The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, January 21, 1858, Image 3

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    rTTihe Donxae of enjoying those plenares Mil be
h„toS«cen*.tobo% ojo,ed 0 jo,ed by .W mtta
West S His expectations were mon tbsn realixed,
„ hi, mathematical powers sod panu,
were alike called into action, whilst .computing the
Ximension of the wide extended pramie, and.majea
tieforests,and beholding them all m U,e.r native
beauty, unm.rred by the I.Hers plow or woodman’s
„e. Soon after his-arri"! in Little Falls, he was
elected to .he office ofeconty surveyor, for which
an extensive knowledge of “athem.l.cs had pre
pared him, wWW b« temperate habits and manly
character rendered him in every way worthy the
I confidence in which he was held. Hu. sickness.
I w hjch lasted about four weeks, was contracted whilst
completing a government survey. And soch ,was
' (he esteem in which be was held by the citizens that
notwithstanding his youth, he was strongly talked
of ai» candidate for Senator of State, at the ensoing
fall election. And at (hat period, when his prospects
were the brightest, and the expectation of his friends
the greatest, death, which is no respecter of persons,
did its office work, by changing him from this world
j of which "he had -gained an extensive historical
! knowledge, to the land of spirits. In connection
| with the citizens of Little Falls and vicinity who
; deeply mourn hia loss; he left a brother (the only
relation in the west,) who anxiously watched at his
bedside during his ticknes, and whilst passing
through the darkoValley of the shadow of death, to
to convey the sad news to parents, and loved ones at
home. His funeral was attended by a large col lee*
lion of people, and after a funeral discourse from
Job 14lh ch. and Uth verse, his body was conveyed
to the silent tomb, there to rest unlH God shall bid it
rise. R* H*
THE individual who left an EGG LADLE at
this Office, can have the same by proving prop,
erty and paying for this advertisement.
Donation Visit.
THE friends of Elder Vf. ROCKWELL are res
pectfully invited to attend a donation visit, at
bis residence on Stony Fork, Wednesday, Feb. 3.
fpUE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the
X Judges of the Court of Com. Pleas of Tioga
county to distribute the proceeds arising from the
sale by the Sheriff of the real estate of Jesse Locke,
dec'd, will attend to the duties ol his appointment,
it hia office in Wc/kboro, on the lUh of February
next, at 1 o’clock, P. M., at which lime and place
all persons interested in said fund are notified to aU
tena and present their claims,dr be forever debarred
from coming upon said fund,
AVcllaboro, Jun. 21-58. H, W. WILLIAMS,
Jnst Published, the 3d Edition.
EASES.-V-A scientific Treatise on the treat,
menland perfect cure of Nervous Debility, Seminal
Weakness, Involuntary Emissions Impotence, &c.,
resulting from vicious habits acquired during the
:rivical passage from Youth to Manhood.
Member of the,Royal College of Surgeons of Eng.
and, (1827). Licentiate of .the Hall (1824), %nd
30years Resident Practitioner in London; Author
of ihe “Guide to Health. 11 “Green Book.” “How to
k Happy.” “Memoirs of Single and. Married Life.”
This small, but highly valuable Treatise, written
>y i world renowned Physician and Surgeon, points
3Ut the only sure and permanent cure t'dr all disea.
its arising from self abuse, and Is the only publica.
ion of its kind written in a benevolent spirit and
jy a scientific man. It should be in the hands of
ill who Value their life aud health and happiness.
Price, 12 cents, or 4 stamps, at the receipt ofwhich
t will be sent, post free, and well secured, by Dr.
C. H. KLINE, No. 420 Ist Avenue, box 4585, N. Y.
Trial List---February Term, 1858.
Jimcon Power vs M. Inscho’s Admr’s
XB. Camp “ H. T. Ryan
juernsey for Otis ** E. Harris
■’rcsbylgrian Congregi.
tion of Blossburg “ J. W. Ryan
lexford’s Exr’s x u H. C. Yeomans
fl. Ralbbone “ J. A. Hammond
Elias Russel “ John Mitchell
IVm. Burns “-Enos Quimby
Ym. F. Robinson “ C. Whitcomb
. D. Longwcll “ L. Palmer
Rathbone “ Ryon & Tubbs
Truman ** H. WHliston et al
** Leri Curpenter
“ D. B. Slioff
'icior Case
)avid Coats
“ Clymer School Direct’ra
B. Benn
Manahan “ C. Phipps ctal
L. Baldwin & Co* “ Mansfield Iron Works
W. Park “ W. Updike
jwn Jc. Norllirup “ Wm, N. Hammond
m D. Longwcll 11 Bethuel BenlW
•* John Bowen
R. Hall 44 John Lewis
ti. Wass 44 A. Woodbury
uns &. Marvine U T. Ryan
lolhy Coats J* Wm. T. Humphrey
iglii Sc Butler u N. A. Elliott
r’a of Shippen “ L. J. Cooley
ildah Hill •* Daniel Hill
W. Caulkins 44 W. W. Ballard et al
Gillette 44 L. Davenport
* Cosily* “ Hiram Coslley
iW era “ H. S. Johnson
•Hill 44 A. J. Clark
Guernsey et al *• L. J. Cooley
gc Sc Shepherd M Martha Stevens
■k Slosson 44 E. D. Wells
rin Bonn •* do
Knickerbachcr 11 do
irdweU'for Woodward 44 A* C, Johnson' ct al.
W. Harrison u Barber Sc Swan
Jn Ray 41 J. Campbell ct al
)gi County 44 Marvin Wilson ct al
asa Culver 44 P. Taylor
for Berry 44 Spencer Sc Jewell
i Sc Bush 44 Dewitt Sc Johns
svier „ 44 S, S. Strait ct al
Giltelt / 44 C. H. Colcgrove
■ScJ. C. Johnson 44 Tabor, Hathaway Sc Co.
Hay 44 J. Campbell et al
Treadwell 44 H. Stowell Sc Son
/. Evans 44 B. R. Hall
‘aldwell 44 Jason Clark
i Sc Bush 44 J. Phalin et ah
• Culver 44 J. L, Davenport
iinith 44 Tlio. Keeney,
of Jurors--February Term, 1858.
grand jdroks.
Brookfield.— John Waklee. . ,
Covingion.—James Dewey, Thos. Good
harleston.—Lyman H.. Poller, Charles
lidge, Lumao Fenton.
Jeerfield.—George Taylor.
Delmar.—A. S. Brewsler.
Llkland.—lsaac Losey.
Jackson.— M. D. Wylic.-
Lnoxvilie.—[jj ram Freeborn.
tr G " rdon Steele, Jas. VV. Childs.
j aNik s Simon Spalding ’ Philander
Osceola.— J. JJ. Mapes.
Richmond Elias Miller. ' ,
Sh.ppen._E. W. Grinnel.
ni°n. C. O. Spencer, Cornelius Siecle.
field. Charles Goodspeed, Abram
TBAVEBSE jurors.
* A e p Ur ,?'r Newberr y Cloose, Ezra Pot-
Lichenihaler, Simeon
. G B<jj“r A " Strait, J.
■sta“w2"St“ I’’ 1 ’’ '■ B '
Lawrencevijle.— -Philo Hurd, IS, Bar
lofr,* Sm!th Steveng.* • ■ • •’ ' -
Bloss.—Wm. Buder, Asa Dyke, ft. E.
Cross, Martin Stratton. ’ _ ■ 1
Chatham.—A. J. Cole, Aurora Spencer,
R. Toles, Sami. Sirawm.*
Clymer.—,G. Larrison, Daniel Case, Hen
ry Stevens.*
■Charleston.—W. P. Shumway, N. ; Whit
ney, Seth Clark,* S. Frost.* -- '
Westfield. —W. P.-Comstock, John Wak
Elkland.—Henry Baxter, Stephen Scallon.
Jackson. —Henry Redfield, Samuel Grin
nell, Sami. Miller,* Wright Dunham,* Step.
Tioga.—H. W. Calkins, S. M. Geer, Jos,
Covington.—Jos. Hubbell, Ira Graves, C.
S. Videan.* ,
Del mar.—R. J. Moore, H. S. Hastings.
Mansfield.—F. J. Caldwell.
Rutland.—Levi Osgood, Jefferson Pruts
man, Joel Rose.* ; '
Farmington.—Hiram Merrill-, J. B. Red
Sullivan.—L. D. Seeley, E. A. Fish.*
Deerfield.—E. S. Seeley.
Richmond.—E. R. Lamb,* Amos Bixby.*
Union.—Wm. Cassbier,* Albert Newell.*
Osceola.—F. C. Pringle,* Hiram Taylor.*
Shippen.—James Carsaw.
Wellsboro.—John ft. Bowen.*
Morris.—Fredrick Huyler.*
Those marked thus * are drawn for sec
ond week.
r | yJIJS Copartnership heretofore existing under the name of
_l_ Smith & Koblycr, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The books, notes and accounts are in the hands of the sub
scriber for settlement. Those indebted will please take no
tice. [Sullivan, Nov. 9, ’57. *J 11. L. ROBLTER.
Administrator's Notice.
LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the
undersigned upon the Estate of Asa S. Lincoln, late of
Uaines, dec’d., all persons indebted to said estate arc request
ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims
against the some will present them for settlement to
Gaines, Jon. 14,1858, (6t) JAB. S. WATROUS,
_ Adm’r dc bonis non.
Administrator's Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Tioga
Co. i will expose to public sale at the Coart Uouso in
Wellstboro, Friday, the stli day of February next, at one o’-
clock P. M., the following real estate, to wit:
A lot of land in Dchnnr, bounded north by lands of Wm.
Hoffman and J. W.Catlln, east by James Hall and Wm.Bache,
sontb aud we-t by Bache—containing about 150 acres.
Jan. 14, ’5B. H. S. HASTINGS,
Admr. of Wm. McNitt, dec’d.
' Register’s Notice.
"VTOTICE is hereby given, that the Administrators on the
following named Estates have settled their accounts,
and that the same will be presented to the Orphan’s Court of
Tioga Qonnty, on Monday the Bth day of'February, 1858, for
confirmation and allowance, viz:
The account of James I. Jackson, surviving Administrator
of the estate of Asahcl Culver,' dec’d.
The account of Boswell Acly and Darwin Sykes, Adminis
trators of the estate of Wm. H. Reynolds, dec'd.
WelUboro, Jan. 14,1858. W. D. BAILEY, Register.
Applications for License.
-\TOTICE is hereby given that applications for license to
JL v keep an Inn or Tavern, have been filed in the Office of
the CTerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of
Tioga County, by the following persons:
R. P. H. McAllister, - - - Tioga.
, John Irvin, - Union.
John SofieW, - Morris.
Russel Taylor, Wellsboro’.
Which applications arc to bo disposed of by said Conrt, on
Wednesday, the 3d day of February next, at 2 o’clock I*. M.
Jan. 12,1858. * J. F. DONALDSON, Clerk.
notice that E. A. Frink, your husband, has
applied to the Court of Common P/eas of Tioga Co.,
for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony* and that
the said conrt have appointed Monday, the Ist day
of February next 10 o’clock A. M. for a bearing of
the said E. A. Frink in the premises, at which time
and place you can attend if yon think proper.
WelUboro. Jan. 7. 1858.
Dissolution, —Nolicc is hereby given that
‘ the Copartnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned under the nuroe of Hart & Short,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Books,
Notes end Accounts are in the hands of David Hart
for settlement \ ' DAVID HART
. Wellsboro, Nov. 27, ’57. BENONI SHORT.
The business will be conducted by D. Hart at the
old stand. All persons indebted to the firm of Hart
& Short are urged to make immediate payment und
I hare just replenished my Stock of Groceries!
Flour and Provisions, and am prepared to sell at
(he lowest living figure, for Cash all through this
hard winter. I will also exchange Groceries and
Provisions for Country Produce at Cash prices.
1 can furnish, eatable quality of flour at a
less price than any dealer in Wellsboro, either whole,
sale or retail.
1 have also on band a large quantity of Ladies*
and Men's Slices, which will be sold at a very small
advance upon cost, for Cash or Produce. As to price
and quality of anything I keep on band for sale,just
call and examine for yourselves., 1 have also a
small stock of
which will be sold AT COST. Call and see.
Wellsboro* Jan. 7, *5B. DAYJD HART.
DY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Fi, Fa. Lev. and
A-* Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Common
Pleas of Tioga County and to me directed I will ex.
pose to public said on MONDAY, the Ist day of
February next, at onto o’clock afternoon in the Court
House, Wellsboro, tile following described properly,
to wit: | .
A tract of laud la the 1 of Lawrence, bounded ou
the south by what is commonly called Mutton Lane, on the
cast-and north by lands owned by George Wilson and on the
west by the school house lot—containing half an acre of land
be the same more or leas, with a frame house, frame barn and
some fruit trees thereon. To be sold os the property of Ira
ALSO—A tract of land in Clymer (formerly Westfield)
township, bounded on the north by B. Mattison, on the east
by W. Labar, on the west by n. Steele and B. Mattison, and
on the south by Ruahmore—containing about one hundred
arres. with about fifty acres improved, two framehouses, one
log house, one frame barn and two applo orchards thereon.—
To be sold as the property of W illard Potter.
ALSO—A lot of land in the township of Morris, bounded
north by lands of Enoch A John Bhtckwell, east by Erastus
Evans, south by B. Helm, west by ffm. A Enoch Blackwell—
containing about five hundred and twenty-seven acres more
or less (with the exception of one acre deeded to Jessie Hll
burn,) about fifty or sixty acres improved, one saw mill, one
grist mill, six frame dwelling bouses, two frame barns, one
log barn, one blacksmith shop and other ont buildings, one
apple orchard and a few other fruit trees thereon. To be sold
as the property of James Duffey, Charles Duffey, Solomon L.
Duffey aud John Duffey.
ALSO —A lot of land in Tioga township, bounded as fol
lows, beginning at a pine stump on north bank of the pond
of the water saw mill, thence along the pond north 46}£
deg. west 17 6*lo rods to stake, thence along by land of San
derson north 37*4 deg. east 29 92-100 to R. McAllister’s land,
thence by said McAllister’s land south GS%° east eight rods
to S. Pannentier’s land, thence by 8. Permentier south 24°
west twenty rods, thence by same south 53%° east fourteen
rods, thence by same south 77° west eleven rods to the place
of beginning—containing two and four-tenth acres, with a
saw mill, shingle and grist mill buildings known as the Brook
lyn Steam. Mills .near Tioga village,a shed, store,-and every
thing appertaining and-belonging thereto/ .
ALSO—A lot in said township beginning at L. N. Adams’
south-east corner, thence north west nine rods to top
of hill, thence along top of hill aud Adams’ north 24%° east
28 rods to R. McAllister, thence along i/cAUlstcr south 68J4°
east 10 4-ID rods to steam raUI -lot, thence along steam mul
lot south 2714° west 27 6-10 rods to place of beginning with a
frame house thereon. To be sold as the property of Alphcus
lot of land in Jackson township, bounded as fol
lows, north by lands of Jacob Miller and William Seely, on
the west by lands of Daniel Friends and Dement, on the south
by Dement, Yeomans, W. 8, Miller and H 8 Miller, on
the east by U S Miller and Charles Tillinghast—contain
ing abont three hundred and fifty acres of land, about
two hundred and seventy Jive acres improved, one frame bouse
three log houses, three frame bams, one log barn and other
ont buildings and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the
; property of Lauren Copley.
ALSO—A lot of land in Mansfield, bounded on the north
by a proposed street leading from. Main street to Acpdecpy
street celled ?cnj»n a ry Avenue, on Ih r e.**t end sfuih'hy
toofo ofJ. 8. Hoard, Cordelia. Bmytha and Wm. D. Keller.
and TO‘4be.w«t by Wißfamsoii
lov reef equate, being ISO feet 06 'Main Street and 150 on «U 3
seminary avenue, with a frame house, frame, barn and eomo
Sngdon 8 tbereon * To *• 601(1 *Ml»e property of Minor A.
A lot of land in Deerfield and Chatham townships,
Dounded north By Alonzo Stevens, east by Charles Halt, south
■°y Jessie Hose, west by Alonzo Stevens—containing about
seventy-five acres, about twenty-five acres Improved, a log
house, log barn and young apple orchard thereon. To be sold
as the property of Charles Hall.
ALSO—A lot of land in the township of Delmar bounded
north by John Hostings, E. Rice, X. Impson and others, east
by C. Rice, south by Samuel Scranton and Dan. Osborn, west
by D. Osborn and Sabins—containing about one hundred and
fifty or sixty acres, about sixty acres Improved, four frame
houses, two frame barns, a log blacksmith shop, a saw mill
and two small apple orchards thereon. To be sold as the
property of William F. Robinson.
ALSO—A lot of land in Richmond township bounded as
follows, north by Charles Ripley, east by A, S. Turner, south
by John- W. Guernsey and west by Shaw and Ripley, and
known as the Crandall lot—containing fifty-eight acres, with
eight acres improved. To be sold as the property of. Silas
ALSO—A lot of land In Liberty township, bounded as fol
lows, north by Joh'uQ; i/srgirat, cast by Daniel Unylcr, sooth
by James McVoy and west by John
two hundred and thirty acres, with sixty acres improved, one
log and frame house, one log barn, One frame barn and an
apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of George
> Hebe. ■ t -
ALSO—A lot of land In Richmond township, (now boro of
Mansfield) bounded north by J. P- Morris, on the east by
Railroad street, on the south by street, and on the
west by 3T. p. Morris —containing about one-fourth acre of
land, with a good frame dwelling house and shed and, some
fruit trees thereon. To be sold as tbo property of U. G.
Martin. „
ALSO—A lot of land In the borough of Lawrencevillel
bounded west by Calvin Brown, S. Ryan and Sidney Mills,
north by Orlando Adams nnd School honse lot, east by a pob
lie street and south by Mechanic street—containingaboutone
acre of land, with a wooden dwelling house a story and a half
bigh thereon. To be sold as the property of Clark Slosson.
lot of land situate in Chatham township, Tioga
Co. bounded north by lot No. 172 of the allotment of
Bingham lands in Chatham township in possession of Seth B.
Ilnckct, cast by lots No. 195 anth 194 in possession of David
Goe and David A. Churchill, south by lot No. 207 conveyed to
John Short and lot No. 208 conveyed to Charles Avery, and
on the west by lot No. 204 in possession of Charles Fuller—
containing fifty-seven nnd nine-tenth acres, with usual allow
ance of six per cent for roads, be same more or less, being
part of warrant No. 1336, with about fifty acres improved, an
old Jog house and old log barn with a frame school bouse one
and half stories high about twenty feet by thirty, thereon,
To be sold as the pjoporty of A. Combs.
ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury township, bounded os
follows, north by Samuel Hedge, east by Wm. Dennison,
south by Wm. Borden, and west L. I. Nichols —containing
seventy acres with about fifteen acres improved, one frame
honse, one frame barn and a small apple orchard thereon.—
To bo sold as the property of Truman Carpenter.
ALSO—A lot of land in Liberty township, bounded as fol
lows, north by Thomas' Black, south by D. W. Canfield and
west by Taylor—containing about ten acres, with a tav
ern house and barn and other out buildings and a small •ap
ple orchard thereon- To be sold os the property of C. A.
ALSO—Lot No. 50 iu plan of Covington borough, fifty feet
front on York street, running back 200 feet to an alley,
bounded south by York street, west by lot No. 49, east by lot
No. 51, north by Anderson-'s alky—containing one-third of
an acre, more or less, with a frame house and burn thereon.
To be sold as the property of E. C. Johnson and J. C. John
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township, Tioga county,
bounded on the south by H. Soper, ou the west by Thoma
Soper and the estate of Josephus Clark, dec'J, on the north
by H r m. Soj»er, and on the cost by County line
cunluinmg about thirty-three acres, with about fifteen acres
improved, a frame hotisivaud frame barn thereon, and being
part of a farm containing about sixty-fire acres, the balance
lying adjoining in the county of Bradford. To besold us the
property of Sidney L. Hibbard.
ALSO—A lot of, land iu Elkland borough, bounded north
by the public road, east by D. B. Shoff, and south and west by
D. B. Shoff—containing ouc'acre more or lcs3,ihiprovcd, with
a tavern house, barns, Ac., and some fruit trees thereon. To
bo sold as the property of Almon Beeznnn.
■ALSO—-A lot of land in the borough of IVollsborongh,
bounded north by Samuel R. Smith, east by Maiu street,
south and west by Benj B Smith-rcontaining two town lota
all improved, supposed to be about two-thirds of an acre,
more or less, one frame house, one frame barn aud a few fruit
trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Samuel A
ALSO—A lot of land in the borough of Mansfield, bounded
as follows, north by C V Elliott, oast by II Lawrenoe, south
by~J B Clark and west by the Williamson road—containing
about one-third of an acre, with one frame house, one frame
barn, one blacksmith shop and a few fruit trees thereon. Te
be sold as the property of Abram Shuart.
ALSO —A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded north
by Artemus Barnhart, east by Joseph Harding,’south and
west by George Brown—containing about two hundred and
thirty acres more or less, with one hundred and ten acres im
proved, one frame house, two frame barns and an apple orch
ard thereon.
ALSO—A lot of land in Snllivan township, bounded on the
north by the north liiie of warrant No. 978, on the east by
land formerly of Nathaniel Nichols and N. Smith, on the
south by lands of Johu-Benson and Arad Smith, and on the
west by land of Zopher Tears and A. Updike—containing
about one hundred and ten acres with about sixty acres im
proved, a frame dwelling house and a few fruit trees thereon.
To bosbld as the property of JoEtQ Benson. . • 3,* ,
also—a lot of laud in Covington borough, boundca north
by Gerould-st, east by Tioga railroad, south by an alley and
west by lot of Patrick Hurbut—being lot No. 42 on new map
containing about one-fourth of an acre, with a frame house &
small burn and it few fruit trees thercou Sold as the proper
ty of Timothy Crowley
ALsb—a lot of land in Belmar township, bonnded north by
IVesly Coolidgc, east by Chas Dawson, south by lands of Sam’l
Dickipsou, west by Robert Carr, containing about 75 acres
about 15 acres improved, a log house, frame barn and yonng
apple orchard thereon. Sold os the property of Charles Good
’Sherifi’s Office, Wollsboro,)
Jan-14,1558 / JOHN MATHERS, Shit.
And Power’s world renowned statue of the
Re-purchased for six thousand dollars] with several
hundred other works of Art, in Paintings, Sculpture
and bronzes, comprise'the Premiums to be awarded
to the subscribejs of the.
tvho. subscribe before thc2Blh of January, 1858,-at
which lime tbe awards will take place.
Every subscriber of-(Are* dollars is entitled to
A copy of the large and splendid Steel Engraving,
entitled "Manifest Destiny,’* also to
A copy of the Cosmopolitan A rt Journal one year,
also to
A Certificate in the Award of Premiums, also
A free admission to the Dusseldorf and Cosmopol
itan Galleries. * •
Thus it is seen- that for every three dollars paid,
the subscribe* nut only receives a
but, also, the beautifully illustrated
Two Dollar Art One Year .
Each subscriber is also presented with a Certifi
cate in the Awards of Premium*, by which a valua
ble work of Art, tn Painting or Sculpture, may be
received in addition, thus giving to every subscriber
an equivalent to the value of 85, and a ccitificate
Any one of the leading $3 Magazines is furnished,
instead of Engraving and Art Journal, if desired.
No person is restricted to a single share. Those
taking five memberships, remitting sls,are entitled
to an extra Engraving, and six tickets.
Full particulars of the Association arc given in
the Art Journal, which contains over sixty splendid
Engravings, price 50 cenls*pcr number. Specimen
copies will be sent to all persons who desire to sub
scribe, on receipt of five postage stamps, (15 cents.)
Address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.,
548 Broadway, New York.
BACfIE, Hon, Sec'y. _____
MISS HELEN COON, late Assistant Teacher at
the Wellsboro Academy, respectfully announ
ces to the people of Wellsboro and vicinity, that she
will open u Select School in the room over A. P.
Cone's Law Office, on Main st, on Monday the 21st
of December inst. She begs to assure parents that
her-constant endeavor will be to afford pupils every
advantage necessary to the attainment of a perfect
knowledge of the common and higher branches of
an English education, as also of the modern langoa
ges. Terms same as those of the Wellsboro Acad*
emy. [December 10,1857.] if.
WANTED By Wilcox & Seans for which the
highest market price will bo paid in Cosh.
15,000 Bushels of Wheat.
' lO Tons of Pork.
Wellsboro. Nov. 19,1857.
music: musics
I WISH to have the citizens of Wellsboro and vi
cinily understand, that I will famish to order
Pianos, Melodeans, and sheet music, cheaper, better,
and more durable than can be furnished at any of
our country music stores. I have access to all the
most reputable manufactories in the Union. All in*
strumenls warranted. For further particulars ad*
drew C. D. BROWN, Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.
December 3d, 1857.
Briotzeld, Mas 2oth Doc., 1855.
D*JC A Tam I do not hesitate to say the
best remedy I have ever found for Coughs,
Hoarseness, Influenza, and the concomitant
symptoms of a Cold, is your Cherry Pectoral.
Its constant ray practice and roy fam
ily for the last ten years has shown It to pos
sess superior virtues for the treatment of
these complaints. EBEN KNIGHT, M. D.
A B SIOBTLEY, Esq-, ofVtica, N. Y., writes: iC I ha reused
your Pectoral onyself and in. my family ever since you Invent-'
ed it, and believe it the beat medicine for its purpose over put
out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty-five dollars
fur a bottle than do without' it, or take arjv othkr remedy.”
Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza,
SEaixonrtn, Misk, Feb. 7,1850.
Brother Attb : I will cheerfully certify your Pectoral is
the best remedy we possess for the euro of Whooping Cough,
Croup, and the chest diseases' of children. ."We of your fra
ternity in tbe 800th appreciate your skill, and commend your
medicine to our people. II IB AM CONKLIN, M. D. .
AMOS LEE, Esq, Monterey, la., writes, 3d Jan., 1860:
“I'had a'tedloua Influenza, which confined me in doors six
weeks; took many medicines without relief; finally tried
your Pectoral by the advice of our.clergyman. The first dose
relieved the sorexess In, my throat and lungs; less
half the bottle made mo completely well. Your medicines
arc the best os well as the cheapest we can buy, and we es
teem you, Doctor, and your remedies, os the poor man's
friend.” • •
1 Asthma , or Phthisic, and Bronchitis.
West Manchester, Pa., Feb. 4,1850.
Sir : Your Cherry Pectoral Is performing marvellous cures
in this section. It has relieved several from alarming symp
toms of consumption, and is now curing a man who Ims la
bored under an affection of the lungs for the laat forty years.
HENRY L. PARKS, Merchant.
A A RAMSEY, x n, Albion, Monroe Co., lowa, writes. Sept.
6, 1855: “During my practice of many years I have found
nothing equal to your Cherry Pectoral for giving ease and re
lief to consumptive patients, or curing such as are cateble.”
We 'migbt add volumes of evidence, hut the most convinc
ing proof of the virtues of this remedy is found iu its effects
upon trial.
Probably no one remedy has ever been known which cured
so many and such dangerous coses as this. Some no human
aid eon reach; but even to those the Cherry - Pectoral affords
relief and comfort. ,
A stop. House, New York City, March 5,1850.
Doer. Ateb, Lowell: I feel It a duty and a pleasure to in
form you wlmt your Cherry Pectoral has done for my wife.—
She had been five months laboring under the dangerous symp
toms of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure
gave her much relief. She was steadily falling, uutll Dr
Strong, of this city, where we bayc come* for advice, recom
mend a trial of your mcdiciuc. Ife bless his kindness, as
we do your skill, for she has recovered from that day. She
Is not yet os strong os she used to be, but is free from her
cough, and calls herself well.
Yours with gratitude and regard,
ORLANDO SHELBY, of Shelhyvllle,
Consumptives, do not despair till you have tried Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral. It is mode by one of the best medical chem
ists m the world, add its cures ail around us bespeak the high
merits of its virtues.—Philadelphia Ledger.
THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed
their utmost to produce this best, most perfect purgative
which is known toman. Innumerableproofsnroshown that
these Pills have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordi
nary medicines, aud that they win unprecedentedly upon the
esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, bat
powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the
vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its
organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge'out
the f<ml humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate
sluggish or disordered organa into their natural action, and
impart healthy tone'with strength to the whole system. ‘Not
only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body,
but also formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled
the beat of human skin, while they produce powerful effects
they arc at the same time, in diminished doees, the safest and
best physic than can be employed for children. Being sugar
coated, they are pleasant lo take; and beingpurely vegetable
are free from any risk of harm. Cures luive been made which
surpass belief were they not substantiated by men of such
exalted position and character as to forbid the snspiciop of
untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have lent
their names to certify to the publia the reliability of my rem
edies, while others have sent me the assurance of their con
viction that my Preparations contribute immensely to the re
lief of my(afflicted, suffering fellow-men.
The Agfnt below named is pleased to furnish gratis my
American Almanac, containing directions for their use and
ccitificates of their cures, of the following complaints :
Costfvencss. Bilious Complaints. Rheumatism, Dropsy,
Heartburn, Headache arising from a foul stomach. Nausea,
Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising
therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, alt Ulcerous and
Cutaneous Diseases which require an evacuaut medicine.
Scrofula or King’s Evil. They also, by pnrifving the blood
and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which it
would not be supposed they could roach, such ns Deafness,
Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, De
rangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Goat, and other kin
dred complaints arising from a low state'of the body or ob
struction of its functions.
Do not be put oft by unprincipled dealers with some other
pill they mako more profit on. Ask for Ayer’s Tills, and take
nothing else.' No other they can give you compires with this
in its intrinsic value or curative powers. Tho rick want the
best aid there is for them, and they should have it.
Practical nud Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Massachusetts.
Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes fur <5l.
J. A. ROY, VTellsboriiy mid by Druggists and .Merchants
generally. [Dec. 3. 57.]
HAS just’returncd from the Cily with a nice as
sortment of Fall and Winter Goods, such as
_ Flowers,.
Feathers i,
B dr dels,
_ / Velvets <Sf .
- Satins * '
For Bonnets. 1 '
1.1 • ’
Mrs. Grierson has engaged for the season, a good
Milliner. Also, a City. Dressmaker, (o make dress
es, Cloaks and Children’s Clothes. ICi* All orders
promptly attended to.
Wellsboro, Oct. 22,1857.
Successor lo
Wholesale and Retail Dealers, in
Drugs & Medicines, Ltad % Zinc , Sf Colored Paints t
Oils , Varnishes, Brushes , Camphene Burning
Fluid , Dye Stuffs , Sash"if Glass , I J u> e
Liquors for Medicine , Patent Medi .
cines , Artists Paints Sg Brushes ,
Perfumery , Fancy Articles ,
Flavoring Extracts ,
A general assortment of School Books, Blank Books,
Staple and Fancy Stationery.
Physicians, Druggists, and Country Merchants
dealing in any of the above articles can be supplied
at a small advance on New York prices.
Sept 3, 1857.
At maiiuburg, Peinin.
THE new and splendid Steam Mill at Mainsburg
is now in full operation, and the proprietor is
prepared to do custom work or Flouring with neat
ness and despatch. This Mill has 4 run of stone,
and is capable of grinding 80 bushels per hour. *
Persons bringing Grain to this Mill can have it
ground (y take home with them; and wc will war*
rant them as good work os can be done in this re
gion of country. LYMAN W ETMORB, Prop'r,
Oct. 8,1857. R. K. BRUNDAGE, AgtnU
Who willgo to Kansas?
THE subscriber will sell the Farm on which he
lives, in Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100
of which is improved. It is well watered, has a
comfortable house, barns, neccssaiy outbuildings
and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon. *
Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrenccvilte, known as
ihc “Geer House,” with ample accommodations.
Attached is a Store building suitable for the Gro
cery and Dry Goods business—all to be sold or rent
ed fo suit applicants. For terms apply to -
L&wreuceville, Sept. XI '56. M. S. BALDWIN.
rpHTS System tenches a practical, business, hand
X writing. It dc»s this systematically. The
subject is presented not merely as an art to be
learned by imitation, but as a science to he studied
and applied. 1 *
For sale, wholesale and retail by Baldwin, Lowcß
je Co , Tiogi, Fa. Price 00 tint* pi r dez.
ARB now receiving a very choice tod carefully
selected assortment of j ; •
Groceries and Provisions,'
and are prepared (o furaish them to customers st
As Reasonable Prices
As they can he bought in any other! Market.
Customers can rely upon finding at allj times any
article they may wish, and all Goods warranted to
bo as represented. i |
Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods,
Latest Styles, and adapted to every vatieiy of trim
mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the
Stock before purchasing elsewhere. '• • i
Baldwin, Lowell &- Co., have always on hand
a seasonable and fashionable stock of j f
Gentlemen’s Ready-Hade Clothing, ,
which will be sold at the lowest CASII PRICES.
Also, j |
Groceries, Crochery, Hardware, Glass
Stone, Hollow and Wooden ; Ware,
Iron, feel, Nails, Oils, Paints
and Dye-Stuff's of every kind
and of the best quality, j
with BOOTS dp SHOES, for Everybody.
Alt kinds of Country Produce taken in ex
change for goods at the market pru-es.,
Tioga, July 9. 1857. ‘
MRS. MAlfy C. RUCKMAN, Principal.
Mrs. Ruckmnn would announce lb (icr friends
and patrons, that she.will open a School at her resi
dence (house formerly occupied by Chap, Gricr»on)
on Tuesday, Dec. Ist. 1857. j j
Term to continue twelve weeks. | ;
Orthography, Reading, Writing and Mental
Arithmetic, ' I j 91 SO
Geography, Grammar and Arithmetic,! * 200
Algebra, Geometry and Higher English; 3 00
French, Latin and Drawing, ] } 4 00
Bvcry effort will be-made to render | this school
profitable to the pupils and acceptable touts patrons.
The government, while firm, will be, strictly kind
and parental, and the teachers will endeavor as fur
as possible to make this school in ail its! aspects “a
well regulated family 11 where kindness 1 courtesy and
a Christian spirit are the controlling characteristics,
and where nothing unbecoming the cdribtesl purity
of character can be learned by example^
A select class of more advanced will be re
ceived, they'occupying their own rooms for sludy
and meeting at the School Rooms only fdr recitation
and examination. 1
Particular attention wilf be paid ;to preparing
young ladies for the .occupation of leaching.
. Wellsboro, Nov. 27, 1857- ‘ ’
of all kinds, as cheap as the cheapest.] *p"
Cash .paid for Hides, CulfSkins and Sheep Pelts.
One door below Bailey’s Store. Sear’*r Shoe shop
removed to same building. ] j
July 9th, 1857. ly. . | j
Post Office
Mails dose at the TVcllsboro* Post Office as follows:
Eastern mail, via Tioga, daily at o’cloofcfa. m.'
Eastern and Southern, via Mansfield and IJroy, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at I\£ o'clock a. m. 1 (
Eastern and Southern, via'* Covington and Troy, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at o’clock a. m. , >
Southern, via Jersey Tuesday and Friday at V/i u '*
clock p. m. , , - }
Western, via Coudereport, Tuesday and Friday at o’-
clock p. tn. j |
Mails arrive ns follows ; | [
Northern Ac., via Tioga, daily, by I o’clock, p. m
Eastern Ac., via Troy and Mansfield, by 6[ o’clock p. m.,
same days of leaving. ,
Eastern Ac., via Troy and Covington, by 7,p. m.. same days
of leaving.
Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday A Friday, by 12 m.
Western. <ia CoudersporC, Tuesday and Frida'v bv 12 ni. , 1
, Sept. 17,1857. ID. RICHARDS, P. M.
A RETIRED PHYSICIAN*. 75 years of age, having lost Lis
Father, iwo Druthers. Daughter, Son-in-law, Nephews,
and Nieces, by that dreadful disease. CoxscsihTTpxl and suffer
ing with a Cough himself, determined to vlsittlle East Indies,
Egypt and Japan, where he discovered a Preventative and
Clrfain Cu c for Colds. Coughs, 'Bronchitis, Consumption,
Nervous Debility and Asthma. His eongh was cured imme
diately; be returned, cured hia Relatives, wjhoj inherited the
disease, and in connection v.ith hU son iiave employed it in
their practice, curing thousands of cases considered hopeless
by others. For the purpose of rescuing as many of his suffer
ing fellow beings'as possible, he Is sending the Recipe to all
who wish it for 10 cents; 3 of it to pay the postage, and the
balance printing. Address’Dr.-Heath, 101 Sprang street, op
posite St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. [Aug.j'iO, iiinos.]
r directions for pursuing this beautiful art, will be
forwarded lo any address by enclosing and a pos
tage slump'to ’ HD. DEMING,
Wellsboro, Tioga Co Pa.
Papers copying the above, andsendirig a mdrkod
copy with hill of the same, will be duly! honored by
return mail. “ j y
To Farmers and Sportsmen.
fTUIF. highest
ggrhifsßfty I prices will lie paid *1
y’-KTin rtm IRON and all kinds
WILD GAME, at the . !
Customers can rely upon finding at ilijs Market,
the best qualities of meat always on band. .
Shop in tbe north end of the Wellsbofo-Holel. 6
Wellsboro’Sept. 24, 1857., (if.) ,■; -
o3 f pictures os’ glass, ir.ON ,t paper; also,'
1 oit raised pictuues.
Taken at S. 11. Clcaveland’s Rooms, over Bailey’s
Store. Funicular attention paid to copying.
Pictures taken in cloudy as well as clear weather.
The quality of my pictures is too well known to
need comment. Call and see for yourselves.
All those wishinig Pictures will please call imme
diately, as my stay in town will be short.
Particular attention paid to pupils. 1
Wellsboro, Nov. 19', 1857. i r-
Store Gqpds in Tioga yillage.
Have a small Stock of Goods on h«<nd, bought in
view of the tight times, which will be sold very low
for Cash or any kind of Produce.. JVVp are located
at our old stand in Tioga Village, directly opposite
the Mammoth Store of Charles O. El'/.j
Wc would further say to all tho<c indebted to us
by note or book account, that we have pay or
cost* will be made. WoMI lake Cash or any and all
kinds of Produce at the highest market prices.
Tioga, Nov. 26,1857. - f
S. B. PRICE, A* B-, 1,1 Principal.
THE Winter Term of 1857-8 will commence on
Tuesday Dec. Ist. j
TUITION from ;.$3,00 to $5,00
BOARD (per week) 1,50
Deerfield, Nov. 19,1857. : !
ggsb a ft,
Office at his residence, near thei Academy.
All work pertaining to his line of business
done promptly and ae I.
•WVlWjcre*, April 9 1657.-IC. j
Prepared from a Prescription of Sir James Clark®. M. D,
Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. Thivh»r-vlu«Wc Med
cine is unfailing in the cureottUl those painful and dangrf
ons diseases Incident to the female constitution.
It mod am tea all excess, remove* all obstructions, and
brings on, the monthly period with regularity. ✓These PdU
should be used two dr three weeks previous to confinement:
they fortify the constitution, and lessen .the suffering during
labor, enabling tho mother to perform her duties with
"to herself and child. ■*' - *
- These Pills should not be taken by females during tho
FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnane}, os they am atiru to
bring on Miscarriage* but at any other time they are safe.
In all cusses of Nencvksund Spinal Affection*. pain.iuthe
Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on SHgbt Exertion; PnT.
pitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics. Sick,
Hdudache, Whites ami all other painful bv
adieordered system, these Pills will effect a core when all
other menus have failed, and although a powerful remodv
does not coatain iron, calomel, antimony orauv other ndurm
.Full directions accompany each package. Price in the Uni
ted states ami Canada, Une Dollar.
f 5. Sole Agents for this Country—
IlochefMT. N*. T*
N. B. $1 00 enclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure
a bottle of Pills by return malL \
For sale Wholesale and Retail by IT- W. ELLTHTTEIAfr*,
and by one druggist in every town in the United Stated
For particular}* cal* at Elliott's and get a Circular. *»
For sale in Wellsbom, by J. A. Roy, Covington hr W.
Taylor, Mansfield, by C. W. Nesbitt: Tiogu by A. Horn,
pliry and 11. 11. Borden; Lawreacovillc by W. 0. Miller;
Knoxville by A. J. Dvarman; Wist Cold by Goodspecd A
Brother; Eiklaud by J. & J.-Parkherst.
Jan. 12, 1807.—1 r.
The Empire! The Empire!!
j ) would inform Hie public that they may be found
at the old stand of Bowen &, Bollards known as lha
where they arc now receiving fresh Itorn the City, a
full supply of
Fail & Winter Goods.
of every variety and qoaJilj’, which r.rnnot bnf suit
the most fastidious, and at the lowest rales : Such
Dry Goods & Groceries,
Crockery, Hardware,
Woodenware, .
PROVISION'S, &c. &c.
J. R. DOWEN, 1.
WeJfsboro Nov % 5’57. L. TRUM AS,
HOOPS —Hoops—[loops! Plain Bra***, Urn***
Wire, Whalebone and Reed, at the EMPIRE.
COME to the EMPIRE if you want a nice bon
net —also Trimming?, such as Ribbons, Bor.
ders, Linings, &c.
IF you-want a Carpet CHEAP, call at
LATEST STYLES Hals and Caps juf-t reeei*
ed at Bowen Bcllard &. C.o
Charles O. Eta 'of Tioga
Village would respect tully call the attention of the
public lolhc following advertisement. “JlanwanH
but hltfc here below nor wants that little long” is
an old saying and perhaps true to£i certain extent
But it seems to me that in this.* lime of general
suspension and panic, everything is lending ton.
reversion of time-honored and everybody
wants a little njbre still. The farmers (and-they
really ought to have as much as anybody, for they
are to our country what a main spring is to a watch,)
wants a little more for their wheal, buckwheat,rye,
corn, out*, potatoes, &c., than the purchaser feels
able and willing to pay. The merchant wants a
little more for his Flour, Pork, SaH, Dry Goods,
Bools &. Shoe>, Hals’fit Cap*, Hardware, Crockery
and ten thou>:md little things he has to sell than
the farmer thinks he ought to pay.
At this present time it seems to be conceded by
all that the cash value of good wheat is 81 per
bushel; buckwheat, 2 to 2-6; corn 3-G to 4-6;
outs, 2 la 2-6; butter, 14 to JG cents. Now to
equalize the matter and make it satisfactory on both
sides, I want and will agree to lake from every
fanner of Tioga county, all the wheat I can get
for the next 60 days at 9 and 10 shillings per bush,
cl according to quality; buckwheat a*. 2-6 to 3;
corn sto 5-6: oats 2-9 to 3 shillings; butler 16 to
19 cents. 1
Will sell yon in exchange
Suit per barrel, 16s. Floor extra superfine 13s
per sack, S 6 50 per barrel. Superfine,Us per sack,
$5 50 per bbl. Coffee sugar Idler *‘A n as while as
snow ul Is, .'Coffee .Jigar letter **B” 12cls. Very
nice brown sugar, llbls. Common, lOcts. Logui
ra coffee, ever} 7 kernel good, 1-4. Old Java, very
nice, 1-6. Young Hyson tea, warranted tip-top,
4,5 and 6 shillings. Tallow candles, 17cls. 'Sperm,
3-6 Fine cut tobacco, 3s. Loose smoking, 1-6.
Plug tobacco, 3s to 4». Eagle Denims, be>t manu
factured, lOclsr lo Is. Lawrence mills, sheeting,
very heavy. lOcls- Fine unbleached, from 10 els to
Is, Bleached muslin, from 7cls to 1-6. Calicoes,
all styles, consisting of Merrimneks, Cochecoes,
Spragues, Phillip Allens, &c., from 6icts lo Is. A
great variety of all wool Delaines, Cashmeres, Silk
and Wool Poplins, Parametlas, Rigolelts. Hoods,
Hosiery, Gloves and a great variety of little fixings,
also a very lirge slock ot Boots and Shoes, Ladies
aud Gent’s wear. Ladies coarse Shoes 9V. Ladle’s
calfand enamelled leather, Its to 12s. Gaiters, a
splendid assortment 10s to 16<. Gent’s kip- Boots,
home made, from $4 to 4 25 ; City made from $3 50
to 5 SO. £
In a word our stock is complete in all its depart,
menu*, from the sugar and molasses down cellar to
the best and most complete assortment of common
and satin wall paper ever kept in a country store up
stairs. Bring along all the grain &c., you have 10,
sell, what you do not want lo exchange for Goods I
will pay you the cash for at cash prices,
Tioga, Nov. 5,1857.
10,000 Bushels of Good Wheal waiiUd
fT /YI'WY Bushels of Oats, wanted by
C. O. ETZ.
10,000 Bushels of Buckwheat wanted by
This is a largo 12mo volume. Price $l.OO. with a fine m«'77o
- engraving, and is one of the moat thrilling tales cv»*r
written by the author. It shows how a man may seem to ?h«
world all that is good and noMe, and yet be a tyrant in bis_
family, amt finally send hi-* wife to a mad-hons®.
tvVpublish all Mr. Arthur's new books also works of Ilis.
tnry. Biography. Aerfor which we want agents in alt parts of
the United States, to wJnon the largest commission will b«
paid, also an extra commission in the way of gifts.
4S North Fourth St. Philadelphia.
X. B.—Spccimer vplessout by mail, free, on receipt of tho
price of book.
TVTOTICE is hereby given that an election of Di
AM rectors and Treasurer of the Mansfield Iron
Works, will be held at the Company's Office, Man>.
field, Tioga county. Pa ,on the first Monday of Jan
uary nest, at 2 o’clock, afternoon.
Dec. 17, 1d57.t2
Letters testamentary having been
grnntedflo the undersigned upon the last Will
and Testament ol* Ludwick Hurl, late of Charleston
dcc'd, those indebted to the estate will make imme
diate payment, and those having claims against the
same will present them to MORGAN UART,
Charleston, Dec. 24, ’57-Ct* Exr.
NOTICE- —Letters Testamentary having been
grunted to the undersigned on the last Will
Testament of Samuel McKinney, late «f Ting:*,
dcc*-d, all iho-c indebted Jo the estate will make im
mediate payment,and those having claims against
Lite same will prr«enl them to
Tioga, Dec. 24, ’57-t6* , .
i. — 1 1 1 * i
mAKE NOTICE— applied In the
X Cmirt of Common Plea? of Tioga county for li e
benefit of the Insolvent Law* of I hi,'' State j and
that the 14tli day of January next, at .1 o’clock af.
ternoon, is fiaed-lurlho hearing in said application,
at the Court House iu WetUboro, at which time and
place my creditors can attend il - they ihink proper.'
I'e- -D* PETES SEt, ni^T.