The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, February 19, 1857, Image 4

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In Nashvilfej manjTyeara ago, there resid
ed a gentleman of grealltospiialily,
leiic.- and though uneducated,- was possessed
of hard knot sense. GoL W. had beeo elecled
to the Legislature and had also beenJudgeoC
the County Court. ... t'-i
- His elevation, 'however, had made
somewhat pompous,, and he -becarne trty
fond of.using-big words. On fils farttr heSSJd
a large mischevious ox, called “Big Brintjle,"
which frequently broke down bis neighbor’s
fences, and committed other depredattpije,
much to the Colonel’s annoyance.
One morning after breakfast, in priaenco.of
some latge gentlemen who had stayed with
him over night, and were'now on their .way
to town, he (ailed his overseer, and said to
“ Mr. Allen, I desire you to impound Big
Hrindle, in order that I may hear no more
animadversion on his eternal depredations'”
Allen bowed and walked off, sorely puz
zled to know what the Col. meant.
So after Ctj l, W leli for town, he went to
his wife and asked what Col, W. meant by
telling him to “ impound” the ox. ' ,
“ Why," said she “the Col. meant to tell
you to put him in a pen.”
Allen left (to perform the feat, for it was no
inconsiderable one, as the animal was very
wild and vicious, and after a great deal of
trouble and vexation he succeeded.
1 Well,” said he, wiping Ihe perspiration
from his brow, and soliloquizing, *' this is im
pounding it.” Now I’m dead sure the old
Col. will ask me if 1 have impounded Big
Brindle, and I bet I'll puzzle him as bad as
he did me,
The next day the Cot. gave n dinnerparty,
and as he «as not aristocratic, Allen the
overseer, eat down with the company. After
the second or third glass was discussed, the
Col. turned to the overseer, said :
“ Eh, Mr. Allen, did you impound Big
Brindle, sir’”
Allen straightened himself, and looking
around at Ihe company, and said :
“ Yes, I did ; but old Brindle transcended
the impanel of the impound and scalterlo
phisticoted oil over the equanimity of the for
The company burst into an immoderate fit
of laughter, while Ihe Col.’s face reddened
w ith discomfiture.
“ What do you mean by that,sir;” said
“ Why, I mean Colonel,” said Allen, "that
old Brindle being prognosticated with an idea
of the cholery, ripped and tared, snorted and
pawned dirt, jumped Ihe fence, luck to the
woods, and would not be impounded no
how "
This was too much ; the company roared
again, in which Ihe Col. was forced to join,
and in the midst of the laughter, Allen left
the fable, saying to himself as he went “ I
reckon the Col. won’t ask me to impound any
more oxen."
Amelia Simcox unbosoms her wrongs
as follows ; 11 1 married Simcox eight years
ago, at which lime my gowns were fastened
by eight hooks and eyes. Now you will
readily conceive that no woman can hook
and-eye herself. Whilst a spinster, she ob
tains the aid of her sister, cousin, mother or
Betty, ihe maid. When she becomes a mar
ried woman, the hook-nnd-eye duty natural,
ly devolves upon the husband. For Ihe first
year of my marriage, Simcox, like an affec
tionate husband, hook-and-eyed the whole
eight; the second year he somewhat peevish
ly restricted his attention to seven ; the third
to six, the fourth to five, the fifth to four—
and so on decreasing, until this morning—the
eighth anniversary of our wedding—when
you would have-supposed him possessed by
the dearest and fondest recollections, he drop
ped another hook nnd eye, intimating to me
that for Ihe term of his natural life he should
restrict himself to one—tho top one. As I
know you to have a crowd of female readers
I thought it a duly I owed the sex to warn
them, through the medium of your publica
tion, of the craftiness, and, I must say it, the
selfishness of man. They will, I hope, lake
warning by my condition, and ere they enter
into matrimony, stipulate for a due perform
ance of toilette attentions on the part of their
Woman’s Laugh.—A Woman has no
natural grace more bewitching than a sweet
laugh. [i is like the sound or flutes on wa
ter. It leaps from her heart in a clear, spark
ling rill, and the heart that hears it feels as
if bathed in the exhilarating spring. Have
you ever pursued an unseen fugitive through
trees, led on by her fairy laugh—now here
now there, now lost, now found? We have.
And we are pursuing that wandering voice to
'his day. Sometimes it comes to us in the
midst of care and sorrow, or Irksomeness j
and then we turn away and listen, and hear
it ringing through the room like a silver bell
with power to scare away the ill spirit of the
mind. How much we owe to that sweet
laugh It turns the prose of our life into po
etry, n flings showers of sunshine over the
darksome wood in which we are traveling,
n touches with light even our sleep, which
which is no more the image of death, but is
consumed with dreams that are the shadows
of mortality.— Ex.
Delicate.—The question at a lea-parlv
turning upon the impropriety of one's mix
ing up cakes with a pinch of snuff in her
fingers, fearing some might bo scattered in
the dough, a lad remarked that bo had seen
hit mother mix cokes with a pinch of snuff
in her fingers and not scatter a bit. ‘ * Why,
Billy, rejoined the offended lady, “ how you
do lie I” “ Well, mother, I don't know but
I do,’ innocently replied the urchin, “ I dont
know but you scattered it a very little.”
A few days since, a barber offered a re
ward for instantly removing superfluous hair.
Among the answers was ono forwarded by,a
gentleman in Kingston. We give it—“ CTh
denake to kiss a woman against her will.”
Whenever we drink 100 deeply of pleas
ure, we find a sediment at the bottom which
pollutes and embitters what we realized at
It is an extraordinary fact that those who
got to high words generally use low language.
Will visit pelienUin all pirts •( the county,
, ■ , - .[Jane 14<185S,1 : ; >
Attorney andcwnsellor at
, 1 north sW* Public Square
' "Refers fo*Messrs. Phelps,Dodge & Co.,N. Y
city HomA.fV.Panfonß.PhiladelpbU.- July 13.
A Ito neys Ac Counselors at Caw,
Steuben County, Jfcw Yorh.
Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson.
April 18,1855-ly.
s. f. wiLgon,
tST Removed Ip James Lowrej’p Office,
LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Potter
and McKean counties.
Wellsborongh. Feb. 1,1853.
The Tioga County Agitator
Ii published every THURSDAY tfORNINQ at Wellrtwro’,
Tiogb Goupty, Pcu, by Co an, Sturrock 4 CO., on the PA Y
DOWN System. Thocash mostinvariablyaccopipany the
order for tho paper, unless our agents at tho-several post-offl
ces choose to become responsible for the anioant, or no pa
per will bo mailed. The subscription price is ONE DOL
LAR PER AVjfUM to single subscribers. Any par
son sending us |9 will rocelvelOooplea of tho paper one year
—directed to each subscriber.
Office, ROY'S BLOCK, second floor, over Taylor’s Book
Store. Justice’s, Constable’s and other Blanks always on
band. Job and Pancy Printing executed with neatness and
Books, Stationery, Blank Boohs, Wall Paper—Eng
lish, French and American Manufacture,
Toilet utensils and Perfumery, Fan
cy Soape, Violin Strings, Gold
Pens and Pencils, t/e., life.
All the popular Magazines and leading Newspa
pers may be had at his Counter.
CORNING, HI. Y., Nov. 15, 1855.
Italian and American Marble,
Agents. Bailet &. Folev, Wcllsboro; O. P.
Beach, Knoxville; J. E. Webbies,
Tiogo, April 36,1655.
11. O. COLE
Occupies room over Roberts' Tin Store. Every
thing in his line of business will be done as well
and as promptly as it con be done in the more
fashionable City saloons. Preparations for removing
dandruff, and beaatyfiing the hair for sale cheap
Hair and tvliiskera dyed any color. Call and see.
Wellsfaoro’, Ocl 18,1655. (if}
Honesdaie, Pa.
Proprietors of THATCHER’S Patent
Double Action SUCTION & FORCE
ID* Best Pump in the World
County and State 'Rights for Sale. Downs Sc.
Co., Manufacturers, Seneca Falls, N, Y.
T. S Rogers. [June 19-56,] S, B. Foot.
WHERE 7at ERWIN’S new Store! He has
just returned from the City with a choice
Lot of Ready-Wane liroilling,
and all of which will be sold
ON the" cash-down
WelUboro' Sept. 25,1856.
Truth is stranger than Fiction!!
WE must sny that 6. W. Taylor is receiving'
from the Manufacturers, the beat and cheap
cat lot of PIANOS & MELODEONS, ever offered
in this county. He can furnish as good instruments
and at as fair prices as City dealers. Call at the
Book Store Wcllsboro', December 6, 1855.
NEW FIRM.—The business of the Firm of Ta
bor, Baldwin & Co. will hereafter be conducted
in the name of Tabor, HalhawayJS? Co.
The affairs of Tabor, Baldwin & Co.will be closed
up as speedy as possible and those indebted to said
Firm are hereby notified to pay up without delay it
they wish to avoid cost those that do not, will ccr
tainly get sued. TABOR, BALDWIN & Co.
Tioga, Pa. Sept 18,1856. {9-]
Who will go to Kansas t
THE subscriber will sell the Farm on which he
lives, in Lawrence, containing 140 acres, 100
of which is improved. It is well watered, has a
comfortable hanse, barns, neoessaiy outbuildings
and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon.
Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrenceville, known as
ilie “Geer House,” with ample accommodations.
Attached is a Store building suitable for the Gro
cery and Dry Goods business—all to be sold or rent
ed to suit applicants. For terms apply to
Lawrenceville, Sept. 11 '56. M. S. BALDWIN.
Time! Time! Time! Time
TIMB flows from instants, and of these each one
Should be ealcemed as if it were alone.
If any wish to redeem lime now lost, please call
just one door north of B. B. Smith &. Son’s, where
it shall be restored. The subscriber is now ready
to do anything in the lino of Repairing Watches,
Clorks and Jewelry. All work warranted.
Wellsboro, July 24,1856. A. FOLEY.'
Evens & Co.’s Great Gill Book Sale.
All Books will be sold as low as can be had at
oilier Storesi many of them for less. New Books
received daily. A Gift varying in value from 85
cents to 8100, given with cadi book at the lime it
is sold. Having an band a very large (loci of nets
and valuable books, and os'our motto is "Large
sales and small profits'” wb are determined to give
»ur customers better bargains than can be had else,
vherc. Any book published in New Yorkor Phil,
i Jelphta will bo promptly sent, gift included, on re.
eeipt of publisher's price. Catalogues of Books ,and
Presents, containing full explanations will be sent
free to all parts of the country.
The most liberal inducements are offered to
Agents. Any person by sending us an order (or
ten books, with money inclosed, will be entitled to
an extra Book and Gift.
All orders for books, containing money, (to ensure
perfect should be registered at the Post Office where
they are mailed, and directed to Evans & Co., 409
Broadway, Now York.
RtvcatncK.—M< Thomas & Sons, South Fourth
blreet, Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott & Co M Phila.
delphta tD. App|et° n 4tCo„ Broadway, Now York }
Derby « Jatkson, Nassau Street, New York.
„ . • ■ EVANS*, CO.,
Principal Store, 409 Broadway, New York.
Branch Stores at 185 Chestnut St. Phil’s', and at
Washington D. C.
Tftfe'TlOGA OCtuytY*
-» v
litiit sly ;
tho ifidn'dateKraleff eslutdfsh-
Wentd fn lhe cUV/aW which ate ’ row offered daily
atonf Tiogp’,which eaYi'be: hajlTor
' ' ; IjUtie, or ]\oUui»g
a Wepi(me’co»U—with dceBttki>f)good will thrown
oagratiw. -The firtt pick it the best pick, so come'
in while atock it fresh. iDelayX afodifngcroasj-Pro
craslippllqn his froelhUtea many a good bargain
if you wantyqur rponey’t .worth, come on. ffyou
want qjore ihan.p worth Ibr a
came j'btil be aatonlshedto sde wliilnpile
ol godds we can pat up for a dollarv Oar -stock of
iMfir goods
isnotmade orr Of tbd oddaahd ctfds and the rem
nants of “closed qp" Cdfieerhs in' IheCtty, but com
prises a compteteasSorlment of the latest styles and
best qualities, (Vom the coarsest domestic to the fi
nest imported fabrics, such as
Silks, and Ladies,’ press (fyods,
Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim
mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the
Stock belbre purchasing elsewhcrel
Baldwin, Guernsey £. Co., have always on hand
a seasonable and fashionable stock of
Gentlemen’s Ready-Hade Clothing,
which will be Bold el the lowest CASH PRICES.,
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Gian
Stone, Hollow and Wooden Ware,
Iron, tcel, Nails, Oils, Paints
and Dye-Stuffs oftete'ry kind
and of the best quality,
with BOOTS A SHOUTS, for Everybody,
V Ad kinds of Country Product taken in ex
change for goods at the market,
Tioga, June 26, 1856. A. T. GUERNSEY,
O Well, ho wonder. Kanaae lias been invaded,
Lawrence has been sacked and the Free Stale Ho
tel will) all its Furniture has been destroyed. The
subscriber, always awake to the best interests of
his fellow.citizens,and knowing that there must be
a great demand lor
I n consequence of said Sack, has concluded to re
main at his old stand, two doors below Roe’s Store
where ho is generally in attendance to receive and
wail upon customers. Constantly on hand, or man
ufactured to order,' ,
Sofas, Divans, Ottomans,
Card, Centre, Dining <Sf Breakfast Tables,
Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus
Cottage, French and Common Bedsteads,
of every description,together with all articlcsusu
ally made In his line of business.
From his knowledge of the business he flat,
ters himself with the belief that those wishing
to purchase, would do well to call and examine
his work before sending clsowhcr for an inferior
TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no
Q Chairs! Chairs!
In addition to the above, the snbscr
would inform the public that he im
r jjnslreceivedalargeandhandsomcassorl
menl of
Boston and Common Rocking Chairs, dfc.,
which he will sell as cheap, if not cheapcr.lhan
they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga
county, Call and see them !
Wellsboro’, June 19 '56. B. TV VANHORN.
jtsaaa the salamander
I* 'lRgSlaai 11iaiiN 0 " 1 •«»* ** w ’
26 South Fourth Street, Vhlhulelphln,
have had'tho sorest demonstration in the following Ccrtifi
cates, that their manufacture of Salamander Safes has at
length fully warranted the representations which have been
made of them, as rendering an undoubted security against
the terrific clement:
Mttsra Erosit A TTotion —Gents; —It afforda u« tho highest
satisfaction to state to yon, tlmt owing to tho very protective
qualities of two of thu Salamander Safes which wo purchased
of yon some few months since, wc saved a large portion ofortr
Jewelry, Books, Papers, Ac., exposed to the cnlomitoos fire in
Ranstoad Place, on tho morning of the lllh Inst.
When we reflect that these Safes were located in the fourth
story of tbo building wo occupied, and that they fell subse
quently into a heap of burning mins, whore the vast concen
tration of heat caused the braes plates to melt, we cannot but
regard the preservation of the valuable contents as most con
vincing proof of tho great security afforded by your Safes.
We shall toko much pleasure in recommending them to men
of business as a sure reliance against fire,
Ueoiwe W. Simons A Bno.
Mtttrt Kvaris <£• Wattrm —I have to offer you my testimony
in favor of tho great security afforded to my entire stock of
Jewelry, books, papers, Ac., anting the recent disastrous con
flagration In Kanstoad place, from the fact tlmt thosamo yere
contained In two of thu Salamander Safes manufactured by
vou. Having fallen from tho filth story of thu Artisan Build
ing, where tliuy were nreviously placed and exposed to a vast
heat for a long time, the preservation of th valuable deposits
seemed to every ono who witnessed tho opening and interior
examination, a matter of profound astonishment.
To all who may require a perfect protection from the rava
ges of fire, I shall not hesitate to recommend (he use of your
Safes, as 1 consider they have now undcrgoiiethc most tr> tug
tot. N. E. Morgan.
Philadelphia, April 14,1856
Mrtsrt £rant dS TTafion—Gertiemen—No doubt you will bo
deeply gratified to learn the good condition in wldch I discov
ered my book, policy of insurance, certificates of stock, and
other valuable documents, when on Friday last 1 opened the
safu made by your firm.
With my knowledge of Us great exposure, both to the Inten
sity of the heat from so hot a fire ns that which destroyed
tho Artisan building, as also from the form of the fall frofil
its former elevated position in tbo third story. I could enter
tain bnt slender hopes prior to its interior Inspection, that
thu contents which I once so highly prized would ever bo of
any service to me, but as these fears arc now happily re
moved, 1 feel it only due to say to yon, that I cun henceforth
recommend tho use of your Safes to all who may wish to feel
a confidence in the perfect security which such means provi
des against so frightful an element.
Jnly 3d 1866. Edward Oaskill, Bookbinder.
Constantly on hand Patent Powder and Thief Proof Locks
or Bauks, Stores Ac.
Yours, for Fremont and Freedom.
A GROWL would announce lo ihe citi
xensui Tioga county, Hint lie lias associated
willi him d partner, and the business will be con
ducted under the firm of A. Growl & Co. They
will continue at the old stand,- in Wcllsborougn
amanufaclure to order and keep on hand,
Buggyg & Lumber Wagons,
which for stylo, durability and elegance of finish,
cannot bo surpassed by any other siniilureslablish
ment in the country.
Workmen ofccleGfily are engaged,and thebest
materials used expressly in nil the manufacturing
departments of (his establishment. Persons send
ing orders may rest assured of having thorn excell
ed! to their entire satisfaction, and finished in every
partieulartbe same as though they attended in per
REPAIRING done asasaal.with neatness and
1- PAINI'INO of all kinds done on the hortest
notice, and-most reasonable terms.
O*AII kinds of merchantable produce (dclivee
cdl recived in exchange for work, at the markrl
.prices. A. GROWL & CO.
July 13,1855.
A Woolen Factory Sc, Saw Mill.
THE SUBSCRIBER, wishing to change his business offer
tor sal ry his Woolen Pactory, Saw Mill and Timber lo
S'* 1 the Kaotpry consistingo
“one Sett” la in good running order, most of it Is nearly new
and of toe host construction. He will sell the whole togeth
er, or the lactory machinery separately; tfao location Is cood
apd the terma will bo easy.
“Apply to the subscriber bn the premises, or by letter to this
pinto- Wcllaloro’ Aug. -lilh 1866, j. LjiCKSGN
- ofcajtJßtoia huiax^l
(or Itir Whk
lio |io*w»,ln aIMM jUkhc*:
Sf «fo
CnWsic MKmA iCM*
i UmnonoK or nu,Worn t fl*;
ratfAtiorf antnelrattfob*
Maying no
ter bow sorqre pr.of
•riiWmedicine' has bmhtypaffj
aoa- ml wep fcsoritatloiis, nor - Is It Intended wftilU
bfr.«u|ta|aed by goy medium ( bttt
and .tie approbation of the pnuue.
Tlie .Vodlclne |i now woU Vpown mk! nffredotni, «nd .will
have ftsteady and increasing sole. I know of no preparation
tlmt cnn compare with It for the parHciilsr complaints!for
which It la designed-' larawtlsfied, by tbeiue now making
of it In my ©very day’s evidence
of luknoflls to others,’that U justly merits the warmest
recommendations its best friends have given of ft.
< E. If. PJUIKINB, «. n.i Marietta, Ohio.
I am persuaded, oner trying UJn a great many casqs, that
it surpasses nllptbcr remedies within my knowledge for that
claw of difficulties for which it Is recommended. It has
cared some very oxtreme cases under my'observation, which
have restated oil other treatment h. D, FLEMING, n. o. •
Avon Springs, N.Y., (late of Bochester.)
Prevail on medical men to adopt it in their practice; and I
have no fears of the result, from what knowledge I have 6b*
mined personally of Its curative powers. 1 wish the mcdl*
cine kept here. T. 0. HAWKINS, w. n., Waynesbuig, Pa.
The following letter, from a lady, was addressed to l>r. John
D. Vowoll, at Washington, Pa,, with whom the Chtholicon Is
bn sale. We are not at liberty to give the lady's name.
BcpPalo, Washington fl». Pa. Feb. 5,1866.
Heir Bat After waiting to give the Catholicon a fair trial.
I now have the pleasure to say, J think it is alt that it U said
to be. Jn the case in which I saw It in use, the patient, at
the time of commencing It, was suffering the most exernda*
ting pain; she conld not lift a two ponud weight, without
severe pain. Now she can do her work with pleasure. .Her
general health has also much improved. The directions must
n all coses be strictly followed, Ac.
Having cow* used the remedy for four years In my practice,
I rely wholly on it for the cure of almost all female diseases
With many regards for yourself, 1 remain yours, &c.
IX. F. BK.NNLTT, x. d., Canandaigua, N. T.
The claims of this medicine to the confidence of the jmhUc
•re strengthened by the fact of its having received the ap*
E rotation and liberal patronage of many prominent icem
ens of the Medical Faculty in the Upitcd States, some of
vrliuin have voluntarily given letters of commendation, (pee
pamphlet,) sustaining all that is claimed for It as a curative
agent. Pamphlets containing much useful information touch
lug the nqtnro and symptoms of the above diseases, together
Trith testimonials from ladles of the highest respectability, as
certified by the most satisfactory authority, to alt which the
attention of ladles and practitioners is respectfully invited,
can bo had gratis at the store of
PmLAUixrrm, April 12,1860.
Philadelphia, April 12,1856.
SOBER T RO Y, Druggist, WtlUboro' Pa,
Also sold by William Morgan, Troy; Thomas B. Tyler,
Coudcrsport; Dr. 11. C. Porter, Tawaudu; and by leading
druggists in all the adjoining counties.
Sept. II J. B. MARCHISI Sc Co. Proprietor.
Central depot, 304 N. Y.
Sash and Blind Factory.
THE Subscri
ber is now
prepared by new)
Machinery jns'
purchased, to for
niah to order, a!
hinds of square &.
Taney Sash, am’
Square Sash 01
common sizes al
wavs on band.
By long expe
ricnce in the bu
siness,the snbscri
berf alters liimsel
tha he can maki
ns good an articl
obtained at any csu..
New York. Call and see. )
Covington, September 18,18561
OTbe subscriber is-also Agent for the sale of
Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also
Scarpa's Oil for Deafness. D. S. I.
Carriage & Wagon IHanulhc-
■prnrvßT FETftTE would on
nounce to Ms friends and IheOgtfigK
public generally, that lie is /printing viy
the above business on Graflon street, immediate*
in the rear of J. R. Bowen's store, where he is pro*
paftd to manufacture on short notice,
Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies,
of any style or description to suit the purchaser
and of Ihe very best materials. All kinds of ife
pairing done forthwith and on the most reasonable
painting and trimming win bo prompt
ly executed in the best manner and most fash
innable slvie.
Wellsboro,’ July 13, ’55. HENRY PETRIE.
New Volumes—Subscribers may begin Note.
Life illustrate d—a first
class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News,Lit
erature, Science and the Arts; to Entertainment, Im
nrovement and Progress. One of the best Family
Newspapers in the World. Two Dollars a year.
Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Praeli ce
to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous illustra.
tions; and those laws which govern Life and Health
$1 a year.
Devoted to all those Progressive Measures for the cl.
evalion and improvement of Mankind. Amply Il
lustrated. $1 a year.
For 83 a copy of each of these Journals will be
sentone year. Agents wanted. Address, Fowlers
Sc Wells, 308, Broadway New-York. R
MRS. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent for the above
works, and practical Phrenologist, may be found at
the house of Mr. I. .Richards, Wellsboro’.'Pa.
Wiy, everything,sir '.—especially when the nameis
significant and appropriate, as it certainly is as
applied to
which will certainly hnve to be enlarged lo doable
Us present site, to accommodate the crowds that
flock there diily to examine the new and superb
slock of !
which BOWEN is receiving from New-York,and
because they must be sold lo mskc room for more.
Ladies, we cart show you somf of the finest, bcsl,
most tastily assorted and tile cheapest Dress Goods,
ever offered lo Ihis.or any other cummunily. Don’t
take my word for it, but please call and examine for
And then—snoh lota of Cloth
ing, Spring and Summer wear! Gentlemen,come
and renew your faith hy eight,
Wcllsboro’, May 15, 1856
TUB fact In established tlmt 400 Broadway Is the place in
New York to buy Books. EVANS & CO. soil Booki as
lowoa they can be bought anywhere, and giro with inch
book a present varying hi value from 25 eta. to $lOO. The
value of tbo present depends upon the number of the book
purchased. Gifts delivered attbo time of the sale. Great in
ducement,to agents.
Catalogues, containing list of books and prizes, sent to any
address free.
tES- Persona unacquainted with the firm of Eva*B 4 Co„
are respectfully referred to the following loading publishing
Miller, Orton, 4 Mulligan, 26 Park Bow. New York;
Derby 4 Jackson. 110 Nassau street, Now York, Phillips,
Sampson 4 Co* 13 Winter street, Boston; Sanborn, Carter
4 Bazin, Boston, Mass. Send for a Catalogue 1
December, 11,1850.—3 ml
largti atoefc in store of the la.
lest fashions, a fit guaranteed every lime, as
also a price to salt the buyer, for I am bound to sell.
Sept. 20,1856. J. R. BOWEN
ye I
TTT’E hold Uie*B lralh« eel6e»idgnt t .That the
»T? sl&y.f <}stfe .proepcroui -Te ttf'buy'cheiirand
always of the best qiidEty'J’boy nothing simply be
mse U i*,chqap, hut it sod thhi
It is bolhgdodahdcheab; ihaftbose who buy cheap,
by the quantity, cstrmail first quality goods cheap;
th<(t'4P <tconomital buyer can SCR goods at as low a
ifigat&ib purchased iri lho
City}’ and. therefore that->. ;
• r ' ■ who buys ccbnomically i sitJ that
■’ •■vr.t.i’C TO PURCHASE
Gold and Silver, Lever, Anchor and Cyli n.
der.WATCHES, -Gold Ohaine,.Cold Lockets,
■ all sizes aud qualities, Gold Cameo and Mo
■ saie Breastpins aadßarrings, Finger
Rings, Sleeve Buttons, fsl)tds,Ase
Silver Platejd Ware.
Cake Baskets, Card Baskets,
■Children's cups, salt cellars, Egg cups
Tea Knives, Butter Knives, Table Forks,
Table and Tea Spoons, AfC< A veto supply of
Clocks of dl kinds, sixes, prices and qualities.
Wellsboro’Aug. 14 *56. G. W. TAYLOR.
For he has just returned from the City with an en
tirely new slock of
Fancy Goods, Reticules, Portmonnaies,
Jet Bracelets, Harrison's Perfum
eries, Harrison's Shaving
and Toilet Soap.
BLACK red blue.
A CARD.—' The subscriber, grateful for the
liberal patronage hereloforegrantedhim by the
public, and aware' that unforeseen circumstances
have prevented bis serving his patrons as promptly
as he could have desired in time post, begs to assure
the public that with bis own long practical experi
enco, and having secured the services of a first-lass
workman, he is notv able to undertake Watch and
Jewelry repairing, and can fulfil orders promptly
and to Die satisfaction of all.
Charges moderate and all work warranted.
N. B. A good assortment of Watches, Clocks
Jewelry. Silver and plated ware, School, Miscellane
ous, Blank Books, Stationery and Wall-Paper con
tantly on hand. G. W. TAYLOR.
Wellsboro’, July 17,1856.
Important Announcement.
TO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases,
SELF-ABUSE, dec., &c.,
The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia
ip view ol the awful destruction of human life and
health, cansed by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions
which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims of
such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Con
sulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy
of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA
TIS, to all persons thus afflicied, (Male or Female,)
who apply by letter, with a description of their con
dilion, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in
case of extreme poverty ond suffering, to FURNISH
The Howard Association Js a benevolent Institu
tion, established by special endowment, for the re
lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with "Viru
lent and Epidemic Diseases," and its funds can be
used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of
means, which the Directors have voted to advertise
the above notice. It is needless to add (hat the As
sociationicommands the highest Medical skill of the
age, and!will furnish the most approved modern
treatment.—'Valuable advice also given to sick aad
.■■.. pH. Vbmatcs,- atttlcted with SVcmb Complaint
Leucorrhoea, See,
Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN
Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2
South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors,
GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary.
October 25, 1856.—1 y.
Just received from the village of New-York, a
large and splendid assortment of
Spring & Summer Goods
at the Store of tbe undersigned in Middlebnry, Pa.
and which he is offering at reduced prices.
His stock consists in a full assortment of all man.
ncr of Goods commonly kept in a country Store.
It is needless to mention articles. We shall keep,
constantly on hand, Pork,’flour, Salt, White Fish
and Mackinac Trout. We are determined to sup.
ply the wants of every man, woman and child, in
oor line of business, and say to our friends and pa
Irons to come on with the utmost confidence in our
disposition and ability to supply your every want.
It will be owing to a combination of onr compelit.
ors to bribe the N. Y. Erie Railroad Company
against transporting our freight, if wc fail in so do.
'"g - _ H. H. POTTER.
Mid'b’y Center, June i '56. J. B. Potter agt.
New arrivals, at the wellseoro’
Sulphate or Indigo, for coloring Blue and Green.
Coumi Mixture.— This article contains Balsam
Tolu and oilier valuable cough remedies, and is par*
ticularly recommended to the notice of Physicians.
A new lot of that 4s and Gs Tea. that every body
likes so well.
Extract op Lemon, Rose, Vanilla, Pine Apple,
&.C., for cooking.
Marking Ink, that will not wash out—for mark*
ing Linen, &c.
Waterproof Shoe Blacking, to preserve the lea
ther and keep the feet dry.
Writing Ink —Black, Blue and Red, of the best
quality. Wellsboro’, Jan. 10, 1856.
and despatch. He docs not fee! it necessary to pu
lus work us it is warranted to furnish its own rcc*
No gorment is permitted to go out of the shop
that is not made in the most substantial manner.
Especial care observed in Cutting and Filling. This
Department, will be under my own supervision.
Believing in tbo “live and let live” rule, I liav
adopted the
Pay-Down System
and shall rigidly adhere (o it.
WclUboro’, March 13,1856. H. P. ERWIN,
THE Subscriber having purchased a pari of the
Slock of Drugs and Medicines formerly owned
by Robert Roy, is now receiving fresh supplies. He
would respectfully inform the public that he intends
to conlinue the Drug business at the old stand. The
store will,be.left still in earn of the former proprie
lot (Robert Roy) and, itis hoped that by its ample
provision for the wonts of the community, and by
attention to,customers, it may stilt be found worthy
of public fbvor and patronage. Cali and see ibr
yourelvea, JOHN A. ROY.
October Bth, 1856.
_I ) the removal of Tun, Freckles, Pimples and all
dsicascs of the skin, at ROY’S.
Pulmonic Wafers.
The sub
scriber has
opened anew his shop
opposite Roy’s Store
and is prepared to ex
ecute the orders of
his old customers and
others who may favor
him with (heir pat
ronage, with neatness
. Er Burtiugame, A. B. Principal
Mm MiaMSaaour &, F»ahcbs Rjciuab*,
1, Jk* Sf«n«i Tie* ,of this .Institution win
menceTucsday, Match 3d. mto “'
Bates of Tnition&r Term of U Weeki
Primary Department, including Reading
Writing. Spelling, primary Arithmetic,
Geography, History, dec.,..;
Beginning Eng. Grammar, Elementary
Arithmetic, Geography, History, dec.,.,
Higher English—Arithmetic and Gram
mar completed, Geog. of Heavens, Fa
miliar Science, dee.,
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Nat.
Ural Philosophy, dee.,
Practical Astronomy, do. Surveying and
JPhemialry, Latin, Greek, French and
Drawing, (extra) 7 2 00
Bills made out from the time of entering to Iht
end of the Term, and expected to be settled at mis.
die of the Term.
In addition to nsnal branches, there will be ■
“ Teacher’s Class," composed of those wishing u>
engage in teaching. Lectures will be given to ibe
Class by the Principal and others. Also, weekly
discussions before the Principal, upon such subject
as may come before the class.
The Academy is provided with Apparatus suiUuU
for Philosophical and Chemical experiments— such
aa is used in the higher Schools of N. Y. Esnen.
ments will bg given to the classes weekly.
Compositions and Declamations every Wednesdsv
afternoon. .
The 11 Wellsboro’ Debating Club" is now m snc.
cessful operation, composed of Students ana otheti
from the town, inUrestcd in such affair 3. An eff
ort will be made to secure a course of Lectures be.
fore the Society the coming winter.
Board can be obtained in private families ot $2,00
per week. Those wishing to furnish their own
rooms and board themselves, can be accommodated
by applying to the Principal.
This Academy is situated in the healthy saj
pleasant village of Wellsboro*, the County seal
Tioga. It is easy of access by a daily line of stasti
to Tioga: thence by R. R. intersecting the N. Y. i
Erie road at Corning. Also by stages to adjoining
towns, north, west and South.
L. I. Nichols, See'y. lAS. LOWREY, Pm.
Th® only Safe which, in every instance, preserved their eatut
contents in the late Extensive Fires.
AT tf>e burning of the Artii
Buildings, April 10th, and in
great firo in Market Street, May
1856, the genuine HERRING RA.
preserved the Jewelry of Qeo. W.
mens k Bro.; Book*, Papers,&c.
Fisher A Bro., and Edward Realm
k Co., after remaining exposed In t
burning mins for nearly FOR'
HOURS, and proving conclusdvi
what we have always claimed for the
their great superiority over oil seci
ties now known.
In these tires, the HERRING’S £AFE, standing Mile I>t w
with those advertised as “warranted to stand ’.O |*r tn'
more fire than Herring’s enroe forth the acknowledged nci«’
not only preserving theiv contents In excellent unkr. init
ing themselves in a condition to go through Another onlcai.
while the boasted ‘‘Salamanders'’ of oUior makers aorr too
ly used up in every instance, and in some coxs tUcir emir*
contents completely destroyed.
To the public we would simply say, that, during die Iwir
teen years the Herring’s safe has been tafore them, more tlm
two hundred have passed through accidental lim> without tt?
occurrence of a single loss.
We would therefore, caution purchasers against the mi
representation of interested parties. The Herring's
ia the only Fire-proof Safe made in this city winch h iiruiKt
cd by a Patent-Right, and we will guarantee it to re>M iim«
than double the amount of heat of an> other safe now kdo*l
Sole Manufacturers In this State of
Herring’s Patent Champion Safa
W Waluut Street, Philadelphia-
3f. B.—“ Evans & Watson's Improved Salamanders,"
Evan’s,” “C. J. Oaylor's” ami ‘’Scott's Asbestos;” IroaClHV.
(a large assortment having been taken in port ‘payment w
Herring’s,) will bo sold at low prices.
June 26.1366.
WE would respectfully call the attention of Mill
owners and all interested in the use of water
dower in this vicinity, to a patented Iron Water
Wheel, (called Greenloaf’s gravity and percussion
Water Wheel,) one of which they have recentfypot
in a Saw Mill owned by Judge While of Wcllsboro'
and Dr. Archer of Morns township, ana situated
one and a fourth miles from Babb’s Creek, on uie
Stony Fork. This wheel on Saturday the 7lh main
drove a single saw to saw rive thousand ana one
hundred feet of while pine lumber ? 4100 feel «
which was one inch in thickness, 400 feel 2 inches
thick, 500 feet-1 $ indies thick. This Wheel used &
very small quantity of water, only discharging about
90 square inches and with about \\\ feet head and
fall of water while performing the above. These
Wheels ore well adapted to the propelling of all kind*
of Machinery driven by Water power. They arc
very simple and substantial in their construction,
and will do from one third to one naif more wort:
than any other Iron Water Wheel in operation in
this vicinity with which they are acquainted. They
offer for sale on very liberal terms the patent ngDt
for Counties or Stales, and also to furnish antkput in
operation the Wheels in Mills in this vicinity on rea
sonable terms. For further information address A.
Grccnleaf, Morris township, Babbs Post Office, or l.
Vance care ol P. P. Cleaver Wcllsboro' Tiofa Co.
l*a. A. GREENLSAf,
June 12 1856. L. VANCE,
N. B. The above named Wheel may be seen n
operation at almost any lime by calling on Mr. Rod
jerl Wilson who has the Mill in charge.
From actual Measurement , and Surveys ihrouqnovi
the county. By a corps of Surveyors who *f<
fully competent to the difficult task assigned then
rrtHE undersigned will publish shortly,provided asutficlcai
JL number of bo obtained, a
All the public Roads, Railroads, Crossing* and-Stations po«'-
Olticcs, Churches SclkmA Houses, Stores, Mills, Public idi
Private House*. Amietenes. Manufactories Shops, «tr.. xn r
bo shown on the Map. in addition to the usual topngnipJiv-i
Rivers, Streams Ponds and Mountains. The names ol pr»r
orty holders generally, 'lncluding tboee in the c«mmv«o>'
subscribe in advance for the Map) nre al«o to t*» Inserted ai
llwir resjKH'tlve places, in the style of the Maps exhibited bv
the canvasser**.
Hnps of the principal village* will I* inserted, on a faro 1
scale. In the margin ; also engraved views of public ana pri
vate building*.
No expense will he spared to execute tbo Map m Hie higher
Rt\le of art. The plan will l»e plnitcd on a suitable -calc, *■
aa to show distinctly all the particular* above 'ponfiod. act
make a large and ornamental map. To be engraved and *l'-
livered to subscnliors, handsomely colored, eo as to sh«>w t&-'
territory comprised in inch township, and mounted on roller*
As the map will contain some eighteen square feet of engra*
iug, at a cost of several thousand dollar*, it wilt be seen thn
only a large subscription list will warrant the heavy oxpcriK
Incurred. The maps are sold only by subscription, and *'•
only one price. No more maps Issued than subscribed frf
The map will contain tables of the population, production*,
assessed value of property. religions ’•iH'ietios. schools, mim(*r
of voters, Ac„ of each township and Milage respectively, care
fully made up from the latest authentic documents.
Keiying upon a Just appreciation of our efforts, by The -n
-tfccns of Tioga, to. issue a map of their county on the awf
plan, that shall answer their proper expectation*, au«l he oe
tirely satisfactory. subscriptions are respectfully soUut.d l*y
James D. Scolt, Publisher,
I- Agent at ATollnboro’ Pa. fpept. ii I
Wants, & Things WaiUcti.
WANTED by almost every farmer in the coun
ty. a boltio of Ihe -Liquid Heave Cure, - *°
check Ihe first indications of heaves, and the preven
tion and cure of all diseases that affect the wine m
ALSO, a box of Dr. Power's “Hibernian ehn [ -
menl, a sovereign remedy for Galls, Scratches, on
zes, Bruises, I jesh wounds, and nil cutaneous discin'
to which horses or horned cattle are subject.
ALSO, a box of tho “German Rat Killer," one«'
the safest andrbest articles in use for destroying ran
and mice, or Lyons celebrated "Rat Pills," for ll*
same purpose, For sale at the Wellsboro' Drug Sh> ,(
tho Wellsboro' Drug Store. Place these Fill*
near their holes or abont the places they irequcni-
Rats and mice will cat of them readily, and in every
case the Pills will ensure their cxterminatior. ft ,c<
35 cents per bos.