An Incident of the Slave Teade.—The .learner Eihiope, from the coast of Africa, arrived at Plymouth at midnight last night. r n consequence of information received ip Monrovia, Commander Craft left m the Elht c e on the 14th of April and on the 15th fell in with the French ships Cceh Regina, 420 tons, in the possession of a large number of negroes, who were not able to manage her. A Per a parley, the second officer of the , Eihiope, whh P«f of the crew, went on board when 250 of the negroes swam ashore, ' where nearly the whole were murdered by the French ship and natives. It appears that the Cfflli Regina, which is complelly fitted for the slave trade, had been cruising for a month near Capa Palmas, and under pretence of taking them to a better place, Had secured 500 negroes, who were immediately placed between decks, many of them in irons. When Captain Simon was ashore at Manna, on the coast of Liberia, and part of the crew Id a boat alongside, the negroes procured fire arms and shot all but the Doctor and two of the seaman, whom they retained to steer the ship. Capl, Simon came within gun shot sev eral times afterwards, but was not allowed to come on board, the Coeli Regina was lowed to Monrovia, where she was left in possession of the purser of the Eihiope. Romance in Real Life. —The Montrose Review tells the following story:—“ln the year 1614, a native of this town look passage on board a steamer at Liverpool', to proceed to Scotland. Soon after the steamer left the dock gales, a young lady accidentally fell overboard, and was rescued from a watery grave by a young Scotchman, who jumping overboard wiiha life preserver, brought her safely on board the steamer. During the passage, she was asked what recompense she intended making her preserver, when •she modestly replied that all she could do was to bestow on him her hand ; but, much to her grief, she was informed that, he was a married man. After a lapse of fourteen years, ten of which she had been living with her brother in New York, Miss felt in clined to return to Scotland, and on her ar rival, immediately set lo work to find oul her kind preserver, which she succeded in doing: and finding him lo be a widower, at once offered him her hand and heart which, was accepted.” On Friday last, the engineer of a fast tram was arrested by the authorities of a “one-horse town, - ’ in Dauphin Co., Pa., for tanning through the Boro’ at a greater rate of speed than is allowed by their ordinances. Having neglected, however, lo give publicity lo ihese ordinances, they could not impose soy fine, and their discomfiture was sggra vated by the malicious excuse of the engineer, that—“he didn’t know there was any town there 1 ” This, we think, was adding insult to injury. The Charleston Covrier's Key West cor respondent says that Lieut. Pym asserts that the reports of the outrages on American vessels have been much exaggerated, and in many instances false. The account of the seizure of the ship Cortez was an instance of the grossest exaggeration ; the Captain of that vessel, when overhauled, threw his papers and flag into the sea, declaring himself a Spaniard. Contraband articles were found aboard which showed her to be a slaver, and aha was accordingly sold as such. St. Jop.Vs, N. F., June 27—6 p. m. Noshing has yet been heard of the steam rigate Niagara, now about due at .Trinity iay, with her end of the Atlantic cable. She s now expected hourly, and should the en erpnse prove successful may make her ap pearance at any moment. The weaiher 13 very clear and fine at Cape iace, and no steamer has been seen to pass to day. The news-yachl of the Associated ress is op ihe look-out. n 1V , -M-A-R-E-I-E-D -n-"i;, of Juno - l, y the Rev. D. A. Pope, Mr. AUG' Vi r f, 'Vn ,' WS of Middlebury and Miss MANX. •ALII ..f Chath-un. Sheriffalty. are requested lo announce ISAAC F. FIELi dmar, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to th CCNon l he Republican Convention. We ere authorized loaunounce Dr. JOEL ROS Qlland, as a candidate for Sheriff 1 , subject to tb — lOll ° f llle Republican Convention. «e anlWiKd to announce ALLEN DA' i *° f as a candidate for Sheriff 1 , subjei 16 decision of the Republican Convention. are authorized to announce EMMER BO' : ° , CCrricld ' •« a candidate for Sheriff, eubj, ccision of t/ie Republican Convention. VIGILANCE. tmhfrU i . oci '" c ' J" o - Jornes, Wm. Buller. WaUcfr JOhD G ' Holmes > D - ' v - Nobles, Jol. s “rl™o a M' 4n D “ scn t ®• Mor\e, Lucien Beat Hirl, H - D - c “ iki "g s . a hchT~ T ' B ' Goodenow . T. S. Marvin, D. I ha. P Z°i~y ? ■ Palchen, S S Packer y'l/irU-ii v | brT ’ Henr J Steele, C. W. Bead Gilbt r t ' * oUer ' Eramer Bowen, Georg 4i C. Miller, Chas. Copeslid T. \v uil( j “ n J- Dorrance, Joel Parklmrst, I < r «^lj. U?S ! cs 'Maynard. Ethan Strait. [Peitrs. ~~ ® VVright, Robert Cassbicr, J, r »n«—j o Ur Jt-''lalr 1 alr ' ,us . H. Crofnt, H C Vcrmilyci p omslock ’ Gilce Roberts, J. P Bile; ° wer r ‘* ose Guiles, Charlc Wells, J. Kinsey, J C Beemai "Wforvl3, o ffer ’ R C Co:[ - D - W - Canfield. ntfiildL j 1.,"' 6 " 8 , G D Keeney, J B Potle , [ de "> Henry Allen, A. Bixby. Wn—l,,’ ; UIW) J Oll Doanc, E. Blackwell. pol,_j ~ e J> G - w - i'helps, James Beebe . „Cubbs, Allen Seeley, Jos. Weaver * c *”ionil_m p o^’ Lafayette Backer, Seeley Pros Ripley, Geo. Mudgc, L Gaylord '“han-r.-r lnsun > Lewis Holmes, E. Seager Wet fe Uo C, r ”y.-£“. w. Doud, B. Monro (l w—J. Whii-u* 1 ' ' Bentley, John Dailey p C J °1 |M Erwin, G. Foster. (Weld^a-X Ho, g- J - Riberolle. J. L. Robinso [ p fc.ll,p, mbfQ!o Clooae, J. King Jr., Charlie 'mJa S V ■*. ‘W-o B w m i?’ 0 01 - D. Comfor w e!b. Hector L. Miller, C.StUwe! e^t ® ra of Administrate ,K UrrH °Mate o^ on rmJn, *»d «S!! „ JacitBoD dec'd., all persons i S* M t W tf e , requested to make immedia life * Tm s cWn “ the same will pi G ’ J «y I,IHS °* D - Adnrt. TO MOTHERS, WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. Dr. R. A. Lamont’i PERIODICAL COMPOUND. The most beneficial and successful FEMALE MEDICINE now in use, for all cases of obstructed or suppressed Menstruation. This valuable vegetable compound baa long been used in the private practice of Dr. Lament, for regulating the de rangements of the female system and for improving the gen eral health, and by long experience has been mund the greatest remedy against those painful v or general complaints to which the female constitution is liable. A few doses ta ken for one week before the monthly period will remove aZZ obstructions from any cause whatever, as incredible as it may appear. 3 N. B.—Those Ladies Tfho hare been disappointed In the use of Pills, can pot the utmost confidence in thia compoond. AXJT IO N .-ffi* This compound must not be token by females during the early months of Pregnancy under the penalty of certain ab ortion. At all other times it is safe, ns it is purely vegetable. It will be sent to any address by iocloaings2toanyantborl ized agent, or to R. I. ANDREWS, Buffalo N. Y * For sale by J. A. ROY. Wellsboro, and Druggists gen erally. [July 1,1858. ly.} uaswwgeo AGENTS WANTED FOE THE SALE OF POPULAR. MAPS ASD CHARTS. Designed to map out and^pictTire^to the people of America, the great Scientific, Historical, and Religions topics of the Day. Beautifully illustrated £ colored. JUST PUBLISHED. *f THE TELEGRAPH CHART, showing the proposed Atlan ta and other Submarine Telegraphs, with the great overland Telegraph lines in Europe and America, explaining the Prin ciples and Operations of the Morse, House and Hughes’ Telegraphs, and the making and submerging of Telegraph Cables; also, Routes of Steamers and Ocean Soundincs. ILLUSTRATED LIFE OF CHRIST.— I ‘‘For behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” Containing eleven large splendid Engravings, designed by Gilbert, the great English Artist. Subjects as follows: The Adoration of the Shepherds—The Plight into Egypt—Jesus iu the midst of the Doctors—Jesus subject to his parents— The Baptism—Our Lord in the house of Martha and Mary— Our Lord raising the Widow’s Son—Jesus Christ blessing lit tle Children—The Crucifixion—Tho Resurrection—our Sa viour; also, the Lord’s Prayer and Commandments. AMERICAN HISTORICAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of emi nent characters in onr own history. An instructive Sheet, which every Citizen of the United States should possess.— Containing six portraits of celebrated North American Indi an chiefs; Six portraits of Pioneers and Founders of Our Country; Six portraits of Distinguished Naval Commanders; Six portraits of prominent military Generals of the Revolu tionary War; Six portraits of eminent women of the Ameri can Revolution—with Biographical notices. The likenesses are authentic, and are drawn and engraved in the highest style of art. TILE PANORAMA OP INDIA, containing a Largo Chart in Relief of British India—Map of Southern Asia—Plan of the capture of Delhi—Havelock’s March to Lucknow—Por traits of Nena Sahib and the Princes of Oude—Execution of tho Sepoys—Temple of Juggernaut—Pagodas—Tho four Castes, etc , with full statistical tables, ami a History of In dia, tho British East India Company, and the Sepoy Mutiny. A GOVERNMENT MAP OF NICARAGUA, showing the different States—Cities—Battle Grounds—Transit Route to California—Groat Seal, etc. With a smaller Map of all Cen tral America. All persons interested in Central American affairs can roly upon this as tho most correct map. It is published by’Government Authority. Several other Maps, describing new and popular subjects, are in preparation and will soon be published. All kinds of Pocket and Mounted Maps supplied to order, for cash. A special circular, giving instruction to Agents, and offer ing them the most liberal ierms. will he sent post-paid when written for. Specimen copies of the Maps sent paid for 25 cents each. Address, U. H. LLOYD ell at la per pai,r warranted kid) with the household, but by imitating Lois of old she can do much 'foij tile fam ily in relieving the mother of part of tier cares, by spending a day at the Regulator Slurb and se lecting some of those unprecedented bargains from those piles of Shading we have ju'.t received. 8 bales Atlantic A heavy one yard wide 7 cents per yard. . \ [ 6 bales Boston A Wire twist, 1 yardjwide 6 1-4 cents per yard. i - | 5 Bales Allensdale Fine Sheeting 1 wide 7 cents per yard. j ■ 5 Gales Allensdale Fine Sheeting 3-4' yard wide C cents per yard. j j 7 Gales Lawrence Steam Cloth 3-4 yard wide 4J cents per yard. f .[ ] Collon Batting, Warp, Twine, different grades, Colton yarn all numbers. | ! In the mother nothing can be more beautiful than a meek and quiet spirit. There is no | adornment compared to it, but we can add much to U by your selecting from our piles of ! j Which comprise over 200 different jpatUrns.— Some Estella 2 yards square lUu, that have been sold at $5 with a good assortment of Crape and ilk Shawls. A EUck Silk with heavy jfringe, 172 inches square wo will sell you for 40s. Crapes from $4 to $2O each. Lace Capes, some beautiful ones that we will sell at ruinous prices. VNfe jean only ask you to look and we will sell you every article as we advertise. t j Millinery Goods, Straw Bonnets from Is to 20s. f French Flowers by the Box. j i American Flowers by the Box.l 1 Pattern Hats. j 1. Dress Caps. j | - Straw Braids, j Blondes, Ruches, &c. Cords, Tassels, French Corsets, Brass and Steel Hoops. > SESIBL E®®:? SESIf S 8 The Press, the Pulpit and the Petticoat. The first spreads the news, the second and the* third and lasi spreads Douglass and Sherwood’s pat ent Steel Skirls with adjusting Bustle, which may be found al the Regulator Store, IS. V. Ten cases of those fine Foxed Gaiters at 4s. 6d. per pair. Eight cases of Women’s Enamelled Bools 6s usually 10s, Men’s heavy Brogan Shoes'that cost 6s per pair to make we will sell them at 7o cents. Mens’ Kip Boots, Fancy tops and well made 10s per pair. A good kip nt 12s, and any quantity of La dies* Rubbers ot Is 6d per pair. The Rubbers are Goodyear’s Patent, and best kind of No.> 1, i ! k. G. MCT.UX. HATS, HATS, 1 i A lot from Auction. A good Panama fine braid at Gs usually sold at 20s. j Senate Hat, 4s sold usu ally at Bs. Campeachy Hut, while, 4s sold usually at Bs. Palm leaf by the dozen or single one lor a. song, and ribbon throwni in at that. Boy's and Youth’s Hat of all hinds. J \ Kentucky Jeans Is per yard. Heavy 'double and twisted Collonadc, handsome plaid Is GdJ Hand some Figured Satlinett, wide stripe, 3s worth 6s.— Fancy Cassiracres, Broad Cloths, Vestings, on which we will not be beat in price, in the Stated | f O* I will only say, let every member fami ly strive to make home haopy by calling atjthc Reg ulator and selecting a bundle of those Cheap Goods, by so doing you will remedy it and make a ‘ Sweet home,” even a home on Earth, and at the same lime do much good to him who is in want of the “needful" which is your humble servant.: j The Grocery Department is Full. PORK, HAMS, FLOUR SUGARS, 1 p TEAS, &c. | i Good Flour warranted 34,75. Good Floor not warranted $4. Candles. 1», Sugar, good,i 7 cents per pound, every thing equally a* cheap J ! Corning. May 50,1858. 'R. E. ROBINSON. |3O 000 BLACK SILK, nil s BOOTS & SHOES Hen’s and Bov’s Summer Goods. R. E. ROBINSON. Corning, May 20,1858. J Appraisement Goods or Merchandise in .r 1858. Assessment & . of Merchants for selling Tioga County, for the yea Class Tax} BBOOCTIZLD. IK 083 & Williams, Dry Goods 14 7 00 W D Kelly, do., 14 7 OO >,C W Nesbitt, Drags 15 6 00 k ,R K Brandage, Tioga ] Valley Mills 14 700 j MinfrocsG. Witter Dry O’a 14 700 r J Robinson, do. 14 700 P D Parkhurst, do., 14 7 00 JDoct. Robbins, Drags 16 600 D T Gardiner Dry G 'da 14 $7 00 BLoaa. D S Magee, do. 1310 00,4 I M Bovine, do. 14 7 OO’ John Evans, do. ' 14 7 00l E J Boewortb, do. 14 7 0(m Allen * Tnliock, Qr’cy 14 700 M Shcehi. do. 14 7 00*. CHAJfDLERUCBG. N Smith, Dry Goods 14 700 Levi Smith, do. 14 700 KIDDLEBray. Jno.Redlngton,DryGl4 700 II H Potter, do. U 700 ( Bennett 4 Randall do 14 700 con soto*. S S Packard, Dry G’ds 14 7 00>' Thos, Pntnara, do. 14 700 0 F Taylor, do. 14 700 Howes. Didamo & Co Seely, Lugg 4 Co., Dry Goods, Drags, 4c., 13 30 00 R Warren, do. 14 7 h Tyler, Drugs, 4c. 15 600 Dry Goods, 13 10 00 Thos. Yidcan, Oroc’y 14 7 00 CLYMER, Beach & Kusbmore, Dry Goods 14 7.00 O O Bristol, do. 14 700 J A Thompson, do. 14 700 OSCEOLA. Merills Staples, Dry G, ti 7 00 T Crandall i Son, do. 13 10 OO U C Bosworth, do., 14 7 (K| C Kimball, do. 14 7 QO II Si J Tubbs, Flour M-14 7 00 CUEEET FLATT 3. A Johnson, do. 14 7Q0 ,< ' D ELMAR. Guernsey A Hastings, . Dry Goods, 14 7 00, S S Packard, do. 14 7OW DE£R?I£LD, TIOOA, JB Paine, do, 14 7 & Lowell, do. 10 OO elkland. jp S Tuttle, do. 14 700 JA J G Parkhnrst d 0.13 10 00. C OEtz, do., “ 14 TOO L Davenport, Grocery 14 7 ou’R ew i 9 do., 14 700 L Davenport, Flouring ' ["ced A Mitchell, 14 700 Mill 14 700 1111 Mitchell, do, 14 700 Johnson & Martin, Tin- iDoct. A. Humphrey, A Stoves, 14 7 00 1 D ™gJ, 34 700 FAT.inxGTONV |H II Borden, do., >l4 700 Hiram Meritt, Dry Q. 14 U Sweatland, Dry ' gaises. } Goods. Clothing, n 0 Kane, Grocery JACKfiON. I a Liquor, 2500 R TilliDgha*t. do. 14 700 A & C Humphrey, Fp r KNOXVILLE. I Mill, 14 700 L B Reynolds, do. 14 7 C 0, Brwuk! yn Steam Mill John Goodspeed, do. 14 7 Co! Company, do.. 14 7qq AA J P.Mrman, do. 14 7 oc[. westfitld. J/nnroe A Goldsmith 14 7 OplKrusen A King,l)ryG. 14 700 J H Stubb*. do. 14 7 o*'[G Goodspeed, do., 14 7 OO Victor Case- do. 14 700 Geo. Closs, do., 14 700 Samuel May, Grocery 14 7on I 'Wi.LLenoßo. II Hopkins, do. 14 700 -A- Roe, Lry Goods 13 32 50 J 3lprgan, Flour Mill, 14 700 ® If art, do,, 14 7 o»> LIBKRTT. MA O BnJlard, do., 13 1000 J G Albeck, Dry G'ds, 14 700 * Bowen, do., 1313 5u B SeJernan, do. 14 700 A J LR«jbinson, do., 1312. J MtTilfs, do. 14 700 R R Smith A Son, do., 13 13 50 Scbring A Narbor, do. 13 1000 Nile* A Elliott, do., 13 100 U Geo. Shaffer, Grocery. 14 700 R Bailey, do., 13 10 u-> IAWRBNctviLLE. J Alloy, DrngsA Med. 13 1000 W W Ballard, DryG'ds 13 1000 D P A W Roberts, Tin .Tames A Pardons, do. 13 1350 w «ud Stoves, 14 7Qg Stanton A Geer, l3 1000 M Rorst, Dry Goods A 31 K Darrin, Gioccrics Groceries, . 1 ij 7 ci> Clocks, Ac., . 14 700 C Fifhor, Tin, 14 7CO W G Milder, Drugs and it Farr, Grocery, 14 7to Medicines, 14 7CO A Foley, Watches, Clocks Ciutw Paikliurst. do-, 15 SCO and Books. 14 700 Benn A Johnson. G’cy 14 7CI Harvey Wood, Gro'cy, 14 7m> James Ford, Flour Mill 14 7OvF 51 Hills Uest’aaut, 14 700 Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be JirM at tho Coinmirisjionor’s office in Wellaboro, on the 14th dav of July next, and at my office in ElkUud 8010, on the 23d day of the same mouth. at which tunes and id-aces. all persons by the fun-going appraisement, will be heard, and aurlTabate ments made as are deemed proper and ju=t. and all persons failing to appear at said times and places will he barred from making any defence before me. B. T. WOOD, IV elUboro, June 14th, ISSB. Jfercantile Appraiser. SPLUVAX Smith & Reveluve, Dry Goods 14 700 IS hereby ~ivcn. that a special Court will Ihj IkM at tbo Court llotiso in Wellsboro. by the lion. David Wilinot, comin'Micnig on .Vonday the 19tb day of July next, common cing at 2 o’clock p.“ni., and to continue two weeks, for tho trial ol the following cau-o*. under the provisions ot the act of A--cmbly oi Uth April ISO 4. J. i\ DONALDSON Welbboro, May 20, ISSS. , Proth’y, teuton vs. Lmvnsberry _ 'Bank of North America vs, Lown-y & IVilliaton vs. Calket Duflcv Niles A Osgood vs. Craves Dver vs*. Johnson et al Tharp vs. Melntj ro Wallace et al w lust ho Bingham Trustees vs. Morrill Travis & Turner v 3. Benson I'help-* & Dodge vs. Kress -Lowrey vs. Combs Vox ot al. vs. 'ihompn Leach v-. Phillips et al, Stevens for Potter v. BeckwitliDePui v 3. Panm-nti-r Bingham. Trustees va, Deusonßoss for Dent vs. BaKocfe «tnl Stephens vs. Dacha Kx'r Krc*»a vs. Stowell & son Norris. Debee vs. Hill et al SECOXB WEEK. Bacho & Boss vs. Spalding Beach vs. f\mo CiirliM vs. Ilulhurt liingliam Trus.'ces vs. Pullman Bingham Irustees T 3. Slosson do. vs Love do. vs. do, do. Lanphcar ot al Guernsey vs. Niles do. vs Norwood do. vs. Hutson et al do. vs AVeIU it nl Bingham Trustee* vs. Potter Bingham'Tmstees vs. Benson do.,vs. Pafridjrc et al do. >s. Crittenden Baclie vs. Klj- et al Binqham Trustees vs. Cillcy et al do. rs. ct til do. v*, Buck et al do. vs. Mattisoa do. vr. Matti'oa do. T?. .Tr. ct al ll^Lsbiujrton Mutual Insurance do. vs. Herrick et al Co. v-». fstihvfll do. vs. Pre-bin ft al Washington Mutual Tn*uranc» Locke’s Admr's vs. L-.cke Co. v B . Nichols, W'osl k Co. Bache k Kirss vs. Ogood ' ON MANHOOD A>D ITS PREMATURE DECLINE. Juat Published. Gratis, the 50th Tliousand. A 'words ox the rational Jt 4£^£.w Tn ' atD,ei ‘ t without Medicine, of Spcrniator- Cfc v jj * J the.i.or^Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, ■ * Gcuital and Nervous Debility, Impotc-ucy, and Impediments to Marriage generally, by B. DE LANEY, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of jouth mav bo eraily removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is in this small tiact clearly demonstrated; aud the entirely new and highly «uc- treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by moans of which every out is enabled, to cure 111M5ELP perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the adveitised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a scaled envel ope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. C. DE LANEY, SS Lost ULtt street. New York City. April. i'J, ISSS. The Young Fifing Morgan. fS%\ npHIS splendid horse was sired by -I ,c justly celebrated trotter,— u Flying Morgan” the. pride of Ver ’S&armont horse breeders, and does credit l he unequalled stock from which he sprang. His dam was a Messenger mare, a Mock second only to the Morgan in all that consli. tuics excellence in the horse. For sticngth, speed and endurance, this stock of horses has never been Young Flying Morgan is seven year# old, lAi hands high, and weighs 1100 lbs. He car\ trot his mile inside of three minutes; and was awarded the first premium lor speed and general ex cellence, nl the Windham Co. Fair, held at Gratt.e boro Vl., 1856 lie will vtand the ensuing season, Monday’s, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, at the stable of the sub scrihcr at Tiogn, and the remaining days of each week at the stable of E. R. F.irr in W'ellsboro. Terms, SlO to insure a foal, in accordance with the u«ual custom. D. L. AIKEN, Tioga, May 13, 1853. Black Hawk. Chief. 1VT be onnt * the stable of the -J-tX subscriber, hvo miles cast of Loundsbcry Settlement, on the Old County. Road. Richmond township, Tioga Co. Pa., the present season, for the improvement of Horses. Black Hawk Chief was sired by Skiff Coll, g sire Blackhawk, gg siro Sherman, ggg sire Justin Morgan. Dam was of Messenger blood. Black Hawk Chief is jet black, 15 1-4 hands high,and weighs 1100 lbs. For bcauiv dl lonn, grace of action, and splendor of carriage, he cannot be equalled by any stock horse in“Nonh ern Pennsylvania, Black Hawk Chief was foaled in the SpnngoflBs3; the property of Newell Farn harn Esq., Lockport, Niagara Co., N. Y. Terms—Five dollars for single service, ten dol lars for Lite season and fifteen dollars to insure. All marcs from a distance accommodated with pasture free of charge. LYMAN B. FAULKNER. Richmond, May 27,1853. Administrator’s Notice. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of David Crippcn, laic ot Rutland tsp, dcc’d., all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them dulv authenticated to GEORGE P. ORIPPEN i - HIRAM HODGES VAdmr’a. DANIEL CRIPPEN \ Rutland, May 27, 1858 6t.* SEGAR MANUFACTORY.—F. M. HILLS has removed to the budding formerly occupied by the SEARS 1 Boys, one door below the Tin and Stove Store of p. P. & Wm, Roberts, where he man. ufaclarcs and keeps constantly on band,Cigars of Ordinary, Medium, and best brands, aa well as all kinds ot Tobacco. Prices reasonable. Call and Wellsboro, May 7,1*57.-y. MASSFIELD. jnasox