The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 06, 1856, Image 3
We dopy 1 the followTtirfrOm the Richmftda W hfg, df 'Ocittbeir ' ; jtt’w ftie 'teatithonyjof a Viltgjjilah ,apd in ftaOsajJ confessing all that has been charged by Free Slate juen. Read it i ■ ■Pttffraj’Co;, Mo., Sept.lfi',,lBso. To tie 'Eliiore'cf the Richnumd Whigs . 1 send f-du believ ing that you know very little of what is daily yttpdpflWfffn tße'great'Weat.' ;What inform aiioo you Virginiansget, coming from some )|ule papers in Kansas and the borders there of, is,not lo be relied' on.; ' ' v ‘ What (hose contain is fpfse imparl —is falsejn toto, ,f seud'you, d printed asm w e< U°!l? -V* $ p * lmo -Si M? m ndwiflareM this gepd§f (and; the ‘‘Plitfe i puTi chase.” ’“A. ftirer'find than ibis never sun viewed ,i*l His aR that jlte can fgk. Salubrious, mild.” . The.seitlersia fyuuasare from every state in the.cna/edei'aby, but chiefly from the free Stales; the restare mostly Missourians. “ it is doubileitf jtnowojo ybu that the Mis-' sourianS liave made repealed invasions oh JVtoo the elgciioa came off, (the first one paplipujsifly,) ’ hundreds of wnguns, loaded with provisions, a/ms of every calibre and- name .ammunition, .and barrels,of ,wbis- were driven to within half a mile of the polls; Ibefft, iho invaders encamped); and such shouting, swearing, drinking, firing hal looing, roaring, damning, <Ssc., this world nevy, saw, before. . Next ..morning, they marched jp'lbe pplls, and. gave a Democratic vole. ‘Aftet -voimg -4hoy .returned to their camp and renewed their Bacchanalian orgies, and lha next day crossed over to Missouri.— This is as true as any record in the the United States, It would require many sheets of foolscap to contain a lithe of the barbarities, robberies and murders committed in Kansas. You know that the Missourians have thrown every priming press into the Missouri river that did not hoist the negro flag. It is thus you hear ex parte testimony, and nine-tenths of that is fabrication. A majority of the people in Kansas are for making it a free State They are not abolitionists, bin free Slate men. The Missourians knowing this, hsaoJiad recourse r lo various expedients.— The last or dernier resort, is to expel or os traciifc them About lemiays ago, the Missourians invest ed ' Leavcjawotth city, the largest town in Kansas and gave peremptory orders loevery man in the city, whom they suspected of free State sentiments to leave in one hour end a half or die. One hundred peaceable, orderly, artisans, merchants, dec.., were thus compelled to leave their houses, furniture, shops, tools, stores, drc., to the honesty and mercy of . One of them bad in hie store $20,900 worth of goods as per invoices, If you have dny idea what were the feelings of the Athenians when they abandoned Athens,-and Cimnn look wnh him only a fiart of bis horse’* fur nnure, then you may form some'opinion of ihe great calamity that fell on these one hun dred families. They left their homes—Wieir all. One might have bought houses and lots worth thousands of dollars Ipr 'OB to 010; might hive bought a wagon load of furniture, ot rich and cosijy cloths,' cassimeres, and silks for 810 to 820. From what I hear, onb might hnve got enough to fill fifty wagons for 8100 or 8200 or less. Many did buy wagon loads for a mere pittance. The great bulk was lef; 1 have my inlbrmalion from a re liable source —irom a highly respectable Mis souri merchant. You wilt ask why ibis cru elty ' Whv this injustice? It is becaus- Ihe Missourians have either heard or they suspeefthe heads of these one hundred fami lies actually prefer livin® in a free State to may of, a iJase State. -They are peaceable, ordfcffy, well behaved people ; were rich,"nr becoming so rapidly. They are not aboli tionists. To odd la the above, iVie Missourians make (requeiH excursions in the territory, and will s’hool down a free Sialeman jualasanon us they .would'a deer, and sooner, 100. Nor is this all. They have a right to all perquis lies, in or out of ihe cabin 1 This may be vice verse. A free State man was found,eight days ago murdered and scalped. The supposed mur derer and scalper kves in my own county (Platte,) and was heard to say the day pre viourthal ha was determined to have a sculp* and was seen’ After that ia the territory and neaf the dead body I have lived long in Richmond. I own slaves'; but I do not like, nor can I like an abolitionist; a Free Seller Ido not hale nor mamt. He has a right to wish.and to pray, 100, if he chooses, that Kansas be made a free State, legally, constitutionally. The twth vs, the nation should immediately cause the little giant corn .cracker, Douglas, old Cass, Pierce, and half, .s dozen other agi tators, to be arrested, carried to 1 he Potomac, a.pd there right opposite do-the Capitol, each ope should have a mill stone fastened about his Pgck with an iron, -cable, and then cast into the middle of that stream. These “squat ter sovereigns" should opt be permitted to nve another week* nor to'die a natural death. ’ at V no croaker, but I believe button en durance lias been carried. lojts utmost tension, a td l|}it a long, a.cruel and blpody civil war is about to commence. God save the Coat? raonwealth I Yours ludy, - vVaniTr. ■'fiiA.NKscmjvc.—Gov. Pollock has issued * proclamation for a day of ■Thanksgiving. It is for Thursday, November 20. Speaking about this matter, reminds as thiU wtt.have nothing but a sbanghia left. The Minks, weasels, ai)d that other varmint, have visited our poultry yard, and there ore strong symp topjs pfjhusl play tiers. Now what shall y to# ~Qur. yvce i» still for Turkey a.—» Zounds I can a p<xjr : prirfter long debate which of tho two 10. choose, lurkeys or geese 1 No ! To have a, turkey, or not to have one, is ihb question ? We coroe not here to talk. Too well yon know obr po». crty. But .bold. We simplv. ask of our friends, if,they have a spare Fowl, to send -11 along.'— MKeaYi Citizen. Safetk beg you to lake t» ( liaan one maxim, wjjtch toy myself } have ever obJary'ed, and ever shall—it is, never lb ord never does harm ; what is once uttered cannot be recafled, and np map cap fprsqo its consequences.—|To»*t/<;.' ‘ ' Jr '' "I ,jTitp,feA iCjO.yNffy ; iff jtnbrp. than o rsgua, Twa:qa»les have,,been fought, one at Grankda arfd andtheratMbsssya, between JYMkep and/ the lattra were bo mrerl.ydiscmflfitfed •. ibat is scarcely probtfbld lbey'pill aliempt tb mCas ure their strength with the Americans agitih,.' On the pccupation of. Massaya by, the enemy with,: a force 'said to number 4,000 mao, Walker leftiGranada todislodge them, They ; advanced to meet hint, and wetedriVeb back' fighiidg corniced,until midnight. In the meantime another strong, division of the eofemyla. troops Seiied Hie' !6c casion of Walker’s absenqe to attempt, the caphire of Granada. Jhiiiligeheb bfmis. movement reaching Walker, vyhile fightlngai Massaya.he immediately, countermarched his. irohpkj-anil'' the next morning re-appetfisd before Granada—charged the hesiegeVs, some cify witli greal,carnage, capturingtheirchiefs and, all their field.pieces and ammunition.'—. 5 The loss of the enemy is computed at 11,00 men. That of Walker is reported al lO killed and 80 wbunded. This decisive battle, if correctly reported, unquestionably confirm WJTkef'a power in Nicaragua. A Boy Almost Eaten up by a Doo.— Yesterday afternoon,, -while a boy named James O'Connell, aged about 12 years, son of Mr. Barney'O’Connell, who lives on Third street, South Troy, while passing along the sidewalk near his father’s' residence,, a man, name unknown, set upon him a large and savage bull dog. The boy, on turning add seeing the dog coming full speed Upon him, naturally became very much frightened, and eudeavoring to escape by running, ihe man meanwhile encouraging the nobler brute on ward. Of course the dog speedily overlook the boy. He caught the lad in the middle of the back, his teeth sinking tolhe bone, when, by clasping his jaws and jerking with them he lore out a strip-, clean to the bone, as large as a man’s hand 1 His rage increased with the laste of blood, and it was now impossible to shake off He’ again .caught the boy by Ihe thigh, and bit tout a piece as large as he could grasp with his teeth, laying the bone bare. Another bile was inflicted upon the leg,-but it was not so serious as the others. Over two pounds of flesh have been extracted by the dbg. The boy was literally eaten up by the monster. The brute who set thg dog. upon the boy, deserves, hy we hope 'life Si Ilf receive, severe punishment. Dr. Burton, who was called to attend the case, did everyihing for Ihe boy that .lay in his power, but it is hardly possible that he can recover.— Troy Times. • ■ DIED In Mlddlebnry,Ocl.23, CHAUNCEY INGHAM, aged 73 years. ' In HnpMhton, R. 1., on the 19th of October, 165 C, of disease of the Jung*, Mr*. Joua A. Caps#, day, wife of Mr. John t B. ppsHoday, aged yciifj*. The Deceased was the.<tntigblcr of X*ncy Masson, of flopkinioji, ’ yShe embraced religion at on early period in lifift anrHias ever been a devoted Christian. Whether engaged In laboring at home, op in study in the Academy, ahehus always made the Bible her dully companion. It seemed that her PTOIV ofcjrt* \n>V»r e to become wi.or and belief, industry, perseverance, modesty, and an wrnesl purpose in fife, had endeared hor to the hearts of all who had formed her acp ,,a inUince. She graduated at Alfred Seminary, wrth the honors of her class, and Ihe esteem of her classmates. Two monthc ago she wa« married, and looked upon the life befiirc her with brght.prospects and cheering hopes. But -disease rooo fixed its grasp upon the young wife, and slur called her companion* to watch over the few remain, ing days of her life, She became conscious that her time was short twp days* before her death; and freely talked about Tier prospects In another world. She would have been “ glud to live** for the sake of the friends who loved her, but she was « willing to die** for die sake of Christ. In her own expressive language she knew she loved God . At 3 o'clock in Die afternoon she had her head upon the pillow, and quietly breathed her last. She leaves a young hus band and a large- circle of friends, who will often mourn as they think of Julia. Auditor’s Notice. A LL persons interested in the proceeds of (he sale of real estate of H, J. Smylhc are notified to present their claims to the subscriber at the Pro. thonolDry’s office onthe 6l!r day ofDeccniber at one o’clock P. M., at which lime said proceeds will be distributed. J.'F. DONALDSON* Auditor. November 5 1856. AdmlulslrtHw’r Sale. NOTICE it hereby given that in pursuance of an Aider of the Orphan « Court of Tioga county, I will expose to public sale on the premises, on Fri day,the 28th day.ol November,.lBs6, la the highest and be at.bidder, lbo‘following described- rail estate situate iu Uie township of Chatham* Tioga county Pa., late the estate of Andrew ifand deceased.— Bounded on the purtii. by Amos Baiudatl* east by Janies Lewis, the public bigliwiy, Benjamin T. Spcncor and -—— Clark, on.the south by - Bee. groff and Stephen Hatband Beth Oaggctt—contain ing eighty.three acres and one-tenth of ad acre, part of warrant No. 13,35, With filly.two aerts improved, frame house, tug. barn apd appje orchard (hereon. — Terms made known on thq day of sale. , DANIEL S, SHOVE, Adm'r. Chatham, Nov, 5,1856. AdmiuUtraidi*s Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan’s Court of Tioga Co. Pa., Twill expose to public aaje op the premises, on Friday, the 28th day of November IBSP, to the highest and beat bidder, the following described real .estate, Vilpale in the tpwnsjljp pf Jackson, late the estate of Hannah Kelley, deceased, to wil ; :-rBeginning at t stake in the cedtetriof the road at Job's Corners in. Jackson lowmhip. lienee north four degrees, wcateir perches lo a post, (hence thence depth eighly-lwo dcgreeseast sifted) and two tenths perches .to a post, thence' south five degrees west lo the center of the road near JJ. N. Hdnl’s barn, thence along the center of said road eighteen perches to the jpljico of J«gipuing—cpnlainlpe one hundred and Ijbirlyjiqven' yogs, w;lh a fritse jhppse ■nd frame paiiil fhop thereon. Terms known on day of sale. BENJ. WELLS, Adm’r. Jacksop, Noy. 5,1856,. Register’s Notice. AJOTfCB is hereby given, that lie Ad on distra it torp on the foUaprjgg. pamei), Estates have set tlqd their accounts, and that (lie if me will be pre sented to the Orphan’s Court of Tfovu cqupty, op Monday tly>;first day of'PpqelpbOr, 1806, fur allow. Once and confirmation, vip-r . i ! The account of Edwin Oyer, Administrator of Tho*, DysvJafcs of Cavjpeton, (feceasA ■>( t> \ £’ , The account’ of Etfwptu ftgbefls, 2cna* Roberta «nd David Griswold, Administrators ol Hiram B. Roberta, late of JaoKsw, deceased.'' : ' - ' ! The account of Jostph Cnile, Administrator of Sylirsnta Amee,latoio(Middlsbury, dtfeOsedi I The aceonnt of Dmiel Biff, Administrator of Bnfdipkfßfll,lataofChatham,deceased. - Tho aepotmt pf.O»vid P„Ke|fw, ope. jof the Ad. mtpirtwtoyajrf Darina Morforoao, lota ofWfiUsbofto, dcceugtd. W. D. BA I LEV, Bisutfr. Register's Office, Wdlsbofoi, Nov. 4, IeSG, ‘ u Heccaiaiul; . ’ *•••*” ’■ H ll •>>-•• w : 25, Burton'* PilgrimtgeMMbica and lie tomb of tkf Prophet, wilh introdueiidn'tby Bayi im'Taj/liir. ”•, ( ' n -' r«i» -»>’ -;*■ i #Y^o; r The hiatory-df \M??mrioue bbyt jkiViillows : 1 Button, in'efficif of lbs East India Compsayy having by atorigresidenco hr Upperlhdia, acquired a 1 perfect 'knowledge of thtfOrieiUkl latigbages anil easterns, projected.a wfait- under thoauapiccsof tbo Royal'Geographical Society;. io the-- Holy- Oily if Mecca; and the lothb'of lb* 1 Prophet at Medina; pfacea barely, if ever before rislled bjrapy- English. man 1 . - This 1 he successfully ’acdoroplishediiv.ieSct 4, The hie- Injy of the interest 1 ' and otijinhUly by-Sny- hoik nfetravel erer publlabed Cairo asa Mohamme. danSldderift thojonrney aeroealho desertwilh the great annual caravad of Pilgrima; the visit to the tomb of Mohammed; the'discovery, that the sacred black ptepepf annoahser mon preached at Ipccajm.on intimated audieoco of 150,800 Pilgrim* gathered from all parte of the Moslem wdrid; hie narrow escapes Itoni detection, and the only accurate accpant of the cpremdaiee of the Musslemon, faith. , ‘ jcommanilyahie work, furnishes information* nerrt J i<cfotb.'miido, fubutf;‘rctpCclfng life cereitumiof laws'ora large proportion of l/iO Eastern World; while'for general interest, Burton’s narrative will-eampaH fuvrrably with either Eoibeo or Crescent and the Cross. SWiilpil BiirllngamejXß&lncipal 1 MiteMmlhuhfjw&'Um AißuiUxaiuiy " ’■’ ■l ' t - Atiiftantf'. ’jm,• 'The Wiirrra.TifateiW ffitoltuUlaffoii ' Wffl com mance Tuesdsd, Depembet^ l .>- Primary 1 i-i W r it mg ; ;.'Bpellihg/pnroi ry Arithmetic/- Geography tfnM^• V, ;; • #2,00 Beginning Eog.'Grammar, Elementary _ A»ilhlMtic { Jle*graphy < llisWy,Aiß,ttfa Higher Englisl^—Arithmetic and Gram', mar comptiwid;Geog,of Heavens, Fd-' ‘ miliar Soj c nCdbc,. .. e 3,0 0 Algebra, l Geometry,'Trigonometty, Nil* n ■ l«s ■ ural Philoaopby. 4tc„......... . i r; 4,00 Practical Astronomy, do. Surveying and ,' • eiiem'ulry‘iHlUtf,'Grcek I .Erenohnod 11 .iGdrman ..a. t. »i ..... v ,. 5 .A I .C 5;00 ;Drawing, (extra).’.h.........../.!.i%00 ' Bdla made out from (he- (ime : of entering to'the end of the Terhi, and expected (q bosCUled <1 mid die of Ibo Tenth' * r % . Ih-bdditibh io ipsasd branches, Itbcro will be a “ Teacher's Class,” “composed of those wishing to 4n ,e»M. jn Lcclqtea wiH be given to, the , Class Jiytjhe .PthioipallsnH. olbcrV U Alsb,Uirce|<ly discussions before, Ijip-Pripcipplypppp such subject ae may coino bclbre the class, , r .. The A&denty id proviacd wftb Ataparains suitable t for-PhilcfedpHi&l irpCnineD^ir—such as is used in the higher Schools of N. Y. Experi ments will he given to.lbo classes.weakly,. • . Compositions and Declamations every 1 Wednesday afternoon. • < G. P. PnlnAm & (jo., No. 321 Broadway. Editor? of Country papera inserting the above advertisement , will receive a copy of the book. Still Onward---Sue,ceas DRE2>. The “ yVcllsboro’ Debating Club" is now,in auc- i ccssful operation, composed of Students and others from the town,interested in such affairs. A" pff orJL will bo made to secure a course of Lectures be fore the Society the coming winter. - Board can be obtained in private families si S3,QQ ptr week. Those wishing to IjirnUli their own rooms and board themselves, can ho accommodated by applying to thb Principal, This Academy is situated in Hip healthy and pleasant village of Wellsboro', the County seat qf Tioga. Jl is easy qf access by. a daily line of stages to Tioga: thence by R, X. intersecting the N. Y. Sf, Erie road at Corning. .Also by stages to adjoining towns, north, wesLon'd South. - A TALE QF THE GREaT DISMAL SWAMP, *r HARRIET BEECHES STOWS, . a.vcls, ISmo. $1,75. Certain politicians, interested in the support of tiie tjpecafyaf;institution,” have ontleavored'toper, suade 111 epulilic, that Airs, Stowe’s last work. Is art. istically a failure, end that' it has produced no pro found impression on cither side of thp Atlantic. But the publishers are happy to stale, that of the" many hundreds of American notices which they have received, the vast majority have been decidedly favorable, most of them enthusiastic; and the sale thus far has exceeded that of any work of fiction ever published—tlje ~ , , - , SIXTY-EIGHTH THOUSAND ' E. 1. Nichols, Stc'y. JAS. LOWRBV. Pres. NJ Administrator’* Notice. OSJICE in hereby given that in 'pursuance of an orde* of IUo Orphan's Court of Tioga coopt v, yfe as Adruiniairv i Qf the relate of PB Wilcox deco. late of Ddlntar shall expose to sale on the premises In Pel mar Tioga County Penijo. on FWday November 21st, A. D. 1556 Pkc qieliest and beat bidder tbo following described lots of land with ftppuHenftnccs to vrlt: Beginning at a post the* North Enat corner of B. C. Wilcox, tlrtncf* by land* Eyr-' voyed for Abram Johnson and Horton cast 68 per ches thence by laud surveyed (or Aaron Symopda south 80 porches iihenco by said Symonds easkiOO percljre to tbo war rani lino thonco south forty seven perches to the comer of land|sur>t»yed for Job Wilcox, thoneo by said ipilcox west 210 perches to a post thenpo by H f C. Wileqx porth 127 3-10 perebt’s to the beginning containing one Luqdrcd acres being part of warrant wo. 35*5 ; accenting nnd reserving thoroliwn a Ipl of 40 acres belonging to Ira Wilcox branded north by Vf. Taylor cast by road south by land of B, B. Wilcox estate nnd others nnd wwt by Uenj, Wilpox, Al-o one other lot bounded north by 'William Brow eiut by bind late of J. JB. Chirk deed. *outh by tbo warrant lino and west by Phelps Co. containing 103£, acres being part of warrant no. 190 5 James Wilson warrantee situated In Delfhar said Co. and State- Terms made known on thodav of solo. ISAAC F. FIELD, .-h/m. , O ‘ Admr'x. set of two vblumes each, being now in press. In Engl and, the success has been even more won. derful. Tne press there, with' but one or ‘two ex. ceptions, acknowledge the genius and power of the anlhor, and tarmp of which any Uviij* I writer might be proud; and during flip twelve apys sue. cecding its publication no fewer than SIX.TY THOUSAND COPIES' were sold. The universal ’ voice of Literary men now places Mrs. Stowe among the foremost authors of the dgc; and neither partisanship, nor on austere religious bigotry, can ever deprive her of the Idurels she has so nobly earned. PHILLIPS, SAMPSON & Co. Publishers, Boston, Any newspaper inserting this advertisement con. spicuously three times, ano sending a copy to the publishers, Will receive a copy of the -work free of postage. Adiiiliitsd'sUtoiV Xotlcc. Letters of administration having been granted to the subscriber on the estate of HANNA*! KELLY, Into of Jacjtso/i, dec’d., all those indebted to said Estate ore rrquesled to make immediate payment, and liio c o having cluima oguiosl the same will present them for Rfillcrocnl to Richmond Ucl. 16. ’56. BENJ. WELLS Afar. Philadelphia Advertisements. To Ifa Merchants of the WEST AND NORTH WEST. PniLArmpnu, July I, 1650. Qxjttxbmzx—The Railroad communication via' Elmira WtUUmepQjrt and Cdi&wissa being completed you are brought nearer to this market New York. The prices of Freights are to bo equally low. Therefore, we the undersigned Manu facturers, Jobbers and Wholesale dealers, respectfully a*k your attention to our Market nnd Stockesnd Goods, hoping to be more Intimately acquainted with you, and, to share a portion of your patronage. Kooftfi A Herstiim, Flour Factors, and Ocueml Commission MeruhanK J 7 N. Wharves and 96 N. Water street. DR. J, B. KAROHJSrS CELEBRATED CATHOLICON. FOR THE RELIEF AKD CURB OF SUFFERING FEIULRd. r 1 stmi'l* prominent tor 1U cnra liv? powers in all the diwMe« fur wbipu it i«s recomoioudod, usually called FEMALE COMPLAmTS. Of these, arp Pbouvpbw Utztj, ot fullinc of the Tomb; Fluor Albis, or wWfw: ’ Crin<xdc I.vpummitioj# and ULCciuiiox 5T xiit Womb; !*■? CIOCKTAL UCMOBBIUQt; SfDi'RISSKD, AND ■ IRRBOQLAB JflUfi BTAlat}on £c n ulth oil their bccogd: panyin£ ctIK (Cancer exempted,) do Taylor £ Bacon, Wholesale Qroct-ra ami Produce Comtuls- matter how eevole or of bow ions »iuu Merchants, 77 N, VTatpr street. • standing. Bunn, Raipnol & Co., Importers of British Goods ami Job- TbiB medic, n° ban never been Introduced by empty pufft |wra of Vnuw aftd Staple Silk Goode, Embroideries, £c. t 91 and ip)r is It intended that jta pmenl K, Third street. popularity shall bo sustained bv any medium but lu merits Wm. n. fro-rfmann t Pon. Msnnii.cti.rer, end Implore lh " “W»«)»uop of ll|, public. pf Military Goods. Ladies’ press Trimmings, Curtain and REFEREJSCESt ®““! n r " n ,^ i "?’’ 3, “" ni f IBd1 Bd Fc J The J/ediclne is now .veil known and nnpreciMerf, and w(U lows RcgaJlo, £c., 223 Chestnut direct, adjoining Masonic have a sternly and Increasing sale. I know of no preparation lempje. * , that can compare with It for the particular complaint* for M. L. IlaUoaell & Co., Importers of Silk? and Fancy Good*, a'luch it Is designed. I pun satisfied, by the use now making 147 Market street; ' of it ln - roy own family, and by almost every day’s evidence Thos. While k Co. Matmfuf furors of Straw, Silk Bonnets ( uf 1U b«uefits to others, that it justly merits the warmest and'MiUmorj Goods, 41 becuid street. recombiomiattons its best friends have g|vea of It. P. I. Patton £ Co. Mholosale Driers and Manufacturers T nil n“ ?' M - D ‘* ii,irietla ' ® blo ‘ Of IlJts, Caps. Furs, llhtters* Matnials. .(c., 116 Market U. lr V"» ,V * rC v many cases thsi C 1 ,* .. ’ it «uirpa.w? all other remedies within mv knowledge for that £ Fenner. Manjifacturers of l*er a sol , » and Luibrol- chits of dijlicultips fur which it w, rJconjpietided, ,U Uas lue. lJ'M*wu£t frU'xt. I , . , „ cured some very extreme cases under un observation, wlnch I’mt £ KeMh, Importers of Wntcho*. Jewelry and Fancy havo misled all other trcntmotit taiß. FLEMING, k. ». GooiU, N \\, Cm per s*h aud Market strode. a von apt mgs, .N. Y., K iute of Rochester.) Janie* Bather. l\hole*alo Dealer in Clocks. Ag<*nt for the / T’revoil on medical njen Jo adopt It !a tljcir practice; and I T atont KqunlUing Tlurf > Pay Clock, J/;.n;ifaciui or of Flue have no fears of the result, from what knowledge I hare ob uold Pens, fi. E. Comer of Secoud and Chestnut street. I tainod personally of its curutiyo powers. J wjsh the njc-til* Moore, Hen*zey £ Co. Importer* and Wholesale Dealers In j cine kept here. T. C. KAWKIK.S; «. n.. Wavnesbnrg. Pa. Hardware, Cutlery and Guns 131 Market &10 Commerce at*, I The folkmiog tatter, Irom aJmiy, was addressed copy. John Wm. P. Wllstach £ Co. Saddlery and Coach Hardware, ‘ D - Vo , wcll * at Washington. Pa. with w >mm the UllioJicou *s Saddle and Carriage Trim injurs, Ilanufia Mountings, xc.. sale. Me ere not at liberty to Rive the lady’s name. Xnrth Third street- ' Bcvrofl, Washington 0). Pa. Pcb. 6, Mortis. Jones t Co. -Penn, Boiler Piute. Boiler Civets, 1 n "th ?mAfter waiting logivc the Cstholiron , &iir truil. Sheet Iron, Stool and Pig Iron, Nails, ic„ Maikct i Kih it. . 1 “ ow *' au ' l,lo P lM,ura >° k 'T, I tlifnk It la all that it U sold Coudimea lio, a cheap snhstitnte for Soda v 0 , ' .. , t . 1 general health has also anich improved. Thedirtcttaa*must b. Thorns*. Manufacturing CJiejnist )5ho»- iln ajlbases be strictly fohoued. &r, »Iu srngrft, .Vo. 2d South Second street. Ilavipg row need the remedy for four S car. ,n mv prr.nirc ” r, K«*. bumh « C«. Imporl.-K ami J.d.hors of China, ; I \r1..,11y on it for the euro of olmoat all femsifo disease/ Glass and Queen s Ware, Market and JG CoiuiUi'UM'MKit 1 \\ uh uuuj regard* f««r >oiin>«-Jf, I rcumm yuurs. Ac. Joshua Cow pland. Large (>(»t Frame Mirrmv. Looting' M. F. BF.V.VfOT, jr. t»„ Carroiidaigaa, .V. Y. Classes, Picture Frames, Ac., 2T S. Fourih sltoet. *. Thn claims of ibis medwino to the confidence of the pubils Borer, GracJT A Darling lNbril,>ul.» DoaUrs h} Bools, aro jtVcngihcncd by the fact of its haMtig recLa\cd the wp- Fhoss, Hats and Straw Go.x!s, 126 K >rtrt W rlrc t. probation and lilteral patronneo of manv proniinont mem „ W(v.,r„ Onmtiicntal Ir- :i U orLs. Iron Ladings VunuiAtha, I hl ' ltf ° r ll,u lacidtr in the Umied States, noxuc of roujiTnii.D. wli.-m li.*.vc v«»lu..tanTv ai\uu Utii-r* of commendation, fseo M. IValki i A Sous, 2u| Marnci Q r r /•. -...r . ,' l "*ndilM.) si!'Uining all Hint U. clmmod for It as a cumtiro Cth and J/.irki't fc ts.) MnnufiuMurors of Vateut tfc j a ~‘ lll, i ,a /useful infuyjuation lourh Iruu ItalUteads, Wlio I\orked Seiws, .tc. ’ . the nature and symptoms of the aKoie dLeoiie 9 , ioi^tbtr M. D. Em»j*s Depot for Pickles, I'icat.nca Fa-h l>u*r« » ,rll Iro'tt of thy highept n>|/ccli4u)jiy. na ICW South M “trect. ’ **' ’ \ 1 “ lU:t * I,J sati^factoiy autliorlf), to nil whiefi the n\eA»„ ir e. r it icn nun or iadiei and practitioner ts ref tactfully Invited, 0. M . Xtahorno £ X?n. Manufnetureni of Osboi ne’a Super i **an be Imd gratis at thy More of fine Amejic.ui )V;4cr Colors, t.l> A. Sixti* *-luet. ny ~. nr ,r»m July 3i. 3tn. JOFI.V A. ItIDDLK, Tra'i’ling \grn f . ROBERT ROY, Drvggisl, Wellsian? Pa. At Mfrcimiita’ Hotel, N. 4tli Mrcef, I'luhUcluhin. ( iu rt s «n i„. wiv w * —l Aw® Rf od Uy william Morgan. Tio> ; Thomaa B. Tylor. URliilfl j Coadursport; i)r. U. C. Porter, Towuudu; aud by Iwidij.if B> I Iff Cl m«9(IOBy ( 'huggfats in all (bo adjoining counties. ” * TON.riOOA CO.,VA. 1 Sml. 11 J, B. MARCHISI fc Co. Proprietor, depot, 304 Croadwoy,'N. V. Sash an COVING TI/E Subttcri bcr is now prepared by new Machinery juts' .purchased, lo fur nialt lo order, a/J kinds o( square St fancy Sash, otd Blinds. Square Saah of common sizes jtl ways on hand." By long expe rience in the bu siness,the subscri ber fiatldrs biirioeli' OTK'K is hm-b> £upu that the um.cmifc.iird intend to J. nj>plv to tho Legislature of Ptnunvlrnnia at It* nrx» annual reaeiou fur tl;u cruayou of a Hunk for the purport*. «/ discount, deposit. exchange and genera) banking, with near/ 10l of Oho Huudred Thousand lkj]lur», Mitli tho privilege of iiicnmiung It to Two Hundred Thouwijid Dollars, to bo located at Wfn«lvon>n"h. Tinpn County, tanusvlvimla. and to be Callu<l ‘‘THE TIOGA COUNTY DANK." ’ tVell-borougil, Xiuga Co. iupc 28, 1856, M. M. Con von. C. O. Osgood, B.«. Busworth. J. R. Bowen, K. >. Ratlej, W in. a. Hoc. John Dickinson. *>eniuol Dkkineoit. S. F. U (Noe, J. Flurry. linm. Alien, J. L. Hubioson. Jno. N. BachG..H. O. White. John Mathers. L. I. Xlcliola. S. R, Smith, .J.inios Kimball, C. llolmisou, ikwhe. Goo. C Kress L Bachc. *' ilia i ho c*o .maka as good an article, and sell it as ch«-ap as can be obtained at any eslabishincnt in' Pennsylvania or New York,. Caljundacc. DAVID S. IRE LAN. Coy.lng'lon, September 18, JBSG. (CTThe subscriber is also Agent for the sale of Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’sOil for Deafness. I). S. 1. TcTIVE BOOir CAW A can clear «IBD prr-mnntli, by selling- S MUCKER'S LIFE OF FILE M 0 NT-The only Life containing Ills Reports Unabridged, THE THIRTIETH THOUSAND IS NOW READYI -aUU pngis, portrait and JlUistrataotir, $l.OO. THE REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN SONGSTER, price 12J els. The 35t1l Til<>!(<:(Il<l ready. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 4 ITS CANDI - DATES A5O pages, two sleei perl rails, price $1 00 THE FREEMAN’S GLEE BOOK, with choice Songs set lo nursic, pi tec 20 els.. JOHN CHARLES, or TinPYbimo Amkiiica.n’s Lire or Fremont— 300 p. Übiin. price JO els. Also the lARGESI NKJUBER and the REST FREE SOllt'a nd glfier Books, pubUtied in thin country. For full particulars address MILLER, ORTON 4 MULLIGAN*, Publish ers, ?5 Park Row, New York, or 107 Gencsee-sl., Auburn, Auddb.n, August 20, 18SB. V^TUT—The undersigned cUt/.ens of Tioga Coimtr. J*e # 11 licri’bj give notice that they intend to make application to the Logudaiurn of Rcnnjjyivnnia at Jta next seesiau, (which floumienccs on the first Tuesday of January 1857,) for tb* creation of a corporate body with banking or discount privi leges, by the nnpw and stylo ofTUKTIUUA COUNTY BAKJs to be located at Tlogu Villago. Tioiot conn tv IVnosriranifl, with a capital of ONK HUNDKKD TIIOL'isAND DOLLARS, with the jKivilvge.uf increasing lo Two hundred Thousand Dol lam. ( riaga Slay 10th 1860-] 15, C. M'kKbosn. JJ. s, Jobofitew, JC. ,C. Senior*, fra Wells, T. L. Baldwin. K. % Bgotiev, John W. Guernsey, Lewi* Daggett, O. B. WeH-K, Leroy Tabor,. A. C. Ba»h, J. S. Uooh. Y. >:. Smith, 11. K. Smith, A. Humphrey, bynjan H. Smith. Jo-wpli Alkln, r. 8. Tuttle, C. G. DbtmUon/ * NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS WHERE 7at ERWIN'S hew. Store! He baa jqstreturned from t(ic City with & choice Lot of Beady-Made Clothing, cloiiis.wssljUEUbs, vesting and all of which will beach! ON t THE gash-down 8 l T J!l! S' : # W tit 5! u : ’ AOTJITAGSDOBTEB ! Wellbboro’ Sept. 35,1856. J ETTEB6 OF ADMINISTRATION buying I-J been granted lofhe undersigned on the estate of Oliver P. Hymesi late of Mlddlebury,deod., ell those mdoblcd lo .said estate, arc requested In makai immediate paynicul, ond (hose haying dttmaAds against the same vtiil present them lor settlement to • fanny m. hymes, Ad®'*. O. L. AIKEN, ) . , , 11. A,STEVENS,< Uiddlclmr)’.Sqn.2o, IBs£. NEW FIRM.—TI«j business of the Firm of T». bor, Baldwin Sl Co. will hereafter be conducted in the name of Tabor, Hathaway V Co. The olfaircof Tabor, Baidu iu 4, Co. will be closed upas speedy as possible nud those indebted In said Firm arc hereby notified to pay up without delay u they wish to avoid cost those that do not, will cer lainty got sued. TABOR, BALDWIN 4, Co. Tioga. Pa. fiept. 18,1856. [9,] EXECUTOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters Testa mepii, ry having been granted to the undersigned on the E.tate of David N. Webber, late of VYcstfield dcc’J. all 'lioso indebted to raid Estate a re'requested to make immediate payment, and those having dr. manda against the same, will present them lor act. llemenl to IV tit* A- DOUGLAS, Clymer, Wm.TM'E, Gaines, Sep. 18,1856. Etr't, 1 FOB SAIJB, , A Woolen Factory A fair Mill, TUB BVfiSCRjDEfU wkhing fo ebuoge hU*buiincw, oflrra for «0e hfs W colon' Factory, fc*aw Mill and Timber jt i I near Wclhboro’. Tin- Mnchincjy in tbi* factory consisting of , “one Self" in In good running order, most of it is naar)y n, and of the best construction. Ho will sell (be trHol*togv» ti er, nr the faiory machine* ■ojMrafcJy; t£ c tatytion U goo-i, 1 and the ivrms will bo cosy. Apply to the subscriber on che premise*, or by totter to this place- MclUboro’Aug, 20th itifi, ,J«tfACKBON. WHAT CAflf WOMAN VO ? THIS long expected book by T. S. ARTHUR, is now ready for Agents and Canvassers. ,Ilis having an immense sale, and is considered one of iiis best efforts. In it will be found Air. Arthur’s views on tlic vexed quasi ion of WOMAN'S RIGHTS, And what she can do as SISTER, WIFE and MOTHER. Specimen Copies sent by mail on re. ceipl of the priqe. 81,00. ■ •' I W. BRADLEY, Publisher, North ‘III; Sl Philadelphia, Pa. N. 8.. 'Wa publisS ill Mr.‘ NeW-'Eooka. Send for oqr lint, and terms to Agents. TSale af Peisoiial Property, HE SUBSCRIBER. wisuve w —u c.. r or approved paper, A yoke of working oxen, seven years old past, measure 6i feel, in good working order. Two young cows. One horse, gelding, kind and serviceable. A good sized yearling mure coll, halier broke. All of which proj>criy muy be seen and examined on the premises, two miles east of Wellsboro* on ihc Stale Road leading to Covington. Nov. 6j 1856, LYMAN WETMORE, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Rollers of Administration having been granted to the un* demgned on the estate of Philemon Culver,-late of Chariesinn, dec'd, all those indebted to said estate arc reqnestvd to make immediatepnvmentand those having claims against Ibe samo will present them fur settlement to PRUDENCE CULVER. “ J > Adm'x, A. E. NILES, Adrtr. • Charleston, Oct. 9,1866. Esiray. CAlffE to the enclosure of the subscriber in Char, lesion tsp., on the 23ci ujt. f u deep red ox, 8 years old or thereabout. The owner can have hiiu on proving property and paying charge*. franklin boyden. Charleston,Bcpl 4. 856. DISSOLUTION- —The copa rlnersli ip between the subscriber* in the Blackamithing business, is tiiis day dissolved by mutual consent. The books are in tho hand* of R. Lowosbury for settlement. JOHN GRAY. WcJLboro.Sept, 15, 1856. R. LOWNSBURY. C. X.H O tfT. ervn, ENGINEER SURVEYOR & DRAUGHTSMAN. Osceola Tioga, Co M Pa,-. October 2d, 1856. Application for divorce, n Hal* cy Woodieoith, You are licreby notified that Har riet A* Woodworth your wife, Ims' applied to the Court of Common Fleas of Tioga County for a di vorce from -Uie bonds of matrimony, and that the said Court have appointed Monday the Ist day of December next at 10 «Vlock forenoon, for hearing the said Harriet-A. Woodworth in the premises ut which lime and place von enn attend if you think proper. JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff. Wel!*boro” Del. 30 1856. A PPLICATION FOR DIVORCE, To Margaret You are hereby notified (hat Warren Gleason your husband, has applied (o (lie Court of | Common Plca£ of Tioga County for a divorce from the bonds ofmalrTmony, and JthaLtbasaid Count have appointed MonThiy the Ist day of December next at JO o’clock forc/ioon for.hca/fag tim said Warren Gleason in the premises, at which time and place you may. aUehd if jftn thitfk proper* JOHN MATHERS Sheriff. Wellsboro* Oct 30 1856. Application for divorce.— t o Lena Ciemens-n-Yop are,Jicrchy notified lbat Joseph Clemens, your husband, lias Applied lollioCourl of Common Pleas jaf Tioga County for n divorce from the bonds of matrimony, end Unit dm said Court have appointed Monday the Ist day of December next,at 10 o’clock, forenoon, for hearing the said Joseph Clemens in (he premises, at which lime and place you cap attend if you think proper. Wcllaboro’, Oct. 2 'hS- JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff. Who will go lo l&insas ? THE subscriber will sell the Farm on which he lives, in Lawrence, containing 140 ‘acrcA, 100 of which is improved.' It is well watered, has a comfortable house, barns, .ncccssaiy outbuildings and a good orchard of choice fruit thereon. Also, a Tavern Stand in Lawrcncovilje, known is ihc "Geer House," with omplo accommodations. Attached is a Slonf 'Fuilding a«iwblc|for iheCro eery and Dry Goods to bcsold or rent ed to suit applicants.' 'For terms rfppty to Lawronccville, Sepl.-tl %(< M. TTTHEREASItctfcrs of Administration having VV been granted lo lli#‘snbsor\ber fin the estate of Garret Compton, late of Sullivan; dcc’d, all lhoso> indebted to said'estalc arc requested to make imme diitc,payment, and thole having claims against the same, will present them far settlement to • Sullivan, Aug. 21,'56. DANIEL COMPTON, t »6t ' ■ Adm'f, A PPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. To Funny ,-ea- Dickem —You ore hereby notified that Joel Dickens your husband has applied to Hie Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County, for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that (he Said Coart have appointed Monday, (he Jsl ‘diy of December next at at 10 o'clock forfcnoon for hearing thc aaid Joel Dickens in the premises, at which llme and WeUsboro* Oct. 30 1856, fj Application for divorce, n Eduard Chaffee —You ope hereby notified that fourths Jana Chaffee your wile has applied to (he Court.of Common Pleat, of-Tioga County far -a divorce from the bonds, qf, matrimony, and that the said Court have appointed ; Monday the fii>t day ofDecqmbet next at 10 o'clock forenoon, far hearing , the said Martha Jane Chaffee in the premises, at which time nod place sou can attend if you think prow. JOHN MATlfJgftE Sheriff. WelUborot QcL 80 1856. THE of the Sliwk hold, tra of the Wfcllahoro* Tiofcu Plunk Ttoad Co., will be-held Nov.Sd,at 1 o’clock M., ol'the Trcnsurdr, GEO. McLEOO;S<c*o,' Ocl.'ifi 1556. E3TJJ AY’ —Came to the premises of the subscri ber in Dehnar Tioga Co., Pa., on or near lire SOth of August, a 3 year old red Steer, The owner is requested In prove property,pay qhargrg and lake . rOci. 16,1856.1 H. RUTLER^. •w-HERHAS, my wife’LOCßFri 'I a woven, ’ ' has lell my bed ond board, without any just cause or provocation, lids is to Caution ail persons from harborftig or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts oflier contracting after Ibis date. ” MONTEVILLE MOYER. Dclmar, Oct. \6,1856. . MAGNETIC HAT PILLS, (Poison 1 For sale at tho Wcllsboro 1 Drug Store. Place these Pills near (heir holes or about the places they frequent. Pals and mice will eat oY them readily, ond in every case the Pills will ensure their extermination. Price 25 cents per box. THE Subscriber having purchased apart of the Slock of Drugs and Medicines formerly owned by Robert Roy, 4s now receiving fresh supplies Ho would respectfully inform (he public that he intends to continue the Drug business at tho old stand. The store wiH be left still in care of the former proprie tor (Robert Roy) audit is hoped that by its ample provision tor the wants of the community, ond by attention to customers, it may still bo found worthy of public favor and patronage. Cull ajod see for yourselves. JOHN A. ROY. October 9th, 1656, ESTRAY.— Come lo Iho proa iscsof the Subscri ber, in Charleston, on the Ist day of July, a light red yearling boll. The owner is requested lo provo properly, pay charges and lake it owny. LYSANDER SCOTT. Charleston, October 2,1656. UNION ACADEMY. S. B. PRICE, Vrintipil. MBS. SOPHIA PRICK, I MISS A. BftACH; - FrtcrpCrens. j Tutehrr of J furft. Tjjk'JJrtt tej-iji for the eusuipg yenr will corami-nce Septem ber y i tip* «ccond Dec 2; t£a tjjlrd February 24j EXPENSE* PER TERM { Ttuliofl - - . t • fcom $2 50 to $5 00 Lc?8on« on Piano or Melodean • ♦ • - 900 Hoard 50 per woe k,) • - - - •16 60 Koom • - v u r • • 160 Fuel—FaUftud Spring, $lOO, Winter • * -125 Washing • . - - - - -175 ju. {itrntNlß ....... 25 Deerfield Angon 28. TkBBKOTAIMtrJDE-'- A BARR rcsppcgjjtly JAI announces to the public that ho has remoyed his Office tq the lately occupied by Jusi P. Morris. &J., where 'ho, miff -be found 4t all hours when not professionally engaged. Demands for his services promptly responded to Wcllsboru', April 24,1856. Time! 'lime! Time! Time TIME flows fyura.instants, and ol these each one Should l)c csleemM “ps if Uwfero alone. If any wish to redeem time now" lost, please call just-quo dp«r B, B. .SipiUi £. Sou’s, where iljibaOlw restored; The suljMj-JBe/ ready to oo inylliing in the lino of Repairing Watcbca, Cluekd a (id Jewelry. All work warranted'. ' Wcllsboro, July dl, 1856. A. FOLEY. PfIBMOMT MAY >BE NEXT? PRESIDENT T -M-S-'pXi? STAN*/ '' U . J '• -i: Vi , r, w . »pJIE greatest variety ,of KjftVE& cvcr seed in Wellsjioro,’ has jpsj arrived at the STOVE TIN A STORE of D.P. SiVf, ROKERTS. They Would call the pltciuipn pi l)ie publip Ip (heir well so ected assortment, consisting of (lie YOUNG AMERICA, Elevated oven, MORNING STAR, Improved, do, NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, dd. REGULATORS, PREMIUMS & LOW OVEflg. 7 Also-a large assortment of BOX and PARLOR Stoves, at City-prices. These Stovee arc selected ,with, the greatest pare, especially for this market, and oanoot fail to giveeptire satisfaction. Pal) and »PP thglfti, T(oilf AIIE-T-of alj kinds, shape?, and sites, made of the best material and sold as c|ipap if °°l cheaper tuan that of any oilier cbtablUhmenl in the county. Eovc Gutters.made lo order on Riicr( no* lice. JOBBING done to ordet* and In the bent manner.- All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving (he shopi fT 1 Old Jroir, Copper, Brast*, Pewter, and ojvo Silver and £pld cillier old or new, la« kpn ip exchange for Goods at Uie J\laf (>et price. They rcspcpUplly solicit thp patronage of oil who wUll lo ppfphase anything in thc|r line, assuring !hem ijjat money can be sayed by examining ihelr slock before ppVc|mBirig elsewhere. PREMIUMS on Tinware were given for best olork and Work &c., at the late county Fair. • D. P. &. W. ROBERTS. Wellßboro.* Nov., 22, 1655.-tf. JOSEPH HOT T, DEADER IS OBOIERIES A PKOVISIOA'6. Oppoaite Roy’a Drug Store, Wcllsboro’, Pa. Pics, Cakes, ’Not*, Apple*, Confcetionery, Ac, always on band. ' Sent. 11. 1850. t| t»i; (- g O M s