"ExnUauin* of the Enemy. The Richmond Soui/t exalts over the Jnglish Kansas bill. It «y» * ..The conference bill pwenl* a .tardy isetlion of the validity of the Lecornplon o “Thu"The people of Kansas will no more „e upon the Lecomp.on Consutu.ion, under 'conference bill, than they, voted upon the lopiion of the Lecorapion Con.lUuiion in 8 first instance." And again : ■•The conference bill will operate as an iabiin“ act, to lake effect- upon the hap ping of a certain event, [a population suf cien° for the election of a Representative,] U l until that event shall occur, it operates ■jinciively, and confining Kansas to her mu-eared bonnet and high quarter shoes, eeps her out of the electoral college, out of longress, and out t>f mischief, for many ears to come.” "In the mean lime, should the Southern states desire to occupy the contested Terri* ory, as Mr. Zollicofier in a very able nrgu* nent has recently shown there is much eason to believe lhey can do, the postpone ment of admission will give them the benefit sf the decision of the Supreme Court. They can carry their slave properly into the com non territory, and participate fairly in its lliroaie organization.” And finally : “If the conference bill pass, Kansas may ime into the Union as a slave State or she id not come in at all. That is the issue.” Fusion. We clip the following testimony against usiott from that excellent paper, the Colum la Co. Republican. It rings like true iet»l, and, coming as it does from the very •ml of a democratic stronghold, evinces lore nerve and decision than yet appears in jme mare favored localities: “The Republican party is a parly of prin iple, or it is not. If the former, the only ue course for earnest and consistent Repub. cans in the coming contest, in this Stale, i to stand boldly and squarely upon the latform embodying their principles. It the liter, —il it be merely a conglomeration of laments, uniting, combining, and “fusing” terely for temporary triumphs, then let the ctbe heralded abroad, and' let us prepare urseives for the same ignominious defeat rer following the adoption, of the policy of ising with any and everything for mere tern ovary success. Fur one, we are imbued with the grand ulhlulness of the Republican idea. We elteve it to be the embodiment of princi lea as everlasting as the granite rocks. They msi eventually triumph. All unions and lliuvice, with incompatible elements—all orab.nations with materials whose affinities re in antugpnism, but embarrasses us—but oslpones and delays the period of our viclo- y. It must come, but it remains for us, oh lepublicans of the Keystone, to determine ow soon. If we cannot succeed this fall iihom meeting the odious Cincinnati Plat trm half way, we for one shall prefer to ait. We, shall have more lo say on ibis tbjecl hereafter. The Revival in New Yoiik.—On Sun ly morning (here was a very large congre mon at the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher’s hurch, the occasion being special, from the cl, that a great namber of persons were to ; received into the Church, The pulpit was slefully decorated with flowers, and in the >t uere wreathed the words, “For ye were i sheep going astray, but are now returned Ho the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.” here was in all 188 persons received into Be Church—l 63 by profession and 25 by ■tier. Fourteen were baptised by immersion ft Ihursday night, and 42 were baptised on fcnday morning. They occupied the five H>at circles of seals, and when the articles B fjith acre read to them by Mr. Beecher, ■ey arose and bowed their heads. Some 25 ■ these converts were connected with the ftbltath School attached to the Church. Interesting to the Military.'—The r legislature passed a law of importance I our citizen soldiery and those who are dis ked to engage in martial exercises. Under f provisions ihe militia enrollment is entire [dispensed wiih, and all volunteer compan r are allowed for every person [cit day, not exceeding six times during Ihe r r i one dollar and fifty cents per diem.— I addition to this, the commanding officer of pgrnient may order the companies compos r! l Qu i ur an encampment parade, not ex | * n §. s,x d ' l ys, once during each year.— i ls is as an inducement to young IH m '*' ,aT y ardor » who cannot well af- I ose l^e hme for the indulgence of it. I 1 suit the soldiers, and go far to increase | milUar >' B Pirii throughout the Slate. !E r° LIOWI - VG ALTERATION'S of the New l"., 0r , v ave been made since our pub | 'on ol ihe bill as it passed the House. « now a law as amended : I. P rov *des that all licenses to sell I must be lifted within 15 days after p gromrd, or he forfeited. * K^ 0 ' 3 50 amended as 10 except all but | 8 been, ea "' ng ' louse retoil brew |d[j w ses ' rorn embrocing the certificates B eiah S ' n '^ e:r P el *t | ions as required by g' ecllon of the law of 1856. Jnipii ” l )roV| d''- v &mid Holiday, Ea q, oq tho 2d instant* iBK Asgelwe ShoeTj all of Chatham. -D-I-E-D -IJVws. ’ Apnl 4 . Mrj. ELIZABETH HOWLAND, ®n the 21th nit. Miss JERCSHA years. roii CEI v Notice. w,u™. tllat tlrt following persons have »' Wt4°Li! c ' nWf J i *«P Inn. oT torerna, in c ?un«r. and that tho to 7 °r Jane Si 1 E “ oflttuloo,lll °n Wadnas c k ’ afwri,oon: k,sS;3lon-i>. il }|l- Blwabmg. r '"'- J - ?• DOJTALDSOS, CtiM. ; 000 ®“ s he'«of Bnckwheatwanlcd by Administrator’s Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan’s Court we shall expose to public sale at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Tuesday, June Bth, 1858, at 2 o’- clock p. m., the following real estate to wit: One hundred and forty one acre* ol land in the township of Brookfield' in said County, bounded south by James Loop and Joseph Bowman, east by Charles Mascho, north by M. G. Bowman and Pe- F. L. MASCHO ( Admr “• May 13, 1858, SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, issued out of the Common Pleas of Tioga County and to me directed, I will expose to public sale at the Court House in Wellsboro,on Monday the 7th day of June next, the following real estate to wit: A lot or piece of land situate in Middlebury town ship, bounded on the east by John West, south by I. Carpenter, west by I. Walrous, and north by Bing ham land, including three tracts as follows—one fifty five acres, oc per deed from the Trustees of Bingham estate to Anson Thompson and two tracts of forty seven and sixty six acres os per deed from said trustees to said second party, a reference to oil of which will more fully appear, and being or con taining in all one hundred and sixty nine acres or thereabouts, more or less. To be sold as the property of Danie/ Holiday with notice to Geo. W, Herring ton, Terre tenant. WelUboro, May 13, *5B. JNO. MATHERS, Shf. SIMMER STYLES & FASHIONS. Mrs. M. J. Grierson, HAS just returned from the City- with a full as sortment of Millinery Goods, which she offers for sale at the lowest cash prices. STRAWS, NEAPOLITANS AND FANCY BONNETS, of all prices and descriptions. BORDERS from Is op lo 4s. 6d. A nice assortment of FLOWERS of all prices. French Flowers and Box Flowers. A beautiful assortment of RIBBONS, LININGS, LACES, CRAPES SILKS, and all kind of materials for making Summer dp "Winter Mourning Goods. Little Boys Hals, Girl’s Flats, and Ladiea’ Riding Hats. All orders promptly attended to. Bonnets cleaned and done over on short notice. Mrs. Grierson has employed for the season a good Milliner. O'Shop on Main Street, over Niles & Elliott’s Store. [May 13,1858-] Catalogues Sent Free. Gr. Gr. .EVANS, PUBLISHER, & ORIGINATOR OP THE Gift Book Enterprise • 439 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. THE unpnralelled success which has attended the subscri ber in his distribution of Gifts to the Million, has indu ced him to make largo aud valuable additions to hjs former extensive stock of uew and popular books. His new, com plete and classified catalogue of books embracing all the De partments of Literature, is mailed Free to any part of tbo country. ALL* BOOKS sold at publishers* lowest prices, and all the new publications of tbo day added as soon as issued. $590 worth of Gifts with each $lOOO worth of books sold; among which are daily distributed the following— WORTH FROM Gold Hunting Lever Watches, $3O 00 to 100 00 Gold Anchor So 00 to 50 00 • Silver Lever and Lcpino Watches, 12 00 to 23 00 Parlor Time Pieces, 600 to 15 00 Vest and Fob Chains, 10 00 to ‘23 00 Lady’s Guard and Chattelaine do., 10 00 to 25 00 “ SHk Dress Patterns, 12 00 to 20 00 “ Gold Bracelets, 500 to 15 00 u Cameo Sets, 10 00 to 15 00 ,f Mosaic Sets, 12 00 to 20 00 u Florentine Sets, 10 00 to 15 00 u Gold Pencils and Pens, 150 to 10 00 “ Gold Miniature Lockets, 260 to 10 00 Gent’s Gold Pens, with cases, 200 to 10 00 Gent’s Bosom Studs and Sleeve Buttons, 200 to 300 Lady’s Breast Pins, 150 to 750 4 * £ar Kings, 200 to 750 * { and Gents’ Gold Bings, 100 to 600 Gent’s Bosom Pins, 100 to 350 Lady’s Pearl Card Cases. 250 to 600 Portmonnaies, Pocket Knives, &c„ 100 to 500 Articles of Gold Jewelry and Gift Books, not enumerated in the above, worth from 23 to 25 00 Odc of the above named gifts presented to each purchaser of a book at the time of sale, although all books are sold at publisher's lowest prices. The complete and classified Cata logues may be had without charge, by calling or sending your address. Liberal inducements to country agents.* Orders from the country promptly filled and the goods forwarded by express or mail same day, Address G. G. .EVAN’S, 439 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. •82** TO THE PUBLIC. —As there are many Gift Book Storrs advertised throughout the country, M. EVANS deems it just to himself add his duty to the public—inasmuch as he originated the Gift Book business—to state, as evidence of the instability of such concerns, that they conceal their real names from the public, and are advertising their business un der assumed cues. Mr. E. is aware that these various con cerns published as Gift Book Stores, are calculated to bring the business established by himself into disrepute. lie a.-ks of the public a correct judgment in regard to his Gift Book Enterprise, foj the honor, integrity, and success of which he refers to all the prominent publishers in the United States. Read his Catalogue. [Aprl ‘29, '59. 3ra. The Tonus Flying Morgan. aSjv rpiHlS splendid horse was sired by J. ,e justly celebrated trotter, — *vFlving Morgan” Uic pride of Ver. horse breeders, and does credit i«» the unequalled slock from winch he*sprang. His dam was a Messenger mare, a slock second only to the Morgan in all that const!, lutes excellence in the horse. For strength, speed and endurance, this slock of horses lias never been surpassed. Young Flying Morgan is seven years old, ISJ hands high, and weighs 1100 lbs. He can trot his mile inside of three minutes, and was awarded the first premium for speed and general ex cellence, at the Windham Co. Fair, held at Bralt.e boro Vt., 1856. He will stand the ensuing season, Monday's, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, at the stable of the sub scriber at Tioga, and the remaining days of each week at the stable of E. R. Farr in Wcllaboro. Terras, 810 to insure a foal, in accordance with the usual custom. D. 1.. AIKEN, Tioga, May 13,1853. Trial List--Jana Term, 1858. Wickham ct at, vs. Knox ct al.Mnrtin vs. Covington tsp. Dufloy ct nl. vs. Archer ct ai. Uall vs. Osman Power, vs. Inscho Admr'a. Guernsey et nl vs. Cooley et nl. Knapp, vs. Daggett Bridge & Shepherd vs Stevens. Kline vs. Steuart Guernsey rs. Xilcs Camp r*. Ryon Ring r«. Bmmiago Ouliek et al vs. Byers Elmira A. At. Co. ra. Johnson Wheeler vs. Wheeler Wardwell for It oodward vs. Stearns & Marvin vs. Byon Johnson Mnnaban vs. Phipps ot nl. Hinckley vs. Prutsman lU’xfoni Exr’s vs. Yeoman Harrison vs. Barber A Snr a Clark ct al vs. Miller Admr’a Ray vs. Campbell Arvinc Clark vs, « , Tioga Co. vs. -n r-t al Rathboae vs. Hammond Ctoßimonwc.Ut i v». i*ierson McDougall vs. SJosson & Slos-Smitli lUdiday son. R ef»-r Iterry vs. Spencer Barnes vs. Qulmby Bu*h A Bosh vs. Johns ct al Hill ve. Clark Bovier vs. Strait ct al Rathbono vs. Ryon A Tubbs Gillette vs. Cnlegrove Coates vs. Sboff Irvine vs. Updike / Rogers vs. Jones ct al. Gillette vs. Taft & Day et al Bullock vs. Beunett A Randallßailey vs. Mott Bena vs. Clymcr School D tree's B. C. A J. C. Johnson vs. To- Bullock vs. Bennett & Randal! bor, Hathaway et al Faulkner vs. Stoddard etal. Wiswcll vs. Kelly Bailey vs. Burley Harrison vs. Sayre et al Brown 4 Northrop T - Ham-Ray vs. Campbell ot nl 1 mond. * Barden vs. Skiff iLonjnvdl vs. Palmer Treadwell vs. Stowell ct al Hastings ct al vs. Bowen Carothers vs. Davis A Co. Coates vs. Humphrey “ vs. Davis A Rico Wilson vs. Dyer Culver vs. Davenport Wright A Butler vs. Elliott Northrop A Smith vs. Keeney Hill vs. Hill Inscho rs. Babcock Caulkiogs vs. Ballard estate J. Sboff Jr. vs. Leach A Culver *♦ vs. Wickham Sofield vs. Gillette Gillette vs. Davenport ALL PERSON'S owing Mrs. STEVENS nro requested to call and pay up. She may be found at her old stand whore she I* prepared to do bleaching, trimming, and every thing pertaining to the Millinery business in the best style. May slb, 1858. "I I r IIBREAS, my wife ARAMINTA has left my bod and t V board without any just cause or provocation, this is to forbid all persons from harboring or trusting her on my ac count. os I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. [Covington, April 29, (3t)» JAMBS COPE. Floor, manufactured at the Jersey Shore Mills and warranted, at ihe Store of Dec. 30. WILCOX * SEARS. “I /"I/"in Bushels of Good Wheal wanted IUiUUU by C. O. ETZ. 5 000 Buslieis ? f ° a * s * waDled^y 0 ETZ ALCOHOL. OS per cent, for Burning Fluid, at wholesale by Corning. (Cm.) TV. D. TERRELL C. O. ETZ. THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. List of Jurors--June Term, 1858. GRAND JURORS. Union. —Simeon Austin, Thomas Skelley. Liberty. —Henry Crawford, C. F, Veil, iVm, R. Young. Covington.— David Davis. Sullivan. —Lafayette Gray, Isaac Owen. Jackson, —Jos. W. Guernsey, Levi B. Shelves. Brookfield. —Benj. George. Middlebuby, —Daniel Holiday, Reuben Sievens. Richmond. —Isaac Holden, Wm. C. Rip ley, Virgil H. C. Sweet. Charleston. —Sylvester Kelley, Darwin Thompson. Rutland. —William Lawrence. Delmar. —John Pierson, Roland Reed. Chatham. —Benj. Vandusen. Mansfield. —Philip Williams. traverse jurors. Sullivan. —Comlbrt Beebee, Gideon S. Hodges,* Philemon Parkhursi.* Lawrence. —Chas. Blanchard, Charles Baber. DELMAB.-Augustus Bartles, Addison Boy den, Sami. Dickinson, Joshua Peel.* Rutland. —W. W. Bentley, Geo. P. Crip pen, Danl. E Sherman, Lafayette Backer,* Samuel K. Longwell,* Eraslus Rose,* Peter V, Vanness.* • Westfield. —Asa C. Bancroft, Charles Cloose, Geo. S. Brown,*' Ranslaer J. Boaid man.* Wellsboro. —Gideon S. Cook, Andrew Growl. Ward.— Eraslus B. Chapman, Solomon Smith. Chatham.— Leonard Clark, Darwin Sikes, Gilbert B. Oulet.* John Gibson.* Clymeb.—Jared Davis, jr. Tioga, — Vine DePui, Arvine C. Mann, Thos. J. Berry,* Lewia Daggett,* Jas. A. Hathaway.* Farmington. —John Daily, Benj. S. Mul ford, Jno. McCollum Jr., Joseph Peters,* Jno. Vandusen.* Covington. —Nathaniel A. Elliott, Jno. W. Moore, Alanson Moffiilt,* Stephen S. Richards.* Brookfield. —John W. Filch, Samuel Tubbs/' Jos Davis.* Jacob Granlier.* Jackson. — Wm. Garrison, Sami. Kemp. Union. —Daniel Landon. Charleston.— Jere. May, Selar Sullerlee, Jeremiah Kloik,* L»zeh Kimball.* Osceola. —Allen Seeley. Covington Boro. —Lewis B. Smith, Jas. P. Taylor. ELKLAVD.-Fred’k. Thorp, Stewart Daily.* Morris.— Henry S. Archer.* Liberty. —George Bastian,* Sam). Bar low.* Middlebury. —Snvder Chamberlain,* D. C. Chase,* Perry O. McClure.*' Mansfield.— Jno. M. Cassells.* Deerfield.— Edwin Hill,* Hiram Gil bert,* Philip S. Taylor.* Richmond. —Jno. C. Irelon,* Harvey Sey mour.* Elk. —Jno. Maynard.* Thncp marked * cJrnwn for second week, 'i IIOMSON & FARRINGTON, Fire &. life insurance agents, Corning, N, Y. a etna FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of Hanford, Conn.—Capital $1,000,000. PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF Hartford, Conn.—Capital $200,000. Hartford fire insurance co. t Of Hartford Ct., Capita? $5OO 000. Connecticut fire insurance co., Of Hartford Conn. Capital $2OO 000 PEOPLE’S FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF New York City—Capital $150,000 Manhattan fire insurance co. Of New York City—Capital $200,000 ATEVV.YORK life insurance CO. A-' Accumulated Capital $1,200,000. The subscriber having succeeded to the Fire in surance business ofGco. Thompson, Esq., is prepared to lake risks and issue policies in the above well known and reliable slock Companies. Farm buildings insured for three years at rates almost as low as those of mutual companies. All looses will be promptly and satisfactorily set. lied nnd paid at this office. Applications bv mail will receive prompt alien turn. P. J. FARRINGTON, ( . , C.H THOMSON. f J S enls ’ 1 Concert Hall Block. Corning, April 29, 1858. ON MANHOOD AND ITS PREMATURE DECLINE Just Published, Gratis, the 60th Thousand. —fWYSYw* A FEW WORDS OX THE RATIONAL 9 /y/ffi.Treatment without Medicine, of Spornmtor ieLjT-Yjjy’ rhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal .Emissions, Vttt a..'.,t Genital and Nervous Debility, Impoteucy, nml Impediments to Marriage generally, by 11. DE LANEY, M. D. The important fact that tho many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and *olstudo of youth, may be evsMy removed WITHOUT MEDICINE, is In thl* small tract clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new am! highly suc cessful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure HIMSELF perfectly nnd at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of tho day. Sent to any address, gratis ami post free in a scaled envel ope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. B. DK LANKY, SS East 31st street, Now York City. Apnl, 20,1558. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Tunis Slingerland, late of Sullivan dec’d., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will prerent them to HENRV a CARD, J?xV. Sullivan, March 11, 1858. (Gt.) ST- LAWRENCE HOTEL. mi. S. CAMPBELL 1 CO., PBOMIIETOBS. NO. 1018, Chestnut St., Philadelphia. tnr. s. CAMPBELL. Teacher’s Institute THE Tioga County Teacher’s Institute will com* mencc on Monday, May 24th, at IP. M. So pt. HICKOK will be present the first two days. No tice of the arrangements will he given in due time. N. L. REYNOLDS, Co. SupL Attention BatluUon! j. fItHE first uniformed Battalion second Brigade 18th m Division. l*enna. Militia, you are hereby commanded Tij to meet at the home of J. 11. Woodruff, in Liberty, on ii* tbo 10th of M.iy next, at 0 o'clock A. M., for review, in spection and drill. J. HAKDING, Lieut. Col. Per order of ROBERT COX, Brigade Inspector. Liberty, April 29tb, 1859. JPfrpgw C. N. DARTT, DENTIST. Office at his jß csidence, near the Academy . All work pertaining to his line of business done promptly and well, [April 22,1858.] ( WANTED By Wilcox & Scars for highest market price will be paic 15,000 Bushels of Wheat. lO Tons of Pork. 1 Wclleburo, Nut. 19, ISST. COME AND SEE THE ]STEW SEEING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WM. WALKER’S 31, Market St. Corning, AND. SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES'. All the latest Fashionable styles of For men and boys. Ladies* Prunelle, Satin, Cloth' and Mor occo Gaiters from 4s. to $3,00; Ladies’ Morocco, Calf and en amelled Boots, from 6s. to $2.00; Ladies Morocco Patent Leather, and Satin Slippers and Buskins; Men's Patent Leather, Cloth and Calf Congress Gaiters. -s» Men’s Kip, Calf and Enommellcd Brogans; Men’s Patent Leather and Calf Oxford Tits and Slippers; Children’s Shoes, Slippers, Gaiters, Hosiery &, c., Ladies’ Rubbers and Sandals, llrst-quality third quality Is.; Men’s Bobbers and San dals, first quality Ladies’ Hosiery, Silk, Uslo and Kid Gloves and Gauntlets. Gent’s Furnishing Goods. Umbrellas, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Silk, Merino and TTool Un dershirts and Drawers, Cravats, Ties, and Scarfs; Snspendors, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, Linen, Silk and Cotton Hand kcrchcirs; also an assortment of CROCKERY To be sold cheap for Cash. Corning, April 29,1858. ly WILLIAM WALKER. SIXTEEN YEARS ' IX THE WILDS OF AFRICA Bit. LIVINGSTONE'S TRAVELS AND EXPLORATIONS in the Wilds of Africa; from the English edition. The Amer ican Edition is now ready for Canvassers and Agents. The book is having a very large sale, some Agents ordering 1000 copies at a single order. The largest commission paid to ac tive Agents. Specimen copies sent by mail, on receipt of the price, $1,25. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher. No. 48 North Fourth St, Philadelphia. CAUTION. - The attention of tho Publisher has boon called to spurious editions of this work, put forth ns •‘Narratives of Dr. Living stone’s Travels in Africa.” Ours is tho only cheap American Edition'of this great work published, and contains all tho important matter of the English Edition which is sold at $6; for the truth of this assertion, wo refer to the following noti ces from somo of the most respectable journals in the coun try : With truth wo can say, that seldom is presented to the reading public, a work containing such a vast amount of sol id insttnotion as the one iu question. The volume is hand somely illustrated, and possesses that unique appearance of exterior for which Mr. Bradley’s publications are noted,— Family j/aoazixe. ’ 1 la thus volume wo have presented to us the whole of Dr. Livingstone’s Travels, omitting only scientific details.—Mnn. & Suite. Journal. Livingstone’* Travels. —Nothing of real importance is omit ted. The general reader will prefer this to tho English edl . tion, especially as tho coat is so t' ifhng.— Pex.na. I.\q Dr. Livingstone’s Pravels and Researches in South Africa, Appear to gre.it advantage in this edition, which is undoubt edly the edition most acceptable to the rentier who reads fur practical instruction ami amusement.— Saturday Post. It is ft rich and valuable book for the general reader, and the admirable Style In which the publisher h.is issued it will commend it to the favor of thousands. —CmuvriAS Observer. We cannot name thirty-two chapters which are likely to beguile time and enlarge tho scope cf reflection more pleas antly, and at the same time more satisfactorily than these Livingstone adventures. A special \alne is given to this volume, by the addition of ‘•Historical Notices of Discoveries in Africa,” and taken alto gether it would he difficult to name any publication which more completely meets the popular taste of our time for read ing matter which is strange, new. the scene laid in far off countries, which touches the feelings and increases our stock of useful knowledge.— New Yorker. It tells the whole story, leaung out digressions and epi sodes.—Legal Intelligences. Apiil 29. 1958, Im. A New Work on Horticulture.—' The Garden; A New Pocket Manual of Practical Hor ticulture; or. How to Cultivate Kitchen Vegeta, blcs, Fruits, Flowers, and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. With an Exposition of the Nature and Action of Soils and Manures, the Structure of Plants, and the Laws of Vegetable Life and Growth, etc. By the author of “How to Write,” M How to Behave,” etc” Fowler & Wells, 308 Broadway, New York. Price, in paper, 30 cents; cloth, 50 cents. No one who owns or rents a square rod of ground can afford to be without this best of all garden man uals. It is an eminently popular and practical work—so clear and simple in style lint everybody can understand it; so convenient in form and size that it can be carried in the pocket; and so low in price that all can buy it; while at the same time it is thorough, comprehensive, and perfectly reliable. It tells how to cultivate everything belonging to the garden ; how to plant trees; how to chouse the best varieties of fruits; how to prune, graft, bud, destroy tm-ecls, preserve fruits and vegetables, and save seed*; and it not only tells the reader ichtil to do, but why it should be done, thus giving him a new interest in everything. The chapter on the Flower Garden is Just what the ladies are wanting. Adapt, cd to all sections—the South as well us the North. It will be found worth a hundred times its cost to any one in a single season. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias I will expose to public sale at the Court House in Wellsboro, on Saturday, the Sill day of May, 1858, at I o’clock P. M., the following real estate, to wit: A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded as follows: Beginning at n Beech tree marked for a corner in Ihe north boundary of the original war rant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Barbara Vaughn, No. 285, thence south 29 degrees cast, one hundred and three perches to a post corner, thence north 60$ degrees east, eighty-three perches to a sugar tree corner, thence north 29 degrees west, one hundred and three and a half perches to a beech corner in the warrant line aforesaid, thence south 60$ degrees west along the warrant line, eighty three perches to the place of beginning—containing 53 4.10 acres more or less, with about 45 acres iin proved, frame house and barn und other out build ings and an apple orchard thereon. To be sold os the property of James Phalcn with notice to John VV. Guernsey lerre tenant. JOHN MATHERS, Sh*riff % Wellsboro, April 15,1858. TH.E Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the name und style of Bowen, Bullard & Co., is this day (Jan. 2. JSSB) dissolved by mutual consent. The books and acc’t* arc in the hands of Truman & Bowen for collection. J. R. BOWEN,' , M. BULLARD Wellsboro April 8 *5B. L: TRUMAN, The business of the old firm will be conducted at the old stand by the subscribers until further notice. TRUMAN &. BOWEN, ALL persons are cautioned against negotiating a Nolc drawn l»y me in fivor of John S Hii’-U ings, dated March 19, 1856, for the sum of 8330,00 and payable lour years alter date, as said note was obtained'by false representations. There arc four endorsements on the said nolc amounting in all to 8141,63. J. C. BaRTLE, Dcltnar, April 8,1858. St* A. a. xtjLijy. For Sale or To l Cabinet-Ware of all descriptions,. 1 desirous of purchasing any article in his hue will do well to call and examine Ins Mock, His work is manufactured from Ihc be-t malcridi and is sure to jji*e salNlaclion, ; j All kinds of TURNING done in a superior man ner and on reasonable terms. iU’Shop souiji end of Main-*!., VVcfMioro’. [Jan. 8, 1 SoT.—lf. Pr&X\CIU3BER r rS,:. T r< 7 • of the Albany Agricultural Works, of EM ERY BROTHERS, for the wale of their unrivalled Agricultural Implements. Among the articles suit able for this market are EMERY’S PATENT HORSE POWERS. &c. Circular and Straight X e«t SawsJ»>r Fewer, Cider Mills—Emcryhuind HickuekV prit’s. Seed Drills, Dog & Sheep Churn Powvfc-s, Combined Threshers ami Cleaners, Grain Drill-, ami Feed CuUccs.j Reaping & Mowing Machines! j Call and examine their Illustrated Cal»lo*yacs and scale of prices. [Wellborn* Oct. 15, 57. Post Office Notice. ; ! Mails clow .it tho JPellshoro' Pe-t CfTlce a* follows: Eastern mail, vu Tioga. daily at loj £ i/donk a. in, Ka-.tcrn.mil Southern. na M.iu-li.-M and Xioy, Tuesday. Thuraiby u»d Saturday, at7Via Jersey Shotu, Tuesday anil Friday at o'- clock p. m. ’ I j Western, via Coudorspart, Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a. m, \ MuiH arrive as follows : Northern Ac., via Tioga, dally. l»y 3 o'clock, p. in. Eastern Ac., via Troy and MnnatlclJ, by u o'clock p. m.. same days of leaving. Ka>t**rn Ac., via Troy and Covington, by 7 p. ni„snmc days ! of liMvin^. Southern. via Jersey Tnc dav A "Friday. 1 % 12 in. 1 M'esteni, •> u rvi.d.jM-w. Tue- ..i\ and rn.Vv \.tp n s*pr it i 5 ?7 ' x r* i* 'I NEW SPRING BOOBS, AT THE CORNING, IV. 1. I HAVE been spending a few weeks in New. York, (having hud Ihc good luck lo borrow a little money, being short myself of that article) and have purchased a’ larger slock of DRY GOODS than can be found in the country. I have a splen did assortment of DRESS GOODS, Arcadian Plaids, Pale Decherancs, Duca! FLiid*, Persian Robes, Hamilton and Manchester Dehines, Persian Delaines, Venetian Plaids, Raw Silks, alf Wool Delaines, Black Silks, all qualities. Bayadere Silk, a great variety* [ DOMESTICS. : Boston A Sheetings Iyd wide 5 cents. ' Atlantic A heavy 1 do G] a Stark Mills 44 1 do ...... "i 44 Allensdale Fine | do 5 “ do do I do 6J worth ll** do Bleached 5 do 6 do 11 4fc Long cloth soft 60i.-li 1 do 9 do 12.] 44 Pattern Grass, bleached extra fine Is, worth is. Gd 40 inch Pillow Case Colton Is worth ls9d; 9, 10 &- 11 qr. Allensdale at half price. LIIS t EjS t GOODS. From the most celebrated manufacturer*-, Taun ton Linens, Pillow Casings, Linen Sheetings 2 yd* wide. Linen Napkins, Towels, See. Real Rushed Crash (»j cents per yard, LincrTTowels by the doz en or single one* Slits ©t©©s. Black, Plain, Figured, Bayadere, and all the lead* Ing Myles of Spring Silks. Black Silk 3.4 Lutestring 4s usually 7s Gro-dc-Rliine, beautiful luster 6a do 9* Oil Boiled sujk.t Oil Boiled, super, super DE LAINES & DOMESTICS All Wool De I-.nines different colors 2V usually U Spring De Lnincs beautiful .style* Is do 2s Ducal Plaids , ' Is do 3s Best Madder Prints 6d do lOe Merrimack do \ 9c do- Is Domestic Flannels Is do 2? Gd Four Ca*cs Real Mohair Debeige Gd do 10c Oxford and Eagle Denims 10c do Is Uncasvillc Stripes, best make U)c do Is Bed Ticking fine to Is per yard. Kentucky Jeans, Sattinefts, Cassirneros, Broad Cloths, ye.sling?. Summer Cloths &c. Heavy French and German Hosiery, Gloves all grades and qualities, Kid Gloves best make 4s per pair. Days and Misses Hosiery anrkGloves. BOOTS & SHOBS . Kip Bools. Fancy tops 12s usually 20s Kip Bools warranted 16s do 24s Men’s Brogans 8s do 14s Boy’s Brogans, good 5s do 8s Men’s Robbers 2 a and Ladies’ Is 6d per pair. Ladies’-Black Foxed Congress Gaiters 7s Ladies* Black Fexed Common Gaitejs 4s Gd do Fine Kid (heeled) Gaiters 12s do Fine Enamelled (heeled) do Ss Budkins, 3<, 4-. 5.> and 6i. Womens’ hoaiy Calf Lace Boris 6s Carpetings, Hals, Caps’ Oil Cloths, Millinery Goods, Ya»fl>ec Notions* See. All of winch have been purchased nl “panic” prices, and will be soW for CASH or PRODUCE, us “Ready Pay’' is our motto, and we will not deviate from il. t 11. F. ROBINSON. Corning April 1, 1858. Store m ’fi ioga Tillage. BALDWIN, LOWELL CO. Ujvc a small Slock of Goods on hand, bought in view of the light lime*, whit h will be sold very low I’orC.i-Ii or any kind of Produce. We are located al our old stand in Tm"-i Village. directly opposite tlie Mammoth Store of Charles O. Elz. We would further say lo all those indebted to us by note or book account, that we must have pay or cost, will he made. Wy’ll lake Cn-h_or any and all kinds of Produce at the Inchest market prices. H.-iLfnVIX, LOWELL & CO. Tioga, Nov. 2G, 1b37. STEAM FLOUR iy[G MILL At ITluiii>f>nr£, P«‘iais;i, THE new end splendid Steam Mill at is now in lull ojniralion, and the proprietor is prepared to do custom work or Flouring with neat ness and despatch. This Mill has 4 run of stone, and is capable of grinding 80 bushels per hour. Persons bringing Grain lo this Mill can have it ground ly take home with them; and we will war rant them a* good work ns can he done in lids re gion of country. LYMAN WETMO/2E, Proper, Oct. 8, 1837. R. K. BRUNDAGCJ, Agtut. SHERIFF'S SAFE. BY VT/JTUE of* a writ of Levari Facials i«ncd out of the Common Pleas of Tioga Co., and to me directed, 1 shah expose to public sale at the Court in WelNboro, on Monday, June 7th, 133>, at 1 o’clock P. M., the following properly, lo wit: The Plank Uo.id of the Wellshoro and Tioga •Pl.mk Road company, constructed from the Coro of WclNhnro in the county of Tioga, lo the village of Tioga on the Tioga Rjv»;r, and the income there of, and a!! the corporate right* and fiauchi.-cs of tho said WclMmro and 7*p>ga Plank Road Company, together with the hereditament* and appurtenances lo said Piank Road belonging. April 29, 1533. SE NT FREE TO ANY ADJDAESS. a. Gr. EVANS, Bookseller , P'd/lishtr, and Originator of the Gift Booh Enterprise . H’ jti't i-'Ji •1 a new and complete catnlezc? of J,j«i i i»i:>p: l-hiir a ,ini h*. ratlin*. ■? >i\ c\pitfa nr mul i>!i t!i rt «.inif; d.iy the arder-iare cchi-d A coinids-tc c.italm ut ikee. J.m. underMgocd ** |*pf»inlccl an Auditor Uf to»* J. Uiplum’** Court of Tlona County, to riKbor.-i; the assets of the estate ol D. N. WEUBKU. hie of CJymer town.-hip doc'd., among* the creditors ami persons entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that ho will attend lo the (lulus of h'i» appointment on Sat urday the olh n>el until the tilieu.tn of May, (or tin* building ot* Sehool lmu-e in Te-gn village. A plan :ind •*[)• itioo of the house be been »l the .-tore of t*. O Ktr Tin- , cifj ~rr . D I' HENTUn.sJc. Ti~ :•«, \p. 1 \i '. l?. c . 8s do 12s 10a -do 14* TIOG.i cousrv JOHN MATHERS, SheriJ., Aniin-x. Q. O. KVASS ■w? rii- -{m;t Ft, nin.n!jU*bi». Amlllor's Notice. Auditors Aclice,