The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, May 21, 1857, Image 3
Death op Jcdgb Burra.—We learn from the Corning Journal that Judge Lawrencevillev Pa., died recently at Mem phis. He had formerly resided in that city, but a year or mote siftce returned to Law renceville for a permanent residence. He went to Memphis a few weeks ago to close up some unsettled business, but was taken sick immediately on hisacriyaj and died from typhoid fever. He was a gentleman of ability and was highly esteemed. A bill has been passed by the- Legislature and approved by the Governor releasing Gen. Small from imprisonment to which he was subject by a tyrannical Judge for alleged contempt. -JJA-B-Ha-E-D At Tioga, on the 13th inBt„ by Rev. S. J Me. Cttllongh, Mr. QUINCY W. WELLINGTON of Corning N. Y. and Miss MATILDA ft WICK HAM of Tioga. J LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Wcllahoro Pa, May 15,1857. Allen Mrs. Fanny McOonlcy Horace Burl A. ' Mernek Mrs. Sarah Beebe Rev. Comfort Moyor David 2 Banner Editors of Niles Russel i Borden Miss Melissa O’Connel Jerry Break Andrew J. Tamer WHliam Cole William Preston L. Cole Cornelius Rouse Joshua DePew William H. ■ Rhodes Asa English James Spencer Eleanor Farm Journal Editors of Smith Harvy Gitchell Miss Ann Scbaub David Giilett &. Phelps Steele George Hathaway H. P. Smith P. S., Horloo Wm. F. Smith R. E, Hall David N. Sherman & Son H.. Hall L. Symonda Ascnalh ‘Knapp Daniel Thompson Miss Louesa Knight Nelson Thompson Benjamin C. Lewis Evan Varner Henry Leonard G. R. Webster Miss Esther M. Messenger Ed's of WilcoxrCaroUne Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised. I. D. RICHARDS, P, M. HERRING’S SAFE, ■THE ACKNOWLEDGED THE RECENT TRIALS at Reading have endorsed the current of public opinion, and confirmed the verdict of more than 200 accidental fires, proving conclusively that “Herring's” is the ONLY SAFE that will not burn. Extract from the Committee's Re _ port on the Trial of Iron Safes at Rending “On the 26th of February all the members of the committee met to witoe« tho Safes and books -and papers, (placed in them) and were perfectly satisfied, that all was right. The <i iy following, the burning took place, under the superintend* Mice of the Committee. After a fair and Impartial burning for fire hours, the Safe of Messrs Evans & Watson was first opened, the Safe being on fire inside, and the contents par* tially consumed, while the contents in .the Safe of Messrs Parrels A Herring were In good condition, and no fire inside.” Reading, March 3,1857, (Signed.) H. F. FELIX, I P. N. COLEMAN, VCoaimittee. A. H. PEACOCK, } ‘ And opdorsod by over 50 of the best men of Beading. The aituve Safes can be inspected at SI Walnut Street, whore the public can satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the ‘•Herrings Patent Champion,” over tho defeated and used-up ‘‘inside Iron Door Salamander.” PARRELS St HERRING, 34 Walnut Street, Philad’a. Only Malers in ihis State of Herring's Patent Champion Safes. The attempt made by other parties to bolster up the repu* tatlon of a Safe which ha* failed so signally in accidental fires in Philadelphia, (Ronstead Place,) by taking one out of an agent’s store, (H. A. Lantz.) made double thickness, (differ ent from those they sell) to ‘’burn up” one of Herring's, (half as thick - ) has met with its true reward. Herring’s Safe could not be burnt, proving nouclaslvely that the only reliable .Safe now made is ‘‘Herring's - ' of which over 13.000 ai*tf now in actual a h 4 mots than 200 have been tried by fire without a tingle loss. July 13, 1*67. ly, ®.B HNS & WATSON, •PHILADELPHIA Manufaclu -1 red Salamander Sales, No. 26 S. Fourlh Street, Pliilada. Truth is Mighty and must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superintend the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Reading, Feb. 27. 1857. “The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes origi nally agreed upon by Farrels &. Herring and Evans 6l Watson, placed side by side in a furnace, viz: .The Safe in use by the Paymaster of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company, in his office at Reading, manufactured by Parrels & Herring, and the safe in use by H. A. Lanlz, in his store, manufactured by Evans &r Watson,and put In books and papers precisely alike. Tito (ire was started at SJ o’clock, A. M., and kept op until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chestnut top Wood were entirely consumed, the.wholc under the superintendence of the subscribers, members of the Committee. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened and the books and papers taken out br the Committee and sent to H. A. Lama’s store for public'examination, after they were first examined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Evans & Watson were but slightly affected by the intense heat, while those taken from the Safe manufactured by Farrels & Herring, were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent more than those taken from Evans & Watson’s Safe. J Wo believe the above to have been a fair and im. partial trial of (he respective qualities of both Safes. JACOB H. DYSHER, Daniel s, hunter. 1 Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of their respective Safes. G. A. NICHOLLS, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND, EVANS & WATSON have now on hand 300,- 000 pounds of the above Safes, which they offer for sale on belter terms than any other Manufacturer in the United Stales. July 13, 1857. ly. UNION ACADEMY. J. TV. DEWEY, Principal. Aftaa , Teacher of Music. THE BUMMER TERM of this Academy will cotnmcßce, Tuesday, May 26th, 1857. TUITION must be paid in advance. TEXT BOOKS can be had of the Principal.— For farther information address the Principal, at Knoxville, Tioga County Feona. Deerfield, April 30, 1857. * AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—Ia hereby given that the uqdcy signed appointed an Auditor to distribute the fund arri ving from the aasetts of the personal estate of Godfrey Bow man late of Proojtfield township deed, among the heirs and persons entitled thereto win attend to the duties of said appointment at his office in on the 6th ’day of June next at one o’clock of said day, when and where ail persons having claims upon said fund are required to present the same for-allowance or be forever debarred f ro m any claim upon said fund. JOHN N. BACiIE, Auditor. Wellsboro* May 7th, 1557. Notice, THE Subscriber having taken letters of Admin, istration on the estate of ALEXANDER CUMMINGS, late of Charleston, deceased, all per. fODB hiring claims agalqej said estate nr© requested to present the same for settlement, and those indebt ed ere notified to pay np on or before the first day of May net, J. I. JACKSON, Adm’r. Wellsboro,’ April 6th 1857. Administrator’s TVoticc, T ETTERS of Administration having Been grant J-i cd w the undersigned, upon the Estate of JAMES ENGLISH, late ofDehnar lap., deceased., those Indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment, and those liaving claims against the same will present them for settlement to ; CATHARINE ENGLISH Adm’x. ANGUS 6R|FP|N, Adm'r. Dehuar, April 23, 1857. 1 * PORK-FtOVTR-SALT. NEW PROVISION STORE, DHABT respectfully informs bis friends • and the public generally, that he haspnrqhas* ed the Store lately occupied by Jones & JRoe, and has.associated within), Mr. 6. Short, under the name of & SHORT* arq no.w receiving a fresh. No, 1 stock of SHUCK, ILOIK, . FRBIT GROCERIES, and every article to. the Grocery, and Provvatep UA6* They intend to introduce and keep constant.!/ on hand, that fine brand of Flom; known as EXTRA GENESEU and which, unlike the Flour which has beep, peddled out Ut this public (or several years past, Will make good, white Bread. and is worth every cent it costs. We intend to bay all kinds of Produce and pay the GASH. There fore we shall sell bar Groceries and Provisions for CASH. We have also a light slock of DRY GOODS which will be sold cheap. Call and examine fo yourselves. HART &. SHORT. Wellsboro, May 14, 1857tf. The Empire! The Empire!! NEW FIRM 4- NEW GOODS ! ])OWEN ,& BULLARDS, [l»te J) J. R. Bowen,] would inform the public that they may be found at the old stand of J. R. Bowen, known as the where they are now receiving fresh from the City, a full supply of * -j SPRING &. SUMMER GOGHS* of every variety and quality, which cannot but suit the most fastidious, and at the lowest rates s Such as Madder-colored Prints , 6$ cents, superior Eng lish ahd Merrimack Prints , Cambric and Lawns, rich and beautiful French anc American Ginghams , new Ifyting style Challes, Black and Plaid Dress Silks all, qualities and a goqd style of Lawns for 6 1-4 eta. BOOTS & SHOES, READYMADE CLOTHING. Crockery, Hardware, Wooden ware. Groceries. PROVISIONS. Sec. &«. J. R. BOWEN, 1 M. RULLARD, £ Wellshoro May 14 ’57 O. BULLARD. S TTOOPS—Hoops—Hoops! Plain Brass, Brass XX Wire, Whalebone and Heed, at the EMPIRE. COME to the EMPIRE if you want a nice bon net—also Trimmings, such as Ribbons, Bor ders, Linings, dec. IF you want a Carpet CHEAP, call at BOWEN &, BULLARDS. LATEST STYLES Hals and Caps just receiv- at Bowen & Bollards. STUFFS, York Mills Coltonades, O Farmers and Mechanics brown Linens, and lots and lots of Denims just received at B. & B’a. SPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas selling very cheap—dog cheap at B. & B’s. An Ordinance To prevent Horses, Cattle , Sheep , Hogs and Geese from running at large in the Boro' of xManqficld. § 1. Be It ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of-Mansfield, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, that from and after the due publication of (his ordinance, it shall be unlawful for the owner or owners of any horse, mare, or geld ing, cattle, sheep, hogs or geese, to permit or suffer the same to run at large In said borough. § 2. That, the owner or owners of any horees, cattle or hogs, who shall permit, or suffer the same to run at large in said borough, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty cents, at the suit of any person, for the use of said borough of Mansfield, for each and every head, and for each and every offence { and the owner or owners of any sheep or geese, who shall permit the same,to run at large in said borough, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten cents for each and every head of said sheep or geese, and-fbr each and every offence, to be recovered as aforesaid. Pro vided, that milch cows may be permitted to run at large in said borough from sunrise in the morning till nine o'clock at night, from the first of April to the first of December of eoch and every year. HENRY ALLEN, Burgess . Attest: —S. B. Elliott, Secretary . Mansfield, May 6,1857 —3w T) EGISTEJVS NOTlCE— Notine is XV hereby given that the Administrators, Execu tors and Guardians of the following named estates, have settled their accounts, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans* Court of Tirga county on> MONDAY, the Ist day of June, 1857, for con formation and allowance, viz: The account of Rebecca Ramsey, adm'x of Philo W. Grech, late of Sullivan, dec'd* The account of John W. Guernsey , adm*r of Ed ward Nolen, dec'd. The account of Benjamin Wells , adm*r of Han* nah Kelly, late of Jackson, dec’d. The account of Jno. L. Davenport, adra’r of Dan iel J. Shaw, late of Elkland, de’cd. The account of Eraslus Rose and Royal Rose Ex’s of Wra. Ruse, dec'd. The account of Adam Berner, adm'r of Wra. C. Miller, dec*d. , The account of J. J Werlinc, adra'rde bonis non of J Michael Baum, dec'd. The account of Levi B. Skive, guardian of Geo. Leficr, dec'd. „ Wellsboro, May 7.1857- W. D. BAILEY, Register. 4 PPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. —To Martha - i -X Stetson —You are hereby notified that Reuben Stetson, your husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County, for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said Court have appointed Monday, the first day of June next, at 10 o'clock, forenoon, for hearing the said Reuben Stetson in the premises, at wfiioh time and place you can attend if you think proper. k JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff., Wcllsboro,' April 30, 1857. Application for divorce— To Daniel Prentice , —You arc hereby notified that Fanny Prentice, your wife, by her next friend Nelson John son, has applied to the Court of Common Picas of Tioga County for a divorce from the bonds of matri mony, and that the the said Court have appointed Monday ihe Ist day ol June next, at 10 o'clock, forenoon, for hearing the said Fanny Prentice in the premises, at which lime and place you can attend if you think proper. JOHN MATHERS* Wellsboro*, April .30, 1857. Sheriff. Executor’s Nolioo, Letters testamentary upon the Estate of GEORGE McLEOD,deceased, having been granted to the Subscribers, all persons having claims or demands against the said Estate are requested to present the same, and those indebted to make pay ment to SARAH H.-McLEOD, Executrix* GEO. I. McLEOD, Executor. Wellsboro, April 16,1857. A NOTlCE.—Letter* of XX Administration having been granted to the undersigned estate of Joseph Neal late of Charleston, dec’d., all persons indebted to ibo same will make payment, and those haring claim* against the Mine, will present them to ALONZO WHITNEY, Adm’r, ELIZABETH HEAL, Adna’x. Charleston, May 14,1857, 6w, THE STATE CONVENTION of Universalisls of Pa. will hold its next annual session at Byl vania boro (Columbia Flats) on Wednesday and the following Thursday, June jld and 4th* A cardial Invitation is extended to al|. SHERIFFS SALES. BY VIRTUE OP sundry -writs of FI, Fa. Lev. Pa. and VegjJitlonl Sx. Issued ouLof U)e Common fle&'qf Tioga County and to me directed I expose to on MONDAY, ue Ist day Juno next, at one o'elocVanernoon in the Court Hoqje, WeUsbpro, tbq following described prop erty, to wit: • A lot of Usd in Sullhran township, bounded- by lands of the late Sylvester Bailey, east by T. W. Amqs, J. C. Clark and B. Edgton, south' by P. S. Ripley and Isaac Owens, and west by D. L. Holden—containing ono hundred an&sixty one. acres with about 90 acres improved, a frame bouse and bam, log house and bam seventy apple trees and some peach trees therein. be sold m the property of John. M. CasseLL ' ALSO—A Ipt of jfliyiitL Chatham, bounded north by public road, east by William Spalding, south by Spalding an3'others; and west by John Short—containing about forty five acres, with about twenty five or thirty acres improved, a frame house, frame bain and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of 'A*. M. SwcsL ALSO—A lot of land la Gaines township, bounded north by John Be bn' and Parkhurst lands,' east by R. Hard, south by R. Rice and J. Thompson, and west by Pox lands—con taining about eighty acres, with about2oor2sacrea improved, two log houses, a log barn and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Allen Smith. ALSO—A lot of land in Brookfield township, bounded north by Billings* lands, east by J, Schoonover, south by John Abbott, and west by YFQllam' Johnson—containing about thirty nine acres and some perches, two frame houses, two frame bams and an apple orchard thereon. To bipaold os the property ot £. D. Abbott. ALSO-—A lot of land in Farmington township, bounded north by Joseph Johnson, cast by R. Stewart, west J-y B. Saoff, south by lands of Dailey—containing sixty eight and seven tenths acres, about fifteen acres a log house and frame bam and some fruit trees To be sold as the property of 'William Bryant. ALSO —A lot of land In Wellsboro, bounded north by Alary Meek, east by L. I. Nichols and James Kimball, south by Andrew Crowd, west by Andrew Crowl, L. I. Nichols and Mary Meek—containing seven eights of an acre of improved land, Steam Foundry aud Blacksmith Shop' thereon.' To be sold as the'property of Levi Cbubbuck. ALSO—AI Ift? of ?aud In Tioga tovfqship, bounded ftp ?k e nbrty by laha ows?d by James Ford, on the oast by Sly and Daggett, on the South by land of Isaac Mann and public road, and on the west by A. D. Cold-—containing ninety eight aud seven tenths acres, with about eigUtgep o? twenty acres im proved, a good log house and some fruit trees thereon. Tobe sold as tbe property of Salmon S. Baldwin and terre tenant. ALSO—A lot of land in Westfi Id township, bounded north by Qcpyge Close, cast by J. K. Sales, west by George Close, south by highway—containing about half an acre of improved land, a frame dwelling house and cabinet shop and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Qeorge-Lewis and Cornelius Ocorr. ALSO—A lot of land in Covington township, bounded north by land of Thos. Goodall aud H. H. Dent, east by land of 8. B. Kelsey, south by land of Jonathan Jennings, west by land of Wm. West and S. Pierce, witha small shanty thereon. —containing about ninety three acres, more or less. To be sold os the property of Bcuben Hart. ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township, bounded north by Wm. How and Daniel Wharton, cast by the same, south by Wm. Furman, Bart lea aud R. JphnsoD. vrest by K. Johnson and Bobiqsoa—containing abput two impelled twelve acres, eighty or ninety acres improved a log house and frame barn thereon.' Tb’bo sold as the property of R‘. W. Wheeler. AL.SO—A lot 6f- land in the towuship of Osceola, bounded north by Hoyt Tubbs, east by Tuscarora street, south by Morgan Seely and Isaac B.Taft, west by highway—containing one ha\f acre of land all improved, fn*rpe dwelling house, frame barn and a'lew fruit trees thereoa. To be ‘sold os the property of 0. IL Colegfbvo.' - • • r .... . ALSO—A lot of land in the township of Nelson, bounded north by Stephen A. Gardinghonse, east by G. W. I‘heipa, South by Ilcssham & Fowler, west by ircssliam—containing one hundred acres with abotit forty acres improved, log hou=o frame barn and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property ot Jauie« Cook. ALSO—A lot of land iii township, bounded as follows; North l*y Pardon Damon, east by Wm. B. i/iddaugh, south by Ira Kilborn, west by Wm. B. Sliddaugh—containing about one fourth of an acre, one frame house, one frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold us the property of Norman Kurd. ALSO—A tract of land in Westfield township, bounded on the north by B. Mattison, on the cast by W. Labar, on the west by 11. Steele and B. Mattison. and on the south by Eushmorc—containing about one hundred acres, with about fifty acres improAed. two apple orchards, a log house, frame house and frame barn thereon. To be sold os the prouortv of Willard Potter. . ALSO—Too certain messuages or lots oS land in the town ship of Middlebury—containing sixty seven and three tenths acres, adjoining lands of Jacub Kiphart on the uouth, Joseph Merrick on the cast, Joseph Gee on the north, and L. V. Bee man on the west —sixty acres improved, a frame house, a log barn and an apple orchard thercuu. To be sold as the prop erty of Charles Churchill and Elizabeth Churchill. ALSO—Two village lots, Nos 13 and 15, in the Borough of Wollsboro, Tioga county Pa., bounded north east by Wain street, south east by Pearl street, south wast by lot now oc cupied by John Dumaux, ?nd north nest by Main street containing two thirds of an acre more or less, with one large three story frame store home, with a dwelling house attached. —one other dwelling house. & harness shop, and a few fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of Robert Roy. ALSO—A lot of bind situate at the forks of Pine creek and Long Run Itoads—containing one acre of land, being eight rods on Pino creek road, and twenty rods on Long Run Road, with a frame tavern bouse, barn ami woodshed thereon. To be told us tbs property of Warren Mills and Benjamin Barse. ALSO—A lof or land In Clymer township, bounded north by Caleb Trourhrjdge and E, Tanner, east by E. Tanner and MaJcom Tate, south hy Charles Schoonover and 1. Beech, west by Peter Grilßn—containing one hundred acres, fifty or sixty acres Improved, two frame housed, two frame barns and two apple orchards thereon. To be sold as the property ot 11. E. Tanner. 1 r ALSO —A lot of lapd in Tioga township, bounded as folio - ufcv . »ot of lapd iu Tioga township, bounded as follows: north, cast and west by A. S. Turner nnd south by Turner and Benson—containing about one hundred acres, with about fifteen or twenty acres nnproed, frame house, frame barn and a small apple orchard thereon. Tu be sold os the property of George Baker. ALSO—A lot of land in Belmar township, bounded north by Straw bridge warrant, and Steele warrant, oast by Straw bridge warrant, south by Wllpon warrant —captaining three hundred acres more or loss, with al»out ten acres improved, frame house and a log house thereon. To be sold as the prop erty of Lyman Spencer. ALSO—A ot of land in Wellsboro bounded south cast by the road leading from WelUboro to Morris township, westerly by TPiUiao) Bachc and Kirkpatrick, and north cast by Anna Morris—containing about three or four acres all improved: ALSO—AnotUur Jot bounded north east by P. Kodington and G. Campbell, southerly by Rcdington and Win. llijfy.nml westerly by road leading to Morris township—containing about three aervs. ALSO—A lot of land in Dulmor township, bounded north hy J. F. Donaldson. cast by William Dockstader, south by Coolidgc, and west by GriJTm—containing about two hundred and twenty acres, with sixty acres, improved, a framehouse, frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. ALSO—A lot of land In Shlppen township bonnded on the north by K. G. If hito, east by JFhite, sooth by Pine Creek, west by Spalding—containing seventy one and ope fourth acres, about fifteen acres improved, a two stoiy frame Ijoune, frame barn, and a young orchard thereon. To ho sold as the property of Ryan Hard, ALSO—A lot of land in Dclmar township, bonnded as fol lows, to wit: north by Daniel Fooht, east oy Daniel iSoajic, south by Robert Karr, west by Wm. F. Robinson—Contain ing one hundred and six acres, with abant sixty acres impro ved ; a log house, log barn and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of William Moyer. ALSO —A lot of land in Morris township, bounded north by Archer, cast by lands late of Harrison dec'd, and south and west by Archer—containing sixty four acres, wifli forty or forty five acres improved; a frame bouse and barn and a few fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the property of Robert English. Executor da son tort of James English dec'd.' ALSO—A lot of land in the Boro of Wellsboro’, situate upon the south side of tho Avenue, bounded north cast by the Avenue, south east by Anna Morris, south west by Anua Morris, intended to be an alley, north west by Anna Morris or contemplated street, being one hundred and twenty feet on Avenue, and extending back two hundred and fifty feet — containing two thirds of an acre, with a frame dwelling house, frame bam and some fruit trees thereon. ALSO —A lot of land in Wellsboro, beginning at a stake thirty feet from tho north weet’eorner of Morgan Sherwood on Main Streat, thence south-east parallel with the line of Morgan Sherwood to lands of Bacbc, theqeo along laud of paid Bachc, north forty five degrees, east thirty feet to a post, thence north forty fivo degrees, west to line of Main street, thence along Main street to the place of beginniug— being thirty feet on Mam street, witha two story frame build ing used as a printing office and shoe shop thereon. To be sold os the property of James I*. Magill and Philip Shelter. ALSO —A lot of land in the village of MelUboro* bounded north by water street, east by the Presbyterian chnrch lot, south by 3lnin street, west by Chester Robinson—containing one third of an acre of improved land, frame house, frame barn and millinery shop thereon ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township, bounded north by lands of Phelps and Dodge, east by Deforest Bowen, pouth by Wm. Derbyshire, west by Theodore Spencer—containing eighty six and one half acres, two acres chopped and body of log house thereon. To be sold as the property of Bcnj. Seely and terre tenant, AIISO—A lot of land in Gaines township, bounded .north by Benjamin Ogden and I. S. Ogden, cast by S. F. Wilson and B. V. Ogden, south by white and Ensworth, west by R. G. white—containing about seventy nud ouc half acres,’about sixteen acres Improved, one frame bam anil apple orchard thereon. To bo sold'aa the property of JJ, V Ogden. ALSO—A lot of land in Clymer township, bounded north bp Jolm Rnshmorc and wm. Douglass, east by wilcox and Sa* bins, south by George Briggs and George Rcora, west bv north and south road from John Kushmores to Pine Creek— contain ing about forty acres, about twenty-five acres improved, log house, log barn and an apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of Jolm Case. ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan township, bonnded as fol lows: north by Jacob fear, cast by L. Dowd, south by S. E. Robins, west by L. Dowd—containing About thirteen acres all improved To be sold as the property of Frederick Robbins. ALSO—A lot of land In Richmond township, bounded north by M. Benedict, east by Clark W. Bailey, south by John Ginning*, vresi by George Avery—containing about eighty acres Ql land, about sixty ipjproyed, frame house, frame barn and a young apple orchard thereop. jo he sold as the property of Barton walker. ALSO—A lot of Jnnd in the township of Osceola, hounded north by C. H, Colegrove, east by Hoyt Tubbs, couth by Street, west by street leading from Osceola to Addison—con taining about one half aero of improved land, one frame house and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—A lot of bind in the same place, bounded north by lot of C. A. Clark, east by - street, south by —-rr street, west by street leading from Osceola to Addison—containing about one half acre of land more or less, all improved, frame house, frame barn, hen house apd a few frqit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of w. w. Day. ALSO —A lot of land in Dclmar township, bounded north by E. Itovce, John Hastings and liqpsoo, east by Stony Fork road, south by Samuel Scranton, west by Stephen Sabins— containing about one hundred and fifty acres of land, about forty-five acres Improved, four frame dwelling houses, one fraipc barn and two apple orchards thereon. To be sold as the property of wm* F. Kohineon, ALSO—A lot of landin ward township, bounded north by C. L. ward, east by Batbbone Unde, south by Peter Meeker and west by C. L. ward—containing about seyepty acres, with about thirty acres improved, fifteen acres chopped, a frame bouse, log house, frame bam *?Pl# Ofcburd thereon. To be sold as the property of Daniel Hagar. ALSO — A' (ot of land in Rutland township, bounded north ►y Art-mus'B'ernbvrt, enst !y 11-rilng. south oni THE TIOGA COITNTT AOXTATOH, • west by George Brown—cpntainii)'g;<bout two hundred and thirty more or less,' with one hundred and ten acres improved; one frame bonp*7 two‘frame horns and an apple ©retard Tharfon.' ***■■' ***’ ALSO—A lot bf laud in Sullivan township, bounded tbe north, by the north line of warrant No. 978, on the east by land formerly of Nathaniel Nichols and N. Smith, on the south by lands of John Benson end Arad Smith, and on the urest by lauds of Zopher Tears and Apdike—containing about one hundred 'ami two acres, with about sixty acres im proved, k framb dwelling house and ft few fruit trees therein. T(? bo sold as thq property of John Benson. ' ’ ALSO—A lot' ot land in Dclmar towuship, branded north by Samuel waniijer and P. Wilson, east by ?- Palmer, west by J. wilpox, south oy B. C. winchell and aboftt one hundred and <?ne acres, with about fifty up proved, a frame houseVftlog bam and a few fruit trees Ujereoh. ALSO—A lot of land' Farmington township, bounded ftorth by N. Chamberlin, vest by S. Odd, soath by C. Finch, east by C^mbe^Un —containing sixteen acres, fifteen acres Improved. To be’solcl as property of Henry A. Beamons. ALSC^—A lot of Tftiyi in, Middlebury township, bounded north by N. T. west aaoD. Briggs, east by T. ll Baldwin, south and west by l^aslet —containing about one hundred and twenty seven acres, with" atp\it sixteen acres improved, a log house, two shops and some. other out buildings and fruit trees thereon. To besold os the property of C. H. March. A^SO—A tract of land la Word township, bounded north by A. Cummings, east spyth by william Mclntosh and west by J. Funnan— about seventy five acres with about twenty five acres improved, a log house thereon. To be s&d as the property of Jb&n Benson. 4 ‘ "* JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff. TTellsboro’ l4* 1857. 'VrOTICEis hereby given, that an amount equal to the J_V costs will be to be paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply witb thie regulation, the tract of land will again be offered for sale, and no, sale w?Il Ipe postponed without payment of costs. Jury List,—Jane Term, 1857. GRAND JURORS, Rifih&ond. —Amos Bixby, Amos Green, Apollos Fitts, John Cooper. E tkland. —Joel G. Parhhurst, Wm. Guernsey. Brookfield. —Jno. R. Coffie. ■$ . Knoxville. —Jno. E. While. Delmar.—Wm. Francis, Ithiel Royce, Charles Eberentz. Liberty.—^ Wm, Landon, Chatham • —N. JS. Hastings. Tioga. —H.S. Johnson, S. M* Geer, Lewis Daggett Deerfield. —Abel Hoyt. Covington. —Wm. Swat}. Bloss. —James Mooney. Rutland. —W. B. Slurdevnn?. Gaines.—A. W. Chaffee, Morris. —Enoch Blackwell, Clymer. —Geo. O. Bristol, Win* JPRORS. Niddlebury. —John Rcdinglon, Albert Westbrook, Edsall Mitchell, Sylvester Beckwith. Farmington. —Charles Bottom. Delmar. —Robert Steele, M. C, Spicer, Silas John* gon, H. A. Guernsey, A. S. Brewster, Joel prowl. Elklayd. —p. B. Maynard. Lawrence. —Simeon Power, ‘Julius Tremain. Covington Boro'. —A. S. Johnson. Sullivan. —lsaac Owens, Darwin Miller, P. D Parkhursl. J. C. Knowllon, Lafayette Gray. * • Tioga.—S. B. Hathaway, J. G. Putnam, G. W. lancf. | Jackson.^ Samuel Baker, Edward Seeley, Win, Miller. Shippen.~- Deroy Herrington. fFellaboro —Joseph Riberolle, J. J. Bassett, H S. Cook. Charleston. —Jeremiah KJock, A* E. James Bradt. . Richmond. —Wm. C. Ripley, D. C. Crandall. Bloss. —James Feary. Brookfield. —M. B. Metcalf. Bymm Hunt. --Thas. Leach, paniel Clona, . Union. —H. P. Kilborn, Clymer. —Wm. Ridges. Chatham —Alonzo Lee, Wm> Straw. Morris. —Robert Custard, Rutland. —Wm* Updike, Liberty. —Joseph Kebler. Lamrsncecille. —E. F. Branch, >i SECOND WEEK. Jackson. —George Kelly, L. B. Shelves, W. 8 Miller. D*J/nar,-=Calvin Boyce, Hartford Butler, Well man S. Butler. Liberty. —Thos.Coon, Wm. Sheffer, J. J, Werlinc, John Lenbardt, Elk. —Lorain Welmarc. Middlebury. —J. B. Potter, Nathan West, Upland.—Jesse How, Ferry Bally, C, A. Cole* grove. Chatham.— rJesso Rose, Shippen. —E. W. Girtncll. Brookfield. —Wm. R. Seeley. «• Farmington.—Z. A. Kemp, W. H. Baxter Edward Fish, William Campbell. Covington. —Thomas Goodcnow. Sullivan. —6 W. Doud, Calvin Reynolds, Union. —R. V. Vanhozen. Elkland Boro'. —Lcandcr Culver. Charleston. —Phineas Vanhorn, Alonzo Kimball, Samuel Mills. Lawrence. —Thomas Inscho. Tioga. —H. E. Smith. Richmond* —O. H. Phelps, Trial List, June Term, 1557. L. Fenton vs, John Lounsberry M. K. Thorp vs. W. Mclntyre D. A. Peake ts, E D Tinney B.C. Wickham v». Geo. Knox etaj James Duffy vs. L H Reed ct al Thomas Putnam vs. E Djcr Samuel D. Clark vs, A Haslett Martin Boardman vs, Wm. Fanlkncr W. B. Middaugh et al vs, James Guernsey ot ft| Keony for Koons >B, Jno. West Van Buren ft Churchill vs. J{ Stowcll ft Son Pel eg Peck vs- N Yeung .7. D. Hall v*. Julius Sherwood Joseph Peck for 0 F Taylor vs. E\an Lewis et al do. ' vs, do. Rolxsrt Sampson vs. Joseph Yonkin O. B. Camp vs. 11. T. Ryon Lowrcy & Guernsey vs. A Walker Blockhouse Lodge vs. James Merrill Richard W, Wheeler Vs, Mary H Wheeler Union Township vs. C 0 Sluman et al Knoxville School Directors . vs, John Goodspoed S. Beemjs vs. W Barnes S. Rvxford vs. II P Yeomans 11. T. Ryon -vs. Ethel Harris Arvine Claifc et al vs. E Miller’s Executor Arvinc Clark vs. do.* Henry Rathbono vs. I M Hammond Win. Barnes vs. K Qulmby Djcr Power vs. L. Granger White A. Lawrence vs. H. T. Ryon J. D. Langwell vs. L. M. Palmer Hoaid ami Beach vs. J. Palmer Hilliard. Hayes ft Co. vs. Wm. M. Evans ft oo Adm’r of Elijah Fellows vs. Bennett, Randall ft oo Hilliard, Hopkins et al vs. Wm M. Evans ot al Ira Bullock vs. pcnqett & Randall Samuel Gnnncl vs James Ford David Coats s • vs D. B. Shoff Ira Bullock . vs Bennett ft Randall W. W. Ballard ot al vs J McWhorter et ul Pliny Power v« Jacob Prutzman N. Beach vs A P Cone E. Mnnahnn vs Phipps et al H. A. Guernsey - vs pPft W Roberts J. D. Wood vs Quo. Kress John W. Park vs lUm Updike H. E. Dibble ft Co vs R T Ryon John V. Greenfield ft Co vs N Bench J. D. Longwell • vs Bethucl Bentley Hastings ft McNitt ' vs John Bowen B. R. Hal! ’ ** vs Cyrus Field et al Wm. Was* vs A It'oodbury Stearns ft Mann vs II T Ryon A. W. Wilton vs E Dyer W. H. Phillips and Son vs R K Brundage Henry Sales vs E Dyer Wright ft Butler va N A Elliott Exf’s of Elijah Shlppen vs Eli Felt John Dclcamp vs Thos B Castlebury R. C. Gillctt vs ' LcmiTel Davenport M. Power > vs II S Johnson L. P. Hoyt vs IP W Ballard ot al John W. Guernsey 1 Levi J Cooley Bridge A Shepherd. ra Martha Stevens Applications tor License. NOTICE is hereby given, that the following named persons have filed their petitions foj, Tavern Ucenbcs with the clerk of the Court of Quar ter Sessions in and for Tioga County, y\%: N, Mann, —Lawrencevillle, i Lorenzo D. Taylor,—Covington Boro* H. H. Totter, —Middlebury, H. G, Short,—Knoxville. J. K. Sayks,—Westfield, Byron B, Holliday.—Middlebury. B, R. Hali,-^Blossburg. H. C. Verrailyea,—-Gaines. John Kimball,—Covingtonr J. H. Woodruff. —Liberty,. T. B. Boro. iZoyal 1 Charles Lawrie, Blossburg* [ Lpaoder Culver, Elkland borough. ' Thomas Videan, Covington, for an Eating house. Wells boro, May 14, ’57. J. F. DONALDSON*, * * \ for*. Looking-glass plater—w»ih or without Frames, for/saV a£ 'fUE DRUG STOfiE. SPRIMiiWSWBR HUS. ! 11MTED STATES HOTEL W. A. ROE. IN ROY’S NEW BUILDIN&. IS now receiving a large and extensive uaortmenl of llffenbac&er & Farnsworth, Propr | _ friHEf GRAVED HOTEL. : J[ lately occup;ctj. Ey ( IJ. P, I CLEAVER, lias bceq Uiorui^*^ mft ]y overha□ led and refried wilk an especial reference Ip toe. comfort and convenience o£t|iw traveling public. The presqc& proprietors aim to ap a reputation for thefc House, entirely merits as a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT.* They will therefore be. slow every needful attention uppp their patrons— making their comfort the grand object of theirefforts. j The COUDERSPORT and RUN Stages Ijeaye Hotel every Tuesday Friday at 8 ofdock P, Ik* j Attached to ti}t£ popular Hotel is a DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. B ATS & CAPS, HARDWARE,”CROCKERY, NAILS, BEADY MADE CLOTH INC, BOOTS iSHOEg GLASS WARE, COOKING GLASSES, WODDEn' WARE, GtASS, IbsH,SALT. '■ We deem it. onneceasaty to enumerate articles, as nearly every article that is usnal’y kepi, in a Store can be foand at tills ctiibl.siimcnt,and atpficcs that defy all competition, aa we will not be undersold in ally orticlp, any njan or combination of meV' YprohAsers^ especially QASHBUYERS, wiU'find, it greatly to their interest to cali'and examine Goocfa and prices before purchasing elsewhere. | LIVERY STAS-.LEI, for the accommodation of pleasure parties business public. 1 Wellsboro’-April 16,1857. SHOES I—the largest assortment of kJ Men’s, Women's ansTChildren’e Shoes, in town and fopsa.lp phoap at > ’ -ROB’s. j JUST- ARRITEIK ! A NE\P AND SPLENDID LOT OF iILLLINERY & FANCY GOODS. MISS€.S,§TEVEW9, * having' purchased' the "Bp ptoct of Mrs. sf. Stevens, respectfully solicits a con ti nu ance of the patronogc accorded the establishment*— X j Slhe is now receiving Trow" the pity-a fine assortment cf"i Sprius and Summer Goods. BONNETS, RIBBONS, -AND EMBROIDERY Feathers, Head Dreii;i, Mitts, fl.rcid, Flats, Buttons , Dress Trimmings , ladies Gloves , Laces , Artificial Mowers, Bonnet Material, Edging , And a thousand other articles both useful and orna mental Bonnets' made to order, trimmed and re. paiteU at, the shorlest,nolice, and upon the most rea sonably terms. Ready made work constantly on 4and. Sjlore, si)i door north of WclUboro* Hold | March 12, 1857. W GINGHAMS and- LAWNS—a large assortment and cheap at ROE’S. ARPET Warp and Cotton Yarp at ‘ RpE’s. BLEACHED MCSIjINS—the best and cheapest assortment can be foand at ROE’s. BLACK SlLKS—Ladies will Sad very good and cheap Black Silka at f ROE’s.' WA • ROE has . removed lo the new . Store in —r - ROY’s BUILDING. CASSIMERES —Gents will fiud a 'good assort ment of black and fancy, at ROE’S. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING !—Gents will Hod a grand assortment and good at iJOE’a. HATS & CAPS of every description for Men and Boys, very cheap at J2OE*«, ' PARASOLS —Ladies will find a beaplifij.l assort- ment at RO E*e. T3RILLIANTES—white and printed— Ladies* 4-r Collars—Patterns for working, at ROE’s. X\OMEST|C GOODS—such as Cotton Matting, U Bed-Ticking, Stripe Shirting, Blue Denims, Drillings, Brown Factory Cotton-Yarn Carpel warp, and Gotten Diaper for Table —at ROE’s. Sf I«K HATS — Spripg styles and latest fashion, at ROE*s. Wellsboro, May 14, 1857. MOUNT HOPE Superior Cat Nails. AT APE in an enlirelv new sslablialiroeut IVX With a new Railing Mill, New Furnace , New Nail Machine, are of the latest and most approved construction. The Nails are Beautiful in fine in finish , Tough in quality. For sale at R 7. A. ROE'S. Wellsboro' May Is?, 1857. * QEQAU MANUFACTORY.—F. M. HJLLS, O has removed to the building formerly occupied by B. RUNDEL, (Tailor,) immediately back of Young’s Book Store, where all kinds of Tobacco and Scgaxs can be had at reasonable prices ’wholesale and retail. [May 7th, 1857 ] • WHEREAS my wife HARRIET A. BENTON has left my bed and board without cause or provocation; all persons arc hereby notified not to harbor or give credit to tho said Harriet A. Benton on my account, as 1 shall not pay any debts uf her contracting after this date. EDWIN ft. BENTON. T\ogo, April 23,1857. «S«OtoE TO THOSE VC HO LOVE THEIR FELLOW BEIXGS. I HAVE a remedy (pnrely vegetable) (or £p\cr and Ague. Fits, and Falling Sickness, which has never Iwu known to fail. It is ns pleasant, ami us cheap, as it efficacious. Any poison who will send me the names. ar,d directions to the rf-idences, of ten individuals sick of Oiusnmption. or any disease of the Chest or Lungs, or sullenpg from a broken down and shattered Constitution, will receive as a reword this Recipe. It embodies full instructions for making and ad ministering this wonderful Medicine. Address. DR. TRACY DELORME. May 7. (*4t.) Ncw-York Pbst-office. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Circulation, over IQO,OOO, Weekly, TWENTY FIVE WITNESSES; OR THE FORGER CONVICTED. JOHN S. Dyp is the authpr, who has had ten years experience as a Banker, and Publisher, and Author of a series of Lectures at the Broadway Tabernacle, when for 10 successive nights, over 50,- 000 people greeted him with rounds of applause, while he exhibited the manner in which Counterfeit ers execnle their Frauds, and the surest and shortest means of detecting them ! The Bank Note Engravers all say that he is the best Judge qf Paper Money living. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT CENTURY, For detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. Descrilji ng every Gfcntaine Bill in Existence, and Exhibiting ol ttlglancc every Counterfeit in Circulation! ! ! Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE is easy and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. O’ No to examine ! No pages to hunt up. But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker and Business Man cun see all at a glance. English , French Sf German. Thus each may read the same in his own Tongue. Most Perfect Bank Note List Published, Also a list of ALL PRIVATE BANKERS JN AMERICA A complete Summary of the Finance of Europe and America will be published in each edition, to gclher witjh all the Important NEWS OF THE DAY. Al|jo a series of Tales from hr Old IV|anu script found in the East. It furnishes the Most Complete History of ORIENTAL LIFE, upd de scribing the Most Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen ©filial Country have been so often found. These Stories will continue through out the whole year t qqd will prove the Most Enter taining ever offered to the Public. Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a year. Letters must lie addressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broier Publisher und Proprietor, 70 Wall St. New York. April 23, 185 T. (ly.) Who will go to Kansas f THE subscriber will sell the Farm on which he lives, in Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100 of which U improved. It is well watered, has u comfortable house, neccssaiy oqlbuildmgs and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon^ Also, a Tavcrp Stand in Lawrencevllle, knowfl, as ihe “(jeer House,” with ample accoipniodutlons. Attached is a Store building suitable .for the Gro cery and Dry Goods business-all to be sold or renU cd to suit applicants. For terms apply Co Lawrcnceviile, Sept. 11 *56. M. S. BALDWIN. Great western route,— via ni pgara Falls and Suspension Bridge or Buffalo. GREAT WESTERN & MICHIGAN CENTRAL ROUTE for Detroit, Chicago, Galena. Dubuque,Rock Island-SL I’aul, Burlington, Kansas, SU Louis, parts in the West & South Wes£ Also for Hamilton, London, Toronto, Montreal 1 anti Quebec. For through tickets and further informs tion apply to the Ticket Agent, Company’* Office, adjoining Deleyan House, opposite depot. ‘ T W,‘ B, HUBBELL,Ticket Agpnt. Gso. B. M'Qeath, Gen. Passaged Freight AgU Efmtra, April 90, IBJY. 3m. X> HQD|E ISLAND LIME* for whilewashing.~ •IT Also White wash Brother for salo at Roy’t Drug Store, HISEERANDO. La Salle's Original. r .* ONE DOLLAR A BOA. TRY IT! TRY IT! PROF., GEO. H. DE BAR, lias recent/y'returned from Europe, and While there, obtained from the celebrated French Chemist, La Salle, at an enor pious outlay, the receipt and exclusive right of the United States and Canadas, to manufacture and sell tills celebrated preparation called “whiskerundo,’* which has never been known to fail to cause whisk ers and moustaches to grow lyxgrianlly and heavy, (jven on beardless faces, in tvyo months after first ap plication. To those-persons whose beards are light and wiry it recommends itself. A few applications will render, it soft, think and pliable. Frenchmen arc looted for their beautiful whiskers and mous taches, which many of them attribute to the excel lence of La Sulle’s VVl\iskerando, Price $1 per i> ox; sent to any part of ike United Slates or Cana das per mail, upon the receipt of $l. Address, Prof. GEO. H. DIE BAR. April 1857.-3 m, Iljcw York City. Notice. VTT’HEREASmy wife Margaret Ann, has left V V my bed and board without just cause or prov ocation, this is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay qq debts of her contracting after this dale. [ Whoever can give any information concerning her is-requested to write to the undersigned* [ She is a woman about twenty-four ftf was dressed in men's clothes when she left, vt?:— tllack pants with white spots, black satin vest, black slock w ilh a red and green flower, brown coat, red stripes in checks.lojv-crowned black hat— Her hair was cut short. She is a fleshy WRipan, good loqking and agreeable in conversation, if shc chooses to be* Address the subscriber at Qcppked Creek, Middlebury township, Tioga Co. Pa., i Middlebury Pa., April 6lh *57. IRA BRIGGS. The Spring Fashions. ATTENTION, LADIES ! Mrs. E. E. Kimball & (Co., I) EG leave to acquaint the Ladies of Wcllsboro* y and vicinity, that they have just brought into market a select assortment of | MILLINER Y GOODS cjf the best quality and latest styles, which they offer Ip the public at reasonable prices, and far CASH , inly! REPAIRING $ to order. Shop two doors above the Presbyterian Church, Wcllsboro* April 2, 1856. General European, Passage <Sp Draft Office • -or- Sable & Cortes. 177, Broadway, N. Y. PASSAGE TICKETS by first class Sailing Pack, cts, or by the Liverpool am| New York Screw Steamship's Company's splendid line of Steamers, from or to Liverpool. Also Drafts upon Great Britiau or Ireland. Persons wishing to send for theic friends from any part of the old country, can the necessary arrangements with the undersigned. Sight drafts on Greas Britain or Irplano, sold bv : GEO.B. Elpjira, April 30, ISO 7. * WM- W- & U. W. M’DOUQALhy BEAL ESTATE AGENTS, ML RE engaged in Exploring,Surveying apd DfafU i ■ ing, Investing Money in .Real Estate, and on Real Estate Security, Locating Land Warrant*, Locating Land for Settlors on time. They will attend the Land Slies in tins and the adjoining districts, where their practical knowledge will enable litem to select the best lots. Parties entrusting Money to us for investment will have the benefit of our explorations. No prop, c rly purchased that we ore not personally acquainted with. [Waubashaw, Min. Ter., April 23. J E MPLOYMENT.—From 83 to SIO per day. £qn : he made sure, and no humbug—business done at home—easy, respectable and useful lo every l*udy, requires little or no capital, and wilt jplerlere with any oilier business. We will sell the right to a limited number, and on the receipt of will send by return mail nil neecssary instructions. No per son will ever -regret sending for this information, let |iis employment be whol il may > as it will not inter fere with anj*othcr business in the lea*t and profit* sure. Address KINLEY YOUNG & Co. * Lock Haven, Clinton Co. Pa. March 12, 1857.—y. I 1 I’P I TUIt &H A lOIOJID S NEW SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP. THIS System teaches a practical , hand writing It does this systematically. The subject is presented not merely as. an art to he earned by imitation, but as a science U> be sludud md applied. tor sale, wholesale and retail by Baldwin, Lovely Sc. Co., Tioga, Pa, Vrice 90 cents per do?. a. » E IV T I S T: Office in Roy's New Building, up stairs. All vycfk prrluinmg to his line of buiincsii done pro'rnpily and welt." Wellsboro', April S. 1857.-IC. FOR SALE.-A good Two Horse Lumber \v>:g on. cheap for Quail qr "approved paper. ' " April 6ih. ' ' ' " J. EMEKV. MRS. F. A. lIAYNAHI* will open a SELECT SCHOOL;For Boys and Gftrls in the Academy, o commence Monday, Mtv lllh. and continue \M.]vc weeks. April *-sth JS37A