Transplanting Cabbages. Often when cabbage plants are removed from the beds where they were raised to the garden square, a large portion die, and in a few days the gardener must re-set the square with other plants, and this has occurred so frequently that most persons have concluded that ft is inevitable. Many will doubt when we tell them that it is wholly their fault that every plant does not live. Yet such is the fa|;t. It results from two errors which are easily avoided. One is that in drawing the plants the roots are broken, and the other from keeping out of the ground too long, un til it becomes more or less dry., The garden er instead of having the land prepared fully before he lakes bp the plant and going thro’ the whole process of drawing and planting in B few minutes, offen draws the plants, then lays off the ground, and then drops every plant where it is to be put, before he begins to sol the first one, and by the time he gets , to the last they are hopelessly injured. Some times, we have seen such instances, the plants are lying thus on the ground exposed to the heat of the sun for hours, before they are planted. If they grew afterwards it would be very wonderful. The pla.n which we have pursued for many years seems lo us to be far more reasonable, - and certainly is much more successful than that usually followed in this xegion. VVe prepare the land thoroughly first of all, and then lay it off before a plant is drawn from the bed. Some hours before the plants are drawn, water is applied freely to the beds in which [he plants are growing to solten the earth, so that the plants can betaken without breaking ihe roots. The plants are then care-, fully drawn, and taken at once to the spots where they are to be planted. - There mean time, a mud puddle has been made, by scrap ing away the soil, and pouring down water, and mixing soil therewith until a tolerably thick mud has been formed into which the root of each plant is immersed. A consider able portion of mud will adhere to the root, and then as quickly as possible they are planted. The result of this mode of plant ing is, that a plant rarely ever fails to grow off at once and flourish vigorously, and un less the worms or insects attack the plants, we never jtave occasion to re-set cabbage plants. —Southern Planter. Hens and Eggs. — For several years pas! I have spent a few weeks of Ihfe lalter pari of August, on Hie Kennebec river, in Maine.— The lady with whom I have stopped is a high ly accomplished and intelligent housewife. — She supports a hennery, and from her I de rived my information in this mailer. She told me that for many years she had been in the habit of administering to her hen«,'wiih their common food, at the rate of a teaspoon ful of cayenne pepper each alternate day, to a dozen of her fowls. Last season when I was with her, each morning she brought in from twelve to fourteen eggs, having but six teen hens in all. She again and again ex perimented in the matter by omitting to feed with the cayenne fora wo or three days. The consequence invariably was, that her pro duced eggs fell off* to five or six per day.- The same effect of using the cayenne is pro duced in winter as well as in summer. — Tran script, I-Tow to Select Flour. —1. Look at its color; if il is white, with a sljghtly yellow, ish or straw colored tint, it is a good sign. If il is very white, with a bluish cast or black specks in it, lire flour is not good.' 2. Exam ine its adhesiceness: wet and knead a little of it between the fingers ; if it works dry and elastic, it is good ; if il works soft and Blioky. il is poor. Flour made from spring wheat, is likely to be sticky. 3. Throw a little lump of dry flour against a dry, smooth, perpendicular surface ; if it falls like powder, it is bad. 4. Squeeze some of the flour in your hand ; if it retains the shape.given n by the pressure, (hat too is a good sign. Flour that will stand all these tests, it is safe to buy. These modes were given by old flour deal ers, and we make no apology for printing them, as they pertain to a matter that con cerns everybody, namely : the quality of which is “the staff of life.’’ Currants for Wine Making. —The red currant (or red Dutch) lot; wine making, gives n lighter flavor than the white and is consid ered a better producer. One acre of currant bushes, set 4 feel apart would in due lime produce 25 bushels of fruit, and might be grow 50 bushels, that depending on and the manner of cultivation.— Thre gallons may be obtained from a bushel of good ripe fruit. Make the wine in the same manner that you would a,barrel of good sweet cider, with the addition of from 3 to 4 •pounds sugar to the g dlon, fermenting off the pomace-umil it is entirely clear, afler which it should be racked off into tight btirfels and there remain any desirable lime to become ripe and firm. As to the price of the article sin market, the deponent saith not. \ To Drive Awav Rats. —Some years since a correspondent of the Boston Cultiva tor recommended potash for this purpose.— The rats troubled him very much, having en tered through the chamber floor. They ap peared in great numbers and were very trou hrlesome, so that lie felt justified in resorting, to extreme measures to effect their expulsion from his premises. He pounded up po.tash nnd strewed it around their holes, and rubbed some under the boards, and on the sides where they came through. The next night lie heard a squealing among them, which he sup posed was from the caustic nature of the pot ash that got among.their hair or on their bare feet. They disappeared, and for a long time he wrs exempt from any further annoyance. A Frenchman who was exhibiting some relics and other curiosities, produced among other things, a sword, which he assured his visitors was “De sword dal Balaam had when he would kill the ass.” A spectator remarked that Balaam had no sword, but only wished for one. “Ver well, dis is de one he wished for.” An Irish gentleman having purchased-an alarm clock, an aeqn lintanoe asked him what he intended to do With it. “Oh!” said he it’s the most convenient thing in the world, for I’ve nothing to do but to pull the siring and wake myself.” BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon, ELKLAND, TIOGA COUNTY, PAi Will visit patient's in all parts ef the county, [June 14.1855.] c y T • CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR & DRAUGHTSMAN. Wellsboro, Pa, Office with J• N. Bache ,Esg. [ Feh . 19-57 JOHN N. BACHE, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office, north side Public Square Wellsborough, Fi. ; Refers to Messrs. Phelps. Dodge &, Co.,N. Y city Hon.A.V.Parsons t Philadelphia. July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, Atto neys & Counselors at Law, C ORNIIVG, Steuben County, New York. Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson. April 18.1855-ly. . S. F. WIJjSON, |lO*Removcd to James Lowrey’s Office 'JAS. IiOTVREY & S. F. WHSOK, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT -fA LAW, will attend IhcCourlsof Tioga, Potter and McKean counties. Wedsborough.Feb. i. 1653. RECIAN OIL PAINTING.—FuII and explicit VT directions for pursuing this beautiful art, will be forwarded to any address by enclosing $1 and a pos tage stamp to H D. DEMING, Wellsboro, Tioga Co Pa. Papers copying the above, and sending a markod ropy with bill of the same, will be duly honored by return mail. The Tioga County Agitator- Te published every TIIUKSDAV MORNING at Wellsboro’, Tiuija County, Pa., by Coub, SicnnocK & Co., on the PAY- I) 0 W-N_ System. The cash must invariably accompany the order for the paper, unless our agents at the several post-offl ces chon-'e to become responsible tor the amount, or no pa per trill bo mailed. The subscription price ia ONE POL 1, ah ?E R ANN U M to single subscribers. Any par son s-endmj; 50 .will receive 10copies of the paper one year —directed to eiu h ‘-üb-criber. Office. HOY'S BLOCK, second floor, over Taylor's Book Store. Justice’s, Constable's and other Blanks always on hand, dub and Fancy Printing executed with neatness and despatch. NEW FIRM.—The business of the Firm of Ta bor, Baldwin & Co. will hereafter be conducted in the name of Tabor, Hathaway St Co. The affairs of Tabor, Baldwin & Co.will be dosed up as speedy as possible and those indebted to said Firm are hereby notified to pay up without delay ii they wish to avoid cost those that do not, will ccr tatnly get sued. TABOR, BALDWIN & Co. Tioga, Pa. Sept. 1?, 1856. [9.] FOR SAFE, A Woolen Factory & Saw Mill. Tin: SUBSCRIBER. üb-hiiiK to change his business, offer for sale his Woolen Factory. Saw Mill and Timber lot near Well-boro’. The Machine ry in the Factory comd-ting of ‘•on>* Sett" is in jrood running order, most of it is nearly new and of the In—t construction, lie will sell the whole togeth er. or tin- f tetorv machinery separately; the location is good, and tile term, «il? he owy. Apply to the subscriber on the premises, nr by letter to this place* Well-Loro* An*. 2».th ISM. J. I. JACKSON. W. W- ROBINSON, ‘ DEALER IN’ Books,Stationery, Blank Books , Wall Paper—Eng lish Frcnchand American Manufacture^ Toilet utensils and Fan cy Soaps, Violin St lings, Gold Pens and Pencils , Sfc., fyc. All the popular Magazines and leading Newspa pers may be had at his Counter. CORNING, N. T., Nov. 15, 1855. ROGERS & FOOT, Houcsdnle, Pa. Proprietor* of THATCHER’S Patent Rouble Action SECTION & FORCE PUMP. , Best Pump in the World !_tt] County and Slate Rights for. Sale. Downs &, Co., Manufacturers, Seneca Falls, N, Y. T. S Rogers. [June 19-56,] S. B, Foot. GREAT RUSH AT EVAIf S & CO’S THK f.ut i- t hut 4u9 Broa. sell ]!>mks a.-* low Ha they can bv bought anv where, and give with each bm >k api ••-‘‘lit varying in \.tlu<- ftoiu 2o rt-. tnsloo. The valtn* of the present d» pMid* upon the number of the book put i d, • !lti' red at the time of iho tale. Great in dii’ nil' nt to ag< nt-. containing !i-t nfbooks and prizes, sent to any atMre.-c. tt->. Pot -on-uunr.pi.iint<«! with the firm of ‘KrANS .t 0.. arc n-pectfuily retorml to the following leading publishing hou-e- : Miller. Orton, i Mulligan, 2a Park Row. New York: I>riJ»y& jsitk-i>n. Tl'> Nassau itrfnu. New Vnrk, Phillip*, Sampson At 12 Winter -trec-t. Uosfun ; Sanborn, Carter A Bazin, 80-ton. Send for a Catalogue 1 December, —3n». Wants, & Things Wanted. WANTED by almost every farmer in the coun. ty, a'boUle of the “Liquid Heave Cure,” to check the first indications of heaves, and the preven lion and cure of all diseases lhat affect the wind of horses. ALSO, a box of Dr. Power’s “Hibernian Oint ment, a sovereign remedy for Galls, Scratches, Gra zes, Bruises, Jaesh wounds, and all cutaneous diseases to which horses or horned cattle arc'subject. ALSO, a box of the “German RatKillcr,” one ol the safest and best articles in use for destroying rats and mice, or Lyons celebrated “Rut Pills,” for the same purpose. For sale at the Wellsboro’ Drug Stoic CAYUGA PLASTER. BIXUY, rqspetTfully informs the citizens of Wilmots District and that ofTiogn Co. in particular, that he has for sale a large quantity of froh-ground Cayuga Plaster, at the old price—SC, per ton, 1 secured the services of an excellent MILLER, and cnlargcdhis bins/br the reception of Plaster, he feels confident that no one will be disap pointed. \ Particular attention will bc-paid to People from a distance. Mansfield, Jan. 3,1857.—1 f. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE ?/at EBWXN’S new Store! He has justretarned from the City with a choice -liOt of Rcadr-Hade Clothing CLOTHS, CASSIJttERES, VESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND. NOTHING SHORTER! Wcllsboro 1 Sept. 25,185 G. THE WORLD IS ITIOVIiITCJ! VO. SPENCER lakes this .method to say to • the public, that he continues to PLANE LUMBER at his,Shop (two miles soutli of Mans field near Spencers Milk) for the following prices : Siding for 25 ets per hundred led. Flooring matched, 50 cts. per hundred feet. / Plain Surfacing, 82,50 per thousand feet. Fif.y cents per thousand extra will be charged for hard wood. ALSO—A superior quality of fence pickets al ways on had at $1,75 per hundred. March 5, 1857.-ly. DE3IOVAL.-DR. B. BARR respectfully J_L» announces u> the public that he has removed his Office to the dwelling lately occupied by Jos. P. Morris, Esq., where he may be found at all hours when not professionally engaged. Demands for his services promptly responded to WtlJcboro’, April 21, 1856. 1 THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Philadelphia Advertisements, FROM JOHN. A. RIDDLE, At Merchants’ Hotel, North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, who asks the attention of THE JIESCSASTS OF THE WKSr AXD XOSTS-WZST TO THAT MARKET, THE RAILROAD COMMUNICATION via. Suspension Bridge. Elmira. Williamsport and Catawlao. being coin- ! plete you are brought nb\brr to it than to New York, and • the prices of Freights are equally low, which renders It ac cessible both to imv and sell. Merchants from the North- West. visiting the market for the first time, and wishing to see it to the best advantage, will please call on Mr. Riddle. WM. P. WILSTACII, A CO., Sodiery and Coach Hardware. Saddle and Carriage Trimmings, Harness Mountings, Ac, North Third Street. - MORRIS, JONES k CO. Penn, Boiler Plate, Boiler Rivets, Sheet Iron. Steel and Pig Iron. Nails Ac.. Market and It'th st. KEYSTONE STATE SAPONIFIEU. or Concentrated Ly«, for making St up. Manufactured by the Penn. Salt Cu- Ta rentum. Alleghany Co.. Pa. Represented by Lewis, James £ Co.. I'hil’a, , „ . . „ J. S. k E- L. BERET. General Produce Commission Mer chants. No. 18 North Wharves, Manufacturers. Agents for the sale of Cotton Duck, Pearl Starch, etc, etc. Refer to Philadelphia merchants generally. All consignments will receive our prompt and personal attention. MURPHY A KOONS, General Commission Merchant*, and Wholesale Dealers in Pish, Cheese and Provisions. No. 47 North Wharves, below Race street. PRATT A HEATH. Importers of Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, N. IK comer sth and Market streets. JAMES BARBER, Wholesale Dealer in Clocks. Agent for the Patent Equalising Thirty. Day Clock, J/anufacturer of Fine Gold Pens. S. K. corner of Second and Chestnut streets. BORER, GRAEFF A DARLING, Wholesale dealers in Boots, Shoos, Hats and Straw Goods’ 126 North Third street, SLEEPER A FENNER. Manufacturers of Parasols and Um brellas. 12C Maikct street. THOMAS WHITE A Co.. Manufacturers of Straw, Silk Bon nets and Milliner} Goods, 41 S- Semnd rtrvet. BUNN, RAIGUKL A Co.. Importers of British Goods and Jobbers of Fancy and Staple Silk Goods, Embroideries, Ac., 91 N. Tliirtl street. MOORE. HENZKY'A CO. Importers and Wholesale Deal ers m Hardware,’Cutlery and Guns, 181 Market and 10 Com merce streets. >, 31. L. lIALLOWELL A CO.. Silk Jobbers, Philadephio, have now opened in their warehouse, is one of the lar gest in Amcrj' a. supeib assortment of new Silk Goods, Fancy Dress Studs. Embroideries. Laees. Ribhutis. and other articles in their line.’- The system of UNIFORM PRICES, adopted by us some years sinre/togther u ith that of opening noaccouuts except with CASH AND SHORT CREDIT* BUYERS, has had the elfect of largeh inrre;u>ing our business and for the rea son Unit mu-t be manifest to every thinking merchant, that under our system and terms we not only can afford to, but must from necessity, sell at lower rates than those who do business on the old long credit ?}stem; our terms being more stringent, and the purchaMTS uhom ue seek to attract being as a ilnss. the closest bujers and best judges of goods. T E li M S: —C„oh buyers will receive a discount of SIX per cent., if the money be paid in par funds, within ten days of dale of bill. -Cncurrcat money taken only at it* market value on the day it is received. To merchant*of midonhted standiug.acreditofSlXmonths wifi lie pi'cn if tiears; has been in the mink**! for eighteen years, ami Mill dotifb competition, a.- a mauiiti; for Corn anil Garden Vegetables, being chrtiprr and more powerful thtpi any other, and at die same time free from msMiRKFAiiLRonoR. Two bar rels ($3 worth) wilLumnure an nure oftfirn in tlio hill, will save two-thirds in laltor. will c.iu»e it to come up quicker, to grow rifieu earlier, uid "ill bring a larger crop on poor ground than any other fertilive? - . and is also a preventative of the cut worm : also it dot's not injure the seed to be put in contact with it. The L. M. Co. point to their longstanding reputation, and the large enpinl (AU'it.OiM) ir\c->teil in their business, as n gnntaiitee that the article they m.ike Miall always be such •lirilitj as t<> command a ready sale. -l*i ice. delivircd in the city free of charge and other ex pen-e One barrel, .... $2,00 Two barrels, • 3,»0 Five barrels, - 8,00 Fix barrels, • 0.00 And at the rate of $1.50 per barrel for any quantity over six barrels. tfa' A Pamphlet, ermtainingovery information, will lie sent (free; to any one applvmg for the -ame. Our adddres-j is— XIIK WWJI MANUFACTURING Co. cilice, CU Uortlaudt St., Nevr-York, Febiuary 5. 1857.—:im. THE GREAT ENGLISH , REMEDY , .SIR JAS. CLAJIKK'.? CnLKBRATJvD FEM ALEjPILLS. Prrpirvil from a l’rr-(.rii.ti'-c>s r.f Ncrr.n s .ind spinal Affi-etnifW. pfttn In the Rack an town in the United States. For particulars cal* at Elliott's and get a Circular. For sale in Welluboro, hy J. A. llov, Covington bv W. Taylor, Mansfield, by C. W. Nesbitt; Tioga by A. Hum phry and H. 11. Borden; Lawrmceville by W. G. Miller: Knoxville by A. J. Dear in an; Westfield by Gt*od?pced A Broth* r; Elkland by J. & J. I’aikhcrst. Jan. 12, 1.857. —1 y. DRUG, PAINT & GLASS WHOLESALE WAREWVSE. Corner of Tenth and Marjck Streets, Office in Second Story,/ PH MU A D£L I* II EL. 4KT‘M'e invito attention t-» our enlarged sto* k of Drug*, Oil*. Paint-. Vanii-lie<. Ac., -elected expre*-h for nnr Kilos, ami cuinpi i-ing one of the fim-t a*-<.i tment* in the United State-, which w <• ofTer at low price.-, lor ca-h or approved credit. WK MANUK ACT L* H E u-ry oxten*hcly Premium Pure White LOF: / Fieml* unTI English Plato Gl.i*«. From h and English Cylinder Glass. Colon.d ami Engraved ‘Window Glass, iMgtn ireolype Glass, Hammer* d Plate tor Floors anil Sky-Lights, Bing*,*. Perfumer*, Ac., WIIOLH>ALE DEALERS IN: ‘ Bnu:gi-t- Articles gem-rally, •*=* Pamt'-r'- Tool* of ail description*, ]I \dr.oilic ami Human Cement, Calcim-il and Land Pl.u-ter. Paper .Maker's Clay, satin White. ie„ .te., FRENCH. BICHAKUSA'CO.. Ftor\ N. M . < orner of Tenth ad Market Street*. Factor*, .him ti«n York A*enue, Clown and (’aUmvhiU Sts. (April Oth) PUIIADKLPUH. Who will go to Kansas ? THE subscriber will sell Ihc Farm on which lie lives, in Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100 of which is improved. It is well watered, has a comfortable house, barns, necessary outbuildings and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon. Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrcnccville, known as ihc “Geer House,” with ample accommodations. Attached is a Store building suitable for the Gro cery and Dry Goods business—all to be sold or rent ed to suit applicants. For tcnns’apply to Lawrcnccville, Sept. II ’56. M. S. BALDWIN. QWEAT WESTERN ROUTE, —via Ni- A* agar.i Falls and Suspension Bridge or Buffalo. GREAT WESTERN & MICHIGAN CENTRAL ROUTE for Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Galena, Dubuque, Rock Island, St. Paul, Burlington, Kansas, St. Louis, and ell parts in the West' &, South West. Also for Hamilton, London, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec. For through tickets and further informa tion apply to the Ticket Agent, Company’s Office, adjoining Dele van House, opposite depot. W. B. HUBBELL, Ticket Agent. Geo. B. M'Grath, Gen. Passage &. Freight Agt. Elmira, April 30,1857. 3m. LOOK 00 1 FOR THE ENGINE! The Seasons change — . SO DO FRIENDS AND FORTUNE I ASD BUSINESS KELAMOiIS, THEREFORE, TABOR, BALDWIN & CO., (Succeed Tabor y Young $ Go.) IN THE FOUNDRY BUSINESS, AS MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Boilers and Machinery of all kinds; Stoves, Hollow Ware, Tin, and Copper Ware. ' REPAIRING & JOB WORK done with the least possible delay. ' MILL GEAUlNGSfornishcdunMoi/frxfra charge for patterns , PLOWS of all kinds, (two of which took the premium at the late County Fair,) kept constantly on hand. We have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, to manufacture and vend the King Stove. one of the best (If not the very best) Cook Stoves ever invented; which is-always on hand at our store house, for wholesale & retail. Their Stoves took the premium over the Albany Stoves at the late Fair. That is a feather in our cap which we don't intend to have plucked out soon. Corn Shelters, Of all the improved patterns that commend them* selves lo farmers. Besides this, wc intend lo furnish better Ware, better articles and better work, at lower prices than any other ’ establishment, in Tioga county will be able lo do. And the man who pays CASH, can get what he buys at reduced prices. This is the fair way of doing business, and the system upon which the Tjoga Foundry and Machine Shop will be con ducted hereafter. Don’t wait for the wagon, but come on. TABOR, BALDWIN &. CO. Tioga, Nov. 15,1855. — if. IT Old Iron and Copper, and all kinds of pjoduce taken iu exchange for work. BALDWIN, GUERNSEY & CO., have just received a magnificent assortment of SUMMER GOODS ulesl style*, assorted patterns and unequalled Tab rics, selected from the most celebrated establish* menis in the city, and which are now offered daily at our Store in Tioga, which can be had for Little, or Nothing above prime cost—with oceans of good will thrown on gratis. The first pick is the best pick, so come in while stock is fresh. Delays arc dangerous—Pro crastination has frostbitten many a good bargain If yoa want your money’s worth, come on. If you want more than a dollar’s worth for a dollar, don't come j but you will be astonished to see what 3 pile of goods we can put np for a dollar. Our stock of DRY GOODS is not made up of the odds and ends and the rem nants of “closed up” concerns in the City, but com prises a complete assortment of the latest styles and best qualities, from the coarsest domestic to the fi nest imported fabrics, such as Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey &. Co., have always on hand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, which will be sold nl the lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass Stone, Hollow and Wooden Ware, Iron, feel. Nails, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs of every kind and of the best quality, with BOOTS SHOPS, for Everybody, *»* All kinds of Counity Produce taken in ex. change for goods at the market prices. t. l. Baldwin. Tioga, June 2G, ISSG. A. T. GUERNSEY, o r. T.ourur.i. w HEW? QO YOU HADN’T HEARD THE NEWS? Woll 4 no wonder. Kansas lias been invaded, Lawrence has been sacked and the Free State Ho tel with all its Furniture has been destroyed. The subscriber, always awake to the bed interests of his fellow.citizcns.and knowing that there must be a great demand lor CABINET FLRiViTURE in consequence of said Sack, has concluded to re main at Ills old stand, two doors beJotv Roc’s Sfurc where he is generally in attendance to receive and wait upon customers. Constantly on hand, or man. nfaclurcd to order, Sofas, Birnns, Ottomans, Card , Centre., Dining Breakfast Tables , Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAHOGONY COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage , French and Common Bedsteads , ofevery description,together with all articlcsusn ally made in his line of business. From his knowledge of the business he flat, lers himself with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine his work before sending clscwher for an inferior article. TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no tice. Q Chairs! Chairs! IOL • In additionlo the above,'the subscr jfNßjSS&bcr would inform the public that he ha J/ ft/ w justrcceivcdalargcand handsomcassort menlof [CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS, Boston and Common Roclcing Chairs. which he will sell as cheap, if not cheaper,than they cun be purchased anywhere else in Tioga county. Call and sec them Wcllaboro*, June 10 ’56. B. T. VANHORN* Hear yc! Hear ye! Hear ye! WE hold these truths self-evident: That the way to be prosperous is to buy cheap and always of the best quality; buy nothing simply be cause it is cheap, out because you need it and lha it is both good and cheap; that those who buy cheap by the quantity, can retail first quality goods cheap; that an economical buyer can sell goods at as low a figure in Wcllsboro’ as they can be purchased in the City; and»therefore that XOUIfCr IS THE MAW, who buys economically ; and that YOUNG’S IS THE, PEACE, TO PURCHASE Gold and Silver, Duplex, Lever, Anchor and Cylin der WATCHES . Gold Chains, Gold Lockets, all sizes and qualities, Gold Cameo and Mo saic Breastpins and Earrings, Finger Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Ssc Silver Plated Ware. * Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Children's cups, salt cellars. Egg cups Tea Knives, Butler Knives, Table Forks, Table and Ten Spoons, A new supply of Clocks of ell kinds, sizes, prices and qualities. Wellsboro 1 Jan. 1, ’57. A. YOUNG. A X. S O JF YOU WANT TO BUY BOOKS, go to y o u i\ g j s , For he has just returned from the City with an en tirely new stock of BOOKS & STATIONERY, Fancy Goods , Reticules , Portmonhaies, - ‘-Jetßracelets , Harrison's Perfum• cries,. Harrison's Shaving and Toilet Soap . HARRISON’S COIATIHBIAN INKS, BLACK, RED AND BLUE. HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. ; ? Important Announcement* TO all persona afflicted with Sexual diseases, such as SPERMATORRHEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHCEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF-ABUSE, Ac., &c., I The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia in view ot the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed thbir Con* suiting Surgeon, asa CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, lo give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, lo all persons thus afflidied, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, with a description of their con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c M ) and in case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. 1 The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, for the re lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted *rilh *Viru lent and Epidemic Diseases,” and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless lo addlthat the As sociation commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. —Valuable advice also given to sick and .nervous females, afflicted with Womb Complaint Lcucorrhoea, &c. }. Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. | ' By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. . ; October 25,1856. —ly. 1 Evens & Co.’s Great Gift Book Sale. 409 BROADWAY, MEW YORK. FINE GOLD JEWELRY GIVEN AWAY TO BURCHASEES OF BOOKS. All Books will be sold as low 1 as can be' had af other Stores, many of them for Ims. { New Books received daily. A Gift varyingsin value from 25 cents to $lOO, given with each book at the time it is sold. Having on hand a very large stock of new and valuable books , and as our motto is “Large sales and small profits 4 ” we are determined to give sur customers belter bargains than can be had else rhere. Any book published in New York or Pbil> 1 ielphia will be promptly sent, gift included, on re ceipt of publisher’s price. Calalogues.of Books and Presents, containing full explanations will be sent free to alt parts of the country. j The liberal inducements are offered to Agents. Any person by sending »a an order for ten books, with money inclosed, willjbe entitled to an extra Book and Gift. J All orders for books, containing money, (to ensure perfect should be registered at the Post Office where they are mailed, and directed to Evans do Co., 409 Broadway, New York. j Reference.—M. Thomas &. Son?,[South Fourth Street, Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott/& Co., Phila dclphia ; D. Appleton &Co„ Broadway, New York; Derby & Jackson. Nassau Street, New York. CT SEND FOR A CATA EVANS & CO.. Principal Store, 409 Broadway,fNcw York. Branch Stores at 125 Chestnut St. Phil’a. and at Washington D. C. j HAVE YOU SEEN MONK’S NEW AMERICAN MAP. Exhibiting the larger portion of North America embracing the United Stales and Tcrxftories, Mex ico and Central America, includtng-tl;e West In dia Islands, the Canadas. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. -Complied Horn recent Government surveys and other authentic sources.} It also exhibits a map of the worldjon Mercator’s Projection; by which, the relative positions of the Eastern and Western Continents, and the various groups of Islands arc shown at one view. This map contains about 36 square feet, is got up in magnificent style, mounted on Rollers, and is' delivered to subscribers at,the astonishing low price of $6 50, colored by Slates, and $7.00 colored by counties. } We have the exclusive right, to sell this map in Tioga Co. Mr. Geo. H. Taner 'will'” canvas's the County forthwith, carrying a copy of the map for examination. } PUTNAM &, TANER, Agents. Dec. IS, 1856. (fit.) * • ATEW GOOBS! NJEW tOODsi- IN Just received from the village of Ncw-York, a large and splendid assortment of | Spring & Summer Goods at the Store of the undersigned in Midcflebury, Pa. and which he is offering at-reduced prices. Hi* slock consists in a full assortment of all man ner of Goods commonly kept in a[country Store. It is needless to mention articles. shall keep, constantly on hand. Pork, Flour, Salt, White Fish and Mackinac Trout. Wc arc determined to snp ply the wants of every man, womap and child, in our line of business, and say to our friends and pa Irons to come on with the utmost confidence in our •disposition and ability to supply yqur every want. It will be owing to a combination of our competit ors to bribe the N. Y, &. Erie Railroad Company ■against transporting our freight, if vve fail in so do ing* H. H. POTTER. MidVy Center, June 5 ’56. J. B.[ Potter agt. New arrivals, at the wellsboro’ DHUG STORE. Sulphate of Indigo, for coloring Blue and Green. Couch Mixture. —This article contains Balsam ( Tolu and other valuable cough nynedies, and is par ticularly recommended to the notice of Physicians. , Pulmonic Wafers.! A new lot of that 4s and 6s Tea, that every body likes so well. ' Extract of Lemon, Rose, Vanilja, Pine Apple, &c., for cooking. \ Marking Ink, that will not wash) out—tor mark ing Linen, &.c. j Waterproof Shoe Blacking, to preserve the lea ther and keep the feet d/y. | Writing Ink— Black, Blue and Red, of the best quality. Wcllsboro’, Jfon.JO, 1656. IVEW TAILOR SHOP. ommcndation. No garment is permitted' to go |out of the shop that is not made in the mbst substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cutting and Fitting. This Department, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live and let live” rule, I have adopted the j. Pay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it, j ' Wellsboro’, March 13,1856. ! ij. P. ERWIN. rpilE Subscriber having purchased a part of the 1 Slock of Drugs and formerly owned by Robert Roy, is now receiving fresh supplies. He would respectfully inform the public that he intends to continue the Drug business al,th’c old stand. The store will be left still in care of the former proprie tor (Robert Roy) and it is hoped| tjial by its ample provision for the wants of the community, and by attention to customers, it may found worthy of public favor and patronage.! Call and see for yourclvcs. JOHN A. ROY. October 9th, 1856. [ Time ! l ime ! Time ! Time TIME flows from instants, and [of these each one Should be esteemed as if it Were alone: If any wish to redeem time now lost, please call just one door north of B. B. Smith &. Son’s, where it shall be restored. The subscriber is now ready to do anything in the line ,of Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All work warranted. WclEboro, July 24,1856. | f A. FOLEY. MAP OP TIOGA COUNTY, From actual Measurement, and Surveys throughout - the county* By a corps of Surveyors mho art fully competent to the difficult task assigned tkowu TUB undersigned will publish shortly, provided a suffice number of Subscribers bo obtained, a **• NSW AND COMPLETE MAP OP TIOGA COC37TF AH the public-Hoads, Kaflpoads, Crossings and Slattern, Offices, Churches, School ITonsis, Stores, Mills, Public t&A Private Houses, Cfemoteries, Manufactories, Shop*. *c-, bo shown on the Map? in addition to the usual topography of Rivers, Streams, Ponds and Mountains. The names of e'rty holders generally, (including those in. the county »£ subscribe in advance for the Map) are also to be inserted at th«lr respective places, lu ; the stylo of the Maps exhibited by the canvassers. ' Maps of the principal villages will bo Inserted, on a Urn scale. In the margin: also; engraved views of public and nri. vate buildings. ‘ * No expense win be spared to execute the Map in the highest style of art. The plan will be plotted on a suitable scale so as to show distinctly all the particulars above specified, and make a large and ornamental map. To bo engraved and fr, Uvered to subscribers, handsomely colored, so oa to show tha territory comprised in each town*hip, and mounted on rollers. As the map will contain some eighteen square feet of engrav* log, at a cost of several thousand dollars, it will be seen that only a large subscription list will warrant the heavy expense Incurred. The maps are sold only by subscription, and at only one price. No more maps issued than subscribed for The map will contain tables of the pojrolationrprodoctioßr assessed value of property, religions societies, schools, number of voters, AcVbf each township and village respectively, car*, fully made up from the latest authentic documents. Relying upon a just appreciation of our efforts, br the ci .tizens of Tioga, to Issue a map of their county on the above plan, that shall answer their proper expectations, and he «. tirely satisfactory, subscriptions are respectfully solicited by James D, Scott, Publisher. PHILADELPHIA I. D. RICHARDS, Agent at M’eßtboro’ Pa. (Sept. 25.) MARRIAGE GUIDE.—YOUNG’S GREAT PHYSOLOGICAL WORK, THE POCKET ESCULAPIUS, or Every One His Own Doetor t by WM. YOUNG, M. D. It is written in plain fei guage for the general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of one hundred Engravings. All joaog married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with. Still iris a book that must be kept locked op, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt a Iwenly.five eenU. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, li SPRUCE Street, above Fourth, Phil’su MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDG, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOTNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Dr WM YOUNG Sash and Blind Factory. COVINGTON, TIOGA CO., FA. ‘ , THE Sabscr ber is nc prepared by nc’ Machinery jn i purchased, lo fr nish to order, i kinds of*sqnare fancy Sash, ai Blinds. Square Sash common sizes ways on hand. By long es\ ricnce in the b sinepsjtliesubsci berf alters himsf tha hf .ia he can maVe —— as good an article, and sell it as cheap as can W obtained at any estabishment in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and see. Covington, September 18,185 G. (CTTlicsubscriber is also Agent for the sa leaf Hr. U. Jaynea celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D. S. I. WEW AKRAiA€JEMEi\TS» A GROWL would'announce to the citi zens oi Tioga county, that, be has associated with him a partner, and the business will be con ducted under the firm of A. Growl & Co. They will continue at the old stand, in Wellsboroogb omanufacture to order and keep on hand, Biiggys &. Lumber Wagons, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS,SfC., which for style, durability and elegance of finish cannot be surpassed by any other sitnilarestablwh meat in the country. Workmen of celebrity arc engaged,and (hebesl materials used expressly in all the manufacturing departments of this establishment. Persons send ing orders may rest assured of having them eiecn* edt to their entire satisfaction, and finished in ere// particular the same as though they attended in pci* son. REPAIRING done a*usaaJ,wilhncatJie«s»M despatch. PAINTING of all kinds done on the horltrt notice, and most-reasonable terms. UTAH kinds of merchantable produce (delWce cd) recived in exchange for work, at the markrt prices. A. GROWL «fc CO. July 13.1855. New Volumes —Subscribersyizy begin Now* Life illustrate d—Afi»* class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News,Lit craturc. Science and the Arts; to Entertainment, Im provement and Progress.' One of the best Family Newspapers in the World. ’Two Dollarsa year. .THE WATER CURE JOUR'SAt- Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practia to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous illurW lions; and those laws which govern Life and Health $1 a year. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL: Devoted to all those Progressive Measures for the evalion and improvement of Mankind. Amply A* luslratcd. $1 a year. The sub scriber has opened anew his shop opposite Roy’s Store and is prepared to ex ccute the orders of his old customers aud others who may favor him jwilh their pat ronage, with neatness feel it necessary to pul furujsh its own rec- ForS3 a of these Journals wHlbf soul one year. Agents wanted. Address, FoWLIM & Wills, 3oB, Broadway New-York.' MRS. 1. D. RICHARDS, Agent for the abo« works, and practical Phrenologist, may be found al the house of Mr. 1. Richards, Wcllsboro’, Pa. Carriage & Wagon Hlamifrc- torv. XTENRY PETRIE would an- mnUb nouncc to his friends and thefegS3gS> publicgcncrally t lhathc is the above business on Grafton street, immediate* in the rear of J. R« Bowen’sstore, where he is pre pared to manufacture on shortnotice, Carriages, Busies, Sulkier Wagons, of any style or description to suit the purchaser and of the very best materials. All kinds of Re pairing done forthwith and on the mostrcasoDa^ 6 terms. PAINTING AND TRIMMING will be prompt ly executed in the best manner and nmsi laßl ionablc style. - • Wcllsboro,* July 13,’55. HENRY PETjHfv. H. O. COLE ' BARBER & HAIR DRESSER. WeUsboro’ Pa. Occupies room over Roberta’ Tin Store, thing in his line of business will be done aS and as promptly as .it can be done in the . fashionable City saloons. Preparations for reolC L 3a dandruff, and bcautyfiing the hair for sale c 1 • Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and s ' Wcllsboro*. Oct X 8,1855. (t£ LOOKING-GLASS PLATES-^Wiihorwi^" 01 Frames, for sale at THE DRUG STOJO* DAVID S. IRELAN