\ G. OSGOOD, SIRES THE FACT TO BE KNOWN rj\Q 'l'ffJZ READERS OF THE AGITATOR , at he is filing U P the Store formerly occupied by, ;AN & ENSWORTH, iIH A VERY DESIRABLE STOCK OF .OO D S ! HIGH are to be sold “L 0 W.” f 6 Should Make Poor Work at ® a ® ■wtar® ff e should try ; and will mere- ly say to those who will favor us with a Call, \ bat the Public’s old-Friend, SAM SMITH, myself, Will show them the Got'ds With pleasure, 10 SILL TO THEM IF WE CAN. rerything, and a few other little Articles always on hand. ft'ellsboro’ July 8,1858, Wcare requested to announce L. D. SEELY, of "Onfield, as a candidate lor Co. Commissioner, bjecl to Uie decision of the Republican Conven er (July 8.) Merc they Come ! OUGLASS & SHERWOOD’S Patent Hoop Skirts. Another lot. Only $2 50, at July 8, ’5B. TRUMAN & BOWEN’S. TD. wide Sheeting for 6} cla per yard, at TRUMAN & BOWEN’S. Good Brown Sugar, at 6 1.4 els. Rice 5 “ Codfish 5 tt 5 J«p 4s 6d. at TRUMAN & BOWEN’S. IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Of •i fice at Tioga, July 1,1858. :ler Julius Greenleaf Mr. ckley Roswell Greene James mm Jeremiah, 3 Guile Joseph ifilr Wells Gray Charles A. rberSamuel Gee Daniel i!y Griffin Howes Thomas sion Richard Walter Franklin ifmin John James John chinan John C. Koller George tbcr Juhn Knapp Ann ‘* w *' aac Kenney A. H. •undsC. Lewis Miss Sarah M. ■rbcrGeoje Monroe Daniel | l,afd *'• MabieW. B. |nlonW.j„ per Orton Jas.F. »le\yii am Putnam Miss Lucy iHm Ritter Samuel a! r ' olle 2 Redner Henry I •* l , ss Ida Robertson John r°" Je netl 2 Smith Miss'Theresx I Pheil Miss Helen Slcver Allen fc r, aV D Streeter Miss L. A. i‘"jJohnP. Souther Henry tfV H / nr y S - Turner Jus. \V. t Vanness Henry t'” d Valentine Hannah 3 Webe Jacob ftrsons (ailing for any of the above letters will P*!tay they are idrerliecd. L W. T. CRELL, P. M. f furors for Special Court. July 19th, 1858, L FIRST week. Pohn Charles Bottom, Crft , Ebenezer Briggs, Piewrlt n. C i „ -loci Culver, ! Laid n rap^l > James Cook, |» n « G.jbrd Alexander Cropsey, Pu ’ Ephraim Barns, (Leri Ki.nr, ’ Rockwell W. House, Psnjaraia F g g’. Martin Kelley, |JI MCS rl ■ Kelse y. Samuel H. Levegood, |' V| lliim k \r, , „ Edsal * Mitchell, fcr'om e B n M ' lcl ' ell ' Eleaze, Orvis. h" w n«?. ’ Jose P h Rouse ’ Michael Sheffcr, r >Ct ■ Lcr °y T ” bor . r h ‘^V 3 T" aS ' William Tate, feioielu, ,orn * Dyer Weeks, I “ CUI . Orson Webb. Carlisle Aa SECOND WEE K. Arf,^ 00 * James E. Andrews, W Af p jP s ’ John G. Albeck, EUlij j n l [ le * Enoch Blackwell C R^r n ’ Gtthurd Bohm, I 1 """** cTo n kCr ’ f*™"' 1 s - Cleaver, « John R. Coffin. &“W " Horace S Cook, ii 1,5,1 Dudlcv Alphcus Dann, r 7 A Humphrey Fletcher, bCiK ?**' Eli Aini 0n " d ’ RoUnd McAllister, ?>« ler> Fr Meis L. Mascbo, Shier Chester R. Pride, u" 1 R “EBks’ bum- B - Rc y nold *> ' S Seely ’ . Philip S. Ripley, r!" 1 ' 1 Stow’d] ??* ld Sparks, i" 1 Skinner ’ Albert A. Shive, ‘ " ’ Orrcn B. Well*, u • “ ll °g onfelO Jf mThe firm heretofore cx- I 4 df “* e "•?« of D. P.iWm, Rob. S’ *“ d A«i n , ' vcd b .y consent. The «uCn| lr V h n k C !’ ands 01 Dl "' id P r 4b f w m n'r- The business-will be con m. Ko berts al ll)e oW Sland _ I ' 4o; =,Jun f . i- -re D - P - ROBERTS, j cl *> 58. WJI. ROBERTS. . : Sheriffalty. We arcieqaesled to announce ISAAC F.FIELp of -Dclmiri as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. We are authorized to announce Dr. JOEL ROSE of Rutland, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. We are authorized to announce ALLEN DAG GETT. of Tioga, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Ul3 decision of the Republican Convention. We are authorized to announce EMMER BOW EN, of Deerfield, ns a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. TO MOTHERS , WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. Dr. R. A.Xamont’s PERIODICAL COMPOUND. The most beneficial and successful FEMALE MEDICINE now in use, for all cases of obstructed or suppressed * Menstruation. Tins valuable vegetable compound has long been used in the private practice of Dr. Lament, for regulating the de rangements of the female system and for improving the gen eral health, and by long experience has been found the greatest remedy against those painful or general complaints to which the female constitution is liable. A few doses ta ken for one week before the monthly period will remove all obstructions from any cause whatever , as incredible as it may appear. N- B.—Those Ladies wlufbave been disappointed in the use Of Pills, Ac., can put the utmost confidence in this compound. CAUTION.-©! This compound must not be taken by females during the early months of Pregnancy under tho penalty of certain ab ortion. At all other times it la safe, as it is purely vegetable. It will bo sent to any address by inclosings2 toanyauthor ized agent, or to R- I. ANDREWS, Buffalo N. Y. For sale by J. A. ROY, Wellsboro, Pa., and Drogclsts gen erally. [July 1,1558. lyQ eb * AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SALE OF POPULAR HAPS AMD CHARTS. Designed to map out and picture to the people of America, the great Scientific, Historical, and Religions topics of the Day. Beautifully illustrated & colored. JUST PUBLISHED. THE TELEGRAPH CHART, showing the proposed Atlan tic ami other Submarine Telegraphs, with the great overland Telegraph lines in Europe and America, explaining the Prin ciples and Operations of the Morse, House and Hughes’ Telegraphs, and the making and submerging of Telegraph Cables; also, Routes of Steamers and Ocean Soundings. ILLUSTRATED LIFE OF CHRIST.—“For behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall bo to all people.” Containing eleven laigo splendid Engravings, designed by Gilbert, the great English Artist. Subjects as follows: The Adoration of the Shepherds—The Flight into Egypt—Jesus in the midst of the Doctors—Jet-ua subject to his* parents— The Baptism—Our Lord in the house of Martha and Mary— Onr Lord raising the Widow's Son—Jesus Christ blessing lit tle Children—The Crucifixion—The Resurrection—our Sa viour ; also, the Lord’s Prayer and Commandments. AMERICAN HISTORICAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of emi nent characters in our own history. An instructive Sheet, which every Cilizefi of the United States should possess.— Containing six portraits of celebrated North American Indi an chiefs; Six portraits of Pioneers and Founders of Our Country; Six poi traits of Distinguished Naval Commanders; Six portraits of prominent military Generals of the Revolu tionary War; Six portraits of eminent women of the Ameri can Revolution—with Biographical notices. The likenesses are authentic, and are drawn and engraved in the highest style of art. TILE PANORAMA OP INDIA, containing a Largo Chart in Relief of British India—Map of Southern Asia—Plan of the capture o! Delhi—Havelock’s March to Lucknow—Por traits of Nona Sahib and the Princes of Oudo—Execution of the Sepoys—Temple of Juggernaut—Pagodas—The four Castes, etc .with full statistical tables, and a History of In dia, the Britibh'Eastlndia Company, and the Sepoy Mutiny. A GOVERNMENT'MAP OF NICARAGUA, showing the different States—Cities—Battle Grounds—Transit Route to California—Great Seal, etc. With a,smaller Map of all Cen tral America. All persons interested in Cential American affairs can rely upon this as the most correct map. It is published by‘Government Authority. Several other Maps, describing now and popular subjects, are in preparation and will soon be published. All kinds of Pocket and Mounted Slaps supplied to order, for cash. A special circular, giving instruction to Agents, and offer ing them the most liberal ierms. will be sent post-paid when written for. Specimen copies of the Maps sent paid for 23 cents each. Address, H. H. LLOYD & CO., Publishers. Julyl, 1858. 348 Broadway, N. Y. FOLEY has a fine assortment of heavy EH&EI3IEI LEVEE INJJSmB (D&§E TOffCiHES, which he will sell cheap on short time. All kinds of IdSPAIRIUTO done promptly. If a job of work is not done to the satisfaction of the party ordering it, no charge will be made. Grateful for past favors my desire is to merit a' conlinaanca of the same. Wcllsboro, June 24,1858. HOLD OIV, ITIlt. FKINTJEH! I i STOP THE PRESS I ! WHAT FOB.? WHY, TRUMAN & BOWEN have just arrived from New York with tho largest CHEAPEST ■AND BEST assortment of GOODS ever before offered to the people of Tioga County and vicinity ; and nolwith oianding the RUSH OF CUSTOMERS they say they must advertise in order to let every* body know that they are or\ hand at THE EMPIRE STORE with a large assortment of DRY-GOODS DRY-GOODS t GROCERIES GROCERIES HARDWARE HARDWARE BOOTS & SHOES BOOTS & SHOES CROCKERY CROCKERY and every variety of goods usually found in a coun try store, and which they will sell as cheap or chca per than the same goods can be bought at any other store m this vicinity. Call and examine their stock of goods"be|bre purchasing elsewhere. No chavgtvfor showing; Goods. REMEMBER THEY>LACE—AT THE EM FIRE STORE! TRUMAN & BOWEN. Wcllsboro, June 14j ’5B. tf WELLSBOItI) BOOK STORE And News-Office. The subscribers, having long be. lieved a LIVE BOOKSTORE & HEWS OFFICE to be one of the essential accommodations which the good people of Wellsbo ro were prepared loappreciate and sustain, havees lablishcd themselves one door above Niles & Elli ott’s Store, where they will keep a first-rate selec tion of the best and most popular -NEWSPAPERS DAILY & WEEKLY, POLITICAL, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC. Together with the various ILLVSTRA TED PA PERS published. Also, all the leading a 2 asms of the day can be their counter. They will likewise keep o full assortment of SCHOOL. BOOKS, CURRENT LITERATURE AND STANDARD WORKS, and any Book, Newspaper or Magazine not on hand will be ordered promptly, if desired. They will keep a good assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS' all and singular of which will be sold ot low prices for CASH. Smith&.Ricliards. , . Wellsboyb, June 24,1858. THE PLACE TO BUY THE PLACE TO BUY THE PLACE;TO BUY GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS GOOD AND. CHEAP GOODS IS AT ROE’S IS AT ROE’S IS AT ROE S" .THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. , GAELIGK’S Improved Portable Field Fence. Patented, by Isaac D, Garlick , Lyons, Wayne Co. N. Y., May 5, 1857. Tho patentee of this Fence, after numerous trials and experiments, has finally succeeded in perfecting apian for-the construction of Fence, which does away with the necessity of inserting posts in the ground. The above Fence is made to set upon the na'nral face of the earth, and by its peculiar forma, tion will conform to the undulations of the ground. The mechanical mode of its construction convinces all who examine it of its superiority over anything of the kind ever offered to the public, as well as of its durability, simplicity and chhapness. It is so pot together that it is secured by means of keys, which are easily adjusted, and battens by which it is kept strained to the ground, so that no trouble need be apprehended from winds, This fence can be built of lumber at $lO per thousand, for the sum of 50 cents per rod—making it by far the cheapest fence that can be mpde; and the ease with which it can be put up and taken down, moved, made into stack pens, or used temporarily for any purpose the farmer may require it—no less than the fact that at each joint an opening can be made, thus obviating the necessity lor bars or gates —must render it a universal favorite with the farm ing class of community. The Subscriber has purchased the territory com. prising Charleston, Deimar and Wellsboro, and will devote himself to the disposal of farm rights. Richard w. jackson. Deimar, June 17,1858. TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON WARE. THE SUBSCRIBER has established himself at the old stand of Wilcox & Sears, one door be low R. S. Bailey’s Store, where he is manufacturing and selling At Wholesale and Retail, the various hinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WARE, of the best materials, and made in the most substantial manner. ROOFING, EAVE-TROUGHING, and all kinds of JOBBING, done on short notice and in a satis factory manner. Call and see my slock of Tin.ware and satisfy yourselves that FISHER'S is the place to buy cheap. CHARLES S. FISHER. Wellsboro, June 17,1858. KIRBY'S MOWER & REAPER. THE Subscriber is selling this valuable Machine, and invites all who want a really good Mower and Reaper, to examine it before purchasing any other machine. It is superior to all oilier Mowers and Reapers in use, in the following particulars: It is the lightest in use; is strung and durable; re quires less drafl than any other machine; has no side draft tho* it cuts a wide swath; will work on rough ground where no other machine can follow it; very difficult to be clogged in uny kind of grass, be it wet or dry ; is simple in construction and notlia b'e to get out of repair; is a perfect-combined ma chine;, working equally well, whether mowing or reaping; and is the CHEAPEST in price, the Mow er being only 8100, and the combined machine $l2O —making it altogether the most desirable Mower and Reaper in market. Call at tho Tin and Stove Store and examine for yourselves. June 17, 1858. * WM. ROBERTS. Tioga Marble Shop. THE Subscriber has just received a fine lot qj Marhfc from the Rutland Quarries, suitable for all descriptions of , Gravestones, Monuments, Cenotaphs, &c. He \a prepared to execute orders for the above de scriptions of work, in a superior style, and at rea sonable prices. Persons desiring Gravcsloncsof the finer kinds of ITALIAN MARBLE can procure them of the Subscriber. A. Growl, of Wcllsboro, is authorized to rcceive orders for work at this establishment. Tioga, June 10, '5B-, tf. TO THE LADIES! A Sew Kind of Soap has recently been invented, which promises to su persede all other kinds of hard soap. It is used ex. tensivcly for washing clothes, and possesses the re markable property of extracting dirt without boiling the clothes and wilhouUhe use of the rubbing board. The process of washing requires less limn half the time, and only about half the labor, by using this Patent Soap. This article is peculiarly excellent, and superior to any tiling else called Soap; because while It saves time and labor, it never .rots or in jures the clothes. It Is just the article it is repre sented to be, and never disappoints the expectations of purchasers. It does not take out stains. For sale at Roy's Drug Store, WelUboro, Pa. HERE THE 7 CC3VEE- A FAESH LOT OF Family Groceries , which wc bought for Cash, and are selling for the same, at the following prices: A good article Brown Sugar at O 1-4 cts. Yellow Coffee Sugar, 8 1-2 cts. Best Qnalily u 9 1-2 cts. First rate article Syrup, 4s 6d. Rice, 5 cts. Codfish, 5 cts. No. I Mackerel, 9 cts. And everything else at as low prices at BAILEY’S. The True Way to buy Goods is to pay down for them. We have adopted ihc Ready Pay System. and as a consequence, can sell Goods much cheaper than wo could on the Old Fogy System of credit Cash Buyers can positively save from ten to twenty five per cent by making their purchases at BAILEY’S. WclJsboro, June 10 f 1858. NEW LOT OF THOSE Six Shilling: Gaiters, just received. ALSO —A quantity of those BEST PRINTS, which we arc selling at 10 els per yard. EVERYTHING ELSE proportionally cheap at [May 27th, 1858.] BAILEY’S * For Sale. ALL that property on the east side of Main Street in the Village of Tioga, Tioga Co. Pa. extending from said street to the Tioga Rail Road, known ns the Slocomb property, and consists of about fire acres of land with a large floe dwelling house, a smaller dwelling house (on Broad Street,) a barn and other out buildings and some choice fruit trees and shrubbery. Said property will be sold or. liberal terms. Enquire of 'the' proprietor N. Benton. Wilkin, No. 42 Exchange Place New York, or of the subscriber at Tioga Village. C. H. SEYMOUR, June 17,1858, i BMINTSTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters'of Administration .A: ‘Haringbeen granted fo the undersigned on the estate of Tbeodorus Larrison, lato- of Jackson dcc’d., all persons in debted to tho said estate, are requested'to make immediate payment, and those haring claims agathst the same will pre sent them to i O. B. WELLS, Adm’r. Jackson, July 1,1868. CAMPHENE & FLUID—at jc. 14. TRUMAN A BOWEN’S. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS , DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES BOOTS & SHOES BOOTS & SHOES BOOTS & SHOES CROCKERY CROCKERY CROCKERY STONE WARE stone ware STONE WARE HARDWARE HARDWARE hardware THE NEW GOOPS THE NEW GOODS THE NEW GOODS Wellsboro, May 27, 1858. SOMMER STYLES & FASHIONS. Mrs. M. J. Grierson, HAS just returned from the City with a full as sortment of Millinery fetoods, which she offers lor sale at the lowest cash prices. STRAWS, NEAPOLITANS AND FANCY BONNETS, of all prices and dcscriblions. BORDERS from Is up to 4s. 6d. A nice, assortment of FLOWERS of all prices. French Flowers and Box Flowers. A beautiful assortment ofi RIBBONS, LININGsj LACES, CRAPES SILKS, and all kind of materials for making Summer DizßLiiY. aQi»„*.2 T SS.u Tl Jjno.r»etHngton,DryaU 700 SS Packard, Dry OdsU JOJn n Potter, do! U 7W • ll »» Howes. Didama £Co c , T Dry Goods, 1310 00|S«>T. I"EK ACo Dry Thos. Video □, Qroc’y 11 TOOL Br ?S>> ic ’ 100(1 CLT3IER, R barren, do. 14 7U« Beach &Rnshmore, Dry L Tyler, Drags, &c. 16 50t Qood» 14 700 CtoCEOtA, OoCtol, do. 14 J A Thompson, do. 11 7 00?. Croodnll 4 bon. do. 1310 00 ClimKT nAH3. n n 01 ?’ d °'’ S? A Johnson, do. 11 7 OO? Kimball, do. ~ DELMAR. |U±J Tubbs, FlourM. 14 700 Guernsey £ Hastings, L . , . scurrix. Dry Goods, 14 700 Smith & Revelaye, Dry S S Packard, do. 14 7 00[ Uooda 14 700 MKnrinj). I Tton JB Paine, do. 14 7 * I' ow< dh d 0.13 IOOQi rrgr.yp it* S Tuttle, do. !♦ 7 00 JiJC Parkhnrstdo.l3 10 00-C 0 Era. do., U 700 L Davenport,Grocery 14 700 Daggett, do., 14 700 L Davenport, Flooring (Weed 4 Mitchell, 14 700 Mill 14 7 00 11 R Mitchell, do., - 14 TOO Johnson 4 Martin, Tin ;Doct. A. Humphrey, 4 Stoves. 14 TOO 1 I>rucs, 14 TOO FAiuriKCToy. (fi II Borden, do., 24 TOO Iliram Mentt. Dry G. 14 70011 H Svrcatland, Dry Goods. Clothing. &c 14 TOO S X Billing)*, do. - 14 7 00i J ohn 0 Kane, Grocery Ju-Ksoy. & Liquor, 2500 B Tillinghast. do. 14 7 00-A 4 C Humphrey, ITr KNOXVILLE. Mill, 14 700 LB Reynolds, do. 14 700 Brooklyn Steam Mill John Goodspeed, do. 14 700 Company, do„ 14 700 I WESTFIELD. Krusen & King. Dry 0.14 700 jC Goodspced, do., 14 700 Geo. Closs. do., 14 700 A £ J Dcnrnmn, do. 14 7 00| J/unroe & Goldsmith 14 7 CHI* J II Stubbs, do. 14 7 001 Victor Case*- do. 14 7 00 i WELLSDORO. lW A Roe, Dry Goods 121250 D Hart, fit)., 14 700 MtO Dullard, do., 1310 CO Truman & Bowen, do., 1212-50 C & J LRobinson, do., 12 1250 B B Smith & Son, do., 12 1250 Nib's & Elliott, do., 13 10 OO R, Bailey, do.. 13 10 CO J Alloy. Drugs 1 H‘d. 13 1000 DP4W Roberts. Tin i and Stoves, 14 700 Samuel May, Grocery 14 7 OOj II Hopkins, do. 14 7 0m J Morgan, Flour Mill, 14 7 00 LIHERTT. J G Albeck. Dry G’da, 14 7 00 R Scleman. do. 14 7 00 J Merilta, do. 14 7 00 Sebring £ Narbor, do. 13 1000 Geo. Shaffer, Grocery, 14 1 7 00 Lawresceville. WM Ballard. Dry G’ds 13 1000 James A Parsons, do. 12 1250 M Borst. Dry Goods i Groceries, 14 700 C Fisher, Tin, U 7^o R Farr, Grocery, 14 TOO A Foley, Watches, Clocks and Books. 14 700 Harvey Wood, Oro*cy, 14 7 f3l lilUs Kesfuiuu, 14 700 Stanton £ Geer, dd. 13 10 0G M K Darrin, Groceries Clocks, ic., 14 TOC IV ti Miller, Drugs and Medicines, 14 700 Curtis Parkhurst. do., 15 5 00 Benn £ Jid»n«on. G*cy 14 7 Of 1 James Fnrd, Flour 31iil 14 7 00 Notice is hereby given that an appeal ■will be held at iho Conmiiwionor'ri Office in Mellsboro, on the 14th clay of July next, and at my office in Elkland Boro, on the 22d day of the same month, at which limes and places, all persons agrievcJ by the foregoing appraisement, will be heard, and such abato meats made as are deemed proper and just, and nil person* failing to appear at said times and places will be barred from making any defence before me. R. T. IVOOH, Wellaboro, June 14th, 1338. NOTICE' IS hereby given, that a special Court will' be held at tho Court Iloa.se in MV.lsboro. by the Hon. DaMiMVilnmt, cummpneing ou.J/omlay the 19th day of July next, common cmg at 2 o’clock p. m., and to continue two weeks, for tho trial of the following cau-.es. under the provi-uons of the act of Assembly of 14th April ISB4. J. F. DONALDSON IVcllsbojo, May 2U, 1553. J'rulb’y. Fenton vs Lownsberry ’ Bank of North America v«, Lowrer & Wdlbton vs. Calket Duffey Niles Osgood vs. Graves Dver vs. Johnson ct «1 Tlutrp vs. Mclntyre IVallace et al vs. In-sdiu Bingham Trustees vs. Merrill Travis A Turner vs. Benson Phelps £ Dodge vs. Kress Lowrey vs. Combs Fox et al. vs. Thompson Dyer \s. Tioga Railroad Cg-_ M ilson vs. Stouvll A sou Leach vs. Phillips et al Stevens for Potter t. BcckwithDePuf vs. Purments''r Bingham Trustees ts. Bensonßoss for Dent-v|t Babcock et al Stephens V 3. "Bache Jix’t Kress vs. Stowell £ son Norris. Bebec \». Hill et al SECOND MEEK. Bache £ Rc** rs. Spalding Beach rs. Cbno Corhes vs. Hnlburt Bingham Trustees vs. Painuaa Bingham-Triuteesrs. Slosson do. vs Love* do. va. do. do. ts Lanphear ot Gunnsoy vs. Niles do', vs Norwood do. v<*. Ilut-»oB et al do. ts YTelUut al Bingham Trustees v«. hotter Bingham Trasteca vS. Beacon do. v<. P.itridgo et al do. ts. Crittenden Bnche rs, Ely ct al BmnLaiii Trustees ra. Gilley et al do. rs. Inscho et al do. V 3. I'nrk ct al do. v&. Mattbon do. v«. Matnson do. vs. Long .Tr. et al TFasLinpton Mutual lusorance tlo. vs. Herrick et nl do. v». Preston et al Washington Mutual Insuranc® Locked Aduir's va. Locke . Co. rn. Nichols, V. owd & Co* Lache & Ho-s ra. Osgood ON MANHOOD AND JT3 PREMATURE DECLINE. Ju»t Published, Gratis, the 50th Thousand. A FEW ITOKDS ON* THE RATIONAL Treatment wjthout Medicine' of Sprrnmtor ~i lira or LocaUJVeaknes-.. Nocturnal Emission-*, Genital anjl ferrous Debility, Impotency, and Impediments to Haulage goucially, by The important fact that the many alarming complaints, .originating in th«* imprudence and solitude of youth, may bo easily removed H'IXHOUT MEDICINE, is in this «man tract clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly suc cessful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure IHMfcELP perfectly and at the lea-t possible cost, thereby avoiding aU the advertised nostrums of thfc day. Sent to any addre-s, gratis and post free in a scaled envel ope, by remitting 'po-t paid) two postage stamps to Dr. I>. DE LANJIY, SS East 31st street, New York City. April, 2», I&SS. Tliu Young Flying Morgan. jSSj\ millS splendid horse was sired by I Lite justly celebrated trotter,— ‘‘Flying Morgan” the pride of Vur. moot horse breeders, and docs credit ■ tu llie unequalled stock from which he •sprang. His dam was a Messenger mare, a stock second -only to the Morgan in all that consti tutes excellence in the horse. For sliengih, «pccci and endurance, this slock of horses has never been surpa«**ed. Young Flying Morgan is seven year* old, 15J hands high, and weighs 1100 lbs. He can trot his mile inside of three minutes, and was awarded the first premium for speed and genera! ex cellence, at the Windham Co. Fair, held al Brall.e* boro Vl.,' 1856 Ho wilFlsland the ensuing season, Monday's, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, at the stable of the sub scriber at Tpioga, and the remaining- days of each week al the stable of E. R. Farr in Wcllsboro. Terms, 810 to insure a foal, in accordance with the usual custom. D. L. AIKEN, Tioga, May 13,1353. Slack Hawk Clilcf. IVI* ** ounc * at 1C stable of the y JLtJL subscriber, Ivvo miles cast of I mindhrry Settlement, on the Old \ County Road, Richmond township, Tioga Co. Pa., the present season, for the improvement of Horses. Black Hawk Chief was sired by Skiff Colt, g sire Blackhawk, gg sin* Sherman, ggg sire Justin Morgan. Dam was of Messenger blood. Black Hawk Chief is jet black, 15 1-4 hands high,and weighs 1100 lbs. For beatify of form, grace of action, and splendor of carriage, he cannot be equalled by any slock horse in North, ern Pennsylvania. Black Hawk Chief was foiled in the SpringoflBs3; the property of Newell Farri liam Esq., Lockporl, Niagara Co., N, Y. Tenns—Five dollars for single service, ten dol. lars for the season and fifteen dollars to insure. All mares from a distance accommodated with pasture free of charge. LYMAN B. FAULKNER Richmond, May 27, 1853. Admiulstralor’s Notice. Letters of administration having been grafted to the undersigned on the estale of David Crippen, late ol Rutland Isp, dcc’d., at! persons indebted to said estate arc required to maku immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated to GEORGE P. CRIPPEN J HIRAM HODGES >AiWb, dantel crippen } Rutland, May 27,1833 6t.* Segar manufactory.—f. m. hills has removed to the building formerly occupied by the SEARS* Boys, one door below the Tin and Stove Store of D. P. &. Win, Roberts, where he man. ufucluresnKd keeps*,constantly on hand. Cigars <*f Ordinary, Medium, and best brand**,as well as all kinds ot Tobacco. Prices reasonable. Cal) and WelUborc, Matj T, 1?3T.->y J/ercantile Aj'bruisf?. Co. vi. Strhrell B. BE LANKY, 31. D.