Slavery in Oregon.—The Portland (Ore gon) correspondent of the New York Herald says the question of a State government is to be submitted to the people of Oregon in June, and as they will undoubtedly vote for it, Oregon will be asking for admission into the Union in less than a year. He adds: “The question of slavery will then be sub mitted to the people, and the result is very doubtful. Unquestionably the pro-slavery parly are gaining ground and numbers. The. large donation of/land to early settlers, (640 acres,) with the sparse population, will greatly influence many ,io vote for it who otherwise would not.” / The election of the Judges of the Supreme Court by the/people, is henceforth to be one pf the aims of the Abolitionists; for acquir ing the means of having the Constitution construed according to their own fanatical ideas of law. If they accomplish that end, the strongest bulwark of the South will have been broken. But before" they can achieve that dark design, the HALLS OF CON GRESS WILL ECHO OTHER SOUNDS THAN THE VOICES OF MEMBERS.— ftichmond, {Va.)JEnquirer. J -M-A-R-R-I-E-D At the M. E Parsonage, in Welisboro* by Rev. W. A. Bronson, Mr. FRANKLIN 'BOYDEN of Charleston, Tioga county. Pa., and Miss HELEN JOHNSON'bf Corning N. Y. DILI) I i In Farmington, March 27th, of scarlyt - fever, FRANCELIA, only daughter of Elijah and Fanny Knapp aged 3 years. This lovely bad so fresh and fair, Called borne by early doom ; Just camo to show bow sweet a flower, In paradise could bloom.. JS'E W AD VER TISEIiIENTS. LIFE OF CHA& SUMNER, iast received at (April 16.) j YOUNG'S. ANY QUANTITY of nice things at (April 16) YOUNG’S. DO you want any Books, Port AJonnaies, Rings, fins, Pencils? Goto YOUNG’S. Execntoi’s Notice. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the Estate of GEORGE McLEOD, deceased, having been granted Jo the Subscribers, all persona having claims pr (Ippiaods against the said Estate arc requested to present llje same, and (hose indebted to nuke pay. jncqt ftp SARAH H. McLEOD, Executrix. : GEO. I. McLEOD, Executor. Welfsbqrp, April 16,1857. x Notice. TO the School Directors of Tioga County. Gentlemen: In pursuance of the 43d section of the Act of 6lh -May, 1834, you are hereby noli fied to meet in Convention, at the Court House in Wcllsboro, on the Ist Monday in i\lay, A. D. 1857, being the 4th day of the month, at 1 o’clock In the afternoon, and select, rica voce t by a majority of the whole number of Directors present, one person of literary and scientific attainments, and of skill and experience in the art of Teaching, as Countv Super intendent, for the three succeeding years; determine the amount of compensation for the same, and ccrli fy ll.c result to the Slate Superintendent at Harris burg; as required by tljo 39th arid 40th sections of said net, J. F. CALKINS,-Co Supt. Wfllsboro’ April 16, 1857. pf Tioga County. WHISKER ANDO- La Salle's Original. OWE DOLLAR A BQI. TRY IT! TRY IT! PROF. GEO. ,H. DE BAR, has recently relumed from Europe, and while there, obtained from llje celebrated French Clicmisl, La Salle, at an enor mous outlay, the receipt andjexclusiyc right of the Tmilcd Stales arid Canadas, to'manufacture and sell this celebrated preparation called “whiskerando,** which has never been known to fail to cause whisk ers and moustaches to grow luxuriantly and heavy, even on beamless laces. In two months after first ap plication. To those persons whose beards are light and wiry it recommends itself. A few applications will render it soft, thick and pliable. Frenchmen arc noted for their beautiful whiskers and mous taches, which many of them attribute to the excel- Jence of La Salle’s Whiskerando. Price $1 per box; sent to any part of the United Slates or Cana das per mail, upon the receipt of $l. Address, Prof. GEO. H. DE BAR, April 16, 1857.-3 m, New York City. TOITED STATES HOTEL. Diffenbacher & Farnsworth, Propr’s, rpflE CRAVES HOTEL. fljnif ■ lately odrtupied by P. P. CLEAVER, lias been thorough* ly overhauled and refitted with rm H« Sjb 7j®R'| an especial rclercnce to the -JfeSßt comfort and convenience of the .— AH traveling public. The present Jiroprinlors aim to build up a reputation for their JHouse, entirely upon its merits os a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. They will therefore be •low every needful attention upon their patrons— making their comfort the grand object of their efforts. The COUDERSPORT and CEDAR RUN Stages* leave their Hotel every Tuesday and Friday at 2 o’clock P. M. Attached to this popular Hotel is a LIVERY STABLE, for the accommodation of pleasure parlies and the business public. Wcllsboro* April IP, 1&57. CHINESE SUGAR CM^. AED OTHER RARE $ VALUABLE SEEDS. THE SUBSCRIBER has ju't received a supply of the genu ine Chinese Sugar Cane Seed, from the latest importations •*hich he is prepared to furnish,’ in package*, sufficient to plant four rods of ground—single package id cents; 5 pack ages for one dollar, U for two dollars; 100 for sixteen dol lars, by mail, post-paid, to an v address in the United States under 000 miles. Bcardle*'. Barley, Japan Peas. 'Wyandot Prolific Com. King ”■a*hp *inpn>*''d .tad the KxccKiur Swovt Corn, Onmgc and Ice Cream Watermelon. Buena Vifta Beans. a«d Chinese As paragus, (an annual plant perfectly hardy and easy of culti .'aiuin) in tame quantities and same price. Tby entire list for s■-1. or a selection of 5 fpr $l. Twenty-fire varieties of choice Flower Seeds $l, by mail. The Subscriber hug distributed over 15,000 hearts of the ik-ardlces Barley in the States, Territories and Canadas yithin v»« 181 months, and has about 10.000 tpqro for di>tri "lV he pleased to send (a'single head) to any ho ■Mfnd his address on a pre-paid cnvolono.— \vtid i»«.^ tait °i UB distribution, Poland Oats and Mexican oWi'S2 , J:S| Bm f ,L *>» packagw of 4. 8W sixteen of the m ? orwa rded to anr address on the receipt ■»««« 3,000 mill* ZST v 3 'T “ IIM or in ‘ho Canadas. retailing or distribution, .S", 7 I»nsc to procure .t from tbo snbscrilU; Draiis on S.-rn Banks would-be prcfcrTcd for sums of fo and over but bills on spoc e paying banks trill be thankfully ree.ited_taL,i”n. p i * dollar Mb postage stamps. u oiTe - TOU I foil and plainly. Address I. W. BRIGGS, West Macedon, Wayne Co., N*. y. The Spying Fashions. , attention, ladiesr Mrs, B. E. Kimball & Co., T) EG leave to acquaint the Ladica of Wellsboro’ JJ and vicinity, that they have just brought into market a select assortment of 1 6 MILLINERY GOODS * nd klwt st y lcs *which they offer nlf; P b * prices, ffnd for CASH, REPAIRING If TRIMMING done to order. Shop two door, above the Prcsbylcriqn Cl.u r ph. M clltboro April 2, 1?56. *. * Knoxville Boro’ Ordinance. Sec. Ist. Be It ordained by authority of the Bilrgesa and Town Council of the Borough of Knoxville and It Ib hereby enacted by authority of the same:, That from and after the duo publication of this Ofdiqapce, Jpp horses, cattle, sheep or swine shall be suffered-to run at large within the boundaries of said Borough under the following penalties, viz: For every horse, colt, mare or gelding 50 cents; for every head of cattle (by which in tips ..Ordinance are meant oxen, bulla, stags,' steers, heifers, cows and..calves) 50 cents; for every hog, srne or shoal 23 cents; for every sheep or lamb 25 cents, for each and every time they may be taken running at largo with in the hpupdarjes of the Borough aforesaid. Provided how ever that cattle may bepeimitted to run at largo in any of the streets of the Borough during the following hours, viz: from 6 o'clock to 9 o’clock A. M_ and from 5 o’clock to 8 o’- clock P. M. from the first day of May to the last day of No vember inclusive without incurring the penalties aforesaid. Sec. 2d. And be it farther ordained by authority of the same, that when any sheep or swine "shall be found running at large in the streets of said Borough it shall be'the duty of the Street Commissioner and the privilege of any citizen of the Borough, to take up. impound and safely keep the same in any suitable place, yard or enclosure within the limits of said Borough, and in case no person appears to claim the some and pay the fine, costs and expenses of keeping, he shall proceed to sell the property at public sale to the highest and best bidder, after giving at least five days notice by written or printed advertisements, put up at four of the most public places in said Borough The proceeds of which sales shall bo paid to the Borough Treasurer, who shall pay out of the same to the jierson impounding and keeping said property all legal expenses and one-half of the fine incurred, retaining the other half of the fine In the treasury for the use of the Boro’ and the balance if any there he, pay over to the owner of the property on demand, Provided always that if the owner or any person acting for the owner shall appear and chum the same, lie shall be entitled thereto by paving the fine, costs of advertising, keeping Ac. Sec. 3d. And bo it further ordained by authority of the same. That when any horses or cattle shall be found uing at large within the boundaries of the Borough aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner und the privi lege of any citizen of the Borough, to take up. impound and safely keep the same in any suitable place, yard or enclosure within tin* boundaries of the Borough, and no person appear ing to claim the same and pav the fine, costs and expense* of keeping within twenty-four hours, he shall forthwith give public notice by four writen or printed advertisements put up iu the most public place in a.ud Borough and if within five days from «uch notice no person shall appear to claipi them he shall proceed to give notice in the nearest newspaper pub lished in the county for at least four weeks of such impound ing and that the same will be sold at n time and place speci fied in said notice which shall be at lean sixty daj-s alter said horses or cattle are impounded, and if no appears before the day of sale to claim said horse* or cattle und pay the fines penalties and co-ts incurred the Street Commissioner shall sell them at pnhlio ante to the highest and heat bidder and pay the proceeds of sale to the treasurer of said Borough bj him to be deposed of In the same manner a* in the case of the sale of sheep apd hog* in tfpe. 2. provided always that if the said commissioner shall believe that any one of the horsey or cattle are of less value than ten dollars he shall cause the «a:ne to be appraised by two disinterested citizen* of the Boiough upon oath anti if upon such appraise intuit Ihej shall \>q of*!&-.* value tlian jten dollars he *llllll 1 cause the same to be sold ifl the same manner as sheep or hogs. Se*.. 4th. And be it further ordained by authority of the same that the charges f“r keeping white so impounded shall be as follow-j, Vi?. Each horse, mar.’, gelding or cult I.** cci;ts per day on G cent-j- on grass . Kach head of cattle 12} cunts on hay per day G cents on gra«*. Each cheep 4 cents per day ou liny 2 vent* on crass. Kai h hog G cents per «I.iv Sire. sth. And be it further ordained bv authority of the swne that no t,o(oi,- shall be permitted to run at large within the boundaries of said Buiungh of Knoxville under the pen alty of 12 1 cent-f>r each and'cv cry head o.i found, and it shall bo th>* pnubge of nnj citixcu of the Borough to take up and impound them as aforesaid, and after giving twelve hours public notice by four written or printed advertisements put up in the njoat public place- to proceed to sell at public sale to the highest and best bidder, unless the fine shall be previously paid, one half the pioteeds to go to Ids own use and the other into tin* Trcn-ury of Knoxville Borough. Sec. (Ith. lie it further ordained that any person feeling himself aggfeived on receiving notice* of the impounding of his hotsc«, cattle Ac., may’apply to the Burgees who ahull forthwith procecd'to summon the parties, hear the evidence and decide ujKm the case. Nei . 7. All ordinances previously passed for the prevention of Horses and cattle running at large in the Borough of Knoxville arediereby annulled. JULIUS MORGAN'. Burgas. Attest, VICTOR CASE. Clerk. Knoxville March. 10, 1557. [Apr. IC] SCHOOL TEACHERS are hereby notified that the Board, of Directors for Delmar District will meet at the Deane School Hqpse on Friday, the 17lh m.-1., for tiie purpose of employing teachers for the Summer Schools. J. I..JACKSON, Sec'y. FOR SALE.—A good Two Horse Lumber Wag. on, cheap for cash or approved paper. April 6th- J. EMMERY. CASH paid for Land .Warrants, by April 6lh. J. EMERY, AU’y ut Law Notice ALL personal indebted to the estate of the late ISRAEL MERRICK are notified that pay ment must be made by the first of May, or the de mands will be left with the proper officer for collec tion. April 9th, 1857. "J. I. JACKSON, Ex’r. A7. Adminislialoi-’s Sale. Purspapt to an order of the Orphans’ poqrf of Tioga Co. J will expose to pphlic pale on thp premi ses, on THURSDAY, April 30. ISSJ, flip following described real estate, lute tlic pppperfy of Philo W, preen, dpe’d. to will All that piece or parcel of Land, situated in Sulli van tmvnship-Tioga Co. Pa. containing 143 7-Ioihs acres, being part of warrants No’s. 1817 and 1822, and it being lot No. 13 of the Bingham allotment in Sullivan township; bounded north by land of Isaac Owens, east by lands ini possession of James and Sandlbrd Joints, south by land in possession of Lent and George Seeley, west by lands in possession of Roswell Webster and Isaac Owens. Terms made known on the day of sale. REBECCA RUMSEY, M-»insburg» March 26, 1857 Adm'x, NOTICE. —The copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm ot Tay lor Whitman &. Co. is tins'day dissolved by mutual consent Jas. P. Tayjor and Jus. E. W-hiUnan will continue the business v under the firm of Taylor & Whitman and receive nil dues and settle all demands against the old firm. JAS. P. TAYLOR. J. E. WHITMAN. L. D. TAYLOR. Covington, March 1>7,1857. NOTICE. —Ajll persons indebted to the firm of Gray &, Lpunsbury, by Note or Book account, must settle the same immediately or cost will be made. I can be* found at the Siiop of A.Crowl & Co. R. LOtNSBURY. WclLboro’, March 19, 1857. WHEREAS my wife, SARAH HAZEN has left my bed and Board without just cause or provocation, this i-? to caution all persons from liar boring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts'of her contracting after this dale. JOHN J. IIAZEtf. Jackson, March lath 1857. - A DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE-—The. undcr /X signed having been granted letters ofAdminib tion upon the estate of Ephraim §tcele, late of Ship pen Iwp., dcc’d. All those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them for settlement, to ‘ ROBERT STEELE. . Dejmar, March 12, 1857.-6 w. Admin, EMPLOYMENT. —From $3 to SlO per day can be made sure,and no humbug— business done at home—easy, respectable and useful to every body, it requires little or rio capital, and will not interfere with any other bubiness. We will sell the right to a limited number, and on the receipt of $5, will send by return mail all necessary instructions. No per son will ever regret sending for this informat ion, let, his employment be what it may, ns it will not inter fere with any oilier in the lea«t and profits sure. Address 1 * KINLEY YOUNG &,Co. Lock Haven, Clinton Co. Pa. March 12,1857.-V. . w* 'V- WEBB, 91. p„ HAS returned lo Wellsboro*, and is randy lo promptly attend all culls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. He would also state that he has received a CommisMon from the Governor, and been , sworn by the Bfigadp Inspector, as Surgeon of thp Ist Regiment, 3th Brigade 'of the 13th Division cjf the uniTofmed Militia of Pennsylvania, and thpre fore is the only Surgeon within the Limits of said Brigade wholjas the right to give pprUfipates to “ persons incapable of bearing arms.** Office and resjdcpce first door above Roe’s Store. AUDITORS NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby givep tljaf. the underaigped having Ijecn appointed op auditor, to audit and'settle the account ot Hiraip Merritt Administrator qf the estate of E. Thomas dcc’d., late of Lawrence township, will attend to the duties ol.his appointment at the house ofS. Bottom on Beechers Island on April 10th at len o’clock iiM-, oflhut day, when and where all persons interested in the settlement of said account a:c required to attend and make kqdwn their objections to said opcoupl or be debarred fjrqm any fuluroesceplions thereto. * JOHNN. BACHE, Auditor. * JVdMurouglt, Match; 13, 1 m. w. Kmc & sow. PATENT CHAIR MANUFACTURERS 43d Broome St, One Door East of Broadway, (Late 468 Broadway, New York.) (Established A. D. 1833.) INVITE an examination of their variety and su perior assortment of CHAIRS, manufactured at their own establishment, and under their immediate observation and direction, including PIVOT REVOLVINGCfIAIRS, SELF-ACTING EXTENSION RECUMBENT CHAIRS, IMPROVED INVALID WHEELCHAIRS. MAJOR SEARLE’S TRAVELING INVALID CHAIR,* SPANISH SPRING SPINAL A ASTHMATIC INVALID,' Ac.,'Ac. Embracing the most complete assortment, and choic est kinds for Parlors, Chambers. Gardens, Libraries, Counting Houses, Offices, Pub lic Institutions, Dentists, Barbers, &c . together wi(h .every desirable sort atb’pjed to'(he comfort, conveni ence, and luxury dC pie §ick, Agpd.thc Infirm, (lie Lame and the La%y. In point of ingenuity of design, elegance of finish, quality and richness af material, faithfulness of exe cution, durability and cheapness, these Chairs are unsurpassed. For them M. W. King & Son were awarded the firstand only Prize Mcdal.andlhe Fac vlty recommend them as far preferable to beds or couches for patients afflicted with Spinal, Asthmatic, or Bronchial affections. To either arm of the chair may be attached a convenient reading or wilting Desk,and any combi nation desired will be manufactured to order, A Circular with explanatory cuts, will be sent by ipai! if requested and orders, (with remittances,) promptly forwarded to any part of the world. JUST ARKITJEB. MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. MISS C. S. STEVENS, having purchased the gF 5109 k of Mrs. M. STEVENS, rcsneclfnlly solicits a conlmu anCc of the palronoge lie relo lb r e -- accorded the establishment.— She is now receiving from the-P^l^W^ Cjly a fine assortment of Sprins and Summer Goods. BONNETS, RIBBONS, AND EMBROIDERY Feathers , Head Dresses , MUts, braids floss , Dress 7Vimmings, Ladies Gloves , Laces. Artificial Bonnet Material , Edgings And n thousand other articles bnlh useful and orna mental. Bonnet- made to order, tfimmed and re paired at the shortcut notice, and upon the most rea sonable terms. Readymade work constantly on hand Store, sth door north of Wellsboro’ Hotel March 12,1857. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAS. CLARKE'S CELEBRATED ‘ F E. a! ALE PILLS.'' Prepared fwiu a Prescription of Pir Jamos Clarke, M. D, Physician Kxtmonlimu >to the Queen. Tin- inviiltmhle Med cine is unfuiling in the cure of all those painful and danger ous diseases incident to the female constitution. . It modurates all exce-s. removes all obstructions, and. bntigs on thp monthly period yjith ntgqianty. These Pills should be used two or three weeks previous to confinement; the} fortify the constitution, and lessen the suffering during labor, enabling the mother to perform her duties with safety to herself and child. ’’’ Tpe-c Pills should not bo taken by females during the FIIKT THUEE ’MONTHS of Prcguancj, as they are -are to bring *m Miscarriage, but at npy'other tinfc they are safe- In all caases of Nervovs and apmal Affections, pain in’iln* Buck and Limbs. Ileavine-s, Fatigue on Slight Kxt-rpou. Pal pitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits. Hysterics.' Sick Headache, Whites and all other painful disease- occaMotied by adi&oidered ay-tom, these Pills will effect a cure when nil olhei nuans have failed, and although a powerful reined*, do'-- not contain iron, calomel, antlmonj or am other minmal Full direction* accompany each pmkhge. Price in the Uni ted ,-tate.- and Canada, u>k Dollar. Sole Agents for this Countrv— ■ *• ■ i. c.'baibwin & Co,. 80. hosier, N. Y. N. B. SI 00 enclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure a bottle of Pills bv return mail. . For sale VWmlLsaK- and KeMil by ILW. ELLIOTT Elmira, and by onedruggist in every town in the United Stales. To|t particulars cal’ at Elliott’s and get a Circular. For sale |n Wellsboro, by J. A. Hoy. Covington hv W. Taylor, Mansfield, hy‘f. W. Ne-bitt; Tioga by A. Hum phry and If. If. Borden; Lawrence*tile by W. G. Milbr; Knoxville by A. J. Dearman: \\i>tticld by Uoodf-pied Brother; Klkland bj J. A J. Paikhcr.-t. ■liH.- »■ P 3 Lr!£; : ; Is nqw receiving a new slock of DRY GOODS,/ GROCERIES, SHOES, &c., &c., Well-born’, ’Miirch 19, 1857. L. E A T O N , DENTIST. OFFICE OVER I‘. YATES JEWELRY STORE S'». 51 Wator Street, KLUIRA, JT. V PLATE WORK AND FILLING Of every description done on shorLnotice and war • ranted satisfactory or no pay. - XTTEETH EXTRACTED AT ALL HOUR £o Jan. 1,1857.—3m_. Military HoUcc, THP Assessors of the several Election Districle of the county of Tioga, arc requeued to mah out one complete Return of'all the ununiformed Mili tiamen in their District for the year 1856, and send ike same to me on or before the first Monday in JijfiQ next. Now jn order to be able to draw our lull quota of arms it is necessary that we have the full strength of our military force and instead of only about 150,000 militiamen in the Stale, as lias been r« por ted by our Adjutant General, let ue endeavor to swell lhe number "to its old standard. Come up to the works then like business men, and all will be right; otherwise cost will be made. ROB’T COX, Brig. Inspec. Liberty, March 12, ’37. Who will go to Kansas ? rpHp subscriber will sell the Farm on which he X lives, in Laurence, containing 140 acres, 100 of.which is improved;. ’Jt is well watered, has a comfortable house, barns, rieccssaiy outbuildings and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon. Also, a Tavern Stand in Lnwrenccville, known ns ihc “Geer House,” with ample accommodations. Attached is a Store building «uila(>lc for the Gro eery and Dry Goods business; —all to be sold or rent, ed to suit applicants. For terms apply to Lawrcncevillc, Sept. 11 ’SQ. M. S. BALDWIN. NOTICE is hereby giycn that the unaersigned haying appointed up auditor, to distribute the fund arrismg from the sale of tiic real estate of James W. Gucrnspy, among the hen creditors will attend |o the duties of said apnpmlmcnl at llic office ofC. H. §cymour Esq., in the village of Tioga nn Thursday, the 9lh day of A,/ril next, at one o’clock P. M., when and where alrpersons having any claim upon said fund arc required lo present the same fqr allowance, or &e forever debared therefrom. JOHN N. BACHE, Auditor. Wpltaboro, 1 March 12. 1757. NOTICE.— The undersigned, having dispoKcej of her Stock'.of Millinery, hereby notifies all pcf sons indebted to her that their accounts must set. lied immediately. She may be seen at t)ie olpl stand fqr six weeks. M, STEVEN§. Wellsboro,’ March, 12, 1857.-6 w. SALE.—The House and lot in WeJlsboro* J? now occupied by Docl. Benj. Barr. Apply Ip' James Lowrey, Esq., or lo the subscriber in Mans field Pa. JOSEPH P.MO»R!Sr Feb. 7,1857. T 1f. CLOVER SEED.—farmer*, if you wish aq A, No. 1. article, cull at the Hardware Slore of March 12, ’57. D. P.& Wm." ROBERTS. LOOKING-GLASS PLATES—WiIIi or williout Frames, fur sale ul THE DRUG STORE, Philadelphia Advertisements, ‘ FROM JOHN. A. RIDDLE, At Slerchants’ Hotel, North Fourth Street, Fhllddelpbla, who oaks the attention of THE MERCHANTS OF THE itfZST AKD yORTH- WEST TQ THAT MARKET. THE RAILROAD COMMUNICATION via. Suspension Bridge, Elmira, Williamsport and CatawiMu being com plete, You are brought NBARER to it than to New York, nml the prices of Freights are equally low, .which renders it ac cessible both to buy and sell. Merchants from the North- West, visiting the market for the first time, and wishing to bee it to the best advantage, will please call nn Mr. Riddle. WM. P, WILSTACU. A CO., Sadlrry and Coach Hardware. Saddle and Carriage Tritdmiogs, Harness .Mountings, Ac, 26% North Third Street. 1 MORRIS, JONES A CO. Penn, Boiler Plate, Boiler Rivets, ?he**t Iron, Steel and Pig Iron, Nails. Ac., Market nod ICth bt. KEYSTONE STATU SAPONIFIER', or Concentrated Lye, for making Scap. Manufactured by the Penn. Sult.Co.. T.i rentum. Alleghany Co; Pa. Represented by Lewis, Jamc- A Co., PhiFa, J. S. A E. L. PERET, General Products Commission Mer chants. No. 18 North Wharves, Manufacturers. Agents for the sale of Cotton Duck, Pearl Starch, etc., etc, Refer to Philadelphia merchants generally. All consignments will receive our prompt and personal attention. MURPHY A: KOONS, General Commission Merchants, and Wholesale Dealers in Fi-di, Cheese and Provision*}, No. 47 North Wharves, bejow Race *treet. PRATT & REATII. Importers of W.itehe«, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. N. TP. corner sth and Maiket streets. JAMES BARBER, Wholesale-Dealer in Clocks, Agent fur the Patent Equalizing Thirty Day Clock, .1/anuf.u'fjrer of Fine Gold Per-. S. E. corner of Second and Chestnut street-/ RORER,OKAKFF A DARLING. Wholesale dealers ia Boots. Shoe*. Huts and Straw Good a’ 126 North Third sfrcM.* SLEEPER A* FENNER, Manufacturers of Parasols and Um brella*, 12C Market street, . THOMAS WHITE A Co., Manufacturers of Straw, Silk Bon net-* and Milliner} Goods, 41 S. Second -tm r. BUNN. KAIOUEL A Co.. Importers of British Goods and Jobber*’ofT.incv Staple Siljt Goods, Embroideries, Ac., 91 N. Thiul -rr<-( t.*’ ' A MOuRE. lIENZEV A CO. Importers and Wholesale Deal er* in Hardv.ure, Cutlery and Gun>, Ini and 10 Com merce street-'/ . x ‘ 4 M. L. HALM WELL A CO.. Silk Jobbers, Philndfphia., Jiave nowopejit 1 in th"ir v»an.hononiag no-neecunt exeeyt wit a Casll AND SHORT CREDIT* BL Kits, the elTe-ct of largely increasing our bu-ine-s ami for the rea son that must he mamie&t to e\ery thinking m< reliant, that under our-y.-t*. m and terms we* not only um almrd to. bu: must from necessity* -ell at lower rates than those who do husiiie-s-* on the* old long credit f-jsti-tu: our terms being more stringent, anil the purohnxen whom we seek to attract being as a 1 the* clo-e-t buj ers and b*--t judge* Of goods. T E 1( M 6; —Cu.n!i b*uj«.r- will leceiwa. di-count of SIX per cent.. If the money bo paid In i«ur funds, within ton Uavi of date of bill. ’ ‘ - Uncurrgnt money taken only at Ita market value o:i the day it Is received. • , Tv merchants of undoubted standing, a credit of SIX months will be given if desiii-d.’ Wheie money i» lemitted Jn advance of maturity..a dis count at the rate of TM JtJLVK per cent per annum \v lowed tJcO, U'e ask from the merchants visiting tbe east an examl* ontiMn <-f<>ur -toi k. being -.iti-fx d th it they w ill be » hrv me ed that it i-, not for thUr Inletest to pav the large prol.ts that are üb? to tho*» who give long credits. March 12, !Sa7.-3m. CHAIR§, CABINET-WARE, AC. JSTICKLEy re-pect lolly ififurins.lhevjlizen'; • of Well-boro and vicinity', he keeps con stantly on hand and will manufacture loo*dcr, Chairs & Cabinet-Ware of all descriptions. Thm-e desirous of purchasing any arliclc'in by line will do well locall and examine his slock. His work is manufactured from Ihe best material and is sure to ifive sali-faction. All kinds of TURNING done in n superior man ner and on reasonable terms. O'Shop -outli end of Main-st., VVclTsboro*. [Jan. 8, 1857 -if. CAYUGA. PLASTER. 4 BIXBY, respectfully informs ll.c citizens of Wilmots District and that of Tiog i Co. in pirlieular, that he ha* for sale a large quantity ol li c-h-groumK’ay uga Plaster, al the old price—sG, nor ton. Having secured the services of an excellent MILLER, and enlarged liis bins for the reception of Plaster, he feels confident that no one will bo disap. pointed. c Particular attention will be paid to People from a distance. ! j Mansfield, Jan. 3, 1557^ —If. EVERY READER 1 Fail not to . For sale al ROY’S Drug &. Chemicul Store, Wtljs* boro. Pa. IT ARM FOR SALE.—The hub'priltcr is desirous ot celling Ids larrn, roi|«iKing of 75'acres,"45 of which i.s improved and underq good Male of culti vation, well watered, frame .house and barn; all kinds of fruit tree* growing thereon. Situated I.J miles west of Covington Village, Tioga co. For fur. ihcr particular* apply to GILBERT HUBBELL. poyinglon, Feb. 6,1857.-3 m. Removal.— dr. b. bai*r respectfully announces lo the public that he has temoved his Offipe to the dwelling lately occupied by Jos. P. Morris, Esq., where ;lic may be found at ul! hours when not professionally engaged. pomands for bis services promptly responded lo VVcllsboro*. Aprilj34, 1856. ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTLCE.—Letters .of Administration hating been granted lo the un. dersigned upon the estate of Shcnczcr Beers, tato'of Uniqn liyp., dec’d, al) those indebted to said dilate arc rrqupsttjd ntake immediate payment, and lliqse havjpg claims against Uie same, wilt them for settlement to AGL'STIiS CASTLE, > Aiimls. SARAH BEERS, J Union, March 12, ’57,-thv Horse Slioeias;. l!i Pin jiyi ii i® Ilf Mills m it® m Bisli-U 111 ti ll IMP Jl|{|s| w PS gl!s?i II s il« * ii! ill filial iS-" — E cC *J 0 -£ c*k i g il ine'ljclbrc pmclusing elsewhere. Come and see apd be convinced of ihe truth of the foregoing statement. J, B. POTTER, Agent* * For H. H. POTTER. Middlebury Centro, Nov. 8, 1855. Hear ye ! Hear ye ! Hear ye ! iXTTE hold these truths self-cudcht; ‘ That the IVV way to be prosperous is to buy cheap and. jilways of the best quality ; buy nothing simply lie cau-e itTs cheap, out because yoa need-it and lha it i.s both good; that those who buy cheap by the quantity, can retail first quality goods cheap; that an buyer can sell good-* at us low a figure in Wellsboro’ as they can be purchased In tho City; and therefore that YOIXG IS THE' who buys economically ; and that* SOOG’S IS THE PEACE, TO PURCHASE Gold and Silver , Duplex* Lrrcr, Anchor and Cylin • der WATCHES, - Gold Chains* Gold,Lockett* all sizes audqualities, Gold Cu mto and Mo saic BreastpxnsMad Earrings, Finger Rings , She re. Buttons , Stud/* ' Silver Plated Ware.- Cake Baskets, Card Baskets , * i Child) en's cups, salt cellars* Eng cups ' Tea Knives* Butter Knives, Table Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, A new supply of Clocks of ell kinds, sizes* prices and qualities. Wellsboro 1 Jan. 1, ’57. A. YOUNG. A Ii S O Ij-F YOU I (WANT 7Q„.EUY BOOKS, go to I Y « r G » s , For he lias just returned from the City with an en ' ' tirelv new slock of POORS & STATIONERY, 1 Fancy Goods, Reticules , Porfmonnaics, ' i Jet Bracelets , Harrison s Perfum j crie s, Harrison’s Shaving ! and Toilet Soap. HARRISOS’S COUUBIAX I Mis, A HOMESTEAD FOR SIO ! j > SECOND DIVISION. t $ WORTH oy FARMS ASP Itl'JLfriyC I.OT&'l ZN (he Gold Region of Culpepper County, Virgi nia, to be divided amongst 30,200 subscribers, on the 13ih of April, Subscriptions only ten dol lars each ; one halt* down, the rest on the delivery of the Dked. Every subscriber w illgci a Building Lot hr a Farm, ranging in v,alue‘fr»>m sl*o to $25.000. — These Farms jTnd Lots arc sold cheap lo induce set tlements a sufficient number being reserved,the in. ere.isc in the value of which will compensate lor the apparent low price now asked. A company of* settler*, called lkJ Thc Rappahan nook Pioneer Association,” is now forming and will commence a settlement in the spring. Ample seCu nly will be given tor the faithful performance Of contracts and promises. ttj" More Agent* ore wanted lo obtain subscribers, t to whom the most fibcraF inducements,* will be given. Some Agent* write U»**l they are making $2OO month. AdvcitKing will be done'lor every Agent* 'where possible.' For lull particulars, Subscriptions! Agencies,&c., Apply to W , E'.RAUDER, l \ Port Roval, Caroline Co. Va. Or lo HENRY F STOWKLL, Agent, WcUatmrougii Tioga, C’o. Fa' F<.b. 2G, 1557.—w7. ' JO FARMERS AND GARDENERS. THE IERSfRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE JO.OCO BARRELS ofthnr- . . New & Improved POVORETTE, Manufactured the night-soil of Xew-York city, in lots Jo .»uit Thu article (im-atly improved within tlu' liu*t two ycajsj ha-* l«?on m the market for eighteen ywir«,ar.d .mmpctitiuu. as a manure for I’orn and GarJm iVccetwhlcs. heiii" cheaper and more i*owerful than übv other, ami at the same time ruo.M idsAdKEEAßUjcwit, ’(Vu bar rel* ts*l \tonh) w ill manure an acre of coin in the bill, will save two-thirds in labor, will car *o It to come up c/nukcr. to grow U'Mr, ripi n earlier, and v.-Jl bring a largercropunp>*>r '♦round than any other fertrh/onand is also a preventative *>f thciut norm: alsoil dv*i& not ityurts the seed to he put ia contact with it. The L. M. Co. point to their long-atandinr reputation, an-l the largo capital ($10C.(.00/ icvo&unl in their bu-uoeas, on a guarantee that the Mrfclc they make thull always bo sucl* quality as to t.oody dal**. 1 I'rlee, delivered ui tLo' city frso of charge and other ex poQßt ’ .•» •» *’ Odo barrel, - * - - $0 f*» Two barrel*, .... n.;ft Five bartcls, • - N - - S,oo Six barrel*, Q,eO ; And at the rate of $l.OO per parrel for any quantity over *ix ’ burr'l*. '■* "* ’ ; j£p- A ramjet, containing every Information, wlllhceotU t (runs) to any one apphinc for th« panic. Onr adthlrew it— j •' ■ - TUB LODI MANUFACTURING (V I Office, 6«J CoiUimitSu Jvou-Vor*. ' February lSs7.—3fc. C. I. H CjX 'f. CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR k DRAUGHTSMAN. . W«ll»l>oro, Pa. TT or." Kt‘i J. y. D,icW,Ffj. ; !->'. 17-57