The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, October 28, 1858, Image 4
• Early Rising. Health and long lire are almost universally associated with early rising: and we are pointed to countless old people, as evidence of its good effects on the general system. Can any of our readers, on the spur of the moment, give a good and conclusive reason Why health should be attributed to this habit 1 We know that old people get up early ; but it irmitpiy because they can’t sleep. Mod eratnald age does not require much sleep; hence, in the aged, early rising is a necessity, or a convenience, and is not a cause of health ig itself. There is a large class of early risers, who may be truly said not to have a day’s health in a year—the thirsty folk, for exampfoy-who drink liquor until midnight, and rise early to get more! One of our earliest recollections is, that of “old soakers” making their “devious way" to the grog shop or the tavern bar-room, before sun-rise, for their morning grog. Early rising, to be beneficial, must have two concomitants; to retire early, and on rising, to be properly employed. One of the most eminent divines in this country rose by daylight fur many years, and at the end of that lime became an invalid—has traveled the world over for health, and has never regained it, nor ever will. It is rather an early retiring that does the good, by keeping people out of those mis chievous practices which darkness favors, and which need not here be more particularly referred to. ■-Another important advantage of retiring early is, that the intense stillness of midnight hnd the early morning hours favor that un broken repose which is the all-powerful ren ovator of the tired system. Without, then, the accompaniment of retiring early, “early rising” is worse than useless, and is posi tively mischievous. Every person should he allowed to “have his sleep out,’’ other wise the duties of the day cannot be properly performed, will be necessarily slighted, even by the most conscientious. To nil young persons, to students, to the sedentary, and to invalids, the fullest sleep that the system will take, without artificial means, is the balm of life—without it there can he no restoration to health and activity again. Never wake up the sick or infirm, or young children of a morning—it is bar barity ; let them wake of themselves; let the care rather be to establish an hour for reti ring, so early that their fullest sleep may be out before sunrise. Another item of very great importance is: Do not hurry op the young and the weakly. It is no advantage to pull them out of bed as soon ns their eyes are open, nor is it best for the studious, or even for the well, who have passed an unusually fatiguing day, to jump out of bed the moment they wake up; let them remain, without going to sleep again, until the sense of weariness passes from the limbs. Nature abhors two things ,* violence and a vacuum. The sun does not break out at once into the glare of the meridian. The diurnal flowers unfold themselves by slow degrees ; nor the fleetest beast, nor spright liest bird, leaps at once from its resting-place. By all of which we mean to say, that as no physiological truth is more demonstrable, than that the brain, and with it the whole nervous system, is recuperated by sleep, it is of the first importance, as to the well-being of the human system, that it have its fullest measure of it; and to that end the habit of retiring early should be made imperative on all children, and no ordinary event should be allowed to interfere with it. Its moral health fulness is not less important than its physical. Many a young man, many a young woman, has made the first step towards degradation, and crime, and disease, after ten o’clock at night; at which hour, the year round, the old, the middle aged, and the young, should be in bed ; and then the early rising will take care of itself, with the incalculable accompa niment of a full-resled bedy and a renovated brain. We repeat it, there is neither wis dom, nor safety, nor health, in early rising itself; but there is all of them in the per sistent practice of retiring to bed at an early hour, winter and summer.—Sail’s Journal of Health. . Thb True Doctrine.—Our praying, singing, and Bible reading will not help us heavenward, unless we are just between man and man. The Christian professor is noth ing without the Christian life. Our religion, in order to change us radically, mnsl de scend into all commonest duties. It belongs as much to the shop as to the family, and as much to the family as to the sanctuary.— “No man can be a Christian who is no: faithful in his common daily pursuit. The Judge must administer justice from equity, and not from favor or the lure of bribes.— The physician must regard the life and health of his patient above all other con siderations. The merchant must deal justly, and the mechanic execute his work in all things faithfully. It will not answer to dis regard these things. My brother, do not hope to reach heaven by the old way. You must walk in another, and nanower road.— Let us suppose you are a workman. Now what Is a Christian in a workshop I You cannot leave it behind you, go whore you will; for it is no loostjly fitting garment, but ah element of life. Yes, you must take it with you into the Workshop. Not as the Bible in your hand, nor as hymns to make the air melodious; nor as pious talk with fellow workmen. No, no, workshop Chris tianity consists in a religious fidelity to your employer and his customers. If you neglect or slight the work you aie paid to perform, you commit sin ; you are irreligious and your pious acts will go for nothing. A celebrated writer says:—“No woman can be a lady who can wound or mortify an other. No matter how beautiful, how refined, how cultivated she may be, she is, in reality coarse, and the innate vulgarity of her na ture manifests itself here. Uniformity hind, courteous and polite treatment of all persons, is dbe mark of a true woman.” Christian Perfection. —If an angel were sent to find the perfect mao, be would probably not find him composing a body of divinity, but perhaps a cripple in a poor house • whom the pariah wish dead, and who is hum bled bnlom God with for lower thoughts of himself tbs') others think of him. The Peoria (Illinois) Transcript remarks that among the peculiar incidents connected with the present season, is the fact that the bees have not increased. .No hive in that section has swarmed. This is attributed to the wet weather, which has deprived them of their usual pasturage, and iu many places they merely sustained life by haring access to cultivated flowers. Large numbers are supposed to have died; through actual starva tion. Blossoms on the low grounds have been almost entirely destroyed ; those on the trees were washed off by the rains, or blast ed, while in only a very few instances has the wild or cultivated rose come to perfection. Under these circumstances, the yield of hon ey is likely to be very small. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hydropathic Phytieian and Surgeon, GLKLAKD, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in all parts of the county, oi receive them for treatment at his house, [June 14.1855.] JOHN N. BACHE, Attorney and counsellor at LAW.—Office, north side Public Square Wellsborough, Pa, Refersto Messrs.Phelps,Dodge &. Co.,N. Y ity Hon,A.VvParson9,Philadelphia. July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, CORNING, Steuben County, New York. Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson. April 18.1855-ly. YOU DON’T SAY SO? YES SIR, I DO! I say that FOLEV (ms the best and cheapest assortment of WATCHES 1 ever saw in Wellsboro/ Such heavy cases and finished movements you can’t find elsewhere Call and sec them one door north of B. B. Smith Sc Son’s, where he will be glad to show them to you, and do any Repairs on Watches, Clocks Sc Jewelry, and all warranted. A. FOLEY. Wellsboro’ June 11,1857. srFrwitsow; O’Removed to James Lowrcy’s Office WAS. IOWRE1& S. F. WltSOlf, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, willaltcndtheCourtsof Tioga f Poller and McKean counties. WeUsborough,Feb. 1,1853. H. O. COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, Wellsboro’Pa. Shop two doors above Roy’s Drug Store. Every thing in his line of business will Be done as well and as promptly as it can be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparations for removing dandruff, and beautyfiing the hair for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and see. Wellsboro’, Oct 18,1855. (if» WM- W- & H. W. M’DOUGALL REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A RE engaged in Exploring,Surveying and Draft ing, Investing Money in Real Estate, and on Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrants, Locating Land for Settlers on time. They will attend the Land Sales in this and the adjoining districts, where their practical knowledge will enable them to select the beat lots. Parties entrusting Money to us for investment will have the benefit of our explorations. No prop erty purchased that we are not personally acquainted with. fWauhashaw, Min. Ter., April 23.] WELLSBORO FOUNDRY -A-X-D- Machine Shop AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. ROBERT YOUNG, late of the firm of Tabor Young &■ Co., Tioga, takes this method (o in form the public that he has leased the Foundry and Machine Shop in the village of Wellsboro for a term of years, and having put it in good running order, is prepared to da all kinds of work usually done at such establishments, in the best manner and out of the best of material. He has had over twenty years’ experience in the business and will have the work entrusted to him done directly under his supervision. No work will be sent out hall finished. MILL GEARINGS, PLOUGHS, STOVES, and castings of all hinds on handjand to order. ROBERT YOUNG. Wellsboro May 28.1857, COME AND SEE THE NEW SPKING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WM. WALKER’S 31, Market St. Corning, AND SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES! Alt the latest Fashionable styles of For men and boys. Lathes' Prunelle, Satin, Cloth and Mor occo Gaiters from 4s. to $3.00; Ladies’ Morocco. Calf and en amelled Boots, from 6s. to $2.00; Ladies Morocco 3’atffit Leather, and Satin Slippers and Buskins; Men's Patent Leather, Cloth and Calf Congress Gaiters. Men's Kip, Calf and Enatnmeiled Brogans; Men's Patent Leather and Calf Oxford Ties and Slippers; Children's Shoes, Slippers. Gaiters, Hosiery Ac., Ladles’ Rubbers and Sandals, fir»t quality 45.. third quality Isj Men’s Rubbers and San dal*, first quality Ladies’ Hosiery, Silk, Lisle and Kid Gloves and Gauntlets. Gent’s Furnishing Goods. Umbrellas, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Silk, Merino and Tfool Un dershirts and Drawers. Cravats, Ties, and Scarfs: Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves. Shirts, Collars. Linen, Silk and Cotton Hond kercbeirs; also an assortment of CROCKERY* To bo sold cheap for Cash. Coming, April 29,1555. ly WILLIAM WALKER. SUMER STYLES & FASHIONS. Mrs. M. Jf. Grierson, HAS just returned from the City with a full as sortment of Millinery Goods, which she offers for sale at the lowest cash prices. STRAWS, NEAPOLITANS AND FANCY BONNETS,' of all prices and descriptions. BORDERS from Is up to 4s. 6d. A nice assortment of FLOWERS of all prices. French Flowers and Box Flowers. A beautiful assortment of RIBBONS, LININGS. LACES, CRAPES SILKS, and all kind of materials for making Summer Winter Mourning Goods., Little Boys Hats, Girl’s Flats, and Ladies’ Riding Hats, * i All orders promptly attended -to. Bonnets cleaned and done over on short notice. Mrs. Grierson has employed for the season a good Milliner. (CTSbop on Main Street, over Niles & Elliott’s Store. , [May 13, JB5B-] Store Goods in Tioga Tillage BALDWIN, LOWELL «$• CO. .Hare-a small Stock of Goods on hand, bought in view of the tight times* which will be sold very low for Cash or any kind of Produce. We are located at our old stand in, Tioga Village, directly opposite the Mammoth Store of Charles O. Elz. We would further say to all those indebted to ns by ntfle or book account, that we must have pay or costs will be made. We’ll take Cash or any and all kinds of Produce at the highest market prices. BALDWIN, LOWELL & 00. Tioga, Nov. 26,1857. j THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. SOMETHING NEW ANEW LAMP—Ufford’s Smoke consuming ‘Lamp }» an article veil worthy the notice of every person who wishes to ose Oil instead of Fluid. This lamp is highly recommended by men of sound judgment and of wide reputation, who are known throughout our country. But it ia not necessary to lake the recommendations of others; just call at /fay's Drag Store and you can see one of these lamps burning every evening. Call and examine it for yourselves. ANEW supply of Potter and Hammond’s Writ, log Books, just received at Roy's Drug Store, also a supply of pens, ink, paper, envelopes, slates, school books, school stationery, Ac. FOR WORMS.—Give a child over two years old a small tea spoonful of Fluid Extract of Fink and Senna once every two hours till it operates as a cathartic. FARRIER’S OIL—For Horses and Cattle—very useful for gores, wounds, scratches, galls and in all cases where a healing remedy is required. Price 25 cents. FARRIER'S LINIMENT—For Horses A Cattle A most valuable article for swellings, bruises, sprains, stiff or enlarged joints, windgalls, kicks an< sweeney. Price 25 cents. BUC HU LEAVES are procured from the south ern part of Africa. The Hottentots at the cope of Good Hope have long used this article as a remedy in a variety of diseases. From them the medicine was borrowed by the English and Dutch physicians residing there and by'their recommend, ation it was soon employed in Europe. Jo process of time this medicine has come into general use, and is highly spoken of by the best medical writers. Physicians recommend it mostly for complaints of the urinary organs, such as gravel, a morbid irrita. tion of the bladder and urethra, retention of urine, also incontinence of arine from want of tone in the urinary organs. It cools the unnatural heat and relieves -pain; and in many cases of long standing it lias been effectual when other valuable medicines had failed to produce an effect. The active princi. pie of tins medicine is a volatile oil which is mostly lost by the old process of boiling. Hence it requires great care and skilful management to prepare this medicine properly. FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU is a strong or concentrated preparation prepared by the new process called 1 Displacement.” By this the value* Me properties of the Buchu are entirely preserved, and this form of the medicine is less liable to injury from age and more palateable. Useful equally in ail cases of the kind whether male or female. Price 75 cents per bottle. For sale at Roy’s Drug and Chemical Store at Wellsboro Pa. o*This is no patent medicine or quack nostrum or secret remedy, but a new and improved prepare, tton of a well known and valuable medicine. "DLEACHING POWDER.—To remove ink and -*-* fruit stains dec., from linen. Price 12J els per box, with full directions for use. PERMANENT MARKING INK—To mark col lars and other clothing so that the name will not wash out, Price 25 cla per bottle. Chemical hair tonic—This compounds used to prevent the hair from falling off to cause it to grow in thicker—and to restore hair thatis growinggray toils original color; it is nicely per fumed and is very pleasant article for toilet use. Afresh supply of Camphene and Fluid just re ceived at Roy’s Drug Store. THE BEST INK in America.—Conger and Fields celebrated Recording Ink. Also David & Black’s Permanent Ink for Records and Book, keeping. A new supply of these valuable Inks just received at Roy’s Drug Store; also a large quantity Common School Inks. LA YOKING EXTRACTS—New supply; such Lemon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Peach, Cinnamon, Rose, Nutmeg, Cellery, &c. NEW SUPPLY of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, Dental Soaps, Odors for the Handkerchief, and Fancy Goods a large assortment. RHODE ISLAND LIME for whitewashing.— Also Whitewash Brushes for sale at Roy's Drug Store. CHOLERA DROPS.—The most effectual reme dy for bowel complaints in use. Jf taken in time it can hardly full to cure if the directions are strictly complied with. Price 25 cents. CRYSTAL EYE WATER.—A valuable remedy for sore or Inflamed eyes—with full directions for use, Price and 25 cts per bottle. /"IEPHALIC SNUFF.—For Catarrh, Headache &c. Price 25 cents a bottle. A KMENIAN CEMENT.—For mending broken glues or china, ware, with directions for its use Price* 25 cents per bottle. (Warranted.) MILK OF ROSES,—A pleasant Cosmetic to im prove the complexion and to remove tan and ; ‘freckles—Price 25 cts. a bottle. LOOKING-GLASS PLATES—Wither without Frames, for sale at THE PRUG STORE* BALSAM TOLU.—This balsam is procured from a tree which is found in South America—it Is a most valuable remedy for colds, coughs and affec tions of the lungs. Price of Balsam Tolu Cough Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. ROSEMARY OINTM ENT is a uselul article for chapped hands, pimples on the face, burns, scalds, eruptions on, the skin &c. Price 12 and 25, cents per box. { MAYER’S OINTMENT.—This ointment has long been held to be a great secret among the Germans. It is highly valued as a successful cure for fever sores, bad ulcers and sores of almost every kind which are found to be difficult to heal. See di rections on the box. POMPOUND CATHARTIC PILLS; the best pill in use for billious complaints and affections of the liver. HEADACHE PILLS—For sick headache, ner vous headache and all headache that comes on at regular intervals. BOOKS. A variety of Children’s Books—Blank Books— School Books, Stationery Ac. Also the Depository of the Tioga County Bible Society—containing a large variety of Bibles and Testaments from cents to 6 dollars. Wcllsboro, April 1,1858. J. A. ROY. W. I>. TERBELL, Successor io W. TBRBELL & SON; CORNING, N. 1. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, in Drugs A Medicines, Dead, Zinc, Colored Paints , Oils, Vnrniskes, Brushes , Camphene df Burning Fluid, Dye Stuff's , Sash A Glass , Pute Liquors for Medicine, Patent Medi. cines, Artists Paints $ Brushes , Perfumery , Fancy Articles , Flavoring Extracts, ALSO A general assortment ofSchoo) Books, Blank Books; Staple and Fancy Stationery. Physicians, Druggists, and Country Merchants dealing in any of the above articles can be supplied at a small advance on New York prices. Sept, 3, 1857. ON MANHOOD AM) ITS PREMATURE DECLINE Just Published, Gratis, the 50th Thousand. jdarmtem A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL js^g/g/ia^Treatment without Medicine, of Spcrmator rhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, IrKrtnaF Genital and Nervous Debility, Ixqpotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally, by B. BE LANEY, M. D. The Important fact that tbo many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in this small tract clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly suc cessful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure HIMSELF perfectly and at the least possible cost,-thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envel ope, by remitting (postpaid) two postage stamps to Dr.B. DE LANEY, 88 East 31st street, New York City. April, 29,1858. ZINC PAINT, & Linseed Oil at 7s. 6d. per gal. at BULLARD’S. CANARY, Rape and Hemp Seed, at BULLARD’S. HOW ABB ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. TO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases such as SPERMATORRHOEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS. IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, dr SELF-ABUSE. Ac.. Ac., The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia in view of the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practiced upon the unfortunate victimsol such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, to all persons thus afflicied, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, with a description oflheir con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, for the re lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with “Viru lent and Epidemic Diseases,'* and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the As sociation commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment.—Valuable advice also given to sick and nervous females, afflicted with Womb Complaint Leucorrbcea, Ac. Address, (post-paid,) Dr, GEO, R. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 25,1856.—ly. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE 7 at ERWIN’S new Store! He haa justreturned from the City with achoice Eot of Ready-Hlade Clothing. CLOTHS, CASSIiHERES, VESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND NOTHING SIIOKTE K Wellsboro* Sept, 25,1856. NEW TAILOR SHOP. The sub scriber lias his work as it is warranted to furnish its own rec ommcndation. No garment is permitted logo out of the shop thql is not made in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cutting and Fitting. This Department, will be under my own. supervision. Believing in the Wive and let live” rule, I have adopted the Fay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it. Wellsboro’, March 13,1856. H. P. ERWIN. Tioga Marble Shop.. THE Subscriber has just received a fine lot oj Marble from the Rutland Quarries, suitable lor all descriptions of Gravestones, monuments', Cenotaphs, &c. He is prepared to execute orders for the above de scriptions of work, in a superior style, and at rea. aonable prices. Persons desiring Gravestones of the finer kinds of ITALIAN MARBLE can procure them of the Subscriber. j A. Growl, of Wellsboro, is authorized lo receive orders for work at this establishment. 1 Tioga, June 10, *58., if. A. D, COLE. TO THE LADIES! A New Kind of Soap has recently been invented, which promises to su. persedc all other kinds of hard soap. It is used ex tensivcly for washing clothes, and possesses the re markable properly of extracting dirt without boiling the clothes and wilhouUhe use of the rubbing board. The proce&s of washing requires less than half the time, and only about half the labor, by using this Patent Soap. This article is peculiarly excellent, and superior to any thing else called Soap; because while it saves time and labor , it never rots or in jures the clothes. It is just the article it is repre sented to be, and never disappoints the expectations of purchasers. It docs not lake out stains. For sale at Roy’s Drug Store, Wcllsboro, Pa. CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN HOTJEX. illdin Street. Wcllsboro ’ Pa. D. HART, PROPRIETOR. THIS strait.out TEMPERANCE HOTEL has X been lately reopened for the accommodation of the traveling public, and no pains will be spared to tender it popular with such as may lavor it with their patronage. This Hotel is located conveniently for those who desire to take cither the Tioga, Cedar ifun, Couders. por>, Mansfield, Covington or-. Troy Stages. Those desiring to reach intermediate places, not on Stage routes, will be accommodated with a conveyance at a reasonable charge. This Hotel will be conducted, as it ever has been, on the “Live and let live’* principle. Charges as low as those of any good Hotel in the County. A good Ostler always in attendance. February, 18,1858. Post Office Notice. Mails close at tlio Wellsboro’ Past Office ns follows: Eastern mail, via Tioga, daily at o’clock a. m. Eastern and Southern, Tin Mansfield and Troy, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at o’clock a. m. Eastern and Southern, via Covington and Troy, Monday, Wednesday and Friday ot o'clock a, m. Southern, via Jersey Shore" Tuesday and Friday at IX4 o’- clock p. m. Western, via Couriers port, Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a.rn. Mails arrive as follows : Northern <tc., via Tioga, daily, by I'o’clock, p. m. Eastern Si c., via Troy and Mansfield, by 0 o’clock p. m same days of leaving. Eastern &c., via Troy and Covington, by 7 p. m.,sanie dava of leaving. Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday & Friday, by 12 m. Western, via Coudorsport, Tuesday and Friday, by 5 p. m. Sept. 17,1857. I. D, RICHARDS, P. M FOLEY has a fine assortment of heavy ffikSMSE &WIEE EPTO which he will sell cheap on short time. All kinds of REPAIRING- done promptly. If a job of work is riot done to the satisfaction of the party ordering it, no charge will be made. Grateful for past favors my desire is to merit a coptinaanca of the same. Wellsboro, June 24,1858. Corning Book Store. THE Subscribers have removed to the large and elegantly fitted up brick store—four doors cost of Concert Block, Coming—and will keep on hand a large assortment ofNew Books, among which are RELIGIOUS STANDARD WORKS, HISTORICAL BOOKS, TALES OF FICTION, POETICAL WORKS. SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, Blanks, Stationery and Wall Paper, N. Y. Daily and Weekly papers, all the Magazines at Publishers prices. All fa r sale cheap. Corning, Sept. 24, ’57. ROBINSON &, CO. CAMPHENE & FLUID—at je. 14. TRUMAN & BOWEN’S. Blank marriage certificates, for sale at this Office. June 24,1858. niMiIOOK STORE And Nevis-Office. The subscribers,! having long be. lieved a LIVE BOOK-STORE & JfEWS OFFICE tcj be one of the essential accommodations which thb £ood people of Wellsbo ro were prepared to appreciate and sustain, hare es tablished themselves one dqor above Niles & Elli ott’s Store, where they wilt? keep a first-rale selec tion of the best and most pbpalar -NE W S Pjla P ERS - DAILY & WEEKLY, political, \ |i LITERARY, T] SCIENTIFIC. Together with the various ILLUSTRATED PA PBRS published. Also, ijj the leading'' of the day can be had at aiear counter. They will likewise keonij full assortment of SCHOO&pOOK^ CURRENT nWTERATURE Am sTAmjmn works, and any Book, Ncwspaperror Magazine not on hand will be ordered promptly! l !? desired. They will keep a good assortment of j * Yankee Motions alt and singular of which falil/ be sold at lon prices Tor CASH. Sm||b & Richards- Wells boro, June 24, 18f| VASHUBS’S cabinet Warehouse. I AM STAND, two doors below Flour and Provis ion Store, Manufacturing t|o order all kinds of Cab inat Ware, and in the pest manner. I likewise Keep constantly on handjatod for sale at reasonable prices, a fine stock of | Sofas, Divaif Card, Centre, Dining! Dress Stands, Dressai MAHOGONY &. COMffl Cottage , French ana of every description ,toget ally made in his line of bjr From hie knowledge tors himself with the to purchase, would do his work before sending article. opened anew his shop opposite Hoy's Store and is prepared to ex. ecute the orders of his old customers aud others who may favor him with their pal. ronage, with neatness feel it neceseary to put TURNING done in a lice. Q Chali (ra In addition 'sSSSlber would inf I! fu | juslreceiveda ment of Common & Spi: Boston and Common which be will sell as c ] they- can be purchased county. Call and see tl i Wellsboro*, July 23, 'I ‘ NILES & HAVE leased the eta «1 formerly occupied by R S. BAILEY, and ai ej now receiving and selling at fair prices, one ol (he largest and finest stocks ol ■DRY IIoODS, such as Cloths, Cassimer Vestings and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Drees £ ijuffs of every description, from cheap and durable* ipints up to a fine quality of Dress Silks, Sheeting , S. &c. Rcady-Majle Clothing. Summer, Fall and Winierjstyles, well made and oi good material fur the prices asked. BOOTS & SHOES from ladies' finest kindsjHpwn to Brogansand Boots far farmer's wear, and as 'sue!) prices as cannot fail to suit the reasonable customer. We also keep con* slantly on hand ji ( FLOUR, F*SII & SALT of prime quality and as |h'eap as they can be bought in Wellsboro. We wisn Jlo purchase all kinds' of produce, such as r \ WHEAT , RYEI PATS $ CORN, EgSS Butter, Clijecse, Wool & Hides for which we will exchange goods, or pay the high est market prices in CA»SH, on delivery, or at soch time as shall be agreed by both parlies. We have a good lot of I f , FARM IMPLEMENTS. Hoes/Spadcs, Shovels, garden Rakes, K£ay Rakes, Hay Forks, &c., which |we will exchange (or cash or produce as cheap as tnc'y can be bought elsewhere. The trading public arje invited to call and examine our slock. I &ILES & ELLIOTT. Wcllsboro, June 25,1|8£7, Improved Portable Field Fence. Patented by Jsaacl \D. Garlick, Lyons , Wayne Co.,, May 5, 1857, The patentee of this Fence, after numerous trials and experiments, has finely succeeded in perfecting a plan for the construction of .Fence, which does away with the necessity |of inserting posts in the ground. The above Fepcc is made to set upon the na'itra! face of the earth, and by its peculiar forma* tion will conform to the undulations of the ground. The mechanical mode pftits construction convinces all who examine it of iUtsuperiority over anything of the kind ever offered to the public, as well as of ■its durability, simplicity; and chhapness. It is so put together that it is; secured by means of keys, which are easily>ad]nstedvand battens by which it is kept strained to the ground, so that no trouble need be apprehended frtm winds,. This fence can be oqiU of lumber at $lO per thousand, for the sum oi [5O cents per rod—making it by far the cheapest ibnee that can be thade; and the ease with which it cari be pot up and taken down, moved, made into stac£ Ipens, or used temporarily for any purpose the farmer may require it—no leas than the fact that at each joint an opening can be made, thus obviating ihejnecessUy lor bars or gates —must render it a universal favorite with the farm log class of community! | The Subscriber has purchased the territory com prising Charleston, DelUaar and Wellsboro, and will devote himself to the disposal of farm rights. : 1 RICHARD W. JACKSON. Delmar, Jane 17,185 f. - TIOGAJ! tCOUHTY STEAM FLd'VRING , MILL. At Mainsburg, Penna. THE new and splendid Steam Mill at Mninsbnrg is now in fall operation, and the proprietor is prepared to do custom work or Flooring with neat ness and despatch. This Mill has 4 run of stone and is capable of grinding go bushels per hour. Persons bringing Gra-in to this Mill can have it ground t y take home with them; and we will war rant them as good work as can be done in this re gion of country. LYMAN WETMOSB, Prop’r. Oct. 8.1857. R. Agent. ST* LAWRIjkCE HOTEL. WM. S. CO., PKOPREETOBS. WO. 1018, Chestnut St, Philadelphia. WM.B.Canraiu- )S a. xvua. c. If. DARTT, . B?|e> TIST.' Office at hit Retidfyce % near the Academy* All work pertaining tp bis line of business-dose promptly and Warranted. [April 32,1858-] Alcobol* A S3 per cent, for Burning Fluid, at wholesale -tX D y Corning, (Jnr:) W\ D. TER REM. t, Ottomans, Breakfast Tables , Common Bureaus* [ON wash stands. Common Bedsteads, ier with alJarticlesasn iincsß. of the business he flat elief that those wishing ill to call and examine slsewhcr for an inferior meat manner, at shortno ! Chairs! to the above, the subset rim the public that he ha ■rgeantl handsomeassorl tjng-Seat Chairs, Chairs, Ape, , leap, if not cbeaper,than Anywhere else in Tioga VANHORN- ELLIOTT. GARAGE’S NEW FlRjvr" BALDWIN, LOWELL S, ARE now receiving a very cW selected assortment of “*1 STAPLE AND p 4jYc | DRY Gr 00 D Groceries and ProThll and are] prepared to furnish them to J'tj As Reasonable As they can be bought in any o thoM Customers can rely npon finding n article they may wish, and all Goods be as represented. Silks, and Ladies’ Dress GoJf Latest Styles, and adapted to every vjri»i| mings. Ladies will do well to call and Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Lowell & Co., have aW a seasonable and fasbibnable stock of ' Gentlemen’s Ready-Hade Ck which will be sold at the lowest CASH* ALSO, r ' Groceries, Crockery, Uardttati Stone, Holloa and Wooden If. Iron, teel. Nails, Oils, p a „ and Dye-Stuffs of ecerytimj and of the best quality, with BOOTS <s• SHOES, for Err, • # * All kinds of Country Product (tin change for goods at the market pnttt. Tioga, July 2, 1857. WHO'LL GET THE NOJIiy FOR SHEBZF? THAI S THE qil£Sli Believing m the true policy to old stock of Goods so as to maks new one, 1 hove concluded for the benefit i kind in general and myself in partial the public the balance of "my stock of & greatly reduced prices for Cash, or giain, or butter. J For the information of those who quj, avail themselves of this opportunity o f fc little money I will enumerate a fewoftk t and the prices at which I shall sell then. Flour, extra superfine, manufactory] B Rochester, warranted tipitop £ Superfine, not warranted,,...... Mess Pork, per bb1....... Salt, by the bbl u Sack Nails, by the keg u . by the pound Doable refined Salaratas, per bbl Pearl Starch Extra tallow Candles Home made Kip Boots Ladies 1 Kip Shoes “ Enameled.,.,.... i “ Calf w Gaiters, from ;j{,; J. I. Nick’s & H. J. Grant’s fine® Tobacco, in papers, perlb u loose, by weight Sugars, at the lowest possible figure. Teas, at reduced prices; 4s at 3s 6d, sir 6d, 6a at 5s 4d Dry Goods, too numerous to menlion 4 »t;o that cannot tail to please. Ladies 1 collars and embroidery at coil DeLaioes, Challies, Calicoes, Bleached Ms nod a thousand k ond one ihingssuW figure than have ever been offerd in Ta County. Come! one and all! and purchase whatii; you want at the above prices. Tioga, Aug. 12, ’5B. CHAS. 0. ETZ k THOMSOF&IAMffi Fire & Lira insurance agentc \ Corning, >V A ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO., -CV of Hartford, Conn.—Capital 1-.' PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE C . Of Hartford, Conn.—Capita.!!'! Hartford fire insurance co. Of Hartford Ct„ Capital £« Connecticut fire insuranceo- Of Hartford Conn. Capital W PEOPLE’S FIRE INSURANCEO’, Of New York City—Capital 1® —iurancf