[from the Boston Post,-Dec. 29.] ' Spier ■ Correspondence. A Tbce Wife.—We are assured by a frend who is personally cognizant of whai ha slates, that (he following piquant corres pondence is genuine. A gentleman whose business call him a good deal from home, is accustomed to give the custody of bis cor respondence to his wife, an intelligent lady, who, in obedience to instructions, opens all i j e uers that come in her husband’s absence ; [ answers sue h of them as she can, like a con : /idential clerk, and forwards the rest to her liege lord at such places ps he may have designated at his departure. During a recent absence of her husband, the lady received a letter, of which the following (omitting names, dales and places,) is a true copy; “My Dear Sir: I saw a fine picture of you yesterday, and fell in love with it, ns 1 did with ihe original in W last winter, when I saw you more than an hour, though I suppose you did not see me among so many. I fear you will think me forward in thus ad dressing you ; but I trust you are so noble and unsuspecting as you are handsome and brilliant. Perhaps you would I'ke to know something about me—your ardent admirer! Well, I am not very good at description, but I will say I am not married, (though you are, lam told.) My friends tell me I have not a pretty face, but only a good figure. lam rather petite, have black ..eyes, black hair and a dark complexion—that is, I am what is called a I am stopping for a few weeks with my brother-in-law and sister in this town, and I dearly w*ish you would meet me there before 1 return to W . At any rale, do not fail to write me at least a few words to tell me whether I shall ever see you again, and know you more inti mately. Forgive my boldness and believe me, Your friend,—:: .” To this toiler thewife, who by the by, has not the least knowledge of ihe person to whom she was writing, made the following answer “Mademoiselle : Yonr letter of the inst., addressed to Mr. —, was duly re ceived. Mr. , who is my husband, directed me, when he left home some days ago, to open all his letters, and to answer any of them that I conveniently, could. As you seem to be rather impatient, I will answer your letter myself. [do nol think your description of yourself will please Mr. . I happen to know that he dis likes black eyes, and hales brunettes most decidedly. It is quite true (as you seem to suppose) that he judges of women as he does of horses ; but Ido not think your inventory )f your ‘poimV is complete enough to be satisfactory to him. You omit to mention your height, weight, wind, speed, and (here the word is illegible.] Taking your charms at your own estimate, I doubt whether they will prove sufficiently attractive to draw him so far a B merely for the satisfaction of comparing them .with the schedule. You say you trust my husband is “unsuspecting.” I think that is his nature, but yet he is used to drawing inferences, which are sometimes as unkind as suspicious. You say you are unmarried. My advice to you is that you marry somebody as soon as possible. In most cases, .[«'woulil noi recommend busier but in yoursyT'am convinced there is truth in the proverb-which speaks of the danger of ielay. Should you be so fortunaie as to get i husband (which may God mercifully pant!) my opinion is that you will consider ny woman, who should write him such a alter as this of yours, impertinent, and, per iaps, immodest. “I will deliver your note to Mr. when is returns, also a copy of my reply which I msure he will approve. I am, with as much ppect as you permit, Mbs. [ This was tbe end of the correspondence. Arrest ol Gen. Walker. Gen. William . Walker arrived in New ork last week, as a prisoner, in charge of oiled Slates officers. He was arrested with is men on the 7lh inst., at Puma Arenas, y Commodore Paulding, who.look posses °n of him, and of his men as pirates and Hilaws. The men have been sent to Nor ilk, and Walker is to be banded over to the ederal Courts, to be dealt with according to tw. His previous experience under similar ircumstances justifies the belief that he will scape without any punishment whatever, ome fifty of his men still remain in Cen al America, under Col. Anderson. This tree was landed from the Fashion at the oulh of the. Colorado, and proceeding up to rivert.-made themselves masteia of the trial Castillo Rapids and the river boats; tere they still remain waiting for reinforce enls, which are not likely soon to reach iem. i With this event Walker’s career as a fiilli. ister leader is probably ended ; though we usl say that such an end by no means does slice to the cruel, sanguinary and ruffianly taracter which he has exhibited throughout, is opportunities have been limited, but it nuld be difficult to find in history a more larlless and inhuman villain. His abilities, twever, do not keep pace with his ambition ; id the junta of Southern propagandists who nt him out on the present expedition long i° determined to deprive him of all real ■''cr, and to give the actual control of their ■erprise to Gea. Henningsen. That per ■age is undertood to have been at Wasb- Ht°n for some lime past endeavoring to Bt'j 0 1 e consent of the Administration to • departure from Mobile with a force of P*. men. l n this endeavor he is sustained •very powerful influences. The Slavery ■paganda, having lost Kansas, naturally •iches out us greedy hands to grasp the m tropical regions of Central America. • breaking up of Walker’s camp at Puma Kr is a cl, “ fc u P°n their design ; but we ■ i s f re lhat >' is not o design which Btuidn 6000 ° r easi, y k® induced to Uhs’ G ' anl 18 ca,cul aiing on a six ;s on ‘ho Kansas queslion in Con i’ e USS l h an a week since, to a I ? § eut| eman, a citizen o{ Kansas, . nn«?M er r 0n in Wa 'hiogton, that if it in 6 or L 1 *' e Administration evenlu lnk c * rr y ‘no Lecomplon Constitution •n on § regs i which possibility he did ’ H j e e ’ 11 oould not be done in ihe face , “otermiued opposition that would be ° u to bear against it, in less than six' months. He knew what it was to press a measure through. Congress with a formidable opposition to confront ; and the people of Kansas might rest perfectly easy in his un qualified assurance that they could not be dragged into the Union under the Lecompton Constitution previous to the middle of July, This is authentic. A well-to-do far.mer of Springport, N. Y., three years ago, bad a little altercation with his wife, and while conversing with her look up a pail to go after soma water. His long absence awakened the fears o( his wife, who suspected at once that he had made an end of his life by throwing himself into the well. The well was accordingly searched but the husband was not found. The friendly neigh bors industriously sought for but found no traces of him. Last week while his family were at tea, the missing husband walked into theroom with the pail of waler.in his hand, put it into its usual place, and sal down to ihe table as if nothing had happened. He had been gone just three years after his pail of water, and had visited California and Austra lia, and had “turned up” again with a hand gome little fortune in his pocket. -MARRIED Dec. as, by Rev. N. L. Reynolds, Mr. WILLIAM WASS and Miss MARY LEE, all of Chatham. At Covington on the Ist of January by Elder T, Miller, Mr. MARTIN V. SMITH of Wellsboro and Miss CHARLOTTE ODELL of Covington. In Clyroer Jan. Ist, by the Rev. Amos Chapman, Mr. JOSHUA A. TANNER of Minnesota and Miss ANGELINE A. CARROL of Pike, Potter Co. NOTICE IN DIVORCR— Philena Frink— ‘ Take notice that C. A. Frink, your husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga Cd., for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said court have appointed Monday, the Ist day of February next 10 o'clock A, M. for a hearing of the said C. A. Frink ia the premises, at which time and place you can attend if yon think proper. JOHN MATHERS Sheriff. , Wellsboro, Jan. 7.1858. DISSOLUTION. —Notice is hereby given that the Copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the name of Hart & Short, is tliis day dissolved fay mutual consent. The Books, Notes and Accounts are in the bands of David Hart for settlement- DAVID HART Wells boro, Nov. 27, >57. BENONI SHORT. The business will be conducted by D. Hart at the old stand. All persons indebted to the firm of Hart & Short arc urged to make immediate payment and save costs. NEW STOCK AT START’S FLOUR $ PROVISION STORE. I have just replenished my Stock of Groceries, Floor and Provisions, and am prepared to sell at the lowest living figure, for Cash all through this hard winter. I will also exchange Groceries and Provisions for Country Produce at Cash prices. I can furnish every eatable quality of flour at a Less price than any dealer in Wellsboro, either whole, sale or retail. X have also on hand a large quantity of Indies 1 and Men's Shoes, winch will be sold at a very small advance upon tost, for Cash or Produce. As to price and quality of anything'! kecpq'n hand for sale, just call and examine for yourselves. I have also a small stock of DRY GOODS, which will be sold AT COST. Call and see. Wellsboro’ Jan. 7, ’5B. DAVID HART. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Of fice at Wellsboro Pa., lor Quarter ending Dec. Old 18*7 Avuet Mrs. Dianah Messenger 4 Advertiser Office 3 Morse JDunroe T. Banner 3 - Michell Misa Lettle A. Brown Cyrus C. Merrei/ James Bosworih S. J. Miller Frank Coyle Thomas Miles W. H, Coppers Gregory 3 . Moscon Charles E. Cruluz Capt H. \V. Miller Francis L. Cooley Levi J 3 Newton Richard Democrat 3 Nott Miss Emily S. Eagle 12 Parson Oscar W. 4 EloiondofMrs. Anne E. Rati Simeon Farm Journal 4 Smith Jud. Frisby G. & Sons. ' Smith Mrs. Dianah Green leaf A. 1 Sechrist Miss Rachel Hill Mrs. Rhoda Slupp J. Milo ‘Hog Jacob Sr. Smith Harvy Holmes Lewis Shusler Susan Jones Mrs..Esler Tracy Miss H. C. Jones George 2 Wilson J. K. Jones Even Watkins Abner Kerr Dr. W, T. 2 Wood J. D. Kemaugh Wm. E. Warrincr Miss Rachel Lukens Leonard Youug Mrs. Elizabeth Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised. I. D. RICHARDS. P. M. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Tioga. Fa., Quarter ending Dec. 31st 1857.' , v Ademy S- E. Howell Mr. Andrews Miss Eliza E. Hanck Wm. AJldrich Lcander Ives Miss Mary E. Affleck David 2 Johnson Frank 2. Bruce Chester P. Lloyd Miss S. E, A. Blackburn Miss Mary Ladd Wm. Bishop Atpos .Lytlie John Brooks James Morrison Robt. Betzcl Mrs. Anna Maynard John Brigs Edward IS filler Mrs. Lucia Baldwin A. Mann W. K. Crates Linlsfbrd ’ McCollum Charles Cooper John Orcutt S. D. 2 Curtis D, M, Rnggles James Durtt Hiram W. Reynolds Bev- N, L. Day Lucy Rcxford Samuel Eydam Alex. % j Smith Miss Maury A. Fitsgibbon John ■ Seaman C. W, Fitch C. 11. 2. ! Swot Miss Emily Graves Scoffin Dr. Francis Gregory O. S. , Sample Wm. Hardeubcrgh James H.! Tremain Miss Harriet Persons ceiling for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised. * ■ J J WM. T. URELL, P. M. Y ~\7~ Flour, manufactured at the Jersey Shore 7\ Mills and warranted, i at the Store of Dec. 30, , WILCOX & SEARS. TAKE NOTlCE—that I have applied to the Court of Common ?ieas ef Tioga county for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this Slate 5 and that the 14th day of Jannary next, at I o’clock af. ternoon, is fixed for the, hearing in - said application, nt the Court House in Wellsboro, at which time and phee my creditors can attend it they think proper. Dec. 30* 1857-13* PETER SECHRIBT. NOTICE is hereby given that an election of Di rectors and Treasurer of the Mansfield Iron Works, will be held at the Company’s Office, Mans field, Tioga county, Pa., on the first Monday of Jan uary next, at 2 o’clock, afternoon. Dec-17,1857.12 J • LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the undersigned upon the last Will and Testament of Ludwick Hart, late of Charleston dec’d, those indebted to the estate will make imme diate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them to MORGAN HART, Charleston, Dec. 24,' *57-61* Sxr. * NOTICE.— Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the* lasi Will MATURITY. Just Gratis , the 25th Thousand. A FEW WORDS on ’the mtiofia} treatments without medi cine, of Spermatorrhea or local wealcne&s, nocturnal omissions, genital and nervous debility, premature decay of the system, itnpotency and impediments to marriage gene rally, by E. DE LAN'EV, M. D. The Important fact that tbo many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed without medicine, Is in this small tract, clear ly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the authoi, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. ' • Seut to auy addro ca . gratis and post paid, free in a scaled envelope, by remitting two postage stamps to Dr. DE I*A NEY, 17 Lispenard Street, Now York. A RETIRED PHYSICIAN, 75 years of npj, having lost his Father, iwo Brothers, Daughter, Son-in-law, Nephews, ami Nieces, by that dmulfui disease. Consumption, and buffer ing with a rtxujh himself, dftennineO to visit the East Indies, Egypt and Japan, where ho disco''. ered a Preventative and Certain Cure for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Consumption, Nervous Debility and Asthma. Ilfs cough was cured imme diately; he returned, cured his Relatives, who inherited the disease, and in connection with bis son have employed it in their practice, curing thousands of cases considered hopeless by others, i’or the purpose of rescuing as many of his suffer ing fellow beings as pcwhible. lie ib sending the Recipe to all who wish it for 10 cents; 3of it'to pay the postage, and the balance printing. Address Dr. Heath, 101 Spring street, op posite St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. [Aug. 20,3m0a.] Post Office Notice. Mails close at the TTellsboro’ Post Office as follows: Eastern mail, via Tioga, daily at o’clock a. m- Eastern and Southern, via Mansfield and Troy, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7}£ o’clock a. m. Eastern and Southern, via Covington and Troy, Monday, ■Wednesday and Friday at 714 o’clock a. m. Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday and Friday at o’- clock p. tn. Western, via ComJersport, Tuesday and Friday *l-1)4 °'* clock p. m. Mails arrive as follows : Northern 4c., via Tioga, daily, by 1 o’clock, p. to. Eastern 4c., via Troy and Mansfield, by 6 o’clock p. m., s£we days of leaving. Eastern &c., via Troy and Covington, by 7 p. days of leaving. Southern, via Jersey Shore, Tuesday £ Friday, by 12 in. Western, via Coudersport, Tuesday and Friday, by 12 m. Sept. 17,1857. I. D. BICHARDS, P. M. GRECIAN OIL PAINTING.—FoiI and explicit directions for pursuing this beautiful art, will be forwarded to any address by enclosing $1 and a pas. tage stamp to H. D. DEMING, Wellsboro, Tioga Co Pa, Papers copying the above, and sending a markad copy with bill of the same,; will be duly honored by return mail. - 1 AYER’S CHEERY PECTORAL- FOR THE RAPID CURE OP COEDS, COUGHS, ARP HOARSENESS* BamPTELD, aiASS, 20th Dec., 1855. Da J'C Axaa; I do not hesitate to say the beat remedy I hare ever found for Coughs, Hoarseness, Influenza, and the concomitant symptoms of a Cold, Is yonr Cherry Pectoral. Its constant use in my practice and my fam ily for the last ten years baa shown it to pos sess superior virtues for the treatment of these complaints. EBEN KNIGHT, M. D. A B MOBTLET, Esq-, of Utica, N. T., writes. - used year Pectoral myself and in my family ever since yon Invent* ed it, and believe it the best medicine for its purpose ever put out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty-five dollars for a bottle than do without it, or take any othhr remedy." Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. Springfield, Miss* Feb. 7,1556. Brother A ter : I will cheerfully certify your Pectoral is . the best remedy we possess for tho cure of Whooping Congb, Croup, and the rbest diseases of children. Wo of your fra ternity in the South appreciate vour skill, and commend vour medicine to our people. ' HIRAM CONKLIN, M.’D. AMOS LEE, Esq.. Monterey, la* writes, 3d Jan., 1856: “I had a tedious Influenza, which confined me in doors six weeks; took many medicines without relief; finally tried your Pectoral by the advice of our clergyman. The first dose relieved the soreness in my throat and iung&; less than ono ha I lf the bottle mode mo completely well. Your medicines are the best as well as the cheapest we can buy, and we es teem you, Doctor, and your remedies, as the poor man's fripnd.” < Asthma , or Phthisic , and Bronchitis . TPest Manchester, Pa., Feb. 4,155 C. Sift: Tour Cherry Pectoral is performing marvellous cures in this section. It has relieved several from alarming symp toms of consumption, and is now curing a man who hns la bored under an affection of the lungs for the last forty years. HENKY L. PAHKS, Merchant. A A RAMSEY, W d, Albion, Monroe Co., lowa, writes, Sept. 6, 1555: “During my practice of many years .1 have found nothing equal to your Cherry Pectoral for giving ease and re lief tq consumptive patients, or curing such as arc curable.” Wo might add volumes of evidence, bat the most convinc ing proof of the virtues of this remedy Is found is its effects upon trial. Consumption. Probably no one remedy has ever been known which cured so many and such dangerous cases as this. Some no human aid can reach; but ereu to those the Cherry Pectoral affords relief and comfort. Asroa HorsErNcw Toss Cnr, March 5,185/5. Doer. Arxa, Lowell: I feel It a duty and a pleasure to in form you what your Cherry Pectoral has done for my wife.- She bad been five months laboring under the dangerous symp toms of Consumption, from which no aid we conld procure gave her much relief. She was steadily failing, until Dr Strong, of this city, where we have come for advice, recom mend a trial of your medicine. Til: bless bis kindness, os wo do your skill, for she hns recovered from that day. She Is not yet os strong os she used to bo, but is free from her congh, and calls herself well. Yours with gratitude and regard. ORLANDO SHELBY, ,of Shelbyville. CoNSTOPTtvzfI, do not despair till yon have tried Ayer’s Cherry pectoral. It is made by ono of the best medical chem ists in the world, and its cures all around us bespeak the high merits of its virtues.—Philadelphia Ledger. ITER’S CATHARTIC PULS. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utmost to produce thi» best, most perfect purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that these Pills have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordi nary medicines, and that they win unprecedentedly upon the esteem of nil men. They arc safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate aiaggfeh or disordered organs into their natural action, and import healthy tone with strength to tho whole system. Not jlicy core the every-day complaints of every body, buttuso formidable and dangerous diseases that have baffled the best of human skill. While they produce powerful effects they are at the game time, in diminished do»e*, the safest and beat physic than can be employed for children. Being sugar coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable are free from any .risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substantiated by men of such exalted position* and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have lent their naraee to certify to the publin the reliability of my rem edies, ufaile others have sent me the assurance of their con viction that my Preparations contrihutoimmcnsely to the re lief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing directions for their use ami certificates of their cures, of tho following complaints ; Cobtivoness Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn/ Headache arising from a fool stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcerous and Cutaneous Diseases which require an ovacuant medicine. Scrofula or King’s .Evil, They also, by purifying the blood and atirntzlating the ejatem, eotv mtmy evnpM&M which It would not bo supposed they could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritabilitv, De rangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gont,und other kin dred complaints arising from a low state of tho body or ob struction of its functions. Do.not be put off by unprincipled dealers with pome other pill they make more profit on. Auk for Ayer’s Pills, and take nothing cUe. No other they can give you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want tho boat aid there is for them, and they should have it. PREFARED BY DR. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Massachusetts. Pi ico 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes lor $l. SOLD BY J. A. ROY, YTellsboro, and by Druggists and JUcrchanta generally. [Dec. 3.57.] ' . FALL FASHIONS. MRS. M. J. GRIERSON TTA£> just returned from the City with a nice aa sortment of Fall and Winter Goods, such as Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Borders, Velvets# Satins For Bonttets, Mrs. Grierson has engaged for the season, a good Milliner. Also, a City Dressmaker, to make dress. e«, Cloaks and Children’s Clothes. CTAII orders promptly attended to. VVellsboro, Oct. 22,1857. W. I>. TEUBELX, Successor to W. TEBBELL & SON, CORNING, X. y. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, in Drugs Sf Medicines, Lead, Zinc , Colored Paints, Oils , Vnrnishes , Brushes, Camphene Sf Burning I Fluid, Dye Stuff's, Sash Glass, Pu* e U Liquors for Medicine, Patent Medi. r\ eines. Artists Paints 4r Brushes, " ' Perfumery , Fancy Ai-tieles , Flavoring Extracts, also A generalnssortmentofSchool Books,Blank Books, Staple and Fancy Stationery. Physicians, Druggists, and Country Merchants dealing in any of the above articles can be supplied ol a small advance on New York prices. Sept 3,1857. I TIOOA COUNTY STEAM FLOURING MILL. At Ufalnsbttrgr, Pciina. THE new and splendid Slcuin Milt at Malnsburg is now m full operation, and Itic proprietor is prepared lo do custom work or Flouring with neat ness and despatch. This Mill has 4 run of stone, and is capable of grinding 80 bushel* per hour. Persons bringing Grain to this Mm cun have U ground ty take home with them; and wo will war rant them asgood work as can he done in this re. gion of country. iLYMAN WETAfOAE, PronV. Oct. 8,3857. / R. K. BRUNDAGE, Agmi. Who wlllgo to Kansas ? THE subscriber will sell the Farm on which he lives, in Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100 of which is improved. It is well watered, has a comfortable house, barns, necessary outbuildings and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon. Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrcncevillc, known as the “Geer House,” with ample accommodations. Attached is a Store building suitable‘for the Gro eery and Dry Goods business—ail to be sold or rent ed lo suit applicants. For terms apply to Lawrcncevillc, Sept. 11 *SG. M. S. BALDWIN. POTTER &. HAMItIONP’S NEW SYSTEM Of PENMANSHIP. THIS System leaches a practical , business, hand writing It do ts ibis systematically. The subject it presented sot merely as an art to be learned by imitation, but as a science to he studied and applied. , For sale, wholesale and retail by Baldwin, Lowell A Co-, Tipg-s Trice DO cents per doz. PHLiD’A AMERTISEmS, -FROM- I ; JOHN A. EIDDLE. At Merchants Hotel, North Fourth Et., Philadelphia, To the Merchants of the West ami North West. PHILADELPHIA MARKET being easily a&tssible, your attention is called to it, as possessing facilities and ad vantages, worthy of your consideration. * Among Its advantages may be enumerated its location, hav ing shorter lines of communication to the interior, its prox imity to the Iron and Anthracite Coal districts of Pennsylva nia, the largo and varied extent of its manufactures, being far in advance of any other city -In the 'United Stales, the moderate expenses necessary for carrying on business, 4c. The market possesses unrivalled advantages for the sale of many kinds of produce, such as Flonr, Wheat, Parley, WooL Butter, Cheese, 4c., while the charges made upon sales and attendant expenses, are more moderate than neighboring seaboard markets. HAJIJIAS, SHi'DER, & CO.. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, No. 420 Market Street, above 4tb. .'■ 1 WOOD, BACON & CO., . Importers and Wholosaler'Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY QOODS and CLOTHING, No. 309 Market at., above Third. BUNN, RAIGUEL & coi. Importers of BKITISK GOODS, and Jobbers of Fa-acy. and Staple SILK GOODS,|D>IBROIDEia.ES Ac., Mo. 37 X. Third street. V9IBR£ILAS & PARASOLS—Wm. 11. Richardson, No. 418 Market hticit, manufactures first close UMBRELLAS expressly for retailers). Every article warranted, | HAAS & TAYLOR Importers and Cash Jobbers, No. 306 Market Street, HbsicryjGlbves, Shirt, and Gum Belts. Shirt Bosoms, White iGootls, Embroi deries, Laces, Suspenders, Threads. Combs,’4c., LINCOLN, WOOD & NICHOLS, Snc. ecssors of TUO3. WHITE 4 CO., Manufacturers and Im porters of Straw Goods, Silk Bonnets. Bonnot Frames. 1 French Flowers and Millinery Goods, Nol 4§ South 2d street. X. MtORRIS, PJGROT & CO., Importers and ‘Wholesale Dealers m DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE STUFFS, 4c* No. 621 -Market, and 612 St, James 6ts. ‘ ! I KEY STONE ST ATE SAPONIFiEU or CONCENTRATED LYE for making Soap. Manufactured by the Penn. Salt Co* Tarentum. Alleghany connty, Pena. Represented bv LEWIS, JAMES 4 CO* Philadelphia, J. S. & 13. L. PEROT, General Produce Commission Merchant*, No. 36 North Wharves. Refer to Philadelphia merchants generally. All consignments or orders will receive our prompt and personal attention. PARRISH & BRADSHAW, WALL 4 WINDOW TAPER Warehouse, N. E. Corner 3d 4 Arch-Sts. GEO. W. PLUMIY, Manufacturer of every description of PATER BOXES, 213 X. Fourth Street. CACFFMAN & CHEW, ! Importers of CHINA, GLASS 4 QUEEN’S WARE, No, SI, N. 4th st. JT. MIXES & SOY, Wholesale!Bool & Shoe Manufacturer, No. 49. South 4th street.' ; SAM’X. H. BIBICHACS, Importer end Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, No. 258 North 3d street, below Vine, j J N. dc G» TAYTOB, Importer and Wholesale Dealers ia Tin Plate, Copper, Sheet Iron, «£c* 3U3 £ 365 Branch street. " ' WHH. ROYY L ANI> & CO., No. 63 Beach st., manufacture all kinds of Mill. Cross Cut. Pit and Tenon SAWS—warranted of superior quality! All orders execu ted with punctuality and despatch. ; i E. HAXX OGDEN, Philadelphia Malleable Iron Works, corner of 9th and Jefferson streets; Ware house 307 Arch st., above Third, manufacturer of General and Saddlery Hardware, fled Malleable and Fine Grey Iron Castings. i ; MANCHESTER SCALES, Hay, Counter, Coal, Warehouse. Wheelbarrow, Rolling Mill, Railroad Scales of improved patterns and superior qualities, icok. ranted superior in quality and finish to any other scales made. Warehouse, No. 23 N. Gth Street, Geo. W. Colby. Agent. I GREEN’S KEYSTONE HEATER & RANGE-—The Heater has no equal in;this country—i* all cast iron, and will create 20 per cent more heated air with the same amount of fuel, than rny other furnace in uae.— The Range has two ovens that bake uniformly at the same, time. These inventions have no equal f ln the market. — Rights for sale for all flections of the Union. M. Green, No. 23 N. Cth St. . I i GIEEESPIE, ZELLER A: CO., Whole sale Gn*cera and Commission Merchants/ N. E. corner 6th unci Market Streets. ; / C. J. FREEL AND M ITJ® KLINE A: CARROL, Importers of Wines, Brandies, Gins, 4c., No. 304 North 3d street. . [Sept-17, 3m,] NEW FIRM. BALBWIN, l«mi| & CO., ARE now receiving a very, choice and carefully selected assortment of \ i STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Groceries and Provisions, and arc prepared to furnish them to customers 4t As Reasonable Prices As they can be bought in an?i <\ther Market. Customers can rely upon Rndiiig at oil times any article they may wish, and all Goods warranted to be as represented. | [ Silks, and Ladies 1 Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim mings. Ladies will do well lo call and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere, j Lowell & Co., have always on hand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, which will be sold at the lowest QASfI PRICES, ALSO, j i Groceries, Crockery, Hardware. Glass Slone, Hollow and Wooden Ware, • Iron, feet. Nails, Oils 1 , Paints and Dye-Stvffs of qeWykind and of the best duality, with BOOTS 4- SHOES,jfj%Everybody. *,* All kinds of Counhy Produce taken in ex • change for goods at the market prices. Tioga, July 2. 1857. J To Farmers ami §])prismcn. highest WILD GaME?tt lire $ | WELLSBORO 3iEA T MARKET. Customers can rely upon finding* at tins Market, the best qualities of meat alwaya ? on band. Shop in ihe north cud of tJic Weßsboro Hold. Wellsboro* Sept. 24, 1857., (If.j ■, • Store Goods in I ioga Village. BALDWIN, LOWELL ST* Si ASB ESP* _ DENpdIST. Office ct his residence, nean the Academy . All work pertaining to his] line of business done promptly nhdj well. YVelUboro*, Apnl 2. 1357,-tfj [ I ( THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, SIB JAS. CLARKE’S CELEBRATED FEMALE P ILLS. Prepared from a Prescription oLSIr James Clarke, 31. Dt, Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This Intaluabla Med cine is unfailing In the cure of all those painful had danger oaa diseases Incident to the female constitution. It moderates oil excess, removes all obstruction*, and brings on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills, should be used two or three weeks previous to confinement; they fortify the constitution, and lessen the suffering during labor, enabling the mother to perform herdnties aithgafety to herself and child. These Pills should not bo taken by females darlntr the' FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, aa they am siTro to bring on Miscarriage, hut at any other time they are safe. In all casses of Nerrors and Spina] Affections, pain jn tho Back and Limbs. Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion, Pat-, pit&tion of the Heart, Lowness cf Spirits, Hysterica, Sick Headache, Whites and all Other painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, thede Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, does not contain iron, calomel, antimony or any other minaret Full directions accompany caeh package. Price in the Uni ted States and Canada, uni: frou-vr.. Sole Agents for this Country— I, C, BALDWIN A Co., Rochester, N. Y. N. B. $1 00 enclosed te any authorised Agent, will insure a bottle of Pills by return mall. For sale Wholesale and Retail by H. W. ELLIOTT Elmira, and by one druggist in every town'in the United States, For particulars cal’ at Elliott’s and get a Circular. For sale In Wells boro, by J. A. Boy, Covington by W. Taylor, Mansfield, by c. W. Nesbitt; Tioga hy A, Hum phry and H. H. Borden; Lawrencevllle by W, G. Miller; Knoxville by A. J. Dearrann; Westfield by Gcodspeed 4 Brother; Elkland by J. A J. Purkhcrst. Jan. 12, 1857.—1 y. BUCHU LEAVES are procured from the south* ern part of A/rica. The Holientol* «l Ihe cape of Good Hope have long usfed this article as a remedy in a variety of diseases, from ihem llio medicine was borrowed by the English and Dutch physicians residing ihcrc and by their recommend, alien it was voon employed in Europe. In p«oce*s of time this medicine has come into general use, and is highly spoken of by the best mcdkal writers. Physicians recommend it mostly for complaints of Ihc urinary organs, such as gravel, a mdrlnd irrita tion of the bladder and urethra, retention of urine, also incontinence of urine from want of tone in lh« urinary organs. It cools the unnatural heal und relieves pain ; and in many cases of long standing it has been effectual when other valuable medicines had failed to produce an effect. The active princi. plo of (his medicine is a volatile oil which is mostly lost by the old process ol boiling. Hence it requirts great care and skilful management, to prepare this medicine properly. FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU is a Strong or concentrated preparation prepared by the new process called 1 Displacement.*’ By this the valua ble properties of the Buchu are entirely preserved, and this form of the medicine is less liable to injury from age and more palateabje. Useful equally in all cases of the kind whether male or; female, price, 75 cents per bottle. For sale at'Roy’s Drug- and Chemical Store atWellsboro Pa. O* This is no patent medicine or quack nostrum or secret remedy, but a new and improved prepara. lion of a well known an,d valuable medicine. The £mj)ice 1.1 The Empire!! NEW FIRM 4- NEW GOODS! TiOWEN, BULLARD & CO, X ) would inform the public that they may be found at the old stand of Bowen & Bullard? known as the where they are now receiving fresh from the City, a full supply of , Fall & Winter Goods. of every variety and quality, which cannot but suit the most fastidious, and at the lowest rales ; Sack as Dry Goods & Groceries, BOOTS & SHOES, READIIfLIDE CLOTHING. Crockery, Hardware, Woodcnwarc, PROVISIONS, &c. &c. J. R. BOWEN, 1 M.BULLARD > Wellsboro Nov. 5 '57. L. TRUMAN, \ TTOOPS —Hoops—Hoops! Plain Brass, Brass i-i- Wire, Whalebone and Reed, at the EMPIRE, COME to the J&HPIRE if you want a nice bon net—also Trimmings, such as Ribbons, Bor ders, Linings, &c. IF you waul a Carpet CHEAP, coll at * BOWEN BULLaKD,&CO. LATENT STYLES Hats and Cups just receiv ed at liowKM Bollard 6c C.o Charles O. Etz of Tioga Village would respccliully call the attention of the public lo the following advertisement. “Man want* but little here below nor wants that little iono-” is an old saying and perhaps true to a certain extent But it seem" to me that in this lime of general suspension and panic, everything is tending to a reversion of time-honored sayings, and everybody wants a liiilc more still The farmers (and they really ought to have as much as anybody, for they are lo our country what a main spring is to a watch,) wants a little more for ilicir wheat, buckwheat,rye, corn, oals r potatoes, &c., than the purchaser feels able and willing lo pay. The merchant wants a JiitJ® more for his Floor* Pork, Saif, I>ry Goods,' Boots & Shoes, Hats &. Cops, Hardware, Crockery and ten thousand little things he has to sell than the farmer thinks he ought lo pay. At ihw present lime H feems to be conceded by all that the cash Value of good wheat is 31 per bushel; buckwheat, 2 lo 2-6; corn 3-6 to 4-6; outs, 2 lo 2-6; butter, 14 to 1C cent's. Now to equalize the matter and make It satisfactory on both* sides, I want and will agree to take from every farmer of Tioga county, all the wheat I can get for the next 60 days at 9 and 10 shilling* per bush el according to quality; buckwheat a*. 2-6 to-3; corn 5 lo 5-6; oats 2-9 to 3 shillings; butter 16 to 19 cents. .Will sell yon in exchange Salt per barrel, 16s. Flour extra superfine 13s per sack, $6 50 per barrel Superfine, Us per sack, S 5 50 per bbi. Coffee sugar Idler *‘A” us whitu as snow at Is, Coffee sugar letter “B** 12c£s, Wry nice brown sugar, lids. Common, lOcls. Lagui-. ra coffee, every kernel good, 1-4. Old Java, very nice, 1-6. Young Hyson tea, warranted lip-top, 4,5 and 6 shillings. Tallow candles, 17ct*. Spefm, 3-6 Fine cut tobacco, 3s. Loose smoking, 1-6. Plug tobacco, 3s lo 4s, Eagle Denim?, best manu factured, lOcls lo Is. Lawrence mills, sheeting, very heavy, lOcts- Fine unbleached, from, 10 els to 1?. Bleached muslin, from 7cts to 1-6. Calicoes, all styles, consisting of xMcrrimaeks, Cochecoe*-* Spragues, Phillip Allens, &c. f from 6;Jcts to Is. A great variety of all wool Defames, Cashmeres, Silk and Wool Poplins, Paramctlas, RigoleU?. Hood?, Hosiery, Gloves and a variety of little fixing.-, also a very l?rgc dock ol Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gent’s wear. Ladies coarse Shoes 9s. Ladle’s calf and enamelled leather, Tls to Gaiters, a splendid assortment 10s to 16?. Gent’s kip Bools* home made, from 34 to 4 25 ; City made from $3 SO to 5 50. ' In a wqrd our slock is complete in all its depart ments, from the sugar and molasses down ccJLr In the best and most complete assortment of commo;? and satin wall paper ever kept m a country store up stairs. Bring along all the grain &C-, you have to sell, what you do not want lo exchange for Goode I will pay you the cash for at cash prices, Tioga, Nov. 5,18J7. 10,000 Bushels of Good Wheat wauled JST BushcU of Oau, wmUed by C. O. ETZ. OOO Üb^c^s Unckwbcat wanted hy THE WITHERED HEART, BY T. S. ARTHUR. This fa a large. I2mo volume, Price Slj’OO, with & fine Uot engraving. and is one of the most thrilling written by the author. It ahowg haw a man may to the world all that good ami noble, and yet be a tyrant la his family, and ftuaUy send his wife to a mad-htmaa. ' We publish -Vr. Arthur's* new books, abo work* of Hlsi tory, Biography, Ac. for whjcli ill part*, of the United state*, to whom the larg-oat eomnibeion « b« peltl, also an extra commission in the war of gifts •K’W. bradikt, ■i* -V rt rth Fourth Pbiladek Vt*.- T. i tb» V —?juvirr.*r ’-p-I": CHARLES O.ETZ.