The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, August 14, 1856, Image 4
‘ SHERIFF'S SAFES.' r BY yiRTdEr of sundry'wrila of Fi. Fa, Vend. Ex. and Levan Facias, issued out of tlic.Com. mon Pleas of Tioga County *nd to me directed, I will expose to public sale on Monday the Ist day of September next, at I o'clock, afternoon, in Homo WdUboro, 1 tlie following described properly, to wit . , iS , . v Mx . x ~ . % A lotoTfamftn belrfrtr township,bdmldfed riorth by I atrds of pantel Osboiif,'eabt 5y lhcWHid % 'iddl'hby tbd s;(mc, nnd %dSI by Rbsielt'Lftfclbn 'bhd Lemuel Ftptii—Aorilainihg about rffns adresmore or less upoh wbfeW b a ' frame two rfb'ry building used aft f'tlwet." linjf house ami store together with 9 frteart\'flo(ifmg mill Whtf olhersraallotffrbtfi Id* ings.', To be sold ,as (he property-of Wm. A. Wari. ner and Russel Lawton. lot of land in Slots township bounded north by the town plot of the A r bon Land Company, east by the. lands of John Ward, Horatio Seymour, James Ford and others, south by the lands of flora, lio Seymour, James Ford, fc, Pycr and others, aqd weal by the lands of E. Dyer, John Ward and others. Property described as follows—-Beginning at a post in tho south-east corner of the Arbon Land Company's town plot, and 7l deg, west la a pout in tbe line between the lands of John Ward and others,and the lands of Horatio Seymour, James Ford and others j Jhcnce along the line of Seymour, Ford and others, m a south west direction to a po>-t in the line of Ford, Dyer and others; thence north 131 deg. west to a post In (he south we«a corner of the town plot of the Arbon Land Co.; ihonce north 691 deg. cast to a post, the beginning—containing about 186 acres, and being part of warrants No. 5977, No. 809, No* 5927 Willi a boul thirty acres improved; forty four frame and £lnnk houses twelve shanties, seven frame barns or sttblta, ten sheds and some ftuil trees thereon. To be sold as the property of the Arbon Coal Co. ALSO—A lot of land in' Lawrence township, bounded on the east by land of Allison Evans, south bv land belonging to tbe heirs of James Pritchard, on the west by land of Amzi Pritchard and on the north by Ofiuh Pritchard—containing scVcn acres ami three perches more or less, with a small frame house and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of William Pritchard. ALSO—A lot of land in Covington and Rich, mond townships, bounded north by lands of Edwin byvt, cast by iandq of E. Dyer, south by lands of Gilbert HubbcU, and west by lands of Thomas B. Howland and A. J. Howland—containing two hun dred and forty acres with about thirty acres improved, two frame houses, barn, saw mill and a shingle ma chine thereon. To be sold as the property of Fran cis Wclherbee, Benj. Kress, end Orrtn D. Wicks. ALSO—A lot of land in Jackson township, bound sd ns follows—west by A Decker, north by William Miller, cast by William Miller and S. L. Parmalier and south bv 8. L. Parmalier—containing about one hundred acres with forty acres improved, three frame house*, two frame barns and saw mill and a small a pule orchard thereon. To be sold as the properly Juhu P, Cleave land, Samuel Miller and William Miller, Rx'rs nf Samuel Miller dec'd. ALSO—A lot of land in Lawrence township, bounded north by James Ford,cast by John W. Ryon, south and west by heirs of Daniel Welson—contain ing about 52 acres with 10 or 15 acres improved, framehouse, log. barn, frame barn and some fruit trees thercoj.. Also— A lot ofland in Lawrence township, bound ed north by T. B. Tompkins, east by C. H. L. Ford, south by Bingham lands and west by L. Darling— containing 123 7-10 acres. Ta be sold as the prop erty of Isaiah Sutton and Ethil Harris. ALSO —A ccrlhin one and one half story house ] situated in the Boro of Elkland in the north aide of j the Mam •-treel running through said Boro, contain- | »ng in front thirty-eight feci, the upright being six teen feel, and the wing being one story and running twenty-two /eel front,and the said upright runs back i from said Main street to the north twenty-six feel, I and the w i ng runs back twenty feel, and a wood shed 1 extending north ten feel and east and west twenty- I .two teev, and the lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenant to said budding, bounded on the south bv Ma in street, on the west by land of Joel Park burs', on Inc m rib and cast by land of J. L, Duven pori—containing in ■all about one acre of land. To be sold iixthc properly of Philo J. Wright. ALSO—A lot of land in Tioga village, bounded north bv Church alrcel meeting house lot and T. L. Baldwin, east by Tioga River, south by Jno. Prulz- 1 man and west by Williamson street —containing thinv acres more or less, all improved, a frame house, frame barn, a hay Barn and an apple orchard thereon To be sold as the property of Vine O^Pui. ‘ALSO—A lot ofland in Shippen township begin rung at a post the north east corner of Nathaniel Impaon; thence by warrant line one hund red and thirty-three and a half perches to a birch, (he north cast corner of No. 1955; tbonce by war rant I ne south foriy-fivc perches to a post, the north east corner of Uriah Impson; thence hy Uriah Imp son, west one hundred and thirly-lhrce perches to a post, thence by said Nathaniel Impson, north forty five perches and seven tenths of a perch to the place of beginning—containing tliirty-scvco acres and a half, being pari of warrant survey No. 1955, James Wilson IS arrameu Also— A lot of land in Delmar lownship.bounded north by Geo. English, weal by William Howe, south bv Levi Blewarl, Marlin Furman and others, castor Harkicv furman—Containing one hundred acres, about lurty acres improved, frame house, frame,barn and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of James Francis. ALSO—AiI that dwelling housesituale in Charles, ton, Tioga county, Pa , on a certain piece of land bounded north by lands of Jo-dub Smith on the east by Morn#, south by Benj. B Smith, west by the old Tmiolliv Culver place, the said dwelling house be ing the upright part sixteen by twenty-six, story and ha If high, with a wood house and kitchen at- lached thereto, twenty by thirty feel, situate on the cast side of the road leading from the Culver.saw mill in Charleston to Cherry Flats in Covington. To b© sold as the property of N. B. Smith and Ful- Hot Smith ALSO—A piece of land in Rutland township Tioga County, bounded on the south by H. Soper, on the west by Thomas Soper and the estate of Jo sephus Clark dec’d., on the north by William Soper, and on the cast by the Bradford county line, with about fifteen acres improved, a frame house and frame barn Ihcreor. Also—A piece lying in the county of Bradford, containing about thirty-two acres—-about twenty, two acres improved, and bounded north by William Soper, cast by Gibbon Baker, south by John Benson, and weal by the land aforesaid, bcilig the Bradford* and Tioga county line, being part of farm first de scribed To be sold as the propertyof Ralph Bovier. ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham township, boon dea as follows, north by Benjamin Vandusan, east bv John W hoaton, south by Stephen Case and Con. nciius \an Dyne-*, and weM, by James Reyser,—con taining fillv nine acres, with about thirty acrce im. proved, one frame ivnd log bouse, one frame barn will) other out buildings and apple orcberd thereon. To be sold as the properly of N. R. Hastings. ALSO—A tract of land situate in Richmond township, beginning at a hemlock the south west corner of Warrant No. 1033 and south west thcreolj tiicncc north I degree east 193 perches to a post; liiencc north 89 degrees west 84 3.10 perches to a (H)sl; Uieiice north J of a degree cast 101 perches lo a post; thence soulhB9s degrees east 153 perches to a post; thence north 138 perches lo a thence east 111 perches lo a beech; thence south 130 porches to a hemlock ; thence north 89 degrees west 21 perches to s post; thence south } ol a deg. weal 212 B*lo perches lo a post: thence south 1 deg. west 84 perches to a post in the south line of war. rant No. 1832; thence north 88J degrees west 160 6-lb perches lo the beginning— containing 411 acres, and being lota numbered in the Bingham survey of s«") towhship, 91,92,97. 1070, 108, parts o( war. rants 1032, 1792 and 1793. Reserving and except, mg om o r said 411 acres, 03 acres in possession of Robert Pratt, and 50 acres io possession of Enoch o'* raslUB Kelly; leaving included in this levy 2JB acres, on which there are 175 acres im proved, a frame house, frame barn, saw mill and other buildings. Also—A tract of land situate in Shipper) town, ship, beginning at a fallen hickory in or on or near the north hank of Pine Creek, in the weal lino of I)av,d Ellis’ land; thence north 88J degrees west .102 perches to a fallen while pine; thence north 1 degree east 184 porches to a post in the south boun (lari of No. 2355: thence south 88j degrees east Ib’j perches lo t maple corner; thence south 1 de- W. W. ROBINSON, 4 DEAL!* I.V Books, Stationery, Blank Booh, Wall Paper — Eng. lish, French and Ameiitan Manufacture, IhiUt utensils and Perfumery, Fan cy Soapt, Violin Strings G old Pens and Pencils, Ssc., §c. All the popular Magozinei and leading Netospa* pert may be had at his Counter . COKMIWI, B. Y., lev, IS, 1885. Wants, St Things Wanted. WANTED by almost every farmer in tlie conn, ty, a bottle of the “Liquid Heave Cure,” to check the first indications of heaves, and the preven tion and cure of all diseases that affect the wind of horses. ALSO, a bo* of Dr. Power’s “Hibernian Oint ment, a sovereign remedy for Galls, Scratches, Gra. zcs, Bruises, tuesh wounds, and all cutaneous diseases to which horses or horned cattle are subject ALSO, of the “German Rat Killer,” one of the safest and best articles in use for destroying rats and mice, or Lydfts celebrated “Rat Pills,’,’ for tho same purpose,' For sale at the Wclljsboro’ Drug Stoic SASH & BLIND FAC F o IK Y COVINGTON, TIOOA CO„ PA. TH £ subscriber is prepared by new Ma just purchased, to furnish to order, all kinds o square and fancy Sash and Blinds. Square Sash of common sites constantly on hand. By long experience in the business, the subscri. her flatters himself that he can make as good an article, and sell it as cheap as can be obtained at any estabishment in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and see. DAVID S. IRELAN. Covington, March 2,1854. OThe subscriber is also Agent for the sale of Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness, D. S. I. NEW SPRING GOODS, THE subscribers are now opening their stock of GOODS for the Spring Trade, com prising a full and complete assortment, and of the usual variety, which will, as heretofore, be sold a la very small profit for READY PAY. Being deter, mined not to be undersold by our neighbors, our goods are marked a} iteioijxatiururoi at-w.'uparison oi our goods and prices with anyotber in the market. Among the assortment of BRY BOOBS willbo found a great variety of Lad let’ Ores .Goods consisting in part of Bereget, Berege Delanes,all-wool Delanes, Lawns, plain and printed; Ginghams, English, Scotch and American ; Poplins, Prints of all shades and colors, a good stock of SILKS. . Alio, for men's wear may be found Broad Clotha Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin and summer Vestings. Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached qnd brown, Tickings, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton Yarn,Carpet Warp,Colton Batten, with a variety of other rticles 100 nutnerousto mention. Groceries and Provisions. A full stock will be kept an hand. Those in want of Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart’s best Syrup, Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Saleratns, Flour, Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other article in this line, will do well to call on us before purchasing else where. HARDWARE, tslarge and complete an assortment as can befuund in the county. Among which is Cutlery ofall hinds Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks Batts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, &c., &.c. i CROCKERY, GLASS & STONE-WaRE. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, dpc. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past season,the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of our Spring slock believing that good Goods and low prices nil in sun a speedy sale for ready pay. B. B. SMITH & SON. Wellsborongh,Mny 25,1856. Valuable Farm Poe Sale. THE Subscriber is desirous of dis* posing of of his Farm, containing 170 aerqa, situated In Charleston town. siiSaL ship, Tioga county, Pa., three miIesXgUJSK from Weiisboro', on (he State Road lead ’ fficgsgSing to Covington, and 10 miles from the raayCorning and Blossburg Railroad. About acres of said farm is in a good stale of cultivation and well adapted to Dairying ana Grain-growing, is well watered and has a fine lot or Timber, beech, maple, white and black ash, hickory and oak. Said farm has a good frame house, two barns and other necessary outbuildings, a fine or chard of 250 fruilbearing trees, all grafted fruit, be side a thrifty young apple orchard and a choice as sortment of cherries, plums and pears, thereon* Enquire of the subscriber oo the premises. LYMAN WETMORE. Charleston, Dec. 27,-55. if gree weal 57 perches to a,pfcsti .thence ,«mth 88J, degree»«a«t 140 perches lo * put ; .nd touQi.; ] degree west 135 perches to the beginning—tdn lalning 286 acres. ■ Also—A tract of land north of and adjoining the tract la.l sbrwedetCTiberl.beginDintr ataposltn the south boundary of Warrant No, tlidncc by land Into of Jesse Locke (now Bipilk.rjt. Wlsnfe'r), horlh 1 degree east SB3 perches to a poali.thence soufh SBJ degrees east 121 4rlo'jferehb* to a poftt! thence south.}. degree west 34Pi perchea lQ a .poet ; thence north 88} degrees westsspercl>e. to a post; thence north 1 degree easts 7 •perches lo a,maple; and Ihenco north 88| degree* w?at 6jsjerche»to the beginning—containing 330 acres. ■ -i.‘ Also—A tracl uf land Moth of and adjoining the 280'acre lot above, described, beginning at a hem lock in the north boundary line of No. 2367} thence south 88j degrees to a poet ; thence couth 64 degrees east' 3w perches to a hemlock; thence north 88 j degrees west 963 perches lo a ma. pic; thence south 1 degredwestS perches lOahem. lock; thence north 88 1 2 degrees west 43Q perches to a hemlock; and thence north 1 degree east 462 perches to the beginning—containing 455 acre*. Reserving and excepting out of the 280 acre lot and the 230 acre lot, 71 acres surveyed for Ryan Hard, and 63 acres surveyed for C. W. H.nrilie, leaving included in this levy 822 acres, on which there ate 100 acres improved, two frame bouses, two bards and a saw mill. Also —The following tracts of unseated land : lota surveyed on warrants numbered 2636 and 2641 —containing 990 seres each, and 2512 containing 1002, and 216 acres of No. 2640, W. Willink &Co Warrantee and all situate in the township of Elk. Also— Lot surveyed upon warrant No, 2433, W. Willink Sc Co. Warrantees, and situate in tbe town ship of Gaines. Also —An undivided interest bf 252 acre in war rant No. 5046, and a like quantity of warrant No. 5055, Jamea' Wilson Warrantee in the town.hip of Bloas, and warrant No. 5048—containing 1099 acrea in the townships of Covington and Charleston. Also—A tract of land situate in Delmar town ship, beginning at a post the north east corner of land fate of Luther Johnson dec’d.; thence north by lands of Orren Fenton and lands in possession of Joel Crawl being the east line of Delmar township, 112 perches to a beech; (hence north 45 degrees west by lands late of James I. Jackson, 85 perches to an iron wood; thence south 108 perches to a post on the south side of the Darlt Settlement road, in the north boundary of lands of James I. Jackson; thence east by said road 5 perches to a post; thence north 16 degrees cast 32 7-10 perches to a postin the line of the Luther Johnson lot; and IKeoce cast by the line of said Johnson lot 55 perches to the beginning —containing 50 acres and 90 perches. Also—All that other lot of land adjoining the last mentioned lot, beginning at a post in the Darlt Settlement Road, a corner of the tract last mention ed ; thence north by the said tract 137 5-10 perches to a post; thence north 45 degrees west by lands of James I. Jackson and Eraslns Fellows 71 5-10 perches to a beech; thence by land of Eraslus Fel lows sooth 78 degrees west 15 perches to a post; thence by lands late belonging to tWheirsof Moses Johnson, 187 5-10 perches to a post in the Darlt Settlement Road; and thence eastwsrdly by said road to the place of beginning—containing 59 acres and 130 perches—having thereon about 80 acres im proved, a frame hohse and barn and apple orchard. Also— A lot of land situate in-the township of Covington and Richmond, beginning at a post in the line of TilljrMarvin land; thence by the same south J of a degree, west 133 2 10 paces to the road up Elk run, and by the south with 77 degrees west I 26 I 9 pcrolwsa, south 73 degrees, west 37 perches, I north 66 degrees, west 20 perches, smith, AO degrees, 1 west 12 perches, south 71 degrees, west 19 perches to a post in the line between lots Nos, 3&4, by said line, north 155 6-10 perches to a post, the corner of i lots 4 11 and 12; thence by lot no. 12, east 108 4-10 1 perches, to the beginning—containing 96 acres ond 127 perches, with 70 acres improved, soda frame house and frame barn thereon. JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff* Wellsboro* August 14 1856. EASINESS DIRECTORY. _ Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon, ELKLAND, TIOGA COUNTY, PA, Will visit patients in all parts o( the county. .[June 14.1855.1. . |_ w. w. WEBB, n. D., HAS established himself in the practice of Med. icine and Surgery in the Townihtp of Liberty Pa., where he will promptly attend all colls in his profession. Liberty, Feb. 1.-1854. JOHN If. BA CHE, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Office, north side Public Square WelUborougb, I'u Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge & Co.,N. Y city Hon.A.V.Parsons,Philadelphia. July 13. KASBAW PARKHURST, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, AT LAW. LAWKENCEVILLE, Tioga County, JPa! Office one door below Ford Block.! [fib 21,3 m. • SPENCER & THQ2SSON, " Attorneys & Counselors at Law, CORNING, Steuben County, New York. Geo. T. Spencer, C. H. Thomson. April 18, 1855-ly. S. F. WILSON, ID* Removed to James Lowrey'a Office, * AS. LOW KEY A S. F. WILSON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Poller and McKean counties. Wellsborough.Fcb. 1,1853. The Tioga County Agitator IE pnblwhod every THURSDAY MORNING at Wellslmro*. Tioga County, J*a., by Conn, Stcrrock A Co., on tho PA Y <D 0W N System. The cash must invariably accompany tho ■imlfr for tho paper, unless «nr agent* at the several post-offi cer choose- to become responsible for the amount, or no pa per will l>« mailed. The subscription price is ON JJ I) 0L- I. A K I* KJt AXX C M to single subscribers. Anj par son sending ns $9 w HI receive 10 coplea of the paper one year —flirt-clod to each subscrlWr. Office, HOY’S BLOCK, second floor, over Taylor’s Book Store. Justice's, Constable’s and other Blanks always on hand. Job and Fancy Printing executed with neatness and desp.itrh. 11. O. COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, Wellsboro' l*n. Occupies room over R. S. Bailey’s Store. Every, thing in his line of business will be done as well and as promptly os it can be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparations for removing dandruff, and beauty Bing the hair for sale cheap. Hair and whiskers dyed any odor. Call and sec. Wollsboru’, Oct 18, 1855. (if) TIOGA MARBLE YARD. PHILO TOLLER. DEALER IN Italiau and American marble, FOR MANTELS, MONUMENTS, TOMBS CENOTAPHS, GRAVESTONES. Agents. Bailki & Foley, Wellsboro; O. P, Beach, Knoxville; J. E. Wissm, Covington. Tioga, April 2G, 1855. tift 1 .cattsi-'r :*; co. .D-have jurtTeeeiw*:n>W«po«w»**«lWlit of SUMMER GOODS i hientMirfhe oily,'tod wbfqb or*; now ottered <hilj Hour StoWjft Tldga, Which c«ii l btf htdfcr j Ibover primmcoatvwtsitb ooan* ofgopd, "W UiWf ft. : come In while stuck Uftesbi „.D«l»J|»re denjerow-i-Prii*. eraslinatioo has frostbitten many i, y gOOa osrpiO If yoo wafit y«irtiWody’avrt>rth, eome oa. If yoe wanVinorO thinA" dollar's vforth.fdf.wd®ll»r, dota't come V bat yoawiUWaitobithed W*ee What a pile of goods ke can pot ppfor ».<Wlar. Oat stock of oß.it goods ■ ia not made Up Of the 'bddr and ends end - the tern* hanla of bp” concerns In lbdCity, but com priaea m complete assortment of the latest aty lea and beat qualities, from the cooneet domestic to the fi nest iroporlfed fabrics, 4dch pa siika, and Ladles* Dress deeds, Latest Styles, and adapted lq every variety of trim mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere. 'Baldwin, Guernsey & Co., have always on band a seasonable and fashionable Week of Gentlemen's Ready-Made Clothing, which will be sold ot llie lowcsl CASH PRICES. ALSO ( •Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass, Stone, Hollow and Wooden Ware, .iron,- te .el, Mil*, Oils, Paints . and Dyt-Stuff? of. ecqry'kind , and of Ike best quality, ~ with BOOTS <*• SHOESt far Ecerybody. •„» All kinds of Country Produce token in ex change for goods at the market prices. 8 T. L. BALDWIN. Tioga, Jane 26, 1856. A. T. GUERNSEY, 6 O. B. LOWELL. A CROWI* wouWcftnnpuiwe jo the cilt- Tioga county, (bat ho blaaatooljUd with him* part op n, ani toai.a.ineßf will be/eoa. tlitcfed bßdfir/tho'finfi A Ob; They kill cdrifihue at lhe'iijfd!j)(sifd W' to manufacture to ordersnd keep on hand, CARRIAGES, SLEJpm CVTTERS, As., krbieh for -style, alegapse offiniah, eannot be surpassed by any other eßnllarastshhso- t^e^iW material. need expressly id all tho maßafaiCteriDr ilepatWilsntaOf IhiaeAabllahment. MMpstwifif; ing orders may rest ‘a-aiwedof hMltt)|f&tdn'‘*kecW' edl to their entire finished tit arery as attended-taper * REPAIRING done aa usual,withnealneaauni despatch. 1 1 PAINTING uf all kinds done on the hoKert notice, and moat reasonable terms. (ETAII kinds of merchantable produce (dclivee ed) recired in exchange for work, at the tharkrl prices. it CO. July 13,1855. . Dress Marks the Man, OWING to the great rise in paper, there ia a . great and increasing demand for rags of Oil kinds,. Therefore, every, man who wishes to ante the first cost on his old ololhes should cast them, buttons and all into the rag-bag; not however' until he calls at die PBEffIUCJn CLOTHING BTOR£, . At .TIOGA, and selects (from the luge and splendid assortment of , Ready Wade Clothing, here Jkept constantly on hand, a spit Warranted to wear ns long as any other, and made in the best and most substantial manner, and nnder his own snper- a vision. The proprietor has a complete knowledge uf the trade, and can sell the beat quality of Ready Made Clothing considerably cheaper than any other establishment In the county. He k&ps a variety of Cloths, Castimeres, Vestings, Drawers, Trimmings, Wrappers, Shirts, Collars, Cravats, dfc, <s•<?., which will be sold as reasonably as they can be pur chased elsewhere. His slock ofCOATS & VESTS can’t be beat this aide of New York, either in price style, or quality. Don’t forget that this establishment look the firs premium nt the Fair of last October. O’ Particular attention given In cutting and ma king garment* to order. C< OSMIJN. Tioga, April 5, 1855. WHAT’S IN A NAME? Why. everything.),,!—especially when the nameit significant and appropriate, at it certainly is at applied to THE EMPIRE STORE, which will certainly have to be enlarged to double Ut present size, to accommodate the crowds (hat flock there daily to examine the new and superb stock of s®iaa»a ®®<o©s which BOWEN ia receiving from New-York, and SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES, because they must be aold to make room Tor more. Ladies, we can show you acme of the finest, beat, most tastily assorted and the cheapest Dress Goods, ever offered lolliis.or any other community. Don’t take my word fur it, but please call and examine for yourselves. And then—such lota of READY-MADE Cloth ing, Spring and Summer wear! Gentlemen, come and renew your faith by sight. Wcllsboro’, May 15. 1856. J. R. BOWEN. Balm of a Thousand Flowers to beautif> th« complexion, remove tan, freckles and pint* plee, blotches and sunburn on tlw taco. Catarrh SnufT, for Colds. Headache, Catarrh, Ac. Liquid Heave Cure, for Coughs. Heaves, Ac- in Horses. Pettit’s American Eye-Salve. an external remedy for Sore Byes, weakness of the eye, Ac. Brant’s Pulmonary Balsam, a valuable remedy for Colds, Coughs, Pain'in the Sldo, Ac. Houghton’s Pepsin, for Dyspepsia, Indigestion and General Debility. Dr. Davies’ Dcpiirativc, for Scrofula, bad Sores of every description. Übed only as s Blood BuriQvr. For tale at the Welhboro' Drug Store. April 17,1856. Will arxeeT r A QUESTION difficult to answer, but that the Subscriber is offering rtlerctiAndiieeSwp, admits not a doubt. The question will be immediately set tled upon inspection of the Goods and .prices. He is just receiving his fall stock, which consists in a general assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY.MADECLOTHIN6, HATS A, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, WOODEN WARE, STONE. WARE, TIN WARE, Dr. Ham’s Invigorating Spirit. “A Word lo the Wise is sufficient The Subscriber has a large and well selected stock of Goods, and is offering them at as reasonable prices os can be bought in Tioga Co., or Ibis side of Cedar Run I He who wants a PLUG OF TOBACCO or a GOOD COAT—She who wants a box of SNUFF or o-FINE DRESS, will do well to cal) and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. Come and see and be convinced of the truth of the foregoing statement. J, B. POTTER, Agent, For H. H. POTTER. Middiebury Centre, Nov. 8,1855. MEW GOODS. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and friends that lie still con tinues the mercantile business, at the old place, at the Wfll known store of L. I. Nichols, where he will be happy to wait on those that will favor him with a call, and would invite the attention of the public gepcrally to bis large and commodious stock of DRY ROODS, Groceries, Ready-Made Cloth ing and Hardware, CROCKERY, WOODENWARE, STONE WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c., &c., in fact everything else kept in a country store, arti clcs too numerous to mention, and will sell cheaper than can be bought this side of New York city. All kinds of produce taken in exchange fur goods at the highest market price. J. R. BOWEN. Wellaborough, June 29,1856. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs those who have unsettled accts. with him, (pro or con) in Tioga Co. that their accts. tAer this date are in the hands of H. W. Williams, attorney in Wellsboro' for settlement. If attended to before the Ist day of May next, no cost will accrue thereon. April 10,,1856. M. S.,BLACK WELL. He would also notify those persons in Delmar who gave their wool to A. L. Beaver, Manufacturer' at Bowen’s establishment, KrioSville, or to S. S. Blackwell, agent for said Beaver, who left their goods with me for delivery, that unless the receipts for the same not yet given up to me, arc left with Mr. Williams, anita will be brought for their recov ery, as 1 am responsible to Beaver. . M. S. BLACKWELL, Agt. Dried peaches a on hand at [Ap. 24,’56.] ROE’S. Mackerel a white fish by the J J and bbl., cheap at ROE'S, MONEY TO LET. lE. S. BAII.EV, HAVING just returned from New York with bis fall purchases, would invite the attention of buyers to his exhibition of GOODS & WARES, comparing qualities and prices with any establish ment in Tioga county. Disliking the idea of a great deal of-show and bombast in advertising I would simply say that the usual variety of useful articles in tbs line of DRY GOODS, BOOTS * SHOES, HATS, < HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, CROCKERY, STONK WARP. OODEN ARE, TIN AB E. ic* may he found at prices that cannot fail to please pur chasers for Ready Pay. Should it oo happen that an article called for is not on hand, customers are positively assured that it will in •‘nwrt imp*” In connexion with the establishment may be found a good assortment of Box, Parlor, and Cook Stoves, of the heaviest castings and most approved patterns together with everything in the line of tinware, wholesale and retail.manulactuuul K. or our lot low townsman, Mr. John B. Sofield, who is said to be the heat tinner in the county. Those wishing ware made from good stock, and a smooth job, will not fail to make their selections and leave their orders at Nov. 99,1855. ROCK. BAILEY’S. GROCERIES. clothing, CAPS, FANNING HILLS. ATTENTION, FARMERS! THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in form the Farmers of Tioga County, that they are now Manufacturing FINCH’S IMPROVED PREMIUIJ4 FANNING MILLS, three miles south of Wcllsborough, on the Jersey Shore road; and feel warranted in saying that said Mill is the best ever introduced into Tioga County both ns respects cleaning fast and well, and the saving of Grass Seed Farmers are respectfully invited to call and exam ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. Cf All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old Mills repaired on short notice. ANGUS GRIFFIN &. SONS. Delmar,Oct. 12,1854-lf. Carriage & Wagon idaniilkc tory. O ENRY PETRIE would an.. nounce to his friends and public generally, thalhe is the above business on Gradon street, immediate in the rear of J. R. Bowen’s store, where he is pro* pared to manufacture on short notice, Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, Wagons, of any style or description to suit the purchaser and of the very best materials. All kinds of re pairing done forthwith and on the most reasonable terms. PAINTING AND TRIMMING will be prompt jy executed in the best manner and moat fash ionablo style. ; Wellshorn,' Joly 13.’55. HENRY PETRIE. New Volumet—Subieriberi may begin Nota. LIFE ILLUSTRATE D—A Hra class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News, Lit erature, Science and the Arts; to Entertainment, Im provement and Progress. One of the best Family Newspapers in the World. Two Dollarsa year. THE W A T E R-0 CSS JOURNAL. Devoted to Hydropathy, iti Philosophy and Practice to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous illustra tions; and those laws which govern Life and Health, $1 a year. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL: Devoted to all those Progressive Measures for the el. evation and improvement of Mankind. Amply 11. luslratcd. 91 a .year. For 93 a copy of each of these Journals will be sent one year. Agents wanted. Address, Fowlers &, Wells, 308, Broadway New-York. MRS. 1. D. RICHARDS, Agent for tho above works, and practical Phrenologist, may be found at the bouse of Mr. I. Richards, Wcllrtioro’, Pa, Turning St Chairmaking. J STICKLEY, Turner, and Cfaalrmaker, would • Inform the public that he has recently fitted up bis shop in good style, and is now prepared to manu facture alHtinos of CANE & COMMON CHAIRS, of the best material and finish. Also Turning done in superior style, on reasonable terms. SHOP, south end Main street, opposite H. W Darlt's Wagon Shop. Q AMUEL HERZOG, having rented part of J. k? Slickky’s shop is prepared to manufacture all kinds of CABINET WORK from the beat materia] and in auperior style. He has on hand several sb perior Mahogany Bureaus for sale cheap, Wellsboroogh, April 14, 1855. CLOTHING. —A large stock in store of the Is leal fashions, a fit guaranteed every time, as also a price to suit the buyer, for I am boond to sell Soph 90,1855. , J.R. BOWEN TlAljjp OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS...for JI tbe removal of Tan, Freckles, Pimples pnd all diseases of Ihbskih, at R. ROY'S. CHOKED -HAMS A SItOULDCHS, O OB band at (April 24.] • W. A. ROE’S. COSMON has just, returned Rom ihe City • with a splendid assortment of Broadcloths, Cassimeret, Testing's, TVimminge a; all kinds, Ready-Made Clothing of all epsaitties aud stirs, French Bosoms, Shirts dad Wristbands, Cravats and Scarfs, all styles, a la Byron Collars, Stand, tag Cottar s, Gloves and Re ttery, Stiependert, But is this «/ all descriptions, Dinks and Dntie Bartons for Coots, 7 wk Stalin Dinings for Coats Voagee Sleeve ■ Dinings and Tslesls of ail stylet which will be sold cheap for Cash.. Tioga, April 19,ifeSS. Truth is stranger than Fiction 11 WE must say that G. W. Taylor is receiving from the Manuftctorers, the best and cheap eat lot of PIANOS & MELODEONB, ever offisted ih this courtly. He can famish is gdod instrument and at as fair prices as City dealers. Call at the Book Store Wcllsboro', December 6, 1855. PORK 1 PORK Jt-20 bbla of Mew fork, just received tnd for sale by W. A. KOR h.v-X* : MISI7 EOT tint!Hi #■/£SC -4 4POTHBQ A n T r; U. ... ; WttiiiXaisisAt^ 7 DRABS*'IN - FOREIGNS DOmWfp DRUGS 4 CHEMICAL&MEDICINES, OIL, , PAmmWmJcips, yar- PUTTY. WIND ■ 1 OINTMENTS, EXTRACTS, TINCTURES, PILLS, POW DERS, PHARMACEVTJCPREP ARATIONS, THOMPSONIAN BOTANIC MEDICINES, HOMEOP ATHIC REMEDIES, CHILDREN’S TOT?, INKS, PERFUMERY AND ToilET articles, fancy DaoDs, BURNING FLUID, POTASH, TA R, LAMPS, ■. .V, .ALso, • CHOICE T&A at very moderate prices. Physt oians' prescriptions will at all limes receive care, fnl attention. Every article sold St bis Store ia war ranted to be as represented to the purchaser. Alt articles not satisfactory may be retained, if uninjur ed, and the moody refunded. Terms, Cash. tLTCaII at the sign of the Mortar, jh Welltboro* Oot. 25,1855.t1. KLOWARB ASSOCIATION* PHILADELPHIA, Important Adnonncemcni. TO ull persona afflicted with Sexual diseases, sad. its SPERMATORRHtEA, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF-ABUSE, dtc* &c n > . The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia in view oi the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which are practiced upon the Unfortunate victimapf such diseases by Quacks, base , directed their Con sulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male or Female.) who apply by letter, with a description of their eon dilion, (age, occupation,,habits of life, Ac.,) and in ease of extreme poverlyjpu suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, for the re lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with ‘'Viru lent and Epidemic Diseases,” and its funds can be used for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the As. sociation commands the highest Medical skill of the ago, and will Cornish the most approved modern treatment.—Valuable advice also given to sick and nervoos females, afflicted with Womb Complaint Lcucorrhcea, dec. Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 3 Sooth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Fa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HARTWELL President. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. October 35,1855. —iy. HERE'S I«UR CHEAP BOOTS St SHOES! HAVING removed to the building in the rear of Bailey <k Foley’* store, the subscriber ia prepared to furnish to order, MEN'S If BOYS’ KJPjI; CALF BOOTS Pegged and Sewed, WOMENS' A CHILDRENS KIP \ CALF'SHOES— MENS * ROYS' COARSE BOOTS, Made upon Sonar—and warranted to wear out in due lime, and not to np until they are Worn out As a man ia known by hia Boot* no less than by he company he keeps, it behooves every man to take heed how his 11 understanding ” ia cared for A reasonable share of the public patronage is re spectfully solicited. O* Hides taken in exchange tor work. D. A. SEARS. Wellsboro’, Dec, 28,1855-1 y. New arrivals at the wellsboro 1 DREO STORE. Sulthate or Indigo, lot coloring Blue and Green. Cough Mixture. —This article contains Balsam Tola and other valuable cough remedies, and ia par ticulatly recommended to the notice of Physicians. Pulmonic Warns. A new lot of that 4s and 6a Tea, that every body likes so well. Extract of Lemon, Rose, Vanilla, Pino Apple, &.C., for cooking. Markino InE, that will not wash oat—for mark lag Linen, See, Waterproof Shoe Blacking, to preserve the lea ther and keep the feet dry. WritTso Ine—Black, Bine and Red, of the best quality. Wellsboro’, Jan. 10,1856. NEW MILLINERY STORE. MISS E. P. HlCfl. ARPS, would reapeet fully announce to the cithcns of Wellsboro’ and vicinity, that she has just opened a new lintnr establishment at the re sidcncc of Mr. I. Richards, where may be toaiid at all time* a GOOD ASSORTMENT OF MILLINER Y GOODS, such as Ladies «fc Children’s Bonnets. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CAPS, HEADDRESSES. Ac* Ac., All orders promptly attended to. She will also at tend to Dressmaking as oattal. O’ No trust. : ~ ~ *»^«j«—-neye#] I I '. ’":. twIKTr 7 : 1 B L A Cl 11 1 T H i il€k dhfrbb |btWit HwrtWßttat. FarttelllW%tfc*tioil piid to HQfcm- BHGtJWR}. ABkihdl W shoes fro* twOwirooft io' tfte CboeWe Bated Shoe, i N. K Trie system adopted at this establishment ie obHd. charge 35. pet cent extra to pay bf bid debt*, : thHffifre UMdefwM teajJkUdliiieiu ttortsbfikWrtd they will not hate to pay The debt* of tboee wfio net. erpay; IhiiplanfkTO’eefebdirtgbeybnd oar expects tiboo already. We invite ail wild can to come and see for cannot fooae mneb, and yon may find it tg your advaulagb. May 11855, 6 m GRAY & LODNSBURY. LOOK OUT m THE EN&O4EI The Seaton* changer- SO DO FRIENDS AND FORTUNE! AHD BUSINESS KEEATIONS, THEREFOXt, TABOR, BALDWIN A CO., (Succeed Tabtuf, Youbg tf Ca.) f IV THE FOUNDRY BDSINKM, AS Manufacturers of steam £bginei v ßbiiera add Machinery of all kinds; Slovea, Hollow Ware, Tin, end Copper Ware.^. REPAIRING &. JOB WORK done with the least possible delay. ‘ ■ MlLLGEARlNGBfuruiahedicT<Aaiifci»ti-ackarg« fdr pal ttnfs. FLOWS of all kinds, (two of which took the premium at the late County Fait.).kept constantly do hand. We hare the exclusive right, fbr Tk>g» Oounty, to manufacture and rend the King: State. one of the beat (if not the eery beat) Cook Stovn ever invented; which is always on hand at our store house, lor wholesale & retail. Therr Stoves took the premium over the Alhanv Stoves kt the fate Fair. Tbit is a leather in oar eap which We doot intend to have plucked out moo. Corn Shatters, Of ail the improved patterns that commend them selves to farmers. * Besides this, we intend to furnish better Ware, better articles and better work, at lower prices thsn ahy other establishment in Tioga county will ba able to do. And the mnu who paya CASH, can get what he buys at reduced prices. This is the fair way of doing business, and the system upon which the Tioga Foundry and Machine Shop will be con ducted hereafter. Don't wait for the wagon, but come on. TA BOR, BALDWIN & CO. Tioga, Nov. 15, 1855.—if. FT Old Iron and Copper, and all kiadaof produce taken in exchange for work. Anew era in scn-pencuL EING!—E. W. BECKWITH j«. ■pectfull; announces to the cititeoa of Wcllabon’ and »icinily, tbat be baa perfected his for taking awl U, now ready to gratify tbqse wbo wiah t faith ful (ikeness of themselves by this beautiful process. The superiority of Ambrotypes over pictures oo metallic plates, is obvious to to Uie most careless on server. The harshneas and meUflic luster of the latter are entirely obviated, and instead, ira bars a clear, well-defined Impression, exceeding in softness oi‘ light and shade the finest steel engraving and m plainly lo be seen in any light. Pictures ot' infants and children of every age la* ken with certainty and despatch. Persons wishing pictures will please call soon, it his stay in town wit) be necessarily short. Pictures Ukeh in ctmidy as well as in clear weather. Apr. 3, *s6~tf.