LOCAL DEfARTteNT. n tax «u mi’s amn. ’•'•Anew bell was placed in the belfry of the Presbyterian Church, on Friday of u,t *mir It was presented to the Church briZm. WlM* Co, ofNe. York. It* weight exceeds 800 pounds, and it lia'i proved upon trial to be of superior looe. The liberality of the donors is com meodahle. ••• According to prediction of last week we have been visited with a flood, to the great rejoicing of (hose engaged in the lumber business. All the rails that were in readiness have been got tinder way for market. There will now be an opportunity for those whose promises “to pay” are intimately connected with “after railing,” to remove a great load from their minds. *•• We are not aware whether the farm ers have improved the sugar weather or not. We have been on the look-out for several days for a little of ‘the precious commodity, but have been unable to discover aoy. As the season will be short this year, it will no doubt command a good price. ' Being good judges of the article, all those who lake a no tion can lake a small cake for inspection to I tie Agitator Office ; it is supposed the size will greatly lend to open their eyes as to its aualifr ***Tha revivals of religion which have been held in various parts of the county, have been blessed with the most happy results. The Presbyterian Church in this village was increased on Sunday last, by the addition of forty new members, the result o f the revival of last winter. We also learn that a large number intend connecting themselves with the other Churches at the earliest onportuni tt May the good work he continued, *** Sthanceb Drowned.—Samuel Bar -05, aged about twenty hve years, supposed to have relatives in the vicinity of Bingham tooj N.;Y ~ was drowned at Pine Creek, Tioga Co. Peon's., on the 10th day of April while crossing the stream in a boat, The body was recovered the next day, and on Sabbath morning April 13, a funeral discourse was preached by Rev. N. L. Reynolds of Wells- Doro , at the church at Pine Creek, and the remit 1a« were interred ia the grave yard. ' We send this notice to the papers, because we know sol the post office address of any of the friends of the deceased, and any such persons can learn all the particulars by com municating with VV. W, McDougall, Pine Creek. Tides Co. Pe Binghamton and Owego papers please **’As the time is at nand lor transplant mg trees, we hope to see every one surround ing ine.r properly wuh a lew more of these cheat ornaments. There are a number o( lot) which bv a little expenditure in the way of planting with shade trees, would not only oe enhanced in value, bui would be the means j of conferring a great benefit to the public. Manv neglect to plant trees upon the plea of not getting them to live. No one should urge (tus excuse when his neighbor is enabled to bring tnem to perfection ; all that is needed 1 care in setting out and a little attention 10 lUieir protection afterward. Some persons 10 planting still adhere to the old custom of quickening their growth by cutting off the whole of the top. Such persons should con sider that the tree is sufficiently injured by disturbing me roots, without imposing the double labor ol restoring the branches, a job however which it rarely succeeds in effecting. A little pruning may be useful, but experience has proved the folly of attempting “to sail under bare poles.' *** We must beg.pardon for again calling attention to the featlierless bird up town, but ns awful scream of last week calls for a pass- nonet We rejoice to inform the public that it actually brought forth an original ideai and placed it in a conspicuous position by the aloe ot an extract from the Agitator, which ha wun marvelous sagacity, calls a “-brave attempt at a pun ” We confess our inability to tel' “pure metal from bogus” from the fact that we have had little experience with the Utter article; he should have more charity tsan mock us by his superior wisdom in that lot. A few applications of public patron age would doubtless open our eyes to the dil lereocK. We agree with i him as to the “little purity that exists where that wonderful organ sends us pungent rays,” a fact which will fee summed oy remembering (hat a copy of the Agt tutor is carried weekly into that benighted sslablishmem As to the uacts we would say they have been procured, and a i*dy colporteur .has volunteered to dehve, fcem. We were ' una . bte to procure those of a De rooora uc lenden cy, and were compelled to go lbe olher ex . ire me. and obtain those of a moral character. Among them is one to which we particularly invite his attention, it is entitled “the Dairy, ■man,” it is excellent in morality, arid would no doubt supply that other commodity, which, judging from the tone of his' article, he has not ceased to use from the days of Jiis ex- treme youth. P. S, M/e stop |j, e mac hioe to announce that the illness St the person who doet the •ditiag of me Eagle will prevent its appear *nce this week, A change of air has beep by’his medical adviser as the °nty means of allaying Kis great “mental excitement J h# (° re 'B n imports at ibe port of Boston we « 3 ove r 81,800,000, one of the snoH't Wce^B a< Custom house ever TMPOBTAAT TO FARMERS.- X POLAND OATS FOR SEED.—A few bushels of Poland Oats, weighing dSlbs per bushel, for sale a* the farm of A. tt. Raining, Jamieson Creek, WesifieM township, or si the residence of Mrs. J. S. Bryden, nes,” Wellsboro*. WelUboro’, April 10, J*5S-lf To SCHOOL DIRECTORS * SC PERVTSORS.~A copy of Ihe last adjust ed Valuation of property in the several townships in this County, has been sent to the Town Clerk* of said townships, ■ NAILS by the keg or pourid very cheap at May 31(85}. JpNESAROE'S, ■’ r Plaster! Plaster! Plaster! THE Subscriber has just received at hie Mill near Mansfield, a fresh supply of Cayuga Plaster, which will be sold at the reduced price of $O.OO per Ton. He also keeps on hand constantly, the MAMS. FIELD METALLIC PAINT, which is decidedly the best in use, at $l5O per pwt Friends, give me a call—. I've enough for all, Mansfield, Jan. A '56, A. BIXBY, ' The T&ga County Agitator IB pubUahed every THURSDAY MORNING At Wellaboro’, Tioga County, Ptu, by Conn, Stdbuocx A Co* on the PA Y DOWN System. The cash mast invariably accompany the order for the paper, unless our agents at the several pOst-ofO ces choose to become responsible for the amount, or no pn» rr wilt bomalleU. Thosubscription price If 0K £ J? Ol «. A R PER ANNUM to single subscribers. Any par son sending us $9 will receive 10 copies of the paper one year —directed to each subscriber. , ' Office, ROY'S BLOCK, second floor, over' Taylor’s Book Store. Justice's, Constable’s and other Blanks always on baud. Job and Fancy Printing executed with neatness and* despatch. BUFFALO ROBES.—A lew Bale* of extra Nq I, just received at ES & {IOE'S. Embroideries, —a splendid assortment just reaped J. R. DOWp.VS. Q II AWLS.—Heavy wool, long and square, long end square Brocha, plain and figured Cashmere shawls, a largo variety, at J R. BOWEN’S -MALM of a THOUSAND FLOWERS- -fos J J the removal of Tsn, rteeMc!-, piolples qnd '1 tfi -oasts of tire JJ, RuV’f, " ■ fHE TIOGA COryTY AOITATOB. ~ f&airfcet. {CORRECTED WEEKLY TOR THE AGITATOR. BY M. 4 0. BULLARD — 4 Provision Zkoierf.] Extra Family Floor, $ bbli '1 . . .*0 00 Dnckwhfcil ' , • :*.* ,• •'" 260 “ r bush, w- 60 Oonr#e*l ,• ftloo.ft* • v . 200 c fehush. - - ’ '63 Wheat .'.f[ •* - • . . ifio Rye * « 87 Oatt; s . . $- " - • • • 81 Timothy-Seed $ « «. . $2 60@8 00 Clorer Seed . . • 800 Pctatoee « ... 75 Bdan* . . . *1 60@2 00 Apples, Gma, grot « *» ... 60@62 ,f Cried a *< • - . - 160 Peaches, Dried, ... 12l$c Peeled Peaches aft • • • IB^c Cheese, fl ft • • • 10 Pork, best quality, fubbt, - * * - 22 00 Hams, f) ft - • - • 1214 c Ixard ' ' *ft * • • 12140 Tallow Vft • • 12*40 Butter * ft • • . . 20 Shoulders ' ft • - 10 Egg* , * do*. - - . 1214 c Mackerel —No. 1. sft • . . . I2t« « —No. 2. sft . . . - 10 White Pish lb • . . 9 Codfish ft . . . 1 0 ABSTRACT OF NEW YORK MARKET. FLOUR AND MEAL—Western Canal for 36 6214@687*4; $712*4/5)762*4f0r common to good superfine; sS@o.for fa vorite, ftmey and extra brands. Rye Flour at $4 25@56 25 bbl., for fine and superfine. Corn Meal at $3 25@381J4 $ bbl. FRUlTS.—Western Apples at $250 $ bbl. Eastern Russ ets |l 60 bbl. Dried Fruits: State Apples sold at 6*/ cts ft ft. Peaches cotnmond B@»l2*4cts; Plums, 15@16cts. GRAlN.—"Wheat at $1 65@$1 T 5. Rye at $1 03@5164. Outs, at 42*4@47Ucts. Corn, at 63®70cts. Barley, at |125. White Beans, at $2 50. HAT.—Sales at $112*4 A 56 fte. PROVISIONS.—Pork at slo6ofg,sloC2*4 for Mess. $l6 SO® 615 62*4 f° r Prime; $l7 for Prime Mess; 9@o%cts for Hams and for Shoulders, flutter, at 17® IDcts for Ohio, and 25 for State. Cheese, at Bor 10 cts. Eggs r at 20cU do*. SEEDS.— at 14cts. Timothy from $350 to s4s bash. WHISKEY—2Bcts for Ohio, 29c ts for Prison. EVERY READER WILL plcaso notice the advertisement descriptive of "SEAR’S PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE," and send for the printed catalogue of all our Illus trated Works. To the uninitiated in the great art of selling Books, we would say that we present a scheme for money making which is far better than all the gold mines of California and Australia, Any person wishing to embark in the enterprise, will risk little by sending to the Publisher $25, for which he will receive sample copies of,lhe various works, (at wholesale prices) boxed, insured and di rected, affording a very liberal per centage to the Agent for his trouble. With these he will soon bo able to ascertain the most saleable and order accord ingly. Address (post paid) ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, 181 William Street, New York. THE BEST BOOK. FOR AGENTS To persons out of Employment. An Elegant Gill for a Father to his family. Send for one copy and try it among your friends. WANTED. —Agents to circulate SEARS* LARGE TYPE QUARTO BIBLE for Fam ily Use, entitled "The People*e Pictorial Domestic Bible. This useful Book is destined, if we can fijrm an opinion from the notices of the Press, to have* an unprecedented circulation in every section of our wide-spread continent, and to form a distinct era in the sale of our works. It will no doubt in a few years become the Family Bible of the American peo ple. The most liberal remuneration will be allowed to all persons who may be pleased to procure sub scribers to the above. From 50 In 100 copies cell easily be circulated and sold in each of the principal cities and towns of the Union. It will be sold by subscription only. Application should be made at once as the field will soon be occupied. Persons wishing to act ns Agents, and do a aafo business, can send for a Specimen copy. On receipt of the established price Six Dollars, the Pictorial Family Bible,” with a well bound Subscrip, lion Book, will be carefully boxed, and forwarded per express, at our risk and expense to any central town or village in llkj United States, excepting those of California, Oregon and Texas. Register your letters and yimr money will come safe. Orders respectfully solicited. For further in formation, address the suoscriber (post paid.) ROBERT SEARS. 181 William Street, New York. A NEW ERA IN SEN-PENCIE -rV. EING S~E. W. BECKWITH re •pectfully announces to the citizens of Wellsboro* and vicinity, that ho has perfected his arrangements for taking and is now ready to gratify those who wish a faith, ful likeness of themselves by this beautiful process. The-superiorily of Ambrotypes over pictures on metallic plates, is obvious lo to the most careless ob server. The harshness and metallic luster of the latter are entirely obviated, and instead, we have & clear, well-defined impression, exceeding in softness of lighfand shade the finest steel engraving and as plainly to be seen in any light. Pictures of infants and children of every age ta ken with certainty and despatch. Persons wishing pictures will please call soon, as his stay in town will be necessarily short. Pictures taken in cloudy as well as in clear weather. Apr.* 3, ’56-lf. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in (he P. 0. at Wellsboro' Pa. Quarter ending March 31,1850. .Austin Nelson. Austin Mrs. Lydia. Banner. Brinham J. R. Barton Thomtm. Brook Mrs Philey. Beebe Rev. Comfort. Clark S. H. Ctose William. Cooper Mhw Hannah. CorfheJ] Alvin. CortbeJJ Alvin jj, CroJik Samuel, Church* ell A. 0. Decker 2d’ Ibomon. JTogohoom R. A. Hunting don Edwin. Holloway Samuel, Hotehkiw Mrs J. L. John* son Miss Mary A. Jones Miss Mnrgkret A. (Foreign). Kelley James (of the WaPr Station, Foreign). Knight C. Lewis 0. W. Mark James. McCarter Thomas. Phelps Miss Uellen. Potter Miss Julio. Publisher of Messenger, 2. Publisher of Farm Journal, 2. Robiusop N11.«on. Rider Hiram M. Rum* soy Joseph. Rifle James 2. Smith Charles. Sherwood Mrs Maria. Sherman HA Son. Snell S. Tabor Mrs. Julia A. Tipple Robert. Writer James. Willard Jos. Wilcox Miss M. Ellen. Wheeler William. Wheeler Mrs A. A. West William. Persons colling for any of at ore letters please say they ore advertised: I. D RICHARDS, P. M. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs those who have unsettled sects, with him, (pro or con) in Tioga Co, that their acets. after this date are in the hands of H. W. Williams, attorney in Weltsboro' for settlement. If attended to before (he Ist-day of May next, no cost will accrue thereon. April 10,1856. M. S. BLACKWELL. He would also notify those persons in Delmsr who gave their wool to A. L. Beaver, Manufacturer at Bowen’s establishment, Knoxville, or to S. S. Blackwell, agent for said Beaver, who left their goods with roe for delivery, that unless the receipts for the same not yet given up to me, are left with Mr. Williams, suits will be brought for llicir recov ery, as 1 am responsible lo Beaver. M. 8. BLACKWELL, Agt. ARRIVAL and departure of Mails at the Wells, boro’ P. O. Pa. Northern, Eastern, Southern &. Western Mall, via Tioga daily except Sunday, arrive 12 M, depart 11 A. M. Eastern, via Mansfield, Thursday, arrive I P. M. depart 3 P. M, Western, via Coodersport, Friday, arrive 1 P. M. depart, 3 P. M, •Southern, via Jersey Shore,Tnesday and Fridays, arrive 12 M. depart 3 P. M. The above Mails close one half hour before their tHoe of leaving. Post Office open daily except Sun day, from 74 lo 54 P. M., and from 64 P. M. to 8 P. M. [April 4.] 1. d. RICHARDS, P. M. Fop Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER withes to sell, or exchange for property in or near WelUboro’, a lot of land situated in Tioga Village. The lot haa a good store, barn and some fruit trees thereon, and rents lor twelve pei cent. G. W. TAYLOR. WeJJsborp’ Feb. 21,1856. Farms a farmijio lands in TIOGA & POTTER COUNTIES.—The ful. lowing farms and farming lots are now offsred for sale: Farm of 126 acres, in Clymer township. 45 acres improved, with house end barn. “ “ 100 acres in Pike, Potter co, about 30 acres improved, with two dwelling house? and barn. u “ 50 acres in Morris, 6 acres improved, da dwelling house. “ “ 73 acres in Delmar, 15 acres improved. “ “ 75 acres in Gaines, 25 seres improved, and hunse and barn. “ “50 acres in Delmar. “ “ 70 acres in Sweden, Potter County. “ “ 105 acres in Summit, Potter co. These lands are all located on public roads and are of the best quality of farming land. Five per cent only of the purchase money will be required down, and the balance in Ten annual In. stalments. Persona of email means who desire healthy loca tions, will see at a glance that this is the most de sirable opportunity nf securing a homestead ever be fore offered in this, or any other County. Apply to A. P. CONE, Wollaboro’, Tioga County, Pa. March 27,1856-lf. NEW niILLINERY STORE. TIT MS E. P. RICH, JL»JL ARDS, would respect fully announce to the citizens of Wcllsboro* and vicinity, that she has just opened a new linerv eatabliahmenl over R, S. Bailey’s Store, where she will keep constantly on hand a GOOD ASS OR TMENT OF MILLINERY GOODS, such as Ladies & Children’s Bonnets, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CAPS, HEADDRESSES, &c., fade.— Mr. B.'keeps constrntly on hand a chaise selection of the latest styles ot Cases, including Turkey Mo rocco of various colors, Paper Machc tokens, inlaid with Chinese'work, a new and beautiful article for presents ; and as great a variety as can be obtained at any establishment in our large cities. Prices Varying From $lOO to @lO 00. Daguerreotypes taken at the Gallery in cloudy as well as pleasant weather, and a good Likeness warranted, or no charge. Ladies and Gents, ajo invited to visit the Gallery, and examinespccinuncs. Please call soon, as my stay in town will be short* N. b.—Mr. B.’s success in the business previous ly, and the superior Pictures that have been taken by him in tho Gallery, recommend him to the pat ronage of the Public. Wellsboro 1 Nov. 22d, 1853. THE GREAT SERPENT ISNOT COMING ' bvtdi wm Roberts' stovq s THE greatest variety of STOVES ever «een in Wcllsboro, 1 has just' arrived at the STOVE &. TIN STORE of D. P. &W. ROBERTS. They would call the attention of tho public Co their Well ej ected assortment, consisting of the YOUNG AMERICA, Elevated ■ oven, MORNING STAR, Improved, do. NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, do. REGULATORS,PREMIUMS &.LOW OVENS. . Also a Urge assortment of BOX and PARLOR Stoves, at City juices, These Stoves are sclecUp with' the greatest care, especially for this market, and cannot fail to givecnlitc satisfaction. Call ana see them, XJIfWARE-—of all kinds, shapes, and sizes, made of the beat material and uold as cheap ,if not cheaper than that of any other establishment ip the county. Eave Gutters made to order on short- no. lice. JOBBING done to order and in the best planner, All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving the shop. ' O’ Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and also Silver and Gold either old or new, tar kenin exchange for Goods at the Market price. They respectfully solicit life patronage of all who wish to purchase anything in their Rne, assuring them that money can be saved by examining their slock before/purchasing elsewhere. PREMIUMS on Tinware were given for best Stock and Work &c., at the tale county Fair. D. P. & W. ROBERTS. , Wellsboro.’ Nov., 22, 1855--(f. ' SOMETHING NEW * THE Subscriber having purchased Bailey &.Tp* ley*s entire iilocfc of Boohs, end Jewelry, and added thereto his former Slock at TU ogft, and a largo, pnd fresh assortment from the City may be found lie reader in Roy*B New Building, where he wifi be happy to serve the public with SCHOOL, LAW, and MISCELLANEOUS Books, a* cheap as they can be purchased this side 9!' the City. ALL Tin 3 POPULAR MAGAZINES OF TUB DAT, may be had at his counter, and any book desired can be furnished to erdcr. He will also keep a full assortment of Stationery and Ink, which may be purchased on reasonable terms. Purchasers will always hod a splendid lot ot WITCHES, •v CLOCKS, lilL Xappl JJ^WKLKY, on hand and for sale on the principle of "Small profits quick Returns," With large practical experience, and barings# cured the services of a good workman in the me chanical Department, those wishing watches Cleaned & Repaired can depend upon being accommodated satisfactorily and promptly. He will keep constantly on hand a large assort ment of English and American styles of WALL PAPER which oil will do well to cull ami examine before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, a continuance of patron age is respectfully Solicited. G. W. TAYLOR. Wellaboro’, Oct. 18, 1855. (formerly of Tioga.) CAUTION !!— ALL PERSONS are forbid paying any Accounts, Notes or Judgments to James I. Jackson that havje been made or rendered for work done at the Woolen Factory and Saw Miff, (said to belong to him) from the Ist day of March* 1853 up id the Ul day of Mnrch 1855 ; as I have* a lease of said Factory and Saw Milt for the three years i/om the Ist day of March 1853, mode and signed by the said James I. Jackson and myself, binding me to collect all debts and demands for work done in said Factory and at sqid Mill during the term of said lease, vfz ; Three years. LEWIS C. PENDLETON. Wellsborougb, March I, *55-lf. Wellsboro’ Academy. THE SPRING TERM of this Institution will commence February 2G. Special attention will be given to the art of teaching. The Assistants are experienced and approved teachers. Board, Room, Washing dec. at 8150 to 8200 pet week. There are a-few rooms in town for those who wish to board themselves. Tuition at previous rales and no de. dnclion made for absence unless it .exceeds a half term. By order of the Trustees. N. L. REYNOLDS, Principal Wellsboro’ Feb 21.1856. TO FARMERS & MILLERS. THE BROOKLYN STEAM MILLS, ore in sue. cessful operation. The Grist mill, Clark’s pa tent, and the Buckwheat huller, Horton's patent, have in cveryrcspcct, realized the most sanguine expecta tions. Those who feel an interest in new discover, ies, and those who have grain to grind, are respect fully invited to call and judge for themselves,» The Company will sell patent righto, fur Tioga and Potter counlies. Jan. 31. (3 m.) Custom Boot & Shoe Shop, A T M. Sherwood’s old stand, where the ■t*- Sk.irs' Bovs continue to make, mend, and measure to order, at as law prices as the times will admit. All work warranted—to wear out in a year or so —and not rip or come topiccesTill it does wear out Hides Wanted. CASH will be paid for any quantity of hides a the highest market price. ■ July 13,1854. GEO. W. SEARS. EVER CHANGING-ALWAYS NEW! BARGE ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT TUB EMPIRE STORE THE SUBSCRIBER lakes the earliest opportu nity of informing the citizens of Tioga county, and the "rest of mankind.” that he is now receiving his second slock of Goods foj tho Fall end Winter trade; and he deems it unnecessary and entirely out of order to go into an enumeration of the thou sand and one articles, that lie in common with other merchants keep and arc so Extremely anxious to dispose of. Bnl there is one thing that he wishes distinctly understood, and that is, he docs not buy goods to fay upon Ins shelves and counters and acc um ulatc the dust of centuries, wailing for that g oo d lime, when people are so green, or (what is worse) hard up, as to bo willing to accept the “Old Familiar faces” of these “Shop-keepers,” at the “tariff,” fijs*l imposed. (No insinuations?) , His motto is “small profits, speedy sales, and quick returns.” Thinking that by adopting and Hying yp to (he motto, he shall ment and receive & continuance of the patronage heretofore awarded him, lie would say to all —call and see the Now Goods, J. R. BOWEN. Wellsboro, Nov. 15,1855. H6^WISHIN(TT(^IiRCHASF;?fX^ or Melodeons, should call a* TAYLOR'S )K & JEWELRY STORE, Wellsboro,’ nl which place those InslrumeD's can bo had, superior in quality and on reasonable terms. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. jan24. Cloths A Cassimcrcs. rjLACK, Blue and Brown Broad Cloths, Black •" bud Fancy Doeskin Cassimercs.arsoSaltinett’a and Sheeps Gray Cloths, just received and for sale ry cheap, at (Q c t 25) JONES &. ROR'S LADIES SHOES Ladies will find the largea cheapest ahd best assortment of shoes or every description, Gaiters Rubbers and childrens shoes at JONES &, ROE’S. NEW GOOHS. T'HE subscriber would respeclfuily inform **" his customers and friends ilia I he still cou lir«ucs the mcrcanlilc business at the old place, at the wed known store of L. I. Nichols, where he will be happy to wail on those that will faVor Wm With a call, and would invite the attention of the public generally to his large and commodious slock of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Ready-Made Clolli- ing and Hardware, CROCKERY, VVOODENWARE, STONI> WARE, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c„ &r., in fact everything else kept in a country clcs 100 ftumcrous to mention, and will sed cheaper than can be bought this side of New York city. “ All kinds of produce taken in exchange fir goods at the highest market price. 4 J. R. BOWEN. Weflsborough, June 29,1P54. SELECT SCHOOL.— MISS H. A. SEARS will again open a Select School on Tuesday, April Ist next ensuing, in the upper room oi the building in the rear of Bailey's Store. The room is large and commodious and she hopes to meet there all her old scholars with as many new ones as may give her their patronage. Terms : from $1 50 to 93 00, as before. Par ticular attention will be given to Singing, Embroid. ery and Plain Sewing. Wellsboro’ Feb. 28,1856, Musical' Instruments Pianos, Mclodeons, Violins, Accordcons, &c, *jusl . received and for sale by G. W. TAYLOR. CLOTHING, —A large slock in store of Ihe la test fashions, a fit guaranteed every lime, es also a price to suit the buyer, for I am bound to sill Sept. 20, 1855. J. R. BOWEN Look This Way. The Subscribor begs leave to announce to the Public that .he has just fitted up machinery (at no small expense) for the pnrposo „f Plating with gold or silver. Those wishing such work done will please give me a cull. G. W. TAYLOR. Wellaboro' Dec. 13,1855. GRAND RUSH AT JONES & ROE’S. A here Uicv are now receiving their FALL & WINTER GOODS. which consists or DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FAMILY GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AMD SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY-, GLASSWARE, TIM WARE. WOODEN.WARE. READY MADE CLOTHING, AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. FLANNELS, EASTERN CLOCKS Warranted to Keep good tune. 'VyCT'E would say to our customers and purchasers r * generally, that our store is now complete, we have a large assortment of every kind of goods and our prices cannot fail to suit the closest buyers. Wellsboro’ Oct. 95 1855. JONES & ROE. Red & White Flannels. AT .SOCotton Flannels, Bcd.ticking, Blue Denims, Stripe Shirtings, Drillings, Brown Factory, Bleached Muslins, Irish Linen, Table Covers, and Spreads, Carpet Warp,Colton Yarn,Colton Balling, and Wadding just received at JONES & ROE’S. CLOTHItVO. Gl ENTLEMEN in want of anything in (he line r of Clothing for the coining winter will find II|Q largest, cheapest and best assortment at Oct. 95. JONES A, ROE’S. SHAWLS. —Ladies will find the largest assort nicnl of desirable styles of Long and Square Broclia and long aud square Woolen Shawls at Oct. 95, 1855. JONES & ROE’S. Truth is strangwr than Fiction!! WE mu&t saytlialG. \V, Taylor iff receiving from the Manufacturers, the best and cheap' cst lot of PIANOS &. ever off;rn in this county, lie can furnish as good instrument and at ns fair prices as City dealers. Call at if* Book Store W elUhoro*, December G. 1855. SHEW GROCERY Ac PROVfiSiOft STORE, IVT and .O. ItIJLSiARD, Dealer-. -L’- 1 -* in FROVISfONS, GROCERIES, BOOTS if SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHIHG. IVW if Willow. Wo rf, Tobacco', Cigart , Frviio, Confer, lionrry, ifc., Ifc. At the Slnncl recently oceui>it