"wiTbelieve that opposition to slavery is he necessary outgrowth of the spirit of true Christianity ; that the attempt io, induce the r.jc, Society to publish aga.nst the moral L, of Slavery was 'be very least that could L, asked of a professedly. Christian, msiruc- • that all efforts to instruct man n°flteir duties towards God and each other ,od ,o diffuse a pure and unadulterated Gospel, undertaken with a due sense of re- V ihilrtv 10 God and in obedience to his Ifill'till have his approval; and ihal speedy ,access in any moral enterprise is almost a eriain sign of speedy relapse. Hence un jiifflayed by the congratulations and shouts ,f’victory of the Presbyterian and N. Y. Observer, we patiently abide the workings of God’s providence, in the undisturbed assu me that ere long the emasculated gospel of ihe Tract Society and the Christianity Cor the south of Dr. Ross will pass away before the crowing convictions of Christian men that the spirit of the gospel is inflexibly opposed to oppression in every form and sin to every degree. —Jersey Shore Vedette. UNION CELEBRATION. The 4th in Mlddlehnry. The citizens of Mtddlebury and vicinity are respectfully invited to attend a Sabbath School and patriotic Celebration, to be held in the erove near Keeneyville, on Saturday the 3d day of July. OFFICERS OF THE DAY, President —H. S. Wilson. Vice Presidents —D. G. Stevens, Eraslos Niles, H. H. Potter, Silas Staples, Eire Potter, Benj. Van- Daren, Vsniiansalaer Totes, Hiram Merrit. Marshal —J. B. Niles. iuislant Marshal —Edward Keeney Reader of Declaration — J. B. Potter. Orator* —Rev. J. F. Calkins, Rer.N. L. Reynolds, H. W. Williams and J. P. Keeney, Esqrs. ORDER OP THE DAY. The procession will form at the Keeney ville school house, at 9 o’clock a. m., under the direction of the Marshal and march to Ibe grove. Isi. Prayer by Rev. N. L. Slilwell. 2d. Reading Declaration. 3d. Oraiion by J. P. Keeney, Esq. t _ 4th. Address to the Sabbath Schools by Bev. J. F. Calkins. sih. Refreshments. 6th. Oration by H. W. Williams, Esq. 7th. Address by Rev. N. L. Reynolds. Elh. Benediction. The exercises will be enlivened with music by the Charleston Brass Band. Each School will be expected to furnish its o»n refreshments. Two military companies—infantry and cavalry will be present. Per order of Com. of Arrangements, -M-A-E-R-I-E-D In Osceola, May 25th, by A. K. Bosard, Esq., at beiioti'C of Nathan Hills, JAMES DAVIS and Hiss LYDIA J. FINKNER, both of Elkland Boro. REV. N. BROWN will preach at Mansfield, the first Sabbath in July, at 10 A. M., and at the Hammond School House at 3J P. M., same day. For Sale. i LL th.it property ou the east tide of Main Street In the .A. ' ill.ijn; of Ttotm Co. I*tl extending from said rfet to thcTiuga Kail Road, known as the Slocomb property, and consists of about five acres of land with U large fine uwdlmg bou?o. a'inaller dwelling house (on Broad Street.) a barn and other out buildings and some choice fruit trees q !lifi ence > numerous Irish alan 138 succeeded in perfecting ifiT ttiM .k Conilr . ucl * Ofl of Fence, which does louod 1 L,® of inserting posts in the I'ural r . c Fence is made to set upon the 3n wiiil 06 r ie ao r 1858. XAirenuj). Rosa ft Williams, Dry Goods 14 7 00 W D Kelly, do., 14 7 00 C W Nesbitt, Brags 16 6 00 R K Brandoge, Tioga Valley Mills 14 7 00 . MAIHSBCRO. Fox ft Witter Dry Q’s 14 7 00 J Robinson, do. 14_700 , P D Parkhnrst, do., 14 700 j Doct, Bobbins, Drags 15 500 UIbbLSBUBT. .lino.Redlngton, Dry Gl4 700 .H H Potter, do. 14 700 v Bennett ft Randall do 14 700 NELSON. eely, Lugg ft Co„ Dry Goods, Drugs, ftc., 131000 .Warren,do. 14 700 Tyler, Drags, ftc. 16 600 cltuxb. OSCEOLA. Merills Staples, Dry G, 14 700 T Crandall A Son, do. 1310 00 H G Boswortb, do., 14 700 C Kimball, do. 14 700 Hft J Tubbs, Flour M, 14 700 14 700 SULLIVAN. Smith 4 Eevelaye, Dry Goods 14 700 TIOGA. Baldwin A Lowell, do. 13 1000 P S Tuttle, dcr. 14 700 C O Etz, do., 14 700 Lewis Daggett, do,, 14 700 Weed 4 Mitchell, 14 700 H R Mitchell, do., 14 700 Doct. A. Humphrey, Drags, 14 700 11 H Borden, do., 14 700 G H Sweatland, Dry Goods, Clothing, Ac 14 700 John O Kane, Grocery 4 Liquor, 25 00 A &.C Humphrey, Fl’r Mill. 14 700 Brooklyn Steam Mill Company, do., 14 700 14 7 00 14 700 14 700 Good News to All!! Fancy and Plain Cases, THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Diiiolation. Partnership heretofore existing under the t> name of Downing & Miller, carrying on the Rolling Mill business in Blossburg, is this day dis* solved by mutual consent. All persons having set. Uements to make will make application to J. H. Go. lick, I.M, Bodine, or the undersigned in Blossburg. May 27th, 1858. JOSEPH DOWNING. B. M. MILLER. Register’s Notice. "VTOnCE is hereby given that the Administrators on the -LN following named estate have settled tbeir accounts and that the same will be presented to the Orphans’ Conrt of Ti oga county, on Monday the 14th day of June, 1858. for allow ance and confirmation, viz: The account of S. H. Landis and M. E. Nickeraon, Admin istrators of Charles Nickerson, late of Eelmar dec’d. _ „. , WM. D. BAILEY, Register. TYellshoro, May 20,1868. 6 NEW LOT OF THOSE Six Shilling Gaiters, just received. A LSO—A quantity of those BEST PRINTS, - which we are selling at 10 els per yard, EVERYTHING ELSE proportionally cheap at [May 271 h, 1858.] BAILEY’S Administrn.tor’s Notice. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate ol David Crippen, late ol Rutland tsp, dec’d., all persons indebted to said estate arc required to muke immediate payment, and those having claims sgainst the same will present them duly authenticated to GEORGE P. CRIPPEN 1 HIRAM HODGES VAdrar’s. DANIEL CRIPPEN \ Rutland, May 27,1858 61.* THE PLACE TO BUY THE PLACE TO BUY THE PLACE TO BUY GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS IS AT ROE’S IS AT ROE’S IS AT ROE’S New Spring Millinery. MRS. M. STEVENS has just received a large assortment of new and splendid Spring Millinery, which she will sell at least 10 per cent lower than she ought to. Her slock is well selected, and her styles the very latest, and her milliners experienced. All articles usually found in a country establishment always on hand. TRIMMING, BLEACHING & FIXING OVER done on short notice and in the best style. O* All kinds of country produce received in ex* change for work, and cash not refused. May. 27th. 1858. CALL TO-DAY CALL TO-DAY CALL TO DAY CALL TO DAY AT THE NEW STORE AT THE NEW STORE AT THE NEW STORE AT THE NEW STORE OF BULLARD BROTHERS OF BULLARD BROTHERS OF BULLARD BROTHERS WHERE GREAT BARGAINS WHERE GREAT BARGAINS WHERE GREAT BARGAINS ARE THE ORDER ARE THE ORDER ARE THE ORDER from Morn till night. FROM MORN TILL NIGHT. FROM MORN TILL NIGHT. SMALL PROFITS SMALL PROFITS SMALL PROFITS 1 AND QUICK RETURNS AND QUICK RETURNS AND QUICK RETURNS IS THE MOTTO IS THE MOTTO IS THE MOTTO AT BULLARDS’, AT BULLARDS'. AT BULLARDS', Wellsboro’ May 27, 1858. C. N. DARTT, DENTIST. Office at his Residence , near the Academy. All work pertaining to his line of business done promptly and well, [April 22,1858.] ST- LAWRENCE HOTEL. IVM. S. CAMPBELL i CO., PROPRIETORS. NO. 1018, Chestnut St., Philadelphia. WU, 8. CAMPBELL, Executor’s Notice. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the undersigned upon the last will and testament of Abner Peake. late of Charleston, dcc’d, nil peisons indebted to the estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the some will present them to SETH CLARK, Exr. Charleston May 20, ’6B. 6t. JENETTE PEAKE, Ex’x. SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. G. G. EVANS, 1 Bookseller, Publisher, and Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise. HAS just issued a new and complete catalogue of his Books, comprising a large and varied assortment of all kinds of literature. $5OO worth of Gifts will be given with every $lOOO worth of books sold. A gift worth from 25 cts, to $lOO, will be delivered with each book at the time of sale. Orders from the country promptly filled and the Goods for warded by express or mail on the same day the order is re* celved A complete catalogue sent free. Address, G. G. EVANS Jan. 23,1858. 439 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Post Office Notice,; -Mails close at the Well shore* Post Office os follows: Eastern mail, via Tioga, daily at 10W o’clock a. m. Eastern and Southern, via Mansfield and Troy, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at o’clock a. m. Eastern and Southern, rja Covington and Troy, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1% o’clock a. ra. Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday and Friday at o'- clock p. m. Western, via Coudersport, Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a.m. Mails arrive as follows : Northern Ac., via Tioga, daily, by 1 o’clock, p. m. Eastern Ac., via Troy and Mansfield, by 6 o’clock p. m., same days of leaving. Eastern Ac., via Troy and Covington, by 7 p. m.,same days of leaving. Southern, -via Jersey Shore, Tuesday A Friday, by 12 m. Western, via Condersport, Tuesday and Friday, by 5 p. m. Sept. 17,1837. I. D. RICHARDS, P. M Store Goods in '1 loga Tillage BALDWIN, LOWELL $ CO. Have a-small Stock of Goods on hand, bought in view of the tight times, which will be sold very low for Cash or any kind of Produce. We are located at our old stand in Tioga Village, directly opposite the Mammoth Store of Charles O. Elz. We would further say to all those indebted to us by note or book account, that we roust have pay or cost? will be made. Wo’ll take Cash or any and all kinds of Produce at the highest market prices. BALDWIN, LOWELL &. CO. Tioga, Nov. 26,1857. SEGAR MANUFACTORY.—f. m. hills has removed to the building formerly occupied by the SEARS’ Boys, one door below the Tin and Stove Store of D. P.& Wm. Roberts, where he man* ufactores and keeps constantly on hand. Cigars of Ordinary, Medium, and best ibrands, as well as all kinds of Tobacco. Prices reasonable. Call and Wellsboro, May 7,1857.-y.' NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES BOOTS & SHOES BOOTS & SHOES BOOTS & SHOES HATS & CAPS HATS & CAPS —-HATS & CAPS CROCKERY CROCKERY CROCKERY STONE WARE STONE WARE STONE WARE i HARDWARE HARDWARE hardware THE NEW GOODS THE NEW GOODS THE NEW GOODS Wellsboro, May 27, 1858, •VTOTXCE is hereby given that the following persons have filed petitions for Licence* to keep inns or taverns, in the Chart of Quarter Sessions of Tioga county, and tbat the same will be presented to the Judges ofsaid Court on Wednes day, 9th day of June next, at 2 o’clock, afternoon: James Sayre, Wellsboro. Bussell Taylor, “ John Soficld, Morris. Benj. R. Hall, Bloesburg. James K Sayles. Westfield. 11. H. Potter. Mlddlebury. May 13,1853. < J. F. DONALDSON, Clerk. IS hereby given, that a special Court will be held at the Court House in Wellsboro, by the Hon. David Wilmot, commencing on .Monday the 19th day of July next, common cing at 2 o'clock p. m.,’and to continue two weeks, fur the trial of tho following causes, under tho provisions of the act of Assembly of 14th April 1834. J. F. DONALDSON Wellsboro, May 20, 1853. Proth’y. Fenton vs. Lownnborry Bank nf North America vs. • Lowrey k Williston vs. Calket Duffey Niles & Osgood vs. Graves Dyer vs. Johnson ot al Tharp vs. Mclntyre Wallace et al vs. luscho Bingham Trustees vs. Merrill Travis 4 Turner vs. Benson Phelps & Dodge vs. Kress Lowrey vs. Combs Fox ot al. vs. Thompson Dyer vs. Tioga Railroad Co. Wilson vs. Stowcll 4 son Leach vs. Phillips ct al Stevens for Potter v. BeckwithDePui vs. Pannentier Bingham Trustees vs. Benson Ross for Dent vs. Babcock et al Stephens vs. Bacho Ex’r of Kress vs. Stowcll 4 son Norris. Bebee vs. Hill et al SECOND WEEK. Bache k Ross vs. Spalding Beach vs. Cbne Corlies vs. Ilulburt Bingham Trustees vs.Fairman Bingham Trustees vs. Slosson do. vs Love do. vs. do. do. vs Lanphear et cl Guernsey vs. Niles do. vs Norwood do. vs. Hutson ,ct al do. vs Wells et al Bingham Trustees vs! Potter Bingham Trustees vs. Benson do. vs. Patridge ot al do. vs. Crittenden do. vs. Inscho et al Bccho vs. Ely et ul do. vs. Buck ot al Bingham Trustees vs. Gilley et do. vs. Mattison al do. vs. Mattison do. vs. Long Jr. et al Washington Mutual Insurance do. vs. Herrick ct al do, %s. Preston et ul Washington Mutual Insurance lake's Ailmr's vs. Locke Co. vs. Nichols, Wood St Co- Bacho & Moss vs. O-good mm stubs owns. Mrs. 91. J. Grierson, HAS ju*sl returned from the City with a full as sortment of Millinery Goods, which she offers for sale at the lowest cash prices. STRAWS. NEAPOLITANS AND FANCY* BONNETS, of all prices and descriptions. BORDERS from Is up to 4s. 6d. A nice assortment of FLOWERS of all prices. French Flowers and Box Flowers. A beautiful assortment of RIBBONS. LININGS, LACES. CRAPES SILKS, and ail kind of materials for malting 1 Summer t as we can. We have added a number of inen to our list, and you will not be kept in wailing long, for the bundles arc continually moving out at the dbor, with the one continued sound ' \ How Cheap ! How Cheap!! And the fast colored Lawns for 6 1-4| cents, and the real Jaconet Lawns for Is. Elegant Brilliants forts., beautiful ChalUes for Is worth 2s Pd new styles. Bayadere Challics entirely new and cheap er than ever sold in the country. Three'cases of those Mohair Debegcs, which we sell at (p lj-4 cents, •always sold at la. They go off by the] piece, and you must come soon to get those Mohair dark col. ors for old ladies. When wc look on the; counte nance of a good kird grandmother, we capnot but lova and revere her, although she may hoi be able to do much with her hands, (we have a job lot of Kid Gloves bought at Auction, that wc sell at la per pal,r warranted kid) with the household, but by imitating Lois of old she can do much for the fam ily in relieving the mother of n part of her cares, by spending a day at the Regulator Store and se lecting some of those unprecedented bargains from those piles of Sheeting wc have received. 8 bales Atlantic A heavy one yard 7 cents per yard. j > 6 bales Boston A Wire twist, I yard wide 6 1-4 cents per yard. 1 5 Bales Allensdale Fine Sheeting 1 yard wide 7 cents per yerd. I ;•<- 5 Bales Allensdale Fine Sheeting 3-4 vard widf .iig « [yard wide G cents per yard. > j ] 7 Bales Lawrence Slcain Clotb 3.% yard l wHe cents per yard. I \ Batt' T" 5 -- diflerer' idr motion Balling, /arp, Twine, different grades, Collon yarn all numbers. - J ] in the mother nothing can he more beautiful than a meek and quiet spirit. There is no iatjornmenl compared to it, but we can add much loliliby your selecting’ from nur piles of i ! p Which comprise over 200 different paltmis.— Some Eslellu 2 yards square 10.-, lh.t{ have been sold at $5 with a good assortment of C/apc and ilk Shawls. A Black Silk with heavy fringe, 172 inches square we will sell you for 40*. drapes from $4 to S2O each. Lace Cape*, some beautiful ones that we will sell at ruinous prices. VVje pan only ask you to look and wc will sell you every article as we advertise. | | JUMlinery Goods. Straw Bonnets from Is to 20*. French Flowers by the Bor- American Flowers by the Box.l i ■ Pattern Hats. Caps. 1 Straw Braids. Blondes, Ruches, Sec. Cords, Tassels, French Corsets, Brass' and Steel Hoops. J mnm m®m The Press, the Pulpit and the Petticoat. The first spreads the news, the second religiqn/and the third and last spreads Douglass and Sherwood’s pat. ent Steel Skirts wilh adjusting Bustle, ivliich iiiay be found at the Regulator Store, Corning, N. Y. - BOOTS & SHOES Ten cases of those fine Foxed Gaiters at 4s. fid. per pair. Eight eases of VVomen’s Enamelled Book fi* usually 10s, Men’s heavy Brogan Shoe->lh.i( cos.i 6* per pair to make we will sell them at 75 cent*. Mens’ Kip Bools, Fancy lopsaud well made 10" |>er pair. A good kip at 12s, and any quantity of La dies’ Rubbers at Is 6d per pair. The Rubbers arp Goodyear’s Patent, and best kind of NoJ li HATS, HATS, A lot from Auction. A good Panama fine braid at 6s usually sold ut 20s._Scnute Hat, 4s fold usu. ally at Bs. Campeuchy Hut, white, 4s sold.usually at Bs. Palm leaf oy the dozen or single one lor a song, und ribbon thrown in at that. Boy’s and Youth’s Hat of all kinds. i , Hen’s and Boy’s Sommer Goods. Kentucky Jeans Is per yard- Heavy |dqublei and twisted Coltonadc, handsome plaid Is sd. Hand some Figured Sallinrlt, wide stripe, 3s-worth 6*.— Fancy Cassimercs, Broad Cloths, Vestings, on which we will not be beat in price, in the . O* I will only say, let every member of the firm ly strive lo make home happy by calling gillie Reg ulator and selecting a bundle of those Cheap Goods,’ by so doing you will remedy it and make u ‘ Sweet home,” even a home on Earth, and at the same lime do much good to him who is in want of the “needful” which is your humble servant] R. E. ROBINSON. Corning, May 20, 1H53. i The Grocery Department is Full. PORK, HAMS, FLOUR SUGARS, j , TEAC, &c. ; j Good Flour warranted $4,75, Good Flour nut warranted 84, Candles Is, Sugar, good,; 7 cents per pound, every thing equally as cheap j Corning. May 20, 1858. R. E ROBIKSON’- Catalogues Sent Free, G. G. EVANS, PUBLISHER, & ORIGINATOR OP THE >k E: Gift B enterpriser 439 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. THE nnparalelled success which has attended the subscri ber iu his distribution of Gifts to the Million, has indu ced him to make large and valuable additions to Ids former extensive stock of new and popular books. His ucw, com.* plete and classified catalogue of books embracing art" the De partments of Literature, is mailed Free to any part of thu country. ALL BOOKS sold at publishers' lowest prices, and all the new publications of the day added as soon as issued. $5OO worth of Gifts with each $lOOO worth of books sold; among which oro doily distributed the following— WORTH 7RO3K Gold Hunting Lever Watches, $5O 00 to 100 00 Gold Anchor u 35 00 to, 5000. Silver Lever and Lopinc Watches, 12 00 to 25 00 Parlor Time Pieces, 500 to 15 OO Vest and Fob Chains, 10 00 to 25 00 Lady’s Guard and Chattelaino do., 10 00 to 25 OO ‘* Silk Dress 12 00 to 20 OCX « Gold Bracelets, 500 to 15 OO “ Cameo Sets, 10*00 to 15 OO ** Mosaic Sets. 12 00 to 20 00 “ Florentine Sots, 10 00 to 15 00" u Gold Pencils and Pens, 150 to 10 00 “ Gold Miniature Lockets, 250 to 10 00 Gent’s Gold Pens, with cases 200 to 10 OO Gent's Bo«om Studs and Sleeve Buttons, 200 to 5 OO- Lady's Breast Pius, 160 to 750 Ear Kings, 200 to 760 “ and Gents’ Gold Bings, _ 100 to 600 Gent's Boaom Pins, 100 to 350 Lady’s Pearl Card Cases ~ 250 to 500 Portmonnaies, Pocket Knives, Ac., 100 to 500 Articles of Gold Jewelry and Gift Books, not enumeratedin tbe above, worth from 25 to 25 00 One of the above named gifts presented to each purchaser of a book at the time of sale, although all books are sold ab publisher's lowest prices. The complete and classified Cata logues may be bad w ithout charge, by calling or sending j our address. Liberal inducements to country agents. Orders from the country promptly filled and tho goods forwarded by express or mail same day, Address G. O. EVANS, 43'J Chestnutst., Philadelphia, Pa. J9Sf*TO TUB PUBLIC.—As there arc many Gift Book Storrs advertised throughout v thc country, M. EVANS deems, it just to himsclfadil his ituly to the public—ioa-smucb aahtt originated the Gift Book busine-s—to state, as evidence of the instability of such concerns, that they conceal their real names from the public, and are advertising their business un der assumed ones. Mr. E. is aware that these various con cerns published as Gift Book Stores, are calculated to bring the business established by himself into disrepute, lie asks of the public a correct judgment in regard to bis Gift Book Enterprise, fot the honor, integrity, and success of which La refers to all the prominent publishers m the .United fctates. Read his Catalogue. f Aprl ‘29, ’59. 3ra. THOMSON & BARRINGTON, Fire & life insurance agents, Corning, N. Y. A ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO., Or Hartford, Conn.—Capital SI.OCO.COO. PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO , Of Harlfbrd, Conn.—Capital $200,000. Hartford fire insurance co. Of Hartford CL, Capital $3OO 000. Connecticut fire insurance co, f Of Hartford Conn. Capital $2OO OQQ PEOPLE’S FIRE INSURANCE CO. i Of New York City—Capital $130,000 Manhattan fire insurance co. Of New York City—Capital 8200,000 IVTEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Accumulated Capital $1,200,000. The subscriber having succeeded to tl»c Fire in surance business of Goo. Thompson, Esq., is prepared to lake risks and ismic policies in the above well known and reliable slock Companies. Farm buildings insured for three years at rates almost as low as those of mutual companies All losses will be promptly and satisfactorily set tled and paid at this office. Applications bv mail will receive prompt alien tion, P. 3. FARRINGTON, ( . f - C. H THOMSON, ( agents. Concert Hall Block. Corning, .April 29, 1858. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE ? at ERWIN’S new Store! He has jusirelurned from the City with a choice fiOt or Readv-Mnde Clothins:, CLOTHS, C ASSIIttJEKES, VESTING and all of which will besold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND NOTHING SHORTER Wellsboro 1 Sept,.-25, 1556. NEW STOCK AT HART'S FLOUR dj- PROVISION STORE. I have just replenished my Stock of Groceries, Fh»ur and Provisions, and am prepared to sell at the lowest living figure, for Cash all through'this hard winter. I will also exchange Groceries and Provisions for Country Produce at Cash prices. I ran furnish every eatable quality of dour at a Iprice than any dealer in Wellsboro, either whole sale or retail. I have also on hand a large quantity of Ladies* and Men’s Shoes, winch will be sold at a very small advance upon cost, for Cash or Produce. As to price and quality of anything I keep on hand for sale,just call and examine for yourselves. I have also a small stock of DRY GOODS, which will be sold AT COST. Call and see. Wellsboro* Jan. 7, *5B. DAVID HART. COME AMD SEE THE ]S T EW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WM. WALKER’S 31, Market St, Corning, AND SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES’. All the latest Fashionable stjlcs of & ©A®® 5 for men and hoys. Ladies’ Prunelle, Satin, Cloth am 1 Mor occo Cait-T.' fruin-l®. to $3.00: Ladie.s’ '•lor»c' - o, Calf ami eii nnillci! Coots, from Os. to $2,00; Ladies Morocco Patent Leather, and Sunn Slippers and Rmkms; \ileiPo Patent Leather, Cloth ami Calf Congress Gaiters. VJ & ©HKDJS©* Men's Kip, Calf and EuammOhnl Croßims; Men’s Patent Leath< v i ami Calf Oxford Ti« s and Slippers; Child: en\ Slun-s, Slippers. Gaiters, llodery Ac.. Ladies’ Rubbers ami r-andals, first quality 4s . third quality Is.; Men’s Rubbers nud San dal®. first quality IX; Ladies’ Hosiery, Silk, Lisle ami Kul Glo%es ami Gauntlets. Gent’s Furnishing Goods. Umbrellas. Trunk®. Carpet Silk. Merino and m.'ol Un derpins and Drawers, Cravats. Ties, and Scarfs; Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Cnllars,.Lii:en, Silk and Cotton Uaud> kerclieif* : also an assortment <*f CROCKER? To Iks sold cheap for Cash. Corning, April-JU, ]y VILLI AM WALKER. AEW TAILOR SHOP. The sub- SCIiIBEU has opened anew hi<*rliop opposite Key’s Store anti is prepared to ex ecute the orders of liis old customer* aud others who may favor him with their pat ronage, with neaUiCb* feel it necessary to put his work as it is warranted to furnish its own rec ommendation. No garment is permitted logo out of the shop that is not made In the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cutting and Filling. This Department, will be under my own supervision. Relieving io the “live and let live” rule, 1 have adopted the Fay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to il. Wellcboro*. March Va,1?50. H t-JCRWIX,