The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, March 25, 1858, Image 3

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rN pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly, passed the 29th
•-dav of April, lB44, trill be exposed to public sale at the Commissioner’s Office in
nr luhnrn on the 2d Monday in June 1858, the tracts of land described in the follow
list unless the taxes on them are paid before that lime, O. F. TAYLOR,
8 March 25,1858. Treasurer of Tioga County.
n, "house * lot James Carpenter 48 6~ SI Kobt Johnson 74
Diets house* lot Hiram King 62 4 90 Jeremiah Love 192
~ w- ia house*lot John Bullock 32 ' 63 Henry McConley 98
SSL a Qt’v Tevtem asses d. tax due OTe | ot GWClaggett 31 123 Jasper Pelham 819
Elkland Boro’. 6 ”
:l W x6B house * lot TJLake $l3O
Farmington. £ ra
If. SSE2S ' if S IS
ivownui l 95 Jas C lohso SiO SO Nelson Gleason 40 600 WHmot a SouUn»th946
Brookfield. SO Ed McGregory J* 70 Lyman Benton, 81
, 123 Ito G Seeley $4 02 89 ? e S r ff.,? I ’' J ” ard 91 75 Jos Estes,. 175
s 298 John Davis 736 60 J K Miller 91 4 82 Sami Nash, 92
” 18 Nelson Guile 40 Games. 116 Benj Smith, 208
400 Hiram Inecho 12 60 5 95 A6O Simeon Babcock $2 41 12 68 Rachel Wood, 180
8 4 John W Seagers 288 107 n K Boyd 304 12 47 S L Hibbard, 185
4 46 Stephen .Sperry 252 24 Josiah Furman A 164 128 Joel Hubbell, 216
hm»o*lot James Clark 147 7 30 William Babcock 91 165 Sylvcst’r Bailer ert 464
r n zZ k lot Alonzo Harris 151 2 54 j er a Thompson 66 house a lot Rob’t Cowen, 66
D 60 Geo Dillans 78 SOO B G White 841 50 Henry Cornell, 88
50 Ira Luce 78 Tnrksnn 6 123 Thos Gardner, 164
Covington. 152 John Brown $8 24 s 80 Wm IIG
6 95 Ira Graves $192 171 Richmond Jones 233 3 Adam Rarick 22
40 John C Johnson 63 00 Mitchell A Wetmore 199 60 J B Robinson’ 104
32 SO A Luddington 126 75 Thomas McKibbin 117 90 Wm Hollen 121
6 45 T B Howland 97 6 14 Henry Mack 69 35 Wharton Stevens 65
75 Oliver Elliott 118 35 276 Anson C Ely 686 600 Southworth Wilmot
6 26 SF Richards 78 30 50 C. Daggett 161 A Guernsey 30 60
J, i ohn 0? Bteam “ w m S! \ Stephen L Orcntt 220 house 4 lot Constant Bailey 62
CO Henry Williams J 6 50 1 « 161 David Shear 336
70 Geo Jennings 5 95 LLOsborne 220
house A lot 100 Allen Crandall 817 io,saw mill, 15 Jas H Miller et al 138 tJUtIZVaTI,
50 Jacob Belroan 189 house and lot David Beaseli 43 10 Joel Case $l5
6 Erastus Ingalls • ® house A lot A P Cone 126 SO Isaac Harvey . 62
7Wm Ingalls 62 2 1 250 1 8 107 A O Churchill " 137
4 S« it- If HH Dent 963 , Shipper,.
60 Willard W bite 194 5 J 120 J 4 48
60 Martin Dolan 191 10 J V David Griswold 136 64 1-I
30 Patrick Mooney 117 250 William Post 253 1W V-l
60 Joshua Bowen 94 i Sturdovant 10 J 8 * John Clark 428
plus factory Haxton. Woodbam, house A lot Charles Smith 52 Wm hSSJS 8 * ira
5“ Wilds & others 750 200 A* 0 Weston 866 1M wS.Sv
Covington Boro. 2 250 John Brown 313 , 130 Jime^fwilkin.nn
5 David Hulburt $226 J 35 JotaScotr 41^6 316 8 46 Thos White 243
“"“'i lot 173 4 66 Jessee Kinney 188 Tioga.
ouso A lot Anjfastns Bed 20 393 H H Dent 739 iiouse A lot Harris Bailey $7B
L/UQ.r IcSlOTi, 10 60 DW Shears 157 steam mill 256 Samuel Clark 718
60 Ezra Bockus $7B 16 65 Ja’s A Calvin Bessey 255 434 AA O Weston 1386
6 66 John Thomas ~4 43 50 Austin Hoffman 78 2 135 S B Wellington 82
5 45 Robt. Richardson 432 60 Orra Grinnell 94 6 43 John Benson 105
50 Truman Carpenter 414 3 191 J W Stowell 533 3 97 George Baker 346
111 Cofiu Calket 398 16 29 Norman Wells ost. 183 350 Jno A Rhoda Hill 472
20 29 John Gibson 2 67 bouse A lot Wm D Stacey 42 50 Douglas Johns 179
100 Wortman Owens 289 30 166 M S Baldwin 461 98 L D Mann 164
rg 74 Noah Wheeler 16 38 2 Lewis Stevens 14 10 M Joseph > 28
1 John Snyder 83 20 55 John J Hazen 213 20 60 S Miller 262
team sawmill Barnes A Jennings 918 Knoxville 6 P Horace 9
81 A A L Porter 1 ? 9 w 50 A 60 S Miller 279
6 34 John J Hall 259 !f w i 2 25 S B Wellington 73
60 Jas Mattlsonjr. 159 house A lot David Costley 63 347 Andros A Langdon 249
,„ M e*lot Mrs Smith 63 «• lot Truman Haladay ,3 4 A Androit 48
iOUSfI 4 lot Harvey Kidder 42 Jbawrence. 4 Hiram Bixby 7
20 104 Jas McArmor 241 40house A lot Barber 53
60 Francis Smith 94 20 230 Slosson $7 88 200 John A Rhoda Hill 315
100 John Robbins jr 116 100 J * bouse A lot Norris Hotchkiss 53
61 Horace Stratton 88 20 55 Joshua Dickinson 16* TTninn
4 66 SW Darling 471 „ 103 ) union,
aw mill A4l W J Arnold 126 «w mUI 60 1 Joel Parkhurst 374 6 172 O W Carpenter $l5 09
5 92 Morris Kench 349 40 John Reoso jr. 63 3 50 Benj’n Gordon 106
10 86 Hiram ifattison "7 02 100 Clark Sloason 168 300 John Lime 1435
50 Thos Y Rockwell 159 i loU se A lot J W Tremain 53 60 300 Lloyd A Maynard 14 35
40 Daniel Williams 128 150 jjnoi, 235 45 Joseph Bryon 58
1150 A 61 Levi J Cooley 4595 40") 60 Wm Curley 64
100 Bradman Hawkins 434 gaw mill 1 100 ~ . „ 37 A Dan 268
£5 505 Samuel Rexford 10 65 20 I 130 -Clark Slosson 656 12 Francis Dan 19
10 70 John Goodall 7 38 50 76 Peter Fox 2 89
CO 70 AsaG Churchill 1019 *>6o Rvon A 2 106 George Heebe 126
SOOcoUßoctn. 78 iS.r' Bl9 122 ?° U ?iSS ley Ui
Chatham T „ 100 Levi Mills 512
_ .... Lawrence Boro. 6 95 Michael McCormik X 46
*S 21 Geo Luther house * lot Hurd * Stevens $lO5 75 Miller 78
j 21 Heubmi Grinnell 2li A lot KtheUlnrris 71 2a Patrick CBnon 39
656 Robert Land or vr iiouse & lot Stephen Komanfr 60 8 . °
7 20 MG« S: house & lot Isbon Slosson 167 120 Harvey Dan 2On
1 6 Asa Guile 16 house 4 jot Isaac Greenwood 147 48 Isaac Reeder 87
1 23 David Lashnrns ir * lot H L Hickey 102 , 69 John Clark 208
25 Lyo , d J 55 house * lot James Inscho 189 4 65 Forrest Ashley 120
40WPLeSr ?? house* lot ! Enos Slosson 394 c 47 John Crest 70
SO—iSS xi a tavern h>se*lot Clark Slosson 1775 8 42 JnoVan Bnskirk 92
r M J 7, house * lot Joseph Ryera 84 10 18 J B Wagner 122
" MDW Waldin 1 S house A lot Jno S Warner 472 18 17 & 'J'™ Barrow 201
TkTisrw!* 1 * M T -7 ~ 43 Thos Dove 99
J w Becraft J 3 Liberty. 50 Widow M’Cormifc 62
60 Godlip Huff $79 80 Robert FarreU 120
60 John Carpenter 78 18 35 4- S MattheS < Wellshoro.
60 Jas Costley 78 35 *6O Matthew Lovo 9 ‘ houM a lot C has Hildreth $7B
Reuben Grover . ISS Moms. town lot GAW Meek’s est 78
‘ ,|! 7 43 Jacob Babb $BB house A lot J J Blair 168
Ji R Kln ? sle J 12 ® bouso A lot 3 Jacob Peterson 52 house A lot N A DcPui 125
50 Thomas Leet «8 4 36 gyj veater Webster 52 houso A lot John Kimball 168
20 • g • 319 » in ' Ward.
TIT u 100 Srt English 343 1 100 John Purvis $lO9
»0 Oxial King 111 too t iTn Blackwell 157 60 John Randall 76
50 Ru*cl Kelson 73 Sr j 5» t 1U F E Kundell 119
Clymer, Mtadlebury. 145 Jackson A Smith 71
6 114 David Freeman $7 9C 2E W Leonard 45 400 James Kelley 205
50 Jno WSawyer 3 3o 50 Guile Mosier 78 800 Mm Lewis 1640
3 42 James Hili^ 61 97 5 36 Wm L Merrick 109 70 Henry Mclntosh 99
0 9 Hiram King 118 1 20 30 Smith Stctuns 155 126 Elijah Pelton 133
15 15 Charl-v* Ellsworth 120 25 Nelson Smith 39 74 Thos Ames 95
50 Ransom Freeman 91 rt iiOACßnsh 112 6 Joseph Biddle 7
25 25 Samuel Carlins BSG 41 JasDunliam 153 3 Petorßarkley 221
S 8 80 Bemyah Saxbory 170 95 Nathaniel Bailey 194
ueimar. GO Wm Whitney 95 100 Levi S Chemehorn 205
3 M S Blackwell $ 31 36 John Farr 66 106 Jason Clark 112
40 Reuben French 65 165 Wm Garretson 618 86 John J Dewitt 91
50 D W Harris 91 35 Wm Wharton 108 82 John S Dike 65
100 Spicer A JfcKitt 105 25 Thos King 77 225 Nathaniel Harvey 460
20 Jeremiah Moore 117 49 M Odell 152 6 100 B C'Wright 241
50 Samuel Baker 7S 2 44 Lew is Sawyer 74 131 John Winter 268
75 lehabod Brown IIT 15 39 Smith Stevens 155 SO Aaron Wood 84
40 Richard Elliott 63 60 Elieha Smith 162 - - 100 Cyrus Comfort 105
2 9S Silas Crandall 169 '2 48 Sawyer 176 100 John Ham 205
2 40 Bcra Dockstader 75 20 SO Chmt'ph’r Whitman? 45 190 John Reed 389
2 45 Christopher Plumley 94 400 Chas. Churchill 630 100 JW Smith 105
50 Enos F. Staple 104
60 Sternburg 104
114 Thomas Brown S 5S
GO Elifha S. Brown 231
72 Isaac Cntlin 2 26
70 James Guernsey 3 57
50 George Kriner 60
4 John Purvis 82
70 Albert Growl 123
300 Ljman Spencer 448
60 Nathaniel Butler 102
50 Charles Edmunds 63
Jas k Aaron Green $2 23
20 J F Bake 63
90 Rufus Warren <l5l
James Calkins $ 63'
iw null
30W i lot
if Unseated Land in Tioga Co., Penna.
pursuance if an Act of the General
■ Assembly passed the 13 th of March 18-
will be exposed to public sale, at the
ommissioner's OJjice in Wellsboro on the
emtd Monday in June, 1858, the tracts of
lJ >d described in the following list, unless
c taxes due on them are paid before that
me. O.F. TAYLOR,
Treasurer of Tioga County.
March 24, 1858.
Warrantee or
No of
tar’nl. Q'ty. Owner
&16 275 Nicklin & Griffith
9 27 950 do
92 7 168 do
-35 732 Robert Coleman
j 36 550 do
310 540 James Wilson
946 366$ do
*“ 137$ do
252 do
366$ do
137$ do
252 do
lOfl Nicklin & Griffith
10° do
436 do
923 do
199 do
1" do
HOO Robert Coleman
609 do
364 Nicklin & Griffith
1191 do 1
? 44 Wo. Wilson I
in? do )
1999 Jas. Wilson
510 do
, 99 do
“ 99 Nicklin & Grffiith
229 , do
143 Franklin College
®7 —— Hellenstine
*"5 Nicklin & Griffith
150 Franklin College
76 Harvey Button 120
50 Geo Rodgers
54 Joshua Robinson
GO J F Bristol
200 Edwin Dyer
Wm Mooie
82 Dennis Smith 128
3 247 Es. Sylvester Bailey 403
10 200 H A Guernsey 7 38
18 Adam Hart 28
3 Wm Moss 68
30 Franklin Phelps 47
50 Wm Brace 52
4 .96 Dwight Brooks 378
50 Timothy Clarra 73
I town lot ■ ■ ■■ French 21
40 Briton Faulkner 71
1856 |
1660 I
1862 f
1864 (
1865 J
1864 >
1865 J 246 T. M. Willing 45 00
4072 '
2290 272 Wo Willink $33 80
2291 130
2295 946
2296 634
2297 340 do 39 39
1228 133 Geo. Harrison 17 61
1325 >
1326 V 307 R Blackwell 40 64
2291 303 Wra. Willink 35 09
2289 120 do 5 98
4474 200 Jas. Wilson
“ 200 do
4479 191 do
1580 173 Hews ■& Fisher 13 46
» 300 do 2342
5050 ' -528 Jas. Wilson 41 17
5049 1099 do 85 69
1581 990 Hews & Fisher 2010
5051 1099 Jas Wilson 21 43
5052 1099 do 2143
5053 589 ' do 46 91
1584 300 Hews & Fisher 1169
1579 370 do
100 Joseph Gifford 100
100 John How 100
100 John E Parker 100
6 Alexander Chase 7
77 F R A F D Clark 158
225 Harvey Nosh 461
107 WC Ames 219
_BB Jonas Cooley 180
3 72
211 Asahel Frost 2 21
96 Walter Dewey 196
189 Elisha Nash 5 57
200 Nicholas Tale 410
100 John White 410
100 Wm Armstrong 57
49 Geo Maynard 83
50 Southworth Dixon 77
Alva Thompson 32
725 Tubbs & olhera 132 66
104 i do 19 02
94| do 16 23
40 J E Lyon 83 81
424 J A Crandall 40 37
407 Crandall & Emery 38 73
629 Ira Davenport 19 91
289 Sami. King 27 47
407 J Waiera 39 67
195 G Harrison 18 53
295 Rob!. Morris 28 06
371 A C Bush 22 04
do 109 60
1582 370 do. 29 58
1683 370 do 2968
1580 178 do 18 45
“ 104 do 6 43
4373 234 Jas. Wilsoo 64 72
5497 767 Geo. Meade $9316
5835 367 R Coleman 22 01
5836 560 do 83 01
5916 276 Nicklin & Griffith 83 44
200 Aaron Blosa 24 30
100 R G White 7 50
100 Aaron filoas 12 15
150 E Dyer 12 15
5916 275 Nicklin & Griffith 33 42
85,455 80 Jas Stewart $9 18
1579 613 Hews & Fisher 46 90
1582 372 do 20 71
1583 372 do 20 71
1586 216 do 8 25
4212 76 Jas. Wilson 1164
4213 110 do 16 83
“ ' 166 do 19 06
21 C & M Emery 2 36
4216 99 Jas Wilson 3 83
1544 89 do 6 82
“ 356 do 6448
4215 762 do 43 68
4218 j 232 do 17 76
42X4 462 do 35 35
148 Jas. Kimball 74 90
1544 50 Jas. Wilson 4 37
4218 104 do 7 95
4213 88 do 5 04
4216 113 do 215
“ 136 do 2 58
27 Geo. W. Lewis 52
4219 74 Jas Wilson 8 48
1582 247 Hews & Fisher 18 89
1583 247 do 18 89
4428 132 Jas. Wilson 5 05
1539 50 do 1 91
4222 97 do 3 75
“ 100 , do 3 81
“ 75 do 2 84
4223 66 do 2 53
» 56 do 213
“ 100 do 5 09
4219 626 do 17 53
4427 163 do 31 13
5179 224 Jas. Strawbridge 817 66
366 Silas Billings . 26 84
5179 136 Jas.Strawbridge 1071
5177 338 do “ 29 95
5178 191 do ! 15 02
5179 425 do 14 34
5181 422 do 33 25
5610 216 do 17 01
3697 143 do 1124
5610 • 156 do 12 29
“ 651 do 5125
5180 643 do 50 61
“ 318 do 24 98
“ 68 do 2 28
5177 60 do 4 75
5178 253 do 13 29
5177 218 do 6 08
5610 117 do 614
2503 132 Wm. VViHink 86 92
“ - 125 dp 658
“ 62J do 1 3 32
“ 62$ do 3 32
“ 62J do 38
“ 50 do 2 60
“ 70 do 364
« 53 dp 2 02
“ ' 85 do _ 324
« 163 do 6 24
“ 122 do 470
“ 62* do 2 42
2509 501 do 19 24
2510 116 do 4 44
» 104 do 4 00
“ 118 do 4 54
» 106 do 4 08
“ 116 do 4 44
“ 566 do 17 60
2579 1002 do 28 56
2613 1002 do 31 04
2628 795 do 30 65
2630 1000 do 23 50
2635 865 do 24 64
» 125 do 3 22
2640 774 do 13 96
2643 990 do 3812
2644 990 do 76 22
4227 990 Jas. Wilson 3810
4228 990 do 3810
4232 990 i do 3810
4233 990 do 3810
4237 990 do 3810
4421 990 do 76 22
4422 990 do 114 34
4423 ( 990 do 76 22
4424 . 990 do_ 76 22
4425 990 do 76 22
4426 990 do 76 22
4427 690 do 5574
•• 237 do 27 32
4429 635- do 18 94
4438 990 do 48 50
4439 990 do 48 50
4440 990 do 3810
4441 990 do 3810
4442 , 990 do 3810
4443 990 do 52 95
4444 090 do
4445 090 do 136 28
4454 990 do ; 76 22
4466 990 do 10147
17 19
2299 802 Geo Fox $lO2 26
2304 1002 Wm. Willink 43 39
73 45
2305 372 do , 15 80
2308 100 do 12 74
2348 1002 do 63 93
2351 702 do 59 67
2359 393 do 32 42
2360 885 do ' 7623
2367 240 do 17 86
2379 1002 do 170 84
2382 500 do, 2124
2427 271 do 34 54
79 43
$3l 20
46 80
29 76
2434 990 do 12622
2487 990 do 168 31
2479 740
2481 1002 do 8516
2501 850 Wm. Willink 54 22
2335 602 do 88 48
1807 195 Hews & Either 24 90
331 RG White 42)17
2305 122 Wm. Willink 519
2297 840 do 28 90
2294 816
« 431 / do 86 63
“ 232 1 do 209
10 28
29 58
52 95
26 87
| “ 127 do 544
2358 150 do 6 37
2298 500 do 3189
1041 280 R Blackwell 5 94
2356 100 Wm. Willink 850
2358 400 do 3400
2306 500 do 8168
150 do 19 89
3363 120 R Blackwell $378
3364 8 do 26
3366 245 do 770
3367 349 do 10 98
3369 78 do 162
3358 75 do 156
•5624 200 Wm. Ellis $54 80
4292 i
4300 $ 235 T M Willing 64 39
4300 100 do 27 40
504 ' do 34 49
3359 76 R Gilmore 522
4300 200 T M Willing 20 55
5980 664 Nicklin & ssB 92
847 93 Episcopal Academy 8 24
4780 270 Miller & Murry 24 64
5976 1000 Nicklin & Griffith 88 74
5978 664 do 58 92
5983 429 ' do 38 06
5580 70 Wm. Ellis 4 40
540 B E Valentine 47 92
4486 399 Jas. Wilson $5B 57
391 Magee & Co. ’ 57 48
435 Geo. Wood 63 82
450 A C Crandall 66 14
288 J Losinger 46 36
120 Sami. King 17 64
100 R & H Searle 19 60
530 Thos. Willing 103 88
75 .A C Bush 7 26
400 Cole & Potter 78 40
1584 200 Hews & Fisher 8 5 30
1586 774 do 63 62
1587 940 do 74 72
2588 505 do 13 42
1591 466 do 57 08
1594 990 Jas. Wilson > 78 70
1963 165 J Barron Jr. 13 08
4224 50 Wm. Wiliink 120
4346 168* do 8 96
4346 223 do 1182
” 218 do 2 86
169 do 222
4347 397 do 10 52
!4348 100 do 132
'4364 840 do 44 52
4365 113 do 2 98
4267 990 do 52 46
4378 990 do , 52 46
4379 990 do 10494
4380 990 Jas. Wilson 78 70
4384 990 do 52 46
4385 990 do 52 46
4386 990 do 52 46
434 V 35 do 48
4366 311 do 3 72
4413 990 do 26 22
4414 990 do 78 70
4415 990 do 78 70
4549' 100 Wm. Wiliink 530
94 do 4 96
4416 990 Jas. Wilson , 52 46
4364 50 do 1 66
4366 468 do 24 80
5242 786 Geo. Meade 83 26
4365 50 Jas. Wilson 132
1591 119*Hews & Fisher 950
4381 400 Jas. Wilson 318
4387 990 do 104 94
4388 990 do 52 46
50 M Repaid 2 76
4364 99 Jas. Wilson 526
269 41 J Lockhart $126
278 100 do 3 f)0
384 482 do 14 46
427 229 do 6 86
1073 24 R Blackwell 252
1074 29 do 3 01
1076 101 do 10 56
4471 214 Jas. Wilson 22 47
5830 100 Wm. Ellis 10 49
4483 644 Jas. Wilson 67 63
4480 160 do , 16 80
“ 200 do 6 00
93 Gilchell & Dyer 973
511 C E Osborn 50 12
221 85 Peter Boynton 8 88
274 27 John Smith 282
1950 223 James Wilson 82519
2352 990 Wm. Willink 55 42
2367 200 do - 33 60
2368 990 do 110 88
4211 931 James Wilson 104 26
4458 300 do 33 60
971 146 Miers Fisher 11 17
“ 110 do 8 41
978 63 do 4 78
“ 148 do 1132
983 303 H Drinker 13 43
3372 281 R Gilmore $5 90
4471 785 Jas. Wilson 31 76
5625 447 Wm Ellis 54 26
5643 284 S M Fox 34 52
5644 819 do 99 46
5645 549 do 66;74
5243 970 Geo. Meade 78 58
4294 50 Thos Willing 6 08
4295 342 J W Guernsey 41 54
3368 146 R Gilmore 19 81
“ 196 do 8 24
“ 76 do 9 22
5645 549 S M Fox 66 74
5625 456 Wm. Ellis 36 94
5643 430 S M Fox 52 26
3373 215 R Gilmore 17 38
3368 48 ' do 584
972 Geo. Meade 118 10
375 Wm. Bond 45 60
257 Geo Meade 20 80
187 H G Wilcox 15 12
5241 200 Geo. Meade $1216
2 412} Wm Wilson 33 38
“ 687} do 55 64
3 6871 do 55 64
“ 412} do 83 88
4 412} do 33 38
“ 687} do 83 50
6 687} do 8350
412} do 33 39
6 4X2£ do j 33 39
“ 687 i do i 5565
7 687$ do , > 55 65
“ 412 J do I 33 38
4606 109 J-Vaughn , ' 884
4608 85 do 6 88
4611 322 do , i 26 08
4612 114 do ! 922
443 140 J Nickson i $lOlB
1328 400 R Blackwell ! 2910
1438 530 P Connellv ■ 1 48 22
1439 275 W Freestone , ! 37 50
5241 889 Geo. Meade I ; 80 91
5257 1094 do : 21 88
5837 950 R Coleman j j 28 SO
5839 1094 do li 32 82
5238 300 Geo. Meade ,| \ 27 30
5240 1100 do :j! 10010
5253 1069 do tj 9911
5254 1089 do , II 9911
5244 \ 990 do {[ 90 10
5252 1099 do I! 100 01
5265 916 ;M 83 36
5972 1100 do ’{| 100 10
Brimfizld, Mass., 20th Dec., 1555. i
Da J C Aran: I do not hesitate to say the i 1
best remedy I have ever found for Coughs, ;
Hoarseness, Influenza, and the concomitant ‘
symptoms of a Cold, is your Cherry Pectoral. ;
Its constant use in my practice and my fam- i
ily for the last ten yean* has shown it to pos- i !
sese superior virtues for the treatment of OwH
these complaints. EDEN KNIGHT, M. D.
A B MORTLEY. Esq., of Ctica, X. Y-, writes; * £ l have used
your Pocloral myself and in my family ever since you invent
ed it, and believe it the best medicine for its purpose ever put
out. With a bad cold I should soouerpay tweiity-Qve dollars
for a bottle than do without it, or take any othhr remedy.”
Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza.
Springfield, Miss, yeb. 7,
Brother Ater : I will cheerfully certify yuup Pectoral is
the beat remedy we possess for fhe cure of Whopping Cough,
Croup, and the chest diseases of children. W'ej of your fra
ternity in the South appreciate yourskill,and commend your
medicine to our people. lIIRAM CONKLIN, M. D.
AMOS LEE, Esq, Monterey, la., writes, 3d Jfan . 1556:
“I bod a tedious Influenza, which confined m<j in doors six
weeks; took many medicines without relief;} finally tried
your Pectoral by the advice of our clergyman.{The first done
relieved the soreness in ray throat and lungs; 'less than, one
half the bottle made me completely well. Your medicines
are the best as well as the cheapest we can bfay, and we es
teem you. Doctor, and your remedies, as tire} poor man’s
friend.” , [ |
Asthma, or Phthisic, and Bronchitis.
TPcsr Manchester, Pa], Veb. 4.1556.
Sir : Tonr Cherry Pectoral is performing marvellous cures
In this section. It has relieved several from klaWniug symp
toms of consumption, and" is now curing a than who has la
bored under an affection of the lungs for the lasi forty years.
HENRY L. PARKS,(Merchant.
A A RAMSEY, M n, Albion, Monroe C b., Sept.
6, 1855; “During my practice of many years; I have found
nothing equal to your Cherry Pectoral for giving ease and re
lief to consumptive patients, or curing such os pie curable.”
IVe might add volumes of evidence, bat thi jinost convinc
ing proof of the virtues gf this remedy is fouqdiia its effects
upon trial. i ■ |
Consumption. : |i .
Probably no one remedy bas ever been known which cured
so many and such dangerous cases as this. Ssonie no human
aid can reach; but even to those the Cherry Pectoral affords
relief aud comfort. : { [
Astor House. New Yore Citt, March 5,150 G.
Doer. Ater. Lowell: I feel it a duty and a , pleasure to in
form you what your Cherry Pectoral has done for my wife.—
She had been five montlis lalniriug under thedanperc.tio symp
toms of Consumption, from which no aid wc iquld procure
gave her much relief. She was steadily fnilips. uutil Dr
Strong, of t!»is city, where wo have come -for} advice, recom
mend a trial of your medicine. Ut* bless hi 4 'kindness, as
wado your skill, for she has roco-crcd from Tbit day. gm*
is not yet as strong as she used to be, but free from her
cough, aud calls herself well. J 1 j
Yours with gratitude and regard, ' j ’
ORLANDO SHELBY, of S\-Blbyvillc.
Consumptives, do not despair til! you have tried Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. It is made by one of the best medical chemf
ists in the world, and its cures all around us bespeak the high
merits of its virtues. —Philadelphia Ledger. 1 j
THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed
their utmost to produce this be«t. most perfect purgative
which is known toman. Innumerable shown
these Pills hare virtues which surpass in excellence the ordi
nary medicines, and that they win unprecedentedly upon the
esteem of nil men. They are safe and pleasant {to take, but
powerful to cure. Their penetnitjngprupertkM-ftfmnl.ite the
vital activities of the body, rvtnoie the obstructions of its
organs, purify the blood, and ex{Kil disease. They purge out
the foul humors which breed and grow distempfr, stimulate
sluggish or disordered organs into their natura} action, and
impart healthy tone with strength to the wholij system. Not
only do they cure the every-day complaints of e\cry body,
but also formidable and dancenm-s disc.u?e<? that' h:i\c baffled
the best of human skill. While they produce fcjowerfulefTbcfs
they are at the same time, in diminished doses,;tLe safest and
best physic than can be employed for children.} jilting sugar
coated, they are pleasant to take: nnd being purely vegetable
are free from any risk of harm. Cures have bead made winch
surpass belief were they not “übstantuited by? men of such
exulted position and character as to forbid thf jsu-picion of
untruth. Many eminent clergymen ami phym-inii'liavelont
thf*ir names to certify to the publia the reliability of my rem
edies, while others have sent me the as'untnti- of their con
viction that my Preparations contribute immensely to the re
lief of my afflicted, suffering f**llow-men. j: f x
The Agent below named i-* pleased to fjirnCfh gratis my
American Almanac, containing directions foi* rh'Mr n-e ami
certificates of their cures, of the following complaints :
Coslivenes*. Bilious Complaints. Tlheuniji{:ini, Prepay.
: Heartburn. Headache-arising from a fonl ‘■tbhsich. Nausea.
Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and* Pain an-ing
therefrom. Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all* tlcerous and
Cutaneous Diseases which require an medicine.
Scrofula or King’s Evil. They also, by purifying the blind
and stimulating the system, euro many complaints which it
would not i>e supposed they could reach, suchl as Deafne**,
X*artial Blindness, Neuralgia and“Nenous Irnt.ibility. De
rangements of the Liver and Kidneys. Gontjiidd other kin
dred complaints arising from a low state of bony or ob
struction of its functions. 1 1 ['
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers witfi’ =ome other
pill they make more profit on. Ask for Ay oris" Pills, and take
nothing else. No otberthey can give you compares with this
in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want the
best aid there Is for them, and they should have it.
Practical and Analytical Chemist. Lowell, Massachusetts.
Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for; $l.
J. A. BOY, Wellsboro. and by Druggists and p/erchants
generally. [Dec. 3. 57.] | j f
Post Office Noticiji |
Mails close at the TFellsboro’ Post Officers follows
Eastern mail, via Tioga, daily at 10J/£ o'cloolc it ni.
Eastern and Southern, via Mansfield Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at o’clock a. ra. j 1
Eastern and Southern, na Covington and] Tjoy, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 7o’clock a. m. !
Southern, via Jersey Shore* Tuesday and Frioay at o’-
clock p. m. f
Western, via Coudersport, Wednesday and Saturday at
7 a.m. 1 !
Mails arrive as follows ; 1 ’
Northern 4c., via Tioga, daily, by 1 o’clock, p, n. •
Eastern &c., via Troy and Mansfield, by 6 o'clock p. m.,
same days of lea\ing. ;
Eastern 4c., via Troy and Covington, by 7 p. m.,same days
of leaving. 1 ; j .
Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday £ Fndny ? ‘ by 12 m.
Western, via Coudersport, Tuesday and Friday, bv 5 p. m.
Sept. 17,1807. I. D. RICHARDS, P. M-
Gr. Gr. EVANS, i
Bookseller, Publisher, and Originator of
the Gift Book Enterprise j
HAS just issued a new and complete catalogue of his
Books, comprising a large and varied assortment of all
kinds of literature. }
$5OO worth of Gifts will be given with every $lOOO worth
of books sold. - J
A gift worth from 25 cts, to $lOO, will be delivered with
each book at the time of sale. I
Orders from the country promptly filled and the Goods for
warded by express or mail on the same day the' order Is re
ceived A complete catalogue gent free. ’
Address, G. G. EVANS
Jan. 28,1858. 459 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
*VTOTICE IN DIVORCE—EIiza Dunbar—Take notice that
J.l Jesse Dunbar, your husband, baa applied to the Court
of Common Pleas of Tioga Co., for a divorce from tjbe bonds
of matrimony, and that the said court have appointed Wed
nesday, the Slst day of March next, aflO o’clock, a. m. for a
hearing of the said Jesse Dunbar in the premises, at which
time and place you ran attend if yon think proper.
Wellsboro, Jan. 7,1858. JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff.
Executor's Notice. !
LETTERS Testemontary haring been granted to the un
dersigned upon the lost will and testamentof Jfehitable
Plank, late of Brookfield dec’d., those indebted to the estate
will make immediate payment and those having claims against
the same will present them for settlement to \
Brookfield. Feb. 18, 1559, (ft*) I3i 4C PLANK, Exr’e.
ARE now receiving a very choice sod carefaUy*
selected assortment of
Groceries and Provisions,
and are prepared to furnish them to customers at
As Reasonable Prices
As they can be bought in any other Market.
Customers can rely upon finding at ali limes any
article they may wish, and all Goods warranted Ur
be as represented.
Silks, and Ladles’ Dress Goods,
.Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim,
mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the
Slock before purchasing elsewhere.
Baldwin, Rowell <fc Co., bare always on hand
a seasonable and fashionable stock of
Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing,
which will bo sold at the lowest CA.SH PRICES,
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass
Stone, Hollow antf Wooden Ware l
Iron, led, Nails, Oils, Paints,
and Dye-Stuffs of every kind
. and of the best quality.
with BOOTS dp SHOPS, for Everybody^
•,* All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex-,
change for goods at the market ptias,
Tioga, July 2, 1857.
Just Published, the 3d Edition.
EASES—A *ciennfic Treatise on the treat
ment and perfect cure of Nervous Debility, Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Impotence, Ate.*
resulting from vicious habits acquired during that
critical passage from Youth to Manhood.
Member of the Ruyal College of Surgeons of Eng
land, (1827). Licentiate of the Hall (1824), and
30 years Resident Practitioner in London; Author
of the “Guide to Health.” “Green Book.” “How to;
be Happy,” “Memoirs of Slngle?and Married Life.”
This small, but highly valuable Treatise, written,
by a world renowned Physician and Surgeon,points
out the only sure and permanent cure for all disea
ses arising from self abuse, and Is the only.publica
tion of its kind written in a benevolent spirit and
by a scientific man. It should be in the hands of
■all who value their life aud health and happiness.
[ Price, 12 cents, or 4 stamps,at the receipt of which
it will be sent, post free, and well secured, by Dr,
C. H. KLINE, No. 420 Ist Avenue,box4sBs,N.Y.
HAS just returned from the City with a nice as*
. sortraenl of Fall and Winter Goode, such as
Bonnets ,
Velvets <%■
For Bonnets.
Mrs. Grierson has engaged for the season, a good
Milliner. Also, a City Dressmaker, to make dress
es, Cloaks and Children’s Clothes. ETAII order*
promptly attended to.
Wellsboro, Oct. 22, 1857.
Successor , to
Wholesale and Retail Dealers, In
Drugs Medicines, Lead , Zinc, Colored Paints,
Oils , Vnrnishes , Brushes, Camphme % Burning
Fluid , Dye Stuffs, Sash Glass , Fute
Liquors for Medicine, Patent Medu
cines , Artists Faints Brushes ,
Perfumery , Fancy Articles,
Flavoring Extracts ,
A general assortment of School Books, Blank Books,
Staple and. Fancy Stationery.
Physicians, Druggists, und Country Merchants
dealing in any of the above articles can be snpplied
at a small advance on New York prices.
Sept. 3, 1857.
of all kinds, as cheap as the cheapest.
Cash paid for Hides. CalhSkirn?, and Sheep Pelfs.
One door below Bailey’s Store. Sear’s Shoe shop
removed to same building. '
July 9tli, ISST. ly.
Mans(ic!il Select School.
LTaflllsll 1*« BC K LIXGAME. A. B. TrocAcr.
The Spring Term will commence Tuesdiy, Map
2, 1853, and clusc Friday, .May 23.
Juvenile Department,
Common English branches,
Higher do
Languages—X»atin and French,
The design of this'School is, to furn'sh facilities
for those desiring it, to continue llieir Academia
course of study. No exertion will be spared to ren
der the mental culture tttai-nugh and to cultivate in
the student a constant self-reliance: anduNo to pre
pare Teachers of Common Schools for the discharge
of the duties of their profession.
Mansfield, Pa., Feb. 25, 1858. 4l*
ExccntorN >"otlce.
LETTERS testamentary having 1 l>cen granted to
the undersigned upon the estate of AUG US.
TUS YQHN laleof Liberty, dec’d, all persons in.
debted fry said estate are lequcsled to make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims against the
same to present them for settlement to
Liberty, Feb. 8, 1858. 6l*
PHOSPHORUS,— Besides the curious property
which this chemical has of giving light ia the
.dark, it is also remarkable for its power to deetrov
life. It is a deadly poison. Persona who wish to
destroy rats and mice can do so more safely by us
ing Phosphorus than with any other poison. A new
supply of the Phosphorus Rat Paste for sale at Bov's
Drug Store. Price 25 cents.
T EJTERboI Administration having been grant-
J - i ed to the undersigned upon the estate of AU
GUSTUS CASS, late of Richmond dec’d., all. per
sons indebted to said estate are required to make ion
mediate payment, and those having claims against
the same will present them to
A. M. SPENCER, Adm'r.
Richmond, March 4th, 1858, (6l)
Execnlor’ii Notice.
LETTERS Testemenlary having been granted to
the undesigned upon the last will and ieeU.
menl of Oliver Briggs, late of Middiebnry, deed.,
oil persons indebted to said estate will make iaune
dlate payment, and these having claims against the
same will present them to JACOB BRIGGS
Jackson, Feb. 25,1558, 6t*
NOTICE I>* DIVORCE—-Martha Howe—Jhke notice that
Barton Howe, your husband. has applied to the court of
Common Pleas of Tfopa Co_, for a drrorc- from the bonds of
matrimony, and that the said Court have appointed Monday:
the 7th day of June next, 10 o ctock a. cp* for a i)|Afiuof tha
aaid Carton Howe in the premise*. *t whjvi time and place
yoo can attend If yon thinlj proper.
'V-.l'tboro. r* IS, :ESR » 'ESC SJATHEBS SJt-rUr
82 SO
3 50
4 50
5 00