Cine al'furtc(len 1 jnl'lltancr ljM>ic, bi tier Union tyinarbeiti foigcutcn Citfltc: (Senator 3 u I e c meinen Jbeil tin bi Ildjjhn |)Ki(jrcgcln, brr UnloW' t ®cnat«|9 row SKUmot sj*s(fo, w«i ncn StiiMbcrkiful mfrfm'hijfni Xnmi(f) fe/meinfm morfite." 525 r-. TO o t ft, 'ocn So) cru TOiin, n'tlcfjcrai b(c Union fur jejjt JrcidjtO crreprafcnti gen, locicbe bemfefben ... gegcniU'crjlebrn. <2oIIK California jejjt gW ftreijtanf aufgcnommm tterbett, bin idjTfut Sluflofunft ter Union." € t a ii t o-n son inuirffec': • ;,3lJtTb'bad' SOttnfcf , burcb ©email, tscnn nslbiscnbtg," ’ (Wt 51) if( r, son WijTiffisci \ ,/XiW bc« gcfttdsc®lr uttb'isidj anfalle Jade. srrlbdbrgcn unb cdjjufr Sluflsftmg bcv Union Fshtmrit. —Tct £ubcn mug fdnc Kdijdbigcp, uub is cun dJ Slut fofttn fodtc." r , . V (senator i o inn b tf, son ©csrgia: €rnfttnung ftteniont’e isitrbt b(W Snbc btr Union fdn nub mug c s fc i n." '. 5m (iaitfits piWiflH'c Xcmofwtfii,sc!)rtftcn tn Ss'nflifitgtoii’iin 3auuar IS4TI, btfailog: Si t« v ,U|iian,b« llutfnbufTtuli|T bed isubnti tmftr tab SPilmct fProbifo fd." gii blithe Xemofrntrn am':(estcn'4l 3nli|folgcnbeu Xsaft.aub in Maniac „9l(bc&te btefer- Crt nod) Sor bem (binge Jtf&7 tio-bfUbjll'®! due,i jiitfi 3) Vu' 9( op n bfi f |mi," Xu obcn .gcnauntcu SOlantwt. gabcn bio SBorte bd friibcren ©degcnbeiten- audgafpro. cften nub finb biefdbon mciftenb Xmolrntcii obcr bcffer gefagtStfrf'flanfcrd, fdisic oi«b’d= mgc son ibncn ju ben 55111moriancrn gdjbrcn. Tj c ,R a b t nu o b e in S n ci.—Xie% 91. Stoitg., bit -fond' intmer' ibrent (PubliEnm bamp snub in Sir Jliigen ju flrciicu.Jiirftfc, bng (if ft find, bic £[!asmi foil lie unb'iscrbc nte in Ranfas dngefi'ibrt isrrbcn, lagt brute bit fßn(tr and ,bctn ©ad uubmciut; nun ire n n tt amb gefdnibe, isadipar's bann fftr tin ?}lnlljcnr? .Rnufai? iff ju nitbf. bic Sbr-- ctmglrit Sfaalctt, unb birfc nurij tscnii Ranine in dutm sffascnftantc witrtc, „tu'tb fHaum grniiii nuf side fur allc tseigon bafrcii, tie nod) gebsten iror ben ob« dttip anbrrh mbge u." r,2b pV fo ficMV-? ~fsiount’Vodt bent ouben, fd iff in gar nirfd grog. grog, bag man 6 StaatCn.bdran? mtldicn land, bit btn. Sflascnjudjlcrn 12 nnic, Stimmcn ini Senate geben u>iitbcn; fiimen baju nsd) 4 nrnt Staatcn aus lerns, fo batfb We €taatc n m i t 50 td|\'nd in ten Slattern tie Sliinte, ber ten £rn. rinrr fcrrnptrn 3tttriguc ten ber yrafibcntmal)! ben bam aid tcfciiulb« tgt, intern Sarfjanan nc ml id) ben frcimilligcn obet teftclltcn Uuterlianbler imubte, unb bem ©tnttal 3 a rtfun bit Dntrrjlujigung Clnp’d btrfpra*, remit er ibn, Clap, jum gtaatafcf* friar mo.ri'cn reerbr. 3atfjr>n ivied biefe „4«= mutbung mii ter „clirentiaftcn 3nbignfltion, tu (it berblentc"; jartuf. Um fi* mtn in bitftt fataltn ©cfrtuditr trei|j jn brennen, bat £r. Siirfjana|i bcii' 2ft= optipfobn Gatffou'd, cinrn OmbctUe, ber nic Im £t«nbc tt'ar, bad ibm van 3 en, bajj 3a(ffrn im Rttift oft tortbrilbafi über Smbamtn flnsgefpraebcit bet* be, bem fren. Stair juglricb einen 3?erreVi« gebenb rergrn ber brT’SprSjfcjit* Htfjung bc« fce(V'U'*mcn Sritfrd. 3'igffid) fdireibt biefer unbaijfbare SWcuffy cr Inil'a ifiw ftin (i)ut f*rerr mil Sibulbcn beloftct binter= laffnt." C-bPfllte flart nun Me vsa*e, in elricr iSngcvn Ufiibein anbtrfrhung tab in ouf, bajj er ben Srief nid)t tn tie pcftntlidifcit gcbnidjt Ijabe, obgleirt) Oarffon (eincm Xobc ibm brieflict) ausbriirtlitb Stlaubnifi gcgcfrtn batte, sen bem ftm iitrr* lojfcnen japieren CHfbrauch ju marfjtn, fo eft cb bat 3'ttereffe bc« sanbc3 erforbere. Xem £rn. 3fnbrcw 3adf»ii aber »ci|t er na*,tafc bet aitc 3«cffon ! gerate f ft r ibn ft* in Sdmiben geftiitgt £>rtt, um ibn aue ben .f'anbeit bon @d}iMnbjctn ju retten, bentn ct ft* m feiuep (Sinful! auiiecbaut (jatte. 2Cel*e fd)aublid)e Stupibitat uni? Unbnnfbar* feit gel)brt baju, tuttji ftintn BibopH»»otfrtm ©tabe ber .-fiveiteutigieit jn beidutlbidrn id* bem etiu bcrftefien jjirbt, 3adft>n’Mc 'jm .Samine" anbrrd iU’cr‘WtMian nib In feiucm nuriiegenben Stiefcunb bann j« bc= baupten, 3adfun babe il>m tin ftbulbcnbelnjit. tete? Sermbgtn bmttrlaffrn, reiil)rmb 3,atffpii um (finctnullcn bit, Sd)Ulbcn (id) auflut. fie, berbied turifi fm Stair uad), bap tote Sdjuiben mil bem Srtrage ber (BaitmmtliinplVujtage'in batten geberft roerben fiiuitriij t»fnn nidjt pt. Donelfctt ffripirt ®finmerf--' unb Sleiminnifpciulatiancn fingelaiTfii unb M jh ntue Sdfulbtn flefiturjt b&tte, Gnu. Sntow e*MK:aoN,6f ibis Siaio, has taken tlio slump fur Fhkuout. . .. 10 prin ciples' ia the.bourse It pursues, bui considers ihe man for the crisis. Thomas Fi AJftwha.llj.ofle o(Jhejmoel.elPr qupmitnen.of (formerly Member bf •Congress from Kan'ueky; nov* of Chicago* ciihBifit*rB’ > '>fi - ’.'’ 1 mbro*^'jfrfcfiijfetrs *6 ■ytaomy Qnnppl'goforfym. He ha? gone over lo Fremont. , A Buqlianeer on pe.eing a'poptflrjora tneql ing of iha- “ Democratic, RretnoDt'.Club” of Goncoed, New-Hnfrigsbire, exclaimed: ■ ' “Tbat is tnn cussed mrfatt, Stole otir .jiriaciplea long ago, gnd 'now’tbey liave stole our name. . , „ Bjmsi &ii Hydtofaiiic Phyician «]tdSurg(un, ELKIASI), TIOOA CODfiTV, PA. Will eiail pulienta in all parts ai the cotnflT. [June 14.1855.] ■ W;; tV. Wfeßß, M. HIAS establisiied liimeelf in the nled . lei no end Snrgery in-the Township oXijfiwty Pj., whore lie'wilj promptly profession. . . S Liberty. Feb. 1.1854. ~ . ' ‘ JOHTT fll. KAiitefs-Vw A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT JA LAW.—.Office, north side Public Square Wellsborough, P i. Refers to & Co.,N. Y city llon.A. V.Parsons.Pliiladelpliia. July 13. KABSAN PARKHURBT, ATTORNEY AND COUVSEtIiOS, AT LAW. LAWRENO&VILLE, Tioga County, Pa! Office one door below Ford Block. [Feb 31,3 m. • SPENCER & THOMSON, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, COKAINd, Steuben County, New fork. ,«» As, 'Ve S •Isasgsolslnrtlis «tle of.Dnit.p4nw Jr’s Ocltbratod.Anut JdlyUd, IBS9. a;,,! ” ■ AV-iVi* iolccf. among thaw bating TTliools the feDoiflng irncre tbex caa_brtscoa nndnr diffnrunt beads and tbs amount Mill »ft bsndt H>gHoMsii,.Dsp4«tj ; PWif.inn,- 9 (bj Ift #. PMcr. Hilda, i. Squire «B“™-'»illlh.«,nbed County NY.; -V" Ktwwiss, Lodlt Berptu.Gmmty N 0 fb; Iwouards 'llls Manufacturing Co. Madl-wii Cmmty V T fl n' U p Keieiy, ProldCj Cortland Couuly NV, Mill, yBa * .3JHE ATmOOA YO'OaarfiODY AA^XaTASTfi®. sgSblrawfei li^‘iit*JS< ; 'dfasrKff (kb* rtmts.iafoe'*Uf,‘and.wUich;arer«ow -.offatadjbtly oti#r(rtf*. ’" 1 The! firin pick, i«th»iUtt M m)«mW crastinnWmJlM. (asMtpftr jwtPJtf oWwC^SpP 1 If you want your roodey’s worth, wni'f(ian wen6m/pal du for * Outi floe*.« 1* not rWtdcori oPUie>6dd»<«nd add* and Üb»rem< '■ bert qnklUiCTi’froib lha coarsest domestic to tho li neal (mport(ssl>rjtSibncb‘[dfj‘ T. " ' -. siifcsi aid Ladles 1 Dress Goods, (.steal Styles, an 3 fdbpYcd tocta'ryvarrcly'dririni miogs. : Iyjuiiea will do will lo culi sod examine tliet Stock before purchasing elsewhere. ; BsWwiif,'OuetnsovVß aiwsyson babd si seasonable and fashionable stock of I Ready-Made Clothing, which wilt be sold at the lowest CASH ■ ALSO, ■ ■ , ••' : '.._ Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass, Slone, Hollow and Wooden . Ware, Iron, tq cl, Nails, Oils, Paints •■ 'wS '’t&Hfyi-eifytof-tikindia-l » and" of the he# quality, [biffr BOPWW&UOES, .for Emyhody. All kinds of Country Product taken in ei chorrec 'for ttoods at tie market prices. ■ •• • T. L; BALDWIN. 'JPW^£s tce ,n litre r*- Eremoni ire wide" —ln ’remonl on, Mr. Milchell -In Nip -41, after ibors as- in hour Map of ly Shore head of (o vote Chron - another last.— but it Tioga, June 26) 1856. A. T. GUERNSEY, - ■ O. B. LOWELL. WRY. , J . ■ u. W H B W r SO YOU HADN’T HEARD THE NEWS? Wdll, no wonder. Kunsas has'been invaded, Lawrence has bbep spehed'and the Fpcc'Stale Ho ; - lel willi all ita Furniture jibs been, destroyed. Tile subscriber, always awake to the best interests of hia fellow-cUixcnsvand knowing that there mast be k great demand (dr ’ ~,,...CABIjSEX FURWXtiRE. in consequence of said Sack, has 'concluded to, re. main ht' hh’Btd stand,' fWtrdoort helowTlpe’e piurel wherh tic‘ls generally In attendance toYe'rtlVp.glpp wait.upon.oußlonflsrp, ...Constantly onliand.ormon nfsetured to order, 1 STolh*,' llivans, Qttomntas; Card, Centre, Dining, dp, Break/ost Taites, Dress Slands, Dress’andOdmmon Bureaus, MAHOGONY Aa COMMON WASH'STANDS. Collage, French and Comvioh Bifateads, orevery description,together with all articlesusn* ally made in hia ,Jine of business. ' • » From hie knowledge’qf the boeiijc'ia |ie Saji, tqrs himself' with die. belief that those wishing to purchase, would. do well to call sad examine Ilia .work before’ sending clsewhcr for an inferior article. TURNING done in .a neat manner, at short no dee. , T3| ' Chain! Chairs ! ■ ItHL In .addition to the above, the subset iSSS&bcr would inform the public that he has 9 jlfit rOOeivcda fargeand handsomcaksdrl mont of ■ - CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS,.. Boston and Common RoilAng Chairs, dfc., which he will pell, as die ap7 if not cheaper, than (hey can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga county. Call and see them 1 Wcllsborp 1 , June It) ’56. B.T.'VANHORN nHEAP FAUM.-A RARE CHANCE V TO BUY.—The Farm known as llio “Old Knapp Farm,” in, Charleston township, in this county, is now offered far sale onmjreßsg reasonable terms. This Farm is situa. led In tho “ Darlt Settlement'' Valley, is well watered, end lays upon the main road, from Wellaborft' to Mansfield. It is three miles (Vorn Wellsboro’, about eight miles Tram Mansfield and the Tioga Railroad, and about four miles from the Wellsbbro* Jo Tioga Plaitkroad at Patter's Hotel in Middlebury.. A new church is being erected within about iof a mile of it, and a School House is with in the same distance. It contains 62 acres, of which Rom 45 to 60 Is in a stale of thorough cul tivation, well cleared and well fenced. Upon it are a large frame honse, frame barns, sheds arid onlboildings, and a good apple orchard. A woodfiK of about 40 acres lying adjoining is aim tor sale. Thjb is really a desirable' property, and may bo purchased tow. Its situation is one of the best, being near to the Railroadon one side and the county -seal on the other, and thus furnished with a market for every variety of produce. For further particulars enquire of B. S. Dartl, Troy, Bradford county, or of llie subscriber at Wellsboro., Tioga county, Pa, H. IV. WILLIAMS, Ju1yl0;l856-ir ’ ' ty, a bottle of pie ’’Liquid Heave .Cure,” lo check tbe-firsliMlbation* of heaves,lafidlhe preven tion and core of all diseases that affect the wind of ALSO,’* boT dl DK Power’s “Hibernian Oint ment, a sovereign remedy for Galls, Scratches, Gra zes, Broises.lieah wounds, and all culaneoas diseases to whict);b6rsft ’or horned c&tflb are subject. ■ ALSO.aborof the''German Rat Killer,” one of the safest and best articles rouse for destroying rats andjnicc, cjt Lyons celeb r4led-“Rat Pills;” (f r thp at tlieWefUboto 1 brag Store THE SI/BSCillßEßrespcctrally informs thdse tybo nn»o .unsettled sects', with him, (pro or con} in Tioga Co. that their.sects, after this dale are, in the bands of H. W. Williams, attorney in ftr .HUtemenl.; 'ir.uUdnded Ib'beTorq the Ist day of May neat, no cost will accrue, thereon. April 10,1856. M. S. BLACKWELL., - |Io kyOuTd ■ also notify those persons in Deltnar who gave their wool to A. L.l Beaver, Manufacturer at Bowen’s establishment, Knoxville, or to 8. 8. Bl«h well, igpnl. for salt) Beaver, who loft 'their good* with me for delivery, ihtt-onleas Urn .receipts forthersame : not yet given op to me.are.lefl with brought .for, thefr rt&v! ery, as I am w BeiVdr;" , M. s. BLACKWELL, Art, ATTENTION ALL!! THEY SAY! and best.asvortment of -WAA.I. PAPER in town. Drop in at tlto Booh in- Jewelry Store foi the proof. [April 17. '- •< WEW/AKKMOBIKKTS, , if ItjnefflfoswfoK ten«lfe|rtffQ-1 ■£*■• sens associated to manufacture to oraer.sMtdlssfHtAwMtU) )v CARRIA Omt SoBloHB\lWT9BRBfilr*i* I which for style, of finish, lrtish lash ! rhtdH ro xnanw v, SSBtagKMi tea BfjSfef tosw&W i (rPAllkinds'ofinOTetianUMe.prodtlce (delWce ‘ass* 1 P" oe f- „ .v.tM ~ A/ CBfII«LA,W., July 13, 1855. .n/ ip l - ■ Dr css Marks the Man, rag* of *1) khjJR lym mmw who ivithes 4o itv< the first ‘on 'ins 01(1 tlothds-.tiheulfl <#et; thenv, hiMiWpitd,«|f I nib .the. .nofliotyoferitloUi hecalls st the ■;■ ■ , ■■ ■ , u ' CtotHHC 5T08.12, ■ i ;;._ AT TipOA, and S(dec& from the large and splendid assortment r ... hero (kept constantly premium at the Fair of (sit October. (ErPsrtionlSr allentton gfVen lo'editing and ida (Ctd| g4»iwj»t£]te tato-V, .. ~,' (« fifPJPM.,.: ■, Tioga, April 5,.1055. ,(. . Carriage & Wa»>n Manulinv -.i...’...-'..vtdifly. pTENRY PCTRIp-wjDhW t--I-noanco to hia friends-and’ the above business an.Gralion street, immediate, in the rear of J. R. Bowen’s store, where he is pre pared lomariOftcturemrstiort notice, 1 Carriages, .Ji|igglci!,: SnlLies, Wagon*. ■ pf any style dr description tb'shit the purchasej and of lhe very beskmatcridls. AH kipda of re pairing done iortbwitb and on the moatreaaonable terms. PAINTING ANP TRIMMING wiH be prompt ly executed in. the best mapner and most fasti ionablo style. ' ' ‘ WeHslwJro,’Jply 13,’55. HENRY PETRIE. FANNING mUS. ATTENTIONEAR M B.R S! THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in form the Farrtdra of Tfdgaponnty, thatthcy arovjtpwManufacturing FINCH'S IMPROVED PREMIUM FANNING- MILLS, three miles south of Wellsborough, oh the Jersey Shore road; and feel warranted In saying that said Mill ra the best ever introduced Into Tioga County both os respects cleaning fastand wcU.tnd the saving of Grass Seed Farmers are reepdcftbllyinvited to o*ll and exdnv inc for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. • S 7 All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old Mills repaired oil short notice. ' 1 - ■ New VoluMe»~Stth*eribers may btginNow. T JFE ILtft 8 T RA. 't E D— A firs JLi- class Weekly Newspaper; devoted to News,Lit eralnlc, Scienceand the Arts;, to JSnterthinment, Im provement sod- Progress. ' One of. the best Family Newspapers in the World, -Two Dollars a year. 1 tit H tV A T'l! h-c V It s' JO C R N A L. Desotcd to Hydropathy, Us Philosophy and Practice to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous lllustrt. tioos; and those laws which govern Lifo-and Health, fit a year. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL: Devoted, to all those Progressive Illcadures for the el evation. and improvement of Mankind. Amply II luslralcd. fil a year. For S 3 a copy of each 'of these Jphroals will he sent one year. Agents wanted. Address,FoWtUts Sl Wells, 308, Broadway New-York. -.MRS. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent for Uie above Works, and practical Phrenologist, may be found at the boose of Mr. I. Richards, Wcllsboro', Pit. WH AM’S IN A A AIRE? Why, everything, tirf—etpeeially when Ike name it and appropriate, at it certainly it at applied to THE EMPIHB STOBE, which will certainly have (6 be enlarged to double its present. site, to accommodate the crowds that fiock there daily to examine the new and superb sldek of which BOWEN ns receiving from Now-Yjirk, and SELLING AT 'KBDVCEDPRICES, because (hey'must bd sold to make room for more. Ladies, wc can show you some of the finest, best, most tastily assorted and die cheapest Dress Goods, ever offered to apy other community. Don't fake my word fur iJL, but please'call and. examine for yourselves. , lota of READY-MADE Cloth i!'g* s ft}kg a ,b'd %nllqm?ni come and renew your, faith by sight.,,-./- Wdllsbord” May 15,1856/-'! h it. BOWEN.' T\EERFIEI» MFOOtBNPACTO- X 7, RY. 30,000 lb*. WOOL WANTED. To manufacture on sharer, by the yard, or in, ex change Tor cloth. - Tlie abbiitibefo'liaVo tented the above place of E. is B. S.Bowen, and are prepared tcrfoke .ln workbit a* f good terms, (asany olbere*. dyne on the Bhortest hotjeej' ; 'BdshrWbol, Lumber apd. aU .hlada .w PrpffiW taheip la for WoriW"’ .•-< r'-.-i .....1. V , - Tlieanbaeriberearethe saroth party -that rnn thn old ln,lBd4,Wd wilt be.gM tp see all thelr oii oustoraera, hoping by a strict Attention fo busi. nenl to five. gtOßfal -asllsfaction. i AH' whb wish lb‘ Bchbrvfcd well sh'd ’prbrnjitly wiß tfb Ivell lo trim f N. 8,. E..&, U.S.Bowen- wiU hold, theinselves responsible for tbo payment of customers, ■■ „.., ’ v: 'schopield & berry; AMA« J\. •'!« ‘.l/l'll a ‘ U 1 -‘’■’i'V)- ,!f rrf 'Fondle at the Wtlhboro'Drvg Sltirdf , -’v • ; •VTEW GOODS ! SEW ««ORBf -Lv last received frofn’tbe village of NeW-York, a ahdhple'ljdid hssorifcdnfbf' at.the Sfdre of the urfdersigrted iq;Middlebury,' Pa, and which ho is offering at redpped prices. Ilia stock'. eJnsials'iit a'full airtoHtflenfdf 1 slPman ner of Goods commonly kept, in a counlry;Slore. It is needless to mention articles. We jdiall. keep, constantly on hand, Pork. Flour, Sail, While Fish and Mackinac Trout. We,arc determined to sop, ply tho wants of.qvory mao, woman.and. child,.in our lino of business, am) say to. our friends and /pa. troll's to come on with,the utmost confidence,in our disposition and ability lo supply your every- want It,will be owing, to a combination of our competit ors to bribe- the N- Y. & Erie Railroad Company against transporting oar freight,if we faili in so do. ingv- tf. H. POTTER. Mid’l/y Cksnlbr, Juhe 3 'fiG. J. '.tSi .fits ferifiaiei, QotJ(Ui>ini FnllljJD'ViHa :i ht T. a,.itpo*hiv) lOifiitjre Fonn ' Ct-I.u> fi’.'i i,.: 13)11 n»T /iLOTHING.-pA, large adpek -tdsfore.oC-lhaFja al" a P"« % .bayerK&nfcantjboiiindiopel' Sapt. ao, r^v.*ouißOWEN VAIID. IjALM' OP A TllotlkANiS X) Ihe removal of TajvFtocklos, Pimpks,and;un jltatfnee of. thp CHoirtD nints tO on hand A- T [April 24.] W. A. ROB’S; ‘ for Golds. Headache, Catarrh, kc, Pulmonic Wafers, lortfen ! ife si*. .«onki X”*! ittWgwWftlMltWlleiß toMMtßAtUul* rr «fc*y wO*4*iwfliSfimlmm «»wW} SRSBiffiH iltf‘ffiid ! K-(b fM riMtilaCfcT --■ ■■. I -r.May* - THB'lifHWSlln oy . rf and K>rt3*nNE: ijmßtmntsh JMtontaift. , tj,,. ~*a xhk ■ JLTJL Machinery of pi) kind*; Storea-Hollo* Ware,Tih l '' ■'REMLWING :*' JOB WOR» «Wo*'lri«h (In feast (WaaiblcdulaT. ) .- i.-vS' ‘ .r Ml |CEAFUNGSfurA)UfipJ eJurgi Wows of all .'binds, (two of wMefj’tbok the the’lale CiMlf Fa!r,ykept'H»B««ilt]r onhawt.'-u ' •< s i f . ■■ ' ! ' «m,l qvn'l rrn ß .v. •>* ■» : - «•» ~N: a. one of.the beet M m dlorcs era invented; which,. ¥> kWMI , ,A n H* n “ •* our albre house, for whotd&le Spielal!" “. [i ; - ThoirStoveii'toot* Iheßreitnum onfrlbo Albany S&rt&’Af'tht'lale! 'Fair. ’ T^® lv fcather iooor cap which we jtantdhtead.JbibATß pjaeked out moo. ; Of all the improraf pmternstual’&Hnntdnd them. 1 Bbndda teifinh totlbr Wan, helterarUoteaiandijbetfci w«tkv*t low Or pftyea Una .any aMd to 3pi Anld the. mail Vho'paysti ASH, tan gel wrhai m ‘rcrfubdo -pnCtß. 1 'THie is ifiij Sir iviy of doing' bo a'mesev and ibe- eysleorupoO Which the and Machine *bbp will be coo. dueled betsollet. IJmt’tjßaiVfot the wagon,, but BAtBWTM &. CO. ,Tfega,Not. IS.tfßs.—w. " froq r ii ti iff&pp&.'and all kinds ofpiodlire A%ro i lfi l eie6hnjb , fd#iv*iortfi l ' o> - '-•■-■ YODfI C.MAJP .... BO WpS A a.AVINGr fenwed i<* iiw.djuildjog in (bt : Foley’* store, tiw,«tUcfiUt ia prepared lb furnish to,older, . . mN'&Sf BOW gIP l S , C%iF”Bo6'ft Pt'dgda-artd’SeiWd,'' ■=■• =>' r t-' '?iid dc - CHILDRENS KIP * MW? «j6bn‘nondr—ah'd warrafalbd Hdwdar out ia doo lime, andmol r»:rip.nmllOliey'.omrDn> out As a n\ab ia impwn JJoplp no I cap than by he companyhe keeps, it behooves every man la take heed bow his “ understanding " ia cared for treasonable snare oflho public patronage fa re spectfullf Solicited; Hj’Htdea'lakenlb eichahge for work. < -• . L..A, BEABB. ;. Wellaboro’, Dec. 28, ■. ' 'fewiPEwcii,. xVUING!—-E. W. BJCKW I T H r*. •ptotfillly aoquuitoes to'thq.ciUasnjK of WeHthc** 1 A A ®Wt MlTi ami it pow read; Vo gratify tbosu who wreha fcitb. lul .likeness of.themselves, by ,.process- The superiority of Ambrolypes ovet pictures oa Metallic plate*,-is obvious to to lire meet carelias ob. server. >• •• ■ : • ' 1 The harshness and. metallic- luster nf lbe latter are entirely obviated, and instead, ws have a clear, T~~ ry- fr>V.r - wclf.denncd impression, in sdßhesa of light and shade the engraving and as plainly (o be seen injujyJiht. Pictures of infants abd tfftftren of every age ta ken with Certainly and despatch. Persons wishing pictures vyjll please.coll,»oon v M hfs mil oe Jieccfcatily'shotl, Uken in cloudy as well as in cleat weather* • Apr. 3, *s6—if; Valuable Farm Formate. THE Sobscriber is desirous of dis. posing of of bis Farm, containing 170'.aores, situated io Charleston town* ship, Tioga coqnly, Pa., three fin in W ellabotq'. on tire State Koadjead ffiSSSly ing to Covington, and 10 miles from tbs i®PMsPCorning and Blossburg Railroad. About acres of said farm is in a good stats of cultivation and well adapted to Dairying and Grain-growing, is well watered and baa a fine lot of Timber, beech, tnaplh,’white and 1 black asfa, hickory and oak- Said-farm has a good frame bouse, two barns and otlier necessary outbuildings, a fine or chard of 950 fraUbdaring trees, all grafted fruit, be side a thrifty young apple orchard and a choice ss sortment of cherries, plums and peart, thereon. Enquire of lire sobscriber on tire premises. - , .... XT MAN WBTMORE. Charleston, Deu-37.—5i,. If NEW MILLINERY STORE. MISS E P. RICH- ; ARPS, would respect- ■yrr.jjjL.f fully announce to lire citizens of Wdlsboro’ vicinity, that she has juak opened a new linerreslaWishmcntat the re- '^jTT 7 ' /■ sidened of Mfi lJ Riche l where may beldu'nd»t,all times -a.'; ' - GO O D A S‘B OR TMEN 2? •.. -- ■■ ,OF MILLINERY GOODS, , such as Lrtdies & Children** Bonnets, RIBBONS, FLOWEfiS,CAPS; HEADDRESSES, dpoi dec,, . ... All orders promptly attended to. She willalaojat, tead to Dressnuking ak osbal; E^Nojtruat. CvrOSMtFN biuijiut-retonwd Aoaj tb» City • Broadcloth*, Cai*i*Wf*K- V!tUMg*,i •/ all kind*, Rtada-Mado GUtkfng if *U jMtiUit* - ■■ind tixf*; Tfrinth'Burnt)*; 1 fflHrta anil : fPrimsinfiK' cr^m^mtfdiuf 3 r.- ;* i t-j ■> ‘ll* a 1 i*g O*Uar**£lUott and JU- *, ... -m .-?» Bnt- r " • > ■" mmsmsz&fftL FtagtiHSma Unian and VStfoyts opM *Wn ?.April 19* IBSS.'-*u«-■* v *vl■ « .• Xfcjmnnoancei laths pnblielhal hr h«s reaorsq hftOffifia'tb IM Itfely JorF, 'wbK when nol proOMaiomlly sogaged’.- ;■ s ■ Demurs forWasemcts btbmpify rtiponiM J4 ,I6S& ' ’ i just received and fbf'bije by W. A. ROE. ttIPT JO OoiSJ-}4s