The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, April 15, 1858, Image 3

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    Take Bfotlce.
j LL persons are against a
A Note drawn by me in favor of John | Hast
ft date d March 10.1856, for the som of
„d payable font years after date, a. satd note was
imountingmal UoSHi.^
Delmar, ApnL§. I ° sH ’
mHE Copartnership heretofore Misting between
I thp subscribers under the name and style of
Bultod & Go, is this da, (Jan. 2.1858)
®° w f ' d j,. ntoloal consent. The hooka and acc’ls
“ ISS ? the hands of Truman & Bowen for collection.
•' e 1 t J. R. BOWEN,
Welfsboro April 8 *5B. I*. TRUM.AN,
The business uf the old firm will be conducted at
■ho old stand by the subscribers until farther notice.
fresh arrival of
Opposite Roy's Building .
THE Subscriber has just teceivod a now and
well assorted stock of 1 ~
1 Groceries & Provisions, Pork, Pried Beef, Salt
Fish, Mackerel, Flour, Dried Fruits, Cur
rants, Prunes, Retains, Dates, Figs,
Oranges, Demons, and 'Pickles.
SUGARS of°all grades and prices to suit, Teas,
Spices, Tobacco, Snuff, and NUTS of all kinds.
Also New Orleans Molasses and refined Syrups,
and all’articles usually kept in a country Grocery,
is cheap (or cheaper) as can be found in Tioga Co.
Those wishing to purchase will do well to call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Wcllshoro, April 8, 1858. - H. WOOD.
Wellsboro Select School.
Wcllshoro, Tioga County , Pa.
j.WAIiBRIDGE... . .. . Teacher.
The Term wiU ! commence Monday, .April; 19th,
'acd will continue twelve weeks. Arrangements arc
being made lo have the school in the Academy
Juvenile Department*. 8150
Common English 8ranche5,............. 2 00
P/iflosupfiy, Chemistry, Mental and Moral
Philosophy, 3 00
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Survey
ing, Latin and Greek 4 00
The design of the school is to famish facilities for
dose desiring it, to continue their Academic course
of study. No exertion will be spared to render the
exerci>es interesting and instructive. The mathe
matical classes will be subjected to a complete drill.
A Surveying class will be formed, and field exerci
ses will be taken daily with the compass, therefore
(hose wishing to pursue a mathematical course can
oe accommodated; ' Board can be procured at pri
vate houses at reasonable rates.
tVellsboro, April 8,1858.
DR. L. EATON—DENTIST, of Elmira, N. Y.
will he in Wellsboro on the I3lh and I4Ui of
April. AH work entrusted lo hie care will receive
prompt attention. [April 1,1858]
FOR GARDEN &. large supply of
Fresh Seeds has just been received at Roy’s
Drug Store. Farmers and others who send orders
from any part of our county can rely on finding just
the bind of seeds they may want at this Store. The
supply is so large that merchants will be able to se.
'Jcct from a full assortment here at any time.
Wcllsboro, April 1,1858. J. A. ROY.
I HAVE been spending a few weeks in Now-
York, (having had the good luck to borrow a
little money, being short myself of that article) and
have purchased a larger stock of
than can be found la 4be country. I have a splen
did assortment of
Arcadian Plaids, Pale Decherancs, Dacal Plaids,
Persian Robes, Hamilton and Manchester Delaines,
Fottiin Deiaines, Venetian Plaids, Raw Silks, all
Wool Delaines, Black Silks, all qualities, Bayadere
Silk, a great variety.
Boston A. Sheetings 1 yd wide...... 5 cents.
Atlantic A heavy 1 do ~,,,, 6J u
Stark Mills * 1 do 7| M
Affeusdalc Fine f do 5
do I do worth 11 41
do Bleached | do 6 do 11 44
Long doth soft finish*! do 9 do 12J 44
Pattern Grass, bleached extra fine Is, worth Is 6d t
40 inch Pillow Case Cotton Is worth Is 9d; 8, 9
10 & 11 qr. Altansdale at half price.
linen goods.
From the most celebrated manufacturers, Taun
ton Linens, Pillow Casings, Linen Sheetings 2 yds
«ide Linen Napkins, Towels, See. Rial Rushed
v.rash.6J cents per yard. Linen Towels by the doz
fiQ or single one: '
Black Silk 3-1 Lutestring 4 S usually 7s
Cro-de-Rbine, beautiful luster 6s do 9»
0; Boiled super 8s do 12s
Uii Boiled, super, super 10s do 14s
18 “ f I ° C
DomesUc Flannels - , 1 5
OxfonUmi p eal . Dobeige Cd do 10c
IS: £ j£
ing fine 6$ to Js per yard.
Cloth” l \Vc SaUinctta, Cassimeres, Broad
stln5 tln ? 9 - s «mmcr Clotha &c,
Etades Jn^ fenC D - and German Hosiery, Gloves all
Pitr n < l ua ] ,l, ® B » Kid Gloves best make 4s per
and .Misses Hosiery and Gloves.
B%\n^ ws 8S do 14s •
5s do 'Bs
Ladies’ R| bh ? a "8 Ladies’ Is 6d per pair,
j, ™ c k Foxed Congress Gaiters 7s
es Bhck Foxed Common Gaitcis 4s 6d 1
, :d n, “ ’Kid (heeled) Gaiters 12a
n' i. Fine Enamelled (heeled) do 8s
tvl ms, ,^^.ssand6s.
heavy Calf Laca Bools 6s
Good^v I **’ HaU - Ca P B . Oil Cloths, Millinery
n’ u „n nkliolions & e. All of which have
for Cash 1 ■ prices, and will be sold
mott o an j or PRODUCE, as “Ready Poy” is our
°’ aad wo will not deviate from it.
Howe—JUke notice that
I’lean «f. • y° ar btu-Eand, has applied to the court of
!“»<>«■,av, and l)S o' “ dilor ee from tho bonds ol
!JV til daV c,r Jan.!,-? ‘ro’ ft"? Winted Monday,
f 4 barton (j 0 »o L n 2 ct > lo 0 “• Dl. for a hearing of tho
‘ 'vS"fc! i h t r“{wnk^!|S at ” MCh Umoat,^pla “
Two 11 n !—J-’- 1558 ' Jon b~ MATHBPS Sheriff.
Aty cVnln-'ram 1 ! 11 Bu f a “t ul.olcalo,, (dm.) W. D. TKUDKLL
TN pursuance of the provinons of an Act of the General Assembly, passed 'the 29th
of April, will he exposed to public tale at the CommiesioZ's Office in
Wellsboro, on the 2d Monday w June 1858, the tracts of land described in the follow
ing list, unless the taxes on them are paid before that time, O. F. TAYLOR
March 35,1858. - Treasurer of Tioga County.
Imp’d Wild Am’t
Qt’y. Qt’y. Tavtbomasxa'd. taxdne
Olnaa factory E 4 J Bussing stt 25
10 Norton LigMner 816
hooso Aloft James King 168
house & lot David I Caroy 1 47
house * lot John Lang 4 20
store * lot W M Mallory 3 67
6 A saw mill 95 JasOLohao 376
5 ' 13S Wm G Seeley $4 02
g 298 John Davis 7 35
2 18 Nelson Guile 40
400 Hiram Inscho 1260
g 4 John W Seagors 2 88
4 40 Stephen Sperry 2 52
bouse h lot James Clark 147
house & lot Alonzo Harris 151
60 Goo Dillanfl 78
50 Ira Luce
5 95 Ira Graves
40 John C Johnson 03
12 36 A Luddingtou 126
5 45 T B Howland 97
75 Oliver Elliott 118
0 26 S F Richards 78
7 John Yeomans 10
00 Henry Williams 05
70 Geo Jennings 2 22
house &, lot 100 Allen Crandall 3 87
50 Jacob Belman 1 86
G Erastns Ingalls 70
7 Wm Ingalls
4 10 Marshall Jennings 46
87 Isaiah Williams 302
1 50 Willard White 104
50 Martin Dolan 101
30 Patrick Mooney 117
GO Joshua Bowen 94
glass ihetory Haxton, Vfoodburn,
Wilds & others 7 50
Covington Boro.
5 David llaltmrt $223
bouse & lot JU Codington 210
house & lot Augustus Redfield 173
50 Ezra Bockus $ 78
6 58 John Thomas 443
5 45 Dobt. Richardson 4 32
50 Truman Carpenter 414
111 Coftn Calbet
10 20 John Gibson
100 Wortmaa Owens 289
55 74 Noah Wheeler 1038
1 John Snyder 83
steam saw mill Barnes & Jennings 918
81 A & L Porter 179
6 34 John J Hall . 2 SO
50 Jas Mattison jr. 150
house A lot Mrs Smith 33
house & lot Harvey Kidder 42
2o 104 Joa McArmor 2 41
60 Francis Smith 94
100 John Dobbins Jr 116
61 Horace Stratton
4 66 S W Darling
saw mill & 41 TP J Arnold
8 02 Morris Kench 349
10 80 Hiram J/attisou 7 02
50 Thos V Rockwell 159
40 Daniel Williams 128
U5O & 61 Levi J Cooley 4595
100 Bradman Hawkins 4 34
25 505 Samuel Bexford 10 65
10 70 John Qoodall 7 38
30 70 Asa G Churchill 1019
50 Geo H Bockos
Chatham .
21 200 M, Cummings $447
21 Geo Luther 52
21 Reuben Grin noil 218
680 Robert Land
7 20 David Gee
1 6 Asa Guile
25 David Laabumsjr.
25 Lyon Leach
40 W F Leary 7Gj
80 —— Morse 126
,5 65 S Smith * 133
’ 50 D W Waldin 78
W Becraft 28
50 JTMlQpin 78
371 5 84
50 John Carpenter
50 Jas Costley 78
10 39 Reuben Grover 18S
’ 2 48 David Hall 88
80 J R Kingsley 126
50 Thomas Luet
50 G A Meade 78
20 80 Socratia Cornell 319
50 Wm Dunham 78
70 Ozial King 111
50 Russel Nelson 73,
Clymer .
6 114 David Free man $7 96
50 Juo TTSawycr 3 35
3 42 James Hill 97
3 0 Hiram King 116
15 15 Charles Ellsworth 120
50 Ransom Freeman 91
25 25 Samuel Carling 3 86
S MS Blackwell $ 31
40 Reuben French 63
50 D W Harris
100 Spicer A McNitt 105
20 Jeremiah Mooro ll*
50 Samuel Baker 78
75 IcUabod Brown 117
40 Richard Elliott 63
2 68 Silas Crandall 166
2 40 Ezra Dockstader 75
2 45 Christopher Plumley 94.
50 Enos F. Searle 104
50 Stcmburg 104
1U Thomas Brown 3 58
1,14 00 Elisha S. Brown 231
72 Isaac Catlln 220
5 70 James Guernsey 357
50 George Kriner 60
8 4 John Purvis 82
2 70 Albert Growl 123
300 Lyman Spencer 4 48
50 Nathaniel Butler 102
50 Charles Edmunds
saw mill Jaa A Aaron Green $2 23
3 20 J P Dake 63
66 Rufus Warrou 151
house A lot James CaUdua $ 63;
Of Unseated Land in Tioga Co., Penna.
~TN pursuance of an Act of the General
Assembly passed the 13 th of March 18-
15,-tciZZ he exposed to public sale, at the
Commissioner's Office in Wellsboro on the
second Monday in June, 1858, the tracts of
Innd described in the following list, utiless
the taxes due on them are paid before that
time. O.F. TAYLOR,
Treasurer of Tioga County,
March 24, 1858.
No of Warrantee or Am’t of
tfar'nt. Q'ty. Owner. Tax.
275 Nicklin & Griffith 534 91
5927 950 do 120 65
5927 150 do 19 05
5835 732 Robert Coleman 71 37
5836 550 do 35 75
5045 540 Janies Wilson 6858
5046 366 i
137 j do
« 252 do 16 01
5055 366 J do 46 53
“ 137 J do 17 44
5932 1061 Nicklin & Griffith 134 72
5914 1100
5978 436
5970 926 do 117 59
» 100 do 12 70
“ 100 do 12 70
5838 1100, Robert Coleman 53 62
364 Nicklin & Griffith
5955 1101 do 139 78
1 344 Wm. Wilson 27 29
1 573 i do 45 45
5054 1099 Jas. Wilson 87 23
5053 510
5047 99
5977 1100 Nickljn & Griffith 139 70
5982 220 do 24 42
809 . 143 Franklin College 22 82
5903 87 Helfensline 1103
5916 275 Nicklio & Griffith 26 15
809 150 Franklin College 23 79
house £ lot James Carpenter 48
bouse A lot Hiram Ring &2
house & lot John Bullock 32
one lot GWClaggett 81
Elhland Boro\
house (t lot T JLake $l3O
Z 69 Pinny Baker • 98
75 David Beebe 122
30 Nelson Gleason 46
50 Ed McGregoxy 84
50 George Maynard 76
60 JB Miller 91
5 95 £5O Simeon Babcock 2241
127 BK Boyd 304
24 Joaiah Furman 154,
7 30 William Babcock 91
2 64 Jere Thompson 65
300 B Q White 3 41
152 John Brown $8 24
171 Richmond Jones 283
00 Mitchell k WetmorolW
75 Thomas McKlLbin 117
6 r 14 Henry Mack 69
85 1276 Anson 0 Ely 6 86
10 60 C. Daggett 151
Stephen 220
6 65 LL Osborne 220
10, saw mill, 16 Jos XI Miller et al 138
house and lot David Beasell 42
house & lot A P Cone 126
.21 2501
it IfUllDont 953
ej 120 J i
10 40 David Griswold 130
250 William Post 253
Sturdevant 10
house & lot Charles Smith 52
1 200 A is 0 Weston 8 60
2 250 John Brown 313
1 56 Judson Westlake 148
5 35 John Scott 316
4 06 Jesseo Kinney 188
20 393 H n Bent 7 39
30 60 D W Shears 167
15 65 Ja’aA Calvin Beaaoy 255
1 50 Austin Hoffman 78
60 Orra Grinncll
192 J W Stowell
26 29 Norman Wells ost. 183
house 4 lot Wm D Stacey 43
30 106 M S Baldwin 4 51
2 liOWla Stevens 14
20 55 John J Uozen 213
house A lot James .Green $394
house A lot David Costlcy 63
one lot _ Truman Holuday 73
20 230 V Clark Sloason $7 88
20 55 Joshua Dickinson 163
saw mill | Joel Parkhurat 5 74
40 John Reese jr. 63
100 Clark Sloason 158
house k lot J W Trcmaln 53
150 AO Bush 236
sow miH} 100 I Clark SloBson 6SG
50 I
200 Ryoa, iliddaugh k
Patterson 819
Lawrence Boro,
house k lot Iltird k Stevens $lO5
house k lot Ethel Harris 71
house k lot Stephen Romanlr 60
house k lot Isbon Sloason 157
house & lot Isaac Greenwood 147
’house k lot II L Hickey „192
house & lot James Inscho 189
bouse & Jut JBaod Slossoa. 3 94
tavern h’so k lot Clark Slosson 17 76
house k lot Joseph Byers 84
house k lot Jno S 'Warner 4 72
GO Godlip Huff $ 79
1$ 25 Henry Cook 2C6
35 k 50 Matthew Love 97
7 43 Jacob Babb $ 88
bouse k lot 3 Jacob Peterson 62
4 36 Sylvester Webster &2
20 180 Henry Brill 4 26
6 78 Robert Clark 1 71
14 100 Robert English 8 43
100 J k E Blackwell 167
2 K W Leonard 45
50 Ouflo Mosier 78
5 # 36 Wm L Merrick 109
20 30 Smith Stevens 155
25 Nelson Smith 39
70 A C BuaU 112
2 41 Jo&Dunham 153
8 80 Benajnh Soxbory 176
60 IVm Whitney 05
36 John Farr 66
165 irm Cairotaon SlB
35 irm Wharton 14)8
25 Thos King 77
49 BI Odell 162
2 44 Lewis Sawyer 74
15 39 Smith Stevens 165
50 Elisha Smith 162
2 48 Sawyer 176
20 30 Cbrlst’pb’r Whitmans 45
400 CLas. Churchill 6 30
76 Harvey Button 120
60 Goo Rodgers $ 78
6 54 Joshua Robinson 109
60 J F Bristol 102
200 Edwin Dyer 3 72
2 Wm Mooio 63
82 Dennis Smith 128
217 JBs. Sylvester Bailey 4 03
200 II A Guernsey 7 38
IS Adam Hart 28
Wm Moss 68
30 Franklin Phelps 47
50 Wax Brace 52
OG Dwight Brooks 3 78
50 Timothy Clarra 73
French 21
m Faulkner 71
town lot
40 Brit
1417 ~)
1856 |
1860 1 ,„ nn R. Blackwell
1862 \ 1300 T. M. Willing 24366
1864 (
1865 J
1864 >
1865 I 246 T. M. Willing 45 00
40 J E Lyon $3 81
424 J A Crandall 40 37
407 Crandall & Tsmery 38 73
629 Ira Davenport 19 91
289 Sami, King 27 47
407 J Waters 39 67
1220 105 G Harrison i 18 53
4072 295 Robt. Morris 28 06
371 AC Bush 23 04
j 34 93
2290 273 Wm Willink $33 80
2291 130 do 1719
2295 946 do 109 60
2296 634' do 73 45
2297 340 do 39 39
1228 133 (3eo. Harrison 17 61
1227 600 do 79 43
1325 >
1326 $ 307 R Blackwell 40 64
2291 303 Wm. Willink 35 09
2289 120 do 5 98
12 99
23 98
139 70
41 51
4474 200 Jas. Wilson $3120
•• 200 do 46 80
4479 191 do 29 76
1580 173 Hews & Fisher 13 46
“ 300 do 2342
5050 528. Jas. Wilson 41 17
5049 1099 do 85 69
1581 990 Hews & Fisher 2010
5051 1099 Jas Wilson 2143
5052 1099 do 21 43
5053 589 do 45 91
1584 300 Hews & Fisher • 11 69
•f 490 do 10 28
1579 370 do 29 58
29 00
34 50
41 17
7 87
6 34 Kobt Johnson 74
4 90 Jeremiah Love 192
63 Henry McConley 93
123 Jasper Pelham 310
6 35 B Quinn 73
90 Wm Holton, $2 38
60 Harvey Wharton, 63
70 A C Jewell, 220
60 H H Lawrence, 210
000 WUmot*Boatinr*th946
70 Lyman Benton, 81
75 Jos Estes, ' 1 75
4 32 Sanx’l Nash, 92
118 Benj Smith. 208
12 68 Bachel Wood, 189
12 47 Sl*Hibbard. 185
128 Joel HnbbelL 216
35 155 Sylvest’r Bailer eat 4 64
booao ft lot Rob’t Cowen, 66
50 Henry Cornell, 88
5 123 Thos Gardner, 151
90 Wm Holton eat. 93
5 • 80 Wm Holmes, 116
3 Adam JRarick, 22
50 J B Robinson 104
90 7fhi Holton 121
35 Wharton Stovcns 55
600 Soutfawortb, Wllmot
k Guernsey 30 60
lOnse & lot Constant Bailey 52
161 David Shear 3 36
il Case
10 J 1
ju Joel Uaso $ 15
50 Isaac Harvey 52
8 107 A G ChwhlU 187
4 46 Geo Hutchins $ 98
50 Chad Hosier 78
54 Goo Cummings 172
187 John Clark 428
100 Jno 8 Hastings 314
50 Wm Rodgers lid
, 130 Win Seeley 403
1 James Wilkinson 23
8 46 Thou White 243
house & lot Harris Bailey $ 78
steam mill 256 Samuel Clark 718
434 A & O Weston 13 86
2 135 S B Wellington 83
6 43 John Benson 2 05
3 97 George Baker 346
360 Jno <s Bhoda Hill 473
50 Douglas Johns 179
98 L D Mam
in 154
10 M Joseph 23
20 60 S Miller 2 52
6 P Moraco 9
50 & 60S Miller 279
2 25 S B maiington 73
347 Andrus k Langdon 249
4 A Androit 48
4 Hiram Bbcby
lonae & lot —— Barber
200 John 4 Rhoda Hill 315
house & lot Norris Hotchkiss 53
6 172 Q W Carpenter $l5 09
3 50 Benj’n Gordon 106
50 300 John Lnco 14 85
60 300 Lloyd & Maynard 14 36
45 Joseph Bryon 58
60 Wm Curley 64
37 Alfen 2 08
13 Francis Dan 19
76 Peter Pox 289
2 106 George Hoe be 1 20
100 John Kelley 177
100 Levi Mills 512
6 05 Michael McCormik 1 45
75 John Miller 78
25 Patrick O’Brion 39
8 25 Qeo Dan 80
120 Harvey Dan 2 05
46 Isaac Keodec 87
59 John Clark 208
4 55 Forrest Ashley 120
47 John Crest 70
5 42 Jno Van Bnskirk 02
10 18 J B Wagner 1 23
15 17 & 80 Wm Barrow 2 61
7 43 Thos Dove 99
50 Widow STConnik
80 Robert Farrell
house ft lot Cbas Hildreth $ 78
town lot G ft W Meek’s est 78
honse ft lot J J Blair 1 08
house ft lot NA DePni 1 25
house ft lot John Kimball 163
1 100 John Purrls $1 09
60 John Randall 78
114 F E Rundcll 119
145 Jackson & Smith 71
400 James Kelley 205
800 Wm Lewis 16 40
70 Henry Mclntosh 99
126 Elijah Polton 133
74 Thos Ames 95
6 Joseph Biddle 7
82 Peter Barkley 221
05 Nathaniel Bailey 194
100 Levi S Chctuehorn 205
106 Jason Clark 112
66 John J Dewitt 01
82 John S Dike
225 Nathaniel Harvey 4GO
0 100 BC Wright 241
131 John iriuter 268
80 Aaron Wood 84
100 Cyrus Comfort 105
100 John Ham 2 05
190 John Heed 389
100 J W Smith 105
100 Joseph Gifford 100
100 John How 100
100 John E Parker 100
C Alexander Chase 7
77 F R i F D Clark 158
225 Harvey Nash 4 61
107 WC Ames 210.
88 Jonas Cooley 180
211 Aeahcl Frost 2 21
96 Walter Dewey 196
189 Elisha Nash 5 57
200 Nicholas Tale 410
100 John White 410
100 Wm Armstrong 67
1 49 Geo Maynard 83
50 Southworth Dixon 77
2 Alva Thompson 32
725 Tubbs & others 132 66
104* do 19 02
94| do 16 23
1582 370- do 29 58
1583 370 do 29 58
1580 178 do 18 45
“ 104 do 5 43
4373 234 Jas. Wilson 54 72
6497 767 Geo. Meada 89315
5835 367 R Coleman 22 01
5836 550 do 33 01
5916 275 Nicklin & Griffith 33 44
200 Aaron Bloaa 24 30
100 RG While 750
100 Aaron Bloss 12 15
150 E Dyer 12 15
5916 275 Nicklin & Griffith 33 42
85,455 80 Jas Stewart $9 18
1579 613 Bews & Fisher 46 90
1582 372 do 20 71
1 583 372 do 20 71
1586 218 do 8 25
4212 76 Jas. Wilson 1164
4213 110 do 16 83
“ 166 do 19 06
21 C & M Emery 2 36
4216 99 Jas Wilson 3 83
1544 89 do 6 82
“ 356 do 5448
4215 762 do 43 68
4218 232 do 17 76
4214 -462 do 35 35
148 Jas. Kimball 74 90
1544 50 Jas. Wilson 4 37
4218 104 do ’ 7 95
4213 88 do 5 04
4216 113 do 215
“ 136 do 2 58
2J Geo. W. Lewis 52
4219 74 Jas 1 Wilson - 8 48
1582 247 Hews & Fisher 18 89
1583 247 do 18 89
4428 132 Jas. Wilson 5 05
1539 50 do 1 91
4222 97 do 3 75
“ 100 Bo 3 81
“ 75 do 2 84
4223 66 do 2 53
“ 56 do 213
“ 100 do 5 09
4219 626 do 17 53
4427 163 do 3113
5179 234 Jas.Sirawbridga $l7 66
366 Silas Billings 28 84
5179 136 Jas. Strawbridge 10 71
5177 338 do 29 95
5178 191 do 15 02
5179 425 do 14 34
5181 422 do 33 25
5610 216 do 17 01
3697 143 do 1124
5610 156 do 12 29
“ 651 do 5125
5180 643 do 50 61
" 318 do 24 98
“ 68 do 2 28
5177 60 do 4 75
5178 5253 do 13 29
5177 do 608
5610 do 614
2503 132 Wm, Willink $6 92
“ 125 do 6 58
“ 62J do 3 32
•** 62 i do 3 32
“ 62$ do _ 38
50 do 2 60
“ 70 do 364
“ 53 do 2 02
“ 85 do 324
“ 163 do 6 24
“ 122 do 470
“ 62$ do 2 42
2509 501 do 1924
2510 116 do 444
“ 104 do 4 00
118 do 4 54
» 106 do 4 08
“ . 116 do 4 44
“ 566 do 17 60
2579 1002 do 28 56
2613 1002 do 31 04
2628 795 s do 30 65
2630 1000 do 28 50
2635 865 do . ■ 24 64
125 do 3 22
2640 774 do 13 96
2643 990 do 3812
2644 990 do 76 22
4227 990 Jas. Wilson 3810
4228 990 do 3810
4232 990 do 3810
4233 990 do 3810
4237 990 do 3810
4421 . 090 do 76 22
4422 990 do 114 34
4423 990 do 76 22
4424 990 ‘ do 76 22
4425 990 do ‘ 76 22
4426 990 do 76 22
4427 590 do 5574
“ 237 do 27 32
4429 6 35 do 18 94
4438 990 do 48 50
4439 990 do 48 50
4440 990 do 3810
4441 990 do 1 3810
4442 990 do 38 10
4443 990 do 52 95
4444 990 do 52 95
4445 990 do 136 28
4454 990 do 76 22
4466 900 do 101 47
2299 802 Geo Fox
2304 1003 Wm. Willink 43 39
2305 372 do 1580
2308 100 do 12 74
2348 1003 do 63 93
2351 703 do 59 67
2359 393 do 32 42
2360 885 do - 75 23
2367 240 do 17 88
2379 1003 do 170 34
2382 500 do 2124
2427 271 do 34 54
2434 990 do 126 22
2437 990 do 168 31
2479 740 do 4719
2481 1002 r do 8j516
2501 850 Wm. Willink • 5*4 22
2335 602 do 38 43
1807 195 Hews & Fisher 24 90
331 R 6 White 42 17
2305 122 Wm. Willink 519
2297 340 do 28 90
2294 316 do 20 87
•> 431 do 3ft 63
« 233 do 2 09
“ 127 do i 544
2356 150 do i 6 37
2208 500 do ! 3189
1041 280 R Blackwell i 594
2356 100 Wm. Willink *! , 850
2358 400 do { 3400
2306 500 do j 3188
150 do i 19 83
3363 120 R Blackwell
3364 8 do
3366 245 do
3367 349 do
3369 78 do
3358 75 do
5624 200 Wm. Ellis
4292 >
4300 $ 235 T M Willing
4300 100 do
504 do
3359 76 R Gilmore
4300 200 T M Willing
5980 664 Nicklin & Griffith
847 93 Episcopal Academy
4780 270 Miller & Murry
5976 1000 Nicklin & Griffith
5983 429 do
5580 70 Wm. Ellis
540 B E Valentine
4486 399 Jaa. Wilson <■
. 391 Magee & Co.
435 Geo. Wood
450 A C Crandall
.288 J Losinger
120 Sami. King
100 R & H Searle
530 Tbos. Willing
N 75 A C Bush
400 Cole & Poller
200 Hews & Fisher
774 do
940 do
505 do
466 do
990 Jas. Wilson
165 J Barron Jr.
50 Wm.Millink
168 J f do
223 do
218 do
169 do
397 do
100 do
840 do
113 do
990 do
990 do
990 do
990 Jas. Wilson
990 do
990 do
990 do
35 do
311 do
990 do
990 do
990 do
-100 Wm. Willink
94 do
990 Jas. Wilson
50 do
468 do
786 Geo. Meade
50 Jas. Wilson
& Fisher
400 Jas. Wilson
990 do
990 do
50 M Repard
99 Jas. Wilson
41 J Lockhart
100 do
482 . do
229 do
24 R Blackwell
29 do
101 do
314 Jas. Wilson
100 Wm. Ellis
644 Jas. Wilson
160 do
200 do
03 Gitchell & Dyer
511 C E Osburn
85 Peter Boynton
27 John Smith
1950 223 James Wilson
2352 990 Wm. Willink
2367 200 do
2368 990 do
4211 931, James Wilson
4458 300 " do
971 146 Miers Fisher
110 do
978 63
“ 148
983 303 H Drinker'
3372 281 R Gilmore
4471 785 Jas. Wilson
5625 447 Wm. Ellis
5643 284 S M Fox
5644 810 do
5645 549 do
5243 970 Geo. Meade
4294 50 Thos Willing
4295 342 J W Guernsey
3368 146 R Gilmore
“ 196 do
“ 76 • do
5645 549 S M Fox
5625 456 Wm. Ellis
5643 430 S M Fox
3373 215 R Gilmore
3368 48 do
972 Geo. Meade
375 Wm. Bond
257 Geo Meade
187 H G Wilcox
$lO2 26
200 Geo. Meade
4l2jWm Wilson
“ 687 j d«
3 687 i
“ do
4 412 J do
“ 687 i do
5 687* dq
“ 412* 4«
| $l6 73
i 113
! 34 09
48 75
, 723
6 98
$54 80
64 39
37 40
34 49
5 22
20 55
$5B 92
8 24
24 64
88 74
58 93
38 06-
4 40
47 92
$5B 57
57 48
63 82
46 36
17 64
, 19 60
103 88
7 26
78 40
S 5 30
63 62
74 72
13 42
57 08
78 70
13 08
1 20
8 96
11 82
2 86
2 22
10 52
1 32
44 52
2 98
52 46
52 46
104 94
78 70
52 46
52 46
52 46
3 72
26 22
78 70
78 70
5 30
4 96
52 46
24 80
1 32
9 50
104 94
52 46
55 42
33 60
110 68
104 26
33 60
11 17
8 41
4 78
11 32
15 45
IJ2 16
a? 38
5.5 64
55 64
33 33
33 38
83 50
83 50
33 39
4124 . do
6871 do
6874 do
4124 do -
109 J Vaughn
85 do
322 do
114 • do
140 JNickson
400 U Blackwell
530 P Connelly
275 VV Freestone
889 Geo. Meade
1094 do
950 R Coleman
1094 do
300 Geo. Meade
1100 do
1089 do
1089 do
990 do
1099 do
916 do
1100 . do
Floor, manufactured at the Jersey Shore
AA Mills and warranted, at the Store of
T ETTERS of Administration having been grant*
cd to the undersigned upon the estate of FHL
LANDER HUjSTED late of Covington dcc’d., all
persons indebted to said estate ase requested to nxako
immediate payment, and those having claims to pi©,
sent them for settlement to
Covington, March 11, 1858, (6t*)
EXECUTOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters testamentary
having been granted la the undersigned on the
estate of Tunis Slingerland, late of Sullivan dec'd.,
all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same will present them to
SulKvan/March 11,1858. (6t.)
"OY.'VIjRTUE of a writ of Levari Facials issued
-«-• out of the Common Picas of Tioga Co., and to
me directed, I shaltcxpose to public sale at the Court
House in. Wellsboro, on Saturday, April 24,1858,
at 1 o’clock P, M., the following properly, to wit:
The Plank Road of the Wellsboro and Tioga
Flank Road company, constructed from the Boro of
Wellsboro in the county of Tioga, to the village
of Tioga on the Tioga River, and the income there,
of, and all the corporate rights and franchises of the
said Wellsboro and Tioga Plank Road Company,
together with the hereditaments and appurtenaneqa*
to said Flank Road belonging, ' 1
March 11, 1858.
One small bos of Pills cutes ninety-mac cases nut
of a hundred. No balsam, do mercury, no odor on
the breath, no fear of detection. Two small pills a
dose; tasteless and harmless as water. Full dlreo
-lions are given, so that the patient can care himself
as certain as with the advice oi the most experienced
surgeon, and much better than with the ad vice o
one of little experience iu this class of disease.
Sent by mail to any. part of the country by enclo
sing one dollar to Dr, D. G. Walton, No. 154 North
Seventh st. below Race, Philadelphia. A liberal dis
count to the trade. -None genuine without the writ
ten signature of Dr. D. G. Walton, Proprietor.
Dr. W.’s treatment for sell-abuse, weakness &c.,
is entirely different from the usual course. Dr. W.
has cured hundreds who have tried others witliout
benefit The treatment is as certain to core os the
sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr.
W, as above, giving a full history of your case, and
you will bless the day you made the effort to secure
what is certain—A RADICAL CURE.
March 11, ’5B. (ly)
I have just replenished my Stock of Groceries,
Flour and Provisions, and am prepared to sell at
the lowest living figure, for Cash all through this
hard winter. 1 wilt also exchange Groceries and
Provisions lor Country Produce at Cash prices.
I can furnish every eatable quality of flour at a
less price than any dealer in Wellsboro, either whole
sale or retail.
1 have also on hand a large quantity of Ladies’
and Men’s Shoes, which will be sold at a very small
advance upon cost, for Cash or Produce* As to pricu
and quality of anything 1 keep on hand lor sale, just
call and examine lor yourselves. I have also a
small stock of
which will be sold AT COST. Call and see.
Wellsboro’ Jan. 7, ’5B. DAVID HAfIT.
Administrator’s Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having been grant
ed to the undersigned upon the estate of JOHN
DOMAUX, late of Wellsboro, dec’d., all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims against the
same to present them for settlement to
Wellsboro, Feb. 25,1858, (6t.)
T ETTERS of Administration having been grant.
cd to the undersigned upon the estate of JACOR
LANDIS laic of Liberty dec’d., all persons indebted
to said estate arc requested to make immediate pay.
ment, and those having claims against the same wil
present them to JOSEPH LANDIS, Adm'r .
] Liberty, March 4lh, 1858, (6t*)
T ETTERS ol Administration having been grant.
-f-J cd to the undersigned upon the estate of AU
GUSTUS CASS, laic ol Richmond dec’d., nil per
sons indebted to said estate are required to make im
mediate payment, und having claims againbt
the same will present them to
A. M. SPENCER, Adm'r.
Richmond, March dlh, 1858, (6l)
Gr; G-. EVANS,
Bookseller, Publisher, and Originator of
the Gift Book Enterprise.
HAS jn«t issued a new and complete catalogue of liU
Hooks, comprising a large and varied assortment of all
kinds of literature.
$5OO worth of Gifts will bo given with every $lOOO worth
of books sold.
A gift worth from 25 cts to $lOO, will be delivered with
each hook.nt the time of wile.
Orders from the country promptly filled and tho Goods for
■Warded by express or mail on the winie day .the order is re
ceived. A complete catalogue sent free.
Address, G. G. EVANS
430 Chestnut St n Philadelphia,
Jan. 28, ISoS.
iPost Office Notice.
Mails close at the ffellsboru' Tost Office as follows;
Eastern mail, via Tioga, daily at o’clook u. m.
Eastern and Southern, >ia Mauafield aud Troy, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday s at oVh>cW a. m.
Eastern and Southern. ▼la"C«»viugton and Troy, Monday 4
Wednesday and Friday at o‘« U*k a. I^.
Southern,via Jersey Slmro, Tuesday aud Friday
clock p. in. 1
Woaleru, via Wednesday aad Saturday at
7 a. m.
Mails arrive Ibjhm s ;
Northern kc., >ia Tioga, dally, hy 1 nVlrvt, p. rp.
Eastern Ac., via Trny aud Maushokl, hy 6 o’clock p. m.,
same davs of leaving.
Ac,, vUTiQJ’ and Covington, hy T p. m.,Bacae day*
of leaving.
Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday A Friday, hy 12 m.
Western, via uoudersport, Tuesday and Friday, by 0 p. m.
Sept. 17, U. RICXUKDS, I*. M,
"VTOTIpE IN DIYUUCE—EIiza Dunbar—Take noUoo that
i_l dosse Duqhqr, you,r husband, has applied tu the Cyur*
of Common Fleas of Tioga Co,, for a divoice the bonds
of matrimony, and that the sq\d cuirt have appointed \V*-'v4:
uesday, the Slat day Ha?cU next, i\\ 10 lOviocV. a. xp, for «s
h*trityr o? premises, n\
time and plate you tau attend it vmi ihiqk p,or,ejr.
Wellborn, JUUN MaTH£l?£, -huui
S 3 39)
55 65
55 65
6 88
9 an
37 50
80 91
21 88
28 50
32 82
27 30
99 11
90 10
100 01
83 36
100 10