The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, February 04, 1858, Image 3

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    From Wa«W>f‘» B ‘
of the N. Y.Wban*. . - .
Wa»HIHOTO», Jan. 31, 1858.
"ha Lecompion Constitution was delivered
h h ;SL last night by Mr.C
postmaster of LeavenworJ . J
ieral Black and Senators Bigler and Gwtn
e-m conference with ««*«« « fhe
’he Constitution will be sent to Congress
Toesdav with a special message, recoin
]din<Mhc admission of Kansas as the test
j e 0 f pacification, and recognizing .he Le
,pion contrivance as the legitimate ex
jiion of the will of the people. .
Harkson brought no authentic intelligence
iceroing the result of the elections. He
leS that the vote of Delaware Crossing
Kind, received after the count by Gov.
nrer and the officers of the Legislature
,e Leavenworth County to the Pro-Slavery
rl v. and thus secured the Legislature to it.
i also says that the vote of Coffee County
■fived afterward, but before the semi-offi
) publication,elected the Free-Siaie officers,
represents that Gen. Calhoun never ..saw
. latter returns. Mr. Clarkson's statements
b received cautiously here, as be is radt-
Ily Pro-Slavery.
Gen. Calhoun is expected hereon Wednes
jr. Clarkson saw him starling for Wes
i and was informed that he bad engaged
express to Jefferson City with the view 1 of
idling Washington promptly. It has been
cerlained by the Administration, that Cal
an has not issued any certificates of elec-
D, and it is evident that the result will be
anged in suit the exigency.
The President is greatly exercised by ac
j'nts from the South of intended demonslra
ns in case Le.-ompton be rejected.
The Northern friends of the Adrainistra
n are much annoyed by erroneous inlelli
nee heretofore sent by secret agent Martin
d others from Kansas, upon which mista-
a action has been predicated here. Martin
s commissioned by Secretary Thompson
The Administration counts four or five
jority for Lecompton in the Senate. The
lose is doubtful, but the chances are thought
be in its favor.
A Warning for Donglifaces.
Or the thirteen Northern members of the
mate who voted for the Kansas-Nebraska
II three years and a half ago, but/bur now
ie seats in that body. These four are
nalor Stuart, of Michigan, Senator Joses
lowa, Senator Douglas of Illinois, and
niior Thompson of New Jersey. The
It reason why the three first of these have
it lost their seats is simply because their
rms have not expired, and there has been
i. opportunity to elect other men. Of the
rly-two members of the House, from the
orthern Slatps who voted for the Bill, but
rtc are numbers of the present House.
he,eare J. Glancv Jokes and T. B. Flor
kce, of Penns\Uania, and VV. H. English,
Indiana, Upon all the other thirty-nine,
le waters of political oblivion have closed
irever. The fate of those Northern Dem
ents who voted for the Nebraska swindle
ught to be a sufficient warning to their sue
“jsor* who contemplate forcing the Lecomp
m iniquity upon the people of Kansas.—
lost of the members who voted against the
[ebraska bill were returned to Congress the
ext session and still hold their places or are
icceeded by men of like sentiments. In
iroe instances owing to the apathy of the
epubltcans or the dishonesty of bogus
mericans, Democrats have been elected to
II the places fotmerly occupied by Republi
cs. But the perpetrators of the crime
gainst freedom in the repeal of the Missouri
bmpromise have nearly all gone down before
10 condemnation of the people. The Nor
lern members who vote for the admission of
ansas under the Lecompton Constitution
re just as certain to be condemned by the
tople at the next congressional election as
le day of election comes. That man from
le Free Stales who bows the knee to the
aal of Slavery may as well make up his
lind to retire from public life. He is mor
lly certain to receive an emphatic notice
ist his “services are no longer needed.”
'he reign of doughfaces is about over.—
'hree years longer at most will make an end
1 it- —Erie Constitution.
Terrible Sufferings of a Sportsman.
The following remarkable narrative is from
he St. Anthony (Min) News of the sth inst :
“A German named Waller, who formerly
irtd in Troy, N. Y., while following a deer
few weeks ago, in the vicinity of Platte
bver, got lost in the woods, and was unable
o retrace his steps. During his absence he
altered much from tho intense cold. His
an got wet, and he could neither kill game
tor build a fire to warm him. At the end of
hree days, his hunger becoming desperate,
le killed his faithful dog, and ale a portion of
nm—of course --Mthout any of tbb applian
les of cookerv He threaded theiheart and
tver upon a sin. g around his necky and de
toured them the next day to keep himself
from starving. When be bad wandered four
lays and five nights, he was discovered sit.
ing on the bank of a lake, his food was con
lumcd, and himself resigned lo die. He was
tonvcyed lo a cabin, food was given him, and
ns boots were cut off from his frozen feet,
ml for want of proper attention, mortifies
ion ensued and extended nearly lo the ankle
oiw* flg was then brought to this city,
ere both his legs 'were amputated at the
• .k!" ' les ' n a P re cariouB state, and it
s ihoughUie cannot survive.”
A Horse Thief.—
, 'learn fro ™ lhe Kingston, C. W„ iV«w,
rlii. ? Won i lan ln man’s atiire, committed sui-
Me by poisoning herself, at McKay’s Hofei,
bad kl!7 *’ 00 I'oosday evening last. She
,r,_ , a ar resled for horse stealing. Soon
~,ji er arrost she was observed to put a
«a. fo? h L ef t 0 her fa <*. for the purpose, it
lion, bu“ r«|fo r he l" 16 ’ of hiding her emo '
» portion y ° T lhe P 11 '? 058 of swallowing
she had ’ lr^?^ n ' nean d chloroform which
some other^ 3 and concea lsd for that or
“■“yta'S" l ri'i.i
»as immediately ZT*’*u 8 phyB '?“ D
-half an hour fa ,l ,l for - He arnved ,n
'Her name wa« M Womßn * oon ex Pired
•aid to hav« k^ argarel Cook ’ Bnd she **
"the town of respectably connected in
friends rcs j^ e oode oc!t , where some of her
A CoHioc* Albany Beating
Journal fesHs attention to the following curi
ous fact connected with the opening of the
old and new Halls of the Representative
body -
“He who shall hereafter write the history
of these renowned legislates chambers—the
ancient and the modem —will not overlook
the remarkable fact, that the closing hours
in the old Hall of 1819 were devoted to ex
citing debates upon the Missouri Compromise
question—that the opening hours of the new
Hall of 1819, (now ‘he old Hall,) as well ra
several succeeding months, resounded with
the din of debate on the same theme—that,
after the lapse of more than a third of a cen
tury, the last Congress which occupied (bis
Hall, shook the country with agitations res
pecting the same Missouri Compromise—and
that (be first speech delivered in the new Hall
of 1857, was devoted to an examination of
the principles involved in the enactment of
(bis celebrated measure, and (he legitimate
consequences springing from its repeal.”
Mace op the Right Metal. —The wife
of a farmer living in Smyrna, Chenango Co„
N. Y. was left alone one night last week, and
as women generally are, she was timid, listen
ing to every sound. Towards morning she
heard an uproar in the hog-pen, and hastily
throwing on. her garmems she went to the
door, and in looking about, she saw a span
of horses and wagon standing by the side of
the road, and from the noise in the direction
of the barn concluded (he owner was looking
over the Jive stock. She ran to the team
and jumped into the wagon and drove to the
nearest neighbor, which was • about a mile,
and in a short time she returned wiih several
men, and upon investigating (he premises the
two fat bogs in (he pen were found dead, but
the butcherers bad vamosed. The team and
wagon are still in possession of the woman.
Mb. Buchanan in France. —The Paris
Charavari, the French Punch, prelends to
have been informed by i's correspondent at
Washington that, during the reading of his
Message, Mr. Buchanan was present in the
House with his pockets full of revolvers ; and
that, not satisfied with the reception given to
the document, he shot at the Clerk, the Speak
er and several members of the Opposition;
and, while passing home through Pennsylva
nia avenue, spoused himself by emptying the
contents of the remaining barrels on the pas
sers by. It insists, moreover, that the Presi
dent is a confirmed fiilibuster, and that Gen.
Walker wrote that portion of the Message
which relates to his movements.
In Ciymer, Jan.'S, 1858, WM. H. LARRISON,
youngest son of William and Sarah Larrison, age d
22 years.
LOST, OR STOLEN from the subscriber on the
19th of January 1858, tbc following Orders
on Covington township, vix: one drawn to H. M.
Gcroald for $4,50, No 7IJ, April 13th 1857; onelo
Mrs. A. Gardner for 67,00,N0. 719, Jane 13th 1857;
one to John S. Hoagland for $2,00, No 729, Sepl.
sth 1857; one to Lyman Frost for SS,SB, No 723,
August Ist 1857; one to H. S. Jaqutsh for $1,50,
INo 731, Sepl. sth, 1857; one to O. V. Elliott for
$14,32, No. 728, tScpt. sth 1857. All persons are
cautioned against taking nny of* the above described
Orders. H. S. JAQUISH Collector,
Covington, February 4lh, 1858.
[ S. B. PRICE, Principal.
Mas. Sophia Price, Preeepiress.
I. G .Hoyt, Teacher of Music.
Mbs. S. E. Clark, Teacher Omamenlaißranches.
The Spring Term of 1858 will commence March
2d, and close May 14th.
Board per week $1.50
Tuition from $3,00 to * 5,00
Lessons on Piano or Melodeao 9,50
CT A class will be organized for those wishing to
qualify themselves for leaching, to which special at
tention will be given.
Deerfield, Feb. 4,1858.
ALL persons are cautioned against purchasing a note giv
en by the subscribers to N. Roots, for the sum of twenty
fire dollars, bearing date Ifellaboro, Jan. 15.1855, doe five
months from date, as we hare received no raise therefor, and
shall not pay It unless compelled to do so by law.
TTellsboro, Jan. 23,1858. ELIPIIAZ FIELD
Bookseller, Publither, and Originaior of
the Gift Book Enterprise. •
HAS just'-iwued a sew and complete catalogue of his
Books, comprising a large and rariod assortment of all
kinds of literature.
$5OO worth of Gifts wfll be given with every $lOOO worth
of books sold.
A gift worth from 25 cts, to $lOO, will be delivered with
each book at the time of sale.
Orders from the country promptly filled aufl the Goods for
warded by express or mail on the same day the order is re
ceived A complete catalogue seat free.
Address, G. G. EVAXS
Jan. 28.1555. 439 Chestnut St, Philadelphia.
PHOSPHORUS, —Besides Hie curious properly
which this chemical has ol giving light in the
dark, it is also remarkable for its power to destroy
life. It is a deadly poison. Persons who wish to
destroy rats and mice can do so more safely by us
ing Phosphorus than with any other poison. A new
supply of the Phosphorus Rat Paste for sale at Roy’s
Drug Store. Price 25 cents.
undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the
Judges of the Court of Com. Pleas of Tioga
county to distribute the proceeds arising from the
sale by the Sheriff of the real estate of Jesse Locke,
dec’d, will attend to the duties ol his appointment,
at his office in Wcllsboro, on the lllh of February
neat, at 1 o’clock, P. at which time and place
all persons interested in) said fund sre notified to at.
tend and present their claims,or be forever debarred
from coming upon said fund.
Wells boro, Jan. 21-58. H. W. WILLIAMS,
Do you wish to fieri g -*od employment, and make money
with little or no investment, and without interfering with
your regular businese V If you do, read this advertisement.
C E T odd k Co, of 892 Broome st, N Y, are manufacturing
anti selling massive gold Pendlsforss each, (whichare cheap
at that price.) and they throw in a gift or prize with each pen
cil, worth from $2 up to $5, $lO. $l5, s2n. $25, $3O, $5O, «75‘
$lOO, $2OO and $5OO. Don’t cry out, ‘‘Humbug: Lottery”’
It’s no such thing. The Pencils are sold at their cash value,
and all the profits over the first cost are thrown into the gifts,
which actually cost the purchaser nothing. The prizes arc
distributed on a simple plan of drawing, which would take
too much room to explain, but which has never failed to give
complete srtisfaction. We have drawn and sent to purchasers
183 gold watches of various prices, 74 purses of gold dollars,
283 gold lockets, 850 gold chalns,andacorrespoadingnmaber
of other prizes, within two months.
But every purchaser draws a priz« worth $2 certain, and i*
stands thousands ot chances to be a-higher figure.
ITo want a good agent in every neighborhood throughout
the country, to solicit purchasers, and any to be suc
cessful, must have a Pencil and prize to exhibit. We pay
agents cash $1 for purchaser be obtains, and the first
person in any neighborhood who applies for a Pencil and
gift, will receive the agency for that locality. Shomd an
agent receive a valuable prize to exhibit with this peiiml, he
would have little difficulty In obtaining scores of purchasers
and making it a paying business.
We ask nobody to send their money till they know what
prize they draw. Any person wishing to try their luck, can
first send us their name and address, and we will make their
drawing and inform them by return mail what prize they
drew, when they can send on and take the Pencil and prize,
or not, whichever they choose. We give this privilege only
ones to a purchaser. After the first drawing, every, purcha
ser will be required to send In advance, through the author
ized agent. We win send with each drawing the number ta
ken out, with fan description of the pUirof drawing. -
- - Address C. E. TOBOf* t*.
Jan. 29,185?, (6m.) 3*3 Broome B treat, York.
the famous dcsseldohp
And Power’s world renowned statue of the '
Re-purchased for six thousand dollars, wilh sereral
hundred other works of Art, in Paintings, Sculpture
and bronzes, comprise the Premiums to be awarded
to the subscribers of the
who subscribe before the 28lh of January, 1858, at
which lime the awards will take place.
Every subscriber of three dollars is entilled to
A copy of the large and splendid Steel Engraving,
entitled “Manifest Destiny," also to
A copy of the Cosmopolitan Art Journal one year,
also to
A Certificate in the Award of Premiums, also 1 '
A free admission to the Dusseldorf and Costnopol.
itan Galleries.
Thus it is seen that for every three dollars paid,
the subscriber not only receives a
but, also, the beautifully illustrated
Two Dollar Art Journal , One Tear .
Each subscriber is also presented with a Certifi
cate in the Awards of Premiums, by which a valua.
ble work of Art, in Painting or Sculpture, may be
received in addition, thus giving to every subscriber
an equivalent to the value of $5, and a certificate
Any one of the leading $3 Magazines is furnished,
instead of Engraving and Art Journal, if desired.
No person is restricted to a single share. Those
taking five memberships, remitting sls,are entitled
to an extra Engraving, and six tickets.
Full particulars of the Association are given in
the Art Journal, which contain/over sixty splendid
Engravings, price 50 cents per number. Specimen
copies will be sent to all persons who desire to sub
scribe, on receipt of five postage stamps, (15 cents.)
Address C, L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.,
548 Broadway, New York*
J. N. BACHE, Hon. Sec'y.
Just Published, the 3d-Edition.
EASES.—A scientific Treatise on the treat
ment and perfect cure of Nervous Debility, Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Impotence,
resulting from vicious habits acquired during the
critical passage from Youth to Manhood.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Eng
land, (1837). Licentiate of the Hall (1834), and
30 years Resident Practitioner in London; Author
of the “Guide to Health.” “Green Book.’* “How to
be Happy.” “Memoirs of Single and Married Life.”
This small, but highly valuable Treatise, written
by a world renowned Physician and Surgeon, points
out the only sore and permanent cure lor all disea
ses arising from self abase, and Is the only publica
tion of its kind written in a benevolent spirit and
by a scientific man. It should be in the hands of
all who value their life and health and happiness.
Price, 13 cents, or 4 stamps, at the receipt of which
it will be sent, post free, and well secured, by Dr.
C. H. KLINE, No. 420 Ist Avenue, box 4585, N.Y.
I have just replenished ray Stock of Groceries,
Flour and Provisions, and am prepared to sell at
the lowest living figure, for Cash all through this
hard winter. I wiU also exchange Groceries and
Provisions for Country Produce at Cosh prices.
J can furnish every eatable quality of flour at jt
less price than any dealer in Wellsboro, cither whole
sale or retail.
I have also on hand a largo quantity of Ladies’
and Men’s Shoes, which will be sold at a very small
advance upon cost, for Cash or Produce. As to price
and quality of anything I keep on hand for sale,just
call and examine for yourselves. I have also a
small slock of
which will be sold AT COST. Call and see.
WelLboro’ Jan. 7, *5B. DAVID HART.
MISS HELEN COON, late Assistant Teacher at
the Wellsboro Academy, respectfully announ
ces to the people of Wellsboro and vicinity, that she
will open u Select School in the room over A. P.
Cone’s Law Office, on Main si., on Monday the 2lsl
of Oeceraber-inst, She begs to assure parents that
her constant endeavor will be to afford pupils every
advantage necessary to the attainment of a perfect
knowledge of the common and higher branches of
an English education, as also of the modern langua
ges. Terms same as those of the Wellsboro Acad
emy. [December 10,1857-] tf.
DISSOLUTION.— Notice is hereby given that
the Copartnership, heretofore existing between
the undersigned under the name of Hart & Short,
U Uiis day dissolved by mutual consent. The Books,
Notes and Accounts are in the hands of David Hart
for settlement DAVID HA AT
Wellsboro, Nov. 27, *57. BENONI SHORT.
The business will be conducted by D. Hart at the
old stand. All persons indebted to the firm of Hart
Sc Short ore urged to make immediate payment and
save costs.
NOTICE IN DIVORCE.— PhiIem Friitk— Take
notice that E. A. Frink, your husband, has
applied to the Court of Common Picas ofTioga Co.,
for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and (hat
the said court have'appointed Monday, the Ist day
of February nextTO o’clock A. M. for a hearing of
the said E. A. Fr’.nk In the premises, at which lime
and place you can attend if you think proper.
Wellsboro, Jan. 7.1858.
Register’s Notice.
■XTOTTCE Is hereby given, that tbo Administrators on the
j\ following named Estates have settled their accounts,
and that the same will bo presented to the Orphan a Court of
Tjogn ootmty, on Monday the Sth day of February, IMS, for
confirmation and allowance, viz:
The account of James I. Jackson, surviving Administrator
of tbe estate of Xsabcl Culver, dec d. ....
The account of Roswell Acly and Darwin Sykes, Adminis
trators of the estate of Win. H. Reynolds, deed. _
Wellsboro, Jan. 14,155«. IV. D. DAILEY, Register.
Applications for License.
*VTOTICE is hereby given that applications for license to
iN keep an Inn or Tavern, have been filed in the Office of
the Ork of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the I'cacc of
Tioga County, by the fcllowing persons:
B.P. U. McAllietoi, - - - Tioga.
John Irvin, loion.
John Sofield, .... Morris,
Russel Taylor, ISollsboro.
•Which applications are to be disposed of by said Court, on
Wednesday, the 3d day of February next, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Jan. 12,• J. F. DONALDSON, Clerk.
I WISH to have the citizens of Wellsboro and vi
cinily understand, that I will furnish to order
Pianos, Meiodeans, and sheet music, cheaper, belter,
and more durable than can be furnished at any of
our country music stores, I. have access to uli the
most reputable manufactories in the Union. All in
strumenta warranted. For further particulars ad
dress C. D. BROWN, Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.
December 3d, 1557.
Administrator’s Sale.
IK pnrsnance of an order of the Orphan’s Court of Tioga
Co. twill expose to public sals’nt the Court Hoaso in
Wellsboro, Friday, the 6th day of February next, at ono o’-
clock P. M. the following real estate, to wit:
A lot of land in Deimar. bounded north by lands of Wm.
Hoffman and J. W.Catiin, east by James Hal! and Wm. Bachs,
sonth and west by Bachs—containing abont 150 acres.
Jan. 14, ’6B. . It. 8. HASXISOS,
Admr. of Wm. McKitt, dec’d.
Administrator’s Notice.
T ETTEBS of Administration haring been granted to the
| j undursikned npoo thft Estate of Asa S. Lincoln, late of
Gaines, dec’d., all persons indebted to said estate are request
cd to make immediate payment, and those having' claims
gjrajnst tbe samo trill present them fbr ter ~
(Quints, Jau. 11, ISM, (H) JAS. 8-
a» 3c a.
BROmu, Mass* 20th Dec* 1855.
HaJCAras: 1 do-cot hesitate to say the
best remedy- 1 hare ever found for Coughs,
Hoarseness,'lnfluenza, and the concomitant
symptoms of a Cold, Is your Cherry Pectoral.
Its cqnsUct use in my practice and my fam
ily for the last ten years has shotv-n it to pos- ‘
sess superior virtues for the treatment of
these complain ta. EBEN KNIGHT, il. D.
A B HOBTLEY, Esq., of TtJca, N. Y., writes: :sed
your Perioral myself and in my family ever since yon invent
ed it, and believe it the beat medicine for Ita purpose ever put
out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty-live dollars
for a bottle than do without it, or tahe any othhr remedy/’
Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza.
_ 1 ’’ ' Sparaomij), Mm, Feb. 7,1858.
Brother Ateb ; I will cheerfully certify your Pectoral 13
the beet remedy we possess for the cure of Whooping Cough,
Croup, and the chest diseases of children. We of your fra
ternity io4hQ-fioath appreciate your skill,sudeommend your
medicine, to ourpajple. HIRAM COJfcKUN, D._
AMOS LEE, Esq, Monterey, Ia„ writes. 3d Jan., 1856: -
“I had a tedious Influenza, which confined mo in doors six
weeks; took many medicines without relief; finally tried
jour Pectoral by the advice of oor clergyman. The first dose
relieved the soreness In my throat and Jungs; leas than one
half the bottle made me completely well. Tour medicines
are the best as well as the cheapest we can buy, and wa es
teem you,'Doctor, and your remedies, as the poor man’s
Asthma, or Phthisic, and Bronchitis.
JPest Manchester, Pa., Peh. 4,1866.
Sir : Tfnr Cherry Pectoral is performing marvellous cures
in this section. It has relieved several from alarming symp
toms of «tnsuroptiou, and is now curing a man who baa la
bored unwr an affection of the lungs fur the lost forty years.
HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant.
A A RAMSEY, x n, Albion, Monroe Ox, lowa, writes, Sept.
6, 1865: “During my practice of many years I have found
nothing equal to your Cherry Pectoral for giving ease and re
lief to consumptive patients, or curing such as are curable.”
We might add volumes of evidence, but the most convinc
ing proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in its effects
upon trial.
Probably no one remedy has ever been known which cured
00 many and such dangerous cams b% this.. Some no human
aid can reach > but even to those'the* Cherry Pectoral affords
relief and comfort.
Astoa House, New Tort Citt, March 5,1856.
Boer. AriSj EoweU: I feel it adqty and a pleasure to in
form youxrhat your Cherry Pectoral baa done for my wife.—
She bad been five months laboring underthc dangerous symp
toms of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure
gave her much relief She was steadily failing, until Dr
Strong, of this city, where we bare come for advice, recom
mend a trial of your medicine, lie bless his kindness, as
we do yonr skill, for she has recovered from that day. She
is not yet as strong as she used to be, tut is free from her
cough, and calls herself well.
Yours with gratitude and regard,
ORLANDO SHELBY, of Shdbyrille.
CovsrafPTTrES, do not despair till you have tried Ayer's
Cherry I’ectoraL It Is made by one of the best medical chem
ists in the world, and Its cures all around us bespeak the high
merits of .its virtues.—Philadelphia Ledger.
THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine hare been taxed
their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative
which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that
these PUU have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordi
nary medicines, and that they win unprecedentedly upon the
esteem of all men. They arc safe and pleasant to take, but_
powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the
vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its
organs, purify the Mood, and expel disease. They purge out
the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate
disordered organs into their natural action, and
impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not
only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body,
but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled
the best of human j-kil'. While they produce powerful effect*
they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the safest and
but- pbysic than can be employed for children. Being sugar
coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable
are free from any risk of liana. Cares have been mode which
surpass belief were they not substantiated by men of such
exalted position and character os to forbid the suspicion qf
untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have lent
their names to certify to the publia the reliability of my rem
edies, while others have sent me the assurance of their con
viction that my Preparations contribute immensely to the re
lief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men.
The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my
American Almanac, containing directions for their u>e and
certificates of their cores, of the following complaints :
Costliness, Billons Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy,
Heartburn, Headache arising from a foal stomach, Nausea.
Indigestion, iMorbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pam orbing
therefrom. Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Tlceroos and
Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacuaut medicine.
Scrofula op King’s Evil. They also, by purifying the blood
and stimulating the s\afem, cure many complaints which It
would not be supposed they could reach, such as Deafness,
Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability. De
rangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kin
dred complaints arising from a low state of the body or ob
struction of its functions.
Do not be |>nt off by unprincipled dealer* with some other
pill they make more profit on. Ask fur Ayer’s Fill*, and lake
nothing else. JC<> other they can give you compares with this
in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sigk want the
best aid there la for them, and thoy should have it.
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Massachusetts.
Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for $l.
J. A. ROY, Wellsboro, and by Druggists and .Merchants
generally. [Dec. a. 57.]
HAS just returned from the City with a nice as
sortment of Fall and Winter Goods, such as
Velvets 4"
Satins \
For Bonnets.
Mrs. Grierson has engaged for the season, a good
Milliner. Also, a City Dressmaker, to make dress,
es, Cloaks and Children’s Clothes. O’* All orders
promptly attended to.
"S Wellsboro, Oct. 22, 1857.
Successor to
Wholesale and Retail Dealers, in
Drugs le Medicines, I*ad. Zinc , df Colored Paints ,
Otis, Vnrnishes, Brushes, Camphene Burning
Fluid, Dye Stuffs, Sash Glass, Pwe
Liquors for Medicine, Patent Medi
cines, Artists Paints df Brushes,
Perfumery, Fancy Articles,
Flavoring' Extracts,
A general assortmcntofSchoo! Books, Blank Books,
Staple and Fancy Stationery.
Physioiahs, DruggLts, and Country Merchants
dealing in any of the above articles can be supplied
at a small advance on New York prices.
Sept 3,1857.
At Naiiisbnrg, Polina.
THE new and splendid Stcum Mill at Mainsburg
is now in full operation, and the proprietor is
prepared lo do custom work or Flouring with neat
ness and despatch. This Mil! has 4 run of stone,
and is capable of grinding SO bushels per hour. |
Persons bringing Grain to this Mill can have it
ground ty take home with them; and we will war
rant them os good work as can be done in this re
gion of country. LYMAN VVETMOKE, Prop'r.
Oct. 8,1857. ft. K. BRUNDAGE, Agtnt.
Who wiilgo to Kansas ?
THE subscriber will sell the Farm on which he
lives, in Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100
of which is improved. It is well watered, has a
comfortable house, barns, necessary outbuildings
and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon.
Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrenccville, known as
the “Geer House,** with ample accommodations.
Attached is a Store building suitable for the Gro.
eery and Dry Goods business—all to be sold or rent
ed lo«oit applicants. For terms -
Lawrenccville, Sept. 11 ’56. M. S- BALDWIN;
rpHIS System leaches, a practical, businett, hand
X, writing It doia this systematically. The
subject is presented sot merely as an art
learned by imitation, but as a science tiTbs studied
and applied. -
For sale, wholesale and retail by Baldwin, Lowell
& Cc., T-og-i, Pa. Price 20 cents j>er dcz.
BIIBWIS, TiOfffiCt tot,
ABE now rooming a very choice and carefully
selected assortment of
Groceries and Provisions,
and are prepared to furoish them to customers at
As Reasonable Prices
As they can be bought in any other Market.
Customers can rely upon findtng'al all limes any
article they may wish, aod all Goods warranted la
be as represented.
Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods,
Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim
mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the
Slock before purchasing elsewhere. ) .
Baldwin,'Lowell & Co., have always on hand
a seasonable and fashionable stock of. i |
Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing,
which will be sold al the lowest CASH PRICKS.
ALSO, ■ \
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Class
Stone, Hollow and Wooden Ware,
Iron, teel. Nails, Oils, Points
and Dye-Stuffs of every kind >
and of the best quality, j
with BOOTS <Sp SHOES, for Everybody.
*,* Alt kinds of Country Produce taken in ex
ehonge for goods al the market puces. I
Tioga, July 2, 1857. ! ’ .
MRS. MARY C. RUCKMAN, Principal.
Mrs. Ruckmnn would announce to her j friends
and patrons, that she will open a School at her rc»i
dencc (house formerly occupied by Cha£, Grierson)
on Tuesday, Dec. Ist. 1857. I
Term to continue twelve weeks. |
Orthography, Reading, Writing and Mental
Arithmetic, [ 81 50
Geography, Grammar and Arithmetic, , \ 300
Algebra, Geometry and HigSier English i 300
French, Latin und Drawing, . f 400
Every effort will be made to render this school
profitable to the pupils and acceptable lojils pd Irons.
The government, while firm, will be strictly kind
und parental, and the teachers will endeavor as far
as possible to make this school in aft its aspects “a
well regululed family” where kindness courtesy and
a Christian spirit are the controlling characteristics,
und where nothing unbecoming the strictest purity
of character can be learned by example. 1
A select class of more advanced boys will be re
ceived, they occupying their own rooms for study
and meeting at the School Rooms only fur recitation
and examination. ! ,
Particular attention will be paid to preparing
young tidies for the occupation of teaching.
Wellsboro, Nov. 27,1857-
of all kinds, as cheap as the cheapest. 1 I
Cash paid for Hides, Calf-Skins and Sheep Pells.
One door below Bailey’s Store. Sear’a Shoe shop
removed to same budding. I |-
July 9th, 1857. ly. j |_r.
Post Office Nolle* 1 , f
Malls close at the irdlshoro* Post Office as folfows:
Eastern mail, via Tioga, daily at o'clook'a. in.
Eastern ami Southern, via .Mansfield and Troy, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at "hi o'clock a. m. 1
ILuUfru -md Snnthem. ria"CovSncton and Troy,. Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at o'clock a. m. 1
Southern, via Jersey Shore”, Tuesday and Friday- at !}-£ o’-
clock p. m. . \ '
Western, via Coudersport, Tuesday and Friday at 11$ o’-
clc-.-k p. m. i •
Mails arrive as follon-g : {
Northern 4c’., via Tioga, daily, by 1 o’clock, p. m.
Eastern 4c., via Troy and Mansfield, by t>i o’clock p. m.
same days-of leaving. i
East * *-c„ via Troy and Covington, by 7 p-jm* same da
cistern ic., via Troy and Covington, by 7 p-jm* sonic days
of leaving. i
Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday £ Friday, bv 12 m.
Western, vui Coadersport, Tuesdav and FruUy s»v 12 m.
Sept. 17, !So7. J. D. RICUAIipS, P. M.
A RETIRED PHYSICIAN. 75 years of age. iiavios lost his
Father, iwo Brothers. Daughter. Sun-in-law, Nephews,
and Nieces, by that dreadful disease. CoxsCMrrii>y[ and suffer
ing with a Oiugh himself, determined to visit Ka--t Indies.
Egypt and Japan, where he discovered a and
(Xrtain Cu'c for Cold*. Coughs. Bronchitis, ;Consumption.,
Nervous Debility and Asthma. Tll< cough waj fin’ll muni-,
diately; he returned, cured his Relative*?, ulsoj irjhcrit«*d the
disease, and in connection with UU son have employed it m
their practice, caring thousands of oases considered hojjeicts
by others. For the purpose of rescuing-as many of his suffer
ing fellow beings as possible, he is sending the Ucdpe to all
who wish It for 10 cents; li of it to pay the and the
balance printing. Address Dr. Heath, 101 Spring strict, op
posite St. Nicholas Hotel New York. [Aug. iK Smua.J
OIL explicit
\JT directions forpursumg lliisbcauliruHirl, will be
forwarded to any aodress by enclosing $1 and a pns
tage stamp to H D. DE.MING,
Wellsboro, Tiog;. Co Pa.
Papers copying (he above, and sending a tnarkod
copy with hill of tiie same, will be duly ionored by
return mail. \
To Farmers niul Sportsmen.
WILD GAME, ul liie ~ r 'T* *
Customers can rely upon finding at this Market,
(he best qualities of meal always on liana.
Shop in the north cud of the Hotel.
Wellsboro* Scpl. 24,1857., [
] OB PICTCBES OX GLASS, 1F.0.N A, fc.vrEß; j|l*o,
ok baked pictures. 1 |
Taken at S. 11. Clcavclanci’s Room?, over Bailey’s
Store. Particular Hllcntioii paid lo^copvjing.
Pictures taken in cloudy as well «s clejir weather.
The quality of my pictures is 100 wel| known to
need comment. Cull «nd see for yourselves.
All those wislunig Pictures will plcascjcalt imme
diately, as my stay in town will be shor^'.
Particular attention paid to pupils. 1 ■
Wellsboro, Nov. 19,1857. : |
Store Goods in Tioga; Village.
Have a small Slock ofGoods on hand, bought in
view of the light times, whirl* will be sold very low
for Cash-of any kind ofxroduce. \Vc are located
at our old stand in Tioga ! Villagc, directly opposite
the Mammoth Store of Chariot O. Liz.
We would further say lo all tho-e injfbtcd to us
by note or book account, that wc mufl have paiv or
cost* will be made. WuMI take Ca>h or onjrund all
kinds of Produce al the highest markVt^priccs
Tioga, Nov. 26, 1857. ’ j
S. B. PRICE, A. B. 4. Principal.
THE Winter Term 0fT857-8 will commence on
Tuesday Dec. Ist. -( j
TUITION from i 53,00 to $5,00
BOARD (per week) 1,50
Deerfield, Nov. 19,1857. ! J
©9 R«
Office at kit residence, near ihe\Academy.
All work pertaining to his -line t of business
'done promptly and weij!..
■ Wellsboro. April I- IS3T -if, j, [•'
Prepared from a Prescription of Sir J*me# ClaikA.
> Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. Xhb i?. T - 3 ■**
cine is unfailing in the cure of all those palcfW ahd danger
on* diseases Incident to the femaleeoastitulion. - .
It moderates aU excess, removes all obstruction** ****
brings on the monthly period Mth regularity.
should be used two or three week* pr&vloaa to
they fortify the constitution. and lessen the sufferingdailnfc
lahari enabling’the mother to porfertn her duties srititJ Wftty
tu.hMseirapd child. -
These Mils should not be taken by female* during? tho
FIRST TIIHEi? MONTHS of Pregnancy, ns they are *UC* dp
bring on Miscarriage, but ot any other time they are safe.
In all causes of Nerrors and Spinal Affections* pain in the
Back and. Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion, Pal
pitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirit*. Hysteric*. Sick
Headache, Whites and all other painful diseases occasioned by
a disordered system. lhe?e Pills w.ll effect a cure when all
other menus liave failed, and altlrongb a powerful ißßwdr
does not contain iron, calomel antimony orany other znXo«r»
r fuii direction* accompany each package. Price In the Cal
ted States and Canada, osns Dollar,
Sole Agents for thtoCobatty--
Rochester, 2f. Y.
. X. B. $1 00 enclosed te any authorised Agent, will insure
abottleof Pills by return mail. J* _
For bulq Wholesale and Retail by 11. w. ELLIOTT Slmlce,
and by ouq druggist In every town in the United State*.
For particular* cal* at Elliott’s and get aCircular._
For sale la Wellaborq. by.J. A* Roy, Covington br w.
Taylor, Mansfield, by C. W. Xwbftl; Tioga by A. Hum
phry and IL H. Borden; • Laurencevllle by W. O. Miller;
Knoxville by A. J..Dcarman;: Westfield ly Coodspeed Jt
Brother: Elkland by J. & J. Parklwrst.
Jan- 12, 1867.—1 y.
The Empire! The Empire!!
J J would inform the public that they may be found
at the old stand of Bowen & Bollards known astbo
mm&imm mmmm
where they are now receiving fresh from the Oily, a
full supply of
Fall & Winter Goods.
of every variety and quality, which cannot but suit
the most fastidious, and at the lowest rule* : Such
Dry Goods & Groceries,
Crockery, Hardware,
Wooden ware,
J. R. BOWEN, 1
Wellsboro Nov. 5 ’57. L. TRU.MAN, S
HOOPS —Hoops—Hoops ! Plain Brae?, Bras*
Wire, Whalebone and Reed, at the EMPIRE.
COME to the EMPIRE if you want a nice bon
net—a!>o Trimmings, such as Ribbons, Har
ders, Linings, &c.
IF you want a Carpet CHEAP, call at
LATEST STYLES lluistind Caps just rcceiv
cd at - * Bowen Bi-i.lard &. C.o
Charles O. Etz of Tioga
Village wmijd-rcspccirulh <aJJ lhe attention of ihe
public io ilie Ibllowing advertisement. “Man wan l *
but little here below nor wants that little long” is
an old saying and perhaps true to a certain extent
But it seems to me that in this lime of general
suspension and panic, everything is lending to a
reversion of lime-honored sayings, and ever} body
wants a Uule mere still. The farmers (and they
ready ought to have as much as anybody, for they
are to our country what-a main spring is to a watch,)
wants a little more for their wheat, buckwheat, rye,
corn, oats, potatoes, dee., than the purchaser feels
able and willing to pay. The merchant wants a
little more for his Flour, Pork, Salt, Dry Goods,
Boots &. Shoes, Hats & Caps, Hardware, Crockery
and ten thousand little things lie has-to sell 4hau
the farmer thinks he ought to pay.
At this present lime it seems to be conceded by
all that the cash value of good wheat is $1 per
bushel; buckwheat, 2 to 2-6; corn 3-6 to 4—6;
oats, 2 lo 2-6 butter, 14 to 16 cents. Now to
equalize the matter and make it satisfactory on both
sides, I want and will agree to take from every
farmer of Tioga county, all the wheat I can get
for the next 60 day* at 9 and 10 shillings* per bush
el according to quality; buckwheat at 2-6 to S;
et*rn 510 5-6; oats 2-9 to 3 shillings; bullet 16 la
ID cents. •
Will sell von In exchange:
Sail per barrel, 16s. Flour extra superfine 13s
per sack, $6 50 per turrel. Superfine, Ila per track,
$5 50 per fabl. toflVr sugar- Idler *‘A” as while as
snow at Is. Cofite'sngur letter “C” 12cU. Verv
niccjjrowu sugar, 1 let?.. Common, lOcts. Lagui
ra coffee, every kernel good, 1-4. Old Java, very
nlcjf, l r 6. Young llvmih tea, warranted tip-top,
4,5 and 6 shillings, Tallow candles, 17cls. Sperm,
3-G Fme cut luii.ieco, 3s. Loo>e smoking, 1-6.
Plug h>h.n;i o, 3s h> 4-. Eagle Denim*, best manu
factured, 10ci- lo I**. Lawrence mills, sheeting,
very hc-vy, lOcts Fine unhh ached. from 10 els to
I<. hli-.K’lii-d mu-lin, from 7cK to 1-6. Calicoes,
all style—-, i-nn-i-ling of McrrSmn-k>, Cochecocs,
Sprague.-, Phillip Allens, Slc , from 6Ji-u» lo Is. A
great variety of all wool D«1 lines, Casluneics, Silk
and Wool Poplin?,, Paramclta-. RiguUils. Hoods,
Hosiery, Gloves and a great variety oflillJe fixings,
also a very l»rgc slock ol Hoots and Shoes, Ladies
and Gent’s wear. Ladies coarse Shoes 9s. Ladle’s
calfand enamelled leather, Us to 12s. Gaiters, a
splendid assortment 10s lo 16s. Gent’s Kip Bools,
home made, from $4 lo 4 25 ; City made from S 3 50
lo 5 50,
In a word our stock is complete In iu depart
ments, from the sugar and molasses down cellar lo*
the and most complete assortment of common
and satin wall paper ever kept m a country fclorc up
stairs. Bring along all the grain &c., you have ta
self, what you do not want to exchange-tor Goods 1
will pay yon the cash for at cash prices.
Tioga, Nov. 5,1857.
10,000 Bushels of Good Wheat wanted'
X /Y/Y/Y Bushels of Oats, wanted by
c. O. ETZ.
000 US^IC^S Bnckwhcat wanted by
NOTICE is hereby given that on election'of Di
rectors and Treasurer of the Mansfield iron
Works will be held at the Company’s Office, Man**
field, Tioga county. Pa., on the first Monday of J-u
-uary next, at 2 o’clock, afternoon,
Dec. 17, )p57-*3
Letters testamentary having bcm
granted to the undersigned upon the last Will
apd Testament of Ludwick* Hart, late of Charleston
dec’d, those indebted to tl>e estate will make inimo,
diale payment. and tho-o having nl.iims agaui«l
same will present them to MORGAN HART, ;
Charleston, Dee. 24,’57-6l* £rr.
NOTICE —Letters Testamentary having bet it
granted to the nnder'igncd on the last Will &&
Testament'of-Stmuel McKinney, late of Tifjjf.i,
dec'd, all those indent*’,: to life estate will make! ini.
mediate payment, *ind 100-e having cl/rims against
the same will present them in
\V;M. G WiREISt N, iExrt:
Tiogn, Dee. 24, *ST-t6*
j I AKE NOTlCE—that I have applied to the
1 Court of Common Pleas of Tioga count/ foe liio
benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this State; aud
that the I.4th d-iy of January next, at I o’clock af
ternoon, is fixed fur 'he hearing in said application,
at the Court House in WVlUboro, at which time and
place my creditors can attend if they think proper.
Dcc.'SOj 1857-43* PETER SECHRIST.,
ET Office with J > JV. facie JZcq. [Teb. 19-£7
WANTED Wilcox &-Seani far whielttho
highest market price wi!l W paidin Cii.l:,
15,090 Eastiels of Wheat.
10 Tons ofrEoik.
v-r ifsti..i3, h;t. ... ,:.r=;v~