Knowing whom to Kick. —The late Col. McClung, of Mississippi, once got into a dispute in the office of the Premiss House, at' Vicksburg, with a rowdy, when, to end the matter without further delay, he look the rowdy by the “nape of the neck,’’ led him to the door, and kicked him into the street. The kickee picked himself up, walked away, and here the matter ended. Some weeks afterwards McClung was in New Orleans, and"when walking up St. Charles street, saw the fellow.he had kicked out of the Preniiss House kicking a third party out of a drinking saloon, McClung walked up to his olti acquaintance, once the kickee but now the the kickor, after scanning him closely, said : “Look here, ray fine fellow, are you not the man I kicked out of the Prentiss House the other day V’ “Softly, softly, Colo nel,” replied the rowdy, taking McClung by the arm “don’t meniion it—l’rn the man— but—but—you and I know whom to kick. A snob is that man or woman who are always pretending before the world to be something belter—especially richer or more fashionable—ihan they are. It is one who thinks his own position in life contemptible, and is always yearning and striving to force himself into one above, without the education or characteristics which belong to it; one who looks down upon, despises and overrides his inferiors, or even equals of his own standing, and is ever ready to worship, fawn upon and flatter a rich or a tilled man, not because be ds a good man, a wise man or a Christian man, but because he has the luck to be rich or consequential.— Thackeray. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Q}* Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon. JGL.KI.AIfX>, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in all parts of the county, oi receive them for treatment at Ills house, [June 14.1855.] JOHN N.BACHE, Attorney and counsellor at LAW,—Office, north side Public Square Wellsborough, T.i. Refers to Messrs,Phelps,Bodge &, Co.,N.Y city July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, Attorneys & Counselors at Lav, CORNING, Stcnbcn County, Hew York. Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson. April 18,1855-ly. YOU DON’T SAX SO? YES SIR, I DO! I say that FOLEV has the best and cheapest assortment of WATCHES I ever saw in Wellsboro. 1 Such heavy cases and finished movements you can’t find elsewhere Call and see them one door north of B. B. Smith & Sun’s, where he will be glad to show them to you, and do any Repairs on'Walches, Clocks & Jewelry, and all warranted. A. FOLEY. Wellsboro 1 June 11,1857. S. F. WILSOH, 1 ILr Removcdlo James Lowrey’sOfficc JAS. lOWREY & S. F. WILSON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, willaltcndlheCourtsof Tioga,Potter and McKean counties. Wcllsborough, Feb. 1,1853. W. W. WEBB, m. 8., HAS returned lo WclLboro’, and is roady to . promptly attend all calls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. He would also stale that he has received a Commission from the Governor, and been sworn by the Brigade Inspector, as Surgeon of the Ist Regiment, 2lh Brigade oKhe 13th Division of the uniformed Militia ofPennsylvania, and there* fore is the only Surgeon within the Limits of said Brigade who has the right to give certificates to “persons incapable of bearing arms.” Office and residence, house formerly occupied by Samuel A. Mack. fi. O. COI.E BARBER &, HAIR dRESSER, Wcllsboro’Pa. Shop in the rear of Young’s Book Store. Every thing in his line of business will be done as well and as promptly as it can be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Prcparalionsfor removing dmdrnff, and bcautyfiing the hair for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any color. *CaII and see. Wcllsboro’, Oct 18, 1655. (ift Corning Book Store. THE Subscribers bare removed to the large and elegantly fitted up brick store—(bur doors cast of Concert Block, Corning—and will keep on band a large assortment of New Books, among which are RELIGIOUS STANDARD WORKS, HISTORICAL BOOKS, TALES OF FICTION, POETICAL WORKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, Blanks, Stationery and Wall Paper, N. Y. Daily and Weekly pipers, all the -Magazines at Publishers prices. ' AU for sale cheap. Corning, Sept. -24, ’57. ROBINSON Sc, CO. WM- W- & H. W. JPDOUGALL REAL ESTATE AG EM'S. A RE engaged .n Exploring,Surveying and Draft. mg, Investing Money in Real Estate, and on Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrants, Locating Land for Settlers on lime. They will attend the Land Sales in this and the sdjoi/.ing district-, where their practical knowledge will enable them lo select the best lots. Parties cntitisimjr Money lo us for investment will luvc lift iencli! of our explorations. No prop, erly purchase i lit u w e nr.’ not personally acquainted with. [U a ul« i ? iiuvv, Min. Ter., April 23. J T£OGA COUNTY S TEA M FL O V RING At Pei»n:i. new and splendid Steam Mill at Mninsburg X. is now in full operation, and the proprietor Is prepared lo do euMom work or Flouring with ncat nrs« and despatch. This Mill has 4 run of stone and is grinding t>o bushels per hour. Persons bringing Gram lo this Mill can have it ground ly like inane uith them; and we will war* rant them h* good work as cm he done in this re* gion of country. LYM A N \V KTMORE, Prop'r. Oct. b, 185 r. R. K. KRU.NDAGE, Agtnt. CRYSTAL FOISTAiS HOTEL.. Main Streat, WeUsloto' Pa, XX HART, PROPRIETOR f IMIIS strait-out TEMPERANCE HOTEL has X been lately reopened for the accommodation of the traveling public, and no pains will be spared lo tender il popular with such as may tavor il with ihcir pitroringc. I'lns Hotel is located conveniently for (hose who desire lo lake either the Tioga,Cedar /inn,(hinders por*,-Mansfield, Covington or Trov Slaves. Those desiring (o reach intcrmnfiale places, not on Stage routes wUI he accommodated with a conveyance at a reasonable charge. Phis Hot'. 1 ! will he ('ondiiHetl, ns it ever has hecn on the “Lire nnrf l-i f,\. ” prmeiple. Ci inr^s afi j oW * «s 1 how? of any good n> n,,- A good CMh r »'-* K)ve, worth from 25 to 25 00 One of tlic above named gifts presented to each purchaser of a book At the lime of salt*, although all books are sold at publi-hers lowest prices. The complete and classified Cata logues may be bad without charge, by calling or sending your address. Liberal inducements to country agents. Orders from the country promptly filled and the goods forwarded by express or mail tame day, Address G.G. EVANS. 439 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. #3jf TO THE PUBLIC. —As there are many Gift Book Storrs advertised throughout the country, M. EVANS deems it jnst to himself add his duty to the public—inasmuch as he originated the Gift Book business—to state, as evidence of the instability of such concerns, that they conceal their real names from the public, and arc advertising their business tin ker assumed ones. Mr. E. is aware that these various con cerns published as Gift Book Stores, are calculated to bring the bu'tncss established by himself into disrepute. He asks of the public a cmrect judgment in regard to his Gift Book Enterprise, foi the honor, integrity, and success of which he refers to all the prominent publishers in the United States. Road his Catalogue. [Aprl 20, ’59. 3m. THOMSON & FARRINGTON, Fire & life insurance agents, Corning, N, Y. AETNAFIRE INSURANCE CO., Of Hartford, Conn.—Capita! $1,000,000, PH GEN IX FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Of Hartford, Conn.—Capital $200,000. Hartford fire insurance co., Of Hartford Ct., Capital $5OO 000. Connecticut fire insurance co., Of Hartford Conn. Capita) $2OO 000 -PEOPLE’S FIRE INSURANCE CO. X Of New York City — Capital $150,000 Manhattan fireinsuranceco. Of New York City—Capital $200,000 TVTEVV-YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. -L* . Accumulated Capital §1,200,000. The subscriber having succeeded lo Ihe Fire in surance business of Geo. Thompson, Esq., is prepared to lake risks and issue policies in the above well known and reliable stock Companies. Farm buildings insured for three years at rales almost as low as of mutual companies. All losses will be“jjromptly and satisfactorily set tied and paid at Ibis office. applications by mail will receive prompt alten lion, P. J. FARRINGTON, ; . C. H THOMSON \ Agents, Corning, .April 29, 1358. «EW TAILOR SHOP. The sub scriber has his work as it is warranted to furnish its own rec> ommendation. No garment is permitted logo out of the shop that is not made in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cutting and Fitting. This Department, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live and let live 1 * rule, I have adopted the Fay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it. Wellsboro’, March 13,1856. H. P. ERWIN. COME A*l» SEE THE NEW SEEING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WM. WALKER’S 31, Market St. Corning, AND SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES! AH the latest Fashionable styles of for men and boys. Ladies’ Pnmelle, Satin, Cloth and Mor occo Gaiters fiom 4s. to $3,00; Ladies’ Morocco, Calf and en amelled Boot*, from Cs. to $2,00; Ladies Morocco Patent Leather, ana Satin Slippers and Buskins; Men’s Patent Leather, Cloth and Calf Congress Gaiters. SHEKfySSfc Men’s Kip, Calf and Enammclled Brogans; Men’s Patent Leather and Calf Oxford Ties and Slippers; Children’s Shoes, Slippers, Gaiters. Hosiery Ac., Ladies’ Rubbers and Sandals, fuai quality 45.. third quality Is.; Men’s Rubbers and San d.»l**. first quality Ladies’ Hosiery, Silk, Lisle and Kid Glows and Gauntlets. Gent’s Furnishing Goods. Umbrellas. Trunks, Carpet Bags. Silk, Merino and TFbol Un dershirts and Drawers, Cravats, Ties, and Scarfs; Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves, Sturts, Collars, Linen, Silk and Cotton Hand kercheif s; also an assortment of . CROCKERY To bo sold cheap for Cash. Corning, April 29,1558. ly WILLIAM WALKER. MILL Store Cloods In Tioga Village BALDWIN, LOWELL $ CO. , Have a small Stock of Goods on hand, bought in view of the light times, which will be sold very low for Cash or any kind of Produce. We are located at our old stand in Tioga Village, directly opposite the Mammoth Store of Charles O. Etz. We would further say to all those indebted to us by note, or book account, that we must have pay or cost, will be made. We’ll lake Cash or any and all kinds of Produce at the highest market prices. rr I w ftI , H *i LDVVI N, LOWELL & CO. __Tioga, Nov. 26,1857. t>lank marriage certificates, for sale at this Office. June 21,1858. THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. SOMETHING NEW ANEW LAMP—Ufford’a Smoke consuming Lamp is an article well worthy the notice of every person who wishes to use Oil instead of Fluid. This lamp la highly recommended by men of sound judgment and of wide reputation, who are known throughout our country. But it is not necessary to take the recommendations of others; just call at Roy’u Drug Store and you can see one of these lamps burning every evening. Call and examine it (or yourselves. ANEW supply of Poller end Hammond’s Writ, ing Books,just received at Roy’s Drugstore, also a supply of pens, ink, piper, envelopes, slates, school books, school stationery, &c. FOR WORMS. —Give a child over two years old a small tea spoonful of Fluid Extract of Pink and Senna once every two hours till it operates as a cathartic. FARRIER’S OIL—For Horses and Cattle—very useful for sores, wounds, scratches, galls and in all cases where a healing remedy is required. Price 25 cents. FARRIER’S LINIMENT—For Horses & Cattle A most valuable article for swellings, bruises, sprains, stiff or enlarged joints, windgalls, kicks and sweeney. Price 25 cents. ESSENCEOF GINGER,—A mild and safe slim* ulant useful for bowel complaints; much used in hot weather to prevent the bad effects ofdrinking 100 much cold water. BUCHU LEAVES are procured from the south ern part of Africa. The Hottentots at the cape of Good Hope have long used this article os a remedy in a variety of diseases. From them the medicine was borrowed by the English and Dutch physicians residing there and by their recommend* alion it was soon employed in Europe. In process of time this medicine has come into general use, and is highly spoken of by the best medical writers. Physicians recommend it mostly for complaints of the urinary organs, such as gravel, a morbid irrita tion of the bladder and urethra, retention of urine, also incontinence of urine from want of tone in the urinary organs. It cools the unnatural heat and relieves pain; and in many cases of long standing it has been effectual when other valuable medicines had failed to produce an effect. The active princi ple of this medicine is a volatile oil which is mostly lost by the old process oi boiling. Hence it requirts great care and skilful management to prepare this medicine properly. WORTH FROK $5O 00 to 100 00 35 00 to 50 00 FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU is a strong or concentrated preparation prepared by the new process called ‘ Displacement.” By this the valua ble properties of the Bucbu are entirely preserved, and this form of the medicine is less liable to injury from age and more palaleable. Useful equally in all cases of the kind whether male or female. Price 75 cents per bottle. For sale at Roy’s Drug and Chemical Store at Wellsboro Pa. o*This is no patent medicine or quack nostrum or secret remedy, but a new and improved prepara tion of a well known and valuable medicine. "OLEACHING POWDER.—To remove ink and -*-* fruit stains &.c., from linen. Price 12J els per box, with full directions for use. PERMANENT MARKING INK—To mark col. lars and other clothing so that the name will not wash out. Price 25 cts per bottle. POTASH, Sal Soda, Salqratus, Pure Ginger.Purc Ground Mustard, and Humell’s Essence of Cof. fee. Just received and Cor sale at Roy’s Drug Store. PIERSON’S EXPECTORANT.-A valuable rem edy for coughs, colds and lung difficulties. INDIAN SANATIVE DROPS or Life Regulator, is considered a most valuable article for difficult ties caused by impurity of the blood, this article recommends itself; certificates are unnecessary try it if you would know its value. /“IHEMICAL HAIR TONIC.—This compound Is Used to prevent the hair from falling off to cause it to grow in thicker—and to restore hair that is growing gray to its original color; it is nicely per fumed and is very pleasant article for toilet use. Afresh supply of Camphepe and Fluid just re ceived at Roy’s Drug f^tore. THE BEST INK in j America.—Conger and Fields celebrated Recording Ink. Also David Sc Black’s Permanent Ink tor Records and Book keeping. A new supply of these valuable Inks just received at Roy’s Drug Store; also a large quantity Common School Inks. Flavoring ext/zacts.—New supply; such Lemon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Peach, Cinnamon, Rose, Nutmeg, Cellery, &c. NEW SUPPLY of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, Dental Soaps, Odors for the Handkerchief, and Fancy Goods a large assortment. RHODE ISLAND LIHI£ for whitewashing.— Also Whitewash Brushes for sale at Roy’s Drug Store. CHOLERA DROPS.—The most effectual reme dy for bowel complaints in use. If taken in time it can fail to cure if the directions are strictly complied with. Price 25 cents. /CRYSTAL EYE WATER,—A valuable remedy for sore or inflamed eyes—with full directions fox use. Price 12 J and 25 els per bottle, /CEPHALIC SNUFF.—For Catarrh, Headache &,c. Price 25 cents a bottle. A SMENJAN CEMENT.—For mending broken glass or china ware, with directions for its use Price 1 25 cent* per bottle. (Warranted.) MILK OF ROSES, — A pleasant Cosmetic to ira prove the complexion and to remove tan and freckles—Price 25 els. a bollZe. Concert Hall Block opened anew hissbop opposite Roy's Store and la prepared to ex. ecule the orders of )us old customers aud others who may favor him with their pul. ronage, with neatness feel it necessary-to put LOOKING-GLASS PLATES—With or without Frames, for sale at THE DRUG STORE. BALSAM TOLU.—This balsam is procured (rom a tree which is found in South America—it is a most valuable remedy for colds, coughs and affec lions of the lungs. Price of Balsam Tolu Cougk Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. ROSEMARY OINTMENT is a useful article for chapped hands, pimples on the face, burns, scalds, eruptions on the skin &c. Price L 2 and 25 cents per box. MAYER'S OINTMENT.—This ointment has long been held to be a great secret among the Germans. It is highly valued as a successful cure for fever sores, bad ulcers and sores of almost every kind which are found to be difficult to heal. See di- rections on the box. POMPOUND CATHARTIC PILLS; the beat pill in use for billious complaints and affections of the liver. HEADACHE PILLS—For sick headache, ner vous headache and ail Headache that comes on at regular intervals. A variety of Children's Books—Blank Books— School Books, Stationery &c. Also tiie Depository of the Tioga' County Bible Society—containing a large variety of Bibles and Testaments from 6£ cents to 6 dollars. FOR GARDEN FIELD.—A large supply of Fresh Seeds has just been received at Roy's Drug Store. Farmers and others wfcp send orders from any part of our county can refy on finding just the kind of seeds they may want at this Store. The supply is so large that merchants will be able to se lect from a full assortment here at any time. Wellsboro, April 1,1858. J. A. ROY. machine Shop AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. ROBERT YOUNG, late of the firm of Tabor Young & Tioga, takes this method to in form the public that he has leased the Foundry and Machine Shop in the village of Wellsboro for a term of years, and having put it in good running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work usually done at such establishments, in the best manner and out of the best of material. ~ , He has had over twenty years* experience in the business and will have the work entrusted to him done directly under his supervision. No work will be sent out half finished. ' MILL GEARINGS, PLOUGHS, STOVES, and castings of all kinds on hand and to order. BOOKS. SEEDS WELLSBORO FOUNDRY -A-N-D ROBERT YOUNG, Wellsboro May 38,1857. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. TO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases such as SPERMATORRHOEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHCEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF-ABUSE, &c., &c., The HO WARD ASSOC! ATION of Philadelphia in view ol the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Con* suiting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give [MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, with a description oftheir con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, for the re lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with “Viru lent and Epidemic Diseases,” and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It Is needless to add that the As sociation commands the highest Medical skill ol the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment.—Valuable advice also given to sick and nervous females, ufflicted with Womb Complaint Leucorrhoea, Sec, Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President, GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 25,1856.— ly . Charles O. Etz of Tioga Village would respectiully call the attention of tbe public to the following advertisement. “Man wan’s but little here below nor wants that little lung” is an old saying and perhaps true to a certain extents But it seems to me that in this time of general suspension and panic, everything is tending to a reversion of lime-honored sayings, and everybody wants a little more still. The farmers (and they really ought to have as much as anybody, for they are to our country what a main spring is to a watch,) wants a lilllc more for their wheat, buckwheat,rye, corn, oats, 'potatoes, &c., than the purchaser feels able and willing to pay. The merchant wants a little more for his Flour, Pork, Salt, Dry Goods, Boots Sc Shoes, Hats Sc Caps, Hardware, Crockery and ten thousand little things he has to sell than the farmer thinks he ought to pay. At this present time it seems to be conceded by all that the cash value of good wheat is $1 per bushel; buckwheat, 2 to 2-6; corn 3-6 to 4-6; oats, 2 to 2-6; butler, 14 to 1G cents. Now to equalize the mailer and make it satisfactory on both sides, I want and will agree la take from every farmer of Tioga county, all the wheat I can get for tbe next 60 days at 9 and 10 shillings per bubh cl according to quality; buckwheat a*. 2-6 to 3; corn 5 to 5-6: oats 2-9 to 3 shilling's ; butler 16 to 19 cents. Will sell yon in exchange: Salt per barrel, 16s. Flour extra superfine !3s per sack, $6 50 per barrel. Superfine, Us per sack, $5 50 per bbl. Coffee sugar letter “A” as white as snow at Is. Coffee sugar letter “B” 12cts, Very nice brown sugar, 1 Ids. Common, 10cts, Lagui ra coffee, every kernel good, 1-4. Old Java, very nice, 1-6. Young Hyson tea, warranted tip-top, 4,5 aiid 6 shillings, Tallow candles, ITcts. Sperm, 3-6- Fine cut tobacco, 3s. Loose smoking, 1-6. Plug tobacco, 3s tu 4s. Eagle Denims,.best manu factured, lOcls to Is. Lawrence mills, sheeting, very heavy, lOcls. Fine unbleached, from 10 cts to Is. Bleached muslin, from 7cts to 1-6. Calicoes, all styles, consisting of Merrimacks, Cochecocs, Spragues, Phillip Allens, &c., from to Is. A great variety of all wool Delaines, Cashmeres, Silk and Wool Poplins, Parametlas, Rigolclts. Hoods, Hosiery, Gloves and a great variety oflitlJe fixings, also a very large slock of Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gent’s wear. Ladies coarse Slices 9s. Ludi’cs calf and enamelled leather. Us to 325. Gaiter a splendid assortment 10s to 16s. Gent’s kip Boots, home made, from $4 to 4 25; City made from 63 50 to 5 50. In a word our stock is complete in all itsdepart ments, from the sugar and molasses down cellar to the best and most complete assortment of common and satin wall paper ever kepi in a country store up stairs. Bring along all the grain &c., you have to sell, what you do not want to exchange for Goods 1 v(ill pay you the cash for at cash prices. Tioga. Nov. 5.1857. SIXTEEN IN THE WILDS OF AFRICA DR. LIVINGSTONE'S TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS in the Wilils of Africa; from the English edition. Tiic Amer ican Edition is now ready for Canvassers and Agent*. The book is having a very large bale, some Agents ordering 1000 copies at a single order. The largest commission paid to ac tive Agents. Specimen copies sent by mail, on receipt of the price, $1.25. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher. No. 48 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. CAUTION. Thnattention of the Publisher has been called to spurious editions of this work, put forth as ‘'Narratives of Dr. Living stone’s Travels in Africa.” Ours is the only cheap American Edition of this great work published, and contains all the important matter of the English Edition which Is «old at $0: for the truth of this assertion, we refer to the following noti ces from some of tho most respectable journals in the coun try : NOTICES OF THE PRESS, In this volume wo have presented to us the whole of Dr. Livingstone’s Travels, omitting only scientific details.—Mid. & SCBG. JOURNAL. J Livingstone’s Travels.—Nothing of real importance is omit ted. The general reader will prefer this to the English edi tion, especially as the cost isifio trifling.— Penna. Inq. Dr. Livingstone's Travels ind Researches in South Africa, Appear to great advantage ii this edition, which is undoubt edly the edition most acceptable to the reader who reads fbr practical instruction and amusement.— Saturday Post. It is a rich and valuable book for tho general reader, and the admirable style in which the publisher has issued it will commend it to the favor of thou^nds.— Christian Orsilrver. We cannot name thirty-two chapters which are likely to begtulc time and enlarge tho scope cf reflection more pleas antly, and at the same time more satisfactorily than these Livingstone adventures. A special value is given to this volume, by tho addition of “Historical Notices of Di-'covoricß in Africa,” and taken alto gether it would bo difficult to name any publication wlvich more completely meets tho popular taste of our time for read ing matter which is strange, new, tho scone laid iir far off countries, which touches the feelings and increases our stock of useful knowledge.— New Yorker. -L It tells the whole story, leaving out digressions and epi sodes.—Legal Intelligencer. April 29, 1958, 2m. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE ? at ERWIN’S new Store! He has justreturned from the City with a choice Eot of Ready-made Clothing, CLOTHS, CASSI.UEKKS, V JESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-BOWN SYSTEM AND NOTHING SH O RT£ R Wellsboro’ Sept. 25,1856. NEW STOCK AT HART’S FLOUR if PROVISIQN STORE. I have jnat replenished my Stock of Groceries, Floor and Provisions, and am prepared lo sell at the lowest living figure, for Cash all through this hard winter. I will also exchange Groceries and Provisions for Country Produce at Cash prices. I can furnish every eatable quality of flour at a less price than any dealer in Wellsboro, either whole sale or retail. I have also on hand a large quantity of Ladies’ and Men’s Shoes, which will be sold at a very small advance upon cost, for Cash or Produce. As to price and quality of anything I keep on hand for sale, just call and examine for yourselves. I have also a small stock of DRY GOODS, which will be sold AT COST. Call and see. Wellsboro’ Jan. 7, ’5B. DAVID HART. Alcohol. ALCOHOL, 05 per cent, for Bnruiu B Fluid, at wholesale bj Comm;, (3m.) w. lf TK.URrr.r, HERRING’S SAFE. Reading “On the 26th of February nil the members of the committee met to witness the Safes and books and papers, a (placedto them) and were perfectly satisfied that all was right. The day following, the burning took place, under the superintend ence of the Committee. After a fair and impartial burning for five hours, the Safe of Messrs Evans & Watson was first opened, the Safe being on fire inside, amf tbe contents par tially consumed, while the contents in the Safe of Messrs Farrels & Herring were In good condition, and no fire Inside.” Heading, March 2,1857. (Signed,) Tf H. F. FELIX, { 1 1 p. N. COLEMAN, > Committee. A. H. PEACOCK, 3 And endorsed by over 50 of the best men of Reading. The above Safes can be inspectedat34W«?nnt Street,where the public can satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the ‘.‘Herrings Patent Champion,” over; the defeated and uscd'up “inside Iron Door Salamander.!’ ■ BAILEY & HERBISG, 34 Walnut Street, Philad’o. Only Makers in this State of Herring's Patent Champion Safes, The attempt made by other parties to bolster np the repu tation of a Safe which has failed so signally in accidental fires in Philadelphia, (Banstead Place,) by taking one out of an agent's store, (H. A. Lantz,) made dottbte thickness, (differ ent from those they Bell) to “burn np” one of Herring’s,(half as thick) has met with its true reward.! Herring’s Safe could not be burnt, proving conclusively that tbe only reliable Safe now made is “Herring's” Of which over 15,000 axe now in actual use. and moro than 200 have bees tried by fire .without a finite loss. July 13, 1857. ly. i ; *mm witson, -PHILADELPHIA Manufcctu- J 7 red Salamander Safes, No. 26 S. Fourth Street, Pbilada. Truth is Mighty and must Prevail . Report of the Committee appointed to superintend the Burning of the Iron Sdfesf'at Readings Feb. 27,1857. - “The undersigned, members of jibe committee, do respectfully report, that we saw'the two Sales origi nally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring-and Evans Sc Watson, placed side by side in a furnace, viz: The Safe in use by the Paymaster of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company, in bis office at Reading, manufactured by Farrels & Herring, and the safe in- use by H. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson,and pulin books and papers precisely alike. . L The fire was started at 8J o’clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chestnut lop iwpod were entirely consumed, the whole under the Superintendence of tlic subscribers, members of tjiCj Committee. The Safes were then cooled off with jwaler, after which they were opened and the books! and papers taken out by the Committee and sentf to H. A. Lanlz’s store for public examination, after they were first examined and marked by the \ Committee. The books and papers taken from thcjSafc manufactured by Evans Sc Watson were but slightly affected by the intense heat, while those taken from the Safe manufactured by Farrels, &. Herring, were incur judgment, damaged fully fifteen perxent more than those taken from Evans Sc Walsbn’s Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and im partial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOB H, DYSHER, Daniels, hunter. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken but of their respective Safes. G. A. NICHOLLS, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND, EVANS & WATSON have now on hand 300,- 000 pounds of the above Safes, which they offer for sale on better terms than any’other Manufacturer in the United Slates. I The following named gentlemen, residents of Reading and its vicinity, who *aw the above fire, have purchased Safes from Evans Sc Watson since the burning up to May Ist, 1857. “ G. A. Nicolls, 1; Lepold Hiralj,!; Isaac Ruth, 1; Kirk Sc Helstcr, 1; W, Rhoads Sc Son, 1; Henry W. Missinger, 2; Dr. Wrii.f Moore, ]; Solomon Rhoads, 1 ; Billmeyer, Follmcr'& Co., Milton,!; Levi L. Smith, I; High Sc Craig, 1; Wm. Kirck, 1 ; Kaufman & Baum, 1; Wml McFarlier, 1 ; Geo, J. Eckert, I; J. M. Sc G. Wi Hanstock, 1; Ezra Miller, 1; J. P. Bridegane, 1;j James Jamison, 1; J. B. &A. B. Warner, 1 ; JacobfSchraucker, 1; Wm. King, 1; V. B. Schollenbergcr,-1; R. R. Company, 1; H. A. Ifontz, 2.; W. C, &)P. P. Ermanlroui, 1; July 33, 1837 r ly. ; I CHARLES O. ETZ. YEARS CABINET WAREHOUSE, I AM STILL AT m{y» OLD STAND, two doors below Hart & Short’s Flour and Provis ion Store, Manufacturing to order all kinds of Cab inat Ware, and in the best* manner. I likewise Keep constantly on hand andjfor sale at reasonable prices, a fine slock of | ! Sofas, Birans, Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining ißreakfast Tables , Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAUOGONY & COMMION WASH STANDS. Cottage , French and Common Bedsteads , of every description,together with allafticlesusu ally made in his line of business. From his knowledge of the business he flat ters himself with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do wclKto call and examine Ins work before sending elscwher for an inferior article. ! ? TURNING done in a neat manner, at shortno tice. ; f Q| Chairs! In addition to t|he above, the subset jSSSftber would inform ithe public that he ha j Jrff v justrcccivcdalargcand handsomcassorl menl, of j : Common & Spring-Scat Cliairs, Boston and Common Rocking Chairs, which he will sell as cheap,if not cheaper,than (hey cun be purchased anywhere else in Tioga county. Call and see them I! Wellsboro’, July 2?, ’57, | B. T. VANHORN- NILES & ELLIOTT. TTAVE leased the stand formerly occupied by R S. BAILEY, and are now receiving and selling at fair prices, one ot lh h. article they may wish, and all Goods warranted be as represented. A Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of tn\ mlngs. Ladles will do well to call and examine a.| ' lion of its kind written in a benevolent spintc e by a scientific roan. It should be in the baajif; j all who value their Hfc«ud health aud happiness. - Price, 12 cents, or 4 stamps, at the receipt of it will be sent, post Iree, and well secured, by > C. H. KLINE, No. 420 Ist Avenue, box 4553,yf i : Blind Factor^ IJV, TIOGA 'CO., FA. Sash an COVING THE Subscri ber is now prepared by new Machinery just purchased,to fur nish to order, a» kindsof square &. fancy Sash, and Blinds. Square Sash o: common sizes al ways on band. By long expe rience in the bu siness,thesubscri berf alters birasel. tha he can make as good annrticle, and sell it as cheap ai a: obtained at any estabishraent in Pennsjlun- New York. Call and see. Covington, September 18, 1856. ICTThe subscriber is also Agent for lie silei Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Mw'icmu'i Scarpa's Oil for Deafness. * FRESH ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES & PROVISION WOOD’S GEOCEK Opposite Roy's Building, THE Subscriber has just received a ne*s well assorted stock of Groceries &. Provisions, Pork, Dried Beet,St* Fish, Mackerel, Flour, Dried FruiU, Cor ranls, Prunes, Raisins, Dates, Figs, r Oranges, Lemons, and Pickles. ; SUGARS of all grades and p rices to swU* Spices, Tobacco, Snuff, and NUTS of all kinci Also, New Orleans Molasses and refined Jj l3 and all articles usually kept in a country G.< as cheap (or cheaper) as can be found inTicp'- Those wishing to purchase will do well-' 1 and examine his slock before purchasing ekj* Welisboro, April 8. 1858. H. WILCOX & SEXBS. WHOLESALE $ RETAIL DEALERS' SOLE