s rtjtud. deemi(2eiitiril^-uD§e , to inquirb aa;wa.fCjhapge rights) or ifret gsorrie fof ; the “persons- advocating the had commirted ioflenscs agaityfjtfab Oammitiefideentequaljy irreSvanLamnni--: matetial.: 7 ~; !■ f. i ii-. .r '''l.;'"’! V »nd thus piwrenf ihe miroer. ’’tia'f aiteisgttf clearest teVlt|qOS} 'irJithe their own adrawsiona ofHhoi superior rnumbenpof'.their measures of fraud and violence, so ioftenre. tl6n, ~, ’ ' ■-J -i ; ,i. r..*it . i '! The advocates "of iheflenalol Vill-referred port Of thalbill'the Opinion that thefdrma- 1 lion ,of;.» ; State.Government islheproper remedy to tfedres* t|ie ’Jgrfett‘Syfpng'iifafhis been perpetrated upon the people of Kansas, and lO'i'catdre td t|jem their right?. (he opinion of your Committee, in re. poft pl the last session.qin'tf. aqhsWtent acts have in no wayohaogedor revoked it. •'■Asthere Beem| !i td be tio tiiaftfiardTfler. ence on .this point f brtween the friends of the Sddafe bill land .MW who advocate ttta, hub. siitute, now.recommeoded, your omit the arguments that might be adduced to establish the proposition, and refer only Jo the point on which difference of opinion exists. And that is, whether the State Government already formed shall be sanctioned and adop* ted, orehall ibepeoplebe required, under the recent.difficulties, topass the ordeal of msim ilar prdceeding o'gainl Upon this point your Committee thibk there is nd sufficient reason for the litter course. The Constitution al ready adopted, as has been /ully.shown, is in strict and undoubted conformity to constitu tional requirements—is justified by numerous and authoritative precedents—is sustained by a population agreed by the advocates of both qpCgqures to be;sufficient, and -which is>ex pected by all to increase with great, rapidity —and is approved by a majority of tho peo ple. What'valid objection then can be urged against its adoption ? That persons who are displeased with the prohibition of Slavery which it contains, your Committee can read ily conceive might prefer another trial of the question in a hope of a different result. But that can hardly be received as a reason why this Government should wilhold (rom any portion of the peoplertheir constitutional rights, and neglect to redress their wrongs. Your Committee recommend, in lieu of Ihe Senate, (Toombs) bill, No. 365, a bill for the admission of Kansas under the Topeka Con stitution, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. *Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon. ELEtiKD, TTOOA COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in all psrts'sf the county, [June 14.1855.] JOHN N. BACHS, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT •**- LAW,—Office, north side "Public Square Wellsborongh, P.t. Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge & Co.,N. Y city Hon.A.V.Parsons,Philadelphia. July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, Alto ncys Ac Counselors at Law, CORNING, Steuben County, New York.' Geo. T. Sfenosr. C. H. Thomson. April 18, X855-ly. S. F. WILSON, XT Removed to James Lowstr* o '^®*-® ... ; r . , f '; lAS. LOWREY & S. F. WILSON, A TTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, will attend IhoCourtsof Tioga,Poller and McKean counties. WeUsborougb,Feb. 1,1853. The Tioga County Agitator Ie published every THURSDAY MORNING at Wellsboro’, Tioga County, by Cobb, Stctriiock A Co., on the PAY DOWN System. Tho cosh most Invariably accompany the order for the paper, unless onr agents at the several poet-offi ces choose to become responsible for the amount, or no pa per will bo mailed. The subscription price is ON £ DOL LAR PER ANNUM to single subscribers. Any per son sending us $9 'win receive 10 copies of the paper one year —directed to each subscriber. Office, ROY’S BLOCK, second floor, over Taylor’s Book Store. Justice’s, Constable’s and other Blanks always on band. Job and Fancy Printing executed with neatness and despatch. W. W. ROBINSON, DEALER IN Books y Statiouery, Blank Books, Wall Paper~Eng* lish, French and American Manufacture, Toilet utensils and Pei/umery, Fan cy Soaps,' Violin -‘Strings, Gold Pens and Pencils , dfc., fyc. All the popular Magazines and leading Newrfxx. pers may It had at his Counter. coßkißrcH iii T., ifr, isss. TIOGA MARBLE YARD. PRILoTtLLER. DEALER II? Italian and American Marble, FOR MANTELS, MONUMENTS, TOMBS CENOTAPHS, GRAVE-STONES. Agents. Bailey & Foley, Wellsboro; O. P. Beach, Knoxville; J. E. Webster, Covicg'on. Tioga, April 26,-1855. H, O. COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, Wellsboro’Pa. Occupies room over Roberts* Tin Store. Every thing in his line of business will be done as.well and as promptly as it can be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparalionsfor removing dandruff, and beautyfling the hair for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and see. Wellsboro’, Oct 18, 1855. (lO ROGERS & FOOT, lloncsdalF, Pa. Propritton of THATCHER’S Patent Double Action SUCTION & FORCE PUMP. O* Best Pump in the World !_£t] -County and Bta|p Rights for Sale, Downs &. Co., Manufacturers, >Seneca Falls, N. Y. T. S Rogers, [June 19-56,] S. B, Foot. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS WHERE 7 at ERWIN'S new Store! Hebas juslrelurned from ihc City with a choice Lot of Ready-Made Clothing, CLOTHS, CASSIHERES, VESTING and all of which will beeold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM AND NOTHING SHORTER! Well»boro’ Sept 25.185 R i Traill la stranger than Fiction II WE moil say IbalG. W. Taylor ie receiving bom the Manufacturers, the best and cheap est lot of PIANOS St MELODEONS, ever offered la this county. He can furnish aa good Inatrumeota and ales fctr prices aaCity deafer*. Call atlhe Bookstore Wcllsborb’,Decembers, 1855. rfWS ’Wtr#¥V w^enl ‘oi'Ac. toUMw BtfUWW sW tfrtW, ! «kAmi;iWlt»(iT ! i^ n ii'Aeqtf4lKa fi ,% fi&ymma’ ph l! i£e mekrtii lit Did dUv.'iifd W)Rai' : die? bdjw 1 ' bßerStl 'tiiilr good nil) thrown piflVi'lk the beet pick, so come in while stock is ■"omitoaTiqß :hasT(AUullep ,pjapif, good, bargjiio s ff7(ifl r #SW( tome 6n'. ’ Ifryoo went raorJ’tlttn V rfollirs Worth fdr a dollar ooiS&f b&iiMdfiishc(J*o see pile rif adoUot. ' Gur Btock of isnotrriade n£ 'iflKe'dddk end ertds'and the irem nanls «jf "clbkdd up" coded rosliftheDity, hut com • prises a otfmpleteiawiorltnentbf the latest Styles end bfest.quaii'tieSjJVoralhe'coarsestdoinCWlbitothe fi nest imported fabrics, such as aand-Ladihs' Driste Goods, -- es, ! and toWdby Varifety of trim mings.' Ladies will , P ooo ’ Apply loth; subscriber on the premises, or by letter to this pises’ TTellsboro Aug.-Otb ISSfI. J. I. JACKSON. M wn.-i&uuaM J ‘ n i rtnOttcojy !ftr gtiFiriMNty ran jus. ■o jxl»«r» fa,«ll >f thewomb; ftcpE Aups,V A;' CfaioSttf iKTlAiiukriov 1 Dicniitiokof ! «b - j mg' etili, (OaricertitoepttdS)fco'. p< ; bQW Ipng iHii thydlbihi lwi he>esM§cirf^lnUodn'Ccdhy jepipty ptiffs 14na:BilfTopr«*meaUDn>,'not i !> titihtoftdod bar#ojiJtt€Ulnm and of theipnbU&. ,„ f , (i * r . f Un9w,f«| Ipojrp, W win nmoworno preparation i by(tb«nM‘i(rtria«fnfc ifcfe *?? d#r*s,arid4pcB others, ft at. Itjusdjr. merit# tM.warmest Tecomme&unoni Its tot mcpdsfliTSigjrbii’of It 1 1 ~ "•. .m.v ■•) ; li' -8.. W PBBffnrai ilTdj, bMo. It surpasses All other rtmefjica within uw knowledge /or that clasS of dlfflcultlbs fot whlth'lt Is Tinas 'cured Mine wry 'ejttttnre basisnhdor my bWfentltlorij whfch torerari4todall,<(thcr tr«AtinQht' I* D. FI4t&UNO»‘ m. 9. . ■ » ~ Aypn Springs, N. Y., (late of .Rochester.} medical men.to adopt It In practice; and I bat'd no Tears of the molt, frohi Hnietiniowicdge I harobb tained personally' of Hi curat Ire powers. *i wish thomedl- ..T» C. HA 4 W^lJNfl;«.©^.Wayne»barg,Pa. The following letter, from a lady, wait Addressed to Dr. John TK'Vbwell, at Washihgtbn, llie'OUholicbil is bn eale. We are' not at liberty to give (ho lady’s name. Washington Cb. Pa. Tob. 6,1856. Dun Smtf-AJtcr .waiting togire thfrCathollcon.afalr trial, I now have the pleasure tp say. I.thlnk It is all that It Is said to be. Tnthocrmo In which rsaw it in nsoj-tho'paUent, at the tlme'of* was suffering the most excrucia ting she could pot,a two pound/.w#gUt, without sotcto palp. Now she can do her .work with pleasure. Ilpr general health has also much Uhprored. The directions mtist naU cases be btrie tly followed, ic. Uavlqg tovF used Ibo remedy for four yean in my practice, I rclv wholly on it for thecuro of almost al| female diseases mth many regards for yourself I remain yours, ic, IF. V. UKNNBTT, V. D., Canandaigua, N. T. The claim?of this tnedidno io the confidence of the public ore strengthened by the font of Us haring received the ap probation and liberal patronage of many prominent mem* bors of the Medical Faculty in the United States, some of whom have voluntarily given letters of commendation, (seo pamphlet,) ftustiUhiagall that-Is claimed for itas a curative agent. Pamphlets containing much useful information touch ing the nature and symptoms of the.above diseases, together with tostlmohials-Yrom ladies Of the highest respectnbflfty,aa certified by the most satisfactory authority, tA nil which the attention of ladies and practitioners is respectfully invited, ciio be had gratis at the store of Also sold by Vniliiun Morgan, Troy; Thomas B. Tyler, Couddrsport; Dr. 5. C. Porter, Towanda; and by loading druggists in all the adjoining-counties. ■* -' Scpl.ll X B. MARCHISI& Co. Proprietor. Central depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y. Sash aufl ißlind Factory. COVINGTON, TIOGA CO., PA. THE Subscri ber is now prepared by new 1 Machinery ju si pnrebased,to fm nish to order, ai kinds of square & fancy'Sash, am 1 Blinds. Square Sash o common sizes nl ways on hand. By long expe rience in the'bo fOncuß.the subscri borf alters himse! Ilia he can make as good an article, anu ..cap t. be obtained at any estabishment in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and see. Covington, September IS, 1856. subscriber is also Agent for the aaleo Dr. D. Jayne's celebrated Family Medicine?, also Scarpa’sOll for Deafness. D. S. I. Carriage & Wagon lUjmulac TJENRY PETRIE-would an nouftce (o his friends and public generally, that he is continhing3SE_sß_ the above business on Grafton street, immediate in the rear of J. R, Bowen's store, whcrc lie is pre pared Id manufacture on short notice, 1 Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, ' Wagons, ofany stylo or description to suiltbc purchaser end of the very best materials. All kinds of re pairing done forthwith and on the most rfcasonable terms. PAINTING AND TRIMMING will l|c prompt jy executed in the best manner and most fush tenable style. I VVellsboro,’ July 13, '55. HENRY PETRIE. New Volumes—Subscribers may begin Now, Life illustrate d—a first class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News,Lit craluro, Scienceand the Arts; to Entertainment, Tm provement and Progress. One of tho best Family Newspapers in the World. Two Doliarsa year. George W. Simons A 800. THE if ATER-CURE journal. Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Praeti ce to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous illustra tions ; and those laws which govern Life and Health, 81 a year. TUB PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL; Devoted to all those Progressive Measures lor the cl evalion «ndl improvement of Mankind. Amply II lustrutcd. 81 a year. For $3 a copy of each of these Journals will be sent one year. Agents wanted- Address, Fowlkbs &’ Wells, 308, Broadway Ncw-York. V MRS. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent for the above works, and practical Phrenologist, may bo found at the house of Mr. I. Richards, .Wcllsboro'. Pa. WHAX’S IN A NAME? Why, everything, sir!—especially when the name is significant and appropriate, as it certainty is as applied to THE EMPIRE STORE, which will certainly have to be enlarged to double its present size, to accommodate the crowds that flock there daily to examine the new and superb stock of SUHBUi'r®- (MXDID© which BOWEN is receiving from Ncw-York, and SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES, because they must be sold to mske room for more. Ladies, we can show yon some of the finest, best, most tastily assorted and the Cheapest Dress Goods, ever offered to this.or uny other community. Don’t take roy word for it, but please culland examine for yourselves. And then—such lols of READY-MADE Cloth ing, Spring and Summer went! Gentlemen, come apd renew your faith by sight. Wellaboro’, May IS, 1856, GREAT RUSH AX EVANS & CO’S THE fact is established that 400 Broadway is the place in New York to buy Books. EVANS & CO. sell Books as low u they can be bought any where, anti give with each book a present varying in value from 26 eta. to $lOO. The value of the present depends upon the muster of tho book purchased Gifts delivered at the time of-tfie «do. Great in ducement to agents. ” Catalogues, containing list of books and prises, sent to any address tree. J ttß- Persons unacquainted with tho firm of Kvass k Co,, are respectfully retorted to the following leading publishing houses t p Miller, Orton, & MuUtgajs, 26 Pork Row. New. y Derby i Jackson. 110 Nassau jtrcct, New York, Phillips, Sampson A Co., 13 IFlnter street, Boston; Sanborn, Carter • Basin, Boston, Mass. Send for a Catalogue I December, 11,1850.— 3 m. CLIJTHING.-rA. largo stock in store of .the la. lest fashions, a fit guaranteed ever; lime, as also a price to suit the boyer, for I am bound to sol! - Sept. 2D, 1855. . J. {I, BOW£,N ROBERT ROY, firvggist, Wellsboro' Pa, DAVJD S. IRELAN. TIO.V rpo all peraongjtißlctoff wi(h Sexual diseues,. J<±? fIfttV, a"^ BPERMATORRHoaA,'-'.SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA,' SELijAßyßbi ■• ® 'ii)Vrew of Ihe 'orhupan life, and WUtb, c«Mddl»r deceptions Vh'i&i aroWactiddd ripon ili’e unfortunate victims of 'aocn diaei& ISy have mVecied their Con fl»nirng,Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worth j or lnclO ihame, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA|. .TIS/Xo’alljjXrtOrts lht)saffltcred,'(Maleor Eernile,) who apply byjcttor, with tideserijifidn oftheir cbn dilion, (age, occupation, habile of'life, dun,) and in ciafetof extreme poverty and suffering, tb FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OECHARGE. * " iThe Howard Association .ft albeAevdlent Irfstito lifio, established by specialindotfineflt, for the rs lief of-the sick and distressed, afflicted with “Virii ilehtaihd Epidemic Diseases," and its funds can be’ used for no other pjotpooesuil has now a surplus of meins, which the Dircctcrshars fluted .to advertise .them hove police.. It is. needless to sdd that the As isocsation commands tbohighcaUModjcai skill of the ;agc, and wilt furnish .the rpost; approved modern treatment. —Valuable advice also given to sick and notions females, afflicted with Womb Complaint . >paid|£b|'ijiib. Caftsulling. 'Surgeob, Howhtd Atsopiatjoti', 2 jSoutlr Ninth'Street, Philadelphia, Pa. '■ By order bf the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GfiO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. •October 25. 1856.—1 f. ATEIV COODS! JTEW GOODS!— JA Just received (rom the village of New-X a and splendid nuorlmcntbr , Spring & Summer Oowls sl lbe Store of the nndersigrifed in MiAdfetory, Pa. and which-ho Is offering at reduced prices. iiis stock 'consists in a foil assortment of all man ner of QoiiHa commonly kept id a Country Store. It is needless to- mention articles, We shall kcijp, constantly on hand, Pork, Floor, Salt, White Fish and Mackinac Troot. We are determined to sup ply Hid wants of every man, woman and child, in our lino of business, and say to our' friends and pa Irons to come on With the utmost confidence in onr disposition-and ability to supply yoor every want. It will be owing to a combination of our compctil. Ora to bribe the N. Y. & Erie Railroad-Company agbinsl transporting onr freight, if We' fail id so do. ing- H. H. POTTER. Mid’b’y Center, June 5’56. J. B. Potter agt. New arrivals at the wellsboro’ DRUG STORE. Sulphate of Indigo, for coloring Blue and Green. Couoii Mixtore. —This article contains Balsam Tola and oilier valuable cough remedies, and is par ticularly recommended to the. notice of Physicians. A new lot of that 4s and 6s Tea, that every body likes so well. Extract of Lehon, Rose, Vanilla, Fine Apple, &.C., for cooking. Marking Ink, that will not wash oOl—for mark, ing Linen, &.c. Waterproof Shoe Blacking, to preserve the lea ther and keep the feet dry. Writing Ink —Black, Blue and Red, of the best quality. Wellsboro 1 , Jan. 10,1856. NEW TAICOK SHOP. ' rpHE SUB- I SGRIBfiR has opened anew his (hop opposite Roy’s Store ond is prepared to ex ecute the orders of his old customers aud others who may favor him with their pat, ronagO'Wilfaf neatness feel It necessary lo pu his work as it is'warranted lo farulgKiu. owQTrcc '\snjmemJalion. No garment is permitted to go oat of the shop that is not made in the most substantial manner. Kspecial care observed in Cutting and Fitting., 'This Department, will be under my own supervision. Believing in the “live and let live” rule, I have adopted the Pay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it. Wcllsboro 1 , March 13,1856. H. P. ERWIN. THE Subscriber having purchased a part of the Stock of Drugs and Medicines formerly owned by Robert Roy, is now receiving fresh supplies. He would respectfully inform the public that he intends to continue the Drug business at the old stand. The store will be left stilt in care of the former proprie tor (Robert Roy) and His hdped that by its ample provision for the wonts of the community, and by attention to customers, it may still be fonnd worthy of public favor and patronage. Call see fbr yourclves. JOHN A. ROY. October 9th, 1656. ■ • NEW AMERICAN MAP. Exhibiting the larger portion of North America embracing the United Slates and Territories, Mex ico and Central America, including the West In dia Islands, the - CaUadas, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Compiled Horn recent Government surveys and other authentic sources. It also exhibits a, map of the world on Mercator's Projection, by which, the relative positions of the Eastern and Western Continents, and the various groups of Islands arc shown at one view. This map contains about 36 square feet, is jrot up in magnificent style, mounted on Rollers, and is delivered to subscribers at the astonishing low price of S 6 SO, colored by. Stales, and $7.00 colored by counties. We have the exclusive right to sell this map in Tioga Co. Mr. Geo. [I. Taner will canvass the County forthwith, carrying a copy of the map for examination. PUTNAM & TANER, Agents. Dec. 18. 1856. (Gl.) r! shall Start again for Kansas with another com pany, March 15,1857, from Bennett’s Hotel, Buffalo. Those going West will find it greatly to their advantage to locate in Kansas* It is tho most beautiful country on the continent. Land only $1,95 per acre and we will lake all who desire to go, from Buffalo to Leavenworth, for $25. Address A. H. SHURTLEFF, Agent N. Y. Kansas Aid Society, Watkins, N. Y. Evens & Co.’s Great Gift Book Sale, 409 JinOADWAY t SJgW FORK. FIXE GOLD JEWELRYJ3ITEXAWAY TO PUROUAf EHS All Books will be sold as low as can bo bad at other Stores, many of llicm for less. New Books received doily. A Gift varying in valno from 25 cents to 8100, given with each book at the lime it is sold. Having on hand a very large stock 0/ new and valuable booke, and as our motto is “ Large sales and small profits 4 *’ we are determined to give aur customers better bargains than can be had else rhere. Any book published in New York or Phil -1 Jclphia will bo promptly sent, gift included, on re ceipt of-publisher's price. Catalogues of Books and Presents, containing full explanations will be sent free to all parts of the country. 3. R. BOWEN The most liberal, inducements are offered to Agents. Any-person by sending ns an order lor fen books, with money inclosed, will be entitled to an extra Book ani Gift. All orders for books, containing money, (to ensure perfect should bo registered at the Post Office where they arc mailed, and directed to Evans & Co. 409 Broadway, New York. & Sona > Sooth Fourth Street,Philadelphia; 1.8. Lippincottfc Co., Phila ddlphia ,D. Appleton Sc, Co„ Broadway,Now York; Derby*. Jackson, Nassau Street, New Yofk. DO* SEND TOR A'CATALOGUE. ra „ . . < . . EVANS &.CO., . Principal,§U»rc, 409 Broadway,New York. Pulmonic Wavers. HAVE TOU SEEN MONK’S Ho ! For Kansas! op hooks. -A'-l IMHIH ' principal ■ ‘ ttm Mttr BasbLir tc F«ikom' Richum, .. m. ' Mtieiault, ' ’ : Thc’SrampTiait rif thisJiistilDtion wiDeotn nikiccTaesdiiy, March 3d. k ßatesof for Term of 11 Weeks Prinury.riepiJrtmeit, iuelading-Kpading Writing, Spcßingl primary Arithmetic, , Geigtspby, HislJry, tie:,..,. ./,.■ 15,00 Begmning Eng. Grammar, Elementary ' Arithmetic, Geography, History, &0., sio ! 'Higher; English—Arithmetic and Gram* ‘ ' |nar completed, G«ag. of Heavens, Fa . miliar Science, &o, 3.00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Nat. uraiPhilosophy.io., 4.00 .Practical Astronomy, do. Surveying and ■ - Chemistry, Lathi, Greek, French and ■ German .. s^. DrsWing, (extra)....... . ,2,00 ~ pills made onl from the lime oferiterlivttC Hi end of the Term, and expected to be xtUledil mis. die of the Term. In addition to nsnai branches, there will be t " Teacher's Class,” composed of those wishing to engage in teaching. Lectures will be given to (be Cldssiby ÜbriPriothiat iadd other*. iiAlio, weeklv ■ discussions before the Principal, nponeoch rahjtci ■as may comebeforelbe clssa.- . The Academy in provided with Apparatus iniuble for Philosophical and Chemical-experiments— such as is used in the higher Scbopb oPN. Y. Expert, men IS will be given to (be classes, weakly. Compositions and Declamations every Wednesday afternoon. The •* Wellsboro' Debating Club" is now in suc cessful operation, composed of Students and otlien from the town, interested-in snch offairs. An ee ort will be made to secure a course of Lectures be fore the Society the'tooling winter.. Btajd.’oan be obtained in private femilies-gf 08,00 per week. . Those wishing to furnish .Ibeir own rooms arid board lliemdelves, ran'be kccomniodaled by applying tdthe Principal, ,'Thib Academy is situated in the healthy and pjeasant village .of Wellsboro’, the. County seal 01 Tioga. It is espy of access by a’daily line of stage, to Tioga: theriee by H. S. intersecting (be N. Y.tA Erie road at Coming. Also by stages to adjotaing towns, north, West ami Sooth. ■:L. LKI coots, See’y, JAS. LOWREY, Put, HERRING’S SAFE AOAIX THE CHAMPION! Ttyo only £afe which, in every ins(anc«rpr e ® ctTe 4 their ealirs contents in th&4tCte Kxtenalre Pi its. AT the burning of tne ' Buildings, April great Ore In Market Street, Ma) 1856, the genuine HJKHJUh’a preserved the Jewelry df‘Q6o, mona £ Bro.; Books, Paper Fisher k Bro., end JOdward ft Co ? after remaining expost burning rtrfns for nearly HOURS, and proving com. what we havo always claimed fo. their groat superiority over all tits now known. In these fires, the HERRING’S sAFE,Bt*ndingiddoby s& with those advertised as “warranted to stand 10 per act. more firo than Herring's came forth the acknowledged ncior. not only presorting thelv contents In excellent order, bnt be ing themselros ln>a condition to go through- Another ordeal, while the boasted “Salamanders” of other mstten wet* bad ly need up m every instance, and in some cases their enure contents completely destroyed. To the pnblic wo Would simply say, that, during »he four, teen yean the Herring’s safe has been before them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without tie occurrence of n single loss. We would therefore, caution purchasers against the tub representation of Interested parties. The Herring’s Patent is the only i’iro-proof Safe made in this city which is protect ed by a Patent Right, and we will guarantee it to resist mon than double the amount of heat of any other safe now knows. PARRELS AND HERRING, Sole Manufacturers in this State of Herring’s Patent Champion Safes, 34 TVaJunt Street, Philadelphia- N. B.—“ Evans & TTataon’a Improved Salamanders,” “01 ur Evan’s,” “0. J. GaylerV and I *Bcott’s Aabeato*,” Inm CJiKi fa large atsortraent haring been taken in part'payment vr Herring’s.) will be sold at low prices. 20,1850. IMPROVEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, WE would respectfully call the attention of Mill ow'nersnnd all interested in the use of water dower in this vicinity, to a patented Iron tValcr Wheel, (called Grpenlcaf's gravity and percussion Water Wheel,) one of whibh they have recently pat in a Saw Mill owned by Judge While ofWcllsboro' and Dr. Archer of Morris township, and situated one and a fourth miles from Babb’s Creek, on the Stony Fork. This wheel on Saturday the 7th insi., drove a' single saw to saw five thousand and one hundred feet of while pine imnber: 4100 feet it which was one inch in thickness, 400 feet inches thick, 500 feet 1} inches thick. This Wheel used a very small quantity of water, only discharging about 90 square inches and with about 11J feet head and fall of water while performing the above. These Wheels are well adapted to the propelling of all kinds of Machinery driven by Water power. They are very simple and substantial in their construction, and will do from one third to one half more work ■than any other Iron Water Wheel in operation in this vicinity with ribiefl they are aerftfeirited. Thcv offer for sale Oh very liberal terms' file potent rigid for Counties or States, and also to-furntsh and put in operation the Wheelp in Mills in this vicinity on rea sonable terms. For further ihibrniation address A. Greenloaf, Morris township, Babbs Post Office, or b. Vance care ol P. PqCleaver Wellsboro' Tioga Co. Pn. ' k. GREF.NLEAF, Jane 12 1856. £,. VANCE, •IV, B. The above named Wheel mdy be seen in operation at almost any lime by calling on Mr. Rob ert Wilson who has the Mill in charge. MAP OF TIOGA COUNTY, From actual Measurement, and Survey throurrnm the county. By a corps of Surveyors who arc fully competent to the difficult task assigned them. TIIE undersigned will publish shortly, provided a suffldinu number of Subscribers bo obtained, a .vsrr axd couflete j lap of tioga couxtt. Ah ll.c public- hoods, Railroads, Crossings and Station,, Posl- OlBecs. Umrches, School TlonsM, Stores, Mills, Public w; Private Houses, Otmotories, Manufactories, Shops, Sr are S' bo shown on the Map, in tuldition to the usual topogiaphr « Rivers, Streams, Ponds and Mountains. Iho names of prop erty holders generally, (Including those In the cnnntv win snbecribo in advance for the Map) are also to be inserted st their respective places, in the style of the Mans exhibited by tho ranvassors. Maps of the principal villages will he inserted, on i nuyt Se'huildin 6 ''” ’ alB ° l!nBraTOl ricws of public md I"’ 1 '" Xo expense jrill bo spared to execute the Map in the I.iubeft "* T .' “, r " rt ,, J h ' l? ,nn ' Tilll,O plotte