SID WAKSISG.—Tbe cose of Porler, Sunday School defaoiler is thus allied y a correspondent of (he Boston Jckir- ;, lr Frederick W. Porter, (he defaulting ‘ h American Sunday School Onion, n ’' r u made such a sensation a short length made a lull and f t confession of the great wrong be "P He siood very high in the Society " ; Church, and he was almost the „ ..1,,, would have been suspected to m ;,v of so foul a' deed. In a letter re- Hid before the Board of the Sunday ■ I Union he has made a complete con jon He began his wroug doing nineteen rj Ino The plan wa? the same that he '.oedw the I'f. His temptation began j,,1,e mulberry and silkworm speculation eleen veers ago, and under the garb ol i„i o n he has for that long lime carriad on 'dishonest plans. He allows that at the rl he knew it was wrong ; hut he hoped be able to meet the notes as they matured. los he was nnable to do so, he was corn led In renew his notes and pay a heavy bp s. Thus, for nineteen years, he has been B din" the thotnv path of sin, praised for values that he’knew he did not possess laken of the sacrament, which, accnr a to Ills own profession of faith, was adding nnation to himself with each unworthy e| ,i,„n. He defrauded the Society out of ( 830,000 ; but the Philadelphia broker 0 aided him to ihe dishonest gain, prompt ed all the notes that his name was on. j the loss was lessened nearly 840,000, p or ier confesses that in the nineteen ars of fraud, he has used the name of the ,j p: v 'o the large amount of $600,000, by etuils and re-issues.- No wonder he is a man _one whom, if the law does not lC h, ihe crave will soon cover up. 1 Nine p tears of fraud and crime, nnd t'perpe ifd in ihe name of religion—with dispair iking him in ihe face—exposure wailing him alike corners of each „sireel —with nurse knawmg at his hear! —and the worm .idies not hastening to his repast! Mr. tier's confession will soon be made public” Imuax Lover.—Miss Bishop, ihe ,'ernf “Floral Home,” who went lo Min i:'a os a teacher, received an offer of mar re from an Indian. He camfe her e"in« decked in all his finery—scarlet pel, rings, feathers, newly scoured brass raments and : bear’s claws—and through inerpret'*r announced to her that she is'Lehia wife. Il was urged that he had ;wile. He replied, “AH the band havens in\ as diey can keep and I have but one.” ?n extra inducement he promised that she hue the best corner in his lodge, hunt ms side, and eat with him, while the dark :iw was lo hush the papoose, cook the ■j, carry the game, plant and hoe the corn, -provide wood and water. Miss Bishop, nje in fear of the “green eyed monster,” ■n if the other claimant did hold an infe r declined the distinction. The I m then begged a dollar lo buy fl shirt, d left with a hanohiv air. Next day he 'drunk. Bui Miss Bishop's associate al ■'i fared worse; she had been only a few fks in \he country, and was ignorant of In n customs; \ young warrior, sminen wiih ,ctiled “lien; hoping to be rid of him gave him a ring; he interpreted il as a ea of p-trualiiy, and returned to lake her Indge; the next day he n<»ain returned h'i\\oufiir braves 10 compel her to go h him. explanations and interference d her. )t:ati nr Gkn. John A. Qititma.n.- One ihe h**roi s of ihe Mexican war, who P'!' 0 *! a ihous.ind builds, go down io a 'till uruve. Some of the most dislin slifil ni this gallant corps already sleep in ’• Quvmnn, one of the bravest among n, -iM' his name lo the number. He 1 <>n ihe 17:lj sn*o., at Natchez, of disease inirtprfai Washington, in his 59ih year. Qj.’man was horn al Rhinebeck, N. "nGicnved his education al Mount Air\, brrmarttoun, in Philadelphia courrtv. ,!^p r was a Prussian clergwnan.— irnit i di'Hing diiinry, siudied law, and " 1 n ihe Uesi. []js talents soon se- K l,i(n publ,c npen’inn and confidence and ! - nf d m various public capacities of im encp. and finally as ocllnjj Governor of . 'i 1 '- IS4G, President Polk appoin* £ ,fn « Dni>:idier Central in ihe army, [j' lo Gen. Ta> lor’s a.d in which he ■- cnn«[rct)oiislv. In ihe subsequent wiih Sent, he was promoted lo ihe njor General. In this campaign >lle npSI miliiary skill and ihe celebrated aliack on ihe ”le «f ihe capuol. Since his return p he has again mingled in public ' r ' l , tt!is Cnn 'idered one of ihe ablest of i u ' * He *lern delegation in Congress. ; ', ED ‘^ IIVE - —On Friday, 23d ult., i'lrC' men> le names Bush and I / lL ’ Were engaged in digging a well deprh, at Ann Arbor, - v. £ ave x y a y l" rom the l v i, 01 ’j 16 Grounding earth, and sud r,!y iee* C n b ° m 10 depth of some ii Su ° n Bs ' l Wl *9 known that II in iv o . liS alive, the exching ■\ n,^' Ic ! nit y Pcame intense, and from firs- .* r 1 le P eo P ,e rallied to the rescue. i!f lSt} '!, n S 10 done was to remove the ■'io n rG . CUr h and sink a larger one QV| it(i rvT Cl j- n °** l l le laborers engaged in : dl "-. This was accomplished ! tmirpf. 011 ' 1 risl! . as 'he sioes of ihe pil ■ s Un» * Uns scured. It was, however, r ; urb W:ls P u! in, and ihe work 1 OW m lO , ' le buried men prosecu- On/'r , !>lr s '’ua>ion must be im htlie Oih° • m been caught nearly *1 from In a Sltlln fs posture. Every C irna iion Qvewas audible 10 'hem, while above a , ex ' s,ence reached their the* fi A * en o a ' ter iwenty-aix -'‘N, thftn ’u m . an was ,a l (en cut almost ls ' nl - Som ? Xlaus, ed by close con the a " me '° n B er “'as consumed 'but he in eC ° Dd con ' e quence of his 'be dav WaS rescued > and thus the 'his i« WaS rlc,l,y rewarded.— *" "ad a 6U a -- rkabla ios 'ance of “wessiul rescue. A Double Murder.—Montpelier, Vi. July 17.—A shocking affair occurred yester day in the adjoining town of Calais. A young man, lB years of age, named Ariel Marlin, took his rifle in the morning, went into a neighboring hay field, put himself in ambush and as Mr. Wheelock, the owner, made his appearance to commence work, shot him deliberately through the heart. Mr. Wheelock (ell al once, and in five minutes breathed his last. Marlin immediately hur ried off to another farm, where he met a la borer named Ainsworth, and, after exchang ing a word or two with him, shot him also. Ain«wonh staggered into the house not far distant, and died in about an hour and a half. The neighborhood became alarmed, and Mar tin look to the woods. He soon afterwards, however, made his appearance in the road, and was arrested. On being questioned why he had been shooting these men, he replied, '‘because they were mean men.” No cause can be assigned for the horrid act. There had been no difficulties between the parries and between Martin and Wheelock a consid erable degree of intimacy had subsisted.— Both of the unfortunate men were young, and had families. Marlin has always been con sidered raiher weak minded, hut has never been supposed insane. The affair is under going a thorough investigation. J. Edgar Thompson, President of the Penn sylvania Railroad, we see it staled, declared, at the Railroad Convention, held at Buffalo a few days ago, that if the New York roads did nnt put up the fare to the regular price immediately he would reduce the fare on his road to one cent a mile*. Sheriffalty. We are requested to announce GEORGE MUDGE of Richmond, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. We are requested to announce ISAAC F. FIELD of Dclmar, us a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. We are authorized to announce Dr. JOEL ROSE of Rutland, as a candidate for Sheriff,subject to the decision of I lie Republican Convention. We ore authorized lo announce ALLEN DAG GETT. of Tioga, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. We are authorized lo announce EMMER BOW. EN, of Deerfield, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject lo the decision of the Republican Convention. We ore requested to announce the name of LE ANDER CULVER of Elkland Boro, asa candidate for Sbet iff, subject lo Ihe decision of the Republi can Convention. • We are requested lo announce .MICAJAH SEE LEV, of Lawrence, as a candidate for Sheriff, sub. ject to the decision of the Republican Convention. We are requested lo announce E. H. CORNELL of Tioga, as a candidate lor Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. [July 22 ] We are requested lo announce L. D. SEELY, of Brookfield, as a candidate lor Co. Commissioner, subject to the decir-ion of the Republican Convcn (ion. (July 8.) We arc requested to announce the name of CAL VIN F. BUTLE/f, of Delmar, »s a candidate for Co ComniUMoner if nominated by the Republi can Co. Convention. [July 15, ’sB.*] Wc ore requested to announce EDGaR VV. GRINNELL, of Sbippen as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject lo the decision of the Repub- I.can Conventin. ' We arc requested to announce JOHN GIBSON, of Chatham, as a candidate tor Commissioner, sub ject lo the decision of the Republican Convention. EXECUTOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters testamentary lio.viii«f been granted lo ‘he undsrMj/nrd on the estate of EZ/2A DaVIS, l.ite ol‘ Mansfield, teccnwcd. All persons indebted lo said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same lo piesent them lo n«. HORACE DAVIS, ) P , EZRA DAVIS JR. < tlXrs ‘ Mansfield, July 29, 180 S, 81. Bituminous Coal. THE Subscriber is now mining, and is prepared to sell, at his mines in GAINES TOWNSHIP, Tiogi Co. Pa., the best quality of Bituminous Coal. My Mines are situated on the Barrens, nine miles south nf Westfield, fonr miles from Pine Creek, and about fifteeni miles from Wellsboro. The attention of Blacksmiths and all others using Coal, is invited. The Coal will be sold in large or small quantities by Dr. J. N. HaNER. N. Hancr will also give his attention lo Professional Calls. July 29, 1858, ly. Religious Notice. QUARTERLY MEETING and dedication at Blossburg Pa., on the Ist of August. Meeting to commence on Saturday, July 31, al 2 o'clock P. M. Dedication on Sabbath. M. Q. McFarland of Jerusalem, N. Y. f and S. A. Leonard of Westfield of this County, arc expected lo be present ou the occasion. Our friends general* ly are invited to attend on the occasion, July 22,1858. AMOS CHAPMAN. BLOW! BLOW! BLOW! THIS appears to be the order oflhc day. But it ts an acknowledged fact that you can buy Goods at the Now store of BULLAEDS’ CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER PLACE IN TIOGA COUNTY. This is no "Blowing” but the PLAIN TRUTH. Look at| our LIST OF PRICES and see if it is not so. ] And by the way, let us say to you that you need have no fear of getting Old Goods. Our Store Stock and Clerks are all New } as well as our Prices . Our Stock is complete. You can find everything from a Tea Canister, up. Here they Come! Another lot of those Nice Grown Sugars, onlv 6$ els. ■j. A No. 1 Rice, 5 •* I Stewart's extra Syrup, (worth Is more than ony other Syrup, ss. Good Molasses / 40 cts. Codfish, 5 ** While Fisli Sc Trout, .... 8 14 Good Tea, 3s. Fine.cul Tobacco in papers, per lb 2s. fid. Bulk * “ ....3a. ■Good Plug Tobacco, 2s. Yard wide Sheeting, fcj els. A Good Gaiter, only 6s. Flour, 4 50 and everything else os low at * M. Sc O. BULLARD’S. FRESH LOT Camphene and Fluid, 6s. per gal. al BULLARD'S ZINC PAINT, &> Lioteed Oil at 7k. 6d. per gal. at BULLARD'S. COBB'S XSREAT SEA STORY in the N. Y. ■ Ledger, to be found at Smith & Richards'.— Buy it before they arc all gone. THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. c. G. OSGOOD, DESIRES THE FACI' TO BE KNOWN TO THE READERS OF THE AGITATOR , r That he is filling up the Store formerly occupied by BEAN & ENSWORTH, WITH A VEEY DESIRABLE STOCK OF GOODS! WHICH ARE TO BE SOLD “LOW.” We Should Make Poor Work at IB ®WI TO If we should try; and will mere- ly say to those who will favor us with a Call, Tliat llic Public’s old Friend, SAM SMITH, Or myself, Will show them the Goods With pleasure, AND SELL TO THEM IF WE CAN. Everything, and a few other little Articles always on hand. Wellaboro* July 8,1858, HOLD) OiV, IMIS. PRINTER!! STOP THE PRESS / ! WHAT FOR? WHY, TRUMAN & BOWEN have just arrived from New York with the CHEAPEST AND BEST oFsortmcnt ot GOODS ever before offered lo the people of Tioga County and vicinity ; and nolwilh otanding the RUSH OF CUSTOMERS they sny they mu we will sell at 4s. Flouncing and Borders cheaper than ever heard of before. | r ] Do not slay from the Regulator Store, far your example will be fell through generations to coVne.— One cross discontented spirit in a family wjll turn a happy homo into confusion and distress, and the sight of a frowning face, when so little money will clear it up, should be cured by calling at the Regu latorand buying one of those heavy j t AT ROE'S AT ROE’S AT ROE’S NEEDLE WORK FRENCH VEILS . Bought nl the late Auction, which we will, fell at 6s. worth 12*. Sickness is not so di*tressmg|when fhcre is carefulness or patience, and patience you will need when you come to select the goods, in consequence of the great rush of customers, iimi the piles of gcods you will find, hut we will do jqs fast as we can. We have added a number of mcri to our list, and you will not be kept in waiting long, : ljir the bundles arc continually moving out at the door 5 , with the one continued sound .' flow Cheap! How Cheap!! And tlie fast colored Lawns for 6 1-4 cents, and Jaconet Lawn* for is. Elegant Biilfiants for Is., beautiful Challies for Is worth 2s fid new styles. Bayadere Challies entirely n**w and chcip er than ever sold in the country. Three dikes of those Mohair Debegcs, which we sell at 6 1-d tents, always sold at Is. They go off by the piece, and you inn'l come soon to gel tho-c Moh.iir dark col ors tor old ladies. When we look on the counte nance of a good Uird grandmother, wc canilqthut lovd and revere her, although she may not. lid-,able to do much with her hands, (we have a jnMiol of Kid Gloves bought at Auction, that wc sejllal la per pai,r warranted kid) with the household, j/ul by imitating Lois of old she can do much (or lliej fam ily in relieving the mother of a part of licrjdircs, hy spending a day at the Regulator Store and se lecting some of those unprecedented hargair&jfroin those piles of Sheeting wo have just received;| 8 hales Atlantic A heavy one yard wide 7 penis per yard. . 1 [ 6 bales Boston A Wire twist, 1 yard wide! .6 L 4 cents per yard. \l 5 Bales Allensdule Fine Sheeting 1 yard wiidc 7 cents per ynrd. "• ; i / 5 Bales Allcnsdalc Fine Sheeting 3-4 yard wide 6 cents per yard. : j 7 Bales Lawrence Steam Cloth 3-4 yard wide 4$ cents per yard. , Colton Batting, Warp, Twine, different grades, Cotton-yarn all numbers. . - Jn the mother nothing can he more bcaulifuUthan a meek and quiet spirit There is no adornment compared to it, hut wc can add much to it byjyour selecting from our piles of , : j 12 US "W Hi Which comprise over 200 different palttrps.— Some E'-lclla 2 yards square 10s, that have, been sold nt $5 with a good assortment of Cropland ilk Shawls. A Black Silk with heavy fringe; 172 inches (.qua re we will sell you for 40s. Crapes 'from $4 to $2O each. Luce Capes «ome beautiful iones that we will sell at ruinous prices. We canjorly ask you lo look and we will sell you every article as we advertise. , - MUUnery QmM. Straw' Bonnets from Is to 20s. 1 French Flowers hy the Bov. j American Flowers by the Box. “, | Pattern Hats. \ Dre-s Cups. Straw Braids. Blondes, Ruches, &.c. Cords. Tassels, French Corsets, Brass and'Steel Hoops. 1 | The Press, the Pulpit and the Petticoat. , {The first spreads the new**, the second religion, anft the third and last spreads Douglas.-, and Sln-Twocd 1 *! pal. cut Steel Skirls with adjust ng Htist'e, whiHi may be found at the Reguli/tor Store, Corning, N. Ten of those fine Foxed Gaiters at 4fid. per pair. Eight cases of Women’s Enamelled fronts (h usuilly 10s, Men’*- heavy Brogan Shoe'* Ihalj'cnst G-* per pair to make we will sell them at 75 cents*. Mens’ Kip Bools, Fancy-tops and well made ](Js|»er pair. A good kip at 12*, and any quantity nil La. die'*’ Rubbers at Is fid per p.«ir. The Rubbers! arc Goodyear’s Patent, and beat kind of No- 1. j HATS, HATS? A lot from Auction. A good Panama fine llraid nt 6s iiMUflly sold ui 20s. Senate Hu. 4s iripi* f 3s worth 6-.. Fancy Cassimeres, Bro.ia Cloths, Votings, on which wc will not be beat In price, in the Slate. \ (Lr I will only say, let every member of the fimii ly strive to make home happy by calling at llic Reg. ululor and selecting a bundle of those Cheap fcoods, by m> doing-you.will remedy it and make n 1 Sweet home,” even a i home on Earth, and nl thd *une time do much good to him who is in want of the "needlul” which is your humble servant. ! j* „ ,B. E. KOBINSOii. Corning, May 20, 18SS. • i The Grocery Department is Fulf. ; PORK, HAMS,! FLOUR SUGARS, i i TEAC, &c. i Good Flour warranted 54.75. Good Floor! not warranted S 4. Candles Is, Sugar, good, 7 Ceuta per pound, every thing equally as cheap 1 Corning, May SO, 183 S. R. E. ROBINSON. |3« ooo; BOOTS & SHOES | ON MANHOOD AND ITS PEEttATTJEE DECLINE Just I'nblUhcd, Gratis, the 50lU Thousand. A FEW WORDS ON TIER KATTONAV jfiz'J} ! without Mciicinu. of £4,-rhcaor Local Weakness, NVcturmd Kmis-doiis,. SuLiuHujiy Genital and Nervous Debility, luipotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally, by B. DE LANET, M. D. The important fact that the many alanninc complainS. originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, mav W easily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in tin? email tiact‘ clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and JEghJy suc cessful treatment, as adopted by the Author, folly r*\pinin**tj, by means of which every oae U enabled to cure lIIJISELE perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding ail the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a scaled envel ope. by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. it, DE LANKY, SS Ea&t 31st street, New York City. April, 29, ISOS. ' Tlie Voii■■ 4; Flying Moriian. jßtty . fTpIIIS splendid liorsc was sired by wjeA I tiie justly celebrated trotter,—. Morgan” tlic pride of Ver r^’ wn M*>,hont horse breeders. an„d does credit the unequalled stock from which he sprang. Ills dam was a Messenger mare, & slock second only to the Morgan in ail that const!, lutes excellence m the horse. For slienglh, speed and endurance, this stock of horses has neve; been surpassed. Young Flying Morgan is seven year* old. 15£ hands high, ami weighs 1100 lbs. He cark trot his mile inside of tlwcc minutes, and \va« awarded the first premium Ibrspecotuid general ex whence, nl the Windham Co. Fair, held at Brail.e. boro Vt., 1856 i He will stand tlw ens&ing season, Monday*** Tuesdays and Wednesdays, at the stable of the sub. scribvr at Tioga, ancflhc remaining daysofeacii weekat the stable of C. R. Farr in Wcilsboro. * Term?, 810 lo insure a foal, in accordance with the uf>ual custom. D. L, AIKEN, Tioga, May 13,1858. Black naivk Chief, ffex be found at the stable of lb* . XVJL subscriber, Iwo miles cast ol* Lnnndsbcry Sclllcmcnt, on llte Ob/ VI W3* County Road, Ricliraond lotvii>hip, Tioga,Co. Pa., the present season, lor the improvement of Horses. Black Hawk Chief was sired by Skiff Cult, g sire Blacklmvk, gg sire Sherman, ggg sire Justin Morgan. Dam was of Messenger blood. Black Hawk Chief is jet black, 35 1.4 hands high,and weighs 1100 lbs. For beauty of form, grace of action, and splendor of carriage, be cannot be equalled by any slock bor*-c In North ern Pemi-ylvania. Black Hawk Chief was foaled in the Spring of 1853; the properly of Newell Faru ham E>q , Lockporl, Niagara Co., N, Y. Terms—Five dollars for single service, ten JuL lars for the season and fifteen dollars to insure. All marcs from a distance accommodated with pasture free of charge. •, lyman b. Faulkner, Richmond, May 27, 1853. TO MOTHERS, WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. Or. li. A. Litntout’s PERIODICAL COMPOUND. The most bcm-fipwl ntnl «up»v-*.fMl FEMALE MEDICIXB now m U'sc, lor all ca-i b of obstructed or supp.csacd Mtn-tru'itiun. Tlih valnatlf rrirdnldc compound has long boon nsed in the private practice of Dr. Laniont. for regnkvimr tiie do raiuiuimMiH ot the foin.iU* -wo m and f-.v improving tl\»* gen eral health, and by long experience lias been found the greatest unn-iJy aualiist tho-e p.uulul or gem rut to which the f«. male c(in-ti'utu>n i- liable. A fov ilo-es ta ken for one week bef./ra tin? monthly period will remove alt o'-, tractions/ioiil i,nj cmiuc ichulcicr, as incredible aa it mar appdar. .V 15.—Those* Indies who hare been disappointed in the usa of Fills, Ac., can put the utmo-t couflJcm u in thb compound, •ftj-j -C A U T I O X This componml uiu-t not bo by females during tho earlv months of Pregnancy under tho pen dry of t jrtaln ab ortion. At all other times it is safe, as it is purely u-gu table. •It will be -cat to ant address by totiux author izod agent, or to 11. I. ANDREWS. Buffalo N. Y. For sale by J. A. IloV, Welbboro, Pa., and Druggists gen erally. [.lnly 1, lb-Vk ly ] Tioga Marble Shop. THE Subscriber Ims ju-t received a fine lot oj Marble from the Rutland Quarries, suiubl* for all descriptions of Gravestones, I?loimiiicn(s, Gcnotnplis, &c. He is, prepared to execute orders for the above de- Fcriplions of work, in a superior style, and at rea. snndblcpricps. Persons desiring Gravestones of llio finer kinds of ITALIAN MARIiLE can procuru llie Sub-criher. A. Crowl, of Weflsboro, is authorized to rcceWo orders lor work tit this establishment, Tioga, June 10, ’5B, If. A. D. COLE. TO THE LADIES! A Kew Kind of Soap has recently been invented, which promise? to su persede nil other kind* of hard soap. It is used ex. tensively lor washing clothes, and possesses the re markable property ofesirncting dirt without boilings Ihe clothes and without (he u*c of tile rubbing board. The process of washing requires less than half the time, and only about hail' the tabor, by using this Patent Soap-; This article is peculiarly excellent, and superior Co any thing else called Soap; because w hita it save* time and labor, it never rot* or in jures tlie clothes. It is just the article it is repre. scnled to be, and never disappoints the expectation* ol* lt ’does not lake out stains. For safe at Hoy’s Drug Store, U’ell-boro, Pa, Posi Oiiicu Notice. iMaiN close at the llVlHmro’ I’o-t Ofliepa.- follows Eastern mail, via Tioipt, daily ut in*/' oVlook ti. m. EasU rn an.l Southern, vi.i M.iu-.iidd ami Troy, Tuesday, Tlmrsifeij and s.itnrd'»y„nt 7* < o'clock a. in. Ex-tern and Southern. via Codington and Troy, Monday^ Wedne-d iy and Friday at 7)< nVlix. k u. m. Southern.'Ada Jersey Shore. Tuesday and Friday at o’- clock ]». m.’ • Western, via Comlersport, Wednesday and Satuidaj at 7 a m. Mail- arrive tw follows : Nm them *tc.. via Tioga, daily. by 1 nVlnrlc. p. m la-tern fee.. via Troy ami -Mansfield, by o o‘cb>'k p. same da\> of inn. \ Eastern Ac., via Troy and Covington, by 7 p. m..s*«ine day* of leaving. Southern, via Jersey Shore. Tuesday & Friday, by n; Western, via Coudersport, Tuesday and Friday bv i> n. rrt. S.-pt. 17,15-57. . I. D. UICIIAIIDS. V. M SENT FREE TO ASV AOJOSiEssI G. G. EVANS, Bookseller, Publisher , and Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise. HAS just hsucil a new ami conipMu catalogue of b'« Uool:«. comprising a large and varied R-u'rtuu ut of all kuuis of hlemturo. $lOO worth of Gifts will be given with every $lOOO worth of hooks ?oM. A gift woith from 2-> cU, to $lOO, will bo doliven.*! wicU cadi hook at the time ot OnUrs from thf country promptly ailed and the (}<»»d« f. - warded by express or mail on the same day the or>Ur b re ceived A Complete catalogue sent tree. Address G. G. KVA NS Jan. 2S, IS.’S. 4;.9 Clu-tnutSt, Philadelphia. POLES' a tine assortment of hoary IBHEIBS ILW2S HTOT23. , horl lime. All hinds of RE PAIRING done promptly, IT n job of work m mil done lo ihe -atisl’m turn of the parly ordering it, no charge will Ik* made. Grateful lor pit»t tavors my desire i& to merit a coiiUini mca of iJul’-j me. Wellsboro t June 2-1, 1853. THU VLACK TO UUY THE PLACE'I,O IJUY. THE PLACE TO BUV r GOOD AXD CHEAP GOODS GOOD A\D CHEAP GOODS GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS IS AT ROE’S IS AT ROE S , IS AT ROE S DISSOLCTIOiV.— The firm hcrclofuie cv. isting under Ihd name ol' D, I*. & Win. Rob. erts is this day dissolved hy mutual consent.- Tl>o Book* .»ful Accounts ..arc in the hands bl David i\ Roberts Ibr settlement'. The business will bo con ducted by TV’m. Roberts at Urn old Stand. Wc’Kloro, Jn.iejlj, -‘53, 1>- P. ROBERTS,