IThe Vvw Florida War.—A Horrid Spectacle. The Florida papers come to us full of In dian troubles again; and in the Tampa Pe ninsular, of fan. 5, we find a long account of the late attack upon Lieut, llartsuffnnd parly by the Indians from which we make the following extract: “On Sunday, Dec. 16, Lieut. HarlsufTand parly were hulled about ten miles from Fort Drum. ■ On the morning of the 291 h, were lying in a pine grove, half a mile in extent, and about 5 A. Al. were busy getting ready to march, harnessing, &c., when the war whoop sounded, and they received a volley. This, of c mrse, was utterly unexpected, and all was confusion. Some little firing from the parly ensued, but several were out of reach of th< ir arms. Williams was sixty j ards di-t ml from his rifle, saddling his horse he mad ■ his escape. Those who could git their*piercs fired (hem, and then loaded ( up for the Ln ulen ml, who fought bravely until he was wounded, when he exclaimed “ I am done lor,” bui suddenly pulling out his pistol, cried out; “No, by heaven; Ihe pistol has saved my life, for the bull has struck ii!” Hannah and Baker wore wounded at this line. Tie survivors then separated, and it is presumed the plunder aline prevented the savages from pursuing them.” As so- n ns ihe news reached Fort Mots, Co), brown ordered companies E am) K to he in readiness at day-break, with teams and a six-pounder. They were ready and de parted in full strength for the battle-ground. A letter savs: “Cjmpanv G and the citizens were le/t lo protect Fort Myers, cannons were planted, defenses erected, houses pierced for musket ry, and every precaution adopted lo prevent surprise. Larne fires were noticed by the I’u'a Rjssa force along the coast, and.they have been ordered to keep to the block-house, us it is supposed these signals were lo ap prise the whole nation of the recent events, and that other hostile demonstrations might reasonably ne cxpecicd. “ * * * On the arrival of Col. Brown at the place of conflict a scene met their view, of n description so horrible that words cannot describe it; for the corpses of the four unfortunates were still above ground, although in a revolting condi’ion. They were vMipcfi and iiuleceu'ly mutilated.— Their death* were, of course, caused by the large nu iiuitv oi halls which had perluraled heads, chesty ~ but that they were mutt, laled, while still livntc, is evident from the signs of warfare around them, such ns the learina up of grass and soil, the posi'ton, the bits of clothes remaining in their hind-. Cuiran wns a remarkably ailelhie. man; he held a piece of an Indian shirt still in hisl grasp Tnet were nil dccen’ly imerred where Ihev least what ihere was of them, for ho turkey buzzards had taken toil of mortality and left little but bones lor the sextons and worms. Their mourners fired a salvo oi artillery into the adjoining thicket, but no war-whoop of the foe was blended with the echoes that answered. Their names were llor'h ‘G,’ American; Foster ‘E,’ Curran, and Murlatigh, ‘K,' Irish. 1 believe two allies b tvo been recovered, and one mole, shol in lour places, remken ; two horses found dead and two missing ; wagons, Ate.' were burnt, and moles shot in their harness Manv a heart turned sick as they gaz'd on the work n' demons, and manv a vow was registered «hose fulfillmen' will bring Sor row and de-olation into the cabins ol om I'je.v Nothing was seen of Indians on ihe roule going or doming, (hough doubtless tin- Indians snr them. All hive relumed s.i.'e ns tliev went, save and expect ihe fatigues "I n journey where llio water was oil mid-deop. All the I'.. Dcvnand nammand hive returned safe to their post, and the same at this place. H.irtauir is located and tenderly cared I'm, in an apartment of Col. Brown’s ; Ins wound* are healthy, but the bull still remains unex traded ’ Trout Pish Living in a Wkll Twen ty-Five \e»us— -Mr. F. lloyi, a corres pondent of the Country Gentleman, writing from South-Las,, New York, November 19h, savs: “Can nnv one tell how torn: a trout fish will live’—Twenty-five years the past sum mer I came on the fatm where 1 now am.— Almost the first work thin I did after gelling in my spring erops, was to dram a hoe swamp, Hie outlet of which leads into ihe Croton river. 1 had an old Scotchman to do the ditching. One day he brought un a trout fish ahoiil the size of a man’s hide linger, in his whtsKey jug, (hv the hv we used a little on Ihe farm then.) 1 pul n m the well near Ihe house, and it is there now, grown to a goodly size—say about a foot long, and large in proportion. It has been fed but very lit tle ; once in a while some one throws in a grisshopper, or cricket, to see him catch it. and well is thirty feet deep, and water hard, then settled down nearly to the bottom, and then again rises to near the top.. He has been taken out a few times to clean the well, but not for the last five years. Friday last, 1 got a grasshpper, the last one I export to see this fall, and gave it In him. The water is now twenty-five feet deep, but it hardly touched the surface before he had it. If any one lias a fish older than mine, I would like to Jtaotv it. An Editor Farming. —Conk of the Nilps Republican , determined ihis season to raise his own potatoes. Accordingly he prepared half an acre of land, at a cost of 850. Ploughing, seed and planiirg cost §7 mure making 857. A “surprising flood” came— his poiaiues went under, and the half acre was again ploughed, dragged and seeded In buckwheat, at a further enst of 83 50, ma king 860 50. Cook and his “devil” have thrashed the buckwheat, and got ONE BUSHEL AND A HALF. A Man who had both arms broken by a railroad accident, claiming damages, the com pany offered him a small sum of money, and a "free ticket over the road for life /” This was adding insult to injury. They evidently meant to kill him off altogether! On a sailor’s gravestone, in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, are the following words to be seen : “Nobly he did his duty below, and now ha has gone aloft.” Leap Year, — The girls will have fine times (his year, if they choose to exdccise.the “prerogative” accorded to them in leap year six centuries ago, and sanctioned by custom ever since. If they could induce Congress to enact some such act ns the following, passed by the Scotch Purliment in the year of grace 1288, they might get many n gay bachelor in a bad place. The gallant Scotchmen of that age enacted as follows: “It isstatut.and ordain! that during the reine of her maist blissil Mageslie, ilk fourth year, known leap year, ilk maiden lavde of bulb high and lowestait shall hae liber'v to bespeak ye, man she. (ikes; albeit, gif he refuses to lake hir to be bis wif, he shall be mulcted in ye s(im of ane pundis( 1£) or less as his estail moi be, except and gif he o m make it appear that he is beirothit to ane ilher woman, that he shall thbo be free.” Hurra for the Sco'ch of six centuries ago, and—“woman’s rights!”—'Reading Journal. A Fdnns Illustration.—The Boston Post says a teacher of a primary school in that city, recenily speaking of Ihe dtffetence between human and brute expresinn, named by way of illustration the noble dog as nexi l-• man in intelligence, and asked her lilile pu pils what mode a dog adopted to express grat ification. One linlc girl ventured to suggest D O lha- he wagged his tail. “Right, my dear,” said the teaefter, “very right; and (his is the difference between us and the dogs ; we never do as they do—wa express our gratification in words.” Children amused by reading or study, nre of course more considerate and more easily governed. How many parents, who have mu spent twenty dollars for books for their fami lies, would have given hundreds lo reclaim » son or daughter who had innorantlv or thoughtlessly fallen into lemptalion. —Ohio Farmer. Dn. Roiiinson was asked by Gov. Shan, non, what the Free Stale men would do |i commanded to deliver up their arms 1 “Well,” said the doctor, “ I would propose a compromise—keep the rifles and give them the con'ems.” There are a quarter of a million-of pen pie in England at work in the difTcreni mines, to whom ihe fresh nirand the light of the sun nre scarcely known. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TERyjS OF PUBLICATION. The Aoitator is published every Thursday Morn in 2, and furnished to subscribers at 00 per an. num if paid in advance; or 62 if puyment he. delay, ed ncei the year. No subset iplioti taken for a shor ter pei4od than sir months, and when for that term only, payment must he made strictly in advance, or 61 wilt he charged. The foregoing terms to ill he sliiclty adhered 10. No papei will he discanlinu cd until paid for, unless ut the option of the editor Clubs, —Ten Copiis.Sl ; Fifteen Copies, Bls. Advfr pisemes rs willhe inserted at $1 per square, (of fuurleen'hnrs or hss,) for the first or three con secutive insertions, and 2.) cents for every suhse. yuentone. Yearly aduertispmenlsiosrrtrd at a ren. snnuhle discount on the fotegoing rates. Ao adcntisrmenls discontinued until paid for tin less at if ir o/*f >«i/i of the I’uhliuhns. •LT advertising payahlein advance. Oj 9 All Utters must he post-paid Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon, ELKLVftD, TSOGA COl T STV, PA [June. 14. 165.Y] W. W. WEBBW, M. HAS csiahlUlictl hnn*>rir in the practice of Med. trine and Surgery in the Township of Liberty Pa , where he will promptly attend all calls in his profession Liberty, Feb. 1. 1854. JOHN NT. BACIIE, A TTOUNKY *V\l) COUNSELOR AT LAW—Office, north side Public Square Pi. Rulers to Messrs. P]iclps t Dod|re &- Co.,N. Y ity lion. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia. July 13, SPENCER & THOMSON, Attorneys & Counselors at Law. CORKINfi, SlentMMi County, IVow York, Gko. T. Spencer. C. 11. Thomson. April 18, Jess-ly, C I. O T II D K li S S 1 A G AND WOOL CARDOG D ON Eon short notice and reasonable terms al THE STEAM EOIINDBY WFJ.LSBORO', PA.. By [sept. 13.55] L. C. PENDLETON. S. P. WILSON, iTT Removed lo James Lowrcy**. Office lAS. EOWREY& S. P. WILSON, A TTOIINKVS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Potter and McKean counties. Wcllsborougli, Feb. 1,1853. El. O. COLE BARBER & HAIR DRESSER, WVllsboro’Pa. Shop in M. & 0. Bullard’s Grocery. Every thing in his line of business will be done us well and oi promptly as U cun be done in the more fashionable City saloons. Preparations for removing dandruff, and beautyfling the hair for sale cheap. Hair and whiskers* dyed any color. Call and sec. Wellsboro*, Oct 16,1855. (if) Wellsboro’ Academy. THE WINTER TERM of this Institution will commence December, 4th. Special attention will be given to the art of leaching. The Assiclunts ore experienced and approved teachers. Board, Room, Washing &c. at $l5O to 8200 per week. There are a few rooms in town for those oho wisli to board themselves. Tuition at previous rales and no de. duction made for absence unless it exceeds a half term. By order of the Trustees. N. L. REYNOLDS, Principal , Wellsboro' Nov. 8. 1855. Turnuig & Chairinakiiig. JSTICKLIiJY', Turner, and Cbairmuker, would • inform the public (lint he hiu recently filled up hisshop in good style, and Is now prepared to manti. fucture all kinds of CANE &. COMMON CHAIRS, of (he best material and finish, Also Turning done in superior style, on reasonable terms. SHOP, south end Main aired, opposite H. W. DarlPs Wagon Shop. SAMUEL HERZOG, having rented part of J. SlickJcy’s shop is prepared to manufacture all kinds of CABINET WORK from the best material and in superior style. .'He has on hand several su perior Muhogony Bureaus for sale cheap. Wqllßborough, April 14, 1855. LIGHT —Tallow ic Adamantine Candles, Burn ing Fluid and Lamp Oil, at CASE’S. CAPS 6c HATS Of every description just receive * JONES addc. n Treaties on the Diseases Frm-ib’s being of Ilu* lughe imparlance lo married pcopi or ihqse ccmlemplal'mij mai rwgc. By Wm. Young, M. D. Let no father he ashamed to present a copy of the /Escclapius lo hU child. It may save him from an early grave. Lei no young man or woman enlcr into the .«eeret obligations of married tile witlioni reading the Pocket /Esct’f.APirs. Let no one suf fering Irom a hupking Cough, Pain in the side, rest less nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their phys ician, be another moment without consulting the i-apil's. Have Die married, or those about lo he married, any impediment, read this truly useful book, us it lias been the means of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. (CT’Any person sending Twenty. Fire Cents enclo sed in a letter, will receive one copy of thin work by mail or five copies will be sent for one Dollar. Address, (post paid.) DR. VVM YOI'NG. A’o. 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia , June 7, 1855-ly. HARNESS MAKING. SIGN OF THE “BIG SADDLE/ 9 r |MIE subscriber having re moved his Harness Shop to rfjffiga. Ben. Seely’s old stand, two doors above the Presbyterian Church is ready to make to order ull articles pertaining to the business, in the best manner and of the very best materia). m FARMERS AND OTHERS he would day that he sell* arliclcs in Ihcir line of budiaesH CHEATER FOR CASH than any other estab lishment in the county. A good assortment of Whips, Harness, Ac., Ac., constantly on hand. CARRIAGE TRINMING done in the best style, and ns cheap as it cun be done elsewhere. REPAIRING done on short notice and in the best ponsiblc manner. B 3“ All orders promptly filled and warranted to give entire satisfaction. O* Call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. “Live and Let Live,” is his motto. O* Most kinds of Country Produce taken m ex change tor work at the'best market price. A lair share of public patronage respectfully so licilcd. E. E. KIMBALL. Wellsboro, 1 Feb. 1, 1855. Tailoring i«r the People ! THE undersigned would respectfully announce to Hie Citizens of Wellsboro’ and vicinity, Ibul he hue opened a chop over Roberta’ Stove & Tin Store where he will lie happy to attend to the wants of the people in Ilia tine of business. From his knowledge of the business ho flatters himself with the belief that those wishing GOOD FITTING CLOTHING will do well to give him a call. All work entrusted to him will be dune with neJliic-68, and a GOOD FIT WARRANTED. CUTTING done to order on short notice. R. R. RUN DEL, Wellsboro’ Scpt.lOlh 1855. JUST RECEIVED o large supply of all kinds o Extracts, for Cooking, and Perfumery of the bestqualily at [Tioga] G. W. TAYLOR’S EMBROIDERIES.— A splendid assortment just received at J. R. BOWEN'S. TAKE AOTlt'E. ' ' BUCKBMITHIN6 FOR THE PEOPLE. fPH|3 npdenlgnedfaav 1' ing taken toe Black lihilh Shopformferlyoc rupied by Jos.. Hitch ;ook, back of the Pro.' ihbnotu ry’s office, would respectfully invite the __ - patronage of those who - ;»" ■’ l " nre fishing anything ] in our line of business. We arc prepared to do al sorts and kinds of woVk. ; Mill IronsJ. can be got up at short notice. Particular attention paid to HORSE SHOEING. All kinds of shoes from the Common to the Concave Sealed shoe. N.B. The system adapted at this establishment is not to charge 25 per cent extra to pay for bad'debls, therefore those who may patronize us can feel assured they will npl have to pay the debts of those who nev. er pay; this plan is succeeding beyond our cxpecla lions already. Wc invite all who can to come and see for themselves, you cannot loose much, and yon may find it to your advantage. May 3.1855, 6 m GRAY & LOUNSBORY. DRUGS AND MEDICINES! IN LAWRENCEVILLE, PA. rPHE subscriber. 1 ' huve cnnsliinllv dREW on band at their Drugstore, in Law renceville, a lurge and well selected stock jHS of DRUGS, Sfc,, of every description used by Physicians in the country, and all the most popular PATENT MEDICINESof the day which we offer for sale at prices which cannot fai ot suit those who may favor ns with a cull. Among our Patent Medicines may be found the following: Mar chant’s Gargling Oil; Jayne’eExpeciorant,Al terative, Pills , Pills, Ac.; Moffat’s Billers and Pills; FUche’s silver plated Abdominal Support ers, Braces,lnhaling Tubes,and allthe meditines prepared by him for his private practice -; Brant’s Pxlmonaiy Balsam and Purifying Extracts: Ayre’s Cherry Pectoral; Rogers' Syrup of Tar and Canchalagne; Dillom’s Heave Cure; An drew's Pain Killing Agent; Trask’s Magnetic Ointment; Dr. Christie’s Galvanic Beits, Sfc.; Houghton’s Artificial Pepsin; Blake’s Aromalic ■ Bitters ; and all the most popular Pills and Ver mifuges, Ijc,, Cc, Also a good, assortment of SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, Biography, History, Miscellaneous Reading,&c. Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs, GLASS, wholesale end retail, Gold and Silver Leaf, Putty,Spts. Turpentine, Camphenc, Burning Fluid, Varnishes,&c. family Grocery & Provision STORE. THE subscriber would inform his friends and the citizens of Tioga county generally that'he has justrcceived a large and superior sup. ply of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SUCH AS Teas, Sugars by the barrel or otherwise, Coffees, Molasses, Stewart's Syrup, Rice, Pepper, Ginger, Saleratus, Allspice, Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould and Sperm Candles, Salt by the barrel or sack, Mackerel by the iohole, i and \ barrel, Codfish by 1 the 100 or single pound. Flour, Cheese, Crack ers, Sutler Sf Fggs, together with every other article in the Grocery inc, lower than can bo got at any other place in own, as lie is determined to make quick sales at small profits. Thankful for past favors he would most respect folly invito his friends and the public generally to give him a call and examine for themselves, . M. M. CONFERS. Wellsborongh,May J, 1855. Dress Marks the Man, OWING lo the great rise in paper, there is n great and increasing demand for rags of all kinds. Therefore, every man who wishes to save the first cost on his old clothes .should cast them, buttons and all into the rug-hag/not however until Jjc calls at the ' and selects from the large and splendid assortment of Ready Made Clothing 7 , here kept constantly on hand, a suit warranted to wear us lung us any other, and made in (he best and most substantial manner, and under his own super vision. The proprietor has a complete knowledge of the trade, and cun sell the heat quality of Ready Made Clothing considerably cheaper than any other establishment in the county. He keeps a variety of Cloths , Cassimercs , Vestings, Drawers, Trimmings , Wrappers, Shirts, Collars , Cravats , CO., against those old codger*, “Second rate Goods and High Prices.* Friends, Countrymen and all who doal on Bargains, (which includes everybody,/ we have us received a splendid stack of Fall and Winter Goods. at our Store m Tioga, which can be had for Little, or Nothing above prime cost —with oceans of good wi/f i/irom on gratis. The first pick is the best pick.w comt in while slock is fresh. Delays are dangerous—fto. crastination Jus frostbitten many a good barms If you want your money's worth, come on. if want more limn a dollar’s worth fora dollar, floo! come ; but you will be astonished to see whol totit of goods wc cun put up for a dollar. Our stock t DRY GOODS is not made up of tho odds and ends and (he ren> aunts of “closed up” concerns in the Ciir, oul corn, prises a complete assortment of the latent stv/ea and best qualities, from the coarsest domestic to the fi nest imported fabrics, such as Latest Styles, and adapted to cverv vunclv'of trim mings. Ladies will do well to cull and cjcaimue ib? Slock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey & Co., nave always oq qum a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, which will be sold at the lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware. 'llats, Stone, Holloto and Wooden it 'are. Iron, Steel. Hails, Oils, Pumis and Dye-Stuffs of every Kin a md of the best quality, with BOUTS A' SHOES, for Ectnibodt *,* All kinds of Countiy Product laKtn in AINT< ‘TLS, CROCKERY. 'TONE WARE. WOODEN WAKE. P !N WAKE, *<“- may be found at prices that cannot Jail to please par chasers for Ready Pay. Should it so happen that an article called ‘bru not on iiand, customers are positively assurcaiflK it will in week” In connexion with the establishment may ucibnM a good assortment of Box, Parlor, and Cook Stoves, of the heaviest castings and most approved patiero.*. together with everything in the line ol tinware, wholesale and retail, manufactured by and turner me supervision of our fellow townsman, Mr. John d* Solicltl, who is said to be the best tinner in me county. Those wishing ware made rom l°°° slock, and a smooth job, will not fail to masetbCK selections and leave their orders at HERE’S YOUR CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES ! HAVING remnvpH to the building 'n ifi* rear of Bailey & Foley’s store, the suoscrito is prepared to furnish to order, MEN'S