The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, December 20, 1855, Image 4

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    . How TO
niay Jbe'glaid to learn that silk article* should ■
notbe'jkepX folded in whilepaper,'a*(hechlo
ride of (ime used in bleaching the paper will
probably impair the color of ine sit.k. Bibwb
or blue paper)? belter ; the yellowish, amool h
India paper is beat of all. Sitka intended for
dresashobld not be kept long to. the house
before they are made up,as lying in the folds
will have a tendency to'impair its durability
by causing it to color split, particularly, if
the silk has been thickened by gum. Thread
lace vails pre very easily cut. But dresses
of velvet should pot be laid by with anv
weight upon them.' If the nap of a thin vel
vet is down it is not possible to raise it up
again. Hard silk should never be wrinkled,
because the ihread is easily broken in the
crease, and it never con be rectified. The
way to take the wrinkles out of si/k scarfs
and handkerchiefs is to moisten the surface
evenly with a sponge and some weak glue,
and then pin the silk with some toilet pins
around the selvedges on a ma’tress or feather
bed, taking pains to draw ou* the silk as tight
as possible. When d'y, all the wrinkles will
have disappeared. The reason of ’his is ob
vious 10 eveiy person. It is a nice job to
dress light colored silk, and few should try
it. Some silk articles should be moistened
with weak glee or gum-waier, and the wrin
kles iioned out by a hot flji-iioo on the wrong
side.— TV. F. Tribune.
“Love at First Sight.” —As a very in
teresting young lady was passing down Mum
street yesterday morning, she was somewhat
startled upon hearing some one behind hef
in earnest entreaty that she would stop;
looking around, she beheld a man apparently
well dressed, but with a wild look, rapidly
her. Wi'h admirable coolness,
the lady waited bis approached, and upon his
resting his hand upon her shoulder, said:
‘•Well, sir,, can 1 do_anylhing for you?"
"Yes, madapie, you can,” replied the mu mac.
“I am in search of a partner and a bosom
friend.” “'Veil,” answered the lady, *‘al.
most any one who behaves himse'f in a proper
manner could, I should think, easily find one.”
•‘Do you really think so ?” was the rejoinder;
“then, madame,” laying his hand impressively
upon his breast,” allow me to make you a
formal offer of my heart and hand.” The
lady, not at all taken aback by 10astounding
a declaration, quietly replied, “ihat thestieel
was hardly a proper place for sn important
a declaration —that a more private one would
be belter suited for so delicate a communica
tion.” The maniac, soothed and. delighted,
with visions, perhaps, of a cosy tete-a-tete
wilh his fair imerlocuter at some future lime,
said, “I thank for your good advi. e—
good morning,” and depa'led with a g aceful
bow, leaving ihe young lady lo pprsne her
walk without farther molestation. —Buffalo
Fashionable Ciiurh in New York.—
You enter the chu ch porch. The po lly
sexton, wilh his thumbs in the arm holes of
his ves , meets you at the door. He glances
at you, your coal and hat are new, so he gra
ciously escorts you to an eligible seat in the
broad aisle. Close behind you follows a poor,
meek, plainly clad seamstress, deprived from
her treadmill round to think one day in seven
of the Immortal. The sestou is struck wilh,
sudden blindness. She stands embar assed
one moment, then, as the Iruih dawns upon
her, retraces her steps, and, with a crimson
blush, tecrosses the threshold which she has
profaned with her plebian feel. Hark lo lhe
organ. It is a strain from Norma, sligh ly
Sabbathized. Now the worsh'ppers one af e
ano'her glide in—silks ratile—plumes wave
—satin glistens—diamonds glitter and scores
of forty dollar handkerchiefs shake out Iheir
perfumed odors, What an absurdity to
preach the Gospel of the lowly Nazariie to
such a set. The clergyman knows berer
than to do so. He values his fat salary and
handsome parsonage 100 highly. So wih a
velvet i i-ead he walks all around iheten com
mandments —places the downiest pillow un
der the dying profliga es head—and ushers
him with seraphic hymning into an upper
ten Heaven. —Fanny Fern.
Faith Illustrated. —Volumes have been
writlen lo explain the nature of faith, but we
doubt whether ine reader :a(ier wading thro'
the whole of 'hem, will ;have so clear an
idea of it as is conveyed by the following sim
ple but beautiful illustration;
“There was once a scaffolding erected by
the s'de of a bouse, and if gave way, end a
person was precipitated from tlw place where
lie stood. However in his descent he got
hold of a rope, and hung in mid-air. A per
son from below said, ‘lf you will let go, I
will catcft you, do not be afraid, Hus' me,
I will not let you hun yourself.’ He hesita
ted, but at length relaxed bis hold, and fell;
and was safelv received ; bv his friend below.
Jusl so, if we can irusi in Jesus, when iv
calls upon us lo venture all upon him, lo com
mit our guilty souls to his care to lake his
Word os our guide, lo accepi his au'hori'v as
our law, we shall find that it is not only a
wise, but a safe ami happv course.
A friend who recently happened on the
same car with Hqrace Greelv, (ells ite fol
lowing; Mr. Greely was trying to read a
newspaper by the “dim religious tight of a
car lamp, in order to see he raised <he wick,
but hardly bad he done so, before (he lamp
trimmer came along and turned it down.
The moment his back‘^as-turned, Greely
raised it up again. The Knight,of the “Dark
Lantern” presently Came along again and
partly shut off the light by which the'philoso
pher was reading. Greely remonstrated.
The official thrust his lantern in hitface, sur
veyed him with a contemptuous air a moment,
and coolly replied : “Old fellow, you talk lob
much.”, ; .
An Excellent Reason.—a lady walk
ing, a few days since, bn one of the wharves
in New York, asked a sailor whom «ha met,
why a ship was called “she %” The son of
Neptune replied that il was “because the
figging costs fnbre than, the,hull 1” '
Wb ought not to Isolate ourselvesi /dr wol
ceanot remain in a state of isolation. So-'
cial intercourse makes us the more able to'
bear with ourselves and others.
. “A Bold Stbokb fob a jfusßAint.” A
new tnetbtrtwiQak-fjoSS^j^^ l *' 6B °^" a
J, An
femaJe^W^i^p^^P#!* 2s cen '»
for a sweet self,
which she carefully drops off Ih'e
Of a !
finds jout: the |jej, p|
Tit* AaiTWK itp/tUiIW. Mom
ing, and furnished (s eubteriber.t at SI Op per an
num if fid in aitanet;n.s if payment be, rptsy.
td.oqer the year,, No eubeerigttonlqken far. V «s«r
ter period than six monikt,and tikei for that terwi
only, payment mutt be made itrictly i» advance,
or *1 mill be charged. ' Theforegoingttrmn «iU.
be alrielly adhered to. No pap* feetil bedit nation
td ialil paid far, iimlfti at the option of,the editor
Cldis. —Tea Cop in, if ; fifteen Qopiee,9ls.
AD7»TiBEUKimisittke inserted dlstper equate,
{of fourteen lines or leer,) for the Jiret or three coat
Kcatitos ineertieet, and ■ SS Cffflts .for every ruber,
quentone. Yearly advertisements insertedat a tea
tunable discounton the foregoing ralet.
No adceitiecnunle discontinued until paid for un.
tree at the Option of thk Publishers. ,
O’ Transient advertising payahlein advance.
O’. AUUlters mutt be poet-paid.
Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon.
[June 14.1855.]
LAW—Office, north side Public Square
Wellsborough, i'l.
Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge &..Co.,N. Y
ily iloa.A.V. Parsons,Philadelphia, luly 13.
Attorney* dt Counselors at Law,
Steuben Couulyylfcw York.
Geo. T. Spence*. '• 'C. H. Thomson.
April 18,1855-Ijr.
< . AND I: - • ,v...
J-JONE on short .nolice.snd reasonable terms at
By [sept. 13551 L. C. PENDLETON;
11. O. COLE
Shop in the Bar Room of 4 Robinson's Hole), Every.
Iliing in his line of business 'will be done as well
and as promptly as it can be done! in’ the more
fashionable Oily saloons. Prepaiationsfo/ removing
dandruff, and beaul}'|iMig the hair for sale chean.
Hair and whiskers dyed unv color. Call and see.
WelDboro*, Oct 18, 1855. (if)
Wellsbqro’ Academy.
THE WINTER TERM ofthis Institution will’
commence December, 4lh. Specialaltmlion.will
be given lo the art of leaching. 'l’he ApsHarilsafe
experienced and Approved touchers/ Board, Room,
Washing &c.'at $l5O to $3OO per weeV There
are a few rooms in town for those whowisb to board
themselves. Tuition at previous rales and no de.
auction made for absence unless it exceeds a half
terra. By order of the ''Trustees,
N. L. REYNOLDS, Principal /
Wellsboro* Nov. 8. 1855,
Turning & Cbairmakiug.,
JSTtCKLEY, Tamer, jnd Cbalrmaker, would
• inform tbe public that be baa recently fitted up
his shop in good style, and is now prepared to munu.
factors all kinds of CANE & COMMON CHAIRS,
of the best maierial and finish. Also Turning done
in superior style, on reasonable terms*‘
SHOIP, south end Main street, opposite H. \V
Darn’s Wagon Shop.
SAMUEL HERZOG, having rented part of J.
Slicklcy's shop is prepared to manufacture all
kinds of CABINET WORK from the test material
and in superior style. He has on hand several su-'
penor Mafiogony Bureaus for sale cheap.
Wcllsborough, April 14, 1855. ■'
The Pocket T3Bculnpifts :
The liiip-h E>j>iic
w'ib One Hundred £r
gi"av>A*p< showing Diseav
and Malform.»iiona of the.U l
man System io every ghi
and form. To which i*ad<
a Treaties no (lie Diseases
Female* hcMg of (he high
importance to m.i- - -ed peoi
or 'lioje eonlempbling mi
Bv Wji. Young, M. D.
Lei no father be ashamed lo urpseiil a co.op oflhe
jEscolapios lo his child. It mo v save him •’•■dio an
early grove. Let no yonpgm-n or woman enlcr
in'o the secret obligations or married li'c wbhoiU
reading the Pocket jEscolapios. Let no one suft
feeing ‘•fom a backlog Cough, Pj*«n in the side, rest
less night*, nprvonv feelings, and I lie whole Iwin.of*
DfKpcpiic i»n«, ami giwn t*i> bv their phys
ician, be onolhrr moment wMmut consulling the
iEscuLAnus. Hove U>c married, or tho>c ai>onl io
oe married, any impediment, read Ibis truly oscbl
book, as li lus been the means of sating thousands
or ort'b.fuo «te erraCures from lhe very j;i ws urdeath.
IT .Any ixvson TwAniij.Fivtt f'enla ennjp.
r.rd ’n a Icticr, will receive one copy of Ibis work by
m.’‘l or hve cooics w>M be bent for one Dollar.
Audiess, (post paid.) DR. W|W YOUNG.
A’o. 153 Spruce Si., Philadelphia,
June 7,1855—1 y.
Important Announcement.
r PO j!1 persons afflicted with Sexual -diseases.
The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia;
in viewollhe awful destruction of human life aid!
health, causedby Sexual <liseaaea,Bnd (hedeceptions
whicti are pbielicrd upon the dufur lunate vidmwof
sod, diseases by Quacks, bavp' di/iecledUlieirCon
sulting sdrgeon, •" a CH AR (TABLE AQX : v*orl()y
of their name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRA
TIS, (6 all persons tiiua affltcipd, (Mn(e or Female,)'
who appiy.byletler,' with a description of their con.-
diliun, (age, occupation, habits of lile. Ac.,)and in
case of extreme twvetiy apd suffering, tpf URN ISH.
The Howard AssucwUon, ,is a bencvpfenl Ipatiiu.
tion, established by tyecW there
lief of the nidk'and’ distressed s'fflibicd with ‘-Vim.
lent and Epidejnic and Re £unds cap be.
used fort ho ollter piirpose. r fill h»8 how a gtlfpldl taf
means, which the, Directors Imre Vdled Ibodvertisa
the above notice. It is needless to add that the'As
sociatidn bommands Uie highesl Mcdical skill oi the
age, and'wtli ifrtrtiith the most-approveditilodero
treatment,—Valoablq.advice ,*lao given .toidck .and,
neiyous female’o,, afflicted -With V/cmlf ;
Consulting "Su'rgeon, Howard Association, Nhl',2
South Ninth Street, PhiUddlpbU; Pa?” ‘ ' “ “
By ordyr of Ihe^Krectors,i ~ -- , , ,
October '
I* PSTO «?»*“ « jS R«0»-
THE tWttwHtteWiai'e ¥d«C4|fenM'g their
Block of GOODS forth? Spring Trade, cpm
priilngt i of-the
Oinal variety, which willfae-heretofore, be sold a U
jcry email pfcdUfarSßAD Jf PXXi" Being deter
mined not to be undersold -by our neighbors, our
goods ard UfttSdtiVflKd'loifen figure'} dnd r w« invite
a comjHTispn yUb rtiff
fttWmfcrVet. Among(be tMorlmcnVof
.. . - ■
willbe founda great Variety oiLadies'DressGoodt
ocosistingin part of :
Bert get,
Latent, plain andprinted; Ginghams,
English, Scotch arid Avieriean ;
PwHni,Prfnliofall shades
and, colors, a good stock of
■ Also,for men's wear may be found Broadcloths
Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, silk, satin
and summer Vestings-
Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown,
Tickings,.Summer Goods for boys’ wear, Colton
Yarn, Carpet Warp,Colton Batten, with a variety
of other rlicles too numerous to mention.
A full stock will be kept' on hand, ‘ Those in
want of Sugars, Teas, Coffee; Molasses, Stewart’s
best Syrop, Spices, Pepper, Ginger,galeralus, Flour,
Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other articlein thisline,
will do well to call on us before purchasing else
where. *
as large and complete an assortment as can befonnd
In the county. Among wltichu Cutlery ofpill kinds,
Carpenters Tools, Chains, Goes, Shovels, Forks,
Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, Ac., Ao.
Bools and Shoes, Bats and Caps,
Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints Oils, Glass
and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, dpc.
Thankful for the liberal patronage of (be past
season, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting
the public to an examination of onr Spring aloek
believing that good Goods and low prices wil in
sure a speedy aale for ready pay.
Wellsborongh, May 35,1855,
Dress Marks the Man,
OWING to the great rise in paper, there is a
great and increasing demand for rags of all
Therefor?, eyery man who wishes tp-save
(he first cost on his old claihes should cast them,
ballons and all into the rag-bag; not however until
he colls at tile
and selects from the large and splendid assortment
Ready Ifladc Clothing-,
here kepi cumUanlly on hand, a suit wuminted to
wcarus long ax any .oilier, and imide-in lhe bexlapd
mo.xt subsl.inlial under bin own super
vision. The proprietor Ims a complete knowledge
of the trade, and cun sell the best quality of Ready
Made Clothing considerably cheaper than aoy other
establishment in the county. Qe keeps a variety 61
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Drawers,
Trimmings, Wrappers, Shirts,
Collars, Cravats, tj-c. sc.,
which will be sold as reasonably as they can be pur
chased elsewhere. His stock of COATS A VESTS
can’t be beat this side of New Yprk, «ilher in price
style, or quality. . .1-.'. ...
Don't forget that this establishment took the firs
premium at the Fair of last October.
O’Particular attention given to catting and ma
king garments to order. C. OSMDN.
Tioga, April 5,1855.
i r |'HE subscriber .having r?-
1 moved bid Harness Simp to Bgf*. ’
Ben. Seely’s old stand, two doors
above the Presbyterian Church is
ready to make to order all articles pertaining to the
business, in the best manner and of (he very best
say that he sells articles in .their line .of business
CHE A PER ' FOR C 4&H:,tban any . other ‘ estab
lishment in the county. A good assortment of
Whips, Harness, &c., &Ci,
constantly on hand.
CARRIAGE TRINMING dons in the N»r style,
end os cheap as it can be done elsewhere.
, REPAIRING done on abort notice end in
(he best possible manner,
1 (U* All orders promptly filled and warranted to
£ive entire satisfaction.
O’Call and examine hi* stock before purchasing
elsewhere. “ Live and Let Live," is hi* motto.
Groceries and Provisions.
SIGIV OF THE “810 8A0D1.B,”,
O Most kinds of Country Produce taken in ex.
change for work at the beet market price.
A fair share of public patronage respectfully so
licited. E.E. KIMBALL. .
Wellsboro,’ Feb. 1,1855.
nnHE subscriber would'respectfully inform
•*- bis customers and friends that he still con
tinucs the mercantile business, at the old place, at
the we.l known store of L. I, Nichols, whore he will
be happy to wail on those that will favor him with
a call, and would invite the attention of the public
generally to his large and commodious slock of
Groceries, Bead)’-Hade Cloth
ing- and Hardware,
AND CABS, &c., die.,
in (act every thing.yise kept in a country store, arti
clcs 100 numerous to meotipn.and will sellchexper
than can be bought this flidepf NoW/Yorkcily,
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods
at the highest market price. I. R. BOWEN.
Wellsborough, June 39, . .
'I rillortrig fujp (lie People':
Ttifi undersigned would respectfully announce
to the Citizens of Wellsboro’ mid vicinity, that
lie h»» opened, .a shop over Roberts’ Stove & Tin
Store Where lie will be happy lojatlcnd to.die wants
of Hie people in bis line of business.
From his knowledge of the business he Rotters
himself will) the belief that those wiahine GOOD
FITTING CLOTHING wilt do well to.give him a
call. All wc-k entrusted to him will be done with
neatness, and a
GOpO; ■, , i, . ;
CUTTING done to order on short notice.
a-w* -u 5 a f MH.TDaUNDEL, 1 i
Wellsboro’ Scpl. IOthUSSSi I f
ft v LBS;' °r , tVnh i slid CnrfpPr
'ladled 1 it) 'djidierlge ’fnr'Bloskk dhd
Tinware, by [Nov. 9.J DF. &W. RpRER'I’S. ‘
TUST RECEIVED a-fargt Supply of aR kinds o
«»la dnd riltil, ftom 110 IdtlSeach, u-’’ 1 1 ’
'Wellsboro’, Nov. 9; v D.P.A.VWi'ROBERTB'I''
; Tl/T ARINO’S' and. of aR oolttrs just
ITX received nod fursalovßiytbeapSt
J 5 ■ IGHTi—Tsllow*. Adamariliod! Candies, Born
■i fngtidM aiuiLampOihat' C ■■' CASE’S. a
1 th#. -i,
A eueotall Itilkmtabctra—C6*tiTene#f, Indi- i
ratios, Janndlce, Drop*?, Bhemnatiim, Fevers, j -
G<mt,H«ior^ r Nerr<niBiseBSilfritabilit7,lnflanmui» -
Itf the BreasttB^/}B&ck,
. and Limbs, Female Complaints; &c, ’ Sci ' Indeed,
cine k not.tnorfe ,pr lest. &M much sick
seas and taffeifogmight be prevented,'if * harm
less but muonic ink ftfeSy^sod.
No person can feel, well while & costive habit of
body prevails; besides it soon'genefates serious and
often fatal beg avoided
by the timely and juoldpus use of a good purgative.
This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and
BUiops dtfofngqmente. They all tesa to become or
produce the deep seated and formidable distempers
which load the hearses all over .the land* Hence a
reliable family physio iaof the first importance to
the public health, and this Fill has been perfected
with consummate skill to mecMhap dejnand. An
extensive trial df ittVirtut&Tjy'Fhyßlctthr, Profes
sors, and Patients, has shown result* surpassing
any thing hitherto known of any medicine; Cures
have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub
stantiated by persons of such exalted position and
character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Among the many eminent, gentlemen who have
testified m favor of these Pills. we may mention:
Da. A. A. HITSS, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, ,
and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high
professional character is endorsed by the
Hon. Edward Everett, Senator of the U. 8.
Kob&bj p..VyiNTUHOP, Ex-Speaker of the House
•f Representatives.
Abbott Lawrence, Minister Flen. to England.
+ John B. Fitspateicr, Cath. Bishop of Boston.
Also, Da. X. B. Chilton, Practical Chemist, of
New York City, endorsed by
Hon. W. Secretary of State.
Wic. B. Abtoßt the richest man in America.
8. Leland & Co., Propr’s of the Metropolitan
Hotel, and others.
Did space permit, we could give many hundred
certificates, from all parts where the Pills have
been used, but evidence even more convincing than
tiie experience of eminent public men is found in
their effects upon trial.
These Pills, the result of long investigation and
study, are offered to the public as tbc best and
most complete which the present state of medical
science cun afford. They are compounded not of
the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues
only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical *
process in a state of purity, and combined together
m such a manner as to insure the best results. This
system of composition for medicines has been found
in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a
more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob
. tained by any process* ■ ; The reason is perfectly;oh
riohs. ‘ while by tHc bid mode df composition, every
medicine is burdened with more- or less of acriv
monioua and injurious equalities, by this each indi- i
vidual virtue only thqt is desired for the curative
effect is present All the inert and obnoxious qual
ities of each substance employed are left behind, the
curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is
self-evident the effects Should prove as they have
■ proved more purely and the Pills a surer,
more powerful antidote to disease than any other
roedieme known to the world.
Asjit is frequently expedient that ray medicine
shonld be taken under the counsel of an attending
Physician,-and as he could not properly judge of a
remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have
supplied the accurate Formal© by which both my
Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of
Practitioners in the United States and British Amer
ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any
•on£ who has not ‘received them, they will be
promptly forwarded by mail to his address.
Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how
few would be taken if their composition was known!
Their life consists in their mystery. 1 have no
mysteries. . ....
The composition of my preparations is laid open
to all men, and all who are competent to judge on
the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of
their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was
pronounced by scientific men to oc a wonderful
medicine before its effects were known. Many em
inent Physicians have declared the same
my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will
ing to certify that their anticipations were more
than realized by their effects upon trial.
They operate by their powerful influence on the
internal viscera" to purify the blood and stimulate it
into, healthy action—remove the obstructions of
the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the
body, restoring their irregular action to health, and
by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange
ments [as are the first origin of disease.
Befog sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take,
and being purely vegetable, ho harm can wise fr°®
their Use in any quantity.
For minute directions, sec wrapper on the Box.
pbkpabed By
Practical and Analytical Chemist,
Pries 85 Casts per Box. Five Boxes for $L
ROBERT ROY, Wellsborough; B. Basse,
Barseville; E. Dyer, Covington; Or. Hum.
pbbby, Tioga, and by Druggists everywhere.
August 16,1855.-4 pa.
New Volumtt—Subscribers may begin Note.
Life illustrate d—a firs
class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to News,Lit
erature, Science and the Arts; to Entertainment, Ira
provementand Progress. One of (ho best Family
Newspapers in the World. Two Dollarsa year.
Devoted to Hytlroiralhy, its Philosophy and Practice
lo. Physiology end Anatomy, with numerous lllustra
tiuns; and those laws which govern Life and Health,
$1 u year.
Devoted to all those Progressive Measures fo. the el.
evaliun and improvement of Mankind. Amply ll
i ljsi ruled. $1 aye,ar. ... 1
•. .1. ’i * 1 " ; ; *■ ’ i
ForB3 a copy of each of these Journals will be
seutonevyear Agents wanted. . Address, Fowtaas
it' Wtots, 308, Broadway'Ncw-York.
MRS. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent for the above
works, and practical Phrenologist, may be
ho hoysh ol'M.r. 1. Richards, Wellsboro’, Fa. '
Farm for Sale
- a__a fPhe Subscriber offers for djgSgb
' wle a. Farm, situated
Rutland, Tioga county,
about - two miles from
Roseville. > Sold farml contains forly-four-acrcs, id
nnder good cultivation, having a good frame houce
and burn* Spring Bouse and other nescssary outbuil
dings and a fine apple orchard thereon. Formerly
owned by Marlin Jobqaqn, - •..
Enquire of the' Baggett's Mills, Pa
Dkggett’s Mills, Pa. Oct 1855-6 m.
T\TIS£ il. A. SEAKS, will open a Se-
J_T_L led School on Monday, the 271 h of August, in
the building back of R. S. : 6aildyVBibre.
Reading, writing, speljing, and plain Sewing. .91,50
CohVmdn Rnglish branches. Embroidery...... 3,90
Highfr'Englishbranches... .............. 3,00
Mnsic, Mejpdeon. .i .. 1.." .. . 5,00
«■ " Piafe........................ 8,00
v „,'
,' ifty. ''
fpOft FjrrtjTftrmihr/he qqsqing' year' wiß.com.
* mence September 4lh; the-,ecppd, Novemb,r
ASHar****^,* I ,*^
Lessons on Piano and Melodeon, " ( 9,06.
BoyrdipjrJqeqk, r ‘■• sc> ) SV ’S 5<- \ ga i t n.r 1 1 jsp.
TII9 _,Tfi«he('s ; Clasp wJU. in,
lbjS|af.t”pf l Teapbihg frejai .Ihe Prinyipal and the Coy'
the Rail and Spring, Terms,
■ ri ; 'Wr W; \VEBB.
XX icjne and pottery jMjie Township of Liberty
' Pa-, will promptly attend all calls in bis
Ct~J - r r V . •
Libe‘rty,Fcb. 1.1854. , , .
)lt!» frjrt i" .»hutfPHßund«rsljpi*dliai
formerly oo
( by t Bitch
; SHjSg P^ n V« qf, who ■
! ■ atewisping. «jayO»?g
'ld our line of .business. We are jjfe'pajed to a? aU
sorts aiid'kiids'of work.
Mill irew»-
can be got up at sbori notice. Particular attention
paid to HORSES SHOEING. All kinds of shoes
'from (he Common to the Concave Seated shoe.
N, K-Tbeidstem adopted at this establishment is
not to charge 25 per cent extra lo pay'for bad debts,
therefore those who may patronize os can feel assured
the?' will not hbvelo pay the debts of those who nev
er pay; this plan is succeeding beyond onr expecta
tions'already. ' Wo Invite nil'who'can to come odd
see for themselves,you cannot loose mneb, and yon
may fiqd (ItO Jour advantage. -■ -
May 11855, 6in GRAY & LODNSBDRY. •
fTIHE subscribers’ have constantly gßn
A on hand at their Drugstore,-in Law
renoevilie, a large and well selected stock jHd
of DRVOS, £e., of every description fQ
used by Physicians in the country, and all the
moat popular PATENT MEDICINES of the day
which we offer for sale at prices which .cannotfai
ol suit those 'who may favor ns with a call.
Among oat Patent Medicines may be found the
Marchant’t Oarglivg Oil; Jayne’s Expectorant, Al
terative, PUlt, Pills, Sec-; Moffat's Bitters and
Pills; File he's silver plated Abdominal SuppbrU
ert, Braces, Inhaling Tubes, a nil all the medicines
prepared by him for his private practice; Brant's
Pxlmonaiy Balsam and Purifying Extractst
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral; Rogers' Syrup of Tar
and Canchalague; Pillow's Heave Cure; An
drew's Pain Killing Agent; Truck's Magnetic
Ointment; Dr. Christie’s Galvanic Bells, 6fC.;
Houghton's Artificial Pepsin; Blake's Aromatic
Bitters ; and all the most papular Pills and Ver
mifuges, Age., Ce,
Also a good, assortment of
Biography, History, Miscellaneous Reading,&c.
Pafuts, Oils and Dyc-StnOs,
GLASS, wholesale and retail. Gold and Silver
Leaf. Putty, Spls, Turpentine, Camphene, Burning
Fluid, Varnishes, Ac.
Lawrenoevillc.Feb.3, 1855. .
Family Grocery & Provision
THE subscriber would inform his friends
and the citizens of Tioga county generally,
■bat he baa just received a large and superior sup
ply of
Teat, Sugars by the barrel or otherwise ,
Coffees, Molasses, Stewart's Syrup, Rice,
Pepper, Ginger, Saleratus, Allspice,
Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould and
Sperm Candles, Salt by the barrel
or sack, Mackerel by the whole,
4 and k barrel. Codfish by
the 100 or single pound,
Flour, Cheese, Crack
ers, Butter Eggs,
together with every, other article in the Grocery
ine, lower than can be got at any other place in
own, as ho is determined to make quick sales at
small profits.
Thankful for past favors he would moat respect,
folly invite bis friends and the public generally to
give him a call and examine for themselves.
Wellsborongh, May 7, 1855.
forbid paying any Accounts, Noles or Judgments to
James I. Jackson that have been made or rendered
for work done at the Woolen Factory and Saw Mill,
(said to belong to him) from tiie Ist dsy of March
1852 up to the Ist day of March 1855 ; as I lioye
o lease of said Factory and Saw Mill for the three
years from the Ist day of March 1852, made ond
signed by the said James I. Jackson and myself;
binding me to collect all debts and demands for work
done in said Factory and at said Mill during tile
term of said lease, vfz : Three years.
Wellsborough, March 1, '55-lf!
Chairs, Chairs, Chairs.
TSESIDES a variety of nil niher kinds
scriber has four different styles of
which he is selling at cost prices. Also.
Two different patterns of Mahogany Spring
Seat Chairs , and Mahogany Roykers.
and three patterns of S'fas>
Also, Rosewood, Curl Maple, and ComrnOn chairs
of all kinds. E. D. WELLS,
Lawrenceville, Nov. 1854.
THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in
form the Farmers of Tioga County, that tjiey
are now Manufacturing FINCH’S IMPROVED
PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, three miles south
of Wellsborough, on,the Jersey Shore road; and
feel warranted ih ‘saying that said Mill is the best
ever introduced into Tioga County both as respects
cleaning last and well, and the.saving of Grass Seed,
Farmers are respectfully invited to call and exam,
ioe for themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
O' All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old
Mills repainuf-on slipH notice, ~
Delmar, Oct. 12,1854-tf.
TH E' subscriber is prepared by new Mn.
just purchased, to furbish to ordor,all kinds of
square and fincy Sash and Blinds. .
Square Sash, of common sizes constantly on
By long experience in the business, the subscri
ber flatters himself that he can make as good an
article, and sell il as ch* ap as can be obtained at
any estabishment in Pennsylvania or New York.
Call and see, ...
Covington, March 2,1854.
CTTlie subscriber is also Agent for the sale of
Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also
Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D. S. I.
COSMUN has just'returned from the City
• with a splendid assortment of
Broadclotht, CosSimeres, Vestings, Trimmings of
all kinds, Ready-Made Clothing of all qualities
aud sizes, French Bosoms, Shirts and .
Wtistiands, pravats and Scarfs, all,
styles, a la Byron Collars, Standi'
ing Cottars. Gloves and Ho- '
sissy, Suejxnders, But
tons of all descriptions, Links and Double
Buttons for Coals, Turk Satin Linings far Coats ,
Pongee Sleeve Linings akd Velvets of all styles
which will be gold cheap for Cash..
Tioga,Apr^l9 f |B^ e , „
: S«' F. WIL,BOI¥, ■ < •
' O* Remored toJataiea Lowrey's Office. *
.! ' ‘*l’- ' H -til r, 1 ■ i h ' ».>’ •■*o .*• '
' lAS. LOWttRY * S. P. WILSOY:
• ’AT,
I .Ljol,w't)latU^thh l CouiM of, Tioga.Pollet
and McEc»n.cqunlioB s tyn :, i : <•
WeUaMfqugh.Yeh. 1,1953*
;■! ,‘=Ur.!.P »'i) CONVKBt'fc ' r r
I »<■•!'vlCt «in>n ’-I l> . »
xetjeiyed f rotn
iTXw New York, tbej**fesf and moat ctteJl!
aeleeted»*eortmenl,of .-ib'.r- . ’
ever brought into this country, which be will ec ti
for 'liuimt cheaper than ahy other eetabluimeu
His stock comprises a general assortment of
every variety of (nothing, from a low price m, *
SUMMER COATS—for Men and Boys-a P i trw
assortment. 1 ™
17 description, site and color.
PANTS—every style and quality.
VESTS— of every style, eoloriand description.
SHIRTS, Under-Shirts, Drawers, Collars, (>,,,
Alls Over-Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves, Umbrellas
Neck and Pocket Hantfkerchieft, together wilt
lots of ' 1
of every description—the largest assortment
Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters,
for M,en, Boys,aqd Women I ,a large variety.
Trunks, Valises , Carpet. Bags, «$-c., <s- c .
He would say to all it| want of good and neat
filling CLOTHING, that ha can and will uli
cheaper than can be gotten in this borough, or tnj.
where this side of the New York market. Tha
is no blow or brag, but truth-j-and to test itealln
‘‘Convers’Cheap Clothing Emporium,” where m
articles are sold cheaper than on the otic rttcx
srsTin. Weilsboroujjb, May 27,1855,
T 3 T. VANHORN would inform ihe cm.
zone of Welisborough md vicinity, that he
has purchased the interest of bis partner, John $
Bliss, in the above business, and will continue et
the old stand,two doors east o 'Jones’ Store, i 0 keep
on hand and make to order , all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture—such as '
Solas, Divans, Ottomans,
Card, Centre, Dining 6f Breakfast Tahiti ,
Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus
Cottage , French and Common Beds! tail,
of every description, together with oil articles mu.
ally made in his line of business.
From his knowledge of the business he flat
ters himself with the belief that those wishiuj
to purchase, would do well to call and enmiue
his work before sending elsewhere for an inferior
COFFINS, of every variety, made to order, it
shjot notice,and reasonable chargee,'
TURNING done in a neat manner, at abortus
Chairs! Chairs!
In addition to the above, the subsets
gSSSSfhei would inform the public that be bsi
J/ff | just received a large and handsomeassorh
menl of
Boston and Common RoclAng Chatrs kc„
which he will sell as cheap, if not cheaper, line
they can be purchased anywhere else in Tiogi
county. Call and see them ! June 3,1655.
A CROWL would announce io ■he cni.
tens or Tioga county, that he has aasocmtd
with him a partner, and the business cop,
ducted under the firm of A. CabwL. &, Co. They
will continue at the old stand, in Wellsboroagb
to manufacture to order and-keep on hand,
Buggys Sc Lumber Wagons,
which for style, durability and elegance oi finish,
cannot be surpassed by any other similar establish
ment in the country.
Workmen of celebrity arc engaged, and thebesi
materials used expressly in all Uie manulaciunnf
departments of this establishment. Persons sera
ing orders may rest assured of having them caeca*
cdt to their entire satisfaction, and Hiiim'icu m crerr
particular the same as though they attended .0 per
REPAIRING done asusuai.wilh neatness ace
PAINTING of all kinds done on the soonest
notice, and most reasonable terras.
O*AII hinds of merchantable produce idekreel
ed) recived n exchange for work, at the narsr
prices. A. CROWL 6l CO.
July 13.1855,
Carriage & Wagon Manufac
Henry petrie would an
nounce to his friends and IbeOiStSK
public generally, that be Is continuipg-tMr
the above business on Grafton street, immediate*
in the rear of J. R. Bowen’s store, where he is pre
pared to manufacture on short notice.
Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies,
of any style or description to soil the purchaser
and of the very best materials. All kinds of re
pairing done forthwith and on the most reasonable
ly executed in the best manner and most lintf
tenable style.
Wells boro,' July 13, '55. HENRY PETRIE.
HAVING removed iq the the
rear of Bailey 4. Foley's store, the subscriber
is prepared to furnish to order,
Pegged and Sewed,
Made upon honor—and warranted to wear om rn
due lime, and not to rip until they are worn out.
As a man is known by hia Boots no less than by
he company he keeps, it behooves every man to
take heed now his. " understanding. '* is cared far
A reasonable shire of the public patronage is re
spectfully solicited. XT Hides taken in exchan jo
for work, L, A- SEARS,
Wellsboro’, Dec. 28,1855-Iy.
Italian and American Marble,
Agents. Bailet &. Foley, Wellsboro; O. F
Beach, Knoxville; J. E. W esstie, Covington.
Tioga, April 26,1855.
Custom Boot & Shoe Shop,
ATM. Sherwood’s old stand, where ihe
■aA. g URB > Bovs continue to make, mend, and
measure to order, at as low prices as the times will
All work warranted—to wear out ip a year or *>
—and not rip or coate to pieces 'till it dee* wear out
Hide* Wanted.
CASH ,be paid for iny quantity of hides a
the highest market price. '
\TAIt4B by the keg or pound Tery chWip at
IV May 311855. , ~ Jplfffi & ROE'S-
PAKASQLS.-T-A beautiful anortUent jmrt re
ceived at [May 31,1 JONES & ROE’S