BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ‘Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon. EL.KX.AND, TIO«A COUNTY, PA. Will patients in all parts ol the county, [June 14.1855.] C. L. hoy t. COTIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR & DRAUGHTSMAN. Wellsboro, Pa. Lr Office with J* N, Bache ,Esq, [Feb. 19-5? 1011 IN N. BACHE, Attorney and counsellor at LAW—Office* north side Public Square WelUborough, I‘u Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge & Co.,N. Y city Hon. A. V. Parsons .Philadelphia. July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, At to iieyN gc Counselors at law, CORNING, Steuben County, New York. Guo. T. SrKscKR. C. H. Thom son. ~ April 18,1855-ly. S. F. WILSON, O’Removed to James Lowrey’s Office lAS. LOIVREV & S. F. WILSON, A TTOII NR VS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, willatlendtheCourlsofTioga,Potter and McKean counties. WclMioroUfih, Feb. 1,1853. 1 GRECIAN OIL PAINTING.—FoiI and explicit directions for pursuing this beautiful art, will be forwarded to any address by enclosing- $1 and a pus- Uige stamp lo H D. DEMING, Wellaboro, Tioga Co Pa. Papon* copying (lie above,andsending a markod copy with bill of the same, will be duly honored by return mull. lOj® DON’T SAY SO? Yes SIR, I DO! I say Uni FOLEY lias the , best and cheapest assortment of WATCHES I over f*aw in Wellsboro.* Such heavy cases and finished movements you can’t find elsewhere Call and see them one door north of B. B. Smith &. Son’s, where he will be glad to show them to you, und do any Repairs on Watches, Clocks & Jewelry, and all warranted. A. FOLEY. WeiLbnro* June 11,1857. W. W. WEBB, M. D., OAS returned to Wellsboro’, and is raady to . promptly attend all calls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. He would also state that be tyas received a Commission from the Governor, and been sworn by the Brigade Inspector, as Surgeon of the Ist Regiment, 2th Brigade of the 13lh Division of the uniformed Militia of Pennsylvania, and there, lore is the only Surgeon within the Limits of said Brigade who lias the right to give certificates to “ persons incapable of bearing arras.” • Oifiec and residence first door .above Roe’s Store. RETIOVAF^.- —DR. B. BARR respectfully announces to the public that he has removed his Office to the dwelling lately occupied by Jot*. P. Morris, E*q., where he may be found at all hours when not professional!}’ engaged. Demands for his services promptly responded to Well&horo’, April 34.1856. 11. O. |COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, Wellsboro’Pa. Shop in the rcarbf Young’s Book Store. Every thing in his line of business will be done as well and as promptly as it can be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparations for removing dandruff, and beautyfiing the hair for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and see. Wellsboro’, Oct 18, 1855. (iD WM- W- & H. W. M/DOUGALL REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A RE engaged in Exploring, Surveying and Draft, ing, Investing Money in Real Estate, and on Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrants, Locating Land for Settlers on time. They will attend the Land Sales in this and the adjoining districts, where their practical knowledge will enable them to select the best lots. Parties entrusting Money to us for investment will have the benefit of our explorations. No prop erly purchased that we arc not personally acquainted with. [Waubashaw, Min. Ter., April 23. j SPRING MD SUMMER GOODS. W. A. ROE. IN ROY’S NEW BUILDING. IS now receiving a large and extensive assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS&CAPS, HARDWARE. CROCKERY, NAILS, READY MADECLOTHING, BOOTS &,SHOES GLASS WARE, LOOKING GLASSES, WOODEN WARE, GLASS, FISH, SALT. i We deem it ‘Unnecessary to enumerate articles, as nearly every article that is usual'y in a Store tan be found at this establishment, and at prices that defy all competition, as we will not be undersold iu any article, by any man or combination of men. Purchasers,especially CASH BUYERS , will find it greatly to their interest ip call and examine Goods ond prices before purchasing elsewhere. SHOES! SHOES I—the largest assortment of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Shoes, in town and for sale, cheap at ROE’s. Calicoes, ginghams and lawns—a large assortment and cheap at ROE’s. QARPET Warp and Colton Yarn at ROE’s. BLEACHED MUSLINS—the best and cheapest assortment can be found at ROE’s. BLACK SlLKS—Ladies will find very good and cheap Black Silks at ROE’s. WA. ROD has removed fo the new • Store in ROY’s BUILDING. CASSIMERES —Gents will find a good assort ment of black and fancy, at ROE’s. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING !—Gents will find a grand assortment and good at ROE’s. ever v description for Men and Boys, very cheap at ROE’s. GO *?DS— such as Colton Malting, U Bcd-Ticking, Stripe Shirting, Blue Denims Drillings, Brown Factory Colton Yarn Carpet warn’ and Colton Dia)>cr for Table use,&—at ROEv* * SILK. HATS —Super-extra, Spring styles and latest fashion, at ROE’s. Wellsboro, May 14, 1857.- - MOUNT HOPE Superior Cut Nails. MADE in an entirely new establishment With a new Rolling Mill, Nero Furnace , New Nail Machine, are of the latest and most approved construction . The Nails ate Beautiful in shape. Fine in finish , Tough in quality. For tale at W. A. HOF'S. Wellsboro' May Ist, 1857. Skjar manufactory— f. m. hills, has removed to the building formerly-occupied by the SEARS* Boys, one door below the Tin and Stove Store of D. P. & Wm. Roberts, where he man. ufacto re* and keeps constantly on hand, Cigars of Ordinary, Medium, nnd best brands, as well as all kinds of tobacco. Prices reasonable. Call and sec. Wellsboro, May 7,1857.-y, BiMTBD STATES HOTEL. Diffenbacher & Farnsworth, Propr’s. fTIHE GRAVES HOTEL, JL lately occupied by P. P* CLEAVER, has been thorough overhauled and refilled with ~J BB g an especial reference to the iSSr M -ifc'&li*? comfort and convenience of the traveling public. The present proprlntors atm lo build up a reputation for their House, entirely upon its merits as a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. They will therefore be. slow every needful attention upon their patrons— making their comfort the grand object of theijf efforts The CpODERSPORT and CEDAR RUN Stages leave their Hotel every Tuesday and Friday at 2 o'clock P. M. Attached to this popular Hotel is a LIVEBY STABLE, for the accommodation of pleasure parlies and the business public. Wellsboro’April 36,1857, TIOGA POINT, AGRICULTURAL WORKS. R. M. WELLES «$• BROOKS , Athens, Rradford Co., Pa. Manufacturer?, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Emery's vu, Threshers and Separators, Threshers and Cleaners, Portable Circvlar and Cross- Cut Saw Mills and Shingle Machines. Clover Hullers, Emery's, Hickok's and Krauscr's Cider Mills and Presses, Corn Shelters, Hay, Straw and Stalk Cutters, Horse Rakes, Dog Powers, Clow’s Grain Cradles, Corn and Cob Mills, Cultiva tors, Horse Hoes. Dederick’s Hay-Press, Stump Machines, Leather and Rubber Belting, . Kclchum’s Mower & Reaper, Excelsior Fanning Mills, Provision Safes and Refrigerators. Extras supplied lor repairing' oil Machines sold by us. Our Excelsior Fanning Mills are the best in the Stales. Descriptive Catalogues, Price Lists and Circulars sent gratis to applicants. Send us jonr address. R. IV* Welles & Brooks. Athens, Pa., July 9,1857. —3 m. P. S. We have for sale cheap for cash, payable before the first day of September next, two Ketch um’a Light 2 Horse Mowers, 4 feet cutter bars; they are strong, durable machines, well adapted for rough meadows, and calculated to please the farmer. R. M. W. Sc B. The Empire! The Empire!! NEW FIRM 6f NEW GOODS ! TjOWEN & BULLARDS, Pate |) J. R, Bowen,] would inform the public that they may be found at the old stand of J. R. Bowen, known as the where they are now receiving fresh from the City, a full supply of SPRING & SIJiTIiJIER ODORS, of every variety and quality, which cannot but suit the mo«l fastidious, and at the lowest rales: Such as Madder colored Prints , Gj cents, superior Eng lishahd Merrimack Prints, Cambric and Muslin Lawns, rich and beautiful French anc American Ginghams, nru> Spring* style Challes , Black and Plaid Dress Silks all qualities, and a good style of Lawns for G 1-4 els. BOOTS A SHOES, READYMADE CLOTHING, Crockery, Hardware, Woodenwarc, Groceries. PROVISIONS, Ac. Ac. J. R. BOWEN, 1 M. RULLARD, > Wellshoro May 14 ’57 O. BULL AR D. S TTOOPS—Hoops—Hoops! Plain Brass, Brass XX Wire, Whalebone and Reed, at the EMPIRE. COME to the EMPIRE if you want a nice bon nc£—also Trimmings, such as Ribbons, Bor ders, Linings, &c. IF you want a Carpet CHEAP, call at BOWEN & BULLARDS. LATEST STYLES Hats and Caps just receiv ed at Bowen & Bullards. SUMMER STUFFS, York Mills Cottonades, Farmers and Mechanics brown Linens, and lots and lots of Denims just received at B. & B’s. SPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas selling very cheap—dog cheap at B. &. B’s. FOHE-FIiOU'R-SAIiT NEW PRO VISION STORE. DHABT respectfully informs his friends • and the public generally, that he has purchas ed the Store lately occupied by Jones Sc Roe, and has associated with him Mr. B. Short, under the name of HART & SHORT, who arc now receiving a fresh. No, 1 stock of PORK, FLOUR, s' FRUIT, GROCERIES, and every article in the Grocery and Provision line. They intend to introduce and keep constantly ott hand, that fine brand of Flour known as EXTRA. GENESEE and which, unlike the Flour which has been peddled out to this public for several years past. Will make good, white Bread. and is worth every cent it costs. Wo intend to buy all kinds of Produce ond pay the CASH. There fore we shall sell our Groceries and Provisions for CASH. We have also a light stock of DRY GOODS which will be sold cheap. Call and examine fo yourselves. HART & SHORT. Wellsboro, May 14, 1857 if. HARNESS SHOP. rpiIESUBSCRIBER takes this method of inform -1- ing farmers and otiiers, that they can now pro I,s establishment in the Eagle printing office building, r ® SADDLES, BRIDE ES , CARRIAGE HARNESS , HEAVY HARNESS,^. made to order promptly, in the best manner, and Irom the best material. He will do business on the Cash Principle. and thus be able to famish a good article at a re. duccd price. Besides, he may be found at his shop at all reasonable hours in the day, prepared to ac* commodate those who map favor him with tlreir pal- He * R ■l* o prepared to execute orders for CARRIAGE TRIMMING, in the best manner.— lie invites all to call and examine his work. May 28,1857. C. L. KIMBALL. SALE.—A good Two Horse Lumber Wag . on .* c * iea P for cash or approved paper. - Apn 6lh ' J. EMERY. jgHASS HOOPS et THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. The Spring Fashions. ATTENTION, LADIES! Mrs. 111. J. firierson, BEG leave to acquaint the Ladies of Wellsboro' and vicinity, that they have just brought into market a select assortment of MILLINERY GOODS of Ihe'besl quality and latest styles, which they offer to the public at reasonable prices, and for CASH, only! REPAIRING $ TRIMMING done to order. Shop two doors above the Presbyterian Church, Wcllsboru’ April 2, 1856. JUST ARRIVED. A NEW AND SPLENDID LOT OF MILLINERY &EANCY GOODS. MISS CiS. STEVENS, having purchased the gp" IgL.. elect of Mrs. M. STEVENS, respectfully solicits a ance of the patronoge accorded the establishment.— She is now receiving from- the City a fine assortment of Spring and Summer Goods. BONNETS, RIBBONS, AND EMBROIDERY Feathers, Head Dresses, Milts, Braid, float, Buttons, Dress Trimmings, Ladies Cloves, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Bonnet Material, Edging, And a thousand other articles both useful and orna mental. Bonnets made to order, trimmed and rc paired at the shortest notice, and upon the most rea. sonable terms. Ready made work constantly on hand. Store, sth door north of Wellsboro* Hotel March 12,1857. MRS. REBECCA Fl YNT RAFFERTY. DRESS-MAKER. MRS. RAFFERTY has just received of L. A. -Godey of Philadelphia, the latest style of pat* terns, such as Dresses, Basques, Mantillas &c., which he receives monthly from Paris. Having made arrangements with him to receive the same monthly, she will keep them constantly on hand. Dress Makers and others supplied with pat. terns at all limes by mail or by calling. REBECCA FLYNT RAFFERTY. Mansfield, June 11,1857. CHAIRS, cabinet-ware:, JSTICKLEY respectfully informs the citizens • of Wellsboro and vicinity, that he keeps con stantly on hand and will manufacture to order, Chairs & Cabinet-Ware of all descriptions. Those desirous of purchasing any article in his tine will do well loculi and examine his slock. His work is manufactured from the best materia) and is sure to give satisfaction. All kinds of TURNING done in a superior man. ner and on reasonable terms. O’Shop south end of Main-st„ Wellsboro*. [Jan. 8, 1857,-tf. CAYUGA PLASTER. BIXBY, respectfully informs the citizens of Wilmots District and that ofTioga Co. in particular, that ho has for sale a large quantity of fresh-ground Cayuga Piaster, at the old price—jsC, per ton. Having sectored tlif! services of an excellent MILLER, and enlarged his bins for the reception of Plaster, he feels confident that no one wifi be disap pointed. Particular attention will be paid to People from a distance. Mansfield, Jan. 3, 1857.—tf. THE WORLD 1$ MOVING! VO. SPENCER takes this method to say to • the public, that he continues to PLANE LUMBER at his Shop (two miles south of Mans field near Spencers INI tils) for the following prices: Siding for 25 cts per hundred led. Flooring matched, 50 cts. per hundred feci. Plain Surfacing, $2,50 per, thousand feet. Fif.y cents per thousand extra will be charged for hard wood. ALSO—A superior quality of fence pickets al ways on had at 81,75 per hundred. March 5, 1857.-ly. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS (SUGAR COATED.) ■9 J aixk >iap r. to THE BLOOD, AND CERE THE SICK. INVALIDS. FATHERS, MOTHERS, PHYSICIANS, PHI LANTHROPISTS. rc.ul their KfTfcf. ami judgu ol their virtmb for tilt* CLUE of Headache-, Sick Headache, Foul Dr, .1. C. 'Ayer. Pjr: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache any body can have by a dose or two of your PUN. It seema to ari-o Ir<>m a foul stomach, which they cleanse at on<-e.\lf they will cure others ns they do me, the fact Is worth know hip. * Yours with proat revert, \ . ED. W. PJIEBLB, \ Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Bilious I/isorders and Liver Complaints, Department of the Interior, 'Washington, Feb. 7,1556. Sm: Hmvoti»cd in my general and hospital practice ever since you niade them, and cannot hesitate to sav they arc the best cathartic we employ. Their regulating action on the liver Is quick and decided, consequently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of tluU organ.— Indeed, I hare seldom fonod a case of bilious disease so ob stinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yoursl ALONZO BALL, M. D M Marine Hatpilal. Dysentery, Relax, and Worms. Po*t Office, Hartland, Liv. Co., Mich., Nor. 16,1855. Dn. Ayer: Your Pills are the perfection of medicine. — They have done my w ife more good than I can tell you. She had been sick and pining away for months. \lVcnt off, to ho doctored at great expense, but got no better. She then com menced taking your Pills, Minch soon cured her.byexpclling large quantities of worms (dead) from her body. They after wards cured her and our t«o childien ot bloody dysentery.- One of our neighbors had it had. and my wife cured him with two doses of your Pills, while others around us paid frptn fivif to twenty dollars doctor's bills, and lost much lime, without being cured entirely even then. Such a medicine os yours, which is actually good and honest, will bo prized here. \ GKU. J. Gill I*’FIN, T\)stmaster. x Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood. ' From Rev. J. V. Himes, Pastor of Advent Church, Boston Db. Ater: I have used your Pill-* with extraordinary suc cess in my family and among those I am called to visit in dis tress. To regulate (ho organs of digestion and purify the blood thdy are the very best remedy I have ever known, aud I con confidently recommend them to my friends, - Yours, J. V. HIMES. Dear Sir: Tam using your Cathartic Pills In my practice and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the system and purify the fountains of the blood. 1 JOHN 0. MEACUAM, M. D. Erysipelas, Scrofula, King's EDil,.Telter, Tumors, and Salt Rheum. From a Forwarding Merchant of St. LouN, Feb. 4,1556. Dr, Aver; Your Pills are the paragon of nil tliat is groat In medicine. They h«\o cured inv little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her mother.lus been long grievously afflicted with blotches ami pimples on her skin and in her hair. After our child was cured, »Uo also tried your Pills, and they luivo cured her. ASA MOUGRIDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Gout. ; From the Rev. Dr. Ilawkcs, of the Methodist Epis. Church; Pulaski 7/ousc, Swnnnnh, Ga., Jnn 6,1856. I JTonobhp Sir : 1 should ho ungrateful for atb Chamber, Baton Rouge, La., Dec 5.1855. Db. Ater: 1 have b substance whatever. YOUNG’S, j GREAT BARGAINS u - ROE’S, Stomach. Pitt-hurg, Penna., 'May 1.1855. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24; 1855. Hear ye! Hear yc! Hear ye! WE hold these truths self-evident: That the way to be prosperous is to buy cheap and always of the best quality; buy nothing simply be cause it is cheap, but because you need it and (ha it is both good and cheap; that those who buy cheap by the quantity, can retail first quality goods cheap; that an economical buyer can sell goods at as low a figure in Wellsboro* as they can be purchased in the City; and therefore that YOUNG IS THE MAM., who buys economically and that YOUNG’S IS THE, PEACE, to purchase ' Gold and Silver , Duplex, Lever ; Anchor and Cylin der WA TCHES , Gold Chains, Gold Lockets, ■ all sizes and qualities, Gold Cameo and Mo saic Breastpins aad Earrings, Finger Rings, Sleeve Buttons, «Sfsds, $c Plated Silver Cake Baskets , Card ' Baskets, Children's cups, salt cellars , Egg cups ■ Tea Knives, Butter Knives , Toole Forks, Table andJTea Spoons , sc. A new supply of Clocks of cl} kinds, sizes, prices and qualities. Wellsboro* Jan. 1. *57. A. YOUNG. A L S O J-F YOU WANT TO BUY BOOKS, go to YOUNG’S, For he has just returned from the City with an en tirely new slock of BOOKS & STATIONERY, Fancy Goods, Reticules, Portmonnaies, Jet Bracelets, Harrison's Perfum eries, Harrison's Shaving and Toilet Soap. HARRISON’S COEUHRIAN INKS, BLACK, RED AND BLUE. id Blind Factory. TON, TIOGA CO., PA. Sash an COVING' THE Subscri bcr is now prepared by new Machinery jnsi purchased, to fur nisb to order, all kinds of square d fancy Sash, and Blinds. Square Sash-o: common sizes ai ways on hand. By long expe rience in the-bu siness,thesubscrr bcrf alters liimsel ilia he can make ns good an article, and sell Has cheap as can .. obtained at any establishment in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and see. Covington, September 18,1856. ICT’The subscriber is also Agent for the sale of Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’sOil for Deafness. D. S. 1. NEW ARKANGEMENTS. A GROWL would announce lo the cili • 7.ensoiTiogacounly,thal lie ha? associated with him a partner, and the business will be con. dueled under the firm of A.Crowl Sc Co. They will continue at the old stand, in Wellsborough otiianuiaclure to order and keep on hand, BHaSys & I.nmber Wagons, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS,%c., which for style, durability and elegance of finish cannot be surpassed by any other similurestablUh mcnl in the country. Workmen of celebrity are engaged,andthcbesl materials used expressly in all the manufacturing departments of this establishment. Persons send ing orders may rest assured of having them execu cdtto their entire satisfaction,and finished in every particularlhesame as though they attended in per* son. REPAIRING done asusual, with neatness and despatch. PAINTING of all kinds done on the hortest notice,and most reasonable terms. ItTAII kinds of merchantable produce (dclivec cdl recived in exchange for-jvork, at the markii prices. A. GROWL Sc CO. July 13,1855. NEW AND SPLENDID SIOCK OF TIN, SHEET-IRON. COPPER & STOVES. D. P. AND W. ROBERTS’ THE greatest variety of STOVES ever seen in Wellbore,’ has just arrived at the STOVE & TIN STORE of D. P. & W. ROBERTS, They would call the attention of the public to their well selected assortment, consisting of the YOUNG AMERICA, - - Elevated oven, MORNING STAR,- ... do. NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, do. REGULATORS, PREMIUMS. LOW OVENS. Also a large assortment of BOX and PARLOR Stoves, at City prices. These Stoves are selected with lire greatest care, especially for this market, and cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Call and see them. XR HTWARE—of all kinds, shapes, and sizes made of the best material and sold as cheap if not cheaper than that of any other establishment in the county. Have Gutters made' to order on short notice. JOBBING done to order and in the best man ncr. All Tin*ware carefully proved before leaving the shop. AT Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and also Silver and Gold either old or new, taken in exchange for Goods at the Market price. They respectfully solicit the patronage of all who wish to purchase anything in their line, assuring (hem that money can be saved by examining their stock before pur chasing elsewhere. \ PREMIUMS on Tinware were given for best Stock and Work &c., at late county Fair. \ D. P & W. ROBERTS. Wellsburo.* April 23 1857. REW TAILOR SHOP. icd it necessary to pul his work as it is warranted to furnish its own rec ommendation. No garment is permitted to go out of the shop that is not made in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cultingand Fitting. This Department, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live and let live” rule, I have adopted the ' N Fay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it. Wellsboro’, March 13,1856, H. P. ERWIN. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE 7at ERWIN’S new Store! He has just returned from the City with a choice . Lot of Ready.lHade Clothing, CLOTHS, C ASSIItIERES, TESTING and all of which will be sold ON TELE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND NOTHING SHORTER! Wcllsboro* Sept, 25, 1856, I HERRING’S SAFE. . try all thomember? of the committee met to witness the Safes and books and papers, (placed in them) and were perfectly satisfied that all was right. The dny following, the burning took place, under the superintend ence of the Committee. After a fair and impartial burning for five hours, the Safe of Messrs Evans A Watson was first I opened, the Safe being on fire inside, and the contents par tially consumed, while the contents in the Safe of Me«urs Farrels & Herring were in good condition, and no fire inside.” Beading, March 2,1857. (Signed,) H. F. FELIX, ) v p. N. COLEMAN, )• Committee. A. IL PEACOCK, ) And endorsed by over 60 of tbe best men of Rending. The above Safes can be inspected at 34 Walnut Street, where the public cad satisfy themselves of the great superiority of tbe “Herrings Patent Champion,” over the defeated and vsed-uv “inside Iron Door Salamander.” ‘ PARRELS Sc HERRING, 34 Walnut Street, Philad’a. Only Makers in this State of Herrin ft Patent Champion Safer. The attempt made by other parties to bolster up the repu tation of a Safe which hat failed so signally in occidental fires in Philadelphia, (Banstcad Place,) by taking one out of an agent’s store, (H. A. Lonta,) made double thickness, (differ ent from those they sell) to “burn up" one of Herring’s, (half as thick) has met with its true reward. Herring’s Safe could not bo burnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable Safe now mode Is “Herring’s” of which over 15,000 are now in actual use, and more than 200 have been tried by fire without rt on the Trial of Iron Safes at ® EVANS & WATSON, "PHILADELPHIA Manafactu- JL red Salamander Safes, No. 26 S. Fourth Street, Pbilada. Truth is Mighty and must Prevail. Report of (he Committee appointed to superintend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Reading, Feb. * We believe the* above lb have fair and im partial trial of the respective qualities ofboth Safes. 1 JACOB H. DYSHER, 1 DANIEL S. HUNTER, Having been absent during the burning, vre fully coincide wtlh the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of their respective Safes. G. A. NICHOLLS, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. EVANS Sc WATSON have now on hand 300,- 000 pounds of the above SafesJ which they offer for sale on belter terms than any other Manufacturer in the United Slates. i The following named gentlemen, residents of Reading and its vicinity, who jsaw the above fire, have purchased Safes irom Evans Sc Watson since the burning up to May Ist, 1857. G. A. Nicolls, 1; Lepbld Hirah, I ; Isaac Ruth, 1; Kirk Sc Heislcr, 1; W, Rhoads Sc Son, 1; Henry W. Missmger, 2; Dr. Wm; Mloore, 1 ; Solomon Rhoads, 1 ; Billmeyer, Follmcr & Co., Milton, 1; Levi L. Smith, I; High & Ci*aigjl; Wm. Ivirck, 1; Kaufman Sc Baum, I; Win. McFarlier, 1; Geo. J. Eckert,!; J. M. Sc G. \yJ Ilanstock, 1; Ezra Miller, 1 ; J. P. Bndegane. I j James Jamison, 1; J. B.& A. B. Warner,] ; Jacob Schmucker, 1; Wm. King, 1; V. B. Scbollcnbcrgcr, IjR, R. Company, 1; 11. A Lantz, 2 ; W. C, &P. P, Erraantroui, 1; July 13, 1857. ly. ! TO THOSE MO WANT FARMS A FARM WITHIS THE REACH X OF EVEUYI MAW. -■J TIIR RIDGWAY FARM COMPANY ban made arrange ments by which all who du&lre tu nettle or purchase a liome can do so. < ' The Farms consist of tho best limestone soil of the most superior quality for farming, in a, mpidlv improving place, into which an extensive emigration is u vw pouring. The property is located in Elk County, Pennsylvania, in the midst of a thriving population of some 10.000. The climate is per fectly healthy, and the terrible plague of the west fever is unknown. It also has an abundance of the best quality of Coal and price to buy it out is from $3 to $2O per acre, payable fcy instalments, to be, located at the time of pur chasing, or a stare of 25 acres entitling to locate the'same for 's3oo, payable $6 per month or acres payable $4 per month. Discount for every sam of $lOO and under, paid in advance, a discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed, and for over $lOO a discount of 10 per cent. In considering the advantages of emigrating to this locality the following are presented:. First —The soil is a rich limestone, capable of raising the heaviest crops, owing to which this settlement has attained its present great prosperity. Second—-It is the centre of the great North West Coal Ba sin, and is-destined soon to become one of the greatest busi ness places in the State. It will supply tbo great Lake mar ket, (according to population and travel the greatest in the Union.) It has five workable veins of the best Bituminous Coal’ amounting in the agregate to over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tons of coul under each acre. This wQI make the laud of inestimable value. The eminent state geologist DrjChas.T. Jackson of Boston, has made a gcologucal surveyor the bind, and analysed.the coal, the iron ore aud the limotduc. This report together with maps will he furnished to inquirers. Third —Three railroads arc laid out through this property. The Sunbury and Erie Railroad gives u»a market for our coal to the lakes—Jt runs from Erie to,'Philadelphia. A large part of this road has been finished, and is now in running order. A heavy force is now working from Erie towards our laud in the western direction, the means fur the completion of which has been raised-—it will soon bci finished. The Alleghany Valley Railroad connects ns with New York, Bostoffhnd Pitts burg. The Venango Road connects us with the West. There are already good Turnpike Koada running through this property, various other roads have been opened to accom modate the emigration and settlement which has already ta ken place. * - j There is no opportunity equal to it now offered to the man who wants to provide himself a homo In an easy way, and make a settlement where he can live in prosperity aud inde pendence in a climate PERFECTLY HEALTHY. No case of the fever ever having been known to occur in this settlement. It is not like going to the backwoods of the " cst, among perhaps intolerant people, whore there is no *o ciety, churches, or schools, where the price of land is'high, and where the emigrant, utter being used to the healthiest cli mate m the world, has to endure sickness and pain, and per haps mins his hculth and that of his family. But hire is n thriving settlement having three towns, containing churches, schools, hotels, stores, saw mills,'grist mills, and everything desired. There is a cash market;at hand. The lumber trajie last year amounted to over two hundred million feet of lum ber. In a short time, owing to the coal, it will become still more valuable, na a number of iron works and manufactories wilt soon be started; they are at present starting them ex tensively at Marren. Even for those who do not wish logo there, the payments arc such that they can easily buy a farm to save their rising families from want in Abe future, or to gain a competence by the rise which will take place in the value of lands. By an outlay scarcely missed, a substantial provision can be mode. j Persons should make early application, apply or write toE. Jefferies, Secretary, No. 135 Walnos Street, below Fifth, Phil adelphia. Letters carefully answered giving full informa tion. j ' Shares or tracts of land can be bought or secured by letter enclosing the first instalment, of five dollars, when the sub scriber will be furnished with books, maps, Ac. Warrantee Deeds given Persons can also purchase from our Agents. Route from Philadelphia to Tyrone on Central Railroad, and thencet>yjStage to the. laud. This is a delightful season to v bit St. Mary's—the best hotel accommo dation is offered. Enquire for E. C, Shultz, Esq- the Agent for the property at St. Mary’s. ' * Juno 38th, 1857. - ; POTTER & HAHMONH’S NETT SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP. THIS System teacher a practical, business, hand writing. It dots ibis systematically. The subject is presented aot merely as an art to be learned by Imitation, but as a science to be studied and applied. For sale, wholesale and retail by Baldwin, Lowell & Co., Tioga, Pa. Price 90 cents per doz. ONE.DOLLAR A YEAR, Circulation, over Weekly TWENTY FIVE WITNESSES; OR THE ' POEGEE CONVICTED. JOHN S. 1 DYE is the author, who has had te years experience as a Banker, and Publish*? and Anthnr of a series of at the Broadway Tabernacle, when for 10 successive nights, over s(j 000 people greeted him with rounds of applan* while he exhibited the manner in which ers execute their Frnods,and the surest and shortest means of delecting them! The Bank Note Engravers all say that he is (1, lest Judge of Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERT OP THE PRESENT CENTURY For delecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. describing every Genuine BUI in Existence, and Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation! I I Arranged to admirably, that REFERENCE is cut and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. 1 D* No Index to examine I No pages to hunt op n But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchsm, Banker and Business Man can see all at a glance. English , French Sg German. Thus each may read the same in bis own Tongue. Most Perfect Bank Note List Published, Abo a list of ALL PRIVA TE BANKERS IN AMERICA. A complete Summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published In each edition, h. gether with all the Important NEWS OF THE DAY. Also a series of Tales from an Old Mane script found -in the East* It furnishes the Mas Complete History of ORIENTAL LIFE; and V. scribing the Moat Perplexing Positions in which Ladies add Gentlemen of that Country have been so often foand. These Stories will continue through oat the whole year, and will prove the Host Enter taining ever offered to the Public. Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $ll year. Letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Su New York. April 23,1857. (ly.) Marriage guide—young’s great PHYSOLOGICAL WORK, THE POCKET iESCULAPIUS, or Every One His Own Doctor , by WM. YOUNG, M- D. Ilia written in plain Un. guage for the general reader, and Is illustrated with upwards of one hundred Engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married lift, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with. Still it is a boot that must be kept locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt n twenty-five cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, 15 SPRUCE Street, above Fourth, Phira. MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG, MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDG, bv Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOTNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Annoniiccmcnt. TO all persons afflicted with Sexual disease?, such as SPERMATORRHOEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Pice of ONANISM, o; SELF-ABUSE. The HOWARD ASSOCIATIONof Philadelphia in view ot the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deception* t which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims Q ' such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Con gulling Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, to all persons thus afflicied, (Male or Female,}’ who apply by letter, with a description oftheircon dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, andju case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE, The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, for the re lief of the sick and distressed, afflicied wilh u Virn- Jent and Epidemic Diseases, 1 ’ and its funds can be nsed for>no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. Itis needless to add that the As sociation commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modem treatment. —Valuable advice also given toiick and nervous females, afflicied with Womb Complaint Leucorrhcea, &c. Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. • South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa* By order of the Director?, EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 25,1856.—ly. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, SIR JAS. CLARKE’S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from & Prescription of Sir James Clarke, M- D. Physician Extraordinary to the Qtieen. This invaluable Med cine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and danger ons diseases incident to the female constitution. It moderates all excess, removes all obstructions, sad brings on the monthly period with regularity. These Pilli should be used two or three weeks previous to confinement; they fortify the constitution, and lessen the suffering donog labor, enabling the mother to perform her dntica with safety to herself and child. Those Pills should not be token by females during FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure W bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all casses of Ncrvovs and Spinal Affections, pain in fit* Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion. W* pitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Headache, Whites and all other painful diseases occasioned a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure vrbeo all other means have failed, and although ft powerful remedy. does not confute iron, calomel, antimony or any other mineral Full directions accompany each package. I rice mtuO Lm* ted States and Canada, Oku Dollar. ft*. Sole Agents for this Country— 1. C. BALDWIN k Co-, Rochester, N. V. K. B. SI 00 enclosed te any authorised Agent, will insors a bottle of Pills by return mail. For sale Wholesale and Retail by H. W. ELLIOTT Elmira, and by one druggist in every town in tho ‘United States. For particulars ail? at Elliott's and get a Circular. For sale in WclNboro, by J. A. Koy, Covington by W. Taylor, Mansfield, by C, W. Nesbitt: Tioga by A. Hum phry and 11. H. Borden; lawrcnccville by W. 0. Miller: Knoxville by A. J. Dcarman; Westfield by Coodspeed 4 Brother; Elklnnd by J. & J. Paxkherst. Jan. 12, 186 T Who will go to Kansas ? THE subscriber will sell the Farm on which he lives, in Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100 of which is improved. It is well watered, has a comfortable house, barns, ncccssaiy outbuilding! and a good orchard of cboice.fruit thereon* {.Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrenccvillc, known a* ihe “Geer House,** with ample accommodations. Attached is a Store building suitable -4bc the Gro cery and Dry Goods business—all to be sold or rent* ed to suit applicants. For terms apply to Lawrenceville, Sept. 11 *36. M. S, BALDWIN^ YOU can find anything that you may want in the line of FANCY GOODS at YOUNG’S. HE has just returned from the City with a tip* top selected assortment. VtE is determined to do the fair thing in the way JLJL of a Cash Business. DON'T be afraid to ask for a sight of Ilia splcQ* did stock of Jewelry and late Publications. HE keeps himself on hand to show his stock and to sell ,lhem just as reasonably as they can b« purchased west of New York. Wcllsboro* June 4,1757. SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION! A FRESH sopply of Books at the BINGHAM OFFICE. WclUboro’ June 18th, 1857, i