A.Mtjp.DERBn in OFPiCp,— The charafcler of Mr. so far as. il'is.connected with Kansas affairs and ,kin dredmalters, is seen in the fact that he re wards the basest of criminals with offices of trust and erpolMment. Take.an example.—• Says the Kansas correspoadeat of the St. Louis Democrat: 1 “Frederick Emery, recently appointed to an important position in the land office, is now* on trial on an indictment for murder! He is also indicted for highway robbery. Yet, not withstanding the two indictments “Mr. Bu chanan, the friend of Free Kansas and Sab bath Schools," has seen fit to give him an important and responsible office. .On the jury that is to decide the case of Emery, are Colonels Paine and Clarkson, postmaster of Leavenworth City, and both under bonds to appear fur trial, before the same court, on indictment for murder and robbery, found by the grand jury last_winler. With such men as jurymen, Emery, the murderer of Phillips and Blimmerton, in cold blood, in such a court is sure of acquittal. “Jacob-Cody,,a member of .the, Topeka Consliluiional Convention, was driven' from his home last summer by the Emery banditti, exposed to4he wealher for nights and days. He contracted a cold, from which he never recovered, but died a few days since,' another victim to the murderous spirit of Emery, who would not risk himself in a fair fight with his opponents, but preferred to lake men when alone, and murder them in cold bipod. And such ruffians has Buchanan selected to fill the Federal appointments for this Territory.'— This is-“ Buchanan and Free Kansas” with a vengeance." What it Costs to Enslave Kansas.— The effort ip force slavery into Kansas has proved expensive to the parly that the people hold responsible for the outrage. It has cost the democracy its ascendency in Maine, New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin and lowa. Itl;as cost them a dozen seats in the U. S. Senate. It has victimized three territorial governors. ' And finally, it has seciionalized the,Supreme Court of the United States. If the design of swindling freedom out of Kan sas is persisted in, we shall see at what fur. ther cost that design is prosecuted I— Alb. Eve. Journal . In Winchester Center, (Conn.) there has not been a death in one and a half years, and 'been but one or*two deaths in three years. The village is surrounded by one hundred and fifty coal pits, .and there is no physician in the place. • -D-l-E-I*- In Canada. West, on the 26th ult, WM. F. WILLARD, son of Jos. Willard, Charleston Pa., aged IS years, from injuries received in a late acci dent on the Grand Trank Railroad. - r In Middlebury, Friday morning, June sth, 1857 1 after a lingering illness borne with Christian patience* Mrs. CHARLOTTE NILES, wife of Mr. Russel Niles, aged 29 years. lOC DON’T SAY SO* YES SIR, 1 DO! I r-ay tint FOLEY (ms the best und chcapert assortment of WATCHES I ever saw in WclUboro.’ Such heavy cases und finished movements you can’t find elsewhere Call and see them one door north of B. B. Smith &. Son’?, where he will be glad to show them to you, and do any Repairs on Watches, Clocks & Jewelry, and all warranted. A. FOLEY. WclLboro’ June 11,1857. * 11KS. REBECCA FLY NT RAFFERTY. Milliner and Dress Maker. MRS. RAFFERTY" has received oC L. A. Godey of Philadelphia, the latest style of pat. tcrn?», such as Dresse?, Basque?, Mantillas &c., which he receives monthly from Paris. Having: made arrangements with him to receive the same monthly, ebu will beep them constantly on hand. Dress Makers apd others supplied with pat terns at all times by mail or by calling. * REBECCA FLYNT RAFFERTY, Mansfield, June 11,1857. WISHING to see our National birth-day more 'generally observed, and to give those in our cmplopan opportunity la enjoy -‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” we agree to close our respect ive places of business on the 4Ui day of July next, at 9 o’clock, A. for the day : H. W. williams i Wm B. Clymcr s " U. S. Biiley \ P. C. Holg Crowl 6c, Worlendyke Hiram Darlt Rob’t Young Wm Bacho Niles 6c. Elliott A. J.Sofiold Bowen Sc. Bullards J. F. Donaldson D. P. Roberts John Mathers Geo. \V, Sears Wm. D. Bailey J. Alexander &. Co. John Gray B. T. Vanhorn C & J. L. Robinson Geo. W. Barker A. P. Cone Abram Young H.P. Erwin B. B. Smith & Son Bean &. Ensworlh 11. Sherwood M. H. Cobb W. A. Roc J Emery J. Sherwood J. M. Slapp Mercantile Taxes. LIST of persons assessed for the sale of Goods Wares, Merchandise, Commodities & Effects, for the'License year commencing May 1,1857. I’lnsy, Cla«s T.it tioGA. K J.'BohWorth. 14 $7 no-0 •"» KU. IX 10 00 !.•*up A 80.-lipe. 12 3*i 50 Baldwin, 1,-omvU & Ci:}2 iC .V) batuel,fct*ttea,Grc‘v 14 7 (K’ P. S. 14 700 .Shoeing do. 14 700 Da-sett & Well*, 13 10 no o.fivorny. iSly «t Alford, 13 10 O 0 TtyKrr-S - ’U human. 13 10 00 11. 11. Borden, l4 700 L'xn 'kard. 14 7 f*u A. Unmiducy, do. 14 700 Tl.t.a.. J'iunani, 14 7 OOT. Mitchell. Id JO Ou r.Bmnftt, -13 ioonwm.«K.Mitch<*il r -14 700 isnb t Swat;, ’ 14 700 ' ilA.\gfi£Lp. lihw.K lnddanuiC'olL > 32 oy.A. S\ Hop* J 3 Jo 00 Airam Johnson. It 7 O. Holdon, IS 10 00 CUMF.R. D. 11. bpurr, 14 7 <-0 IV.-icu k I!i>hnKrc. 14 700 Isaac Holden, 14 700 »«•% O. Bristol. . 14 7 OuC. W. Kwbiit 14. 700 UUTHAiI. ■ OrCCOLV. '“\dnftr T3c*ch. 14 7 Oft Sarnnd Ellison* 13 1000 .Mia Kelley. 14 7 OO.Wwlpe i Seciry 13 10-00 MIIKSDCRO. U. C. Boewefth, H 700 Fx A Witter, 13 10 00 Clark Kimball. 14 700 •' <\Bobbin*, 14 7.00 muo.x. II P Parkbnrst, 13 JO on Rfi-bc A Luge. 14 700 A. Bobbins, Jr. 14 700 Warren A Tylrr, 14 700 r.L£tA>T. Ar. 11. Baxter Oro'cy, 14 700 .1. iJ. O. parUUur»t 13 ]0 00 Rnoo&ntLO. 7 00 Win. Simmons, 14 7 OOGardncr A Whit'*. "14 (\>ateK A I‘urpUi, J. L Parcnpnrt- kj;oxviu.e. 'brirAe A Goldsmith U 7 ffl Krubun k King, 'l4 700 aA J. Dearman, 12' 12.V‘ Clo i s. 14 700 •John Cjoodfpeed, 13 IW>J. Good-peed, 14 700 L. B. Beynolds, 14 700 • wnxsnoao. '' ' ictor Case, 34' 700 fLrrt A Short, 14 700 •I. H. Stubbs, 14 700 Nile# A Elliott, 13 10 00 H heeler, 13 10 00 IV. A. Jlo«. 12 12 30 J Stoddard. H 700 Bowen k Bullards, 12 12 50 lawrenceviuk. B. Boy. Ilnig*. 14 700 Sianton A Geer, 12 12 50 B. B. smith A Sou, 13 10 no KW.BalUrd, 12 12 50 B, SMWlcy, 13 10 00 M;ddlcbrooke i Lind* ‘B. S. Bailey, Gtrrcy, 14 700 mv, 12 I 2 60J. do. 14 700 I'm. G. Miller,drugs 14 700 A. Voting, Boqkb & Ci4tiu Been, gru'ey. 11 7 00' Jewelry, 34 7t)o LILLRTY. 'J. Buuaux. GfOC*y, 14 700 J. O.Albeck. 13 10 o(V.«am«el Smith, 14 700 Sebring A Narhcr, 13 10 00 C.'A J. L. Bobm«on, 32 12 50 •T. B. fuulkrod, 14 7on I). P. £W. Bobyrts. y syUmnnj " 14 7 00 1 Hardware, 14- 700 *! Menll, 14 7 00, aUDbLEBURT. Ik-i Sheffer, Grocery 14 , 7 OCII. H. Potter. 14 7Go JACKSOjf. • Weed-4. Mitchell 13 10 00 G 7 00, Kedinfitou, 14 700 i> Tuilnibafet, l 4 700 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an Appesl will be held at the Commissioner’s Office in Wellsboro’on the 15th 4ay of July next, when and where any one cgiicved by l|ic foregoing as sessment can be heard. He will also hear appeala al any lime thereafter, ' r, »r WOOD June H,, 1806- * Afprctsfr. 1 ;i ; ; jsgaprtliaii’s Sale, •p'URSUANTIo as order of the | Orpban’s Court jJI of .Tioga County, I iyill.cxposc'lo public sale to the highest and heat bidder, on Monday,- the €th . day of Joty neat, at the Court House in Wellsßoro’ the following described- real estate, the properly of Win. H. Hunter,' Olive Hunter, Charlotte Hunter/ Merit* Hunter, Eunice Hunter nmf Mery Hiihter,- minor children of Mary Hunter deceased; late of Middlebnry, to wH. A lot of land sifuate'd’in Middlcbury lap., county of Tioga aforesaid, bounded north by land in pos. session bfCJiouncey Ham and Elijah Knapp,on the east by Sylvester Beckwith, on the south by John Prutsmaa, and on the west by Thomas J. Main— containing about 48 acres and allowance, with about 40- acres improved, a frame house, frame barn and a small apple orchard thereon. Terras made known on day of sale. MINOR S. FIELD Middle btiry.June 11, 1857. Guardian. THE‘ WORiD IS ADVANCING ! rn\ BECKWITH has returned to Wellshoro* with a he,nr era in sun-penciling. He has se cured Uus right fbx Melainolyping, or taking pictures upon a sheet iron plate, resembling very much' an oil painting. Also qn improved style of Ambrotyp jng, Please pajl a,t hjs Gallery and examine sped* incus. [Welltsboro’ June 1, 1857. LETTERS tcslamenlary having been granted to thei undersigned upon the estate of James Bax. ter, late of Sullivan, dec’d ; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having ejairas against the same wi|l preaent thew-for settlement to 5 BAKEM'AN-MONROE i „ , LAFAYETTE GRAY C • f* Sullivan, June 11,1857*. A ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Lcltlera of Administration having been granted to the un dersigned on the estate of Isaac Beach, late of Cly mcr, dec’d; those indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them to Clymcr, June U,’57. CLAPK W. BEACH. R OY’S COLUMN RECEIPTS. TO DESTROY RATS.—Take half an ounce of Spanish Flies and mix it with one pint of Corn meal and place it where they will cat it. SUPERIOR WASHING SOAP.—Take 5 pounds good bar soap, 4 lbs Sal Soda, 2 ounces Borax and I ounce Hartshorn, to be dissolved in 22 quarts of water and'boiled about 15 minutes. FOR WORMS.—Give a child over two years old a small tea spoonful of Fluid Extract of Pink and Senna once every two hours till it operates as a cathartic. BALSAM TOLU.—This balsam is procured from a tree which is found in South America—it is a most valuable remedy for colds, coughs and affbc lions of the lungs. Price of Balsam Tolu Cough Remedy, - 50 cents per bolllo. FARRIER’S OIL—For Horses and Cattle—verv useful for sores, wounds, scratches, galls and in all cases where a healing remedy is required. Price 25 cents. ' FARRIER’S LINIMENT—For Horses & Cattle JC most valuable article for swellings, bruises, sprains, stiff or enlarged joints, windgalls, kicks and sweerrey. Price 25 cents. i ESSENCE OF GINGER.—A mild and safe stim ulant useful for bowel complaints; much used in hot weather tp prevent the bad effects of drinking 100 much cold water. |j OSEMARY OINTMENT is a useful article for •LC chapped hands, pimples on the face, burns, scalds, eruptions o:i the skin &c. Price 12 and 25 cents per box. X> IHOUS PHYSIO.—A pleasant cathartic in the liquid fiirni, -useful especially lor children, as the do»c is small and it is much easier-to lake than pills. Trice 25 cents. G I IDLER A DROPS—The most effectual reme dy for bowel complaiqts in u«e. If taken in Lime it can hardly ful to cure if the directions are strictly complied with. Price. 25 cents. MOUNTAIN BALM.—To heal and strengthen the lung-; to soothe the irritation of a bad cough\ to rehove bronchitis, asthma,- pblhWic and whooping cough. This medicine contains no miner als of ahy kind, nor morphia nor opium in any form ; Amt it U prepared entirely from simple plants and root-*. It is remarkably .successful in the cure of bad.coughs and lung complaints Price 30 cts to 50 cts per bottle. /CRYSTAL EY’E WATER.—A valuable remedy fur sure or inflamed eyes—with full directions for use, Price 12 j and 25 cts per bottle. 1 BLEACHING POWDER.—-To remove ink apd fruit stains &c., from linen. Price 12$ els per box, with full directions for use, -OERMANENT MARKING INK-r-Toraark col ‘f- lars and oilier clothing so that the name will not wash out. Price 25 els per bottle. SNUFF.—For Catarrh, Headache \j &c. Price 25 cents a bottle. A RMENIAN CEMENT.—For mending broken glass or china ware, with directions for its use. Price 4 25 cents'per bottle. (Warranted.) YOU can find anything that you may want in the line of FANCY GOODS at YOUNG’S. ' HE has just returned from the CUy with a tip top selected assortment. HE is determined to do the fair thing in the way of a Cash Business. DON’T be afraid to ask for a sight of his splen did stock of Jewelry and late Publications.’ HE keeps himself on hand to show his slock and lo sell them just as reasonably as they can be purchased west of New York. Wcllsboro’ June -1, 1757. HARNESS SHOP. THE SUBSCRIBER takes this method of inform ing fanners and others, that they can now pro curd at his establishment in thfe JZaglt printing □flicc'building, SADDLES, BRIDLES, CARRIAGE HARNESS, f • HE A VY HARNESS, j}, Q ilay following, the burning took plafce, under Lbe '•uperintend t'uce of the Committee. After n fair and impartial burning for five hours, the Safe of .Messrs Evans .t Watson was first opened, the Safi* being on firo inside, and the contents par tially coiwimod, while the contents ui the Safe of-Meagre Fairels & lien mg were in good condition, and no fire inside.” Reading. March 2.1557. (Signed.) IT. ¥. FELIX, ) • I‘. X. COLEMAN) Committee. A. IX. PEACOCK, j Am! endorsed by over CO of the heftturuu of Rending, The above Safes can be m&peclc*Tato4 Walnut Street, where" the satisfy themselves of the great fenpei iontv of the •■iUrnngs Patent Champ.on,” over the. tJclwilul nud ural-iqi "inline Iron Poor Salamander.*’ FARKEiS & HERRING, 24 Walnut SticetfPhiUid ,u Only .V‘t 7 n\< hi this Kafr nf ITn-rh->/s Potent Champion Safes. , Tim attempt mude by other parties to bolster up*tho repu tation oi a Rife y.hich h r u> failed so signally in a'•'.idcnt.il fir< > in Philadelphia, f Erookfirld township deed.junnr.g the heirs and pcr&ODS entitled thereto will attend to the duties of said appointment at his ofllc© Jn tVcll*boro outlie .‘th day of June next ut one o'clock of siad d.iy, wlicji and tcli&ie ull persons hating claims upon said fund aro rc-piiicd to present the .same for allowance or bo forever debarred from an \ claim upon nairl fund. JOHN* A". DACiIE, Auditor. W ellaboxo* May 7 th, I SEGAR MANUFACTORY.—F. m. hills, has removed to the building formerly occupied by B. KUNDEL, (Tnilor,) immediately back of Young’s Booh Store, where all kinds of Tobacco and Segars can be Knd at reasonable prices wholesale and retail. [May Till, 1857.] COPARTNERSHIP.— J. R. BOWEN haB|ks socialcd with him in the Mercantile business Messrs. M. & O. BULLARD, and they will contin ue ter trade at the old Stand under the name and style of BOWEN & BULLARDS, Wcllsboro\ March 26,180 t, RHODE ISLAND LIME for whitewashing.— Also Whitewash Brushes for sale at Roy's Drug Store. Life of chas. Sumner, lust received at I AjJiil 16,; foryG-S.' SPRING MB SI'JIMER GOODS. W. ft. ROE. IN ROY’S NfcW BUILDING. IS now receiving a large and extensive assortment «pf DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS, READY MADECLOTHING, BOOTS &.SHOES GLASS WARE, LOOKING GLASSES, WOODEN WARE, GLASS, FISH, SALT. We deem it unnecessary to enumerate articles, as n Ji? r b r every article that is uspal’y kept in a. Store can be found at this establishment, and at prices that defy all competition, as we will not be undersold in any article, by any man or combination of men. Purchasers*esrecially CASHBJJYERS, will find U greatly to their interest to call and examine Goodd and prices before purchasing elsewhere. SHOES! SHOES I—the largest assortment of Men's, Women's and Childrens Shoes, in town and for sale clieqp at > ROE's. Calicoes, ginghams and Lawns—a large assortment and cheap at ROE's. ARPET Warp and Colton Yarn at ROE's. BLEACHED MUSLINS—the best and cheapest assortment can be found at ROE's. BLACK SlLKS—Ladies whl find very good and _ cheap Black Silks at ROE's. WA. ROE lus removed to the new . Store irr ROY's BUILDING. CASSIAIERES —Gents will find a good assort, ment of black and fancy, at ROE’s. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING .'—Gents will find a grand assortment and good at i2oE’s. HATS & CAPS of every description fof'Men and Boys, very cheap at ROE’s. PARASOLS-r-Ladies \vill find a beautiful assort ment at J2oE*e. v BRILLIANTES— while and printed— Ladies’ Collirs—Patterns for working, at ROE’s. DOMESTIC GOODS—such as Colton Matting, Bed-Ticking, Stripe Shirting, Blue Denims, Drillings, Brown Factory Colton Yarn Carpet warp, and Colton Diaper for Tabic usc, ROE’s. Welltiboro, May 14, 1857. The Empire! The Empire!! NEW FIRM NEW GOODS / bOWEN & BULLARDS, [l«te J) J. R. Bowen,] would inform the public that they may be found at the old stand of J. R. Bowen, known as the where they are now receiving fresh from the City, a full supply of SPRING & SUMMEK GOODS, of every variety and quality, which cannot but suit the most fastidious, and at the lowest rales : Such as Madder-colored Prints, Q$ cents, superior Eng. lishahd il/err»7«arA* Prints, Combi ic and Muslin Lawns, itch and beautiful Fiench anc American Ginghams, vein Spring style Challesp Black and Plaid Dress Silks all qualities, and a good style of Lawns fur G I—l cts. BOOTS & SHOES, StEADVIWABJE CLOTHING, Crockery, Hardware, Woodcuwarc, Groceries. PROVISION'S, Ac. &e. J. R. BOWEN, J At. IH.’LLARD, } Wcllsboro MaylA ’57 P. DULLARD. S HOOI’S-r-Iloops— Hoop*! Plain Blast, Brass Wire, Whalebone and Heed, at the EMPIRE. COME to the EMPIRE if you want « nice bon* net —also Trimmings, such as Ribbons, Bor ders, Linings, &c. IF you want a Carpet CHEAP, call at BOWEN A, BULLARDS. LATEST STYLES Hats and Caps just receiv ed at Bowen' A, Bullards. CUMMER STUFF:?, York Mills Cotionndw, O Farmers and Mechanics brown Linens, and lots and lols of Denims just received at- B. &, B’s. SPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas selling very cheap—dog cheap at B- «k B’s, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR . Circulation, over 100,000, Weekly. TWENTY FIVE WITNESSES: Oil THE FORGER, CONVICTED. JOHN S. DYE is the author, who has had ten years experience as a Danker, and Publisher, and Author of a series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle, when for 10 successive nights, over 50,- QQO people greeted- him will) rounds of applause, while hft exhibited the manner in which Counterfeit ers eisccnte their the surest and shortest means of delecting them I The Bank Nate Engrave)s all say that lie is the best Judge of Paper Monty living , GREATEST DISCOVERY PRESENT CENTURY, Fqr delecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. Describing every Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit ' in Circulation! 1 1 Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE is easy and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. O* No Index to examine ! No pages to hunt up. c rs But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see all at a glance. English, French § German. Thus each may read the same in his own Tongue, Most Perfect Bank Note List Published. . Also a list of ALL IN AMERICA. A complete Summary of the Finance of Europe and America will.be published in each edition, to. gather with all the Important NEWS OF THE DAY. Also a series of Tales from an Old Manu script found in l|itf*Eusl. It furnishes the Most Complete History of ORIENTAL LIFE, and de scribing the Must Perplexing Positions in whjch the Ladies and Gentlopcn of that Country have h cc n so often found. These Stories will continue through out the whole }*ear, and will prove the Most Enter turning ever offered to the Public. FurnLhed Weekly to Subscribers only, at §1 a year. Letters must be addressed to JOHN s. DYE, Broker Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Sl. Kcw Yoik. April 23, 1637. (ly.) TO TlfOSfEVrilO I.OVETUEIR FELLOW JJLLXOS. I HAVE a remedy (purely f.'-petabif-) k-r Foer and Ague, Fit*, and Foiling? ftickue-s, which ha.-, jw\rr beet; known to fail. It i? as pleasant, and a* cheap, as it i? cfllcanou*. Any person who will f-md me the name!*, and directions to the residences:, of ten indivi Inal? sick of Consumption, or any disease of tho Chest or Lungs, ov euffeung from a broken down and shattered ron**tituuois, "ill receive ns a reward this Jleclpt. It embodies full infraction? for making and ad ministering this wonderful Medicine. Address, May 7. (4t.) US O SLUT MOi*E Superior Cut \nik. MADE in an entirely new establishment With a new Rolling Mill , Ac in Furnace* New Nail Machine , are of the latest and most aibrored ccns*r««Uon. 'The Nails are jt? Beautiful jrt shapCy « Fine in'Jinish } Tough in quality. ' ' For sale at ' W. A, BOVS. ‘ TTVLh>: o’ May W. 1357.’ DifFenjJacher & Farnsworth, Propr’s, tSSassv. npHE GRAVES HOTEL, JL ' lately occupied by P. P. CLEAVER, has been thorough. ® ly overhauled and refilled with f an especial reference to the k comfort and convenience of the* traveling public. The present proprintors aim to build up a reputation fox their House, entirely upon its merits as a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. They will therefore be slow, every needful attention upon their patrons — ma king their comfort the grand object of their efforts. The COUDERSPORT and CEDAR RUN Stages leave their Hotel evqr,y Tuesday and Friday at 2 o'clock p. M. * Attached to this popular Hotel is a LIVERY STABLE, for the accommodation of pleasure parties and the business public. - . Wellsboro' April ]P, 1&57. ' ATERSTED. A NEW AND SPLENDID LOT OP MILLINERY &EATs T CY GOODS. , MSSS C. S. STEVENS, having purchased !lbo I stock of Mrs, M. STEVENS, respectfully policjls a conllhu unce of the palronoge lmr&tolbre^^^g>^a£^^^ >,< accorded the establishment.—- She is now receiving from the• City a fine assortment of Sprint; and Sninmcr Goods, BONNETS, RIBBONS, AND EMBROIDERY Feathers, Hea.fl Dresses , Mitts, IS raid , Floss , Buttons, Dress Trimmings, Ladies Gloves , Laces j Artificial Flowers, Bonnet Material , Edging, And a thousand other articles both useful and orna mental. Bonnets made to order, trimmed and re paired at the shorlc.ifnotice, and upon the most rea sonable terms. Ready made work constantly on hand. Store, sth door north of IVellsboro’ Hotel March 12,1857. ' WHISEESANBO. La Salle's Original. ONE DOLLAR A BOX. PRQF. GEO. H. DE BAR, has recently returned fjom Europe, and vvhiie there, obtained from the celebrated French Chemist, La Salic, at an enor mous outlay, the receipt and exclusive right of the United Slates and Canadas, to manufacture and sell this celebrated preparation called “whiskerando,” which lias never been known to fail to cause whisk ers and moustaches to grow luxuriantly and heavy, even on beardless laces, in two months after first ap plication. To those persons whose beards arc light and wiry it recommends itself. A fcw-opplicalions w*U render it soft, thick and pliable. Frenchmen al® noted for their beautiful whiskers and mou*- lath 26, whicliMnany of them attribute lo the excel lence of La Salle’s Whiskerando. Price SI per box; sent lo any part of the United States or Cana, das per mail, upon the receipt of SI. Address, Prof. GEO. H. DEBAR, April 10, ]857.-3m. New York City. WHEREAS my wife Margaret Ann*, has left niy bed and board without just cause or prov ocation, this is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as 1 shall pay no debts of her contracting after this dutc- Whocvcrrjn give any information concerning her is requested to write lo the undersigned. She is a wOman about twenty-four years of age— was dressed In men’s clothes when ihe left, viz:— black pants with white spot-, IjUlclc satin vest, black slock with a red'and green flower, brown tml.xcd coat, fed stripes in checks,low-crowned black hat.— lier hair_ was cut short. Shells a fleshy woman, good looking and agreeable in conversation, if she ln bcj Address the subscriber at Crooked Creek, Middlcbury lown-htp, Tioga Co. Pa. /* ‘ Middlcbury Pa ,*Apiil Oth '37. ®IRA BRIGGS. The Spring Fashions,; BEG leave to acquaint the Ladies of Wcllsboro* aqd vicinity, that they have just brought into market a select assortment of MILLINER GOODS J of the best quality and latest styles, which theyj offer to the public at reasonable prices, and for CASH, only I 4 1 ~ REPAIRING «§f TRIMMING done to order.'- Shop two doors above the Presbyterian Churcl}* Wcllsboro’ April 2, 1856. y i General European , Passage cj' Draft Office -OF- Sable & Cortes. 177, Broadway, Rf. T. PASSAGE TICKETS by first claSi Sailing Pack ets, or by the Liverpool and New York Screw Steamship’s Company’s splendid line of-Steamers, from or to Liverpool. Also Draft?, upon Great Bi Uran or Ireland. Persons wishing to send for their friends from any part of the old country, ran rnakeA-lhe necessary arrangements with the undersigned. ' - . Sight drajta on Britain or Ireland, sold by GEO. B. MeGRATH. Ehnlra, April 30, 1557. mi W. & IT. W. M’DOUGALL, BEAL ESTATE AGENTS. A RE engaged in Exploring, Surveying and Draft, ing, Inventing Money nt AV*al Estate, aucKon Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrants, Locating Land for Settlors on lime. The}' will attend the Land Silcsin this and live adjoining districts, wltcie thesr practical knowledge will enable them to select the bell lots. Parties entrusting Money to- u.s fqr investment will have the benefit of our explorations. No prop only purchased tbit we arc not personally acquainted with. [Wauba-bavv, Mi;i. Ter., April 22-1 EMPLOYMENT. —From 63 to $lO per (lay can be made surf*,and no humbug—l>u-inr«s done Ji,t home—easy, respectable and iiNcfullo every body, it required little or'no capital, and will not interfere with any oilier business. We n ill >ull the right to a limited number, and on the receipt of $3, will send by rcU|rp mail all qeressary irfslruclion?. No per son will ever regret sending for this information, let his employment be u hat 5l may, ns it will not inter fere with any other bn-inc-s in the lea 4-! and profits sure. Address KINLEY YOUNG &.C’o. rOiTER & JIAK?IOSD'S NEW SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP. rpIUS System leaclie** a practical , business , hand X writing 11 does this systematically. The subject is presented not merely as‘an art to be learned by imitation, but as a science to be studied and applied. For sale, wholesale and retail by Baldwin, Lowell & Ci?., T‘Pga, I >a - IVrce DO cents per doz. 1 » E IV T I S T: Office in Roy's Netp Building , up stairs. All work pertaining to his lino of business done promptly anti well. Wcllsbcro*. April 2. 1857.-tf, HU. TRACY DELORME, Nexv-York Fost-oltig?. SALE. —A good T-.vo Horse Lumber Wag. - on, ciieap for cash or approved paper. Aprij 6th. ] J, p.V.ERY- MRS. F. A- MAYNARI* will open 'a SELECT SCHOOL, for Boys am) GirU in the Academy, o .cqmmcncc MonH.iv, Mjv ] I th. and enntinno dve -weeks. ’! WtjVl-ohV April 38th 1?57A IiITED STATES HOTEL. TliX IT! TRY IT! Notice. ATTENTIOX] LADIES ! , Mrs. 12. ss. EOnssLall & Co.,j , Lock Haven, Clinton Co. Pa. March 12; 1557-y. I NE If AND SPLENDID STOCK OF TIN, SHEET-IRON, COPPER 4 STOVES- i AT' P. P, AND W. EGBERTS' rPIIfEJ greatest variety of STOVES ever* seen in ’L Wellsboro,' lias just arrived at ilieSTOVEit TliS STORE of U P. & W. ROBERTS. They, would call the attention ci the public to Iheir weU* selected assortment, consisting of th? I YOUNG AMERICA, - - Elevated oven, MORNING STAR, - . - . do. NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, do. REGULATORS,PREMIUMS. LOW OVEN 3, Also a large assortment of BOX and FARLO& 5 loves, at City prices. These Stoves arc selected v itU ill? greatest care, especially for this markcL and cannot fail to entire satisfaction. knd see them. ‘ ’ j kinds, shapes, and sizes made of ihe best material.and sold as cheaper no\ cheaper than thutof any other establishment in County. Rave Gutters made to order on short notice, ! JOBBING done to order and’in the best man-* per. All T-in-ware carefully proved before leaving l|*e shop. [ O’ Old Iron, Copper, Byass, Pewter, and alsq jilycr and Gold cither old or new, taken in exchange. l>r Goods at the Market price. They respectfully solicit the patronage Of all who wish to purchase anything in their line, assuring, them that money ejan be sayed by examining their slock before pur chasing elsewhere. j PREMIUMS on Tinware were given for Stock and;\YorU &c., at late eovmly Fair. | D; ? & W. ROBERTS; j| Wdisboro.* April 23 1657. 3fff. W. KING PATENT CHAIR MANIEPACTURERSi 438 Broome St., One Door East of Broadway, (Laic 463 Broadway, New Yorlc.) (Established A. D. 1533.) INVITE bn examination .of their variety and bu. perior assortment of CHAIRS, manufactured n( r their own and under their immediate qbuervution and direction, including r . PIVOT REVOLVING CHAIRS, ! SELF-ACTING EXTENSION RKCCMURST CITATRS, | IMPROVED INVALID WHEEL CHAIRS, [MAJOR PKARLE’S TRATELTNYr rXTALTT) CHAIR, I SPANISthSPRING ANDSQUAB CHAIRS. RHEUMATIC, SPIRAL n.l almost crvry hs»ml**t of ilio American States, it« worworlul cure-4 of pulmonary complaints have* mule It ulita-ly Ui.ov.n. NMy. [uv are the families in any < lull 'c-1 r-.tintry on this continent without -onie person.U ex jiiieiu'e of ..nil fwir jit tii- ri uiiuutmuo any vines (* •. *i, ji-h have ! n-urre tl un ‘■'•me? living trophy'of its "rrr f'.r -iji r !•- nn'l M.-.rc- r-Mis dl-L.llt -of the throat nb-! JujicC. V* bile it : tim mc.t pjwcitul aut. lute jet kftowu t man I .rth'‘ fu id.-bh amt haiurnous di-ia-e; of taw put- . nbui in i'r ; ssu*-7t T 5 al=p the plca.-anlcsr and «>af*"d remedy rli.it on ft . inplAjcJ f.*r iiif.muj end uiuiig ji-wms. .Taioutu ''|.oii!d Ivvj i: 1 1 -to> v - .ig'ur.st the uMdkiU- 1 ssomy that 510313 tli-m mi pi epared. \Ve hare abundant grounds to be hb%e th*‘Uany. i’oftoial uu'ro livir by the mn-vinp- ' tS'ins it { tho of lung disorder*. and t;a they know tuo the virtues o£ tfti« rent* Jy. ws» iwd not do more than to a- msec thorn it i* spit mnie tne best it can be. We. bpau: no co-.t, nu care, n