Fanny Traits of Western Courts. A western magazine publishes a chapter of legal anecdotes characteristic of the fash ions in the law courts of those diggins, sev eral of which are good enough to extract:— The first illustrates the ruling passion for “ poker,” even among Western m'embors of the bar. The Court is in session, the Judge is on the bench, and the case of fjmith vs. Brown is called up. “ All ready 1” shouts the counsel for defendant, but the counsel for the plaintiff does not respond, “ Who’s for the plaintiff?” inquires the Judge, somewhat impatiently. “May it please the court,” says a rising member of the legal fraternity, « Pilkins is for the plaintiff, but I left him just now over in the tavern, playing a game of poker He’s got a “ sucker” there, and he’s sure to skin him if he only has lime. He's gnt the thing all set to wring in a " cold duck,” in which case he will deal himself four aces and his opponent four queens so that your honor must perceive he must ‘ rake the persimons.’” The look of impatience vanished from the face of his Honor at once, and an expression of sorrow more than anger loook its place. At length, he said, with a' heavy sigh, “ Dear me, that’s too bad I It happens at a very unfortunate lime. lam very anxious to get on with these cases !” A brown s'udy followed, and at length a happy idea struck the Judge. “ Bill,” said he, ad dressing the friend of the absent Pilkins, who had spoken, “ you understand poker about as well as Pilkins—supposo you go over and piny his hand I” At another lime, counsel took some exception as to the ruling of the Court on a certain point, and a dispute arose. “If the Court pleases,” said the counsel, “ 1 wish to"refer to this book a momeu',” nt the same lime picking up a large law volume. “ There’s no use o’ your referring to any books," exclaimed the Court, angrily, •' I have decided the pint!” “ Bui, your Honor ” persisted the lawyer. “ Now I don’t want to hear anything further on the sub ject,” yelled the Court. “ I tell you again, I have decided the pint 1” “ I know that,” was the rejoinder, “ 1 am satisfied of that— but this is a volume of Blackslone—l’m cer tain he differs with your Honor, nnd I only want to show you what a d — n fool Black stone was!" •' Ah, that indeed 1” exclaimed ihe Court, smiling all over, “ now you begin to talk.” On a similar occasion the affair did not end so happily. The Court' decided n point adverse to the views of the counsel. Counsel was stubborn, and insisted that the court was wrong. “ 1 tell you lam right!” yelled the Court, with flashing eyes. “ I tell you, you are not!” retorted the counsel.-L -“I am right!" reiterated the Court, “ damn a nigger if 1 ain’t!” “ [ say you ain’t I” per sis'ed the counsel. “ Crier,’’ yelled the judge, “ I adjourn the court for ten min utes!” and jumping from the bench, lie pitched into the counsel, and after a very lively little fight placed him horsdu combat, after which business was again resumed, but it was not long before anpiher misunder standing arose. “ Crier,” said the Court, “we will adjourn this timejfor twenty min utes !” nnd he was about taking off his coal, when the counsel said, “ Never mind, judge, keep vour seal—the point is yielded— my thumb's out o' joint, and Tot sprained my shoulder /” Good Reading. From the Wellsvlllo Free Proa*. Every family should be provided with good newspaper reading. Among political papers, the New York weekly editions of lha Trib une, Times and Evening Post are worth fi»e times their cost, which in clubs is only 81 each. Tho National Era, the only true paper published at the seal of the Federal Govern, mcnt, is unrivaled as a reflex of just Republi can sentiment, and its list should be doubled. Those who would desire to subscribe for the Era can do so at 81 50 per year, by getting a club of ten. The individual gelling up the club will be entitled to a copy fur the service for one year. Among reformatory journals, in the ami- Slavery field,'We know of no better than Frederick Douglass' Paper published at Rochester, at $1 60 per annum, and the Anti-Slavery Standard, New York, at the same price. The Cayuga Chief, published at Fort At kinson, Wisconsin, by T. W. and Emma Frown, and the Teetotaller, of Utica, by Wesley Bailey, are both just as good Tem perance journals as were ever gotten out. — Either of these may be had at 81 per year. Of religious papers, the New York Inde pendent, Congregational; the Sabbath Re corder, Baptist Seventh Day ; the Northern Independent, Mr. Hosmbr's new paper: and the Northern Christian Advocate, the first Methodist Episcopal Independent, and the latter Methodist Episcopal exclusively, are all most excellent journals. Kissing. —Kissing is an accomplishment that should form a part of every gentleman’s education, A man that is to bashful to kiss a lady as Mrs. Malaprop would say, when all is agreeable, is a poor good-for-nought. * * * Don’t bungle the mat ter by five minute’s torlue, like a cal playing with a mouse. Kiss deliberately—sensible all the time ol the great duly you are per forming—but remember also that a kiss is to be taken like champaign just fresh from the flask. Ah ! then you get it in its airy and spiritual raciness. If you wish a sentimental kiss—and after all perhaps they are spicier— steal your arm around her waist, lake her hand softly in your[own then tenderly draw ing her towards you, kiss her ns you might imagine a zephyr to do it! We never exact ly tidied-the accomplishment with a stop watch, bat we’ve no doubt the affair might be managed very handsomely in ten seconds.— The exact when a lady should be kissed may be determined by the intersection of two imaginary lines, oue drawn perpendicularly down the centre of the face, and the other passing at right angles through the line of the mouth. . Suppose the girl ain't willing. Why is a Jackass like an Illinois cornfield? Because he’s some on ears; A Printer once described a clever clergy man as a “ full-headed article with a white, line after |L’’ BUSINESS DIKECTOM.. Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon.. ELKUSDiTIOGA COUNTY, PA. ■Will visit patients in all parts of the county, . . ' [Jana 14.1855.] W. W. WEBB, ffl. HAS established himteif in the practice of Med icine and Surgery in the Township of Liberty Pa., where be will promptly attend all calls in bis profession, | Liberty, Feb. 1.1854. JOHN IV. BACHE, Attorney and counsellor at LAW.—Office, north aide Public Square Wellsbotough, Pi. Before to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge &, Co.,N.’ Y city Ilon.A.V.Parsons,Philadelpbia. July 13. SPENCER St THOMSON, , Atlo neyi & Counselors at law, CORNING, Stcnbcu County, New York. Geo. T. Spence*. • C. H. Thomson, April 18,1855-ly. S. F. WJI>SON, Itr Removed fo James Lowrey’s Office, FAS. LOWRET& S. F. WILSOIf, A TTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, will attend the Courtsof Tioga, Potter and McKean counties. Wellsboroagh, Feb. J, 1853. The Tioga County Agitator Is nnlilblied every THURSDAY MORNING «t Wollsboro’, Tloea Cuimly, Pa., I>y Cose, Stosbock & Co., on (lie PAY DOWN System. The cash mnst invariably accompany the order for the paper, unless our agents at the seven! post-offl ccs choose to become responsible for tho amount, or no pa per will bo mailed. Tho subscription price is ONE DOL* EAR PER ANNUM to single subscribers. Any par son sending us $9 will receive 10 copies of the paper one year —directed to each subscriber. Office, ROY’S BLOCK, second floor, over Taylor's Book Store. Justice’s, Constable's and othor Blanks always on hand. Job and fancy Printing with beatuess and despatch. , W. \V. ROBINSON, DEALER IN Booke,Slatiouery, Blank Books, Wall Paper—Eng. lish, French and American Manufacture, Toilet utensils and Perfumery, Fan cy Soaps, Violin Strings, Gold Pens and Pencils, /(c., lye. All the popular Magazines and leading Newspa. pen may be had at his Counter, | CORNING, N. Y., Not. 15, 1955. DR. J. B. ffIARCHISI’S CELEBRATED CA HOLICON FOR TUB RELIEF AND CURE OF SUFFERING FEMALES, r 1 stands pre-eminent tor Its cura tive powers In all the diseases fur which it Is recommended, usually called FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Of these are Prolapsus Uteri, or tolling of the womb; Fluor Aldus, or whites; Chronic Inflammation and Ulceration op the Womb ; In cidental Uemorbhaoe; Painful, Suppressed, and Irregular JftN struation A cl, with all thoir accom panying evil %, (Cancer excepted,) no matter how severe or of bow long standing. This medldno has never been introduced by empty puffs and misrepresentations, nor Is it Intended that its present popularity shall bo sustained by any medium but Its merits and the approbation of the public. REFERENCES. The Jfcdirino la now well known and approdntcdj ntnl will have a steady ami increasing sale. 1 know of no preparation that con compare with it for the particular Complaint* for which it is designed. lam satisfied, by the use now making of It in my own family, and by almost every day’s evidence of its benefits to others, that' it justly merits the wannest recommendations its best friends have given of it. K. Ik PERKINS, M. i)., Marietta, Ohio. I am persuaded, after trying it In a groat many eases, that It surpasses all other remedies within my knowledge for that class of difficulties for which it is recommended. It has cured some very extreme eases under my observation, which have resisted nil other treatment L. D. FLEMING* M. D. Avon Springs, N. Y., (late of Rochester.) Prevail on medical men to adopt It In thefr practice; and I Imvo no fears of the result, from what knowledge 1 have ob tained pc radially of Its curative {towers. I w|»|i tlje medi cine kept lirn*. T. C. 3t. n h Waynesbun*. pn, The following letter, from a lady, was ntlrfmiMM D. Vowcll, at Washington, Pa*. wUK—*r rnl tne oatholicon is on sale. Wo ora giro tho lady’s name. RufpaLo, Washington Cb. Pa. Feb. fl, 1860, Dear 8m:“-After waiting to give the Cathollcon a fair trial. I now have the pleasure to say, I think It Is all that it Is said to be. In tho case in which 1 saw It In use, tho patient, at the time of commencing It, was suffering the most excrucia ting pain; she could not lift n two pound weight, withopt seven* pain. Now she can do her work with pleasure. Her general health ho* also much Improved. Tho directions must n all awes bo strictly followed, Ac. Having cow used the remedy for four year* In my practice, 1 rely u holly bn U for the euro of almost nil female diseases M'ith many regards for yourself, I remain yours, Ac. If. F. RKN.NKTT, «. d., Canandaigua, N. V. Tlic claims of th Is mpdlcino to the confidence of tho public are strengthened by the fact of its haring received the ap probation and liberal patronage of many prominent mem bers of the Medical Faculty In the United States, some of whom have voluntarily given letters of commendation, (see pamphlet.) sustaining all that Is claimed for it os a curative agent. Pamphlets containing much useful information touch ing tho nature and symptoms of tho above diseases, together with testimonials from ladies of the highest respectability, as certified by tho most satisfactory authority, to all which the ottention of ladies and practitioners is respectfully invited, can bo had gratis at the store of HO BERT ROY, Druggist , WelUboro' Pa, Also sold by William Morgan. Troy; Thomas 11. Tyler, Couderaport; Dr. H. C. Porter, Towamla; and by loading druggists in all tbe adjoining counties.. * ScpL II J. B. MARCHISI & Co. Proprietor. Centra! depot, 304 Broadway, N. Y. Sash and Blind Factory* COVINGTON, TIOGA CO., PA. THE Sukscr bcr is nc prepared by ni Machinery j n purchased,to fi nish to order, kinds of square fancy Sash, jti Blinds. Square Sash common sizes ways on hand. By long cxi rience in the sinesstthesobsci bcr flatters liimse ilia ihe can raal. as good an article, and sell it as cheap as can be obtained at any estabishment in Pennsylvania on New York. Call and see. Covington, September 18,1856. B-rTbe subscriber is also Agent for the sale o Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, als Sea spa’s Oil for Deafness. D. S. I. TIOGA IHARBLE YARD. PHILO TELLER. DCALEB IN . , . Italian and American Marble, FOR mantels, monuments, tombs CENOTAPHS, GRAVESTONES, Agents. Bailev & Foley, Wellsboro; O. P. Beach, Knoxville; J. E, Webstee, Covington. Tioga, April 26,1855. WHAT CAN WOMAN DO ? THIS long expected book by T. 8. ARTHUR, is now ready for Agents and Canvassers. It U having an immense sale, and is considered one of bis best efforts.. In it will bo found Mr. Arthur’s views on the vexed question of WOMAN'S RIGHTS, • t And what she can do as 'SISTER, WlFEdnd MOTHER. Specimen cdpics sent by 'mkildn'Ve. cfiipl of the price. *l,OO. r, ■ J. W. BRADLEY, Pablfshtfr, 1 - m n w 1 N.B. Wo publish all, Mr. Arthur’s New Book*/ Scndfor oar list, aijd terms to Agents. ‘ ‘ THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOpR. Will Kansas be Free? IB A QUESTIQN difficult to answer, bul that the Subscriber'is offering merchandize cAeap, admits noladoubt. The question wi|l be. immediately set tled upon inspection of the Goods and prices. He is justrcceiving Ms fall slock, which consists in a general assortment of ( DRY GOOBB, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, • CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS,’ BOOtS & SHOES, WOODEN WARE.STONE. WARE, TIN WARE, Dr. Ham’s Invigorating Spirit. "A Word lo the Wise is sufficient!" The Subscriber has a large and well selected slock of Goods, and is offering them at as reasonable prices os can be bought in Tioga Go*, or this side of Cedar Run! He who wants a PLUG Of TOBACCO or a GOOD COAT—She who wants a bos of SNUFF or a FINE DRESS, will do well to call and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. Come and see and be convinced of the truth of the foregoing statement. I, B. POTTER, Agent, For H. H. POTTER. Middlcbury Centre, Nov. 8,1855. TABOR, BALDWIN & CO., (Succeed Tabor , Young If Co.) 1 IN THE FOUNDRY BUSINESS, AS MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Boilers and Machinery of ail kinds; Stoves, Hollow Ware, Tin, and Copper Ware. REPAIRING & JOB WORK done with the least possible delay. MILL GEARlNGSfuruislied mthoutexlra charge for patterns. PLOWS of all kinds, (two of which look the premium at the late County Fair,) kept constantly on hand. We have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, lo manufacture and vend the King Store. one of the best (if not (he very best) Cook Slaves ever invented; which is always on hand at our store house, for wholesale & retail. Their Stoves took the premium over the Albany Stoves at the late Fair. That is a feather in our cap which wo dont intend to have plucked out soon. Com Shelters, Of ail the improved potterns that commend them selves to farmers. Besides this, we intend to furnish belter Ware, belter articles and better work, at lower prices than any other establishment in Tioga county will be able lo do. And the man who pays CASH, can get what ho boys at reduced prices. Tills is the fair way of doing business, and the system upon which tlie Tioga Foundry and Machine Shop wilt be con. ducted here alter. Don’t wait Ibr the wagun, but come on. TABOR, BALDWIN & CO. Tioga, Nov. 15,1855. —if. CT Old Iron and Copper, and all kinds of produce taken in exchange far work. IMPROVEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. WE would respectfully call iheallenlian of Mill owners and all interested in the use of water dower in this vicinity, to a patented Iron Water Wheel, (called Greenlcaf's gravity and percussion Water Wheel,) one of which they have recently put in a Saw Mill owned by Judge While of Wellsboro' and Dr. Archer of Morris township, and situated one and a fourth miles from Babb’s Creek, oiAlhe Stony Fork. This wheel on Saturday the 7lh iust., drove a single saw to saw five thousand and one hundred feel of while pine lumber; 4100 feel of which was one inch in thickness, 400 feel 2 inches thick, 500 feel 1J inches thick. This Wheel used a very small quantity of water,only discharging about 90 square inches and with about 11} feet head and fall of water while performing the above. These Wheels ore well adapted to the propelling of all kinds of Machinery driven by Water power. They are very simple and substantial in -their construction, and will do from one third to one half more work [lr,viZt°e^^ -vmerior sale on very liberal terms the patent right for Counties or States, and also to furnish and pul in operation the Wheels in Mills in this vicinity an rea sonable terms. For further information address A Grccnleaf, Morris township, Babbs Post Office, or L. Vance care ol P. P. Cleaver Wellsboro' Tioga Co. Pa. A. GREENLEAF, June 12 1856. L. VANCE, A* B, The above named Wheel may be seen in operation at almost any lime by calling on illr. Rob ert Wilson who has the Mill in charge. Farms a farming lakds in TIOGA &. POTTER COUNTIES.—The fol lowing farms and farming lots are now offered for saleh “ “ 50 acres in Dclmar. “ “ 70 acres in Sweden, Potter County. “ “ 105 acres in Summit', Poller co. These lands are all located on public roads an are pf the best qualily of farming land. Five per cent.only of the purchase money will he rcqmred down, and the balance in Ten annual In stalments. Persons of small means who desire healthy loca lions,I will see at a glance that this is the most do sirable opportunity of securing a homestead ever bo. fore offered in this, or any other County, Apply to A. P. CONE, Wcilaboro’, Tioga County, March 27,1856-lf. DAVID S. IRELAN. Wants, A Things Wanted, WANTED by almost every-fardicr in the conn ly, a bottle of (he "Liquid Heave Cure;" to cuttle the first indications of heave*, and the proved- 5 lion end core of all diseases that effect the wind of horses. , * i :*i ■. - * j , w Al f°* a box of Dr. Power’s'"Hibernian Oinl- (or, Galls,, Gra f*fesee.Lcfh wciSnds.opd nlftutaheousdiseases to bttnbd callic ore subject. ■ ■ ' lie “German R ? t Killer,” onb 61 and best arUc|ea in use /or dcstroyjnjz l ral* and mice, dr Lyons cejebralcd “Rar Pills" f* r ii, o same purpose, ForsaleOttlieWcllaboru' Ding Stdio Tpxth la stranger than Fiction!! WE must say tliaiG, ,W. Taylor is receiving W .Monufactursrs, the best and ciicno est lot qf PIAtfOS & MELODEONS, ever offered in this county. He can furnish as good instrnmem« and alas fair prices asCity deafer*. Cali U o Book Store WeUsboro 1 , .December G. I gsg, ; •fLrAGNET/C SAT WLLS. (Poison fr^TTr. JP* WeUsbprj' Oft# Store. ' Place' these Pi)]*, near Iheir holes or about (Tie place? they frcq,iJt*‘ Bats oftliemreadily, and in every SS* “If Pdlawili ensure thdr-extetmioation. Price *5 cents per box. “ LOOK OUT FOE THE ENGINE! The Seasons change — SO DO FRIENDS AND FORTUNE! AND BUSINESS RELATIONS, THEttEFORE, Farm of 126 acres, in Clymcr township. 45 acres improved; with house and barn. “ “ 100 acres in Pike, Poller co., about 20 acres improved, with two dwelling houses and barn. 11 “ 50 acres in Morris, G acres improved, &. 1 dwelling house. “ “ 73 acres in Dchnor, IS acres improved. w “ 75 acres m Gaines, 25 acres improved, and bouse and barn. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS \V HERE * ERWIN'S new Store! lie has TTj just returned from the City with a choice Lot of Ready-Made Clothing, CLOTHS, CASBIMEBES, VESTING and all of which will be sold ON THE CASH-DOWN SYSTEM ,A N D NOTHING SHORTER! 185(1 BiLDWUr, GUERNSEY Si CO, have just received a magnificentossortincnl of SUMMER GOODS lateft style*, assorted patterns and unequalled fab rics, selected from- tho moat celebrated, establish rnents in llie city, and which are now offered daily at our Store in Tioga, which can be had lor Little, or Nothing above- prime coal —With Oceans of good Will thrown on gratis, The first pick is the best pick, so come in while slock, is fresh. Delays are dangerous—Pro crasliualion has frostbitten many a good bargain If yon warn your money’s worth, come on. If you wont more than a dollar’s worth for a dollar, don’t come ; but you will be astonished to see what a pile of goods we can put up for a dollar. Our stock of DRY GOODS is not made up of the odds and ends and | the rem nants of "closed up" concerns in the City, hut com prises a complete assortment of the latest styles and best qualities, from the coarsest domestic to the fi nest imported fabrics, such as Silks, and Ladles* Dress Goods, Latest Styjes, and adapted to every variety of trim mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the Stack before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey do Co., have always on hand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Slade Clothing, which will be sold at the lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass Slone, Hollow and Wooden Ware, Iron, trtl, Nails, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs of every kind and of the best quality, with BOOTS SHOES, for Everybody. *»* All kinds of Country Product taken in ex change Jot goods at the market pruts. T. L. BALDWIN. Tioga, June 26, 1856. A. T. GUERNSEY, O. B. LOWELL. WHE W ? QJO YOU HADN’T HEARD THE NEWS? O Well, no wonder. Kansas has been invaded, Lawrence has been sa'cked and the Free State Ho tel with all its Furniture has been destroyed. The subscriber, always awake to the best interests of his fellow-citizens,and knowing that there must be a great demand lor CABINET FURNITURE in consequence of said Sack, has concluded to re main at bis old stand, two doors below Roe’s Store where he is generally in attendance to receive and wail uppn customers. Constantly on hand, or man. ufucturcd to order, Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, Card\ Centre, Dining oii of you some f«*w months since, wo saved a largejMirtloii of our Jewelry, Books, Papers, Ac„ exposed to the mlnmitous fire In Bunateud Pfticu, on the morning of the 11th iust. Wlii'ii we rellirt Unit tlusu Safes were Nn'iiteil in tlic fourth story of the Imiltliug we occitj'ierl, uml that tln-y fell Bul»nc quontly lntr» ft honp nf Imrulng ruins, where the Tint coumi tmtion ol hint caused the limu platen to mult, wu cannot hut regard the preservation of the valuable content* ii* mast con vincing pnmf of the great security a (forded hy your Safe*. Wo shall toko much pleasure hi recommending (bent to men of h'uiuudd on a guru ruliuacu against fire. George W. Simons & Bro. PUILVRKi.pnu. April 12,IFSft, Mettrs Kraut d 1 Hatton—-! have to-offer yon my testimony hi favor of the great security afforded to my entire stock of Jewelry, books, papers, 4c.. during the recent disastrous con fingmtlon hi Rnnstend place, from the fact tluit the same were contained in two of the Salamander S»fiw manufactured hy you. Having mllen from the fifth story of the Artisan Build lug, where they were previously placed and exposed to n vast heat far ft long time, the preservation of th vnlimUle dc]>o.dts scorned to every ono who witnessed thciopcnhig and interior c.Xiiniinuliun, a matter of profound nstonbthment. To all who nmy require a perfect protection from the rova gus of tire, I shall not hesitate to recommend the use of your Sufw, ns 1 consider they hare now* undergone the most trying test- K. K. iIOBQA.V. PmuPEtPHi t, April 14, TS,*»G. iffttrt Krant rf 1 llWiwu—Gentlemen—Xo doubt you will bo deeply gratified to knrn the good condition iu which 1 Uhscov ered my book, mdlcy of insurance, certificates of stock, ami other vohuihle documents, when on Friday last 1 opened the safe made hy yonr firm. With my knowledge of Its grunt explore, Imtli to the Inten sity of the heat from so hot a lire as Hint which destroyed tho Artisan Building, as also from the force of the full froffl Uh former elevated position In tho third story, I ronld enter tain but slender hopes prior to its interiorinspiscHon, that the contents which I ouce so highly prized would over be of tiny service to me, hut us these feats arc now happily re fnoved,-! feel it only due to finy to yon. that I can henceforth recommend tho nso of your Safes to oil who may wish to feel ft confidence in the pcifect security which such means provi des against so frightful uu clement. July 3d ISftd. Kdward 0 tsKiu., Bookbinder. Constantly on hand Patent Powder and Thief Proof Locks for Banks, Stores 4c. , Yours, for Fremont And Fagcspu. » J. FI, SNODOKASS. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. A GROWL would announce to the cili sens utTioga county, that ha has associated with him * partner, and the business will be con dacted'undor thelirmof A.Cnowc & Co. They will continue at the pld stand, in Wollsborou'gh tomanufaelurc to order and keep on hand, * Bug-gys A liiimbcr* Wagons, c'ARRJAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, &e., which for stylo, durdbility and elegance of finish, canhot be surpassed by any otherteimilareslablish mcnl-in'lhe country. • Workmen of celebrity are engagedjond IhcbCst; materials used expressly, in all the manufacturing departments of this -.establishment. Persons send ing orders may rest assured of having them eicco cdl to their entire satisfaction, and finished i n every particular the same as though they attended in per son. REPAIRING done asusaai,\vilh neatness and despatch. PAINTING of all-kinds done on tho hottest notice, gdd. mast reasonable terms. , O”All kind? of merchantable produce (delivee cd> recived in exchange for work, at the morkrt prices. A. GROWL &, CO. July IS. 18S5. 11, 0 €OLB i BARBER &, H : AIR DRESSER, AVcUsbOfo’Pa. Occupies room, over Roberts’ Tin Store. Every thing in. hi? line pf business will be. dona as-well and as promplly as it can. be.done,jio the more fashion*blq,City saloons.. Preparations for removing 4*adranj and boautyfiing- the hair.for sale cheap Hair and whiskers dyed ally color. Call and see. . Wylisboto i Oct 18,1855. (it) Phladelph ia Advertisements. To the Merchants of the WEST AND NORTH WEST. Thuadelphia, July 1,1856. Okatkpikx—'Xho Railroad communication via Elmira Williamsport and Catawlssa being completed yon are brought nearer to thb market than New York. The prices of Freights are to bo equally low. Therefore, wo the undersigned Manu facturers, Jobbers and Wholesale dealers, respectfully ask your attention to our Market mad Stocks and Goods, hoping to bo more intimately acquainted with you, and to share a portion of your patronage. . Koons 4 Horsllne. Flonr Factors, and General Commission Merchants, 47 N. Wharves and 95 N. Water street.. Taylor ft Bacon, Wholesale Grocers and Produce Commis sion Merchants, 77 N, Water street. Bonn, Balgucl ft Co., Importers of British Goods and Job bers of Fancy and Staple Silk Goods, Embroideries, ftc., 01 N. Tilled street. Wm. IT. Ilortsmftnn ft Son, Manufacturers drift Importers of Military Goods, Ladles* Dross Trimmings. Curtain and Blind Trimmings, Carriage Trimmings, Moronic and Odd Fel lows' Regalia, fto., 220 Chestnut street, adjoining Masonic Temple. M. L, TTnllowcll ft Co*, Itaporters of Silks and Fancy Goods, 147 Market street. Thos. White ft Co. Mantifactbrers of Straw, Silk Bonnets and Millinery Goods, 41 8. Second streets P. I. Patton ft Co. Wholesale Dealers and Manufacturers of lints, Caps. Fare, Hatters' Materials, ftc., 118 Market st. Sleeper ft Fenner, Manufacturers of Parasols and Umbrel las, 120 Market street. Pratt ft Heath, Importers of Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, N. W. Corner 6th tmd Market streets. James Berber. Wholesale Dealer in Clocks, Agent for the Patent Equalizing Thirty Day Clock, Manufacturer of Fine Gold Pens, S. B. Corner of Second and Chestnut street. Moore, Hunsoey ft Co. Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Hardware, Cutlery and Onus 131 Market ft 16 Commerce sts, Win. V, Wilslnch ft Co. Saddlery ami Coach Hardware, Saddle and Carriage Trimmings. Harness Mountings, ftc.. North Thlhl afreet. Morris, Jones ft Co. Penn, Boiler Plate, Boiler Pivots, Sheet Iron, Steel and Pig Iron. Nalls, ftc., Market ft 16th si. Lewis, James ft Co. Agents for Lowin' Pure lA*ads, Pure Zincs and Pure Colors. Alsu for the sale of Die Pcnna. Man ufacturing Co*s Condensed Lye, a cheap substitute fur Soda and Potash. N. Spencer Thomas. Manufacturing Chemist and Whole sale Druggist, No. 20 South Second street. Wright, Smith £ Co. Importers atid Jobliers of Chinn, Glass nod IJucon’n Ware, 2Do Market and 26 Oompieiro street. Joshua Cowplnnd. Largo OUt Fnuno Mirrors, .Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, 4c., 27 8. Fourth street. Borer, Orneff k Darling. Wholesale Dealers In Boots, Shoes, lints and Straw Goods, 128 North 30 street. Wood's Ornamental Iron Works.lron Bailings, Verandahs, Fountains, JUdgc Avenue. M. Walker A Sons, 204 Market afreet, (lato of N. E. Corner 6th and Market sts.) Manufacturers of Patent Wire Hailing, Iron Bedsteads, Wire Worked Selves, Ac. 31. B. Kspy’s Depot for Pickles, Preserves, Fresh Fruits, 100 South 3d street. G. W. Ohorne & Co. Manufacturers of Osborne's Super fine American Water Colors, (j 9 N. Sixth street. July 31. 3ni. JOHN A. RIDDLE, Traveling Agent. At Merchants’ Hotel, N. 4th Street, Phlladelplila, Carriage & Wagon lUanulao torv. TTENRY PETRIE would an -*■-*- nouncc to his friends and lheC|H|C®3K public generally,lhalhe is conlinuing-22_I2i_. the above business on Grafton street, immediate* in the rear of J. R. Bowen's store, where lie is pro* pared to manufacture on shortnolicc, Carriages, Bugsies, Sulkies, Wagons, of any atyle or description to suit the purchaser and of the very best materials. All kinds of re pairing done forthwith and on the roost reasonable lofms. PAINTING AND TRIMMING will be prompt ly executed in the best manner and most fash innable style. Wellsboro,’July 13.’55. HENRY PETR lE. , New Volumes—Subscribers may begin Now. Life illustrate d,—a firs class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News, Lit eralure, Science and the Arts; to Entertainment, Im Movement and Progress. One of the best Family Newspapers in the World. Two dollars a year. THE WATER-CURE JOURNAL. Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous illustra tions; and those laws which govern Life and Health, 81 a year. ? THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL: Devoted to all those Progressive Measures for the el evation and improvement of Mankind, Amply 11- i—-t w j. $1 a yean Fors3 a copy of each of these Journals will be soul one year. Agents wanted. Address, Fowlers &• Wells, 308, Broadway New-York. MRS. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent for the above works, and practical Phrenologist, may be (bund at life house of Mr. I. Richards, WelUboro*. Pa. WBT AX’S IK A NAME? H7»y, everything,sir '.—rsppcialhj when the name is significant and appropriate, at it certainly is as applied to ,j THE EMPIRE STORE, which will certainly have lo be enlarged to double ils present size, lo accommodate the crowds that flock there daily to examine the new and superb stock of OWBltSr(& (a®(S>IDQ which BOWEN is receiving from New-York, and SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES, because Urey must be sold lo mskc room for more. Ladles, wc can show you some of the finest, best, most tastily assorted and the cheopest Dress Goods, ever ofiered to Ihis.ot any other community. Don’t take my word ipr it, hut please cull and examine for yourselves. . And then—such lots of READY-MADE Cloth ing, Spring and Summer wear! Gentlemen, come and renew your faith by sight. Wcllaboro’, May 15, 1856. J. R. BOWEN. nEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTO- U R.Y. 30,000 lbs. WOOL WANTED. To manufacture on shares, by the yard, or in ex change for cloth. The subscribers have rented the above place of E. & B. S, Bowen, and arc prepared lo take in work on us good terms as any other cs lablishmenl. i WOOJL CARDVNO and Cloth-Dressing done on the shortest notice. Cash, Wool, Lumber and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange for work. The subscribers are the same parly that run the old Factory in 1844, and will be glad to see ail their old customers, hoping by a strict attention lo basi ness to give general, satisfaction. All who wish lo be served wetland promptly will do well lo try os. N. B. E. &• B. S. Bowen will hold themselves responsible for the payment of customers. SCHOFIELD & BERRY. Deerfield, June 26,1856.-3m* C. L. H O Y T. OIFH. ENGINEER SURVEYOR & .dSAtjghtsman. Osceola Tioga Co., Pa, October 3d, 1856. Hear ye! Hear ye! Heary e ; WE hold these truths self-evident: That d,, way lo be prosperous is to buy cheap Jri j always of the best quality; buy' nothing simply cause it is cheap, but because you need it and th> it is both good and cheap j that,those who buy c i,„ by the quantity, can retail firsl'quality goods chca/- that an economical buyer can sell goods at as | w ,■ figure in Wellsboro’ as they can be purchased inth« Oily f and therefore that TATLOB IS THE 15AJ, who buys economically ; and that TAYLOR’S IS THE PLACE. TO FI'aCHSSK Gold and Stiver, Duplex, Lever, Anchor and Colin der WATCHES. Gold Chains, Gold Lockets, all sizes and qaalitiee. Gold Camto and Do- ' tale Breastpins aad Earringt, Finger Hinge, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, !jc Silver Plated Ware. Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Children's cups,salt cellars, Egg cups Tea Knives, Butter Knives, Table Forks Table and Tea Spoons, Ipe. A new supply of Clocks of ell kinds, sizes, prices and qualities. Wellsboro’ Aug. 14 '56. G. W. TAYLOR. ALSO JF YOU WANT TO BUY BOOKS, go to TAYLOR’S, For be has just returned from the City with an ca. lircly now stock of BOOKS & STATIONERY, Fancy■ Goods, Reticules, Portmonnaies , del Bracelets, Harrison's Perfum eries, Harrison's Shaving and Toilet Snap. HARRISON’S COLUMBIAN INKS. BLACK RED BLUE. A CARD. —The subscriber, grateful for Hie liberal patronage heretofore granted him by the public, and aware that unforeseen circumstance! have prevented bis serving his patrons as promptly as be could have desired in time post, begs to assure the public that with his own long practical eiperi. enco, and having secured the services of a first-class workman, he is now able to undertake Watch amt Jewelry repairing, and can fulfil orders promptly and to tile satisfaction of ail. Charges moderate and all work warranted. N. B. A good assortment of Watches, Clout! Jewelry. Silver and plated ware, School, Miscellane. ous, Blink Books, Stationery and Wall-Paper con. tanlly on hand. G. W. TAYLOR. Wellsboro’. July 17,1856. HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. TO all persons afflicted with Sexual disease* such as SPERMATORRHOEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, m SELF-ABUSE, Ac., Ac., The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelalm in view ol tjio awful destruction of human lifcane health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims 01 such diseases by'Quacks, have directed their Con. suiting Surgeon, ns a CHARITABLE ACT worth? of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GfiA. TIS, to all persons thus afflicied, (Male or Female, who apply by letter, with a description of their con dition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac..) and in case of extreme poverty and suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Inside, tion, established by special endowment, for the rr lief of the sick and distressed, afflicied with “Vim. lent and Epidemic Diseases,” and its funds oan ue used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus ol means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice: It is needless to add that the As. sedation commands the highest Medical skill at the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment, —Valuable advice also given to sick and nervous/-females, afflicted with Womb Complaint Leucorthoea, Ac. Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOVX Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association. So. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 25, 1856.—1 y. New goods: \i;w goods:- Just received from the village of Nciv-Yorn. j large and splendid assortment of Spring & Summer Goods ot the Store of the undersigned in Middlebury, I’a. and which ho is offering at reduced prices. 1 His stock consists m a full assortment of all man ner of Goods commonly kept in a country Store. It is needless to mention articles. We shall keep, constantly on hand, Pork, Flour, Salt, White fish and Mackinac Trout. We are determined (osiip ply the wants of every man, woman and child) in our line of business, and say to our friends and pa. Irons to come on with the utmost confidence in our disposition and ability to supply your every want. It will be owing to a combination of our competit ors to bribe tile N. Y. & Erie Railroad Company against transporting our freight, if we fail in so do lnr _ . H. ti. POTTER. Mid’l>'y >s6. J. B. Potter a, New arrivals at the wellsboro’ DRUG STORE. Sulphate of Indioo, for coloring Blue and Green. Couoh Mixture.— This article contains Balsam Tola and other valuable cough remedies, and is par* Ocularly recommended to the notice of Physicians. Pulmonic Wafers. A new lot of that 4s and 6s Tea, that every body I.kes so well. Extract of Lemon, Rose, Vaniiia, Pine Apple, &c., for cooking. r Marking Ink, that will not wash oat—for mark ing Linen, &c. . Waterproof Shoe Blacking, to preserve the lea ther and keep the feet dry. Writing I.NKt-Blaek, Blue and Red, of the best quality, Wellsboro’. Jan, in, IRSK. NEW arid large arrivauT MILLINERY &EANGY GOODS. Mrs. m. steveivs, thankful for the liberalpal. ronage heretofore bestowed upon jiff j -iijfSfnpMi her establishment, lakes this method of announcing that she has just returned from New York, with an EXTENSIVE VARIETY OF Fall and Winter millinery, BONNETS, RIBBONS, AND EMBROIDERY Furs, Feathers, Head Dresses, Mitts, Broii, Floss, Buttons, Dress Trimmings, Ladies Gloves, Luces, Artificial Flamers, Bonnet Materials,Scarfs, Edging And a thousand other articles both Usefiifand orna. mental. Bonnets made to order, trimmed and re. paired at the shortest notice, and upon the most res sonable terras. Ready made work constantly on hand. Store. Slh door north of Wellsboro’ Hotel November 20,1856. ROGERS' & FOOT, ' . Honesdale, Pn. Proprietors of THATCHER’S Patent Rouble Action SECTION A FORCE pump. (CT Best Pump in the World! County mid Stale Rights for Sale. Downs A Co., Manufacturers, Seneca Falls, N. Y. T. S Rooms, [jnne 19-56.1 S. B, Foot. JOSEPH II OPT, DEALER IN GROCERIES a provisions, Opposite Roy’s Drug Store; Welleboro’, Pa. Pies, Cakes, Nuts, Apples, Confectionery, dtfr always on hand. Sept. 11, 1856.