The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 26, 1857, Image 2

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    Jiirt of Jurors--December Termj 1857.
B.W. Merrick, E. A. Fish, A. K. Bosarrf, Jame*
D.'BiH, Ebenexer Barley, Trnmsp Kilbarn, Jap.
H. Oalict, Wm.B, Vanhorn; Levi Elliott; George
' Root, Belem Claus, Sylvester Kelly,- Chester Paf.
ridge, John Lewis,.Richard Childs-, M. H. Abhy,
L, I, Nichole, H. L. Miller, David 1 Stratton, M. V.
Swan, Dewitt Chase, Richard English, Andrew
-Been, Wm. Tiffany.
Royal Rose, James P. Frost, Samuel Miller, E.
D. Roberts, Joseph Dewitt, Joseph Peters, Austin
Leihrop, V. R. Gee, M» D. Field; S. B* Levegood,
C. H. House, John Goodspeed, Barris 'Robbins,
FharexHooghton, L.K, Longwell, S. H. Murdock,
Beni. Vondnsen, Laugher Bache, C. fl. Spencer,
E. B._ Benedict, J. N. Boyd, Henry Fish, D. S.
Grantier, Lyman Hakes, Seth Clark, Thomas Gee.
Tilley Marvin, Horace Fellows, J. F. Sturdevant,
Abel Sly, W. D. Kelly, David Hart, J. B. Redfieldr
J. V, Bwan,T. W. Starks, Wm. B. Middaugb.
8. C. Alford, Levi L. Smith, Hiram Freeborn,
Erastna Batts, John Craig, Isaac Searles, Wm. H,
Coon, Abram Walker, Isaac Berry, Elias Baty, J.
G. Albeck, Ira Lownsbary, P. F. Christian, Zachens
Malloorv, Abram Eniffin, Benj. Tubbs, Wm. Brain,
John Cook, Vine DeFni, Geo. W Hymes, Mathew
Ratan, Wm. Thomas, Martin Stratton, Angus Grit.
6n, Jacob Graotier, D. C. Doolittle, Geo. PC Baxter,
Solon DarU. R. Toles, R- P. Bottles, Joshna Bowen,
Nathan Miller, Wm. Johnson, C. W. Qanmore,
Jesse M. Ketney, Jos, B. Hosted.
Trial List--December Term, 1857.
B. 0. Wickham et *1 vs Geo Knox et al
Wm. Spalding tb A.Jtatton et al
James Dttffey vs L. H Heed et al
Them. Putnam tb £ Dyer
H._ Sherwood , vs Alex. MattJsoa et ai
J. W.rShoff vs Winthrop Beach
James Merill vs H WiUlston
Guernsey for OHs vs £hiel Harris
FrtjbytKriwi congregation of „ * w , Byon
S-Dcisiig .v • t» Wm: Darns
8. Beziord’s Kxr. vs H. P. Yeomans
Wm. E .Clark et al vs E. Miller's £xrs.
A. Clark vs esns -
Henry Rathbone
Elite Russell
Wm. Bams
J. D. Longwell
In Bullock
C. Rathbone
Victor Cue.
David. Coats
H. H. Haynes
8. Beckwith
J. B. Betm
Ira Bollock
William A.Falkner
H. A. Guernsey
Geo. Stanley ,
Tabor, Young A Co.
W.D. Bailey
A. Locey
• ■ ■ ■ Greenfield et al
M. V. Brown et al
J. D. Longwelt
Hastings A McNltt
T. Coats
Sylvia fermentier
Wright A Bo tier
Shippens Exrs.
H. W.Caulklns
ts John A. Hammond
ts John Mitchell
T 8 E.Qnhnby
ts L. M. Palmer
rs BenuettA Randall
ts Bybn A Tubbs
ts Levi Carpenter
ts D.'B.Rboff
ts R. Jones et al
vs B. C. Wickham
ts dymer School Directors
tb Bennett A Randall'
ts J. Stoddard et al
ts D. P. Roberts et al
rs Henry Rogers
ts Geo. Kress
ts -Mansfield Iron Works.
rs JS. B, Burley
vs T. Coots
ts K. Beach
tb W. N. Hammond
ts B. Bentley
ts John Bowen
tb W. T. Humphrey
tb W. Wells et al
ts K. A. Elliott t
ts L.J. Cooley
ts W. W. Ballard et al
ts * C. S. Whitcomb et al
ts L. Davenport
▼s Covington Township
ts Hiram Costley
ts H. 8. Johnson
ts A. J. Clark
ts W. W. Ballard et al
vs J. Tremain
ts L. J. Cooley
rs Martha Stevens
vs £. D. Wells
TS “
R. C. Gillette
H.G. Martin
James Costley
Martin Power
IL K. xmi
L. P. Hoyt
Tioga Rail Boad
J. W. Guernsey et al
Bridge k Shepard
Clark Sfosson
Calvin Benn
11. Knkdcerbacker va u
Elmira W. M. Co. va W. M. Johnson
Robert Campbell yg A. Locey
\y ardwell for Woodward ts J. C. Johnson et al
A. W. Harrison ys Barlow £ Swan
TFm. Mahew ys W. T. Humphrey
Amasa Culver yg Philip Tubbs
Roe for Berry vs I. Spencer
J. D. Gillette yg 0. H. Colegrove
Panneter k Roberta ys Daggett k Six bee
Dewitt k Son yg 8. Smith et al
Artemns Locey yg Wra. Heysham
Wm. M. Barden yg Joltas Skiff
T> Y VIRTUE of sundry writs of FI. Fa. Lev. and'
" Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Common
Pleas of Tioga County and to me directed I will ex*
pose to public sale on MONDAY, (he 7ih day of
December next atone o'clock afternoon in the Court
House, Welisboro, tbe following described property,
(o wit:
A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded north by E.
Rose, east by load running from RosevUle to Dagget Hollow,
sonth by Hill creek road, and west by E. Bose—containing
about % acre all improved, with a frame bouse, frame barn
and store house thereon.
ALSO—jLnotb«r lot in same township, bounded north by
W. A. east by J. D. Veddee, south by John Benson,
■west by Bi Hall—containing fifty-fire acres, about fifty acres
improved, with two frame houses, one frame barn, black*
smith shop and two apple orchards thereon. To be sold as
the property of Harrison Ribbons.
ALSO—Four lots of land in the township of Osceola, bound
ed north by A. Blackman, east by street leading from Osceola
to Woodhull, on the south by Si, Seely, west by S. EJison—
containing about 3 acres of Improved land, with frame house,
frame barn and some fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—A lot in said township bounded on the north by W.
F. Humphrey, east by A. Seeley, on the south by Ellison,
Tubbs and Strait, and on the west by street miming to sash
factory—containing about % of an acre with frame house
ALSO—A lot In said township, bounded on the north by H.
Tubbs, on the east by Tuscarora street, south by J. Taft and
M. Seeley, west by street leading to Addison—containing
abput lsacre of improved land, frame house, frame bam and
some fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—A lot Insame township bounded north by. Jf. Seeley,
east by Tubbs and others, south by E. Sloseon, west by A. K.
Bocard and others—containing 24 acres of improved land,
with a brick kiln thereon. To be sold as the property of
Charles H. Colegroveand David H. Van rile.
ALSO—A dot of land in the township of Chatham, bounded
as follows, to Wit, north by Charles Fullers, west by Jacob
Conley, south by Willhelm, and east by Constant
Aery—containing seventy-eight acres and about twenty-five
acres improved, log house, frame bam and a few fruit trees
thereon. To be sold as the property of Ohauncey Howard.
ALSO—A tract of land in Westfield township bounded on
the north by B. Mattison, on the east by W. Labor, on the
west by H- Steele and B. Mattlson, and on the south by
Rushmore—containing about one hundred acres with about
fifty acres improved, two apple orchards, a log bouse, frame
house and frame bam thereon. To be sold as the property
of Willard Potter.
ALSO—A lot of land In the township of Elkland, bounded
north by Frederick Short, east by Samuel Etiison, sooth by
Samuel Ellison, and west by 8. Ellison and Henry Smith
containing about eight acres of improved land, three frame
houses, two enfall plank 'houses one saw mill and a black
smith shop thereon.
ALSO—A lot of land in the township of Deerfield, bound
ed north by John Howland, east by Eleazer Seeley, south by
tbe Cowanesque river, and west by John Howland—contain
ing about fifty acres, with twenty-five acres improved, a
frame house, frame barn; com bouse and apple orchard there
on. To be sold as the property of Isaac B. Tkft, Ransom Eg
listen and Dexter Whitney. 4
ALSO—A lot of land in Brookfield township, bounded
north by Striker, east by Charles Mascho, south by Jo
seph Bowman and'Jacob Oran tier, and west by D. W, Nobles
containing about one hundred and forty one acres, andabont
one hundred acres improved, two frame houses, one frame
bam and some other out buildings apd an apple orchard
thereon. To be sold as the property of John Jfascho.
ALSO—A lot of land situate in the Borough of Lawrence
vilkw county of Tioga and state of Pennsylvania, bounded
on the west by Franklin street, on the north by lands of W.
Johnson> on the east by Locke Granger, and on the south by
B. French (formerly the Inscho lot)—containing half an acre
of land be the -same more or less, with one frame house,
frame bam and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the
property of James H. Middlebrook and Eleazer Lindsley,
surviving partners of Wm. E. Butts, dee’d.
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township, bounded north
by Arfemus Barnhart, east by Joseph Holding, south and
west by George Brown—containing about two hundred and
thirty acres more or less, with one hundred and ten acres im
proved, one frame house, two frame barns and an apple orchs
ard thereon- .
lot of UAd.Cs Sullivan townabip, bounded on the
north by the north line of warrant No. 078, on the east by
land formerly of Nathaniel Nichols and N. Smith, on the
south' by land! of John Benson and Arad and on the
west by land of Zopher Tears and A. Updike—containing
■boot onto hundred and two acres, with about sixty acres im
proved, a frame dwelling house and a few tree# thereon.
To be void as the property of John Benson. >
ALSO—A" lot of land in the Borough of TFdbboro, being
lot No. 29 .south of the Avenue, bounded north-west by Pearl
street, northeast by the Avenue, south-east by waluat street,
south-west by the Bingham land office lot—containing one
third of an-acre of improved land, one large two story frame
house, law office, frame barn and a few fruit trees therapn.
To be sold as property of Mary C. Emery.
ALSO—A lot of land lc the township of Clyster, tadfeded
north by C. P. Douglass, by Bingham lands, south by
lands in possession i ifchard and J. A. French, and
’WaftT?y A- G-. atKTat one hundred and
fifty acres, about setenty-five aerkf improved, a
log bousp, pUiflt frame barn and amapple oreh*'
ard thereon. To be orfid as the-*property of Lyman Seacock.
ALSO—Cbrtsin meWnages, lott or pieces of land situate in
the township of Gaines, in ‘the county of Tioga, to vris-all
that peice or pwcel of land, or lot No. 2356,1ying between
HD! Ban apd the one hundred;and fifty acres belonging to’
Stephen Babich on the west end of said lot, supposed to
coo tain-five waßAred and fifty aorta, more or less; 1
ALSO—One other tract of land, situate as above ■ contain l
log fifty or more acres, adjoining said lot, running across
Plan creek eaetoMh© lot B. V; Ogden now lives on, with baft
of the saw mill and water privilege thereon.
ALSO—Oie* timber on lot No. 3366, that
ia to Bay* the undivided half-pf the timber oirsald
ding the timber of the ftratStboTe mentioned lot, exCWting
one* hundred acres sold toflflos Bffiinga, and forty Seres
owned by Aaron Funuaa.r3*o be .sold aa '(he proMSy of
Beniamin T. Ogden and Aniof H. Ogden. I.
ALSO—A lot of Uhd'ln-Charleston township, bounded
north by Darld effit by“ otoei road leading'from
Young’s to Dartt settlement, south by John Bellinger, west
by-fiylvesterKeßy-aad JofanDomanx—coataiifinguboßttwo'
acres, improred, one plank house thereon. To be sold as the
property of WiUiaDS .WipgatA f V s ‘
ALB(>—Alao«K-tQtof4aad in'JDdmar township; Tioga Co:,
beginning at a stake twenty feet wert'6l John Sohor's land,
thence by the State road sooth ££jdeg. west cnahandrad and
six feet, thence south five degrees east four hundred twelve
and a half feet, thence north eighty-five degrees east .one
hundred and six feet to a stone—-thence north five degrees
west,Jour hundred twelve and-a half feet-totho-placoof-be--
ginnlng—containing one acre, with a frame house thereom—
To-Wsoktas property of George TrexHn. ■ *
land in Sullivan township, bounded on the
nortH'by Cornish Mtidge, on the east by Henry Dent, on the
south by Henry Dent, and on the west Jay JudsoaJudsoaand
Harris Odell and Hiram Welch, being a part of a lot of land
No 212 on a map of Sullivan township— contalQiagforty-nine
acres and tenth -of an acre, being part of warrant No,
3384* with twenty-two acres improved, a log house and frame
barn thereon. To be sold as the property of James Lyon.
' ALSO —A lot of land in the Borough of lAwyencevlUe,
bounded on the North by the New York Slate line, east by
James Kinsey, south by Mill- street and west by B.D. WU«
limns-—containing one-fourth of an acre more or less, one
frame boose and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the
property of Conrad DePuL
lot of land in the Borough of Wellsboro, bound
ed north by State Boad leading to Covington, on the cast by
lands of Charles Simmons, on the south, by lands of Anna
Aforrls, on the west by lands in the possession of £. Bacon—
Containing one and one-third of an acre, upon Which is situa
ted oae frame house end one frame barn. To be sold as the
property of James Bacon, Jr.
• ALSfr—A lot of land in the township of Nelson, bounded
ziorth by G. Phelps, east by L. B. ifeynard, south by L B.
Maynard, west by H. Baxter—containing one half acre or
thereabouts, one frame house, one frame bam and some fruit
trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of Hiram, MerriU
AL3O—A lot of land in Jfansfield Boro, Richmond town
ship, bounded as follows; north and east by William Adams,
south by E. Davis Jr- West by E. Davis and Williamson road
—containing about two acres all improved with one saw
mill thereon. Tp be sold,a* the property of Eli C. Comfort-
ALSO—A lot of land In* Union township, bounded south by
the Lycoming creek, north and east by L. N. Rutty, west by
Peltier—containing one bundled acres with twenty-five acres
improved, one plank house and apple orchard thereon. To
bp sold as the property of K. W. Butty.
- ALSO—A lot of land In Union township, bounded on the
west by Joseph Grover, on the east by Isaac CbUins, on the
north by George Collins and Bacon, on the sooth by Claffiin
; -containing twenty-fire acres, seventeen acres improved;
With one frame barn, one bouse frame, and one apple tree
thereon.* To be sold aa the property of John H. Grover.
AJLSO—iA lot of laud in Union township, bounded and de
scribed as follows : South by Joseph Bunn, north by George
J&sters, east by Ebenezar Beers, west by J. H. Gulick k Go.,
containing fifty acres with twenty-five acres improved, one
frame barn and one log house, thereon. To be sold as the
property of Benj. Irvine.
ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township, beginning at a
stake sonth east corner of lands of R. Webster, thence south
to a stake sonth west corner of lands owned by Wesley Coo*
lidge, thence east along the south line of Wesley Coolldge’s
land 65 rods, thence south 61 rods and $-10, thence west 66
rods, thence north 61 and 6-10 to a stake sooth west corner of
W. Coolldge’s land, thence west along the north line of lands
in possession of R. Carr to a stoke corner of lands in posses
sion of Charles Henry, thence north along the east line of
lands in possession of Gbas. Henry and Robert Boland to a
stake, thence east to the place oi beginning—containing
about seventy-five acres and about 20 acres improved, and a
few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as-the property of Jno K.
Herrick. ■ 1
ALSO—A lot of laud in Union township, bounded on the
north by Wm. Noel, on the west by John Fergerson and Jo
seph Grover, on the east by Andre Bacon and Jerad Nuel
containing seventy-four acres, with fifty-five acres improved,
one log house, one log bam and a small apple orchard there
on. To be 'sold os the property of George G. Oollina.
ALSO—A lot of land in Ward township, bounded north by
C. L. Hard, east by Rathbone lands, south by Peter Meeker
and west by C, L. Ward—containing about seventy acres,
with about thirty acres improved, fifteen acres chopped, a
frame house, log house, frame barn and apple orchard there
on. To be sold as the property of Daniel Hagar.
ALSO—A lot of lahd in'Richmond township, bounded on
the west by land of Daniel Lamb, on the north and east by
Bingham lands and on the south by lands of Win. C. Ripley,
with a frame house, frame bam and small appleorchazd there
on—containing about two hundred acres, with about-thirty
acres improved. To be sold as the property of Dwight Ripley.
ALSO—A lot of land situate in the township of
Sullivan and bounded as follows, to wit: on the north
by highway or road leading from Mansfield to Troy,
un the east by highway or road leading from Mains,
burg to the east and west state road, on the south
and west by lands owned by John Main—contain
ing two acres of land be the same more oi less, with
one steam and water power' grist mill and frame
house and shed with all the appnrlenances thereunto
belonging, To be sold as the property of Philemon
Culver and R. K* Bnmdage.
ALSO—A lot of Und in the township of Jackson
bounded on the north by highway leading from El
mira to Tioga and lands of James Miller, on the
west by lands of Joshua Miller and Anna Chamber*
lain, on the south and east by lands, of Hector L.
Miller (reserving one acre belonging to R. Tilling-
one acre belonging to George W. Boylan)
Containing twenly.five acres, fifteen acres improved,
one frame dwelling bouse, one circularsaw mill,one
horse barn, one large frame barn and shed formerly
used for a gristmill and threshing mill, one old saw
mill not in use, blacksmith shop and other out build
logs and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
the property of Samuel Buchanan.
ALSO—A lot of land in Westfield township,
bounded north by Bingham lands, east by Charlton
Phillips, south by the Cuwanesque river, west by
Samuel Phillips—containing about one hundred and
fifty or sixty acres, about forty acres improved, two
frame bouses, two frame bams, a wagon bouse, car*
riage house and apple orchard thereon* To be sold
as tbe property of Richard Phillips and Charlton
Phillips. .
ALSO —A lot of land in the Borough of Wells
horo, bounded north by Samuel R. Smith, east by
Main street and south and west by Benjamin B.
Smith—containing' two town lots, all improved,
supposed to be about two-lhirfls of an acre more or
less, one frame bouse, one frame barn and a few frail
trees thereon* To be sold as tbe property of Samt
A. Mack.
ALSO—A lot of land in Wcllsborough, bounded
north by Mary Meek, east by L. I. Nichols and Jas.
Kimball, south by Andrew Crow], and west by An
drew Growl, L. I. Nichols and Mary Meek—contain
ing seven-eights of an acre of improved land, a
steam foundry, a blacksmith shop and a frame barn
thereon. To be sold as tbe property, of Levi Chub*
NOTICE is hereby given, that an amount equal
to the cemts will be required to be paid upon
each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon
a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of
land will again be offered for sale, and no sale will
be postponed without payment of costs.
\ JOHN MATAERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Wellsboro Nov. 19 1857
RAZORS, Scissors and Shears ground end put In
the very best order at Cole's Barber Shop.
*VTOTICE.—The Subscribers to the Capital Stock
X\ of the Tioga Coonly Bank, will meet at the
house of L. H. Smith, in Tioga Village, oo Friday,
Oct. 30, at 1 o’clock P. M n for the purposed or
guuzation. Per order of Commietianert.
Oct. 59,1857, XU
Auditor’s Vslice.
XHE undersigned having been appointed by the
Orphan's Court to audit Ihe accounts of Geo.
King, Administrator of the estate of Benj.
Kirg, dec’d, will attend to the duties of said appoint
ment at the office of A« P. Cone in Wells boro, on
Thursday, Nov, 26,1857, at 1 o'clock P. M.
October 29,1857. THOS. ALLEN, Auditor.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned an
Xa. Auditor appointed to distribute the funds in
the hands ol the Administrator of Heman Soper,
decM.twUl attend to the duties of said appointment
on Thursday the 3d day of December next at one
o'clock P. M.,at the Prothonolary's Office in Wellft
hoto, at .which time all persons interested In said
fund are hereby notified to appear and present their
claims or be forever debarred from coming in for a
‘abate of such fund, A.TL DONALDSON,
. Wdlaboro Nov. 5,185 T. Auditor.
M.R S . r.M. J . i GTL lfß-R SO N
XT AS jpib returned Aomlho City iwith - a nice as
wrtment o£ .Fail ,nd Winter Goode, such u •
’ Flowers-, '
. Feathdra,
■ ■ • Bardtra ,•
• ■ :
i .' - Satina i ■
'■ For Boimett. .;
I WiDftoto,Ocl.2B,!Bs7. .
ym jVpivn.AßKF’s nßrjttm atrd
ifwjiared from i Prescription of Sir'James Clarke,'M, D.
Ptytfcfkn Extraordinary to'the Queen. This invaluable Med
cine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and, danger,
opydiseases incident to the'female constitution.
It modarates all excess, removes all obstructions, and
-brings <m the monthly-period with regularity; 'These KUs
sbcraldbe-nsed two - or three weeks previbns'to confinement';
they fortify the constitution, and lessen the suffering during
labor, enabling the mother to'perform her duties vritlrsafety
to herself and child.
These Pills should not be taken by females daring the
FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to
bring on -Miscarriage, but at anyother time they are safe.
In all casses of Nervovs and Spinal Affections, pain in the
Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion, Pal*
pitotion -of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick
Headache, Whites and all other painful diseases occasioned by
a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure when all
other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy,
does not contain iron, calomel, antimony orany other mineral
Full directions accompany oaeh package. Price in the Uni*
ted States and Canada, Ora Dollar.
Bole Agents for this Country—
Rochester, N. T.
N. B. $1 00 enclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure
a bottle of Pills by return mail.
For sale Wholesale and He tail by H. W. ELLIOTT Elmira,
and by one druggist in every town in the United States.
For particulars call at Elliott’s and get a Circular.
For sale in Wellsboro, by J. A. Roy, Covington by W.
Taylor, Mansfield, by C. W. Nesbitt; Tioga by A. Hum*
phry and H. H. Borden; Lawrenceville by W. G. Miller;
Knoxville by A. J. Dearman; Westfield by Good speed k
Brother; Elkland by J. k J. Parkherat.
. Jon. Ig, 1857.—1 y.
BUCHU LEAVES arc procured from the south
ern part of Africa. The Hottentots at the
cape of Good Hope have long used this article as a
remedy in a variety of diseases.. From them the
medicine was borrowed by the English and Dutch
physicians residing there and by their recommend
ation it was soon employed in .Europe. In pibcess
of time this medicine has come into general use,
and is highly spoken of by the best medical writers.
Physicians recommend it mostly for complaints of
the Urinary organs, such as gravel, a morbid irrita
tion of the bladder and urethra, retention of urine,
also incontinence of urine from want of tone in the
urinary organs. It cools the unnatural heat and
relieves paio; and in many cases of fong standing
it has been effectual when other valuable medicines
bad failed to produce an effect. The active princi
ple of this medicine is a volatile oil which is mostly
lost by the old process of boiling. Hence it requires
great care and skilful management to prepare this
medicine properly.
concentrated preparation prepared by the new
process called ‘ Displacement. 1 * By this the valua
ble properties of the Buchu are entirely preserved,
and this form of the medicine is less liable to injury
from age and more palateable. Useful equally in all
cases of the kind whether male or female. Price.
75 cents per bottle. For sale at Roy’s Drug and
Chemical Store at Wellsboro Pa.
BZTThis is no patent medicine or quack nostrum,
or secret remedy, but a new and Improved prepara
tion of a well known and valuable medicine.
The Empire! The Empire!!
1 ) would inform the public that they may be found
at the old stand of Bowen &. Bullards known as the
sssawmffl a®©®®
where they are now receiving fresh'irom the City, a
full supply of
Fall & Winter Goods.
of every variety and quality, which cannot but suit
the most fastidious, and at the lowest rales: Such
Dry Goods & Groceries,
Crockery, Hardware,
Wooden ware,
J. R. BOWEN, 1
Wellsboro Nov. 5 ’57. L. TRUMAN, S
HOOPS —Hoops—Hoops! Plain Brass, Brass
Wire, Whalebone and Reed, at the EMPIRE.
COME to the EMPIRE if you want a nice bon
net—also Trimmings, such as Ribbons, Bor
ders. Linings, &c.
IF ypu want a Carpet CHEAP, call at
LATEST STYLES Hats and Caps just receiv
ed at Bowen Bullard &, C.o
Charles O. Etz of Tioga
Village would respect lully call the attention oflbe
public to the following advertisement. “Man wants
but little here below nor wants that little long” is
an old saying and perhaps true to a certain extent.
But it seems to me that in this time of general
suspension and panic, everything is tending to a
reversion of lime-honored sayings, and everybody
wants a little more still. The farmers (and they
really ought to have as much as anybody, forlhey
are to oar country what a main spring is to a watch,)
wants a little more for their wheat, buckwheat, rye,
corn, oats, potatoes, &c., than the purchaser feels
able and willing to pay* The merchant wants a
little more for his Flour, Pork, Salt, Dry Goods,
Boots- & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Hardware, Crockery
and ten thousand little things be has to sell than
the farmer thinks ho ought to pay.
At this present time it seems to be conceded by
all that the cash value of good wheat is $1 per
bushel; buckwheat, 2 to 2-6; corn 3-6 to 4-6;
oats, 2 to 3-6; butter, 14 to IC cents. Now to
equalize the matter and make it satisfactory on both
sides, I want and will agree to take from every
farmer of Tioga county, all the wheat I can get
for the next 60 days at 9- and 10 shillings per bush
el according to quality; buckwheat a*. 2-6 to 3;
eorn sto 5-6; oats 2-9 to 3 shillings; butter 16 to
19 cents.
Will sell yon in exchange:
Salt per barrel, 16s* Flour extra superfine 13s
per sack, $6 50 per barrel. Superfihe,ils per sack,
$5 50 per bbl. Coffee sugar Idler * t A” as white as
snow at Is. Coffee sugar letter W B” 12cts, Very
nice brown sugar, lids. Common, lOcls. Lagui
ra coffee, every kernel good, 1-4. ’ Old Java, very
nice, 1-6* Young Hyson tea, warranted Up-top,
4,5 and 6 shillings. Tallow candles, 17cta. Sperm,
3-6. Fine cut tobacco, 3s. Loose smoking, 1-6.
Plug tobacco, 3s to 4s. Eagle Denims, best manu
factured, lOcla to Is. Lawrence mills, sheeting,
very heavy, lOcts- Fine unbleached, from 10 cts to
Is, Bleached muslin, from 7cts to 1-6. Calicoes,
all styles, consisting of
Spragues, Phillip Allens, Sc c., from 6£cts to Is. A
great variety of all woof Delaines, Cashmeres, Silk
and Wool Poplins, Paramettas, Rigoletts. Hoods,
Hosiery, Gloves and a great variety of little fixings,
also a very large slock of Boots aud’Shoes, Ladies
and Gent's weari Ladies coarse Shoes 9s. Ladle's
calf and enamelled leather, Tls to 12s. Gaiters, a
splendid assortment' 10a to 16s. Gent’s kip Boots,
home made, from $4 to 4 25; City made from $3 50
to 5 50.
la a word oar stock is .complete in all its depart
ments, from the so gar and 'molasses down cellar to
the best and most complete assortment of common
and satin wall paper ever kept in a country store up
stairs. Bring along alt the grain &.Q., you have to
sell what you do riot'want to exchange for Goods I
will pay you the cksti fbr at cash prices,
Tioga, Nov, 5,1857{
10 mo Wheat wonted
5 000 O**®* wanted by >
10 000 BwheUof B * okwheal wanted b y
This is * Urge 12mo volume. Price $l,OO, with a fine
tiutesgraTingj apd is .one of the most thriUing tales ever
written by the author. It shows bow a mao may seem to the
world all that is good and noble, and yet be a tyrant" to his
1 and finally send his wife to amaddiouae-.
r * new books .also works of His
tpiy,. Biography jAc.'for which we want agents In all parts of
the United States, to whom the Urpst jffjll be
pakff alibaa extra commterfon intheway of gifts.
48 North Fourth Bt. Philadelphia.
N.B.—Specimen copteesent by mail, free, on-receipt of the
price of book.
TiogA Counlt, as: ‘p-4
'The :£ommonieeaWkof Pennsylvania to the Sker
Sffa eoontgf,GREETING : i £
InVlhu’ matter _o£ihe .Estate of Ephraim
late of the township of Lawrence in the County
a&resaid.-- • ~ ‘ ~ ""
„ Whereas, at aa.Orghan’f Court held at Wellsboro,
.in aadJfordhe County i>fcTiogi,4he 81 fWtiay^oPSep
lember, A. D. 1857, before the Hon. Robl. G. While,
president, and his associate justices of the said Court,
the petition of William Thomas of the township of
Lawrence, was presented,selling forth; That the
said Ephraim Thomas died intestate on oraboutthe
eighth day. of September, A* P. one thousand eight .
hundred and fifty-lwo, leaving surviving hinv six
children, viz: William Thomas the petitioner;
Sally Thomas, intermarried with John Morehcsa, a
resident of New York; BcUcy Thomas, intermar
ried with Luman Peck; Mary Thomas, intermarried
with George Maltison; Ephraim Thomas a resident
of McKean County, Pa., and Ezekiel Thomas; that
all the said children are now of lawful age; the said
intestate died seized in his demesne as of fee of and
in the following described real estate and messuage
and tract of land situate in Lawrence township in
said County: Bounded on the north by the Cowa
nesque river, on the east by lands of T, B, Tompkins,
on the south by lands ofT. B. Tompkins, and on
the west by lands of William Thomas—containing
about one hundred acres of land, with theappnrte
nances. No legal partition or valuation of said es
tate having been had, the petitioner prays the Court
to order and appoint an inquest to make of the
premises aforesaid to and among the children and
representatives of the said intestate in snch manner
and in such proportions as by tho laws of this Coin.
. moaweallh is directed, if.such partition can be made
without prejudice to or spoiling the whole; but if
such partition cannot 6e made (hereof, then (o value
and appraise the same and make report of their pro
ceedings herein accdVding to law at the, next Or
phan’s Court. Whereupon the said Court on due
proof and consideration of the premises awarded an
inquest for the purposes aforesaid-
We therefore command you that, taking with you
twelve good and lawful men of your faailwick, you
go to and upon the premises aforesaid, and there in
the presence of the parlies aforesaid, by you to be
warned if being warned they will be present, and
having respect to the true valuation thereof, and
npon the oaths and affirmations of the said twelve
good and lawful men, you make partition to and
among the heirs and legal representatives of the said
'intestate, in such manner, and in such proportions,
as by Hie laws of this Commonwealth is directed, if
the same can be done without predjudice to or spoil
log the whole. f
But if the said inquest, by you Ho be summoned
as aforesaid to make the said partition or valuation,
shall be of opinion that the premises aforesaid, with
the appurtenances, cannot be parted and divided
among all the persons entitled thereto as required
by law Without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, or
that it cannot be divided into shares of equal value*
then you cause the inquest to value and appraise the
whole of the said real estate, or the several shares or
purports into which they may divide the said real
estate, having respect to the true .valuation thereof
agreeably folaw. ■ •* '' • ‘ '
But if said partition cannot be made thereof with
out prejudice to dr spoiling the whole, then you
canse the said inquest to inquire and ascertain
whether the same will conveniently accommodate
more than one of the said representatives of the said
intestate without prejudice to or spoiling the whole.
And if so, how many it will as aforesaid accommo
date, describing each part by metes and bounds,
and returning a just valuation of the same.
Bui if the said inquest, by yoo to be summoned
as aforesaid, to make the said partition or valuation,
shall be of opinion that the premises aforesaid with
the appurtenances cannot be so parted and Jivided
as to accommodate more than one of the said repre
sentatives of the said intestate, that you cause the
inquest to value the whole of the said real estate with
the appurtenances, having respect to the true valua
tion thereof, according to law. And that the parti
tion or valuation so made, you distinctly and openly
have before oar said Justices at Wellsboro, at an
Orphan's Court then to be held on the seventh day
ot December, 1857, after such an inquest shall be
made under your hand and seal, and under the hands
and seals of those by whose oaths or affirmations
you shall make such partition or valuation. And
have you then aifd there this writ
Witness the Hon. Robt. 6. White, president judge
of our said Court, c filth day of October, A. D.
1850. ' W.D. BAILEY, Clerk O.C.
October 8.1857, bt.
JOHN A. BRODHEAD , A . D., Principal.
Miss Helen Coon, Assistant.
Lost Half-Term commences Nor. 2d. Term closes Dec. 4th.
Rates of Tuition for Term of 11 Weeks.
Primary Department, including Heading, Writing,
Spelling, primary Arithmetic, Geography, Ac., $2 00
Lower English Branches—Grammar, Arithmetic, His
tory, Geography, Uranography, Ac 3 00
Higher English—Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Al
gebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Sur
veying, Ac., ", 4 00
Classical Department—Latin, Greek, French,German,
Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Ac., & 00
All bills to be settled by the middle of the term, and
none made out for less than half a term.
Compositions and Declamations every TVednesday afternoon
Board can be obtained in private families at $2 per week
Those wishing to furnish their own rooms and board them
selves, can be accommodated by applying to tbe Principal.
Tills Academy is sitnated in the healthy and pleasant vil
lage of Hb Us boro, the County seat of Tioga. It Is easy of ac
cess by a doily line of stages to Tioga, thence by Kailroad, in
tersecting the Y. A E, It. p. at Corning. ’Also by stages to
adjoining towns, North, 'West and South.
L. 1. NICHOLS, Sec’y. J. F. DONALDSON, Pres’t.
Wellsboro, October 15,1867.
Orphan’s Court Sale-.
BY virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan’s
Court of Tioga County and to us directed, we
will expose to sale at public outcry on the premises,
on Friday, Nov. 20, at one o clock, P. M., the follow
ing described properly to wit: All that tract or par
cel of land situate in the township of Westfield and
in the township of Oymer in said county, bounded 1
end described as follows: On the North by lands of
the Bingham estate, on the east by lands in posses
sion of Jacob Crcmce, land of the Bingham estate,
and land in possession of Daniel Hunt, on the south
by lands of Caleb Trowbridge, on the west by lands
of the Bingham estate and lands in possession
Malcom Tail—containing eighty acres of land with
the usual allowance, with about fifty acres improved.
To be sold as the oroperty of David N. Webber,
deed. Terms made known on day of sale.
Oct. 29, *57. WM. A. DOUGLASS, ( r .
WM. W. TATE, \ x r3 ~
X7*OU can find anything that you may want in the
HE has just relumed from the City with a tip
top selected assortment.
HE is determined to do the fair thing in the way
of a Cash Business.
DON’T be afraid to ask for a sight of his splen
did stock of Jewelry and late Publications.
HE keeps himself on hand to show his stock and
to sell them just as reasonably as they can be
•purchased west of New York.
Wellsboro’ June 4,1757.
Who villgo to Kansas ?
THE subscriber will sell the Farm on which he
fives, in’ Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100
,of which is improved. It is well watered, has a
comfortable bouse, barns, necessary outbuildings
and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon.
Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrenceville, known as
ibe “Geer House,” with ample accommodations.
Attached, is a Store building suitable for the Gro
cery and Dry Goods business—all Jo be sold or rent
ed to suit applicants. For terms apply to
f Lawrenceville, Sept. 11 *56. M. S. BALDWIN.
THIS System teacher a practical, hand
writing It dots this systematically,. The
subject ~n presented aot merely as an an to be
learned by imitation, but as a science to be studied
and applied, "
For sale, wholesale and retail by Baldwin, Lowell
A-Co.,.Ttoga, Pa. Price 90 cents per doz*. . ;i .-/
SUMMER STUFFS, York Mill. Cdttbnatfes,
Formers and Mechanic, browa Linen*,'and lots
nd Iol« of Denim* just received at B. Sc B’s.
At MerehanU Hotel. Pbiladelphia..
,To the Merchants of the West t and North* Wedf
f>HILADELPHU'MXRKEt drearily accessible, your
L attention is called to it, as possessing facilities and ad
vantages, worthy of your consideration. ♦
Among its advantages may be enumerated its location, hav
•in* shorter lines of communication to the mfcnorvits prox
imity to the Iron and Anthracite Coal districts of Pennsylva
nia, the large and varied extents its man natures, being
far in advance of any other city in the United States, the
moderate expenses'necessary for carrying on busings, kc..
The market possesses unrivalled advantages for the Bale or
many kinds of produce, such as Flour, Wheat, Barley, Wool.
Batter, Cheese, Ac., while the-charges made- upon and
attendant expenses, are jnore moderate than neighboring
seaboard markets. . f •
HAM WAX, SNYDER, * CO., wholesale
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, No. 420
Market Street, above 4th., I
WOOD, BACON & CO., Importers and
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic ’BKV GOODS
and CLOTHING, No. 309 Market st., above Third,;
BUNN, KAIGI EL & CO., Importers of
BHITISU GOODS, and Jobbers of Fancy and Staple SILK
GOODS, DMBEOIDBRIEB &c.. No. 37 N. Thinlstreet.
H. Richardson, No. 418 Market street, manufactures first
class UMBRELLAS expressly for retailers. Every article
warranted. 1
BAAS & TAXI.OB Importers iand Cash
Jobbers, No. 305 Market street, Hosiery, Gloves. Shirts and
Drawers, Gum Belts, Shirt Bosoms. White Goods, Embroi
deries, Laces. Suspenders, Threads. Comb-. Ac_
eessora of THOS. WHITE & CO.. Manufacturers* ami Im
porters of Straw Goods, Siik Bonnets. Bonnet
French Flowers and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South 2J sir^-t.
T. MORRIS, PEROT & CO., Importers
’ and Wholesale Dealers In DRUGS, CHEMICALS, 1 PAINTS.
OILS, GLASS, DYE STUFFS, Ac., No. 621 Market, and 612
St. James sta. I '
or CONCENTRATED LYE for making Soap. Manufactured
by the Penn. Salt Co., Tarentum, AUeghany county, Penn.
Represented bv LEWIS. JAMES A CO-, Philadelphia.
X. S. Ac E.' L. PEROT, General i Produce
Commission Merchants, No. 36 North Wharves; Refer to
Philadelphia merchants generally. Ail consignments or
orders will receive our prompt and peraoiuOattention.
k WINDOW PAPER Warehouse, N. E. Corner 3d & AreU-ata.
GEO. W. PLIMLV, Manufacturer of every
description of PAPER BOXES, 213 X. Fourth Street.
CAUFFMAIf & CHEW, Importers of
CHINA, GLASS 4 QUEEN’S IVARE. No, 21, N-jtth st.
J. 3111. ES & SOX, Wholesale Boo? & Shoe
Manufacturer, No. 49. South 4th street. |
SAM’E. H. BIBICIIAUS, lnipdrler_ and
Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic lI.Vi’DM AUK.
No. 253 North 3d street, below Vine. * ] i-
HT, & G. TAVTOR, Importer and Wholesale
Dealers in Tin Plate, Copper, Sheet Iron, SO3 k 305
Branch street. ' ' t
WM. ROWLAND & CO., No. 62;Beach si.,
manufacture' all kinds of Mill. Cross Cut. I*it;and Tenon
gj\_\V&—warranted of superior quality. AlLotders execu
ted with punctuality and despatch.
E. HALL OGDE3I, Philadelphia Malleable
Ironworks, edmer of9th and Jefferson ptrbet?: Ware
house 307 Arch st-. above Third, manufacturer-of Genend
and Saddlery Hardware, and Malleable and Fine Grey Iron
Castings. • i
Coal, Warehouse, Wheelbarrow, Rolling Mill. Railroad
Scales of Improved patterns and superior qualities, war
ranted superior in quality and fini-h to any other scales
made. Warehouse, No. 23 N. 6th Street, Geo. M . Colby,
Agent. |
RANGE.—The Heater has no equal in this country—w all
cast iron, and will create 30 per cent move heated air wit?i
tho same amount of fuel, than my other fnrndee in n«<*. —
The Range has two dVcns that bake uniformly Ur the same
time. These inventions ha\e no equal in ib'e market.—
Rights for sale for all sections of the Union. M.Grevn.
N 0.23 N. Gth St. J
sale Grocers and Commission 3lerchants ? N, B. corner Ctii
and Market Streets. !
CARROL) Importers of Wines,-’Brandies,
Gins, &c4_Nq. 304 North 3d street, [Sept. 17'. 3m.]
mm & sears.
of all kinds, as cheap as the cheapest.'
Cash paid for Hides, Calf-Skins nnd|Slieep Pells.
One door below Bailey’s Store. Sear's Shoe shop
removed to same building. , >
July 9th, 1857. ly. • J !
Just Published\ the 25tk Thousand.
A FEW WOUDS on the rational treatment, without medi
cine. of Spermatorrhea or local w caking-, nocturnal
emissions, genital and nervous debility, prcnuvtnre decay of
the system, mipotency aud impediments to marriage geue
rally, by 13. DE LAfXLV. 31. D.
The important fact that the many alarming complaints,
originating in the imprudence and bolitudo of youth, may he l
easily removed without medicine, is in this smaft tract, clear
ly demonstrated; and the entirely new aud highly successful
treatment, as adopted by theautho .fully explained, by means
of which every one is enabled to cure himseii* perfectly and
at the leat>t possible cost, thereby a* aiding all the mlvei Used
nostrums of the day. •<
Sent to any address, gratis and post paid, free In a scaled
envelope, by remitting two postage stamps to Dr. DK'LA
NEY, 17 Lispeuard Street, New Turk. i
DP. & W. ROBERTS, are Agt*s
• of the Albany Agricultural Wofks, of EM
ERY BROTHERS, for the sale of their unrivalled
Agricultural Implements. Auiong.the articles suit
able for this market are |
Circular and Straight X cal Saws fpr Power.
Cider Mills—Emery’sand Ilickock’spal’s.
Seed Drills, Dog Sc Sheep Churn Powers,
Combined Threshers and Cleaners,
Grain Drills, and Feed > Cullers.
Reaping & Mowing Machines.
Call and examine their Illustrated Catalogues and
scale of prices. [Wellsboro* Oct. 1&, 57.]
LETTERS of Administration having been grant
ed to the undersigned upon the estate of JOHN
MASCHO, late of Brookfield dec’d , : all persons in
deblcd to the cstals are requested to nuke immedi
ate payment, and those having clanris against the.,
same will present them for settlement to
JOHN C. MASCHO j I ) . . ,
October 8,1857, 6l* I
STOLEN —From the Wellsboro’ Hoiel, on Friday
Oct. 2, a Black Frock Coal % willri velvet collar
and black alpacca lining, c pair of kid[ gloves and a
daguerreotype likeness in the pockcts-p-thc property
of-J. Adams, ' if*
Also, stolen at the same lime a Buffalo i?o&e,
nearly new, heavy maned, dark colorful d well furred.
A liberal reward will be paid for-the(return of the
above properly to the subscriber. | '
Wellsboro Oct. 15, ’57. D. fl. SMITH.
© b m wMmww s
Office at his residence, near the Academy.
All work pertaining to his lit^e[ of buMuess
done promptly and well,
Wellsboro 1 , April 2.1857.-lf. t :
Male axd Female.} l_ .
Board knd Tcitiqn, $l2O Per Ybar.
Gentlemen Instructors in Piano, Music. Painting anil Mott
em Languages. Address the Rev. Alonio Flack r A. M
Principal. [August 20,2 mosij
NOTICE is hereby given, that dn|appliculioo lias,
been made to the Court of Common Pleas cf
Tioga County, by Geo. Foster, R.,' V. Vanhoescn,
G. W. Terry and others, for the Incorporation of the
“First Baptist Church and Socieljy Union town
ship,v which will’ be granted, at the next Term of
said Court, if no sufficient objection-he made thereto,
Wellsboro* Sept-24,1857. - ■ j,
; ' 'TO Eel, {■ y
npßßnew imd commodious Cottage and Garden on Pearl
I. St., first door above William Bachi a .'office, formerly oc
cupied by A. Foley. Rent s7s'a year/! Enquire of
ARE now receiving a very clioioe and carefully
selected assortment of
Groceries and Provisions,
and arc prepared to furoish therfl to customers <*t
As Reasonable Prices
As they can be bought in any other Market.
Customers can rely upon finding'al all limes any
article they may wish, and all Goods warranted lo
.be as -represented,"
Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods;
Latest Stylos, and adapted to every variety of trim
mings. Ladies will do well lo call and examine the
Slock before purchasing elsewhere.
Baldwin, Lowell &, Co., have always on band
and fashionable stock of
Gentlemen’s Ready-Hade Clothing,
which will he sold at the lowest CASH PRICES,
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware,] Glass
Slone, Hollow and Wooden Ware,
Iron, teel, Nails, Oils, Paints
and Dye-Stvjj's of every kind
. and of the bfsi quality,
with BOOTS <Sf SHOES, for Everybody.
All kinds of Caantiy Produce taken in ex.
change for goods at the market jntets.
Tioga, July 2, 18J7.
Machine Shop
ROBERT YOUNG, laic of Lhc firm of Tabor
Young Sl Co , Tioga, lakes this melbod to in.
form the public ibul he lias leased the Foundry and
Machine Shop in the village of Wcllsboro lor a lerin
of ycars,and having pul il in good running order, is
prepared lo do all kinds of work usually done at
such establishments, in the best manner and out of
the best of material.
He has had over twenty years' experience in the
business and will have the work entrusted to him
done directly under hi* supervision. No work will
be sent out halt finished,
and castings of all kinds on hand and lo order.
WelLboro May 23, 1857.
Successor to
Wholesale and Retail Dealers, in ,*
Drug* $ Medicines, Lead , Zinc , <Sf Colored Paints,
Oils, Vnrnishea , Brushes, Camphene Burning
Fluid , Dye Staffs, Sash 3f Glass, Pu c
Liquors for Medicine , Patent Medi
cines, Artists Faints $ Brushes t
Perfumery, Fancy Articles ,
Flavoring Extracts ,
f Sell
A general
assortment oi hool Kooks,
Staple and Fancy Stationery
Physicians, Druggets, and Country Merchants
dealing in any of the above articles can be supplied
at a small advance on New York prices.
Sept 3, 1857.
Farm Tor Sale In l>elm;vr.
JOHN YOUNG offers for sale on reasonable term',
his farm, situated on the Dclmar ro ai, two
miles from Wellsborp, containing 205 acres, on which
there is an excellent spring of running water, an
orchard of choice fruit trees, 30 in fall bearing, and
a young orchard planted 3 years ago of grafted Iruil,
apples and pears. The improvements are a two
story dwelling with kitchen attached, tenant house,
barn, stable and oilier outlbuildings. It will be sold
on very reasonable terms, and accommodating as to
lime of payment, either whole or in purl, as may be
agreed on. Apply on the premises. It lias a front
on the new road from AVelUboro to Stony Fork.—
Possession can be given on the Ist of April ISSB.
Dclmar, Oct. 1, 1857
jposi Office Xoilce,
Mails close at the IfVllsbnro’ Poet ‘ >fßn- n- follows :
Eastern mail, via Tioga, daily at 1" ! t i/olcok a. m.
Eastern anil f.ouheru, \ia Man-fi<hl and Tr*v. Tuesday,
Thursday ami Saturday. at ~\n o’clock a. m %
Eastern Si-nrh-ni. ma"C<>wni:t'-ui and Tr-y. Monday,
Wcdue-da> an 1 Friday at 7 1 j o'clock a, ni.
Southei n, % U Jersi y chore". Tuesday and Friday at I}-* o'-
clock ]i. m.
Western, via Couderspurt. Tuesday and Friday at o’-
clock p. m.
Mall- arrive a? follow* :
Northern ic., via Tioga. daily, by 1 o’clock, p. m
Eastern ic., via Troy and Manslield, by o o'clock p. m.,
saitie day? of leaving. _
Eastern Lc., via Troy ambCovington. I>j 7 p. Jays
ofleating. '♦
Southern, via Jersey Shore. Tuesday I'riday. by 12 tn.
Western, via Coudersport. Tueadav ami Fric'a\ by 12 m.
Sept. 17,1557. I.K RICHARDS. P. M,
At Polina.
THE new and splendid Steam Mill at Mninshurg
is now in lull opi ration, and the proprietor is
prepared to dn custom work or Flouring with neat
ness and dopatch. This Mill has 4 run of stone,
and is capable of grinding 80 bushels per hour.
Persons bringing Grain to this Mill can have it
ground ly take home with then.; ami we will war
rant them as good work as can be done in tbi- re
gion of country. LYMAN WET.I/O/JE, ProoV.
Oct. 8, 1857. R. K. URLNDAGE, A^nl.
Will attend to all business entrusted to their care
with promptness and fidelity. Address
A RETIRED I‘UYairiAN, To year-, havim: h-st bis
_-\ Fati er. iwo Brother?. Danchter. son-m law. N\;d. w ,
and N j.»c\ >»y that dreadfui disease. f •vtoxrTK'N, and -u?h
mg with a *'>'igh him.-elf. d'tcruiin“d t\« \ i-it th<* Ka-t ,
Egypt mid Jnp*m. where he di-cuven-d a I'lf'voi.hitiv-ho.-l
O.rUin CV c for Colds. Coughs. Bronchitis, Con-un'.p4>ou,
Xctvou*. Debility und A-thma. Hi- was mini
diatcly: he returned, mired his Relatives, who inherit* d the
disc.u>c, amlin connection with hi? •ion have omphux-.i it in
their practice, curing th>f.-.iiid* of ca>« - co n -idere,\ hop-'b ..
by others. For the pnrp*-*o of n-cuing u- nuiny of hid *ufi*j -
big fellow being? a* po.—ihli*. he i? svudmg the Recipe mall
who wish it for 10 :> «>f it to pay the postage, and t! .•
balance pruning. Add res- l»r. Ili.uh.UH Spring street. „p
-posite St Nich'da- HuUj. N. w York. [Ang. 2u. 3mo=
To f nruiet's :uui Spoi’tsmesa.
highest CASH
WILD GAME, at the
Customers cm rely upon finding at this Market,
the best qualities of meal always on hand.
Shop in the north outf.of the WelUboro Hold. \
Wellsboro* Sept. 24, 1857., (if.)
Adiiiinistialoi’* Notice.
been granted the'undersigned up'»n the cm-im
of WM. A . REYNOLDS. lale of Ciymer, dn-M ,
all persons indebted to said estate arc request; d iu
make immediate payment, and those having el'amr
against the same will present them for sclllenutil '.*>
Ciymer, Oct, 1, 1857.*
Executor's Notice.
1 • .granted-ta the undersigned, executor of the
last will and testament of BEXJ. F.’MILLER, hie
of .Ciymer, dcc’d. All persons indebted to the ?a/«J
estate wilt make immediate payment,and those lin
ing' claims aguinbt the same, will present them i<>
Ciymer. o't 1,1857.*