containing filly seven acres and eighty-aeven
lurches, more or less, with about 50 acres improved,
frame house and frame barn and a small apple orch
ard Ihcrcon,
Al«o —One other tract of land shuttle in Charles
ton town.-hip, aforesaid, bounded nor;h by ihe Slate
road, east by the old creek road and a small creek,
south by, last named creek and new road leading
from Gft»L mill to Slate road, and west by laM
named new road—containing about seven acres,
more or les«, all improved, frame house
fruit trees thereon.
Also —One other lot of land in the .ownship of
Charleston, aforesaid, bounded north by lot now oc
cupied by Alanson Thompson, east by the public
road, south by the land formerly occupied by Reu
ben Hart and west by Joe! Culver—containing
twenty five aefes more or less, with about fifteen
acres improved; frame house, two frame barns and
large mill, with water privilege tuffi
cient to run said mill.
Also —Onciblher lot in the township of Charles
ton. aforesaid, bounded north by the Stale road and
east by Nelson Austin, south and west by public
highway—containing 20 acres all improved, frame
house and an orchard thereon.
A. E. NILES, Adm’r,
Of Ehtatc of Philemon Culver, dcc’d.
Charleston, Nov. 4lh, ISSB.
jFa ll Jjg If 9 inter
Win. A. Roc, Wcllsboro, Pa,
J JAS now on hand a large and extensive stock of
Glass Ware, Wooden Ware.
Wo deem it unnecessary lo enumerate articles, as
nearly everything wanted by man, woman nr child,
can be found at this establishment, and at prices that
cannot fail lo give entire satisfaction.
Wcllsboro, OcU 11, ’5B. WM. A. ROE.
jy ew Goods!
arc now receiving a large and well selected slock of
Fall and Winter Goods,
which arc to be sold LOW (as usual.)
Among their assortment may be fouhi everything
In the Hue of
Staple & Fancy Dry Goods,
Ready-Made Clothing.
Boots & Shoes,
Hats & Caps,
Pork & Flour.
JC rockery,
Call and sec before purchasing elsewhere, at the
New Store one door below -Wilcox &> Sears.
September 30,1858.
The Oxygenated Bitters;
Tor the rare of Dvspipsia or Indiqestiok, Complaint,
Asthma, 'Costivenesi, Loss of Appetite, Fever and Ague,
Heart Burn. Water Brash, Acidity, Sea Sickness, Scurvy,
Nausea, Headache, Ennui, and General Debility, or any dis
ease having its origin in imperfect digestion. -
These Bitters, as all classes of oar follow citizens, Inclna
lag Members of Congress, lawyers, Physicians, Clergymen,
Planters, Farmers and others testify, are the only safe, cer
tain and sovereign specitic for the Immediate relief and per-
Imaaent cure of tho many cruel complaints which in .some
phase or other of Dtspepsk afflict our race. f
These Bitter* were discovered by Dr. Gsoaos B-OMUt,'
and in tholr formula differ entirely from that of any other
preparation of medicine. Containing no alcohol—no miner
al—no poison—no noxious drug.—in their nature tonic,
stimulating.—retaining their virtues in any clime: they are
a'-combination and a form Indeed” of Medicine which known
no rival in exterminating dpooso and restoring the system
to its pristine vigor and health. No matter of how [long
standing, or however induced or chrome in its character the
disease may he—no matter that it has baffled tho * kill of tho
physician, and resisted the efforts of J/edicine. a single tria
of these Bitters will satisfy the sufferer that his disease all
amenable to the proper remedy. ]
In testimony of the many cures effected by this Remedy
reference is had to the written certificates from distinguished
individuals known all over the land.
From among the many letters wo are constantly receiving
wo take the following!— . *
‘ ‘*Gs.vTi.Ejf£s:— l have osed the Oxygenated Bitters in my
practice with decided success in Debility and GeneroljPrw
tßation, and I confidently recommend it in cases of Goher&l
Debility or Derangement of the Digestive Organs. ;
{ Signed, P. H. WHITE, ill D.
Jfansfiold, Tioga Co. Pa., August 20,1558.” i
This - medicine has been used with like success byH*-
bard of Richmond; Miss Mary A. Snover of Cuviugtou7 and
Mias Catharine Beck of Liberty. 1
John A. Bor, Wellsboro ; 0. W. Nesbitt, Mansfield: ‘ Dr. A
Rollins. Jr., Mainsburg: A. JlcMpnnrr, Tioga; D. 8. J/a
gez, BToasbnrgrX G. AIiiKCK, Liberty. '
S. W. FOWLE & CO., Proprietors. Bosfon.
For sale by Agents everywhere. [Sept. IC. 1558.] {
- Hanimonlon Lands . |
Kare opportunity.—to all wanting farms—
in a healthy place, twenty-five miles from Philadelphia
on the Camden and Atlantic railroad. New Jersey. An old
estaw Ims recently been opened for sale, and the first diyisioji
of acres divided up into farms of twenty aerdi and;
upward*. Tlie soil is of the best quality for the production
oti fruits, grains, 4c. Tho price is $l5 to $2O per acres^pay
able in< easy quarter yearly instalments, within a t<rm of
four ycafb with interest. The terms nro.mndc easy, ini order
to insure the rapid improvement- of the land, by enabling
every industrious man to bay's farm.' It fa'now being ex
tensively Improved by good roads, and some of the citi
zens from New England anil the Middle States are ejecting
large improvements. It Is a scene of the greatest improve
ment out of Philadelphia. Seventy-five booses have been
built in four months. Practical farmers and business men
from the length and breadth of the Onion are settling,.thcra.
It is an important business place, on account of its brpng In
the midst of a great market. Every article raised upon tbid
laud finds an immediate sale, The water is excellent, and no
such thing as fever is known. ' ■
The soil is a sandy or clay loam, with a clay bottofe and
retentive of manures. It & free of stones and easily w*oi ked
It abounds largely in tho phosphates, and such is its fertility
that from the crops produced both upon this-land and the
large uica adjoiningupder cultivation, it will be fonmljuot to
be excelled anywhere in the production of crops mosthdapt
cd to its market. t
• $2,50
- 3,50
- 5,00
The reader may be welt aware that the earliest and the
best fruits and vegetables come from New. Jersey, which are
annually exported Co the amount of million* of dollars.. The
land, besides being accessible in every wav for fcrtllizeVi, has
an abundant supply of the best quality of muck-manure.
Lumber and building materials can bo had on tbe-apot at a
cheap price, from the mills. Other mills arc now being open
ed, and brickyards being started on the ground. A person
can put up a fiamc tenement for present convenience for one
hundred dollars. On account of dm ovteuaive emigration,
tins is the beat course to pursue in order lo getxv place ’.to live
fn at first. Carpenters and builders are on hand to jmt up
houses on the best terms. L
In settling here the emigrant has many advantages. lie
is within h few hours’ ride of the great cities in the Middle
butes and New England; ho’ is-near his old li lends ami ob
soci.ilioiH: lie is In a settled country, where every improve
ment and comfort of civilization is at hand; he is in ahealthy
place, and is nut subject to the certainty of losing the greater
part of his. family and bis own health by those malignant
fevers which make the graves of so many millions ufjyuuug
and hardy in far off regions away from homo and friends.'— ~
Besides, ho has a mild climate and an open winter. »
There are three trains daily to Philadelphia, and tonjl those
who improve the Railroad company gives a free ticket.
The reader will at once bo sti uck with the advantages here
presented, and ask liiuisCif why the property has nl>t been
taken ap before. The reason is, it was never the
market; and unless these statements were coriect,iio one
would be invited to examine the land before pun.h.k«ng.—
This nil are expected to do. They w ill see the land under
cultivation; they will meet pets-ms no doubt fioin their own
neighbor hood: they will witness the Impiovemont*. and can
Judge of the character of the population. Persona Übouid
come piepared to purchitae, as many mo locating, and loca
tions are not held on refusal. ; J’
The Ilammonton Parmer, a monthly Literary and Agricul
tural sheet, containing full information of llammoptown,
will bo sent looach inquirer, audean be obtained at ‘2fi ccuts
per annum. 1 i
Title indisputable. "Warrantee deeds given, clear of all in
cumbrance. when purchai'o money is paid. Uoutcj to the
hind:—Leave Vino street wharf. Philadelphia, for Hatriiuon
tuvvn by railroad ut A. .VL, and o\-’> P. J I ; when there
impure for Mr. Byrnes. Boardfngconveniencesvyillliifounrt.
Letters and applications can be addressed to s: B. C&>UOH
LIN'. 2U2 South FIFTH Street below Walnut, Philadelphia.
Maps and information cheerfully furnished. [Sfcpt. 9?’sS.]
ORPHAN’S COURT SALE,—Notice is lierdby
given that by virtue of an order of the ,Or
phan’s Court of Tioga Comity to me directed as
Trustee, I shall expose the following described|prera
ises for sale at vendue on Siturday the 4th day of
November next ut one o’clock, p. rn., at the|Court
House in WclUboro, >iz: A lot of land in ihq Boro
of VVcllsboro, containing about one-lhird of an acre,
bounded on the south-east by Pearl St., on lhe.Boullj
west by Win. Bachc, on the north-west by Mato si.,
and on the north-east by Wm. Harri.-on, with an
uld frame bouse, and some fruit trees thcrconf. To
be sold as ihe properly of-Elias Spencer, Hoc’tl.
October 21, 1858. JNO. N. BACH& t
FRIEND COBB; Will you please inform your
readers that the subscriber bus a good , assort
ment of ■ t
Cheaper than ever sold before in this county,at well
as J r .
Sofas ;
Tete.a-tetes, j
Mahogany Chairs ,
Rockers, •
i Center-Tables, and all kinds,pf
Luwrenccville. Cct. 21, *5B. E. D. WEILLS.
a. Gr. EVANS, \
Bookseller, Publisher, and Originator of
' the Gift Book Enterprise. !*
Has juit issued a new and complete of hit
Docks, comprising a large and varied assoitment of all
kin4i of literature. ]
S*)00 w ortli uf Gifts will be given with every $lOOO worth
of books sold. |
A gilt worth from 25 rt«, to $lOO, will be delivered with
pach book at tbs time ol sale.
Ord« rs from the conntr\ promptly filled and the Goods for
warded by express or marl on the winie day the order is ro
ccived A complete catalogue bent free. »
Addict. G. G. EVANS
Jan. 2S, 1883. 439 Chestnut St, Philadelphia
Bank Police. |
THE Stockholders of the Tioga Co. Bank: Please lake no
tice that you are hereby required To pay into the. gaid
Bunk at its Banking hou->o in Tioga, the amount remaining
unpaid upon jour subscription to the Capital Stock of said
Bank, and that .-uch payment be made, 50 per centlin sixty
days and 50 per cent m ninety day* from this datb, as per
Kes-ohuion pawed by the Board of Directors this 23cj day of
September, ISSB. E. l\ STELJiS, thshior.
Tioga, September 23,1555. 3m. ,f
GOLD FINS—New and Splendid Style?,!
O* A New Slock ju*l received by , . i
(N0v..4,1858.) ANDIE FOLEY.
1 i
Removal. —dr. webb has removed
to the residence next above the upper [bridge,
north tide of Maiu-st., where he may be fdand at
all hours ol the djy and night when hot profession
ally engaged; - [Wellsboro, Sept. 30, 1858.
READY-MADE CLOTHING — l The Subscriber
lias now on hand a large Stark of well-made
Clothing for the Fall and Wmler.lrailc. Purchasers
arc invited to call and examine before purchasing
elsewhere. [Oct. 14, ’5S.j VV. A. RCjIE’S.
Broadcloth &. cassdiere.—a good as.
bortmeot of Black Broadcloths, Black a fid Fan
cy Cassimeres, SattineUs, Full Cloths, Tweeds and
Kentucky Jcaus, can be found at ■ 1
Oct. 14.1858. \V> A. ROE’S,
BOOT& &. SHOES.—A large Stock of Bdots and
Shoes. AUo Rubbers and Buffalo overshoes
for men’s and women’s wear, just and will
be sold very cheap at [Oct. 14,] ROE’S.
FISH, FlSH.—Mackerel, WhitelUh, Blaefish, &.
-Codfish, Ky the Bb! r Abbl., ibblvand pound, at
C«»U. IMS,- K^L'S.
BOWEN hare just uiind iium New York
with the
assortment of GOODS ever before offered to lb*
people of Tioga County and vicinity ; and nolwilb
standing the
they say they mast advertise in order to let every*
body know that they are on
with * large assortment of
and every variety of goods usually found in a coca
try stcre, and which they wilt sell as cheap or ehtfa*
per than the sa l me goods ean be-bought at-any other
store in this vicinity. Call and examine their stoolc
of goods before purchasing elsewhere.
No charge for showing Goods.
Wellsboro, June 14, ’5B. tf ||
R. S. Billßf, J. W. BAILEY,
Staple & Fancy Dry Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
Paints ifc Oils,
Flour & Pork,
And all kinds of CO UNTR Y PROD UCE
JR. Hailey. }f
On norlh side of Main Street, Wellsboru, Psqm. *
Persons visiting' llie place on business are inTiled
to examine oar Goods, as we aim al making this cs
tnblishment the centre of attraction for trade la
Tioga County. BAILEY’S &. HARDEN.
WelUboro, August 12, 1858.
. s>r. R, A. Lament**
Tho most beneficial and successful TEMALE MEDICINE
now Id use, for all cases of obstructed or suppressed
Tbi? valuable vegetable compound lias long been used In
the private practice of Dr. Luuiout, for regulating the de
rangements of the female system and for improving the gen
eral health, aud by long experience has been found tha
greatest reined} against those painful or general complaints
to which the female constitution i* liable. A few doses ta
ken for one week, before the monthly period will remove oil
obstructions/rota-uny cause whatever r as incredible as it may
X. B.—Those Ladies who hare been disappointed in the ns*
of Fills, i.c n _can pat the atmo-t confidence in this compound.
auxio x.-tta
This compound must not Im taken by females during the
early mouths of Pregnancy under the penalty of certain ab
ortion. A t all other times it is safe, as it is purely vegetable.
It will be sent to any address by ujctoMog (o any author*
izeJ agent.or to K. I. ANDREWS. Buffalo X. Y.
For sale by J. A. ROY, Wellshoro, Pa,, and Druggists gen
erally. . [July 1,1558. ly.j
}Y A E E.
Tllb!j SUBSCRIBER has established himself at
the old stand of Wilcox Sc Sears, one door be
low R. S. Bailey’s Store, where he is manufacturing
and selling
At Wholesale and Retail,
the various kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET
IRON WARE, of the best materials, »wd made im
the most substantial manner.
'of JOBBING, done on short notice and in a satis
factory manner.
Call and sec my slock of Tin.ware and satisfy
yourselves that FISHER’S is the place to b«y
wellshoro, June 17,1?58.
f g THE SUBSCRIBER is agent for the sale of
Vowing Co's Pumps, Tire and Garden
Engines , Hydraulic Rams , <s*c.
Cowing &. Co., manufacture these Pumps, dee.,
at their manufactory, Scncca Falls, N. Y. They
are goltcn up in the most substantial manner, and
cannot be excelled.
may be obtained by leaving orders at my Trft
& Stove Store. Call and see samples.
Wellshoro, Aug. 5,1653, tf.
Jilluimuoiis Coal.
THIS Subscriber is now mining, and is prepared
to sell,-at his mines in
Tioga Co. Pa., the best quality of Bituminous Coal.
My Mines arc situated on the Barrens, nine miles
south of Westfield, four miles from Pine Creek, and
about fiflecm miles from Welfsboru.
The attention of Clucksmilhs and- alt others using
Coal, is t invi(cd r ; The Coal will be sold in large or
small quantities by Dr. J. N. HANEB.
N. B.—Dr. Haner will also give his attention to
Professional Calls:. July S 9, 1858, ly.
KEEP it before the public, that tic People’s Humble Ser
vant has been
in every way, during the past Summer, and. has also been
furnished -with an entire
throughout, of the latest and best improvements of the
and that it is now xa perfect good order to do custom or
merchant work,' L. D. SPENCEE, Miller.
TRUsboro’ August 19, ISGB. -
DISSOLUTION.— The co-parincrsilip heFctofora
existing between the subscriber under the firm
of Taylor dt Whitman, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. All persons indebted tp said firm are
requested to make immediate payment to O.F.Tay*
lor who alone is authorised to collect the same,
James p, taylor,
Covington, Oct. 16,1858.*
“In ths multitude of Counselors thero is
Sept. 23,18*8, ly.
NOTICE.— Those indebted (o ihosubscriber for
Job Work and advertising will confer a great
favor by settling the same al the earliest
* M- H. Cobb.
ROC’EHIEwv—The place to buy GUoccricn of
VJ si!‘kinds thc-'j) is at - \V *tO£>k