. frsme house. (Vamebarn, e 0!” hon»e, »hed and an , PP le orchard thereon. To be sold a> the property 0 f Phi lander Cook. ivi , ALSO—A lot of land in Morns township, bound ed north,by J.P «rtbrM*ris. couth by R. Willis raw, and west by lands of^htrlpp—con taininf aboot filly acres, with about fire or six aprts Improved. To be sold as the property of Abbot C. Willwmce. . _ . ~ ALSO—A lot of laud In Farmington township, bounded on lha north by Levi Redfield, cast by Rob. ert Cashier, north by Sitneoh Cady, and'west by George Soely—coalVmiug about 100 acres, with ■bout 50 acres improved, a frame house, frame barn, frame for a barn, and aome fruit tree* thereon* To be sold as the properly of Abner Cady. ALSO —A lot of land in Delmar township, bound, ad north by w nu T«jl° r * «*** Orson Webb and Peler Buckley, south-by esUU of Daniel B. Wilcox dcc'd., west by the road running from William Tay. )or« to die West Branch—containing fifty acres, with thirty acres improved, a frame house and barn, nod iomo fruit trees, and & blacksmith shop thereon. To be sold as (ho property of Job W. Bymmondp. ALSO —A lot of land in Farmington township, bounded north by L« B*. Maynard and C. Cady, east bv J Leonard, south by D. Ring, snd jvusl by N, Young—6onluining about one nurtdred acres more or less, with about 15 or 20 acres improved, a dweb Jmg house, frame barn, saw mill and some fruit trees tbereou. also— A lot of land in Farmington township, bounded north by L. B. Maynard and C. Log, east by N. Young, south by James Hoyt, and west by A. Preston—containing seventy five acres, more or less, with aboot fifty acres improved, a frame house, log barn and some fruit frees (hereon. To be sold as thfe property of Northrop Young. ALSO—A lot of land situate in Shippen and Gaines townships, Tioga Co Penns., bounded on Che north by land of Francis R. Wharton, on (he west by Benjamin Furman and others, on the south by land of Robinson and Wilcox, on the east by land of Phillips, Robinson and Wilcox, Steele and White— containing about twelve hundred acres, with about two hundred acres improved, and seven frame houses, four log houses, four frame barns, two apple orchards, t grist mill and saw mill thereon also—A lot In Shippen Township aforesaid, be ginning at a white pine, thence by warrant No. 2302 \V Willink warrantee, cast five hundred and twenty four and .seven tenths perches to a Chestnut, thence by warrant No. 4446 James Wilson warrantee, south three hundred and twenty perches to a post the north east corner of land conveyed to John Mathers thence by said Mathers west five hundred and twenty four and seven tenths perchosto a white pine, thence by warrant N 0.2331 W. Willink warran. tee, north three hundred and twenty perches to the place of beginning—containing nine hundred and and allowance of six per cent, being warrant No. 2352 W. Willink warrantee. To be •old as the property of Henry C. Spalding. A LSD—A li»t »>f land io Msd>llebary township, hounded north by David Palmtr and Lewis Kntnes. past by James Bry snl. 5- hy same, and W. by J. (Jenson and J. Olio, containing about sixty acres, with twenty-four acres improved, a fruma barn, a frame story and a half hou«e. n blacksmith shop and t voting orchard thereon To bo sold as tho property of Lem uel Cady, jl AU^O—A hit of hnd In Chatham township, boandrd north by road from Crooked (‘reek to Knoxville. cast bv John priori and Cornell, south hr Jo9«*n)i Knapp, and west by A»a Fh.irl and C. Closs. containing about sixty acre* with atmut ■iMrty or forty.ucroa improved, a log hou-e, log b.im ami a f. «■ fruit t ees Un-roou To bo sold os the property of David A Churchll, ALSO —A lot of Jan J in Deerfield township, bounded north by the CowAueaquc river, west bj D. T. Billing'*, smith by D. T. Billings and Daniel Cummings, deceased, and coat by land of tho Citato of Daoiol Camming*, deceased ; containing ft bout two and a half acres, with a saw mill and a small frame house thVroon. To bn sold as the property of Aaron (Ircen ALBO-*-A lot of him! in Richmond township, bounded on the north hy Hoardnnd Bench, and others, ea>»l by Sarah I. Roams. south and west by Samuel Syk**><: containing 53 am*s. wilh atnmt fifteen or twchtv acres improved—-a dwel ling house, shed and some fruit true* thereon. To bo sdldas the property of Joseph Wlnppit , ALSO—A lot of hind in Jackson township. bounded north b» road, east l»r Jacob Briggs, south by Dent and Brlgprf ami ire«t by Cfiianc-jy Olcaveland ; containing about thirty acres, with about 15 or ‘2O acres improved, a tram* house and Mime fruit tree* thereon To bo hold as the property of (lon, Wal h« and Stephen Orcntt ALSJ —A Jot «f land ritual'd in Chatham Tmen County. Pa., bounded on the north hv Ihnd-s formerly of Itrawell Bn'* Joy. on tho east by E.ituacl Itexforu. on the wmth by lan Is of Phelps and Dolge and on th<* weal by lands of Wni. Itci I *..n and lands of Mcfuror nn>! t*jT*r*y, i.duj: part ot wnr lant No. +476: containing alamt two hundred acres. AI.SO—A lot of hind. bounds on the north by Phelpa ami on the ro*i by J>l\v.ir-1 Mcluroy. on the aonth by F. Mrlnror and iWrea. and on the w»st by Wm Don.- son ; containing two hnudred acre* or thereabouts, beiogpart of warrant No 441-v. ALSO—A lot of land, hounded on (lie north hr land of Phelps and Dodpr. on the «i#t by Orru* Cathn. on the south br land forraerh of W ni. Gatlin. and on the west line of war rant No.4+*i. about two huudred acres, part of warrant No 417." A LSO—A lot adjoining the milllnt. fonnnrlv of MeTnroy an'l Lowrey. boglnln' ai a post, the south-east comer of Lu ther Canvnt'T - * lot, thence nortli rmeand l ., degrees, east by lands o[ sitd CHijnsnlcr. fifty prrci»«*s to a humloek, thence south clghtv-nlnc deg,. *it«t I2S jhtcHw* to a post In the c.nt Jloe of warrant Mo. 4473. thence by said lino south 1 % deg. WMt 60 perches to a post, theuce br the northern boundary of FL Mclfimy'i land N.S9 deg., west to the place of begin log' containing rlkhU fnrtv acre* ALSt^—A lot on which f fc. Mclnroy, on thCT»est aide of the Tallin Hollow road, lending from Cat lln Hollow to Hu* Wfllcboro* and Tioga plank rojd, the land being bounded north hr E. Mclnroy, east by Cutlln Hollow road, iwnth by Phelps and Dodge and wuat by C. Mclnroy.— To >«e sold a* the property of M. Jennings. ALSO —The equal undivided fourth part of that tract of land In Woes trtwndiip, described as follow* • —being lots 1 A •i In block Nil. 1. Lota No. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, in block No. 2. I/* 8 Ko.A S, 10. iu block No. L J/»ts 0,1", 11, in block No. 6 Lots S.£ In block No. 7. Lota 7, 8.11.12,19, 20, In block No 8 Lota 3, 4.16.10, in block No. b. Lots 4. 6. 0. in block Mu I. Leu 7, jn block U. Lota 4, A. 0.7, K. In bMrk 14. Lota7,&. Ift. 17. ‘18. 2n. In block 25. Utt X.% 13, 14. 1\ 10, >0 Mock 17. Lots a, 0, 7. tn bU«ck 20 Lots 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11. V. n. 14.16. In block 21. Lots 6,0, T, H, 9. it, 12, in block T. Lot* 5, A. T, H, 0. 10.11. Vi. In block 23 Lota 6. fi. 7. 8. i. Ui. 11. iu Muck 24 Lots 3f». 7. K 9, In, 17>. 18. in block 26. Lets 3. 4 8. 7,14.15,10. in block 44 and blocks 29, 31.3 d. 3K. 40. 4k. 42. of llio town plot of BJossburg, each lot containing l-oiby»f rtn arra, and each W»k*k about acre*, all imiiroret. Tu be sold os the properly of Clarendon Hath* boo AL'H* V 1m of land in EM-is township, bonnded north by Il&noibxi sired. as out in the village plot of 810-a, east br .Morns itn+i. south by R- Dyer am! west by \VUUara*on rose, containing about % of an acre of Improved land, with s tavern house, turn. «hed and other oat buildings thereon.— 7o be sold as the property of Beiy. R. Hall. ALSf»— V, lot of land in ihn tnwnslup cf Farmington. 1° he tvkm off the farm of widow T'arlor.cntnmenrirtg at the north e**t corner of said farm, thence running westerly along tho Hqo of John ShofT and i l . \\. Dalton to the north»we*t comer o* said firm thener south 16 rods along the west line of said tarm, thence easterly to the road «m a line parallel with the taotKlineof said Dalton's laud, and to he wide euougli on ttif evst side of th* road to contain ten acres, with thr-c or T-»nr acres improved, a dwelling bouse and sumo frnit trees imreoa. To be sold as the property of tairenr.o Th»»rn. Al-SCV— K Jot of land Id Farmington township, hounded north oy Geo,c.wt and south by lute Lyman Fisk, now 1 ► Hutchinson g land, and west h\ A Ftak and Oee; contain log ninety-nine arrvs, about fifteen acres Improved, a log house and and af«tr fruit trws thereon ; being part* of '■* fT * Dt * No -KWfcnd 4C9fL and lota No 77 and 90 on the Jiingium map of townauip. To be sold as tho property of Timothy lirrjnt and Mary Bryant, executors of John Dry sot. decease!, «ith notice to Phehe Jones, sole heir of John Bryant, «lerc.i#ed. ALM)—A lot of'land In Farmington township, IrounflcJ N. hj 1.. B. Mayhanl A c. ('atly, cast l).r J. Leonard, south by B. Amg aud w<>«t lx Venn?; ’containing about one hundred ■erw, more or l<*«, «-i(h about 15 or 20 acres Improved, a dwelling bonw. frame barn, rav mill, and some fruit trees thereon To V *r*|fl ns the pnrtjvrty °f Northrbp T«tting. ». t(lt . ° r land m Charleston township, bounded north by Jeremiah Block, east hr Darid Jacoto, south by Thomas “v fV* V™ Banhd nunis; ronlalning about 03 ncrus. Ith *boal ) acres improve!, a framr» house. two frame barns Jl£i£nf«S °fc u ‘ r ' 1 the ™ D - Tu b 0 M,d “ *•«"»■ " l "! l s iJcJ . '4 part of n l„t 0 f bn.l in Tio- KA|and RnlUail towualup*, bi-mulcd north bv II II Den! t«| l.y Tinh, IMt wnl BlnKhnm Inndu moijJ i,f imiih:ua l.nJ. and wmh, Tnrnor M, I ml. oodUldI dr about fire hundred OCJV«, mnir or ln». c»lle.l Uic lltorrn m in timber lot ALSO—The equal undivided half of a l u t 0 f t an ,j i n Tioga township. bonmlwi north by road landing f rom Mlfch ell’i Oreok to Jnokeon, by Boa, south by Thomas Marti* rti, and west by Tioga IL It.: containing about six acrw* -, m . proved land,* frame house, bora and corn house, a few fruit trees thereon. ' • J ALSO—The equal undivided half part of a lot of land In Tioga and Lawrrnee townships, containing about two hund red and twenty.flve acres, bounded coat by Clark, Sumner Clark, and Vox and Ilronimi, south by land* of W. W. Hailard, wwl by Martin, in terfercuce lot, so called, and aoalh by Andros and l*ngdon. .m„ L^m‘LT^ uik,lv, ' M « V*rt of » lot ID Tioga town more or iMai*” tftl mfll lot ; containing 230 acres, ALSO-ThoaqiMl BndJvlfW half partof a\ M In nnd £*wr*&oe townahip#, .caßnd Die Calket Ixiyal Sock lot- con. Uioiog about 258 acre# and nine-tenths, and allowance. To be sold as Uio property ol James W. Huomsey. Wcllsßoro’, Jan. 10-56.- JOHN MATJIERS, BOOTS tc SHOES.—t.enlle men's BooU of every description. '-Boy's DooU end Shoes of all styles «nd sins just received at JONES St ROE’S. ATAILS by the keg of pound very cheap at ' J-V May 311855, . /ONES & ROE’S. PARASOLS.— A beautiful assortment * foil re. «i'ed at [May 31/ JO.NIJS & ROE’S LET US REASON TOG-ETHER, WHY ARE WE SICK? IT has been the lot of the human race to be weighed down by disease and suffering. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitu tions. Professor Holloway personally superintends the manufacture of bis medicines in the Hailed States, and offers them to a free and enlightened people, ag the best remedy tire world ever saw for the romovsl of disease. . THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. Nearly half the human race have tnken'lhese Pills. It has been'proved in all parts of tho'World, that nothing has been found equal to them in coses of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach com plaints generally. They soon give a healthy lone to these organs, however much deranged, and when all other means hare failed. GENERAL DEBILITY, ILL HEALTH. Many of the roost despotic Governments have opened their Custom Hanses to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become Hit* medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medi. cine is the best remedy over known for persona of delicate health, or where ihe system has been im. paired, ns its invigorating properties never fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old, should he without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the monthly courses at all periods, ucling in many cases like a charm. It is olso the best and safest medi. cine that can be given to Children of nil ages, ond for any complaint i consequently no family should be without it. Holloway's Pills are Ihe best remedy known in the world for the following diseases : A«tbmA, IHjirrluta Indigestion, Bowel Complaints Dropsy, Influenza, Coughs, Debility. Inflammation, Colds, >V»er and Ague, Venereal Affect’s, Chest Diseases, Pilrfl, Stem* & Graved, Female Complaints, Dyspepsia, Worms all kimls, Liver Complainie, Juw*r»l Weakness, Second iry Bymp- Lowness of Spirits, toms, 0“ Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane. New York, and 944 Btrond London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United Slates, and the ci vilized world, in boxes, at 95 cents, G'2£ cents, and $1 each. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N B Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder arc aftixcd to each box. ’ January 3, 1856. Valuable Farm For Sale. THE Subscriber is desirous of dis- n i posing of of his Farm, containing 170 oerrs, situated in Charleston town ship, Tioga county, Pa., tnree miles from WelUboro’, on tho Slate Road load, to Covington, and 10 miles from the and Dlossburg Railroad. About acres of said farm is in a good stale o( cultivation and well adapted to Dairying and Grain-growing, is well watered and has a fine lot of Timber, beech, maple, while and black ash, hickory and oak. Suid farm has a good frame house, two burns and other necessary outbuilding*, a Ann or chard of 250 fruilbcaring trees, all grafted fruit, be side a thrifty young apple orchard and a choice as sortment of cherries, plums and pears, thereon. Enquire of the subscriber on the prcmi-cs. LYMAN WETMORE. Charleston, Dec. 27,-55. If 1 Carriage & Wagon Manufac tory. Henry petrie would r *^rg, nonnce to his friends and public generally, that lie is cGiitinaing-^^2—Z-s2_ ilie above business on Grafton street, immediate in Die rear of J. K. Bowen's alorc, where lie is pre pared to manufacture on short notice, Carriages, Ruggics, Sulkies, Wagons, of any style or description to suit the purchaser ami of the very best materials. All kinds of re pairing done forthwith and on the most reasonable terms. PAINTING AND TRIMMING will be prompt ly executed in the best manner and most fasl* ionable stvlc. Well*boro,’ July 13, *55. HENRY PETRIE. Notice to Stockholders. NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders of the “Mansfield Iron Works” Dial a meeting will be held at the office of the company in Mans field, on Monday the 7lh day of January next, vt 1 o’- clock P, M.; lor the purpose of increasing Die copi tal stock of said company to sixty thousand dollars, in order to Increase the facilities of (he company in Ibc manufacturing of pig iron and for foundry busi* ness Office of the Mansfield Iron Works, ? December Ifi, 1855. ( CUAS. F. SWAN " J. LOWREY n . . . „ J. F, DONALDSON DLcctor A. P. CONE Plaster! Plaster! Plaster! THE Subscriber has just received at his Mill near Mansfield, a fresh supply of Cayuga Plaster, which will be sold at the reduced price o? $6.00 per Ton. He also keeps on hand constantly, 4hc MANS* FIELD METALLIC PAINT, which is decidedly the best in‘uae,al $2.50 per cwL Friends, give me a c«H—* I’ve enough fur nil, Mansfield, Jan. 3, ’56. Application for Divorce. To Amanda Burlisron— You are hereby notified that Seth Burlisson, yoUr husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that llic said Court have appointed Monday, the 4th day of February neat, at 10 o'clock forenoon, for hearing the said Seth Burlisson id tiic premises, at which lime and place you can attend if yon think proper. WeIUW Jari. 3. ’SG. JOHN MATHERS Sheriff. Truth Is stranger than Fiction! I WE must say that G. W. Taylor is receiving from the Manufacturers, the best and cheap est lot of PIANOS, & MELODEONS, over _ offered in Uiis dbunty. He can furnish us good instruments and at as fair prices as City dealers. Call at'the Booh Store' Weilsboro’, Dcccmberfi, 18SS. A Great Bargain. SALE—BO acres of good land, situated near Weilsboro’, on which there is improved, 20 acres. A small payment down'will be required, and the balance in-fen annual instalments; Weilsboro’, Jan. 3, ’56. • a. P. CONE. Donation Visit. A DONATION VISIT for the benefit of Rev. ISAIAH MfJJAIJON, will bo held at the Methodist Pabbnkge, InWellsboro,’ on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, Jan. IS. Hi* Irieods are invited to attend. Sheriff. PLAIN & FIGURED DELAINES.—A forgo slock all styles and colorsj also Persian cloths, Pnramettos, Merinoe* sod 1 Dehages. a better assort* ment than ever before offered in the counfy.and sell, ing at startling low prices by J,. R, BOWEN. Headache*, A. BIXBY, siSg/.yyftg.A? QoitX3Y/ Afti' LOOK OUT FOR THE ENGINE I TheSeatpju change— ' SO DO FRIENDS AND, FORTUNE! AND BUSINESS RELATION, \ -.' THEBEFOBEi: -V ■ TABOR,BALDWI!V 4s CO., (Succeed Tahir, Young fy Co.) , .tS. T{IB KOONDHjr BBBIMEBS, AS; Tl/TANDFACTUEERS of Steam Engines, Boilers ITX and Machinery of all kinds; Stoves, Hollow Ware,-Tin, and Copper Ware. REPAIRING &. JOB WORK done with the least possible delay. MlLLGEAßlNGSfornishcdrcitAouteitra charge forjaUtrm. k PLOWS of all. hinds, (two of which tpok the premium at the late County Fair,) kept constantly on hand. We have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, to manufacture and vend the King Stove. one of the best (if nut the very best) Cook Stoves ever invented; which is always on hand 'at our store house, for wholesale do retail. Their Stoves took the premium' over the Albany Stoves nt the late Fair. That is a feather in our cap which wo dont intend to have plucked out soon. Corn Shelters, Of all the improved patterns Dial commend them selves to farmers. Besides this, we intend to ihrnish belter Ware, belter articles and belter work, at lower prices than any other establishment in Tioga county will be able (o do. And the man who pays CASH, can gel wlml he buys at reduced prices. This is the fair way of doing business, and the system upon which the TiOga Foundry and Machine Shop will bo con. ducted hereafter. Don’t wait for the wagon, bnl como on, TABOR, BALDWIN Sc CO. Tioga, Nov. IS, 1855.—if. O’ Old Iron and Copper, and all kinds of produce taken iu exchange for work. CLEAR THE TRACK The Crimean Campaign Ended!! WAR DECLARED ON the part of BALDWIN, GUERN SEY & CO-, against those old codgers, “Second rate Goods and High Prices." Friends, Countrymen and all who doat on good Bargains, (which includes everybody,) we have just received a splendid slock or Fall and Winter Goods, at onr Store in Tioga, which can he had for Little, or Nothing above prime co«l —will! oceans of good will thrown on gratis. The Bret pick ia the best pick, so come in while Block is fresli* Delays are dangerous—Pro crastination has frostbitten many a good bargain If you want your money's worth, come on. If you want more than a dollar's worth lor a dollar, don't come ; but you will bo astonished to see what a pile of goods we cun put up for a dollar. Our slock of DRY GOODS is not made up of the odds and ends and the rem nants of “closed up" concerns in the City, but com prises a complete assortment of the latest styles and best qualities, from the coarsest domestic to the fi nest imported fabrics, such as Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and ndaplcd to every variety of trim mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine the Slock before purchasing elsewhere, Baldwin, Guernsey Sc Co., have always on hand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Made Clothing, which will be sold at the lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass, Stone, Hollow and Wooden Ware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs of every kind and of the best quality. with BOOTS inventory, .9 10,330,00 Tioga County, S 3, James Lowrey, the president; J. S. Hoard, the Treasurer and Secretary of the “Mansfield lyon Works”—being seveialfy sworn say that the forego- Ing statement is true to the best of their knowledge and belief, - JAMES LOWREY, ' J.S. HOARD. Sworn to and subscribed before me, } December 1 Sr 1855. X D. L. SHERWOOD, J.P. Notice. THE Stockholders of the Mansfield Iron,Works, will hold their ihnuil mooting atlheirJ office in Mansfield on Monday the 7th of January nexli for the purpose of, electing Directors And Officers for the ensuing yesr. . i 1 Office Mansfield Iton Works, I k ■■ ' ■ .Dec, 12,1855. u 3. S. HOARD, Secretary. w* ItFFXLO 'ROBES.—A faw Bales of Na ;1, just rtrieiVed ;at . JOy v S &'Rm or. nuMES to suit the purclm»;r. nnJ warranhil not to f.vJo,— Mr. B. keeps constrnlly on hand n choise selection of the latest styles ol Cases, including Turkey Mo rocco of various colors, Paper Mache tokens, inlaid with Chinese work, a new and beautiful article lor presents; pud as great a variety as can be oblajincd at any establishment in our large cities. Prices Varying From SI 00 Zo @lOOO. 1 Djoukabeottpiu taken at the Gallery in cloudy as well ns pleasant weather, and u good Likeness warranted, or no charge. Ladies and Gents, ajo invited to visit the Gallery, and examine specialities. Please call soon, as my slay in town will be short* N. B.—Mr. B.’n success in the business previous ly, and 1 the superior Pictures that have been taken by him in the Gallery, recommend him to the pal rottagC of the Public. WclWioro* Nov. 22(1.1855. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Miss e, p. men- ARBS, would respect fully announce to the citizens of WclUboro’ and vicinity, that she has Jnsl opened a new linery establishment over R. S. Bailey’s Store, where she will keep constantly on hand a GOOD AS fS OR.TMEN T or MILLINERY GOODS, such ns ' Lndies & Children’s Bonnets. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CAPS, HEADDRESSES, £cu., <3cc., All orders promptly attended to. She will also at tend to Dressmaking os usual, f uT No trust. JOURNEYMAN WAGGON-MAKER wanted to O work by the day, month or on shares, ol the frhop of the Subscriber in Clymor township, Tioga Co, Pa. 1 have a large quantity of seasoned him her on hand, ready to he worked, ond would prefer to give the workman a shore of the proceeds. CHARLES PRITCHARD. Clymcr, Juno 14 1855. (If.) $-14,650,08 NEW GROCERY & PROVISION STORE. Mnnd O. IS(iL?jARI>, D«.lnm ♦ in PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, HOOTS ccially fur fUiis market, and cannot fail to giveeiU'ue talwfaclioD. Caßand see them. TINWARE— -of oil kinds, shapes, ond sizes, made of the best material and sold as cheap if net cheaper than that of any oilier establishment in Lite county. Enve Gutters made to order on short no tice. JOBBING done to order and in the best manner. All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving the shop. O’ Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and also Silver and Gold either old or new, ta ken in exchange for Goods at the iMarkcl price. They respectfully solicit the patronage of all who wi>h to purchase anything in their line, assuring them that money can be saved by examining their slock; before purchasing elsewhere. PREMIUMS on Tinware were given for best Stock and Work Ac., at the late county Fair. D. P. Sc W. ROBERTS. Wcllsboro.’ Nov., 22, 1855.-lf. SOI&STHING NSW. (RHODES’ fever and ague cubs, THE Subscriber having purchased Bailey & Fo- j OR ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, ley's entire slock of Cooks, Stationery and T'OR the prevention and cure of Intermittwt and Jewelry, and added thereto his former Stock at Ti- -*• Uemittest Feveas Fever and Aoes, Cimu and Farm, oga. and a large and fresh assortment from the City, MLJ t'J. may be lound licrcader in Mmsma. Vlm'ffi Waiv ftnilsllntv I 1 hi* Ij* n XATURAL ANTIDOTE which will entirely protect * ** any resident or traveler even In tin* most sickly or swampy where he will be happy to serve the public wilh 1-jonlltii*-, from any Ague or Billions disease whatever, or any SCHOOL, LAW. and MISCELLANEOUS Book*, injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Mmsino. .1 i . i -j r,i. . Jt will mstantlv check the Airua in ncr«om who have set' aa cheap as they can be purchased this side of the fAr Jn y 0 f time, from one day to twenty years, *« City. ihit they need never to have another Unit, l»y continuing m ALL THE rom,.\n MAGAZINES of titl day. may be hnd at Ins counter, ;ind any book desired cun bo furnished to erder. He will also keep a lull assortment of Stationary aid Ink, which'may be purchased on reasonable terms. Purchasers will always find a splendid lot of WA'SCHES, %|Fpyj|| clocks, JEWELRY, on hand and for sale on the principle of * Small profits $ quick Returns.” Wilh large practical experience, and having pc cured the services of a good workman in the me chanSoal Department, those wishing watches Cleaned Sc Repaired can depend upon being accommodated satisfactorily and promptly. He will keep constantly on hand u largo assort ment of English and Amcricarr styles of WALL PAPER which all will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, j TUvnUftil fWr pnnl fntofo, a continuance of patron age is respectfully solicited. G. W. TAYLOR. A\ cllsboro 1 , Oct. 18,1855. (formerly of Tioga.) EGBERT ROY. DRUGGIST $ APOTHECARY WcHshoro’ Pa. Wholesale & retail DEALER IN FOREIGN 4- DOMESTIC DRUGS rally. Igept. 61555. 3m is, Om os. ly.J Will Kansas be Free? rS A QUESTION difficult to answer, but that ifio X Subscriber is offering merchandize cheapo admits not a doubt. The question will be immediately set tled upon inspecliou of the Goods and prices. He is just receiving his fall slock, which consist* in u general ossorlment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, ROOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS 6l CAPS, BOOTS &. SHOES, WOODEN WARE.STONE. WARE, TIN WARE, Dr, Ham's Ini'i-pratiiig Spirit. “A -Word to the Wise is sufficient!" The Subscriber has a large and well selected stock of Good-*, and i« offering ihc'm al as reasonable pnet-a as can be bought in Tioga Co., or this side of Cedar Run ! Ho who wants a PLUG OF TOBACCO or a GOOD COAT—She who wants a box of SNUFF or a FINE DRESS, will do well to call and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. Come and see and be convinced of the truth of the foregoing statement. J, B. POTTER, Afrent , For H. 11. POTTER Middlcbury Centre, Nnv. 8, 1855. Village Lot for Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale a lot situated >a the Boro’ of Lawrcnccville, Tioga Co, Pa. cop. taining about Ihrcc.fourlhs of an acre. Said tol is bounded and,described ns tallows, nn the west I t Middle street, noilli by Micajah Seeley, east I t Curtis Purliburst, on the south hy Demomi. Said lot has on it a good two.story dwelling house newly fitted up in neat and convenient style, and painted inside and outf-ulso a good barn nnri other necessary out buildings. Inquire of JAMES KIN SEY Esq. Lawrenccville Tioga Co. Pa. WM, M. JOHNSON, Lawrcnccville, June 14 1855, (Gut.) • Wants, & Things Wanted. WANTED by almost every farmer in the CQerr ty, a bottle of Ihe' liiquid Heave Cnee.” to cheek the first indications of heaves, and the ptt»en. lion and core of all diseases that affect llto wind of horses. ALSO, a box o( Dr. Power's “Hibernian Oint muni, a sovereign remedy lor Galls, Scratches, Gra zes, Bruises, laesh wounds, and all cutaneous diseases, to which horses or horned entile are subject. ALSO, n box of Iho “German Rat Killer,’ 1 one of the safest and best articles in nso for destroying rata and mice, or Lyons celebrated “Rat Pills,” for Urn same purpose. For sale at llic Wellsboro’ Drug Slor a NOTICE is hereby given that I wilt attend to the duties of mV appointment os Auditor to distribute the assets belonging to (he estate of H... bart B. Graves, deceased, at the Prothonotary’a o‘. fica in Wellsboro’, on the 241 h day of January next at one o’clock P. M., at which lime and place ..it persons interested in the distribution of said as«eis arc hereby, required to present and substantiate their claims thereto, or be forever debarred from coming in for a share of ibp game. Doc. 27,1855. C. H. SEYMOUR, w. w. K OB I N 8O K , dealer in Books, Stationery, Blank Books, IT*H Peptr — Eng. lisb, French and American UattV/aeture, •i Toilet utensils and Perfumery, Fan. ty Soaps, Violin Strings, 6 old Pens and Pencils, fye., iJt. ' All the. popular Ahgaiines and leading Nnssps. pert m«{t,oa had at his Counter. CORNING, H. Nov. 15, IS5*. We stock instore of the la KJ lest ftsbions, a-fil guar.inicul every time as „ » ptlee Wvitii t),o buyer, fur 1 Om bnunh io Ull. 2U, igss... 1c; -J R, BOWBK. PROOF OF SAFETY. New York, Juno 11, 18W, EVIDENCE OF MERIT. - •hr.vri.sucTU), Union Co., Pa., May 2, IWt. Auditor’s Police. e* n Audit**