it Wling fite, be rushed tlpott him inff struck hirer withhis Weapon. They were separated, and SherrArd |KSa drew; :tmolher ; Vpislol .land advanced upon Jtones,whora he had previ ously insulted because ha. was a member of die Governor’s household. Jones, perceiving his danger, drew a piilol in' self-defense; e number of shot* were then fired anheshtrie time, and Sherracd fell. The Governor say* that the account of the affair published- in The Republican, as furnished by soroe Mr. Jones, is a tissue of falsehoods from begin 1 - ning to end. -•-, Among other things, the Governor com plains most bitterly of the annoyances which he suffered in. the obstruction and mutilation of his correspondence." The mail, hags, he says, were constantly opened, end all com munications loand from him systematically overhauled,- and if objectionable, abstracted. Mr. McClain, Chief Clerk in the Surveyor- General's Office, boasted of the fact, and slated that he himself haffdesttoyed and sup pressed two bushels of mail matter. The above'is merely an abstract of the Governor’s statements. - - There are a multi tude of interesting details which we are com pelled to omit. Bis private Secretary Mr. Gihon, has promised us a full and cdmplete recital of the entire history of the adminis tration, which we shall in due season present to our readers. Id view of these things, and under the operation of the act of the Ruffian Legisla ture, which provides for the election of dele gates to the Constiutionai Convention, admin istered as it will he by the faction, who hold all the offices, he thinks it inevitable that a Slavery ConstitdtjbprWill be established in Kansas. The Governor is, probably, correct; but nevertheless it is one thing to frame a Pro- Slavery instrument, and another to establish the institution de fa6to in the Territory. The frtorfds of Free Labor in the North must re double their efforts. The nomination of David Wilmot for Governor of Pennsylvania is a bold step on the part of the Republicans; and we trust this is one of the numerous instances wherein aoarage is the truest prudence. Mr. Wilmot’s name is a landmark in the history of our age. It was he who in 1846 moved in the House the famous Proviso that the blood and treasure of the American People should not be poured out to add to the Slave Territory of this Republic. It was be who in 1848 led in Pennsylvania the Democratic revolt under the standard of Van Buren and Free Soil. His speeches for Free Labor and Fre mont were among the most cogent and effect ive of the many good ones which irradiated me late Presidential canvass. An earnest and tenacious Democrat, he did not hesitate to renounce the party organization to which tie was devoted when he Found its further support irreconcilable with his allegiance to vital Democratic principle. Mr. Wilmot ought to be next Governor of Pennsylvania, and his election would''rddound to her endur ing honor. It would show that the indignities heaped on Reeder and on Geary by the Slave Power are not unresenled—that she is not unmindful of her sous who have been sub jected to outrage and spoliation in Kansas for merely seeking to make her a Flee State. — The election of David Wilmot to the Gover norship of Pennsylvania would be the proper response of the Free Slates to the atrocious Dred Scott decision. Of his colleagues on the Republican Slate Ticket, The North American (Philadelphia) save:. “Mr. Millward, who has been nominated by the Convention for Cauul Commissioner, was the member of the last Congress from the Third District. His career in Congress proved so satisfactory to both the Republi cans and Americans of his district, that they nominated him again, and supported him heartily, Mr. Millward was a member of the American parly, and supported Fillmore nnd Donelsoj), but he united in the effort to carry the State for the Union electoral ticket. He is a roan of capacity, firmness of purpose, and well calculated to do Justice to the busi ness of the Canal Board. For Judgesof (he Supreme Court,the Con vention has nominated two eminently suitable candidates. Mr. Veech is one of the ablest lawyers ip the western part of the Slate. — Several years ago he was the choice of a number of Western members of the Legisla ture for United Stales Senator, a position which he would have filled wiih dignity apd usefulness, ■ Mr, Lewis is. one or ihe wen or, mark in the County of Chester. Here ip Philadelphia he is well known to many as a persin pf clear, forcible mind, enlarged ac quiremfcnts, and very decided talent. Two such jjidges as James Veech and Joseph J. Lewis Would add very materially to the judi cial strength of the present bench.” If Pennsylvania is to be carried next Octo ber for the principles of the American Revo lution, the work must be commenced now— oot by mass meetings and exciting speeches, hut by .quiet organisation and the systematic diffusion of important truth. We trust the Isyopoble season will not be suffered to pass unimp/oved.— N, V. Tribune, JNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wst of letter’s ) om "> “ Trdl ”' oro ' Quartcr Aumiller Marlin Hall Lewis Boiler Georgs Jones Ester B!«k Andrew Joarle Lanson A, Baker Miss Ehw J. 2 Johnson J. IJ. Baldwin Jackson Langan Georgee Bailey Wesley Lines Min Mary A. Brown Thomas 6. Lockwood R. c. Gorkina Hinry McLaughlin J: A. Crechart Miss Caroline ' McNorton Dunkan I*. Cole Cornelias Parish M. Clark Thomas PaJridgc Chester Cole William Palmer William Culver P. Poryel John Camel George Polglase John Carlyle William gab IJIjo. Lofellc Cavoy Almira Redingtoit Mrs. Desire Dean William SwedtTand Miss Josenhjuc Dimock Clark Scovllle Salma B rairman Daniel Shaw Tbomim ’ plcb D. Kf , Sbptfntft H 4 Poll Gmmer Mr. N. Be«mapi R, ?, r " )a M. A ±„ ! Stewart Levi tea,. witac -f“ fermia calllnc for any of llu aIH,T. 1-llrrJ, „j|| „ v •‘"•a-hfrii-.-. I i, r,icu.lKf,tS.f. M | /' SOTICB TftJRirKRHBlf, I:* A PIER bss bes’irertofeid io the Dam at Colnm bis, 35Dfeet long, at an expense of jftSOO. It fsiputs soffi&ot k| all crtfi combg iplotbe ,. A, »ocp‘ dcpthof ipateg assures certsi* h. - ■.Presides!.o/ PtwCsippaiijf. ' E si ' 1 ,'l • . , * t Office faßoy's New Building, vp stairs. All work perlaining-lo his line of business done promptly and well. Wellsboro’, AptiV3.1856.-lf. Jg,POTTER & mnnOND’S - ■■■ mw SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP. npfilS Systemlescbes a practical, htirinetc, band JL writing It .does Ibis systematically, The subject,!*; presented oof merely as sn art to he leuned by imitation, but as'a acionoe to he studied sod applied. „ For sale, wholesale and retail by Baldwin, Iftwoll do Tjpga, Pa. . Price 90 cents per doz. GUARDIAN’S SALE.—In pursuance of an or der of the Orphans' Court of Tioga County, I trill expose to public sale, on the premises, on SAT URDAY, the SStb day of April, inatapt, tbo follow ing real estate, to wit: The undivided, two-ninths part of • lot or pa reel of land, situate in Charleston township,'Tioga coon, ty,'bounded north andeaslhy land of John'.Bailey, south by pnblic'highway and west by George Par ker, containing about ninety acree, all'improved, a frame boose, frame barn, a shed, some other oulbuil dings and two apple orchards thereon. Terms an day of sale. R. J. MQORE, Delmar, Ap. 2,1857. Guardian. The Spring Fashions. ATTENTION, LADIES I Mrs. E. E. Kimball & Co., T)pQ leave to acquaint the Ladies of Wellsboro’ JIJ and vicinity, that they have just brought into market a aelect assortment of ) MILLINERY GOODS 1 of the best quality and latest styles, which they offer to the public at reasonable prices, and for CASH, only ! REPAIRING If TRIMMING done to order. Shop two doors above the Presbyterian Church, Wellsboro’ April S. 1856. m. w. KivG & soiv. PATENT OHAnUNANUFACTURERS 438 Broome St, One Door East of Broadway, (Late 468 Broadway, New York.) (Established A. D. 1833.) INVITE an examination of their variety and su, rperior assortment of CHAIRS, manufactured at eslablisbraent, and under their immediate observation and direction, including PIVOT REVOLVING CHAIRS, SELF-ACTING EXTENSION RECUMBENT CUAIRS, IMPROVED INVALID WREpL CHAIRS, MAJOR SEARLE’S TRAVELING INVALID CHAIR, SPANISH SPRING AND SQUAB CHAIRS, RHEUMATIC, SPINAL t ASTHMATIC INVALID, 4c, 4c. Embracing the most complete assortment, and choic est kinds for Parlors, Drawing-Rooms, Chambers, Gardens, Libraries, Counting Houses, Offices. Pub lic Institutions, Dentists, Barbers, &c . together with every desirable sdrt adapted to the comfort, conveni. ence, and luxnry of the Sick, the Aged, the Infirm, the Lame end the Laay. In point of ingenuity of design,elegance of finish, quality and richness «f material, faithfulness of_exe cution, durability and cheapness, these Chairs are unsurpassed. Jw litem M. W. King 4. Son were awarded the first and only Price Medal, and the Fse vlty recommend them as far preferable to beds or couches for palimts afflicted with Spinal, Asthmatic, or Bronchial affections. To either arm or Uio chair mu; bo attached * convenient reading or writing Desk, and any combi, nation desired will be manufactured to order, A Clroaldr with explanatory cuts, will be sent by rpajl if requested and orders, (with remittances,) promptly forwarded to any part of the world. LUXURY AND ECONOMY. KING’S NEW CHAIR, “AS YOU LIKE IT.” AN Arm Cbnir, Reclining Chair, Conch and fled, stead, (combined in one,) is susceptible of twelve different positions, or changes, to meet the varied re quirements tor cqmforl, convenience, luxury and economy (in space as well as price.) Whether in sickness or health, this celebrated CHAIR excels in many respects, any chair perhaps ever manufactured in this or any other country. The price varies from $l5 to S9Q, according to finish. To Public Institutions, as well as to individuals, this Chair is a very desirable article, and will be supplied iq any number, on the most liberal terms. Apply to, or address, M. W. KING Sc SON. 438 Broome Street, One Door East or Broadway, New York. (Late 468 Broadway.) RHODE ISLAND tor whitewashing.— Also Whitewash Brushes for pale at Ifpy’s Drug Store. . GARDEN SEEDS.—A fine lot of fresh Garden Seeds are sealing off at Roy’s Drug Store.— Also some new varieties raised from Patent Office Seeds- The field seeds in large packages will be on hand by the let of April. COPARTNERSHIP.—!. R. BOWEN has as. sodded wilh'bim in the Mercantile business Messrs. M. Sc O. BULLARD, and they will contin ue to trade at the old Stand under the mame and style of BOWEN Sc BULLARDS. Wellsborq’, March 96, 1857. AdminlUrutov’t Sale. Pursuant to an order of (he Orphans’ Coart of Tioga Co. I will expose to public sale on the premi ses, on THURSDAY, April 30. 185 J, l(]p following described real estate, late the property of Philo W. Green, dcc’d. to wit! All that piece or parcel of Land, situated in Sulli van township Tioga Co. Pa. containing }43 7-10 lbs acres, being part of warrants No’s. JBl7 sod 1839, and it being lot No. 15 of the Bingham allotment in Sullivan township i bounded north by land of Isaac Owens, east by lands in possession of James and Sandford Johns, south by land in possession of Lent and George Seeley, west by lands in possession of Roswell Webster and Isaac Owens. Terms made known on (he day of sale. REBECCA RUMSEY, .' Mainsborg, March 96,1857. Adm'x. v NOTICE. —The copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of Tay lor Whitman. & Go. is tlijs day dissolved by mutual consent Jss, P, Taylor and Jas. E, Whitman will continue the business under the firm of Tsylnr k Whitman and refcjye all dues and settle all demands against the old firm. JA&. P. TAYLOR, I' J. E. WHITMAN, J,. D. TAYLOR. Covington, March 17,1857. NOTICE.— A)| persons indebted to the firm of Gray &. Eopnsbury, by Note or Boqk apcpqht, must settle the same immediately or cost will be made. I can be Taped at the Shop of A. Crawl & Co. R, &OUNSBURY. VVclUbpro’, Ilfarpli ]9, T%57, Vy HERE AS my wife! SARAH HAZEN has * 7 left my bed and Board without just cause or ptflropjliqn, this is to caution all persons from har boring or trusting her on ray account, as I shall pay BB debts of her conlraptjog after this date, t . „ Llri JOHN, J. HAZEN. Jackson, March 19 th 1857. A DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE-—Thdnnder. XX afghed having bam granted letters of Admlnis. Iron npon lire estate of Ephraim Steele, htp ufShipr pen twp., dee’d. -All those indebted'to said estate are requested In make immediate payment; and those having claims against thosamc, will present them for settlement, to ROBERT STEELE, pchudr, March 13, 1857.-6 w. Admin. TBE TIOGA CO UK TIT AG I TAT OS. - J AIf OBDISASCB,, keUitie to {« tkitawgft -i Coancil pflbe borongh of by ordained bytbeauthofilyofthessmk.Tjiatft'bm and after the doe publication of ..this ordinance, it ■hall be’the doty, of the owner, of loti' fronting on the north-east side of the “ Avenue,” Wei lab^ro,’- 1 ' as far south as Morris’s Lane, and the Agents' and occupants of said lots, when'the same are own ed by nan-rceident., lo make .at can*e to bp made in front of their respective lots, good and sufficient Plank Side-Walks, and the same to repaiy and beep in good order' hereafter,' Said be' made similar to the plank walks oh Maijn alteet, ip .said borongh; and to complete the same on or beloje the first day-ol Jade next. Pfqpidf d, that the styp oeees aary to pay the costof flip plank and nails to lay the said side walks, shall be allowed on the Road taxes of the persons so erecting walks, whether said road tax has already been or shall hereafter be assessed. See. ft. And bo farther by the authority on the neglect or' sock owner, agent or pccapifht ottsid 'lots to make, ssM aide walks, or to repair the same, after alx days no tice from the Bargess, it shall be bis doty, after sat islkctory evidence of such failure, to issue hiyordpr to the Supervisor or other lit person dfsaid borongh, to rAake, of. repair snch side walk, as the ease may bp, keeping a strict account of the cost thereof; qnd after the work is completed and the cost thereof as certained, the said BurgessstulUdd twenty percent, thereto and demand payment thereof from such ovyaer, agent or occupant; and if the same shall not be paid in ten days, it shall be the duty nf lhe laid Burgess to collect the same by dqe coarse of law, and pay the amount into the borough Treasury.— Provided, That such side walk shall he made under the direction of the said Bnrgess and Council, Sec. 3. That Ibis ordinance shall extended to all the other streets, lines and alleys, or parte of the same, now opened, or which may be hereafter laid out in said borough, when three foarlfas of the hanse-holders residing upon such street, lane or al ley, shall notify the Burgess in writing under their bands, oftheir desire to have the same so extended. Passed the 3d day of March, 1857. C. 6. OSGOOD, But eat. Attest—B. B. SMITH, Sec'y. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, SIR JAS. CLARKE’S CELEBRATED ’ FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a Proscription of Blr James Ctnrko, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This Invaluable Med* cine is unfailing in tho cure ofall those painful ami danger* ons diseases incident to tho female constUntionv It mod orates all excess, removes all obstructions, and brings on the monthly period with regularity. Xhcso PUU should be used two or three weeks previous ty conflhqmenl'; they fortify the constitution, and lessen tho Bartering ddring labor, enabling the mother to perform her duties with safety to herself and child. These Pills should not be token by females during the FIKST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, a» they are inre bring on Miscarriage, but at qny other time they are safel In all coasea of Nervovs ami,Spiral Affections, pain in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, itylgue on Slight Exertion, Pal pitation of the Heart, Lowness of fcplriu, 'ifystdrlcs, Sick Headache, Whites and all other painfal diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cqre when nil other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, does not contain iron, calomel, antimony orany other mineral Full directions accompany each pdekage. price In the Uni ted Slates and Canada, Oxb Hollas. t3* Side Ager\ts for this Cppntry—- l. C. BALDWIN * 00,, Rochester, K. T. N. B. $1 00 cnclcvu*! to any authorised Agent, will insure a bottlaof Pills by return mall. for sale Wholesale apd Detail by H. W. ELLIOTT Elmira, and By ono druggist in every town in tho United States. For particulars call at Elliott’s and got a Circular. Kor wjlfl in Wellal»orp, by J, A. Ko'y, Covington by W. Taylor, WnnsfloJa, by C. W. Kosbitt ; Tioga by A. Hum phry and IL H. Borden; Lawrenceville by IV. Q. Miller; Kqoxville by A. J. Dear man; Westfield by Good* peed k Brother; Elklond by J. k J. Parkbcrst. Jan. 12, 1857.—1 y. W, A, ®®lB 9 la now receiving a new slock of DR7 GOODS, GROCERIES, lADIES! SKOQS, &C., &C., &C. Wellrtbofo 1 , March 19,185 f. military Notice, TI}E Assessors of the several Election Dislrictp of the county of Tioga, are requested to mak out one complete Return of all the ununiformed Mali, tiamen in their District for the year 1856, and send ilhe same to me on or before the first Monday in June InexU Now in order to be able Iq draw our lull quota of arms it is necessary that wo have the full strength o'foor military force and instead of only about 150,000 militiamen in the Stale, os has been repor ted by oqr Adjutant General, let us endeavor to swell the number, to its old standard. Come up to the works then like business men, and all will be right; otherwise cost will Ire made. - ROB’T COX, Brig. Intptc. Liberty, March 13, ’57. TJ^MPLOYMENT. —From #3 to 810 per day can JCd be made sure,and no humbug—business done at home—easy, respectable and useful to every body, it requires little or no cqpital, and will not interfere will) any other business. \Ve will sell the right to u limited number, and oq the receipt of 05, will send by return mail all necessary instructions. No per son will ever regret sending for this information, let ,|iis employment be what it may, as it will not inter fere with any other business in the least and profits sure. Address KINLEY YOUNG &, Co. Lock Haven, Clinton Co. Pa. March 12,1807.-y. W. W. WEBB, R|. 11., HAS returned to Wellsboro’, and is randy to promptly attend all calls as a PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. He would also state that he has received a Commission from the Governor, and been sworn by the Brigade Inspector, qs Surgeon of the Ist Regiment, ,2th Brigade o(the 13lh Division of the uniformed Militia of Pennsylvania, and there fore is (he only Surgeon within (he Limits of ssid Brigade who has tho right to give certificates to “ persons incapable of bearing qf ms." - Office and residence first door above Roe’s Store. A UDIfOIfS NOTICE.— Nptice j 3 hereby given that the undersigned haying been appointed an aodjtpr, to audit and settle (he account of Hiram Merritt Administrator of the estate of E. Thomas dec’d., late of Lawrence township, will attend to the duties ol his appointment at the house ofS. Bottom on Beechers Island on April 10th alien o'clock i.h., of (hat day, when and where all persons interested in (ho settlement of said account ate required to attend and make known their objections to said account or he debarred from any future exceptions (hereto. JQtJNIJ, DACfIE, /Vpdilftr.; We|lshqrough, March, 1?, 1857. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned hiving been appointed aft arjdjfor to dislribgle the fund arrising ftnm the sale of the real estate ol James W. Guernsey, among (he lien creditors will attend U> (he (jqlips of said ippoiptiqcpt at l|ie office qfp. H. Seymour Esq., in the village of Tioga on Thursday, the 9lh day of April next, at one o'clock P. M., when and whore all persons having any claim qpan said fund are] required to present the eame for alloqrsnpe, qr be forever debated therefrom. JOHN N- IJACIJP, Arbiter. Wcilsboro,’ March 12, 1757. A DMINISTRATQJI’S NOT|PE.-Lcttere of xi Administration having been granted to the on. dersigqpd qpop the estate pT Ebcneior Beers, late of ' Union Iwp., deo’d, oil -those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claim? agaips| t|ie same, will present them fop sctllcpiepl (o. . APUSTDS CASTLE, ) Ain't, SARAH BEERS. t AAm'x. Uqion, March 12, * • ■ - ■ CLOVERSEED.— Farmers, if yon wish an A. Nq. J. article-call at thp Hardware Store of Match 12.’57- D; P,» Wni. ROQERtS/ T OOKINQ-OLASS PLATES—Wj(h ortsithbul Xj Frames, fuf at THE DRUG STOKE. ■J e , ■ if tforohents’ Fourth, Stmt, FUMdcUs, " whpMlutlie'aiisDUoß ar '-> • ™ TBB MEEOSASfs bFhjfc itEST'Jtm) J*®ST ! -i) 'cfa THAT UASKgT. : l J.lf»j; rpIIE .RAJLROAD ' OOMMUNIOAJKHV t'tla.-SwpassiWi X Bridge, ElralrvWillUujuport and Cntawln, being com plete, yoa aw brought 'iiita>n IWBatKhfk’iw York, and tkq.stiff of Freights aneaysllytaw, wUeb.jpndai it so cwjlbWboth to buy amlwll. ‘ Merchants from tbs Kortb- Wbet tilling thfcTnorkct ftr AS Srtfttme, and wteblng to will to tbebertwtVkiitagei'Wm plan call oa Me-BUdb, • ITU. p. WlfSTA cuvit 00, wltryaud Ctaachßerdwara, ■ MORRIS, JONES'* CO. Penn.BoUcrPlatvßoikt Bints, Sheet Iron, 8u»l «j)d Pig Iron, Nalls, Ac. MaiketandlltUi R. ItfiYSTONrgTATE SAPONIFIES, or Ccriecntrtfea ire, for hmiimpScap. -’Mamittctiired by'tbe 'ntnt-Salt Co, n r«“lu>a. Allpgbaey 09-, Pa.. Bepnssntsd by. Le»U, Janes *Co, Phll’iv“V'\ >' " . _ .d- S- AE. 1,. wpET, General Prod are Commlulon Mer chant*, Ko. IJ i™irrc4,'tlaßoftr* • • • M. L. HALLOWELL k CO., Silk Jobbers', Phttsdephia, hsre now opened fa their warehouse, which U one of tbe lar« gost in America, superb assortment of pew BUk Goods, Fancy Dross Stuffs. Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons, and other articles in their line. The system of UNIFORM PRICES, adopted by us some Years since, togtbor with that of opening noaccotints ekcepl wtth CASIf AVv SHORT CREDir BUYERS, hoe had the effect of largely tacreosiAg'dnr business and for the rea son that must bo'mdulfcst to every thinking merchant, that under our system and terms we pot -only c&n afford to, but must from selTat lower rates than those who do business on the olu long Credit system; our terms being more stHugent, and the purchasers whom we seek to attract being os a class, the doserfbufers and best judges of goods. TER JUT jf :—Cash Buyers will receive a discount of SIX per cent- If the money bo paid la par funds, within ten days of date of UR. 1 ' Uacairent money token only at its market valao on the day It Is recelvoa. To morchknbt'of undoubted standing, a credit of SIX months will bo given If desired. Where money is remitted In advance of maturity. » dis count at the rato of TWELVE per cent per annum will bo al lowed." We ask from the merchants visiting the east an exami nation of our stock, being satisfied that they will be convinc ed that It Is not for their Interest to pay the large profits that are absolutely essential to those who giro long credits. March 12,1857.-3 m. NEW AMD AR^VAL. MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. MISS C- S. STEVENS* having purchased r the •lock of Mrs. M. STEVENS, respectfully solicits a conlinp nnCe of Hie palronoge heretofore sccorded the establishment.— She is now receiving from the-^^w^; City a fine assortment of Spring and Summer qoodi, BONNETS. RIBBONS, AND UMBROiqEBY Furs, Feather s, Head Dreeiet, Braid, Fleet, Buttone, Drett Trimmings, Gloves, Luces, Artificial Floaerc, Bonnet Materials,Searfs, Edging And a thousand oilier articles both useful and orna mental. Bonnets made (o order, trimmed and re paired at (he shortest notice, and tlpon’lhe most rea sonable terms. Ready made work constantly en hand. Store, sth door north of Wellaboro' Hotel March 1%, 1857. , Who will go to Kansas ? THE subscriber will sell the Farm oirwhichhe lives, ip Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100 of which u Improved. '' If ’ls tfea Watered, has a comfortable house. barns, necessity ou*bsl(|ing« and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon. Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrencevißp, known as ihe “Geer House,” with ample accommodations. Attached ,a a Stare building suitable for the Gro eery and Dry Goods business—al[ to be sold of ic..t ed to salt applicants, for tppms apply to Lawrenceyille, Sept. II ’s§. M. S. BALDWIN. L. EATON, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER If. P. TATES JEIVEpET STORE, Bf«. SlTfatcr Street, ELMIRA, N. V PLATE WORKAND FILLING. Of every description done on short notice and war ranted satisfactory or no pay. O’ TEETH EX 7 RAC TED A T ALL HO VRS Jan. 1,1857.—3m. WELLSBQRQ ACADEMY. THE SPRING TERM of -dliis school, will commence Tuesday March 3d, and continue eleven weeks, MISS BRADLEY will lake charge of the pri mary department, on her own responsibility, snd will devote all her time to the small scholars, having no recitations in tho higher department. O* Tho time lost on account of sickness, will be made up next teriq. NEW MILLINERY SHOP in WeUsboto’, First door above Eagle Office, Main Street. ISKi. E. E. KIHBA 1) L, has established herself, in the Millinery bqamess at the above place, where she is uow receiving from New York a (bll assortment of all articles pertain ing la the business sndiwhich will be sold os cheap ss they can be procureq this side of jhc city. She would respectfully invite ladies to call and examine her stock and work before purchasing else where. ( December 2,1856.—til ' THE WORLD 18 MOVING I YO. SPENCER takes Ibis method to say to • (lie public, that be continues to PLANE LUMBER at his Shop (two miles south pf Mans field near Sjicncers Mills] for the following prices: Siding for 25 els per hundred tect. Flooring matched, 50 cty. per hqnrjrcd feet. Plain Surfacing, per thousand feet. | Fif.y cents per tl)qnsand extra will bo charged for bard' wood- ALSO—A superior quality of lenep pickets at. ways pp ha)l at 01,75 pbr hqndred. | March 5, 1857.-|y. BVJGBV READER Fail nql tp send 4 or 5 stamps for a copy of THE HOME, ypftji reduced lernis. A fireside,' Monthly Companion qpd Guide far the Wile, the Mother, the Sitter, and Dapghter. THE riOME,” is devoted to the cultivation o the vjrtqes qf womanly character, and it aims to ele vate social life, by teaching those principles, and in culcating those sentiments, which arc most intima tely associated with home. It ought to bo in every family, TERMS: 81,50 per yea r,' for single copy. 1 will send if to subscribers at club rales 81 a year, AddrpwX. B, POND*. Addison Hill, Steuben Co. N. Y. C. I, HOY T. Oim ENGINEER SURVEYOR & DRAUGHTSMAN. 1 Welliboro, Pa. ID* Office i cithj. N. Da cheJSsf [Feb. 19-57 NOTICE.— The undersigned, having disposed qf her Stock df Millinery, hereby notifies a|l pep sona indebted to her that theiraccuunls must hi) spf. lied immediately. She mu he seen at thopldslnpd for six weeks. , . . M, ST EVENS, WolUboro,* Marc)). 12. 1857.-6 w. s ~ FOR .SAIfE .T-The Hunso and tolln WeUvbpfo 1 ppW oppppied by ,Docl. ,Benj. Barr. ; Apply Ip James Losyrey, Esq., or to the subscriber in Mans .field Pa. ; JOSEPH P. MObßl!*. Fob. 7,1857.-If. _ Has rnojta»ealrts%tot)kiir ; ' ->• ’ 1':-r I!,l! *f> !UH!.:ri !j • GROCERIES ! And now is linie to bay cheap’ for cosh,- at' the 't>coop!ed 8- Bally„ Haripg lalely ipcres«l,b|« ampk <)f)Groccr«:a, the subsCfiber flatters himself iKal fle can’t be heal in iiist lice, '‘ Call add examine bis stock of r ' r; ’' ,; ~ . Teai :i . Sugar. '• Vofoe\ ' , Kaititlt, I Rice, ■. JFVsA-ers ' 1 Slotu’Ware, , ! W«fc«,Wiirf. CONt'EC'fIbNERIES.and all articles pertaining to bfs’ line bfCmlncsa will' be' kcpt conrtantly bn band,- ' In connection will) tbe above, he fata fined op a very nest- i i OYSTER SALOON, (br Ihe accommodation of all who .may favor him with a call. Wellrfiofo, Dcc.ll. IBsfi. —tf. Hear ye! yc I Hear ye.! WE bold llfesa truths self-evident: That (be way to be praspetoai-is to buy cheap and always of the best quality j | buy nothing simply las ,caoae it is cheap, but because you need it abd Ilia it is both good and cheap; that those who boy cheap by tbe quantity, can retail first quality goods cheap; that an economical buyer can sell goods at as low a figure in WclUboro' os they .pan be purchased in tl,e Oily; and therefore that IS THE MAW, who Imyq economically ; and that face’s IS THE PEACE, TO rVRCUASK Gold and Silver, Duplex, Lever, Anchor and Cylin der WATCHES, GoldChaine, Gold Lockett,'' all sizes aud qualitiee. Gold Cameo and lUo. ' ■ taie Breaelpint and Barrings, Finger Rings, Sleeve Buttons, Stude, ,oo Two liarrcfn, .... Five barrels, • K,Od- Six barrels, • . . . • 9^ And ot the rate of $1,50 per barrel for any quantity oyer six barrels. BtT A Pamphlet, containing every information, will bo sent (frxk) to any one applying for tho same. Our odddreaa la— TliiJ LODI MANUFACTURING Co. Office, 60 Cortbmdt St., Ncw-YorK. February 5,1857.—3 tn. CfVAfRS, CABINET-WARE, AC. JSTtCKLEV respectfully informs the citizens 4 of Weltsbordand vicinity, lliul ho keeps con btantiy 00 liand and will manufacture to order, £lmlrs fk Crtb(i|c!.Waif of all descriptions. 4 Those desirous of pußchq?in? ony article in his line will do well tocall and pxstnine his stock. His work is manufactured from Ibo best material and js sure lo give satisfaction. All kinds of TURNING a superior man ner and on reasonable tefins. KTShop south cqd of Main-st., fJan. 6, IBSJ.-lf. A h S O JK YOU WANT TO BUY BOOKS, go to Y O V N Ct, ’ 8 , Far ho has just returned from the City with an en tirely new slack of BOOKS & STATIONERY, Fancy Goods, Reticules, Porlmonnaies, ■ Jet Bracelets, Harrison't Perfum eries, Harrison's Shaping and Toilet Soap. HARRISON’S COLUMBIAN INKS, BLAOIt RED BLTJ£. CATUGA PLASTER, BIXBY, rcrpeclfully inform? : l!ip pUiqcne of WilmotsDistrict and that of Tioga Co. in parfipplqr, (lial ho has for sale • large quantity of frpsh.gropnd Cayuga Plaster, ’ at the old price—36, pey ton, ‘ ■ Having secured (ho services of an excellent MILLER, and enlarged his bins for the reception uf Piaster, he feels confident tl(al qo one will be disap. pointed. / Particular attention will he/paid |o People ffofp q ‘ distance. Mansfield, Jan. 3, 1837.—Jf. -TTtARM -FOR SALE.—The is desirous J? of relhqg his larrn ( consisting of 7S‘acrc», : is ol which is improved sod under a good slate of cedti vafibn, well ’waleredj frame bouse and barn; ali kinds pf lrqil treeifgrowing thereon. ‘ Situated 1J miles west of Covington VJllagej Tioga co. Fqt fur. tbor particulars apply t’6 ' r jsq t,. -r 'GILBERT HUBBELL. Covington, Feb. fi, 1857.-3 m. CORNS A. ealbpnd certain feme, for these trqub)e*oroo things is the „ , , CHEMICAL CORN SOLVENf, be ehemlcal properties being sacii that if readily ci&alvci wurtk, corns, Ac., without Inconvenience ordsnger (o Uic pcrisop usipg'jl Warranted iq all caseswhero direction! oreobserved. PriceBs cents. For ROY’S Drug A Chciujcal Store, IVclia (wo, Pa. 1 ''. ”’ " k ' sn-.*VfMi|iv W'’-a'■• if - 3=5 >»* ri§i>' ‘ "% •iljwsl vMasllfc ;■ J I|ff s, f;•■ 3. e si ; dpjt ;’ Hi 6 *** ■ g § fs:4Sj 11=1*11 : S ' ’ ■ S al§5 i * ' ■s®’^ g b- ••• JS ■*-. _g=«a|? •■ O :-*a £Bnl|jrs’ worth ffom the subjoined List of Valuable Works at the .foot of ibis advertisement Amckicun National Works: Ist. THE NATIONAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES r Colonial, Revolutionary* anil Constitutional, chiefly from National Documents,— By J. B. Iswsing and Edwin Williams. With num erous fine Ulufiirution* on and wood. 9 vvfe, imi>criulBvo clolli 00, * * 2nd. THE STATESMAN’S MANUAL; con taining the Lives, Meskngei, and Administrations of the Presidents, from Washington to Pierce. With fine porjrt|i(e up s|ecl. 4 vole, large 6ye„ cloth, §lO. pq. ,ii. Pojmlqr qpif Premium! la AgenU A Voice to Americans, by Americans; 4tli editjon, flvo. cloth, Dowling’s History of Romanism, 50 Ilfuslru- liuns,~Bvo., ololtl, Mrs. Ellis!* Choice Works Tor Family Circle plates, 9 vela. Bvo. cloth 4 QQ The American and Odd Fellows Literary ' Museum, 30 steel engravings % vois. Bvo cloth ~.;!... Guide to Knowledge, 300 plates, royal 8»o., cloth. , : 250 Wonders of the World, 250 platni, 5vbi,..... a 00 ID* Agents wishing to engage in the good work of Circulating these imjxjrta'nl Publications, will please address's line to the Publisher,‘EDWAßD WALR. ER, 114 Fultonsj, New York', and (hey vHlf ruccite immediate al(eqtiaq tyiflt lii|| particulars of Com missions, dec. " •••Newspapers copying the above, and 'inserting the sime ten times, sending o'copy of each insertion id (he Publisher, will bd entitled lon copyul'tliu National History or the Statesman's Alsuuaj, Jcet to their order. Feb. 19. 1857,-lO.w. Aid Eor who dest re to oonlfjbple to the f lic/’ of *■ the (iifierera in Kmifa*, pin «cpd (heir contri tion Mo M, H. COBB, of Wellsbo'roi, with the flii'o. ranee thst every dollar will be appropriated 'td lh suffering teithfit there. All amounts received wtil be acknowledged in tho Agilotdr. ' A. H. BHUR’JILEFF, , eJT. y./ptMQ4 'Aid Swdt, T>KMOV A I*— DR< B. 'BARR respectfully 4.i