'~T -rr-jrrwips*. “A“3 The Price of. Tyrp, Potatoe? The following anecdote of the first Napo leon is related in a letter from a correspon dent, who woe a considerable time in the, French military service, and who vouches for its authenticity. “The evening before the battle of Ulm, when Napoleon the first, in company with Marshal Jfcrtbier, was walking, incognito, through me camp, and listening to. f tbe .talk of his soldiers, he saw in a group not far-off, a grenadier of the Guard, who wasroastjog some potatoes in the ashes. -■■■■ .‘ 11 1 should like n roast potatdo ahoVe -itll things,” said the Emperor Mfarshef ; “ ask the owner if ha will Inobe:. diencd to the order, BerfhieVadvanPbd to tfcs' group and asked to whotil:,tbp.. potatoes he* longed. A grenadier said— s- - “ They are mine.” • “ Wilt you sell ms one?” • ' *• I have only five, and that’s hardly enough for my supper.” " I will give yon two Napoleons if you will sell me one.” • “ I don’t want your gold ; I shall be killed perhaps to-morrow, and 1 don’t want the en emy to find me with an empty stomach.” Berliner reported the soldier’s answer to the Emperor, who was standing a little in the background. " Let’s see if I shall be luckier than you,” said the latter, and going up close fo the grenadier, he asked him if be would sell him a potatoe. “ Not by a long shot,” answered the gren adier, I have not enough for myself.” “ But you may set your own price. Come, I am hungry, and have eaten nothing to day.’ “ 1 tell you I haven’t enough for myself— besides all (hut, do you think I don’t know you in spite of your disguise?” “ Who am I then 7” *' Bah! The (Title corporal, as (hey call him ; am I right 7” Ji “ VVell, since you know me, you nill asll tnc a pololoe 7 ” “ No, but if you would have me come and dine with you when wo get back from Paris, you may sup with me 10-nighl.”' “ Done !’’ said Napoleon. “On the word of a little corporal; on the word of an Em peror ’’ 11 Well and good. Our potatoes ought to be done by this time j there are the two lar gest ones; the rest I'll eat myself.” The Emperor sat down and ate his pota toes, and then returned with Berlhier to bis tent,limply remarking: “ The rogue is a good soldier. I'll wager,” Two months afterwards Napoleon the Gteal was in the midst of a brilliant court at the palace of the Tuilleries, and was just sitting down to dine, when word was brought him that a grenadier was without trying to force the guard at the door, saying that he hud been invited by the Emperor. *• Let him come in," said his majesty. The soldier entered, presented arms and said to the Emperor: •• Do you remember once having supped with me off my roast potatoes ?” “ Oh, is that you 1 Yes, yes, | remem ber,” said the Emperor ; “ and so you have come to dine with me, have you 7 Ruslan, lay another cloth on your table foi this brave fellow '' Again the grenadier presented arms and said: “ A grenadier of the Guards dees not eat with lackeys. Your majesty told me I should dine n il h you —that tras the bargain, and trusting to your word 1 have come hither," “ True, true,” said the Emperor ; “ lay a cover here near me: lay aside your arms, mon ami, and draw up to the table.” Dinner over the grenadier went, at his usual place, took up his carbine, and turning to the Emperor, presented arms and said : “ A mere private ought not to dine at the table of his Emperor.” “ Ah, 1 understand you,” said Napoleon. 1 am your Chevalierof the Legion of Honor, and Lieutenant in my Company of Guards.” " Thank you heartily. Vice P Empc rear," answered the soldier, and withdrew. ~N. F. Eve. Pott. CaooKßD.— “You are--lather n crooked, character, Mr, Jones,’’ “ Rather, Sir; - but not quite so crooked as a tree I once knew. It- was the tallest but ternut I ever saw. Standing close to it one day in a thunder storm, 1 saw a squirrel on one of its topmost branches. The lightning struck the same branch about three feel above him, and the squirrel started. The lightning had to follow the grain, of course, and the squirrel went straight down. So crooked was that tree, sir, that the squirrel, by my watch, got to the bottom precisely three min utes before the lightning.” “ Thai’s a lie” exclaimed the landlord. “ A lie!—troe ns any story ever was. I afterwards saw that itee cut'down and made into rails fora hog pasture. The hogs would crawl through twenty times a day, and so crooked were them rails, that every lime the hogs got out they'(bund themselves back in the pasture again!" Yankee Dialogue,—« 1 say, mister, you hainl seen a small calf go ’long by here have you 1 about three, three and a half or four months qld, within an hour, an hour and a half, or three hours, have you 7” “ Wal, yaas. There t cat a calf went by here this mornin,’ I should say, about a mile, a mile and a half or two miles an hour, with a white-spot on bis flank about theslzeof a dollar, a dollar and a half dr two dollars,;as 'nigh as I could calculate.” ■' Good Reason.—A lady who suporintertd ed school in the south, having .occasion,ode Sunday to interrogate one of her pupil* as.to the cause of her father’s' non-attendance at church, received the following innocent re ply, prefaced of course with a.swebj little drop of a courtesy : “Pfease, mem, my fa theirsays he isn’t coming to chtir'cfi anethole. • W lB hollers out so that tie pSb’t get a -Jbll of sleep." ‘ “ to rob a hen roost, Jim V “Thtye a great mbral question, Sam; we’ve no tithe' ta arglte it,—band down another pullet.” , TH*^K.Gop/orihfMblwbl ’AUersnF WMry taysdfTtiil trad \3rtr Slid* business anxiety, how delightful the coming of the «d7|xion ceases its lor* of Sisyphus the back is eased ittindus lilted from the paresjuttl avOcalicuis to the highbp ibd momenobling kUWiwA gloriduJk inslilu plow, arti san in. chetoj#t in his laboratory, to the professional mtmwmid his and to the authorwiltfbis P^tjj—comes a blessing Unto eSteli. S»S. •< Tnk all hu man historyi we-nwel a being whoever did tin injury,,nhd '.Aevbr resented out done to jultered nn untruth, never prac- never lost an opportu mty bf doing good ; generous in the midst of the selfish, upright in the midst of the dis honest, pure in the midst of the sensual, and wise farhbove the wisest of sages and proph ets, living npd gentle, Jet ImmoVably re’sh jute; bis illimitable meekness and oatiende never once forsook him in n vexatious, ua gratefbl and cruel world-. —Christ in His tory, Sympathy tor TnEFAiLßrr.—For my part, I confess J hare not (he . heart (o lake an oliimding man or woman from the general crowd of sinful,erring beings, and judge them harshly. The little I have seen of the world, and know of the history of mahkind, teaches mo to look upon the errors of others in sor row, not anger. When I lake the histpry ol one poor heart that has sinned and suffered, and represent to myself the struggles and temptations it has passed, the brief pulsation of joy, the feverish inquietude of hope and fear, the tears of regret, the feebleness of pur pose, the pressure of want, the desertion of friends, the scorn of the world that has but little charily, the desolation of’ the-soul’s sanctuary, and the threatening voice within; health gone, even hope, that stays longest with us, gone, I have little heart for aught but thankfulness, that it is not so with me, and would fain leave the erring soul of my fellow being iu-the hands of Him from whom it came.—Anon. Htati Pbice of Pbovisioks iw Minne sota. —The Burlington Gazette learns from Captain Hillhouse, just down from Hastings, (30 miles below St. Paul,) that the river it that point has closed, and in consequence thereof, provisions had advanced vpry much. He states that flour was selling at' Hastings for 810 per barrel; pork 840 per barrel; butter 50 cts per pound, ond every other ar ticle in proportion, and i it was thought by all that prices would be much bigherduring the winter. . The Union and American of Nashville, Tenn., says that the recent Presidential can vass has had a deleterious effect on the slave population. The negroes manifested an un usual interest in-lhe result, and attended the political meetings of the whites in large num bers. This is dangerous. The necessity for watchfulness is very great. The slavehol ders must anxiously guard both against the attacks of Northern fanatics, and the inside ous wiles of enemies at home, " These are questions,” says the Union and American, “no less worthy of consideration-^*- ,tK f *' sues of <*-> canvass. A secret enemy is more dangerous than an open foe. An ex plosive mine under, our own house is more threatening than the boiling volcano in the distance.” Explosion of a Locomotive. —One of these uncommon accidents occurred near Frankfort on the Central Railroad, below Syracuse, on Thursday. The Utioa Obser ver says it did not result from an insufficien cy of water, but, in the opinion of good judges, from some defect of the iron of the boiler. The explosion lore off the covering of the boiler, and reduced it to the condition of a skeleton, and gave a very pitiful look to the whole machine. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. wwß&mMmb Hydropathic Phyticion arid Surgeon, ELKLAND, TIOOA COUNTY, PA. Will visit patients in all parts of the county, [June 14.1855.] w. W. WEBB, m. HAS established himself in the practice of Med icine and Surgery in the Township of Liberty Pa., where he will promptly attend all calls in Ins profession. ■ i ' , ■ Liberty, Feb. 1.1854. JOHN IV. BACHE, A TTORNEY Atf D COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office, north side Public Square Wcllsborougb, Ti. Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge & Co.,N. V city Hon.A.V.Parsons,Philadelphia. July 13. SPENCER & THOMSON, Alto ncys & Counselors at law, CORNING, Steuben County, New York. Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Tnousorr, April 18,1855-ly. S. P. WILSON, ID* Removed to Janies Low rcy'a Office lAS. LOWREIf A S. F. WILSON, A TTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, willattcndthcCoartsof Tioga,Potter And McKean connlie*. Wellsboroagh,Feb. 1,1853. - Tl*e Tioga T« published every TIIUBSUAY MORNING atWolUboro’, order for tho paper, uolcMoar of # t Offlcu, ItpTIB *W/®WV>r'. took dcspifrK ? ■ ■ ‘,y l -V r»/ f I t• t • >;• W. W. li Ofi J N S O .-v,, } ,i B««fc.,St*liowry, Brt*iWMFapeo~E*g. 'B»d lading NeUreL. LtH at Its Counter. 1 ' •' -i r wt. , CORN INC, N. i r ., Nov. 1.4, 1559, wmi Tmitw .. iH¥ ttSfc, HARDWARE, ’TaND , SHOES, 'Him, HATS & SHOES, . STONE- , WARE, J)r. oan’i Ifl»lg*n»Hn| Spirit. "A. Ward to the WUe u njfcient J" The Subscriber has* large andwcll selected slock of Good*, and i* offering them at as reasonable prices tureen bo taught in Tioga Cr (big side of Cedar Be who wants * PLUG OF TOBACCO or a GOOD COAT —She who wants* hot of SNUFF pr a,FINEDRESS,,wiII (iowjcll locaH.and exain- W Wore pwehasirg ehfewnwe..... Come and aeoandbe convinced of the trhth of the foregoing statement 3', B. POTT Eft, Agent, . - .. For,U.,IL-JfOTTEn. Middlebnry fcentfe, Nov. 8, lBas. . LOOK-ODT FOB THE'JSWQIMB! i The Seasons change — SO DO FRIENDS AND FORTUNE; AND BUSINESS RELATIONS, THEREFORE, TABOR, BAM)WIN At CO,, (Succeed Talor, Toting $ Co.)' IN THE FOHNpRY pOSINESS, AS lIS' ANUFACTURERSof Steam Engines,Boilcrr J.YJL and. Machinery of all Kinds; Stored, Hollow Ware, Tin, and Copper Ware, REPAIRING &. JOB WORK dona with the least passible delay, MlLUGEARXNGSfuruisbodtsilAav«z(raeierg( fop patterns. PLOWS of all kinds, (two of which took the premium at the late County Fair,) kopl constantly an hand. We have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, to manufacture and vend the Ring Stove. one Of the best (if not the very best) Cook Stoves ever invented; wbjoh is always on hand at oar store house, for wholesale & retail. Their Stoves took the premium over the Albany Stoves at the late Fair. That Is a leather in car cap which we dent intend to have plucked out aoon. 1 Corn Sbcllcra, Of all the improved patterns that commend them selves to farmers, Besides this, we intend to furnish better Wore, belter articles and better work, a,t lower prices than any other establishment in Tioga county will he able to do. And the man who pays CASH, can gel what he bnys at reduced prices. This ill the fair way of doing business, and the system upon which the Tioga Foundry and Machine Shop will be con ducted hereafter. Don’t wait for the Vagon, hnl come on. . TABOR, BALDWIN & CO. Tioga, Nov. 15,1855. —If. ID” Old Iron and Copper, and all kinds of produce taken itt exchange for work. ; - r IMPROVEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, WE would respectfully.tall tho attention of Mill owners and all interested in tho.use of water dower in 'tbii vicinity, to, y. patented Trim, Water Wfleet, (tailed Grcenlcaf’s gravity omj percussion Water Wheel.) one .of qlhjchlliey have recently pul in a Saw Mill owned by Judge White ofWellaboro’ and Dr. Archer of Morris township, on«j[' situated one and a fourth miles from Babb's Creek, oh the Stony Fork. This wheel oq Saturday the 7lh mslj, drove a single saw to saw five’thousand ond.phc hundred feel of. white plqe lumber ; 4100' feet of which was one incli in thickness, .400 feet 2 inches thick, SOO feet 1} inches thick. 'This Wheel used a very sinalj quantity of water, only discharging nboot 90 square inches and will) shout 11) feet head and fall of water while performing the above. These Wheels are well adapted to the propelling of all kinds of Machinery driven by Water Poliak. TJiaware, very simploandauh*!*.” 4 ,I'* 1 '* •“‘'•“•'■uuimractqro, ,_j ..mAuttom one third to one half more Ilian any other Iron Water Wheel in operation in this vicinity with which they are acquainted. They offer for sale on very liberal terms the potent right for Counties or. States.-and also,to furnish and put in operation tho’ Wheels in Mills in this vicinity on rea sonable terms. Far further information address A Grcenleaf, Morris township, Babbs Post Office, ot : L. Vance care ol P. P. Cleaver Wellsboro’ Tioga Co. Pa, A. CREENLEAF, June 12 1896. L. VANCE, N. B. The above named Wheel may be seen in operation at almost any time by calling on Mr. Rob* ert Wilson who has the Mill in charge. ;' Farms & farming lands in TIOGA &. POTTER COUNTIES.—The fbl toning farms and farming lots arc non offered for sale: Farm of 126 acres, in Clymer township. 45 acres improved, with house aud barn. “ “ 100 acres in Pike, Poller co., about 20 acres improved, with two dwelling bopses and barn. " “ 50 acres in Morris, 6 acres Improved, &. dwelling house, f “ 73. acres in Dolmar, IS acres .improved. " “75 acres in Gaines, 25 acres improved, and house and barn. “ “ 50 acres in Dclmar. “ “ 76 acres in Sweden, Poller County. •• “ 105 acres in Summit, Poller co. These lands ate nil located on public roads an are of the best.quality of,Arming land. Five, per cent.only of theparchase money will he required doiyn, and the balance in Ten annual In. stalmcnls. Persons of small means who desire hcallhy loca lions, will see at a glance that this is the most de stable opportunity of securing a homestead ever be fore offered in this, or any other Connty. , Apply )o A. P. CONE, Wells boro', Tioga County, Pa* March 27,1856-lf. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS WHERE? at ERWIN'S new Stofe! He has jilsi returned from the Oily with a choice Lot of Ready-Made CloiUing, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TESTING and all of which will bosold ON THE - OA^H’DOWN SYSTEM* A N D NOTHING SHORTER! 'Weilsboro’ Sept. 2d, 1856. - WWnnl*, Jt 'liiliigs Wanted. ANTED by ntni6if every (atmer-'ifi |(f e ebun (y, a bottle of the‘•Liquid Heave :Carc,''ilo check 1 the first indications ofheaves, and the preven tion anti care of dll diseases that affect the wind of horses, . ALSO,- a: box ot Dr. Power’s “Hibernian Oint menlj O. sovereign remedy for Galls, Scratches, Gra- fiesh alt cutaDcopi diitmes to-srtneh horses or bwned cattle are subject, - ALSO, dbH Itf'ifi ißdtfiller," one ol beal,»rtlch)tin useful destroying rats and.(nice, or Lvonr. ewhrated HRal Pills,’,' jfbtiho ~satne purpose. For sale at the, Wellsherrf Drug.9lolo WB ihitstfaay that Gi Vb Taylor .is receiving from the Manufacturers,theihestandoheap esl lot of PIANOS,& MPLODEQNB. ever 'offered ttf ffh *ounl£<'fßc ban furmsbistgool ittftH£Sinls ■andatas-flir-ptioes-aaGiiyralaaieis.'i Gslllatitho Book Starts 1 Wells boro.', DeccmberG. ’ j •' Far .Ue at ’UHI thh DWjMifc "'Place’lhhseWla 'nalifsndjtoiceTvlll eSt dftbiirn readily; and-in bvery fttll endicifQ their extthninafiofl, Triio 85‘ccnis jicrbojr. "■■■..■ •n'jjto tfetMtv ai- ysrii t fa'bmgMo iul nil ..hi aAi ft" T> ALOWXII, OUEUHSSHRS ; f filvfcijbid apvf oifafot fMoflioMkVM Little, or iVolUfig mu mrb above prirboTOst-lAvifh meins h? £ood will thrown on grofft. 'The fifiJ’iflSk idllie best pick, so corao in wliile slock is fresh. Dclay^rild«ngmiW*:i‘Ho kiss ae want mm (Inna doUar’sworthforP. doHavdon’t come J' butyrtt, prill be piled ifbediysee whs* « fHd ol gooJs.woJcaPiiiul op. for a, dijJJar,.Ottr flock of i ihut the :hgndizeei<*}t', gtbuiu rfllf BilifiiTfedialely gel. Gdlxfnnd pnccn' J k M i^V^wlji&i'cbhWli. ;; v, ■■■ - i DR7 GOODS is not made tip of 'the oddsniid oads flpd the rem nants of “cloecdup” concernain the,City, butoom prlsfes a compklo nssorlment of the latest styles and b»l Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass Stone, Hollow and Wooden Ware, Iron, teel, Nails, Oils, Paints evtrffeind and of thehest quality, with' BOOTS 4 SHOJfSI ‘for >Eifrijhky. *,» All kinds of Country Product taken in eJt ehonge for goods at the marketMU.es. "i 4 T.l/. BALDWIN. Tiofea, June 126, 1856. A. T, GUERNSEY, O; B. LOWELL. WHS W 7 QO YOU HADN’T NEWS? O Well, no wonder. Kansas lias been invaded, Lawrence. Jms bcei> sacked Free State Ho tel with nil its Furniture liM been destroyed. The snbscriucr, alwaysSswiko 1 to \he 'Wsl interests of his fellow.ciiizens,nnd knowing'tliat there must bo it great demand for [ CABINET fURNITURE in consequence of said Sack,bos concluded to re* main at his old stand, two doors below Roe's Store* where he is generally in utlchdance to receive and wait upon ufacluTcd iottrder, Solas, Divans, ©Homans. Card, | Centre, Dining Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress end Common Bureaus, MAHOGONY St COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage , French and Common Bedsteads, of every description, together with all arliclcsosn ally made in his line of business. From his knowledge of the business he flat ters himself with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine his. Work before sending clsowher for an inferior article. . TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no lice. W Chairs! Chairs! tr*« In addition to the above, the eubscr ’jsaSSßbcr would inform the pnblic that lie ha just received alkrge and liagfdfomcaasprl menlofl CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS, Boston and Common Rocking Chairs, Sfc., which he will sell as cheap, if not cheaper,llian ■they can bo purchased anywhere else in Tioga county. Call and see them ! WelWboro*. Juno 19 '56. B. T. VANJIOHN. THE salamander OF PHILADELPHIA. tJHHwjII ETA NS & WATSON. : :rjpgnnl I |i yVnirfh glttptyjP hlliululpliin. lukVQ bod tltu surest' dSitib'ftfttrtltloii InlMfflloMlng Certifi caici. that their matiufoctur? nf Salamander Safin bos ‘at biirtth fully, warranted tho rcprvscnmtlnns which bare been made of tt)ura,A* rendering an undoubted security against ’tho terrlljc element: Philadelphia April 12,1856. ifessrS'.lSntns rf TTuf/on —G en;—•!I nflbrUs ub the highest satisfaction to state to yon. tliat owing to the very* iirotectlro qualities of two of tho Salamander Safes which wo pnnhasod of you pome few mouths since, we saved a large portion of our Jewelry. Hooks, Papers. Ac., exposed to the Culamritous fire In Ranstead Place. on tho morning of th? 11th hist. When we reflect that these Safes were located In the fourth story of tho building we occupied, and that they fell fiobtus qneiitiy into a heap of burning where the rnst concern tration of heat came*! the bran! plates to melt, we cannot bat regard the preservation of the Vftldablo content* as most con vincing proof of the great security afforded by your Safes. We shall take ln recommending them to men of business as> sore reliance against fire. Gcobok W. Simons 4 Bko. PfULtDELPHU, April 12,1556. Messrs JTrnrur rf I have to offer you my testimony in favor of the gt»Mt vecurltv afforded to my entire stuck of Jewelry, Imoks. papers, Ac., during the recent disastrous con flagration in Itniietcnd place, from the filet tlmt I lie same Were containctlin two of the Salamander Safeg'mnhnfHrttifed by yon. Hitting Ktllon from the fifth llnih l where they weFo'previously pbufed’and exposed to a vast ,hwt for • long thnes the of th Uepgalti seemed to every one who witnessed the opening interior examination, a matter of profoundiistonishmciil. To nil who ipnr require UpefTecf protection from the-tava gee of jluJl noi-hr*Hate to recammewl (he use of yonr Jwa, m f Consider they hsienotf teat. K. K. WoCOAy. PBOAmann t. April 14J1856. Messrs Eront rf TTiri/m—Gentlemen—No doobt you will be deeply gratified to Kwh the good condition (□ which I dlscov* crwl my book, policy of insanmee, certificates of stock, and other valuable documents, when on Friday last 1 opened the safe made by your firm. With my knowledge of Us great exposure, tooth to tho Inten sity of thbftoat from so hbt- a fire os flint which destroyed the Artisan Building, as also from the force of tho fall frofl) Its former elevated position in the third story, I could enter tain but Blender hopes prior to Its interior inspection, that the contents which 1 oncu so highly prlxud would over be of any service to me, but os thexe fear* nro nbw happily re moved. 1 feel it only due to say to yon. thht 1 can henceforth recommend tho use of your Saforto all who may wish to fee) a confidence in the perfect security which such means provi des nguristttd frightful audtt’DiootL - July 3d 13&«. Kdward Gas ml. Bookbinder. Constantly on luind Patent Powder aud ThleC Proof Locks for Banks, Stores Ac. Yours, for Fskmqnt and Fbkkdox. __ J- B. SNODGRASS. ■NEW :-ABRAN4*E!I|ENTS.. A GROWL would announce to the citi zenkot Tioga county,that hq has associated with him a partner,.and the business will be con. ducted .Under firm of A. Csowl & Go. They Will continue at the old stand, inWcllaborougb to manufacture to order and keep an baud, Buggys & Lumber Wagons, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, Ae., Which for style,' dflrahility, and elegance of finish, cannot ho surpassed by any other siuiilarestahlish jnentin Ihocountry. 1 1: .Workmen of celebrity are engaged,and Ihcbest materials used expressly in all the mnnufaclurirb departments of this establishment. Persons send fng'brdcri riVSyrest asanredof hiving them cxecu odl to thoir entire satisfaction,and finished in. every particular the same Os llionglrthey attended in-per son,' , ■ .“ • 1 . REPAIRING done aaasaa],with neatness and despatch. > ' - PAJNTIN.G of njl kinds done on the hottest nolieprOndTOOst rcamnpblc terms. : , HU” A4I kinds of'mcrchan table produce (dclivcS :ed)/rseivcdin pichnngofor .vjprk,. «tjlha,mpck« prices . i i, CO. . ..; v ; H iBftjRBSRAKSSAIER DRESSER, WellslMM^iW r: o^b^ ? •lßl(®' ! itf‘•liU'lii»6 l l4rfiti«lh«J' w'lH'bs'rfMM' ai well 'wfaWifeiWptly ni-iR ftilri bls'dorie'lft tMj' win ! ffiihioriaBle oi«y-*alioS«j • ■ PtopßfrftibnHoli- rtmofrini? dandruff, and bedtttyfilnglteitiaif'fie Mto'ehetip. Hale'bfidwliirtitai djetfanv etdor.C'oll nnd-Eee. i ■ Wcllaboro 1 , Oct 19,18551 (if)' ■■ 1 i yijj -i=? ' lsr ' ' ’ f*|ii|ndefphia£lvertisemen7 ,'flerttaiwjHliW 1 *»Hrp»4 raaomfeuioai xUi W«u»! Wi)W»irp*t;lß« j™, m t-nuehj Hre *o Jw pjoWfc J,y.lJM.ty l iHf* l ?; Jobbcqi|jina uk, y<)ut,m^eß>loj|,fp^ #*. w I Wtfor'*W^a, : \rti6lefttaOro^raiiM'i , r. r ■ THoo/VfhUdftCo. 'Hamrfkcfaitn of BtAw, Bilk'Bonnet* and-NUlittery Good*, H s»ecoOtfl!rt*t. . P V I. pat too. A Co. Wliolcwde Dwlpw and Manufacturer* of Tnrs, Matters’ Material*, Ac., 118 Martel *l, SltTper ft Fenner, .Manufacturers of Parasols and fynhrel- UJt, l!» Market struct. PTatt A B*ath,'iiuportera of Watches, Jewelry aod.Faney Goods, N. W. Conor 6th and Market ftreata. JaaiesJJarber. Wbolenlo Dealer Jo Clocks, Afeiit forithe Patent Kqualliing. ’JThlrty Poy Clock,’ Afepubctnrqc of Fine OoldPeir*, Si. 55-' Corner or Second and Chestnut street.*' idoote, TTetisaer ft Go. Importers and Wholesale Beater* Ift Hardware, Cutlery and Gulin 131 Market A IftComjUercaaW, Wm. P. IVUstach A Co. Saddlery and Coach pnfdwat*, Saddle Lewis, James A Co. Agents for Lewis* Pure Pure SQnca and Pure Colors, Also for the sale of (he Penua. Man ufacturing Cu's.Coudensed Lye, a cheep substitute fur Soda and Potash. K. Pponcrr TUotmu. Manufacturing Chemist and Whole* sato QroKgfrfty No. 26 South Second street. Wrists Pmlfb k Co. Importers and Jobbers of China, 1 Glaus ai(d Q,Ducb> Ware, 205 Market and 20 Commerce street.’ Jofibua Cowplaml. lAirge Gilt Frame Mirrors, Looking, Glosses, Picture Frames, kr n 27 8. Fojirih street. Borer, GrocfT £ Darling. Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hat* and 3tmw Goods, 126 North 89 street. Wood's Ornamental Iron Works. Iron Rollings, Verandahs, Fountains, Ridge Avenue. M. Walker k Sons, 204 Market street, (late of K. E. Comer Gtb and J/nrket its.) Manufacturers of Patent Wire Bailing, Iron Bedsfcods, Wire Worked Selves, ike. M. B. Eapy’s Depot for Pickles, Preserves, Fresh Fruits, 109 M struct. 0> W. Oabomo k Co, MannCsctnrers of Osborne's gaper fine American Water Colors, 60 N. gfxtlt street. July ill. 3m. JOHN A. JUBDLR, Traveling Agent. At Merchants’ Hotel, N. 4th Street, Philadelphia. Carriage & Wagon iHanußie. lory. Henry petrie would an. nouncc to his friends a)ad theQfiKKgz* public generally, that he is cantinning£S__kS_ the above business on Grafton street, immediate in the rear of J. R. Bowen’s store, where he is pre pared tomamifaelufeon short notice, Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, Wagons, of any stylo or description to suit the purchaser and of the very best materials. Ail kinds of ra pairing done, forthwith and on the most reasonable terms. PAINTING AND TRIMMING will be prompt ly executed in tho best manner and moat fash (enable style. ' Wellsboro,’July 13,’55. HENRY PETRIE. New Volumtt—Subicribert may btgin Now, Life illustrate d—a firs. class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News, Lit 'crature, Science and the Arts; to Enlertaiqihent, 1 Ini Srovement and Progress. One of the best Fondly fewspspci's In the World. Two Dollarst year. TUB WATER-CURB JOURNAL. Devoted to Hydropathy, ita Philosophy and Practice to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous illnstra lions; and those laws which govern Life and Health, $1 a year. ■wHUBWe’tatiTCAL 3OtJ R K A 7i! Devoted to all those Progressive Mcasores for the*!, evttiun and improvement of Mankind. Amply D lustrated. $1 a year. For 93 a copy of each of these Journals will be acnlone year! Agents wanted. Address, Fowutils & Wills, 308, Broadway New-Ybrk. MRS. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent for the above works, and practical Phrenologist, may be found at the house of Mr. I. Richards, Wellaboro’, Pa. WHAT’S IN A NAME? H iy, everything,air!—etpeeially when the name it tignijieanl and appropriate, at it certainly ii at applied to THE EMPIRE BTOBE, which will certainly have to be enlarged to double its present size, to accommodate the crowds that flock there daily li examine the new and superb stock of QtPQ&Sljllt which BOWEN is receiving from New-York, and SELLING AT REDUCE!? PRICES, because they oittst be. sold to mske room for tnore. Ladies, we can show ydn some of the finest, best, most tastily at&rlcd jrirjd the cheapest Dress Goods, ever offered to this,or any other ebmmnnlly, Doti’t take my word for it, hut please call and examine fiir yourselves. And then—soch lots of READY-MADE Cloth, ing, Spring end Sommer wear! Gentlemen,-come amt-renew year faith by sight. Weilsboro’, May 15, 1856. J. R. BOWEN. Deerfield woolen facto- RY. 30,000 lbs. WOOL WANTED. To manafactnro on shares, by the yard, or In ex change for cloth. The subscribers have rented the above place of E. & B. S. Bowen, and are prepared tp take in work on aa good terms as any .other es tabllshmcnt. IVOOL CARDING and Cloth-Dressing done on the shortest notice. Cash, Wool,Lumber and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange for work. The subscribers are the same parly that run the old Factory in 1844, and will be glad to see all their old customers, hoping by a strict attention to busi. ness to give general satisfaction. All who wish to be served well hhd promptly will do well to try ns. N. B. E. AB. S. Bowen will hold themselves responsible thf the payment of customers. SCHOFIELD & BERRY. Deerfield, June 26, lns6>-3m* {A •)-. ’DRAUGHTSMAN'. Oeccoh Tioga Co., Pa. October 2(1,1856. TT=^ TFFf Mi aw fiMMeftl aid Dm ItrtefertU |«W andcketprA^^d^hp.byycbe,, mfiOiini'ttßiffjftif, - - )' 1 -*"- 4bo : >“ ! tMtOR’S MACE. wrfi i Siher, ttupliU, JUtetj itlettrmd Cilin ier WA TCHES. OoUCkaM.ChU LaeluUf aUtiXfixtiqualuut, Gold CaaUoamiJH* 7 .. tmtßrtattpim aad &rTi*gt,Rvgtr,f 7 ' : ,i»nvn B*W> Ste«e Buiunu, STarf*, 4* _, 4 , Silver Plated W*re* .-■> Baiftf, CordJ BMttol ~ to r-r, : .CUl^ye^^J^.Sgr Cfoeti »/ elf tindt; dim, prieit ' d*H ffStiHts. ■ WeDebon? Atl ? . 14 Vf6. O. W. TAYLOR. A L AT 7*o ,JF YOU-WANT TO BUY £0Q|8,,.«» I® I A: Y '.it: <> 'M & » For he ban jtul returned from, the .City. with u en tirety now eldchof' BOOKS & stXtlonejiy, fancy Goods, Reticules, Pprtmonnaiei, Jet Bracelets, Harrison's Perfum eries, Harrison's Shaving and Toilet Soap, jaUBBXSOirS COItIUBIAN lITJKS, BLACK BED BLUE, ACABD. —The subscriber, grateful Jbr the liberal 'patronage heretofore grantee! him by'(he public, and aware that unforeseen circumstances nave prevented his serving his patrons as promptly as be could have desired in lime past, begs to assure the public that with his own long practical experi enco, and having secured the services of a first-clan workman, lie is now able to undertake Watch and Jewelry repairing, and can fulfil orders promptly nod to the satisfaction of all. Charges moderate and all work warranted. N. B. A good assortment of Watches, Clocks Jewelry. Silver and plated ware. School, Miscellane ous, Blank Books, Stationery and Wall-Paper can tanlly on hand. BC£ ETBestPonipin the World t:/%' County and State Bights Ibr Sale, ' Dowwe A Ctx, ; Seneca Falls, N, Y, ,V r;h(- RiiHi, ' fjiltte'l?iid,i ’ Foot. Oppoeilhfioy'k Drug 6torc,WeJJsbora’ ( Fa. Ples. Cakes. Nati, Confpal query, TiApf OF A 1 THOUSAI^fLOWERS.v i for ' [) the removal bf TWfifCfklitf,MttHeaahd »U dsieascs of tile skill, at' K. RdY* HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Important Announcement. Feutoiuo Wire*a.