BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Physician and Surgeon. EMiUMI>, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. Will vis-U patients in all parts ol the county, [June 14.1855.] €• I/. HOY T. CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR & DRAUGHTSMAN. Wcll»bdi'o, Pa. O' Office with J* N. Bade ,Esq. [Feb, 19-57 JOHN N. SI ACHE, A TTORNRY AND COUNSELLOR AT —Office, north side Public Square WclLborough, 1' i. Refers to .Messrs.Phelps,Dodge &■ Co.,N.Y city lion. A.V.Farsons.Philqdelphia. July 13, SPEBfCER & THOMSON, Attorneys & Connscloi'i at Law, : CORNING, Stcnbvii Comity, New York. Gko. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson AprillB, IMS-Iy. S. F. WIESON, QX Removed to James Lowrey’s Office. lAS. B.O’VSSEY &S. F. WILSON^ ATTORN 15 VS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, willatlcndtbeCourtsof Tioga.Pottcr ami McKean counties. We 1 Is! wrongh, Feb. 1,1853 / v RKCiAN OIL PAINTING.—FuII and explicit V 1 directions for pursuing lids beautiful art, will be forwarded to any address by enclosing SI anda pos. luge stamp to ) H D. DOMING, _ WclUborn, Tioga Co Pa. Papers copying the above, a rid sending a markod oopy with bill of the same, will be duly honored by return mail. EOR SALE, A Woolen Factory &. Saw Mill. T 7l n SI'BSCIur.KU. wishing to chongo his bn-inos,, nffor f>r *-«!*» his Wru.h-n Factory, Saw Mill ami (Timber lot n« ar \V. 11-lmi The Machinery in the Factory tpnshting ol ‘•<>ao Sett’’l-* m g0<..l ninning'oidcr. mot of it iajncarly new m: WoTUborn* Aug. 2Gth 3*50. *J. T*JACKSON. CAYUGA PLASTER. BIXBY, respectfully informs the citizens of A. ■Wilmots District and that ofTioga Co. in particular, that he lias-for sale a large quantity of fresh.grouud Cayuga Plaster, al the old price—sG, ner ton. Having secured the services of an excellent MILLER, amtcnlarged his bins for the reception of Plaster, he feels confident that no one will be disap pointed. Particular attention (will be paid to People from a distance. Mansfield, Jan-3, 1657.—if. IVEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE ? at ERWIN’S new Store I He has just returned from the City with a choice Lot of Ready-Made Clothing', CEOTIIP, CASSSMEUES, VESTISG and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM A N \1) NOTHIKG SHORTER! WelUboro’ Sept. 23, 1856. WM- W. & IT. W. M’DOUGALL, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. A RE engaged in Exploring,Surveying and Draft, ing. Investing Money in Real Estate, and on Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrants, Locating Land for Settlors on time. They will attend the Land Sales in this and tlie adjoining districts, where their practical knowledge will enable them to select the best lots. Parlies entrusting Money to os for investment will have the benefit of our explorations. No prop erty purchased that we arc not personally acquainted wtil). [VVaubashaw, Min. Ter., April 23. J MRS. REBECCA FLYXT RAFFERTY. DRESS -Iff AKER, Mns. RAFFERTY has just received of E. A. Godey of Philadelphia, the latest style of pat terns such as Dresses,Basques,Mantillas &c., which he receives monthly from Paris. Having made arrangements with him to receive the same monthly, she will beep them hand. Dress Makers and others sop-plied with pat terns at all limes hv mail or by calling. REBECCA FLY NT RAFFERTY. Mansfield, June 11,1857. CHAIRS, CABINET-WARE, &C. J STICKLE Y respectfully informs the citizens • of Wcllsborb and uciuily, that he keeps con stantly on hand and wilt manufacture to order, Chairs & Cabinet-Ware of all descriptions. Those desirous of purchasing any article in his line will do well to call and examine his slock. His work is manufactured from the bc?t material and is Kurc to give satisfaction. All kinds of TURNING done rn a superior man* ncr and on reasonablelcrms. CPShopsouth end of Main-sl„ VVclUboro’. ' [Jan. 8, 1857,-lf. THE WORLD IS MOVING I ~\T O. SPENCER takes this method to say to *T • the public, that lie continues to PLANE LUMBER at his Shop (two miles south of Mans field near Spencers Mills*) for the following prices: Siding for 23 els per hundred led. Flooring matched, 50 els, per hundred feet. Plain Surfacing, $2,50 per thousand feet. Fif-y cents per thousand extra will be charged for hard wood. ALSO—A superior quality of fence pickets al. ways on had at $1,75 per bundled. March 5,1357.—1 y. w. W. WEBB, JM. 1»., BAS returned to Wcllsboro’, and la ready to promptly attend all calls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. lie would also state that he has received a Commission from the Governor, and been sworn by the Brigade Inspector, as Surgeon of the Ist Regiment, 2th Brigade ol the ISth Division ol the unilonncd Militia of Pennsylvania, tqd there fore is the only Surgeon within the Limits of said Brigade who has the right to give certificates to “ persons incapable of bearing arms.” Office and residence first door above Roe’s Store. THE WORLD IS ADVANCING! ' W. BECKW ITU has returned to Wcllsboro’ o-rf# With a new era «n sun-penciling. He has se rured the right for Mehunolypjng, or taking- pictures upon a sheet iron plate, resembling very much an oil painting. Also an improved style of Ambrolyn vng- Please call at his Gallery and examine speci mens. [Wcllsboro’ June 1, 1857. I) E3IOI A la. —DR. B. BARR res|ieclfiilly -LC announces to the public that he has removed his Office to the dwelling lately occupied by Jus. P. Morris, Esq., where he may be found at all hours when not professionally engaged. DeSunds for his services promptly responded to WellslW, April 24, 185 G, RHODE ISLAND LIME for whitewash Also Whitewash Brashes; for sale at ] Drug Store. 1 T OOICING-GLASS PLATES—With or without J-i Frames, for sale at THE DRUG STORE. jgEASS HOOFS at d/m. EVMS & WATSON, ■ Mi. .1 -PHILADELPHIA Manufaclu * X red Salamander Safes, No. 26 S. Fourth Street, Philada. Truth is Mighty and 'must Prevail . Report of (be Committee appointed io superintend the Burning of Che Iron Safes, at Reading, Pel. 27, 1857. “The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes origi nally agreed upon by FarreJs & Herringartd Evans & Walson, placed side by side in a furnace, viz: The Safe in use by the Paymaster of the Philadcl phia and Reading Railroad Company, in his office at Reading, manufactured by Parrels & Herring, and the safe in use by H. A. Lanlz, in his store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire was started at B.J o’clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chestnut lop. wood were; entirely, consumed, the whole under the superintendence of the subscribers, members of the Committee. The Sales were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to H. A. Lanlz’s store for public examination, alter they were first examined and marked by the Committee. The books and.papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Etans & Watson were but slightly affected by the intense heat, while those taken from the Safe manufactured by Farrels & Herring, were in oup judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent more than those taken from Evans 6c Watson’s Safe. Wc believe the above lo have been a fair and im partial trial of the respective qualities of both Safes. JACOB H. DYSHER, Daniels, hunter. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of their respective Safes. G. A. NICHOLLS, 11. TL MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND, EVANS &. WATSON have now on hand 300,« 000 pounds of Uie above Safes, which they offer for safe on better terms than any other Manufacturer in the- United Slates. j 7’nn following named gentlemen, residents of Reading and ils vicinity, who saw the above fire, have purchasqd'Safeslrom Evans & Watson since the burning up to May Isf, 1857. G. A. Nicolls, 1; LepoM Hirnh, I; Isaac Ruth, 1; Kirk & Hcislcr, 1; W. Rhoads &. Son, 1; Henry •W. Missinger, 2; Dp. Win. Moore,]; Solomon Rhoads, 1 ; Bilimeycr, Follmer &. Co., Milton, 1; Levi L. Smith, I; High & Craig*!; Wm. Kirck, 1; Kaufman & Baum, 1; Wm. McFarlicr, I; Geo. J. Eckert, 1; J. M. & G. VV. Hanslock, 1; Ezra Miller,!; J.P. Cridcganc, I; James Jamison,!; J. 8.&.A. B. Warner,] ; JacobSchraucker, 1; Wm. King, 1; V. B. Schollenbcrgcr, 1; R. R. Company, I; H. A. Lantz, 2;W. C # &P. P. Erraanlrout, 1; July 13, 1857. Iv, brated Self-Sealing Cans FEESII FBI'IT nnd Jare. ancl you will have fresh fruit all the year at * Sommer prices. Full directions for put- ling up all kinds of fruit Winter an< * Tomatoes, accompany these c.;ns and jars. They,arc made of Tin, Glas s, Queenstoare andjxre I3ETTEH and Acid proof Stoneware. Tlie sizes arc from pints to gallons. These cans and jars are entirely open al the tops, and sest, to secure economy in transportation. THAMT ■ For sa^e b y storekeepers throughout the United Sts. Descriptive circulars sent on application. O’ Orders from the-trade solicited. Be sure to ask for “ An 5 thur’a.” It has stood the test of two seasons, having QTXTE'Ii'TTYTIi* ccn ns f d by hapdreds of b Wibiii JiliihAlb* thousands of families, ho tel und boarding house keepers. Wc are now ma king them for the million. ARTHUR, BURNHAM &, GILROY. Manufacturers under the Patent, 117 & 119 So. IOUi St., cor. George, Philadelphia. [June 18. 6w* WHISKER ANDO. La Salle's Original. 01V£ DOLLAR A BOX. PROF. GEO. .H. DE BAR, has recently returned from Europe, and whiie there, obtained from the celebrated French Chemist, LaSalle, at an enor mous outlay, the receipt and exclusive right of the United Slates and Canadas, to manufacture and sell this celebrated prcpiralion called “whiskerando,” which has never been known to fitil to cause whisk ers and moustaches to grow luxuriantly and heavy, even on beardless faces, in two months after first ap plication. To those persons whose beards are light and wiry it recommends itself. A few applications w‘*l render it soft, thick and pliable. Frenchmen ato noted for their bonnliful whiskers and mous lat\>2s, which many of tlicpi attribute to the excel lence of La Salle’s Whiskerandp. Price $1 per box; sent to any part of the United Slates or Cana das per mail, upon the receipt of $l. Address, Prof. GEO, H, DE BAR, April 1(», 1557,-3m, New York City. JUST ARRIVED. A NEW AND SPLENDID LOT OF MILLINERY &PANCY GOODS. MISS c.s. STEVENS, i having purchased the —\^>j» stock of Mrs. M. STEVENS, respectfully solicits a conlmu nnee of the patronage heretofore 1 accorded the establishment,— She is now receiving from Ihe^^^xßg^ City a fine assortment of Spring ami Summer Goods. BONNETS, RIBBONS, AND EMBROIDERY Feathers , Head Dresses , Milts, Braid , Floss, Buttons, Dress Trimmings, Ladies Gloves , Laces, Artificial Flowers , Bonnet Material, Edging. And a thousand other articles both useful and orna mental. Bonnets made to order, trimmed and re paired at the shortest notice, and upon the most rca sonable terras.' Ready made work constantly on hand. Store, slh door north of Wcllsboro* Hotel March 12,1857- HARNESS SHOP. THE SUBSCRIBER lakes this method of inform ing farmers and others, that they can now pro cute at his establishment in the Eagle printing office building, SADDLES , BRIDLES , CARRIAGE HARNESS , HEAVY HARNESS, Sfc. made to order promptly, in the best manner, and from the best material. Ho will do business on the Cash Pi’incijilc and Urns be able to furnish a good article at a rc* duccd price. Besides, bp may be found at his shop at all reasonable hours in the day, prepared to ac commodate those who map favor him with their pat ronage. He is also prepared to execute orders for CARRIAGE TRIMMING, in the best manner,— lie invites all to call and examine his work. May 28, 1857. C. L. KIMBALL. YOUNG’S. Isn’t It So ? Use ARTHUR’S Cele. TRY IT! TRY IT! THE TTO G A COUNTY A GIT ATOE. TO THOSE WHO WANT FIRMS A FARM WITHIS THE KBACU OF £VERV MAN. TIIK RTDG'WAY FARM COMPANY ha* mrulc atrangp lucuts by which nil who duairo to settle or purchase a home can do «o. A , The Farms consist of the boat limestone Poll of the most superior quality for farming, iu a rapidly imploring place, into which an extensive emigration is now pouring. j The property Is located in Klk County, Peniiajlvania, In the itudat of a thriving population of some 10,000. The climate is per fectly healthy, and the terrible plague of the west fever Is unknown, it also has an abundance of the best quality of Coal and Iron. The price to buy it out i< from $3 to $2O per acre, payable by Instalments, to be located at the time ot pur chasing. or a share ol 20 acres enlUTtug to locate the gauiefor sooo, payable $0 per month or 12J,£ acres payable £4 per month. Discount fir every sum of $lOO and under, paid in advance, a discount of r> per cent, "ill be allowed, and for out SJOO a discount of 1» percent. In considering the advantages of emigrating to this locality the following me presented: The soil io a rich limestone, capable of racing the heaviest crops, owing to which this settlement has attained its present prosperity. .S i cowl —it is the centre of the great North Ifest Cbal Da rio, and is destined soon to l»ocome one of the greatest biisi ne-s places in the State. It will supply the great Luke mar ket, (according to population and trav el the greatest In the irnion.) It has five workable selns of the best Bituminous Coal* amounting in the agregatc to'over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tons of coal under each acre. This will make the laud of Inotemablo value. The eminent state g&Hogist Dr.Chas.T..TacksonofPoston 3 has made a gcologuca! smvoy of tlie land, and analysed the coal, tho iron oie and the bun-tone. This repoit together with map-* will be furnlahod to inquirers. Third —Three railroads arc laid out through this property. TlmSuubury and Eric Railroad gives iib a market for oureoul to the lakes—it nms from Erie to Philadelphia. A large part of tlu-4 road hat. been finished, and Is now in running order. A heavy force is now working from Erie towards our land in the western direction, the means for the completion of which has been raised— it Will faOon be fini-hed. The Alleghany Valley Railroad .connect-* us with New Yolk. Boston and I’itts imrg. The Venango Road connects us with tho IVest. There art* already good Turnpike Roads running through tin- pioperty. various other roads have been opened ta-nccom nionuto the emigration and aettkmeufwhlth has already ui ki»n plnbo, j . There i» uo opportunity equal to it now offered to yie man who w.tnts to provide bim.M-lf a home in an e.isy way, and make n settlement where In* can live in prosperity and inde pendence! in a climate I’KIII’KCTLY lIKALTUY. No ca-e of the IVver ever having been known to occur in this settlement. It is not like going to tin* backwoods of the West, among iwrhaps inbdciant penpb*. where there is no so fiety. rhnrclm*. or school*, where the prbv ot land i* high, and when.* the emigrant. alter being u*cd to the Ik UN mate in the world, has to endow sicklics* and pain, and per haps ruins his health and that of Ins family. But here ia a thriving «ottlemeut having throe towns, mumming churches, schools, hotels, ■‘tores, =aw mills, gri-t mills, and eveiytbinyr desired.' There io a c.udi market at hand. The lnnil*cr trade last j oat amounted to over two hundred million feet of lum ber. In a short time, owing to the coal, it will become still more valuable, as a number of iron works and manufactories willsnou bo-tailed; th>y are at pre-ent ■uniting tbem ex tcn-hely at Warren. Even for tlm.-c who «Io not wi-h to go there, the payments arc such that they ran easily buy a farm to *ave theirrising familka burn want in the tuture, or to gam a competence by the rise winch will take place in the value of lauds. Cyan outlay e>uu\elj mb-cd, u eubsWutial provision can Ik* made. , Tersous should make early application, apply or write to E. tlell* rics, Secretary, No. I .'ld IValnus Street, below Fifth, Phil adelphia. Letters carefully answered giving full informa tion. ■ l t * Shares or tracts of land can be bought or secured by letter cnclnMog th»* fiist instalment of five dollars, when the sub sciihur wilt be furnished with books, maps, Ac. Warrantee Ecvd-* given Persons can abu purchiv-c from our Ag« nt ** Koule from Philadelphia to Tyrone on the Pennsylvania Central Kailroad, and thence by Mage to the laud. This is a delightful season to visit St. Mai y's —the lK*st hotel accotnmu- Uatiun is offered. Enquire for 11. C. tlmltz, Kaq., the Agent for the property at St. Mary'-. Juno iMh, Ifc.vT. NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK OF TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER & STOVES. < AT ■ D. T>. AND W. ROBEETS’ THE greatest variety of STOVES ever seen in WeUsboro,’ has just arrived at the STOVE & TIN STORE of D. P. & W. ROBERTS. They would cal) the attention of the public to their well selected assortment, consisting of the YOUNG AMERICA, - - Elevated oven, MORNING STAR,.... do. NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, do. REGULATORS,PREMIUMS. LOW OVENS. Also a large assortment of BOX and PARLOR Stoves, at City prices. These Stoves are selected with llie greatest cure, especially for this market, and cannot fail to g-ivc enlire satisfaction. Call and see them. XIIVIVARE—-of all ktnds, shapes, and sizes made of the best material and sold as cheap if not cheaper than that of any other establishment in the county. Save Gutters made to order on short notice. JOBBING done to order and in the best man ner. All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving the shop. ITT Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and also Silver and Gold either old or new, taken in exchange for Goods at lhe Market price. They respectfully solicit the patronage of all who wish to purchase anything in their line, assuring them that money can be saved by examining their stock before pur chasing elsewhere. PREMIUMS on -Tinware were given for best Stock and Work &.C., ot late county Fair, T). P *&, W. ROBERTS. Wellsboro. 1 April 23 1857. iff. W. KIVU tlv I -previous to ronlinvnmnr; they fortify the rfu»n. and lessen the suffering during labor, enabling tin* mother to perform her duties with safety to her-iclf and rhil I. These Pill' ‘•houl 1 not !>•• falcon by females during the FIUSTTIIUEB MONTHS of Pn'jimucy, ns they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they arc safe. In nil ciis-es of Norvovs and Spinal 'Affection-!, pain in the Back and bimbd. Fatigm/un Slight Ksertion, Pal pitation of the lit art, Ta«wnj»a of Spirits, Hy-teiies, Sick Headache. Minted and all other painful disease' occasioned by a disordered system, the*o Pille wlllcflett a cure when all other jorows Jwu 1 f.ub other mineral Full directions accompany «.u h package. Price In the Uni ted States .tml Panada, ijnm D-.t.ljkK. Sole for this Coonfrv— ‘ 1. C.‘ HALDMTV & Co., Rochester, X. Y. N. 00 endo-ed t.« any autluuidtHl Agent, Mill im-urc a bottle of Fifh bv mtin n mail. For wile ■\Vbole>ab;and Itetailby IT. W. FT.UOTT Elmira, and by one druggist in cierv (own in the Unitetl Stated. For particulars cal’ nt and get For tale in MVlhdwrn, by .1. A. Boy, Covington by M*. Taylor, Mansfield, by C. W. Nvahitt; Tioga by A. Hum phry and 11. 11. Uordcn; Lawreueeville by M*. 0. Miller; Knoxville by A. J. Deaimnn; M'lhtfield ly Goodjpecd & Brother; Elkland by J. i J. X’arkhcrst. Jan. 12, Ib.VT.—ly. my Wife Eunice has loft my house » * and board, (the bed and other property she took with her.) 7Vis Uto forbid all persons har. baring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting. Cuajiles Smith. Middlcbun June 16th, 1657. HERRING'S SAFE, ■THE ACKNOWLEDGED CHAMPION. THE REPENT TRIALS at Reading have endorsed the current of public opinion, and confirmed-the verdict of more than 200 accidental fires, proving conclusively that “Herring's” la tho . ONLY SAFE that will not hum. Extract fro®. tho Committee's Rc port oa tho Trial of Iron Safes at Reading “On tlic2ftli of February all thornembcrH of thecormnjttoe met to witness the Safi-* and liooks'and papers, (placed in them) ami were perfectly satisfied that all was right. Tho day fallowing, the- burning took place, under tho superintend ence <-f the Committee. After a fair and impartial burning for five hours, the Safe of Messrs Evans A Watson tvo of the best mm of Reading. Tlie above Safes can be inspected at fi4 Walnut Street, where the public can satisfy themselves of the great superiority Of the “Herrings Patent Champion/' over the defeated and used-up “inside Iron Door Salamander." FARBEJLS & HERSIVG, . fid Walnut Street, Philad’a. Only Malm in this State of Herring's Potent Chutnpiun Safes, Tlie attempt made by other parties to bolster up the repu tation of a Safe which hits Jaded so signally in accidental fires in Philadelphia, (Rausto.vl Place,) by taking one out of an agent's store, (11. A. Lnntz.) made out Id- thick ness, (differ ent fiym those thujuuU) to “burn up’’ ono of Herring’s, (half a? thick) Ims met with its true reward. Ilemug's Safe could not be burnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable Safe ni»w made is “Herring's” of which over IS.OOO are now iu actual u-*o. and moic than 200 have been tried by fire without a single (ns*. July Ifi, 1*57. ly. UNITED STATES HOTEL. Diffenbacher & Farnswo rth, Propr’s. rpHE GRAVES HOTEL, i JL lately occupied by P. P* CLEAVER, has been thorough* ly overhauled and refilled with an especial reference to the _ £ comfort and convenience of the itSzjz traveling - public. The present proprietors aim to build up a rtpolalion for their House, entirely upon its merits as a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. They will therefore be. slow every needful attention upon their patrons— making their comfort the grand object of their efforts. The COUDERSPORT and CEDAR RUN Stages leave their Hotel every Tuesday and Friday at 2 o’clock P. M. Attached to this popular Hotel is a. LIVERY STABLE, - for tne accommodation of pleasure parlies and the business public. Wcllsboro* April 10,1857- WHEW? OO YOU HADN’T HEARD THE NEWS? O Wcll t no v ondcr. Kansas lias been invaded, Lawrence has been sacked and the Free Stale Ho tel with all its Furniture lias been destroyed. The subscriber,“always awake to the best interests of his fellow.diii/.cns,and knowing that there must be a great demand lor CABINET FURNITURE in consequence of said Sack, has concluded to re main at his old stand, two doors below Roe’s Store where he is generally in attendance to receive and wait upon customers. Constantly on hand, or man ufactured to order, . Solas, I>lvans, Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining SALE.—A good Two Horse Lumber Wag on, cheap for cash orJapprovcd paper.' Apnlblh. 1 J. EMERY- ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Circulation, over 100,000, Weekly TWENTY FIVE WITNESSES; OR THE FORGER, CONVICTED. JOHN S. DYE is the author* who has had leu jears experience os a Banker, and Publisher and Author of a series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle, when for 10 successive nights, over 50. 000 people greeted him with rounds of applause while he exhibited the manner in which Counterfeit! ers execute their Frauds, and the surest and shorten means of detecting them I The Rank Note Engravers all soy that he U the lest Judge of Paper Money living . greatest discovery of the present centtry, For detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. Describing every Genuine BUI in Existence, and Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit - in Circulation! I 1 Arranged Boadminibly, that REFERENCE iseasr and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. O’ No Index to examine !No pages to hont np. r* Bot so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant Banker and Business Man can see all at a glance. ’ English, French df German, Thus each may read the same in his own Tongas, Most Perfect Bank Note List Published.' Also a list of ALL PRIVA TE'BANKERS IN AMERICA A complete Summary of the Finance of Eortmc and America will be published in cad, edition. £ gelner with all the Important NEWS OF Trip DA Y. Also a series of Tales from an Old Inn script found ,n the East. It fnrnislwa the M and Station's. Post- Office.-*. Churches, School Houses. Public and Private House-*, Omcteries, Manullittorn,*. Shops, ic-aro to he shown on the Map, in addition to the t-<}wsnipliyo( Riven, Streams, Pond-* and Mountain-*. The names of prop erty h*jtdvrs generally, (including tho»o in the county who subscribe in advance fur the Map; are also to be in«.’rt«]at their re-poothe places, in the style of the Maps exhibitsby the canvassers. Maps of the principal Tillages will inserted. on-Marg* scale, in the margin; also engraved \u>\vs of public audpn-_ rate building'*. No expense will 1*?-*pftml to execute the Map in the lushest style of art. The plan will be plotted on a suitable scale.» us to show distinctly all the particulars above specified, and muhe a largo and ornamental map. To be engrm-1 and ■!*- livered to subscribers, handsomely colored, so as t<> show the territory comprised in each township, and mounted on .rollers. As Iho map will contain some eighteen square feet of engm iug. at a cost of several thousand dollars. it will be seen that only n Urge subscription list will wan ant the heavy expense i incurred. The maps are sold only by subscription, and at only one price. No more- maps i*»n«l than subscribed for. The map will contain tables of the population, assessed value of property, religious societies, schools, number of voter s , .tc.. of each township an*l village yaspectivelv, care fully made up from the latest authentic documents. Relying upon a just appreciation ol our effort*, bv the ri ti/enx of Tioga, to issue a map of their county <>u the above plan, that shall answer their proper eNjK-ctatior.s. and he en tirely satisfactory, subscription■* are n.-'p-ctfully solicited by James I>. Scott, Publisher, PHILADELPHIA. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent at MVIL-boro* I’d- (e*-pt. Ho.; Marriage guide.—young’s great PHYSIOLOGICAL WORK”, THE POCKET . iESCU L A PIUS, or Every One His Own Doctor, by ~, P WM. YOUNG, M. D, It is written in plain lan- gunge for the general render, and is illustrated with upwards of one hundred Engravings. All young ,? married people, or those contemplating marriage, -) and having the least impediment to married lift, 4 should read this book. It discloses secrets that even one should be acquainted with. Still itianbobk y that mu>t be kept locked op, and not lie about the * house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt o -.>] twenty-live cents. Address Dr. WAX. YOUNG, 15 '>] SPRUCE Street, above Fourth, Phi Pa. . MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. \VM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDG, bv Dr WM YOUNG MARIMAGE GUIDE, by Dr~WM YOTNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG marriage guide, by Dr wm young marriage GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG M.ARRIAGEGUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG il Blind Factory. VON, TIOGA CO., PA. Sash, and COVING' Sabscri bcr is no prepared by nc' Machinery jus purchased* to fui nish to order, al kinds of square & fancy Sash, am Blinds. Square Sash o common sizes a] wajs on hand. By long cxp« ricncc in the hi sincss,the subscri bcrf alters himsel lha hc'can make _ , c as £ood an article, and sell it as cheap as can obtained at any estabUlimcnt in Pennsylvania o ■Jtcw York. Calkandsee. AVID g Covington,September IS, IcoG. ' ETThc subscriber is also Ajcnl for the sale of Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. ' . NEW ARRANGEMENTS- A-, GROWL would announce to ihe citi zens oi Tioga county,that lie ha" e with him d partner, and the basing *'»*■» bcco dueled under the firm of A.Cro')L & n-Wfmrh will continue at the old stand, m e * ©manufacture to order and keep on hand, Buggys & Lumber w *S o ** s s CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, cyrri*S, which for style, durability and ‘i, cannot be surpassed by any other sum s racnl in the country. a „„.uhrhc?t Workmen of celebrity are engage ’ . j n , materials used expressly in all the departments of ibis establishment. , .-Teca ing orders may rest assured ot having } h ®“«£T cdt to the.r entire ssusl-ucuon and rn ever, particular the same as though they attended rnper sonT' . RE iC /?AINTING of all k!nda donc~orr-.. «ntiec,and most reasonable terms. UTAH binds of merchantable produce (dclrvce sums “• ■“ , wor ji at the mar lift ed) recrvedrn exchange fo . CRO WL &. CO. prices. July 13,1855. asusual,\vill* neatness. and PATTER £c HAMMONP S new system of pEIfM^SH^' mills Tfia ijecT", presented .ot tncrel, - - £** learned by imitation* but as a science "f and retail by Baldwin, Lowell 4. C° , Tioga. Fa. r«or 30 cents per doz. horlesl