f u ■sr.;a»»L , L 1 SsSS tinaknv *JMgf .fcjntlj, iJaughaVe .Miiijw «j (WiftftojWc l . l ’‘t&'fcdllßlNt ttts Rwtofflc«l which oh opening he l*.Mirf .Hi> iwiTn jni) dflllgn lol, hp|ng ktcpl. I*SV3i>3h' Mi l WhaMnetf' whttpdhß' re*d di/RWiiryj W rrotfnevitohv !>• n. [•erSitffu t ea-i CouflU J9%npg>miMhS,§“B brcnmeAhnahlher’Qf^th-fm W«b ■WWOP*W whjtnUtjtv.clathes ft ibstiU J&Bd aimher was much belief than naclpd. and earnestly'requ&trtg Wntli) ’Will his loving wifi; ijfFsfrifig jpp the coming iflan/i#!,: nnd .otherNW byifiih£«.> afitf aslfpdo ds'-Kb' recovered from 1 hrs‘ : aaidn- jiftqn’j 4i4;f(Wj«jrn&Si#.Wife enoeayofed, RJKtkfH n'o hyale rtcs; butcher efforts.® tided in sl£'bW growta. d[i Hsughter^wnS > ‘(fehgetr|^gti.'fp i h?; room.lo The old oeailemahl'ae- htrtlH’cMVyihOfnore’lMreiahdnte Iri ’hit* AVi(i!,tn- read,:untilhe,i»fiwt saiipfiad they.nreinqnires aboulinturaneo business.- 4 'Litthfidd Republican. ' ■ fias thd folio wing 1 foiling remediesfor,flea rbile^;—., SBoil o quart qf tar, until It Becomes .quite tbin. Remove the clothing, and before the tardtecrjme.f cool, withs Woadoflnt ETr ti »TT,' pf>l y d TEim prqopth £nfife surface'ofinq body qrtd limy.' While tho far pmains.goft. (he flea gted ip. ns teiiacioflP folds, and is rendered perfectly harmless} but'it will soon form a hard, smobth coating, entirely.impervious to . Should the codling crack, a| ,1 he knee o'r elbow Joints, ft is. merely' necessary to re-,touph ilrslighjly aj The whole-coat should be renewed everv three or ftur tlfeek»r ! 'lMris "remedy id sure, T ahd hav tag fie ac/vapfnge of : simplicity and efcnol my, should be generally known. ’ ■ “ A still simpler methor of preventing the attacks of these little pets;' is On feeling the hit* of'a flea, thrpsCthe pafb bitten immedi ately. him,boiling. water. The heat of the water destroys the insect and instablly re moves the pain of the bite/' ~ A; IrosbEnfDL jlfrrfhbd.— Among r’losities exhibited in the Paris a huge concave mirror, the instrument, of a startling species of optical magic. On stand ing close to it, it presents nothing hut a mag nificently piqnsirous dissection of your physi ognomy. Op. retiring a epupje of. feet, it gives your own face and figure in true pro portion but reversed* the head downwards* But retire still further,standing at the distance ijt five or six feet from the mirror, and be hold, you see yourself not a reflection—it does not strike, you as a reflection—but your veri table self, standing in the middle part be tween you-and'the mirror, Tho-efieot is al tnost appalling, from the'idea that it suggests ltd partook in no small degree, of his descend- preternatural pinguitude, inasmuch, that at his enlhronizuion tf-was found imjfcssible for any number of. priegts ,10,heave him into Jiie Episcopal chair. A savage Danish chief .proposed to quarter him, and so elevate him tes.a Bishop in pariibut; but this proposal 'war overruled, and an elephant then exhibit trig in Copenhagen, was employed.to lift the bishop to his throne. The animaf was of course, coAsahi'itfed; »nd‘ hencd' came the Danish hrder of'the Elephant, the knights jof Which, it should be added, Wear trunk hose. '—'Punch. French Floating Batteries?— The new 'Trench floating'batteries are built entirely of Irony And .with.a shell bf the same Ittetal, Under wVich the chimney is lowered „apd concealed during action. Trials have been made against this shell wit sixty-four pounders, but. they , produced,,Pf>\y a slight dept,, the projectiles themselves rebounding -far away. When shut,-the batteries Ibik like a torthise—brooder in front than behind. .The front battery is armed with thirty guns of. the heaviest caliber. The port holes are in their turn closed by lids thaiiopan ofuhem - shlvcs at the moment the gun is then,shut instahily. A small orifice in the 'litf 'enables the gunner to take aim. •Thft citizens of Portland, Me., were in formed that the great iron steamship, cop strutting in England, wotlld ply to Portland, ‘if adequate -wharf facilities were provided.— The municipal authorities of Portland, Ofi learning this-, fact, immediately appropriated .isoo,ooo to provide the required accomoda • tidoTor the leviathan. _, . A man w.hh enormous feet was measured ‘ for a pqir of hoots, apd enquired of the man when he would have them finUheijJ .. * “ By Wednesday, if it does not rain.” was r the reply. ; !| 1 1 “.If it.,does not rain 7 what has the raihto do with tho-boots ]” I ■ “Why, do you suppish lhat I fcbtfld bijild !'.a pair of boots fdr yptlr' feet in the hotisfer’ “I sat, Habst, did you ask .Hicks for that.money 1” ~ - ' .“Vei." • ■“ 'V.hat did he say 1” . “Nothing. He~jest~kicked roe off the t ; and that’s the last I heard of it." ) , I* ,Ka* been discovered. lhal »bo highly 1 -*e*f»eo«We-an«l-woHd» renown- monarchrOld . KcDg-CbliV wikV JetemdliM df Anlhnteite r and thil hi*'jolly bld soul was nothing' but ;*hd*,lesijier. r ; lr ; V • ■, i '1 ;; L ” I-JL - .Hoops loot f7Uf-w{ieh ' yorOjSrourftl' thß pfet'shn/ ’girl* - Sri- San U-say -woJiko-tham. f r and jlb'cUttA/di every either xjatntener Yearly adverlieementt inserted at a rea ttSdUiiieeount on the foregoing rates. ! C fmn the option -W ,„ia 1 XT Transient advertising payable in advance. ' i/Kr&lUettert mustbe post-paid. j. ' 3 ||Eo BfiKLASIt, TIOGA. COUBiTY, PA. ’ '.' Moot -CABDXiVG. ; , , DONE da shod.notice and. reasonable terms a THE STEAiTI BOBAWY , WELLSBORO\ RA:\ By [sept. 13.551 L. C. PENDLETON. lAS. LOWBEV& S. F. WILSON, .ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT •f* LAW, wilt attend tile Courts of Tioga, Poller sad McKean counties. Wellsborougb, Feb. 1,1853. " PEALER IN ... ,i Italian and Aiuerlcanlffarble, FOR * MANTELS, MONUMENTS, TOMBS •CENOTAPHS, GRAVE-STONES. • Agents. • Bailee* Ac Folet, Wellnboro; 0; P. Beach, Knoxville-; J. £. Webster, Covington. Tioga, April 26,1855. 1 n. o. COLE BARBER 4.. HAIR DRESSER, Tfeilsbaro'Pa. .Shop in M*. & ,o*.. Bullard's Grocery. Every* thing in his line of business will be done os well ajid as promptly as it can be done in tbc more fashionable City saloons. Preparations for,removing dandruff, and Lxjaulyfiing the hair for sale cheap. Hair and whiskers dyed any color. Cull.and see. Wcllsboro’, Oct *lB, 1855, (if) . r 1 has been (he lot of (he human race to be weighed down by disease and suffering. HOLLOtVA Y’S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief -of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM*, of all climes, ages, sexes, and conelila* lions. Pqrfgfisur Holloway personally superintends the manufacture of bis medicines in the United Stales, and pffeja Uiem to a free and .enlightened people, ag the best remedy the world eyes paw for the removal^?'d|eease,, . .. THESE FILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. GENE^pEaifJjT^iLLUEALTH. Al»ny of, lue most despotic Goycrnprenis hove opdned their Custom Houses, to the inlrodnepos of these Pills, that they igay become the medicine of the mosses. Learned Colleges admit that tins inedi. cine is the best remedy ever known for persons of delicate health, or where the system his- been ini. paired, as its invigorating properties' never, jail to afford relief; • , CTgold at Ibg Manufactories of Professor Hollo way,. B&..sliid.cn, Lade.. New; York, and 244 Strand London, by all ijspe.cUMk Druggists and DfeaWrs in -Medteme-Hiroughoal the •United- States, "Bird the ci. £nd 61 each, ..-tjs-j i e! .Th*rcrukini/lhe dTOte pMS-iVi --OiVVI /.7'.o\-'V ‘ r - m >NABr, VBlmidni«fcr ilte'tnidaaAk 6f.J»iietite id ewtj diyordar vd_«fibtsl4odat;li,boid: u.: >-s v * t) V(1 .lA.snw • 4 .,r. TKaMSTATg - ■«. P. WIIiSOK; , ID* Removed to James LowrejtsOffico TIOGA MARBLE YARD- PHILO TELLER.' LET U 8 REASON TOGETHER. xy’s'.; OLLO WHY ARE WE SICK? ' Nearly li.tf Ihe human taco have taken these Pills. It has been proved, in all' pacts refills world.'lhal nothing lias been (blind equal to them in case, of diabnltn!ef Hte liver; dyspepsia, bbm. plaint* -generally. They soon-give a liea|Uty'tpne to Uie|e organs, however much deranged, and wjjcn all other ipeons have foiled. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. .No female, young'or old, should bo without this celebrated medicine. It' correct* and regnlatOa'lho monthly course* at all periods, acting in-many cases like a charm. It is also the best and sorest Medi. cine (hat can be giten to ChiMren or'all’aicb, and for any complaint; consequently -no ftntiWehoold be williputul, vJ ■ < 1 -Holloway!k-PiUg are thk bett'remedy known t/i the world far Ihefoltowing' distd&zs: Ailhmv,..t|,.y -J>l«rrtua«»! 11 n Indigestion, Bows) Complaints , Dropsy, . . -Jn(luvram, r . OojteM -Ix-bilUy, Inflammation, V?I | la,_ • . tcra- and Ague,. 'VenprcnlAßbcfs, (WjUmmm, ■ PUcft, /J ' suradl'd^xl, ljj.iKMja, , aUUndu, LtvnrtJomfllkinfji, Inw’nfWciknest, Siscomlaiy-lSviuij. Idium of Spirits,! OoxHtaiiM, • ■ toflii •- r „ -- Haadachw, SliOßS.—(Jentiemcn'sßoolj of erer^ aoSairfeeJted JONSS^BnSe’I!^' •N^^t 80r ‘ * &■ dMBiNJKfcS^iS^ 'dl'lT.S’AN (Jili- A**- xettfoi Well»to*wSS|TiciDily tf lhat hiajpurcwed the ®* BIHI, in the above wiffcoiffliue at 'tl>ri)ildsliMd,twa doors eq«G»fs»oeV|}toreJjo keep s)reBs®landB, DresSsod’CmrilnottEuroßUS, MATHOUfIto & S T>N tg- CMtlagM French Ona: CtwtnonoJSedfleads, iof Brery U!£r«eUs'aAi ially’fiiQdciimhis line », q:, Uftf to fiftt* tew ‘t^^Jeluui? ■to gurchraos would dj- JWSla's.'eWA ajfid exam before eonding-'Clsowhcic for an-mferior ‘WGipl®* £ '• ».♦ 4 J*M* C\i COFFISS, rocived'in cxchangO'&r worh T *al the markrl prices. €ROWL &> CO*' July I3 i> 1855. Üb! ‘ SASH & BLIND FACTORY. \ 1 CO VING TON - , TIOGA CO., ‘i>A. TH E- subscriber ft prepared by new tya just purchased, to Tarnish to order, all kinds of square and fancy Sash and Blinds. - Square ‘Sash of common sizes constantly on hand. By long experience in. the business, the subscri ber Setters Himself that he can make as good an article, and sell it as cheap os can be obtained at any cstablshmcnt in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and see. DAVID S. IRELAN. Covington, March 2,1854. ... BjTTlie subscriber is also Agent for the sale of Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness, , ~ D. S. L FAIVNIiW-mifiliS. . . A TTSNTIO N„, FAIRMERSI THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully .in torch liio Farmers of Counly, that they ore now Manufacturing FINCH’S IMPROVED PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, thre^miles South of Wclleborough, on (tie Jersey Shore road; and feel warranted in saying that said Mill is the best ever introduced into Tioga Couhly both as respects cleaning fast and well,and llie savlng.of Grass Seed Farmers arc respectfully invited to call and exam ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. .IT AlUibids of Produqe taken in payment. Old Mills repaired on short notice. ... .' ANGUS GRIFFIN &. SONS. ■'Dolmar, 0ct.‘12,1854-lf." * • ' DOCTOR YOURSELF! Tl»c i*orkfituK*-’111;’ OR'EYERY ONEHISX? Jt--'¥ith!Ofte,' /Hundred ! graying, Bjiiwing- jOiseai n ndM al fcHmlatipnaof jlltod mail and (brntilt^WliT^ns'dai a TTMife# fin' ihe ~te«eate! Femalcstieing of Jha. liigli importance lo ‘irfarrfea pen] or those .contemplating' mi riage. ‘ " ■ ' By Wji. Young, M. D ILLS. Lei no Collier be ashamed to present n copy of lire' /Escunsnos lohis child'. It may save him from fyi early grave, Let no' yonng man or woman enter •into Old secret, obligations of married life without reading the Pocket iEsouurius.' Let no one aitf fering from a hacking Cough, Pain in the side, rest less'nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations,and given up by their phys ician, be another moment without consulting the dSsouLAFiOs. Have the married, or those about to be parried, any impediment, read this truly useful book, hs.il has been the means of saving thousands ofunl'ortunstc creaturosirom the very jnws of death. CTAnV pcrson'scnding Twenty-line Cents enclo sed, in a feller, will,receive ope nopy of this work by mail or five copies will be sent for one Dollar. Address, (post paid.) DR, WM. YOUNG. iVo. 152 Spruce St ., Philadelphia? Junel, ISSS-ily. - Will Kansas be Free ? TS A QUESTION difficult to answer, but Ihaftbe -L Subscriber is offering merchandize cheap, admits not a dOUlit. The question will be immediately set tled’Upon inspection or the Goods and price*. Ho is just receiving bis fall slock, which consists in a general aasortmentof ' ■DUV GOODS; GROCERIES, HARDWARE I CROCKERY, . BOOTS . AND SHOES, ’ READY-MADECLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS &. SHOES WOODENWARE, STONE. ’ warp, Tin ware, Dr. Ham’s Invigorating Spirit. “A Word toihe T%se is sufficient F- Thd Subeoritcr.tiasa latgannd welUclectcd slock of Goods, and is offering them alas reasonable prices ns can bo bought ip,Tioga Co., or this side of Cedar Ruit! ' r ... Ho who wants, a PLUG OF TOBACCO or a GOOD COAT—She who wants a boi nf SNUFF on a FINE well to'calllfexsin iqcboforo porchasing elsewhere. v be convinced of the truth of the ftai^Jg.(element, J- Bi POTTER, Agent, ■ A ' « Fot H ' H - POTTER. MiddJebury Centre, N0v.,8, ISSS. , ... .. iVajjlSj & Things Wanfcii. Tlf ANTED tiyalmdSt cVety farmer in-thCcoun." ■ vt,“ r !.ly.-a botllo ofthe “Liquid-Heave-Cure," to ■ check the firel indifcalibns of heaVed, and the prerdd ition and oats 6t bll dWeatts-Ihat'afibct the Wind'of -horses.-- —ui.n . . ... L i- ALSO,- * bo*‘o( DrV. Power’s “Hibernian Olnl menti o BOvereign remedy for Ga Hu, SCratblifs, Gra ates, Brands,. u£sh wounds,'and dll«uUrtibhs'diWtties to-wbichboftesobhomedcaulo are SnWeoll ■“* AMO*' Kilter," one of lifottifeslaritf bestsrUofes in use for destroying rats and mice, or Lyorts celebrated “Raf PtluJ'Scr (ho I same purpose, For Sale at tbs Wcllsboro' Drug'Sleto OpHE subscriber having a .. X . moved his to AkjA JWdJrto make to order frSw Vftifi&s, in the best m arrive uHdof tfrtttVcr^bAA would WUfJßat he sella articles m their lim.£rbuslness WmPER FOR CAS/P lban. anyiASSr With- Hrhtmnt in the county. A%ood of f;y Whips, Harass, SrnstSnlly on hand. ’ t’b fvBD *• I T JOMIRIAGE TRINMJNG done in (I&bfcsttUyle, jljd(jih cheap as it can be fl.i I 7/ g.r<« liTUl' CM me Jgifcporium & Fagsiggg> ;;53§hbap : iTMT. M. CON VERS just received, (rpen New York, the largest andmoptcaieftmy selected assortment of v • : J '• *■'” ~’'< ‘GIiOTHS, VESTIN‘O} dASSIMBRS.i SATINETTS, TOl'MMIfilGSv &ri.i' ; 'eterhroughl into this country, whicft^h^lwill'Bell l TdridEADY pat cheaper than any other stock comprises a, general of every variety of CloUiing, from a-low price up*,'.' . SUMMER dfifl Boy^rlarge, assortment. .o.r;: 11 » . JtRESS, FROCK ARff SAC,K ,eye .ary,description, size and color. ’ . ’ ’. ’ 'PARTS —every stylean'3 quality,’ 1 ' ! -’ ~VR&2'S —of every ntyle, oolorhind desfcriptidh'. ; , iSE/R?lSpUndcr.Shirts t Brawcrs, Collars, Over. ■ Glorej/CmhraiUhJ Neck and iP ond neat' filling GLOTJiIIfG, Uia,t lie edii and will tell ettiaper than cardbe gotten in this borough, or any where this side of the New York market. This is' no blow or bfag r but.trutji— and to test “Conyers’ Cheap Clothing Emporium “ - where, ill articles are sold cheaper than cfn the. one price; system. ‘ Wellsborough, May'27,1855. Turning ”& (jhaii'inakins. T STICKLEY,, Xnriipr, and Cbal rmalter,'would -el • inform the publictliatlißlimirecefitly fiLlcd up Ilirshop.id good styleJ-ihiHs now prdparedto mnnu lacliirealf kinoypf ! df the best material and-finish. '■ AlsctTuriupg.dano tn superior style, on Wnsdffabte (ernls.- ... 4 ps SHQ3?, -south end ,Ma\b H. W; Bartt’sSWigon Shop. - \ f „„ or -- ~ S rS AM&&L HER2Bi3;;feying refled 1 jiirt pf i.( Sliclfley’s shop is prsparsdrto uhanolhctutt all jk’mds 4| land intsuperior atylei|,‘jH&lw*i,6p/ianm/pevcri^at).’ perior Hahogony BirteaUatfiir. (®lc cheap, v ( Wellsborough, April 11, Ib’So. ' HOWARD ASSOCIATION , PHILADELPHIA. Important AiVnounceiil/Knt. TO all persons afflicted with Scxulll diseases, such as SPERMAtORRH(E4, SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONORRHCEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM-or SELF- ABUSE, &c., &c-, . f .The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia in view ol the awful destruction of human life and health, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which arb'practicfcd.ttpon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by’Quacks, have directed their Con- : suiting Surgeon,,as a CHARITABLE ACT. worjliy of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA TIS, to all person! tiros affltcied, (Mule'dr Female,) who apply by letter, witli a description of their con-' dilion, (age, occupation/ habits of life, dec.,) and in case of extreme poverty am) suffering, to FURNISH' MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. '-The Howard Association- is a benevolent Institu tion, established by special endowment, Par-the re-- lief of the sick and'distrfcssfcd, afflicted with "Viru lent and Epidemic Diseases,” and its funds can Jx> used for no other purpose. It has now a. surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add. that the sociation commands the highest Medical skill of-the pgc, and wilt iurnish the most approved modern treatment;—Valuable advice aUp given to sick and nervous females, afflicted with Womb' Complaint Leucorrltcea, &c. 1 ' '■' .Address, (post-paid,). D* GEO. R. CAUIOUN Consulting Surgeon', -Howard Association, JNo. -2 South Nintli Slreel,_ Philadelphia, Pa. ;By order .of the Directors, V EZRA D- HARTWELL President. ~ GEO. FAIRCH ITiDfSccrtlary. October 25,J855.—1yt„ . SEW SPKpc GOODS, MpHE-subscribers are now ppehijig their A slodk of'GOODS fop the Spring Trade, com* lapsing a full and 'conjplel'e and of the usual variety, which will* w heretofore, he sold a la yery small profit for RBABY'PA Y. Being deter, nplncd not to be,undersold, by our neighbors, our goods an*, marked alike lowestfigure; abd we invite nCompurisoh of our goods and prices with any other ntlio market. Airfon^the^aasortiuenlof DRY ROODS wjllbe found'a greaf va'riolydl Lidias’Drcßi-Goods ocnsislingin part of . Beregcs,. Bere'ge P.etdnes,all-wool Delanes, . Lawifs, plain 'and prinfed; , Ginghams, English, Scotch and American ; Prinispf allshades and colors, n good slock of SIIKS. •Also, lor men's wear-may bo found Broad Cloths Cassimercs, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin ami summer Vestings. , , Also, Shefctings, Skirtings, bleached and brown, Tickings,'Summer Ooodii fdr boys' wear, Cotton Yam,Carpet Warp, Cotton" Batten, with a variety of oilier rticlcs 100 numerous Co mention. Groceries and Provisions. A full slock will be-kept "on band. Those in tyant of Sugars, Teas,-Coffee, Molasses, Stewart’s best Syrup, Spices, Pepper, 6 ingcr, Saleratus, Flour, Fish, Salt Tobacco, orany-olher' article In thislind, will do well lb call oa 'us boforc purchasing else, where. HABDWABE, a* large and complete qn assortment is cab bo found in the county. Among which taCullory ofall kinds, Carpenter? Tools, Chains, 1 Hpqs, Shovels, Forks, Batts andiScrewe, Dopr Hgoglhfes, Bills,&c.,&c. CROPKERY, GLASS'S ’ißooli and Shoe*,liats diid Caps, Steel, Iron, and’Oity Glass ci and'Putty, Ready*slade> Clothing, fyc. -Thankful for lbs 1 llbfefit ; paitona£o 6f Ihejiast season, the \undorsignpdtieel'a pleasure lit,inviting. (bn l pubTid to an examination of our Spring slock believing that .and low prices "WiUib sore a speedy sale 1 lor rcddy.piy. ‘ —' ‘ ,l 1 aa-v. B. B. SMITH & SON. Wellehorough, Mpy.25,1tj55. -;■ i/ *- rtrt u O9l esei IBibdHl'mn of business. Woi»re kinds ofwoxk. o b j. TT »i<;p 6181 Millions. :js.-{. an be got up st short notice, • Particnhip-f Iteulion SB HORSE SHOEING? All kiifflsV gmea Sofirfhe Common to the Coflftive Seatdo'snoe.^ Theaystcm adopted’kt this eatablrslirashils Bht Idlcharge 25 per cent exits to pay for-bad (tar}%rc those who may zc us cap feel UipjVVlill not have to pay the {fobts of tl(9so.wlidn?V. erpdy'; this plan is succeeding beyond flur’ex|jci!ta‘- llffti* already. W c invite all’who can tbttomcP and seb (hr themselves, you canodt loose tnddbt and ? oa tyiwfind it to your advantage, r ■ '■ •• 3.1855,.1855, 6 m GRAY Ac LOUI^pRY.., £‘~(j CLEAR TUB TRACK Tt or The Crimean Campaign Ettdfed Hi >* WAR DEG(LAK£i the pert of BALDWIN, jtSDEKQK SET St CO., ngaifiil those ohrcBdgcS^ v *' '' l ,*§|coneZ rate Goods ’dfid High Prices'}’] ' Countrymen and' all who dpat ifamains, (wliich includes everybody,) we have jim rtcaiVed a splendid slock ofi b I~i I • ! -i- Fall and Winter GotiM, J jaldatStore in Tioga, wbiohican bo had lbr > ■■ ;i > w Uttle, or Nothing ! ’flijoVo prime cost—with ocean aof good-will llfrcwn ott gratis. The first pick is Jho best pld£ so come .in labile stock is fresh. Decays are erastlnution has frostbitten many a good bargain Tf you want your money’s wdrlli, come on. If you Warn Wre than a dollar's worth fora dollar,'don't jcomtf-; but you will bo astonished to see'what-klplte ■el: floods we cun pul up a dollar. Opr stopk of • DRY GOODS ; is notmade up of the ends amf’lho-'roW !diiitB of "closed op 1 ’ concertos in the Oily, butf coni priseo, a complete &6sor(mei)(|pf the latest ptyks and test Qualities, from the coarsest lhe.li; nesl importcd fabrics, sueb as ’* *' L : .Silks, and Dress Qpodi,'!' ■Latest Styles, and adapted every variety of Irfnl lilings, Ladies will do well to call and examine ilia ■Sldok before purchasing elgdwhere. IT" ■; II 1 j Baldwin, Guernsey St Cp.’, have always onihpqd ja.sepsonabie and fashionabipstock of . , . jOeiitlemea’s Ready-made Cipth^ok *whipjv will be sold at the lowest CASH PRICES . ’ , ALSO, , ,Groceries, Crockery„ .Hardware, Olass, ’. Slone, Hollow and Wooden .IFure, 1 . ’ Iron, Steel,. iViriji, pits, faints ! and Dye-Stuffs af entry kind and of the best quality, . With BOOTS dj* SHOttiS, forfineryooify. All kinds of CouoUrJ Product taken fti ei eimitgefor goods at the mathet prices. T. L- BALDWIN. Tioga, Oct. 18, 18(55. A 1 T. GUERNSEY, O. 8.-LOWELL, ’ - LOOK OUT FOR THE ENGINE! , : The Seqppns change— • SO DO FRIENDS AND FORTUNE I ' AND BUSINESS KEEAXIONS. THPBBFOKB, ’• TABOR, BALDWIN & CO i} ( Succeed Tabor, Young § Co,y ; ! ■ IN THE FOUNDRY BUSINESS", AS MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Bailers and Machinery uf all kinds*, Stoves, Hollow Ware, Tin, and Copper Ware. ; Repairing &. jclb worr done wife the, Icastlpossible delay- ’ ,'* * ’ ’ "MILL GEARlNGSfuruislie'duitlioutexilra charge ■for patterns. PLOWS of all kinds, (two of which look the premium at the late County Fait,) kept’constantly o(l hand. ' 1 ' ’ '' We have the exclusive right, for Tioga Couhly, to manufacture and ven(i Jhq Kjlih r Stove. s . "one of the best (ilVflptthd' very -best) Gook Stoves eycr invented; which is always on hand at our blore house, for whble*fiU<& reliill/ Their Stoves took tho premium over the Albany .Stoves at the late Fair. . is a leather in oar cap y-’hich wc donl intend to have plucked out soon. Corn Shelters, 0( all the improved patterns that commend them* selves to farmery. ' Besides this, we intend (o furnish better Ware, fetter articles and belter wprk, at lower prices than •dOy other eslabiishitient in Tioga*-county wilLbe able to do. And the man who pays CASH, can gel what he buys at reduced prices. This is the fair way of doing business, and;the-system upon wliich Uhj Tioga Foundry and fSliop will be con ducted hereafter, don’t wait fdr, the wagop, but Cobne on. TABORi BALDWIN &'CO. : ' Tioga, Nov. 15, 1855.—if. ' , • ID* Old Iron and Copper, and all kinds of pjoduce lakco in exchange for work<_ HERE’S ¥OtR CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES! HAVING removed Ip the building tri (fie rear of Bailey &. Foley’s store, the "subscriber is prepared lo furnish to order, ■ MEN'S $ BOYS' KIP % CALF BOOTS Pegged and Sewed, i WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S KIB It CALF SHOES— MENS & BOYS' COARSE BOOTS, Made upon honor—and warranted ,to wear opt in dpe lime, add not lo rip untij they are worn out. , As a man is known by Ins Boots no less than hy. he company he keeps, it behooves cytry man to take heed how his “ understanding '* is’ cared for - treasonable share of the public patronage is re spectfully solicited. lLj' Ujdcs taken in exchange for work. , L. A, SEARS. Wcllshoro’, Dec. 28,185j-Iy. ' ’ y ■ . MEW GiOOD.% fpHE subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and friends that; he still /con lipups the mercantile business, at (bo old pipcc,n( tins Wed known store of L.T Nicholsf.Wliore'he Will bo • happy td wail on thosd fhat will iSvor liiWi with 'i oitll, and would invite lbs attention-dfHhai pnblio .generally to bis largo and v cpmmodiooJslockDf [ I> K « » S , groceries, Reafly-Maae ClftUi i.i iL Ills and IlDi’dwarc;, CROCKERY, WOODEN W A Mi, STONE ' ’’WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, jHATS AND CAP 3, &C,, &p v ,|p lad everything else feed ie| a ( county ClCs too numerous to hlcmibir, arid wiljf set) ttitWcan bo boughtlhißBid^ofNcwTdrKcH^' J,:/ A]l kinds of produce in exchange fni- gObdi it ibe higlicst market priqa., * J. BjOWEN. “ y’ollsborough, June |Bs4. 1 . ‘ Chairs* Chairs, Chairs. .{BESIDES a yflwjtyfdgf.ftll oniherfilflhri* gL». of HO USEHOI^D, VIJfimrVRE, tho nub •cfibor has four different slyles ot tiCR WALNUT c'ANE SEAX''GHX.IRS,i ihe is selling at cosTprices. AWf, ’different Maho’ganj) 'i " Seat Chairs, and Mahogan&RocJ&ri: I & and three P a»kns of Sifts. * Xlso, Rosewood, CuMSlaple, inld (SnhmOn eftjlr; ai kinds. v e. DrjvEW®, l LawrCncevillo,Nov. ISot. i area. - ftfff (in JfXWiSQ to the greet rift, in V? THeet end .increasing Wfnand kMdftt Therefore, eVerr n* who wijjjtf toliS tßfiflMl costonbis old ehi4fct shonldratt U**T 2«Si” Ihf * nto 168 r **‘^* s not it w* ,er mS, 'leafeniMnn; clotlhg j > at .tkjSa, the Urge ag| spiendid^,,,^^ j es v Ready • constantly on boM, a suit wliSJatai u. »«»<* long as any other, unmade manner, meander hiq mriim*!? Vision* The proprietor Jias» complete Vr 01 ,jJ5?1 otnifglrade, and can sell llibhesl qaalfty bf B§S- MlifcClothing considerahly'eheapet thHt n y {s3 iAtHfehmcnt In tlie coooty/ bHe o 'J&otks, Cassimeres, Vihtings, Dectwerv ‘r 1 il: Trimmings, Wrappers, Shirt/, Ce TO Collars, Cravalk, <%c. ■ wfiiiblwill be sold as reasonably as theyifi, y chedtd elsewhere. His sloqldof COAJHS i ean’hjje heat this side of Npjy York, eitherja^ forget that this cstSilishment (bolt Hte trj prfenliom at the Fair of lastTOctobcr. «•; ; 5; CFTarlicular attention giben to culOfig kingigarmenla to order. C, . April 5,1855. Family wer than can be ghi at any oilier phteln 6wa;'aaho is determinedly make quick ttjtui 40&tll profits. ~ .'ljbankful for past favors-Jb.e would mast retpect. jfp|ly. invite hia friends and the public generally u> give him a call and examine for themselves. 71 ■’ '• ‘-’M. M. CONVERT■ - t\Vellsborongh,May 7,1855. ' ISUKiS AMD ft|(EDlCiN£s? T- in lawrenceViele, pa. I| subscribers badVconstnnllydßH| ’ -y' on band allhcirDrugstore, in LilW. rehdeville, a stdeifi HU Of. DRUGS, ife., of, every 1 deaefipt(op used by Physicians' in tbo.. country, «nrf all the most popular PATENT hiEVIC INKS a f the dir which we offer for'shfc a fjirWes which cannot fsi btf Spjt those who (nay favor us with a call. Among our Patent Medicines may be found the following: “ > 1 hhtchant's Gargling Oil; Jayne'sEipectorantfil • t fro Hoc, Pills, Pills, Ac.; Moffat's Bitters am ' .Pills; Fitehe's silver plated .Abdominal Supparl. 'cr’s' Braces,lnhaling Tubes,and alltkemedieian ’■prepared by him for his private practice; Brail’ i Pxlfnonary Balsam and .Purifying ErtmU: Ayre's Cherry Pectoral; Rogers’ Syrup t( Tar and Canehalague; Billow's Heave Cun; An drew's Pain Killing Agent; Tfusk's lllopullc ■ Ointment; Dr. Christie's Galvanic Bells, Ift: Houghton's Artificial Pepsin; Slate's .Iramalie ; Pilfers ; and all the most popular Pills end Yer. , .mifnges, tpc., Ce. ‘Also a‘good, assortment of ' . SCHOOL AND B’LANK BOOKS,' Biography, History, Miscellaneous Heading, Paints, Oils, ahtl Dyc-SliiAs, .GLjkSS, wholesale and retail, Gold ana Sflur f/cafi Putty, Spts. Turpentine, Caraplicnc, iJornici Varniahcs,&c. : : TRA UGH * HURD. , Lnwrenceville,Feb.3, J 855. . MONEY TO LET. : f BAItEV, HAVING just relumed’from New York with his toll purchased, would invite Ibe atteatiw of buyers to his exhibition of : : GOODS'&'■WARES, comparing qualities and prices with any establish* iticftt in Tioga couhly. DisliJcjrig thpidciof* groat deal of show aud bpmbast in advertising i would simply say that llie usual variety of useful articles in the line of ‘ * DilY GOODS. BOOTS .t SHOES, UATS. tt : HARDWARE. -WINTfc, OILS, CROCKERY? 6TONK WARE, WOODEN WAKE, TIN WARE, may be found al prices thatcanool fail.tp pleasepv* chusers for Ready Fay. Should it so happen that an article called for i* not on hand, customers are positively assured lint il will in u nrxt week 1 ’ ■ « In connexion with the establishment njay befoul a good assortment of Box, Parlor, an 4 Co.o|£ Stoves, ofth? heaviest castings and most approved pattern*, -together with tvnyihitig in the line of tinware wholesale and retail, manufactured by and under Ue supcfvision of our fellow townsman, Mr. John Sofield, who is said to be the best tinner in lii« covfnly. Those wh-luog ware rtade Imm stock, and a smooth job, will not.foil |o make ibeif selections and leave their orders at -N0v.29, 1855. , Tailoring tor the People! THE undersigned would respectfully announce to the Citizens of Wdllsboro' and vicinity. im* I 1 ! 0 Store where he will be happy to attend tp the ww» of the people’ in ms fine of business. * From his knowledge of tile business he flatlet himself with tbol those w/s/iiog , , ‘ zes < french tiosomi, Shi'rie »ni ~ ’ ' Wristbands, Cracals and Scarfs, all 1 "• styles, ala Byron- Collars, Stand. ing Collarsj Gleves and fib- FIT l! :1 J f liei y, •Sucpendm, i ißul t -.• ... tarns of all description*, Link* and. DoM Builoni for Good, Turk Shtlh Lining* for C*"' tShgee Sleeve Lidingd dndVeheti'of all i‘y‘“ " ; which will beWd cheaplfortoiih.. Tioga, April 1855.,. . t . CAUTIOIV!!—ALL PERSONS’ are forbid paying any Adcbdhft, Notes or lodgment* w ’Joidta I. JackBon