■ A venerable old man says : “Lei the slandered take comfort—it is on ly hi fruit trees that thieves throw stones. " The old man is right ; whoever saw thieycs throw stones at the birch, maple or elm tree ! The more fruit the tree bears, and the richer it is, the more it is likely to attract the atten tion of a thief. No man that tries to do his duly to his fel low, and endeavors to live to bear the truits of true religion in his daily conduct, can for a moment suppose that he will pass along through life, without being slandered more or less. Such a man will of necessity have some enemies, and these enemies will try in every way .to injure him; and among others they will not be slow in stirring up the polluted w.iters of defamation and slander- A man who has no enemies, is merely a milk and water nothing. We would not give three fics fur such a man. He who is anything—who makes his mark in the world—who good—will have en emies ; and if he have them he will be sure to be slandered by them. The Last Wish. —We never fail to feel, I when the powerless witness of the last gasp of the dying, it is worth the effort of a life time to be able to die well. And then, as well as in the crowded street, or the solitude of our study, we find the inquiry stealing over us, “What would you wish, when your self the actor of that last scene !” The men tal answer his been sn prompt, so frequent, so uniform, that it has become stereotyped on the tablet of our memory, and we read it off this beautiful day of departing May : “That 1 had been kinder—mure indulgent to my (ellnw strugiilers in the a real I field of Life.” Reader! How is it with you? Let you and I begin this moment to practice that glorious lesson, and ravishingly sweet will be memor ies when we come to die.— Hall's Journal of Health. Printer's Luck. —A week or (wo ago a Cincmnnii primer visited (he ihealre and (bund a pockei book containing §250. Rich bevond all expectation, he determined lo rest awhile. He “put a sub on,” spent what mon ey he had of his own, incurred several liitle debts, and then concluded to break in upon Ins treasure by purchasing a new hat. He emered a hat store, bought one of the latest style, and tendered one of the $5 notes in payment. It was pronounced a counterfeit, and so, in turn, every note of his treasure. He has gone lo work again, spying that be ing a printer he should have known that the bills were worthless. , Irish Plowing. —“ Did you not tell me, sir,i you could hold the plow p’ said the mas ter. 1 “Arrah I be aisy now,” sard Pat; “how the deuce can I hold it, and two horses draw, ing it away from me? but give it to-me in the barn, and bejabers I'll hold it with any boy.” At a meeting of unmarried printers which convened not long since the following toast was drank in silence. Woman—Heaven re ward her, she is always in favor of a well conducted Press. One that is proud of his'binh is like a tur nip ; there is nothing good of him but that which is under the ground.— Hvdibras. A young man without money among the ladies is like the moon on a cloudy night he can't shine. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. __ Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon. ELfitAND, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in all parts of the county, oi receive them for treatment at his house; [June 14.1855.] JOHN IV. BACHE, Attorney and counsellor at LAW".—Office, north side i|ublic Square Wellsborough, P.i, Refersto Messrs. Phelps .Dodge & Co.,N. Y city Hon.A.V.Parsons,Philadelphia, July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, Attorneys & Counselors at law, CORNING, Stcnbcn County, flfew York. Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson. April 18,1855-ly. Tc'OlJ DON’T SAY SO? YES SIR, I DO! I say tint FOLEY has the best and cheapest assortment of WATCHES I ever saw in Wellsboro.* Such heavy cases and finished movements you can’t find elsewhere Call and see them one door north of B. B. Smith & Son’s, where he will be glad to show them to you, and do any Repairs on Watches, Clocks & Jewelry, and all warranted. A. FOLEY. Wellsboro’ June 11,1857. , S. F. WILSON, O’Rcmovedto James Lowrey*tOffice JAS. LOWRET& S. F. WILSON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, wiltaUcndtheCourtsof Tioga,Potter and McKean counties. Wellsborough,Feb. 1,1853. IS. O. COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, Wellsboro* Fa, Shop in the rear of Young’s Book Store. Every thing in his line of business will be done as well and as promptly as it can be done in the more foshionahleCity saloons. Prcparationsfor removing dandruff, and beautyfiing the hair for sple cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and sec. Wellsboro*, Oct 18,1855. (if> SEGAR manufactory.—f. m. hills has removed to the building formerly occupied by the SEARS* Boys, one door below the Tin and Stove Store of D. P. &, Wm. Roberts, wliere'he man ufactures and keeps constantly on hand,t'igars of Ordinary, Medium, and best brands, us well as all kinds of Tobacco. Prices reasonable, pull and Wellsboro, May 7,1857.-y. tv. W. WEBB, M. HAS returned to Wcllfiboro*,’ and is randy to promptly attend all calls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. He would also stale thot he has received a Commission from the Governor, and been sworn by lnspector, as Burgeon of the let Regiment, 2th Brigade of Ihe 13tb Division of the uniformed Militia of Pennsylvania, and there, fare is the only Surgeon within the Limits of said Brigade who has the right to give certificate* In “persons incapable of bearing arms." Office and reiddctjcc, bouse formerly occupied by Samuel A. Mack. Charles O. Etas of Tioga Village would respcclmlly call the attention of the public to the followingadvertiseraent. “Mao wan's but little here below nor wants that little long** m an old saying and perhaps true to a certain extents Bui it seems to me that in this lime of general suspension and panic, everything is, tending to a reversion of time-honored sayings, and everybody wants a little more still. The farmers (and they really ought to have as much.as anybody, for they are to our country what amain spring is to a watch,) wants a little more for their wheal, buckwheat, rye, corn, oaU, potatoes, &c., than the purchaser feels able and willing to pay. The merchant wants a little more for Ills Flour, Pork, Salt, Dry Goods, Bools & Siiocs, Hats &, Caps, Hardware, Crockery and ten thousand Utile things he has to sell than the farmer thinks he ought to pay. At this present time it seems to be conceded by all that the cash value of good wheat is $1 per bushel; buckwheat, 2 to 2-6; corn 3-6 to 4-6; oats, 2 to 2-6; butter, 14 to 16 cents. Now to equalize the matter and make it satisfactory on both sides, I want and will agree to take from every farmer of Tioga county, all the wheat I can get for the next 60 days at 9 and 10 shillings per bush el according to quality; buckwheat a*. 2-6 to 3; eurn sto 5-6; oats 2-9 to 3 shillings; butler 16 to 19 cents. Will sell yon in exchange: Salt per barrel, 16s. Flour extra superfine 13s per sack, $6 50 per barrel. Superfine, 11s per sack, I $5 50 per bbl. Coffee sugar letter **A” as white as | snow ut Is. Coffee sugar letter “B” 12cts, Very | nice brown sugar, lids. Common, lOcts. Lagui [ ra coffee, every kernel good, 1-4. Old Java, very r-nice, 1-6. Young Hyson lea, warranted tip-top, I 4,5 and 6 shillings, Tallow candles, 17cts. Sperm, { 3-6. Fine cut tobacco, 3s. Loose smoking, 1-6. ! Plug tobacco, 3s to 4s. Eagle Denims, best manu { faclured, lOcts to Is. Lawrence mills, sheeting, I very heavy, lOcts- Fine unbleached, from 10 els to 1 Is., Bleached muslin, from 7cts to 1-6. Calicoes, 1 all styles, consisting of Merrimacks, Cochecoes, Spragues, Phillip Allens, &c., from 6£cts to Is. A great variety of all wool Delaines, Cashmeres, Silk and Wool Poplins, Parametlas. Rigoletts. Hoods, • Hosiery, Gloves and a great variety of little fixings, also a very Urge stock«of Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gent’s wear. Ladies coarse Shoes 9s. Ladi’cs calf and enamelled leather, Its to 12s. Gatlcis a splendid assortment 10s to 16s. Gent’s kip Bools, home made, from $4 to 4 25; City made from $3 50 I to 5 50. , In a word our stock is complete in all Us depart ments, from the sugar and molasses down cellar to the best and most complete assortment of common and satin wall pojpcr ever kept in a country store up stairs. Bring atbng all the grain &c., you have to i sell, what you do not want to exchange for Goods ] ( will pay you the cash for at cash prices, ) CHARLES O. ETZ. Tioga, Nov. 5, 1857. »EW TAILOR SHOP. The sub scriber lias fed it necessary to put his work as it is warranted to furnish its own rec. ommendation. No garment is permitted to golout of the shop that is not made in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cutting and Fitting. This Depirtment, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live and let live” role, I have adopted the Pay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it. Wcllsboro’, March 13,1856. H. P. ERWIN. Wellsboro Select School. Wcllshoro, Tioga County , Fa. J. WALBRIDGE Teacher. The Term will commence Monday, April 19lh, and will continue twelve weeks. Arrangements are being made to have the school in the Academy building. RATES OF TUITION. Juvenile Department, SI 50 Common English Branches, 2 00 Philosophy, Chemistry, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Survey- ing, Latin and Greek 4 00 The design of the school is to furnish facilities for those desiring it, to continue their Academic course of study. No exertion will be spared to render the exercises interesting and instructive. The malhe matical classes will be subjected to a complete drill. A Surveying class will be formed, and field exerci ses will be taken daily with the compass, therefore those wishing to pursue a mathematical course can De accommodated. Board can be procured at pri vate houses at reasonable rates. Wellsboro, April 8. 1858. DR. WALTON’S AMERICAN JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. YOUNG AMERICA VICTORIOUS. One small box of Pills cures ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. No balsam, no mercury, no odor on the breath, no fear of detection. Two small pills a dose; tasteless and harmless as water. Full direc tions arc given, so that the patient can cure himself as certain as with the advice of the most experienced surgeon, and much belter than with the advice o one of little experience in this class of disease. Sent by mail to any part of the 1 country by enclo sing one dollar to Dr. D. G . Walton , No. 154 North Seventh st. below Race, Philadelphia. A liberal dis count to the trade. None genuine without the writ ten signature of Dr. D G. Walton, Proprietor. Dr. W.’s treatment for self.abuse, weakness &c>, is entirely different from the usual course. Dr. W. has cured hundreds who have tried others without benefit. The treatment is as certain to cure as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr. W, as above, giving a full history of your case, and you will bless the day you made the effort to secure what is certain—A RADICAL CURE. March 11, ’5B. (ly) NEW STOCK AT HARTS FLOUR $ PROVISION STORE. I have just replenished my Stock of Groceries, Flour and Provisions, and am prepared to sell at the lowest living figure, for Cash all through this hard winter. I will also exchange Groceries and Provisions for Country Produce at Cosh prices. I can furnish every eatable quality of flour at a less price than any dealer in Wellsboro, either whole sale or retail. I have also on hand a large quantity of Ladies* Shoes, which will be sold at a very small advance upon cost, for Cash or Produce. As to price and quality of anything I keep on hand for sale, just call and examine for yourselves. 1 have also a small slock of DRY GOODS, which will be sold AT COST. Call and see. Wellsboro* Jan. 7, *5B. DAVID HART. "crystal fountain hotel. Main Street. Wellsboro * Pa. T>. HART, PROPRIETOR. fPHIS strait-out TEMPERANCE HOTEL has JL been lately reopened for the accommodation of the traveling public, and no pains will be spared to render it popular with such as may favor it with their patronage. Tin* Hold is located conveniently for those who desire to lake cither the Tioga, Cedar Run, Couriers por), Mansfield, Covington or Troy Stages. Those desiring to reach intermediate places, not on Stage route*, wifi lie accommodated with & conveyance at » reaw/rnible charge. # J hi* Hold will be conducted, as it ever has-been, on llm “Live and let live” principle. Charges as low us ibo*e of any good Hold in n IQ County, A good Ostler id ways in attendance. February, 18, 1858. THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOB. SOMETHING NEW ANEW LAMP—Ufford’s Smoke consuming Lamp is an article well worthy the notice of every person who wishes to use Oil instead of Fluid. This lamp is highly recommended by men of sound judgment and of wide reputation* who are known throughout our country. But it is not necessary to take the recommendations of others; just-call at Boy’s Drug Store and you can see one of these lamps burning every evening. Call and examine it ior yourselves. ANEW supply of Potter and Hammond’s Writ ing Books, just received at Rby’s Drugstore, also a supply of pens, ink, paper, envelopes, slates, school books, school stationery, &c. FOR WORMS.—-Give a child over two years old a small tea spoonful of Fluid Extract of Fink and Senna once every two boars till it operates as a cathartic. FARRIER’S OIL—For Horses and Cattle-—very useful for sores, wounds, scratches, galls and in all cases where a healing remedy is required. Price 25 cents. FARRIER’S LINIMENT—For Horses & Cattle A most valuable article for swellings, bruises, sprains, stiff or enlarged joints, windgalis, kicks amf sweeoey. Price 25 cents. ESSENCE OF GINGER,—A raildand safe stim ulant useful for bowel complaints; much used in hot weather to prevent the bad effects of drinking too much cold water. BUCHD LEAVES are procured from the south ern part of Africa. The Hottentots at the cape of Good Hope have long used tins article as a remedy in a variety of diseases. From them the medicine was borrowed by the English and Dutch physicians residing there and by tbeir recommend, alion it was soon employed in Europe. In process of time ibis medicine has como into general use, and is highly spoken of by the best medical writers. Physicians recommend it mostly for complaints of the urinary organs, such as gravel, a morbid irrila lion of the bladder and urethra, retention of urine, also incontinence of urine from want of tone in the urinary organs. It cools the unnatural heat and relieves pain; and in many cases of long standing it has been effectual when other valuable medicines had failed to produce an effect. The active princi ple of this medicine is a volatile oil which is mostly lost by the old process ol boiling. Hence it requires great care and skilful-management to prepare this medicine properly. FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU is a strong or concentrated preparation prepared by tiic new process called ‘ Displacement." By this the valua ble properties of the Bucbu are entirely preserved, and this form of the medicine is less liable to injury from age and more pulatcable. Useful equally in all cases of the kind whether male or female. Price 75 cents per bottle. For sale at'Roy’s Drug and Chemical Store at Wellsboro Pa. 1 ID* This is no patent medicine or quack nostrum or secret remedy, but a new and improved prepara tion of a well known and valuable medicine. "DLEACHTNG POWDER.—To remove ink and fruit stains &.C., from linen. Price 12J els per box, with full directions for use, opened anew his shop opposite Roy’s Store and is prepared to ex ecute the orders of his old customers aud others who may favor him with their pat ronage, with neatness PERMANENT MARKING INK—To mark col lars and other clothing so that the name will not wash out. Price 25 eta per bottle. POTASH, Sal Soda, Saleratus, Pure Ginger,Pure Ground Mustard, and Humcll’s Essence of Cof fee, just received and for sale at Roy’s Drug Store. PIERSON’S EXPECTORANT.-A valuable rem edy lor coughs, colds and lung difficulties. INDIAN SANATIVE DROPS or Life Regulator, is considered a most valuable article for difficul ties caused by impurity of (he blood, this article recommends itself; certificates are unnecessary try it if you would know its value. fIHEMICAL HAIR TONIC.—This compound Is used to prevent the hair from falling off to cause it to grow in thicker—and to restore hair that is growing gray toils original color; it is nicely per fumed and is very pleasant article for toilet use. Afresh supply of Camphcne and Fluid just re ceived at Roy’s Drug Store. THE BEST INK in America.—Congerand Fields celebrated Recording Ink. Also David & Black’s Permanent Ink for Records and Book keeping. *A new supply of these valuable Inks just received at Roy’s Drug Store; also a large quantity Common School Inks. FLAVORING EXTRACTS.—New suppiy; such Lemon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Peach, Cinnamon, Rose, Nutmeg, Celiery, &c. NEW SUPPLY of .Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, Dental Soaps, Odors for the Handkerchief, and Fancy Goods a large assortment. RHODE ISLAND LIME for whitewashing.— Also Whitewash Brushes for sale at Roy's Drug Store. 3 00 CHOLERA DROPS.—The most effectual reme dy for bowel complaints in use. If taken in time it can hardly fail to care if the directions are strictly complied with. Price 25 cents. /CRYSTAL EYE WATER,—A valuable remedy for sore or inflamed eyes—with full directions for use, Price 12 J and 25 cts per bottle. (CEPHALIC SNUFF—For Catarrh, Headache &.c. Price 25 cents a bottle. A RMENIAN CEMENT.—For mending broken glass or china ware, with directions for its use Price* 25 cents per bottle, ('Varranled.) FILLS. MILK OF ROSES.—A pleasant Cosmetic to im prove tbe complexion and to remove tan and freckles—Price 25 cts. a bollZe. LOOKING-GLASS PLATES—With or without Frames, forsale at THE DRUG STORE, BALSAM* TOLU.—This balsam is procured Irom a tree which is found in South America—it is a most valuable remedy for colds, coughs and a flee lions of the lungs. Price of Balsam Tolu Cougk Remedy, 50 cent? per bottle. ROSEMARY OINTMENT is a useful article for chapped hands, pimples on the face, burns, scalds, eruptions on the skin &c. Price 12 and 25 cents per box. MAYER'S OINTMENT.—This ointment has long been held to be a great sect cl among the Germans. It is highly valued as a successful cure for fever sores, bad ulcers and sores of almost every kind which are found to be difficult to heal. See di rections on the box. POMPOUND CATHARTIC PILLS; the best pill in use for billious complaints and affections of the liver. HEADACHE PILLS—For sick headache, ner vous headache and all headache that comes on at regular intervals. BOOKS. A variety of Children's Books—Blank Books—- School Books* Stationery &c. Also the Depository of the Tioga County Bible Society—containing a large variety of Bibles and Testaments from cents to 6 dollars. FOR GARDEN & FIELD.—A large supply of Fresh Seeds has just been received at Roy's Drug Store. Farmers and others who send orders from any part of our county can rely on finding just the kind of seeds they may want at this Store. The supply is so large that merchants will be able to se* lect from a full assortment here at any lime. Wells boro* April 1* 1858. J. A. ROY. W. TEBBELL & SON, Drugs & Medicines, Lead, Zinc, Colored Paints, Oils, Vnrnishes, Brushes, Camphene Burning Fluid, Dye Stuff's, Sash fe Glass, Pwe Liquors for Medicine, Patent Medu cines. Artists Paints Sf Brushes, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Flavoring Extracts, ALSO A genera) assortment of School Books, Blank Books, Physicians* Druggists* and Country Merchants dealing in any of the above articles can be supplied at a small advance on New York prices. Sept 3,1857. SEEDS W. D. TEUBEIL, Successor to CORNING, N. Y Wholesale and Retail Dealers, in Staple and Fancy Stationery. SPRIWi m SUMER ms. W. A. ROE. IN ROY’S NEW BI IEOING. IS now receiving a large and extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, . GROCERIES, HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES GLASS WARE. LOOKING GLASSES, WOODEN WARE, GLASS, FISH, SALT. We deem it unnecessary to enumerate articles, as nearly every article that is usnal'y kept in a Store can be found at this establishment, and at prices that defy all competition, as we will not be undersold in any article, by any man or combination of men. Purchasers,esrecially CASH BUYERS , will find it greatly to their interest to call and examine Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. SHOES! SHOES I—the largest assortment of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes, in town and for sale cheap at ROE’s. CALICOES, GINGHAMS and LAWNS—a large assortment and cheap at ROE’s. Warp and Colton Yarn at ROE’S. BLEACHED MUSLINS—the best and cheapest assortment can be found at ROE’s. BLACK SlLKS—Ladies will find very good and cheap Black Silks at ROE’s. WA. ROE has removed to the new • Store in ROY’s BUILDING. CASSIMERES— Gents will find a good assort ment of black and fancy, at ROE’s. DOMESTIC GOODS—such as Cotton Matting, Bed-Ticking, Stripe Shirting, Blue Denims, Drillings, Brown Factory Cotton Yam Carpet warp, and Colton Diaper for Table use,& —at ROE’s. CLOTHING! CLOTHING J—Gents will find a grand assortment and good at ROE’s. HATS &. CAPS of every description for Men Boys, very cheap at ROE’s. SILK. HATS —Super-extra, Spring styles and lafest fashion, at HOE’s. Wellsboro, May 14,1857. MOUNT HOPE Superior Cut Nalls. MADE in an entirely new establishment With a new Rolling Mill, New Furnace t New Nail Machine, are of Vie latest and most approved construction * The Nails are Beautiful in shape , j Fine in finish , _ Tough in quality , For sale at Wellshoro 1 Afoy Ist, 1857, id Blind Factory. TON, TIOGA CO., RA. Sash an CO VINO The Subscr her is m prepared by m Machinery j u purchased, to fi nish to order, ; kinds of square fancy Sash, ai Blinds. Square Sash common sizes ways on hand. By long ex\ ricnce in the b siness,thesubsci berf alters himse lha he can make as good an article, and sell it as cheap as can be obtained at any estubishment in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and see. Covington, September 18,1856 ETThe subscriber is also Agent for the sale of Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D. S. I. NEW AND SPLENDID SI'OCK OF TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER& STOVES. D. P. AND W. ROBERTS’ THE greatest variety of STOVES ever seen in Wellsboro,’ has just arrived at the STOVE & TIN STORE of D. P. & W. ROBERTS. They would call the attention ot the public to their well selected assortment, consisting of the YOUNG AMERICA, - - Elevated oven, MORNING STAR,- - - - do. NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, do. REGULATORS, PREMIUMS. LOW OVENS. Also a large assortment of BOX and PARLOR Stoves, at City prices. These Stoves are selected with the greatest care, especially for this market, and cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Call and see them. TINWARE- -of all kinds, shapes, and sizes made of the best material and sold as cheap if not cheaper than that of any other establishment in the county. Eave Gutters made to order on short notice. JOBBING done to order and in the best man ner. All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving the shop. O* Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and also Silver and Gold either old or new, taken in exchange for Goods at the Market price. They- respectfully solicit the patronage of all who wish-to purchase anything in their line, assuring them that money can be saved by examining their slock before pur chasing elsewhere. PREMIUMS on Tinware were given for best Stock and Work &c., at late county Fair. D. P & W. ROBERTS. Wellsboro.' April 23 1857. Corning Book Store. THE Subscribers have removed to the large and elegantly fitted up brick store—four doors cast of Concert Block, Corning—and will keep on hand a large assortment ofNew Books, among which are RELIGIOUS STANDARD WORKS, HISTORICAL BOOKS, TALES OF FICTION, POETICAL WORKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, Blanks* Stationery and Wall Paper, N. Y. Daily and Weekly pipers, all the Magazines at Publishers prices. All for sale cheap. Corning, Sept. 24. ’57. ROBINSON & CO. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS WHERE? at ERWIN'S new Store! He has jusireturned from the City with a choice Eot of Ready-Made Clothing, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND NOTHING SHORTER Wellsboro* Sept. 25* 1856. Executor’s Notice. LETTERS Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the last will and testa ment of Oliver Briggs, Jate of MiddJebiiry, deed., all persons indebted to said estate will make imme diate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them to JACOB BRIGGS Jackson, Feb, 25,1858, 6t» WANTED By Wilcox & Sears for which the highest market price will be paid in Cash. 1.5,000 Bushels of Wheat. 10 Tons of Pork. Wellsboro, Nov. 10,1857. ® EVANS & WATSON, T) HILADEUPHIA Manofaclu- XT red Salamander Safes, No. 26 S. Fourth Street, Philada. Report of the Committee appointed to superintend the Burning of the Iron Safe*, at Reading, Feb. 27, 1857. j “The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we sawj the two Safes origi nally agreed upon by Farrels &. Herring and Evans & Watson, placed .side by side in a larnace, viz: The Safe in use by the Paymaster of the PbiladeU phia and Reading Railroad Company, in his office at Heading, manufactured by [Farrels & Herring, and the safe in use by H. A. Lantz, in his storey manufactured by & Watson, and putin books and papers precisely alike. ; j The fire was started at 8J o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chestnut topjwood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superintendence of the subscribers, members of the Committee. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and!sent to H. A. Lanlz’s store for public examination j after they were first examined and marked • by 1 the Committee. The books and papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Evans & Watson were butj slightly affected by the intense heat, while those [taken from the Safe manufactured by Farrels & Herring, were in opr judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent more than those taken from Evans &, Watson’s Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and im partial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOB H. DYSHER, Daniel s. hunter, . Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken but of their respective Safes. G. A. NICHOLLS, TV. A. ROE’S. DAVID S. IRELAN Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, Card , Centre, Dining $ Breakfast Tables , Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAHOGONY & COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage , French and Cmmon Bedsteads , of every description, togethci with all articlesusu ally made in his line of busin jss. From his knowledge of he business he flat ters himself with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine his work before sending clsqwber for an inferior article. TURNING done in a ncal manner, at shortno ticc. TJJ Chairs! Chairs! In addition tc| the above, thesubscr would inform jthc public that he ha r I justrcceivedalargcand handsomeassorl ment of j Common & Spring-Seat Chairs, Boston and Common Rocking Chairs. f V-3' ternity in the South appreciate your skill, and medicine to our people. HIRAM CONKLIN.'^* AMOS LEE, Esq.. Slonterey, la., writes, 3d Jac. ‘•I bad a tedious Influenza, which confined me ; a jj. weeks; took many medicines without relief; fi na jw your Pectoral by the advice of our clergyman. The relieved the’sorecess in my throat and lnng«: P.-, half the bottle made me completely well. Yonr -I <' are the best as well as the cheapest we can teem yon, Doctor, and your remedies, as the j W r friend. - ’ Asthma, or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. TFest Manchester, Pa„ Sir: Tour Cherry Pectoral is performing niarv<-i\ Tl . in this section. It has relieved several from aUnatr.j:«i toms of consumption, and is now curing a man vU la bored under an affection of the lungs for the lad f'-n? HENRY L. PARKS. M A A RAMSEY. M n, Albion. Monroe Co., lowa, 0, 1855: *T)uring my practice of many years IkiT»‘“. nothing equal to your Cfaerrj Pectoral for giving lief to consumptive patients, or curing snch as ar- ccn: ‘ TVe might add volumes of evidence, but the ing proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in m i upon trial, Consumption. Probably do one remedy bos ever been known whicir so many and snob dangerous cases as this. Some noij aid can reach; bat oven to those the Cherry relief and comfort. Astor House, New York Citt, March 5. ;* Doer. Aver, Cowell: I feel it a duty and a form you what vonr Cherry Pectoral has done for rur She bad been five months iaboringunderthedangmtu~ toms of Consumption, from which no aid wo cmH p, cavo her much reliefi She was steadily failin':, Strong of this dtv, where we have come for ad\ mend a trial of your medicine. TFe bless his •we do your skill, for she has recovered from that da: 3 is not yet as strong as «bo used to be, but ufrett-.*, cough, and colls herself well. Yonrs with gratitude and regard, ORLANDO SHELBY, of Shelly CoS3UWTnvE3, do not despair till you hart- n>.; i- Cherry Pectoral. It is made by one of thelK-it medial-> isU in the world, and its cures all around usbespeak Ur merits of its virtues. —Philadelphia Ledger. 1 IYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have u* Ja , their utmost to produce this best, most which is known to man. Innumerable proof-, apr- j .~r t / these Pills have virtues which surpass in cxcelitn- &*£'■ nary medicines, and that they win unpre- ‘•d-.-utt-lh esteem of all men. They are safe and plrtiM&t to - powerful to cure. Their penetrating pruj*-rt,-. -nc; J, vital activities of the bo*' organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. TLevjv?. 1 the foul humors v-huh breed and gn.w sluggish or disordered organs into their uatnnd it. impart healthy tone with strength to the only do they cure the every-day complaint* of but*also formidable and dancerons disease* that lm--& the best of hnman skill. they they are at the same time, in diminished do-*-, tb- ■u.-'t best physic tliau can be employed for chiluren Ik i:ig coated, they are pleasant to take: and !r "%-c are free from any risk of harm. Curt-' liny? Loenmnsn:- aurptiss belief were they not sub&taatiat-.d b) 1,-s exalted position and character as to forbid tin untruth. Many eminent clergymen and jh\ their names to certify to the publiatlu rrii.ilului .-i-u edies. while others have sent me the assnnwe-if I-:* viction that my Preparations contribute imniiU-'Cl;::o.» lief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-nun. The Agent below named is pleased to fnrm-h mi-r American Almanac, containing directions Ibr certificates of their cure**, of the following v..-m Costivenos, Bilious Complaints. lUc*u: Heartburn, Headache arising from a f.-nl *t • , Indigestion. Morbid Inaction of the Bo\uIsar.i h:_3 therefrom. Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, dll I >4 Cutaneous Diseases which require an cm/-..i_- -J Scrofula or King's £vil. They also, by purify r .r -e and -■'timulntiug the -.Worn. cure m.iuy couqLr:- .. rig »U„ , vuu- UJ.IUV COUII 1.. . would not be summed they could reach, su- li v IvzS Partial Blindnoa. Neuralgia and Nenoiia Irr.:. "•} rangements of the Liver and Kidney''. («• *nr. -itiu ’-i:! dred comphiints arising from a low elate of the l f t struction of its functions. \ Do not be pat off by anprfncipkyJ tlealors mrb -=• pill they make more profit on. Ask for Ayers Till- c-3 nothing else. Xo other they ran give you i-unpir *-- in it* l intrinsic value or curative powers. Tin* -iA best aid there is for them, and they should luw t PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYEi. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. M.l-ni Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes lor ;I. SOLD BY J. A. POT, Wellsboro. and by Druggists and JfcrJfi generally. [Dec. 3. 57.] HOWARD ASSOCIATE PHILADELPHIA. Important Annonncenienl. TO all persons afflicted with Sexual sucli as SPERMATORRHCEV, SEMIS WEAKNESS. IMPOTENCE, GONORRBa GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONA-MS SELF-ABUSE, &c., &c.. The HO WARD ASSOCIATION ofPhih=- : in view ol the awful destruction of human h-- health, caused by Sexual diseases, and lheccc:-- ; which are practiced upon the unfortunate vict such diseases by Quacks, have directed tltf’ suiting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT of.lheir name, to give MEDICAL TIS, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male or who apply by letter, with a description of the- - dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c : ' r , case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FITC'» MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent fc tion, established by special endowment, tor lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted wjt&’ lent and Epidemic Diseases,” and its fund.*'- 2 used for no other purpose. It has now a su.’'-* means, whicJt the Directors have voted to &•' the above notice. It Is needless to add thaV { sociation commands the highest Medical sku ‘ age, and will furnish the most approved s* treatment. —Valuable advice also given to nervous females, afflicted with Womb Cofir» Leucorrhoea, &.c. Address, (post-paid,) Dr, GEO. R. CAIP- : : Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL GEO, FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 25,1856.—1 y. WELLSBORO POIWDB* :-a-n-d- Machine Shop^ AG-AIN IN FULL BLA'; : ROBERT YOUNG, late ot the firm c, *[' Young & Co., Tioga, lakes this form the public that he has leased the Machine Shop in the village of Wellsborolitf 1 ' of years, and having put it in good prepared to do all .kinds of work usually such establishments, in the best manner ac“ • g : the best of material. jj ■ He has had over twenty years 1 ex P er ' e ”f 3 business and will have the work done directly under his No ** p be sent out half finished. .^3 MILL GEARINGS, PLOUGHS, STo'»j| and castings of all kinds on hand and to oJ£* * ROBERT Wcllsboro May 28,1857. WM- W- & H. W. iPDOIJ^I REAL ESTATE AGEW^j A RE engaged in Exploring, ing, Investing Money in ifc&l Real Estate Security, Locating hand J| locating Land for Settlers on lime* ' They will attend the Land Sales m | adjoining districts, where their ~ will enable them to select the best lotf* Parties entrusting Money to us will have the benefit of our explorahoij erly purchased that wc arc not persona y m with. [Waubaebaw, Min* Ter.» • r S