The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, December 27, 1855, Image 2

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From The Si, Louie Democrat Dec. 17.
By the pnlitcness of a geiiileomn in this
city, wh Ji.iyi; been shown it privuie Idler
frorn Leaven wnr'h City, under diile of Uee.
B,' (jiving ihe billowing sUriling intelligence i
“The people of Leuven worth are greatly
Mriiptl—*tiiin(h of Miu'onriitns from the bor
der coun’ies, known hi re in “ruffiuis,” haw;
come over him Kansas and. are threatening
Lawrence with destruction. A coinjinny “t
sumo, iifly. heuled bv a man called Ei'tin,
cdnnr of The Ihrnld of this city, nil drunk,
and a majoniymf them border Missourians,
slirb’d from here and marched off (or the
teafaf war, as our shier ci(y is now called.
" rim origin of llm grave calamity which
now ihreatens toslir up strife was as follows ;
A private diflico'ly arose between two
vidti-iU aboni the rights o( bolh 10 a chiiin.—
The upshot of ibe mailer was, one of ih
two got killed. A fd-o rinnoi, from 'his
circumstance, reach' d the .cars of 'll" G s’-
ernor lleil ihe Sheriff was resisted in execn
linn the laws. At ihi-, time no win had been
issued and no complaint made by which to
arrest any person supposed to hare been
guilty of violating the law.
"Those who horn ihe report lo Ihe ears of
the Governor, however, knew iheir man;
and ns bn had blustered a good deal al llm
brislings and on lire slump ib.n he would en
force Ihe laws, and so on, he seized I lie De
cision. on ihe fniiti of a (King and partis in
report, wi hour miking inquiry, ns a pruden'
man .should have done, lo learn how (he <frffi•
ruby was, foolishly ami hurriedly lo order
out ill« rnilih i of die Teriimry, and to pub
lish a, leirihle prnel.imaMim, ending upon
•law anil order’ irmn In aul m enforcing ihe
law. This proelnmUiiiii Vif die Governor
did iho work. II wi. inieinjel lo do hv iliose
who were instrum-m'-il in. limin' him i
ii. i( wru micmir.l ns n c r nv**r lor an .iitu.-k
lung since im-di'himl on Liwrrnm* hy ih«*
fUP-'Miers. (t tms swup< ihc -aim ol the
bonier eonn'iovS of Mi<-««>uri o\er mo onr
Territory, vowing death lo every muo in
L:r wrencr.
'‘G'-ncra! Ru-ir-inUrm, n well dlsprcmil man,
find rd* so'ne prominence in our Territory
frIUCO Mu' eX'Teiii.on, has been »o l/i\* reive
nnd had n talk unli her penpU-. iej'on s
thnMluy (belated that Ibex were always,
nnd are now nMily to deliver up lu ihn an*
fhoniir* nnv one of Ihmr number for whom
r)io<e authorities hid a wrii ; but rHu-0.1, as
sensible' rrrn would, to sulFt one ol* ile-ir
number lu be urn.sU.-d by mi ureapuiiMble
u Il is perfectly understood here lint Gov,
Shmnon’s iiion and h'usicr weie in*
truth d to plm into Ihc hands of .Vrh»M>n, 1
S’nnelehow Volunteer companies
wer*‘ rai'-ed m Ipe border com.lie-nl Mismiu
n with wonderful ahicruy, mmi-di-iiclv up
on rs promulgation. Ii is said there are
now encamped near Lawrence from 1,000
to '2, 1)00 armed men. anil other complines
are homing on to rmi them. M ‘stoflhem
are resident Missourians, and /Veins.rn and 1
S'rmnfellow arc mn urging an attack.
“Thr Lawrence men slmd linn, ami will
not i ie)d id! they are forced. They have;
niceiv calculated rheir Mrenglh, and ihey
hold lu the belief ih«t n will take 3,000 nvn
to lake Lawrence, and i ven llien wnh the loss
of much blood. Ihe Lawrence men are in*
trenched, hive experienced commanders, an I
Bfe well nine.l lo a man. They arcealmU
Bad ra.Unelv »waPm ' an attack. Cot. Lane
of Lawrence has >cnt a .d«sp itch nq-e--.'ing
aid Irum Hus cn\. lie soys liglil i- mevn
nble. Cot. iSumn'T, comm ind mi *1 th-* Mri,
is u wniiiij-/ orders Imm W;jshmu ln n. Ui-h
-ardson, commander ol the militia, has he<m
striving to bring about an amicable senti
ment, but Strifui'eMmv, Li-son and g.-mo «a\
no Auiioujh ’lie (jiwreneo men have
shown a ih.suosmon to do what is n»h*, n
seems they must fighi nr take the iher
native o l being massacred. L*wrence ha-*
at this tmie 800 rre n under mos.r»*r; 'heir
weapons oi delm>e nre S'latp’s rd]'*s and
revolvers. It is said fhat ihe
hnve ftvc pieces ul cannon m addition to
their «sinull arms.
“These cnnnun were got In I hem In the '■
following manner : About 100 of them ;
broke lute l ln- ar-teml m Li tinny. Cms 1
County, Missouri, secured Ihe mm in charge
by tying him, look the cannon, shells, &.c.,
on hand, and marched off 10 Lmrcncc.—
Co!. Surnncr has sent a force to recover ihr
am s stolen, and to (incecl lhe arsen.l from
further plunder. A clnson, it i< xii i< en
camped wt'h some 20 nvn, all mi liln-i-n
miles from Lawrence, waning for reenf-n-e.
menis. There h a rcpori nfl-nii thn Shan
non is mud) agitated, and is trying i., mliisi
thn Missourians ton.) home—limin'ai |, t ~i
convinced himself that this is the only »n\
to avoid u collision. He is obliged, however,
to advise vvi'h Atchison and Siringfclluw. and
they, 1 believe, require the Lawrence men to
surrender iheir arms. This ihev consider
as equivocal io laving down ihir lives. n,„|
of course Ihev will in it cnnsenl. Negoiia.
lion and compromise Ihus fir have hm n I'nni.
less. It is ilioughi ihat the ensis in Kins is
nffiirs has come ui I.IM ; Ihn light is expected
to begin 10-day or lo.morrow, and if so ii
musl be a bloody one, for the Liwrenee men
will light with no expectation of quarter. |i
is thought by the I'rce-Statp men here ihn
the Missourians will ailnek Ihischv, ahethei
successful nr no l nl Lawrence; lln v hai<•
avowed the desiructimi of The Ifeyislrr press,
and may throw it into the river, as they dot
The Parlevitlc Luminary.
“Possibly Col. Sumner, in endeavoring n.
retake the arms stolen from the ar-enal, om\
bring about a collision between ihn United
Stales troops and the border ruirpins,
“In the present condition of the public
Itltnd a trifle may turn the s'rita in'o quite a
different channel from that anticipated b\
those who originated it. To give you nn
idea of the excitement in this place I need
only stale (hat business is entirely suspended,
end groups of men nfe on the streets talking
of the war, as if a terrible calamity was ini
pending which cannot be averted."
The Methodists of Ne« York have thi'
year appropriate two hundred and mi\
thousand dollars for Foreign ond Ho iw
Congress is yet unorganized.
,w-f* i *|S>
• # » All business,unit oth6r Conimunicniionsmust
be addressed to the Editor lo insure attention;
Tlinrsday looming, Pee. 27, ISftS.
Kcpublioin IVAuiliiatloh'i.
For President In 1S50:
Hon. SALHOIV P. CHASE, of Ohio.
For Vice-President;
Hon. DAVID WILMOT, of Penn’a.
Thf* Republican Association of Washington city, bninp do
Klrou 4 of procuring ns *pe«;dily iw possible a complete list of
all papers or favomblo to the h'fpuhliom Flirty,
for publiuition ami f»»r the purpose of forwarding them dcsl
jablo political Information aul documents from tills Import
ant point during tlv* ooxt wohm of Congress find Proddcn
iitd <“.iiupui;u. earnestly lll** editor* of nil aurh to
mad tit «in<* mimherW rhrir jHpcr nddrosaed to *• RttUfftr the
I'ntpfa" IVtialuiicton rUr. 11AMI-L U. 0 HOD LOB,
i CojnmUtec of Republican Association.
We ore n-questrd io stole that Vmmlyeu** Ball
will c.tnnc off on New-YcarV Night, instead of New
Year’* Eve, ns td.ilcd lasi week. Qnerv : tf* Jan. I,
18.)G begins al A. M., when
Eve 7
Attention is directed lo the advertisement of T.
B. Peterson, in smother column* Every man who
loves Humanity imisf love Charles JJicken*. He is
iho Sh.ikspearc of the 15>ih Cenluryf Peterson gets
up a fine, substantial book.
We return lUanks publicly to Mr. J. B. of
pilmar, lor the present of a fine, fat chicken for
Christmas. Although we do not indulge in «uch
d»TnMc:ic«*, it was duly appreciated and appropriated
by nnr folks. Wc hope the donor may live a thou,
sand year 4.
Death or an Editor. —We regret to learn from
the lasi Coudersporl Journal of the death oi* Addi
ton Avery, 1 »te junior Editor o( that piper. Mr. A.
wa« fdlhful Uliorcr in the field of Pr-grcss, mod
est fvud Miring and meritorious. Ilia absence will
he dis ply tell in the circle of which he was one of
the hnghlot ornaments.
As Apology —Soon aIW the Teachers’ Institute
held in H.h place, we receivi d through the Post-id
fiee an Essay upon •‘Woman 1 Pierogalive l» teach.’
Tl.n Es-ay jrui buried under u nuns of* im?ee(L»c
i,n- paper-* und m> e-c.iped nolice and publication in
it-* proper time. We will repair the uegUM next
week, hoping (hot lids wdi be deemed a sullkieul
apology until that lime.
Jcugk Wi i.jjot lias eoinmeiieed a mul against E.
B. t’h.i-c. ol .Monlroo*, Jnr libel. fciiase has made
hirt piper the channel for the most violent and abus
ive attacks upon private character. Men who thus
habitually prostitute llie journals under their charge
lo Ihc vilc-l of a!) purpose-*, should be read onto!
the fraternity and soundly strapped in llie b.irgiin.
SVe syvnpithizc deeply with (he Judge in view of
the dirty job lie has in encounter in a mil with E.
B Cha-e. One can Ii irdly expect to Como out of
pueliaqumel with clean hand-*. IfjiHlico tri
uniphrt we would not like lo stand in Ebenczer’s
Yon tritfel ?*.-»! course!
set it down.”
“Oli, jes, ccrl-iiiily.”
“I shall doubtless be able lo p.iy yon In a few
days—a mouth nt the most. Sqnirc Jones is cx.
p' cliug some money in a few day, and then he.
will he able lo pay Toni Briggs lor culling »hnt (ol
of logs. Tom cut them last spring, you know. —
Briggs owes I'.r some wheat, and Sunp-uu
owe-. Muggs the butcher, who ov#\n Cripp-tl»c >hoe
makrr, v, (i«> owes Wiggins llie I inner, wiio owe**
me for ten cord-* of btrk. W|,en June-* puy>* Brigg**.
ho will pay Simplon, who will pay Tripps, wlm will
pay Wiggio-; then Wiggins will p»y me and I
rrh.dl lu* >ihie lo sellle firkin- little bill ol* goods. So
you mc Uni llie money uiusl come in
lo 'rune! Well, maybe, but it looks as if it
mifr/ii liespans a hllle u,.oneimihy!
, Heade/, call llfn u fam:v nketcli if you choose. It
1 is, m verlhele**-, a IramcnjU of d »ily
s■ between buyer and at Her in your stores, grn.
; Ccrle-, butciicr sliop-* and printing oiliccs. Every
man in itus r.-gioa can bear wUue&s lu (he faithful
Ue“* of the
ll ;* all wrung—nil wrong and almost hopelessly
mpimU". In a <tr.<i social (mint of view the
L‘red/1 Syalinn !■< among tin; greatest curxex that a
wicked h>vc of M iiumnii ever entailed upnn any
rioKimunit >. Wc lay tin* rc>|»onsibflity ujk»ii .Mm».
moil, mid lirm-c it heenmes us lo give, briefly, tin:
reasons tor thy emieluston.
Al .in early Jiy U is prohibit; llut exchange wax
the only method of commercial trausaclion. Yil
no' the exchange of goods anil wares l’.»r coin, as it
goCHtodiy. The keeper of flecks exchanged Ihc
►oil fleece fl»r llie fruits of (he tiller of the soil. So
with I fit* artisan: he exchanged his ware* ihr Ihr
fleece .and the fruits. The miker of liowh and
-pe.irx gave of hix handicraft an equivalent for (ho
neeexxarics of li/e. So with the maker of Ihc harp
and the pxjUtoy and cvciy worucr of comimm (y.
ll is irnj»ox-jolu lo fix the d ilc of the adoption of
llir Credit System, us hisloruin have generally held
IheiU'dves .thiol Irom the commoner details of iu. and individn »l husUies-i Iranxae.lhmx. We
read of the Gracchi and ot (heir exploits m the (u (d
•and in the forum ; but of the business of
hfc ul Koine, wc read comp ir.ili vefy hule. \V C
can learn snflieieol of the prowess of Sptrlan lulh.
ers and of the heroism of Spartan mothers; l»nl »»f .life in Sparta, we uro in comparative ig,
tiurancc We know that C’inuimuliis was a farmer
but no do not know whether he and (ns brother fur.
iners sold their produce “on lick” und puich.iscd
tin ir groceries “on tick.”
Uul ir we dale the hirlh of the Credit Sy->.
tru», h’c cu it at Jca*d discover Kome of ihe cuuhc* that
Mto tU adoption. A so prejudicial (o the
iu(erc*ls of the iiimy was not ihe creature of
L'Jnnce. The Unbridled Greed of ilhimj who, I. y
liotk or hy crooK had i mummed to scrape together a
little larger idle of available capital in gold, “ilver
precbm* stones, •.pice*, gnm<, or anything valuable
in commerce, than Ibeir tellovv<, may Invc invented
Ibc system of buying on credit ami thus meunmr
nil the udvinlagc* of a trade which not endangered
their capit 1 1. The known wealth of such men
would of course secure for them a given credit.
There is no hick of causes, any or all «»P which
may have ss<i»ted at iu birth. Look around yon;
you live in what ir familiarly known ns a ‘dumber
region.*' It in said that the cash system of doing
business cannot bo successfully carried out in such
»*rcgidn—in this coin iy, fir instance, This may
bo true of to-day, but it need not necessarily be true
wl to-morrow.
Why is the system impracticable in
a lumber region ? Not because of uny defic.cncy of
money capital in the country. Were ull the limbfC
hi (his region got into market to-morrow, it wuu’d
not. add ono penny to the currency of the country.
It would only divettcapUal from other channel* in-
Tjhff : TJO s# #1 Cffij Toj^~
<o IhiK li'woilld tfUrafct «omd In
the coffers of comjnjsrctul Sliyltit
this feiy make apparent otlijil
lalinftTiierfium.. Vljrfinil tjipt onr
source of wealth to Uic county..
belter wuy’of converting the-pim
;iain (ban t(»;
*Vfhier ; - aiid. v ‘d(Wn.t!i©<iver-irfrttj
time operulioik—by virtue of; whi<j
lo pay our debts aojnc day ? j
Can the bo -
duccd Into ’ " \
Yds.: Wljy not? Ji “A hjw'j
money, which he is ’desirous ofi*
land, hnw tan*he doßO*nd*nolJ
on u.promise to pay ?. He hsa; oi
half hi* ready money in the ba*ir|
mainder in bank,' Then he is )in
workmen cmA, every 9itnrd.iy :
may seem a small biMnc«>itn the
capiul; hut, gentlemen, it is the
do business in thin world. ;ll is
ve received principle in bupines*
works for A al 31 per diyi On
ovvot* B $6, A lias no right to re.
a single hour after B makes his I
money—-his value received for
In the case supposed, the tmplo
hank, and therefore when Suture.
in prepared to pay every man lih
Bui the reverse of this ejiahce
Cline* jubl now. A is $3OOO «
(Id wishes lo mend his (brlutie.
tract (nr 3I(i.000 o(* pine (and &i
lumber trade. tie hires lubor<
operations. Saturday night com
haps $2O tor labor. Some muu
order mi Cirab llie grocer. Grib
pends on the briskness of Ihe I
Spring. He reasons: “Mow, ill
sale and sound lo market, and 111
he will ire able lo pay me by ill
Ibe market ih dull, it will come I
pens to slave up a rail or two, u
Here, Grub smooths out tho
and it' drygoods and groceries t
hkc, why, then il’s Grab's fault.
The lumber trade is ovcrdoifc. We can admire
the bluntness of Jackson's remone when he was (old the removal of the deposits would precipitate
oT business men into the gulf of ruin.
‘•U c-io’i affect tho man who does business on a, cash
capital,” said the old hero, “and he wlio trades on
borrowed capital ought to break 1" This was right
in theory ; but wore it reduced to practice 10-d.iy, in
Noilheru IVmi*ylvania, heaven only knows how
muuy buMucss uicu would bo able to carry on bU'i-
ncsj< tu-morrow 1
CJiaflVr, chaffer, chaffar! Showing and twixiing
Into .1 liioiHimi namole.iK slupoß lur Lite Baku ni* in
lug Isvcnly <J >tUrs winch x-mij Uvonly Inctvlca-* dev.
iid arc losing! Tlul U iho rule in in*»r« ihuti one
coiintiunUy wo wot of. NU u good ruio ! I» it an
lioiyM rule ? No ! All ul' in know butler.
Let A invest no more of his capital thin wll) oft
able him to piy us he goes. An extensive business
colder* no benefit upon the masses unless it pi}’-.
No nun can swim with a ton weight on hi-, should
ers. lie must go down, and not u lew imi-l go
down with him. It will do no good to cry tor Gas.
siua then. Sturdy Sixou Cami-us I—he cm help
the miserable victim-* ol the Credit sy-tein, aiul he
alone. Pay us you go. Then Toni, Dick and Har
ry cm piy the grocer, the butcher, the tailor, the
shuein.iacr llmi the prit.loi 1 . wliom Uo t/ie uokiC
Then the grocer will piy cash Tor goods, tho butcher
will p.iv cu-h li»r ciitlc, (he tailor and shoemaker
will j»»y ca-h, ;»ml then—>'«•*, and then the piinfsr
can lioe% and not, a**ood* r the credit system, tuenly
fxht % beenru-u *>r the indestructibility til* niilten
You don't believe til Very, likely. If you cm
pel some poor ilcul to w irk fl»r you oti "tick/’ you
(M» uukc 2i or 3U pur emt off his wages while h.»
runs in debt fur llic accessaries of life. Is tliul why
you du«*l believe in the practicability of the pay
dov\ n system 7 Is il ?
Ami don't target Ihi-: Whether yon pay down or
never pay—we pay cu««h for p iper and labor, Wc
slated some fids relilive to this hist week; wc did
so because slow paymaster* forced ihc alternative
upon us. We did »l neither ia sorrow nor in anger.
We did it because, for the year mid a ln)f we h ive
lu-un with yon wc have been rubbed by (hi*
Credit System. To llic man who humus to piv bis
debts the system is a wrJJ-sprinp of bitteftios. r P«>
him who does not, it may h.tvc altrjctiofis. We con
1 ess that it is most hitclul to n<.
Assuming you to be a firmer, let us ask yon one
question : What would yon think of the msm who
should propose to purchase your wheal on condition you should receive p.iy for it when it should be*
cal on n;/7 Soberly, haw would you treat such a
pro]K)<ilMm ?
Friends, wc shall certainly ppew nut (he nrenved
Credit system on the 15th day of February, 185t>—
should we be here, amt if not, somebody else will.
Alone, we prefer no bread to bread unpaid lor. P
you clioom* to put your shoulders to the jylicel of
Pfooress, Come f»n—we tth.vll push if fnVQ walls »l to
be, ulnnc. In conclusion, should any one fed mov
ed to speak in behalf of *lhc credit system, these col
umns arc free to the discussion.
What arc they doing in Congress? Bless you !
they ure. having great limes. . If they arc unuhl.j to
deel u Speaker they are defining the positions of
the mni-eomniillals heretofore. There is Henry
M. Full «t, im-mbcr from Luzerne, whose input.ilion
hes m u pleasing uddre?s and a long purse. He was
elected on the anti-Nebraska is-ue, bin liavimr si
cured the voles of some snore and a half «l eoltcm
whig* fi»r Speaker, his bead is strailw.iv turned nod
be bus gone over to the South, Unly nnd'suiil, long
purse and all. Very well, let him ‘'flicker/* us the
philosophical Bins hath it. lie can be*sparcd—and
should some liLa—••g„od rid
dome to bad rubbish” after him, who cares? Not
Then there is Mr. McMullin from I he region of
disunion fire.eilors. He nude a speech (lie oilier
day, full of ‘‘sound and lory, s.giiilying'' MeMutl
in— untiling more. He t-.iid he had premised not lo
noliei'lhe memher from Ohm, [Mr, Uidduur-J ivhicli
maybe relieved the rim'dv Old War Uorsenol a lil
lle. ll i- no light affair lo ho dogged with a mnllin
without the' Mae, us we learned a dozen yearn ago.
Mr. McMullin said lhat he should o|i|iomj (he sec. issues that the Republicans were endeavoring
lo creole on Dial floor. It the North should elect mi
Abolition President then it would rejieal tlio Fpgi.
live Slave La*', and rcstori (he Missouri Cfilnpl-om.
ise ; ami ilien the cliivulric South would tinuck the
blessed Union into flindeist You may think '(hat
this frightened some of the Congressmen a trifle—it
ought to hove turned their blood lo ice; but it didn't
—it only raised a hearty ‘'ligw-haw" ul Mr. Me.
Mulliii's etpaise. '-Shockin' oiifeelin’!” wasn't ll!
fie thought so, fur lie said the House had bolter
not laugh at such a serious mailer. That's our op
inion 100. Just think ho<v Virginia would look if
it were jammed'into Pennsylvania and the “pan.
handle” run through Canada Itku a spilt. Ju-l
think of that, ye audacious M. C's., who laughed at
j lire mighty MuMullin! That's what a diasolailoit
ol the Union would do* Are you prepared W see
lho ? UnioEiiisKolved Canada spitted like a r'twall
liftjftjr? V . V ! |
Wp one dptrieWonKrvalora of the pqhlip '
moj^--,wo : qKk lytfcther; the representative f^qni.
this district, Mr. Grosso iur forgot himself on tTwt
- fearful-occasion ♦ t ef^:
hlp,CQtaf‘trophe! do yie not hear lh“t»
WVapt in’iliQ ho-nitd
shivering in'the threatening shadow of that coining
desolation I Fellow citizen*, did you not send him
there lb help save the Unibn! Of coilrso you did !
Yet he sit* there tnnubn as a clock while Die fire*
eating McMullin; threatens lo tear the Union, into;
inglnriDtJS'latlen*!' Wilt you suffer flits and strike'
-wvUUvw fur insulted p*iriuUain 1- Ls-s%k|» *Uveh
will you, benq carclcs*!' . •
But Mr. McMullin did not stop here- lie said
that when the Union should be dissolved the North
would be without a Sent of Government! Washing*
1 ion, he said, 1 was the properly of the North, South,
Hast and West, now ; hut when the Union went
down it would belong lo the South! Then, if any
abolitionist should dure to enter, he would have to
plep over the /lead body of McMullin ! Terrible,
terrible ! We would go u long wuy. around rather
than walkover McMullin drunk, or McMullin dead!
Valorous McMullin! The terrible AdruMcs could
not hold a cmdlc to you! So you would die rather
'than suffer the feet of the Abolition Vandal* to pol
lute (he Southern Capital! Godfrey de Bouillon!
Awake! McMullin is stealing your laurels!
We call upon Mr, Grow to overt the threatened
[ disaster. McMullin must not die. * America can
not afford I*o witness the occnltalipn of such a re
splendent planet. We cun think of hut one spirit
capable of midcring the loss of McMullin endura
ble. Thabbelong* lo out friend of the Wayne Conn •
ty Herald ; and he is too modest (o shine, < ven if* he
would consent to be promoted. Chase, of (he Mon
I rose Democrat , might do, but he, 100, is a paragon
of rtiiring modesty, McMullin must be saved.
It is the only hope.
tfojfmaybc, ap|i~;in
fgiiq.lo,lhc often-
:Bal ia lliero no
5 forests that cur*
i ng.~l«*sel h*i'
911 some of us hope
successfully intro
j $lO-000, in jratjy
investing in ’limber
hue bm work done
»i|ly to invest one*
iena and put the re*
Wired to pay • his
dighL Trufe; this
(nder on fictitious 1
only right way to
(ho kunesl, tho cal
tranwictiun*. B
Saturday night A
ttin that money for
temand. It is ,B*s
►eryicoa rendered.
»yer has $jOUO in
ay night comes he
lo ne true in most
icrse than nothing.
Ife hastens to con*
ind embarks in the
fa and conuiieiicea
i» and lie owes per
. wall, some fake an
t> knows his pay d«.
lumber market next
I A gets his lu nber
e dvnritid is goad*
0 lasi of May.’ If
ter: ami if A hup
i—why, their*'-
little strip of paper
oii'l uku a sadden
Christmas—its Fruits —Since Christmas Ims
come and gone, it is proper to remark upon its mor.
Christmas is properly u religious holiday. It is
ob<ervcd by many religious societies os lh6 unniver*
s.»ry «t’ the advent of the Saviour. Properly observ.
ed, it-* influence would doubtless be iK-neficiut,
But how is this anniversary observed throughout i
the Christian world? It is made the scene «f glut- i
tony und drunkenness, and Christmas Night is but
unolher name lor hacchuiuiliun orgies. Indeed,
Christmas may be properly culled tile Sabbath of
Ihcchus mid Apieiu*, rather Uiun the birth day an
niversary of the fc>«m of M *n.
None will more loudly denounce what wo arc ub-1
out to sny than those who habitually desecrate hnli- •
days by (nuking beasts of them-i l\es with im-uls or
drinks. Among Mjeh gentlemen we hnpe lo piss us
infidel to their lailh, now and torevi r. Wo have no
superstitious vencratmo lor Simt.-' I toys, Feast J)jys !
or Fast Ways. Kvery day it> (J»*d*- day with n**, tor ;
doth lie not lemi'to Man all hit lifetime to work in .
(Iw garden? j
IMiinlv.wu- Imld that the observance of Chri-l-j
mas, from being a day suered Vo the memory ol*
Jesus Christ, has degenerated into a curse. Bitter
close the door* of the sanctuary and sutler lire day
to piss from the memory of 01 m, than to behold Hie
hirlh-diiy of Him remembered in deep (rotation- of
maddening drink. It is so remembersd imw. You,
reader, know it, and we have yet to seethe man
who i-» hardy enough to deny it.
Li-len te : On ChrMnns night, the u-ndU ijuiel
streets ol Wcllshorough were made Inihons by the
bowlings of Jrunkcn men and hoys hiving one-
Inurlh nt a mdcTrnm.tuwn, the horrible, din reached
U- in all its v inations. We thought how harshly
ihosc unchri-lian orgies must fall upon the eir- of
lno*»c good Cliri-lians who observe the day ns one
hallowed by pienliur associations, and yi l had not
moral courage enough to hunt up a peace officer .nd
set him at work. Alas! Wo dare not say that
there might not he u second crucifixion right Ik re in
Wcllsboro’, und not a longue Would denounce the
deed !
To thoMj parents who wink at the dissipation ol
their children wo my: if you believe that they
have souls to b ive or lose, on vnur shoulders rests a
terrible responsibility. The. Penitentiary mid the
jrjiDmvj) «'))} tike c.tru for your *utis if yon do not.
Drunkenness u/nung buys in their ‘teens is trightful.
ly on the increase in our midst. The sons of some
of our best mm arc included in On; list. And we
now give fiir naming we will »«>1 leave one
stone unturned, so far as our limited lime will per
mil, to expose to the proper persons the dissipations
of those minor* who are on.the high road to ruin.
Those men who preach temperance in scent so.
dety meetings, will do well to shut their eyes when
in Ihc streets, usdhey usiully do. lest they he led to
take some :dep that m.iy listen their popularity.
Mark Him! —So says our delectable Wuvne
County brother in reference In lion. G, A. Grow
“llui reputed drmocnlic member of Congress from
the Bradford and Su-qnehunna District/ 1 to use llic
He raid’s own words. Mr. G,, votes steadily for
Banks for Speaker; therefore the Ihrold erics—
“mark him !” Tin; editor mly rest assured tlic
good and true men of this District arc “m irking”
their Representative, and feel proud to know tint
even amid tho corruptions of Washington be aIjII
rigidly obeys bis convictions ol ilmv. Let such
traitors In God and Humanity us Asa Packer, mark
Inm, Lei such Kccond-fiddlc players as that editor
howl and growl at him. Still, he will continue to
move on, laying up treasure in tin* hearts of an np.
prccialing constituency. Ho has bis reward in the
con-ciouMicss of having Juugltl the good fight of
‘Freedom. ,
A word more: There is no need of mirking the
man who either Im no sympathies in common with
the oppressed and down.tto.lihni, or, h wing them,
deliberately tramples them under foul. God has
branded such men os lie branded Cain—that all imy
recognize and pily litem. Such men are mural lop.
ers, without the gales whore Humanity abides. We
wnuhl mil seem uncharitable; hut (here is no c».
ense (hr that man. who, while acknowledging the
turpitude of an action, deliberately commits it for
the honors und emoluments of the highest place, or,
what is the same, fir somo jieily appointment lying
far away in the dim pers|ici:livc. Tint is all.
Child Attackkd and Rittkn uy a rat.
—A must finonlir circumstance nccnrid m
■h- house of Willmtn Crawford, (f.rmrrU
keeper ufjlto old S'. Chnrlti.s) P,.„ n . v |.
viitilil iivenil", laid M-induy night. \ vniino
daughter of his. u mere infum, wits Iving in
the bed asleep, when she wits ail.-ielteil hv n
huge Norway nil, which began In jnflti-t lutes
upon her arm and hand. A Tittle hoy in ihe
sumo bed awoke nttd endenvored in drive the
nnimiil nvviu, bill he 100 wits lutien j n ihrec
or four plnres in Urn hiind. The girl’s bund,
from ihe wrist lo ihe end of the fhnmh, was
hilen in a dozen places, und she is qmie sen.
ottaly injured. The screnms of ihe children
nltmcted the mother lo (he bed, and m.i until
limn did- ihe vile ben si leave them. He wns
afterward caught nnd summary veimcnce ex
ecuted on him. —Pittiburg Gazette.
——r**- *
jTa W : Piom Kaiau^
;|Wo learn from Mr. \l, ! Willeis, who ar
riyed yestnrdiiy from Lawrence,
■. Kv-T., WKldi.pfUee he left: on ihe 10th ins'.,
I hut Gov, Shannon had discharged his army
"of'Border - • RnlHani, "5 Bo’ had returned l7i,
iheii; host's, aijd ihot peace uhd quiet once
more reigned nVKahsas. The" radians were
very much exasperated at the Governor when
they learned, that he had concluded mil to use
(hem in an attempt to reduce (fte.peupfe of
Kansas to the vassalage of Missouri. They
charged ’ his Excellency with perfidy, and
threatened Ip visit huivwidi their very parlic.-J
ular vengeance at some future lime. The
ruffian army, some 1,200 strong while sta
tioned nl Franklin,' made prisoners of all
who passed that way, either,going to or com
ing from Lawrence, and as a rule robbed
their pnsmieis of such articles of value ns
they happened to possess, They slopped the
United Stales Mad, made a prisoner of the
ennier, and detained him about’ an hour,
when some of the sliiewder ones came to the
<;• nelti'ion that they might perhaps gel them
selves into difficulty wuh Uncle Snrn, vnt’hei
Hoalli released their prisoner and let him go
with the mail to Lawrence; but Mr. J. S.
Alan, a passenger in the mad coach or wag
on, was detained ns a prisoner and robbed of
a railroad ncket or pass winch he had pro
cured (or use in returning to his former borne
in Michigan. Mr. Molt relumed with Mr.
Mr. Wilier* assures us that not more than
fifty ol the Governor's twelve hundred min
were, residents of ECan-us; but to make a
-how of regularity, they come across the
Missouri line info the Territory (fetching
their arms with them, of course) before be
ing enrolled into service. That they were
not residents is also evidi fit from the fuel that
afler they hud been disbanded by ihe Gov
emoranJ had drank up all ihetr whisky, they
look lintr departure to Missouri at once.—
They left t tn-ir camp on the 9 h iil'l.
Tiioonvs Ruber, .i worthy citizm residing
near Lawrence, and formerly from Gov.
Shannon's neighborhood in Ohio, was killed
by Clark, die United Slates Indian agen 1 , on
the 6 h Inst. Mr. B irber, in Company with
a couple of young mm, was riding out on
hor-efiaek unarmed, whwi the uartv were
met by Clark, who was in a carnage with
Dr. Wood. The pany m die carriage fired
on the others wchoul, hilling Mr.
B irk« j r in 'he hick, and killing him alums’
iii'i-nnly. The horse on win.di one of the
young men was nmim'ed was also shot. —
Clark I-said to linii't.-d of ifus dastard
ly net when lie reached the ruffini camp,
siving dill lie hid kil'ed one d—d abolidon-
I't. 11ni Ihe saw die wn ol Hv. &c.
(Jnlemoh, ih»* innrd- n*r of y.iuua Dow, i
-iill :il l»ro»-, nut ihrm.' ihr mvi-i-m
proinu eii hi rtfi-e in lh»* ramp of dr- niir
au. 1• • rs, (Ji>vrm--r Sh urn oi
l'<*r iln* rnli- nhu/- lignre hr has ht>»*n ruinritr
hv .savng that h" did tnd understand the pn
-:M- n « I Ihe l'n c-Sime nv'ii —in n'hrr words
•he pi oph* ni K-»n- iS—- hit ihr -lair of things
had linn «r>-.--|\ mt-rrpre-ruh*d !>■ him nr hr
never «irdd h»vr i*-ii-d his pr-■ ■■<.m.
&•. P« rlt i(is it h»* hnd iti(ih■ iid'*niMhun
h-oi) Ihr prnplr -iI Ijiwrm-a*. instead o l* li-
king conn-ad of omlaws .mil ciji h he
nrgiii hive sfivrd himself the moinfie.iMnn of
his present jinNi'j in. Oof m'Orumjit is u'
1111 iim * n ’h it had I hr* 0 »v- rn-»r h*d his milF
tuns ,iiMi)| S i Ihn ihc people a 1 Lawrence hr*
'Vuulil Ime been hidU b* men, They were
\erv well fortified, Imd a fi.rce of nhoul 1,000
wnh 800 of Slm rp(*\ rifles capable
"f (limOh i«-tt • mv’s a minute, and doieo
at a df-'ance one nub* ; and
front prniMjrp jt had been demon-f rated the
there were plerry of men in Lawrence wlj..
I’wdd hit a mirk Oic *>izc nf u man, lour
times in five, m u »>f half a mile. —
S». hud the Missourians nrinhed anaiiM
Lawrence they would hive stood a lt n«>|>i
"smart chance” of being cut In pieces hv the
800 iSuarpeV pfirs before coming in range
nf ihe 700 ninvn m rill***.
I'h- s ory exvn-ivel v circulated in Mis. and lie* Ei-t 'hit ih«* people of Kmst*
hail receded fnnn their posiMon ns a cmidiM <u
•d heitii» Id ulnnc is ui'cilv nn'njc «md wjfh
mu hiiiiid.iM'in ; hut the s'nr\ ha«f '«» he l-drj
ns a cover for reip*-n hv the t» ivernor ami
his partv. Indeed, were decide I siaus
■d mutiny in the Missouri cirnp until the
rabble were assured bv lhci«* leider.s tbit 'he
people lim Ternlnrv htd made all iht*
conci ssinns demanded of them. Th" pen.
pie nl K mmis occupy ibe grnupd
ihov o •cnpic.l hef.rn the raid, viz: thil nf
I i\v.:ihidi(ig ei'tzens ; l»ui ih'*v d t noi recog
n‘Z** as laws ibn ntrocions ads rtf lh« <thu/n
Legislature | ireed upon them bv th»* Mis
souri invaders, nor will ih'*v ifteo-jm?/* »s i
law o/]it*ers fhn apfioinieps of th * 1 mffi inlv
hod., (i ivernor Shaun »n issnd inw »«i b>*
disftoserl (n side with tfie people of (vmimis,
and will probably take up his residence a?
Lawrence.— N, Y. Tribune.
Things Hint get Into the Papers,
A Shocking Cash of Mi.nistbri vl Dk-
PR vvrrv The Rev J tines R. Jennings, (n'e
n-ishir of Ihe First Methodist Church nf
Rome, his been indicted, nod subsequently
nrres'od, bv (he tM>-lfnnils! eecleslil'liC'il nn-
Ihorhies, upon n rhuge of gross immoruhlv,
nnd is In be tried im the 18th inst., upon
cbnrgcs [treferred against him. A young
woman nitending Fairfield Acndetnv is sntd
to have hebn in forrespondence «jib Jennings,
nml Irnin in'ereepted lepers it ' s reporletl
th it ll.e Church, the cause of mmnlity an I
tile pence of families have been most heart
lessly nnd shnnveliitlv sneriliepd. Jennings
hits n family.— JTohinrk Courier.
From The Utica Herald.
We hive been cogni/.nu nf (he fuels in
ilv nhove case for smne lime ; hot we were
reque.lei! not lo make (hem public until b
bad been further invesiiga'ed. We n re in
l''fined hv those whose painful duly it has
been to investigate the case that it revenlcd
an extent oj depravcv on the pail of ihe ne.
eoseii which is nhsnlnti ly shocking. The
girl is young—-only 17, nnd of one of ilie
most respectable families of ihe Town nf
Rome. Her parents, and we believe herself,
were members of Jennings’s church. The
fa mil v reposed the most implicit confidence
in him ; permitted him In make their house
his home during the absence of his wife in
Ihe East ; requested him lo wulch over thd
conduct of the daughter and reprove her for
her occnsioiiujgiddiness in. fact, ra || ier
placed .hei.uuder, h.« charge, ond besiowed
upon him! .a thousand-expressions of, coofi.
deuce.- 1 '■ ; i. • .
■ vv h| ! ? fcefa doing,this, he was com.
passing Her ruiri. During rii residence of snoi e
wee|ts.a| her'father’s houAe, he had peculiar
Oppprtuni i-a for, carrying on his infernal
pur(H*ses.- AOer the girl had been sem off
t*> sehobl, her reverend seducer opened a cor.
respondent* withher. '-In lhese Inters «»ri.
nus meetings and assignations were appoint,
ed, some of which were' fulfilled, nnd snnte
providentially miscarried.’ We are tnld that
tho style of iHe letters. Wtil.|en by Jenninoj
to the girl is mpst-disgustingly filthy.
The case is one, of the must painful on
record. Hitherto Jennings U said in bare
home an irreproachable character. Hf w a4
commended for his kindness of heart and cm.
inent piefy universally. The church nv tr
which he presided was in n most prnsnpriiuj
condition. - By his fall the cause of Chnsii
unity nnd good morals receive n heavy blow.
mysterious Disappearance of a
Some 18 mon'hs since a man by the name
of John G. Vciiangruber and wife and i
little boy 10 years of ege, together with j
m»n by the name of John M. Ramm "ml
(laughter Of some 9 years of age (Germans)
came to this Country, purchased a piece of
land at : Elk Like, where they erected i
house and duelled threin.and made impmre.
mrnl on the land, nnd purchased personal
prnperlv in common. Veitengrnber being a
shoemaker hy occupation, did somenmpj
leave home for several -weeks to work at ha
trade at such places as he could ob'nin work,
and on the 14th of May last, lefi again, in ;o
to Canton, Bradford Co, Pa„ since lhai time
he han not been heard from. The long ab
sence of Veiiangruher has aroused (he sus
picion of the neighbors, who have nnrslcd
the wife of Veiiangruher nnd said Kaaim. on
j suspicion of haveing murdered saol Vi-iian
-1 grber,and ihcy are now lodged in jail ai -Hu
place, auditing their trial. Said Veitangru-
I her was a man below medium size, Mack
hair, fair complexion and about 58 vearsnf
age. Jt is hoped that exchange papers, am)
others, will publish this notice, nnd miirhnb.
oblige the nnxinos -orro" ing prisoners. Ski
henn Cm.nly Democrat.
A from Uifth was
in New York lasi week. It wiw five incliea
in length
m Alt It I ED
At the Prenhytemu Piir»«»t»Mrc. bv Rp». J. F.
C.ilkinK, on the ISi It lost., Mr. SVMUEE PiKR,
SON, of New. Jersey, nnd Mew FRANCES BE.V.
UDR, of Dtlimir.
CIHRLES fll(lll?\'S WORE
So Library c.lll rumpli-io withmit n -i*t of Ujon* IVnrki.
fapmitnl f r-ini C>r l-t*( L ,un( ; -y
T. B. Peterson, Wo. 10?. Chestnut St
••f’FTEFVSOS’**’ L ibp on!% ramploto anil uniform million f
(5. ir|.*< /•;. k. n>’ Work' i'iti<|Llif*l in Amenci v \ at r
pn-if”' f 1.-pi-l >n ulitli.ii ;:n«i \r, -j. « *fc»
*mil v pnMfl'M ■’! ibw ••■*mtrv \» r«h»*
• or pnt *.ii* um I*** <: ••• •» i. !• >:t I‘m:ijr n w t ... .»
jii—i •( . t’l • tcmiru u i mtb or- -mr
U*ml\ «l»<niM ;• i'' i .»f on.* .•! ibo ■•rati *ns. 1 >,.> m n
rli'.i'iT !•* < mi'll •»• Tttci.e v.>ht'n«". p.ip- r <-m -r -irtf
until of wbirh r»n li.« h ul-cjitmtoly. I’riro Ftftv c* nt. tic:
11LKAK 11 ... ... no. , rw
D\\in v »ppki*ktxj.t\
prrKWK'K IHPriKS. •
IMM'IhV I VI) tv. .
BAK.N \»Y K 1 Ui.K -
vkhthiks by -Buz
olivku twist. •
ITAIA. Contain!.ij; a Christina* Carol. Th?
Ounv’ij, OiTket «-n th* !li-orth N Until.* of Uf».
U.i.miM Man The Bargain. Ac.
NIAV ST.UIIKS. Containing Tin* Sev
o«» Poor Traveller*. Nine .Now Stones hv the
Otri'inia-* Firu. Hint Times, i/irzit* Leigh. The
Mmer < Daughter*, Fortune Wlldre*!. Ac. -
A rompl-U* <*et nf the above will In* soM nr a«. nt to »nv one to
any iii ve-. free «.f \Ki,r lee, for Five Dollars.
In five very Urifjwoctmtp volume*. with a INirtmit on
of Hi i; I •* {»,. i-*n laming the same resilin' ter i> iu
lliiMraf**.! cmnpriHimrmer four
I irge iloiihte m’n mie*l page*, Ji.ui.boiiul} priule.l, aini twuw
m virmiM |. .•*.
\oluiiittune PIOKWICK PAPERS, and i)I«OCIU*
'HD' ,-il »/*.
4 'io. BI.KAK HOUSE, uml DICKK.W
“ 2 10.
IMi-e of a rompU'tf sol. Bound i»i, Murk ejotii. .'nil
gill back. Price. - # -*>'
w * * «eirb*t doth,
“ ** library tdieep. • • ' '•)
“ - * 'iilfmrk»*> mor r 'ci* , .i‘* *'
“ “ “ Vdf ruff. ufiUfifii-, - ■<■}
Illustrated Edition in 12 Volumes.
This edition i< printod »n very thbk and fine wluh- ;«M
-and i-jtr.ifu-Hy illustrated, with all’tlinorijnonlilliMinui'Di
by Cruiksli ink. Alfred Crow pull. Phiz, etc., from th<*
uil 1.0n.1 >u oditioii on copper, »leH, and wood. Emfi' i
uimo I'uninin- a i• and m.w hr bnij in ruJnpi*‘
set-* h 'ini I m il-ilb. tor dollar* »
nr .my M»lmu« Mill be sold separately, as folios* p .
BbK.-U, II )l*H.
I>M> CCK !■ MTY MM!>
sketchy hv -‘luz;*
David com:iiFihU)»
I’MRISTMAS ST* lit IKS. Sevon ifin**rt , ut ones,
Prh’o of full ami complet'' «et of the IlliHtmtod Edition,
bound iu Tweho Volumes, in hNck doth. gilt bade IBd
■ •• Lthniry - .J j u)
“ •« • 'C-ilf Turkey Morroco d
«• •• •* ii.ilf (idf. Anthiuo • Job'
\ll «nlwr.j!iou! work* »«> Charles Diekeua will be j mi
in uniform *lyh* will* , * II> i,l,ou ’-
Cojuc* i»f aiiy on *, or .u»;. wl, of either edition of the ai»«
work-* will bo k-iii to any person. to any part of the I mtol
States. free *»f pest im*. on their routining the pne« <■: ‘in
edition they mu- uMi, to the publisher lu a loiter post-pan.
Pubhshol and f<>r mlo by
Wo. 102 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.
To whom all orders mivd canto addressed.
UookAuUorH, Nows Agents, and all others will b*» *op
dinl ut vnry low piles.
Police 10 Stockholders
NOTK'E is hereby given lo Ibe Slncklu.ultra oi
the “Muiifdichl Iron Works" that a mniiog
will bo l.t-itl ut the office of* the company in
field, on Monda y (he 7tn day of January next, at 1 «'•
clock P. M.; for the purpose of iiicrcuMiijr jjje rapi*
taL stork of said company to sixty thousand dollar*
in order to increase the I'acUiticst of the company > n
Ibe manufacturing of pig iron and for foundry busi
Office of the Mansfield Iron )
Decembi r 15, 1‘•55. (
THE Stockholders of she Mansfield Tron Work#,
will hold their nnfiual inerting al llieir
in Mansfield on Monday" tho 7lh of January m* l *
for tho purpose of electing Directors and OiSc^ 1
fur Ihc ensuing your* [
Office Mansfield Iron Works, J
Doc. 12,1855. \
J. S. HOARD, SrcrfWT*
Prtce Jl y