The Legend of a Hohsesuoe. —This is ihe simple legend of one. A good country man tm taking a rural walk with his son, bale Thomas. As (hey walked along, the fj her suddenly stopped. “Look!” he said, “there’s a bit of iron, a pi>ce of a horseshoe, pick il-Up, and put it in yi ur p ickel,” ) ■‘fojh 1” answered the child. “It is not worth stooping for.” The father, without saying another word, picked up the iron, and put il in his pocket. When they came to a village, he entered the blacksmith’s shop, and sold it for three far things, and with that sum he bought some cherries. Then (he father and son set off again on their ramble. The sun was burning hot, and neither a house, tree, nor fountain of water werd in sight. Thomas soon com plained of being tired and had some difficulty in following his father, who [Walked on with a firm step. Perceiving that his boy was tired, the lather, let fall a cherry, as if by accident. Thomas stooped down and quickly picked it up, and devoured it. A little farther he dropped another, and the boy picked, it up as eagerly as ever; and.thus they continued, the father dropping the fruit, and the son picking them up. When the last one was eaten the father slopped and turning to the boy said: “Look my son! If you had chosen to stao|>once, and pick up the piece of horse shop, you would not have been obliged to sloop so often to pick up the cherries!” There's a good and pleasant moral in this little anecdote, which may be of benefit to all 01 Ui. He Dibd at ms Post. —A sad, but beau tiful and touching, scene was witnessed at the accident at Du Page bridge. On the morning after the accident the slow tolling of a bell wai heard On looking to see whence it came, n was discovered to proceed from the engine as n toy submerged in the water, The waves ns they foamed and surged over- the sunken engine swayed the bell, which alone with tnc smoke-pipe Appeared water, and caused it to give it a toiling sound. When the engines was raised from the water the engineer was found in a standing posture, with his stiff, cold, icy hand firmly grasping the throttle valve, as though amid the thick darkness he had discovered the perilous con demn of the Iruin, and had sprang to avert the ruir. Bui it was 100 lato, the engine and tram, wilt us precious freight of life and properi went down, and during the dreary nighi, the engine boll and the mad rushing waters rang out a solemn requiem for the dene, It is probable that had not the freight train gone down as it did, the passenger train trorr Chicago, due two hours later, and loaded with sleeping passengers, would itself have taken the fatal plunge. —Joliet Demo crc Tvkanxv —Addison says, that the dog fins been the companion of man 6,000 tears and has learned only one of his vices, that is to worry his species when he finds him in trouble Tie a saucepan to a dog’s tail, and another dog will fall upon him j put a man in prison for debt, and another will lodge a detainer against him Practical Bov. —“Lillie boys should be seen, noi heard," os ihe urchin said when he coulu nm recue his lesson. Lhinesl Jsugar-Canb.— Hon. Schuyler Colla.v. o; inmana, wriies as follows of ihe peculiarities of Ihe new Corn ; “ i. is culuvaied like corn, and can be raised wherever lhai crop can be matured, it partakes, by the way, so much of the same characteristics, that n must not be planted in the vicinity ot a cornfield, or it will assimi late to it like melons to less palatable vines. The stalks, when nearly matured, are filled with a rich, saccharine juice, easily convert ed into molasses ; and yielding very largely —parts of it will dve wool and silk a perma nent red or pink—and the entire plant irf-de voured with avidity by horses, cattle, and swine With ordinary cultivation, it is said that it wilt produce seven tons of fodder to the acre, raising two crops from the same roots in one season. " in everv locality where it was planted last season, from South Carolina to even so tar north as Mmesota, it has realized the highest expectations ; and in two years it will undoubtedly become one of our standard and staple crops. And the expectation of the Commissioner of patepjs, (hat it will be sur passed in value to the country, only the coi ton and wheat crops, bids fair to be realized.” How to procuke Seed os the best Kind. —VVpen you set off your plants for seeding, such as cabbages, beets, &c., care should be taken to manure the ground well 1 tyitn good, short, rotten manure; set them out in f damp, shady place, if possible, so . that the sun wilt not have too much power on I then. When they come in blossom,cut out the middle stalk, low enough to leave five or six branches standing on (he sides of ihe stalk below ; the seed will be plump, full and true. Ai me lime when onions and leeks ore in blossom, one-third of the middle portion of me blos-oni should be eul and the same operation should be performed on all kinds of blossoming vegetation. This is tlie way lo procure true beads of cabbage and true bulbs lo lurneps. 1 would advise farmers and gar deners lo lake oui a portion of ihe blossom oi every kind of vegetation, when set off for seen. To Relieve Choked Cattle, —Mix a spoonfu o’’ gunpowder wiih enough hog’s Inrd lo form n ball the size of a hen's egg. Open tne animal's moulh, and afler pulling out me tongue bghllv, chuck the ball of lard end nnwtiiT noun tbe throat, let go the ton gue and me work is done. Tne lunl mens in the throat, and the gun powder acts as an irritant, m contact with the sensi’ive membrane thereof. The obstruc tion will generally be ejected. To Cure Sobe Necks of Oxen. A letter in an exchange says a neighbor had a pair of working oxen, whose necks become very sore. He covered that part of the yoke with sheet lead. They healed almost imme diately, though constancy kepi hi work. The lead, being a good conductor of heal, may have reduced the inflammation and thus cause I the sores to htyl. To get (he greatest benefit from manure, h must be intimately mixed with the soil. It makes a much greater difference than most farmers-suppose,; whet her the manure is bu ried in lomps bi clods, or" whether it is care fully spread and intermixed with the soil, as fat as may be by plowing and harrowing. The richest fertilizer is of no use to a plan unless fitted for plant food —so intermixed with the soil as to invite the roots, and so po rous to moisture as to become soluble, that Ihe roots may lake it up. If you would fatten- cattle profitably and well, give them plenty of good wholesome air, plenty of rest, a nice clean resting place and do not disturb thebaturally quiet stale of their minds, and finally give them plenty of good nutritious food properly prepared. If, you feed grain, let it be crushed or cooked ; if hay or fodder, let it be cut. A Fabmeb in southern Alabama advises those smpking hams to throw upon (he fire occasionally, a handful of china berries, which, he says, will be an effectual prevent ive against skippers. Have a place for every tool, and never leave one out of its place; or, to go further, “a place for everything, and everything in its place. If you would preserve the health of your horses, exercise them in the open air ever|y day when not in use. -The best plan to make cattle vicious at d julnping, is to have very fine feed just the other side of a very poor fence. ■- The temperament of animals is always shown by their color. Animals of different colors always possess superiority of tempera niem. Keep the legs of your horses clean —dirt is productive of diseases. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon. ELKLAND, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in all parts ef the county, i (June 14. 1855,] JOHN N. BACHE, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office, north side Public Square Wellsborough, P.i. Refers to Messrs.Phelps,Bodge & Co.,N.Y city Hon.A.V.Parsons,Philadelphia. July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, Alto ucys Ac Counselors at, Law, CORKING. Steuben County, New York. Geo. T. Spencer, C. H, Thouson. April 18,1855-Iy. S. 11.I 1 . WILSON, O* Removed to James Lowrey’sOfficc lAS. LOWREY & S. F. WILSON, A TTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, willallend the Courts of Tioga, Potter and McKean counties. Wellsborotigh, Feb. 1,1853. The Tioga County Agitator In puMUlint every THURSDAY MOKNINd- at Wdlihoro’, Tioga Cminty, Pa., by Codb, fimmoclf k Co n on the PAY DOWN System. The cash must Invariably accompany the order for the paper, unless onr agents at the several post-olll ccs choose to l»ecomo responsible for tW amount, or no pa per will bo mailed. The subscription price is ONE DOL LAR PER ANNUM lo single subscribers. Any per son Rending us $9 will twelve 10 tonics of the paper one year —directed to each subscriber. Office, HOY’S BLOCK, second Door, over hook Store. Justice’s, Constable's »nd oilier Blanks always on band. Job and Fancy Printing executed with ueatnoss and despatch. W. W. ROBIN SON, DEALER IN j ßooks, Stationery, Blank Books, Wall Paper—Eng. lish , French and American Manufacture , Toilet utensil* and Perfumery, Fan cy S oops. Violin Strings , Gold 11 Pens and Pencils , c., sc. All the popular Magazines and leading Netospa• pers may be had at his Counter, CORNING, N. Ya, Nov. 15, 1855. TIOGA MARBLE YARD. PHILO TIILLER. DEALER in Italian and American Marble, FOR MANTELS, MONUMENTS, TOMBS CENOTAPUS, GRAVE-STONES. Agents. Bailey &l Foley, Wcllsboro; O. P. Beach, Knoxville; J. E. Webster, Covkgfon. Tioga, April 26,1855. H. O. COLE BARBER &. HAIR DRESSgR, 'Wcllsboro’Pa. Occupies room over Roberts’ Tin Store. Every thing in his line of business will be done as well and as promptly as it can be done in the more fasbionaldeCily saloons. Preparations for removing dandruff, and beaulyfiing the Jiair for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and see. WellsborV, Oct 18,1855. (if) ROGERS & FOOT, Honcsdalr, Pa. Proprietors of THATCHER’S Patent Double Action SUCTIONS FORCE PUMP. - O’ Best Pump in the World Couoty and Stale Rights for Sale, Downs A. Co., Manufacturers, Seneca Falls, N, Y. T. S Rogers, [June 19-56,] S, B. Foot. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE ?at EK WIN’S new Store! He has just returned from the City with a choice Eot «r Ready-Made Clothing, CLOTHS, CASSIiUERES, VESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND' NOTHING SHORTER! Wctlsboro’Sept. 25,1856. Time! Time! Time! Time TIME flows from instants, and of these each one Should be esteemed as if it were alone. If any wish to redeem lime now lost, please call just one door north of B. B. Smith & Son’s, where it shall be restored. The subscriber is now ready to do anything in the line of Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. All work warranted, Wellsboro, July 24,1856. A. FOLEY. TVT EW FIRM.—The business of the Firm of Ta lAI bor, Baldwin k, Co. will hereafter be conducted in, the name of Tabor, Hathaway V Co. ■The affairs of Tabor, Baldwin . ifefvs Kitnis d Hfction—Gents:—lt afforils ui the highest tn-fttale to yon, that owing to the u-n j.r.iltt the qualities of two of the Salamander Safe* which we }>un Imwd of you some few months since, wosavixl a lurge|M)itiun of our Jewelry. Hooks, Papers. Ae.. exposed to the ralaimious fire in llanstead Plnee. on the morning of the Hth ln«t. When wt»retleei that these Safes wore located m the fourth story of the building wc occupied, ami that they fell (subse quently into a heap of hunting ruins, where the >««t umcen tmtion ol heat enured the hnu*« plate* to melt, w-e earned hut regard the preservation of the valuable content* .1* mod eon vlncing proof of the great security afforded hy \ mir S.ifc«. Wc shat) take much plcaMirc in recommending them to men oT business as a sure reliance against file. Pnium.i.pnn, April 12. IWfl, Evan* d UT»/j»oh—l have to oiler you my testimony in favor of the great security afforded to my entire stock of jewelry, Itooks, paper*, At., during the recent disastrous con flagration in Hansteail phur, fiom’lho fact that tlicsunc were contained fn two of the Salamander Safes innnnfuctnrrd h> yvu. Having tallen from the fifth story of the Artisan pudd ing, where they were previously placed and exposed to a mu-I heat fur a long time, the preservation of th valuable ch'jMMlß seemed to every one who witnessed the opening and iureiior examination, a matter of profound astonishment. To all who may require a |x*rfoet protection fr.on the ma ges of tire, 1 shall not hesitate It) recommend the umj of your Safes, ual consider they have'now undergone the nm-t try lug test. N. K, Mo:iqa.n. I‘nnADr.LPiiiA, April U, ißjfi Mntrs Kvoiix d- Walton —Gentlemen—No duuM vuu will be deeply gratified to learn the good condition In which I discov ered my l*ook, policy of insurance, certificates of st>ak, and other valuable documents, when on Friday lost 1 ojxmed the safe made by your Him. With my knowledge of its great exposure, both to the inten sity of tlio heat from so hot a fire as (hat which destroyed the Artisan building, as also from the force of th*> fall fn-fll its former elevated position in the third story, 1 amid cut* r tain but slender hopes prior to its interior inspection, that the content* which I once so highly prized would o\er Ik* of any servin' to me, but ns these fears are now happih re moved, 1 feci it only duo to say to yon, that I can henceforth recommend the 11*0 of your Safes to all who may wish to feel a confidence in Hie perfect security which such means pruu des against so frightful an element. July 3d 1856. Edward Gaskill, Bookbinder. Constantly on band Patent Powder and Thief Proof Lock} or Banks, Stores &c. Yours, for Fremont and Freedom. J. E. SNODGRASS. N^W^RRANGEMENTS. A CROWL would announce to the cili zens oi Tioga county,that he has associated with him a partner, end the business will be con ductad under the) firm of A. Growl & Cb. They will continue at the old stand, in Wellsborough omanui’aclure to order and keep on hand, Buggys & Is umber Wagons, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CVTTERS, &c., which for style, durability and elegance of finish cannot bo surpassed by anyother similureslablisli ment in the country. Workmen of celebrity are engaged,and thcbcsl materials used expressly in all the manufacturing departments of this establishment. Persons send ing orders may rest assured of having them eiecn edl to their entire satisfaction, and finished in every particular thesameas though they attended i n per son. REPAIRING done aausual,with neatness and despatch. PAINTING of all kinds done on the hortesl notice, and most reasonable terms. O' All kinds of merchantable produce (delivee edy recived in exchange for work, at (he markrt prices. July 13,1855 FOR SALE, A Woolen Factory St Saw mu, THE SUBSCRIBER, Wishing to change hi* hnsimeiH offer for sale his Woolen Factory, Saw Mill and Timber lot near Wellsboro’. Tho Machinery i» the Factory consisting of one Sett” is In good running order, most of it f 8 nearly new and of the best construction. He will sell the whole togeth er, or the factory machinery separatelythe locution is good, and the terms w£U be easy. b Apply to the Bhbafcrlber on the premise*, or by Irtlrr to this place 1 Wellaboro* Aug. 26th 1850. J. I. JACKSON. CEa.®BBA;TED CAHOLICQN soa.%tas relief of suffekl?;6,fe>iales. IX stands pre-eminent lor Jts cure* tlvo pbwittf in nil the'dlScasca lor which It Is K«naimenclea;nBmUly called FEMALE COMPLAW TS. Of those are PRotAWtfc TTtert, or falHtig of jthh'womb* iFiooa Aldus, or whites.; Chronic Infx.\muation AST) Ulceration or TnEM’oKD; In 'OIDt!fTAL : nimOWiITAQB; PAINFUL, StiPPRfiSSUD, AND EBItKGCWR J/EN- Ac., with all tbolr accom panying evils, (Cnncorovcc'pfo'h) no matter how severe or of how long This medicine has never been introduced by empty puffs and misrepresentations, nor U it intended that its present popularity shall Ik* sustained by any medium but its merits and the approbation of the public. REFERENCES. The JVedleine Is now well known and appreciated, and will .have a steady and increasing Mile. 1 know of no preparation .that can compare with it for tho particular complaints for which it is designed. lam satisfied, by the use now making of It fn my own family, and by almost every day's evidence of its benefits to others, that It Justly merits tho warmest recommendations its best friends have given of it. Vu D. PERKIN’S, if. x».. Marietta Ohio. I am persuaded, after trying It in a great many eases, that U surpasses nil other remedies within my knowledge for that clans of Uifflrnllits for nhich it in roco/nmendod. It has cured some very extreme coses under my observation, which Imve resitted »I! other treatment L. D, FLEMING, u. r>. Avon Springs, N. Y., (Into of Rochester.) Prevail on medical men to adopt it in their practice; and I have no fours of the result, from what knowledge L have ob tained perrtonally of its eumtivo powers. 1 uWi the medi cine kept hero. T. C. HAWKIK-S m. Waynesburg, l*n. Tho following letter, from a lady, was addressed to I>r. John D. Vowell. at Washington, Piu, with whom the Gxtholicoa Is on sole. We are not at liberty to give the lady’s name. Drrr.uo, Washington CO. Pa. Feb. 3, 1830. Dr.AU Pm t —After wailing toglvc the Catbolleon a fair trial, 1 now have the pleasure to any, I think it is all that it Is said (o bo. lu the case in which I saw it in use, the patient,,at tho time of commencing it, was suffering the most) excrucia ting pain; she could not lift n two pound weight, without sever© pain. Now she can do her work with pleasure. Her general health has also much improved. Tho directions must n all oases be strictly tollowed, Ac, V Having r.ow used the remedy for fourycars in my practice roly wholly ou it for the euro of almost all female discuses Vi ith many regards for yourself, 1 remain vomu, Ac. 11. Y. BK.N.NETT, m. u., Canandaigua, N. Y. The claims or this medicine to llio confidence of the public arc strengthened by the fact of its having received the »iv probation am) liberal patronage of many prominent mem* hers of tlie Medical Facnlly in the United States, some id whom have voluntarily given letters of commendation, tore pamphlet,) sustaining nil that is claimed for it ns a curative agent. Pamphlets containing much useful information touch inp the nature and symptoms of the above diseases, together with testimonial* from ladioa of (he highest rei*i>ectahUit.Y T iuf certified by the most Milisf.igtory authority, to all which the attention of ladies and practitioners is respectfully invited, cuu be had gratis at the store of Also.sold by M’illlani Morgan. Troy; Jlminas It. T.vler, CouderujKirt; Dr. Jl. C. Porter, Towundu; uml hy leading drnggist»')n_all the adjoining counties. The Subsci ber is n( prepared by n« Machinery j n purchased, to fi nish lo order, i kinds of square fancy Sash, ai Blinds. Square Sash common sizes ways on hand. By long ex| ricnco in the I sincss,lhcsubs( bcrf alters liimt tha lie can make as good on article, and sell it as cheap as can be obtained at any catabishmcnt in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and sec. Covington, September 18,1856. (CTTbe subscriber is also Agent for Iho sale Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Fajnily Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D. S. I. Carriage &. Wagon JHaimlUe tory. TJENRY PETRIE would an-. .jmmmm . -I ■ nuance 10 *lxla friends and public generally, thut lie is contnmiog-22 the above business on Grafton street, immediate in the rear of J. R. Bowen's store, whpre lie is pre pared to manufacture on shortnoticc, Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, Wagons, of any style or description lo suit the purchaser and of (he very best materials. All kinds of re pairing done forthwith and on (he most reasonable terms. , PAINTING AND TRIMMING will be prompt ly executed io tbe best manner and most fash tunable style. Ac 10 Volumes—Subscribers may begin Now . Life illustrate d —a first class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News, Lit eralure, Scicnccand the Arts; to Entertainment, lm provemcnland Progress. One ofllie best Family Newspapers in the World. Two DoHarsa year. Gkouoe W, Simo.vh A Pro. THE W ATE It- CURB JOURNAL. Devoted lo Hydropathy, Us Philosophy and Practice to Physiology and Anatomy, wilh numerous illustra tions; and those laws which govern Life and Health, $1 a year. TUB PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL: Devoted lo all those Progressive Measures for the el evation and improvement of Mankind. Amply 11. luslratcd. $1 a year*.* For§3 a copy of each of these Journals will be sent one year. Agents wanted. Address, Fowlers Wells, 3oB, Broadway Ncw*York. MRS. I. D, RICHARDS, Agent for the above works, and practical Phrenologist, may be found at the house of Mr. I. .Richards, WclUboro’* Pa. WHAT’S IN A NAME? H7iy, everything,sir!—especially when the name is significant and appropriate, as it certainly is as applied to THE EMPIRE STORE, which will certainly have to be enlarged to double Us present size, to accommodate the crowds that Hock there daily to examine the new and superb stock of ©©©asm which BOWEN is receiving from Ncw-York, and SELLING AT REDUCED FRIGES, because they must be sold to make room for more. Ladies, we can show you some of the fine&J, heal, most tastily assorted and the cheapest Dress Goods, offered*to this,or any other community. Don’t lake my word fur it, but please call and examine for yourselves. And then—such lots of READY-MADE Cloth ing, Spring and Summer wear! Gentlemen, come and renew your faith by sight. Wellaboro 1 , May 15, 1856. J. R. BOWEN. GREAT RUSH AT EVANS & CO’S THE fact Is ostablhbcd that 400 Rmadwar is 1 Ik- place in New York to Imj Books. EVANS A CO. *>»•!] Rooks ;i« low as they com Ik* txmght miy wtn*ri*. and give with curb book a present varying in value from a*. tojUuU. The value of the present depends upon the number uf the* Iwiok purchased. Gifts delivered at the time of the pale. ju miccnipnt to ag«>nts. A. CROWL A CO. Catalogues, containing list nflxMiks ami prizes, sent to any address free. 03L- Persons unncfiuainted with tin* flaw of Evajw k Co,, are re-HpectOUly referred to the following leading publishing houses t Miller, Orton, A Mulligan, i 6 Park Row. Now York; Derby* Jarkso/i. 110 Nassau street, New York, Phillips, Sampson * Co., 13 IPintor stn-et. Boston; Sanborn,. Carter & Burin, Boston, Mms, Send for a Catalogue I Lccembsf. 11,1866.—3ra. CLOTHING.— A large slock in store of (iio la desl fashions, a fit guaranteed every time, as alio * price tfl soil tho buyer, for I am bound to scH Sept. 20,1856. J. R. BOWEN standing. ROBERT ROY , Druggist, WdUboro' Fa. Sept. It J. B. MARCIIISI 6c Co. Proprietor. Central depot, 304 Broadway, N, Y. Sash and Blind Factory. COVINGTON, TIOGA CO., PA. .DAVID S. IRELAN WcUsboro. 1 July 13,’55. HENRY PETRIE. , fIOWApD ASSOCIATIOA ~ ..EHIIiADELPyJA. Anuouuccmcnt. ' t| 1(0 .all peraaos afflicted with Sexual diseases, i sncli as'SPERMATORRHO3A, SEMINAL WEAKNESS. IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF.ABUSE, Ac., Ac., u . The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia in view p) Ike awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexaal'diaeases, and'tlie deceptions which are practiced'upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Con. suiting Surgeon, asa CHARITABLE ACT worthy of (heir name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, (o all persons thus afllicicd, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, with a description uftheir con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &e.,) and in case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, for the re lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with “Viru lent and Epidemic Diseaaes,” and its -funds eon be used for no oilier purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the As. socialion commands'the highest Medical skill of the age, and will llimfsb the most approved modern treatment. —Valuable advice also given to sick and nervous females, afflicted with Womb Complaint Leucorrhma, Ac. Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO.‘tt. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 25, 185G.—ly. Evens & Co.’s Great Gift Book Sale. 409 XK\\ YORK FfN'E GOLD JEWELRY GIVEN AWAY TO PURCHASERS OF BOOR;?. j- All Books will be sold as JoW as can be had at other Stores, many ufthem for less. New Books received daily. A Gift varying in value from 25 cents to $lOO, given with each book at the lime it is sold. Having on hand a very large slock of new and valuable book and as our motto is 41 Large sales and small profits 4 ” wear© determined to give aur customers better bargains than can be hod else where". Any book published in New York or Phil i Jclphia will be promptly sent, gill included, onre ocipl of publisher's price. Catalogues of Books and Presents, containing full explanations will be sent : free to alt parts of the country. The most liberal inducements are offered to Agents. Any person by sending us an order lor ten books, with money inclosed, will be entitled to an extra Book and Gift, All orders for books, containing money, (to ensure perfect should be registered at the Post Office where they arc mailed, and directed to Evans 6c Co., 409 Broadway, New York. Reference. — M. Thomas 6c &on?, South Fourth Street, Philadelphia ; J . B. Lippincoll 6c Co., Phila dclphtd ; D. Appleton ACo„ Broadway, New York ; Derby 6c Jackson, Nassau Street, New York. O* SEN D FOR A CATALOGV EVANS & CO., Principal Store, 409 Broadway, New York. Branch Stores at 125 Chestnut St. Phil’a. and at Washington D. C, HAVE YOU SEEN MONK’S NEW AMERICAN MAP. Exhibiting the larger portion of North America embracing the Uniicd Stales and Territories, Mex ico and Central America, including the West In dia Islands, the Canadas, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Compiled ftom recent Government surveys and other authentic sources. • It aho exhibits a mop of the world on Mercator's Projection, by which, the relative position* df the Eastern add Western Continents, and the varfoua groups of islands arc shown at one view. This contains about 36 square feet, is got up in magnificent style, mounted on Rollers, and is delivered li subscribers at the astonishing low price of $6 50, colored by Slates, and $7.00 colored by counties. We have the exclusive right to sell (his mop m Tioga Co. Mr. Geo. tl. Tancr will canvass Hie County forthwith, carrying a copy of the map tor examination. PUTNAM & TANER, Agents. Dec. 18, 18,>G. (Gl) EW GOOJDSr \JEW~ Q~OODS!= Just received from the village of New-York, a large and splendid assortment of Spring & Summer Goods at (he Store of (ho undersigned in Middlebury, fj. and which he is offering al reduced prices. ffis stock consists in a full assortment of all man. ncr of Goods commonly kept in a country Store. It is needless to mention articles. We shall keep, constantly on hand, fork, Flour. Salt, White Fish and Mackinac Trout. We are determined lo sup ply the wants of every man, woman and child, in our fine of business, anti say lo Our friends .ton on Irons to come on with the utmost conlidcncc m .mr disposition and ability to supply vour every want. It will be owing lo a combination of our competit orB 10 bribe the N. Y. l.vrl*» I May . me. tin* centum- HRUHINO *a. preserved the Jewelry •«! Geo. W. num« i Urn., Mshor & flro.. *ml Kdwimi i Co., aAcr remaining exposed m t' burning rtmw for nearly V'MC llOt'US, cl.iinird for tin their great superiority over all ate Uc.- iiuw know n. | In those fires, ‘lie HERRIN'CT? «tanre lire than Merring •nunc l<-rth thenekti- n.U' 1 nut mil v prr-ervlnc ttifiv runtont* in '■•crellrm ..nir r >r» x * . mjc tliejjisetvi-. in a mmfiuon to gy through 4ii>>n,. r opiu while the ••'M|aMiai|i| u«J up lu ovt-rv m«taneo, iml in K>mc -u*es • tinr-r 1 contents «l«*alr«>\ e«i. j Tn the public w»> \\yiiM .imi>lv ,:»r. ihat. mr.t j Iwn years the Hermes r>ttji two liun>lr«il h.i'e pa.*V't through niAi'leiiUllir* with 'it 1 oci urrenrp of n single lots. | We would therefore. caution ilmmi-i ;li<» a.- ~epre«cniafitm ->f iiiUTeMi il 'urtii <. Tin ibrnm.* 'ti ls the onl\ Fire-proof Safe innile mthisi’lt\ w hi. Il nM | «•.( hv a Patent Uight, anu we will guarantee it re*».t.T» . | than dcmMo the amount of heat of anv other -sit'* «.•« I FARRELS AND HERRING. ( lole Manufacturers in this State of I Herrins’* Patent Champiou Sa(«, .» Walnut Street, t, * J * N. I).—-Eian* A \Vat?oijS Impn>M-«t "’• ■ Evan'*." •<’. J. f».ivl<»rV’ .uni “Scott’* lr -n 1 I*- alar.'* .!»;ij> »« Ji.i\ uiir • n taken m pari [jaiDUU! Hi-nnii; *i(l W ai Hw iiricu. June Ju. ]B,Vj. i MAP OF TIOGA COUNT!'. From actual Measurement, and Suhtats (Arouvftotr; ihe county. Jy a corps oj Surveyor* .mu ut ' fuliy competent (o the difficult tusk astignt a lir.-n 1 fit HE uniler'i"ii*s| will pn 1*11“h -hurtle. pr*ivul> j i -’j TTiv .* l I JL UUUiUrot 'iit ’m'J ili r*i ho oOUuiied. a -VA’I V ...\D <'—in;;- an*: *;.vi> n-. - > Climvhc-. !Ir.n-c«. sj.thi. Mill-. "H-W u j I'maiL* th-U-c-. '\ •I>tiiufcri' itiMTi, Stream.-. I’oiulh uid Motuu-dnx The natm*-ip I »Tiy r- :ho-o .u ;ho t> uur\ »i | hilwitilv m silMiipf r ’h«* Map' ire al«i* (>■ v n-. r t--v . Ihtir placi-. i»i the Mupi exDlbUal V lli»* i an' i -. I Map-of fin* mlliicth wHI l*» moortctl. m » ir. , -< u*- .n *li.- ;nai _*in .u-y milium •! -uw, ji mibhi au ■ " .11 «nari'i| s<* o\« nn.- tin- .Man m the m:i -ivlrulmi. The Han "-ill l*e ph-it. auu a tait.iblo *cul- I i** :rnam<‘tit:il map. To lx* enzrared mu Mm no to -ui.MTiU-i-. li.uplvinir| \ ...lureo, u> as to ua-u I territory 0.-iunu-cM moat b Hwa-dnv, and \ni>miu>tinn **.•’l. • | A** the mip will contain -oim* nidil-im -'pure I< vt of j ins. at a co-t "f t oii« 1 a-ie-'X «l Millie of pFo|«Tt\. n-luiou- societies*, jrimnp. auaiwi of votors, Ao.. of i .icli ton tislup nn*l \ illage nisixi uveir. .•an* ..fully in-life up from tin* IaUM aniJp-nuc Jo-jimicm-. ■ itch nuj upon a'jn-t appreciation of our •if-Tt*. •' “f ti/a ue oi I’ioir.u to isjuu* u map ol their count i an in pl.uu that -lull an-wer tin u proper •'ilH. v ci:ui..u*.. m l i a tnvlj safiVfiirtoi%. rlptloni ure ro-nrcffnlli *• n xt'-i ‘ r James l>. Scon, Pnbtlslier. 3. D. niniAIlDS, AriuU at M\,Uil*oro’ p a . *. t .t i'*. Marriage glide—founds grea*i PHYSOLOGICAL WORK, THE POCKET .'ES'CCXAPrCS. or Every One His Own Doctor, a WM. YOUNG, M, D. It is written in jVhtm lan guage tor the general reader, and is illustrated upwards ol'onc liundreti Engravings. All tounj •named people, or those contemplating marriaft. nnd having the least .mpcdimcni to married ,i:- should read this hook. It discloses secrets that eve:' nnc should be acquainted with. Still tis a hoo» that l>c kept locked up, ana noi tie about :.v -hou&c, *t will he sent to any one on the receipt • twenty-five cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, SPRUCE Street, above Fourth. Phll’a. The sib. SCRIBER has opened anew his ihop -oppoMlc Boy's Store and is prepared to ex ecuie (he orders of ills old customers aud others who may favor him with Iheir pat ronage, with neatness MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr. WM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Dr. \VM. YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Dr WM YOUNG. MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM 'OUNG MARRIAGE GUIDG, bv Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOTNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Dr WM YOUNG marriage guide, by Dr wm young MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUV MARRIAGE GUIDE, bv Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNG MARRIAGE GUIDE, by Dr WM YOUNb Wants, & Things Wanted. WANTED by almost every farmer in the conn ly, a bottle of the “Liquid Heave Cure,‘ lc check the first indications of heaves, and the prewn lion and cure of all diseases that affect the j* horses. ALSO, a box oi Dr. Power's “Hibernian ,nnl ment, a sovereign remedy tor Galls, Scratches zes, Bruises, Uesh wounds, and all cutaneous disc*** to which horses or horned cattle are subject. ALSO, a box of the “German Rat Killer,” > ne " (he safest and best articles in use for deslroyu , ? ,3t * and mice, or Lyons celebrated “Rat Pills,” same purpose. For sale at the VVellsboro' Drug aW,c G< region oil painting.—Full amicxp" cil f directions for pursuing this beautiful art, w"* ** forwarded to any aodress by enclosing $1 and a P*' lagc stamp to H D. DEMING, »Veilsboro, Tioga Co ri- Papers copying the above, and sending a copy with bill of the same, will be duly honc^ 0 ** alum mail.