The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, January 22, 1857, Image 4

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‘Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon.
Will visit patients in all parts ot the couotj.
[June 14,1855.]
w. w. WEBB, m.
HAS estayif*hed himself in the practice of Med
icine pffa Surgery in the Township of Liberty
' .where |u£will promptly attend all calls in ma
Wcllsborougk I'l.
Refers to Messrs, F))olpf, Dodge tttJOisSrjyfc
city lloi\.A.V.Pa.raon8 t Phil%4elpbi«. July 13?^"
Alto nrys A Counselor* at law,”
CORSflN'e, ' ’\.
Steuben COinity, New York. V
Geo. T. Sponger. - C. Hr Thomson.
April 18, 1855-ly.
tCTKertiovecHo James LoMrrey’e osce
Attorneys’* counsellors at
LAW, will attend IheCourUof Tioga,Pollct
and McKean counties.
Wellsborougb, Feb. 1,1853.
The Tioga County Agitator
It pnMUlml every THURSDAY MORNING at Wellaboro',
Tioga County, l’n.. bv Conn, Stchrock k Co., on the PAY-
I) 0W N Syntam Tlio cash must invariably uccoOrpunT tbc
order for the puprc. unless our agents at the several inwit-offl*
con clioosi- to become rrsiMtiisihle for the amount, or no pa
lter u ill tie m.iihi>. Tin 1 fiubscription price i« 0N R I>OL
lab Pfc R ANN U M to single subscribers. Any par
son Rending ni $9 vdU raelrelOcoples of tho paper one year
—directed to each siib^rilKT#
Offio-, ROY> BLOCK, s«*<*ond floor, over Taylor’s Hook
Store. JuitSce’s. Countable’* and other Blanks alwfcyi' on
hand., Job ami Fancy Printing executed with neatness and
W. W. KOB I N SO N ,
Book*,Stationery, Blank Books, Wall Paper—Eng
lish, French and American Manufacture,
I'hilel utensils, and Perfumery* pan
cy Vtoim Strings, Gold
Pens and Pencils, dftb, SfC.
All (he popular Magazines and leading Ncwspa .
prrs may he had at his Counter.
CORNING, N. V., Nov. IS, JSSi.
Kalian and American Marble,
Aoesti. Bmlbt & Folet, Wellsboro; O. P.
Beach, Knoxville; J. E. Webster, Covicefon.
Tioga, April 26, 1855. . 1
mini fart i. Mlnltll.he.l that 409 Broadway I. the place Ip
New York to buy Kooks. EVANS 4 CO. sell Hooks as
Invr a* thev mti be’bought anywhere, and give with each
book •» p r ‘ -ent varying in rnltiD from 25 ct«. toglOO. The
%a!up of the prrwnt depends upon tho number of the hook
purchased. (Jlftn ih hwred at the time of the sale. Great in
tliieenjenl to agents
Catalogue*, containing list ofbooks and prices, sent to any
address free
Persons unacquainted with the firm of Evans * Oo„
arc respectfully referred tu the following leading publishing
bouses •
Miller. Orton. A Mulligan; 25 Park Row. New York;
TWhy k Jackson. 110 Nassau street, New York, Phillips,
Kampson 1 Co- 13 Winter street, Boston 5 Sanborn, Carter
A ibum. Boston. Mass. Send for a Catalogue 1
December. 11, 18WL—8m. !
Sash nn
THE Subsr
ber U n<
prepared by m
Machinery J n
purchased, to ft
nttih to order, ;
fancy Sash, ai
Blinds. , ,
Square Sash
corn fried dies
way? on hand*,
By long exi
nonce in the
ber flatters lurnrl
lht.l he can main
os good -an article, and sell it as cheap as can -
obtained at any ostablshmenl in Pennsylvania or
New York. Call and see.
>4 Blind Factory.
Covington, September 18,1856.
C7*The subscriber is also ,AgBnt for .the saleo
Dr. D. Jaynes, celebrated Family Medicines, ale
Scarpa's Oil for Deafness. D, fi, I.
Who will go to KansdfS ?,
THE will se|\ the Faro? onwblcb h®
lives, ip Lawrence, containing 140,acres, IDO
of which is improved. "It ‘is well wa.tcrft} h bag«
comfortable; bon.SOj Iforns* ncccssaiy outbuildings'
and a good orchard of choice fruit -[
Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrencevillcj known as
ihe "<-»ecr. Ilquspj 1 with, ample accommodations.
Attached Ts a 1 Stare 4 buildin/iulunflcjfor the Gro.
eery Dad Qry\G>)ddB business—.all'to be sold or rAhl
cd to.§uit applicants. For termq apply to
LawrenccVille, SepU 11 *56. M. S. BALDWIN..
DiSSOEOTIOft.— Ths partnership heretofore ex
isting between the undersigned in Hie 'iijxrlc of
Guernsey & Borden is this day dissolved bymutual
consent, the books, end notes of said firm remaining
iii the hands of H. A. Guernsey to whom psymentis
to be made, and ail debts dne from said firm will be
paidby him, • ff. A! GUERNSEY; ‘
H. c. border;
Nor. 18.1856.
Time? Time! Time? Tim#
TIME flow* from instants, aha of there each one
Should be esteemed as if it were alone.
If any wUh to redeem lime now lost,please /ail
just one doOr north of B. B. Smith &. Son’s, where
it shall be restdVed. The subs'crjfier is now ready
to do anything ih the line of
Clocks end Jewelry. All work wifrari'leX"' "
Wellsboro, July 24,1856. A. FOEEV. '
- '• POR gATLE,
fA Woolen Factory & 6aw Kill),
smt of Use host cgaslruallop. i(« sill soO nliowhol* toseih
ih9fettoau ***>
Apply to the snbwrlberoii the premises, orbrletter lithli
piece- tVoltaboro’ Aug. t»UI fISM. /J, LJACKsJk.
by Robert Roy u now receiving /,cfeh SuiptW tfe
would rcpeotlally inform life piblio llfo'l hp Intells
to cooUnuo the Drag businesp nl tlieoldlitand.-iTlfe
•loro w.lba left sUll m tm of tho former praprfo.
tor (Robert Soy) tad it i».hoped
pfopiaion for the want* of. the community,’onchbr
attention to cunlomsnvit mtyaUll he fohnd
pf‘ public flmrr antLptlronttfrdJ Dill end fee for
yourselves. 40HN Ar RQV'
_Qclohfiri)lh,lBsfi. . ,
V Um*. W
,W l ' , J’ <!r ' for 1 » m boP-d to «>)•?
be(H. 80,1856. : j r_ BOWEN.
E. E. Burlingame, A. B. Principal
will com
of 11 Weeks
including Reading
• • • 2 .50
#n4 Grai*H
I ntjnar HeavWe, Fif ’
BarSme|ice t &fr|r«iMLe7»e * '*• • • •• • v • • • 3,00
r«£ NaW
4 ’°°
a tiff J
Germ>n<«^.,....... J..,....... .ThJ •• • SiOO
D rawingJ&iW»).;y'fi>i;,''i.’£.’.; i 3 • • • 2.00
oal from thojitoeof entering to the
cndoflheTerm, mod expected to be settled dt mip
"die qftbe Term. ■.... ".
_ In addition to usual branches, there will be a
»Tb»oheWe Class," oOmposedof those wishing to
engage in leaching. Lectures will be given to the
Class,by. (he-Principal : and,olhcrßj..Al«o, ,'WBirWy
discussions before;the tuehlsohjAt
oa;roay come before the class... .. .. ■:. !
The Academy ia provided with. Apparalos suitable
for .Philosophical■'and Chemical expcrimenU—auch
OB ia usedintbe higber. Schools .of-N, Y. _Expeci
menta will be given to the classes weekly.
Compositions and Declamations
afternoon. . • ‘i
■ The “ Wellsboro* Debating Chillis-now ineno
ocssfu) operation, composed of Students -andv other*
fron) Hie (own, interested in such uff>ir«. An eff
ort will bo made to secure a course of Lectures be
fore the Sockly.lhn coming winter. .
Board can be obtained in private fumjlies at $2,00
per week. Those wishing to furnish -their own
rooms and board themselves, can be accommodated
by applying loiho Pfi(|s|N|l.,
This Academy is situated ip the healthy and
pleasant village of WeUsboKo’, Inc’ County’senj 6f
Tioga. ll is easy of access by a daily line of stdgis
Erie road at adjoining
IpwnS. npHK, West*and Soalli. ' , ’ , ,
,L. |..^GROLs t &:cVr., toWfiEffi Pre*.
hebsing’s safe
The only Safe which, In every i
contents In tbo lai
AT the burning of the
Building*, April 10th, am
great fire in Market Street, BJ.
1856, the genuine UEIUUNO.
prewired the Jewelry, of (JeOyl
mans A Bro.; Jlbokl, 1 Papera,'
fisher A 'anjl Seal
A Co., after remaining exposed '
/for \early 1
HOURS, and .rawing cone)
wtmt'~wehave alwaysclMniedfoi
their fcrealwperlority oreriAll.
ties • • ~M ■nl - ..j{
In these firths, the ITtllvßlN'O’S .9ATE,
with those ailvcrtimnl as “warranted to stAnu TO per cent,
more ftro than wring's cams for^hibegctoowlodged victor,
not thotf contents In'exeefidnf ofdfcr, hut be
ing themselvesin-acondition togp through.smother onleu,
whilo the boasted “Salamanders” of other makers, wc; re iijdi.
ly used up in every instance* qnd,tn. nomo [heir
contents completely doSUoyedt' > • 1 '• >'• i j •■ ** j
To simply m, thnL during the fqdr
vSha>tQ& tUiDl.MbicniL
two hundred have passed through occidentalflrea without the
occurrence of,k single loss'. {
- We wool# therefore, cmUiotv pordiucr* sgaWrt Uio< mla
representation of interested parties. Tlio Herring's Patent
|a Uie miulft Ip UM* fit*. wWcb;ta protect
ed by a Patent Rfpnt; ntul wo Wfl|*«i&nmtA Itrorwirno re
than aoobkrlhe amount of boat df Why otiibr'Hafletttf^khdwtf.
Sole Mtrohfachirerti In thU' '■
Hcrrlny’s Paleiirt jSnfea;
' - r ‘ ' M TTainol gtrit,rtiilaaelpli!a.
S. U.—“Rvarii k Wattoa’e Unpaid SaWnmKacfH,’’ “OliVoi
Er*o’«,” ■ ‘“O. J. GayUrV' and “Sootf* AMwetoe;'' Iron OheDte
fa law aaanrfincnt been taJtanjJa, part 'pejmenl, <or
wgl.bfi[»ol J ] i
■ The Great Family WMkly Paper. !
TUB NEW YORK iia* lioff aitnlnctTthe extnior
dludry: ebtuUtii>u>df-One Utmrircd rami ftibety^THoutand
fttP arid CCRKBST
It Is every where nrknowleded
the world I Hence Its e^njP“ Uj T^^^' n hDeafdKorjfcpa-
Iniity. The Fropnetor of JJicr.LtU)G£R, om-
Bjoys the bent talcht In the country, and py Jo doing mnkeh
to best Such wrilersasFAoy Feni} ffyfvAh us CobbjFT
and Emerson Bennett, arc pormnqUy engaged, on Itv and will
write for no other paper hereafter* tyr?,_ Sigourney, also,
donsiaiUly writes fdrit; so do ahqAtofdtbor {loputar'nuthon,
including Mrs* Emma I). R.‘Ni‘SoOtiWhrfbi AuteOnryj Mre,
Vaughtm* Mary W, £a,ii.Zlife
LEDGER Is beautifully Illustrated oterv >yeok* ; . t ,•
The LEDGER fn printed on T>canmm wljUp. paper, and in
composed of el£ht pu£4s,. weekly pa
per In.the country, ibis published every Saturday, and sold
at all tW n(«vre office* Id eveyy clfy and town throughout the
country ; and 4s mailed-for SubsfeHtoHdtftwO'OdnQrJpcr an
num; two:copies,m sepb fog thred doliin*. •. AnylpetwtiS
tainlng eight subscribers at $1 50 caqhWoar loinutclab
rates,) and sending us $l2, will bo entitled
Terms Invariably In advance. Address all letters to
ROBERT BONNER,'PuBUsberAf NC* York Lodger, -
* \ - J i tiftn'DlStfed, New York.
IM*.—No<ls A. good tunc ttsnbicrilM asXuERSQNvBEN
NBTTB Great Original looter of FRONTIER LIFE, WnilAj
commenced |fi the BEDOXIbdtf lliiAlribwf Jleifixry.
EhiploVidcrttfur the Winter,
43** Send for One Copy, and try It among your FricntULJt*
* ■ • ITANTED>-A ge fa h» fn every tß6T?ft(cd 8 tateMo
circulate BEAJ«* LAHOE/CYEA.QUAfiTOBULE, for Family
The. Domesttmßlbl^
TTith about One Thousand'Engraving*! I 1
ine very Kecfftm'of <mrwido4ijfredd :tfcrrftinertt, amf M Wrmw
. 43U Tlhe most liberal .remuneration viUi|* tjo/dl
porapns whp may bp pJrased to procure enbwlbers to the
abdro. • From fitrjo WfcopleS tony eaxnt bd cfrtulated k\i d
sold in each of-the principal «itlrh ondtownsw theiinidn>—
IT WII£BB . .. .
43**Ajmli«itlona should bo onie, u tyo ( fleld,wlii
soon be bccopicd. ' ‘ < •’ ,4 ‘’*
4S* Persons wfcWngWl Mtoitt agents, arid doh**Mb Wsf
ness, can send for a specimen copy. 43* On recdpj.of the
established price. Six Dollars, WCTQIUAL .FAMILY
BIBLE, with a well bound Subscripted BboiL wftl Wcare
excepting thnsoofCnlllbrnfa, Oregon and Texas. - 1 ’ 1 '
43“ Register your Letters, and your money wilFcoffie shffr
43»1n addition lath'd Pictorial Bible, -woptfbltWn InrSh
numtsirbr HlAstrated Family' IVorks, ivory popular, find of
such high moril and unexAeptfbnnble character, tbkt Hvhllb
good men may safely ebgOge In their circulation, they wm
confer a Public Benefit, aud receive a Fair Comiiensatldrf foV
their labor. *
Order* respeelftilly oolicrted. For further rtatticnloifc
address the subscriber, (port paid.) UOHKRT-BEA.HB. •*7
' '; 181 H’ilUam Strict NovrYOrit.-^
MAP OF TIOGA C(>nm’, '
From actual Meonrtm*nt f ani Survey > throughout
the ctninly. Bjj ti fprpi of Surveyors iohb art
fully competent ft the dfficuU tosfaitfgpetiiimm,
TUB nnderalgned vW pnblluluhortly, pro viiodqi anlßcieni
o)}Uinc<h.A>. , t ; lt u
All tho pabJR fcroeßlngs and tfoiL
Offices, ChUrchoh,\&bool .Qoqna, Stores, and
Private Houses, ftmpjorieiL Jrfftpufactorles, Siom,.4q.
bo shown on.thp Bxa4^toqdjt|on to tho usual tgpQenoihvitf
ert i u i“T^«n% Wq'nSbg those in ifiSKSJ
•nhaeribein t£b j£ p ) are also to
tholr respective the sisJo of the Maps exhjmfi] &
the canvnascip. **, * hj
Mora ortho prtocljil be ln«e^,m*L«
™t.VuUdln“ r^1i ; ' ’f graTe<l Vi ° M ° f
No expense vll( execute tHoitan'ln thaitabaat
etyle of art. Ttye W *)»> Wptted on TaMbk itSecm
aa to show dlitlnCtW.a)l (he.parflcnlara above mcdfloJjiid
make a largo and dWiamebtW map. To be
llrcred to .übKHWiOitomyjr colored, «hps&
lag, at a coat of Serial tßoiuanldollar*, it gllTSiaaeaSiS
only a large sutferinUOnAlil will variant the
Incarted. .Wld'{alyJjxynhKripUnsriE?!a
Di Sco*u Publisher,
1. D. KICII.UIP?, lS^p!^^)'
It'll .l.nil/.w;
T(Ui fIDESSEIOR ms uW k .www,.hii» tbit t|ie t
X,,sia W riberw (CAiejMtlmits
nqlrfrdookU; iTb*RW#|Oft Wlll.fldrtmnWliafclfl.selT!
K 4 »|H»ftlM|iaeHn«Pl!ihe GpfidaiSWiiPrjces,;, „,
I •Hb'.w stehky' whielifconsisU
lnih>g«ifctWB«ortmint»»r.’ ,T.wm ,di )..,h..,
MfAftWXofeßtidTHWG. HATS
WOODEN WAftE/STONE." 1 - 1 ■
“A Word lo the Witt 4 ’ *
T»/£fe W e«m
■tne,beforepuTcpumE , . ..,, . •
foregp(ng . J, p. POTTER, Agtpt,
. I' C f ER ‘
'’"'■'.j ’ THEBE^HnE,
■•■ ■'•->} {SncceedTabor, Voting If 'Co.)
■' roviypui business, as
TIT ANUFACXUrvERSofSIcaqjJEi. fines, Boi Icrt
J.TJL and Machinery, ofall hinds; Steves, Hollow
Ware, Tin, awl Copper Ware. .
REPAIRINP &. JOB'WORK done with the
leapt possible .delay. ,1 ..., ■■ ,
, MlLLQEARlNPSfucuialicdtoii/(Ou<ea<r«:C|iarg(
(orpalternt, ~ ,
, PLOWS of ajl kindf,' (two of which; look the
premium at, the. late County Fair,) hcptconßUntly
pnJiant). 1 ;
, }Ve have, the exclusive right, for Tioga County, .to
manufacture,and’vend the
'King; Stove.'
prjepf Ijie bp I (IF, nut the very. best) .Cook Sieves
ever invented i which is always pn hand at our
siprc house, (i t wholesale iijcluij. , .
'TheirStoves Ipplhllie'pfpniiurj) oyer ,lbc, Albany
Cloves at'lhe„lale .'jfliai is V foa.lhcr in par
gap whip wo dojnl intchd ; lp'lipffeplucked pul soon.
-...... ’ ■ ‘mi ■ .!•’ ’•«•
. Of sU.tho.imprpycd patterns ihatqomtncndlhem
!splvg* ~ ,
.Besides litis,;,TO,intend, tq ,furnish .(tellur,Ware,
bpUer wUvlss apd, belter Kprkpal prates U)ap
Wtf, other gstab)lphpipnL 1 ip n Tioga,,¥opirt/i,w,i|l,,b«
#l,lf> (io., t .And,the mpii. jvbo/psys.CASHi.csn get
Yfbftt to buys/ at, tod.nqpd; ptiqfis., i Tbift liUlbo,. lair
doing, and the system upon which
(■M Tioga,fpundry apd ~Muohino Shop wijl.ibe con.
dueled,nerqa(ler., Dpn’t ,wait.for the.wagon,.hui
come on,. . , „ TACOR^BALQWIN,&.CO.
- Ti0ga,,N0v,.15,16a5.—.if. ~. '■ ■ ,
ID*Old Iron.and Copper,and all kiodsof produce
taken lb exchange i . - /
"VICTE wotlW rcs'|Ue((iilty call Die attention of Mill
. VZt I jnlel-eittd fn Uis: itfc\aj staler
dower in this vicinity, to, patented Iron Water
WJieA (called GrcenToaf’a gravity and percussion
Witter of vtilncli;lliey'Hkvc’ rccc(iilv but
in » Bow 1 WTSir '6#&d. by :3bdtc<Wtiu'e '.dP.Wdlta'borb’
am Dr.'Archer W Mbrtl* totMifp, r ail(l nituated
brio and a* fourth Wltli ■frtrfl'l&BbVcWcti; bti-thc
Stdny'FoHt'. Tliiq wheel p'H SJorda'J'Die ffti'lnsl,
drWP V etogteffraW' to raw* flve'ihdfamf,4dd 'dne
hundred leel'Cf -White piiie lbml)Cr; 'dUjO <Bbt of
which was one inch in' thickhfe»S,T4oo feet 3 inches
thicHnSDOifeet 11 incites Ihich.;: Tbik Wheel used a
»W, email quantity.Of water,Unlydisdharging üboat
SQ squanJ inches and with about'!! head and
fj|lof'w,ator,.wbilcpcrforraibgi4hfe .abdVe.-Thosc
Wheels arc well adopted to lAc propelling of all kinds
ofcMachtneyy,tdrivbp by. .Waterpower. Thcya/e
.yery/aitoplsirtitlrauhslunliiiliinr: their IfcotfelroetioH,
Unttnyill-do.frpniione .lhjr<lLloaane.ifc» lf —>■ -««'
ms *alv:Lrrmi'Water .Wheelin' bps ration 'hi
■yiJsiripipUytw.hlt Hity aVe acquainted, iThejv
ofertfornie; QOivety libehyUerort-. thcpaUidl bight
fpr,Counties orrSlaUrs,aodialaQ todlirnlatuandi pin in
operation IhCiWhoelsanMilU ift this vicinity onrea
sfluabic tereas., i,For further. infurtUuliDn'addresa A
Grccnleaii 4fortis Inwnshitb' Babin Post. Office,'wli.
Vance care of P. Clearer ,)|Vellsboro’ Tinga Co.
-life 1856 -'
~.u V‘\V’'?.\'?:ph o' , P , nWJ>cd,.,Wb,9Bl,'ipay ip
?tfOW, ijlW,hj.qiJlipg^ 9 Mr. Bob.
«ft;.ni llil ° I hffj | y 'iw.tJie/ , L
improved, with house and, bam. i q
“ 100 acre* in Pite, &>\l ¥ r. cn y abqpt ,20
1 ' ’ ■ ‘ ntrW'imp-faifWwitlj two ,dwol|!ne
• 1 :
. 1..,..
■ 'dweinnjg’Tioiisc. * 1 '
i „.*KI 73>bresin Dcltnaii,'Js acre's Improved.
“ “ 75 acres: m Ga»,'2s idt'cS improved,
.no .... and house and-barn. 1 '" '
“ Dolmir.' -
....ft . “li7(h acres in Swaden„PdU?rCounty. '
“,i 4 105 acres in Summit,-Potter co.
These lands art all located on .public, roads sh
are of the,best.quality of farming land; -i
Five per cent, only of llie purchase money.'will be
! required downi'aridHho balance in'Ten annual In
stillment*. - -cj,,:.', J
..iPerannu of small ; means'who dcsiro healthy tldcn
itjonti, will.sco ata,'glance4h»t..this n the most' de
airablo.opportanity.nfisQCuringa homcslbdd ever be
fore offered in Ibis, or .any olborCounty...
.Apply Lo. A. B.,CONE,'Wcllsboro', Tioga County,
JHBltetarped.jrqmjhe'.jpily, y,l|b,„ cbofae
,’..ON i-,®HE ■ <3ASH-DCi)WN’,
t:: .Hi %ni:i ■
* -"1 nil f>’ l 'l'‘ ‘“A; ■! I. i)ifl Tiill, ..
Wants, &
q9^WyHlApfewnj, fl fU S Rs. B o4l|w.i»i^ri.
{toreea 4w*^l t, lßt[«ffcct tbolwi,ax>f
9^ifi r kfi9BWXj®:.VHibißrnian joint
ffl^t^,*P v f£«en r E pe<i>i fyf
bjhT ullounneon&diaafefe
ft nPW'PS HrejiUfjwt.-, i !„,, ■
&ta» wuq
mle Bf thß,W«lW>gtp\On»?So
i^^^ : * - VB«7«g^!iirz^r^^nTT-Ynn7nTT7“-
I (II OIUII l#lflM»ti»l)dffU .(lOCIII li-l
Osceola Tioga Co, !'*. TJctotS vJ'jYg^;’''
JtO-JL .'I/. JU.IH ! .'UI l.
aifERNSEy Jt. CO,
MM.TrpiW. ane,i)pw ; off«ed.dai)3
e l .9“fo“!Ptc t n ..T)9jo^which I caa,be,Md for.,, , ; , , va
■ i. We-, lyittle^ttrlVothiner kl '
dtkW'pnme'cdSt— fe’obd'wliriHHoWlJ
oh g&U ' r lB;thf r ho-dSttS
iif WWte sttHSkia I¥aK' > '!
m y6ti,‘*nrt6 »wW« , i3»
, •»• -«*n vnJ wf-aA fc»n t>l; hnr
'i i chi 3yH3BF IIo CN®OBIB vI ?c ’ Ql '^
aunts of ‘‘clfcfMt®-
■ t J h 2ni» Vidu via fu vh «> * • *«,
,-• iia'lallMf/IJreffl, Good*,; <
La tevtsStylca.and,adapted toevory variety of trim
minge.-.iJ<,well!toicaHiand.cxainjrie the
Steoh, before purchasingelsowhcre. ’., /) „fi
1 , Baldwin, Guernsey!& Co*> hwn, always on hand
a...seasonable and fashionable slock of; ~.
Gentlemen’s Ready-Slade Clothing,•-
which Will Be nold atlho lowisl CASH PRICES.
WD. ;.
Groceries, Crockery,. Hardware, Glpts
•Slone, : Hollaw and Wooden 'Ware, ■
Iron, , (re/, Wails, Oils', Paints
. and‘ : ' of eve i 7~i/ kind
\ ’^^^forEeerybody.
:* J : Alktends 0} Coienlry.Prodace toktn in. ex
ehongofor good* jni'.ft.v ~ •■ 1
i. . T., L. BALDWIN;
Tioga, June'26-, ■ 1856. , ■ A. Ti GUERNSEY,
-.r.,... . - .. O. Bi LOWELLah' ,i
W H iE•„ W ?
O Well, no wonder. Kansas has been invided,
Lawrence hasbeefi sacked and.the Fine Stale Ho.
tel will) all.its Furniture lias been.destroyed. Tile
subscriber; always awake .to. the bcsliiiteresUof
■|iis*en»vand knowihg that therc-most be
. a .great" demand tor-.. • --..1 11..-0 .u 1
;■■■ »'*“•>•» rritMTiitij "
tp,/consequence of concluded tpje
ma;,jii?.old atand.lipodpors Jjelow.Sop’spturo
, |B-gfy,j uttendance ip receive and
ftpslputlyopliiLcid, p;,map
il ctm™ vis mu • m
, i SDlas, l>avauM,tl>UoimutM,
Cardj-.Geo/re, Diaingi&ißrßakfast- Tablet,
Cotnmbtt i, Bdfciius; ! ,
"GoU<tge,-Ffe'rielt •'Und'Cdmid'A B&islecefo,
VtHHiy' description,ftsitlfcl With'al) arliclpVilip
ally made in hisjine orbasiiidss,' 1 '
From 1 tfps knowledge of the business lie flat,
fdfc 'himself with thp bdllof ' lllat' lUhse wfaluuV
io"purehfa^’, ; '&buW'dbtiicir'to'iiilf ciimitic
IjTsvvorWbcfbrc sending clscwfu r fdr” diS Inferior
• 7• • ' ■ " ■ 11 ‘ ■■■
'TURNlNO'dorie ill a ricai'nidnner, at shoiVno!
ii*;' - " ' "i. "■
t3| •' 1 ;cjhairsl’",
i In addition to. the/above, the snbstir
would.irtfurmi the nubile that helm
i asl receivodalargcoiia handsomcassdtt
'mbriiof . r ■ I : ■ : '
Av|)jcij hewlllac)! as cheaper, limn
Ujay,'pan. po .pHfphpspd.,anywlierp.else in, Tioga 1
ponntj., Call aid,see lliem ;
June ft fk j
a' oi .* ,'.t»iiE,,,SAi..i^aAiVi»BO
'l' ;•>' 'AGAINST tHe'ftOßli».' , ‘ ■
-Jbjivq ii*d the finest! dcmotistmtlnn, in, tbc foUywing Ccrtifi
.catos, lhat their* maqufocluro or Salamander Srtfes has at
•lhngth'fQlly''Wnh^arift l »l the rcprerenthllon* wblclrligro boon
Mqdoof them, os: renderirf£ an''undoubted fie entity against
tile turriflcielemunt; .
. , April 12,1865.'
' } )Fe**rr Erani it- afftiHs 1 us the Highest
iatttfth’iion. to mate to hiring to the V,ory;protcctire
qualities of t\y,o of ’tbp wu parcbascfl
n bf you, gotno few ipontb* since, wo saVoti a largcpprlTop, uf our.
Boom; Paper*, e'xphsod tho talamifons 1 flro in
Ranstcud Place, on tho morning of the 11th ini»t. 1 dj. .
. . Whcnjwp ruflect-tliut tlw«u Siifca were located Iftjthe fourth i
‘fit tin of‘tho brillfling Wi S^ripied,^rno'jhtft J tney*
buriiMg rulrw, Wli#%‘tho.Ta«tV}biwtrdt>
bftss platea toapplt,We can Rot,but ‘
ill W rofotfi'irtondldg theta- totaon,
K* r l>i.)< '..l'/I’i i n PgO.,
.’.,|j ... .a -!.»•• ii K#t*BtaWftA,’iAj(«fl9’lBM;' j
— J3*mi <fi Tfxrtwi— l my toatUnonyl
jewelry, books, napem, Ac~ during tho recent alsastrcrofiboh-l
'fWgtfctlorf W placij'ffbta the Ittft thlrt ’fTfo’Bnthe we'fo:
.coot&nftt Indwo ol thh Salamander ilSafea- nuuirifiicinrodi by
Yoa, 7 Jtntq the Joityk
inA,where they wero iirovfpufily placed anO eiixisca to a TWt
• htartftf k
’fioeroed.tu'ovcry one who wltncued then)petting iafad interior
cxaiaioation r 4-n>Blttt'rif:pru^pnd l 9<itoQlfdiniDUt>- j'.
To all wbo mayirquirr a perfect lrora tne VarA-:
prcH of fir6,l s|iAll rirft he^l(ato'to’f^cbmtH6lTidtho I nke of
Bxft9;oa fjJomldtr tbey hivo most try 1 rig
•Iwt* i- 1 - . • !■. i a • < Jlobqan^,
.1 JffJiw Ennilt d?
. deeply gr^^ifieri'to IriaW thfi-gooft-cOndltlon iri'Whlcb -1 dlscoy
crod my book, policy of iußumnee, certlficfUea, of.«tpck, «ud i
. other Talriable documents, when ou iViday lost X owned tho
aafa ipßdKby your firm, • < w . -
of i l ? Brpatexposure, btfthto-th< intoil*'
filtj or tnoncat from so.Jtot n firo qa llmt which dcHtrovad
the- Artlsatr Building,’‘a* kU«o tPofn the force op the fall from
ia fwwcr olovnt6d pofltibo in tho,third HtoOvlqouJd enter
any Mrvlca th me,' I. lit' iiA'th(i|.: : fl/ira rile hem- h April ly r, l .
mpxctl, J foe) itenij.dueitaßjy to )on, tliaCl.ctin lienccfortli
nc ?Pf r our may wish to feel
a coiinJence id the perfect Beciirity whlcinnicli mcous rruvi
dee etreinsl*i'fH(il,tM in eleSent. • • • i ■• T “ .r, .
July 3d 1860. , ; KdwabdQabdii*flookblnder.. .
' W ° f
Yuuia, ior .Tii^abxi‘add 1 VncPr/.ii 1 ; ,l! ‘
' “' ■ ' ' ' ' J!>B. ffNOBOnAS?.
WEW ■;
Aj GROIVL wpuld. annauntie lo (he citi
ifrA-.a-ietmlor county, that life has utsodidf'ed'sinqfes'tytll be con.
ulUoled'andcr ilicfirroofAiGtiowipcSc Coj They
will continue at the old BlttmiidK 'WollslJfirtMlgh
omanufacture toorddfChilikcep on hand,
B**SSys & Lumber Wh^ons,
which tor stylo,- durabilllyand elegance orfifiishj
be 'surpassed-by any other simltariiiahiisli
ntetiriW the country. - " / i’-l
'Wortiraon of celebrity are thii
tiSateflaU/ffiKid’ eiipriifety'fH
departments of this establishment. Porsdfib'tsl
ing orders may restmsnrredofihaving them cxi
particular UiO.eajoeAStliongli they aUendetfitopi
»«•>. •• I
fflJiAlßl W?.dow>. asusual,wil,bi»««tuertSii
despatch^,, L i„,_ .^vvVinvn,.u.- > j,,T
'‘GaJhhiads d'inOioh t|ie. IUOI
notice, ahd mqs.t .reasonable .terms. iw'u. ■.
07All lands of merabUi table- ptorknce.(dieUveei
edjjrwvediinJwchange >/on work, At the .markri
prices. / , : A.,GaQWi &£O. ;
,ji Jiilyjl3»ilBssfl. ,:„t> -i- m,.* -. /
.nnii-.T jij Hi Or "
BARBER & HA'FR’Bli&S'S'fittr 1 ’
a ■
nQfiSflPjfk Tin.Btore.-i Every-
Ihing in big line of boginestf«Ulh9)doM.k*irtH
iSBW.W WOWRMjttSftiit Mnboidcgm,dndbaWbore
tPrtpwMio# fotremoving
.(Updfaft and dsmUybing, this tdic for. mis them
Aite' o tinted,
'bees '«re y Piouftrt^-UTn< l > or
kombi FttroM Aifette
jfD-UutKßAnoff of Ik
cronrvAt HstaftiUos'; Tiurm,
'TRUATIOH &C n With flit their
(Officer no
Atterinok Mvbre'ororhok jong
AfKtfb|r^ j i: f *- ,} ’ •
,r l been introduce# bj* empty
, aor * to' iVintentled that' ffs present
|fopßtiiHtythaU , it* merits
anwUmapluetottotfof-tii* public.*' : ’ v • 1 •«■ * |
baa ner; j Jw.- * • , -'
33*» welltobwa hhil will
hro*at<Ady«a<l ingNasinctale. <il know sof tin preptatlon
tlmt-cAitCottparewith U »r. the portittjUt'complilßU'fot
icnkbAttltdesJgpcd. ''tlie n*o novrinakirik
OtU ta<my jtmn thmlly,and bynlmort every; dsyk evidence
ot tO benefits tq otbersj .that it juHtly imerlU me warmest
recommendations its best friend* have given of Jfv
-AT* ’ • , » B. PERRINS, k. Ohio,
X«tt pervaded, after drying it In a great many ca sea, that
it surpasses all other remedies within my knowledge fbr that
class of difficulties for .which It ia recommended. It baa
cunpd Dome Tory extrema cases under my observation, which
have resisted all other treatment L. U. FLEMING, is. D. i
, 1 Avon,Springs, N. Y.y(late of Rochester.)
Prevail on medical men to adopt ft in their practice; and I
haro Bo fenrs of the result, from what knowledge I have ob
tained personally of Its-curative powers. I' wish the medi
cine kept here. T. C. UAWKINS; u. d., Waynesbur*, Pa. •
. 'The following loiter, from a lady, Was addreseodio j)r. John
J>. Vow ell, at Washington, Pa., With whom the CbthbllconU
on sale. Wears not at liberty to give the Indy's name.
Bomtdj Washington Cb. Pa. fcbl 6,1850.
-‘DBA* Sntj—Alter waiting togivethe Cntbollcon h fnlttrioj,
I now have thc > plcasure to say, I think it la ail Hint it !s sdia
to bo. In the case in which I saw In use, the patient,'at
the time of commencing It, was suffering the most excrucia
ting pain; sho cbuld not lift a two pound weight, without
severe pain. Now she cah do her work with pleasure. Her
general health has also much improved. • The directions shut
o all cases bo strictly followed, ic. 1
Having cow Used the Remedy for four in my practice,
X relr wholly, on it for the cum of. ahuojrt oil femaloaiscases
With many‘fegardi for ydurseJt I remain yours, ic.
* * , U. y. BUNSijTT, Canandaigua, N. Y,.
.The,claimsof tilts-medicine to. the confidence of iho public
are strengthened;by the fact of its haying received the ap
probation and liberal patronage of many prominent mem
bers of -the Medical Faculty in the United States, some of
whom have voluntarily given letters of commendation, (ace
pamphlet,),sustaining oil that la claimed for it as, a curative
, agent. Pamphlets containing much usefulinfonuation touch
Ing the nature and symptoms of the above diseases, together
with testimonials from Indies of the highest readability, as
certified by the most satisfactory authority, to all which tho
attention of ladles £nd practitioners is respectfully Invited,
cah be bod gratlß.at the store of
BOBERROY, Druggist, Wellsboro * Pa,
Also soM by William Morgan, Troy; Tboraaa B. Tylor,
Coudcmport; Dr. 11. C. Porter, Towamiaj and by leading
dmggiHts in all the adjoining counties/ 1 .
.Sc pi, tl J. B. MARCfiISI & Co. Proprietor.
Central deputy 304 Broadway, N. Y.
Carriage & Wagon Ulanuftic-
" loryi ■ •"
pounce tp |i ih friends aud theffigijtjy'
public geVefalfy, (ImUic is
the above. business on Grafton street, immediate
in the rear of J:R; Powen’s store,'where he is.pre
pared to pqnufacturo bn short notice,
Carriages, Baggies, Sulkies,
- Wagons,
of any style Si 1 description to eullthc purchaser
and of (he very best materials. All kinds of re
pining done forthwith and on the most reasonable
Fainting and trimming win be prompt
ly executed in the. best manner .and must,lush
innable style/ ■. .. •■
Wellsboro,’ July 13,’55; HENRY PETRIE.
New Vfliuinej—Subscribers may begin Now.
Life illustrate d—a firs
Class Weekly Newspapef jacvpted Ip {lefts, Lit
eratuce.iScienceand the Axis; to Entertainment, lin
nrovertienl and Progress, One of the best Family
tyewspnpcmln the World. Tw6 Dollars a year..
Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice
to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous illustra.
tiona; and those laws which govern Life and Health,
$1 a year. ’
Devoted to all those Progressive Measures forlhed
evation shd improvement of Munkind. Amply H
laslralcd, $1 u year.
Foi<s3"a copy -of each of ihOse Journals Uirf jje
sonlonoyear. 1 Agents wanted; Address/FowitEßs
& Wrlls, 308 j Briradway New. York.' ’ '•
:■ 1 RICHARDR t Agent far tlib 'dtroyc
works, and practical f iireirolOgiatymay bfc fohffii ai
die ■ House ■bfMrjylt'Richards, Wcllsbbro', 1 fa. '■
,!:-iiy I flf.-A :K AjMiE.?.!I
: sirl—ttpecially Wn thi 'itaiji&t
«? ill ofcUinlJl h(ty* Jo be enlarged 10-donblo
l T? t >’}?hl u } »«»Ptmqdale the crowds that
flock, there daily to examine tfaq-few nnd,s|merb
stock of -
.wdupiiljdiW^.i'l' receiving ftom Nc,w ; Yorb,and
bocaiise thcy. miiKl'bß 'Sold to make‘room fbi 1 mbrt.
Ladies,,we can allow yoci eOSebf the finest, besL
moitlartily assorted and the' bltea Gdpda,
ever offereditbllHs.or Onj olhofcomhibnity. Don’t
lake rnyWord Ibr it,-but call and examine for
yourselves. v
~ .And.lhcn-raoplr/ipto ofREADJfrMAPJiJCIjIii-
I??» Spring apd- Sumpjoi; wear J Gentlemen, cpme
and jenpw your faith .by sight. _
1 tVcjlsbora’, May 15.J63E. ■■ J. R. BOWEN. ,
‘"To rnabiinifclurfe on shores, hy .the yartj, or, in ex
'change (of cloth.' The subscribers have rented the
ahoviQ .place o(' E. 1 '4i,1). S. Bowen, and are prepared
IS tithe itjVdrkoh aS good terms as any other es
. ’ WOOt ICABDJJTfi and Clolh-Drtsaing
.ddnOftn the shortest notice, . Cash, Wbol v tuc£ber
and :all. kinds of Produce taken in cioifangi tar
work, ■•, ■' ■ . .. j • , •[
'•Tlie»abBeribere,erelliß.»aine pflrty that rinn the
old Factory, in IW-hendwillbagW to*ce.»llitheir
lold /GUstonwra, hoping, by.w «Uiot..aUention;tobagi.l
iteas'to give general sutiafaplion. - All . who' wish
In beeefcycAwelUtui,promptly.will, do,wefltoitry ok.
N. B. E. &B. S. Boweh ,will bold tfaemselvae 1
respdnkibltrjvritlvtiptiympnt'of castaiperoi
, , , v. SCHOFIELD &, BERRY.
Hear ye! Hearyd ! ’ Hear y e j
'\kT& boltf thafe' 1 •1 That u»
rVnf .s*syid j*-i*ibuy cheap,m
t)f hoi/iwtWMainjpry t,
?W n H‘i l »JKl Un
it ji both gopa and cheap: that those who bur chi*.,
hjthß quantity, 1
t&U at aa
figaredauWaiabbrot «»lbey can be purchased bubo
Ci)y> lf an4,thcrafcre lhat, ... ~.. •
i, XAYtORIS .’rpE MAN,
i. i Fko buya.econpmjpajjj; and that.
J-.i!; '.;ij i.'Toiroicttiakfitr-
Gold and Silver, Duplex, Lever, Anther, end- Cylin,
. Gold Locke ts,
,-.l u i '
gmtet' ' !l Tima""rvifcre.
Tee Knives, TaNSni-ks,
TdSteekid Tea Spoone, Ige. A new supply of
Cloekf ,of til kinds, titles, ,prices and qualities.
Welluhoro’ Aug. 14 ’s<s.‘ d. W. TAYLOR.
■■- T" A- ¥ LOR
Bbr’he has juat returned from thcCUy-Wilh an en
• i ... ‘ tirely now stock, of -
Fancyirdods; Retiades, Portmomaies ,
Jet Bracelets, Harrison't Perfum
l, cries, Harrison's Shaving
andTodet Soapi
ACA'BD, —The subscriber, grateful for the
'liberal 1 patronage heretofore granted him liy the
public, and aware that, unforeseen cironnasltaces
have prevented his serving, his patrons as propiptlj
as he could have desired in time past, begs to assure
the public that with his owrt long'practical experi.
enca,and having secured the services of ti first-class
workman, he is now able to undertake Watch and
Jewelry repairing, and can fulfil orders promptly
and to the, satisfaction of all.
' Charged mddbrati dndallwork Warranted.
N. B. A good assortment of Watches, Clocks
Jewelry. Silver and. plated .ware, School, Miseeilant
oust Blank Books, Stationery and Wall-f aper cos
tanlly oh hand. , . G, W. TAYLOR.
■ Wcllsb’dro’, July 17,1856.
Important Announcement.
TO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases
gfitr-APUSE, &c., &c„
The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia
in view ol the awful 'doslrndtion of human life ana
health, caused by, Sexual diseases, and the decenliens
which ore practiced,upon the unfortunate victims of
such diseases hy Quacks, have'direeted their Coo
sulling Surgeon, asa CHAR LIVABLE) ACT wortlit
of thpir name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA
TIS'. yfaThjMrspns thus affliejed. (Male or Female.)
who apply Wlllf'a descriplidß of their con
dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in
.case.of- .extreme-poverty! and Suffering, to .FURNISH
( The Howard Association is a benevolent Insula*
■tioh, eslablished by’ special endowment, for the re
lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted With “Vim.
lent and Epidemic Diseases/; and its funds can l»
used for no utfiir purpose! It his Aow a surplus 01
.dteuhs, whiqh the Directors have voted to advertise
.tße above notice. It is needless id add that the As.
sociation commands the highest Medical skill of ibt
age, and will furnish the most approved moderh
llenTifiedL-—Voidable advice also gjven-pi sick and
nervotis females; hfflicted wdlh womb Complaint
■lAhcor^Bhf/ - '' 1 • l:: ' -
Address,'’(post-paid,) Drt GEb. R. CALHOUN
Consulting ‘Surgeon, Howard' Association; No. i
South Nimli Street, PhiMdelph'iAi Bat >
. By order of the Directors,
October 25 ft lBsj).—ly.
.ifrfiw GOODS! frEVT GOODS !-
M J the pf 'New-Yoil, i
targtuflif iMindld itesottWnl of
Spring k Summer Goods
the atadersigpedin Aliddlebory,
land, is ofier htg<.ai reduced pricey
; ( iHjs stock-consists iitrft iftll assortment of all mart*
nojpiof (s‘KJdlr CoD3manly; foept in n ooantry Store.
artidtb.: J Wfe/dlfcfl-ketp,
69ft®|8kiljf|Q»!band,sPork,jFiour, Salt, WhitrJElth
VVoaredelErmined (o«np*
our line of business, and say to oor friends and pa-
W oar
aispMmoff aba ability to supply your §vejy, wai\U
Dwlll bo Oirjhg to a corabinalian of bur ionipefil
>jr» to Bribe the Ni Y. & Erie Railroad Compao,
dgiiUit fraoßporling out Trelgfht, (f we fail in so do
inr ■ . ! H. W. POTTER.
' MidVy Center,- June 5 *Sfc / J; B. Potter agt.
SulpHat® op jNDiqcj fjr tojofinf 4Kue, aid Green.
Cough Mutuhe. —This article;,contains Balsam
Tolu audx|U)er valuable cough reppediejs, and is par*
licularly tddotaihended to the Physicians.
lymoNjc Wmtz&h.
A new Jet of.that 4e and, 6s'X’e*,thate very body
iikes.sO'wplU , ,
Ejtwct.oi I/emom,. Rose, Vanilla, Pmq Apple,
&0-, for oopkiog, „ ,
' Mabkino Ink, tUotl will not wash oulr-fottnark*
ing Linen, &c,.
SnoK. BnAcgiNu, to preserve the lea*
tlier and keep the ftct dry.,
Writinq Ink—Black, Blfie and Red, : of the heat
qualily- • • - WtfUboro', Jan. 10,1856.
Mrs. m. stevews, .
thankful fottlioliberalpaw, f
ronage heretofore bestowed upon
her , 'estibHshinent? tijkcs this
.pelhodof ennouncing that aho^^^aaij^Sr
,hM;Jtrt\, - i ,<
Ybrk.Whh'a'V V. ! " < ' '
> Fall.and Winter Millinery,
•’''! Fedth&tt, ‘Head Diritid, 'Uittil tfritld,
- - *;• 'Bmitft MdihlalVsMs , ;E^e u ’ ,i
1 tt ! |ffleV? ttlMtd add tv
pdirNTaftne UfSntWiiiwirev
sonablo termfc. : ' : Ready ; «
WM' SfoA; WbftfflSital
■|,N(y(enybcr/2(>;ias6 v ,!.:[,[l •
• * : StfO'GKBRS -«s FOcyr.
;i/. !' >/ u I'loheMaU', iPal <u* •
’• «HA/*CIIER>£ -Ealeitt
DvtbleulintMßenilOKifc force
; ''/Tuy JJ u v.IFU|I|JR.U>; i^,‘.
0/ io'i«W*dlswi l «rtK WdiMJjctf:;;
u£« y&T .Sal*, DpvfM 4
W*» iWh ?»;' t, ;; •
- feor.__
»AT,pints. CPoiaop S/For sale at
d mfed \vill nt'hfthhm Modify, and in every
w’i It tkstrfe.lieit cittirMiniiiion.'Erics
85 bents per box.