BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 'Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon. CLKI4ND, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. Will vUit patients In all parts •( the county. [June 14.1855.] f). IL. HOYT. Cim ENGINEER SURVEYOR & DRAUGHTSMAN. Weititboro, Pit. ICJ* Office tcilh J’ A T . Bachc ,Fsq. ' [Feb. 19-57 JOHN N. BACJ3E, A TTOUNRVA.ND counsellor AT •* • LAW*.—Office, north side Public Square Welhborongh, l*i. Refers to. Messrs. Phelps .Dodge & Co..N. Y city lion.A.V.Parsons,Philadelphia. Julyl3. SPENCER & THOMSON, Atlo ueys & Counselors ut Caw, CORNING, Sfenben County, New York. Geo. T. Spencer. C. 11. Thomson, April 18, 1655-ly. S. F. WILSON, tL/' Removed to James Lowrey 1 * Office, lAS. UOWREY & S. F. WILSON, A AT LAW, will attend L lie Courts of Tioga, Poller and McKean coonlics. Wdlsborongh, Fob. 1,1853, RFC! AN OIL PAINTING.—FuII apd explicit f directions for pursuing this beautiful art, will be forwarded to any audress by enclosing $1 and a pos tage stamp to II D. DOMING, Wdlsboro, Tioga Co Pa. Papers copying the above, andsending a markad ropy with hill of the same, will be duly honored by return mail. FOR SAFE, A Woolen Factory & Saw mill. THE SITISORIKEIL 'fishing to change Ills business, nffer for Rio his Woolen Factory, Saw Mill and Timber lot near WoHßbnro’. Th-- Machinery in the Factory con>isting oi ‘•one Sett*’ is in po<»d running order, most of it is nearly new and of the best const ruction, 11.0 will sell the whole togeth er, or the factory ma. hmcry separately; the location is good, and the term? "ill b»» e:isy. Apply to the Kubs-'riher on the premises, or bv letter to this place- Wrllbboro* l&M. J. I.’JACKSON. CAVIGA PJ..4STJEB. A BJXDY, rcj-pcclfully informs the citizens of JTa • Wilmots District and that ofTiog 1 (Jo. in particular, that he has for sale n large quantity of fresh-ground Cayuga Plaster, at the oli! price—Sfl, per ton# Having secured the services of on excellent MILLER, and enlarged his bins tor the reception o! Piaster, he fetls confident that no one will be disap pointed. - # Particular oltefTiion will be paid to People from a distance. / Mansfield, J.\n. 3, 1857.—tf. NEW WOODS ! i\EW OOODS WHERE 7 at E/JWIN’S new Store! He has juM returned from Ihe City with a choice Eot of acadr-itlade Cloth In s'. CLOTHS, C.ASSUMERES, VESTING and all of which will be sold ON r J’IIE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM A N I) AOTtII.VG SHORTER! Well,boro 1 Sept. 25, 1856. vni. TV. & IF. W. M’DOUGAIL, STVI Z x £l u±o‘£irr‘X'Kn 4 RH engaged in Exploring, Surveying and Draft ina, Invevting Money in .Real Estate, and on Real Estate Security,' Ideating Land Warrants, Locating Land for Settlers on time. They will attend the Land Sales in this and the adjoining- district*, where their practical knowledge will enable them to select the best lot*. Parlies entrusting Money to us for Investment will have Uic benefit of our explorations. No prop erly purchased that we arc not personally acquainted with. [Waubashaw, Min. Ter., April 23. j MUS. REBECCA FLYNT RAFFERTY* DRE.SS.IAEER. MT»S. RAFFERTY has just received of L. A. Godey of Philadelphia, the latest style of pal. terns, such as Dresses, Basques, Mantillas dee., which he recrivos monthly from Paris. Having made arrangements with him to receive the same monthly, she will beep them constantly on hand. t)rc*s Makers and others supplied with pal terns at all limes by mail or by calling. REBECCA FL'YNT RAFFERTY. Mansfield, June 11,1857. THE WORJLD IS MOVING ! YO. SPENCER takes this method to soy to • the pnbiic, that he continues to PLANE LUMBER at his Shop (two miles south of Mans field near Spencers Mills) for the following prices: Siding for 25 els per hundred leet. Flooring matched, 50 eta, per hundred foot. Plain Surfacing, $2,50 per thousand feel. Fify cents per thousand extra will be charged lor hard wood. ALSO—A superior quality of fence pickets al ways on had at 81,75 per hundred. March 5, 1857.-ly. UNION ACADEMY. J. W. DEWEY , B.S. Principal. Miss —— Teacher of Music, npHE SUMMER TERM of this Academy will I commence, Tuesday, May 26th, 1857. must be paid in advance. TEXT BOOKS can be had of the Principal. For farther information address the Principal, at Knoxville, Tioga County Penna. Deerfield, April 30, 1857. lorA Whitman, 13 10 00 11. It. Borden, drugs 14 700 S. is* Packajd, 14 7 00. A. Humphrey,'do. 14 700 Thog, Putnam, 14 7 00T. Mitchell, 13 10 00 .T. C. Bennett, 13 10 00 ffm. K. Mitchell, 14 700 RoVt Swan, 14 700 j Mansfield. Howes, Diddamn 4 Col 2 12 50*A. J. Boss, Abram Johnson, 14 7 00[D. C. Holden, cltmuh. : D. 11. Spnrr, Beach 4 BtiHhmurc, 14 7 00iIsaac Holden, Geu. 0. Bristol, 11 700 C. W. Nesbitt CHATHAM. 1 OSCEOLAI Sydney Beach, 31 7 OOjSamnel Ellison’ 33 10 00 John Kelley, 11 7 OOjPhelpa & Seeley 13 10 00 3iai>'SßCßC. :iT. 0. Bosworth, 14 700 Fox A-Witter, 13 10 OtfClark Kimball, 14 700 J. C. Bobbins, 14 7 005 XELSON. R. D. Parkhurst, 13 10 Oo.Bccbe & Tackago. Price in the Uni ted State* and Canada. (Ink Dollar. tkß, Sole Agents for tills Country— I. C. BALDWIN & Co., Rochester, N. Y. • N. B. $1 00 enclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure a bottle of Pill* by return mail. For sale Wholesale and Retail hy H. W. ELLIOTT Elmira, and by one druggist In every town in the United States. For particulars cal’ at Elliott's and get a Circular. For ealo in Wei Inborn, by J. A. Roy. Covington bv W. Taylor, Mansfield, by C. W. Nesbitt; Tinga by A. Hum phry and H. 11. Borden; Lawroucevillc by W. G. Miller: Knoxville by A. J. Dearmnn: Wonfield by Guodtpecd & Brother; Elkland by J. i J. Parkherst- Jan. 12. ISs7—ly. 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 700 14 700 14 700 14 7 00 34 700 14 T 00 CHAIRS, CABINET-WARE, &C, J STICKLER respectfully Informs the citizen; • of Wellsboro and vicinity, that he keeps con. slantly on hand and will manufacture to order, Chairs & Cablnct-Wai c of all descriptions. Those desirous of purchasing any article in’ his lino will do well to call and examine his slock. His work is manufactured from Ihe best material and Is sure to give satisfaction. All kinds of* TURNING done in a superior man ner and on reasonable terms. ffTSlmp south end ol Main-st., Wellsboro’. [Jan. 8, 1857.-tf. t Mililury notice, * THE Assessors of the several Election Dislrictc of the county of Tioga, are requested to mah out one complete Return ofall the ununiformed Mali tiamen in their District for the year 1856, and send the same to me the first Monday in June next. Nowin orddr to be able to draw our full quota of arms it is ncce>ksary-Xhat weJmc the full strength of our military force atmlnstead of only about 150,000 militiamen in the Stale, as has been repor ted by our Adjutanl/Gencral, let us endeavor to swell the number old standard. Come up to the works business men, and all will be right; otherwise cost will be made. • ROETT COX, Diig. Inspcc, y Liberty, March 12, ’57 NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned having been appointed an auditor to distribute the fund nrrising from the sale of tiic real estate ol James W. Guernsey, among the lien creditors will attend to the duties of said appointment at the office ofC. H. Seymour Esq.,-in the village ofTioga on Thursday, the 9th day of April next, at one o’clock P, M., when and where all persons having any claim upon said fund are required to present the same for allowance, or be forever debared therefrom. JOHN N. BACHE, Auditor. Wellsboro,’ March 12, 1757. w. w. WEBB, M. HAS returned to Welleboro’, and 13 roady to promptly attend all calls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. He would also stale that he has received a Commission from the Governor, and been sworn by the Brigade Inspector, as Surgeon of the Ist Regiment, 2lh Brigade of the 13th Division of the uniformed Militia of Pennsylvania, and there, fore is the only Surgeon within 'the Limits of said Brigade who has the right to give certificates to " persons incapable of bearing arms.” Office and residence first door above Roc’s Store. Administrator’s Notice. THE Subscriber having taken letters of Admin, islration on the estate of ALEXANDER CUMMINGS, laic of Charleston, deceased, all per. sons having claims against said estate are requested to present the tame for settlement, and those indebl ed are notified to pay up on or before the first day of May next. J. I. JACKSON, Adm’t. Wcllsboro,’ April 6th 1857. GARDEN SEEDS.—A fine lot of fresh Garden Seed* are selling offal Roy’s Drugstore.— Also some new varieties raised from Patent Office Seeds. The field aeeds in largo packages will be on band by the let of April. RHODE ISLAND LIME for whitewashing. Also Whitewash Brashes for sale at Roy’s Drug Store. STOVES. OTIIE ACKNOWLEDGED CHAMPION. TIIE RECENT TRIALS at Reading have endorsed the current of public opinion, and confirmed "the verdict of more than 200 accidental fires, proving conclusive!* that ‘•Ucning’s” la the ONLY SAFE that will not burn. Extract from the Committee's Re port oa the Trial of Iron Safes at reading “On the 20th of February all the members of the committee met to witness the Safes and boohs and papers, (placed In them) apt! were perfectly satisfied that all was right. The day following, the burning took place, under the superintend ence of the Committee. After a fair and impartial burning for five hours, tho Safe of Messrs Evans A Watson was first opened, the Safe being on fire inside, and Ihe contents par tially consumed, while the contents Safe of Messrs Farrels & Herring were In good coadith/h, and no fire inside.” Beading, March 2,1857. , (Signed,) IT. p. FELIX, I , • . P. X. COLEMAN, > Committee. A. 11. PEACOCK, ) And endorsed by over 50 of the beat men of Beading. Tho above Safes can bo inspected at 34 Walnut Street, where the public can satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the “Herrings Patent Champion,** over the defeated and “inside Iron Door Salamander.** FABBELS & HERRING, 54 Walnut Street, Philad’a. Only J taken in this State nf Herring's Patent Champion Softs. Tho attempt m.uie by otlior parties to bolster op the repa tatinu of a Safe which luts failed go signally In occidental fires In Philadelphia, (Hanstcad PIoco,) by taking one oat of on Agent’s store, (11. A. Lantz,) mode double thickness, (differ ent from those they sell) to “born up” one of lid-ring's, (half as thick) has met with its trno reward. Herring’s Safe could not be burnt proving conclusively that the only reliable Safe now made is ‘•Herring’s” of which over 15,000 two now in actual use. and moro tliaa 200 liavo been tried by fire without a single loss. July 13. IW7. ■ ly. EXITED STATES DflTEl. Difienbacher & Farnsworth, Propr’s, tgsft&v t rpHE GRAVES HOTEL. JL lately occupied by P. P. CLEAVER, has been thorough, ly overhauled and refilled with / an especial reference to the comfort and convenience of the traveling public. The present proprinlors aim'to build up a reputation for their House, entirely upon its merits as a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. They will therefore be. slow every needful attention upon their patrons— making their comfort the grand object of their efforts. The COUDERSPORT and CEDAR RUN Stages leave their Hotel every Tuesday and Friday at 2 o’clock P. M. Attached to this popular Hotel is a LIVERY STABLE, for the accommodation of pleasure parlies and the business public. Wcll&boro* April IP, 1857. WHEW? OO YOU HADN’T HEARD THE NEWS? O Well, no wonder. Kansas has been invaded, Lawrence has been sacked and the Free Stale Ho tel with all its Furniture has been destroyed. The subscriber, always awake to the best interests of his fellow-citizens,and knowing that there must be a great demand lor CABINET FIKxMTIKE in consequence of said Sack, has concluded to re main at his old stand, two doors below Roe’s Store where he is generally in attendance to receive and wait upon customers. Constantly on hand, or man ufactured to order, Solas, l>iTans, Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining Sf Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAHOUONY & COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage, French and Common Bedsteads, of every description,together with all articlesusn* all; made in his Hue of business. From his knowledge of the business he flat lers himself with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine hjs t work before sending clsewhcr for an inferior TURNING done in a neat manner, at'abort no tice. Q Chairs! Chairs! . irjlL In addition to the above, the subscr I?|SSsjbcr would inform the public that he ha /fj v juftlrcccivcdalargcand handsomcasaorl merit of cane and common chairs, Boston and Common Rocking Chairs, winch lie will sell as cheap,if not cheaper,than they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga county. Call and see them 1 Wcllsboro’, June 13 ’56. B. T. VANHORN- Hear ye I Hear ye! Hear ye! WE hold these truths self-evident: That the way to be prosperous Is to buy cheap and always of the best quality ; buy nothing simply be cau<*e it is cheap, out because you need it and tha It is both good and cheap; that those who buy cheap by the quantity, can retail first quality goods cheap; that an economical buyer can sell goods at as low a figure in Wellsboro* as they can be purchased in the Cjly; and therefore that YOUNG IS THE MAN, who buys economically ; and that YOUNG’S IS THE, PLACE, TO ri'RCIIAEE Gold and Silver, Duplex, Lever , Anchor and Cylin der WATCHES, Gold Chains, Gold Lockets, all sizes aud qualities. Gold Cameoand Mo saic Breastpins aud Earrings, Finger Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, $c Silver Plated Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Childrens caps, salt cellars, Egg cups Tea Knives, Butter Knives, Table Forks, ’ Table and Tea Spoons, sc. A new supply of Clocks of ell kinds , sizes, prices and qualities. Wellsboro’ Jan. 1, *57. A. YOUNG. A L S O J-F YOU WANT TO BUY BOOKS, go to Y O II IV G ’ S j For he has just returned from the City with an en tirely new slock of BOOKS & STATIONERY, Fancy Goods, Reticules, Portmonnaies, Jet Bracelets, Harrison's Perfum eries, Harrison's Shaving and Toilet Soap. HARRISON’S COUUJURIAN INKS, BRACK, RED AND BLUE. The Spring Fashions. ATTENTION, LADIES! Mrs. E. E. Kimball Sc Co., BEG leave to acqnainl the Ladies of Wellsboro* and vicinity, that they have jDst brought into market a select assortment of MILLINERY GOODS of the best quality and latest styles, which they offer to the public at reasonable prices, and for CASH, only! REPAIRING $ TRIMMING done to order. Shop two doors above the Presbyterian Church, Wcllsboro* April 3, 1856. General European , Passage 6p Draft Office -OF- Sable & Cortes* 177, Broadway, W. Y. PASSAGE! TICKETS by first class Sailing Pack, els, or by ll»c Liverpool and New York Screw Steamship's Company's splendid line of Steamers, from or to Liverpool. Also Drafts upon Great Britian or Ireland. Persons wishing lo send for their friends from any part of tlie old country, can make the accessary arrangements with the undersigned. ■“Sight drafts on Great Britain or Ireland, sold by ged. b. McGrath. Elmira* April 30,1857. HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Annoancement. TO ull persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, soch as SPERMATORRHOEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRIKEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF-ABUSE, &c., &c.. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia in view ol the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which arc practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quack*, have directed their Con. suiting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, to all person.* thus afflicted, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, with a description oflhcir con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, aad in case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent InstUo tion, established by special endowment, for the re lief of the sick and with.**Viru. lent and Epidemic Diseases,”~ond its funds can bo used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus, of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the As sociation commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish (he most approved modern treatment,—Valuable advice also given to sick and nervous female*, afflicted with Womb Complaint Leucorrhcca, &c. ‘ Address, (post-paid,) Dr: GEO. R. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard [Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, ii EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary. October 25,1856.—1 y. !• iJAVE YOU MONK’S NEW.AMERICAN MAP. Exhibiting the larger portion of North America embracing the Uniled Stales and Territories, Mex ico and Central America, including the West In dia Islands, the Canadas, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Compiled ftomj recent Government surveys and other authentic sources. It also exhibits a mopof the! world on Mercator's Projection, by which, the relative positions of the. Eastern and Western Continents, and the various groups of Islands arc show&at one view. This map contains abouls36 square feet, is got up in magnificent style, mounted on Rollers, and is delivered to subscribers at tire astonishing low price of $6 50, colored by 57.00 colored by counties. ; We have the exclusive right to sell this map in Tioga Co. Mr. Geo. H. Taher will canvass the County Ibrtbwilh, carrying a copy of the map for examination. ; PUTNAM &j TANER, Agents. Dec. 18,1856. (6t.) ! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!— Just received from the village of New-York, a large and splendid assortment of Spring & Summer Goods at the Store of the undersigned in Middlebury, Pa. and which he is offering at reduced prices. His stock consists in a full Assortment of all man ner of Goods commonly kept in a country Store. It is needless to mention articles. We shall keep, constantly on hand. Pork, Floor, Salt, White Fish and Mackinac Trout. We are determined to sup ply the wants of every roan, [woman and child, in our line of business, and say to our friends and pa Irons to come on with the almost confidence in oar disposition and ability to supply your every want. It will be owing to a combination of our compctit-- ora to bribe the N. Y. &- Eric Railroad Company against transporting our freight, if wc fail in so do ing* _ H. H.-POTTER. ‘ MidVy Center, June 5 *56.; J. B. Potter agt. MEW TAILOR SHOP. _ ronage, with neatness and despatch. He does not feel it necessary to put -his work as it is warranted Id famish its own rec ommendation. No garment is permitted to go out of the shop that is not mode in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in CuUingand Filling. This Department, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live aodflet live” rale, I have adopted the !* Pay-Down [System and-shall rigidly adhere to it. Wellsboro’. March 13,1856] H. P. ERWIN. Carriage & Wagon Manulac torvJ tTENRY PETRIE wcjuld an-. M g. nounce to his friendsjand public generally, that lie is the above business on Graftdn street, immediate in the rear of J. R. Bowen’s store, wherejie is pre pared to manufacture on short notice. Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, Wagohs, ofany style or description to suilthe purchaser and of the very best materials. All kinds of re pairing done forthwith and on the most reasonable terms. j PAINTING AND TRIMMING will be prompt ly executed in the bestmanner and most.fash ionahlc style. I Ware. Wellsboro,’ July 13/55. HENRY PETRIE. Who will go to Kansas ? THE subscriber will sell the Farm on which he lives, in Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100 of which is improved. It well watered, has a comfortable housep-barns, necessaiy -outbuildings and a good orchard of choice ifruit thereon. Also, a Tavern Stand in La|vrenccvil!e, known as ihc “Geer House,” with ample accommodations. Attached is a Store building suitable for the Gro cery and Dry Goods business-pall to be sold or rent ed to suit applicants. For terms apply to Lawrcnccville,Sept. 11 *56.|M. S. BALDWIN. f* REAT WESTERN ROUTE,— via Ni- agara Falls and Suspension Bridge or Buffalo. GREAT WESTERN & MICHIGAN CENTRAL ROUTE for Detroit, Chicagoj Milwaukee, Galena, Dubuque,Rock Island, St Paul, Burlington, Kansas, St. Louis, and all parts in the ]Wcst & South West Also for Hamilton, London, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec. For through tickets and further informa tion apply to the Ticket Agent, Company's Office, adjoining Delcvan House, opposite depot. W. B. HUBBELL,Ticket Agent Gbo. B. M'Grath, Gen. Passage &. Freight Agt Elmira, April 30,1857. 3ml THE Subscriber having purchased a part of the Stock of Drugs and Medicines formerly owned by Robert Roy, is now receiving fresh supplies. He would respectfully .inform the public that he intends to continue jlhe Drug business: at the old stand. The store will be left still in care bf the former proprie* lor (Robert Roy) and it is hoped that by its ample provision for the wants of the community, and by attention to customers, it may still be found worthy of public fjivor and patronage. Call and see for yoorelvcs. " i JOHN A. ROY. October 9lh, 1856. H. O- COL.E BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, Wellsboro’Pa. i Occupies room over Roberts' Tin Store. Every thing in his line of business! will be done as well and as promptly as it can be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparations for removing dandruff, and bcaqtyfiing the hair for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any and see. Weliaboro’, Oct 18,1855. | (ti> FOR SALE.—A good Two Horse Lumber Wag on, cheap for cash or approved paper. April 6th. \ J. EMERY. Circulation, over 100,000, Weekly. TWENTY FIVE WITNESSES: OR THE 9 FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN S. DYE is the author, who has had ten years experience as a Banker, and Pnbl'uher and Anthnr of a series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle, when for 10 successive nights, over 50,. 000 people greeted him with rounds of applause while he exhibited the manner in which Counterfeit! ers execute their Frauds, and the sorestand shortest means of detecting them! The Bank Note Engravers all eay that he it the best Judge of Paper Money Using, GREATEST DISCOVERY Of THE PRESENT CENTURY, Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE is eats and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. O* No Index to examine I No pages to bont op. Bat so simplified aad arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Easiness Man can see all at a glance. French % German. Tims each may read the same in his own Tongue, Most Perfect Bank Note List Published, ALL PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA. A complete Sommary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published in each edition, to. gclhcr with all the Important NEWS OF THE DAY. Also a scries of Tales from an Old Mann, script found in the East. It furnishes the Most Complete History of ORIENTAL LIFE, and de. scribing the Most Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Country have been so often found. These Stories will continue through, out the whole year, and will prove the Must Enter taining ever offered to the Public. Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $| % year. Letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall SL New York. April 23. 1857. (ly.) - MAP OP TIOGA COUNTY, ' From actual Measurement, and Surveys throughout the county. By a corps of Surveyors who are fully competent to the difficult task assigned them. THE undersigned will publish shortly, provided a sufficient number of. Subscribers bo obtained, a NEWAKD COMPLETE MAP OP TIOOA COTjyTT. All the public Hoads, Railroads, Crossings and Station*, Post- Offices, Churches, School Houses, Stores, Mills, Public and Ihivate Houses, Cemeteries, Manufactories, Shops. ic_, are to be phown on the Map, in addition to the usual topography of Rivers, Streams, Poods and Mountains. The names of prop, erty holders generally, (including those in the county who subscribe In advance for the Map) are also to be inserted at tb«ir respective places, in the style of the Maps exhibited by the canvassers. Maps of the principal villages will be inserted, on a largo scale, in tbe margin; also engraved views of public and pri vate buildings. So expense will be spared to execute the Map in the highest style of art. Tire plan will bo plotted ou a suitable scale, so as to show distinctly all the particulars above specified, and □lake a large and ornamental map. To be engraved and de livered to subscribers, handsomely colored, so as to show the territory comprised in each township, and mounted on rollers. As the map will contain some eighteen square feet of engrav ing, at a cost of several thousand dollars, it will be seen that only a large subscription list will warrant the heavy expense incurred. The maps are sold only by subscription, and at only ouo price. No more maps issued than subscribed for. The map will contain tables of: the population, production*, assessed value of property, religious societies, schools, number of voters, Ac., of each township and village respectively, care fully made up from the latest authentic documents. Relying upon a just appreciation of our efforts, by the ci tixens of Tioga, to issue a map of their county on the above plan, that shall answer their proper expectations, and be en tirely satisfactory, subscriptions are respectfully solicited by James I>. Scott, Publisher, PHILADELPHIA. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent at Well*boro’ Pa. (Sept. 25.) Marriage guide.—young t s great PHYSOLOGICAL WORK, THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS, or Every One His Own Doctor t by WM. YOUNG, M. D. It is written In plain lan guage for the general reader, and is illustrated wilb upwards of one hundred Engravings. All young . nonnlp. qr tbn%P r>onfomn/*rirxr marriflyf. and haying the least impediment to married life, should"read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with. Still it is a book that must be kept locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt o twenty-five cenfs. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, 15 SPRUCE Street* above Fourth, Phil’a, THE’ SUB SCRIBER iiias ;opened anew his (hop opposite Hoy's Stare ecute ibe orders of liis old customers aud others who may favor him with their pal- MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOfelG. MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDG, by Dr WM YUHING MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YO'CiVG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE; bv Dr WM YOUNG The Subsci ber is nr prepared by nr Machinery j n purchased, to ft nish to order, : kinds of square fancy Sash, ai Blinds. Square Sasbo common sizes ways on hand. By long ex rience in the I siness,tl)CBubsi berf alters him: lha be can make as good an article, and sell it as cheap as can b e obtained at any cstabishment in Pennsylvania of New York. Call and see. DAVID S. IRELAN. Covington, September 18,3 856. HZrTUe subscriber is also Agent for the sale or Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D. S. I* NEW ARRANGEMENTS. A GROWL would announce to the citi* • sens 01 Tioga county,that he has associated with him a partner, and the business will be con* ducted under the firm of A.Crowl & Co. They will continue at the old stand, in Wcllsborougn omanuiaclure to order and keep on hand. *Buggys & litimber Wagons, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS , C UTTERS, fic., which for style, durability and elegance oi finish cannot be surpassed by any other simUaiestablish ment in tho country. Workmen of celebrity are engaged, and thebest materials used expressly in all the manufacturing departments of this establishment. Persons send ing orders may rest assured of having them execu cdt to their entire satisfaction,und finished in every particular the same as though they attended in per* son. REPAIRING done asusual, with neatness and despatch. PAINTING of all kinds done on the horlcsl notice, and most reasonable terms. O*All kinds of merchantable produce (dclivec cd) recivcd in .exchange for work, at the niarkri prices. A. GROWL & CO- July 13,1855. POTTER & HAiHMOW s irlß NEW SYSTEM OF PENMAN 8 * I*' 1 *' THIS System teaches a practical, business, writing. doss this systematically. subject is presented not merely as art learqed by imitation, but as a science to be stn and applied. ~ . t For sale, wholesale and retail by Baldwin* D & Co., Tioga, Pa.j Price 90 cents per doz OWE DOLLAR A TEAR. For detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes . Describing every Genuine BUI in .Existence, and Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation! ! * Also a list of id Blind Factory. TON, TIOGA CO., PA. Sash an COVING'.