ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters of Adniioisteation having been granted to ibe subscriber upon the Estate of CHLOE HH.L, late of Chatham dee’d, all persons 'indebted to sald'Eslale are Requested to make immediate payment, and all Laving claims against the same will present them for settlement to RANSLER TOLES, Adm'r, Chatham, Jaly 16,1657. NOTICE is hereby given, that an application has been made to the Court of Common Pleas ot Tioga county, by R. H. Dopd r Rose and Munson Doud, to grant a charter of .incorporation, for religious purposes, to themselves, their associates and successors, under the name and style of “The Baptist Church of Sullivan Stale Road’*—and if no sufficient reasons be shown to the CQntrary,tbe said Court will decree that they become a body corporate. \ 3. F. DONALDSON, Proih'y. July 14.1857, THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the Subscribers, under Uie name of Wells de.'Daggett, in the Mercantile business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts arc lett in the hands of Lewis Dag gett for settlement, and those indebted to the Firm most make immediate payment The business will be continued at the old stand by Lewis Daggett. , Tioga, July 8,1857, O B. WELLS, LEWIS DAGGETT. NOTICE is hereby given that Charles Lawric has £)cd Ins petition in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions ofTioga County, for license, to keep an Inn or Tavern to Blossbarg in said county, and D. H. Stratton has filed a peli tion lor license to keep an Eating House in same place, which application will be disposed.of at an adjourned Court, to be held at the Court House in Wcllsboro on lire Ist Monday of August next, at 2 o’clock P. M. J. F. DONALDSON, Clerk . July 16, 1857. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.— Whkbeas Letters of Adminirinriion on the Estate of BENJAMIN IC. CHAPMAN have this day been granted to Henry B. Card, and whereas an early settlement of the said Estate is earnestly desired ; therefore all persons having accounts with the said estate are requested to make payment immediately, and those having claims against said estate arc re quested to present the same properly authenticated for se.Ulcmenl to HENRY B. CARD. Adm’r. Sullivan, July 16,1857, (Cl)* Guardian's .Sale, BY virtue of an order (o me granted by (he Or phan's Court of Tioga County, I shall expose to public sale, the 10th day of August next at one o'clock, P. M.,.(0n the premises,) the following de scribed real estate, situated in the township of Rich mond, county aforesaid and State of Pennsylvania. Pounded on the North by land of Henry Sarle, on the east by Gilbert Phelps and Chas, Prentiss, on the south by A. W. Wilson, on the west by the Williamson Road—containing about one hundred . and twelve acres. Terms made known on the day of sale. C, W. NESBITT, Guardian . Richmond, July 16th, 1857. ■ AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS (SUGAR COATED .) yKkJ ARE SIARR TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD, ‘ AND CIBE THE SICK. INVALIDS. FATHERS, MOTHERS. PHYSICIANS, PHI- I.ANTI!ROPT?TS, read their Effects, and judge of their virtues for the CURE of Headache, Sick Headache, Font Stomach. Pittsburg. Penna.. May 1. 15."5, Dn» J. C. Ateu. Sir: I liave b«m repeatedly cured of the worst heoUju Jiu any body can have by a doee or two of your (’ilk-.. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. If they will euro others aa they do me, the fact is worth knowing. Vours with great respect, ED. W. PREBtK, - Cfcri* qf Steamer Clarion. Bilious Disorders and Liner Compldinls. Department of the Intcriur._Wm-Uiijrrt,a».Jc - 'a : x.vusj»- Sin: I have upcd your Pill* in my general and hospital practice ever since you mode them, and cannot hesitate to gay they are the boat cathartic we employ. Their regulating action on the liver is quick uiwl decided, consequently they arc an admirable remedy for derangements 6f that organ,—r fndted, I have seldom found a case of bilious disease so ob stinate that it did not readily yield to them. fraternally yours,'ALONZO BALL, M. D., Physician of Marine. Hospital. Dfsenlerjr, Belai, and Worms. Post Office, lion land, Liv. Co., Mich., Not. 16,1855. Da. Ayeb: Your Pills are the perfection of medicine.- They have done my wife more good than I can tell you. She had l*t«n nick and pining away for months. Went off to bo doctored at'grcat expense, but got no better. She then com menced taking your Pills, which soon cured her, by expelling large quantities of worms (dead) from her body. They after words cored her and o«r two children of bloody dysentery.— One of our neighbors had it bad. and my wifp cured him with two dosea of your Pills, while others around ua paid from fire to twenty dollars doctor’s bills, and lost much time, without being cured entirely even then. Such a medicine m yours, which is actnaJlv good and honest, will be prized here. GEO. J. GRIFFIN, PodwaiUr. Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood, From Ilcv. J. V. Ilimca, Pastor of Advent Church, Boston. tin. Ateb.: I have used your Pill* with extraordinary sue" cess in my family and among those I am called to visit in dir tress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood they are the very !>eet remedy 1 have over known,‘and 1 ata confidently recommend them to my friends. Yours. J. V. HIMES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y„ Oct. 24; 1856. Dear Sir: lam using your Cathartic Pills in my practice and hsd them an excellent purgative to cleaoae the system and purify the fountains of the blood. JOHN G. MEACHAM, M- D. ' Erysipelas, Scrofula, King's Evil, Tetter, Tamars, and Salt Rheum. From a Forwarding Merchant of Et. Louis, Feb. 4,18&6. Dr. Atee: Your Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughterof ulcerous sores upon her hands and &ct that had proved incurable for yean. Her mother has Wen long grievously afflicted with blotches and pimples oa-her skin and in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they have cuyod her. ASA MGROIUDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Govt. From the Rev. Dr.Tlawkea, of the Mctboih'st Epis. Church. Pulaski /Toufic, Savannah, Gcu, Jan 6,1806. iToKOimo Sir: I should bo ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought m« if I did act report my case to you. A cold settled in my limbs and brouebt on excrutiating neural gic pain*, wtuch. ended in chronic rheumatism. Notwith standing I had the best of physickm-. the disease-grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Pills. Their effect* "er** slow, but sure. By persevering in the use of them 1 am now entirely well. Struts CHAMBen, Baton Rouge, Ha., Doc 5, I«5o. Pe Attr: I liavo bvco cntiioly cured by jour Pills or (.foat—a pfucf»l*di«eii?e that bad afflicted tnc for >tar«. VINCENT feLIDKLL. For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred com plaints, requiring .inactive purge, they are an excellent remedy For Costiveness -or Constipation, and as a Pinner Pill, tbgy are agreeable and effectual. Fils, Suppression, Paralysis, Infiamma tKn, and even Dcafilcss and Partial BHndnoss, liavo been cured by the alterative action oflbcae Pills. Moat of tJ>o pills in market contain Mercury, which, al though a valuable remedy ic skillful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful consequences that frequently its fncftnHotuTuM. These contain no mercury or min ra' bubbifinco whatever. PROPOSALS Tor carryings the Mail from Weils, boro via Cherry Flat® - , Covington*-Sullivan and Sylvaaia to Troy. (30 miles) daily. (Sands vs except ed) each way, will be tcccivcd at Weljsboro P. 0., for ten days from dale. WolUboro, July 6,1857. rpHE Beptiblicans of Wcllaboro and vicinity-ard requested to meet in the Court House at g o'- clock on Friday evening, 10Lh tost., to transact im portant badness. VVm. JSoßEars, L. I. Nichols, J. F. OoKiLOSON. Commilltc of Vigilance. July 9,185 T. WILCOX & SEARS. WHOLESALE % RETAIL DEALERS IN SOLE ojofiwoaltb, tp accordance with the provisions of the tcath article thereof. There shall be ah additional article to said constitution to bo designated as article eleven, as follows OF PUBLIC DEBTS. Section I. The state may contract debts, to supply casual deficits or failure* in revenues, or to meet expenses not other wise provided for; but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more acts of the general assembly, or at different periods of time, shall never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and Urn money arising frotn the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the -purpose for which it was ob tained,-or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. Sre, 2. In addition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress tnsnrrectioD, defend the state in war. or to-redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the state;’but the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall b© applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. Section 3. Except the debt** above specified. In sections one and two of thl* article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the state. Section 4. To provide for the payment of tbo present debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the ture shall, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient 'to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and Annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not leas than two hun dred and fifty thousand dollars; which sinking fond shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part thereof, and of the Income or pro ceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, together with other funds, or resources, that may be designated by law.— The said sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by assigning to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the state, not required for the ordinary and current expenses of -government, and unless in -case of war. invasion or insur rection, no part of tho said sinking fund shall be used or ap plied hi extinguishment of tho public debt, until the Amount of such debt i» reduced below the sum of five millions of dollars. Sections. The credit of the commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event,he pledged, or loaned to. any individ ual, company, corporation or association ; nor shall the com monwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or stockholder, in any company, association, or corporation. • Section fi. Tho commonwealth Shull not assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough or township or of any corporation or association; unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable tho state to repel invasion, t-upprcAS domestic insurrection, defend itself in time of war, or to the state in the discharge of any portion of its pre«en t indebtedness. Section 7. Tho legislature shall not authorise any county city, - borough, township, or incorporated virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a. stock holder in any company. Association or corporation; or to ob tain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, associ ation, institution or party. hEOOXS ASCENDiI£ST. There shall be an additional article to said constitution, to bc-doaignated os article XII, as "follows: A&ticls j va. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county fchall be divided by a line cutting off over one tenth of us population,, (either to form a new county or other wise.) without the express as«ent of Mich county, by a vote of the electors thereof; aor -hall any new county be established containing less than fonrijbumlrcd square miles. TfljßD From section two of" the first article of the constitution, strike oat the wiirtls, ,r of the city of Philadelphia; anil of each county respectivelyfrom section five, same article strike out the words, ‘-of Philadelphia and of the several counties; from section seven, same article, strike out the wefrd a,-“neither the city of Philadelphia nor any,” and insert in lien thereof the words, “and no;" and strikeout ‘-section four, same article/' and m lieu thereof insert the following: •'Sf.ctiok -1. In the year one thousand hundred and sixty-four, and In every seventh year thereafter, representa tives to the number of one hundred, shall bo apportioned and distributed equally, throughout the state, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxable inhabitants in the Revival parU thereof: except that any county containing at leavf three thousand five hundred taxable*, may be allowed a separate representation; but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no county altuil be divided, in the forma tion of a dL-trict. Any city containing a sufficient number of taxable to entitle it to at least two reprepentatirep*, (.hall have a separate-representation aligned it. and shall l>e divi ded into-convonieut dielricU of contiguous territory*, of equal toxuhle population as near hs may be, each of which district** shall elect one representative.*’ At the end of section seven, saTr« article, insert these words, -the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into single senatorial Awtrict", ot icrriiory us ncarl> equal m tuxal-lo population as possible; but no ward shall be divl- dod in the formation thereof,-" The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of tliis amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into tenatorial an 4 renresent.itive districts, in the manner above provided; such district* to remain unchanged until the ap portionment in the year one- thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. or said ocmstitutiou, übicli nhall bo-numbered and 'read aalbi* lows; ' Section 2f». 7lio legMature,Bball have the power to alter, revoke, or an ml?, any charter of Incorporation hereafter con ferred by, or nndcr, any special, or general lawj whchoer in their opinion it mav be injurious to the citizens of the com monwealth ; In such-manner however, that no iojusticexhall bo done to tho corporators. ’ * \ In Senate, March 27,1857. Hetoh'fd. That this resolution paw. On the first amend nient. yeas 24. nays 7; on the second amendment, yeas 23, nays 8; on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays 4; on the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. [Extract from the Journal.] GEO. W. HAMERSLEY, Clerk. In toe House of Representatives, April 29,1857. Jtaoimf, That this resolution pass. On the first amend ment, yeas 78, nays 12; on the second amendment, yeas 57, nays 34; on the third -amendment, yeas 72, naja 22; on the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays 7. . [Extract from the Journal,] JACOB ZIEGLER, CUri. Filed in Secretary's office, May 2, 1557. A. O. CUKTIN, .S tertiary of the Cbmmomcealth. Secretary's Office, Ilarriaburg, .Tunc 22,1857. Peniisylranfn, «.«. I do certify that the above and foregoing is a trno and cor rect copy of the original “Besolntion proposing amendments to'the Constitution of the Commonwealth,*’ with the vote hi each branch of th e Legislature upon the final passage thereof as' appears from the originals on tile fn this office. [l_ a.] In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed (bo seal of tho Secretary's Office, the ilay and year above written. A. G. CUUTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Tx Senate, March 27,1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, WilHhe Senate agree to the first amendment? The yeas and nays wore taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: Yeas—Messrs Brewer, Browne; Coflby,- Hy. Evans, Fetter. Tlennikcn. Frazer. Ingram, Jordad, Killingcr, Knox, Law bach, Levriß, Mycr, Scofield. Sellers, Shuman, Steele, Straub. Welsh, Wilkins, Wright acd Taggart, XpeaJcer —24. Nats—Messrs Crabb, Cresswelt, Finney, Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Soother—7. So tho question was determined in tho affirmative. On the question, * ‘ Will the Senate agree to the second amendment ?' - The yeas and nnyaVerc taken agreeably to tho provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow-, viz; Yeas—Messrs Brewer, Browne. Cresswell, Ely, Evans. Fet ter, Finney, Fleuaiken, Ingram, Jordan, Knox, Laubach. Lewis, Myer, tollers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Wil kins. Welsh, Wright and Taggart, Speaker —23. Xavs—Messrs Coffey. Crabb, Frazor. Gregg. Harris, Killlu gor, Penrose and Scofield—B. So tlie question was determined in the affirmative. On tW question. ' Will the Sehato agree to the third amendment ’ The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of tire constitution, and were as follow, viz: Yeas—*' Ihcwor. Drewno, Crobh, Crcsswcll, El} - , Erani. i’lenniken, Knizcr, Ingram, Jordan, KiJUngw. Knox, lAnboch. Lewis, ,Uycr, .Scofield, Svllem, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkioo aud Wright—24. NAys—Messrs Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Pruroee—l - the <1 notion vu determined in Iho affirmative. On the question, _ Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and ua>!« were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were aa follow, viz: Yeas —sfc«?ra Brewer. Browne, Coffey, Cnwre,'!, Ely, Ev ans, Flennlkcn, Frazer, Ingram, Kiliingcr, Knox, Lanhtfcb, Lewie, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, -tohumao. Souther, Steele, Straub, Wwlah, Wilkins and Wright—23. Navs —Messrs Crabb, Finney, Jordan l and Pentose—4. Sofhe question waadetermined in the affirms tiro. In the Hocsb of Representatives, April 29,1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, • - Will the Uouso agree to the 11 &l amendment ? Theyoae and nays were taken’agreeably to the provision* of thoconstimtlon, and were a* follow, viz: Yeas —Messrs Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bovver, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, CravVford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster. Fausold, Foster, Gibbduey, Qildi*, Hamel. Harper, Heins, Hirswmd. Hill, Hillegaa, Hoff mao, (Becks,) linbric, Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, John son, Kauffman, Kerr, Kuiglit, Loisonriog, Longaker, "Lovett, Manvar, Jlaugle, M’Calmont, iTlhain, Moorhead, Mmnma, Mussolman, Nichols, Nicholson. Nuns-macher, Pearson, Peters, Petnkln, Powoali, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) iUnwey; {York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberta, Bupp, Shaw, bloan, Smith, Cambria,) Fudth, (Centro,) htevcuaon, Tolau, Vail, Tanvoor* bis, Vjrkcrs, Vooehbjy, Waller, Westbrook, Wharton, Wlltls ton, With crow Wright, Zimmerman and Getz. Speaker- 78. Baukn*, Benson, Dock/Hamilton, Hancock, Hme. Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Lobo, Stmthers, Thorn, Warner and Wiotrode—l2- So tbo question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, . Will toe House agree to the second amendment? .The yeas and nay* were taken ogreeahlv to the provisoes of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: - Yeas—Messrs Anderaon, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bower, Calhoun. Campbell,’ Carty, Ent, Fausold, Foster, Gilded, Hamel, Harper, Heins, HtesUnd, HiUegas, Hoffman, (BerksO Housekeeper, Imtrio, Johns, Johnson. Kaon* man, : Kni|bt, Lelscnripg,-Longaker,Lovett; Mangle; M’llvaln, Moorhead, Mnsselipgn, IffcholF; Nicholson, Ntflne nzschoc, fearsos, Peters, Pettikin, Pownall, Purcelk Baroacy, (Philadelphia,) ifasjjsey, (Y ork,) Keamer.-RoberU, -Rupp. Shaw, Sloan, Tolin,.YaiU Voeghloy, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, 7irur.srnis.2 and Getz. yV»-?tv—sT >*l3—Mewrs Ar’b , l -,'A'i£'j- , .ct. E' , n t, T. Tith'-r XHJS TIOGA, COUNTY AGITATO!!. Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eystcr, Glbboney, Uamfl ton. Haßcoctej'Uill, Hine, K«rr, LelKr, 'SltSkfmonf. Mutnm*, Reed, italtir, (Cambria.) Smith, (Centre*) Stevenson, StmthesB,-Tboni. Vanvoorhis, Vickers, WagoDeellcr, Warner, IHtherow and Wrightr—34. So the question was determined in the affirmative. - On the question, Will the House agree to the third amendment ? The yeas oud nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: Anderson, Backhouse, Rail, Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown, 'Calhoun, Canipbeh, Chase' Clearer, Crawford, DJCkey, Ent, Eystcr, Fausold, Foster, GibbOney, Hamel, Har per, Heins, HFestand, Hi!!, Ilillegns, Hoffman, (Berks,) Hoff man. (Lebanon.) Housekeeper. Imbrie, Inhea, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lcbo, Longaker, Lovett, Uanear, Mangle, M’Chlmont, Moorhead, Mumma, Muesclman, Nichols, hTcholson, Nancra.ichcr, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan. Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, ToJan, Vail, Tanvoorqfs, Vickers, Voeghley, TTftgonseller, Westbrook, Wihiston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker —72. Nays—Messrs Arthur* Angus tine, Backus, Bishop, Cftrty, Dock, Glldea, Hamilton, Hancock, Hlne, Jenkins, Knight, Leispnring, MTlvnln, Ramsey. (Philadelphia-) Roberts, Strutb ers, Thorn, Walter, Warner, Wharton and Wlntrode—22, So the question was determined m the affirmative. On tho question. Will the Housoagree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the constitution. and were a* follow, viz: Yeas—Messrs Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Bnt, Eyster, Fauaold, Foster, Glbboney, Gildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand, .Hill, Hiilegas, Hoffman, (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,)House keeper, Imbrie, Junes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Karr, Lebo. Lelseuring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear Maugle, M'Calmont, MTivain, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemachcr, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownell, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp. Shaw* Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre) Stevenron Tolan Vail Vanvoorhfs Vickers Voegh- Jey IFagonseller Walter Warner Westbrook Wharton Wil- Ueton M’itherow Zimmerman and Gotz, Bptaktr~~ S3. Nays—Messrs Dock Hamilton Hancock Strutiers Thorn Tfintrode and Wright—7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. SECUETAfIY*S OFFICE, Htr.niSßt.TlO. JUDO 22, !So7. Peunsjfivatitd, 1 do certify that tho above and foregoing Is a true and cor rect copy of the Yens and Nays taken on the resolution pro posing amendments to the Constitution of the Cotnmon wealth. ns the same appears on the Journals of the two*Hou -806 of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, for the session of 1557. Witness my hand and the seal of said office, (bin ft. s.] twenty-second clay of one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-sovoD. A. G. CURTIN, •{kerdary of the CommomceaWi, TIOGA POINT, AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Re M. WELLES 4- BROOKS, Athens, Rradford Co., Pa. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in El ,-y’snu,.^ Threshers and Separators, Threshers and Cleaners, Portable Circular and Cross- Cut Saw Mills and Shingle Machines. Clover Hullers, Emery's, Hickok's and Kravser's Cider Mills and Presses, Corn Shelters, Hay, Straw and Stalk Cu'ters, Horse Rakes, Dog Powers, Clow's Grain Cradles, Corn and Cob Mills, Cultiva tors, Horse Hoes. Dederick’s Hay-Press. Stump Machines, Leather and Rubber Belting. Kctchnm’s iflowci' & Reaper, Excelsior Fanning Mills, Provision Safes and Refrigerators. Extras supplied tor repairing nil Machines sold by us. Our Excelsior Fanning Mills are the best in (he Stales. Descriptive Calalogaes,Prlce Lisla and Circulars sent gratis to applicants. Send us yonr address. R. IK. Welles Jk B looks. Athens, Pa., July 9,1957. —3 m.- - - - r. a. tic -trave lersale encap tor castl, pnyautc bcfbrc'the first day of September next, two Ketch* urn’s Light 2 Horse Mowers, 4 feet cutter bars; they are strong, durable machines, well adapted for rough meadows, and calculated to please the farmer. B. M. VV. & B. NEW FIRM, BALDWIN, LOWELL & CO., ARE now receiving a very choice and carefully selected assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Groceries and Provisions, and arc prepared to furnish them to customers at As Reasonable Prices -As they can be bought in any other Market, Customers can rely upon finding at all times any article they may wish* and all Goods., warranted to be as represented. Silks, and Ladles’ Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim mings. -Ladies will do well to call and examine the Slock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin. Lowell &, Co., have always on hand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Hade Clothing, which will be sold at Hie lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Class Stone, Hollow and Wooden Ware, Iron, tcel, Nails, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs of every kind and of the best quality, with BOOTS SHOES, for Everybody. *,* All kinds of Country Produce Inked in ex change for goods at the market ptu-es- Tioga, July 3, 185 7. NILES & ELLIOTT HAVE leased the stand formerly occupied by R. S. BAILEY, and are now receiving and selling at fair prices, one 61 the largest and finest stocks of DRY GOODS, such as C!oU»s,Cassiineres, Vestings and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Dress Stuffs of every description, from chenp.and durable prints up to a fine quality of Dress Silks, Sheeting, Shirting, &c, Riiady-ITladc Clothing. Summer, Full and Winter styles, well made and of good material for the prices asked. BOOTS & SHOES from ladies’ finest kinds down to Brogans and Boots fur farmer’s wear, and at such prices as cannot fail (o suit the reasonable customer. Wo also keepcon stantJy on Imnd FLOIIB, FISH & 'SALT of prime’qcidlity and as,cheap as they can bo bought in Wells boro. We wish to purchase all kinds of produce, such as WHEAT, RYE , OATS $ CORN, Eggs, Blitter, Cheese, Wool* Hide* for which we wilLcxchnnge goods, or pay the high est market prices in CASH, on delivery, or at such lime as shall be agreed upon by, both parties. TVe have a good lot of FARM 'IMPLEMENTS. Iloeo. Shades, Shovel#; Garden Rake*,- Hay Rake#, Hay Forks, «sLc., which we will exchange for hash or produce as cheap as they can be bought elsewhere. 'The trading public are invited to call and examine our'stock. ~ NILES & ELLIOTT. „ WelUboro.June 25,. 1857, i : THE CO=I* ARTS ERSHIP . heretofore existing I>elveen the subscribers io the publishing hnsi neWfUlhfc-day dissolved by mutual consent, David Siunddr retiring from the firm. - . J 4. B, COBB, . - - : Jape 13,3857. DAVID STUBROCK. . • Tlw booka l an3 account* arc in the hands oFM. H. Cobb, by wi.cir. lUe p=pr y\\ 1 be puUi?hcdur.v! T 9 THOSE WHO WANT FIRMS A FARM WITHIH THE REACH OF EVERT MAH. THE RIDGWAY FARM COMPANY has made arrange ments by which aJPwho desire to settle or purchase a home can do so. The Farms consist of the best limestone soli of tho most superior quality for farming, in a rapidly Improving place. Into which an extensive emigration is sow pouring.- The property is located in Elk County, Pennsylvania, in the midst of a thriving population qf some 10.000. The climate is per fectly healthy.and the terrible plague of the vest fever is unknown. It also has no abundance of the best quality of Coal and Iron. Tho price to boy it out is from $3 to $2O per acre, payable by Instalments, to be located at the time of pur chasing, or a share of 25 acres entitling to locate the samrfor $3OO, payable $0 per month or 12^acres payable $1 per month. Discount for e*ery sum of $lOO and under, paid in advance, a discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed, and for er $lOO a discount of lu per cent In considering tho advantages of emigrating to this locality tbe following are presented: ■ftrrt—The soil is a rich limestone, capable of raising tho ; heaxiest crop*, owing to which this settlement baa attained Its presen t great prosperity. • Second —lt is the centre* of the great North West Coal Ba sin. and is destined soon to become one of the greatest busi ness places In the State. It will supply the great Lake mar ket, (according to population and travel the greatest In the Union.) It has five workable veins of the best Bituminous Coal’ amounting in the agregate to over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tons of coaj under etch acre. This will m&ko the land of Inestcmable vajne. Tho eminent state geologist Dr. Chas.T. Jackson of Boston, has mode a geologncai surrey of tbe land, and analysed tho coal, the iron ore and the limestone. This report together with maps will be furnished to Inquirers. JVimf— I Three railroads are laid out through this property, The Snnbury and Erie Railroad gives us a market fdr our coal to the lakes—lt runs from Erie to Philadelphia. A large part of this road has been finished, and is now in running order. A heavy force Is now working from Erie towards our land In tho western direction, tb’e means for the completion of which has been raised—it will soon be finished. The Alleghany Valley Railroad connects us with New York, Boston and Pitts burg. The Venango Hoad connects us with tbe West. There arc already good Turnpike Roads running through this property, various other roods have been opened to accom modate the emigration and settlement Much Inis already ta ken phico. There is no opportunity equal to it npw offered to tho man who wants to provide himself a homo In an easy way. and make a settlement where ho can live in prosperity and Inde pendence in a climate PERFECTLY HEALTHY. ’ No ca«e or the fever ever Imvlng been known to occnr fn tliH settlement. It, is not likepoing to the backwoods of the We*t, among perhaps intolerant people, where there is no po* eicty, churches, or schools, where the price of land is high, and where tho emigrant, after being used to the healthiest cli mate in tho world, him to endure sickness and pain, and per haps mins his health and that of his family. Hut here la a, thriving settlement lowing three towns, containing churches, school*, hotels, stores, saw mills, grist, mills, oud everything debited. There is a ca«h market at linnd. The lumber trade last year amounted to over two hundred million feet of lum ber. In a short time, owing to the coal, it will become still more valuable, us a number of Iron works and manufactories will soon bo started; they are at present starting them ex tensively at Warren. Even for those who do not wish to go there, the payments are such that they can easily buy a farm to save their rising families from want in the tuture, or to gain a competence by the rise which will tako place in the value of lands. Cyan outlay scarcely missed, a substantial provision can ho made. * Persons should makg early application, apply or write toE. Jefferies, Secretary, No. I him done directly under Ins supervision. No work wiJL be sent out half finished. MILL GEARINGS, PLOUGHS* STOVES* and castings of all kinds on Imsd and to ordrp. ROBERT YOUNG. Wellsboro May 28,1857. PORK-FLOUR-SALT. NEW PROVISION STORE. DHART respectfully informs his friends . and the public generally, Uiai lie Jios porclias- | ed the Store lately occupied by Jones &, Roe, and ; has associated with him Mr. B. Short, under Ibe name of HART dk SHORT, who are notit' receiving a fresh. No, 1 stoclt of PORK, FLCfIIK, FRUIT, j 1 OROCERTES, and every article in the Grocery and Provision line.,' They intend to introduce and keep constantly on jj hand, that fine brand of Flour known as EXTRA GENESEE and which, unlike the Flour which haa been peddled out to this.public for several years past, Will make good, while Bread.; and is worllvevery cent it costs. We intend to bay l all kinds of Produce and pay the CASH. There-' 1 fore we our Groceries and Provisions for' CASH. - ; We have aUo a light stock of ! DRY GOODS * i which will be sold cheap. Cull and examine fo yonrselvcs. HART & SHORT. | Welkboro, May 14, ISSTif. ; YOU can find anything that you may want in the' line of FANCY GOODS at YOUNG'S. ! HE has just returned from the City with a tip-j top selected assortment, ; HE is determined to do the fair thing in the way; gf a Cash Business. I DON’T be afraid to'’ask fur a sight of his splcn- : did stock of Jewelry and late Publications. i HE keeps bHu self on Viand to show his slock and’ to sell them just as 1 reasonably as they can be: purchased west of New York, * VVellsboro* June 4, 1757. Use ARTHUR'S Cele- HOY'S COLUMN RECEIPTS. 1 , : TO DESTROY RATS.—Take half an ounce of] ■ Spanish Flies and mix U with one pint of Corn; meal and place it where they will eat it. 4 SUPERIOR VV ASHING SOAP.—Take 5 pounds 1 - good bar soap, 4 lbs Soda, 2 ounces Borax and I ounce Hartshorn, lo be dissolved in 22 quarts! of water and boiled about 15 minute*. FOR WORMS.—Give a child over two years old a small tea spoonful of Fluid Ex(racC*df Pink and Senna once every two hours till it operates as a cathartic. “DALSAM TOLU.—This balsam is procured from! SUmU, America—it Ui n most vi1.,1 lie remedy f„ r eel,),, cough, and aff( J Hons of the lungs. Price ol Uiisani® imu Remedy, 50 cents per bottle. j FARRIER'S OIL — For Honsesund Cattle — very: useful for sores, wounds,scratches, gall* and in: all cases where a healing remedy is required. Price ! 25 cents. j FARRIERS LINIMENT—For Horses &. Cattle A most valuable article for swelling*, bruises,j sprains, stiff or enlarged joints, windgalls, kicks and sweeney. Price 25 cents. ’ 1 ESSENCE OF GINGER. — A mild and safe ulant useful for bowel complaints; much used! in hot weather to prevent the bad effects of drinking! 100 much cold water. ROSEMARY OINTMENT is a useful article for) chapped hands, pimples on the fate, burns,i scalds, eruptions on the skin Ac. Price 12 and 2oj cents per box. - | jTO ILIOUS PHYSIO.—A pleasant cathartic in' I the liquid firm, useful especially for children* 1 | as the dose is small and it is much casicrito take; I than pills. Price 25 cents. -1 CHOLERA DROPS.—The most effectual reme-! dy for bowel complaints in use. in ! | time it can hardly fail to cure if the directions are: , strictly complied with. Price 25 cents. v 1 MOUNTAIN Balm.—To heal and Strengthen! the lungs; to soothe the irritation of a bad ; cough; to relieve bronchitis, asthma, phthisie and whooping cough. This medicine contains no miner-' ah? of any kind, nor morphia nor opium in any i form | but it is prepared entirely from simple plants i and roots. It is remarkably successful in tho cure iof had coughs nnd lung complaints Piicc 30 Lo 50 els per bottle. j (“IRYSTAL EYE WATER.—A valuable remedy' lor sore or inflamed eyes—with full foi use. Price I2J nnd 25 cU per bottle, X>LEACHING POWDER.—To remove ink and fruit stains dec., from linen. Price 12J els per box, with full directions for ( usc, j ■pE/JMANENT 51ARKING INK- To mark coli Urs und so that thc-name will nol wash out. Price 25 els per bottle. r'IEPHALIC SNUFF.— For Catarrh, Headache : dec. Price 25 cents a buttle. ! j 4 RMENIAN CEMENT. — For mending brukc n gl.ißs or china ware, with directions tor its us® Price 4 25 cent* per bottle. (Warranted.) 1 POTASH, S il sjoda, Salrralus, Pure Ginger, Pure Ground Ma>tard, und HumeU’s Essence ofCofl I fee, just received ami for sale at Roy’s Drug Store. [ Butter' of antimony is one or the be*! cuuslics used by Farriers to cure corns on ; horses’ feel, also lo cure warlj*. i PIERSON’S EXPECTORANT.-A valuablereml cdy (or coughs, colds and lung difficulties. | INDIAN SANATIVE DROPS or Life Regulafarj is considered u mo*l valuable article for difficul ties caused, by impurity of the blood, .this article recommends itself; certificates are unnecessary—4. try it if you would,know its value. j CHEMICAL HAIR TONIC.—This compound is used to prevent the hair from fulling off to cause it lo grow m thicker—and to restore hair that is, growing gray to its original color ; it Is nicely per? fumed nnd is very pleasant article for toilet use. B RUCHES AND BROOMS.—ATuIt assortment of Brushes of all kinds kept hand—a new lot jdst arrived | Afresh supply of Camphcno and Fluid just re ceived at Roy’s Drug Store, | BOOKS. I Bred, a Talc of the Dismal Swamp,—Mrs, Stowe. Riscand Progress of Religion,—-Dndndgc. | Family Testament and Pbalnis, with hotc?, (Targe (ypr.) " .; Lite of Atnos Lawrence of Boston, Mass. • Cruden’K Concordant*. How to bo a. man, (a New Book for Boy*, by Ncwl comb.) 3 ' ; Rena,nr the Snow Birch—Caroline Lee Hcnfz. 1 The.. Hills of ShaUemuuk, (by thu author of the Wide Wide World. f A variety of Children’* Books—Blank Books—j- Sehool Books, Stolioneiy See. Also the Depository of the Tioga. County; Bible a | large ySrlctv cf Bible* ■ind r r-ir is , r y | ‘ j ' SPRING AND SIIMIiR GOODS. W. A. 808. IN BOY’S NEW BULBING. IS nose receiving a large and extensile assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HATS U CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERy, NAILS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES glass ware, looking glasses. WOODEN WARE. GLASS, fISH.SALT. We deem ft unnecessary to enumerate articles, a* nearly every article that is dsnaPy kepi in a Store can be found at this estabHshmcm,and at pt«c» that defy aU competition, as we will not be undersold in any article, by any man or combination of men. Purchase;*,especially GASH BUYERS, will Snd it greatly lo llieir interest |o cull, aad examine Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. SHOES-. 1 SHOES I—the largest assortment of Men’s, Women's and GliUdrenNs Shoes, in town and for sale cheap at ROE’s. /CALICOES, GINGHAMS and LAWNS—a V large a°9onmenl and RQE’s. Warp ajpd Colton Yarn at ROEV LEACHED MUSLINS —the best and cheapo! assortment con kfe found at ROE’S. BLACK SlLKS—Ladies will find very good amJ cheap Black Silks at ROE’.*. WA. ROE has removed to the new • Store in RQY's BUILDING. CASSIMERES— Gent* will find a good assort ment of black and ftney, at f?OE*s. CLOTHING! CLOTHING !—GcnU will find a grand assortment and good at ROE'*. HATS &, CAPS of every description fi>r 'Man and Boy«, very cheap at RQEV. jV PARASOLS—Ladres will find a beautiful a-*.*oA mental ROEV.# DOMESTIC GOODS—such as Cotton Mailing, Bed-Ticking, Stripe Shirting, Bloc Denim*, Drillings, Brown Factory Cotton Yarn Carpel warp, and Colton Diaper for Table nsc,& —at ROE’s. SICK HATS —Super -extra, Spring stylts and latest fashion, at ROE'*. WeUsboro* May 14. 1857- j . The Empfrcl The Empire!; NE W FIRM 4- NEtf GOODS ! IjOWEN & BULEAEDS, X) J. K. Bowen,] would infbrrfl tisc public ih-il they may be found at the old sUod of J. R. Bowen,* known as t!>e jbshkubh where they arc now receiving fresh-from the City, a fall supply of SPUING & SUM7IER GOODS, of every variety and quality, which cannot but Miit the mo«t fastidious, and at the lowest rates : Sndi as Mu rider.colored Prints, 6] rente, superior Rug* lishahd Merrimack Prints, Cambric and Muslin Lawns, rich and beautiful French anc Am*)iron Ginghams, Ttrw Spring style Chalhs, Black and Plaid Dress Silks all qualities, and u good bl}le i*t Lawns for 0 I*4 els. BOOTS b.' ing pictures will do well to give him a call bcluru puichasing elsewhere. As nothing is really cheap that is,, not good, tho artist intends to put out good pictures at fair prkes. ( He prepared lo give instructions lo Operator-*' in all the Idlest and rnosl a*elul improvement* ol Urn art. Also instructions in Grecian Oil Painting giv. cn on lljc most reasonable terms. You that have beauty sbcuM to .Tones take, it. You that have none go It* him make it. Rooms al the Wellsboro Hotel. GaardiauN bale. PURSUANT lo an o*dcr of the Orphan's* Court of Tioga County. I will expose lo public ?.«<>» lo the highest and heal bidder, on Monday, the &)> cfpv of Jufy next, at the Court (louve in the following de>cfibcd real estate, the "properly nf u m. II- Hunter, Olive Hunter, Charlotte Uuatir. Mcriit Hunter, Eunice Hunter und Mary minor children of Mary Iluulci deceased, kite of Middkhnry, to wit. A lot of land situated in Middk-bory t>p. v eoaniv of Tioga aforesaid, hounded north hy hind 1 in p«?. session ofChdOnccy tiara aad Elijah’ Knapp,on thu cnvl by Sylvester Heckcsitb, on ihe south by John Prulsraan, and op the west by Thomas J. Main containing about 48- acres and allowance, with about 4Q acres improved, a frame ho««e, frame barn ond a small apple orchard thereon. Terms made known on day ofsalc. MINOR S. FIELD Middlelniry, June 11, 1857. Guardian. Exccolor’b KuUcu. IKTTEUS testamentary having been grantrd tu J the undersigned upon the estate of James ter, lute of Sullivan, dec'd ; all persons' indebted *•» said estate aic requested to make immediate pay. mcnl, and those having claims against the same *a ill urcacnt them for settlement to bakeman MONROE ) - . LAFAYETTE GRAY \ EXT 9 Sullivan, June 11, 1857. SE &\n manufactory—r. m. hill?. ha* removed to the bu.lding formerly occupied by R. RCNDEL, (Tailor,) immediately back of Young's Book Store,where all kinds of Tobacco ard Segiirs csn he had at reasonable prices wholesale and retail (May 7U», 1857] ’ITT'HEREAS my Wi/e Eunice has left my hou>o .VV and board, (ihehcd and ...other properly the took w ill) her.) This is to forbid all persons -ha* boring or trusting her on my aocou/n,as I shall r? v ■feo debts of her contracting * M .ddl-r j"‘ T v'. ’ v ' . -