Irish Drollery. An amusing slory of Daines Barrington, Recorder of Bristol, is related by one of the British press. Having to appear for the plaintiff in a case ofihe winter assize at Clom n il, he “let into” the defendant in no mea sared terms. The individual inveighed against not being present, only heard of the invect ives. After Barrington, however, had got back to Dublin, the Tipperary man lost no time in paying his compliments to the coun sel. He rode all day and all night, and cov. ered with sleet, arrived before Barrington's residence,ln Harcourt street, Dublin. Throw ing the bridle ol his smoking horse over the ratling of the area, he announced his arrival by a thundering knock at the door, which nearly shook the street. Barrington’s valet answered the summons, and opening the street door, beheld the apparition of a rough coaled Tipperary fire-eater, with a large stick under his arm, and. the sleet sticking to his bushy whiskers. “Is your mister up,” demanded tha visitor in a voice that gave some intimation of the object of his journey. “No," answered the man. “Then give him my compliments, and say ■Mr. Foley (he’ll know the name) will be glad to see him.” The valet went up stairs and told his mas ter, who was in bed, and the purport of his vi-il. “Then don’t let Mr. Foley in for your life,” said Barrington, “for it is not a hare and a brace of ducks he has come to present me with.” The mnn was leaving the bedroom, when a rough wet coat pushed by him, while n thick voice said, “by your leave;” at the same moment Mr. Foley entered the bedroom. “You know my business, sir,” said he to Utrrington : “I have made a journey to teach you ra toners, and it is not my purpose to return until 1 have broken every bone in your bodv at the same lime he cut a figure eight with his shillelab, before the ciieval glass. “You do not mean to say you would mur in bed,” exclaimed D tines, who had as much honor ns cool courage. ‘•No,” replied the othgr, “but get up as soon as vou can.” ' “Yes,” replied Caines, “that you might fell me the moment 1 pul my body out of the blankets.” “No,” replied the other. ‘ I pledge you tny word not to touch you till \ou are out of bed.” “You wont 1” “I wont.” “Upon your honor?’’ “On my honor.” '“That is enough,” said . D imes, turning over and making himself yery comfor'able, and seeming as though he meant to fall asleep. “I may rest as safe as though I were under the castle guard.’’ The Ttppe.rary Salamander looked marvel lously astonished at the pretended sleepgr but soon Caines began to snore. “Halloa!” said Foley, “aren’t you going lo gel up V' [ “No,” said Caines, “I have the honor of an Irish gentleman that he will not strike me in bed, and 1 am sure I am not going to get up again. In the meantime, Mr. Foley, if you should want your breakfast, ring the bell; the best in the house is at your service. The morning paper will be here presently, but be sure lo air it before reading, for there is nothing from which a man so qnicklv catches cold as reading a damp journal and Barrington once more affected I o go to sleep. The Tipperary man had fun in him as wolf as lerocily ; he could not resist ih© cunning of the counsel, so, laughing aloud, he ex- claimed “Get up, Mr, Barrington, for in bed or out of bed, I have not Ihe heart to hurt so droll a gentleman.” The result was that in less than an hour afterwards, Daines and his intended murderer were sifting down to a warm hreakf.isf, the Inner intent only upon assarting a dish of smoking chops. flere’s a gem from Dombey that will never grow dimi “She died,” said Polly, “and was never seen again, for she was buried in Ihe croupd where the tress grow.” “In the cold ground !” said the child. “No; ihe warm ground,” replied Polly, “where the seeds are turned into beautiful flowers, and where good people turn into an gels, and fly away to heaven.” Got it off Her Mind.—Children and fools, says an old adage, always tell the truth. “Mother sent me,” said a little girl to a neighbor, “to come and ask you to take lea with her this evening.” “Did she say at what time my dear?” “No ma’am; she only said she would ask you, and then the thing would be off her mind; (hat’s alt she said.” It may seem 'Strange, but it is a fact, that men generally are much more afraid of wo men than warned of men; and fearing in ‘ break the ice” is a fruitful cause of old bachelorism. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ©a ■ Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon . ' CtKLAND, TIOGA COUNTY, FA. WiU visit patients in all parts of lire county, oi receive them for treatment at his house, [June 14.1855.] JOHN N. BACHE, Attorney and counsellor at LAW.—Office, north side Public Square WelUborough, Pi. Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge & Co.,N. Y city Hon.A.V.Parsons,Philadelphia, July 13. Attorneys & Counselors at law, CORWIN**, Steuben County, New York. Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson. April 18,1855-ly. 8. F. WILSON, SJT Removed to James Lowrey’t Office (As. LOWREy at s. f. wiison, A TTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT -t*- LAW, willattend theCourtsof Tioga,Potter and McKean counties. Wellsborough, fefa. I, i 853. SOMETHING NEW ANEW LAMP *-~Ufsbfd’s Smoke consuming Lamp is so article well worthy the notice of every person who wishes lo use Oil instead of fluid. This lamp is highly recommended by men of sound judgment and of wide reputation, who are known throughout our country,* But il is not necessary to take the recommendations of others; Just call at /Wy’s Drug Store and you can see one’of these hmpg burning every evening. Call and examine it for yourselves. ANEW supply of Potter and Hammond's Writ* ing Books, just received at Roy’s Drug Store, also a supply of pens, ink, paper, envelopes, slates, school books, school stationery, &c. FOR WORMS.-—Give a child over two years old a small lea spoonful of Fluid Extract of Pink and Senna once every two hours till it operates as a cathartic. BALSAM TOLU.—This balsam is procured from a tree which is /bund in South America—it is a most valuable remedy for colds, coughs and offec (ions of the lungs. Price of Balsam Tolu Cougk Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. OIL—For Horses and Cattle—very useful for sores, wounds, scratches, galls and in all cases where a healing remedy is required. Price 25 cents. FARRIER’S LINIMENT—For Horses & Cattle A most valuable article for swellings, bruises, sprains, stiff or enlarged joints, windgslls, kicks an 4 sweeney. Price 25 cents. ESSENCE OF GINGER,—A mild and safe stim ulant useful for bowel complaints; much used in hoi weather to prevent the bad eScfcta ofdrinking too much cold water. | ROSEMARY OINTMENTis a a*tia 1 article for chapped hand?, pimples on (he face, burns, scalds:, eruptions on the skin &c. Price 12 and 25 cents per box. BUCHU LEAVES are procured from the south* ern part of Africa. The Hottentots at the cape of Good Hope have long used this article as a remedy in a variety of diseases. From them the medicine was borrowed by the English and Dutch physicians residing there and by their recommend* ution it was soon employed in Europe. In ptoqess of time this medicine has come into general use, and is highly spoken of by the best medical writers. Physicians recommend it mostly for complaints of llie urinary organs, such as gravel, a morbid irrita tion of the bladder and urethra, retention of urine, also incontinence of urine from want of tone in the urinary organs. It cools the unnatural heat and relieves pain; and in many cases of long standing it has been effectual when other valuable medicines had failed to produce an effect. The active princi ple of this medicine is a volatile oil which is mostly lost by the old process of boiling. Hence it requires great care and skilful management to prepare this medicine properly. FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU is a strong or concentrated preparation prepared by the new process called ‘ Displacement.” By this the valua ble properties of the Buchu are entirely preserved, and this form of the medicine is less liable to injury from age and more palatcable. Useful equally in all cases o! the kind whether male or female. Price cents per bottle. For sale at Roy*s Drug and Chemical Store at Wellsboro Pa. llj*This is no patent medicine or quack nostrum or secret remedy, but a new a"nd improved prepara tion of a well known and valuable medicine. CHOLERA DROPS.—The most effectual reme dy for bowel complaints in use. if taken in lime it can hardly fail to cure if the directions are strictly compiled with. Price 23 cents. /CRYSTAL EYE WATER.—A valuable remedy for sore or Inflamed eyes—with full, directions for use. Price 12$ and 25 els per bottle. T>LEACHTNG POWDER,—-To remove ink and fruit stains &cr., from linen. Price 12$ cts per box, with full directions for use. pERMANENT MARKING INK—To mark col* lars and other clothing so that the name will not wash out. Price 25 cts per bottle. /CEPHALIC SNUFF.—For Catarrh, Headache &,c. Price 25 cents a bottle. A RMENIAN CEMENT.—For mending broke" glass ware, with directions for its us e Price 4 25 cent* per bottle. (Warranted.) POTASH, S il Soda, Salcratus, Pure Ginger,Pure Ground Mustard, and HumelPs Essence of Cof fee, just received and for sale at Roy’s Drug Store. PIERSON'S EXPECTORANT.-A valuable rein edy for coughs, colds and lung difficulties. INDIAN SANATIVE DROPS or Life Regulator, is considered a most valuable article Ibr difficul ties caused by impurity of the blood, this article recommends itself; certificates are unnecessary try it il you would know its value. /~iHEMTCAL HAIR TONIC.—This compound is U'-ed to prevent the hair from falling off to cause it to grow in thicker—and to restore hair thulis growing gray to its original color ; it is nicely per fumed and is very pleasant article for toilet use. Afresh supply of Camphcne and Fluid justre ccivcd at Roy’s Drug Store. THE BEST INK in America. —Conger and Fields celebrated Recording Ink. Also David & Black's Permanent Ink lor Records and Book, keeping. A new supply of these valuable Inks just received at Roy’s Drug Store; also a large quantity Common School Inks. Flavoring extracts.—New supply; such Lemon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Peach, Cinnamon, Rose, Nutmeg, Cellery, dec. NEW SUPPLY* of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Book*, Dental Soaps, Odors for the Handkerchief, and Fancy Goods a large assortment. RHODE ISLAND LIME for whitewashing.— AUo Whitewash Broshes for sale at Roy’s Drug Store. LOOKING-GLASS PLATES—With or without Frames, for sale at THE DRUG STORE. MAYER'S OINTMENT.—This ointment has long been held to be a great bccicl among the Germans. Il is highly valued as a successful cure for fever sores, bad ulcers and sores of almost every kind which are found to be difficult to heal. See di rections on the box. COMPOUND CATHARTIC PILLS; the best pill 7 in use for billious complaints and affections of the liver. HEADACHE PILLS—For sick headache, ner vous headache and ail hcaduche that comes on at regular intervals. BOOKS. A variety or Children's Books—Blank Books— School Books, Stationery &.c. Also tbe Depository of tlic Tioga County Bible Society—containing a large variety of Bibles and Testaments from 6$ cents to 6 dollars. Corning' Book Store. THE Subscribers have removed to the large and elegantly fitted up brick store—four doors cast of Concert Block, Corning—and will keep on hand a large assortment of New Books, among which are RELIGIOUS STANDARD WORKS, HISTORICAL BOOKS, TALES OF FICTION. POETICAL WORKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, Blanks, Stationery and Wail Paper, N. Y. Daily and Weekly papers, all the Magazines at Publishers prices. All for sale cheap. Corning, Sept. 24, ’57. ROBINSON &, CO. Who Wants to Invest. THE SUBSCRIBER having located in the City of Hudson, St. Croix Co. Wis., would respect, fully inform his old friends in Tioga County, that having thoroughly explored the Government lands in tliis district he is prepared to act in a Real Estate Agency and will locate Land Warrants; enter lands with cash; buy and sell Real Estate, or attend to the loaning of money at as reasonable rotes as any m this County. Any information in regard to (be country will be given by addressing.tbe subscribers and enclosing postage stamps. All selections of lends made in person and in the best locations. Hudson City. Aug. 20, *57. C. V. ELLIOTT. ■you can find anything that you may want in the i hue 01 F ANt Y GOODS at YOUNG'S. THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. MED STATE HOTEL. Diffenbacher & Farnsworth, Propr’s, « rpHE GRAVES HOTEL, I lately occupied by P. P» CLEAVER, has been thorough overhauled and refilled with ■tfßlUDn an especial reference lo the comfort and convenience of*the Ui.'V i traveling public. The present proprietors aim lo build up a reputation for their House, entirely upon Us merits as a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. They will therefore he. stow every needful attention upon their patrons—* making (heir comfort (he grandobject of their efforts The COUDERSPORT and CEDAR RUN Stages leave their Hold every Tuesday and Friday at 2 o’clock P. M. Attached to this popular Hotel is a LIVERY STABLE, for the accommodation of pleasure parties and the business public. Wellsboro’ April 18, 1857. HARNESS SHOP. THE SUBSCRIBER takes this method of inform ing farmers and others, that they can now pro cute at his establishment in the Eagle printing office building. SADDLES , BRIDLES , CARRIAGE HARNESS, HE A VY HARNESS, sc, made to order promptly, in the best manner, and from the best material. He will do business on the Cush Principle. and thus be able to furnish a good article at a re* duced price. Besides, be may be found at his shop at all reassonable hours in the day, prepared to ac commodate those who ma? favor him with their pat. ronage. He is also prepared to execute orders for CARRIAGE TRIMMING, in the best manner.— He invites all to call and examine his work. May 28,1857. C. L. KIMBALL. WEILSBORO FOUNDRY ;-A-N-D- Machine Shop AGAIN IN FULL BLAST. ROBERT YOUNG, late ol the firm of Tabor Young & Co,Tioga, takes Ibis method to in form the public that he has leased the Foundry ond Machine Shop in the village of Wcllsboro for a term of years, and having put it in good running order, is prepared to do all kinds of work usually done at such establishments, in the be>t manner and out ol the best of material. He has had over twenly years’ experience in the business and will have the work entrusted to him done directly under his supervision. No work will be sent out half finished. MILL GEARINGS, PLOUGHS, STOVES, and castings of all kinds on hand and to order. ROBERT YOUNG. Wellsboro May 28,1857. University Schools, Lcwisbnrg Pa. THE WINTER SESSION of 1857-8 will open on Thursday, September 24th. These Softools offer lo young persons of both sex es superior advantages for obtaining such an educa tion as their circumstances and future pursuits may require. The Collegiate Faculty is made up of tried and experienced Professors. The academy fils young men for College, teaching or business life. The Fe male Institute occupies a new and splendid building with a full corps of teachers of its own. Catalogues of either of the schools forwarded on application to either of the Instructors, or the Gene ra) Agent and Treasurer, Rev. A. K. Bell Lcwisburg, Union Co. Penna Ang. 12, 57. MRS. REBECCA FLYNT RAFFERTY. DR ESS-MAKER. Mrs. rafferty has just received of l. a. Godey of Philadelphia., the latest style of pat. terns, such as Dresses, Basques, Mantillas &,c., which he receives monthly from Paris. Having made arrangements with him to receive the same monthly, she will keep them constantly on hand. Dress Makers and others supplied with pat. terns at all times by mail or by calling. REBECCA FLYNT RAFFERTY. Mansfield, June H, 1857. CHAIRS, CABIJSET-WAUE, &C. J STICKLER FfespccifulJy informs the citizens • of Wellsboroand vicinity, lliut he keeps con slunUy on hand end will manufacture to order, Chairs Sc Cabinet-Wave of all descriptions. Those desirous of purchasing any article in his fine wifi do well tocafl and examine his stock. His work is manufactured from ihe best material and is sure (o give satisfaction. All kinds of TURNING dune in a superior man* ner and on reasonable terms. CTShop south end of Main-st., WelHboro*. [Jan. 8, 1857.-lf. THE WORLD IS MOVISgI YO. SPENCER takes this method to say to • the public, that he continues to PLANE LUMBER at his Shop (two miles south of Mans* held near Spencers Mills) for the following prices; Siding for 25 els per hundred ieet. Flooring matched, 50 els. per hundred feet. Plain Surfacing, $2,50 per thousand feet. Fifty cents per thousand extra will be charged for hard wood. ALSO—A'superior quality of fence pickets al ways on had at 81,75 per hundred. March 5, 1857.-lj. WM- W. & H. W. M’DOUGALL REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A RE engaged in Exploring, Surveying and Draft* ing, Investing Money in Real Estate, and on Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrants, Locating Land fojr Settlers on time. They will attend the Land Sales in this and Ihe adjoining districts, where their practical knowledge will enable them to select the best lots. Parties entrusting Money to ns for investment will have the benefit of our explorations. No prop erty purchased that we are not personally acquainted with. rwaubashaw, Min. Ter-, April S3.J DP. & W. ROBERTS, arc Agl*s • ol the Albany Agricultural Works, of EM. ERY BROTHERS, for the sale of their unrivalled Agricultural Implements. Among the articles suit* able for (his market are EMERY’S PATENT HORSE POWERS. &c. Circular and Straight X cut Saws for Power, Cider Mills—Emery’s and Hickock’s pal’s. Seed Drills, Dog & Sheep Churn Powers, Combined Threshers and Cleariera, Grain Drills, nnd Feed Cutters, Heaping & Mowing Machines. Call and examine their Illustrated Catalogues and scale of prices* [Wellsboro* Oct. 15,57. W. W. WEBB, J»l. HAS returned to Wellsboro*, and is raady to promptly attend all calls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. He would also state that he has received a Commission from the Governor, and been sworn by the Brigade Inspector, as Surgeon of the Ist Regiment, 2th Brigade of the 13th Division of the uniformed Militia of Pennsylvania, and there, fore is (he only Surgeon within the Limits of said Brigade who has the right to give certificates to '‘persons incapable ofbearing arms.” Office and residence, ifcuse formerly occupied by Samuel A. Mack. t! THE niPROrEm PA TEN7’ asphaltic hooping felt, A CHEAP, DURABLE, AND PERFECTLY ‘WATERPROOF ROOFING. Price Three Cents per Square Fool, Samples and instructions may be had on applica lion to . EDMISTON, BROS. No. 3, Bowling Green, New York* Or to I. D. RICHARDS, Ag’l., Weflsboro Pa, SepL 3; 1857. ' susDl? sc^B^riJiiiioirT A FRESH supply of Books at the BINGHAM OFFICE. Wcllbboro* June 18th, 1857. SPRING MO SIMMER GOODS. W. A. ROE. IN ROY’S NEW BUILDINGS. IS now receiving a large apd extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HATS & CA PS, HARDWARE, CROCKEKK, NAILS, BEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES GLASS WARE, LOOKING GLASSES. WOODEN WARE, GLASS, FISH, SALT. We deem it unnecessary to enumerate articles, as nearly every article that is usuaPy kept in a Store can be found at this ectablishmcnt.and at prices that defy all competition, as we will not be undersold in any article, by any man or combination of men. Purchascrs.esrecially CASH BUYERS, will find it greatly to their interest lo call and examine Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. SHOES! SHOES]—the largest assortment of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes, in (own and for sale cheap at ROE’s. CALICOES, GINGHAMS and LAWNS—a Urge assortment and cheap at ROE’a. ARPET Warp and Colton Yarn at RjOE’s. BLEACHED MUSLINS—the best and cheapest assortment can be found at ROE’s. BLACK SlLKS—Ladies whl find very good and cheap Black Silks at ROE’s. WA. ROB has removed to the new • Store in ROY'e BUILDING. CASSIMERES— Gents will find a good assort ment of black and fancy, at ROE’s. CLOTHING i CLOTHING !—Gents will find a grand assortment and good at ROE’s. HATS & CAPS of every description for Men Boy«, very chca p at ifcOE’s. DOMESTIC GOODS—such as Cotton Matting, Bed-Ticking, Stripe Shirting, Bloc Denims, Drillings, Brown Factory Cotton Yarn Carpet warp, and Colion Diaper for Table usc,& —at ROE’s. SILK HATS—Super -cslra, Spring styles and latest fashion, at ROE’s. Wellsboro, May 14, 1857. MOUNT lIOFIi Superior Cut Nails. MADE in an entirely new establishment With a new Rolling Mill , New Furnace , New Nail Machine, are of the latest and most approved construction. The Nails are Beautiful in shape , Fine in finish , Tough in quality. For sale at W. A. ROES. Wellsboro' May Ist, 1857. Hear ye ! Hear yc ! Hear ye! WE hold these truths self-evident; That the way to be prosperous is to buy cheap and always of the best quality; buy nothing simply jbe cause it is cheap, nut because you need it and ilia it is both good and cheap; that those who buy by the'-quantity, can retail first quality goods cheap; that an economical buyer can sell goods at as low a figure in Wellsboro* as they can be purchased in the. City; and therefore that YOUNG IS THE MAY, who buys economically ; and that YOUi\«’S IS THE PEACE, TO PURCHASE Gold and Silver* Duplex* Lever , Anchor and Cylin der WA TCHES. Gold Chains* Gold Lockets* all sizesavd qualities * Gold Cameo and Mo* sate Breastpins aud Earrings * Finger Rings* Sleeve Buttons * Studs* SfC Silver Plated Cake Baskets , Card Baskets, Children's cups*sall cellars * Egg cups Tea Knives* Butter Knives* Table Forks * Table and Tea Spoons , Sfc. A new supply of Clocks of ell kinds, sizes, prices and qualities. Wellsboro' Jan. 1, *57. A. YOUNG. ALSO JTF YOU WANT TO BUY BOOKS, go to YOUNG’S, For lie lias just returned from (lie City with an en tirely new slock of BOOKS & STATIONERY, Fancy Goods, Reticules, Portmonnaies, Jet Bracelets , Harrison's Perfum eries, Harrison's Shoeing and Toilet Soap. HARRISON’S COLUMBIAN INKS, BLACK, RED AND BLUE. Sash an coving: il Blind Factory. n ON, TIOGA CO., PA. 11HE Subset ber is nc prepared by ru Machinery j u purchased, to fr nish to order, ; kinds of square fancy Sasb, a; Blinds. Square Sash common sizes ways on hand. By long cx{ riqjice in the bi 9inesB,thesubso berf alters himsc lha he can make as good an article, and sell it as cheap* as can b obtained at any cstabishracnt in Pennsylvania o New York. Call and see. DAVID S. 11l ELAN, Covington, September 18,1856. o*Thc subscriber is also Agent for the sale o Dr.D, Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D. S. 1. NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK OF TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER& STOVES. I). P. AND W. ROBERTS’ fl tHE greatest variety of STOVES ever seen in JL Wellsboro, 1 has just arrived at the STOVE & TIN STORE of D. P. & W. ROBERTS. They would call the attention of the public to their well selected assortment, consisting of the YOUNG AMERICA, . - Elevated oven, MORNING STAR do. NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT,] do. REGULATORS, PREMIUMS. LOW OVENS. Also a large assortment of BOX and PARLOR Stoves, at City prices. These'Stoves are selected with the greatest care, especially for this market, and cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Call and see ihpm. TUVWARE— -of all kinds, shapes-, nnd sizes made of Ihe best material and sold; is cheap if not cheaper than that of any other establishment in the connty. Ease Gutters made to order on short notice. JOBBING done to order and in the best man net. All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving the shop. 6 CTOId Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and also Silter and Gold either old or new, taken in exchange for Goods at the Market price. They respectfoily solicit the patronage of all who wish to purchase anything in their line, assuring them that money can be saved by examining their stock before pur chasing elsewhere. PREMIUMS on Tinware were given for best Stock and Work &c.,nt late county Tsir, „ ' D. P fit W. ROBERTS. We!lsboro.’'Apriia3lBs7; ' ' R AZOSS, Scissors and Shears ground and put in J-tr Ills % cry best order at Cole’s Barber Shop. HERRING’S SAFE. ■ TUE^ACKSOWiEDGED TILE RECENT TRIALS at Reading have endorsed tbs current of public opinion, and confirmed the verdict of more than 200 accidental fires, proving ONLY SAFE that will not burn. Extract from the Committee** Re port on the Trial of Iron Safes at Reading “On the 26th of February oil themeinbcra of the committee met to witness the Safes and books and papers, (placed in them) and were perfectly satisfied that oil was right. The day following, the burning took place, under the superintend ence of the Committee. After a fair and impartial bunung for five hours, the Safe of Messrs Evans A Watson was first opened, the Safe being on fire inside, and the contents par tially consumed, while the contents in the Safe of Messra Farrels & Herring were In good condition, and no fire inside. Bending, March 2,1857. (Signed,) H. F. FELIX, ) p. N. COLEMAN, j-Committee. A. H. PEACOCK, j And endorsed by over 50 of the best men of Reading. The above Safes can be inspected at 34Walnut Street, where the public can satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the “Herrings Champion,” over the defeated and used-up “inside Iron Door Salamander.” FARBELS & HEBRISG, 34 Walnut Street, Phllad’a. Only Maker* »*« this Sate of Herring's Patent Champion Safes . The attempt made by other parties to bolster up the repu tation of a Safe which has failed so signally in accidental fires in Philadelphia, (Banstcad Place,) by taking one ont of an agent’s store, (H. A. Lantf,) made double, thickness, (differ ent from those they sell) to “born up” one of Herring’s, (half as thick) has met with its true reward. Herring’s Safe could not be burnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable Safe now made is “Herring’s” of which over 15,000 are now in actual use, and more than 200 have been tried by fire without a single loss. July 13, 1857. if. ®EVIK & WATSON, "PHILADELPHIA Manoftclu -- red Salamander Safes, No. 26 S. Fourth Street, Philada. Truth is Mighty and must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superintend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Reading, Feb. 27, 1857. | *«The undersigned, members of 4he committee, do respectfully report, that-we saw 'lh|e two Safes origi nally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring and Evans & Watson; placed side by side in a furnace, viz: The Safe in use by the Paymaster of the Philadel. pbia and Reading Railroad Company, in bis office ot Reading, manufactured by Farrels &. Herring, and the safe in use by H. A. Lanlz, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson,and put in books and papers precisely alike. \ The fire was started at 8$ o’clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green Jiickoryi two cords dry oak and half chestnut lop' were entirely consumed, the whole under the superintendence of the subscribers, members of the 'Committee. The Safes were then cooled off* witli water, after which they were opened and the books Sand papers taken out by the Committee and sent jto H. A. Lanlz’s store for public examination, after they were first examined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Evans & Watson were but [slightly affected by the intense heat, while those taken from the Safe manufactured by barrels & Herring, were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent more than those taken from Evans & Watson’s Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and im. partial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes, i JACOB HJDYSHER, Daniel s. hunter. Having been absent during theibuming, we fully coincide with (he above statement of (lie condition of the papers and books taken out jof their respective Safes. G. A. NICHOLLS, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND, EVANS & WATSON have! now on hand 300,- 000 pounds of the above Safes, which they offer for sale on better terms than any oilier Manufacturer in the United Stales. : The following named gentlemen, residents of Reading and its vicinity, who isaW the above lire, have purchased Safes from Evans! &. Watson since the burning up to May Ist, ISs>7.| G. A. Nicoils, 1; Lepold Hirah^l; Isaac Kuth. 1; Kirk & H deter* I,* W. Rhoads & Son* 1; Henry W. Missingcr, 2; Dr. Wm. Moore, 1 ; Solomon Rhoads, 1; Billmeyer, Follmer &. Co.* Milton, 1 ; Levi L. Smith, I; High &. Craig, 1; Wm. Kircit, 1; Kaufman & Baum, 1; Wm. McFarlier, 1; Geo. J. Eckert, 1; J. M. &. G, Wi. Hanslock, 1 j Ezra Miller, f; J. F. Bridegane. 1; James Jamison, 1; J. B.& A. B. Warner,! ; JacotiSchmucker, 1; Wm. King, 1; V. B. Schollenberger, 1'; R. R, Company, I; 11. ALantz, 2; W. C, &P. P, Erraantroul, 1; July 13,1857. ly. ; j Ware. VANHORN’S CABINET WAREHOUSE. T AM STILL AT MY i OLD STAND, two -L doors below Hart & Short’s Flour and Provis ion Store, Manufacturing to order all kinds of Cab inat Ware, and in the best !manner. I likewise Keep constantly on band and for sale at reasonable prices, a fine stock of j f Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAHOGONY & COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage , French and Common Bedsteads , of every description .together i with all arliclesasa ally made in hie line of business; From hie knowledge of the! business he flat ters himself with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine his work before sending clsewhcr for an inferior article. ; J I TURNING done in a neat manner, at short ho tice. ! j "H Chairs! |Chalrs! .In addition to the jabove, the subset jSgSSSfbet would inform the public that he ha J/,fy fjiia I receive da large and handsomcassorl menl of I 1 Common * Spring-Seat Chairs, Boston and Common Rocking Chairs. Afc., which he will sell as cheap,if'not cheaper,than they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga, county. Call and see them 1 i [ WelUboro’, July 23, '57. B. T. VANHORN- NEW TAILOR SHOP. No garment is permitted to go ont of the shop that is not made in the most | substantial manner. Especial care observed in Caltingand Fitting. This Department, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live and let live” rule, I have adopted the Fay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it. Wellsboro’, March 13,1856. i H.P. ERWIN, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS Y\7 here 7 at EDWIN’S new Store I He has T T just returned from the City with a choice Lot of Ready-Made Clothing, CiOTHS, CASSIAERES, VESTING «nd all of which will be sold ON THE fCASH-DOWN S Y STEM AND nothing shorter Wellsboro’ Sept. 25, 1656.; The sub scriber has opened anew his shop opposite Roy’s Store and is prepared to ex. ecute the orders of his old customers aud others who may favor him with their pat ronage, with neatness ?el it necessary to put furnish its own rec« Marriage guide—young-s G im. ■ PHYSOLOGICALWORK, THE PqS ; .4SCULAPXUS, or Every One Hit Own iW' WM. YOUNG, M. D. It U written in puj' ; guage for the general reader, and is illustrate,) ; upwards of one hundred Engravings, An ' married people, or those contemplating mam? and having the least impediment to : should read this book. It discloses secrets that one should be acquainted with. Still ilisiS ' that most be kept locked np, and not lieefotM boose. It will be sent to any one on the retj? twenty-five cents. Address Dr. WM.YOl'fig >J SPRUCE Street, above Fourth, Phil’s, "• MARRIAGE GUIDE,by Dr. VVM. YOL> MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. W»J. Yol> MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOIV MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOL'Xr MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOL'k MARRIAGE GUIDG, by Dr WM YOl'Xt MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOTk MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOLto MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUte MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOto: MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOIV MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WMYOIIXu. MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOU^ HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. TO all persons afflicted with Sexual di«a» sach as SPERMATORRHOEA, SEMISii WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHdi, GLEET. SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANIS*,# SELF.aBCSE, &c., &c., The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelpfc in view ol the awful destruction of human life# health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the decepjia which are practiced upon the unfortunate such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Ca suiting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT weri, of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE Gii TIS, to all persons thus afflicied, (Male or Fermi* who apply by letter, with a description ofiheircn dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and; cose of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURXjc MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent ImtV, lion, established by special endowment, for ihen. lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted lent and Epidemic Diseases,’* and its funds con* used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus means, which the Directors have voted to adve-fc the above notice. It is needless to add that socialion commands the highest Medical skill oitk age, and-will furnish the most approved mode; treatment* —Valuable advice ako given to sick nervous females, afflicted with- Womb Comply Leucorrhcea, &c. Address,- (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOD Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, N:.,! South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President GEO. FAIRCH/LD, Secretary. October 25.1856. —ly. NILES & ELLIOTT. XTAVB leased the stand formerly occupied bjL S. BAILEY, and are now receiving andselhj at fair prices, one ot the largest and finest sloch> DRY GOODS, such as Cloths; Casaimcrcs, Vestings and Furni?fe| Goods, Ladies* Dress Stuffs of every destnpim from cheap and durable prints up to a finequaiiijs Dress Silks, Sheeting, Shirting, &c. Readymade Clothing. Summer, Fall and Winter styles, well made and :t good material fur the prices asked. BOOTS & SHOES from ladies* finest Kinds down to Brogans and Bum far farmer's wear, and at such prices as cannolto to suit the reasonable customer. We also keepcc* stantly on. hand FLOUR, FISH & SALT of prime quality and as cheap as they cao be boosV in Wcllsboro. We wish tg purchase aftVindii produce, such as WHEAT , RYE, OATS $ CORY, Eggs, Butter, Clieese, Wool &■ Hid« for which we will exchange goods, or pay ibe bri esl market prices in CASH, on delivery, or atsao time as shall be agreed upon by both parties. Wi have a good lot of FARM IMPLEMENTS. Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Garden Rakes, Hay Eba Hay Forks, &c., which we will exchange lor csA or produce as cheap as they can he bought eJscwhct The trading public are invited to call and exam-4 our stock. NILES &, ELLIOTT Wellsboro, Jane 25,1857, C. H. THOMSON, Fire & life insurance agent, Coining, N, L A ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO., -t*- Of Hanford, Conn.—Capital 81,000,9» PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of Hartford, Conn. —Capital $300,® PEOPLE’S FIRE INSURANCE CO. Of New York City—Capital $150,0(H rjONWAY FIRE INSURANCE CO., Of Conway, Mass.—Capital 3150,0011 ■REEKMAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Of New York City.—Capital 8300,001 TVf ANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCES "A Of New York City—Capital $300,0# ■\TEW.YORK life insurance CO. ' Accumulated Capital The subscriber bavin? succeeded to the Firal' BQrance business of Geo. Thompson, Esq., is prepay .to lake risks and issue policies in the above known and reliable stock Companies. Farm buildings insured for three yean at raU almost as low ss those of mutual companies, J All losses will be promptly and satisfactorily d tied and paid at this office, j Applications by mail will 1 receive prompt ttl» tion, C, H THOMSON, Agent. Concert Hall Block. Corning, Aug. 20, 1357. YOU DOIV ’X SAY SO? YES SIR, I DO! I say that FOLEY liastw best and cheapest assortment of WATCfi# 1 ever saw in Wellaboro.' Such heavy cases finished movements you can’t find elsewhere C*i and see them one door north of B. B. Son’s, where he will he glad to show them lo yea, and do any Repairs on Watches, Clocks &- and all warranted. A* FOLEY- WelJsbWo K Jnne 31, 3857. ALIEM Sc BLRI>, SURVEYORS, DRAUGHTSMEN, 4 CONVEYANCERS. Will attend to all btniness entrusted to their with promptness and fidelity. Address BROOKtAKD, POTTER CO., PA CHARLES H. ALLEN, LUCIAS Bl»* H. O. COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, TVeJlsboro’Pa. Shop in the rear of Young’s Book Store. ErtJ thing in his line of business will be done j< **: and as prompt); as it can be dona in the ®® fashiopabld'City saloons. Preparations for rem®*! dandruff, and beantyhing the hair for sals ciw Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and ss* Wellsboro’, Oct 18,18 SS. (lf> „ SEGAR MANUFACTOR Y. —F. M. HjAjj has removed to the building formerly by the SEARS 1 Boys, one door below the Ttf' Stove Store of 0. P.dt Wm, Robert*, whereiM "JJ ufactoreeand beeps constantly on bt»d,CjJ? Ordinary, Medium, and Lest brand*,« .j kinds of Tobacco. Price* rcasonaW* Cl “ Wellsboro, May 7,1857.-y-