The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, February 12, 1857, Image 3

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    r hiisr?prc«t|ied. a northern constituency and
why dodt'be fattd 'Arpolil fohbe
ing a dentagd^trtr-ii»iraitor
10 God tQd.huthaavlyfand ftocuw*he;fteamen
of Illinois for notbeing able lodiscern bisbol
low heartedneaa before be was elected ? I
think that Eereis'a little clashibgof Idea* —
that ho will be a littlb puzzled to extricate;
himself from his ' 1 bold.;and utepartngjfS-.
marks.” I have briedy glancedatallhiset*
guments and willeay a-word in-conausion
that I may not be misunderstood.-' L never
claimed that the farmers of this bounty pos
sessed many classical scholars-:—that many
graduates of old Yale, follow the plough oyer
the hills of Tioga—but. Ido claim much
useful—practical—every : day information for
the farmers of (bis portion of “ WilroOl’s be
nighted District.” is it not a universally
received opinion that freedom and intelligence
and human wrong and ignorance go hand in
hand? If the maxim be true, what will
Farmer say when is‘'obliged to put Tioga
down as the banner corfmy in the Union,
for Fremont and Freedom? Yet- hear What
he says on this point. “ But that farming as
practiced by the farmers of *his county is an
elevated calling is not true!” Farmers of
Tioga, here is an opinion of you by one of
your number! What do you think of your
" calling" now 1 Had you not belter
out and peddle yaokee noiions for a living?
He claims, in fact, that farmer's are averse
to education, lhal they are opposed to ihe ad
vancement of Literature and Ihe like. I
claim that they pay as much into the general
school fund—that they contribute as much to
the support of our country and metropolitan
press—that they are as much in favor of the
advancement of our common country in all
things that ennoble and benefit mankind as
nnv other class of the human family. Here
is where we differ—he has a right to his
opinion—l to mine—and the public may
judge for itself.
He closes by a thrust at me, lhal perhaps
he considers as unanswerable, and asks “can
an inferior class ‘ look down’ upon a'supe
rior Certainly, for it cannot be otherwise.
A superior man never yet looked down upon
a human being hauteur and self conceit al
ways belong to the inferior—never to the su
perior. Was not Franklin the subject of the
wide jest of bis fellow press men ? Was not
Horace Greeley kicked from office to office,
when he first entered New York ? Has not
the epithet “ cobbler” been applied to Henry
Wilson? I submit the question ; are Frank
lin, Greeley and Henry Wilson of the infe
rior class, or vice versa,?
Being ignorant of the real name of
" Farmer” nothing personal can be intended,
and 1 have answered his article in accordance
witn mv own views. He says he spoke
plainly —1 have endeavored to do so—l am
in the best humour imaginable-*-! will con
cede the same to my will he
not, with me, agree w'nh the poet t
’* Reasoning al every step lie treads
Man oft mistakes his way ”
Middlebury, Feb. 7ih, ’57. Frank.
Pcnusylvuula Legislature.
Harrisburg, Jan. 30, '57,
House.—On motion of Mr. HEINS, the
House proceeded to the consideration ef bills
on (he public caltendn:
Bill No. 54, entitled “ An Act relative to
insurance companies," was taken up> and be
ing on third reading.
Mr. CALHOUN moved to postpone its fur
ther consideratiou for the present, which was
agreed to.
Bill No. 79,entitled “Resolutions relative
to the admission of Kansas,” was next taken
up in committee of the whole (Mr. WILLIS
TON in the chair,) and after some lime the
committee rose, reported progress and asked
leave to sit again, when
Mr. LONGAKER moved that the commit
tee have leave to set again on the third Mon
day of May next.
Mr. WILLISTON moved to amend by sub
stituting the third Monday of February
Mr, PETRIKIN moved to amend the
amendment by extending the lime to the first
Monday of August next.
The amendment to the amendment was de
bated by Messrs. BALL PETRIKIN, LCNG
ing whose remarks a point oforder was rais
ed as to the right of discussing the merits
of the bill at its present stage of progress
Mr. BALL moved that the further consid
eration of (ha bill bo postponed for (be pres-
Mr. WILLISTON then continued his re
marks until a short time previoue to the hour
ol one: when
The SPEAKER asked leave of absence for
Jacob Zeigler, chief Clerk, for one day;
which was granted. Adjourned.
Lone Island Sound Frozen Over.— For
the first time, there is solid ice from ihe Con
necticut shore to Long Island, Persons cross
the Sound to Long Island on the ice, from
Port Chester, West. Chester county, N. Y,,
and also from Throgg’s neck, near Fort
Schuyler. The harbor at New Haven is
frozen as tight as Baffin’s Bay. An “ unusual
circumstance” is mentioned by the New
Haven Register. That paper, of Monday
evening, says that “ Capt. Merrow, of the
schooner Daniel Trowbridge, who has been
for a week frozen in near Southwest Ledge,
at the mouth of our harbor, reports that
nothing but ice can be seen from Au topmast)
with a spy glass! that from Faulkner’s Island
across, to LongJslpnd, and the former
to the Connecticut shore, up to Branford is
a solid field of ice. At ebb tide a large gap
opens at ihe mouib of our harbor, closing
ogaitv at flootftide. Thus Long Island and
Connecticut are, (or the first 1 time in the
memory of man, connected by solid ice."—
Hew Haven Palladium,
A calamity occured al Buffalo, N. Y, on
Monday last, by which five houses were de
stioyed, two persons killed and two others
fatally iujured. n A person who had, : from
lime to time Jpst'.wood from his.prerinlttpa,
placed a quantity-of power ip a slick which
with others, was soon afterwards stolen. On
wing placed on'the fire/ at the bouse of a
Herman named Schmidt, the stick so, charg
ed exploded, causing The firo and lota of life
above alludsdlo.
, XnZV--
Hoteb' iby A- j; Sorjiuyßeq., Pmwtir* WWKbf
.Charleston to Euu Bmipgxay oFMidjtebiirj. f ■
, tub qrjUt Emhm zmamk L, ;
-BmJxa.oUßkgBfflß> iim-i ■» !
■ P’E-.M’-AyL. 'E-KP- T IrE'SWj
• Prepared from « Prescription or Sir Junes' darks, ICO), 1
the ftooea..itrUtUdv»lß»t)ta,Me#-;
cine is unfailing in the curt nf tU Ihoea osd danger
cos diseases incident to the ftibAM con*tltnti6nr ‘ ’ -
It tfWtrdfctlons, tnet
brings On tha monthly period with regularity. Them Pills
should be hied two or three tfrtrrifms'to confinement
to herself and child. v
These pills should notbe 'taken* by females dnrinz the 1
.FIBBT THREE t)l Pregnafiiiy, arttiy'are suftrto’
bring on.
In all caikefee of kottots and-Bplnal Affections, Min in the'
Back and Umbe, Heaviness. Pat§nb on altght Ejfamn. Pal.'
pitaUon.ofUka Heart, Lownoo ofitofaitvllyttßrics, Sicki
lleadache, Whitesand all by
a disordered ''system, these Put will effect 'a cure whezLall
othar.moahs.naVß failed, a pmctal fomedy,
odwOWcotoWn Iron, <Sflom*l,'adliißbny oronyotnermliiftai'
Pull directions accompany ce«h package. Price in the Uni*
tod States and Canada, Owe Douau.
13- Me Agents for this Country—
' 1.0. BALDWIN A Col
' • /. .i ’ • Rochester,-N.Vt.
. N. B. $1 Op enclosed te any authorised Agent, will insure
a bottle of Pills by retnra malt
lor sale Retail by 11. ?W/ELLIOTT Elmira,
and by one druggist in every town iu the United States.
Por particulars caff at Elliott’s and gpt a Circular. r *
. for sale In Wellsboro, by J. A. Roy, * Covington by-.W.
Taylor, Mansfield, by C. W, Nesbitt: Tioga by A. Ht\m*
phry and H. 11. Borden; Lawnmcovillo by W. G. Milter;
Knoxville by A. J. Dearman; Woetfli-ld by Qoodspeed A
Brother; Elkland by J. A J. Parkhernt.
Jan. 12, 1867.—1 y.
G REGION OIL PAINTING.—FoiI and explicit
directions for pursuing this beautiful art, will be
forwarded to any address by enclosing $1 and a pos
tage stamp to H. D. DEMING,
Wellsboro, Tioga Co Pa.
Papers copying the above, and sending a marked
copy with bill of tho same, will be duly honored by
return mail.
FOR SALE—The House and lot In Wellsboro',
now occupied by Doct. Ben], Barr. Apply to
James Lowrey, Esq., or to the subscriber, to Mans
Feb. 7,1857.-1/1
FARM FOR SALK—The subscriber is desirous
of telling bis (arm, consisting of 75 seres, 45 of
which is improved and under a good stale of culti
vation, well watered, frame bouse and bam; all
kinds of fruit trees growing thereon. Situated 1J
miles west of Covington Village, Tioga co. For fur.
ther particalars'appTy to
Covington, Feb. 6,1857.-3 m. .
RARE CHANCE, and a good opportunity to re
sponsible men to obtain profitable employment.
To Agents, Canvassers, Colporteurs, and Posbnas
ters—Any person obtaining subscribers for FIFTY
COPIES of either of the two followings American
National Works, and remitting the amount (less a
large commission) to the Publishers, will be entitled
to Fitly. Dollars’ worth from'the subjoined List of
Valuable Works at the foot of this advertisement
~ American National Works :
UNITED STATES;'Colonial, Revolutionary, and
Constitutional,.chiefly, from National Documents.
By J. B. Losslng and Edwin Williams, With num
erous fine illustrations on steel and wood. 2 vbls.
Imperial Bvo cloth gilt, $7 00.
taining the Lives, Messages, and Administrations of
the Presidents, (Vom Washington to Pierce. Wilts
fine portraits on steel 4 vols. large Bvo, cloth.
810 00.
Popular and Valuable Works,as Premiums (o Agente
A Voice to Americans, by Americana;
4th edition, Svo. cloth, 81 00
Dowling’s History of Romanism, 50 Illustra-
tions, cloth, a go
Mrs. Ellis’s Choice Works for Family Circle
plates, 2 vols. Bvo. cloth 4 00
The American and Odd Fellows Literary
Museum, 30 steel engravings 2 vela. Bvo
doth 00
Guide to Knowledge, 300 plates, royal Bvo..
c l°tt l --•— oan
Wonders ofthe World, 250 plains, Bvo., 2 09
O” Agedta wishing to engage in the good work of
circulating these important Publications, will please
address s line to (he Publisher, EDWARD WALK
ER, 114Fullon-st, New York, and they will receive
immediate attention with full particulars of Com
missions, &c. i .-
•.•Newspapers copying the above, and inserting
the same ten times, sending a copy of each insertion
to the Publisher, will bo entitled to a copy ofthe
National History or the Statesman’s Manual, sub
ject to their order.
CORNS & WARTS.—A safe and certuiu reme
dy for these troublesome things is the
Its chemical properties being such that it readily
dissolve* worts, corns, Ac., without inconvenience
or danger to llie pcrson using it Warranted in all
eases where directions are observed. Price 35 cents.
For Sale at ROY'S Drug & Chemical Shire, Wells
boro, Pa.
Fail not to send 4 or 5 stamps for a copy of TUB
BOMB, with reduced terms. A fireside, Monthly
Companion and Guide for the Wife, the Mother, the
Sister, and Daughter.
-•THE HOME,” >s devoted to the cultivation of
the virtues of womanly charade!) and it aims to ele
vate social tile, by leaching those principles, and in
culcating those sentiments, winch are most intima
tely associated with home. It ought to be in every
TERMS: 81,50 per year, for single copy. 1 will
send if to subscribers at club rates 81 a year.
Address L. E, POND,
Addison Hill, Steuben Co. N. Y.
AUDITORS NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given
that the undersigned having been appointed an
auditor, to audit and settle the account ol Hiram
Merritt Administrator of the estate of£, Thompson
dec’d., late of Lawrence township, will attend to the
duties ot his appointment at the office of C. H. Sey
mour, Esq,, in the village_of Tioga, on Wednesday
the 4lh day of March next, at ten o’clock A. M., of
that day, when and where all persons interested iq
the settlement of said account aie required to attend
and make known their objections to said account, or
be debarred from any future exceptions thereto, .
JOHN N. BACHE, Auditor.
Wellsborougb, Feb. 3, 1857.
No. 51 Witter Street,
Of every description done on short notice and war
ranted satisfactory or no pay.
Jail. 1.1857.—-3 m.
W. W. WEBB, M. 8.,
HAS. returned to Wellsboro’, and- is ready 'to
promptly attend all calls as a 'PHYSICIAN
and SURGEON. He would also state (hat he bos
received a Commission from the Governor, and been
sworn by Use Brigade Inspector, as Surgeon of tlie
Ist Regiment, 2tb Brigade ol lhe,l3tb Jhvisicn of
the uniformed .Militia ofPennsylvinlay and there
fore is the only Surgeon within the liimiU of said
Brigade who has the right to give' certificates to
“ persons incapable of bearing arms."
Office and residence firstdborahove Rpe’s Store.
NEW MILLINER Y SHOP in Wellsboro’; First
door above-Eagle Main Street i >
,-ffl.ltg. E. E.-klßlß'A'tlj,
has established herself in the' Millinery bttiiiies*
at the above place, where she is' now redciylhg fWm
flapf York a IbU assdrlihent of all articles pferiitn
fn'g p> the bdsinesa. and’which wift be hold aachpap
aaffey can be procured Ibis side of the city, ■
She would respcctfu|ly invite ladies to call and
examiue bar stock andwork before'piirchuiflg eiso
■Whert.,!'; T . ' y ’ ' r '
December Q, 1856.-lf
THE »ggg| f °« 18B7 -
yefcpippleted.-;. Jnsll the, . Northern
of the co^W^-j^T^w r %n^aa!*w^-
.Yofk, Obits
banneifloau inlriomph f; *hifeinBoplhera.ldr»ey,
Pennsylvania, 1 ndiana sivnilliioU—iDibeirt, where
ever toil beWtlmpehr wi tskbn.aud wberdiocimoo
•cbookara too newandura'feeble to luyjoirfWraled
the present geueralibfi'qf kolerji —tbepMft Mg of
Skveryobuructstbesimabine. AutsngeriuAmer.
id* might distinguish thooe
eess, not because the People are
tatise that, large portion wtiodid not heat or read the
argument add do not'know qqea*
lions at issue, went almost solid sgsintns,reversing
tbererdict which the grestumjomy of the educated
-and intelligent endeavored to pronounce. . v ,., rt
’ These facts indicate the palh of'pressing duly.—
ViU^njJ'dntitaiily; reptriippij.bwaf What id irreWqa.
hror-rwith noabalemept ol heartorhope befkujjetlie
triumph of Libert; in her new. ordeal is aot won at
thq Long liland And White Flaihp oi her struggle—
With ho shadow, of regret that the responsibility, of
governing is not confided to her champions before
the People were fully ready to sustain them—we be
gin afresh/the. Work of diffusing Hist vital.trpfh
which, in regard to the concerns -of this world as
well as of the nest, makes Free indeed. . Now, in the
Slave Power's heyday of victory, when its ministers
and servitors are gathering and platting |o make the
most of their triumph and “crush out" the spirit
which they vainly believe to be crucified and entomb
ed—now, when the faint-hearted vr cold-hearted who
lately basked in the sunshine of onr premature hope
are hauling off to repair damages and talking os
abandoning the rugged arena of Politics for morf
(jaiet and flowery fields—now, in tfaiahourofwearie
ness and shadow, The Tribosi renews its vows of
eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the
bodies or souls ofmen—to the shameful assumption
that the benighted and feeble, wheather in soul or
body, are to be regarded and treated as the con
venience or the prey oftheir wiser or stronger breth
ren—to the domination of despots and oligarchs,
whether of empires or plantations—to the enslavers
of cities and kingdoms in Europe or the breeders for
the auction-block and the cotton field in Virginia or
The doctrine that no tinman being was ever crea
ted ibr the benefit or advantage ofanother—that all
service between man and man shonld be Tree and
reciprocal—that the laborer should not toil and sweat
to pamper others' pride or minister toothers’ luxury,
but (or the sustenance and cpinfart of thosehear and
dear to him—is destined to certain triumph. 1
must prevail, for God reigns, and Earth was not crea
ted to be a theater ofinjuslioe, oppression and miser;
for ever. It must triumph; for all true prophecy
qffirma and the vindication of the Divine benignity
mpertatively, .requires it. It must tripmph; for
Democratic America .cannot , always remain tho
scoff of aristocrats and. the shame or reformqrqand
liberals throughout the Old World. It must triumph
tfor Man's, history is.pot archaos orariddle, but
every where instinct with meaning; and ho heroic
effort ever filled of its. effect—no drop of martyr
blood was over shed in vain.
. But even if we Republicans were disposed to fold
our armf in slumber, our adversaries would not per
mil it. .They' tire busy Uwlay in lengthening their
cords and strengthening their stakes with a vigilance
and activity which reveals a consciousness on their
part that their dominion mnst be made sore forth
with or their .scepter will have forever departed. —
To-day, myrmidomtof the Slave Power threaten
aodjiarass‘Northern Mexico, are encamped in the
heart of Central America and waging a war of ex
termination on the distracted inhabitants of its petty
Republics, while it by tarns leers and scowls at
Cuba, while its most ruthless bands are precipitated
on devoted Kansas, under the protection and smiles
of the Federal Adminisretion. Even as we write,
the telegraph informs us that twenty Free-State
men, gailly of attempting to defend their homes
againstthe rapineand violence of Buford’s and Til a s’a
blood-thirsty bandits, have been convicted by Ee
compte'a Court of manslaughter! and sentenced ; to
five years’ imprisonment at hard labor as felons.—
-T*r ■ L, l r* , ‘Tr •' "i^"im» , nLof.what has long'ptssed
for “justice" in Kansas—a justice wmcntMes m<
criminals into pay and aids them in banting down,
plupdering and “ wiping ont” the innocent, whom
it consigns to the State prison if they are ever gadded
into the madness of resisting their oppressors- Such
crimes and wrongs ss unhappy Kansas has for
twelve mouths endured, even Hungary or Poland
has ever known; and the Power at whose tnsliga
lion these villainies were and are perpetrated .sita
enthroned in the White tlonse, and has jost achiev
ed another four years’ ascendancy in the Federal
Government. Who, in view oflbese (acts, can say
that Republicans may now pile tbelr arms, even for
an hour?
The Tkibiinb will be, a, il lias been, a Political
Journal —avowedly, though not exclsively so. Il re*
cognizes the truth that Freedom and Slavery are
here grappled in deadly conflict, and that la the re
sult one of tliem must lose all control over the Fed
eral GpVernment. Bui, while il gives prominence
and emphaiis fo the discussion and elucidation of
the great issue of tire day, it sinks none oftlie cbir
aerteistlc of a Business and Family Newspaper.*—
The proceedings ofCongress, like those in Kansas,
will be watched and reported by an able and fearless
corps ofCorrespohdents, while from London, Paris,
Constantinople, Havana; San Francisco, Albany and
other centers of interest, our special advices will be,
as they have been, fresh and reliable. A member
of our Editorial catys—Bayard Taylor—is now in
Northern Europe, and will spend the Winter in
Sweden, Lapland, Russia, thence making his Way
neat season across Siberia and Tartary to the mouth
of the Amour, and thence homeward by the Pacific
and California, unless some change of route shall
promise greater interest and profit to oar readers,
for whom alone he will write regularly throughout
his adventurous journey, which is likely to require
two years fbf its completion. Our reports of the
most interesting Lectures, Public Meetings, &.C.,
will be (Ull and reliable, and our Foreign' and Do.
mestie News made up with a careful regard to the
condensation into our ample colums of tlie greatest
amoqnt of intelligence that,is consistent with the
use bflype of generous size.' In short, ifwe fail to
make Tpe Tribune .worth its cost, itphallnotbcjbr
want of expenditure or efibrL
If it be deemed desirable by Republicans that
Trot Tribune should be circulated in their several
localities, we urge them to see that Clubs be itrade
up end forwarded in due scason. The Postmasters
are sCmi-officrallyadmoniihediiotto aid onreirculu
tion, but to urge instead that of journals deemed
•* strand,” and “ National” by the compatriots of
Atchison and Slringfellow. We ask live Republi
cans everywhere la care that these efforts be not
effectual .to qnepuh the light of Freedom iu the
murky roiats of Slavery.
Daily T»ißON*,pcr aupum............ ,$6 00
suu-wcnty tuiukx.
Single Copy, per annum...; 93 00
-TwoCppies, “ 5 00
Five Copies, • ~..••....,,..1109
, Ten Copies, . “ 80.Q0’ >
We send The Semi-Weekly to clergymens! 93
per year. - . c
Single Copy, per annum .93 00
Three Copies “ ' 500
Fire Copies, “ .... .......... $ 00
'' Ten Copies, u ■' .. ,1... .v.-,.l2dfi
“Twenty Copies, to one any-V* 1 ■
■■ larger. number at the rate of-91'petj -SO 00
lflQQl9|t| <« * (< MS,' •• • I If I
Twenty Copies, to address ofeach snfcr. ■ , „
, tcriitr, andsny larger number at the -24 00
rate of9l SO each..'. ~ S .
Any. person sending a»*club;of>.lwenly.nt; more,
,W ill; beentilled loan estraMpyV. :. .
s^e t continw» h> •en4=The iWeekdy,Ttilniiie,.to
clergymen nt 91 per year.
.< ■ Subscription*.may opmmenceal
,njani in advane* U. roquitndin all-Msev«pd tW
• paper W ipvariawy-disconlinnsd at the expiration of
hfl«d»«neßJ»yPW^./‘i.'ij-if, •; ......
Money .may.he. remiUe4.«r so.bicqpUoijs tn.JM.tar
M oOMiski hut lfie Post,W^r t; ay her plapv sphere
(be mailed should. be made acquainted with
jt| panlpqts, and: keeps description of (he bill*.-*
WbengjiniU eanbe obtainedv lbby wo- moeh htfe
to called:
■upon forhb
him todo klo write aletterl it air few Wdrtsift ptwi
■Ueu inclose the mooeyMvHtd ihewtlsa/df thaseh
tenber, wlthhis Post-OflfeWCtmmy sndBtirte,te»d
direct ■.jHj.Jf 1
■ ''
\ ■/ <**<l U
- ... K : 7J> iWklmproved
p raissop,
UtaaltetnnrootaftttdihaiupU ofWi£lffcrßity, lo lot* to
nit tmrfUtgi. /-‘Thli thb
year*, and
g*“ competition,. m. a. .manure'Jbr, Oomimd Gardeo
" e l 9 »®Wi beta* etatyer and mbro jkjtferijdthan any olh«,
t'?T» b4 ttaw ntaorsoK biaumnUßUOMt.' Two bar
reli ($8 worth) will mamy* nn*creofpojfc folk* Mil, will
i save twevthirds in labor, will catuo it to ooxno up quicker, to
the cot worta i al»*lt doe*’ Ked'to be put In
contact with It;, ■, T 7 *. .-,015..: *•. »
The L. 51. Co. point to long‘*tan4Joc reputation, and
Itbe large capital ,($100,000) invested in .their btulnwo, -a* a
guarantee tirtt the'article/they makc r ahan be’iuch
quulity as to command a ready »ale. ’ >■ t v • v a
delivered in the city free of charga and’other «x
ponfe-~ • 1
• Onobarrel, J a. . .. .. a^oO'-
Two berrulu, ... . . 3,50
Flto barrel*, ..... g,OO
BUbarrel*, . . ... .. ' . ?. •
And at the rate of per barrel for any quantity orej six
barroU. ,
49* A cohtaining every laforinaticrtiv wiU he sent
(free) to any one applying for the same, r Onr wlddreas I*—'
t Office, GO OorUandt BtJ Kew-York.
Fobnuiry 5,1867.—3 m. '■ t l- -
BIXBY, mpectfollf informs the citizens of
Wilmots District
and thst of Tioga Co. in particular,' that he has for
sale.a large quantity dffresh.grounfl Cayuga Plaster,
at the old price—SC, per ton, ' ’’
Having 1 secured ' the • services- of an' excellent
MILLEK, end enlarged his bins for the reception of
Plaster, he feels con&leut that no one Will be disap
pointed, •
Particular attention will be paid to People' from e
Mansfield, Jan. 3,1857.—1 f. ■ ,ir “ -.-
J STICKLE Y rapedfrilly informs the eilitens
• of Wellsboro and 'vicinity; thol'ho keep* con.
slantly on hand and will manufacture la order.
Chairs Cabinet* '
of all descriptions. ■ ■ • ■
Those desfrodd of purchasing any .article.-id Ids
Iwowill do well to call and exacnlne hii slock, . His
work is minufactorcd from Ihe best material and is
sure to give patisfaclion.,M, ■.• - -
All kind* of TURNING <(one in a-auperior map.
ncr and on 'reasonable lerma. (CrSliop noth end of
Main.>t„ Wellsboro*. [Jan. 8,1857.-tf.]
R. 18. PRATT,
increased bis stock of
And bow is time to buy cheap for cash, at the
GROCERY. STORE,, formely .occupied by B. S.
Bally. - Having late); increeed his stock ofGroeeriea,
the subscriber Ratters himself (bat lie 'can’t be beat
in that line. Call and examine bis stock 6f '
Stone Ware,
Wooden Ware,
to his lino of Business- will bo kept coosUalljr on
band, < Iq connection with the above, ht hu filled
np a very neat
fbr the accommodation of all who may favor him
with a call.
WelUboro, Dec. 11. ,1856.—tf.
“ Recollection of a Lifetime," By Peter Parley
The beet book of the last half centnry.
“ Artie Expeditions." By Dr. Kane. A Magnifi.
cent book.
u History of oil Nations." By S. G. Goodrich.
A Standard work, ,
“ Encyclopedia of Animated Naturci" By Dr.
Frost* Containing 1350 spirited Illustrations, of
men, animals, and every creeping thing,
“ Dred.” Mrs. Stowe’s last work.
And all other popular publications of the Day,
Famished by Canvassing Agents, who will deliver
them to the subscribers.
Dec. 18.1856.—6 w.
great Rush at evans & co’s
TUB fact Is established that 400 Broadway is tbo place in
New York to buy Books. EVANS k CO. sell Books as
low as they can be bought ony where, and give with each
book a present varying In value from 25 cts. to $lOO. The
value of tbe present depends upon the number of the book
purchased. Gifts delivered at the time of the sale. Great in
ducement to ageuts.
Catalogues, containing list of books and prizes, sent to any
address free.
Persons unacquainted with tho firm of Evans A Co„
are respectfully referred to the following leading publishing
Miller, Orton, k Mulligan, 25 Pork Row. Now York;
Derby k Jackson. 110 Nassau street. Now York, Phillips,
Sampson k Co., is If Inter struct, Itoston; Sanborn, Carter
k Bazin, Boston, Mass. Send for a Catalogue t
December, 11,1850.—3 m.
order ot tbs'Orphan's Court of Tioga county,
we will expose to public sale on Thursday the 13lb
day ofFeb. next, at the Court House, Wellaboro, the
following described real estate, late theproperty ofj.,
F. Harrison of Morris twp., dcc’d—
All that pieco and parcel of land in Morris town
ship, bounded north by lands of R. H. Archer and
H. S. Archer, east by lands of Morris, south
by ) A, P. Cons and- the heirsV>f James C,
Fisher and west by lands' now occupied by' Samuel
M. Harrison—containing 138 Sored End 48 rods,
mure or leu,about S 5 acres improved,* frame house
frame burn and apple orchard thereon. -
Morris, Jon. 13,1857;,. j ...
"P JEMOyAIu—DR. B. .BARR - respectfully
XV announces to the public that he. has .removed
his.Qffice to l{te, dwelling lately occupied by Jos,P.
Morris, Esq., where he may be found at all, (touts
when not profpßaionally . '
demands fpr his servicas promptly responded to
Wolliboto’, 1856.' ' : ' v, .
rl shall .start again for kansaa with another- com
pany, March 15,1857, from Bennett’s Hotel,
.BuSiilo, Those going -West will Bud' U.grtatly to
their advantage to locate in Kansas. It is tho roost
beautiful country, on'the continent. Band only
per aero and wewilltakeall, who rjeaire to go, Croat
. Buffalo to. Leavenworth, f0r.925. - Address i,,
A. iL SHURTLEFFi Agent iN.Y.Kansas: Aid
Society, Watkiqs;N»Y- ■ ,
rPHOSE wbo drsire lo.copUibdtp to the relief of
1 ran'ce that every,dollar' will ho r »pprtp,nalbd tdjibe
snAting aeltleis there.. All kmoorjU received will
Agent of tht If. X- A#/Society.
Aid For Kaueae.
’•n >
thsttksfropiMot* ex->
eontslas lh«
KNwtif i&s&ocKqiippjti o';.
Of which,
is hdtedi if ,8. It BlfißUrtVi sdi MRS;
1.-D.&N, -SOtiTUWOETUr who Is wall known as one oftho
i ■' >- riH«mfw.«SßaiE»f, ? f
AL Wl a 3mi nsw T •
.i'.•numerous Ottietr.* '
TO THE PATTI SEX. Woparticutartybonnueoduseshest.—
Tbelnlcpsrlmcnt will be edited with the utmost caresudua
expense or labor narpkto render Jbe column! devoted to
their especial bcnenl/unutnally BUOAIANT, ATTUACTIVE
and OHNAVENTAb-, n NT ..; ~!i v
tfpi doSWcf ngSctiegl
contributed apd culled fh>m moet reliable, and
cbutnldlhg Infarmwah which will prove to' them In .the
jucalculsblßboheJt.' 1 1
The other deparfmenls of our piper yIU receive the atten
tion they reepectlvoly demand, each being especially and
carefully prepared to meet-the trailed tastes oftho KTtnd
classes of Its readers. Among these we may mention
Original Slaritt PoeUt, Editorial Rambtingi
and.Skttcliinqo,Spicy City Asms, Washington.
Gossip, Nea-York Chit dot, the Lo test
Pario Fashions, Practical Receipts for ~
Ike Housr/ioid and Toilet, "The Li
ttle One’s Department. Gems from
Pross and Poetry , Rtader’s
Oaide, Historical Sketch
ee. Translations, -
IfC. IfC.
CKSTOPAsaro s6vm*rts, sKEtcnra, gc.*c.
together with
Over lOO.Original Illustration*./
TICE NATION is sent at the following rcmurknbly low
Single Copte*,' $2 00 per annum
Two •*. . (tooneaddros*,) 3 00»
Three u 600 “
Six « - ' ’ • 9 00' “
Ton •< . . 15 00 “
49* And one copy free to thegelter np of the Clob of Ten
«B- All thou sending ns subscriptions from the British
9ll*l, epclwe in addition to the subscription price,
25 cedis for each subscriber, as wo are compelled to pepay the
Hutted States postage. «
AU.lettars containing registered, and di
rected plainly, odd they will* corne at "on r Hide, lotherwise we
arc not responsible for thorns
49*Specimen copies 'Wilt -be sent free to Port Master,
Agents; and alt who wish to get up'a'clhb to all others, on
receipt of four cents in rtvaj&t .:ThS expense of registering is
only, five cents.
1 r - -' A BKIBL6W, -
i‘43 pock St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Among the hnndrate-of • complimentary notices, we bare
received from nowspabetg In .every Section of tho country, wo
quote tho following Extract from ;■" ‘ ‘ ‘ 1
Mho Nation appears in clear large 1 snow white pa
per, and U richly /adorned with Illustrations/’—JY. Y. /hm,
“IV will attain to a high position In tho liitcmry world,” —
Philadelphia Daily Xewt. * " "
Me Is one of the best weeklies now published, and wo take
pleasure in biingingii to the notice of iMo reading public."—
Pdrnihniy Herald.
“ The taleht'and energy of the proprietors, Its original and
Interesting contents, and the beanly Of tho typography cannot
fail to seenre for it a general circulation.”— \ViUiamtburg,J\i.
‘‘As a literary and family journal, we hare no hesitation In
pronouncing It the best among our exchanges. .Wo adviso tho
uadtee to procore It without delay,*,— Fulton, Pu. Republican,
u We dislike puffllng city emanations, but in this case wo
“Jare bound to give way to merit. Unlike many city cotempo
radon, tho Notion .is composed of sound substantial and useful
matter, ond Is not filled up with an overdose of flimsy, wisher
washy stuff from tho hands of crack-brained authors.”—-.EWe
City Dispatch,
“ It has the most beautlfal engraved head we ever saw, arid
Its contents are deeply entertaining, truly delicious "and soul
absorbing.”—Wißlamtburff I r a. GaxtiU.
Vt Thera is room for Just such a paper, and it has secured two
aa.truQ heads and hearts to control Its columns as the literary
and social world holdß. W. Agitator.
“It will foou become.h ; leading paper at the fireside.”—
[BoonTltle, Mo.. Observer.
“ We seldom endorse northern papers, hut in this Instance
wo arc forced to overcome our prejudice, and commend the
••Nation” to oiu* readers.”—{Troy Ala. Bulletin.
have Ton Subscribed
Cosmopolitan Art Association
mri-Tifis Tnini) yea it ;
TI | tK ” AR ? *-’■> hire
kJ th, pleasure of announcing that tho collection or m>rk.
of Art dalgned for ilUtri tuition anußg the rahscrllMraf whose
naavesate received prerlouvto the 28th of Jannarr, ,’ST I*
much larger and more' costly thin ou any previous year.—
Among tho leading werka In Sculpture—executed in tho
finest tyarldc—is the new and beautiful Statue of the
The Units of Um,Three Groat American'Statesmen,
' ' Al*otha«xqul»lro Ideorßiist,
Together with the following Groups and Statues In Carrara
Marble—of the
Struggle for the-fleert.
Vena* am) Apple; Psyche: Magdalen;
Child of the Sea; Innocence;
Chptlvfc Bird; and Little Truant!
With numerous works In Bronze, dm! a collection of Setornl
Hundred ,
Fine Oil Paintings,
by leading Artists.
The whole of' which are to be distributed or allotted among
the subscribers whose names are reed rod previous to the
when (bo Distribution will take place.
Every rabseVibor of There Dollars Is entitled to
A copy of the splendid Steel Engraving, “Saturday Night*”or
A copy of any of the following $3 Magnziuee one year; also
A copy of the Art JocßNALone yefar, and
A Ticket in thu Annual DialribuU6n of Works of Art.
Thus, for $3 paid* u person nyt only gets a-beautiful Kn
graving or Magazine one year, buUWreceirMthe Art Jour
nal ouu year, and a Ticket iu the Aunual Disiributlpn, mak
which a valuable painting or piooo of statuary may be raeiv
cd in addition.
Three who perfor Magazines to tbo Engraving ’Saturday
Night,* enn have either of the following one year: Harper’s
Magazine; Godey’s XAdy’s Book, United States Magazine,
Knickerbocker Magazine, Graham's Magazine, Blackwood
Magazine, Southern Literary Messenger.
No person is restricted to a single share. Those who tak
ing fire memberships, remitting $l5, are entitled to six En
gravings, and to six tickets in tho distribution, or any five of
tho Magazines, one year, and six tickets.
Persons, in remitting funds for membership, will please
register tho letter at tbo Post Office, to prevent loss; on re
ceipt of which, a certificate of Membership, together with, the
Engraving or Magazine desired, -will be forwarded to any
part of tho country. ’
For farther particulars, tee tho November Art Journal,sent
free on application.
Pur membership, address 0. L. DEBBY, Aetnzry 0. A. A.
348 Broadway, Now York, or Western Office, IW Water street,
Bundusky, Ohio, or 1 J, N. BACUE, Uoo. Sec.
WelUborv* Pa,
Marriage guide.—young’s great
jESCULAPIUS, or Entry Ont Hit Own Doctor, by
WM. YOUNG, M. D. It Is Written in plain lan
guage fur the general reader, and is illustrated with
upwards of one hundred Engravings. All young
married people, or those contemplating marriage,
and. having the' least impediment to married life,
should read (his booh. It discloses secrets that every
one should be.acquainted with.: Still it is a book
#at mast be kept Ipckcd op, and not lie about the
house*, It will be rent to on the receipt o
twenty-fire cents. Address Df. WM. YOUNG, Idf
SPRUCE Street above Fourth; Phil'a. '
marriage guide, byOr wml-Voung
TMMTnfliiw totba enclosure of tht Subscriber, on or
Pj neat tbs test dajof October, two black »w» sbMPi-tbsjr
an rasrited qnths right esf.wlth swajlow f«kvd*oa -l¥t *«r
Vat oft oS has s wum spot lirlW IbrsieM, To* owner (a
«^ii r ' jMB&SKteil
tat' ttUHKalimiirt,:
method. »M ■
.FaUaijid Sluter lUlllf»e>y,
W^E-re,ANp jt piß R QIOERK
Brtats y Hilb, Braid, .
. Mil; Baltonl, Drnt TViimi'a#*, iidiei
• - Web; AHtfcial ttmitni 'I
,n ', i /Josnrl MateriaU.Starf,, Bdgikffi -
A?*•l^9 l^pdl ftih{»,»nV ! )wl>cKk (wefnlandortuu
(dental, BftnneU nNde to order, trimmed end re.
pairtd attMriidttaVnblide, end ilpah tfie most teal
»dii«Me ! t*rm«r Bead]*'made work epnalantW ID
band. ■; Stata, Sihdoor north of tfelUboro’ Hotel ,
.)■ W9Yen#ti2.Q,.l)Bs6. j ~,,-; . ~, .
be Free?
r A QUESTION loanswer, bqt that the
Subscriber merchandize cArap.admila
not a doubt; The queilion will be immediately act.
led upon inapeclipn of IhdOooda and prices. „ ,
He is just rccaiviog.tlls fill stock) whieh.coasiita
in a general assortment of
Dr. Ham’s Invigorating Spirit.
“A Word to the Wise is sufficient !"
The Subscriber has a large and well selected slock
of Goods, and is offering them at as reasonable price#
as can be bought in Tioga Co., or this side of Cedar
Run! ' ‘
Ho who wants a PLUG OF TOBACCO, or a
GOOD COAT—She who wants a box of SNUFF
or a FINE DRESS, will do well to call and exam*
ine before purchasing elsewhere. ■
Come and.see and beconvinced of the truth ofthe
foregoing statement. J, B. POTTER, Agent,
Middlehary Centre, Nor. 8,1855.
The Seasont change —
. (Succeed Tabor, Young Sf Co.)
MANUFACTURERSof Steam Engines, Boilers
and Machinery of all kinds; Stoves, Hollow
Ware, Tin,,aqd.Capper Ware.
REPAIRING & JOB WORK done with tbs
leas) possible delay
MILL GEARINGS furnished without extra charge
far patlerne.
PLOWS of all kinds, (two of which took the
premium at the late County Fair,) kept constantly
on band.
We have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, to
manulhcture and vend the
Kins Store.
one of the best (if not the very best) Cook Stoves
ever invented; which is always on hand at onr
store bouse, for wholesale & retail.
Their Stoves took, the premium over the Albany
Stoves at the late Fair. That is a (bather in oar
cap which wo dont intend to have plucked out soon.
Corn Shelters,
Of all the improved patterns that commend them
selves to farmers.
Besides Uus, we intend jo furnish better Ware,
belter articles and better work, at lower prices than
any other establishment in Tioga codnty will bo
able to .do. And tire roan who pays GASH, can get
what he buys at reduced prices. This is the fair
way of doing business, and Hie system upon which
the Tioga Foundry and Machine Shop will he coo.
dueled hereafter. Don’t wait for the wagon, but
come on. TA BOR, BALDWIN & CO.
Tioga, Nov. 1% 1855.—if.
. CT Old Iron nod Copper, and all kinds of produce
taken in exchange for work.
The Great Family Weekly Paper.
THE NEW YORK LEDGER baa now attained the extrroa
binary circulation of Quo Hundred and Ninety Thousand
Copies. The LEDGER fa devoted to POLITE LITERATURE
SIP and CURRENT NEWS, and maintains a.blghmoral tone.
U U every where ackuowVeded to be the best family paper lu
the world I Hence its extraordinary atpi unheard of popu
larity. Mr. BONNER, the Proprietor of the LEDGER, em
ploy* the best talent iothe country, and by to'doing make*
the best paper. Such writers as Ftuiy F4rn,Bylvamu Cobbjr*
and Emerson Bennett, are ncrmantly engaged on It, and will
write for no other paper hereafter. Mrs. Sigourney, also,
constantly writes for it; so do a host ofqthcr popular authors,
including Mrs. Emma D. B. Nl SOuthwdrth, Alice Cary, Mr*.
Vaughan, Mary W. Stanley Gibson, Claik Sydney, Ac-A. The
LEDGER is beautifully Illustrated every week*
The LEDGER ts printed on beautiful white paper, and Is
composed of eight pages, making the handsomest weekly pa
per in the country. Itis published every Saturday, and sold
at all the news offices in every city and town throughout tbs
country; and is mailed fur subscribers at two dollars per an
num ; two copies are sent Ibr three dollars. Any person oh
luiuing eight subscribers atsl 50 each, (our lowest club
rates,) and sending us $l2, will be entitled to onocopy Free.
Terms invariably in Address ail letters to
ROBERT BONNER; Publisher of New York Ledger.
44 Ann Street, New York.
K. B.—Now Is a good time to subscribe as EMERSON DEN
NETTS Great Original Novel of FRONTIER LIFE, will be
commenced in the LEDGER on.the first of January.
Evens & Co.’s Great Gift Book Sale.
'All Books will be sold os low ss con be had at
oilier Stores, many of them for less. New Book's
received dully. A Gift varying in value from 25
cents to 9100, given with each book at the time it
is sold. Having on baud a very large stock of note
and valuable books, and as uur motto is u Largo
sales and small profits'" wo arc determined to give
lur customers better bargains than can be bad else,
"hero. Ahy book published in New York or PbiK
Jelpliia will bo promptly sent, gift included, onre<
ceipl of publisher’s price. Catalogues of Books and
Presents, containing . full explanations will be scat
free to alt parts ofthe country,
The most, liberal inducements .are offered tit
Agents. Any person by sending• as do Order lot
ten books, with money inclosed, will be entitled ta
an extra Book and Gift. ■■
All orders .for books, containing money, (to ensure*
perfect should be registered at tbe Post Office where
they are mailed, and directed to Krans Si Co„ 403
Broadway, Now York. L •
Raniuwec.—M. Thotnaa.& Sons, South Fourth
Street, Pbila4eluliia,i &. Co„ Pbilas
delphia ; D. Appleton dbCo„ Broadway, New York
Derby & Jackson, Nassau Street, New York,
Prinoipal Store, 409 Broadway, 1 New York.
Branch Stores at 124: Chestnut Su EhilW and at