The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, August 07, 1856, Image 4

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    ft 11 if®
(hat our (fa prd>
JW b6/'fel4ftdF ?
fortunate slave and his.fid le»< BiuprtuliaUl
ha aster. T^^otorh^ ;
into ihbwitffiffainFOf 'iliHMdm
SlpVfcry ’ W ftistbedomflagt
maMer S^renla^^^lifdreJ'^Jod
said Wthd-Srsy'
do ihe beef We can^wjjh^n.
«Tir\U Rrpy/^^^pofl^tis 1
put it ajvk&rqay...receive blessing trpm the
Lord. R»t> seroeyincidenial ad-
V 8 nurges, to' rbdofye units permarienceand
surely ipccive hiscurse, end
bring 11
has murpope been
iniroduiia,ttot; : Were,hardly.
M• rT ’vi* & Z<\f- .'{■-t IV O U*’V iK* L.'SV'-
aware or thCsm in which w® wcre.Mboftlttlg
'“vnared. Bul the recent events
sucbiasbdott to the spirit of freedom os t 8?
arooteihe natiijn the ! golf "'Before
»•$ H# be maahs of a '-recoil
of sh'afl put. l>f dys
tint} of'hpnrfW bdritfage' bact ’wher? ft hres.«|
J&s fprmaUon of QufGpvernniehu May th.ik
demoosiraiioo of its spiritand. tendency pro-
Veni all tathperirig with it in future,’ Thhs
Qmf'Will make th® wrath qf'bian 'to praise
Him* .andih£n,,dfluhtless,the remainder of
wrhtp “Siijl (Wlrratraih." “ ' ~'J~ ■
' V,, It,now remain ß that we should con-,
•ides the duties of the present crisis. The
lime wiil -nor allow more than a brief enu
meration, _
l.'Tfte'firslduiyof the crisis is aright
public sentiment; Ours is a governuient of
opiftiud. To public opinion and
every ,coaiilion is : compelled to bow. It is
mighiier-tbao bayonets. The only difficulty
is in briagingihe national roiOdto a decision.
Thbrb is freer -circulation of news in this
country than in any, othejr, pad yef there is,
surprising ignorance and uncoacern of what
is taking place in the country. Many ofour v
countrymen haveno adequate idea of-what
has ocpurred ia Kaqsss., They know that
there has been-’trouble and figfiling, but their
fhfbrmaiipni' is most partial and' incorrect,
yje.rjf'(eW of.lha journals' have" pre
sented a laiihfuf report of facts. They bavb
been advocates' pqtk nol wimesses,- catching' for special pleading.for party effect,
instead of.relating il«»,yrimte truth before the,
tribunal of the people;. Now let every person
seek to inform himself and his neighbor*,®?
events. as they are. Put the' facts before the
people. Let them know (ha-outrages .which
have been • committed. Let them understand
the spirit which has actuated them, and the
and at which they aim. Let them be taught
to view the'facts and principles of ihe present
crisis, irrespective of party affinities. ' And
who can doubt (hat Ihe American people will
dbndemn this imbruing of hands in brothers*
blood, and tymnqizing oVqr bfethred ihqbes.
lions of right V wbukftjite; add
spread the mighty sßfera of public Sympa thy
and fsvot.qvef thq persecuted.: This ctjuse.
ia to be tried; trot by violence, but at the bar
of And whenever an intelli
j^hfdecwj6p%?f|jl(,and impartial testimony
be giyeq by* the tribunql, pH the agita
tors will be powerless. .Violent men, onplL
sides, may threaten wfcat they,pb»«. Tfifey
may as well threaten the Pacific Oceanas tne
resol ve.Jpdgpipit^o^coowtehce[U.f. inn ca
tion. Out firstlduty is, therefor®, to enlight
en ihe public mind. Make the daily journals
feel that jt .is their interest spread:, all (he
facts and the testimony of all sides' before
their .readers.. Make pse of the .mail for
distribution qf documents to your acquaint- .
anfee.,|.. Organize .s.system, of political Cot
portage,'which shall ,leave tracts, at every
maoVdoo’r, and through tijp crowds at the
qiarkdtasend them every where on the wings
of.dhe.yiqadi. .This ip the itue : system of'Re.,
puhiican the true, way to.
coyjecl a pnblio evil, ' ' ,
; titfieie
ithemgaoplnto yihja ‘■ftow Wfe I*itfr
i tbilkjfee- f»ktt guided'
* ■ - ;'lsfi*t
by'the ri Upend.
4j)d bowid
share. apf€al Ip nowarlike feel*
■ mg : iio. send
counter outfage, 8&(l i;
a iro ag ini ha of-righto odiresoluta
depewientand copsoieatiou* oseofthe billot-,
msntyiog-pany predilecnoprlp' «»»fiomtf
argument al.lhebar iqC P«rty
-dief-but> we atiaU live loensweratabigher
We aretbe spyertigos of
■tbe.Repubiio.- Waare.toilecldfttteisaueaof
opipiiin aad ttia ehoiw.of :rvlsm, Fat ourselves;
(t metiers notwhat intafeated and designing
rnep da .the one sldedr on the other anaf.
egreeuppn % selfish ends; it,is pars to re'<
view and decide (hie question for
for, the - benefit' of ou f. country, . And ,it is
God’s to bring; us and them iDtft;|ddgmem,
and to give' sentence on our actions according
to truth. * * * •. . • ;; .f
Thb old bunkers, alarfned by the uprising
of the North (or Fremont and freedom, are
insisting that Buchanan •will pet follow the
footsteps of Fierce.'' Where is lbe evidence
(hot he will not 1 Ask for it earnestly as
yoo will, you get-no answer; only a reitera
tiou of the asserting. - r / '
Let (acts answer this plea in behalf of Bu
chnoan, ' 'W \ ’
.’>tne aerrtocfAim (tarty, t|i?oogh *tiie
iljal'nominated Biichap
cm, endorsed Fierce and hisadminist ration. ,
T'he platfornj adopted by the Cincinnati
ind fhldh' BUChananiias accep
ted,’ Vnd: (d'Xpll,9*, Instead of the'
dictates of,hisgwajadgtnem and conscience,
La the Pierce platfoTm. ■ . t .
' J The dehwdfatip members of /Congress
fiSvje"plmpsi Wiihpurfeidcption sustained
[Plprw’jj ,sliH sueiain ii,
■JNofa democratic sfafe Convention, proven
haß disapproved even of
most dhjecifdbahfe actsr * ’''' '
Not p half .a dozen democratic journals in’
the wfiole country have censured Pierce in
any particular.
r Pierce andallTiis suit heartily support Bu
chanan,'ip the full assurance that his election
will be, lire triumph of their policy.—lionet
date Democrat.
StsvEsv ob Pbef.dox. —The Lancaster
Whig say s that is-the issue to be decided ip
a sihgle t&mj>aign.'. “ We have often listened
'Tith djsifusno the .dough pry of “Cb
im jfa, ,0c taJee ef vnm< w ftp fuikt
Siavßßv!” . •
■. /fgdroptUiePAtfiieia* andSnrgttn. ■
Wilj yisjt patents in all parts of |he county,
' , [Jane 14.,1,&5.] ,
’W; W. WEBB, M.
ITAS established himself ip the practice, of Med.
11 icine.and Surgery, in the,Township of Liberty
wi.H promptly attend all call*,in' his
’profession! ...
Liberty,Feb.LlSSl. .
jTomti m, baciie,' .
aa. LAW.—Office,north sldePublio Square
WeUsborough, fi.
Refer it to' Messrs, Phelpg, : 6iodgS-4.C0.’, , N. Y
oityHon. A. V.Parsoiu,Philadelphia. 1 July 13.
feionl dui;Jr. af the crisis is’ihepe-
Cttoiarypelifll* ofjhe. sufferers, in, Kansas.—.
The oparaiionsof husbandry havabeea bro
ken up by ruthless invadersi. There wilj 4>e
no cropsjo nnurish the inhabitants. Every
depaiuneot of. trade t.aod labor . has beenao
paraljteed'by fear and;violence-ihai indoslti
dusTbeh ere without the means of livelihood.'
lsh,md,aU thopiher enenjies of.KapSqsStalks
to oompleiqtheex eimipa.
(ion., j Families are compel led’ lolaave their;
homeaapd farms forwanlof bread. Besides.
»T ‘ lf.V *.Fi« LL I , J » 1
wbiaji ( hun
dreds of every ihipg lhat cpuld bp Mrried off.
vfggaaj r »bbepi prbvK
sioti% cf6lhing l mopey hav'a beep Belied jp
braatl dayjight .by, roving : marauders. ■ The
suSbitag inhabitants must return pennilea# to,
their foffher;Adipes, or thejr most-starve on
thpjippii their own feriitebui desolated
fields.. Send .them the relief of which they,
need. l Chodr (bar disconsolate spirit* by.tthe
knowledge that there are thousands bf'thbir
“WSiyj ll ® l ? with their, ~m«
farlpnes anti condemn ,their wrongs. ;(},i»o
thennTood.t<ieut and raijnetjijo'put op.Prb
vide thetp .with brpad ip the wilderness, and
bid them remain and put their trust in the God
bf‘/drips, 'Thbagenclea of collection and
cillea KSye tilready be£un .to pour
in fheir beoefaclkms. lUt Inp city of the
liberty-loving Panw emulate their
'■ 1'
- ‘.&yi,The third dutjr of the the re
fDfohsiimenrof ihnxjiioneers io Kansas wWL
F«^i^td»ii]er3, ;i Tbe.praaoio law-opbe
Terwpfy has guaranteed tolts aclttai seitters’
thexighf of.delerminwg,their own Institutions.
is not ■ Thasgjl
■waaooce i Freedom. It,ls
yet pledged to froeettMthave tHo
ettlerpifee td-shtitle /our to one ...uf iiot
lheuledged re.
anlMhed te.n tfione.' If zO.OQO ifell.
large that'force and fraud will be uoavu(ingil
at MW,
Tlogtt Cs»umyv Pal
Office doe door bolowFprd Block. [Feb2l,3m.*
, THOHBOW, * ;
Attor»fti i »tjLtkw%
... •.
Stettbeu'Count y. New Terb.. ’■
G«o.T. Bruton. ‘ ! C. tl; Tsuiuoii.
P* Removed to Janwft Lovrtjr'i Office.
\ . ► , —r—r—» ' ■ • , Ul . : .
"• tAW, wtlljiuehtlthis Court* of Tiorti Pdutr
wkrMcKetnajaotfc*. ~
£eb. J,1853.
lllißTloga'Coauty Agitator
I* pMUt&'tnrriespimi'Z MoBNlNQ,»tW«ll»boro’,
Tioga County, Pa; 6/ Con, Snm&odt * (Hi- on" tw ; ’pa I
DOT# N.Syrifcjn. Hit
OPfor tot UwAtper, Btjlofi opfagoata at Hie toferaljfoihom.
6fi t choose (<7 Pwims' reaphndblo for the ahiOnnt,-orno jm
frwlll be mailed. TtrenhacHptltm price HO'H'B B OlJt
A.B PSJ% JknHV.H to TChecrihcca-: An* Wr
ton tending. iuM «ni rocotrolQ ooiku of the taper ono tow
—directed tor oaeft tnhtcribctv * 1 ‘ .1 . f-.-i
Offltof 'BOEB. SUWKj tocood floor, orer Taylor’# Book
Store. Jwlioe’aOonitahlc'B and other BUnlu alarm on
Band, Job and Iknoj Printing anontoil tfUh-neatnett- and
despatch., . ‘ - '-v ■ - « i - - '
. v :m, O. co]LE ' r
.' ’ ! Weii»Wf*’£fc 1 H
, .OMOpie* fowtf B«MV%lore, Every.
.V 6} n sM a hi* "irillbefT«W(Ve ia'fell
I’fomptfy 'it ean j»'AfnhMii to raofe
fashionable CUy salooffifev Preparations for removing.
fMtoff, and taipy,g|b£.|h?> U jbr7*Je cheap.
..... _ . l-f.tgf. // »..»
"w-'m’ '**• i; ‘ ’ -‘ PE^^ *Wy«-•-■-«!'-
Italian and American Marble,
J • PoB
'K ANTJ> TS Tptt6B'
0 .
, Twg«, Apia ae.ißssv' *•-■'«
nevtnh ported ftbric*, (loci as ,;..ij; ,
Sie» .Goofo .
Latett St?le»,and adapledto every variety of (rim
rat^i.' r (ji examine the
i, always on bawl
We Block of -
£«■» J'-'v-il'liyKfV- X i,» , . - -v- ..■> *
Hardware, Glat»j
Stone, JfciUw am Wood**, Ware, .
••■•.• t e fl^oJzm^»swfy,. r ...* f ....
uuk'BOOTh elr SHOES, forEwryVodg.
»,». ili tinde Cmnlftf Pniuei tain in ex.
Tk««,WS6,IB&: ArTiGtIERN.SBX,','.
~. „; ~ . 0.8. LOWELL, „■
:Mm% % ’■» , ; 'A : ft* n At :
Why, *ttTyAitg,wl~-ttpteiaHj/ when Hit namtlt
ttgnyfi ant and appropriate, «a it certainty id «a
•pplitdtt ■■•!< ’*■
trhichwill .certainly have to be enlarged to doable
iUprCaent aiac, to accommodate the crowda that
Bock , there dally to examine the new and eoperb
atockbf '
sHmssra (£m>o>9
which BOWEN U receiving from Mew. York, ud
bed die they mail be eold to make room for more.
. Esdiea,we can show you some of the fineal, heal,
most* tastily assorted and the cheapest Dress Goods,
deer offered to lbia,or any other community. Don’t
tskerny word Sir it, bat please call and examine for
yourselves, -
And then—each lota of READY-MADE Cloth
inf, Spring and Sommer wear! Gentlemen, come
and renetv your fnilh by sight.
Weilaboro’, May 15,1856.
Balm of a Thousand Flowers
to beautify tho comnfexlon', remove tao, frecklesand pim*
- . pies, blotches and sunburn on tko fivco.”
Catarrh Sanflj
' for CoU».liead«;i% (jrtMrb, »c,
Liquid Heave Cure,
tor Coughs,. ACm In Horses,
Pettit’s American Cye-Salre.
•im external rear edy for SoroSyce, wcAheea'oftbe eft, As.
Brant’s "Pulmonary Balsam,.
a ralaiblo rrnnodj’ forColdr, Onegin, Peie'iiHtw Btt«,*o.
Houghton’s Pepsin,
tm Bjtpepet*, IndigosUon sotl Oonoril Debility.
Hr. Havles’ Depurative,
for Scrofula, bad Sons oferery desctfpUou. Hied onW as a
Blood Purifier. ,
For tale at the Welliboro' Drug Store.
April 17,1856.
Will Kansasbe Free?
f difficult (o. answer, but that the -
Sdbseriyf ir offimftr metmndiiMMMifldßite. -ataaV
' "’He'i* just rccming bis whiehioosjrts
in a general assortment of "" • 7 ,
Dr, Ham’s Invigorating Spirit.
“A■ Word to the Wise ia sufficient /”
The Subscriber has a large and well selected slecti
I of Goods, and is offering them at as reasonable prices
as can bobou'ghl in Tioga Co, or this aide of Cedar
i Run t ’
- He who wants a PLUG OF TOBACCO or a
GOOD COAT—She who wants a box of SNUFF
ot a FIRE DRESS, will do well to call and exam
ide before purchasing elsewhere.
Cotoe'snd see and be convinced of the truth of the
foregoing statement. J, B. POTTER, Agent,
- ; For H. H. POTTER.
Middlebury Centre, Nor. 6,1855.
WanlB, Wanted.
AiPRED by ilittoct every farmer in the conn*
bottle of the “Liquid Heave Cure," to
cheoktfae first indications of heaves, and the preveu
tidnand care ofall diseases thatsffecl the ■ wind of
.horses. 1 ■ .
.boxoi Dr, Power’s “Hibernian Oint
ment, aspvereigftremedy for GtlU, Scratches, Gra
soq wounds, and all ctilsneocs diseases
to which horses or botned caiUe aresdbjecl. '
ALSO, a, box of the Knler,” one of
best orticleainuse for destroying rata
'arid mlce, or jtfon* celebrated “Rat Pills,“ far the
same pnrpose. For saleatUrtWellsboro’ Drug Stoic
fpHg,sutecrjber woUfd 'respectfully inform
A. Us curtornats and friendl that he still eon
tmues tbe mei3milebo*jtiem,»t tl» oW pl»oe,at
Xi.Niohdls, where hewlll
be happy to wait.on those that villi.tavor him with
of the public
»R 1 &OODB,
CfFoccrles, Itcadt.nade doth-
el» e !iept itf a - country stofi.artl
dee too numerous to mention; him trill sell cheaper
than Can bo bought tbia aide of New York city.
iAHkindl ofproddeetaken in eSehsnjro fur foods
atttehighest marketprl**,-. . 3. R.IOwES/
' Welhlwdngh( June ISS6.
TcqrtNQToir, tioqa cq n pa.
H E subscriber is prepared by new Ma
just purchased, to fhrnish to Otdet.ill kinda o
squire and fanby Swh end Blinds,
Squire Stab of common siiea constantly on
bind.,. .
By tony experience in the business, the subscri.
her'flatters himself‘that he can mike as good’in
article, and sell it as cheap as can be obtained at
any ealabishment inPennaylvania or New Yor)t.
Call and see. .■
Coyington, March B, 1854.
CrTlie subscriber ia also Agent for (he sale of
Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also
Scarpa’aOil for Deafness. ... . D. S, I.
fanning- mui.
TAG UNDERSIGNED respectfully in
fotm the Farmers of Tioga County, (bat they
are nowMannftcturing-FINCH'S IMPROVED
PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, three miles sooth
of Wellsborpugb, on.tbejqrsoy. Shore road find
feel warranted Jo, saying tint. MidjMilUs the .best
ever introduced into Tioga County both as' respects
cleaning fest abd well, and tbpSivitig of GrasSsced
_i Fsimerßareresp»cifanyinvitedio.oafland exam
ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
S3* All kinda of'Produce taken inpayment. .Old
Mills repaired onshort.uolieei. , r
Carriage & Wagoii Iflanulbc
bounce to, his friends and theSfICTCK
public gcnerally,thalhe is
the above, business on immejJiste.
in the rear of ■ J.TLBowen’e storo.vrbere he is pie,
paredtqpiapafaclpraoii short notice, " : ‘
of any atyle. dr descrlptieu - tq'l?ui 1 1h d purchaser
andov tbe yery best materials, i All; klbddpf re
' be forthwith'and on the moat reasonable
terins. f■ • • - -S'-
ANP TRIMMINQ will be pnwnt>l
fy otec tiled ia-the best manner and most fash
Idfitble style,'
Wellsboiu,’ July 13,’55. Hh^RirpETBIB.
jyifty, btgin Nan.
>'::i ;FB : ■ii.o.Hj- WyMA ;T Bn >
-. . .... ....... ißwted to^ein,ljl
qr“ n )!» Tiog* Cp. ib»t tmr mcoifc «ft«r thi« date t '** i V t P et t U>|» Wortd.. rygi)oUgw«yet* ~ t
* (bPhy«!offlrgy ami Anafotey,Wiliinproeropsilldijra.
.. April . tiooif aadUiMe l»w» wbioh'goremlUM artfflSlth,
• y tl>> -WOOwt WQ>t:POUiy Ufx PftlpHf- xtf r -i L "'■■•' ’>w* si. .*
;»V- "“*«&• nlMlu&inepl, ‘KnoiVlUfc, g, %JB, A t Hit * N 01«,0(J1 C.A L-J Q tr, s>f ± ti.
Jg 6 f ? f .:y dt .° e * v * f^lw: fcft jTOaStoMfij «0 UwaiFtogrestin HwianV'Artbqel.
th« «**,«» WaiM .iiid araikCtui.- Amd* tu
Mr. WilKlß)', wiU.WiU bo bfijoghtftt tbelr ieco»- '-■ ,, "--^..t' , ‘- ! ■'■*' •■- >-- • ■ •. .*: ». , ..-
npiiwl?,nAPE‘.‘ y«i '-"' 1 ’"
.(OtJaO kiW piM<i!)»nt«tli ntodnco (deliyee
ed) recWedm exchange for wow** Mth* markrt
prlft^r, "-■ cßowi/ dk ea
•ftfr i^issfr.
i Dress Marbath©Man~
increasing, »U
fcind*- Tbereferei eveir'lnabwhoTshbestosave
.the%|cp*t on fals.old cldllnwiljMdd duitlbemi
SqUom andalUnto iher»gA«f
M calls tttbe- iv. ,v .c•.:• ■ s< ; - >,,. u,, ,
stohe, '
«i&aeleots:ih)inthelatgeßndsplendid assortment
Clblhltaig, -
<« hand, a soil warranted to
«« “ long as ajj/joyiel-i tad madcin (he beat and
moat anbjtaotial ;in«ri her, ami ander hit own soper
visioe.Theproprieter has a complete knowledge
MVhjtnidj aodnan’selltbe best gnalily of Read/
MaaeClolhipg considerably cheaper than any other
establishment In the eoonty. Ha keepsa variety of
. Cloths,Cassimeres, Vestings, Drawers,
7Yitmings, Wrappers, Shirts,
Collars, Cravats, dfc. Jfc.,
which will be sold as reasonably as (hey can be parr
chased elsewhere. His stock of COATS St. VESTS
can’t be beat this side of New York; either in price
style, or quality.
Ddn’t forget that this establishment took the fire
premium at the Fair of last October. ■
CT Particular attention given to celling and ma
king garment! to order. C. OSMUN.
Tioga, April 5,1855. -
HAVING jnitreturned from New York with
hif All purchteee, would invite the mention
of bajrento.pfr exhibition, of
comparipgqnalities and prices with pop'establish,
meat in Tioga comity. , Disliking the idea of a
great deal of show .and bombast in advertising I
would simply say that the ostial variety of useful
artless in toe line of
may be fbondat prices that cannot fail, toplease pur.
chasers for Ready Pay.
Should it *1 bippen that an article called (hr is
not on hand, customers are posilieety assured that
it will in “next toetfc”
In connexion with the establishment may be found
a good assortment of
Box, Parlor, and Cook Stoves,
of the heaviest castings and most approved patterns
together with etwtyUiag in the line of tinware,
wholesale and retail, manufactured by and under the
supervision of our fellow townsman, Hr. John B.
Sofield,' who is said to be the best tinner in the
douatyi- Those wishing-" wjtfeunAAs *—
■(1 -aon* »nd te*Te
Nor. SB, IBM.
oratn«t *
MtW»p*»V« 1-
wit l si:mr\h
iSOp *«• ", ’' '‘ !i y* v -* j
® CWP ’’*’ i
w* ‘
TUompsonias $ •
-ALSO,’ * ■ -■" '.
wymoderate prieea; Pkyai
Ai/'c^»ni , pmcripUoturwill at «H timed recei’ra car*,
fnl iUentlgd. Erery drticfe *oM at hid Stare id war.-'
tented tobe ad repreaeiUedlo the jpurehMer.’ -AU
artjcteanot oatJaftctoiy m’dy bd rtlarned.irniunjtir.
Cd v dhtT Ihetadney refabderf; Terms, Cub. "■ .
.1- -,- n3»CaIl a thd eign bf tbo Mortar._nr ‘
'~WedjrtiWO«. i gg,t§sB.U. ■ ■» ’■-■■ ■■*>
, 1"" ; ; . ,; ;;
Inpoctuit. Ana oau cc went.
TO «n pinJif' affliete4':<#ttb' 8oiu»l dieotee*.:
GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice Of ONAfllSM.or
BELF.ABC6E l &c, ■-•*■•"
.-.ajl#VO£ltV , ,
inriew oi the awfiil dextructioo of h'omao lifcand
which’arepnuitfcedhponthe unfortunateTi«idU<if :
inch diwuea by Qoacke, have directed their Coo*
cutting Sorgooo, hi CHARITABLE ACTworthy
of their Dupe, to giro MEDICAL ADVICE OBA*
TIS, toall peraons tboa afflioied, (Male p'e Female,)
who apply By'letter,' with a deacrintion of their emu,
dilion, (age, occnpation.habila of life, IlcJ,) and iii
caw of extreme poverty andeufferingitoFXOKNlSH
The Howard .(tsaoeiation (a ?, benevolent Instito
tion, established > by . special.endowment, (or the' re-,
lief of tbesick anddistreased, afflicted with “Viro-
Iceland EpidcmicDUcaiea,” '(aid ita fufidaean be
need for up other purpose. Ithas now a surplus of
means, which the Directors bare voted to advertise
noUcel It is needless to add that the'As-,
spciation commands the highest Medical skill o( the
age, and will-fornish the most approved modern
treatment.*—Valuable ad rice also given to sick and
nervous females, afflicted with Womb Complaint -
LeucorrhceS'&c. -7
Address/ (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R, CALHOUN
Cons jlling Surgeon, Howard Association, No/2”
South Ninlh Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors,
GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary,
-October 95,1855. —ly.
THE. subscribers are now opening their
stock of GOODS for the Spring Trade, com*
prising a foil and complete assortment, and of the
usual variety, which will, as heretofore, be sold a ta
very small profit for READ YPA Y. Being deter
mined not to be undersold by our neighbors, our
goods are marked at the loweat figure; andkve invite
a comparison ofonr goods and prices with anyolbei
in the market . Among the assortment of
wilSefound a great variety oi Ladies’Dress Goods
ocnaiftinginpartof .....
Bereges, Berege Ddanes,all-wool Oelanes,
Latent, plain and printed; Ginghams, •
English, Scotch and American ;
Poplins, Prints of all shades
and colors, a good stock of
Abe,'ibr men’s wear maybe found Broad Clothe
Gaasimeret, Tweeds, Kentnoky Joans, silk, satin
and summer Vestings.
. Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown,
Tickings, Summer Goods for boys’ wear, Colton
Yarn, Carpet Warp, Cotton-Batten; with a variety
of olberrlieles too numerous to mention.
. Groceries and Provisions. ■
A fljll stock will be. kept on hand; Those in
want of Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart’s
best Syrup, Pipper, Ginger,Saleralas, Roar,
Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other article in ibisline,
will do welUo call on us before purebasing else
as large and complete at* assortment as can be found
inlhe county. Among whicbisCutleryofall kinds
Carpenters. Tools, Chains, ;Hoe»,. Shovels, Forks’
Bottsand Screws, PooriJangings,BilU,&o.,&e. ’
Boots and Bheef, |la(a and Caps,
Steel, Iron, Jfailt, Paints,and Oils, Glats
and- Putty, Ready-Made- Clothing, .<s««?. ;
-' Thankful for the liberal-patronage of tbepkat
season, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting
the public to an examination of our' Spring Mock
believing that, good Goods and low prices wil in
kure-aspeedy sale for rCadypar. ' - I
! . - -B. B. SMITH * SON.
New abbiVa&s at the wellsbobo’
' BBDO STORE. -- ..
Sotnu’rn or I(Owoo, for’ eotori of BWe and Grfcen.
Cocoa- Mitttrsi.—This’article contaibs'Balsa'm
Tolu and ot|ier valuable Cough remedies, andis half
lictilary notice of. Physicians.
* ..oPpw®". lo wttoni,,,." ■■ ,rr;;.;
~,A.,new l<rt,of. that Is aqd-fis Tea .that everybody
llfeei 90] •
Errmxcr of Luton, Bom, Vanilla, Fins Abple,
v * .v- . .
. . Masuno .Inx, that will not Wash oaUr-fermiA
inf;Lln»n,dtc. >,;•/. • -o-.
Wxrrsraoor Baos Buesam, to present the lew
tber andkeep the feeldry.
•s Wainsa In*— Black, Blue andßed, of Um- best
quality. , ,We!Ubbro%J»n. 10,1856.. ‘
. Turning Jjfc,' Cbair making. ,j
J. - STICKLEy; Tamerj and Cksirrusker, wooW
• inCnnith* public that he tws4«cenUrfiUed*p'
bii shopin good style/and is now prepared toinawi.
faetMeail kinds of CANE
of the best material end finish. Also Turning done
.in snperior styje, o# reisoniblt'lßrrn v . "■’/
SHOP, south endi Uaiq 'street, opposite H. W
Wsgofl.Bbop.. ~ , •
QAMQEtrU£&3oQjibaria* rented hen of J. <
O Stidriey's shop'isprspSred to manufacture all
kinds test material
and in superioralTie. Ifd tiksonhisd several suf
Wellsborougb, AprilM/'ISSSj 'iV. .-vMq fr>n *'
/NLOTri; itoek laitonof-Uw h
■■" M tort ftahwn*,' mft gnmnWed
tkotpricq to mitthe boy*r, (of I km bonod to id'
SefctQO* ISS& ■ f fi*-- ■ o ■> '■J.H. BOWBN
•<**** teWfc. .
Swb fl*Canfi«lo Ibt&O&i* BK«M'(Mto j
' - K'R r TK**jr»t«Bi adopUwtit tltfirttiHfafc nm im. >
.wtaciin to«oa>Tut!
see for Qunot ioo*MiHKiv«s<l
.BfW find U-to-MnrjiAamtjue.'
; .. May ;GRAY St tOUNSBCRY. |
Tlookoutfdr *ehs khkmeT'
! " - - . The I
• ;■' TH^RWOB*, ’’, ■ ; ■■<‘- |
Ytung- Sj Cb.) ‘
Uf-.THB tOCHWSf .-■naißkM, A* ;'.
iijJLland Machinery .of- *ll, kind* J. Store#, Rpllat J
Tin, «n 4 C««r Ware. 1
' RE£AIHIN6 £ JfOB WORE: done with u* |
l&ti’p'Mibie'deltp ' * '•'‘ ‘ : •'•’ S
''RlUiGEMtlNGßAniilMvitiNleitMdfr)! |
■ ■ •=.,,.■•• ... •, j 3
.. . PLpWS pf all, kind*, (two.of wfcich took U»j-|
the late Codnly Furj kppt copituUj ||
. KiHf SUre.
one bf the be»t(if not the very -beety Cookr Slow j
ever inrcnledj.wlnchia always owbaftd at om
flare bpgae, ter wholesale 4f. relish , |
. Their Stove* look, tie premium over the AlWr
Stoves'll the ’ laid Y*\f.' ‘That i* a-feathcr in
cap l which wedonl intend to hart plucked eat too*. :• !
Contflthllen, h
... Of »U the improved pattern* thatcommand then, i
*elve* tofarmers. 1. |
Betide* Ibia, we’ intend tq iorniak batter Wan, |
better article* pod better work, at lower price* Ua* v :
any other, eatablijihinent in Tioga cooply wiß ia ;;
able to do.. And the man who pay* CASH, can nt ;S
what be bay* at reduced price*. Tbl* i« the Sir t -|
way of doing bo*iaM*, and the ayatem Upoowhick |
the Tioga Foundry and Ataehjpe' Shop will be coa i]
docted bereaOejr. Don’t wait for the wagon, be $
■eomeon. , TABOR,- BALDWIN & CO. i
Tioga','Nov. 15,
ITT Old Iron and Copper,and all kind* of pndoa r
(akenin exchange for work- 9
HAVING removed (d, the .building in the
reap °f Bailey & FolejV store, the subscribe •
tt prepared to fhrnlsb to order, ' "
Pegged and Sewed, , . .
CALF shoes— r
Made upon honor —and warranted to Wear oat it
due time, and not to rip until they ere worn onl.
Aa a man is known by hii Boot* no lest than by
he company be keep*, it befabeivea every men to
take-heed how hi* * undemanding ” i» cared for
A reasonable share of the public patronage is r»
spectfally solicited. (O’ Hide* taken in ezohang*
for work. JU A. SEARS.
Wen»boW, Dee. 28, ]1855-Iy.
srjr-inßwcit5 rjr - inB wcit-
XL LllfCi !—E. W. BtiCK VITH re.
•peclfijUf r.»»OQBBcei to. the eitiaanr jrf WUUbbra 1
•nd Vi£uuty,Ual be be* poUfcUbb aneoMMW*
forUking .'.i' . ;■*
! - v- 1
ftil likencrfa oi uKjnnlvdi by ihlft bMisUfbl - pro^vt.
The superiority of Ambrolypes over pretexts ■
metallic plate*, is obvious to: to the moetcatsless ob.
server. m , -
The harshness and'metallic luster of the latter
iW enlirelyobviatdd, and irtstead.we haw a clear,
well-defined. impression, exceeding in soilness of
light and shade the finest steel engraving and u
pithily seen in any light- «
Pictures of infanta and children of every age ta
ken with certainty and despatch.
Persona wishing picture* will please cpX soon, as
bis stay in lown will be necessarily short. Picture! cloudy as well as in.clear weather.
Apr. 3, *56-t£
Valuable Farm For Sale.
THE Subscriber is desirous of dfc -
posing of bf bb lhrni, containing
170 acne, situated n Charleston town.
ship, Tioga county, three miletJcUlK
WKRfc from WelUboro’, on the.Bute
'tb Covington; and I'O mllei from the
Corning and Blossburg Railroad./ Jftonl
acres of said farm tt in a good state
of; cultivation and weHadiptod to Pi!rTing“’sud
Grain-growing, iewell watered'arid bad a fine lot of
Timber; beech,'maple, wbhrand hlach ash; hickory
and oak. Baldfatau liai a ftarße honse, two
bafhs andother necessary firra or.
'»idd » thrifty young aehotce as
sortment of cherries;plamaahil peeirr, ihdrton.
Enquirejof the subscriber co me premise*.
' ’ ' " i BtftAK- War»OH».
r ChaiKatoo,l>ec.ifT|ds4. tf ■ ■ ■,
NEW mixmx BXOBP.
J-j*- respecu
aim haajoA opwied Vuim
liberf establishment at. the .to, ■
sldence of Mr. T." Richards,
where may be iouud at all times a
GOO If „A S S OfitMlENf
'- 1 OPMftf>tN&$Y i C(QQpS,. : ~,.5
such as
tadiea & cpdre^l^D^etii.
V - v- S'. 'rtV ; 7- r ; . ' >.£.
■All orders-ptomMly. attended to.. She willalsosi
tend' to Hieasmaking as usual. : iCnfc.tnek ''
OSM.U.N bu jut relqmad iliam ibeGtjr
V/«K flith a ,.
• «tf *(*«*»
i .A
, -t:1 .»' ««•* -o- »■ •
mgpoUaU, OUv**ni Hh\\ - t, -iT
nUUfgfJtr. CWw, 7>r*, .lww./njfatf
l» »U cbeip ' ,
wTfapiApnfWiiJqs# < „•! :*.,•■ .'■■•<• .■
. TmOl U Itcankei tbaa HojUonU'
tjv® must jav #«(,<&%
y.T from tb» «vt f* e, P
Book Store ’“WelUboro’, December (s !§»•-
I'POJMt J—SObbli oM(«IN -Fork,
Jt jut received and for sale by W. VROE.