The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, May 27, 1858, Image 3

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groceries clothing
the new goods
Welisboro, Slay 27, 1853
Executor’s Notice. \
fTTTEHS TESTAMENTARY haring been granted to the
, unJersip.ed upon the last will and testament of Abner
ike, Ute of Charleston, dec’d, all persons indebted to the
an* requested to make immediate payment, and those
) Min" claims acainst the same will present them to
ClAtleston, May 20, *6B. 6t. JENETTE PEAKE, Ex’x.
•xTOTICE is hereby given that the following persons hove
jN filed petitions for Licences to keep inns or taverns, in
tbe of Quarter Sessions of Tioga county, and that the
game will be presented to the Judges ofsald Court on Wednes
day 9th day <»f June next, at 2 o'clock, afternoon
Janitj Saj re. Wcllsboro.
Bii'sell Taylor. u
John Siifidd, Morris.
Uety R. Uall, Blossburg.
JaiuH K Sables, Westfield.
U U. Putter, Middlebury
Mar 13,1858.
I ; herein given, that a special Court will be held at the
C-.nrt Hou->e in 'Vellsboro, by the Hon. David Wilmot,
cj3M ,, ncinp on -Vouday the 19th day of July next, common
naeat i o’clock p. m., and to continue two weeks, for the
trial of th A following causes, under the provisions of the act
S Assembly of 14lh April 1834. J. F. DONALDSON
Y?.lhboro, May 20,1858. • Proth’y.
T;uton a=. Lownsbcrry Bank of N’orth America ys.
I/vavi MTlHston vs. Caikct Duflcy
V*ai Oigood vs. Graves Dyer vs. Johnson'et nl
Tharp v= Mclntyre 'Wallace et al vs. Inscho
• u ;lAai Trustees va. Merrill TravU & Turner vs. Benson
D*lps A Podge vs. Kreas Lowrey vs. Combs
■x «t al vs. Thompson Dyer vs. Tioga Hail road Co.
"son vs Slowell k son Leach vs. Phillips et al
uis for Potter v. BeckwithDePoi vs. Parmentier
;liam Trustees vs. Benson Ross for Dent vs. Babcock
Stephens vs. Bacho Ex’r of
Sr'*' vs. Pfowell & son
Bclvtvs. liill «t ul
iVl.e i Ross rs. Spalding Beach v«‘. Cone
C-rl..'-. vr llulburt Bingham Trustees vs. Fairman
P wfcaai Trustees vs. SJosson do. vs Loro -
do, vs. do. do. va Lanphcar et al
Niles do. ts Norwood
(*-» \ 3 Hutson et al do. vs Wells et al
B.n s ‘liarß Trustr>(-i vs. Potter Bingham Trustees vs. Bens>oa
do. v 9. Patridgo et al
ds v-. Crittenden
Ev'.if \s Ely ct al
B’ Trustees vs. CUlcy et
do. vs. Inscho et al
do. vs. Buck et al
do. tr, Mattison
do. tk, Mattison
do. vs. Long Jr.etal Washington Mutual Insurance
da. vs. Hornck et al Co. vs. Stilwetl
do. rs. I’nstoti et al TTwlunrtoii Mutual Insurance
Wke's Admr'a vs I/*ckc Co. vs. Nichols, Wood & Co.
Bathe L Ross vs. Osgood
Mrs. M. J. Grierson,
FTAS Just returned from the City with a full as
n. sorlmcnt ofMillincry Goods, which she offers
for sale aV the lowest cash prices.
of >ll prices and descriptions. BORDERS from Is
up lo 4>. Cd. A nice assortment of FLOWERS of
all prices. Frenclr Flowers and Box Flowers. A
beautiful assortment of
and all kind of materials for making
Summer Winter Mourning Goods.
LUtle Boy* Hals,'Girl’s Flats, and Ladies* Riding
AW ntder* promptly attended lo* Bonnets cleaned
and done over on short notice.
Mrs.Grier»on has employed for the season a good
milliner. ETShop on Main Street, over Niles &
A/JiolfsSj we . J3 j |BsB]
dost PulilisM, Gratis,.the 50th Thousand.
f.flell* „ A raw WORDS 0\ THE RATIONAL
, lDl ™t 'si'hont Medicine, of Spennatof*
™ t>{ i or L»>cal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions,
i—.» . and Nervous lability, Impotency, and
-v simcnts to Marriage gcuerally. by
n. , m . B. DE LANET, M. D.
lan / f " 1 th “ t thc man . y alarming complaints.
'” c ".'I 1 ; “"prudence and solitude of youth, may be
ri-« V fcr™, l^ T P L ’Vl KDIC . I;tE > in thi! wort
c~i : ani tbc entirely new and highly euc
-5 r adoptc,i V tl,e Author, fully explained,
rrto” ami ,1 C , rs “"'t*' '”»Wtd to cure HIMSELF
»: « un^ruSnr 6 TCL c . o!t ’ thereby a ™ di,,s ""
f;* v* ? Trft» P° Bt ree * n a 6eA l e d cnvel-
DELwky f/r?! lia l d) tWo Btam P« 10 Br.B.
fcyrt. ».I?SS. 1 61 rtreet > Kew York City.
BlackliawK Chief,
!Rm M AY f° unt * nt the stable of the
jr7~. subscriber, Iwo miles east of
Settlement, on the Old
i | ° u °ty Road, Richmond township,
the ,m ** f '°S a Co. Pa., the present season, for *
H " rses - Black Hawk Chief
Shcrmiu J Sk ‘. ff Coll -.« sire Blackhawk, gg sire
sire Justin Morgan. Dam was of
is rll d ; Black Hawk C 1, ’ ief is i el b|aok *
rf 6rm“,££'* wei e'> s “f 0 > b »- *>'?»*
be cannni i w 0 “Winn, and splendor of carnage,
"a 2 Cl,a:l leci an y stock horse in North
'alJ.'J'or Hawk Chief was foaled
bin, p ’ n ?°n-53; the property of Newell Farn
f «mslr oCk P°'!!> Niagara Cd„ N, Y.
ls,lf oriu '' edol| ars for single service, ten dol-
All raitE, 5 ? Mn lm< * b^een dollars to insure,
rwiuref,,. lumI um a distance accooimodaled with
■ M charge.
a? ™ N B - FAULKNER.
# J r, ' e lo "»S Flying Morgan.
THIS splendid horse was sired by
_ u , . liie celebrated trotter. —
f e **^lC*Hyin z Morgan” the pride of Ver.
aaKahjTt mont horse breeders, and does credit
the unequalled slock from which
lockjJ* ls dan * was * Messenger mare, a
° to l^e Morgan > n “11 that consli.
C( * eniW- 6006 [*? t* l6 horse. For sixength, speed
Qr °** Worses 1 148 never been
to, 151 l' / 0Un g Flying Morgan is seven years
01 hi» *“?• an< l weighs 1100 lbs. He can
* ar itahhoc lnsl< * e three minutes, and was
alienee >i ,t , premium for speed and general ex>
lf o V,; jg 5 g Windham Co. Fair, held at Bratte-
., tlie ensuing season, Monday's,
ir iber r n- at the stable of (he sob
;tt\ tl it,* ,Z*' and the remaining days of each
T «*s!sVn t I?E - K ; r - r in WelUboro.
: *Qiuil cnsi toinsQre 8 10 accordance with
,858. D L - AIKEN '
Summer Goods,
Don’t let a fretful, fault finding disposition destroy
your domestic happiness, when a few dollars spent
at the Regulator store will save it all. We will sell
At 4s per yard, that were sold one year ago at Bs.
Elegant Bayadere Silks, cheap, at 6s. worth 12s.
Twenly.eight inch Black Silk 4usually gold for
Bs. I will sell you the real Oil Boiled Black Silk at
6s, worth at other stores 12s. and 14s. For as soon
as you indulge a morose cross temper, you destroy
your own and the comfort of those around you.
We will sell you Needle Work less than the cloth
is worth. Beaulifol French Wrought Collars for 4s
worth usually 10s. Splendid sets Sleeves and Col.
lars 6s. Muslin Edging and Inscrtings at one-half
the usual prices. Marseilles Goods of ail kinds
cheap, a full set sold by our neighbors at ]2s we
will sell at 4s. Flouncing and Borders cheaper than
ever heard of before.
Do not slay from the Regulator Store, for your
ezample will be felt through generations to come. —
One cross discontented spirit in a family will turn
a happy home into confusion and distress, and the
sight oi a frowning face, when so little money will
clear it up, should he cured by calling at the Rega
lator and buying one of those heavy
Bought at the late Auction, which we will sell at
6s. worth 12s. Sickness Is not so distressing when
fhere is carefulness or patience, and patience you
will need when you come to select the goods, in
consequence of the great rush of customers, and the
piles of goods you will find, but we will do as fast
as wc can. Wc have added a number of men to our
list, and you will not be kept in wailing long, for the
bundles are continually moving out at the door, with
the one continued sound
How Cheap! How Cheap ! I
And the fast colored Lawns for 6 I*4 cents, and
the real Jaconet Lawns for Is. Elegant Brilliants
for Is., beautiful Challies for Is worth 2b Pd new
styles. Bayadere Challies entirely new and cheap
er than ever sold in the country. Three cases of
those Mohair Debegea, which we sell at 6 I*4 cents,
always sold at Is. They go off by the piece, and
yon must come soon to get those Mohair dark col.
ors for old ladies. When we look on the counte
nance of n good k'ird grandmother, we cannot bnt
iova and revere her, although she may not be able
to do much with her hands, (we have a job lot of
Kid Gloves bought at Auction, that wc sell at Is
per pai,r warranted kid) with the household, but by
imitating Lois of old she can do much for the fam
ily in relieving the mother of a part of her cares,
by spending a day at the Regulator Store and se
lecting some of those unprecedented bargains from
those piles of Sheeting we have just received.
8 bales Atlantic A heavy one yard wide 7 cents
per yard.
6 bales Boston A Wire twist, 1 yard wide 6 L 4
cents per yard.
5 Bales Allensdale Fine Sheeting V yard wide 7
cents per yard.
5 Bales Allensdale Fine Sheeting 3.4 yard wide
6 cents per yard.
7 Bales Lawrence Steam Cloth 3-4 yard wide 4J
cents per yard.
Colton Butting, Warp, Twine, different grades,
Colton yarn all numbers.
In the mother nothing can be more beautiful than
a meek and quiet spirit. There is no adornment
compared to it, but we can add much to it by your
selecting from our piles ol
s as m w It s
Which comprise over 200 different patttrn*.—
Some Estella 3 yards square 10s, that have been
sold at $5 with a good assortment of Crape and
Silk Shawls, A Black Silk with heavy fringe, 172
inches square we will sell you for 40s. Crapes from
$4, to $2O each. Lace Capes, some beautiful ones
that we will sell at ruinous prices. We can only
ask you to look and wo will sell you every article
as we advertise.
JfiUlmery Goods.
Straw Bonnets from la to 20s.
French Flowers by thtf Box.
American Flowers by the Box.
Pattern Hats,
Dress Caps.
Straw Braids.
Blondes, Ruches, &c.
Cords, Tassels, French Corsets, Brass and Steel
mmw mmm*
The Press, the Pulpit and the Petticoat. The
first spreads the news, the second religion, and the
third and last spreads Douglass and Sherwood’s pal.
ent Steel Skirls with adjusting Bustle, which may
be found at the Regulator £tore', Corning, N. Y.
Ten cases of those fine Foxed Gaiters at 4s. fid.
per pair. Eight cases of Women’s Enamelled Coots
6s usually 10s, Men’s heavy Brogan Shoes (hat cost
6s per pair to make wc will sell them at 75 cents.
Mens’ Kip Boots, Fancy topsand well made 10s per
pair. A good kip at 12s, and any quantity of La.
dies* Rubbers at Is fid per pair. The Rubbers are
Good pear’s Patent, and best kind of No. 1.
A lot from Auction. A good Panama fine braid
at 6s usually sold at 20s. Senate Hat, 4s kold usu
ally at Bs. Campeachy Hat, while. 4s sold usually
at Bs. Palm leaf by Iho dozen or single one {or a
song, and ribbon thrown in at that. Boy's and
Youth's Hat of all kinds.
Hen’s and Boy’s Summer Goods.
Kentucky Jeans Is per yard. Heavy double and
twisted Cottonadc, handsome plaid Is 6d. Hand
some Figured SaUinett, wide stripe, 3a worth 65.~
Fancy Cassimeres, Broad Cloths,Vestings, on which
we will not be beat in price, in the Stale.
IT I will only say, let every member of the fumi*
ly strive to make home happy by calling at the Reg
ulator and selecting a bundle of those Cheap Goods,
by so doing you will remedy it and make a “Sweet
home,” even 'a home ofl Earth, and at the same
time do much good to him who is in want of the
“needful” which is yoor humble servant.
Corning, May 20, 1858.
The Grocery Department is Full.
flour sugars,
TE5u, &.c.
Obod Floor warranted $4,75. Good Flour not
warranted $4. Candle, la, Sugar, good, 7 cents
per pound, every thing equally a» cheap
Corning, May 30,1858. R. E. ROBINSON.
$5O 000
BV VIRTUE of sundry writs of Fi. Fa. Lev. Fa.
end Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Com.
mon Pleas of Tioga County and to roe directed I
will expose to public sale on MONDAY, the 7th
day of June nest, at one o’clock afternoon, in the
Court House, Wellaboro, the following described
property, to wit:
A lot of land in the Borough of Elkland, bounded aa fol
io*®* to wit: beginning at south-east corner of lot contracted
by John Byoa to S. A. Buck, north 80° west 5 8-10 perches
thence south 2° west 6 perches to a post, south 88° east 5 8-10
perches to Buffalo street; thence north 2° east 6 perches to
the place of beginning—containing 54 8-10 perches more or
leas, with a blacksmith shop and two apple trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot bounded north by lands in possession
of Hiram Mahew, east by Buffalo street, south by blacksmith
shop Ic-t of Joel Parkhurst In possession of Uiram Buck and
west by John Kyan—containing one fourth acre more or less,
with a frame house thereon, situate in Elk land borough. To
be sold os the property of S. A, Buck.
ALSO—A lot of laud in the village of Elkland, bounded
north by Dexter Whitney, east by Buffalo street, south by
Joel Parkhunt and west by John Byan—containing about
one-fourth of an acre, more or less, all improved, a frame
dwelling bouse and other out buildings thereon. To be sold
as the property of S. A. Buck with notice to Hiram Buck
terre tenant.
ALSO—A lot of land situate in Osceola, bounded north by
Church 'street, east by Wm. Barker, south by Bessel Crandall
and west by highway—containing three acres of improved
land, a frame dwelling house, frame barn, corn house and
other out buildings and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold
as the property of C. F. Culver and Enos Sloeeon.
ALSO—A lot of land in Gaines township, bounded north
by S. X. Billings, east by Long Bun road, south by Wellsboro
aud Coudersport road and-.wesc by S. X. Billings—containing
one acre improved land, with a large tavern house, born and
some fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of Ben
jamin Barse.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township, bounded on
the north by highway and Frederick Woodbury, ou the east
by lands of Cromwell Bennett, on the south by lands of N©-
hemiah Beach and J. Beach, on the west by lauds occupied by
Augustus H^jodbury—containing sixtv-eight acres more or
less, with about thirty acres Improved, with a log house, a
small frame house partly built, a frame barn and an apple
orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of Augustus
Woodbury. '
ALSO —A lot of land in the boro of Wellsboro, bounded on
tbo south-east by Water street, on the north-east by road
leading to L. I. N’icliola and land of John N. Bacbe, on tbo
north-west by H rs. A. P. Cone, and south-west by Budolph
Cliristenat—containing about one third of an acre, improved,
a frame house and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold os
tbo property of George W. Taylor.
ALSU—A lot of land in Chatham township, bounded as
follows: north by M. Boom and Paul Ilunten, east by A.
Woodbcrry, south by Bingham lauds, west by Albert Clark
—containing about seventy-five acres, twenty-five acres im
proved, one log house and a small apple orchard thereon. To
be sold as the property of William I). Kelly.
ALSO—A lot of land in Butland township, Tioga county,
and in Columbia township Bradford county, bounded as fol
lows : on the north by lands of William Loper, east by lands
of Collins Loper and Georg - Loper, on the south by lands
late of H. Loper and John Benson, and on the west by Tbos.
Loper and the estate of Josephus Clark—containing about
sixty-five acres, with about forty acres improved, a frame
house, frame barn and an apple orchard thereon. To be sold
os the property of Sidney L. Hibbard, late Treasurer of Ti
oga county.
ALSO—A lot of land m Richmond townslyp, bounded as
follows : north by M. Benedict, east by C. Kelley and A. H.
Uderosey, south by 11. H. Dent and west by A. Nickerson—
containing about twenty-five acres, with six acres improved,
one log house aud some fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as
the properly of Lucy Aylesworth.
ALSO—A lot of latd in Mansfield, bounded on the north
by a proposed street leading from Main street to Academy
street called Seminary avenue, on the cast uud south by
lands of J. S. Hoard, Cordelia Smythc ,and Win. D. Kelley,
and on the west by Williamson Road or Main street, said lot
is one hundred and fifty feet square, being 150 feet on Main
street and 150 feet on Seminary street, with a frame bouse,
frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold os the
property of Minor A. Congdon.
ALSO—A lot of land iu Liberty township, bounded as fol
lows, north by Williamsport road, east by Sami. Harts ock,
south by Joel Woodruff and west by 6. Land—containing
one fourth of an acre, with one frame house thereon. To be
sold as the property of John Duitch.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township, bounded on
the north by highway and lands of Woodbury, east by Ben
nett, south by N. Beach and yest by A. Woodbury—contain
ing sixty-eight acres, about thirty acres improved, log bouse,
frame barn, com house aud apple orchard thereon. To be
sold as the property of P, P, Christian.
ALSO—A lotof land in Chatham township, bounded north
by highway, east by Matthew Boothe, south by Paul Hunter,
and west by Solomon Cooper's estate—containiugabout forty
acres and about fifteen or twenty acres improved and lug
house thereon. Tobe soldes the property of Augustus Wood
berry. "■
ALSO—A lot of land la Deerfield township, bounded on
the north by John Howland, on the cast by E. Seely and on
the south by E. Seeley, and on the west by John Howland—
containing fifty acres, with about thirty acres improved, a
frame home aud barn and an apple orchard thereon. To be
sold as the property of Samuel B. Price-
ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan township, bounded on the
■ north by S- W. A D. F. Pomeroy, east by Munson Dond, south
by Munson Doud and west by S. W. & D. F. Pomeroy—con
taining three and one-fourth acres, all improved, a frame
house, frame barn and a few fruit tree* thereon. To be sold
as the property of Simeon Ford and Susannah Ford.
ALSO —A lot of land in Chatham, bounded north by road
to Knoxville, east and south by Robert Hill and west by road
from Short's to Westfield—containing-one acre of Improved
land, witb a frame house and barn thereon. To be nold as
the properly of Russel Humphrey and A. D. Humphrey.
ALbU —A lot of laud in Charleston towu&lup. bounded
north by II Hays, east by A Wilkinson, south by John Van
cise aud west by Sheilfiem lan^s— containing about forty
four acres, with twenty-hve or thirty acres improved, a frame
house and barn and small orchard thereon. To be sold as the
property of Joseph C West.
ALSO—A lot of land m the borough of Lawreuceville, be
ginning at the north-east corner of a lot of land owned by
W W Rallaid on Mill street, thence south two and a half de
grees west by laudi owned by Ballard i Carr twenty perches
to a stake, thence south eighty-seven and a half degrees east
four perches to a stake, thence north two and a half degrees
east on lands owned by C A Stanton ten perches to a stake,
thence south eighty-seven and a half degrees cast by lands
of the said Stanton four perches to a stake, thence north
two and a half degrees east on lands of C Middaugh two
' perches to a stake, thence south eighty-seven aud a half de
grees east three perches to a thence north two and a
lourth degrees east eight perches to said Mill street, thence
north eighty-seven aud a half degrees west eleven perches to
the place of beginning—containiug 144 perches more or less,
one frame house, one iramc barn, with some fruit trees there
ALSO—Another lot of land bounded as follows: Beginning
at a post on the cast side of Main street, being the south
west corner of Uatris F & Robert Kyon’s lot, thence south
eleven degrees cast twenty-six feet to a post, thence north
seventy-nine degrees cast one hundred feet to a post, thence
north eleven degrees west seventy-six feet to a post, thenco
south seventy-nine degrees west onebundred feet to the point
tho place of beginning, being lot Mo. 7 on map of land be
longing lately to James Hill with a store house thereon. To
be sold as the property of A. M. Trangh.
ALSO—A lot of land situate in tho township of Deerfield,
bounded on the north add east by lands of the estate of the
late Silas Billings, lands of Alanson Seely and lands of Elea
zer S. Seeley, on tho south by lands of the Bingham estate
and lands of William Ward, and on the west by ludds of J.
IFPotter and II £ Potter, lands of S B Price and lauds of
John Howland—containing two hundred and twenty acres,
more or less, of which about one hundred and thirty-five
acres are improved, With one dwelling house, one barn and
shed, one wagon house, one corn house and two apple orch
ards thereon. To be sold ns the property of Eleazer Seeley.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township, bounded north
by highway and F. Woodberry, east by C. Bennett, south by
N Beach and others and west by Augustus Woodberry—con
taining about seventy acres, about twenty acres improved, a '
log house, frame barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—A lot of land in same township, bounded north by 1
William Simpons, east by P S Christian, south by Bingham
lands and west by Bingham lands—-containing about fifty
eight acres, about thirty-five acres improved, a log house and
a few fruit trees thereon. To he sold as tho property of Au
gustus Woodberry.
ALSO—A lot of land in tho townships of Deerfield and
Chatham, bounded north by Nancy Temple, east by John
Mattison, south by John Schoonover and David Angel, west
by Knox & Howland—containing one hundred acres and
about five or six acres improved, and a log house thereon.—*•
To be sold us the property of Hiram Inscho.
ALSO—A lot of land in Richmond township, now borough
of Mansfield, bounded east by H. Davis and Williamson road,
south by J P Morris, west by Tioga Railroad and north by
Kuhn and U Davia-containing about four acres, all improved,
with frame house, frame barn, and a few fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the property of 0. H. Phelps.
ALSU—A lot of land in Brookfie\ township, bounded
north by highway, east by G W Bacon, south by U D Hoods,
west by D T Uarduer—containing about one half acre of im
proved'land, frame tavern house, frame barn and a few fruit
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Wm. J Bowman.
ALSO—A lot of land in Covington township bounded as
follows: Beginning six rods south west corner of lot No 8
of Bingham lands in Covington and Richmond township,
conveyed to D Holden, being in tho west line of lot No 7 in
possession of Silas Lnnpliicr, thence south west one hun
dred and forty-seven rods to a corner of lot conveyed
by H II Dent to John II Wilcox, thenco by line-5 of said lot
and lot No. 11 also conveyed to said Wilcox west twenty-nine
rods, north thirty-eight and 9-10 rods, west thirty-five rods,
thence continuing west by tho north line of lot No. 2d In
possession of Edwin Dyer sixty-six rods to tho,north-west
corner thereof, thenco north east by tho west line of the
Bingham lands conveyed to II XI Dent one hundred and eight
and one-tenth rods to the south west corner of lotpfo. 9 Cov
ington and Richmond township, thence east by the south
line of the same (No, 9.) one hundred and thirty-one and five
tenths rods to the ploccof beginning—containing ninety-one
and two-tenths, acres, being lot No loin warrant No. 3375 and
3386 of Bingham lands in Covington township, with about
eighteen acres improved. To be sold as the property of IKy
att Sumner.
ALSO —A lot of land in Rutland township, county of Tioga,
State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by lands of
Harvey Horton and J V Swan, on the east by said Swan and
Wm. Goodwin, on the south by said Goodwin and on the
west by John Horton—containing about fifty acres, with a
frame house and barn and other out buildings thereon. To
be sold as the property of James Fholen with notice to John
W. Guernsey terre tenant.
ALSO —A lot of land in Sullivan township bounded as fob
lows, North by Sanford Johns and John Meekley, east by
Cbarlcs Smith, south by Levi Moble and S Jlumsey, west by
George Seymore—containing fifty-nine acres and
of aq acre, with about thirty acres improved, one frame house,
and apple orchard thereon. To bo upld as the property of
Andrew Scon ter.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township, bounded north
by Daniel Shove, east by highway leading from Crooked
Creek to Knoxville, south by George Slocum, west by Sidney
and Kehcmiah Beach—containing about eighty-five acres
more or less, about sixty acres Improved, one frame house
and apple orchard thereon. To he sold as the property of
Robert Hill.
ALSO—A lot of land in Farmington township, bounded
north by Peter ilowrey, east by £ 1) Fisher, south by Elijah
Kn*pr> by B P Bailey— containing about fifty acres,
about twenty-fire acres improved, a frame bouse, log stable
and a few fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of
Cornelius Pierce,
, ALSO—A lot ofland in Westfield township bounded north
by W Harris, east by James King, south by John Wadkins,
west by J S Bryden dec’d and Haining—containing about
olghty-thrae acres, more or less, about 45 ot 50 acres improv
ed, frame home, frame barn and a fe* fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the property of Stephen S Ttinzile.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township bounded north
by Morkroma, east by J Mafkrams & Patrick, south
by Ira Baker and west by highway leading from Beech's mill
to Knoxville—conUUningabont thirty-five acres, about twen
ty acres improved, log house, log born and a few fruit trees
thereon. To be sold as the property of Human Migholl.
ALSO—A lot of land in Clymer township, bounded north
by Billing’s lands, east by Billing's lands, south by Billings,
and west by II W Mcrricks: containing about fifty acres,
more or less, about 20 acres improved, one frame house and
u few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as tho property of H
W Babcock.
ALSO—A* lot of land in Clymer township, bounded north
by Thomas Eldridge, east by John Sikes, soulh by John Ber
ryenn and west by Thomas Eldridge and Ely Kimball: con
taining about fifty acres, about thirty acres Improved, frame
house, frame blacksmith shop, log barn, apple orchard and
other fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of D
D .Roberts.
ALSO—A lot of land in Covington township, bounded as
follows: Beginning at tbe north-west corner of lot No. 19 as
laid out on the plot of Covington borough, thence running
easterly along tho north line thereof 180 feet to Hiram’s lane,
thence sontb along said lane 46 feet, thence westerly on a
parallel line with the first 180 feet to the east line of the
Williamson Road, thence north along said Boad to tho place
of beginning, 46 feet cast with a church thereon; containing
more or less, bounded west by the Williamson Road, north
by lot No. 20, east by Hiram’s lane, south by the south part
of lot No. Iff in the Boro of Covington. To be sold as the
property of tho First Presbyterian Church and Society of
ALSO—A lot of land in Osceola township, bounded north
by A K Bosard, east by Morgan Seeley, south by - street,
west by highway leading from Osceola to Addison ; contain
ing about one half abre of improved land, frame house, frame
barn and some fruit trees thereon. To he sold as.the prop
erty of Isaac B Taft, Bonsom Eglestin and Dexter Whitney.
ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township, bounded on the
north by land formerly cf R N Archer now Montevllle Moyer,
on tbe east by Nelson Davis, on tho south by Frederick Booth,
and on the west by Frederick Moyer; containing seventy-two
and a half acres, with about twenty acres improved, and a
log house thereon. To bo sold as the property of John Mor
ris and Fleming McGill.
ALSO—A lot of land in the borongh of Wellsboro bounded
as follows : beginning at a post on north side of Main street
In Wellsboro aforesaid, thence by lauds of £ J Brown north
-20 perches to a post corner, thence by lands of A Growl south
43 % degrees east 27 perches to a post ou north side of Muu
street aforesaid, thened along Main street south 85 degrees
west 18 6-10 perches tp| the place of beginning; containing
one acre aud 20 perches, and being out lot No. H of the origi
nal plan of Wellsboro, excepting a strip of two perches wide
sold out of said lot to E J Brown off of the west end of said
lot, with a frame house, frame barn and a few fruit trees
thereon. To bo sold as the property of Charles Margrof.
ALSO—A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded north by
lands of James Ford, east by Sly & Daggett, south by lands
of Isaac Mann and public road and west by A D Cole; con
taining ninety .eight and seven tenths acres, with about 18 or
20 acres improved, a good log house and some fruit trees
thereon. To be sold as the property of William Utter.
ALSO—A lot ofland situated in Ifard township, Tioga Co.
Pa., bounded north by Lester Vanhorn, cast by Erastus Kiff
and C E Rathbone, south by Solomon Smith aud west by t
William Annis and John J Smith; containing aboutonehun
dreernnd fortv acres more or less, about sixty-five acres im
proved, one frame house, one frame barn and apple orchard,
thereon. To be sold as tbo property of Danici Uagar with
notice to John Benson.
ALSO—A lot of land* in Charleston township, bounded as
follows: north by Andrew Tipple and Peter Dockstader, east
by Peter Dockstader, south by Calvin Ely and west by C
Hall; containing about sixty acres,"with about thirty-five
acres improved, one frame house, one log bam, and n few
fruit trees thereon. To bo sold us the property of Noah
ALS(>-A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded cost by
John W Guernsey, Utley. Dailey, Niles & Doughtcy, south
by James R Wilson, west by Sylvia parmcnlicr and north by
BC Wickham; containing about four hundred and fifty
acres limber land.
ALSO—Ono oth’er tract of land In Tioga township, bound
ed north by John W Guernsey, east by A S Turner, sooth
by lands late of P B Guernsey and w’est by George Meade
warrant; containing forty acres more or less, with about
thirty-five acres improved, a frame barn and gmaU apple
orchard thereon. Tobe sold as the property of MLIUamJ
ALSO—A lot of land fn Jackson township, bounded ns fo'-
lows: north by Elmira Furglson, cast and south by Barren
Wells and west by S IP Reuolds; containing about half an
acre of land, all improved, one frame house and one frame
barn thereon. To bo sold as the property of G W PetllngeU.
ALSO—A lot of laud in Liberty township, bounded north
by Nathaniel Root, east by Beubart Sailman and George
Lcvegood, south by John Springer and west by Henry Brion ;
containing about twenty-five acres, about fifteen acres im
proved, ope frame house, one trame barn and a email apple
orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of David Brion.
ALSO—A lot- of land in Delnmr township, bounded north
by Merrit i E Fellows, east by C Kress and II Butler, south
by widow English aud west by II A Guernsey ; containing
forty-seven and one-half rcres, thirty-seven acres improved,
one frame house, frame barn and an apple orchard thereon.
To be sold as the property of Thomas J Hurd.
ALSO—A lot ol land iii Chatham township, bounded north
by F Woodberry and others, ca-t by I* V Christian.south and
west by Bingham lambs; containing about fifty-eight acres,
about thirty-five acres improved.log house, body for a log
barn and a lew fruit trees thereon. To he =>oM as the proper
ty of Augustas Woodberry.
ALSO—A lot of land iu Nelson town-Uip, bounded north
and cast by James Campbell, south by Charles Bottom and
D II Kimball, west by John A Hammond 5 containing about
one hundred and forty acres, about sixty acres improved,
two frame houses, one frame baru/oue log barn and an apple
orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of Jacob \\
ALSO—A lotof land in the township of Mvddlcbury,,bound
ed north by Joseph Oce.eastby Botsford Like, south by Silas
Staples, and west by Klias Kinney; containing about six
acres of improved land, one frame house and a. few fiuit
trees thereon. To be sold us the property of David K Lake.
ALSO—A lot of land hi hCatham low nshlp, bounded north
by Gardner Mattison, cast by Matthew Boon, south by
of William Kelley and west by James Thompson: containing
about forty-five or fifty acres, about twenty-five or thirty
acres improved, one log house and a few fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the property of Paul Hunter.
ALSO —A certain two story frame dwelling house, mom
front forty feet by twenty-four, wing on side twenty
feet square each, and stoop or porch in front of each sudd
wing, six feet hy twenty feet long, the wings being one story
high each ; the*said building being situate iu the tow*ns!np
of Gaines, County of Tioga and Suite of Pennsylvania, on
the soiith side of the east* ami we«t state road, on a lot of
ground containing one aero of land, bounded and described
as follows, beginning at a post standing on the south side of
the east and west State road, the north-west corner hereof
(which post stands in the direction of north 52 degrees west
and at the distance of four and a half perches from the north
west post of the Verandah in front of tlw western wing at
tached to said bouse.) thence 1 along the ea*t and west State
road south seventy-eight degrees cast ton perches to a peat
corner standing on the south side of said road, thence by
lands of Alexander Mattison south twelve degrees west six
teen perches to a post, thence by the same north seventy
eight degrees west ten perches to a post, thence by the same
north twelve degrees east sixteen perches to the place of be
ginning. To be sold os the property of Alexander MaUioon.
lot of land in Middlebury township, bounded
north by Hiram Day, east by James Abbott, south by Henry
Colegrove and west by James Churchill; containing about
fifty acre*, twenty-five or thirty acres improved, logami frame
hou*e. log barn and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold us
the property of William B Baird.
ALSO—A lot of land iu Jackson township, bounded as fol
low**. north by John Seely and E Seeley, east by Garnt
Smith and Bostic Bemcnt- south by E Aincssnnd It Fronds,
and west by John Cleaveland; containing one hundred and
nineteen acres with sixty acres improved, one frame house,
one log house, one frame barn, one log barn and apple orch
ard thereon. To be sold as the property of George \V Vaa
ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan township, bounded as
follows; north by Clark Bartlet and William Elsworth, east
by F Ashley, John C Clark and Thomas Ames, south by Phil
ip Ripley and west by D L Holden ; containing abont one
hundred sixty-two acres, with eighty-five acres improved,
one frame house, one frame barn, corn house, apple orchard
.and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold ns the property of
John M Cassell.
ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township, bounded north
byroad running from Wellsborn to Pino Creek, oast, south
aud west by John Smith; containing about two acres of im
proved laud, with a frame house thereon. To bo sold as the
property of Henry E Smith.
ALSO—A lot of land in Deerfield and Chatham townships,
bounded north by Alonzo Stevens, east by Charles Hail, south
by Jesse Rose and west by Alonzo Stevens; containing about
seventy-five acres, about twenty-five acres impioved, a log
house, log barn and young apple orchard thereon. To bo sold
as the property of Charles Hail.
ALSO—V. lot of land in Dcliuar township, bounded north
by J Smith, cast by Benjamin Seeley and W F Derbyshire,
west by John Statts and south by L Nobles; containing about
fifty acre-*, about twenty acres improved, a log house, log
barn and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as tho prop .-r
-ty of Theodore Spencer,
ALSO—A lotofland in Rutland township, boun
ded north by Artemus Barnhart, cast by Joseph
Harding, south and west by George Brown—con
taining about 230 acres, mure or less, with one hun
dred and ten acres improved, one frame house, two
frame barns and an apple orchard thereon.
ALSO—A lot ofland in Sullivan township,boun
ded on the north by the north line of warrant No.
978, on the cast by land formerly of Nathaniel Nich
ols & N. Smith, on the south by loWs of John Ben
son and Arad Smith and on the west by land of
Zopher Tears and A Updike—containing about one
hundred and two acres, with about sixty acres im
proved, a frame dwelling house and a few fruit trees
ALSU—Another piece or parcel of land in Rut
land township, bounded on the north by lands for
merly owned by Heman Soper and Josephus Clark,
on the east by the Bradford Co. line, on the south
by lands in possession of George Crippcn and Da
vid E Sherman, and on the west by Grundison Wat.
kins and land formerly owned by Peter Wheeler,
George Worden, Henry Worden and Marlin—con*
laining two hundred acres or thereabouts, with
about one hundred acres improved, a frame house,
(wo frame barns, frame shed, milk house and apple
orchard thereon. To be sold as the properly of-
John Benson.
ALSO—A lot ofland in the township of Chatham,
bounded north by C. Robinson, J Brady and Doane,
east by J Fuulkuer a»d others, south by M Short
and Bingham lands, west by Jackson, Bourdman &
others—containing about one hundred and
lour acres, about one hundred-acres improved,-one
frame house, one log boose, one milk boo*?, frame
barn and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the
property of Martin Boardman. !
ALSO—A lot of Jand in Charleston township,
bounded as follows, to wits north by Nelson CatKo,'-
easl by highway leading from Darll settlement to
H. H. Tolters, soulh by Henry Bailey # jwesl by
Phelps & Dodge—containing abool three acres of
improved land, with one frame boose* one frame
barn and one store house thereon. To be sold as
the properly of Thomas Montague. !
ALSO—A certain messuage or piece otjland sit
uate in the township of Delmar, (now Charleston,)
in the Co. of Tioga, and Slate of Pennsylvania—
beginning at a bccch a corner of Nos. 1580|&5050,
thence extending cast by the line which divides No.
1577 from No. 5050 four hundred and twelve perch
es to a sugar tree corner of No. 1577 and 5044,
(hence extending north by the line dividing No. 15.
77 and No. 5044 two five perches to a
birch corner of No. 5044 Sl No. 1577, thence by the
north line of No. 1577 west four hundred aiid twelve
perches to a post perpendicular to the plaqe of be
ginning, where the dividing line of No. & 50-
50 would if continued in the same direction, strike
the northern line of Nu. 1577, thence soullj through
No. 1577 to the place oi beginning, morq than a
moiety of warrant No. 1577—containing 495 acres,
about 75 or 80 acres improved, one frame steam saw
mill, 5 frame houses, one frame barn, one log barn
and small apple orchard thereon. To be spld as the
property of EU Fell, with notice to Levi J'i Cooley,
: terre tenant.
ALSO—A lot ofland in Chatham township, boun
ded as follows: north by Philemon Smith Sc Man.
ning, east by Harlow Royce and S. Shaw, south by
N. Beach and west by C. Bennett—containing about
one hundred acres, seventy-five acres improved, one
log house and one frame barn thereon. To be sold
as the properly. To be sold as tbe property of Wil
Hum D. Kelly. ; |
Also— a lot of land in Chatham township, bound,
ed north by Burdick Hill and Bingham:ljjnds, east
by Africa Hill, south by Geo. Tompkins and west by
Burdick Hill and Seth Daggett—containing about
170 acres, about 115 acres improved, will! lijvo frame
houses, one grist-mill, one log shop, one frame harn
one sawmill, a blacksmith shop and an apple or
chard thereon; j
Also—one other lot of land in Deerfield.!bounded
north by Cowanesque river, east by Eayid Beach,
south by Aaron Alba and west by "Victor Case—con
taining one half acre, wiih a frame' house, frame
barn and a few fruit trees ihcrcon, To'b4 sold as
the properly of Nehemuh Beach. i J
ALSO—a lot of land situated in Charleston boun
ded as follows : Beginning at a beech' liio south
east corner hereof, thence north one deg. past, 110
perches to a cherry sapling, a corner* (hence no.rtli
89 deg. west, 201 perches and 2 1-2 10 of; oj perch to,
a post and stones, a corner, thence south one deg-.'
west, 100 3-10 perches to a corner, thence sooth 88
and one-fourth deg. cast, 201 2 1-2 lOUis! parches to
the place ol beginning—containing 134 t 3-*lolh*
acres, be the same mote or less, about 50-acres im
proved, a frama house, frame barn and apple nrch’d
thereon. To be sold as the property r*f —-1 Eaton.
A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded as
follows: Beginning at a Beech tree marked for a
corner in the north boundary of the original war
rant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
Barbara Vaughn, No. 285, ihcnce'soulh 29j degrees
cast, one hundred and three perches to a post corner,
thence north 6QJ degrees east, cighty-lhreej perches
to a sugar tree corner, thence north 29 degrees west,
one hundred and three and a half perches! lei a beech
corner in the warrant line aforesaid, thence south
60J degrees west ulong the warrant Unel eighty
three perches to the placp-ofocginning—containing
53 4 10 acres more or Ujbp, with about 45 im
proved, frame house and barn and other out build
ings and an apple oqpiard thereon. To, be sold as
the property of James Phalen with notice 110 John
W. Guernsey lerre tenant. ; j
A lot or piece of land situate in Middlebupr town
ship, bounded on the cast by John Wc«t, south by I.
Carpenter, west by I. Walrous, and north Liy Bing
ham land, including three tracts as follojvs—one
fifty five acres,'us per deed from the Trustees of
Bingham estate to Anson Thompson andUyo tracts
of forty seven and sixty six acres as per,deed from
said trustees to said second party, a reference to all
of which will more fully appear, and being or con.
taining in all one hundred and sixty nine [acres or
thereabout?, more or less, about 90 acres improved, 2
frame houses, frame burn, water sawmill! and 2 ap
ple orchards thereon. sold as the \yroperly
of Daniel Holiday with notice to Geo. \\*. Herring,
ton, Terre tenant, i
The. Plank Road of the Wcllsboro and Tioga
Plank Road company, constructed from flic Boro of
Wcllsboro in the county of Tioga, to the village
of Tioga on the Tioga River, and the income there
of, and all the corporate rights and franchises of the
said Wcllsboro and Tioga Plank RoadJCmnpany,
together with the hereditaments and appurtenances
to said Plank Road belonging- I
Also— a lot of land in Covington, bounded north
by Richard Vidcan, jr. east by U. Videan,sci,, S. by
Henry Ivilborn and west by L. E. Sampson—con
taining about 50 acres, with a house, a lew
fruit tree* (hereon, To be sold as the properly of
Chas. S. Vidcan. '' • |
Also —a lot of land in Rutland Iwp. bounded N.
by Geo. Edgerton and ./Imariah E-by I.
Bentley and Ellis, S. by Win. Brace andj Nelson
Gould and W, by R. Niles and R, Ro«!e—containing
100 acres, 40 acre* improved, with a log house
thereon. To be sold as the properly of Jos.'Andrus.
May 20, 1858.
Administrator’s Said
IN pursuance of nn order of the Orphan's Court
we shall expose to public sale at the Court House
-in We/Zaboro, on Tuesday, June Bth, 1858,|at 2 o'-
clock p. m., the following real estate to wit i
One hundred and Jhriy one acres oi land in the
township of Brookfield in said Counly, bounded
south by James Loop and Joseph Howm:in,jea«l by
Charles Mascho, north by M. G. Bowman 'and Pe
ter Stryker, and west by D. VV. Nobles. , |
3. C. MASCHO ) .1. ,
May 13, 1858. F. L. MASCHO ( A j dmr ? *
Segar manufactory—f. m. hills
has removed to the building fbfemerly qccnpicd
by the SEARS* Boys, one door below the 'ifin and
Stove Store of D. P.&, Win, Roberts, where he man
ufactures nnd keeps constantly on hand. Cigar? of
Ordinary, Medium, and best brands, as welt as all’
kinds ol Tobacco. Prices reasonable. , Cull and
Wcllsboro, May 7,J857.-y.
Letters testementary h.-mrig been
grunted lo the underpinned on the last jvill and
testament of JOHN CORZATT, lale of Jackson
dec'd., ail persons indebted lo said estate arc request,
cd to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same lo present them to
u. a WELLS (p.
gates bird
Jackson, April 15,1858 Gt.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testamentary
having been granted to thc-ftndcrsigncd on the
estate of Tunis Slingerland, lale ofSullivari dcc'd ,
all persons indebted lo said estate arc requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same wilPprc-ent them to
Sullivan, March 11, IBSS. (Gt.}
Notice to Builders, I
SEALED proposals will be received by ilm School
Directors of Tioga Distiiut until the lillrenth
of May, for the building of School hou«c; in Tioga
tillage. A plan and specification of the fioo«c may
be seen al the store of C. O. Etz in Tioga village.
Tioga, April 14(h, 1858. ? |
iE3||b C. N. DAETfT,
Office at his Residence , near the Aeadtiny.
All work pertaining lo his line of business done
promptly and well, [April 23, 1858 ]
NO. 1018, Chestnut St, Philadelphia.
TM. M'-.rsiU,. i, «. j'rt’ir.
31, Market'St. Corning,
All the latest Fashionable styles of
For nwn and boys. Ladies* Prancllc, Satin, Cloth and Mor
occo Cfalters from 4s. to $T>,OO; Ladies’ Morocco, Calf and «n
-auwtled Boots, from 6a. to $2.00; Ladies Monaco Patent
Leather, and Satin Slippers and Buskins; Men's Patent
Leather, Cloth and Calf Congress Gaiters.
‘Man's Kip, Calf ami EnamweUcd Brogans; Men’s Patent
leather and Calf Oxford Ties and Slippers; Children’s Shoes,
Slippers, Gaiters, Hosiery Ac., Ladles’ Bobbers and Sandals,
first quality 4s~ third quality la.; Men’s Rubber* and San
dals, first quality 634 Ladies’ Hosiery, Silk, Lisle and Hid
Gloves and Gauntlets. i
Gent’s Furnishing Goods.
Umbrellas, Tranks, Carpet Bags, Silk, Merino and TTool Un
dershirts and Drawers, Cravats. Ties, and Scar/s; Suspender*,
Hosiery, Gloves, Slnrts, Collars. Linen, Silk and Cotton Hand*
kercheif’s; also an assortment of
To be sold cheap for Cash.
Coming, April 20,1355. ly • Will! AM WALKER.
Catalogues Sent free,
Gift Book Enter prise.
THE unptvralclkd success whU-h lias attended the subscri
ber iu hi* distribution of Gilts to the Million, has indu
ced him to make large ami valuable addition* to Inn former
extensive stock of new and jiopular books. His com
plete anil classified catalogue of boobs embracing all the Do
partments of Literature, is moiled Free to any part of tho
ALL BOOKS sold at publishers’ lowest price*, and all the
new publications of the day added as soon as issued. s.*.(>)
•worth of Gifts with each §lOOO worth of books sold; among
which are daily distributed the followiag-*-
wor.TH rr.o3s
Gold Hunting Lover Watches, J.'O on f> lou uo
Gobi Anchor *• Go U 0 to 50 00
Silver Levemnd Lepine Watches, 11 OO to 25 0t?
Parlor Time Pieces,. 000 to 10 O*J
Te*t and Fob Chain B , lb DO to 25 o*l
Lady's Guard and rii.ifrcla # EO do., 10 HO to do n»t
“ Silk Drcs* Patterns, 12 00 to 20 otf
“ Gold Bracelets, .5 00 t*» lou*»
Cameo Sets, 10 oo to 15 00
** Mosaic Sets, 12 00 to 20 tx)
u Florentine sets, ~ io 00 to If* bO
“ Gold Pencils atd Pens, 150 to 10 Oy
“ Gold Miniature LocKerts, 250 to 10 by
Gent’s Gold Pens, with cases, 200 to 10 00
Gent’s Bosom Studs aud Sleeve Buttomr, 200 to 5 w
Lady’s Breast Pins, 150 to 700
•* Ear Bings, 2no to 7Co
“• and Gents’ Gold Rings, 100 to 503
Gent's Boson* Pina, 100 to .'1 CO
Lady’s Pearl Card Otoe*. 260 to 50y
I'urtmonnate*. Pocket KniVe*. ICO to 6 Of?
. Articles of Gold Jewelry and Gilt Rook*.
nut enumerated in the above, worth from~2s to 25 00
One of the above named gifts presented to each purchase?
of a book at the lime of sale, although all books are sold 111
publi-her'fe lowest prices. The complete aud classified Cata
logues may be had without charge, by calling or sending yonr
Liberal inducements to country agents. Orders from tin
country promptly filled and the goods forwarded bv express
or mail same day, Address Q. G. ETAN’S,
43y Chestasl et., Philadelphia, Pa.
TO TUB PUBLIC-—-As there are many Gift Book
Storm advertised thioughout the country. M. EVANS deems
it just tMiimselfadd his t T uty to th<* public—intblntjch to hs
originated the Gift Book busincsr-—to state, as evidehCe cf
the instability of such concerns, that they conceal their real
name- from the public, and are advertising their bu-mess un
der assumed one*. Mr. E. is aware that these various con
cerns published a* Gilt Book Stores, are calculated to bring
the business established hy himself into disrepute. He ask.*
of the public a correct judgment in regard to his Gift Book
Enterprise. fui the honor, integrity, and success of which ho
refers to all the prominent publishers in fh-» United fctates,.
Bead Ins Catalogue. [Aprl 29, ’59. 3m. ‘ 1
Fire &. life insurance agents,
Corning, N. Y.
Of Hartford, Conn.—Capital 81,000,000.
•, ’ Of Hartford, Conn.—Capital 8200,000.
Hartford fire insurance co.,
or Hartford Cl., Capita! 8100 000.1
Connecticut fire-insurance co.
Or Hartford Conn. Capital $2OO 000
£ Or New York City—Capital 8150,000
Manhattan fire insurance co.
Of New York City—Capital 8200,000
‘ Accumulated Capital 81,200,000.
Tlie subscriber Iturinj; succeeded to the Fire in
surance business of Geo. Thompson, Esq., is prepared
to take risks and issue policies in the above well
known and reliable stock Companies.
farm buildings insured* for three years al rates
almost as lovr as those of mutual companies.
All looses will be promptly and satisfactorily set.
tied and paid at this office.
■dpplicutions by mail will receive prompt alien
lion. p, j. Farrington, > .
C. H THOM?'"' \ '|S ents -
Corning 1 , iipril 29, 1858,
Gr. Gr. EVANS,
Bookseller, Publisher, and\ Originator of
the Gift Book Enterprise .
HAS just is-ued a new and complete catalogno of Ms
Books, comprising a large and varied assortment of ail
kind"? of literature.
SoW wortlbof Gifts will Le given with every SlOOO worth
of books sold.
A gift worth from 23 cts, to $lOO, will be delivered with
each book «»t the time of ?ale.
Orders from the country promptly filled and the floods fir
warded by express or mad on the same day the order » re
ceived A complete catalogue sent flee.
Address, G. 0. EVANS
4* 9 Chestnut rhiladcfphia.
Jaa. 28, ISoS.
Auditor's Xotice.
THR Undersigned appointed an Auditor by tlm
Orphan's Court of Trogar County, In div(>m>r
the assets of the estate of D. N. WEBBER, Ule of
Clymer township dec'd., amone the creditor? and
persons entitled thereto, hereby Ogives notice that ho
will attend to the duties of his appointment on Sat
urday the sllt day of June next, at his office in
Well? boro, at one o'clock P. >J., when and where
all persons having claims upon said fund are ro
qnired to present the same for .confirmation and al
lowance, or be Jorcvcr debarred tlirelrom.*
JOHN BACH IS, Auditor.
Wellsboro. Apjif 22,1658.
Store Goods ,in 'I ioga Village*
Have a small Stock of Goods on hand, bought in
view of the light time?, which will be sold very low
lor Cash or any kind of Produce. We arc located
at our old stand in Tioga Village, directly opposite
the Mammoth Store of Charles O. El/..
We would further soy to all those indebted to ns
by note or book account, that we most have pay ~r
cost- will he made. We’ll lake Cash or any and all
kinds of Produce at the highest market prices.
Tioga, Nov. 2G, 1857.
Auditor’s Notice.
THE undersigned, having been appointed an
auditor to audit the accounts of .Robert Samp*
Son and Ellen Cmodall, admr’s of Samuel (anodail
late of Richmond, dcc'd.. will attend to the dnUe*
ot his appointment on Thursday the 20lh day of
May next, at I o’clock p. m., at the office of A. P
Cone at WelLboro, at which lime and place all per*
sons interested in the matter mu>t present liieir
claims or be forever debarred from coming in upon
the same. TilOS. ALLEN, Auditor,
WclUboro, April 5 0, 1638. 4t.
NOTICE IN DlVORCE—ElizaDnnbar—Take notice
Jessy Dunbar, your hb«band. has applied to tin* Com t
of Common Pleas of TiopaCo- for a divorce from the In.tjH*
of matrimony, and that the «ai«l court !mvo appointed Mon
day, the 7th day of May next, at 10 o'clock, a. m fnr »
hearing of the Ptmbirmtbe premiers, m whnb
tfm* and place yon c 3 n arfarjd if s-c :: thif 1 : pt,,n.-
'Vel >W*» % M-'-- M?rs. J'Ui k Mi : !|, K..
Concert Hall Block