Viv VIRTUE ofsundry writs of Fieri Facias and BySi ErpoasE, issued oul« B| f i o'clock afternoon m the, Court Hote! VVcllsboro’ the following described property. l ofiaad bounded on the scutb ' aQ( j no rth by lands owned by os Motton Lane, on t by llid school boose lot— George Irilson. f be the same more or less; with containing half an frioie barn and some fruit trees thereon, one framehonse WftrreD To l« rb J f p i n the township of Lawrence,-bonnd* t Howard Stmlard, cast by Bomuel Byon south by Sr west by Joel ono band. Ej •n/Srlitr acres, about sixty acres improved. A large ✓ ra ß honw}, frame bam, frame horse barn and apple-orchard } Vercon. To be sold as the property of E. U. Mapca. of land iir the Boroogh of L&wrenceville, bounded as follows: North by a street separating said lot from pitdon Demen, east by William B. Middangh, south by Ira Kilbnm, west by William B. Middaugh—containing about one-fourth of on'acre of improved iand; one frame house, one frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold a 5 the property of Norman Hurd. ' ALSO —A lot of land In the township of Clytncr, bonnded north byß. east by Bingham.lands, south by lauds in possession of L. Pritchard and J. A. Proncfi- one west bv A. G. Sabin—Containing about one hundred and fifty acres; about seventy or seventy-five acres improved, a log house, plank milk house., frame barn and aunPPb' orchard thereon. To bo sold as the property of Lyn»»« Hancock. ALSO—A’lot of land In the township of Cl} a*or, hounded north by Lyman Pritchard and .7. A. Fro«‘b. hy i.rr\sUis IliH and other®, south bj- Thomas and .laiucs Smith, and west bv Bingham lands— containing ftbontninety acres; about twenty-five acres inu' rc, ' cti > frame houso,- frame stable and ti few frnit'trces thereon, T° Lo sold aa the preuertv of David Case. . ... , , Ali O-i luf of kind in .Tint"'” tovradmi, bolimW on tho north by E. Moore, east bv TTawn and Co., wrath byi John Cook, wen by Westcn (. Co.-Conlmtmig about l-l) and about 20 acres inipm'ed: » « nd l0 E bani thmon now owned and orcnpied by lnscho. Aup a lot of land in Lawrence township, bounded north byE Snell ea*t ami guuth by E. Buell —containingaboutfuur acres of improved laud, frame house, frame bam. uagon bouse and apple orchard (hereon. To he sold as the property of Isaiah Inscho and Bolomon 1. Inscho. ALSO—A Jot or piece of land situate in tire town of ’VTells in the county of Tioga aforesaid: Beginning at tho cor ntr rf Main and Norri? street®, thence south forty-five degree* catt on said Norris street two hundred ond fifty feet to Pearl wtb thence honth forty-five degrees west along Pearl street •at' fret, thence north forty-five degrees west two hundred ae-nUtv feet to Main street nforesaid, thence north fbrty-five degrees cast along Main street sixty feet to the place of he '■nming —containing one-third of an aero of land,And being lot numbered seventeen in the plan of said towu of‘Wcllb- I'oro. south of the Avenue.. To pc sold ms the property _of /e-epli tofiehl. . J ALSO A lot of land in Middlebury township, bounded ns fnllevT-t North by Elias Kccney./caat by L. N. Abbot, south bv £baa Koeneylund west by Elias Keeney—containing about tweihv-mne acres, all improved; two frame Lame, one frame h-'iuie* and a small apple aichan! thereon. To bc-aold as tho vrovertv of Jacob Ham. ALSO—A lot of land ®ituato in the Boro of Lawrence, be ginning at the nouh-ea-t comer of a lot of land owned by Vf. »: Ballard on Mill street, thence south ‘l]A degrees west on laiuU owned by the *ald Ballard i. Carr, twenty perches loa stake, thence sonth 87*4 degrees cost four peiehes to ft Mnke, theuco north degrees cost ou lands owned by C. A. Stanton ten lurches to a stake, thence south. 87*4 degrees east on lands <>f the said Stanton-four perches to a stake, tbcnce north 2*4 degrees eait on. lands of C. Middangli two perches to a stake, tin nee south 87*4 degrees tost three to a stake, tbcnce north 2* £ degrees east eight pcrch , 11<> said Mill street, thence north 87degrees nest eleven j-mhc® to the place of beginning—containing 144- perches more «)] tbci'iiht hld a* the property of A. M. Tmtigh. , ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland tovpcßjp, bounded north by Artcmns Barnhart- east by Joseph Harding. south and west by George Brown—containing idout two hundred and thlrtv acres more or Jess, with one hundred and ten acres im proved, one frame house, two frame barns and an apple orch ard thereon. ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan township, bounded on the north hv tin- north li»<- of warrant No. on the cast by land foiWrly of Nathaniel Nichols and N; Smith, on the »i ulh hv hinds of John l>i-n s un and Avmi Smith, end on the w.dbvl.mJ ot Zophor Tears and A. Updike—containing a',out one hundred and two acres, with about sixty acre* im pr.acd; a fraroedvecnin# house and a few fruit'tices Tj 1< '-dd a- of John Ddn-on. Al, c O —A lot of land In Westfield township, bounded north h\ ix'orge Gloefi, cast bv J. Jv. SaUes, west by George- Ch^e. bj highway—Containing about acre of implored land,*-a fnune dwelling house and Cabinet Shop and a few fruit trees theison. To be sold as the property of George Lt-w is A C. Ovorr. Ah«o—A lot of land in WrtlslMvro. bounded south-east by the mad leading to Morris township, westerly by Wm. Baclie and Kirkpatrick, and north-cast by AuaaMoiris—Containing al*c-ut thrvo or four acres. Also—Another l«»t bounded by Patrick P.cdinptnn ami G. Campbell, southerly by lledington and Wm. Itili-y, and west erly by road leading to 41orria township—Containing about three ften-s l*oth lots iwpiuvotl. To be sold tia the piopc-rty ••f Jo»fatK Kmciy. ALSO—A lot'of Lan«i in the township of MklUlobury and Chatlmpi. beginning at a port the division line uf lot* No. 1 A 4 of 'warrant No 4479 on the wx-st line of raid warrant. lht*nce north one decree i-aat along the warrant line of war rants Nos. 4479 k 4480 to a post the eoaih-wcst comer of D. G. and E, J. t-tevens' land, thcucc fauth degrees east three hundred and tlility-fi*nr perches to a the south east corner of said Steven*, land, thence south on»* degree wc-t along the warrant line of said warrants Nos 44b6 & 4479 to a p.-+t corner in tlic division line between lots No. 2 ami 3 of subdivision of warrant No. 4479, thence north SSj S, dep'* west three hundred and thirty-four perches to the pfac«* of l**'Ptnning —Containing five hundred and ninety acres more or less and being parts of wanmits Nos. 447 u and 4489. To be -old as the property of Feth D.iggctt and Lorn* "Daggett, ALSO—A I, tof land in Keon<*yville. Middlebury township, bounded north-cast and west by- lUciuiru Keener, and south bj lands of Wm. L. Merrick with a barn 45 by 30 theieon with cornice extending to the north-oart and vw-t bnnud.irii-s there*>f. To be sold as the property of Klizabcth Churchill. Charles Churchill and Fcneca Horton. ALFO—The following described tracts of laud, viz; war rants Nos. 438 S and 4378, bounded on the north hy warrants No«. 4217 and 4220, east by No. 43GS. south by' Nos. 4379 and 43*7, west bv No. 4413—Containing 990 acres’each and allow- ance, situan* in Morris town-hip. To be bold as the property of B.T. McCormick. 1 I ALSO—A lot of land in Fulllvan township, bounded north ■ by lands of K. G. MoC*>iu4. east by George Seeley, south by I MU hum Shelton, we«t hy Charles McOmcl—Containing about forty acres all impmu-d; one frame house and n frame barn thercoD. To be euld oi the property of Leauder Aldrich uud Hannah Aldrich, i ALSO—A /or of /and in Sullivan township, hounded north - • 1 //awlct. east hy other land* of defendants, south and west by L. ilunroc—-Containing C 7 acres with 30 acres im proved. Also—One other lot in raid tbwnvWjv. GonnAr-d north br I, Wadkins east by Joseph Bradford, south by Alex Smith and WMt lw 15 Munrpc—Containing 97 acres with about 6o or 50 acres improved; frump-hou«e. lop house, two frame barns and an apple orchard tliereou. To t«c sold cia the nronertv of Tetcr Hnlslandcr. ALSO—A lot ofland in Union township.bounded north hr Krai-tm Griswold, cast hy Joseph Landon. fc..nth ly Lewis and Thoiuaf* Stull, west bv James Mason—-Containnig about 22 acres more or less, about one acre improved, with a small frame dwelling house thereon. To Iks sold as the property of : L A. K. Weiskopff. ALSO—A lot or piece of land, beginning at a hemlock on the north Unc of lot No. 977 and feonUi-east corner heicof. thence west thirty-five jscrtdic* and tluce tenths to an lu»n wood. tlience north seventy-two ami seven-tenths perches to a hemlock, thence south eighty-nine and three-fourths deg's west one hundred ami twenty-two perches and five-tenth* to a post, thence west eighty seven perclie* and five-tenth:} to a post, thence nrth ninety-nine and two tenths perches t<» a pe*t and htonep, thence cart eighty-seven and four-tenths perches to a post and stone*, thence north one-fourth degree one hundred and fifty-sis perches to a white />ak, tJn-ncc north one-half degree cast one hundred and sixteen and four t*nth« perches to a post, thence south eighty-nine and three fourths degrees rart forty-eight and four-tenths ton hemlock, -fhetux north one degree east seveuand 9-10 perches to a port, thence cast 149 perches to a post, themv south to puche* to apost.thcnce cast 25 perches to a post, thence smith 144 perch's to a post, thence west 26 perches to a post, thence south Co perdu •- to a post, thence west 47 and 4-10 pcrche* to a hemlock, thence south f-2 and 4-10 p* rches ton post, thence east 0 and 2-hj poiche,- to a port. thence south 00 and mo place of beginning—Containing five hundred and fifty-five acr.-O' Albo—Another lot, beginning nl a while oak the Eouth~wc&l corner hereof, thence north 99 perches to a post and stones, Uicnce cast 52 perches and I-IO to a while oak, thence south 99 perches to o post and stones, and thence west 92 perches and MO to the place of beginning containing 53 acres’and 810 and in all fi ve hundred three acres and eight tenths, ce the same more or less being tuts 975-976-1001 “" d townships, anti last inl nT d Dot n ‘ Jlnl ’ ercd in Tinga township, be ■ng parts of warrants Nos. I'-iet- jce;,i .e-vir Tint p.? 52„ p ?a“- T - '• “ - “ 'p °n in I?ut,an ' i Wnship, bmrn. Noscsillc to • road, and w , lly K R o sc-contai„i„ g \^' isrsar *- ~fVf iu^tttssg fif'S 6?e acre" r wcal h y *■ Hall-containing ! f '>» W’ ab T fifly L ««» improved, with two two a P 7oreh “5 o’" 0 bdrn - I tidoksn.ith sl.op arid "ALSO"”™' ° 50 ‘ d 08 ‘ ho P '° P ' boro, * and ,* n '. he ( !nron ? 1 ' « f the corner of \Vm t ?'V t: beginning ata posl thence north as s ' JC ' c s lan d on Water street, of Willi om Bache S ri CCS 228 fr , el 10 on,>ll,cr corncr ftet along the west r CnC6 | dc C reeß eaaL,GO easterly on a line tn“h of ' Vlllilln Cache, thence mentioned line 228 fl? K ralkl tri,h first Clone Water V° Water street, thence • street to (he (dace ol beginning—con taining. about one fifth of an acre with a frame dwcl ling:Jmß'se,fritfne barn and a few fruit trees thereon, Toh% sold as the property-ofR. R. Rundle. - lot of {and m Delmar township, boun ded on the RoKh by. lands in possession of A- H. LanJ-is; on the east by lands in possession of George English, on the sooth by land formerly owned by James jpanciB,but recently sold bv Sheriff’s sale to G. D. SmUhvand on the west by land in possession of Geo. W. West and Levi Stewart— containing 50 acres, with about six acres Improved, being part of warrant No. 1951. To be sold as the property of James Francis. ALSO—A lot ol land in Gaines township, bound ed on the south by Warren Wetmore, east by Pent, and north by Cowen lands, and west by Barnes und Wood— containing one hundred and two acres, fif. teen improved, u log house and frame barn tbercon. Also —Another lot in said township,bounded north by school bouse lot, cast and south by John J. Smith, and west by Cowen lands—containing six acres, with two acres Improved and a saw mill thereon.— To be sold os the property df James Alonzo Smith. ALSO—A lot of land in Uie village of Knoxville, bounded north by A. &.J. Dearman, cast by land of Markram & Roberts, south by highway, west by Henry Seely—containing about one acre of improved land,,w»lh,h largg two.slory frame tavern house and store, iramc barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Also— A lot of land in the same village, bounded north by the Main street, thence south 40 feet cast by highway, thence west thirty feel—containing about £ acre of land, all improved, with a large frame building used as. a shop and dwelling house. To be sold as the property of O. P. Beach. ALSO—A lot of land in the Borough of Mansfield, bounded as follows: south eighty-five feet on Elmira street, west fifty.three feet oh Williamson road, north eighly-fiyc feet by Doct. Barden—containing about 1-4 of an acre, with a three story store house thereon. To be sold as.the property of B. M. Bailey. ALSO—A lot of End in the township ofClymer, bounded‘north by Henry Smith, east by Thomas Layton, south by Fox Ends, and west by Job Head —containing about fifty acres, 28 acres improved, a log house, log barn and apple orchard thcreob. To he sold as the property of Giles Marvin. ALSO—A lot of land in lhe township of Delmar, bonnded north by John Hastings, E. Rice, N. Imp son and others, east by C. Rice, south by Samuel Scranton and Daniel Osborne, west by D. Osborne and Sabins—containing about one hundred and fifty or sixty acres, improved, 4 frame honses, two frame barns, log blacksmith shop saw mill and 2 small apple orchards thereon. To be sold as the,property of William F. Robinson. ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston township, bounded north by Bralt &■ Jennings, west by south by Gilford Moll, west by S. J. Rice—contain ing about seveniy.cight acres, with thirty acres im proved, one frame house, frame barn' and apple or chard thereon. To be sold as the properly of John Goodall Jr. ALSO—A lot of land in the township of Jackson, bounded as follows, to. wit: North by highway lead, ing from Elmira to Tioga, cast and south by Hector L. Miller, on the west by Joshua Miller—reserving out of the same one and a half acres known ns the Wm. Stork lot, and one acre known as the Relon lot—containing twenty-five acres, about JO acres improved, with two frame dwelling -houses, one cir cular saw mill, 2 frame barns and sheds , and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the properly of Samuel Buchanan. ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan township, houn ded on. the north by S. *\V. &, D. F. Pomeroy, cubL by Munson Doud, south by Munson Doud, west by S. W, &. D. l\ Pomeroy—containing three and one ‘ fourth acres, all improved, a.frumc hnu*c, frame barn • and a few fruit trees ihcrccn To be sold as the property of Simeon Ford and Susannah Ford. A lot ot laud in Dclmar, beginning at a slake, 20 (cel west of John Sewer’s land, thcncc by the Stale Rond south 85 degrees west, 10G feet, thence south 5 deg. east, 412$ feet, ihenee north 85 deg. cast, 10G feet to a stake, thence north 5 deg. west, 412 J feet to place of beginning—containing one acre. To be sold as the properly of Geo, Trcxlin. ALSO—A iot of land in Richmond township, (now Borough of Mansfield) bounded north by J. P. Morris, on the cast by Rail Road street, on the south by street, and on the west by J. P. Morris— containing about one-fourth ofap acre of land, with c good frame dwelling house and shed and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of H.G. Martin- ALSO—The following lot of Jam! in the village of Tioga—cast and south by land late of C, N. Slo cum, and west by A. Humphrey-—containing about onc-fourlh of an improved land; framehouse, frame barn and a few fruit trees (hereon. To be sold as the properly of Colby Cady. ALSO—A lot of land in Richmond township,.- bounded north by Benedict, cast by Clark W. Bailey, south by John Jennings, west by George Avcry—conlulning about eighty acres of land, about sixty acres improved, a frame house, frame barn and young apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the prooerty of Barton Walker, ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of C. P. Evans in a tract of land lying in-the township of Lawrence, Tioga county, bounded on the south by the mill lot,on the west by Calvin Pritchard, on the north and cast by land lately owned by John Cady and olhets—containing about seventy-five acres of land, known and being what has been called the Lyman Pritchard farm, lately owned by William Evans, and now occupied by Allison U. Evans, with about fitly acres improved, a frame bouse and a frame barn thereon. To be sold as the properly of Perry Dailey and C. P. Evans who was sued with Wm. M. Evans under firm of Wm. M. Evans &. Co. ALSO—A lot of land in Westfield township, bounded north by Joshua Mclntyre, cast by James Labar, south by J. Hunt, wci»t by D. -Webber dec’d., containing one hundred and six acres, with sixty acres improved, a log house and log barn, an apple orchard and a few plom trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Jacob S. Cronce. ALSU—A lot of land in Charleston township, bounded as follows, to wit; North by Nelson Gatlin, cast by highway leading from Darn Settlement to H, H. Potter’s, south by Henry Bailey, west by Phelps &. Dodge—containing about three acres all improved, one frame house, one frame barn and one store house thereon. To be sold as the properly of Thomas Montague. ALSO —A lot of land in the Borough of Wells boro, being 10. No. 21) south of the Avenue; bounded north-west by Pearl street, north-east by the Avenue, south-east by Walnut street, south-west by the Bing ham Land Office lot—containing one-third of an acre of improved land; one large two story frame house, law office, frame born and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the properly of Mary C. Emcrv. iILSO —A lot of land in the Borotigh of Wells* borough, bounded as follows— beginning at a post the corncr of Wm, Bachc, thcncc north 42 degrees east GO feet along the west line of Wm Buclic, thence easterly on u line to be run parallel with the first mentioned line 228 feel to Water street, thence along Water street to the place of beginning—con taining about onc-fifili of an acre, with a frame dwelling house and frame barn thereon. To be sold as the properly of Henry Kimball. ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston township, bounded norlh by Joseph Dochus, cast by Evan Ev ans, south by .Morris Dawson and west by Palmer Shumway—'Containing about one hundred and one acres, with about sixty acres improved; a frame house, frame baan, saw mill and blacksmith shop and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as flic proper, ly of Samuel Morgan. JOHN MATHERS. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Wclls-boro’ Aug. 13,1857. Public Sale. BY virtue of an order- of the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County, 1 shall expose to public sale and outcry at the house of James Goodrich in village, on Friday the 4th day of September next, at one o’clock P. M. of said day, the following described real estate, to wit: One equal undivided eleventh part of all that certain lot in Jackson town ship Tioga county Pu., bounded norlh by Nathan Miller, cast by William and H. L. Miller, south by D. M. Kipuer, and west by-Chades WUsoO — con * taiojng fifty acres,-about thialy acres- improved, a frame house frame barn and an apple orchard there on. Being the interest of Marcus K. Kinncr, a lu natic, in said land. Terms of sale. Cash. DAVID M.KINNEK, Committe of the person and estate of M. K. Kinner. Tiuga, August 13,1857, THE TIOGA CO-OTY AGITATOE. Application lor Divorce. . To Pamela Clark—You-are hereby notified lha Simon N. Clark, yo'or husbarid, has applied ttf the Coarl of Common Pleas of Tioga. County for a di vorce from the bouds of nulrtmony—and that the said Court have appointed the first Monday of Sep tember* at two o'clock P, M. for the bearing the said Simon N. Clark in the premises, at which lime and you can appear if you think proper. JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff. Wcllsboro Aog. 3d, 1857,. Auditor’s Notice. THE undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Coart to audit the accounts of A dam Benner, Administrator of the estate ofVV. C. Miller dec'd., will attend to the duties of said appointment al the Prolhonotary's office in Wellsboro*,* on Tues day the Blh day of September next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, at which lime and place all per sons interested are requested to attend, JNCh W.GUEfINSET, Auditor, AugrigU?, 1857,. ■ ‘-jqfORSE at NEW ARRIVAL of Spiral Hoops at YOUNG’S. COM. PERRY’S Expedition to Japan end the China Seas,.fur sale at s YOUNG'S. TYTOTICE is hereby given that my \Wfe’ ELIZA LVES has left IN my bed and board without any Jast cense. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting. r ! Middlebury, July 25tlu 1857. &.S.IVES UNION ACADEMY. THE FALL TERM of this Institution for the ensuing year will commence Sept 1; the win ter term Dec* 1; the spring term Marc)) 2- Dcerfiidd, Aug, 6. . S. B. PRlCE,.Principal, Letters of administration having been granted to the nndemgncd, nn the estate of Peter Buckley* late of Belmar, decM* those in debted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and tho«e having claims will present them to ANDREW BAKTLE, Adm'r, RUTH A, BUCKLEY, Adhi’x. Delmor, July 30,1857* *6w je». © B SL f 9 DENTIST. Office in Roy's New Building , vp stall's, AM work pertaining lo his line of business done prompily and well. ' Wcllsboro’, April 2. 1857.-lf, f REV. W. BULLARD, will preach at Hammond School House in Middicbnry, on Sunday Aug. 16lh, 10 o’clock A. M., and at the School House be. low 11. H. Pollers, 4 o’clock P. M., same day.— Also al Mansfield on Sunday Atfg. 23d, 10 A. M., and at Mainsburg, 4 o’clock P. iM,, same day.— Also at Liberty on Sunday, Aug. 30,10 o’clock, A. M., near Woodruff’s, and al Hart’s 4 o’clock P. 51., same day. Notice In Divorce* CATHARINE PRICE: You ore hereby notified that Robert H. Price, your husband has applied to the Court of Common Picas of Tioga Co., for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony ; and the said Court has appointed Monday, the seventh day of September next, at the Court House in Weli»boro v for a hearing of the said Robert H. Price‘“ln llic premises, at which lime and place you can attend if you think proper. JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff’. Welfsboro, Aug. 6, 1857, [lt] Orphan’s Court Sale* BY virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan’s • Court of Tioga County and lo me directed, 1 will expose lo sale nl public outcry on the premises, on Tuesday the 251 h day next, al one o’- clock P. M., the following described properly 10-wil. All that piece or parcel of lai>d, situate in Covington Borough in said county, bounded north by Barnes’ Alley, east by Water St, south by Bro&d Alley, and west by James Jennings, Randall &. Kelts, with a frame house, frame barn end tannery buildings thereon —containing about one half of an acre. To Resold as ihc properly of Wm. C. Miller dcc’d.— Terms made known on the day of sale. ADAM BERNER, Adm'r. July 24,1857. OPPOSITION TO HIGH PRICES, NO MONOPOLIES: DOWN WITH COMBINATIONS. An Open Field for Conipelilion. KANSAS has had her share of the Glory, Fun. Confusion See., and I am happy lo state that she is about quieting herself and yielding the palm to the little village of Tioga. About the first of November last I commenced selling Goods in Tioga, am still selling. For a little lime past there has been quite an effort oh the part of some to establish a standard price for goods par ticularly on leading articles the very articles of which the poor man uses the most. A few days since I made up my mind to change my prices on FLOUR & MEAL, as I thought I had a right 10. I therefore hod a very modest handbill printed informing the people of tvlial I intended doing in Hie future. No sooner had the fact'become known that I had reduced the price, than one man selling the'same kind of Goods, says; “Its a he! Can’t'be the same article! I know it ain’t good!” Another, interested in keeping up old*fogy prices, presents the documents loshow that from the prices he pays in Buffalo tor Flour, Meal &c., of course ETZ'S article at the low price can riot he as good as burs at nur high prices. Greal discovery! Sensible reasoning! Homing conclu sion ! fHow long since did they find out that my articles were not tip-top ? Why, just the moment my price did pot agree with theirs. Our only answer to their unkind remarks' toward us, is, that our flour was very nice until we changed the price. Did that change the quality ? when it is the selfsame article we have sold since last April. Hundreds can bear me witness that it is as nice as any article they ever used- . , It has never been our practice nor never will be to say aught of the quality of our neighbor’s goods. But we do say that oar “cxlra superfine" and "su perfine” flour is as good as any floor manufactured or sold in Tioga County. You citizens that buy don’t longer believe the humbug yarn thatyou mnU pay from 50 to 75 per cent for -goods, especially il you gel trusted a few months. No wonder every plank m the Wellshoro’ and Tioga Plank Road has received' a thousand curses Iroiu the merchants ol Tioga village, because il has driven trade from us, they say’. The nurses will grow louder and deeper both from buyer and seller until Goods n/c sold at a reasonable cash profit. Since we commenced we have tried lo meet the Wants of the public, and we flutter ourselves that our large cash sales arc good evidence that our effort lias not been a failure, but lias been appreciated by a generous and candid pub lic. We shall continue selling Goods in Hie corner store of A. C. tic J. S. Bnsli, directly opposite of Baldwin. Lowell & Co., where we shall he pleased to show onr Goods and give our prices. We shall buy a large stock of all kinds ol Goods in New York Ibis fall, and shall hope by pursuing a straight forward course lo merit the favor of enough of Hie people of Tioga county to sell them and get our pay. We shall try and haVe the quality and price satis faclory. Call and see before'(turchaslng. EIST OF PRICES. Ontario & Niagara Flour Eilra Superfine $7.75 Farma Custom Mills Superfine 6 OQ Corn Moal 2 25 i Tioga, August 2d, ’s7* " CSSRLEB O. Jt'l AIIBS & BIRD, 'SURVEYORS, DRAUGHTSMEN, t. There shall be an additional section to the first article of said constitution, which shall be numbered and read as fol lows: Section’ 20. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revok**. or annul, any charter of lueorpurutiun hereafter con ferred by, or under, any special, or g>-nr*rtd law. whenever hi their opinion it may bo injurious to the citizens of the com monwealth; in such maimer houcicr, that no injustice shall be done to the corporators. JtV?G/rff?._That tins resolution pass, On tho first amend ment. yeas 24, nays T; on the second amendment, yeas 23, nays 8; tm tho third amendment. jeasH-i, nays 4; on the fourth amendment, yeas 23. nays 4. I.v the Hoppe op Keptu^e.ytvrirc.-?, April 29. 1557. That this resolution puss. On the firgt amend ment, yens 7S, nays 12; on the second amendment. yrAa 57, nays 34; on the third amendment! yeas 72, nays 22; tm tho fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays 7. 1 [Extract from the Journal,'] JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk, . Filed in Secretary's office. May 2,1857. SEcr.ETAitr s Orncc, IfarriirtturK, June 22,1857. Pennsylvania, ,♦/, 1 dn certify that the above and foregoing is a true and cor rect copy «f tho original “Kosnlution proposing amendment* to the Constitution of tho Commonwealth, ’* with the vote iu each branch of the Legi.-l.iturc upon the final passage thereof a« appears from the oi iginals* on file fn this office. [i.s.] In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and canned lo be affixed the seal of the Secretary's Office, the day and year above wi itten, ] A. 0. CURTIN, fkcrdnry of the CommonweaUh. Tx Senate. March 27,1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question. Will the Senate agree to tho first amendment? The yeas and nays were taken rsrrrcably to the provisions of tho Constitution, and wore a* follow, viz; Yevp—Messrs Brewer, Browne, Ely, Evans. Fetter. Flenmkcu. Frazer, Ingram. Jordad. Killinger, Knox. Lau bach, Lewis Mycr, Scofield, Sellers. Shuman, - bteele. Straub. Welsh, Wilkin*, Wright and Taggart, Fpealtr —24. N \VS~-MessrB Crahh, Cresswell, Finney, Orogg,. Harris. Tenrai" and Souther —7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to tho second amendment ? The yeas stud nay?* were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: Ytus—Mej-rs Brewer, Browne, I 'Ciestwell. Ely, Evan*. Fat ler, Finney, Flcnniken, Ingram!, .lordan. Knox, Lauhneh. Lewis, Mycr. Selleis Shnni.m, Souther, Steele, Straub, Wil kins, Wei-di, Wright and TaggaiL >)s, 1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth being under ron-ideration, On rhr* fiuc°tlc , n, Will the to the fi fit Pimf‘jirlTn‘*nl ? % The yoaa and nay* wen.* h«k‘*u agm*sihl\ to the provisions of the constitution. And were as follow, viz : Vk.vs—Anderson. Arthur. Uackhon ls *'. Ball, Beck. Bishop, Bower, JJrowu, Calhoun, Campbell. Chaw, Cleaver, Crawford, BirUey, Knl, Kyatur. Can-told, Foster, Oihboncy. tJildea, Hamel, Harper, Hill, Flillcgae, Hoff man. (Berk'*.) Irnhrie. Tnne*. Jacob.*. Jenkins, Johns, John son, Kauffman. Kerr, Knight. Looming, Lungaker, Lovett, Manear. Mangle, M'Caliinmt, M’llvain. Mooritead, Murama, . Mustelinan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nuneumeher, Pearson. i’eten*. I’elrikixt, I’ownall, Purcell, Kumsey. (I'lnlndelphuu) itatnicy, (York.) Ueamer, Kecd, Koberti, Uupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, Cambria,) Smith, (Centre.) fcteveuton, Tolan, Vail, Yanvooi his, Vickers. Voogbloy, WaUer.WfSt brook. IfTiarton, Wiilia ton, Tfltlierow Wright, Zimmerman and Got*. tyeoJ-cr —7s. Nats —Me-.*r? Backus Benson, Book, Hamilton, Hancock. Hino, Kol&nan, (Lebanon.) Leho, Struliiore, Thorn, Warner and Wintrodc—lJJ- i So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will thff House agree to the second amendment? The yeayand nay* were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: Yeas—Messrs Anderson, Bnckhousc, Ball, Bock, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Corty, Ent, Fausold, Foster, GilJea. Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand. Hillcgas. Hoffman. (Berks.) Housekeeper, Imhrie. Innes. Jenkins. Johns, Johnson, ftauff man. Knight, Leiscnnng. Loogaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, >rilvain, Moorhead, Muaselmim, Nlcbolf*; Nicholson, None macher. Pearson. Peters*Petriklm Pownall. Purcell, Katnary. (Philadelphia.) Uamaey*rVork,)Kcamor,RoberU l , Uupp, Shaw, Sloan, Tolan, Vail, Voeshier, Waiter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zimmerman and G<*t7„ tf/ikfr —57; Nats —Miv:r.. Arthur, Bacl;n-\ par .on. Buhop LUCIAN BIBP. RESOLUTION, ARTICLE XX. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. SECOND AMENMTXVT. ARTTCt.P. XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. THIRD \MT.vr..MK-\T. Jy Sexatk, Mare?: C7.1£57. i [Extract from the Journal.! GEO. W. 11 AM BUS LET,- Clerk. A. G. CLTtTIX, tertiary of the O'nmonicealth. Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eystcr. Ribbonoy, Hamil ton. Hancock, UiU, Hina. Hoffman, Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo, MUalmont, Momma, Reed, Smith, (Cambria.J Smith, Stevenson, Strothers, Thorn. Vanvoorhis, YfckeM, Wagonsellcr, Warner. H itherow aad "Wright— Z4. : • So the question was determined in the affirmative* f On the question, - 1 | Will the-House agnpo'to the third amendment ? - Tile Jeaa and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions Of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: , Teas—Messrs Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase. Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Kvstcr, Fausold. Foster, Oibboncy, Hamel, Har per, Heins, Hiestand, Hill, Hillcga*. Hoffman, (Berks,) Hoff man. (Lebanon*) Housekeeper. Imbrie, Tones, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo. Longakcr, Lovett, Mancar, Mangle, M’Chlmont, Jfoorhcad, Mumzns, ifuxselraaa. Nicbobt, Nicholson, Nuncmachcr, Pearson. Peters, Pctritin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed, Hupp, Shaw, Sloan. Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre.) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Yanvoorfats. Tickers, Voeghloy, Wagonsellcr, Westbrook, Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, .Speaker —72. Nats—Messrs Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Carty, Dock, Gildca, Hamilton, Hancock, Hine, Jenkins, Knight, Leincnring, M’Hvain, Ramsey. (Philadelphia.) Robert 5 ?, Stroth ers, Thorn. Walter, Warner. Wharton and Wintrode— 22. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, 1 Will tl»e House agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of ilioporfStltirtipn, end were ns fafiow. viz: ' Yeas—Messrs Anderson, Arthur. Backhouse, Backus, Ball, Beck. Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase. Cleaver,Craw-ford,Dickey, Ent, Kvstcr,Fausold, Fooler. Hibboncy, Gildca- Hamel, Harper, JJdna, iliestond. Hill, HiUcgoa. Hoffman, flicks.) lloffihan, (Lebanon.) House keeper, liphrift, innos, Jacobs, Jenkins. Johns, Johnson. 'Kauffman. Kerr, LehcCEpfscnrfng. Locgrtker. Lovett, Manear Mangle, M’CulmD'bt, M’llvajn. Mpmma, Mu??elman. Nichols. Nicholson, Nunomacber. Pearson, Peters, I’ctnkln, Pownall, Purcell,' RAJu*oy,"(MilJatleipbia;) Rmn-cy, ?York.) Reamer, Rood, Rolierl*, Rupp, .Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith. (Centre) Stevenson Tolan Vail Yanvoorhis Vickers Vocgh ley U*agun!d;«V. Sullivan, July IC, 1857, (Gij* Auditor** Notice. THE undersigned an Auditor appointed the funds in hands of an Administrator of Burdick Hill dec’d. will attund to the duties of mid appointment on Thurs day tin* 27th dnyof Au2i/.{ T*rxt at lOoVJvik A. J/. at the School House-near N. Loach's in ChfUiwim Township at which time all prisons inteie-hed in said |fnnd are notified to appear and pr /"IEPHALIC SNUFF.—For Catarrh, Headache &c. Price 25 cents a bottle. - A RMENIAN CEMENT. —For mending broken glass or china ware, with directions for its u Price' 25 cents per bottle. (Warranted.) POTASH, Sal Soda, Saleratus, Pare Gingcr,Pore Ground Mustard, and Hunieil’s EssenceofCoß fee, just received and for sale at Roy’s Drug Store* BUTTER OF ANTIMONY is one of the best caustics U'cd by Farjicrs to cure corns on horses’ feel, ulso to cure warts. PIERSON’S EXPECTORANT.-A valuable rem edy lor coughs, colds and lung difficulties. . INDIAN SANATIVE DROPS or Life Regulator, is considered.;! rno.'t valuable article for difficul ties caus-dd by imparity of (he blood, this article recommends itM*lf; certificates are unnecessary— try it if vou would know its value. Chemical hair tonic.—This compound u-cd to prevent the luir from falling off lb cause it to grow in thicker-—and (o restore hair that is growing gray to its original color ; it is nicely per fumed and is very pleasant article for toilet use. B RUCHES AND BROOMS.—A foil assortment of Brushes of ail kinds kepi constantly on hand—a new lot jasl arrived Afresh supply of Camphcnc and Fluid jo«lrc ccjvcd .it Roy’s Drug Store. THE BEST INK in America.—Conger and •Fields celebrated Recording Ink. Also David A. Black’s Permanent Ink for Record* and Book, keeping. A new supply of these valuable Inks received at Roy’? Drug Store; also a large quantity Common School Inks. EXTRACTS.—New supply: such Ju Lemon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Peach, Cinuamoli, Rose, Nutmeg, Celtery, &.c. GLASS BATTLES with wide mouths, for pre serving fruils*, berries &.c. NEW SUPPLY of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, Dent jf Soup®, Odors for tins Handkerchief, and Fu’ncy Goods a largeassorlmcoi. books. Dred, a T.-«lc of the Denial Swamp,—Mr?. Stpwc. Kiscaad Progress of Religion,—Dodndge. Family Testament and Psalm?, with notes, (large type.) . ■ Lite of Amos Lawrence of Boston, Mass. • CrmferTs Concordance. How to be-a man, (a New Cook for Boys, by Now-, comb.) ' Rena, or the Snow Bird.—-Caroline Lee Hants. The HUls of SUaUemuck, (by the avtlUot of the Wide Wide World, A variety of Children** Books—Blank Books— School Books, Stationery &c. Also the Depository of the Tirtga County Bible Society—containing _ WILCOX & SBIRSf WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DEALERS IX SOLE c - UPPER.LEATHER* BOOTS 4. SHOES . FINDISGS , PORK 4 ILOURi PROViS/OyS 4 GROCERIES, of ail kinds, as cheap as the cheapest, Cash paid fur Hides, CulflS&ms and Sheep Felt?. 'Qijc' ridor below Bailey’s Stare. Scar’s Shoe shop removed to same building. JdlytUMSoT. U. VAS HOKK’S B. T. VAKHOKN-