i A Scene In Real Life. There \* rrnny a life scene more touching, m,»re worthy of immortality ih«*n ihe deeds nil conquerors «»r the heroes of history. The fiilosviiig from the Si. Louis Republican , is one t We «f»w last evening an apt illustration of ihe affection of a woman. A poor ioe (mated wretch had been taken Jo the cala boose, His conduct in ihe street, and afer he had been laknn to the Cfdl, was of such n violent character that it became necessary to handcuff him. The demon rum hud pos session of his soul, and he gave vent to Ins ravings in curst-a so profane os to shock the sense of his fellow prisoners, one of whom, in the same cell, m his own solicitation, was placed In a separate apartment, A woman appeared, ut the grating, and in h»*r hands she had a rude tray, up n) which were some slices of bread, fresh from the hearth-stone, and cithfer little delicacies for her erring hus band. She stood at the bar, gazing intently into the thick gloom where her manacled com pardon wditly raved. Her voice was low and soft, and ns she called his name its ut terance was ss plaintive as the melody of a fond and crushed spirit. The tears s’reanried from her eyes, and there, in i)te dark house, the abode of the most wretched and depraved, the tones of her voice found their wav into that wicked man's heart, and he knelt in sorrow and in silence before his young In jured wife, while his heart found relief in tears such only as man can weep. Though the iron still bound his wrists, he placed hi* hands, wiih ihe heavv insignia of degrada tion, confidingly and uffeCM'in-ilety upnn'the brow of his fair companion, and exclaimed—- “Kaly, I will try in (re a man.” There, upon a rude sea', she had spread the humble meal, which she had prepared with her own hand* s , and afier he had finished she rose to depart, bidding him in he <; bo-e presence had stilled Ihe an gry passions of his soul. True to ihc in a'inctf of her love and promise, she Hid re turn wiih one who'went «»n his bond fur his appearance the next morning—wifh his hand clasped in that of his loving wife, she led him uwny a penitent, and, we trust, a better man. There were those who laughed as that pale, meek woman bore off her erring hus band 5 but she . heeded them not, and her self sacrificing heart knew or cared for noth ing in us heaven born instinct but to preser ve him'whom she loved with all the devotion of a wife and a woman. A Jolly Life. —lnsects generally must lead a truly jovial life. Think wh-u it must be to lodge in a lily. Imagine a palace of ivory pearl, with a pillar of silver and cap itals of gold, all exhaling such a perfume as .never rose from human censer. Fancy again the fun of lucking yourselves up for the night in the folds of n rose, rocked 'osbtp by the gentle sigh of ihe summer air, noth ing to do when you awake but wash your \ selves in a dew-drop, and eat your bed clo thes. A Domestic Row. Morion, of lire Nr*ur»--ka News ihns rle a domestic row of which he was a wilness Cuming down ihr> Missouri near Dean hike, between VVenlnn and S'. Joe, our hcml was hailed by a woman on shore. The offi-r-rs of Ihe craft, »nh iheir usual gullnnirv, round ed to, headed up stream and snipped; 'he lady informed him ihai the -‘duds and cook ing cons.irns” were all packed in a calmi, ! hard by, ready for removal, and that it w is her desire 10 rake passage down (he liver Immediately (he duds were under wav, and fa«i coming on deck, when a man plowin'! in an adjacent field was seen 10 drop the reins and mount ihe horse, and come charging and yelling Inwards ihe faoai. The captain wait ed uolil he had arrived, and 'hen puffing and blowing, said, “Ann, whirr on earth are you - going lew ?” Said she, “Jnab, I allow to go where I ain’t to be cuffed, and cursed, and mauled every day, by a bru'e like you." Said he, in a very melancholy lone — Ann, farewell.’’ Said she, doubtfully—“Joah, if vou’ll treat me beller. I’ll slay and live with vou uolil the breath is clean out of my body.’’ And Joah promised that he would, and that he hoped to be eternally dug on-ended to thunder if he wouldn’t pav ihe captain for landing, and ifeal all round if she would just slay ; and so .she stayed. And ihe last seen of Ibis nearly separated couple, they were af fectionately embracing earh other on ihe bank of the “big muddy,” surrounded by seven little free soil burn, whose shin tails, like the banner of Macbeth, were hung up nn the puter walls, and whose eyes were full of gum, dirt and wonder. Brutes Love Mbs moke than women. — A writer in the Atlantic Monthly for March, puis il thus Kale, the other day, was asserting a wife's ' right to the corvrol of her own property, and \ incidentally advocating the equally of the sexes—a touchy point with her. I put in— •‘Tell me then. Kata why animals from stronger attachment to men than women. Your dog, your parrot, and even your cat, already prefer me to you. How can you ac count for il, unless you allow there is more ia us to respect and love!” i • “I account for it.” said she, with a most (decided nod, “by affinity. There is moreaf fioity between you and brutes.” Who to Maurv. —An exchange remarks : •—“Never marry a girl who is fond of being always on the street—who is fond of running to night meeting—who has a jeweled hand and an empty bead—who will see her mother wash, and do up all work, and toil while she lies in bed and reads novels—feigns sickness —and is ashamed to own her mother. - Second marriages—I’ve heard, say wed. lock’s like wine—not to be properly judged of till Iho second glass- ’ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon. CLKLAND, TIOGA. COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in all part* of the county, 01 receive them for treatment at his house, [June 14.1855.] Jon iTSTbache, a ttornry and counsellor at —Office, north side Public Square Wellsborough, i' i. Refers to Messrs. Phelps .Dodge Sc Co..N. Y city Hon-A.V.Parsons.Philadelpbia. July 13, SPENCER & THOMSON, Attorneys Sc Counselors at law, CORNING, StcTibcn County, New York. Geo. T. Spencer, C, H. Thomson. April 18, 1855-Iy, YOU RON’T SAY SO? YES SIR, I DO' I pay lint FOLEY has the best and cheapest assortment of WATCHES 1 ever saw in Wellsboro.* Such heavy cases and finished movements you can’i find elsewhere Call and see them one door north of B. D. Smith Sc Son’s, where he will be glad to show them to you, and do any Repairs on Watches, Clocks Sc Jewelry, and all warranted. A. FOLEY. Wellsboro’ June 11,1857. S. F. WIJLSON, (Lr Removed to James Lowrcy’rOffice lAS. LOWRFT& S. F. WILSON,' ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, willattendtheCourtsof Tioga,Potter and McKean counties. Wellsborough,Feb. i ,1853. W. W. WEBB, ill. HAS returned to Wellshoro*, and is randy lo promptly attend all calls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. He would also stale that he has received a Commission from the Governor, and been sworn by the Brigade Irtspectpr, as Surgeon of the Ist Regiment, 2th Brigade of the 13th Division oi the uniformed Militia of Pennsylvania, and there fore is the only Surgeon within the Limits of said Brigade who has the right lo give certificates lo '‘persons incapable of bearing arms.” Office and residence, house formerly occupied by Samuel A. Mack. IS. o. COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, Wellsboro’pa. I Shop in the rear of Young’s Book Store. Every thing in Ins line of business will be done as well and as promptly as it can be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparalionsfor removing dandruff, and bcaulyfiing the hair for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and see. Wdlsboro’, Oct 18,1855. (lf r WM- W. & H. W. MTOUGALL REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 4 RE engaged in Exploring,Surveying and Draft* ing. Investing Money in Real Estate, and on Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrant*, Locating Land for Settlers on lime. They will attend the Land Sales in (his and Ihc adjoining districts, where their practical knowledge will enable them to select the best lots. Parties entrusting Money Lo us for investment will have the benefit of our explorations. No prop erty purchased that we arc not personally acquainted with. [Waubashaw, Min. Ter., April 23. j WELLSBOKO FOUNDRY -A-N-D Machine Shop AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. ROBERT YOUNG, late of the firm of Tabor Young & Co , Tioga, takes this method to in form the public that he has leased the Foundry and Machine Shop in the village of Wcll.-boro lor a term of years,and having put it in good running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work u-ually done at such in the best manner and out ol the l»csl of material. He lias had over twenty years’ experience in the business and wilt have the work entrusted to him done directly under hi-supervision. No work will he soul out half fini-bed. MILL GEARINGS, PLOUGHS, STOVES, and castings of all kinds on hand and to order. WclUhoro May 28, 1857. LAN REMARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, FOR sate at (his OlHec, June 2-1,1358, COME AND SEE THE NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WM. WALKER’S 31, Market St. Corning, AND SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES! All tho latest Fashionable styles of For men and hoj’s, Ladies’ Pronelle. Satin, Cloth and Mor occo Gaiters from 4s. to $3.00; Ladies’ .Morocco, Calf and en amelled Boots, from fp. to $2.00; l-adies Morocco i’atent Leather, and Satin Slippers and Buskins; Men’s Patent Leather, Cloth and Calf Congtcss Gaiters. & QISRDIiiSa Men’s Kip, Calf and Enammelled Brogans; Men’s Patent Leather and Calf Oxford Ties and Slippers; Childien’s Shoes. Slippers, Gaiters, Hosiery ic., Ladies' fJuld'crs and Sandals, first quality 4».. third quality Is.; Men’s Itubbers and San* d.iU, fir*t quality c«4 Ladies’ Hosiery, Silk, Lisle and Kid Gloves and Gauntlets. Gent’s ■furnishing' Goods. Umbrellas, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Silk. Merino and TTbol Un dershirts and Brawers, Cravats, lies, ami Scarfs; Sosj>enderB. Hosiery. Gloves, Shirts. Collars. Linen. Silk and Cotton Hand kercbeif’s: also an assortment of CROCKERY To be sold ebenp for Cash. Corning, April 29.1558. ly ’ • WILLIAM WALKER. mim mui.uFisiiioE Mrs. M. J. Grierson, HAS returned from the Oily with a full as sortment o|* Millinery Goods, which she offtrs for sale at the lowest cash prices. STRAWS. NEAPOLITANS AND FANCY BONNETS, of nil prices and descriptions. BORDERS from Is up to 4s. fid. A nice assortment of FLOWERS of ail price*. French Flowers and Box Flowers. A beautiful assortment of RIBBONS, LININGS, LACES, CRAPES SILKS, und all kind of materials for making Summer LEACHING POVV DE/?.—To remove ink and fruit stains &c M from linen. Price 12£ cts per box, with full directions for use. TpEKMANENT MARKING INK—To mark col lars and other clothing so that the name will not wash out. Price 25 cts per bottle. POTASH* Sal Soda, Sulcratus, Pure Ginger,Pure Ground Mustard, and Humell’s Essence of Cof fee, just received and for sale at Roy’s Drug Store. PIERSON’S EXPECTORANT.-A val uuble rem edy lor coughs, colds and lung difficulties. INDIAN SANATIVE DROPS or Life Regulator, is considered a mot valuable article lor difficul ties caused by impurity of the blood, this anidle recommends itself; certificates are unnecessary try it if you would know its value. /~1 HEMICAL HAIR TONIC.—This compound is used to prevent the hair from fulling off to cause it (o grow in thicker—and to restore hair Unit is growing gray toils original color; it is nicely per fumed and is very pleasant article for toilet use. Afresh supply of C.imphcne and Fluid justre ceived at /foy’s Drug Store, THE BEST INK in America,—Conger and Fields celebrated Recording Ink. Also David & Black’s Permanent Ink for Records and Book keeping. A new supply of these valuable Inks just received at Roy’s Drug Store; also a largcquanlily Common School Inks. FLAV OR ING EXTRACTS.—New supply 5 such Lcmnn, Vanilla, Pineapple, Peach, Cinnamon, Rose, Nutmeg, Cellery, &c. NEW SUPPLY of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps Pocket Books, Denial Soaps, Odors for the Handkerchief, and Fancy Goods a large assortment, f") HODE ISLAND LI HE for whitewashing.— l\ Also Whitewash Brushes for sale at Roy’s Drug Store. ROBERT YOUNG, CHOLERA DROPS.—The most effectual reme dy for bowel complaints in use. If taken in lime it cun hardly fail to cure if the directions are strictly complied with. 'Trice 25 cents. /CRYSTAL EYE WATER,—A valuable remedy for sore or inflamed eye*—rwilh full directions for ose. Price and 25 els p£r bottle. /CEPHALIC SNUFF.—For Catarrh, Headache 1 1 &.c. Price 25 rentsa bottle, A RMENIAN CEMENT.—For mending broken glass or china ware, with directions lor its ate Price 1 95 ccnU per bottle. (Warranted.) MILK OF ROSES.—A pleasant Cosmetic to im. prove the complexion and to remove tan and freckles—Price 25 cts. a bottle. LOOKING,GLASS PLATES-—With or without Frames, for sale at THE DRUG STORE. BALSAM TOLU.—This balsam is procured from a tree which is found in South America—it is a most valuable remedy for colds, coughs and uffec Mens of the lungs. Price of Balsam Tolu Cougk Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. ROSEMARY OINTMENT is a uselul article for chapped hands, pimples on the face, burns, scalds, eruptions on the skin &c. Price 12 and 25 cents per box. MAYER’S OINTMENT.—This ointment has long been held to be a great sect cl among the Germans. It i« highly valued us a successful cure for fever sores, bad ulcers and sores of almost every kind which are found to be difficult to heal. Sec di rections on the box. ' COMPOUND CATHARTIC PILLS; the best pill in use for biiiious complaints and affections of the liver. HEADACHE PILLS—For sick headache, ner vous headache and all headache that comes on at regular intervals. BOOKS. A variety of Children's Books—Blank Books— School Books, Slutioncty &-C. Also the Depository of the Tioga County Bible Society—containing a large variety of Bibles and TcstamcnUfrom 6| cents to 6 dollars. FOR GARDEN &. FIELD—A large supply of Fresh Seed* bus just been received al Roy’s Drug Store. Farmers and others who send orders from any part of nnr county can rely on finding jusl tlie kind ofseeds they may want at this Store. The supply is so large that merchants will be able lose, lect from a full assortment here at any time. WclUboro, April l t 185& J. A. ROY. W. TEEBELL & SON, GORKINC, ar. Y. Drugs Sg Medicines, Lead, Zinc, Sg Colored Paints , Oils, Varnishes , Brushes , Camphene Sg Burning Fluid , Dye Stuff's, Sash Sg Glass, Pwe Liquors for Medicine , Patent Mtdu cine a. Artists Points Sg Brushes , Perfumery, Fancy ArlicleSf Flavoring Extracts f also A general assortment ofSchoo! Books, Blank Books, Staple and Fancy Stationery. Physicians, Druggists, and Country Merchant* dealing in any of the above articles can be anpplied at a small advance on New York prices. Sept 3,1857. SEEDS W. I>. T£RBEII, Successor to Wholesale and Retail Dealers, in HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. TO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases such as SPERMATORRHOEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF-ABUSE, &c., &c., The HOWARD ASSOCIATION ofPhiladelphia in view ol the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions winch are practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Con sulting Surgeon, asa CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, to all persons thus affltcied,(Malc or Female,) who apply by letter, with a description oflhcir con dilion, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association ’is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, for the re lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with “Viru lent and Epidemic Diseases, 1 ' and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which lire Directors have voted tffadvertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the As sociation commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment.—Valuable advice also given to sick and nervous females, afflicted with Womb Complaint Leucorrhcea, &c. Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO- R. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 25,1856.—ly. Charles O. Etz of Tioga Village would rcspectiully call the attention of the public to the following advertisement. “Man wan's but little here Lrclow nor wants little long" is an old saying and perhaps true to a certain extents But it seem* to me that in this time of general suspension and panic, everything is lending to a reversion of time.honored sayings, and everybody wants a little more still. The farmers (and they really ought to have as much as anybody, for they are to our country what a main spring is lo a watch,)- wants a little more for their wheat, buckwheat, rye, corn, oal«, potatoes, Ac., than the purchaser able and willing to pay. The merchant wants a little wore for Jus Flour, Pork, Salt, Dry Goods, Boots &. Slices, Hats & Caps, Hardware, Crockery and ten thousand little things he has to sell than the fanner thinks he ought to pay. At this present lime it seems to be conceded by all that the cash value of good wheat is SI per bushel; buckwheat, 2 lo 2-6; corn 3-6 to 4-6; oats, 2 to 2-6; butter, 14 to 1C cents. Now to equalize the mailer and make it satisfactory on both sides, I want and will agree to take from every farmer of Tiotra county, all I lie wheat 1 can gel for the next 60 days at 9 and 10 shillings per bu«h el according to quality; buckwheat a*. 2-6 lo 3; corn sto 5-6: oats 2-9 to 3 shillings ; butter 16 lo 19 cents. Will sell yon in exchange Salt per barrel, 16s. Floor extra superfine 13s per sack, $6 50 per barrel. Superfine, lls pervade, 85 50 per bbl. Coffee sugar letter ‘‘A” as while as snow at Is. Coffee sugar letter U B” 12c(s. Very nice brmvn sugar, 1 lets. Common, lOcls. Lagui ra coffee, every kernel good, I—4. Old Java, very nice, i-6. Young Hyson tea, warranted tip-top, 4,5 and 6 shillings, Tallow candles, ITcls. Sperm, 3-6 Fine cut tobacco, 3s. Loo>e smoking, 1-G. Plug tobacco, 3s to 4s. Eagle Denim«, best manu factured, 10ct« to Is. Lawrence mills, sheeting, very heavy, lOcts. Fine unbleached, from lOclsto Is. Bleached muslin, from 7cts to 1-6. Calicoes, all styles, consisting of Merrimacks, Cochecocs, Spragues, Phillip Allens, &.C., from 6|cts to Is. A great variety of all wool Dchnnes, Cashmeres, Silk and Wool Poplins, Paramettas. Rignlelts. Hoods, Hosiery, Gloves and a great variety oflilile fixings, also a very l»rge slock ol Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gent’s wear. Ladies coarse Shoes 9s. Ladi'cs calf and enamelled leather, Tls to 12s. Oaitcr« a splendid assortment 10s to IBs. Gent’s kip Bools, home made, from $4 to 4 25 ; City made from 83 50 to 5 50. In a word oar stock Is complete in all its depart mcnls, from the sugar and molasses down cellar to the best and most complete assortment of commou and satin wall paper ever kepi in a country store up stairs. Bring alnntrall the grain &c. t you have to sell, what you do not want to exchange for Goods 1 will pay yoa the cash for at cash prices, _Tioga t Nov. 5,1857. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE ] at ERWIN’S new Store! He has jusireturncd from the City with a choice Lot of Rcadr-Nlade CLOTHS, CASSIHERES, VESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN S Y S T E 3VI AND NOTHING SHORTER WclUboro' Sept. 25, 1856. NEW STOCK AT HART'S FLOUR $ PROVISION STORE. I have just replenished my Stock of Groceries, Flour and Provisions, and am prepared to sell at the lowest living Hgure, for Cush all through this hard winter. I will also exchange Groceries and Provisions (or Country Produce ul.Cash prices. I can furnish every eatable quality of flour at a less price than any dealer in Wellsboro, either whole sale or retail. I have also on hand a large quantity of Ladies’ and Men’s Shoes, winch will be sold at a very small advance upon cost, tbrCash or Produce. As to price and quulity of any tiling 1 keep on hand Tor sale, just call and e.\aminc Tor yourselves. I have also a small t-Lock of DRY GOODS, which will be sold AT COST. Cull and see. Wellsboro’ Jan. 7, ’5B. DAVID HART. NEW TAILOR SHOP. No garment is permitted logo out of the shop that is not made in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Culling and Fitting, This Depirimcnt, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the Wive and let live” rule* I have adopted the ' I Fay-Down System and shall rigidly odhere to it, ] WelUboro’, March 13,1856. H.P.ERWIN. CRYSTAL FOUNTAIN HOTEL. Main Street . Wellsboro * Pa. D. HART, PROPRIETOR. THIS strnir-out TEMPERANCE HOTEL has I been lately reopened for the accommodation of the traveling public, and no pains will be spared to render it popular with such as may favor it with their patronage. This Hotel is located conveniently for those who desire to take either the Tioga, Cedar Run, Couriers port, Mansfield, Covington or Troy Stages. Those desiring to reach intermediate places, not on Stage routes, will be accommodated with a conveyance at a reasonable charge. This Hotel will be conducted, as it over has been, on the “Live and lei live” principle. Charges as low as those of any good Hotel in the County? A good Ostler always in attendance. February, 18, 1858. Catalogues Seat free. Gr. Gr. EVANS, PUBLISHER. & ORIGINATOR Gift Book Enterprise. 439 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. THE unparalclled success which baa attended the subscri ber in )us distribution of Gifts to the Million, has indu ced him to make large and valuable additions to his former extensive stock of new and popular books. Iff* new, com plete and classified catalogue of books embracing all the De partments Of Literature, is mailed Free to any part of the country. ’ . , „.. ALL BOOKS sold at publishers’ lowest prices, and all the new publications of the day added ,aa soon as issued, SSOQ worth of Gifts with each $lOOO worth of books sold; among which are daily distributed the following— * j WOBTB TOOK Gold Hunting Lever Watches, - $5O 00 to 100 00 Gold Anchor-t “ « i 35 00 to 50 00 Silver Lever and Lepine l2 00 to 25 00 Parlor Time loeccs, i 500 to 15 00 Vest and Fob Chains, 1 - 10 00 to 2a 00 Lady’s Guard and Chattelaine doi 10 00 to 25 00 “ Silk Dress Patterns, f 12 00 to 20 00 « Gold Bracelets, t 500 to 35 00 “ Cameo Sets. j 10 00 to 15 00 u Mosaic Sets, 12 00 to 20 00 “ Florentine Sets, ' ; 10 00 to 15 00 “ Gold Pencils ned Pens,! { 150 to 10 00 « Gold Miniature Lockets, 1 | 250 to 10 00 Qcnt’s Gold Pens, with cases, ; 200 to 10 00 Gent’s Bosom Studs and Sleeve Duttons, 200 to 600 Lady’s Breast Pins, .j. 160 to 750 “ Ear Kings, i 200 to <5O ** and Gents’ Gold Bings; | 100 to 600 Gent’s Bosom Pins. ' , • 100 to 350 Lady’s Pearl Card cases, - 250 to 500 Portmononics. Pocket Knives, Ac., 100 to s^)o Articles of Gold Jewelry and Gift Books, not enumerated in'the above, worth from 25 to 25 00 Ono of the above named gifts presented to each purchaser of a book at the time of sale, although all books are sold at publisher’s lowest prices. The complete and classified Cata logues may he had without charge, by calling or sending your address. J , Liberal inducements to country iagents. Orders from the country promptly filled and the gpods forwarded by express or mail same day, Address 1 G. G. EVANS, 439 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa, ifftp-TO THE PUBLIC*—As there are many Gift Book Storrs advertised throughout the country, M, EVANS deems it just to himself add his duty to the public—lnasmuch as he originated the Gift Book buaiilepi— to state, as evidence of the Instability of such concerns* that they.conceal their real names from M.o public, and are advertising their business un der assm • 1 ones. Mr. E. is awdre that these various con cern* published as Gift Book Stores, are calculated to bring Hi’j business established by himself into disrepute. He asks of the public a correct judgment jin regard to bis Gift Book Enterprise, foi the honor, integrity, and success of which he refers to all the prominent publishers in the United States. •Read his Catalogue. [Apr! 29, ’59. 3m. 'I lIOMSON & MMTKGTON, Fire &. life insurance agents, ! j Corning, N. Y- A ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of Hartford, Con^.— Capital $1,000,000. PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE'CO., Of Harlford^Conn. —Capital $200,000 Hartford fire insurance co., • Of HarlfordlCt., Capital $5OO 000. CONNECTICUT FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of Hartford jCdnn. Capital $2OO 000 PEOPLE’S FIRE INSURANCE CO. Of New York City—Capital $150,000' Manhattan fire.insuranceco.j Of New York|City—Capital $200,000., ■vtew-york life: insurance co. 4 Accumulated Capital $] ,200,000 k The subscriber having succeeded to the Fire in surance businessofGeo. Thompson, Esq., Is prepared to take risks and issue.-policies in the above well known and reliable stock Companies. Farm buildings insured fjbr three years at rates almost as tow as lho«e of mutual companies. AH losses will be promptly and satisfactorily set. lied and paid at this office. [ 'Applications by mail will receive prompt tion, p. J. Farrington, ; , C. H THOMSON, \ A S ‘ , ( Concert Hall Blocks ' Corning, April 29, 1858' J CABINET WAREHOUSE. T AM STILL AT MY OLD STAND, two .L doors below Hart & Short’s FJonrand Provis ion Store, Manufacturing to order all kinds of Cal)- inat Ware, and in the best mariner. I likewise Keep constantly on hand and for sale at reasonable prices, a fine stock of ! Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, Cera, Centre, Dining, Breakfast Tattles, Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAHOGONY &. COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage, French and\Common Bedsteadf, of every description,together with all arliclesusn ally made in his line of business. CHARLES O. ETZ. From his knowledge ol ' W) ' and Dye-Stvffs of every Uni . and of the best quality with BOOTS $ SHOES, forEeerx l *,* All kinds of Country Produce lui,,’ change for goods at the market prices. Tiop=- July 2, 1857. ALS AND QUICKS OF YOUTH. t Published, the 5a Edi' . SPERMATORRHEA OR SEMIN. EASES—A scientific TreilUe on i land perfect cure of Nervous Debility, lUness, Involuntary Emissions Impel illmg from vicious habits acquired ( lical passage from Youth to Manhood. BY DR, CULVERWELL , jber of the Royal College nf Surgeon.* j t (1827). Licentiate of the Hail (I years Resident Practitioner in Lender the “Guide lo Health.” “Green Boor.” Happy.” “Memoir* of Single and Mar/ This small, but highly valuable Thm* a world renowned Physician and Suti« the only sure and permanent cure Jer inking from self abuse, and Is the on! i of its kind written in a bcnerolent a scientific man. It should be in the , who value their life and health stid (ur Price, 12 cents, or 4 stamps,at the receipt; will be sent, post tree, and well sccurtc . H. KLINE, No. 420 Ut Avenue, box4s; id Blind Fa TON, TIOGA CO. Sash air COVING'. IHE Subscri- ber is n lared by new jhincry jn si phased, to fur i to order, all Js of square & .y Sash, and ds. [□are Sash of mon sizes al- ys on hand. *y long expe nce in the bn “sß,lhesubscrl f alters liimsel: he nan make good an article, and sell Has chap ained at any otabislimcnt in Pcn'i*}. vv York. Call and see. DAVID S. IR ! Covington, September 18,1856. HjTThe subscriber is also Aged/ar if. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Mcu'ien na’sOil for Deafness. FRESH - SERIES & P OOD’S GKOC ' Opposite Roy's Building. Subscriber lias just receded s well assorted slock of Groceries &. Provisions, Pork, Dried. Fish, Mackerel, Floor,. Dried Frail*, ranis, Prunes, Raisins, Dale?, I Oranges, Lemons, and Pickles. SUGARS of all grades and prices to? lices. Tobacco, Snus, and NUTS of all Also, New Orleans Molasses and rci id all articles nsoalty kept in a coiidij cheap (or cheaper) as can be found u Those wishing to purchaf-e wdlda examine Ms slock before purshasin; r cllsboro, Ml 8, 1858. t*S Subscribers have removed to ll tleganily filled up brick store—fc: :oncen Block, Corning—and tv'.it ■ rgc assortment of New Rooks, ain't?’ RELIGIOUS STANDARD WORK: HISTORICAI TALES OF FICTION, 1* POETICAL fft SCHOOL BOOKS, ■ SHEET Ml‘«: Flunks, Stationery and Wall Paper.'; ' Wdelily pipers, all the Magazines* 1 ’•s. All for sale cheap. Sept. 24, ’57. ROBIN? ANTED By Wilcox highest market price 19,000 Bushels of Whe: 10 Tons of Pork. Welisboro, Nov, 19,1857. Floor, manufactured »| Mills and warranted. • _ Dec. 30. ' v ' LCa