AGENTS, ATTENTION! -v tft And e >od employment, and make money rf/Si cTor393 Broome st, NT, ore mannWturing fersLl* MTiIS. iftrt 4200 and t5OO. -Don t cry out, lottery i m saw ®“" „ perils are sold at their cash value, *!l n ?t B * ch 5' nT or the firtt cost are thrown into the gifts, SsS»as: witSwof rtiTiou, prices, 74 purees of gold dollars, cold tetets. S5O gold chains, and a corresponding number f other prises- -ritbia Wo months. f THEBE ABE NO BXrAJTKS. tot ererr purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain, and it *nds thousands ol chances to be a higher figure. jTe want a good agent in every neighborhood throughout lecountiw, to solicit purchasers, and any agent to be sue »ssful, most have a Pencil and prize to exhibit. We pay nnts cash $1 for each purchaser he obtains, and the first «rson in any neighborhood who applies for a Pencil and !ft, will receive the agency for that locality. Should an pent receive a valuable prize to exhibit with this Pencil, be amid bare little difficulty in obtaining scores of purchasers C il making it a paying business. \ A NEW IDEA! READ! We ask nobody to send their money till they know what rise they draw. Any person wishing to try their luck, can rst send us their name and address, and wo will make their rawing ami inform them by return mail what prize they rew, when they can send on and take the fcncll and prize, r net. whichever they choose. We give this privilege only ncc to r purchaser. After the first drawing, every purena »r will be required to send In advance, through the antiior* agent. We will send with each drawing the number ta co out, w ith full description of the plan of drawing. Address C. E. TODD A Cb. Jan.'28,1858, (5m.) - 392 Broome Street,-?.ew York. Donation Visit. rHE friends of Elder W. ROCKWELL lire res pcclfully invited to attend a donation visit, at is residence on Stony Fork, Wednesday, Feb. 3. piJE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by" the L Judges of the Court of Com. Pleas of Tipga oonly to distribute the proceeds arising from the lie by the Sheriff of the real estate of Jesse Locke, c'd, will attend to the duties ol bis appointment, his office in Wellsboro, on the 11th of February >xt, at 1 o’clock, P. M., at which lime and place I persons interested in said fund are notified to at. nd end present their claims, or be forever debarred nm coming upon said fund, Wclfcboro. Jan. 21-58. H, W. WILLIAMS, Auditor . SHOALS AND QUICKSANDS OF YOUTH. lust Published, the 3d Edition. \N SPERMATORRHEA OR SEMINAL DIS } EASES. —A scientific Treatise on the treat* ►ntand perfect cure of Nervous Debility, Seminal eakness. Involuntary Emissions, Impotence, &c., lulling from vicious habits acquired during the ucal passage from Youth to Manhood. BY DR. CULVERWELL, imbcr of the Royal College of Surgeons of Eng** d, (1527). Licentiate of the Hall (1824% and years Resident Practitioner in London; Author the “Guide to Health.” w Grecn Book.” “How to Happy.” “Memoirs of Single and Married Life.” Tins small, but highly valuable Treatise, written a world renowned Physician and Surgeon, points I the only sure and permanent cure for all disea* arising from self abuse, and Is the only publica* aof its kind written in a benevolent spirit and a scientific man. It should be in the hands of who value their life and health and happiness, ’nee, 12 cents, or 4 stamps, at the receipt of which Fill be sent, post free, and well secured, by Dr. 11. KLIN E, No. 420 Ist Avenue, box 4585, N. Y. rial List---February Term, 1858. icon Power vs M. Inscho’s' Adraf’s 3. Camp 11 H. T. Ryaa irnsey for Otis 41 E. Harris jsbylerian Congrega. lion of Blossburg xlbrd's Exr'a Rathbone ias TZussel ** J. W. Ryan u H. C. Yeomans “ J. A. Hammond “ John Mitchell 14 Enos Quimby “ C. Whitcomb M L. Palmer w Ryon 6c. Tubbs •* H. WiHtstoa et ql M Levi Carpenter “ D. B, Shoff m. Barns \ F. Robinson . Longwell ialhbonc :ius Truman lor Case 'id Coals u Clynier School Direcl’rs Berm ilanahan M C. Phipps et al Baldwin 6l Co* m Mansfield Iron Works 44 W. Updike M Wru. N, Hammond 44 Belhuel Bentley . Park ;n Sc Northrop D. Longwell 44 John Bowen [ladings 44 John Lewis 14 A. Woodbury 44 H. T. Ryan 41 Wm. T. Humphrey 44 N. A. Elliott 44 h. J. Cooley I. Hall i. Wass .rns & Marvine olhy Coals glil &. Bailer *8 of Shlppen » 4 Daniel Hill “ W. W. Ballard etal 44 L. Davenport 44 Hiram Costley |dah Hill V. Caulliins Gillette :a Costly Powers 14 H. S. Johnson f.HUI « A. J. Clark p- Guernsey cl al 4 * L. J. Cooley be &, Shepherd u Martha Stevens !k Slosson 44 E. D. Wells in Benn « do vnickerbacher 44 do dweJl for Woodward 44 J. C. Johnson et al. V'. Harrison 44 Barber &. Swan n Ray 41 J. Campbell ct al ra County « Marvin Wilson ct al usa Culver « P. Taylor for Berry 44 Spencer & Jewell i & Bush 44 Dewitt & Johns >vier 44 S, S. Strait el al Gil!elt 44 C. H. Colegrove ■6cJ. C. Johnson 44 Tabor, Hathaway & Co. > Ray 44 J. Campbell ct al Treadwell 44 H. Slowell & Son • Evans 44 6. R. Hall aldwell 44 Jason Clark 6c Gush 44 J. Phalin et aL Culver 44 J. L. Davenport nith 44 Tlio. Keeney. of Jurors--February Term, 1858, GRAND JURORS. o ■ookfield.—John Waklee, 'vmgion. —James Dewey, Thos, Good jarleslon.—Lyman H. Poller, Charles lidge, Luman Fenton, j 'erfield,—George Tavlor, ?lmar.—A. S. Brewsier. Ikland.—lsaac Losey, ickson.—M. D. Wylie, loxville.—Hiram Freeborn, irris.—Gordon Sieole, Jas. VV. Childs, iddlcburv.—Simon Spalding, Philander h L B. Niles. ceola._j. M. Mapes. ;hmond Elias Miller. I'Ppen.-E. W. Grinnel. N 0 c' iP' Spencer, Cornelius Sicele. •sineld. Charles Goodspeedj Abram tjuveese jurors. idlebury.-_>} ew b e rr y Cloose, Ezra Pol. A. L. Cole.* “rence. Jacob Lichenlhaler,. Simeon .. er ' Elias Snell, O. Powers. Ehaffey, Ethan Strait, J. pll C [ d^QußckeDbua h, J. B. Seeley,* Plank ’ Wtn. George* Fo “lkrod, Wm. Kimple, • ' Eoraca Fellows,* John Len-' wrenceviHe.'-pWio Hurd, W. S. Bar. fcmnh Stevens.* I, A “ * * A. J. Cole, Aurora Spencer, R. Toles,Saml. StrtWm.* Ciymer.—G. Harrison, Daniel Case, Hen ry Stevens.*. , vT Charleston,—W. p. : Sbumway, N. Whit ney, Seth Clark,* S. Frost.* Westfield.—W. P. Comstock, John Wak lee.* Elkland.—Henry Baxter, Stephen Scallon. Jackson.—Henry Redfield, Samuel Grin tiell, Sami. Miller,* Wright Dunham,* Step. Orcuu.* Tioga.—H. W. Calkins, S. M. Geer, Jos. Aiken.* Covington. —Jos. Hubbell, Ira Graves, C. S. Videan.* Delmar. —R. J. Moore, H. S. Hastings. -•.Mansfield. —F. J. Caldwell. ' Rutland. —Levi Osgood, JeSerson Pruts man, Joel Rose.* ‘ Farmington. —Hiram Merritt, J. B. Red field* v ■ Sullivan.—L. D. Seeley, E, A. Fish.* N ' v - Deerfield.—E. S. Seeley. Richmond.—E. R. Lamb,* Amos Bixby.* Union.—Wm. Cassbier,* Albert Newell.* Osceola.—F. C. Pringle,* Hiram Taylor.* Shippen.—James Carsaw. Wellaboro.—John R. Bowen.* Morris.—Fredrick Huyler.* Those marked thus * are drawn for sec ond week. Dissolution* TH£ Copartnership heretofore existing under the name of Smith k Roblyer, is this day dissolv»s by mutual consent. The books, notes and accounts are in the hands of the sub scriber for settlement. Those indebted will please take no tice. [Sullivan, Nov. 9, '67. •] H. L. ROBLYER. Administrator’s Notice* LETTERS of Administration having been granted to., the undersigned upon the Estate of Asa S. Lincoln, late of Gaines, dec'd., all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them for settlement to Gaines, Jan. 14,1858, (6t) JAS. S. WATROUS, Adm’r de bonis non. Administrator’s Sale* IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan’s Court of Tioga Co. I will expose to public sale at the Court House in Wellsboro, Friday, the sth day of February next, at one o’- clock P. M., the following real estate, to wit: A lot of land in Delmar, bounded north by lands of Wm. Hoffman and J. W. Catlin, east by James Hall and Wm. Bocbc, south and west by Bacbe—containing about 150 acres. • Jan. 14, ’5B. H. 8. HASTINGS, ' Admr. of Wm. McNitt, dec’d. Register’s Notice. *VTOTICE is hereby given, that the Administrators on the Xv following named Estates have settled their accounts, and that the same will be presented to the Orphan’s Court of Tioga Qonnty, on Monday the Bth day of-February, 1858, for confirmation and allowance, viz: The account of James 1. Jackson, surviving Administrator of the estate of Asuhel Culver, dec’d. The account of Roswell Acly and Darwin Sykes, Adminis trators of the estate of Wm. U. Reynolds, dec'd. Wellsbotp, Jan. 14,1858. W. D. BAILEY, Register. Applications for License. "VrOTICE ifi hereby given that applications for license to Xl keep an Inn or Tavern, have been filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Tioga Comity, by the fdlowing persons: R. I’. 11. McAllistei, -•- - Tioga. John Irvin, ..... Union. John Sofield, .... Morris. Russel Taylor, ..... Wellsboro’, Which applications are to be disposed of by said Court, on Wednesday, the 3d day of February next, at 2 o'clock P. M. Jan. 12,1858. * J. F. DONALDSON, Clerk. WANTED By Wilcox & Sears for which the highest market price will be paid in Cash. 15,000 Bushels of Wheat, lO Tons of Pork. Wellsboro, Nov. 19,1857. NOTICE IN DlVORCE.— Philena Flint— Take notice that E. A. Frink, your husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga Co., for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said court have appointed Monday, the Ist day of February next 10 o’clock A. M. for a hearing of the said E. A. Frink in the premises, at which time and place you can attend if you think proffer. JOHN MATHERS Sheriff, ■ Wellsboro, Jan. 7.1858. DISSOLUTION.— Notice is hereby given that the Copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under (he name of Hart & Short, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Books, Notes and Accounts are in the hands of David Hart for settlement DAVID HART Wellsboro. Nov. 27. ’57. BENONI SHORT, The business will be conducted by D. Hart at the old stand. All persons indebted to the firm of Hart & Short are urged to make immediate payment and save costs. IVEW STOCK AT HARTS FLOUR $ PROVISION STORE. I have just replenished my Stock of Groceries* Floor and Provisions, and am prepared to sell at the lowest living figure, for Cash all through this hard winter. I will also exchange Groceries and Provisions for Couutry Produce at Cash prices. I can furnish every eatable quality of flour at a less price than any dealer in Wellsboro, either whole, sale or retail. I have also on hand a large quantity of Ladles* and Men's Shoes, which will be sold at a very small advance upon cost, (or Cash or Produce. As to price and quality of anything 1 keep on hand for sale, just call and examine for yourselves. 1 have also a small slock of DRY GOODS, which will be sold AT COST. Call and see. Wellsboro* Jan. 7, *5B. DAVID HART. SHERIFF’S SALES. DY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Fi. Fa. Lev. and Venditioni Exponas issued oat of the Common Pleas of Ttoga County and to me directed I will ex* pose to public sale on MONDAY, the Ist day of February next, at one o'clock afternoon in the Court House, Wellsboro, the following described properly, to wit; j, ** A tract of land in the township of Lawrence, bounded ou the south by what is commonly called Mutton Lane, on the east and north by lands owned by George Wilson and on the west by the school house lot—containing half an acre of land be the same more or less, with a frame house, frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Ira Tfhtrcn. ALSO—A tract of land In Clymer (formerly Westfield) township, bounded on the north by B. Mattison, on the east by W. Labar, on the west by H;'Steele and B. Mattison, and on the south by Bushmore—containing about one hundred acreSf-With about fifty acres improved, two framehouses, one log bouse, one frame barn and two apple orchards thereon.— To be sold ns the property of Willard Potter. ALSO—A lot of land in the township of Morris, bounded north by lands of Enoch & John Bluckwell, east by Erastns Evans, south by B. Helm, west by Wm. A Enoch Blackwell— containing about five hundred and twenty-seven acres more or less (with the exception of one acre deeded to Jessie Hil burn,) abont fifty or sixty acres improved, one saw mill, one grist mill, six frame dwelling houses, two frame barns, one log barn, one blacksmith shop and other out buildings, one* apple orchard and a few other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of James Duffey, Charles Duffey, Solomon L, Duffey and John Duffey.' ALSO—A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded as fol lows, beginning at a pine stump on north bank of the pond of the water saw mill, thence along the pond north deg. west 17 6-10 rods to stake, tltauce along by land of San derson north 37H dog. east 29 92-100 to K. McAllister’s land; thence by said McAllister’s land south east eight rods to 8. Parmcotler’s lapd, thence by S, Parmentior south Si® west twenty rods, thence by same south 63J4® east fourteen rods, thence by same south 77° west eleven rods to the ploca of beginning—containing two and four-tenth acres, with a saw mill, shingle and grist mill bulldingfc known as the Brook lyn Steam Mills near Tioga village, a shed, store, and every thing appertaining and belonging thereto. ALSO—A lot ih said township beginning at L. N. Adams’ south-east corner, thence north 71%®west nine rods to top of bill, thence along top of hill and Adams’ north 24%° east 28 rods to It. McAllister, thence along AfcAlljster south 68*4® east 10 4-10 rods to steam mill lot, thence along steam mill lot south T,W> west 27 0-10 rods to place of beginning with a frame house thereon. To be sold as the property of Alphcos Sanderson. 'ALSO—A lot of land in Jackson township', bounded as fol lows, north by lands of Jacob Miller and William. Seely, on the west by lands of Daniel Friends and Beraont, on the south by Bcment, Yeomans, W. S, Miller and H 8 Miljer, on the east by H 3 Miller and Charles TQlinghast—contain ing about.three hundred and fifty acres of land, about two hundred and serenty-fiveacrcs improved,one framehouse three log houses, three frame bams, ono log barn and other out buildings and apple orchard, thereon. To be sold as tho property of Lauren Copley. ALSO—A lot of land in Mansfield, bounded on thenortb by a proposed street loading from Slain street to Academy elrccf called Seminary Avenue, on the east and sonth by THE TIOGA COUST It AGITATOR. lan4s of J. 6. Hoard, Cordelia Smythe and Win. D. Keller, ' Hr'i 5 ® West Ly Williamson road or Main Jot 150 feet square, being 160 feet on Main street and 150 on .«aiai*nt by mail, free, on receipt of the price of book. I NOTICE is hereby given that an election of Ri rectors and Treasurer of the Mansfield Iron Works, will be held at the Company's Office,. Mans field, Tioga county. Pa , on the first Monday of* Jan uary next, at 2 o'clock, afternoon. Dec. 17, 1857t2 Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the'last Will and Testament of Ludwiek Hart, late of Charleston dec'd, those indebted to tbe estate will make imme diate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them to MORGAN HAR P, Charleston, Dec. 24, *57-6t* Exr. NOTICE. —Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the last W ill 5c Testament of Samuel McKinney, Ulc of Tioga, dec'd, all those indebted In the estate will make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same will.present them to " ' ANDREW J. MrKINKEY ) WM GA HR LTSUN, J Errs. Tioga, Dec. 24, *57-t6* i fpAKE NOTlCE—that I hive applied to .tho j/ Court of Common Picas of Tioga county G-r 11.0 benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this State; and that the 14th day of January nexl, at 1 o'clock af ternoon, is fixed for the hearing in said application, at the Court House ID Weßsbojfo, at which lime and place mr creditors can attend it’ they .think proper. Dec. 30,18.VM3* PETER *m*URIST. CHARLES O. ETZ.