Wm ifjMiSty advance; **x t ifttitm t^MXSOSS^tti ®* tlnetlifadnrireUlo. No paper willbodUconli iin formnlete alAht option oftKetdilor ■ - C wfiti -T- Ttn Copien <1 ./.j Fifteen Copies,HSi: AbvMTin9n«rra aiUbeinoertedat 91 perequare, {offoerlteo Unenor hot,) for the first or three eon aeaitiue insertions, and 95 cents for entry tuber spUdtiMii<''¥early idcerlitemtoUiaserUdata rta sonahle discount on the foregoing ralet. ’ ■ ■ Nolqduertlsetnrnledjeeonfuitted.antil paidfort in. tree at the option of the Publishers. :, ~ , O* Transient advertising paueUcin advance, SXfAllliUefi.mietbi post-paid.' ©St wmswms±ssm» Hydropolhio Phytieian ptid Surgeon. EJUtttAl«i), TIOGA COCJIxr, PA. [Jane 14.1855,] v w. W. WEBB, M. 8., TTA*S csLalili-hcd him.elf in the practice of Mod. .JjL, ifino and Surgery in the Township of Liberty Pa-. wlipro ho will promptly attend all calls in his profession. Liberty, Fch. 1.1854. JOHJT W. BACHJE, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT T^vliAW.'Office, north side Public Square 'WcUubbrough, Fi. Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge & Gov, N. Y hyllon. A. V. Parsons,Philadelphia. July 13. KASSAN PARKHURST, ATTOKKkY AND COUNSELLOR, AT LAW. LAWKENCEVILLE, t'ounly, Pat O.Ticc one door Mow Ford Block. [Feb 21,3 m. * SPENOER & THOMSOfIf, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, CORNING, Steuben Conuty, New York. Gro. T. Spksckr. C. H. Thomson. April 18, 1855-ly. CLOTH DRESSING AND WOOL, CARDING on short notice and reasons Me a THE STEAin EOVNDRY WELLSBORO\ PA., By [«cpt. 13.55] L. C. PENDLETON. S. F. WILSON, CT Removed lo James Lowrey'g Office ns, LOW KEY A S. F. WILSON, Attorneys & counsellors at LAW, will attend the Courts of Tiopa, Poller and McKean counlips. Wcllsboroagh, Feb. J, 1853. TIOGA MARBLE YARD. PHILO TILLER. DEALKR IN Italian and American Marble, FOR MANTELS, MONUMENTS, TOMBS CENOTAPHS, GRAVESTONES. Agent*. Bailey -Sl Folry, Wcllsboro; O. P. Bjc\ch, Knoxville; J. E. Webster, Covington. Tioga, April 26,1855. 11. O. COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, W^llsboro’Pa. Shop Id M. Sl 0. Bullard's Grocery. Every. Iking in his lino of business will be done as well sod os promptly os it can bo done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparations for removing dandruff, and hcautyfiTng Hie hair for sale cheap. Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Call and see. WHNboro*, Oct 18,1835. (if) GRAND RUSH • AT JONES & ROE'S. Where they arc now receiving their FALL & WINTER GOODS. which consists of DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FAMILY GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TIN ware, wooden.ware. ready made CLOTHING, AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, FLANNELS, EASTERN CLOCKS Warranted to keep good lime. WE would Soy to our customers and pnrclinsers generally, that our store is now complete, we have a large assortment of every hind of goods and our prices cannot fail to sail the closest buyers. Wcllsboro’ Oct 25 1655. JONES &. ROE. lied & White Fluuncl** ALSOCotlon Flannels,Bed.ticking, Blue Denims, Stripe Shirtings, Drillings, Brown Factory, Bleached Muslins, Irish Linen, Table Covers, and Spreads, Carpet Warp,Colton Yarn,Cotlon Batting, and Wadding just received at JONES ft, ROE’S. CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN in want of anything in the line of Clothing for the coming winter will find the largest, cheapest and best assortment at Oct 25. JONES &. ROE'S. SHAWLS. —Ladies will find the largest assort ment of desirable styles of Long and Square Broclia and long aud square Woolen Shawls at Oct. 25,1855. JONES & ROE’S. NAILS by the keg or pound very cheep at May 311955. JONES & ROE'S. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Miss je. p. rich, . ARDS, would respect. fully announce to the citizens of Wcllsboro’ and vicinity, lint ' she Has just opened a new linery.esiabliahinent over R. 8. Jfj Bui ley’s Slorc, where she will keep.coostaiilly on hand a GOOD ASSORTMENT OF MILLINERY GOODS, each as Ladies & Children’s Bonnets, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CAPS, HEADDRESSES, Ac., &.C., , . . Ail orders promptly attended to. She will also at tend to Dressmaking as usual, [CT No trust, Carriage & Wagon Maiittlhc- tory. H HENRY PETRIE would an. J Bounce to his friends and theQgßjSjeg* public fa oorilly,th at he is eonlinuihgSE_Ss£ ths ahove business OB Grafton street, immediate, io 'the reaj of J. R. Bowen’s store, where be is pre pired!t6jaanufjctutonn shorlnoticc. C»)frißrt»rDi«glc», Sulkies, v '■ ■ Wagons, of sfty style or description taauil the purchaser andof, tKp very, heal materials., All binds of.te. pairingdone forthwith and on (the most reasonable termer,.' > PAINTING and.TRIMMING willbe prompt ly ezeculed ih the best manner and tnokt' ftsli ionaUe style. • ■' *■ Wollsboro.’July 13,’55. HENRY PETRIE. *a..e’n*--*rvyfvr/y-'-r“sf ->—iji M trsx^ita^.-wrnrvO^^^-'^iyK *■ iDforiij A#cili-' • xoUt ol viefnUyftfial.lie, his purchased tho pif<]iU Bliss, in.lliß above will bontlnue at tltb old stand,two boors eilKlifJunes'Ptorclilo keep; oij hand and mako,tp oftlptiiMl kipjJ. ofCtbinel Finniltiwr-Htcli as -i, yy.jt. '.c, Softs, Divan*, Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining: JfßredhfastTabtes, . \ Dresj.Stands, Drcss,aod Cordpionßureaus, MAHOGONY 4. COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage, ‘Frenchr-and Common ; Bedsteads, ofpvery description, with all articles out- ■ ally made in business. 1 ; From bis knowledge of. the business he bat ters hi with the belief ; that those wishing to- purchase, Would do well lochll snd exainine his work before sending elsewhere for in inferior article. .COFFINS, of every variety, mode to order, at shjof notice,and reasonable charges. TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no' lice. T3j Chairs! Chairs! jr\«L In ndditionto the above, the sobsert iBSSSJber would inform the public that he bus f /V | juit rccoivcda large and handsomcassorU menl of CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS, Boston and Common RoclHng Chairs, Ape., which he will sell as chcap,if not cheaper,llian they can bo purchased anywhere else in Tioga count j. Coll and see them '. Juno 3,1855. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. ACROWL would announce to the clti • sens or Tioga county, that ho has associated with him a partner, and the business will be con. dncled under the firm of A. Csowl & Co. They will continue at the old stand, in Wcllsborough a manufacture to order and keep un hand, Bwggys & Lumber Wagons, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, &e., which for style, durability and elegance of finish, cannot be surpassed by any other similarcstoblUh raent in the country. Workmen of celebrity arc engaged, and Ihtbcst materials used expressly in all the manufacturing departments of litis establishment. Persons send ing orders may rest assured of having them cxecu* cdl to their entire satisfaction, and finished rn every particular the same as though they attended in per* son. REPAIRING done asusttal, with neatness and despatch. PAINTING of all kinds done on the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. 03* All kinds of merchantable produce (dclivoe edt rccivcd in exchange for work, nt the markrl prices. A. GROWL Sl CO* July 13, 1855. SASH & BLIND FACTORY. COVINGTON, TIOQA CO iM. TH E subscriber is prepared by new Ma just purchased, to furnish to order, all kinds o square ahd fancy Sash and Blinds. Square Sash of common sizes constantly on hand. By long experience in the business, the sabsrrh ber flatters himself that he can make as good an article, and sell it as cheap as can be obtained at any estabishment in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and sco. DAVID S. IRELAN. Covington, March 2,1654. CTThe subscriber is also Agent for the sale of Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa's Oil for Deafness. D. S. I. FANNING MILLS. ATTENTION, FARMERS! THE UNDERSIGNED respiTlfully in form the Farmers of Tioga County, that they are now Manufacturing FINCH'S IMPROVED PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, three miles south of Wdlsborough, on the Jersey Shore road; and feel warranted in snying (hat said Mill is the best ever introduced into Tioga County both as respects cleaning fast and well, and the saving of Gross Seed Farmers are respectfully invited to call and exam ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. O’ All kinds of Produce taked in payment. Old Mills repaired on short notice. ANGUS GRIFFIN Sl SONS. Dchnar, Del. ft, 1864-If. DOCTOR YOURSELF! - The Pocket! u£sculnpiu*: OR EVERY ONE II S OWN PHYSICIAN THE fiftieth ErJijln with Ono Hundred 1 graving showing Disetn and Malformations of itir ’ man System in every sin and form. To which is adi a Treaties on the Diseases Fcmnlcd being of the high importance to married pco) or those cimlcmuhling mi riage. By TV m. Y odno, M, D. Let no father be ashamed lo present n copy of the jEscui-AFius lo his child. It may sore him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into tiio secret obligations of married life without reading the Pocket jEscuLAfius. Let no one snf. faring from a hacking (lough, Pain in the side, rest less nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up hy their phys ician, bo another moment without consulting the iEhOUt-AFios. Have the married, or those about lo be married, any impediment, rend this truly useful hook, as it has been the means of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. O' Any person sending Twenty-Fine Cents enclo. «ed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail or five copies will be sent for one Dollar. Address, (post paid.) DU. VVM YOUNG. JVo. 153 Spruce St ., Philadelphia. June 7, IBSS-ly. ■ Will Kaodas be Free? IS A QUESTION difficult to answer, but that the Subscriber is offering merchandize cheap, ndniits not a doubt. The question will be immediately set tied upon inspection of the Goods and prices. He is just receiving his full slock, which consists in a general assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, RE.VDY-MADECLOTHING.HATS &, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, WOODEN WARE, STON E WARE. TIN WARE, I|r. Hitiu’s Invigorating Spirit. B A Word lo the Wise is sufficient /” The Subscriber has a large and well selected slock of Goods, and is offering them at as reasonable prices ns can bo bought in Tioga Co, or this aide of Cedar RunJ He who Wants a PLUG OF TOBACCO or a GOOD COAT—She who wants a box of SNUFF or a FINE-DRESS, will do well to call and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. Come end-see and be convinced of the truth of the foregoing statement. J, B. POTTER, Aar»t, ■ . For H. H. POTTER. Middlebury Centre, Nov. 8,185.5, Want*, & Thing* Wanted. WANTED. by, almost every, farmer in the coun. ty, Heave Coro,” to diock the 8m indications pjTJie'ayes, andtheprcvpn lion and core of all diseases that affect the: wind of horses. . .. ..is r.- vr-.-v ALSO,'a box o( I£r, .power’s “Hibernian OinU meut, a sovereign remedy Tor Galls, Scratches, Grp. **'« Bruises.'tjesh wppnds.tihd all cuUhednsdi|ejues hprsqs or siibjCciu. i. ii. A of theKJerihan;RalKuler,”one if uie safest and best articles In use for destroying rati end mice, or Lyons «Icbratcd ”Ral 'TillAfot the same purpose, For salt at the WclUboro* brog Stoic ’llr'lvl- MM. CONVERS has jifttrefeived from •New York, lhMaf(^at : and meat earelbOy adleeled assortment ofr. ‘-nv"' >•>* s, V.ESfIiS6,,.£ASSIMERS, ,■. SAT)NETTS, : ■ ever (brought into ’for keadv rsv cbeapei (iaef aht/olner (tldhiiehment 'Hia stock .comprises k' gencral auWtnicht of of Clolliingv&om a low price op. ‘ SUMMER COATS— Jbr.tylch and Boysir-a large 1 <■ 'Msortmcnt. . { i > > 'DRESS, FROCK AND S!ACK COATS—6 eve -1 ' ry description, size and cblor. ’ W * ’ 'PANTS— every stylo and l]nality. ; 7 • • VESTS —of every style, color and description. SHIRTS, Under-Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Over Alls Ovcr-Shirls, Suspenders, Gloves, umßrellas, Ndck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, together with lots of SELF-ADJUSTING ■ STOCKS, o,ror men's wear may bo Pound Broad Clolhi* Casaimcres, Tweeds, Kentucky Joans, silk, satin and summer Vestings. v Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown, Tickings, Summer Goods for boys’ wear, Cotton Yarn,Carpet Warp,Cotton Batten, with a variety of olherrtielcs 100 unmerousto mention. Groceries and Proviwlone. A full stock will bo kept on hand. Those in want of Sugars, Teas, Codec, Molasses, Stewart’s best Syrup, Spices, Pcp|>cr, Ginger.Salcrulus, Flour, Kish, SallTobacco,or any other article in thisline, will do well to call on us before purchasing else, where. HARDWARE, islargc and complcCcanassorlincnt as can bo found in the county. Among which is Cutlery ofoll kinds, Carpenters Tools, Chains, lines, Shovels, Porks, Butts and Screws, Door Hangings,Bills,&c.,&c. CROCKERY, GLASS & STONE-WAR, Boots suit! Shoes, Hats and Caps, Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, Spe. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past season, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public loan examination-ol'our Spring stock behoving that good Goods and low prices wil in sure a speedy sale for ready pay. B. B. SMITH h SON, Wcllsborough, May 25,1855. NEW ARRIVALS AT THE WELLSBORO’ »H»C STORE. ScLriMTK or Indigo, for coloring Blue and Green, CotOH Mixture—Tilts article contains Balsam Tolu ai id oilier valuable cough remedies, and is par ticularly recommended to the notice of Physicians. Pdluonic Wafers. A now lot of that 4a and Gs Tea, that every body likes So well. 1 J Extoact np lesion, Kose, Vanilla, Pmo Apple, dec., for conking. Mas kino Ink, that will not wash out for mark ing Linen, &c, VVaterproop Shoe Blacking, to preserve the lea ther and keep the feel dry. Whiting Ink— Black, Blue and Red, of the best Wellsboro’, Jan. JO, 1856. Tnrniiig & Chairmaking. JSTICKLEY, Turner, and Chairmakor, would _ . inform the public that ho has recently fitted up hia shop id good style, and is now prepared to munu. lecture ell kinds of CANE Be COMMON CHAIRS, of the best material and finish. Also Turning done in superior style, on rdasonabto terms. SHOP, south end Main street, opposite H. W Darll’s Wagon Shop. SAMUEL HERZOG, having.rented part of J. Sticklcy’s shop js prepared to manufacture all kinds of CABINET WOR|f Itofn the best material and in.superior style. He has on hand several ‘eu perior Mahngnny Buronns for sale'cheap. . * Wellsborough, April 14, 1855. ViSTEIh • ■ ; ;•' TOURNfcYM AN WAg6oN : MaKEB tf work iby IhedaytmoOlh oron»li«rc*,’ai the’ shop of (ho Subscriber'ht Clynitr ,to wMii& : Tioga Co,Pj. 1 have a large qtlantiw of seaponed-lorn, beron htnd, ready to be worked, and would prefer to give the workman a almfe of (bo proceed*. Charles pritchard; Clymer, June 14 1835. (If.), BOOTS & SHOES.—Gentlemen's Bools °f.eyfiry dcscripl'on. Boy’s. Spots and Shoi» ofulfslyfra and sixes just received - tit JONES' 4, ROE’S.' STM>? fully “invitiJflih ge oMliosftjßhe ihing .ayrtjwr l :pwed to dp fJJ Wt-Kiiid Hinas ui wu.r.. I '* Mill Iffrris. t-c.--; xih'bte got up at short noti&L* to HORSE SHOEING. AH kihdirof sblft the Common to the Cpricare Seated; ((hoe., ■, v; i N.;B. The system this catabpimentis pot,to charge 25 per cent extra to pay lor, had debts, thetejorc those who may patjohiic us can'liel asrored they will not hare to pay tlwdobta of tli6se wfidnef. erpy; this plan is succeeding beyond dnr expccta tipns slrcady. W c invito camtp .pomp' and sec for themselyes, you cannpt loose much, atu).you m'ajt find it to your advantage. ; May 3.1855,6 m GRAY!'*, LOUNSfiCRV. . CLEAR Tlffi TR^CK The Crimean Campaign Ejwjted 11 WAR DECLARED 0)N llie pari of BALDWIIV, GU«3ttW. SEA" &, CO., agaijinl those old codgers, . - “Second rate Goods {Succeed Tabor, Young Co.) IN THE FOUNDRY BUSINESS, AS MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Boilers and Machinery of nil kinds; Stoves, Hallow Warp, Tin, and Copper Ware. REPAIRING &. JOB WORK done with the least possible delay. Ml LL G EARINGS furnished wiihoutextra charge for patterns. PLOWS of all kinds, (two of which took the premium at the lute County Fair,) kept constantly on hand. Wc have the cxqlostve fight, for Tioga County, to manufacture and vend the King; Stove. one of the best (if not tbe very best) Coo|t Stoves ever invented; which is always on hand at our store house, for wholesale Sc retail. Their Stoves took the premium over the Albany Stoves at tbe late Fair. Tll.il is a leather in oar cap which we donl Intend to have plucked out soon. Coi n Sbetlers, Of all the improved patterns that commend them selves to farmers. Besides this, wo intend to furnish better Ware, bettor articles and belter work, at lower prices than any other establishment in Tioga county will be able lo do. And tho man who pays CASH, can gel what he buys at reduced prices. This is the lair way of doing business, and the system upon which the Tioga Foundry and Machine Shop will be con. dueled hereallcr. Don’t wait for the wagon, but come.on. TABOR, BALDWIN Sc CO. Tioga, Nov. IS, 1855.—if. O' Old Iron and Coppcr,and all kinds of produce lakcn in exchange for work. HERE’S YOUR CHEAP HOOTS & SHOES! HAVING removed to the building in the rear of Bailey & Foley’s store, the subscriber is prepared to furnish to order, MEN'S If HOYS' KIP If CALF BOOTS Pegged slid Sewed, WOMEN'S If CHILDREN'S KIP & CALF SHOES— MENS' # BO VS* COARSE BOOTS, Made upon honor —and warranted to wear out in duo time, and not to rip until they are worn out. As u man is known hy Ifis Boots nq less than, hy lie company ho keeps, it behooves every man to tako heed how his “ understanding ” is cared fan A reasonable share of the public patronage is res spcctfully solicited. O' Hides lakcn in exchange' for work. L. A. SEARS. Wcllsboro', Dec. 28,1855-Iy, fPHE subscriber would respectfully inform J- bis customers and friends that he still con tinucs the mercantile business, at the old place, at the wed known store of L. I, Nichols, whore hp will bo happy to wait on thoso that will (avdf him With a cull, and would invite th'elktlcnlion of the public generally to tils large and ooknmodioua stock of 9KV (lOODB, Groceries, Readymade Cloth ing: aml llardnn re, CROCKERY, WOODENWARB.STONE. WARE, BOOTS & ;SHOES, HATS AND CAPSf.jfec., &c., ( ; in. (apt everything clse tin a country store, nrli olesloo numerous to inentiop,and will sell cheaper (Nan can ho bought ibis’ side 1 if NoW Yorkcity, . ' '’Ail kinds of produce takenin exehahge'fnr goods ti the highest market price. J. R.: BOWEN. . Wellsborough, Juno 29,1854. ~, i_ Chairs, Chains, Chairs. BESIDES n vnrteiy u of all other kinds 'of HOVSEUdbO fcvmiTUbE, tlnr »t>b fcHWr has four different slylesoli i i;t’ <- -BRACK WALNUT CANE SEAT; CHAIRS, Which'he reselling at cost pyjees. Alypj Ttopdifferenl Spring ■Sept Chairs , ana Mpifogany ftockers. : - - and three palters of Sifas. , , . ; . Also, Rosewood, Curl Mtplc.and CoinmOn chair* 61 all kinds. ’ '"E.D. W;ELLS. Lawrcncevilie, Nov. 1854.'-' M I DRY GOODS Silks, and Ladles’ Dress Goods, ALSO, NEW GOODS, 'mm? Vi : iVsW G loathe grealrfi| in pa perl thereto andincreasingßßmand fordtga.drw; Bnatl Therefore, every cun who wMtda ItfUtW coiil on hi* old ch&ea abonk}' ( i»at them, all into the raging ; not hg^everrtwUjl CLOSING • AT rmA, v and selects from the huge ami splendid. niEorUnnit UP oT ' -C"y Kn-t u T Ready ITlade«lo